Everything Knoxville February 2014 Edition

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Danielle Bernard, PA

Pam McGill, Aesthetician

D R E S S E S • G I F T S • I N FA N T S • A C C E S S O R I E S • J A C K E T S • S W E AT E R S • J E A N S • D R E S S E S • G I F T S • I N FA N T S J A C K E T S • S W E AT E R S • J E A N S • D R E S S E S • G I F T S • I N FA N T S

A C C E S S O R I E S • J A C K E T S • S W E AT E R S • J E A N S • D R E S S E S • G I F T S I N FA N T S • A C C E S S O R I E S • J A C K E T S • S W E AT E R S • J E A N S • D R E S S E S • G I F T S • I N FA N T S • A C C E S S O R I E S

7212 Kingston Pike in Knoxville (next to Olive Garden on the side of the Bed Store) 865.584.2878 MONDAY–FRIDAY 10-6 • SATURDAY 10-5 |







February 15 Marsh Professional Group

Don’t pay too much for tax preparation.

16 Matthew David Barocas, P.C.

Judy Irmen

The Etiquette Factory

Publisher + Editor in Chief

Tom Irmen Director of Sales + Marketing

Kendra Menendez Editor + Administration

EK Graphics Team

A law firm focused on small business.

Design + Production

26 Waggy Tails Pet Sitting + Dog Walking

Contact Information P.O. Box 463 Tellico Plains, TN 37385 Phone: 865.856.6463 Fax: 423.253.7502

Caring for your four-legged kids.

27 ArtXtravaganza 2014

Reach us Online info@everythingknoxville.com www.everythingknoxville.com

Now partnering with local galleries.

32 Schakolad Chocolate Factory

Hours of Business Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Delicious, one-of-a-kind Valentine gifts.

Healthy Eating........................................... 18 Educator Profile....................................... 26 Random Acts of Flowers..................... 29 Insights & Highlights............................. 36 Knox Heritage............................................ 62 Travel America.......................................... 64 Calendar of Events.................................. 68 For Entrepreneurs.................................. 73 Etiquette in Training.............................. 74 Relationships.............................................. 74

The Etiquette Factory trains children and professionals in the art of self mastery, giving them the edge that leads to greater personal and professional success. Monica Irvine, National Life Coach & Professional Etiquette Trainer

IKAP Independent Knoxville Area Publishers

From the Publisher THE COMING OF February

means that spring is not far away. This winter has been especially challenging with the frigid temperatures that have kept us all indoors, and the shorter days with less sunshine can have an affect on moods and behavior. Thank goodness that winter does not last long. This month we are pleased to feature a woman entrepreneur who saw a need for adjusting behavior and created a successful business from that need. Monica Irvine, founder and owner of The Etiquette Factory and one of our regular contributing writers, is making a difference in children’s and professionals’ 4


Everything Knoxville is distributed in Downtown Knoxville and select residential communities including Sequoyah Hills, Bearden, West Knoxville, Farragut, Concord and Hardin Valley

About the Cover behaviors by educating them on etiquette. Monica teaches the value of integrity, character, work ethic, personal initiative, and professionalism. Read how you, your family, and your business can benefit from The Etiquette Factory. To top off our February edition, we have highlighted a variety of gifts for your Valentine. February 14th is the day set aside to make your Valentine feel special. You can choose from gifts that pamper like a day at the spa, something that sparkles and glitters, or maybe a sweet treat. We invite you to check out all the possibilities inside our February edition, and Happy Valentine’s Day to all from PUBLISHER + EDITOR IN CHIEF Everything Knoxville.

This month David Roberts of D. Roberts Photography has photographed Monica Irvine, National Life Coach & Professional Etiquette Trainer. Turn to page 6 to learn more about Monica and The Etiquette Factory.

Judy Irmen

Photograph by D. Roberts Photography

© 2014 Everything Knoxville



HIS MONTH Everything Knoxville is pleased to feature the nation's leader in etiquette education, The Etiquette Factory, and its founder, Monica Irvine. A mother of three and a home schooler, Monica's interest in children's etiquette was fostered by her deep personal belief that children need to be educated in the art of etiquette that will not only benefit them in their youth, but that helps ensure their future success in their adult lives and in their careers. While originally targeting children, The Etiquette Factory has expanded its curriculum to include both schools and workplace professionals. A certified etiquette instructor and master motivator, Monica teaches children, adolescents, and professionals the value of integrity, character, work ethic, personal initiative, and professionalism.

EK: What inspired you to create The Etiquette Factory? MONICA: For starters, I have three boys. Need I say more? Honestly, one day several years ago my son and I were studying about the life of George Washington. We learned that when he was a young teen, his mentor encouraged him to memorize a list of chivalry skills, which he did. I was so fascinated by this, because I knew President Washington was known for his chivalry, and this was a light bulb moment for me. I thought that if I could create a simple, fun program that broke manners down into “bite size” pieces of information, maybe it could really make a difference with my three boys and also others. So that’s what I did. EK: What about The Etiquette Factory are you most proud of? MONICA: I love watching people, both children and adults, respond to learning these skills. I guess when I first started this company, my goal was to teach and motivate people to use manners and see the benefits that come when we strive to treat others in a way that shows we value them. I knew this was directly related to one’s personal happiness and professional success. I wasn’t aware that the other result that would happen, especially in children, was the change in their self-confidence when they learned these skills. I have had parents ask me, “How did you do in one week what we have been trying to do our child’s whole life... giving our child self-confidence?” My answer... they just needed more skills. I love watching that. EK: Why do you think your summer manner’s camps have become so popular? MONICA: Because they’re fun! The children learn things they know and can feel will bring them happiness. The kids get so excited to go home to show and teach their families the things they’ve learned. I always laugh, because often a child will say something like, “Mrs. Irvine, I can’t wait to teach my mom and dad this because they’ve never learned this before. They’re going to be so happy.” I know that many of these children are taught these things by their parents, but sometimes when they hear it from someone besides mom and dad, it finally sinks in. My kids do this, too. Happiness truly is the result of learning these skills, and kids know it. EK: What services does The Etiquette Factory offer adults and businesses? MONICA: We have eight professional workshops that focus on business etiquette, leadership, dining etiquette, professionalism, stress management, parenting, and so much more. These workshops literally can change the entire atmosphere of any business or family. They are a great way to help employees and individuals refine their skills of professionalism. With today’s competitive market, companies have to stand out from the rest, and the best way to do that is with customer service. It seems like more and more businesses today are more apathetic towards making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you do business with them. Personally, I like the warm and fuzzy approach. Yes, I also want excellence in products and services, but the warm and fuzzy is what brings me in the door and makes me want to stay long enough to see what a company has to offer. We teach companies how to show excellence in customer service, employee relations, and leadership.

Photo by D. Roberts Photography



EK: How can parents help transform their home atmosphere into a home where manners are the priority without correcting their children all day? MONICA: This is a great question. First, I hope they will come to one of our parenting workshops that we offer to churches, social groups, etc. Here they will learn techniques that will help them instill in their children a great love for manners. Sound impossible? It’s not. It’s all about the approach. It’s all about helping our children to see how having good manners and social skills positively effects every single aspect of our lives. If you like to get what you want, if you like to have great friends and healthy relationships, if you want to be professionally successful, this is how.

Do your employees dress and communicate professionally?

EK: It looks like The Etiquette Factory has expanded into other states and countries. Tell us about this. MONICA: Yes. I am so excited about the growth of The Etiquette Factory. We have EF owners in 14 states and seven countries, and we continue to grow. Basically, someone can get a license to operate an EF business in their community if their territory is open. Our owners have access to our EF camp program, professional training, product line, and much more. Some of our owners use their license to supplement their income, and some work the business full time. Here is one thing that I know. The world is “hungry” for help in this area. Parents, teachers, business owners, etc. from all around the

world are calling and ordering products every week. Regardless of the country they live in, they see a decline in civility and see that it’s affecting their communities in many negative ways. It’s never too late to turn this around. That’s why at the EF, we focus on one child and one person at a time, because one person living a life of impeccable manners affects the lives of hundreds of people. Do you have impeccable telephone skills EK: How are schools taking that impress your customers? advantage of your product line? MONICA: We are so excited to have launched our “Life Skills for You” EK: What do you think is the biggest online curriculum for grades 4 through mistake parents make when teaching 10. This curriculum is the missing link to their children manners? a complete, well-rounded education. With MONICA: I’m guilty of this, too, but most 142 lessons on manners, integrity, character, of us are tempted to only teach manners leadership, empathy, anti-bullying, responwhen we are correcting our children. For sibility, and more, this curriculum is not instance, we see our child do something only changing individual students, but it’s that we think is rude, and we say, “Honey, changing schools. The classes participate that’s really rude. Don’t do that.” Our childaily in 10 minute lessons accessible online, dren then start to relate manners to getting then each student completes a five minute fussed at a little. The best way to teach homework assignment. It’s an easy sale to manners is to work on one skill at a time private schools, but our goal is to have it in and teach it as if you were teaching a lesson. public schools throughout the world. It For example, perhaps this week we may really is making a difference, because it’s work on cleaning up after ourselves first fun, very informative, and teaches students by talking about why this shows respect to in a way that motivates them to put these those we live with, then outlining the plan skills to the test and see if using them really for each family member to achieve this does work. skill, and finally, creating an award system for success. Then, next week we focus on EK: Why do you believe society as a another skill, improving as we go along. whole is becoming more uncivil? MONICA: Well, I believe many things are EK: How can people take advantage of contributing to this. My list would include all the services and products you’ve things such as a breakdown in family talked about? values, over zealous personal schedules MONICA: The easiest way is to visit that place all of us in over worked, over our website, www.TheEtiquetteFactory. stressed, and over tired states of mind, com. Our summer 2014 manner’s camp and I think one of the major contributors schedule is already up with enrollments is just a lack of quality time spent with our happening now. These camps always children in teaching moments. Many parfill up with a waiting list, so enroll early. ents, for instance, pick up their children Businesses can go to our “Professional from school, rush to after school practices Services” page where they can see our proand programs, grab dinner at a drive thru, fessional workshops and then request an and then rush home for bed. This type of application and price sheet. Come and see schedule doesn’t leave much time to sit, what we have to offer. Whether you’re a talk, teach, and play with our children in youth group, parent group, girl scout troop, the spirit of growing their character. I college class, or business, we can help. believe if we would reduce our schedules To set up your free consultation, and replace some of our children’s enrichcall 865-719-7302 or email monica@ ment programs with time spent just talking TheEtiquetteFactory.com. and listening to them, we could use these The Etiquette Factory moments for great opportunities to teach 865.719.7302 these life skills that are imperative for their www.TheEtiquetteFactory.com personal and professional success. Februar y 2014 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE



Three Easy Steps to Sweeten Someone’s Valentine’s Day Creative gift solutions offer a simple way to show you care

NEARLY EVERYONE has more than one special

person in their life. Whether it's a neighbor who lets the dog out, the friend who watches the kids in a pinch, or a colleague who makes Mondays a little more bearable, loved ones make our days better. A simple thank you or a small thank you gift can go a long way in showing those people just how much you appreciate them. A recent survey revealed that most people do have multiple "loves" in their lives. In fact, significant others aren't the only ones who get Valentine's Day gifts these days. This survey showed that Valentine's Day now extends way beyond that one special person. Forty-four percent of people said that they purchase gifts for multiple people on Valentine's Day. When asked to identify their "other loves," friends were at the top of the list, and surprisingly, among their favorite gifts were fresh baked goods ranging from cookies, cupcakes, and other sweet treats. So to sweeten your relationships all year round, small thank you gifts are both welcomed and appreciated. Keep in mind that it's not the size of the gift that matters. Survey results show that good things come in small, personalized packages.

Here are some simple, low-cost steps to show someone you care: STEP 1: Visit the bakery department in your local grocery store for a variety of fresh and delicious options. From frosted cookies and cinnamon rolls to cupcakes and doughnuts, you'll find a treat to please everyone on your list – and there's no baking involved. STEP 2: Personalize each gift by selecting a baked

good and using basic art or wrapping supplies (think ribbon spools and tissue paper leftover from Christmas) that you have around the house to dress up your gifts.

STEP 3: Attach a personalized, handwritten note on a piece of construction paper or cardstock. Cut the paper to size, punch a hole to thread a ribbon through, and tie it to your gift.



Give the gift of deliciousness

To get started, remember that showing your appreciation doesn’t have to be expensive and time consuming. Gifts can be purchased on your weekly (or daily) trip to the grocery store, then personalized and decorated with things that you have around the house. You can stock up on these inexpensive supplies at your local craft store.

Other ideas for quick and easy ways to dress up your gift: HOMEMADE GIFT BAGS: Cut

hearts out of construction paper and glue onto a lunch bag.

