Everyman Theatre "Aubergine" Program

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#bmoreeveryman AUBERGINE | A



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Pending final approval from Maryland Department of Aging


Vincent M. Lancisi, Founding Artistic Director Jonathan K. Waller, Managing Director

In association with Olney Theatre Center

Jason Loewith, Artistic Director Debbie Ellinghaus, Managing Director



Diane/Hospital Worker................................................................. MEGAN ANDERSON* Cornelia......................................................................................................... EUNICE BAE* Uncle..................................................................................................................SONG KIM Ray’s Father.......................................................................................... GLENN KUBOTA* Ray..................................................................................................................TONY NAM* Lucien........................................................................................ JEFFERSON A. RUSSELL* Set Design



Props Master


Lighting Design


ZACH CAMPION Stage Manager


Costume Design

IVANIA STACK Projection Designer

ZACHARY BOROVAY Casting Contributor


Time and Place: Present Day. Mostly in a house in the suburbs of a large city.

This production will be performed in two acts with one intermission.

PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES. NO TEXTING. NO EATING IN THE THEATRE. Aubergine is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York. Playwrights Horizons, Inc., New York City, produced the New York City Premiere of Aubergine in 2016. The videotaping or making of electronic or other audio and/or visual recordings of this production or distributing recordings on any medium, including the internet, is strictly prohibited, a violation of the author’s rights and actionable under United States copyright law. * Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States




To schedule an appointment, visit lifebridgehealth.org/show or call 410-601-WELL (9355).




elcome. I was raised with the belief from my Italian grandmother that “food is love.” My family had special dishes for marriage, for funerals—for virtually every occasion— and we know this to be a custom celebrated in many cultures. “Comfort food” is a term I truly believe in—my food memories are plentiful, and certain dishes can bring tears to my eyes by reminding me of someone who is no longer with us, or put a smile on my face as I remember a special moment shared with someone. Like Diane in the play, I, too, have traveled far and wide for the perfect dish. I have searched and searched for authentic ingredients that would give me the exact taste or smell to trigger a special food memory, or to create a new one. Julia Cho’s Aubergine embodies the intersection of food, memory and life’s seminal moments in a way that really speaks to me. Her play is almost spiritual in nature—examining life’s rites of passage and the need we have for connection through words, meaningful acts and special dishes. Some rites of passage (leaving this earth, for example) involve the desire to help loved ones get through the experience with as little pain and as much love as possible. My mother passed away several years ago. She was a great cook. There are certain dishes I cook to celebrate her—but they are never as good as when she made

them. The ingredients are the same, and the cooking methods have not changed, yet her special way of making these same dishes made them the best—and much better than I could ever replicate. I believe it is because my mother was a nurturer, and she was spiritual, and she put her great capacity for love into her cooking. Food is an expression of ourselves. Often, it is we who are the special ingredient in our own recipes. Some might think Aubergine is a sad play about death and loss, but I don’t see it that way. To me, Aubergine is a play about caregiving, nurturing, and the privilege of helping ease the pain of a loved one who is leaving this life—the privilege of letting the person feel our love. We find the right bed for them, take them home (if we can), be with them, hold their hand, make them soup, and love them. Then, we remember them and honor them in many ways—often with food. It is the circle of life. We wish we could share another dish with them, but, we know it will never be the same, so, we cherish their memory through food. This is one way that loved ones stay with us. Food heals, food nourishes, food satiates, food hugs, and food remembers. Food is love. Enjoy the show.



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his might set me apart from the vast majority of people, but I often find stories that deal with death and dying to be life-affirming. Sure, there can sometimes be elements of sadness, but, more often I find there to be a celebration of life, love, family and experiences in these types of stories­—and Julia Cho’s heartfelt father-son story, Aubergine, beautifully demonstrates this feeling with its celebration of memories from a life that was well-lived.

There is so much life within the walls of Everyman, going well beyond the productions that you see on our stage. Did you know that on the very first Tuesday of every production, not only do we host our “Pay What You Can” performance (which allows the audience to pay literally whatever they can to attend), but we also host our “TNT: Theatre Night for Teens” program. Nearly 50 teenagers from schools all over the Baltimore area (and beyond) join us regularly for TNT, which includes dinner, an artist meet-and-greet, the current performance, and a postshow discussion. Talk about life! These students breathe a whole new energy into our building during these events—an energy that can be felt from the stage to the very last row. We are thrilled to see these emerging members of tomorrow’s audiences join us for each production. Learn more about TNT at everymantheatre.org/tnt.

One of my favorite times of year is the summer, when our building bursts to life with young actors and artists participating in our Youth Summer Camps and Teen Performance Summer Studio. Students from grades as young as Kindergarten join us throughout the summer to explore creative dramatics, play creation and more. Registration is now available at everymantheatre.org/ summer. We thank you for being a part of the Everyman family. When you visit Everyman, we want you to feel like you are visiting an old friend, where you feel instantly right at home. We hope that you feel the energy of the Resident Company as they take the stage. We hope that you will bring your children and grandchildren and create for them the lasting memories of experiencing live theatre. We want you to take a class with us and maybe even dare to make a fool of yourself, gaining the opportunity to tell that story for years to come. Just like memories that are shared and passed down within a family, we hope that you have great stories about Everyman to cherish for many years to come.


Playwright Julia Cho. Photo by Jennie Warren.

PLAYWRIGHT’S PERSPECTIVE By Julia Cho. Followed by Korean Translation Reprinted with permission from Playwrights Horizons, New York


here are two dishes, above all, that I associate with my father. The first is ramen. And by “ramen” I mean instant ramen, not the artisanal, simmered-for-40hours kind of Japanese ramen so popular right now. The latter is undoubtedly more delicious but was entirely unavailable to me in my youth. What we had was the instant kind, in colorful packs, and we bought it by the box. It is hard to overstate the resonance this kind of ramen holds not just for me, but for many Korean Americans. We grew up eating it in all its umami glory, usually with an egg cracked straight into it while boiling. My mother cooked almost all of our meals from scratch—a heroic endeavor I utterly failed to appreciate or measure up to—so ramen was never, say, dinner. Ramen was something eaten in the off hours, late at night. I’d come downstairs looking for a snack to find my father standing over the stove with the small, steel pot whose entrance into our family predated mine and whose sole purpose, it seemed, was to make ramen. He’d see me and wordlessly add another block of noodles and packet of seasonings to the pot. There was something EVERYMAN THEATRE | 6

calm and contented about those late night meals. My memory is tricky—as tricky as that of my characters. So I don’t know if there’s a certain wish fulfillment going on. But I’d like to think we had some good meals together in the quiet of our house, slurping soup together late into the night. But ramen was something my father ate at home because it was quick, easy, and cheap. It was not his favorite food. For that, we would have to go out to eat and the only kind of food we really went out for was Chinese food. At least, growing up, that’s what I thought it was. We went to restaurants with words like “Peking” or “Dragon” in the title and they often had paper placemats printed with the Chinese Zodiac, so you can understand why I assumed what we were eating was Chinese. But what my parents actually went out for was not Chinese food—Mandarin, say, or Szechuan. What they went out for was Korean Chinese food. This is a terribly reductive food history, but what I understand is that the Chinese went to Japan and opened restaurants, which led to ramen. But the Chinese also went to Korea and opened restaurants, which led to

dishes such as jajangmyun and my father’s hands-down favorite dish: jjamppong. It is a red and fiery seafood soup, with thick udonlike noodles and a briny, spicy broth. We kids would order the sweeter, milder jajangmyun and my father would order his jjamppong and all of us were happy and sated. I bring up these two dishes because when someone dies, one of the harder aspects is that you no longer get to eat with them. There are some religions that construct altars for their dead and leave food for them to have in the afterlife. I know one friend who put a Pepsi and a donut on the altar for his grandmother because those were her favorite foods. For my father, I would put ramen and jjamppong. But being Christian, we have no altars. So instead, I eat ramen, now sharing it with my own children, who lap it up with an almost primal instinct as I have yet to find a child who doesn’t like noodles. And should I be so lucky to be in LA’s Koreatown, I go to Young King and order their jjamppong. I think of my father— this man who ate out so rarely, who gave himself so few material luxuries that when he died, he left almost nothing to inherit. He grew up in a time and place where there were no cameras; of his early life, or even his life as a young man, I know virtually nil. But I know what he ate; I know what foods he liked. And so it is a kind of communion: I eat these things in remembrance of him.

