Every Home - June 2017

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JUNE 2017



Home Is Where the Heart Is


A Different Kind of Battle Colombia p. 4

No Place to Call Home Rwanda p. 8

How Did You Come to Know Jesus? p. 12

Light in a Dark House Moldova p. 14

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VISION: Every Home for Christ exists to serve the Church to reach every home on earth with the Gospel.

International President | Dick Eastman Executive Director | Tim Middlebrook Editor | Michelle Matia Copy Editor | James Holt Designer | Drew Emmert Production Supervisor | Elizabeth LeCompte

Search for us online: everyhomeintl

Every Home for Christ P. O. Box 64000 Colorado Springs, CO 80962 1-800-423-5054 ehc.org | info@ehc.org




International President

“…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 (NIV)


Rino Bello, our National Director of Argentina, prays for an inmate in Unit 48 of the prison of San Martin after leading a Bible study.

hile the name “Every Home for Christ” clearly states our mission and the method by which our global workers evangelize their nations — by sharing the Gospel home to home — there are large portions of the world’s population that don’t live in a typical home. Millions of the lost in our world live in what we refer to as “specialized homes.” This could be a prison cell, a hospital room, an orphanage, a cardboard box under a bridge or even the back seat of a car. The heartbeat of this ministry is for every man, woman and child on earth to have at least one opportunity to hear the Gospel. With that in mind, our global workers focus on taking the Good News of the Gospel wherever people live. In this edition of Every Home magazine, we bring you moving stories of downtrodden souls who may have never heard the Gospel if our global workers had not sought them out where they live. You’ll read about a Colombian soldier who was near death when our workers ministered to him in his hospital room (p. 4). You’ll be inspired by the way displaced and suffering families were given the Gospel in Rwanda’s refugee camps (p. 8). Then, you’ll be touched by how children from a church in Austria ministered to the inmates of a Moldovan women’s prison (p. 14). Every Home for Christ’s global workers are committed to reaching every home in their nations with the Gospel, no matter where that may be.






hen most Americans think of Colombia, two things immediately come to mind: incredible coffee and the drug wars. There is of course so much more to Colombia — its culture has many holidays and festivals celebrating the importance of family, for example. The country is also famous for its incredible art, antique handcrafted jewelry and a signature dish known by locals as “bandeja paisa,” consisting of grilled steak, a fried egg, avocado, tomatoes and homemade salsa. But the drug wars sadly remain one of the first things many associate with this great South American country, perhaps because they have been so devastating. These conflicts are often rooted in battles between the established government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (known commonly as the FARC). Until a peace deal was signed in November 2016, this radical group was involved in mass illegal drug distribution, kidnapping, extortion and acts of terrorism. Luis Carlos Peralta was a solider in the Colombian army, and he dedicated his life to protecting his country against groups like the FARC. “I was raised on the value of being a part of the military,” Peralta explains. “My dad was a military man, and I also had several sergeant cousins. They all told me militia stories. I loved them, and the desire to join the military grew within me even as a child.” Peralta made his father proud on the day he joined the Colombian military. He quickly became a sergeant










and worked as an armament technician, a highly specialized role. Peralta was responsible for analyzing and fixing weapons that no longer functioned properly. He loved his work and excelled at it. Being a part of the military was what gave his life purpose and meaning. Peralta was particularly excited when he received orders to go on a mission with his unit to capture a high-ranking and influential FARC leader. But that mission would change his life completely. “We were fighting the FARC guerrillas,” Peralta explains. “We were in a conflict zone. We had several days of fighting. Many of my friends were wounded, and many were killed. When the guerrillas realized we were defeating them, they led us to a minefield.” Peralta would not leave that minefield unscathed. He triggered a mine, and shrapnel ripped through his body. At the end of the battle, he was rushed to a hospital, lucky to still be alive. But Peralta didn’t feel lucky. “I was dizzy and very weak,” Peralta remembers. “My condition got worse, and finally my leg was amputated right above the knee. When I saw myself

A commitment to reach every home in Colombia takes EHC workers from isolated mountain villages to sprawling urban jungles. Last year alone, Every Home for Christ carried the Gospel to nearly 2 million homes throughout Colombia.


in that condition after the surgery, it had a very strong psychological impact on me. I began to understand that, from that moment, my life would never be the same. Even today, I have dreams in which I see myself running and being in combat with both my legs. When I wake up and see reality, it’s actually something completely different. It’s hard on me. Sometimes I don’t want to wake up from my dreams.”