DECORATIVE PLATES: Find inexpensive, seasonal, or colored ceramic plates at your local discount store and wrap with cellophane and a bow. SWEET SURPRISE: Grab a small gift box, place some tissue inside, add your selected baked good, and tie with a colored bow. Make sure that the baked good is secure in the box. You don’t want it to crumble.


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Sequoyah Dental Arts

We’ll change the way you feel about going to the dentist

the arts, as well as our unique perspective on dentistry. Visitors are greeted by rich hardwood floors and large French designhave two unique views of their profession. inspired windows that provide a serene and comfortable homeMany view their chosen career fields from like experience. You will also enjoy the numerous photographs a purely technical perspective; others, I've taken of our many satisfied patients and like myself, as an art form. their new smiles. Even before I had choBut, most importantly, our practice is about sen dentistry as my life's changing people's lives. It's about providing you career, my passion as an artist, which began in with the smile you've longed for - the smile that my early childhood, was already influencing provides you with the increased sense of self-esnot only my future in the dental arts, but my enteem and confidence that each of us deserves. tire perspective as well. To me, dentistry repJust recently we provided one of our patients resents the opportunity to transform the way with dentures that were undetectable. Words most people feel about going to the dentist. cannot describe her reaction when she first saw Our dental care team is committed to providherself in a mirror. It was very emotional for eving each patient with the quality of care and exeryone involved. perience that earns both their trust and respect. This same patient recently told us that she Our practice is also highly interactive, where we had secured a new position with a company engage each of our patients so we can provide the that she was very excited about. She informed type and level of experience that's right for them. us that she would not have received the position That means that for those who may not have Pablo Foncea, DMD without her new smile. Her new smile provided visited a dental care professional as often as recher with the confidence necessary to demonstrate to her new ommended, there is no judgment. What you'll experience instead employer the passion she had inside her for her new career. is an uncommon level of understanding from committed, caring, If you would like to discover for yourself the opportunities and compassionate dental care professionals whose combined that exist for you and your family to experience the high level goal is to help you achieve the results you desire and deserve. of comprehensive dental care and the smile you deserve, I Our unique perspective on dentistry as an art can also be exwould like to personally invite you to tour Sequoyah Dental perienced firsthand by the professional building that houses Arts to meet our amazing dental care team and learn how our practice. Not a cold and impersonal brick and mortar fayou, too, can experience our artistic and comprehensive apcade, Sequoyah Dental Arts is housed in a vintage 1930s home proach to dentistry. in historic Sequoyah Hills, which again reflects my passion for


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Look Natural, Feel Beautiful Are you seeking a relaxed, natural-looking appearance, one that reflects you and not a stranger you don’t recognize? The answer to your search may be with us at 9123 Circle Park Drive in Knoxville. We invite you to a free, no obligation consultation with Dean Kleto, MD, Cynthia St. Germain, BA, BSN, RN, and Sue Hatfield, LE, to discuss the best approach for you, whether surgical or nonsurgical. Dr. Kleto, MD, who received a medical degree from the University of Tennessee, Memphis, and completed a general surgery residency at Chattanooga’s Erlanger Hospital and a plastic and reconstructive surgery residency at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He is affiliated with The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and has practiced in the Knoxville and Sevierville areas for more than 25 years. Dr. Kleto offers a variety of cosmetic surgeries that include: • Breast procedures: reduction, lift, reconstruction, and augmentation, using the AxisThree 3-D Simulator that allows patients to visualize breast augmentation results • Body contouring: liposuction, tummy tuck, body lifts, butt lifts, and thigh lifts • Facial procedures: eyelid surgery, brow lift, facelift, and rhinoplasty 865.524.2442 Photo by Christian Lange

Cynthia St. Germain, BA, BSN, RN, who has

been an aesthetics nurse since 2005, received a BA in Psychology from the University of Tennessee, a BSN from Carson-Newman College, and retired from the U.S. Army as a captain. She is both a nurse injector and a trainer nationally for product manufacturers, teaching injection procedures, techniques, and theory to licensed professionals. The nonsurgical injectable products Cynthia offers include: • Dysport and Botox • Restylane, Perlane, and Juvederm XC • Sculptra 865.394.4966

Sue Hatfield, LE, is a state licensed aesthetician with more than 30 years experience in the plastic surgical skin care specialist field. This experience includes having managed skin care clinics at two of Knoxville’s most prominent plastic surgery centers. Sue offers a variety of non-invasive skin treatment procedures that can be performed in a comfortable, quiet, and convenient office setting. Sue’s services include: • DermaWave Ultrasonic Skin Rejuvenation • Dermaplane • Microdermabrasion • Dermafile • Chemical Peels • Telangitron Treatment (for spider veins and hemangiomas) 865.588.0934

During your free consultation, we will answer questions and discuss with you the best approach specifically for you. We will help you find that natural look that you want. Our office is located in the Cedar Bluff area at 9123 Cross Park Drive, Suite 100, Knoxville, TN 37923. For surgical consultations, contact Dean Kleto, MD, at 865-524-2442 or toll-free at 877-907-0747 or visit www. drkleto.com. For injectable services, contact Cynthia St. Germain at 865-394-4966 or visit www.aestheticpractice consulting.com. For skin care services, contact Sue Hatfield at 865-588-0934.





Large-size tiles, typically seen in commercial or industrial settings, are all the rage in upscale homes. Large 12-by-24-inch tiles and extra large 16-by-24-inch tiles give rooms a big, spacious look. Instead of paint or wallpaper, consider using 10-by-30-inch long wall tiles to add rich texture and color to your living room or great room.


Many homeowners are mixing little mosaic tiles consisting of different shades of natural stone with glass tiles in square, round, and rectangular shapes to give their kitchens and baths a distinct, high-end touch of class.


FAUX WOOD TILE LEADS HOT NEW TRENDS IN TILE Fake and faux are far apart. Fake is meant to deceive, but faux is intended as a tribute or a toast to something great or beautiful.




Homeowners are shifting away from shiny, polished stone and moving toward more marble with a smooth or lightly textured finish. Homeowners are also mixing and matching different styles of tiles to create more contrast and a more layered, textured feel in their spaces.


Tile isn't just for bathroom floors and kitchen backsplashes anymore. Because of the low maintenance and high durability of tile, many homeowners are wrapping the walls of their bathrooms and kitchens, from floor to ceiling, in tile. In living and dining rooms, entire walls of tile add a warm, yet contemporary accent.

FAUX WOOD TILE is one of the

hottest trends in home remodeling and home decorating. Paying tribute to beautiful hardwood flooring, faux wood tile is a ceramic tile that combines the rich, textured finishes, and warmth of real wood with the durability, functionality, and design flexibility of tile. Also, it costs a fraction of what real hardwood flooring costs. The strong trend toward faux wood tile is due to its contemporary, sophisticated look and durability. That's one of the reasons why you're noticing it in upscale boutique hotels. The other reason is more practical. Because it's water-resistant, you can use faux wood in parts of the home where moisture and water make real wood impractical, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and foyers. Designers and homeowners love

Homeowners love the look and feel of reclaimed wood – like the wood from an old barn, an old wooden ship, or antique furniture. But reclaimed wood can be quite expensive. Now homeowners can add that reclaimed wood style with wall tiles made of ceramic or natural stone that offer a natural, authentic weathered look.

SPA FEEL the abundance of available finishes in faux wood tile, from natural, earthy tones to colors that many homeowners would never dream of staining in hardwoods, like washed-out whites and light grays. These lighter colors have become increasingly popular in contemporary homes with open, light-filled spaces that bring out the tile's visual wood-grain texture. Just because faux wood tile looks like a million bucks doesn't mean it costs a fortune. The price per square foot is a fraction of what a homeowner would pay for real hardwood flooring, a point that has undoubtedly added to its appeal and rise in popularity.

The bathroom is still a place where a person can experience some peace and quiet in our busy, high-tech lives. That's why the trend of turning your bathroom into a European spa still continues strong with the use of natural stones and soothing glass tiles.


For some homeowners, especially those who own an older or historical home, vintage subway tile or arabesque tiles deliver a classic, yet contemporary look that will never go out of fashion.


With new printing technology, homeowners can get the natural, unpredictable look of stone in ceramic tile, offering a lower cost option to obtain the high-class look of marble, slate, or granite. In addition, a new wave of incredible patterns on ceramic tile is emerging for the more daring homeowner.

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THE ONE-DAY IDENTITY CHECKUP Exercise. Lose the weight. Answer every incoming email. Those are the hard kinds of New Year's resolutions, because you have to think about them every day for the rest of the year. Many are forgotten long before Valentine's Day. But here's one important resolution; one you can fulfill today and easily keep all year: protect your identity. Identity theft is a fast-growing crime, but there are ways to reduce your chances of being a victim. The identity theft protection experts at LifeLock recommend doing these five quick things today to help keep your identity safer all year long:


Are you among the people who use simple passwords like “123456” or “qwerty” or “abc123” to protect your personal information? Or even the word “password” itself ? Many people do, so identity thieves can often break in just by trying the most popular passwords. To create a safer password, avoid using words that are in the dictionary, and stay away from your own personal information, like a nickname, pet’s name, or birth date. One option is to come up with a memorable phrase that includes numbers and symbols, and use 14


the first letter of each word. “My Tigers are Number One in Football!” might become “MTaN1iF!” – a good example, because it uses capital letters, lowercase letters, a number, and a symbol.


Stop using the same password for every account. Several big companies and websites have recently had their users’ personal information stolen by hackers. If your password for one site is compromised, and you use the same password for your bank and credit accounts, it’s much easier for a thief to get into all of them. At least have a different password for each account that has personal or financial information, and consider using a passwordmanagement program, which lets you set more cryptic passwords for each site you visit and control them with one master password.

STASH THAT SOCIAL SECURITY CARD Do you carry your Social Security card in your purse or wallet? Don’t. You may, on a rare occasion, need to show a Social Security card to an employer or a government agency. Aside from those days, keep it locked up in a safe place. Your Social Security number is a thief’s ticket to everything from opening new accounts in your name to stealing your tax refund. Don’t run the risk of losing it.


Do your bank statements, credit card bills, and utility invoices arrive by mail? If your mailbox is outside your house, thieves can take those bills and collect personal information that helps them steal your identity.

Once those documents are in your house and no longer needed, they can be stolen from a trash can or recycling bin. First, if your mail is delivered outside your home, install a locked mailbox. Second, use a shredder, or the shredding services offered by local shipping stores and some credit unions, to destroy documents once they’re no longer needed. But you can also take steps to keep that paperwork from ever arriving at your home in the first place. Have bills sent to you electronically; you’ll get them by email, save paper, reduce clutter, and never have to worry about stolen mail or shredding. Opt out of credit card and insurance offers by visiting www.optoutprescreen.com, and dramatically reduce the amount of unsolicited mail you receive by opting out of junk mail at www. dmachoice.org.


If your wallet or purse is stolen, you’ll want to cancel all of your credit and debit cards before they can be misused. Keep a copy of each of your cards, or use a digital wallet program like LifeLock Wallet, which is available for your smartphone from the iOS and Android app stores. It gives you instant access to copies of your cards and also helps you track your balances, monitor transactions, and cancel cards that are lost or stolen. Do these things today and you can proudly declare that you’ll keep at least one New Year’s resolution all year long: protecting your identity. You can learn more about identity theft and ways to keep you and your family safe from the Federal Trade Commission at www.consumer.ftc.gov and from LifeLock at www.LifeLock.com/education.

BY YV O N N E M A R S H , C PA , M A R S H P R O F E S S I O N A L G R O U P

Paying Too Much in Tax? IF YOU DON’T THINK it matters who prepares

your taxes, think again. Does your preparer look for and suggest ways that you can minimize your tax bill, now and in the future? At Marsh Professional Group, your tax returns are prepared by our Certified Public Accountants who have decades of education and experience. The cost for preparing your complete federal return is as little as $99. Marsh Professional Group’s CPAs will thoroughly evaluate your financial situation and accurately prepare the necessary tax returns, taking full advantage of all legitimate deductions and credits. We will also take into consideration prior years’ activity that may continue to impact your 2013 tax return and possibly your returns for many years to come. And if you’ve missed legitimate deductions in the past, we can always amend previous returns to get back the taxes you overpaid. It’s still not too late to make 2013 tax-deductible contributions to IRA’s, Spousal IRA’s, SEP-IRA’s for small business owners (up to $51,000!), or Health Savings Accounts if you have a high deductible insurance policy. Plus the IRS has made it easier for self-employed individuals to take up to a $1,500 tax deduction for dedicated home office space. Marsh Professional Group can also assist you with minimizing your taxes in retirement, including the amount of Social Security income that is subject to tax. Plus we can show you how to reduce your heirs’ tax liability in the future, especially relating to IRA’s and 401(k)’s that are fully taxable. Make sure you’re not paying too much in taxes. Call today to schedule your tax return preparation. Also, I will be speaking at two area events you may wish to attend:


Tax Return Special


Complete Federal Individual Tax Return PREPARED BY CPA’S Yvonne Marsh, CPA 404 Ebenezer Road Knoxville, TN 37923 865.622.2162 www.marshpros.com

February 10th at 1 pm

Medicare/Healthcare in Retirement Strang Senior Center, West Knoxville

February 26th from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Free Marsh Professional Group Lunch ‘n Learn Lakeside Tavern, Concord Park Drive, West Knoxville For information and reservations, call 865-622-2162.

