Every Home - March 2018

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MARCH 2018




Malawi Dreaming Malawi p. 4

Not a Single Building Intact Croatia p. 8

The Legacy of James and Gladys p. 12

Women Empowered Thailand p. 14 VISION: Every Home for Christ exists to serve the Church to reach every home on earth with the Gospel.

International President | Dick Eastman Executive Director | Tim Middlebrook Editor | Josh Skaggs Copy Editor | Evelyn Evans Designer | Drew Emmert In some cases, names have been changed for anonymity or security.

Search for us online: everyhomeintl

Every Home for Christ P. O. Box 64000 Colorado Springs, CO 80962 1-800-423-5054 ehc.org | info@ehc.org Cover: A baptism in Haiti


EASTER IS AN OPEN DOOR by Internationa l Pre sident Dic k Ea stm a n

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” — Revelation 3:20 (NKJV)


A pioneer missionary in Honduras shares the Gospel with a woman he has just met.

here’s something beautiful about an open door. No one is locked out. No one is locked in. Everyone is welcome. The Easter story features some significant open doors. The doorway into the temple’s Holy of Holies was blocked by an enormous curtain. But when Jesus died on the cross, the curtain was ripped from top to bottom, symbolically welcoming God’s people to come to Him. The doorway to Jesus’ tomb was blocked by an enormous stone. But when Jesus rose back to life, the stone was rolled away, releasing Jesus — and all who trust in Him — from the grip of death forever. Jesus Himself even tells us, “I stand at the door and knock,” inviting the lost to open their hearts to a new life of hope and power in Him. At Every Home for Christ, we pray for open doors, because every open door could also be an open heart, a heart ready to receive the Gospel and find salvation in Jesus’ love. Easter is when we celebrate the Gospel and all that Jesus did for us when He died and rose again. Because of Him, we are welcomed into God’s family and blessed with eternal life. Could there be a better way to celebrate at Easter than by sharing the Gospel with those who need to hear it? That’s exactly what our teams around the world are doing as they launch their Easter Advances. These unique outreaches equip our evangelists to use the Easter season to reach their nations, and this issue of Every Home magazine tells their stories. As you read, will you join us in praying for our workers to find open doors as they go? Each one could be an open heart ready to be saved. See page 19 to read about Dick Eastman’s latest School of Prayer series. ehc.org


Malawi Dreaming by James Holt


ucia stepped around mud puddles as she did chores outside her home in Malawi. Her neighbors had also emerged from under the thatched roofs of their houses, taking advantage of this momentary lapse in the rainy season. The air was muggy and humid as Lucia surveyed her village. Streams of rainwater trickled between the houses. A few were made of brick and corrugated iron, but the rest were made of


clay. Her farming village was poor, and most people earned less than a few dollars each month. The community was able to get by, however, thanks to the leadership of their village chief. Shouldering the responsibility of caring for his people, he took his decision making seriously. A glint of light caught Lucia’s eye and she looked toward the road that led through the countryside and into her village. A group of five people on bicycles had arrived and were stopped just outside the circle of homes. These strangers were dripping with rainwater and splashed with mud, and a couple carried heavy bundles on their backs. Suspicious

of these outsiders, Lucia decided to keep her eye on them, but they merely stood by their bikes and chatted. As the minutes passed, it became clear to Lucia that the bicyclists were waiting for someone — and that the someone wasn’t coming. “Escort the people where they are going,” a voice said. Startled, Lucia turned to find a man she hadn’t seen before standing beside her. The man smiled at Lucia reassuringly. “Escort them.” Lucia woke to find herself still in bed. An early morning rain was falling outside, blocking out much of the sunrise. It had been a dream. The strangers on bicycles and the man who had spoken

to her — she had only dreamt them. Miles away, the Every Home for Christ Malawi team members were excited to begin their 2017 Easter Outreaches. Ninety volunteers from 11 local churches were trained for home-to-home evangelism. Equipped with Heart of Man Charts, EvangeCubes and gospel literature, they couldn’t wait to take the Good News of Jesus to unreached villages in their nation. Despite their preparation, some challenges remained to be faced. But the believers who gathered for the outreach were unconcerned. They were excited to spend their Easter sharing ehc.org