우리 아버지를 생각할때 두가지의 음식이 떠올 라요. 첫번째는 라면이에요. 물론 요즘 유행하 는 일본 라면 말고, 우리 한국라면이죠. 슈퍼가 서 살수있는, 박스안에 밝은 포장지로 쌓인 라 면. 한국사람들한테는, 특히 재미교포들한테는 깊이 와닿는 음식이죠. 보글보글 라면을 끓이 면서 계란하나 타악 넣은 그 라면 맛, 한국사람 이면누구나 그맛이 뭔지알죠. 우리어머니는 우리 가족음식을 거의 다 직접 손으로 요리하셨어요 - 제가 어렸을때는 그 의 미가뭔지도 모르고 지금은 따라할수없는 영웅 적인 노력이죠 - 그래서 라면은 절대 저녁식사 가 아니었죠. 라면은 늦은 밤에 끓여먹는 음식 이었어요. 가끔 저는 간식찾아 아랫층으로 내 려오면 저보다 먼저 우리가족에 속해 있었던 오르지 라면만드는 이유로 존재한듯한 그 쇠

냄비 위에서, 아버지가 라면 끓이시는 모습을 발견하곤했죠. 제가 내려오는걸 보시고 말없이 면 하나더 그리고 양념 한 팩 더 냄비에 넣으셨 죠. 그 늦은 밤들이 어떤면에서는 되게 조용하 고 만족스러웠었어요.제 연극 캐릭터들처럼 저 도 기억이 가물가물해요. 그래서 제 바램대로 기억하는건지도 모르겠어요. 근데 저는 그 늦 은 밤에 라면국물을 시원하게 마셨던 그 시간 들이 좋은 추억이라고 생각하고싶어요. 그렇지만 우리 아버지한테 라면은 집에서, 쉽 고, 빠르고, 싸게 해드실수있는 음식이었어요. 아버지가 제일 좋아하시는 음식이 아니었죠. 제일 좋아하시는 음식을 먹을려면 외식을 해야 했어요. 우리 가족이 외식했다 하면 항상 중국 음식점 이였어요. 적어도, 제가 아는 중국음식 은 그곳에서 먹는 음식이었죠. 우리가 가는 식 당들은 주로 이름에 ‘페킹’ (Peking) 아님 ‘드래 곤’ (Dragon) 같은 단어들이 들어갔고, 식탁위 에는 중국 띠달력이 적혀있는 종이들이 올려있 는걸 보니, 어린나이엔 그곳들을 진짜 중국식 당이라고 생각했었죠. 우리 가족은 진정한 중 국음식이 아닌 한국 중국음식을 찾았던거죠. 아주 기본적인 음식의 역사지만, 제가 알기로 는 중국사람들이 일본가서는 요릿집을 열고 그 게 일본 라면이되었고, 또한 중국사람들이 한 국에 가서 요릿집을 열고난후에는 짜장면이랑 짬뽕이 만들어졌었죠. 그 중에 우리 아버지는 빨갛고 매운 짬뽕을 굉장히 좋아하셨어요. 우 리 애들은 단맛이 나는 짜장면을 주문하고, 아 버지는 짬뽕을 시키시고, 우리 모두 배부르고 행복한 시간들이었죠.

제가 이 두가지 음식이 떠오르는 이유는 그런 것같에요. 누군가가 돌아가실때에는 다른것들 중에 제일 어려운것이 그분이랑 더이상 같이 식사를 못한다는것이죠. 어떤 종교에서는 제단 을 만들고 다음생에 가져갈 음식을 내놓죠. 제 가 아는 한 친구는 할머니제단에다가 펩시콜라 랑 도넛을 남겼었어요. 친구할머니가 제일좋아 하시는 음식들 이었으니까요. 저는 아버지에 게 라면이랑 짬뽕을 올렸을텐데. 그러나 우리 는 기독교이기때문에 제단이없어요. 그래서 저 는 대신에 제 자식들이랑 같이 라면을 끓여먹 어요. 녀석들은 원초적 본능인것 처럼 아주 싹 싹 긁어먹죠. 여태까지 저는 라면을 안좋아하 는 아이를 본적이없으니까요. 그리고 운좋게 도 저는 LA 코리아타운 근처에 살고있어서 영 킹이라는 음식점을 가서 짬뽕을 주문하곤하죠. 그럴때마다 아버지를 생각해요 - 너무나도 드 물게 외식하셨던, 자기를 위해서는 거의 아무 것도 안 하셔서 우리에게 남긴게 거의 없으셨 던 우리 아버지. 자라시면서 카메라가 없는 시 절이었기에, 아버지의 어린 시절, 젊은 시절에 대해도 저는 거의 모릅니다. 그렇지만, 아버지 가 뭘 드셨는지,어떤음식을 좋아하셨는지는 알 아요. 그래서 이 두가지 음식이 아버지하고의 하나의 친교법이죠. 이 음식들을 아버지를 기 억하면서 먹습니다. AUBERGINE | 7

BRING THE MEMORY OF AUBERGINE INTO YOUR KITCHEN WITH THESE FAVORITE RECIPES SHARED BY MEMBERS OF THE CAST. MANDU FROM TONY NAM (Ray) Cornelia mentions mandu briefly during the play, at the top of Act 2. My mother would make mandu by the hundreds and freeze them for quick thawing and cooking later. They were present for nearly every special occasion: birthdays, Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving... And we devoured them! Ingredients: • 1 whole cabbage • 1 package of rice vermicelli or bean thread (12oz) • 1 large white onion, diced small • 1 medium-large carrot, minced • 1 bunch green scallion, chopped small • 1 thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger, peeled and minced (optional) • 1 block of firm tofu, rinsed, drained and diced • 1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter • 2 TB soy sauce • 1 TB sesame oil • 2 tsp toasted sesame seeds • 2 eggs, beaten • Salt to taste • 2 packages of thawed, pre-made/cut dumpling wrappers (round or square), approx. 3” across. • Plastic wrap or wax paper • Wide-rimmed bowl of water Filling: Peel away outer leaves of cabbage and cut into quarters. Boil water and par-boil the quarters of cabbage until cooked, but not over-cooked (about 5 minutes). Use tongs to carefully remove cabbage from boiling water and drain/cool in colander. Add vermicelli to hot water (not boiling), and cook for 3 minutes. Strain vermicelli and run cold water EVERYMAN THEATRE | 8

over the noodles to cool, allowing to strain as vegetables are prepared. Mince cooked, cooled cabbage into small dice (1 cm or less). Put diced cabbage in clean cheese cloth or kitchen towel and ring out all the water, then place in large mixing bowl. Add prepped onion, carrot, scallion, ginger and tofu to bowl. Stir in peanut butter, soy sauce, sesame oil, toasted sesame seeds and eggs. Mix with gloved hands or wooden spoon until all ingredients are thoroughly incorporated. Add salt to taste. Assembly: Have a freezer-safe tray ready (a large, glass oven dish will also work), along with sheets of plastic wrap or wax paper and bowl of water. Place a dumpling wrapper on flat surface, dip finger into water, and trace dampened finger around the outer sides of wrapper. Place 1/2 teaspoon of filling mixture in the middle of wrapper and crimp wrapper closed with hands (crimping can be a simple flat seal or crimping can be made more elaborate as desired). Repeat with additional dumpling wrappers, placing each on prepared tray, leaving at least 1/2-inch space around each mandu. After tray is filled with one full layer, place plastic wrap or wax paper atop and begin next layer of mandu (hint: place next layer of mandu in the previous layer’s gaps in order to fit more mandu). When all mandu are made, tray can be covered with plastic and frozen or cooked immediately. Makes 50-70 mandu. Cooking: Dumplings can be deep fried, pan fried, steamed or added to a soup. If the mandu are frozen, they do not need to be fully thawed to use, but be careful of oil splatter.