Marsh Professional Group, LLC 404 Ebenezer Road Knoxville, TN 37923 865.622.2162 www.marshpros.com

Financial Planning & Investment Advisory Services are offered through Prosperity Capital Advisors, an independent, SEC Registered Investment Advisor located in the State of Ohio. Yvonne Marsh is an Investment Advisor Representative of Prosperity Capital Advisors in the state of Tennessee. Marsh Professional Group, LLC and Prosperity Capital Advisors are separate entities.

MARCH 7 AT 8 PM • MARCH 8 AT 2 & 8 PM TENNESSEE THEATRE STOMP IS explosive, inventive, provocative, witty, and utterly unique an unforgettable experience for audiences of all ages. The international percussion sensation has garnered armfuls of awards and rave reviews and has appeared on numerous national television shows. The eightmember troupe uses everything but conventional percussion instruments - matchboxes, wooden poles, brooms, garbage cans, Zippo lighters,

and hubcaps - to fill the stage with magnificent rhythms. Year after year, audiences worldwide keep coming back for more of this pulse-pounding electrifying show. As the Boston Globe says, “If you haven’t seen STOMP, GO! If you have seen it, take someone and share the pleasure!” STOMP. See what all the noise is about. For more information, visit www. tennesseetheatre.com.




BY M AT T H E W D AV I D B A R O C A S , P.C .

Are you frustrated with the amount of time you spend creating your email marketing campaigns?

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ness, then now is the time to sit down with a lawyer. Some of the things you’ll need to consider include choosing a business entity, negotiating a commercial lease, licensure, regulatory compliance, hiring independent contractors and employees, and contracting with customers. All too often busisness owners wait to seek legal counsel only after engaging in business and entering into agreements, subsequently encountering problems later. Meeting with an attorney beforehand can save you valuable time, money, and reputation in the long run. You should carefully consider the various business entities available to you (partnership, limited liability company, corporation, non-profit, etc.). Each entity carries with it important differences relating to liability, taxation, and raising additional capital. We’re available to advise on which entity best suits your business needs and to assist you in drafting contracts for use with customers. Using personalized contracts helps keep business operations consistent and predictable, which is important when it comes to enforcing your rights. Dedicated to assisting business owners in the organization and compliance of business operations, we offer comprehensive employer representation, including drafting of employment contracts and independent contractor agreements, drafting employment policies and procedures (employee handbooks, policies and procedures manuals, occupational safety and health manuals), advising on proper employment status of individuals working for the employer, and representing businesses in disputes involving employees. Our firm can also assist you in negotiating the terms of any purchase or lease of commercial property and represent you in the event of any landlord/tenant dispute. The cornerstone of the firm’s practice is its litigation capacity. We represent businesses, as both plaintiffs and defendants, in a variety of litigation. The firm litigates with the sole purpose of enforcing and protecting the rights of our clients. For more information about business formation and contracts, real estate, employment, and litigation, call 865-288-7877.

Matthew David Barocas, P.C. 865.288.7877

Matthew Barocas is the principal of Matthew David Barocas, P.C., a Knoxville law firm.




2013 Tax Provisions That Have Not Been Extended... (So Far)

2014 Income Tax Tips

Ali Swofford, PhD

Presented by Ali Swofford EVERY YEAR certain federal tax breaks face a

sunset. Some are renewed after they expire. Here are some notable tax provisions that might not be available after the 2013 tax filing year.

Mortgage debt relief. In 2013, canceled mortgage debt of up to $2 million ($1 million for married taxpayers filing separately) can be excluded from taxable income. The debt must be forgiven on a qualified principal residence due to the borrowers’ financial condition or a decline in residence value. The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 was scheduled to sunset in 2013. If it’s not extended, then any such debt forgiven in 2014 will be taxable income.1,2 State & local general sales tax deduction.

2013 might be the last year individual taxpayers can choose to deduct state and local general sales taxes as opposed to state and local income taxes. This option has expired... for now.3

Qualified charitable distributions from an IRA. If you are over 70 1/2, December 31, 2013

was the last date you could make a tax-free transfer of assets from an IRA directly to a qualified charity and the transfer count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD). Will this option be extended to 2014? No one knows just yet.3

Personal energy property credit. Since

2006, there has been a $500 lifetime tax credit available to taxpayers who remodel their homes for energy efficiency. Presently, this tax credit has expired.3,4

Keep in mind. The IRS has delayed the start of

the tax-filing season as a consequence of October’s federal government shutdown. It plans to accept tax returns on January 28 or later. The April 15 deadline for filing returns or requesting extensions still applies.5 To learn about other tax changes, call 865690-0049 to RSVP for our 2014 Income Tax Tips luncheon on February 11th featuring Ben Alexander, CPA.

Swofford Financial

251 N. Peters Road • Knoxville, TN 37923 865.690.0049 • www.swoffordfinancial.com Content provided by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Citations: 1 – tinyurl.com/k4pgc8f [11/5/13] 2 – efile.com/home-foreclosure-mortgage-forgiveness-tax-relief-exclude-canceled-debt/ [11/14/13] 3 – accountingtoday.com/gallery/ disappearing-tax-deductions-67830-1.html [10/30/13] 4 – dailyfinance.com/2013/ 11/05/8-tax-breaks-expiring-year-end-2013/ [11/5/13] 5 – bloomberg.com/news/ 2013-10-22/irs-delays-start-of-2014-u-s-tax-filing-citing-shutdown.html [10/22/13]

Tuesday, February 11th at 11:45 AM Carrabba’s Italian Grill ~ 324 N. Peters Rd. West Knoxville

Featuring Ben Alexander, CPA

Hot Topics • Deduction Changes • The Net Investment Income Tax • Additional Medicare Tax

690-0049 to register FREE educational workshop. Visit www.swoffordfinancial.com Ali Swofford is an Investment Advisor of and, Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through Woodbury Financial Services, Inc., A Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA, SIPC. Swofford Financial and Woodbury Financial Services, Inc., are not affiliated entities. Neither Woodbury Financial Services, Inc., nor its registered representatives or employees, provide tax or legal advice. Consult tax or legal counsel for advice. Event sponsored by Jackson National Life Insurance Company. Ben Alexander is not affiliated with Woodbury or Swofford Financial.




TODD SNIDER IS on the happy back end of happy hour at a favorite East Nashville bar, talking about his new album "Agnostic Hymns & Stoner Fables." "This record doesn't come from good times," he said. "I wanted to sound the way I feel, which sometimes means sounding like a broken soul." He might carry the mantle of storyteller, but "Agnostic Hymns & Stoner Fables" is anything but a nice album. It's not a nice anything. It is jagged, leering, lurching, howling, and filled with unhappy endings both experienced and intimated. "It ain't the despair that gets you, it's the hope," he sings in the album-closer, "Big Finish."

For more information, visit www.toddsnider.net or www. knoxbijou.com. Februar y 2014 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE




That Wicked Cholesterol



ge t s u n d e r way, o u r focus on health becomes a priority. With cardiovascular disease being considered one of the major causes of death, most of us are becoming more aware of indicators for cardiac health. One of those indicators is cholesterol. With increased understanding of cholesterol’s role in cardiac health, making the distinction between good and bad cholesterol is important. If you’re like most people, you probably know, approximately, what your serum cholesterol levels are. You might even know the levels and ratios of your “good” HDL (high density lipids) and “bad” LDL (low density lipids) cholesterol. You probably at some point in time reduced or considered reducing the amount of cholesterol in your diet. You did this because you know that high cholesterol is correlated with heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Cholesterol is an essential waxy fatty molecule that all animals, including humans, produce. It’s used to build cell membranes and, among other functions, is a precursor to bile production in the liver. It aids in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K and is involved in the synthesis of hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. The body needs it to function, and when dietary intake is decreased, bodily production is increased. Conversely, when ingested cholesterol is increased, the body compensates by reducing synthesis. Cholesterol is synthesized throughout the body, but the liver accounts for the greatest amounts, which are reabsorbed in the small intestine. Emerging research is revealing that there is more to the story of heart disease than just cholesterol. Yes, heart disease and arteriosclerosis are certainly the result of LDL cholesterol building up on the inside of the artery wall, but research has shown that this buildup is likely caused by inflammation of the artery wall due to acidic elements in the blood. Animal food does contribute to heart disease but more so because of its



acidic quality rather than its cholesterol content, which contributes to the inflammation of the artery wall. But, by far, the most inflammatory food we eat is simple sugar. Research shows that the more simple sugar we consume, the more LDL is produced. The more sugar consumed, the more inflammation and damage to the artery walls will occur. The good news is that HDL, the “good” cholesterol, can actually remove some of the buildup of plaque on the artery wall. This fact, combined with eating a more alkaline diet, means that a lower total cholesterol and a better LDL/HDL ratio is feasible. It’s never too late change your diet, and what better time than the start of a new year? The best way to reduce consumption of simple sugar is to eat a sizable portion of complex carbohydrate at every meal. Whole grains are the most abundant source. This will decrease your cravings for simple sugars between meals and keep the blood sugar level more constant, rather than consisting of volatile ups and downs. Whole grains also contain niacin, which helps to restrict inflammation. Whole grains are the richest vegetable source of niacin, but it can also be found in avocados, leafy greens, and shitake mushrooms. When you do have desserts, using sweeteners made from whole grains such a rice syrup, barley malt, or molasses instead of table sugar will help impede that overly acidic condition. Give your heart some love. Find a substitute for that sweet roll, candy bar, or sugary soft drink. Your arteries will love you for it. Note: Consult your healthcare professional

before making any dietary changes. These articles and recipes are not intended to diagnose or treat any illness.

Greg Samples is a Knoxville native and holds a Bachelor degree in psychology from the University of Tennessee. Since 1985, he has been teaching and counseling the lifestyle and principle of macrobiotics in the Knoxville area and throughout the southeast. He is the author of the Health and Freedom Manual, first published in 1998. He can be reached at details@gregsamples.com or through his website at www.gregsamples.com.

Recipes for Cardiac Health BY MICHELLE SAMPLES

Mexican Stuffed Pitas › 2 cups cooked brown rice › 1 cup cooked black beans (drained) › 3 Tbsp olive oil › 2 cloves garlic › 1/4 cup diced onion or shallots › 1/2 cup chopped grape tomatoes › 1/4 tsp saffron › 1 tsp cumin › 1/2 cup diced red bell pepper › 1/2 cup chopped scallions To pan heat oil and sauté garlic, onion, and bell pepper for 3 min or until soft. Add brown rice, black beans, tomatoes, cumin, and saffron. Cover and simmer on medium heat for 10 min. Toss together with chopped scallions. Serve in whole grain pita pockets topped with avocado spread and sprouts. If gluten free, use corn tortillas.

Avocado Spread › 3 ripe avocados › 2 Tbsp chopped scallions › 1/4 cup chopped cilantro › 3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice › 1/2 tsp sea salt or to taste Remove skin and pit from avocados. Add to bowl and mash with fork. Add remaining ingredients and serve on top of rice in pita pockets. Top with sunflower seeds or alfalfa sprouts.

Shitake Mushrooms with Asparagus › 8 shitake mushrooms (if dried, then re-hydrate by covering with water for 20 min) › 1 bunch asparagus (remove the bottom tough part by snapping off) › 2 parsnips sliced into 1/4 inch thickness › 1 carrot sliced into 1/4 inch thickness › 1 Tbsp olive oil › 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar › 1/4 tsp sea salt or to taste › 1/2 tsp garlic granules › 2 Tbsp cooking sherry › 1/4 cup water Remove shitake mushrooms from water and slice. Add oil to pan and sauté mushrooms for 3 min. Add carrot and parsnip slices with water. Cover and simmer for 15 min. Add asparagus, vinegar, garlic granules, sea salt, and cooking sherry. Cover for 3 min and then uncover. Cook until all liquid evaporates – approximately 2 min more. Toss together. Serve with quinoa or whole grain noodles.

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Hearing with Your Heart


S WE celebrate Valentine’s Day this month, think back to the times that we exchanged Valentine greetings with our young friends at school, the neighborhood kids, and our brothers and sisters. And think back to how even the simplest, handmade Valentines melted the hearts of our mom and dad who teared at the almost Joe unrecognizable signature penned in crayon. As a dad, I’ve cherished those Valentine moments with my children and look forward to many more Valentine’s Days to come. Perhaps these opportunities are even more special to me because of a hearing disability I’ve had since early childhood. Put another way, I can’t imagine a Valentine’s Day hug from my little girl without hearing her utter “I love you daddy.”