Luis Carlos Peralta (right) and an EHC worker talk at an evangelism training. Peralta is excited to share the Gospel with his fellow veterans, bringing them the same hope that drew him out of despair.

JUNE 2017

The hospital was cold and lonely, and Peralta wondered what purpose his life could possibly serve. Some doctors had wanted to pronounce him dead, thinking there was no way he could survive after his severe injuries. Why couldn’t he have just died on that battlefield? It was in these dark days that he was visited by a group of EHC evangelists who were going room to room, sharing the love of Jesus in the hospital. “When they heard what had happened, they immediately approached me,” Peralta says. “They shared Christ with me in such a special way that, from that moment on, I opened my heart to God and to His Son, Jesus. This was the happiest moment of my life.” The EHC evangelists also taught Peralta how to read the Bible using the Be Fruitful and Multiply (BFAM) method of discipleship. As he recovered, Peralta found purpose in studying the Scriptures. “The Bible stories I encountered through the BFAM study method helped me grow in the knowledge of God, and they helped me mature as a believer,” Peralta says. “I believe studying the Bible in this way has given my life an emotional, psychological and spiritual foundation and stability.” When Peralta was finally released from the hospital, his life was completely changed. He had to deal with the reality of being confined to a wheelchair, and he knew he could never serve in the military again. His earliest days in the hospital were the darkest of

his life. After this journey, Peralta realized he wanted to bring hope to others, just like it was brought to him. Peralta now spends his time teaching workshops for veterans who have been injured. “I currently teach workshops for the disabled,” Peralta says. “I have been able to talk about God and motivate veterans with my experience. I teach that, many times, the disability is in the mind, but God gives us an opportunity to live and fulfill a new purpose.” Peralta has taught these injured men about the Scriptures using Every Home for Christ’s BFAM method of studying the Bible. He has watched over and over again how these men see the Bible come to life for themselves. Their lives were ravaged on the battlefield, but now they are finding hope in Jesus. This is a different kind of battle for Peralta, and he sees it as the most important battle of his life. He is in the trenches with his fellow veterans, telling them, “You are not forgotten. You are loved.” “My favorite phrase is ‘God is enough,’” Peralta says. “I thank God for everything that has happened in my life: the military life, the mine that took my leg, and then nearly being pronounced dead by the doctors. All these things have taught me how to grow and have shown me the way that leads to eternal life.” Your faithful support turns people’s darkest days into their brightest. Thank you! Visit us at ehc.org/donate to make a gift.




by Kathy Gowler


hen the EHC workers stopped to listen to Priscilla’s story, they were giving her more than a few minutes of their time — they were giving her back a small measure of her dignity. Priscilla’s family hadn’t always lived in makeshift dwellings made of broken sticks and plastic. Like many others at the camp, they were once valued by their Tanzanian communities. They were doctors, teachers, shopkeepers and farmers who had worked hard to provide for their families, had lived in comfortable homes and had kissed their children goodbye before sending them to school each day. Then, without warning, everything changed. Tanzania announced that all residents of Rwandan descent had to leave the country. In an instant, everything familiar


disappeared. Overnight, it seemed, Priscilla and her family joined the 65 million others in the world who have found themselves homeless, with nowhere to go. Priscilla’s eyes revealed her pain as she tearfully recalled the trauma her family experienced. They’d been aware of their government’s decision to make them leave, but assumed they’d be given time to close their business, pack their belongings and sell their property. Instead, all Tanzanians of Rwandan descent were forced to leave immediately. “Tears and panic were our food as we fled to the border of our nation,” Priscilla shared. “We were so overwhelmed by what had happened, we couldn’t think clearly about what to do.” Priscilla and her family learned that neighboring

“Our workers’ hearts were heavy when they heard about the orphaned children and widows ... no longer safe in their own country ...”