KIMCHI FRIED RICE (BOKKUMBAP) FROM SONG KIM (Uncle) In our house, kimchi bokkumbap was always Mom’s go to for a quick meal as the three main ingredients were always readily available in our kitchen; Rice, kimchi, sesame oil. As this is a repurposing of leftovers, other ingredients can be modified or substituted (so long as you keep your ratios of the three main ingredients—rice, kimchi, sesame oil­—true). The best recipe is the one that is suited to your taste. Ingredients: • 2 TB vegetable oil • 2 large eggs • 1 cup protein of your choosing (I like canned luncheon meat and/or bacon) • 2-3 cups kimchi very coarsely chopped* • Sesame oil to taste (100% pure for best flavor)* • 4 cups cooked rice (preferably day old rice, but Mom would scoop warm rice right out of the cooker)* • 1/4 cup kimchi juice • 1/2 cup green onion to garnish • Small package of roasted seasoned laver (seaweed) to garnish • Salt to taste *denotes “non-negotiable” ingredients Preparation: Add a small amount of vegetable oil to pan and scramble eggs to set but soft consistency. Remove eggs from pan and set aside. Add more vegetable oil if needed and cook protein thoroughly. Add chopped kimchi and bring heat to medium/high. Lightly coat with sesame oil. Let kimchi become cooked through, stirring frequently. Add cooked rice to pan, stirring frequently to prevent sticking. If desired, coat again with sesame oil and add kimchi juice (add too much oil and you will end up with a greasy mess—not necessarily a bad thing). Cook all ingredients to desired doneness (cooking out any added liquid). Fold in scrambled egg and let work another minute or so. Plate and garnish with green onion and crumbled seaweed. Serves two. Variations: Substitute scrambled egg with over-easy or sunny-side up egg, prepared in a separate pan and placed over bed of rice.

Megan Anderson and Song Kim. Courtesy of Tony Nam RED BEAN MOCHI SQUARES FROM EUNICE BAE (Cornelia) This was my favorite sweet treat that my mom used to make, and I would ask her to bake it all the time. I specifically remember a “culture day” at school, in third grade, where students were asked to each bring in a food representing our culture. Most of my classmates brought in American standards like brownies or macaroni and cheese, or Italian food like lasagna—but I was so excited to bring what my family called “red bean brownies,” and couldn’t wait to share them at school. Little did I realize that American kids in the 1980s had no taste for unusual textures, and my Korean treats went virtually untouched. I couldn’t understand the insanity of my classmates. It was incredibly disheartening at that time, when I had only wanted to blend in—but now, looking back, I just see the insularity of those kids and I am thankful that I was exposed to many different kinds of foods and textures beginning at an early age. It has made me a much more adventurous eater as an adult, and more open to the unusual. Ingredients: • 1 egg • 16 oz sweet rice flour (e.g. 1 box of Michiko) • 2 tsp baking powder • 1 cup (or less) sugar • 1/2 cup crushed walnuts • 1 can (15 oz.) sweet red beans (azuki beans) • 2 cups milk Preparation: Preheat oven to 350°. Grease and flour a 8”x12” baking dish. Beat egg in large bowl. Add sweet rice flour, stirring until combined. Add baking powder, sugar, and walnuts, mixing thoroughly. Gently stir in red beans. Add milk and stir to combine. Pour mixture into baking dish and bake 50-60 minutes, until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. AUBERGINE | 9

There are few places we can be transformed, if only for an evening

Everyman Theatre. We thank you. w y p r. o r g

CAST BIOGRAPHIES MEGAN ANDERSON (Diane/ Hospital Worker) Everyman Theatre (Resident Company Member): The Revolutionists, Noises Off, Dot, Wait Until Dark, Death of a Salesman, A Streetcar Named Desire, Under the Skin, Blithe Spirit, Grounded, Tribes, The Dresser, Crimes of the Heart, The Beaux’ Stratagem, God of Carnage, You Can’t Take It With You, Fifty Words, All My Sons, Blackbird, The Exonerated, Rabbit Hole, The Cherry Orchard, Filthy Rich, Turn of the Screw, Much Ado About Nothing, And a Nightingale Sang, The School for Scandal, The Cripple of Inishmaan, Proof, Taking Sides, My Children! My Africa, The Crucible, The 5th of July, The Last Night of Ballyhoo. Regional: Theater J: After the Revolution; Olney Theatre Center: Our Town, Grounded, Rabbit Hole (Helen Hayes nomination for Outstanding Ensemble); Rep Stage: American Hero, The Whale, The Violet Hour, The Seagull (Helen Hayes nomination); Round House Theatre: Heartbreak House, The Cherry Orchard, Our Town, Problem Child; Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company: The Faculty Room; Totem Pole Playhouse: Proposals, Crimes of the Heart, Proof; LA Theatreworks/Voice of America: Bus Stop. TV/Film: 3 seasons on The Wire (Jennifer Carcetti); Hit and Run (Jane) (Lionsgate/ MGM). Teaching: Everyman Theatre, Page to Stage for Young Actors and the Summer Intensive, Acting I and Auditioning. Directing: Staged readings of Dead and Breathing, The Heidi Chronicles, The Ruby Sunrise for Everyman Theatre’s Salon Series. Other: Audition Coach. EUNICE BAE (Cornelia) Everyman Theatre: debut. International: NCL: Priscilla: Queen Of The Desert (Cynthia). Regional: Titanic: The Musical, Funny Girl, 9 to 5: The Musical, Legends In Concert: Waikiki. DC area: Olney Theatre Center: In the Heights, The King and I. Signature Theatre: Miss Saigon. TV/FILM: “Swinging With My Eyes Closed” Shania

Twain Music Video, The Rainbow Room with Michael Feinstein. Dance: ulta Beauty Behind The Chair Awards. Education: BFA in Design from Carnegie Mellon University. SONG KIM (Uncle) Everyman Theatre: debut. Regional: History Theatre: The Paper Dreams of Harry Chin; Mu Performing Arts: Charles Francis Chan Jr.’s Exotic Oriental Murder Mystery; Imago Theatre: Exit The King; Theatre Vertigo: Rashomon. Education: Mr. Kim learned to speak English in a Head Start program and was educated entirely within the public school system. GLENN KUBOTA (Ray’s Father) Everyman Theatre: debut. Off-Broadway: National Asian- American Theatre Company: Sagittarius Ponderosa; Pan Asian Repertory Theatre: No No Boys. Recent films: We Are Unsatisfied, Mapplethorpe, Gringo. TV/ Streaming: Red Oaks. TONY NAM (Ray) Everyman Theatre: debut. Regional: Arena Stage: Akeelah and the Bee; The Folger Theatre: Much Ado About Nothing, Measure for Measure; Ford’s Theatre: Our Town; Kennedy Center TYA: Where Words Once Were, A Cricket in Time Square, Unleashed; Olney Theatre Center: Our Town; Round House Theatre: Treasure Island; Seattle Children’s Theatre: The Red Badge of Courage; Shakespeare Theatre Company: Othello, Pericles; TheatreWorks: Pacific Overtures; Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company: Martha, Josie and the Chinese Elvis. Education: St. Mary’s College of MD BA, University of Washington - MFA. JEFFERSON A. RUSSELL (Lucien) Everyman Theatre: The Soul Collector, Gem of the Ocean, Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me, Hedda Gabler, Blues for an Alabama Sky, Heathen Valley. Regional: Baltimore Center Stage/Cincinnati Playhouse: Shakespeare in Love; Ford’s AUBERGINE | 11

Theatre: Ragtime; Pioneer Theatre Co: Fences; Cincinnati Playhouse: Jitney; Marin Theatre Co: Fetch Clay Make Man, The Convert; Dallas Theatre/Goodman Theatre: Trinity River Plays; Hangar Theatre: The Piano Lesson; Round House: Father Comes Home From The Wars, Two Trains Running, Ironbound, Fahrenheit 451, Amadeus; Woolly Mammoth: Clybourne Park; Rep Stage: Sunset Baby; Folger: The Tempest; Gulfshore Playhouse: Race; Kennedy Center National tours: Harlem, Color Me Dark; Education: Hampton University, BA, (Sociology/ Criminal Justice), GWU: MFA, Academy of Classical Acting. He is a former Baltimore police officer and a founding member of GALVANIZE, a network for artists of color.