Jesus, and they knew exactly what they wanted to tell the villagers they would meet: Jesus loves you. Jesus died to save you. Jesus wants you to know Him. Confident that M A the Lord would go before them, they gathered to pray for the outreach. Then they split into small groups, got on their bikes and headed toward their assigned villages. These villages were far away, and public transportation was costly. The evangelists had to rent bicycles to make the journey. It was also the rainy season, which meant they dodged potholes and washed-out roads as they went. And then, once they arrived, they still needed to ask permission from the village chief to conduct their outreach. If he refused, their arduous trip would be for nothing. The journey proved just as difficult as expected for a gospel worker named Spencer and his four companions. Heavy rain fell on them as they pedaled and maneuvered their way along the damaged roads. When they finally reached their destination, they were soaked, muddy and exhausted — but they were smiling and ready to begin. Arrangements had been made for someone to meet the evangelists outside the village and introduce them to the chief. Once introduced, they could ask the chief ’s permission to conduct the outreach. They had expected this person to meet them outside the village, but perhaps he was running late. Still catching their breath, they stepped off their bikes to wait. As the minutes passed, however, they exchanged nervous glances. Was nobody coming? How could they ask for the chief ’s permission to do their outreach if there was nobody to



introduce them to the chief in the first place? Then they noticed a woman staring at them as she stood outside her hut. She walked slowly toward W I them, a look of disbelief on her face. When she reached them, she introduced herself as Mrs. Lucia — and she told them about her dream. “We saw that the dream applied to our coming, so we believed her,” Spencer recounts. “We saw God in it.” Lucia asked the workers to follow her, and they pushed their bicycles along behind her as she led them up the muddy village pathway and to the home of the chief. There, Lucia introduced the strangers to the chief. Our workers explained that they were believers working with Every Home for Christ and had come to share the Good News of Jesus with the villagers. The chief regarded the evangelists with a furrowed brow and then slowly shook his head. “The chief denied us,” Spencer remembers. “He said he did not know us, as it was our first time in the village.” But before our workers had time to be disappointed, Lucia spoke up. “It was God who sent them to our village,” she told the chief. Then she shared her dream with the chief and told him about how the dream had come true. The chief listened attentively, and when Lucia finished, he nodded. “He gave us the go-ahead to conduct the outreach,” Spencer says. “We glorify God that He made a way for us!” With joy, the evangelists visited every home in the village. They shared the story of the cross

“It was God who sent them to our village,” she told the chief.


MARCH 2018

The Gospel is going forth in villages throughout Malawi. New believers are being baptized. Evangelists are reaching the lost. In dry fields and outside clay huts, God is preparing the way for lives to be changed.

and the empty tomb, and they invited everyone to begin a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. That Easter, throughout the villages, 410 people accepted the invitation and put their faith in Jesus. Easter is about light overcoming darkness. Through His resurrection, Jesus overcame sin and death to bring us forgiveness and new life. And through one woman’s dream, He overcame the reluctant heart of a village chief so the Gospel could reach hundreds who needed to know Him. “Despite the challenges, we still managed to have a great harvest of souls,” Spencer tells us. “We will continue to mobilize more volunteers and equip them with gospel tools to reach even more people.”

You partner with our pioneer missionaries as they reach more villages like Lucia’s when you give using the accompanying envelope or online at ehc.org/donate



Damaged Medical Building

Terry Feuerborn, Damaged Medical Building, Vukovar, Croatia, 2017, http://bit.ly/2DnywA7, CC BY-NC 2.0, http://bit.ly/1eBd9Ks

by Josh Skaggs


heir town was destroyed by gunfire and bombs. Neighbors died, thousands fled the region, and the people of Duga Resa, Croatia, were left to pick up the pieces. When Yugoslavia’s territory split into five distinct countries in the early 1990s, Croatians and Serbs fought for control of the same land. Small towns became battlefields, and local newspapers posted headlines like “Not a Single Building Intact in Duga Resa.”