Rwanda was offering aid to the displaced families, so they headed across the border in search of housing and help to get back on their feet. As promised, R W A N D A their new government welcomed them and offered temporary housing in special communities it had established. Rwanda made good on the promise of a small plot of land for its newest citizens so they could grow their own food to sustain themselves while looking for work. But the ground was so hard and infertile that nothing would grow. Because of this, Priscilla’s family, along with the rest of the camp’s population, was totally dependent on charitable donations of food, water and medicine. Some relief agencies were helping, but it was never enough. Most of the camp’s residents were sick and malnourished. They had no jobs, and their children no longer went to school. They spent long days under makeshift structures, their only protection from the blazing sun. The Rwandan EHC workers were used to seeing the grief and despair that comes with abject poverty, but what they saw at the refugee camp that day broke them. They listened patiently, giving each family a chance to share their stories. Over and over, the EHC workers heard about the masses of stunned sojourners who had traveled hundreds of miles with crying children and elderly family members in tow. Some were barefoot, having worn out their shoes along the way. Our workers’ hearts were heavy when they heard about the orphaned children and widows who fell in line behind people they didn’t know, having no idea of where they were going or how long it would take to get there. All they knew was that they were no longer safe in their own country and they

Though Rwanda has experienced terrible hardship in its own history, Rwandan pioneer missionaries are reaching out with compassion not only for their own people, but also for the refugees who have fled Tanzania.







JUNE 2017

Left: Two EHC evangelists baptize a man their team reached with the Gospel. Right: A woman stops along a rocky path to read gospel literature, joining the ranks of all those who have stopped in their tracks at the arrival of the Good News.

had to find another place that would take them in. News that EHC workers were at the camp sharing messages of hope spread like wildfire. Our workers prayed for the sick, and when some of those they prayed for received instant healing, others came running from their tents to receive prayer, too. Many, including Priscilla and her family, eagerly listened as the Gospel was shared. They clung to the Scriptures: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5, NKJV) and “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2, NKJV). The EHC outreach team led 235 desperate souls to faith in Jesus that day. Forty of them were baptized, and two new Christ Groups were established so the new believers could receive biblical instruction, fellowship and encouragement in their new faith. Though Priscilla and her family are still unsettled, they’re not hopeless anymore. “We praise God that EHC volunteers came to us with the Gospel,” she says. “They treated us with respect when others made us feel like a burden.” Now Priscilla receives comfort from God’s Word and is trusting Him with the future. The world’s growing refugee population has endured unimaginable trauma and loss. The displaced are desperate to know that their lives have meaning and that they have a place in this world. Every Home for Christ’s global workers are doing everything they can to reach them.

There are more than 65 million refugees in the world today — the greatest number in history. About 41 percent of them are children, many of whom have been separated from their families. Nearly two-thirds of the refugee population has been in exile for more than five years with no end in sight. All of them need the hope of the Gospel.

If you’d like to help our evangelists reach more refugees and lost souls with the Gospel, give today using the accompanying form or online at ehc.org/donate



How Did You Come to Know Jesus? by Guy Burgo

Editor’s Note: Guy Burgo is Every Home for Christ’s Stewardship Advisor. He has worked as a consultant to over 100 ministries across the country and has helped more than 2,300 Christian families design their wills.


hen you ask your friends how they came to know the Lord, their answers could make you cry, rejoice or even change the course of your life. When my dear friend Jan asked someone this question, the person explained that she surrendered her life to Christ after receiving a simple, printed gospel message. This answer altered the course of Jan’s life, and she became dedicated to handing out printed gospel messages all over her town. As Jan’s passion to evangelize grew, so did her passion to help fund evangelism efforts. As a successful business woman, she wanted to give to the Lord out of her business. She began by giving 10 percent of her net revenue, and then 10 percent of her gross. Finally, she wanted to give the most she could to the work of Every Home for Christ. “You can’t take anything with you to heaven except love and people,” Jan says. As I discussed Jan’s giving options with her, she was surprised to learn that she could give more than just the money generated by her business. She