Actors’ Equity Association was founded in 1913 to protect Actors from severe mistreatment that permeated the industry at the time. The 40,000 member association consists of distinguished stars and other professional actors and stage managers who work nationwide, from New York’s Broadway to Los Angeles, from Minneapolis to Miami Beach, in regional, stock and dinner theatre, and in theatre for young audiences which build audiences for tomorrow. The actors and stage managers are committed to working in the theatre as a profession, not an avocation, and bring to you the finest professional training and experience. By presenting Equity productions, this theatre offers to you, our audience, the best entertainment presented by the finest quality actors and stage managers that your admission dollars can buy. The Set, Lighting, Costume and Projection Designers are represented by United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829 of IATSE. The Director is a member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers society (SDC).

Change “whodunnit” to “YOU dunnit” with the return of Play-a-Role! Six gracious hosts from the Everyman Theatre family invite you into their homes for this interactive series of food-and-drink live readings—hosted in some of Baltimore’s most distinctive neighborhoods and dwellings. Each evening includes a light meal, drinks, lively conversation and fun, do-ityourself readings of well-known theatrical favorites! Ticket proceeds from Play-a-Role support Everyman’s artistic and education initiatives. TICKETS $75 TICKETS SELL FAST, GET YOURS TODAY! EVERYMANTHEATRE.ORG/PLAY-ROLE


We address each job with a new perspective. Working together to find the best way to craft, create and deliver your message.


DIRECTOR AND DESIGNER BIOGRAPHIES ZACHARY BOROVAY (Projection Designer) Everyman Theatre: debut. Selected Broadway credits include Rock of Ages (also London, Australia, Vegas, Toronto, Norwegian Cruise Line, National & European tours), No Man’s Land & Waiting for Godot (with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen), Evita, Lombardi [Drama Desk Nom.], Elf, A Catered Affair [Drama Desk Nom.] and Xanadu. Selected regional credits include Aubergine, Carousel, Sweeney Todd and Thurgood (Olney Theatre Center), Jesus Christ Superstar (Signature Theatre, VA, Helen Hayes nom), Light Years (Signature Theatre, VA), Sunday in the Park with George (Huntington Theatre Co., Boston), Smart People (2nd Stage, Hewes Award Nom.) and The Colored Museum (Huntington Theatre Co., IRNE Award). Additional designs include The Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular, Peepshow (Vegas) and Voyage de la Vie (Singapore). He is also an accomplished bassist (Berklee College of Music). HAROLD F. BURGESS II (Lighting Design) Everyman Theatre: Dot, Death of A Salesman, A Streetcar Named Desire, Ghosts, Grounded, By The Way, Meet Vera Stark, The Dresser, Heroes, The Brothers Size, The School for Scandal. Regional: Olney Theatre Center: Thurgood, Grounded, Monster, Having Our Say; Theatre J: Trayf, Broken Glass, Another Way Home, The Sisters Rosensweig, The Hampton Years; Mosaic Theatre Company: Unexplored Interior; Studio Theatre: Breath Boom, My Children! My Africa!; Round House Theatre: A Year With Frog and Toad (codesign). Design credits include Rep Stage, Imagination Stage, Northern Stage (VT) and several local universities. Education: MFA, University of Maryland. Teaching: Director, College Park Scholars Arts program, UMD. ZACH CAMPION (Dialects) Everyman Theatre: debut. Zach is a freelance voice, speech and dialect coach originally from San Antonio, TX. Recent regional credits include coaching dialect for Annie, My Fair

Lady, Sweeney Todd, and Angels in America (Parts 1 & 2) at Olney Theatre Center, Hand to God* [Nominated for 6 Helen Hayes awards] and Terminus at Studio Theatre, Sovereignty, The Price, and Smart People at Arena Stage, and the world premiere of The Gulf* at Signature Theatre. Upcoming projects include On the Town and The Invisible Hand at Olney Theatre Center and The Wiz at Ford’s Theatre. Zach is a certified teacher of Fitzmaurice Voicework® and is a member of the Studio Theatre Acting Conservatory faculty. Education: MFA in Theatre Pedagogy from Virginia Commonwealth University, BFA in Performance and Production from Texas State University. Voicecoachdc.com JULIA CHO (Playwright) Julia Cho’s plays include Durango, The Winchester House, BFE, The Architecture Of Loss, and 99 Histories. Her work has been produced at The Vineyard Theatre, The Public Theater, Long Wharf Theatre, Playwrights Horizons, South Coast Repertory, New York Theatre Workshop, East West Players, The Theatre@Boston Court, Theater Mu, and Silk Road Theatre Project, among others. Honors include the 2005 Barrie Stavis Award, the 2005 Claire Tow Award for Emerging Artists, and the 2004 L. Arnold Weissberger Award. She was also a twotime finalist for the Susan Smith Blackburn Award. An alumna of the Juilliard School and NYU’s Graduate Dramatic Writing Program, Julia also served as a resident playwright at New Dramatists. MISHA KACHMAN (Set Design) Everyman Theatre: debut. Regional: Asolo Rep, Baltimore Center Stage, Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, Pasadena Playhouse, Portland Center Stage, Seattle Rep, Syracuse Stage, Wilma Theater. Opera: Maryland Opera Studio, Opera Lafayette, Opera Royal Versailles. DC area: Arena Stage, The Kennedy Center, Olney Theatre Center (Artistic Associate), Round House Theatre, Signature Theatre, Theater J, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company (Company Member). Awards: 2011 Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Set Design for The AUBERGINE | 15

Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company. Education: St. Petersburg Theatre Arts Academy. VINCENT M. LANCISI (Director/Founding Artistic Director) founded Everyman Theatre in October of 1990 and has directed over 35 productions including M. Butterfly, Noises Off, Dot, Death of A Salesman, Under the Skin, Blithe Spirit, Deathtrap, Tribes, The Glass Menagerie, The Beaux’ Stratagem, August: Osage County, You Can’t Take It With You, Stick Fly, All My Sons, Two Rooms, Rabbit Hole, The Cherry Orchard, Doubt, Much Ado About Nothing, The Cone Sister, And a Nightingale Sang, The School for Scandal, A Number, Amadeus, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Buried Child, The Last Night of Ballyhoo, A Delicate Balance, Hedda Gabler, Proof, Uncle Vanya and The Last Five Years. In addition to his work at Everyman, he has taught acting and directing at Towson University, University of Maryland, Catholic University, Howard Community College, and at Everyman Theatre. He is a member of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers. Vincent is sits on the boards for the Bromo Tower Arts & Entertainment District and the Market Center Merchants Association. In the past, he has sat on the boards of the Baltimore Theatre Alliance and the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance as well as panels for the Maryland State Arts Council. Vincent holds his undergraduate degree in Theatre from Boston College and his master’s degree in Directing from The Catholic University of America. ROC LEE (Sound Design) Everyman Theatre: debut. DC-based Composer/ Sound Designer. Master of Music in Stage Music Composition from The Catholic University of America. Credits include: Arena Stage: The Price, The Year of Magical Thinking, Mother Courage; Mosaic Theater Company: CHARM, Hooded: Or Being Black for Dummies, Ulysses On Bottles; Olney Theatre Center: Annie, Thurgood, Fickle: A Fancy French Farce, Dial ‘M’ for Murder; The Welders: Hello My Name Is...; Studio Theatre: Curve of Departure; Forum Theatre: Love & Information; Faction of Fools: Our Town; EVERYMAN THEATRE | 16

