ISSUE 6 | JUNE 2018
has been a resounding success
MREs or Meals Ready to Eat were
resulting in the immense
first used on the battlefield in
popularity of meals ready to eat.
1983. The contents and packaging
This article provides information
of MREs have drastically improved
on when were MRE meals really
today since its first appearance.
The US Military and the Department of Defense together
Before the arrival of MREs, the
set forth to find ways to improve
soldiers had a plethora of food
the nutrition value and taste of
rations - none of these became
the original MREs. The project
popular and successful like the
Eversafe MREs
MRE. The Reserved Ration was the
this ration was not popular with
first field ration in the 1900s.
the soldiers since it lacked
This meal includes hard tack
variety. The C-Ration was
biscuits and one pound of
replaced in 1958 by the Meal,
dehydrated meat. Since the ration
Combat, Individual (MCI) ration.
lacked proper nutrition values,
But the MCI ration was not
it was replaced by the C-Ration
popular with the soldiers. In
in 1938. The C-Ration contained
fact, they disliked it even more
canned precooked and prepared
than the C-Ration. But the MCI
food. This ration was prevalent
ration was in use until the
during the World War II. But
mid-1970s when MREs were finally
Eversafe MREs
a variety of menus in the MREXIII - which eliminated the
MREs showed a significant
unpopular food items of the
improvement on all the previous
previous MREs and introducing new
field rations. The nutrition
food items such as fresh and
value and portability were the
tasty bread and chocolate bars
major qualities that popularized
that don't melt in the desert
the MRE. But the texture and
heat. The Flameless Ration Heater
taste were not well-accepted by
or FRH was introduced in 1992,
the soldiers. The Defense
and it helped to increase the
establishment responded with
calorie intake of the soldiers
Eversafe MREs
significantly. In fact,
of the MRE package. This team
specialized meals such as
closely work with the soldiers in
vegetarian meals were introduced
the field by continuously testing
in 1996.
out the MREs. The CPI program has helped produce a lot of
The MRE team consists of a
improvements such as powdered
Continuous Product Improvement
beverage packets and Tabasco
(CPI) program that enlists the
sauce, etc. In fact, today's MRE
support of scientists,
includes an entree, a dessert, a
dietitians, and engineers to
side dish, bread or crackers,
improve the contents and outlook
jelly or peanut butter,
Eversafe MREs
a spread of cheese, powdered
campers, hikers, survivalists,
beverage packets, chewing gum, a
and many other groups relish on
matchbook, spices, a Flameless
this product. Hence, you should
Ration Heater, and other
check the quality of the product
before buying an MRE.
MREs have become popular with the civilian population within the last 10-15 years due to the many advantages of meals ready to eat. In fact, outdoor activists,
read more Eversafe MREs