could also give the assets of the business itself, and she could do so in a tax-advantaged way that would create an income stream for her retirement. Not only did this arrangement benefit Jan personally, it allowed her to give about $1.5 million in gifts above her usual giving. In this way, Jan reached millions more people with the Gospel — her true heart’s desire — but she had no idea it was an option until she talked with us. When Jan first gave from her business, she prayed that she would never need to use the income stream she set up for her retirement. She wanted to give even that money back to the Lord. Six years later, God has honored Jan’s prayer, and she joyfully gives every penny to the work of sharing Jesus with the world. Has God blessed you with a successful business? Would you like to learn about ways you can use your business to take more people to heaven with you? If so, please call Debbie Grissett at 719-785-8394 or send her an email at dgrissett@ehc.org to schedule a time for us to visit by phone.

Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.


Christian business owners are well aware that their business success is due to God’s blessing. But many are unaware that they can use their business to give to the Lord’s work. In addition to donating money, business owners can also receive wonderful tax benefits by donating company stock from an S-Corporation or C-Corporation. Over the years, many have blessed Every Home for Christ with everything from printed gospel messages to donations of private stock. For more information about giving through your business, please contact Debbie Grissett at 719-785-8394 or dgrissett@ehc.org

Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.




by James Holt


JUNE 2017


icture your dream house. Does it have a big kitchen? A built-in sound system? Maybe a multi-car garage? Now picture what the opposite of your dream house might be. The inmates of a women’s prison in Moldova don’t have to picture the opposite of their dream house. They already live in it. “All they see every day are sad faces, desperation, hopelessness, huge walls and an overall oppressing and overwhelming environment,” says Svetlana, an EHC evangelist. “Their deepest sorrow is that they cannot see their children at all.” Whether it is a dream house or a prison cell, home is wherever people live, and Every Home for Christ is committed to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone’s home. For EHC evangelists in Moldova, that includes the women’s prison. Last year, an EHC team planned a special presentation for 330 women serving sentences in a local facility. What made this presentation special was that it came with gifts. The children of a Romanian church in Austria had gathered funds to provide a special blessing to the inmates of the Moldovan prison. With these funds, our team provided all the women with personal care necessities, which can be hard to come by within the prison walls. “These kids wanted to be good to others,” Svetlana says. “They gave from the coins they had from their parents, thinking about others before themselves.” When the women found out that the gifts they received had been purchased with money raised by children, they were deeply touched. Many of them are mothers, and the thought that a child had done something out of love for them brought them to tears. “Instead of taking care of our children, now other children are taking care of us!” one said. The entire prison population attended the two-hour





Women in prison are cut off from the rest of the world, but that has not prevented EHC workers from visiting them where they live and sharing with them the hope they need most.

program put on by the EHC team. It began with singing and included games, sketches, testimonies and a sermon. The message our workers shared focused on God’s endless love and the peace we all can have in Jesus. The women were grateful for the time of M O L happiness and peace within their bleak surroundings. “Evangelizing women in prison is very different from evangelizing home to home,” Svetlana says. “There is no opportunity in prison to talk to each of them privately. There’s only two hours where we can organize a program spreading the Gospel to all of them at once.” Along with the gifts provided by the Austrian children, each woman also received



an EHC gospel booklet so she could take the message of Jesus with her to her cell. At the end of the program, 40 women raised their hands to receive salvation through Jesus, and 30 are now being discipled in a weekly Bible study. “We pray that these women V A remain the salt and light of this prison and that, through them, all the other women there would come to God,” Svetlana says. “May God’s face shine upon this prison!” If you would like to help share God’s light with people living in darkness, like these inmates, you can give using the enclosed form or online at ehc.org/donate



P. 8: United Nations Photo, United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda http://bit.ly/2p3oR7U CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 http://bit.ly/RT9dL0




Listed at the top right of each daily request is the nation’s population, the percentage of evangelical believers (Joshua Project) and a number that corresponds with Every Home for Christ’s 2017 edition of the World Prayer Map. At the end of each prayer request is the assigned reading for the day to read through the Bible in a year.