Left untreated, hearing loss not only worsens, but it can actually lead to the deterioration in speech for the hearing disabled. Fortunately, my parents recognized my disability at a young age. With the help of hearing aids I’ve been able to live a full and producSimpson tive life. More importantly, I’ve been able to experience the joy of fatherhood. As owner of multiple Audibel Hearing Aid Centers throughout the area, I have been blessed to help hundreds of people just like myself rediscover the gift of hearing. Sadly, however, many hearing disabilities go undiagnosed or, worse yet, untreated. Left untreated, hearing loss not only worsens, but it can actually lead to the deterioration in speech for the hearing disabled. And

this same condition can lead to the isolation of the victim and their loved ones. If you or someone you love has a hearing loss, why not give them the greatest gift that you, or they, have ever received: the gift of hearing. For a no-cost, no-obligation evaluation, call me today. Rediscover the gift of hearing with your heart. – Joe

Audibel Hearing Aid Center 4817 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865.566.0370 www.tn.audibel.com



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was in college that one day I’d own a gym and devote my career to helping people with their health and fitness, I would never have believed it! I got my degree in Science, and for years after graduating from the University of Tennessee, I did work as a Scientist for Knox County. I never dreamed that my career path would take such a drastic turn. I didn’t play sports in school or participate in any type of athletics, so fitness was totally foreign to me. Like many of you, after getting out of school, I found myself gaining weight. I joined a local ladies only gym, and that’s where it all began. I quickly learned that exercise alone wasn’t the answer, but I had to learn how to balance good nutrition with exercise. I ended up making such drastic changes in myself that everyone in the gym took note and looked to me for help. So I dove in head first and earned my first Personal Training certificate. My goal was simply to help others change not only their physical bodies, but how they thought about exercise and nutrition. If I could do it, they could, too! Now, 14 years later, my husband, Kurt,

and I own and operate two Workout Anytime locations (Bearden and Maryville) to help you and many others achieve your fitness goals. We can help you every step of the way. A few small changes in your lifestyle and habits can quickly lead to a big difference in your health! Visit www.facebook.com/BeardenGym, and see what our customers are saying about their experience and service here. We invite you to stop by the Workout Anytime Bearden or Maryville locations for a “no strings” attached tour of our facilities. We want you to experience the difference we have to offer.

Workout Anytime 6739A Kingston Pike in Bearden 865.558.3588 Foothills Mall in Maryville 865.233.5963 www.workoutanytime.com

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American. Hearing. Excellence.






Experience the Future of Caring and Compassionate Healthcare Today I N C E my e a r l i e s t childhood, having been encouraged every step of the way by my grandmother, I always dreamed of becoming a doctor. Since becoming a doctor more than two decades ago, my dream has continued to evolve. The combined goal of our team of experienced, compassionate, and caring healthcare professionals is to provide the highest level of individual, personalized care that meets each individual’s needs – a level of care that seems to be disappearing from today’s healthcare landscape. Beginning this month, our medical team, including Emily Kopek, PA-C, Amy Welch, RN, Lisa Aulerich, RN, and myself, will launch two healthcare initiatives at our new location at 9957 Kingston Pike, Suite 105 in Knoxville. The first initiative, InBalance HRT, offers men and women suffering from low hormonal levels an alternative to synthetic hormonal replacement therapy. Our bio-identical hormones are molecularly equivalent to those same hormones synthesized by the human body. InBalance HRT thoroughly evaluates the symptoms of each patient who might be experiencing: • Fatigue • Depression • Foggy thinking • Blurred vision • Excessive thirst

• Salt cravings • Irritability • Mood swings • Insomnia • Hot flashes

These are just a few of the symptoms associated with low hormonal levels. Tests are conducted, and if your hormone levels are found to be lower than normal, a pellet is painlessly inserted underneath the skin. This pellet will, during an extended period of time, release the desired levels of hormones your body needs. This therapy prevents the spikes and higher dosages that can result from more traditional hormone replacement therapy.



From left to right: Emily Kopek, PA-C, Amy Welch, RN, Matt Sellers, MD, and Lisa Aulerich, RN

Our second initiative is our new medical clinic called West Side Medical Clinic that will be headed by Emily Kopek, a licensed Physicians Assistant who also has a master’s degree in Exercise Management. West Side Medical Clinic offers the following services to both men and women, with a focus on personalized Bioidentical Hormonal Replacement Therapy (other than pellets, including transdermal, oral, and sublingual options) and weight management. We will treat any condition associated with hormonal imbalance, from adolescence through the post menopausal years.

Services include: • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement • Intravenous infusions • Weight management • Adrenal fatigue • Thyroid management • Women's annual exams Most major forms of insurance are accepted.

Both InBalance HRT and West Side Medical Clinic have been designed by our medical team to meet the healthcare needs of the same community in which each of us live by providing a level of compassionate care that you might have thought no longer existed. A level of individualized medicine that treats each patient as a person and not a number on a medical chart. A level of care that will become increasingly more difficult to find in the future. A level of care that integrates other forms of alternative therapies into our treatment of our patients. Experience the future of individualized caring and compassionate healthcare today.

InBalance HRT West Side Medical Clinic

9957 Kingston Pike, Suite 105 Knoxville, TN 37922 865.862.4575 www.westknoxmd.com

Photo by D. Roberts Photography




FEW PEOPLE understand just how much a threat cardiovascular disease (CVD), or heart disease, can be. Consider this: heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Cardiovascular disease claims more lives each year than cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, and accidents combined. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 71 million American adults (33.5%) have high LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol, and only one out of every three adults with high LDL cholesterol has the condition under control. While heart disease is truly dangerous, in many instances, the disease is preventable. You may have heard concerns about high cholesterol levels. Elevated cholesterol is among the leading risk factors for CVD. Living a healthy lifestyle that incorporates good nutrition, weight management, and getting plenty of physical activity can play an important role in lowering your risk of CVD, according to the American Heart Association.





Exercise not only reduces your bad cholesterol levels, but it can also increase your HDL (or “good”) cholesterol levels. The exercise need not be strenuous to enjoy the benefit either. Get a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps a day. A 45-minute walk can help you reach your goal.

Saturated fats have long been linked to high cholesterol levels. As you prepare your next meal, use canola oil or olive oil instead of vegetable oil, butter, shortening, or lard.

You don’t have to become a vegetarian to achieve a healthy cholesterol level; you just have to make smarter meat selections. Fish and fish oil are loaded with cholesterol-lowering omega-3 acids. The American Heart Association recommends fish as your source for omega-3s, and eating fish two or three times a week is a great way to lower your cholesterol.

Smoking has been linked to many health concerns, and research shows that smoking has a negative impact on good cholesterol levels and is also a risk factor for heart disease.

Heart disease accounts for one in three deaths in the United States, and many cases of the disease are preventable through healthy choices. There is a clinical research study being conducted to try to help with this disease. The Fourier Study is a clinical research study to find out if an investigational medication may reduce the risk of future heart attacks, strokes, related cardiovascular events, and death in individuals with a prior history of heart disease. The study is investigating a different approach to reducing LDL cholesterol. To learn more about how you can take part in The Fourier Study, call 855-61-STUDY or visit www. HeartClinicalStudy.com.



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To discover if the MAKOplasty® Advantage is right for you, contact OrthoKnox, PLLC at 865-251-3030. 10810 Parkside Drive • Suite 209 Knoxville, TN 37934 865.251.3030



Portrait by D. Roberts Photography


Winter Relief at Spa 9700 WINTER TAKES ITS TOLL on everything, especially the human body. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD); stiff, achy joints; and dry, itchy skin are just a few of the maladies we encounter. Spa 9700 offers many treatments, performed by experienced professionals, that provide relief and put you back on track for spring. Massage and other therapeutic body treatments have been proven to improve not only our physical well-being, but our state of mind as well. Massage is now routinely recommended to provide such benefits as increasing circulation, stimulating the body’s lymph system, relaxation, relieving pain and increasing joint flexibility, and the list continues to grow. Spa 9700 provides experienced massage therapists in private, relaxing treatment rooms dedicated to addressing your concerns in a professional way that achieves great results.

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In addition, you might choose one of our exfoliating and hydrating body treatments. The routine exfoliation of your skin helps alleviate clogged pores and blemishes and provides a healthier, more youthful look. Preceding your favorite moisturizer with a body scrub will allow it to penetrate more quickly and completely, achieving greater hydration. At Spa 9700, we offer several types of body treatments, including our beautiful hand-applied St. Tropez Sunless Tan, an aloe-based Inch Loss Wrap, and some seasonal offerings. Of course our retail boutique has many options for regular body scrubs at home. Maybe most importantly is the face as we consider “winter skin.” The months we spend mostly indoors are perfect for chemical peels. At Spa 9700, we offer skin peels in many strengths, including some organic peels. They are completely safe and generate results like evening out skin tone, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and minimizing the effects of aging. And, just as in the body treatments, this intense exfoliation improves the absorption of all other skincare products. So give yourself a treat and visit Spa 9700. You’ll feel like a new person, and in some ways, you actually will be!

Spa 9700

9700 Kingston Pike in Knoxville 865.357.7721 www.spa9700.com


First Friday



the Tennessee Theatre has been a destination for love in Knoxville from first dates to weddings. To honor that tradition, the theater will open its doors for a Valentine’s Day-themed open house on Friday, February 7, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. House organist Bill Snyder will play classic love songs on the Mighty Wurlitzer, and tours of the backstage areas of the historic theatre will leave from the lobby every half hour during the open house. While guests are waiting for tours to begin, a professional photo

booth stocked with Valentine’s Daythemed props and costumes will be set up so visitors can take candid pictures with their loved ones, whether friends, family, or a significant other. Whether it’s a date or a night out with friends, the Tennessee Theatre welcomes First Friday guests to experience why the Tennessee Theatre is one of Knoxville’s top destinations for romance and fun. This event is free; no ticket is required. For more information, visit www. tennesseetheatre.com.



Pet Care


Waggy Tails Pet Sitting + Dog Walking SPENDING TIME AWAY from home is

inevitable. There are family vacations and emergencies, weekend getaways, and, of course, there are our careers. But for the more than 72 million U.S. households who own pets, caring for our four-legged kids can be emotionally challenging. That’s why I started Waggy Tails Pet Sitting + Dog Walking. My passion for caring for animals goes back to my early childhood here in East Tennessee, where I routinely took groups of neighborhood pooches on walks in the nearby woods and country fields. This passion continued throughout my adolescence and early adult life and resulted in my launching Waggy Tails Pet Sitting + Dog Walking in 2009. A certified member of Pet Sitters International, Waggy Tails provides parents of four-legged kids in Knoxville and Oak Ridge with both the peace of mind and sense of security they deserve when they’re unable to care for their pets while they’re away for the day or longer periods of time. Boarding works well for some pet owners, but there are pets who do not respond well to this environment. Waggy Tails allows your pet to

Worry & Guilt-Free Professional Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Knoxville • Oak Ridge Bonded & Insured

865.235.1738 WaggyTailsofKnoxville.com

Educator Profile

remain in their home environment, where they feel safe and secure. Whether we provide pet sitting or dog walking services, your pet’s interaction with our experienced, compassionate, and caring team members offers them the important nurturing and affection they thrive on. If you’re planning a day trip, weekend getaway, extended vacation, or you just need some help caring for your pets while you’re at the office, I invite you to learn more about us at www. WaggyTailsofKnoxville.com. Waggy Tails is fully bonded and insured and is available 365 days a year. For the dependable and personal attention your four-legged kid deserves, without the anxiety, fill out the form on our Request Services website page to schedule your introductory meeting today.

Waggy Tails Pet Sitting + Dog Walking 865.235.1738 www.WaggyTailsofKnoxville.com


Dr. Steven Zinkle


FTER GROWING UP on a dairy farm, Dr. Steven Zinkle wanted to pursue something completely different for his career. His degrees in nuclear engineering allowed him to accomplish that goal – and furthermore, he’s been elected a fellow of the American Physical Society, a distinction limited to no more than one half of one percent of the APS membership for a given year. “It is a great honor that my research is considered to have substantial fundamental scientific value by my peers in addition to the engineering impact that has been recognized by awards from engineering organizations,” said Dr. Zinkle. “Since none of my formal college degrees are in physics, it is particularly satisfying to be recognized by the premiere physics society.” After more than two decades at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Dr. Zinkle joined the University of Tennessee in October 2013 as a 26


UTK/ORNL Governor’s Chair. But even at ORNL, he wasn’t far from students. “While at ORNL, I supervised the research activities of several graduate students, gave numerous guest lectures at universities, and participated in several summer school special courses,” he said. Today, his days at UTK are spent preparing to teach his classes, grading homework, discussing research details with his graduate students, and designing new research experiments. Dr. Zinkle earned all his degrees – bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. – in nuclear engineering and materials science from the University of Madison–Wisconsin. “I grew up on a dairy farm and wanted to try something high-tech,” he said. “I signed up for

nuclear engineering as a freshman in college and enjoyed the physics and math courses. This led to graduate school and then a research career exploring the effects of neutron and ion beam radiation on materials.” Dr. Zinkle was named a fellow of the American Physical Society specifically for his research exploring the radiation effects in metallic and ceramic materials. He says one of the ongoing responsibilities is securing enough research funding to maintain his place at the forefront of his field and support his graduate students’ work. “Every day is a new adventure,” he said. “Solving complex science research questions and transferring knowledge to the students are some of the highlights.”