This had drastic consequences for the local people. People on their way to work were turned away by unexpected blockades. Parents woke before sunrise to prepare meals for the whole day, fearing that air raid sirens might call them to shelters at any moment. A letter from a 31-year-old Croatian resident provides a record of the daily life of civilians during the war: “Behind the closed blinds, with some weak light, you feel like tinned fish,” she wrote. “We are shaken by a strong detonation… The machine guns’ yelping from afar doesn’t bother us much any more” (Nicholas Atkin, Daily Lives of Civilians in Wartime Twentieth-Century Europe, ABC-CLIO, 2008).

When Croatians won their independence in 1995, the war had claimed thousands of civilian lives. Serbians left the newly founded country in droves, but those who stayed were in conflict with their Croatian neighbors. In towns like Duga Resa, this created a lasting animosity that is still felt more than 20 years later. “After the war people couldn’t live together anymore like they did before,” EHC Croatia National Director Nathanael Spicak says. “The relationships were ruined and destroyed… The Church split in half because of the war.” When he became National Director in 2014, Nathanael knew that only the Gospel could bridge this cultural divide. And because the local church was impacted by the war, the local church would also need to be engaged in bringing restoration. “As a child I was taught that the Lord loves us all, no matter what nationality we are,” Nathanael says. “The war changed everything in my country, but my heart didn’t change. I knew I had to reach the

lost, no matter what nationality.” Nathanael contacted pastors throughout Croatia, asking how he could partner with them to share the Gospel in their communities. One of the first people he called was his longtime friend, Ladislav Ruzicka. Pastor Ruzicka has served two congregations in Duga Resa and nearby Karlovac since 1989. Although more than 20 years have passed since the war ended, he still struggles to overcome animosity between Croatians and Serbs in his communities. When Nathanael contacted him, he leaped at the opportunity to bring in reinforcements. They scheduled an outreach during the Easter season. For a population that is traditionally Catholic or Orthodox, Easter is a time when people remember the reconciliation that Christ accomplished on the cross. Drawing on this legacy, an Easter outreach would have vast potential for impact. Nathanael packed boxes of EHC gospel literature and organized volunteers for a trip to Duga Resa. The team of 17 young people, several of whom were new

In Duga Resa, Serbs and Croatians still live in conflict with each other — the lasting result of a war that claimed thousands of lives.


“We want to see people saved, new churches planted and existing churches strengthened,” says Nathanael Spicak. In 2017, he and his team reached more than 100,000 homes with the Gospel.

EHC volunteers from several cities gather for a group photo in front of Pastor Ruzicka’s church before setting out to evangelize.



converts to Christianity, came from various towns. When they arrived, the church gave them a warm welcome. “The people in the local church were amazed to see so many young Christians ready to go out in the street, not ashamed of the Gospel,” Nathanael says. “It gave the church some refreshment and a new push to go out into the streets and reach their neighbors for the Lord.”

Nathanael coached his team on the history and cultural dynamics of Duga Resa. They prayed together, broke into teams of two and went out. Two locals joined them, older men who had difficulty walking but wanted to reach their neighbors. The day was sunny, and many people were outside working in their gardens. People smiled as they received the Easter cards, and many stopped for a conversation. The message was the same for both Serbs and Croatians — reconciliation in Christ. Having weathered Soviet occupation, a war for independence and ongoing cultural conflict, Croatia is an unusually difficult climate for the Gospel. Often, Nathanael’s team will receive only one response after distributing 1,000 gospel booklets. Duga Resa was different. After they handed out 2,500 gospel booklets, 14 families responded to the Gospel. These families received a New Testament and an EHC discipleship course. Of equal importance, they were invited to the local church, where they would experience the unity that is found only in God’s family. “Our main goal in Croatia is to reach every home for Christ,” Nathanael says. “But we don’t want to stop at that. We want to see people saved, new churches planted and existing churches strengthened. We believe in the local church.” When people respond to an EHC outreach and join a local church, they find a unity that is available only in Christ. On the night He was betrayed, Jesus prayed that those who believed in Him would “become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me” (John 17:23, ESV). In that love — the love of the Father and the Son in perfect harmony — even war-torn communities find peace.