Every Home for Christ | P.O. Box 64000 | Colorado Springs, CO 80962 | 1-800-423-5054 | ehc.org | info@ehc.org

Pop. 121,700,000

8.4% WPM # 181

In the past few months, our team in southern Mexico has reported increased persecution against our evangelists. Please stand with our workers in prayer, asking God to protect them and their families and to transform their oppressors into lovers of God. (Isaiah 1–3)




Pop. 11,600,000

7.0% WPM # 34

Please pray for two new believers in Chad to stand firm in their faith as they begin a process of discipleship with our workers. Pray that God will bless their steadfastness and will use them as a witness of His goodness to their unbelieving friends and families. (2 Chronicles 27–29)




Pop. 10,700,000

27.3% WPM # 18

Please pray for the healing hand of God to be over the nation of Burundi during a season of drought. Pray that our workers will be able to effectively meet the needs of people facing hardship at this time, and that many will come to know the hope found in Jesus. (Isaiah 10–12)




Pop. 29,300,000

10.2% WPM # 217

Please pray for our pioneer missionaries who are taking the light and life of Christ to communities struck by economic and social unrest. Pray that they will take forth the Gospel in power! (Psalms 84–86)




July 2017

Pop. 44,400,000

2.7% WPM # 102

Our team has been in contact with 15 different churches that want to partner in taking the Gospel home to home throughout Ukraine! Please pray that God will continue to stir the hearts of these local churches to reach their neighbors for the Kingdom of God. (Isaiah 25–27)



Pop. 7,200,000

1.8% WPM # 77


Our team in Bulgaria has given out over 45,000 packets of seeds with gospel messages, and they expect to give out 15,000 more! Please pray that these gifts will act as a tangible message of God’s love for His children. (Isaiah 4–6; 2 Chronicles 26:9–23)



Pop. 56,300,000

5.1% WPM # 136


Praise God for the 120,000 homes that recently received the Good News through a home-to-home outreach! Pray that God will bless the seeds that were sown and produce many new, thriving believers in Myanmar. (2 Chronicles 30–32)



Praise God for the 1,000 leaders who have been trained in the past two years in home-to-home evangelism. Our team asks that you continue to pray for their influence to increase in this nation and for more leaders to have a passion to reach the lost. (Isaiah 13–15)



Pop. 7,600,000

9.7% WPM # 38

Please pray for our workers as they preach the Gospel in the village of Bogou where idol worship is predominant. Pray that these people will repent of their idolatry and will worship the one, true God. (Isaiah 19–21)




Pop. 30,400,000

11.1% WPM # 220

Four cities in Peru were recently affected by flooding, leaving thousands of families in need of shelter and hope. Please pray that our workers will find practical ways to meet people’s physical needs as well as their spiritual need for a Savior. (Isaiah 28–30)


One of our workers was thrown in jail, along with a few of his relatives, after police found out that he had been sharing the Gospel with his family. Please pray for open doors in this persecuted nation and that the Gospel would go forth in power. (Psalms 81–83)



Pop. 204,300,000

24.8% WPM # 221


Our team in Brazil is praying for a supernatural movement of the Gospel in their country. Pray with our evangelism workers that the hearts of many will be open and will receive Jesus as their personal Savior. (Isaiah 7–9)







Pop. 3,500,000


3.5% WPM # 103

Please pray for the evangelism outreaches taking place in villages throughout the district of Nisporeni. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of those our team has the chance to preach the Gospel to, and that many will come to know Jesus as their Savior. (Isaiah 16–18)




Pop. 8,700,000

22.1% WPM # 185

Please pray for the home-to-home outreaches taking place in the municipalities of San Lorenzo and Amapala. Pray that the gospel messages left with each family will speak directly into their lives and guide them to a relationship with Jesus. (Isaiah 22–24)




A Christian teacher published an article in a local newspaper, inviting anyone wanting to learn more about Jesus and the Bible to join a discussion group. Please pray that God will draw to this meeting people whose hearts are ready to receive the Good News. (Isaiah 31–33)



Pop. 600,000

0.3% WPM # 73


Please pray for open hearts in the capital of Podgorica. Despite recent evangelism outreaches, many people still seem closed off and unresponsive to the Good News. Pray that, even if our workers are rejected, the Holy Spirit will continue to minister to the people they reached. (Psalms 87–90)