ArtXtravaganza 2014 Showcases Leading Artists, Partners with Local Galleries WHETHER YOU’RE LOOKING for that unique

gift, to decorate a new space, or to simply view the exquisite variety of fine art on display, check out this year’s ArtXtravaganza Art Show & Sale March 7-9. More than 2,000 original artworks by 70-plus acclaimed artists, hailing from the Southeast and beyond, will be available for purchase in Webb School of Knoxville’s Lee Athletic Center. From oil paintings to sculptures, photography to woodworks, glass and metal works to jewelry, ArtXtravaganza promises to satisfy every taste and budget. The event is open to the public. Admission and parking are free.

Vicki Sawyer's painting, "First Birthday Party," will be offered by silent auction during ArtXtravaganza 2014.

Painter Vicki Sawyer is ArtXtravaganza’s featured artist for 2014. Sawyer’s enchanting canvases, featuring birds, insects, animals, and wildflowers, reflect the things she learned to love as a child. Sawyer writes on her website that the whimsical notion, “If birds could build nests, then they could make hats,” has been the inspiration for many of her bird and animal portraits. She adds, “I want my work to evoke feelings of peace, joy, and often humor. If I can move someone with my art, then I have achieved my ultimate aim: to serve.” New this year, ArtXtravaganza has partnered with four prominent Knoxville art galleries. Bennett Galleries, Gift Gourmet & Interiors, Plum Gallery, and The District Gallery will all participate in this year’s event and will spotlight some of their featured artists. ArtXtravaganza is one of the premier art shows in the Southeast and has played a major role in establishing Knoxville as a community aligned with the arts. Reflecting Webb’s tradition of fostering community by enhancing lives through art education and appreciation, proceeds from ArtXtravaganza support Webb’s visual and performing arts program and the arts at Mooreland Heights Elementary School. Doors to ArtXtravaganza open at 1 pm on Friday, March 7. The art sale continues Saturday, March 8, from 10 am to 6:30 pm and Sunday, March 9, from 11 am to 4 pm. For more information, call 865-2913846 or visit www.artxtravaganza.org.

It may be dreary outside but we can help

Brighten up the inside of your home!

12814 Kingston Pike ~ Farragut ~ 671-6627 M-F: 10-6 ~ Sat: 10-4 www.thetownframery.com Located one block west of Renaissance Center/Farragut




Every Day Can Be Valentine's Day

Every Day Can Be Valentine’s Day CELEBRATE Valentine’s Day all month long

• Flowers • Gifts • Jewelry • Florals • Home Decor

• Scarves • Art • Handbags • The Mansion Restaurant

and all year long at Sweetwater Flower Shop and The Mansion Restaurant in historic downtown Sweetwater. Show that special someone in your life just how much you appreciate them and just how much they’re loved by celebrating your special relationship with all the people in your life that are truly “special.” How about a romantic lunch at The Mansion Restaurant, or how about making reservations for their special Valentine’s dinner evening event, including flowers or a gourmet meal?

• Special Valentine's Dinner Event

Sweetwater Flower Shop 118 W. North Street • Sweetwater, TN 37874


Sweetwater Flower Shop is the perfect destination for all things flowers for any event, but take an even closer look. Check out the shop’s extensive line of women’s accessories, including jewelry, scarves, purses, luggage, and so much more. Sweetwater Flower Shop also features florals, home décor items, art, and gifts that are just perfect for any occasion.


You can also enjoy the shop’s attentive associates, who will help you select the perfect gifts for those special people in your life – and not just any gift, but a truly unique gift that will remind the certain someone just how much they are appreciated. So no matter what the occasion, Sweetwater Flower Shop and The Mansion Restaurant are your one-stop destination that can transform any day into Valentine’s Day.

Sweetwater Flower Shop 118 W. North Street Sweetwater, TN 37874 423.337.6623 28




Love These Leggings!!



perfect month to tell you about something you’ll love… Lyssé Leggings! When doing a fashion show or speaking with customers in the store, we love to introduce you to Lyssé… the legging that’s a little bit about wanting to be dressy but comfortable as well. If you’ve done any shopping in the past three years, then you already know that leggings and tunic tops are here to stay. Even though during the winter you’ve paired them with boots, we’re now thinking of transitioning to the next season. Ballet flats or heels are flattering with leggings also. Lyssé Leggings are a revolutionary combination of clothing and control for women of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Designed with a built-in tummy panel and a wide waistband, you’re left with a super smooth, slim silhouette, and it might be interesting to note they’re available in plus sizes as well! Endorsed by Kathie Lee on The Today Show, Lyssé

Leggings are a perfect companion to all of the fabulous tunic tops available at The Lily Pad… still the number one look for spring 2014! It’s very rare a customer tries this legging on and doesn’t LOVE it – even those who think they can’t wear leggings for any reason… large calves, “muffin top,” large tummy, etc.

We’re almost through the tough part of East Tennessee’s winter and ready to kick it up a notch as we head into springtime. Enjoy the interesting mix of color available at The Lily Pad – lots of coral and turquoise, as well as the new emerald green and surprising new orchid! Remember the special women in your life –

wife, mom, sister, daughter – with a Valentine’s Day gift certificate from The Lily Pad! We are happy to ship to your home or office.


The Lily Pad

Distrib the So utor in ut for Ly heast Legginssé gs

209 N. Main Street Sweetwater, TN 423.337.5537 www.sweetwaterlilypad.com Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm

Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week by Giving Flowers ON ANY GIVEN DAY, there are news articles and stories about random acts of kindness; for example, a child taking donations in lieu of birthday gifts or somebody purchasing a meal for a stranger. However, there are a multitude of other ways to show generosity. This year Random Acts of Flowers (RAF) encourages you to take part in their mission and send someone a bouquet of flowers to show how much you care. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Denver,

Colorado, has deemed February 10-16 as “National Random Acts of Kindness Week.” During this week, they encourage everybody to go above and beyond to practice kindness toward others. RAF works on delivering moments of kindness and compassion every week, taking donated flowers from weddings, memorial services, special events, and church functions and repurposing the flowers into beautiful bouquets. After “trash has been turned into

treasure,” a RAF volunteer delivers the bouquet to patients in area hospitals, senior care facilities, and hospice centers. Much like RAF itself, The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has established a broad audience on social media. Random Acts of Kindness encourages anybody to share their random act of kindness via Facebook and Twitter. What better way to share the tremendous impact of a simple bouquet of flowers than to share it with a national audience via The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation? RAF founder and CEO, Larsen Jay, has often said, “An offering of flowers transcends all demographics. I’ve delivered flowers to people from all walks of life, in all situations, and the reaction is universal… a smile.” This February emulate the Random Acts of Flowers mission yourself, and see how your gift of flowers can create an instant smile! To learn more about RAF, become a volunteer, or make a donation, call 865-633-9082 or visit www.RAFKnoxville.org. Februar y 2014 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE



New Times, New Traditions Modern Wedding Trends from Stock-the-Bar Parties to Social Networking Sites MORE AND MORE, weddings are taking place in the height of fall foliage, heart of winter, and prime holiday season, including the ever-popular New Year's Eve ceremony to ring in the new year. But it's not just the wedding season that has drastically evolved during the past decade; it's everything from roles and responsibilities to gift-giving. As you gear up to celebrate the union of your beloved family or friends – or even your own – know what to expect from the changing tides of weddings. As decades pass, so will traditions, but proper etiquette is timeless. Be prepared for the next wedding you attend, and know what to expect from changes in the wedding landscape with these important pieces of advice.

Pay it Forward

Valentine’s Love Letters

Finding the right gift for the newlyweds can be difficult. Many couples are getting married later in life and already have all the household items that are common wedding gifts. To provide the couple with a small nest egg to use however they wish, a check is always a great and safe gift idea. Several financial institutions offer mobile check deposit through their banking app, allowing the couple the flexibility to deposit checks on-the-go to help cover outstanding vendor payments or use on their honeymoon.

Temper Tech Use Large selection of hand-crafted metal art to select from. Use your imagination! Why not add lighting?

5054 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919

865-588-3131 www.ironichomedecor.com



Even weddings are going high-tech. There are numerous websites available that can help the couple organize the process, communicate with guests, and share photos after the ceremony. But a few things – like a handwritten thank you note – should steer clear of the high-tech lure. In a gadget-driven society, everyone is carrying a smartphone. Couples can post a tasteful notice at the entrance of the ceremony location or in the program to remind guests to turn off their cell phone ringers and refrain from use during the ceremony. Some couples may actually encourage guests to take photos and share images via social media, but guests should respect their wishes and use phones only as a camera and upload images after the ceremony.

Respect Personalization

While previous generations traditionally wed in places of worship, many modern couples choose to tie the knot at a sentimental location, like where they had their first date. The décor, music, and even the food and drink served at a wedding may have a personal story behind it. No matter how non-traditional the element may be, guests should eagerly partake in the festivities, acknowledging and respecting the couple’s individualization.

Be All-Inclusive

In the past, bridal showers were strictly for the bride, and bachelor parties were a men-only affair. Nowadays, these festivities are no longer gender-specific. Showers can be thrown for the couple in unison and include creative themes like “stock the bar” or “time of day.” Bachelor and bachelorette parties can also be conjoined to involve the entire bridal party in a destination event. While these events are a celebration of joy, expenses can add up quickly. If you use a rewards card, you can earn points on purchases to pay for all or part of your trip. As trends and expectations shift, so will the way major life milestones are celebrated. It is important to celebrate these moments in life with grace and support for the happy couple – after all, it’s their day – and it should be as unique as they are.


Making This Holiday a Bit SWEETER… LIKE IT OR NOT, the LOVE-liest holiday of the

year is approaching! Having a sweetie to share the day with is nice, but perhaps the true purpose of Valentine’s Day should be about spreading the love. Letting your closest friends and family know how much you care is important, but it is also a perfect time to acknowledge other important people, too! The Sweetery, located at 9430 South Northshore Drive, is just the right place to grab a few unforgettable goodies for your child’s teacher, a boss, or any person that deserves recognition.

9430 South Northshore Drive | Knoxville, TN 37922 865.357.13 55 | www.knoxsweetery.com

“A gentleman came by the bakery looking for a small cake,” says Bettina McCann, co-owner of The Sweetery. “He had overheard his waitress mentioning that she had to work on her birthday. Wanting to do something special for her, he ordered the cake and had it delivered to the nearby restaurant. The look on her face was priceless. The man had turned her notso-great birthday into an unforgettable one.” “It brings us great joy to know that our treats can really make someone feel special,” says Cheryl McMillan, co-owner of The Sweetery. You can visit The Sweetery and purchase special desserts like their beautiful and delicious cake truffles, homemade brownies, coconut thumbprint cookies, cakes, and cupcakes. The Sweetery is now accepting pre-orders for their signature holiday cake truffle set, including seasonally decorated truffles in a pink holiday gift box!

The Sweetery

9430 South Northshore Drive Knoxville, TN 37922 865.357.1355 www.knoxsweetery.com

Give the gift she

wants to

receive... Home Accents  Gifts  Accessories Mon - Fri: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday: Closed

10665 Hardin Valley Rd. Knoxville, TN 37932 (p) 865.200.4032

Visit us at www.serendipityhomeandgifts.com Februar y 2014 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE



$5.00 OFF with purchase of $30 or more

Expires Feb. 28, 2014 Excludes prior sales. May not be combined with other offers.

Enjoy a “Schakolad” Valentine’s Day

Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Special! Purchase 6 and pay for 5 or Purchase 12 and pay for 10 when you pre-order before Feb. 7th.