You can bring reconciliation to communities like Duga Resa! Give using the accompanying envelope or online at ehc.org/donate




Editor’s note: Guy Burgo is Every Home for Christ’s Stewardship Advisor. He has worked as a consultant to over 100 ministries across the country and helped more than 2,300 Christian families design their wills.


ames and Gladys were Tennessee farmers who loved the Lord with all their heart. Their farm was a basic family farm, with some corn, wheat and cows, and they had the same neighbors for 73 years. Their niece, Jo, remembers fondly how Uncle James and Aunt Gladys named the cows after family members. Over the years, James worked as a house painter to supplement their farming. In 1964, they began supporting Every Home for Christ as a couple through prayer and financial offerings. They were wonderful friends to the ministry and very active in their church. In fact, Gladys taught the same Sunday school class for 48 years. What amazing faithfulness! They continued supporting our ministry until they both went home to be with the Lord — Gladys nine years after James and just shy of turning 100 years old. James and Gladys loved charitable gift annuities


and created their first gift annuity through Every Home for Christ in 1981. They took comfort in knowing that the funds remaining in the gift annuities would be used to spread the Gospel once they were both in heaven. James made sure the income stream would continue to support Gladys if he went there before her. After James went to be with Jesus, Gladys continued to fund more gift annuities over her lifetime. Together, they funded 40 gift annuities to support both their retirement and the work of the Lord. From time to time, Gladys would send a check to our office to fund another gift annuity with a note that simply said, “Dear Friends, here’s some more of the Lord’s money. Please send me all the necessary paperwork for another annuity.” James and Gladys also funded a charitable remainder unitrust and named Every Home for Christ as the beneficiary. They put some of their farmland

MARCH 2018

into the trust and then sold it in a tax-free environment. Just like the gift annuities, the trust paid them a lifelong income stream for their retirement, and the funds remaining once they were both in heaven are now being used to share the Good News in the nations. Although James and Gladys were of humble means, their faithful giving over 51 years provided enough financial resources for Every Home for Christ to reach over 6.5 million people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Throughout their lifetimes, James and Gladys made certain they would have an amazing legacy for Christ. I have no doubt they are in heaven now with tens of thousands of people they helped lead to Jesus through their generosity. They understood the importance of investing God’s money for eternity and had a strong desire to take more people to heaven with them. Have you stopped to prayerfully consider what your legacy will be? Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.

Supplement Your Retirement & Support World Evangelism A Charitable Gift Annuity through Every Home for Christ lets you partner in evangelism and discipleship while also receiving a fixed income stream to supplement your retirement. For more information, contact Debbie Grissett at dgrissett@ehc.org or 1-800-423-5054. Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.



by Abigail Geiger


hailand is a world of contrasts. Stone temples, open air markets and white beaches fit seamlessly with abject poverty and riverside slums, red-light districts and children begging by the roadside. Wealthy and impoverished live side by side, breathing the same air. Nowhere is this contrast more pronounced than among Thailand’s women. Spurred on by Western influence, women in Thailand have begun to assume roles in business and government, cultivating careers of their own and holding public office. But at the same time, poorer, less-educated women are often taken advantage of as cheap labor and even prostitutes. They are treated like objects, without worth and without value. For the women living in Sisaket Women’s Prison, the conditions are even worse. The discipline is harsh, and overcrowding and poor nutrition combine to drain what dignity the women have left. Their voices are silenced. They are unheard and unseen, often too afraid to speak out when conditions become unbearable, fearing they will incur extra punishment for doing so. Facing these issues head-on, Pastor Buakab Ronghanam, EHC National Director of Thailand, is on a mission to restore worth to the women of Thailand. Her ministry champions women on the mission field, training them to spread the Gospel in their communities. “Women can speak heart to heart with women more effectively than men can,” Buakab says. In a culture that actively silences and devalues women, Buakab is determined to give them a voice. Last April, Buakab trained more than 120 women at a conference for women leaders. Meanwhile, their husbands — many of them pastors and elders from their churches — came along to cook meals while Buakab taught the women about