Pop. 23,300,000

10.6% WPM # 41


Please pray for the seeds that were sown in hearts during recent home-tohome outreaches in the villages around Divo. Pray that the Holy Spirit will grow the seeds our workers planted when sharing the Good News with each family. (Isaiah 52–54)



Pop. 61,900,000

1.3% WPM # 65

Our workers in Italy are seeking God’s wisdom to establish a long-term and thriving ministry. Please pray that God will give them a sense of unity through this process and that many evangelism opportunities will present themselves to our team. (Isaiah 58–60)


Praise God for protecting our team as it traveled north to teach evangelism trainings. Please pray that the believers who participated in these events will be filled with God’s love for the lost and will boldly proclaim the Gospel in their nation. (Hosea 1–3)





Pop. 99,500,000

17.4% WPM # 29


Please pray for the evangelism trainings that our workers recently conducted. Pray that all the participants will lead a Kingdomadvancing movement in their country as they start their outreaches. (Isaiah 46–48)


Pop. 68,000,000

0.5% WPM # 137

A local school has requested that our pioneer missionaries come and teach their students about the Bible! Please pray for many students to be touched by our team’s lesson and for future opportunities to share the Gospel in local schools. (Isaiah 61–63)



Pop. 181,600,000

23.7% WPM # 35


With the troubles of economic recession, our workers say it’s harder to share the Gospel with people. They’re too concerned with day-today survival. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to touch the lives of those who hear the Good News. (Isaiah 40–42)

Pop. 3,100,000



8.7% WPM # 105

A woman recently contacted our team after finding gospel messages left at her door. She asked if she and her family could be discipled! Please pray for this family as our team disciples them and pray that more families like this will come to know God’s goodness. (Isaiah 49–51)


Our team has been talking to Mr. B about Jesus. He believes that Jesus was the Son of God, but still doesn’t understand how that affects his own life. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will open his eyes to the meaning of salvation through Jesus. (Psalms 91–93)



Pop. 6,700,000




2.2% WPM # 145


Please pray for all the people who received gospel booklets during a recent home-to-home outreach. Pray that the Word of God written on the booklet pages will reveal the truth of the Gospel and that many will find salvation. (Isaiah 34–36)

The advancement of the Gospel is beginning in two new cities! Please pray for God to give our workers supernatural discernment and unity as they begin their new outreaches, and for many doors and hearts to open to the Good News. (Isaiah 37–39)


One of our workers is planting a Christ Group in order to teach a few unbelieving friends about Jesus. Please pray that God will bless the fellowship and that many in this closed nation will come to find salvation in Jesus through this group. (Isaiah 43–45)




Pop. 1,200,000


Pop. 7,200,000

0.6% WPM # 71

Our ministry in Serbia is sharing over 60,000 gospel messages throughout the country! Please pray that each heart that receives a piece of literature will be receptive to the Good News of salvation in Jesus. (Hosea 4–6)

22.6% WPM # 147

Please pray for our workers who are reaching homes in Lae, the secondlargest city in Papua New Guinea. Pray for God’s provision and protection on them as they go home to home with the love of Jesus. (Isaiah 55–57)


Pop. 15,000,000

23.2% WPM # 14

Praise the Lord for the 30,000 Bibles that were distributed during recent home-to-home outreaches. Please pray that the Word of God will speak to each person’s life and lead them to a relationship with Jesus. (Isaiah 64–66)




Pop. 45,900,000

44.0% WPM # 27

Please pray for our team as it teaches local churches to evangelize the lost in their villages. Pray that there will be unity among the Body and that they will have a passion to see Jesus’ name glorified throughout all of Kenya. (Psalms 94–96)

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Order your copy today at givingitallawaybook.com ehc.org


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ehc.org | info@ehc.org | 1-800-423-5054


For every dollar you give, three families will hear the Word of God. Over 170 million people have responded to the Gospel through Every Home for Christ’s simple but powerful method. Visit ehc.org/donate to make your gift today.

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