Jazz is for Lovers W I T H VO C A L I ST G R E G O RY P O R T E R

FEBRUARY 13 AT 8 PM • BIJOU THEATRE WITH A VOCAL STYLE that spans from Nat King Cole to Marvin Gaye, it's no wonder that the Huffington Post declared Gregory Porter "the brilliant new voice in jazz." His 2012 CD, "Be Good," racked up a wide variety of honors, including a Grammy nomination for Best Traditional R&B performance, iTunes Jazz Album of the Year, Soul Train's Top 10 of 2012, and NPR's Best Music of 2012. In a



four and a half star review of the album, Downbeat magazine stated that Porter's originals "have the potential to become this century's new jazz standards." Porter will perform these songs and more alongside the KJO. Sure to be the perfect Valentine's treat for your special someone. For more information, visit www. knoxjazz.org.

Schakolad Chocolate Factory at Turkey Creek, known for its handmade European-style chocolates, is offering unique items that capture the Valentine spirit with an array of edible chocolate heart truffle boxes, decadent and personalized chocolate gifts, and the lowest priced Chocolate Dipped Strawberries in the area. That’s in addition to its assortment of chocolates available in nearly 80 varieties and the 4,000 molds using milk, dark, or white chocolate that can be crafted into almost any shape and filled and surrounded with a variety of truffles and ganache. “CHOCOLATE IS A universal gift that is always the right size, the right color, and will always put a smile on the lucky recipient,” explains co-owner Keli Scott. “When customers visit, we begin by offering them a sample of chocolate from one of the shop’s mixing machines. With several options to choose from, we can offer suggestions and ask questions to help customers make a selection.” Almost every product is made on site, does not contain preservatives, and is wax and paraffin free. “We sell happiness in the form of chocolate,” says Keli. That happiness at Schakolad comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. They have chocolate for just about any occasion, ranging from corporate logos, sugar free/low carb chocolates, wedding favors, gift baskets, private chocolate events, birthday parties, and much more. Most chocolate items can also be customized and personalized to meet the customers’ needs. Colors can be added to the chocolate or a unique message can be applied. Chocolate gifts celebrating weddings, anniversaries, a new home, and a newborn baby are also available on site. Gift wrapping is also available. Schakolad is open from 11 am to 9 pm Monday through Saturday. During Valentine’s week, they will open for extended hours to accommodate all of their customers’ needs. Make this Valentine’s Day something special by saying Happy Valentine’s Day with a one-of-a-kind gift from Schakolad Chocolate Factory. Schakolad Chocolate Factory 10944 Parkside Drive Knoxville, TN 37934 865.675.2626 www.schakolad.com/store34


Money in Your Closet CLEAN AND

organized closet has many advantages. It allows for the better use of space, which is likely a premium in your home. It allows you to see not only what you have, but what you don’t have. Your personal items are more accessible, making it much easier to get dressed on those hectic mornings when you hit that snooze button one time too many. A clutterfree and organized closet also has a subliminal benefit; you just feel better. It’s actually therapeutic. There are a lot of strategies when starting this particular project, but the best advice is to allow plenty of time. You can opt to “bite the bullet” and do it all in one day or space out this particular chore over several days. Three

large boxes or jumbo garbage bags should be sufficient (depending on the last time you performed this task!). ›› Container number one should be for trash. We all have trash in our closets – those purses with broken straps and torn linings, those shoes with gnaw marks on the heels from your beloved pet, that blouse with the stain down the bodice that has never come clean, and those infamous dry cleaner hangers that barely hold a camisole, much less a blazer. It’s time to get rid of the trash. ›› Container number two should be for items that you have not worn in years and/or you are still wondering why you bought in the first place. These are items that may be dated, don’t fit, or you just no longer like nor wear. They are of value to someone, just not worthy of the space they are taking up in your closet. Donate them to your favorite charity.

›› The final container should be for clothing you have an emotional or financial attachment to – i.e. that expensive designer blouse you splurged on last year but have never worn, that trendy and costly dress your sister “talked you into” buying two years ago, or those brand new Stuart Weitzman shoes that just hurt your feet. This is the container that can show you the money! A “consignment container” can make it worth all the time and effort of purging your closet. Resell your best items with Knoxville’s premier consignment store. Next To New is just a phone call away at 865-5842878. Now that you have accomplished the goal of a clean and organized closet, sit back and let your efforts pay off (literally!). Next To New

7212 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865.584.2878 www.NextToNewKnox.com Monday-Friday 10-6 Saturday 10-5


Family Life

Is Sibling Rivalry Rearing Its Head in Your Home? IF YOU HAVE more than one child, you

know that sibling rivalry can rear its head. It’s truly amazing how fast siblings can go from being the best of friends one minute to the fiercest of enemies the next. Yet, this is part of growing up, and it is going to happen from time-to-time. If handled properly, these battles can help children learn how to resolve differences and how to see another’s point of view. Sibling rivalry can also help teach about compromise and forgiveness. With that said, it is stressful to see and hear children fighting with each other. It can also bring stress to the household. So, what can you do? If the bickering is mild, try not to get involved, and see if the children resolve it themselves. If they need guidance, or the rivalry is intense and constant, separate the children until emotions have died down. Don’t spend too much time focusing on who is to blame for the conflict, as it takes two to fight. Do not take sides, and listen to each

child until they feel understood. Then, try to set up a win-win situation so each child feels validated. If family rules were broken during the conflict, such as no hitting or name-calling, speak to the offending child about it privately and not in front of the other sibling. Sibling rivalry should not be allowed to get out of control. If it seems your children are constantly at each other’s throats, you need to get to the root of the problem. What may appear to be a fight about one thing may truly be rooted in something else. Believe it or not, many times sibling rivalry arises because one child feels that a brother or sister is more favored or loved. It is up to parents to make sure these types of feelings are not allowed to grow. If they are allowed to grow and they aren’t dealt with, it can lead to low self-esteem, bitterness, and it can follow children throughout their entire lives. Lastly, one of the best things you can do as a parent to help cut down on sibling rivalry

is to never compare one child to another. Each child is unique in their personalities, interests, needs, and communication styles. How you interact with your children will be different based on these differences. However, each child should be made to feel special and loved. Try to schedule an equal amount of alone time with each of your children. During this time, talk about what they want to talk about, and do what they enjoy doing. You’d be surprised at how even small amounts of undivided attention can calm children and keep household stress and rivalries under control. Wendy Jackson is a freelance writer based in Blount County, Tennessee. Her work can be found in various print markets, as well as online. She has been writing for Everything Knoxville since its start-up in 2007. Februar y 2014 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE




Early Learning Series for Toddlers KNOXVILLE ZOO has a new early learn-

ing class for toddlers that’s sure to keep them engaged, excited, and active. Turtle Tots at Knoxville Zoo is a program created for two and three-year-olds that introduces them to the wondrous world of animals. The class is a weekly series that encourages toddlers to interact with new friends, both human and animal alike. Zoo staff will introduce animal concepts through handson activities that include games, songs, dancing, crafts, and animal visitors.

Turtle Tots classes are offered in a sixweek series focusing on a highlighted topic each Thursday from 10:30 to 11:30 am indoors at the Log Cabin. Each program builds on knowledge from the previous week, so attending all classes in a series is recommended but not required. The Spring Semester offers three series: » Series One: Animal Magic Now through February 20 » Series Two: Animal Families

February 27 through April 10 » Series Three: Head, Knees, and Paws

April 17 through May 15 Cost is $15 per class per child. Receive a discount by purchasing a full six-week series for $75. (Series Three is five weeks long and priced at $65.) The program fee does not include admission to the zoo. If you are not a zoo member, you must purchase general admission tickets before attending the class.

Pre-registration is preferred. Walk-ins are welcome if space permits. Walk-in participants will be charged $5 for on-site registration. Children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information about Turtle Tots, visit www.knoxvillezoo.org. To register, contact Jessica Hurley, Turtle Tots coordinator, at 865-637-5331 or Jlhurley@knoxvillezoo.org. Knoxville Zoo is Knoxville’s largest yearround attraction. Located off exit 392 from Interstate 40, the zoo is open every day except Christmas Day. Knoxville Zoo is nationally accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and is committed to the highest standards in animal care and wellbeing, ethics, conservation, and education. Currently the zoo is open daily from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. Admission and ticket sales stop one-hour before the zoo closes. Next-day admission is free after 3 pm. For more information, call 865-637-5331, ext. 300 or visit www. knoxville-zoo.org.


KNOXVILLE ZOO becomes the cool-

est place in town to visit during Penguin Discount Days! Now through February 28th, admission to Knoxville Zoo is half off. Don't worry, black tie isn't required; just put on a warm jacket and a pair of mittens, and come see why winter is a great time to visit the zoo! Many of the zoo's animals enjoy the crisp weather and are more active on cooler days. The zoo's favorite indoor exhibit, Wee Play Zoo, is a cozy place to stop and play if you do decide to get a bit chilly. On days that the temperature drops below 40 degrees, some animals will be moved to their indoor enclosures, but even on the coldest of days, guests can see the



elephants, gorillas, penguins, reptiles, and chimpanzees in their indoor viewing areas. It might be cold outside, but it's always warm and cozy in the Log Cabin at Knoxville Zoo. Perfect for a story and an animal friend. Join us at 10:30 am each Wednesday and Friday during Penguin Discount Days in February for a story and animal visitor. It's free (with zoo admission), it's fun... it's StoryTime at the zoo! Half price admission tickets must be used by February 28, 2014, and cannot be combined with any other coupon or discount. For more information, visit www. knoxville-zoo.org.


Un-Assembly Line Grooming SEVERAL YEARS AGO, as my mother got elderly, she needed help washing and curling her hair. Her head became tender, and she could not sit in the cosmetologist’s chair for very long. This simple chore became arduous. So mom began going to Ardis, a cosmetologist who had a very small shop. Ardis was known for taking her time with each client. I tell this story because it’s consistent with the philosophy we at Ms. C’s have with our grooming clients. John, our groomer, specializes in special need, elderly, and larger breed dogs. As dogs become older, they cannot hear or see as well, often causing them to become frightened when groomed. Nonetheless, they still need to be groomed to assure a healthy coat and skin. Sometimes large, busy grooming shops do not have the time to cuddle and reassure your four-legged kid. At Ms. C’s, we limit the number of groomings per day, allowing ample time for each dog. If the dog needs a break, breaks are given. Some groomers use muzzles. John

does not utilize muzzles. “Muzzles do not develop trust with the dog; they simply restrain them,” he said. “Trust is the key. Time is needed to build trust, not assembly line grooming.” Call John and I at Ms. Cs Bed & Biscuits for a consultation if your dog has been experiencing anxiety during grooming.

Pet Care

Un-Assembly Line


Stress-Free Grooming for Your Four-Legged Kid

Ms. C’s Bed & Biscuits

2145 Beals Chapel Road Lenoir City, TN 37772 865.986.6325 www.MsCsBedandBiscuits.com




The Knoxville Museum of Art Presents Contemporary Focus 2014 THE KNOXVILLE Museum of Art presents Contemporary Focus now through April 6. This annual exhibition series is designed to serve as a vital means of recognizing, supporting, and documenting the development of contemporary art in East Tennessee. Each year the exhibition series features the work of artists who are living and making art in this region and who are exploring issues relevant to the larger Althea Murphy-Price, Undonee, 2012 Jessica Wohl, Sitting Room, 2013 world of contemporary art. The three artists selected for this year’s Hess is active as a freelance art writer and exhibition have a common interest in crecurator. Althea Murphy-Price is a printmaker ating layered works dealing with memory, and installation artist who uses hair – both identity, and the surrounding environment human and artificial – rather than a drawn – whether suburban, rural, synthetic, or line as the basis for her elaborately textured natural. Jean Hess produces dense, intricompositions. Murphy-Price is an assistant cate collages made up of fragments culled professor of printmaking at the School of Art, from eclectic sources such as topographical University of Tennessee. Jessica Wohl is a charts, children’s writings, and the natural mixed media artist based in Sewanee whose landscape. In addition to her studio practice, sprawling installations, obsessively detailed

ink drawings, and sewn portraits are largely inspired by contemporary suburban life. She currently lives in Sewanee, Tennessee, where she is an Assistant Professor of Art at The University of the South.

Jean Hess, Found Lines 10, 2013

The Knoxville Museum of Art The Knoxville Museum of Art celebrates the art and artists of East Tennessee, presents new art and new ideas, serves and educates diverse audiences, and enhances Knoxville’s quality of life. The museum is located in downtown Knoxville at 1050 World’s Fair Park and is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 am to 5 pm, and Sunday from 1 to 5 pm. Admission and parking are free. For more information, call 865-9342034 or visit www.knoxart.org. Februar y 2014 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE


Insights + Highlights


Enjoy this beautiful, whimsically-designed handbag from Mary Frances. Named the “Damsel in Flight,” this exquisite purse becomes a clutch with the removal of the ornate strap, which magically transforms into a matching necklace. Available at Sweetwater Flower Shop, 118 W. North Street in downtown Sweetwater, 423.337.6623.