MARCH 2018



Women in Sisaket Women’s Prison listen with rapt attention to a presentation of the Gospel.

victorious living and discipleship. Buakab describes the event as a “wonderful picture of unity in the family serving the Lord together.” Once equipped, these women were sent out to speak life and T H A healing to their communities. Several leaders joined Buakab for an outreach at the Sisaket and Ubon women’s prisons. Their testimony of a Father who loves his children and offers them redemption and forgiveness is desperately needed in prison cells. Thailand is 95 percent Buddhist, a religion that places value in good works and lives yet to be lived. According to Buddhist beliefs, the hardships and suffering the inmates face are the results of the sins in their past lives, sins they have no hope of atoning for except by their own misery. Many women are resigned to the emptiness that they live with, unaware that there is a God who loves them deeply and died for the freedom they so desperately crave. During last year’s Easter Outreaches, 120 women prisoners opened their hearts to Jesus and experienced His love. During a previous outreach in the Sisaket Women’s Prison, 200 women gathered to hear the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection. As a result of this 16



work, Christ Groups have sprung up in the prisons. Pastor Buakab has encouraged local pastors and pioneer missionaries to continue discipling the new believers. “I can see the changes vividly A N D in the lives of those prisoners who sincerely accept Christ into their lives,” says Buakab. “Each time I visit the same prison, I can see the growth among them.” As these women are exposed to the love and compassion of Jesus, their understanding of their own worth is drastically changed. Instead of seeing themselves as an object to be bought or a tool for others to use and toss aside, they realize their worth as daughters of the Most High. Instead of the rejection they struggled with so deeply, they are able to live in the knowledge of God’s unending faithfulness. Buakab has seen the impact of that transformation many times. She has a message for the women of Thailand: “I am willing to be with you and listen to your story. I can’t solve all your problems, but there is a God who understands and is able to help you like He helped me before. Now I am free and happy. And you can be the same.”



Listed at the top right of each daily request is the nation’s population, the percentage of evangelical believers (Joshua Project) and a number that corresponds with Every Home for Christ’s 2017 edition of the World Prayer Map. At the end of each prayer request is the assigned reading for the day to read through the Bible in a year.

Every Home for Christ | P.O. Box 64000 | Colorado Springs, CO 80962 | 1-800-423-5054 | ehc.org | info@ehc.org

Pop. 14,200,000

26.6% WPM # 9


Even in the wake of a transitioning government, new believers are coming to Christ, being baptized and finding a home in the Body of Christ. Please pray for the peace of God to reign over Zimbabwe so that the Gospel may continue to go forth in power. (Joshua 22-24)



Pop. 51,000,000

10.2% WPM # 16


“We saw souls embrace salvation, sick people receive healing and others delivered from bad spirits,” says one outreach team member who just returned from a trip to Kibaha and Masasi. Pray that the Gospel continues to change lives throughout Tanzania. (Judges 4-6)



EHC workers met a woman named F., who wants to be in contact with local believers to learn more about Jesus. Pray that she would indeed meet with believers and that God would open her eyes to the truth about Jesus and transform her life. (Judges 13-15)



Pop. 204,300,000

24.8% WPM # 221

Key to evangelization efforts in Brazil are the “Sentinels of Prayer.” These are people dedicated to intercessory prayer for the advance of the Gospel. We request your prayers for our dear brothers and sisters who participate in this prayer movement. (Psalms 45-47)