GALA Hispanic Theater: Seneca El Raton de Biblioteca, In the Heights. https://roclee.net MCCORKLE CASTING, LTD (Casting Contributor) Over 55 Broadway productions including the current hit On the Town and Amazing Grace. Other casts include the Tony nominated, Broadway production, End of the Rainbow and highly acclaimed off Broadway plays; Tribes and Our Town both directed by David Cromer. A partial list of other Broadway casts include; High, The Lieutenant Of Inishmore, The Glass Menagerie, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, The Ride Down Mt. Morgan, Amadeus, She Loves Me, Blood Brothers, A Few Good Men. Notable OffBroadway projects include; Clever Little Lies, Falling, Freud’s Last Session, Almost Maine, Ears On A Beatle, Down The Garden Paths, Killer Joe, Mrs. Klein, Driving Miss Daisy. Over 50 Feature Films include; Premium Rush, Junction, Ghost Town, Bereft, Secret Window, Basic, The Thomas Crown Affair, The 13th Warrior, Madeline, Die Hard with a Vengeance, School Ties, Splash, End of the Line, Brenda Star, My Man is a Loser, Junction, etc. and 60 projects for television and New media; Twisted (ABC Family pilot), Sesame Street, 27 East, Electric Company, Californication, (Emmy nomination), Hack (CBS), Education of Max Bickford (CBS), 3Lbs (CBS), Barbershop, Chapelle’s Show, Remember Wenn, among many others. The upcoming feature film, Senior Moment starring William Shatner. IVANIA STACK (Costume Design) Everyman Theatre: Under the Skin, Grounded, Tribes, God of Carnage, Heroes, Fifty Words. Regional: Center Stage: Stones in His Pockets; Contemporary American Theatre Festival: Lidless and Breadcrumbs; Berkshire Theatre Festival: Way Out West. DC Area credits include: Olney Theatre Center (Artistic Associate), Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company (Company Member), Round House Theatre, Studio Theatre, Studio Theatre 2nd Stage, Theater J, Kennedy Center Theater for Young Audiences, GALA Hispanic Theatre, Synetic Theater, MetroStage, and Forum Theatre.

She is a Ring Leader (Artistic Director) for dog & pony dc. Education: MFA in Design Program, university of Maryland. CAT WALLIS (Stage Manager) Everyman Theatre: The Revolutionists, M. Butterfly, Noises Off, Great Expectations, The Roommate, Under The Skin, Fences, Ghosts, Grounded, (Stage Manager); Death
 of A Salesman, A Streecar Named Desire, Ruined (Assistant Stage Manager); Regional: Contemporary American Theatre Festival: Uncanny Valley, Heartless, A Discourse on the Wonders of the Invisible World, Gidion’s Knot, From Prague; Northern Stage: Grounded; Delaware REP (selected): Night of the Iguana, The Threepenny Opera, Hamlet, The Skin of Our Teeth, Our Country’s Good, The Cripple of Inishmaan, Noises Off!, I am My Own Wife, The Glass Menagerie, Fever (world premiere); Dallas Children’s Theatre: The Boxer; Seattle Children’s Theatre: The Borrowers, Lyle the Crocodile; Nebraska Repertory Theatre: The Little Prince, Jakes Women, Dinner with Friends, You’re
a Good Man Charlie Brown; Snowy Range Summer Theatre: Headset (premiere), Kosher Lutherans (premiere); The Missouri Theatre: Babes in Arms. Education: BFA – University of Nebraska, MFA – PTTP University of Delaware. OLNEY THEATRE CENTER Olney Theatre Center is an award-winning, nonprofit, Equity theatre. Our mission is to produce and present extraordinary theatre and performance from our four-theatre campus for an ever-more diverse set of audiences in our community, and to educate the next generation of theatremakers to follow in our footsteps. We strive every day to unleash the creative potential of our artist and audiences, and in so doing, become Maryland’s premier center for theatre performance and education. In the past four years, Olney Theatre has had nine world or regional premieres, including Andrew Hinderaker’s Colossal (2015 Charles MacArthur Award for Outstanding New Play or Musical), and Jennifer Hoppe-House’s Bad Dog (2015 Steinberg Award nominee). Olney Theatre places a priority on engaging our community by ensuring that we remain

affordable, accessible and inviting to new and returning audiences. Located just north of Washington, D.C. in arts-rich Montgomery County, Maryland, Olney Theatre Center offers a diverse array of over 300 professional productions yearround. It is situated on 14 wooded acres in the heart of the beautiful WashingtonBaltimore-Frederick “triangle,” within easy access to all three cities, and is also home to National Players, America’s longestrunning touring company. Olney Theatre Center is led by Artistic Director Jason Loewith and Managing Director Debbie Ellinghaus. For more information, please visit olneytheatre.org.

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WHAT IS THE BROMO DISTRICT? Imagine an arts district that connects the Stadiums and Downtown with a major corridor of Theatres, Galleries, and other public displays of art. Heading north, up the main arteries of Eutaw and Howard Streets, encounter Theatres, a public marketplace, and incubators spawning pop up galleries and emerging artists to be discovered. Continue on to find arts organizations celebrating the history and heritage of Baltimore and cultural institutions leading visitors up to the northern reaches of the district at Read and Howard Streets. In the next decade the Bromo Tower Arts and Entertainment District will become a premiere district for performances and arts exhibitions sought out by citizens of Baltimore and visitors alike. The district will offer opportunities for artists of all disciplines to live, work, and create here. The district encourages the collaboration among its stakeholders and will attract new ones offering resources towards the creation and display of the arts.




veryman Theatre was founded by Vincent Lancisi in 1990. From the beginning, Everyman strove to provide top-notch theatre that is affordable and accessible to everyone. With a Resident Company of local, professional artists, Everyman has staged critically-acclaimed productions ranging from classics to contemporary works to world premieres over the past 27 years.

Everyman’s first production—The Runner Stumbles—was produced in the winter of 1990 at Saint John’s Church. For the next four years, Everyman could only afford to produce one production per year at various locations in Baltimore, including Vagabond’s Theatre, the Theatre Project and even a classroom at MICA.

subscriptions numbers grew and a string of popular and acclaimed productions, including Amadeus, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Lion in Winter, The Glass Menagerie, The Crucible, and the wildly successful Proof, proved that Everyman was a mainstay in the Baltimore theatre scene. Through a generous donation from Bank of America and the Harold A. Dawson Trust, Everyman was given its new home on Fayette Street. Over the span of six years, Everyman completed a successful $18 million capital campaign co-chaired by Gina and Dan Hirschhorn. In January 2013, Everyman celebrated the Grand Opening of its new permanent home on Fayette Street with the record-breaking production of the Pulitzer Prize winning drama, August: Osage County.

The 1994/95 Season marked a series for firsts for Everyman. It was the first year at Everyman celebrated its 25th anniversary 1727 North Charles Street, which would during the 2015/16 Season by producing be Everyman's home for 18 years. It also "The Great American Rep," a feat featuring marked the first multi-production line-up— American classics Death of a Salesman and A starting with Sam Shepard's Buried Child— Streetcar Named Desire performed with the and also offered subscriptions to patrons for same cast in rotating repertory. the first time. Now in it’s 27th Season, Everyman invites Throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s, you to be a part of its next chapter.

FOUNDING BOARD MEMBERS These extraordinary board members have provided leadership for the organization for ten or more years.