THE LILY PAD BOUTIQUE February 19-22: Trunk Show The entire line of Sympli will be at The Lily Pad Boutique. Come in, try on, and order your favorites. Sizes are 2 to 3X. The Lily Pad Boutique, 209 N. Main Street in Sweetwater, 423.337.5537, www. sweetwaterlilypad.com.


Nothing like a little jewelry to say Happy Valentine... and at $16, you can pick up one for yourself, too! Pendants available in vintage to contemporary designs at The Town Framery & Gifts, 12814 Kingston Pike in Farragut, 865.671.6627, www.thetownframery.com. 36


Insights + Highlights


Discover designer brand handbags like this red Dooney & Bourke embossed bag. Available at Next To New, 7212 Kingston Pike in Knoxville, 865.584.2878, www.NextToNewKnox.com.


Carver’s Guild Ribbon Tile Mirror. Available at Consign To Design, 10420-D Kingston Pike in Knoxville, 865.249.7428, www.consigntodesignstore.com.



A wide selection of beautifully handcrafted metal art letters and signs that make creative and whimsical additions to your home’s interior or

exterior décor are available at Ironic. You can even add illumination to many of these items. Ironic, 5054 Kingston Pike in Knoxville, 865.588.3131, www. ironichomedecor.com.

Discover the power of fragrance with this creative collection of bath & body and home fragrances from Thymes. Available at Sweetwater Flower Shop, 118 W. North Street in downtown Sweetwater, 423.337.6623.



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February in the Garden IT HAS BEEN cold this

winter! Because this is East Tennessee, I fully expect there to be record warmth sometime in the next few months. Up and down, hot and cold, wet and dry: that is our fate in this part of the south. For the days when we have pleasant weather, there are things you can do to keep busy outside. ›› The Farmers’ Almanac says to prune to encourage growth on the 3rd and 4th and to discourage growth on the 22nd and 23rd. Whether or not you put stock in the Almanac, it’s best to prune on mild, dry days. ›› Speaking of pruning, the number one thing to remember is you don’t have to prune. Pruning is done to reduce a plant’s size, maintain/improve shape, remove dead or diseased branches, and open up a dense shrub to air circulation. If your plants are fine the way they are, leave them alone. ›› Summer flowering trees (Crape Myrtle, Butterfly Bush, Rose of Sharon),

Hydrangea paniculata and H. Arborescens, Fruit Trees (research first), and Roses can be pruned now. About Crape Myrtles… stop, don’t chop! Before you succumb to peer pressure and whack yours, see how gorgeous they are if you leave them alone. ›› What do you not want to prune now ? Spring blooming trees and shrubs (Forsythia, Quince, Azalea, Lilac, and ornamental fruit trees), Gardenias, and trees that “bleed.” Pruning spring bloomers now means you won’t have any blooms. ›› Use sharp pruners. Dull ones just gnaw the wood in two and leave the damaged ends open to disease and insects. ›› Look at your shrubs while they’re dormant, even if you’re not planning on pruning. There are some sneaky weeds that try to hide in your shrubs. Wild honeysuckle, grape vines, and Hackberry trees are easier to identify and remove this time of year. ›› There are weeds in my yard, and I





assume there are weeds in your yard also. It’s too cold for herbicides to be effective, so hand weeding is required. Weeding tools and trowels will prevent the weed from breaking off at the soil level and growing back. ›› If some of your perennials have “heaved” or pushed themselves out of the ground, push them back in. You can spread mulch to protect them if they start emerging too early. ›› Bulbs will probably start causing some concern in the next few weeks. Sometimes they come up before they should. Our unpredictable winters make this a frequent problem, and there has never been any permanent damage to any of my bulbs at home. If yours don’t have mulch around them, a light layer will add protection. ›› If you’re planning a vegetable garden, start getting the ground ready now. Add compost to the bed when the earth isn’t soggy or frozen, and use a tiller to work it in. You can also start cold weather vegetables like broccoli and cabbage in cold frames and direct sow seeds like lettuce, spinach, early peas, and onion sets late in the month. You can even start perennial herbs and slow growing annuals indoors, but wait to start warm weather plants like tomatoes and basil. ›› Your houseplants can use a dose of fertilizer this month. They could probably also use a bath after gathering dust all winter. Sponge them off or put small ones in the sink and spray them down. Larger plants can go in the shower. ›› Cold winter days are a great time to plan your garden. Looking at pictures and catalogs filled with beautiful flowers is a great way to lift your spirits. If you need help, this is a great time for a landscape consultation. ›› Don’t forget the birds! This is typically the time of year when they start running out of readily available natural food. Use a high-quality mix with lots of black oil sunflower seeds, safflower, nuts, and some millet for the ground feeders. Nyjer seed is the favorite of finches. Birds need fatty seeds and suet to keep their weight up during the winter and give them energy. They also need water, so if you don’t have year-round birdbaths, consider placing a pan of water near their feeder. I’m excited about some of the things we have coming in this year! We’ll continue to be a vendor for the HGTV line of plants, so look for new selections there. We also have some wonderful new items coming for the gift shop. Watch for emails and Facebook updates, or just stop by and see us. We want to help you make your home beautiful this year. Hang in there, and think spring!

Meadow View Greenhouses & Garden Center

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mites silently devouring the wood in your home doesn’t mean that they are not there. Termites eat around the clock 24/7, and some of their favorite entry points are through cracks, expansion joints, foam insulation below ground, inside or between hollow brick or concrete blocks, and through spaces around plumbing pipes as narrow as 1/32nd of an inch! For more than a decade, Termidor® termiticide has set the standard of excellence for superior performance in termite control, and a new product has just been introduced called Termidor® HE. This new molecular technology radically streamlines application techniques with a unique chemistry that helps improve the dispersal of the active termite control ingredient and creates an enhanced protection zone. Another attribute is that it reduces the amount of soil that needs to be removed and replaced for termite trenches, therefore resulting in less disturbance of your landscaping. Fewer drill holes are required, and there is a shallower minimum treatment depth. Because termites often damage your home in hard-to-find places like behind walls and underneath flooring, it’s best to have a pest professional from Dayton’s Pest Control complete a FREE and thorough inspection. They know exactly what to look for, and it’s important to take care of any concerns before serious structural damage is done to your home. Through April 30, 2014, new customers can take advantage of $150 OFF the NEW Termidor® HE termite treatment. Other services provided by Dayton’s include convenient perimeter pest control, carpenter bee control (Apr-Aug), mosquito treatment (May-Oct), pest control for ants, roaches, bedbugs, etc., VA/FHA termite inspections, fungicide/ moldicide treatments, CleanSpace® Crawl Space Encapsulation System, and radon testing/mitigation. For pricing or to schedule service, call 865-588-6686 or visit www.daytonspestcontrol.com.

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whether or not the groundhog sees its shadow, it’s a safe bet there will be a few more weeks of winter weather. But at Ijams, it doesn’t matter. Nature never closes! If Island Home Avenue is clear, then the nature center will be open. We never let a little snow discourage us; in fact, it inspires us! In winter, spontaneous snowball fights often erupt. Truth is the groundhogs of East Tennessee rarely make an appearance until the end of February; they know best. The best place to see one at Ijams is the sloping hill just behind the Visitor Center. Continuing the partnership established a few years ago, McClung Museum of Natural History & Culture and Ijams will be holding an invitation-only joint fundraiser at McClung on the campus of the University of Tennessee. Set for Thursday, February 13, the affair will feature educational components provided by each partner. Rumor has it that there will be a visit from a timetraveling 1850s naturalist/artist who helped John James Audubon complete his historic book, The Birds of America.

Nature Pre-School (4- and 5-year-olds plus an adult) about “Animals in Winter” on Thursday, February 13, a Full Moon twilight social and walk with cocktails on Saturday, February 15, and an early morning hike to the Ross Marble Keyhole on February 22. I will be leading my annual carpool trip to Hiwassee to look for sandhill cranes on Saturday, February 1, a South Loop piece-by-piece hike on Saturday, February 8, and a program about birds of prey on Saturday, February 15. Saturdays also offer Creature Features: public animal programs. For information about any of these programs, including start times, fees, and registration, call 865-577-4717, ext. 110 or visit www.ijams.org/events.




In 2014, Ijams is celebrating its 91st year of nature-related programs, and the education staff has several special programs planned for February. Senior naturalist, Peg Beute, will be hosting a groundhog program for all ages on Saturday, February 1, breakfast socials Saturday mornings, February 8 and 15, plus a gardening program about seed propagation later that same day, and a bluebird boxbuilding workshop on Saturday, February 22. Educator Sabrina DeVault plans a 42


In February, birdfeeders are always the center of attention. Look for special but rare winter visitors like the raspberry-colored purple finch and brown and gray fox sparrow. Believe it or not, nesting has already started, at least with the larger species. Great horned owls are on their clutches early; they are the first species to nest in any calendar year. The local bald eagles are usually on eggs by the end of the month. Although they do not nest at Ijams, this recently delisted endangered species is often seen flying over

the river from the River Trail Boardwalk. Also in February, male great blue herons, Ijams’ signature species, begin to claim nest sites, generally choosing an old nest but not necessarily the same one used the year before. If the temperatures moderate by the end of the month, male Eastern bluebirds will begin to claim nest boxes and hopefully, because hope springs eternal, attract mates. In the ponds, small chorus frogs and spring peepers will be calling. If your interests take a botanical bent, then look for blooming lenten roses, a.k.a. hellebores, at the Homesite along the Discovery Trail by the end of the month. Originally planted by Alice Ijams, these hardy cultivars are truly early bloomers. As always, Ijams welcomes you in all seasons, 12 months of the year. Stephen Lyn Bales is senior naturalist at Ijams and the author of Natural Histories and Ghost Birds published by UT Press and available in the Ijams gift shop. Photos by Ijams’ staff: Jennifer Roder and Stephen Lyn Bales


An Unforgettable Valentine’s Gift

WHILE MOST family events

have moved indoors for the winter, why not surprise your loved ones this Valentine’s Day with a special gift that will provide unlimited out-of-door events in 2014 that the entire family can enjoy all year round? Now is the perfect time to install the totally unique underdeck ceiling system from Undercover Systems under your home’s existing raised decks. This underdeck system will ensure this year’s events will be protected from unexpected and unwanted rain, snow, and the searing summertime sun. Also, for homeowners and their families that would like to add a deck, screen porch, pergola, sunroom, fence, outdoor kitchen, fire pit, fireplace, or more, Undercover Systems’ companion company, Distinctive Designs 4 You, Inc., offers you the perfect solution. “Now is a great time to weatherproof all of your out-of-door events,” says Undercover Systems and Distinctive Designs 4 You, Inc. owner Jim Conn. “Throughout the entire process our skilled craftsmen work with you, each step of the way, until your project is completed to your satisfaction. Because your project will be completed this winter, you can begin enjoying your new outdoor spaces at the first sign of spring.” Undercover’s patented under-

decking system helps extend your outdoor season of enjoyment by protecting your family from early spring showers, July and August’s relentless sun, and autumn rains. You’ll also appreciate Undercover Systems’ attention to detail, which comes from years of experience, as they help you craft a seamless transition from your home’s interior to your new out-of-door living spaces, which will perfectly complement your existing architecture and landscaping plan. A complaint-free member of the Better Business Bureau, Undercover Systems offers homeowners the peace of mind that they deserve in a building contractor. Why not surprise your family this year with a special Valentine’s gift that the entire family can enjoy all year long and start creating a lifetime of memories? Call Jim Conn at 423-267-0091 today and let the celebration begin.

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From music studios to man caves and art spaces to playrooms, garages are quickly becoming more integral parts of the family home.

The word garage, when looked up in the dictionary, has a simple meaning: a building or indoor area for parking or storing motor vehicles. By and large, this definition sums up exactly what comes to mind for most folks when they hear the word. But for some folks, garages are so much more than a space to park the family minivan and store the cumbersome and unattractive trash and recycling bins. Instead, they are functioning spaces of the home that, in the eye of the homeowner, serve just as much purpose as a kitchen or a bathroom and deserve just as much attention to detail.