Pop. 66,600,000

1.0% WPM # 89

Many Christians have mobilized to share the Good News on the island of Corsica, one of the many unreached sectors of French society. They are translating the brochure “Finding Hope” into Arabic so they can reach the population of Maghrebian (Berber) origin. (1 Samuel 4-6)




Praise the Lord for His kindness! Last month we prayed for a man who was paralyzed from the waist down, and he received complete healing and can now run and walk. This man received Christ immediately, and many others who were there also eagerly accepted Jesus into their hearts. (Judges 1-3)



Pop. 80,900,000

2.1% WPM # 83


Praise God for Volker Giese, who finished distribution in his hometown and the surrounding villages. In a period of four years, he visited 32 villages with a total of 13,000 homes. Twice a week he spent two hours doing outreach to complete the task. (Judges 7-9)




April 2018


Pop. 400,000

4.3% WPM # 205


Six people responded to the call that followed the message at a worship service. Each of them received the booklets “Seven Days with Jesus” and “How to Pray.” The Discovery program will be offered to them. Pray that their faith will be strengthened. (Judges 16-18)



Pop. 18,900,000


9.0% WPM # 40

There are over 60 ethnic groups in this nation, and only 20 have the Gospel in their local languages. Pray for God to make a way for the remaining 40 groups to have the Gospel in their local languages. (Ruth 1-4)




Please pray for Christians imprisoned for their efforts to share the Good News of Jesus. Several believers are now in prison, and we don’t have any information from them. Please pray for them and for their families and friends who are concerned for their welfare. (1 Samuel 7-9)



Pop. 1,200,000

2.2% WPM # 145

Please pray for the people and government in Oecusse District. Pray for salvation and blessing. Also keep our field staff in your prayers. Many have become sick because of the cold and rainy weather. Pray for God’s healing power to touch them. (Psalms 42-44)




Pop. 43,400,000

9.5% WPM # 226

Pray for our workers as they reach 10 indigenous communities in the area of Capitán Juan Pagé, totaling about 3,500 people. These people live in very humble huts scattered over 80 sq. km in a jungle area. Pray for the safety of Francisco and the team. (Judges 10-12)




Pop. 10,400,000

8.9% WPM # 37

People in the neighborhood of Djanglanmè who received gospel literature and gave their lives to Jesus testified to their relatives and neighbors. Now they are daily calling for more teaching. They are engaged, and we praise the Lord for that. (Judges 19-21)




Pop. 15,700,000

1.6% WPM # 139

Please pray for an EHC leader, Madicai, whose house was destroyed by a fire. Praise the Lord his family was at a prayer meeting when it happened. Pray that believers will raise funds to help in this difficult time and that the Lord will encourage this family. (1 Samuel 1-3)




Pop. 17,000,000

0.7% WPM # 49

Pray that God will grant peace, humility and tolerance during elections to be held in July and November 2018. May God, in His grace, deliver the country from all the influences of the occult and open doors for the Gospel. (1 Samuel 10-13)



Pop. 4,200,000

10.7% WPM # 42


Many of the elders in the town of Bobomjah never allowed the distribution of gospel literature. Miraculously, the younger generation is willing to receive EHC gospel literature and even asked to be taught about Jesus. Pray for receptive hearts. (1 Samuel 14-16)



Pop. 5,600,000

0.4% WPM # 111


“We praise God that He sends us people who are torn and deceived and searching for help!” reports one pioneer missionary. Please pray for these people, that they can accept the truth of God’s Word and experience the transformation He offers through His Spirit. (1 Samuel 20-22)



Pop. 1,400,000

23.7% WPM # 3


Pray for EHC Mobile Training Coordinators as they train workers in various places in the Manzini Region. We are trusting the Lord for church growth and multiplication as we see the Lord moving in other places where this program has been taught. (1 Samuel 29-31)



Pop. 101,000,000


12.2% WPM # 170

All praise to God for His work through a partnership with World Missionary Press! More Bible booklets will be printed for the Philippines. Please pray that the EHC coordinator will be able to facilitate the process in the Bureau of Customs so that many will receive God’s Word. (2 Samuel 4-6)