Gordon Becker Nathan Chernoff+ Patricia Egan James R. Eyler Susan Sachs Fleishman + Deceased

Maurice Furchgott Niki Harris Gina B. Hirschhorn Bridget M. Horner Jeannie Howe

Vincent M. Lancisi Jonathan Melnick R. Rex Rehfeld E. Lee Robbins, M.D. Zelig Robinson

Vic Romita Frank Rosenberg Leonard Sachs+ Elspeth Udvarhelyi+ Martha Weiman AUBERGINE | 19







ANNUAL FUND DONORS Thank you to all our generous annual fund donors. Your support is essential and allows us to present the very best in live professional theatre. Gifts listed here were received from donors between July 1, 2016 and February 12, 2018.

GOVERNMENT, FOUNDATIONS, FUNDS AND CORPORATIONS ANGEL $20,000+ Paul M. Angell Family Foundation William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund, creator of the Baker Artist Awards, www.bakerartistawards.org Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation, Inc. David and Barbara B Hirschhorn Foundation Legg Mason Charitable Foundation LifeBridge Health Maryland State Arts Council The Shen Family Foundation The Sheridan Foundation The Shubert Foundation Stockman Family Foundation RESIDENT COMPANY SPONSOR $10,000 - $19,999 Abell Foundation, Inc. Baltimore County Commission on Arts and Sciences Bank of America Foundation BGE The Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation Bunting Family Foundation, Inc. Downtown Partnership of Baltimore Goldsmith Family Foundation Helen S. and Merrill L. Bank Foundation Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds Lockhart Vaughan Foundation Mary Jean and Oliver Travers Foundation, in honor of Stan Miller SunTrust T. Rowe Price Foundation University of Maryland, Baltimore Venable Foundation

Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation Muller Charitable Foundation, Inc. PNC Bank Earle and Annette Shawe Family Foundation Yumkas, Vidmar, Sweeney & Mulrenin, LLC PRODUCER $2,500 - $4,999 IBM Corporation ASSOCIATE PRODUCER $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous Campbell Foundation, Inc. Carefirst, Bluecross Blueshield The Doctrow Family Endowment Fund Harvey M. Meyerhoff Fund, Inc. Hecht-Levi Foundation The Jean & Sidney Silber Foundation Lois and Philip Macht Family Philanthropic Fund Phyllis and Joe Johnson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Bank Family Fund Richard and Rosalee C. Davison Foundation Rosemore, Inc. M. Sigmund and Barbara K. Shapiro Philanthropic Fund Sinsky-Kresser-Racusin Memorial Foundation Inc. The Wolman Family Foundation DIRECTOR $500 - $999 Actors’ Equity Foundation, Inc. Freedom Car Harbor Bank Helen M. Hughes Trust Herschel and Judith Langenthal Philanthropic Fund Jaye and Dr. Ted Bayless Fund Margaret O. Cromwell Family Fund McCormick & Co. Northern Stage Young Audiences of Maryland, Inc. PLAYWRIGHT $250 - $499 Cantler Fulwiler Family Fund Jencks Family Fund Joyce and Robert Knodell Family Charitable Fund Norfolk Southern Foundation Matching Gifts Program Ransome-Wilcox Family Fund Taylor Foundation, Inc.

EXECUTIVE PRODUCER $5,000 - $9,999 American Trading and Production Corporation Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts Exelon Matching Gifts Foundation Harris Jones & Malone, LLC John J. Leidy Foundation, Inc. AUBERGINE | 21

INDIVIDUALS ANGEL $20,000+ Anonymous Susan W. Flanigan Beth Goldsmith Gina and Dan Hirschhorn Sandy and Mark Laken John and Susan Nehra RESIDENT COMPANY SPONSOR $10,000 - $19,999 Jane W. Daniels Bridget and John Horner, Jr. Patricia and Mark Joseph, The Shelter Foundation David and Betsy Nelson Dr. E. Lee and Bea Robbins Vic and Nancy Romita Lawrence Yumkas and Miriam Fisher EXECUTIVE PRODUCER $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous Brenda K. Ashworth and Donald F. Welch Pat and David Bernstein William and Pat Bettridge Mary Catherine Bunting Charlton G. C. Friedberg Shirley T. Hollander, in memory of Phyllis C. Karrer Phyllis and Joe Johnson Mark and Kelly Keener Mark Paul Lehman and Kurt Davis Wil Love and Carl Schurr Ellen and Neil Meltzer Robert E. Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker Stan and Laurie Miller Elizabeth K. Moser Diane and Pete Nachtwey Dr. David and Nancy Paige Bryan and Jennifer Rakes John and Marsha Ramsay Frank and Ann Rosenberg PRODUCER $2,500 - $4,999 Anonymous Jean Waller Brune Paul and Kathleen Casey Dr. Larry and Nancy Fishel Debra and Maurice Furchgott Francine and Allan Krumholz Brian and Eileen O’Rourke Mike Plaisted and Maggie Webbert

Robert Russell, in memory of Lelia Russell Fred and Joan Steffens ASSOCIATE PRODUCER $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous George and Frances Alderson Valerie and Neil Axel Robert R. Bair and Dorothy D. Bair Penny Bank Bruce and Polly Behrens Diane E. Cho and David W. Benn Richard and Rita Berndt David and Liz Block Bruce Blum Patty Bond Winnie and Neal Borden Michael Borowitz and Barbara Crain Robert Brookland Stan and Edie Brown Arnold D and Joyce Ann Bruckner Jennifer Burdick Ms. Gina Campbell Shaun Carrick and Ronald Griffin Suzanne F. Cohen Janice Collins and James Storey Betty and Stephen Cooper Walter B. Doggett III and Joanne Doggett Rosemary Eck Gwen DuBois and Terry Fitzgerald Ms. Susan Sachs Fleishman Elborg and Robert Forster Jason and Laurie Frank Mitzi and Norman Glick Philanthropic Fund Doug and Corie Godine Herbert and Harriet Goldman Marci Gordon and Andrew Barnstein Charles Henck and Karen Malloy Sandra and Thomas Hess June and George Higgins William C. Jacob and Jennifer S. Williams Lois and Joseph Johnson, Jr. Lisa Harris Jones and Sean Malone Shirley A. Kaufman Martha and J.R. Kirkland Paul Konka and Susan Dugan-Konka Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kovacs Stanford and Lynne Lamberg Vincent Lancisi and Robin Vanscoy


Peter Leffman Diane Leonard Bernard and Steffi Liberman Sara Lombardo and James MacNicholl Kenneth C. and Elizabeth M. Lundeen John and Shanae McLean Joseph and Jane Meyer Charlie and Marcia Moylan Ruth Nolan William and Susan Paznekas Fred and Grazina Pearson Harriet Roberts Sarah S. Robinson Zelig and Linda Robinson Grant and Elissa Roch Rona and Arthur Rosenbaum Burr and Judi Short Rachelle and Ronnie Silverstein Bob and Jackie Smelkinson Joaneath A. Spicer Ruth and Chuck Spivak Dorothea S. Stieff Louis B. Thalheimer and Juliet A. Eurich Karen and Jim Trennepohl Elizabeth Trexler Dr. Laurie S. Zabin Marvin and Cindy Zelkowitz DIRECTOR $500 - $999 Anonymous James and Ellen Adajian David and Suzanne Alexander Brad and Lindsay Alger Joel Balsham Bruce and Amy Barnett Emile A. Bendit and Diane Abeloff Mr. James Blackburn + Mr. and Mrs. A. Stanley Brager, Jr. Livio and Diane Broccolino David Brown Donald D. Brown and Linda W. Brown Jeffrey Budnitz Hank Bullwinkel and Teri Majewski Dr. Elizabeth Burin and Dr. Avishai Ben-David Christopher Callaghan Evelyn Cannon Susan L. Chomicz, in memory of Eunice Chomicz Chuck Cohen and Ann Amernick Joan Piven Cohen and Samuel Cohen

Peter Cohen and Ann Watson, in honor of Laurie and Stan Miller Joseph Coons and Victoria Bradley Harlan and Jean Cramer Ken Davies Natalie Davis Lawrie Deering and Albert DeLoskey Frank Eisenberg and Catherine C. Blake Jennifer Engel Dr. Mary Anne Facciolo and Dr. Michael Repka Fran and John Flanigan Brian Flowers Sandra Levi Gerstung Susan Gillette Martha and Tad Glenn Barbara Glynn Hannah and Thorne Gould Jon Greenberg and Connie Rosemont Donald M. and Dorothy W. Gundlach Robert and Cheryl Guth Terry Halle and Wendy McAllister Fritzi K. and Robert J. Hallock James and Catherine Hammond James F. Hart Barbara L. Hecht Samuel and Barbara Himmelrich Frank and Ann Hubbard Dave and Katherine Hurst Ruth B Hurwitz Dr. and Mrs. Iredell W. Iglehart III Ann H. Kahan Joan G. Klein Ann and David Koch Rudy Koffler Larry Koppelman and Liz Ritter Gregory Wise and Raymond Kraft Harriet and Jay Kramer Barry Kropf Jessica Lanzillotti Greg Lehne Judith Letcher Steven and Michelle Levin Ms. Susan Leviton Kathleen Liparini Sam and Suzie Macfarlane Joy Mandel and Tim Nehl Richard Manichello and Margo Halle/Ram Films Inc Frank and Joyce Margolis William Marshall and Camille Wheeler + Deceased

Joselin Martin and Joe Jackson Linda Matheson Dr. Wendy Matt and Dr. Sukumar Balachandran Dennis G. McGough Phyllis McIntosh John and Mary Messmore Linda Nevaldine Andrew and Sharon Nickol Drs. Mary O’Connor and Charles King Steve and Sherri O’Donnell Robert and Patricia Orr Joan W. Orso Thomas L. and Leslie V. Owsley Dr. Lawrence C. Pakula Justine and Ken Parezo Pamela Pasqualini and Greg Huff Faye E. Pines Dale and Dorothy Piper Dorothy Holliday Powe Diane E. Proctor, in honor of The Cast and Crew of Los Otros Bob and Shirley Prue Ms. Queale Scott and Gwyneth Radloff Karen Ray and Howard Turk Reid Reininger Domingo and Karen Rodriguez Leslie and Jay Rosenthal Jamie and Sarah Ryan Monica and Arnold Sagner Jean Savina and Gayle Barney Susan Scheidle Norman A. and Leonora D. Sensinger Stephen and Gail Shawe Joan and Edward Sills Susan and John Spencer Steve and Sue Sternheimer, in honor of The Resident Company Damie and Diane Stillman Lynne Stuart Pat Thompson and Ed Sledge JoAnn Tracey Elizabeth Trimble Carly Troyer Debra and Henry Tyrangiel Henry and Barbara Valeri Kathleen Vanderhorst Dr. and Mrs. Peter Warschawski Franchella Pailen-Watkins Stan and Martha Weiman Michael and Helen Weiss Barbara Coleman White

Beverly Winter PLAYWRIGHT $250 - $499 Anonymous Ronald and Baiba Abrams Eleanor Allen Dr. Sania Amr, in memory of Tyson Tildon Taunya L. Banks Greg Baranoski and Lucio Gama Dr. and Mrs. Mordecai Blaustein Rosellen and Norman Bloomberg Philanthropic Fund, in honor of Dr. Stan and Laurie Miller and Edie Brown Elizabeth Blue Jan Boyce Jason and Mindy Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Victoria Bringman Jan Caughlan Joseph and Barbara Cirelli Ronald and Peggy Cohen Joan Coley and Lee Rice Will Cooke Greg and Martha Cukor Gwen Davidson Alan Deanehan and Margaret Boeckmann Michael Domue, in honor of Carl Sherman Ross and Michele Donehower Deborah Duskey, in honor of Mark Paul Lehman Neil and Deborah Eisenberg Susan Eisenberg Linda Ettinger and Curt Lind Tony and Jaymee Farinacci Susie and Bob Fetter John and Dorothy Foellmer Joseph and Teresa Freed Mark and Patti Gillen Sonny and Laurie Glassner Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Goldberg Judith A. Gottlieb Mr. Robert Greenfield Dale and Alonzo Griffin, in memory of Elauna Griffin John and Susan Hailman Thomas and Rebecca Hamer Gary C. Harn, in memory of Manny Velder Ellen M. Heller and Shale D. Stiller Suzanne Hill Ken and Ellen Himmelstein Michael Hirschhorn and Jimena AUBERGINE | 23

Martinez Harriet S. Iglehart Elizabeth Kennedy Townsend and Bob Kent Kenneth B. and Bonny M. Lewis Mr. Paul Kidd and Mrs. Alison Loughran, in memory of Donna Loughran Ron and Marianne Kreitner Rosalind and Alfred Kronthal Charles Kuning Robert and Barbara Landau Anne Langley Linda F. and Julian L. Lapides Jonna and Fred Lazarus Howard and Peggy Levinton Peter Levy and Diane Krejsa Barry Linkner Joan Locke Richard Marriott Jeanne E. Marsh Judy and David Mauriello Hans and Judy Mayer J. A. McAlpine Carol McCord Stephanie F. Miller Tracy Miller and Paul Arnest Stephanie Moore and Dr. Lindsay Johnson Barry Narlines Ted Niederman and Ricka Neuman Lewis and Dee Noonberg Jeffrey Nover and Ally Amerson Robert and Judith Pierce Leslie and Gary Plotnick Sue Shaner and John Roberts Robert and Ellen Rosen Wendy S. Rosen Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Rosenstein Carla Wolf Rosenthal and Alan Schwartz Richard and Kayleen Saucier Thea and Sam Schnydman Thomas M. Scott III Betsy and Carlton Sexton Stephanie Shade Joel and Robin Shaivitz Judy Shub-Condliffe and Jack Condliffe, in memory of Vivienne Shub and Naomi Greenberg Dr. and Mrs. Harvey and Deborah Singer Susan Smith Carl and Margaret Soderstrom Scott Sokol

Judy and Carl Sterling Ellen Stifler James Stofan and William Law Doris Styche Sweet Bonnie Binder and Bob Tucker John and Mary Lou Walker Joanne and Ed Wallach Sylvia Wehr Robert and Shifra Weinberg Margaret Williams Mark I. Whitman Magaret Widman Patricia A. Yevics-Eisenberg Carol and Chris Yoder


Production Corporation Brown Advisory Caves Valley Partners Cho Benn Holback & Associates Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP Heritage Properties Inc. Legg Mason Corporate Citizenship Lord Baltimore Hotel M&T Bank P. Flanigan and Sons Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP Rosemore Inc. The Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation SunTrust Venable LLP Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP Yumkas, Vidmar, Sweeney & Mulrenin, LLC

INDIVIDUALS PRODUCERS CIRCLE Anonymous Rick Berndt Jean Waller Brune Susan W. Flanigan Gina and Dan Hirschhorn Martha and JR Kirkland Mark Paul Lehman and Kurt Davis Stan and Laurie Miller John and Susan Nehra Vic and Nancy Romita Bob and Teri Smith Kelly Keenan Trumpbour


ARTISTS CIRCLE Barry Greenberg David and Nancy Paige Lisa Harris Jones and Sean Malone DIRECTORS CIRCLE Marci I. Gordon and Andrew Barnstein Andy and Steffi Graham Bridget and John Horner Christine Miki and Bill Jaquis ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FROM Beatty Development Group First Floor Graphics King Audio Visual LIVE AUCTION AND EDUCATION DONORS Dr. and Mrs. Marshall and Joyce Bedine Ed and Ellen Bernard Brooks Bradley Eva and Warren Brill Jean Waller Brune Christopher Callaghan David and Amanda Conn Pamela Conover Julio Davalos Chris DiPietro Mr. and Mrs. Eben D. Finney III Emlyn and Pierce Flanigan Susan W. Flanigan Debra and Maurice Furchgott Saul Gilstein Doug and Corie Godine Pam and Sam Himmelrich Gina and Dan Hirschhorn Barbara and Jack Holley Bridget and John Horner, Jr. Mark and Kelley Keener Kevin Kelehan The James A.C. & Maureen A. Kennedy Charitable Giving Fund Laura L Freedlander Foundation Charles L. Maskell Chris and Stephanie McCormick Stacey McCulle Stan and Laurie Miller Janice Moore Bruce R. Nelson and Richard Goldberg Paul and Susan Niemeyer Jumoke Osias Dr. David and Nancy Paige Bryan and Jennifer Rakes