Once again this nation is seeing terrorist attacks on churches. As a result, the situation is very tense among Christians. The morale of the people has gone down. Pray for the believers, asking for God’s protection and comfort for the bereaved families. (2 Samuel 13-15)



Pop. 45,900,000

44.0% WPM # 27


Praise God for EHC evangelism and training in Kenya, which is developing mature believers who are reaching many areas of the nation. Praise God for the total cooperation among church leaders. (Psalms 48-50)



Pop. 30,400,000

11.1% WPM # 220

We thank God for providing the human and economic resources needed to mobilize the Peruvian churches to evangelize their nation. Pray that God would bring salvation to many in Lima, Castillo Grande, Montevideo, Ayacucho and Huánuco. (1 Samuel 23-25)


Pop. 1,700,000


12.9% WPM # 21


Thank the Lord for His mercy and His presence during the training held with our partners in the interior of Gabon. Many were encouraged by the grace of God. Pray that God’s heart of compassion for the lost will motivate them to persevere every day. (2 Samuel 1-3)


Our volunteers have distributed literature in local villages and in refugee camps. They also visited farmers in their fields and gave them literature. Pray for the Word of God to touch the hearts of those who received the gospel booklets. (1 Samuel 17-19)




Pop. 6,700,000

22.6% WPM # 147

Praise God for the 20 people who gave their lives to Christ in a Christian church conference hosted by Papua New Guinea Christian Centers in Bulg village. Pray that they will grow strong in the faith among spiritual family. (2 Samuel 16-18)

Pop. 25,300,000

10.0% WPM # 8

We praise God for the continued planting of Christ Groups in villages we have visited. Various trained leaders are taking part in teaching the new believers, a sign that the local church is uniting to fulfill the Great Commission. Praise the Lord! (1 Samuel 26-28)


Pop. 29,300,000

10.2% WPM # 217

We thank God for the work done by the pioneer missionaries in the plains, the Andes and the states of Zulia and Trujillo. Despite several obstacles, God was glorified. The harvest is being brought in as we wait on God and trust the One who called us. (Psalms 51-53)


Gospel booklets are continually arriving from different border points. Our Christ Group leaders are carefully distributing gospel literature in small quantities to neighbors. Despite a lot of restrictions for Christians and churches, the Kingdom of God is rapidly expanding. (2 Samuel 7-9)








Pop. 8,100,000

4.3% WPM # 62

Pray that the leaders of the various churches in Val d’Hérens will work together to distribute literature and provide follow-up discipleship training in the towns of Evolène, Saint-Martin, Haudères and Vex, representing a population of 7,000. (2 Samuel 10-12)



Pop. 23,300,000

10.6% WPM # 41

Pray for people who have heard the Gospel in Kong area. May the Lord touch their hearts and rescue them. Pray that the Holy Spirit will strengthen pastors, churches, leaders and volunteers to continue preaching the Gospel. (2 Samuel 19-21)

2 0 1 8 S C H O O L O F P R AY E R S E R I E S


SECRET OF DESPERATE PRAYER SECRET OF WAITING ON GOD March 24 from 9 am to noon (MDT) For over 40 years, Dick Eastman has been a leading voice on the subject of prayer, teaching millions and authoring many books. In this third session of Deeper Secrets of Prayer, Dick will be joined by Jesse Engle to teach on the four essentials of desperate prayer and four observations about waiting on God.

Join us in person, or watch live or on demand at ehc.org/sop

2018 SCHOOL OF PRAYER DATES: March 24 | April 28 | May 19 640 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 | 1-800-423-5054 | ehc.org/sop


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ehc.org | info@ehc.org | 1-800-423-5054


For every dollar you give, three families will hear the Word of God. Over 192 million people have responded to the Gospel through Every Home for Christ’s simple but powerful method. Visit ehc.org/donate to make your gift today.

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