Kara Redman Dr. E. Lee and Bea Robbins Daniel Rocek Vic and Nancy Romita Anthony and Gina Rosso Christina and David Scharff Stephen and Gail Shawe Gregory Simmons Toni and Jason St. John William and Lisa Stromberg Katherine Sunder Laura Tucker David Wallack Joseph Werner Lawrence Yumkas and Miriam Fisher

Please bring any errors or omissions to our attention by contacting Allie Dreskin: adreskin@everymantheatre.org 443.615.7055 x7123


3304 Glenmore Avenue • Baltimore, MD 21214 Shop (410) 254-2469 • Direct (443) 831-5529 edawson@dawsontailors.org dawsontailors.org

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vic Romita, President Dr. Stanley Miller, Vice President Mark Paul Lehman, Vice President Marci I. Gordon, Secretary Eileen M. O’Rourke, Treasurer Susan W. Flanigan, Immediate Past President Edie Brown Jean Waller Brune Diane Cho Corie Godine Lisa Harris Jones Gina Hirschhorn Bridget M. Horner Mark P. Keener Martha M. Kirkland Vincent M. Lancisi John McLean Neil Meltzer Peter Nachtwey Susan L. Nehra Betsy Nelson E. Lee Robbins, M.D. Frank Rosenberg James Ryan Kelly Keenan Trumpbour Dawn Ursula Meadow Lark Washington

CONTACT INFORMATION Box Office 410.752.2208 Administration 443.615.7055 Email boxoffice@everymantheatre.org Address 315 W. Fayette St. Baltimore, MD 21201


Megan Anderson

Eric Berryman

Danny Gavigan

Tim Getman

Deborah Hazlett

Beth Hylton

Wil Love

Bruce Randolph Nelson

Carl Schurr

Dawn Ursula

Stan Weiman

Yaegel T. Welch

RESIDENT ARTISTS Everyman Theatre is a member of the Theatre Communications Group. Everyman Theatre is a member of the Bromo Arts and Entertainment District.

Daniel Ettinger, Scenic Designer David Burdick, Costume Designer Jay A. Herzog, Lighting Designer Gary Logan, Dialects Coach Lewis Shaw, Fight Choreographer Amanda M. Hall, Stage Manager



Vincent M. Lancisi, Founding Artistic Director Jonathan K. Waller, Managing Director


Mike Watson, Operations Manager Laura Weiss, Special Assistant to the Artistic & Managing Directors Shammah Moore, Porter Pat Brent, Bookkeeper


Noah Himmelstein, Associate Artistic Director Johanna Gruenhut, Salon Producer

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Brian Francoise, Director of Community Engagement Asia McCullum, Community Engagement Fellow


Stephanie Moore, Director of Development Allie Dreskin, Institutional Giving Manager


Brianna McCoy, Director of Education Lisa Langston, Education Program Manager Brenna Horner, Lead Teaching Artist Abigail Cady, Education Apprentice Laurie Ascoli Sandra Atkinson, Wychkam Avery, Audrey Bertaux, Tara Cariaso, Reenie Codelka, Ian Anthony Coleman, Kevin Corbett, Amanda Forstrom, Brian Francoise, Kelsey Hall, Deborah Hazlett, Emma Hebert, Mitchell HĂŠbert, John Henderson, Donald Hicken, Nick Horan, Beth Hylton, Rachel Hynes, Joe Mallon, Brandon McCoy, Bruce Randolph Nelson, Jack Novak, Jesse Palmer, Fatima Quander, Jonathan Rizzardi, Steven Satta, Shirley Serotsky, Lewis Shaw, Sabrina Sikes-Thornton, Dawn Thomas Reidy, KenYatta Rogers, Ann Turiano, Teaching Artists


Nadine Klatt, Box Office Manager Kendrel Dickerson, Audience Services Manager Abigail Cady, Kasey Fields, Sharea Harris, Jonathan Jacobs, Ally Kocerhan, Faith Savill, Matthew Schleigh, Bartenders Abigail Cady, Eddy Collett, Cierra Harman, James Fulwiler, Jonathan Jacobs, Jamil Johnson, Thom Purdy, Matthew Schleigh, Rachel-Miranda Swan, Benairen SwansonTomhave, Lucy Wakeland, Box Office Associates EVERYMAN THEATRE | 28

Kate Appiah-Kubi, Candice Christmas, James Fulwiler, Jonathan Jacobs, Jamil Johnson, Alanah Nichole, Derrell Owens, Nickole Scroggins, House Managers Kate Appiah-Kubi Volunteer Coordinator


Michele Alexander, Director of Marketing Jared Earley, Marketing & Media Relations Manager Katherine Marmion, Graphic Designer Chris Giese, Digital Content Manager Kyle Era, Marketing Intern Jeff Rogers, 2017-18 Season Show Art Design


Kyle Prue, Director of Production Amanda M. Hall, Associate Director of Production Bill Jamieson, Technical Director Rick Gerriets, Asst. Technical Director Andrew Gaylin, Audio Engineer Juan Juarez, Master Electrician Jillian Mathews, Properties Master Patrick Squibb, Scene Shop Foreman Evan McDougall, Resident Carpenter Joseph Martin, Michael Rasinski, Trevor Wilhelms, House Carpenters J. R. Schroyer, Deck Chief Lucy Wakeland, Wardrobe Supervisor Amanda M. Hall, Cat Wallis, Stage Managers Kayla Whisman, Assistant Stage Manager Juan Juarez, Alex Roberts, Light Board Operators Cory Raynor, Sound Board Operator Kelsey Schneider, Captioning Operator Darrell Hairston, Jr., Sierra Ho, Stefen Mayrant, Tiwalade Oni, Kelsey Schneider, J.R. Schroyer, Carpenters Jessica Anderson, Steven Burrall, Jesse Herche, Brandon Ingle, Jeremy McCord, Zachary Paul, Alex Roberts, Alexis Sheeks, Electricians A special thank you to our producing partners at Olney Theatre Center for the wonderful execution of the scenic and costume designs of Aubergine. Stephen M. Greene, Technical Director; Preston Sullivan, Assistant Technical Director; Sarah Splaine, Shop Foreman; Abby Bender, Joseph Caverly, Benjamin Ramos, Carpenters; Fred Via, Scenic Artist; Jeanne Bland, Costume Shop Supervisor; Seth Gilbert, Assistant Costume Shop Supervisor


Welcome to Lexington Market, the best way to taste what Baltimore has to offer. Whether you come from near or far, you’ll find the city’s favorite flavors served up by Baltimore natives. We’ve got dozens of vendors, offering all kinds of fresh-made food for you to sample and savor.


April 22–July 29, 2018 See the pioneering African American artist’s most personal work—hand-carved and assembled sculptures inspired by the materials and traditions of Africa and ancient Greece. PURCHASE TICKETS AT ARTBMA.ORG MEMBERS SEE IT FREE—JOIN TODAY This exhibition is co-organized by The Baltimore Museum of Art and The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Jack Whitten. Detail, Homage to the Kri-Kri. 1985. Courtesy of the Artist’s Estate and Hauser & Wirth. Photography by Genevieve Hanson.

“After each class, I come home a happier person and better artist.” - Zach P. Actor’s Craft Cohort Member




April 14-June 9



April 14-May 19




ARTISTIC YOGA April 17-May 22



ACTING 3: THE ACTOR’S PERFORMANCE April 23-June 18 Prerequisite: Acting 1&2

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