ORE and more, people are using garages as space to actually live in. It isn’t just extra room anymore. Since the 1950s, most garages in North America are of the “attached” variety, meaning that they are part of the actual main home and not a separate building on the property. From music studios to man caves and art spaces to playrooms, garages are quickly becoming more integral parts of the family home. They are heated and cooled. They are equipped with cable and Internet capabilities. They are accessorized with attractive lighting and flooring choices. While wall cabinetry units may still house things like a yard rake and a collection of tennis racquets and lacrosse sticks, they are also 44


being chosen to integrate in such a fashion that the garage is truly seen as another room in the home, no matter what the intended end use of the square footage. The gateway to the garage, of course, is the garage door. Garage doors, even though they impact the exterior look of the home, have not always been given as much careful consideration, as a design element, as the rest of the house. But now, more than ever, garage doors are getting special treatment in the design arena – both from the exterior and interior perspectives. A consumer using garage space as an art studio may choose a door with more window panels, as to increase and enhance the natural light that comes into the space. The parents of a budding rock band musician who uses the space as a performing and recording area might need to take into account the ability of the door to reduce the noise carrying to other parts of

the house. Garage spaces can even be beautifully appointed to serve as living rooms, sunrooms, and a variety of other entertaining spaces that integrate seamlessly with the design and décor of the rest of the home. A ground-breaking addition to the garage world is the new Trento Collection. Available in an almost unlimited number of looks, doors in the Trento Collection can be customized to fit the architecture of any home. Unlike traditional garage doors that operate via a series of springs, rails, and tracks along the ceiling, Trento Collection garage doors showcase revolutionary technology and Italian design, featuring a patented overlap design that allows the door to open by folding neatly in half without any ceiling hardware to clutter the overhead space in the garage. This allows for a Trento door to take up far less space and appear significantly sleeker on the inside and outside than the traditional garage door. So give your garage another look. It is a fine space for doing the things that traditionally make us think of garages, of course, but take a look at your garage space with a fresh eye. The space can be so much more. Entertaining space, work space, a space for a personal hobby that you’ve always wanted in your home but could never figure out how to have. The possibilities are endless.

BY S C O T T H U T C H I S O N, F O U N D E R & O W N E R O F H 2 O U T WAT E R P R O O F I N G

Transforming Your Home’s Basement



IF YOUR HOME IS no longer large enough to

meet the needs of an active and growing family, you could build a new home, purchase an existing home, or make better use of your home’s existing basement. Without question, transforming your home’s basement is the most efficient and cost-effective solution. But there are things you should consider before undertaking a project of this nature. With rare exception, basements are located below grade, and precautions should be taken to avoid converting any usable space in your home’s basement into finished family space. Make absolutely certain that this space, earmarked for renovation, is a dry, clean space so you can avoid any possible moisture related problems in the future. At H2OUT Waterproofing, we routinely consult with homeowners on proposed basement finishing projects. We thoroughly evaluate the space where they’re considering adding family living space, recommending any remedial action that might be required to avoid future moisture or condensation issues that could require more expensive repairs later on. Our goal is also to eliminate the potential for mold and mildew that might result, posing family health risks. While H2OUT Waterproofing is well known and respected for its waterproofing expertise, what you might not be aware of is that H2OUT can also complete the entire transformation of your home’s unused basement space into a beautiful living space for you and your family. As licensed Tennessee general contractors and waterproofing specialists, we offer homeowners a unique perspective when it comes to transforming your home’s basement. From waterproofing, framing, electrical, and plumbing to dry walling, painting, and finish carpentry, we offer you a total turnkey experience with a single source of responsibility. This avoids the challenges associated with trying to manage multiple subcontractors and assigning responsibility for any problems you might experience in the future. Perhaps the greatest contribution to your home’s basement renovation project that H2OUT offers goes far beyond our total turnkey experience. As experienced waterproofing specialists and general contractors, we will ensure that your project will be done correctly from the very beginning. You’ll also have the peace of mind that comes from the knowledge that all potential moisture related issues have been professionally dealt with. Need some beautiful, dry, family living space? Call H2OUT Waterproofing today!

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Not All Valentines Are Chocolate



shapes and sizes, but there are two distinct types… good and bad. While good surprises can leave you feeling warm and fuzzy for years, bad surprises can wreak all kinds of havoc and inconvenience to your life. What’s the best surprise you ever received? I can think of a few that still evoke warm memories and a smile. Several years ago, my husband called to tell me to shower and change quickly. “Wear something nice but comfortable,” he said “Don’t worry about the kids; a sitter is on her way.” A limo driver whisked me away to a spa where I was pampered with a facial and a most needed body massage! Later that evening, the same driver shuttled me and several other ladies to a secret dinner where our husbands sang love songs quartet style and prepared a five-course meal for us to enjoy. I was the envy of all my friends that

tile & grout

year, and I of course soaked up the attention! February is the time each year when we should take some time to create those lasting memories and do something extra for those we love. Dinner and a movie? Absolutely. But, don’t stop there. As a woman, I know we all love to feel special. We need those occasional “over the top” surprises that spice up our marriage and make us feel cherished. Each February we get numerous requests for surprise cleanings. We’ve cleaned while the misses was at work and while the mister has been sent out for some “man time.” Everyone loves a clean house, especially when you aren’t the one doing the cleaning. If you are struggling with what to do for the love of your life, let us help. We are experts at making everything sparkle and shine and helping you create the ambience in your home that fosters those coveted warm, happy feelings. Also, in the spirit of surprises, we have one of our own. Anyone that books a cleaning

during February will get something special from our crew. Perhaps it’s an extra room cleaning or a deep-cleaned front porch. Each home is unique, but we look forward to surprising YOU and helping you surprise the one you love. Tip: If your part- CO-OWNER n e r i s t h e t y p e John that needs a little Fitzwilliam help zeroing in on exactly what you want, you can shamelessly snip this article and put it on the fridge. I have even been known to leave articles open on the coffee table with portions highlighted, and it even worked… once. Give John a call at 865-567-1986 and schedule your cleaning (and surprise!) today.

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Block the Sun, Not the View THE LEAVES HAVE all fallen and the sun is lower on the horizon; two sure signs that winter is here. Grass mowing is done, wardrobes have been changed, and furnaces are running almost non-stop. Now the sunshine, that was a welcome sight on recent chilly days, is taking its toll on furniture, draperies, carpets, and wood floors. UV rays can cause irreparable damage in a very short time span, and no one likes the blinding glare from that low, flat sun coming through their windows and doors, reflecting off of the water or patio and always seeming to find the corner of our eye. Like sunglasses for your windows, Retractable Sunshades enhance your view by filtering the sun and reducing unwanted glare. Exterior mounted Sunshades provide a clean look from inside your home without affecting your interior window treatments and operate with windows open or closed. You can maintain your view in living rooms and kitchens or opt for a complete “black out” effect in media rooms. A variety of fabric types and styles can filter as much or as little light as you desire. A wide range of options is available to match or complement any color scheme. Unlike permanent shade products, Retractable Sunshades are there when you need them and retracted out of the way when you don’t. Usually operated by wireless remote control, motorized shades can be raised and lowered simply and easily to suit your needs. They have the added benefit of being operated automatically by an adjustable sun sensor or can be incorporated into many home control systems. Many customers already use Sunshades to prevent passive heat gain in the summer months by preventing the sun’s rays from reaching windows, doors, and patios. They are a great way to make your home cooler, more comfortable, and reduce energy costs. However the style, ease of operation and UV protection can offer year-round benefits. Whether preventing the glaring winter sun or preparing for the inevitable harsh summer sun, now is a great time to have Screens of East Tennessee provide a free consultation and estimate for your sun issues. Screens of East Tennessee 865.919.1615 www.tennesseescreens.com www.phantomscreens.com

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Can You Afford up to 75% off Full Retail? IF THE ECONOMY has taught us anything during the last sev-

eral years, it’s that most of us are attempting to receive the greatest value from each dollar we spend. Many of us avoid making purchases unless the items we’re shopping for are on sale, and I mean “on sale.” Ten percent discounts just don’t seem to motivate shoppers anymore. Today’s savvy, value-conscious shoppers want real savings, which is why consignment shopping is growing at an unprecedented rate. When it’s time to shop for furniture, art, or home décor items, I invite you to visit Consign To Design, East Tennessee’s first choice when shopping for pre-owned, gently used furniture from the nation’s premier manufacturers at a savings of up to 75%. Why are the savings so big? Simple. Like buying a new automobile, furniture loses up to 50% of its value when it leaves the new furniture showroom. Because the furniture is pre-owned, even if it’s only a year or two old, it has to be sold at a significant discount.

So just why do people consign their pre-owned, gently used furniture at Consign To Design? There are a lot of reasons, including: » Redecorating » Relocation » Downsizing » Empty Nesting So what should you expect to discover at Consign To Design? How about quality made furniture from: » Lane » Henredon » La-Z-Boy » Hooker » Stanley » Habersham » American Drew » Broyhill » Ashley » Bradington Young » Pennsylvania House » Drexel Heritage And many others, all at prices of up to 75% off retail. 48


So what’s the best way to take advantage of these incredible savings on furniture, art, and home décor? Again, the answer is simple. Put together your wish list, perhaps taking photos of your existing furniture and rooms, and then visit our 10,000 square foot showroom, where you’ll discover a treasure trove of values, all tastefully arranged in beautiful vignettes. But shop early and often to take advantage of the best selection and prices. You see, unlike a conventional furniture store where your selection is limited, Consign To Design places new furniture on our showroom floor all throughout each and every

day. We’ve even had customers who have purchased furniture as it was being carried onto the floor. So shop early and often. Also, follow us on Facebook to learn about unadvertised specials. So if the economy has got you down, why not let us lift your spirits at Consign To Design, where you can buy an entire home full of quality, brand name, gently used furniture at up to 75% off retail? It couldn’t be any easier.

Consign To Design

10420-D Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37922 865.249.7428 www.consigntodesignstore.com


Discover a Stress-Free Dream Home Experience you eliminate the stress from the building process and making your dream home a reality. Any custom built home should be a reflection of the family that will live there, so Luxe Homes & Design begins each project with a twofold objective: to interpret the client’s needs and desires and to creatively incorporate them into a pleasing and functional dream home. Since most people have only a vague idea of what they want, Jenny will determine information about each client’s


of building a new home can agree with one thing: the process can be dauntless, requiring hundreds of key decisions that will ultimately determine how satisfied you are with your home. Should you have more cabinets or less? A large front porch or save the outdoor space for the lanai on the back of the house? A separate dining area or an open floor plan that includes kitchen, dining, and living areas combined? Can a utility room also serve as a grooming area for pets? Should you consider adding smarthome technology to your house? If your goal is to build a home that you and all members of your family will love well into the future, you’ll need a little guidance to get you there. The key to building a house you won’t regret coming home to lies with your builder. Luxe Homes & Design helps you from start to finish, each step of the way, by showing you how to get exactly what you want at the best possible price. With surprising precision, they can help you perceive room flow, lighting, space, and an assortment of details that most homeowners can be oblivious to. First and most importantly, compile a detailed list of what you want to build. Don’t focus on the size but what rooms you’ll need and how you’ll use them. Think in terms of who (and how many people) will use the room and the furniture you envision in the room. Eliminate all of the things you think you should add because “every house has them” but you’ll never use. Formal living rooms, dining rooms, and large bathtubs frequently fall into this category. Large “glamour” baths photograph well but don’t make it any easier to get ready in the morning. Look for rooms that can serve dual uses. If you only use your dining room for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, maybe that space could be an office for the other 363 days of the year, and the dining table, sans extra leaves, could be the desk. Builder Jenny Blalock’s specialty is helping

lifestyle and tastes and then interp re t t h e m . Jenny Blalock Jenny is Licensed General Contractor t h e re w i t h you during each step of the process to help you refine your options that meet your budget. A home is an investment in your future, so you want it to fit your lifestyle today as well as 20 years from now. So, do not worry about the home construction process being too complicated. Luxe Homes & Design is there to simplify that process and help you create a home that transforms your dream house into reality. Contact Luxe Homes & Design today for a free, no-obligation consultation for your new home.

Luxe Homes & Design

865.755.4680 www.luxehomesdesign.com




Your luxury home is unique. It deserves exceptional marketing. With Homes & Land, your home will be given the finest exposure available to help your agent sell your home. We direct mail our full color magazine to qualified buyers. We also post it to DupontRegistry.com, WSJ.com, NYTimes.com, HomesAndLand.com, and more. We can even create a professional video! Your home should be in HD! Learn more by watching the short video at WhyHomesAndLand.com. Flip through our digital editions at bit.ly/tnhomes on your desktop, tablet, or phone.

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Selling Your Home? It Should Be in HD! EVERYONE KNOWS the three most important words in real estate are location, location, location. Well, the three most important words in real estate marketing are video, video, video! Video is the number one solution to being found online these days. It also brings a home to life in ways not possible with traditional photography. A video is 50 times more likely than a text page on the same topic to appear on the first page of Google search results according to Forrester Research. Google loves video! It’s no wonder since they own YouTube. Did you know more than one billion unique users visit YouTube each month? That’s a lot of eyeballs!

Every home for sale online has photos, and many even have a photo slideshow. Photos are expected, but video is unique. Video gives your home life, flow, and showcases the real reasons someone would want to buy it. Wouldn’t you like your home to be showcased in HD video to make it stand out amongst those only using photography? A local company, homesandVIDEOS.com, has been helping top real estate agents with video marketing since 2006. They take care of everything from writing the script, to the shoot, to posting the HD video online, to websites including YouTube, Facebook, WellcomeMat, and Realtor.com among others. If you’re selling your home, be sure to have your real estate agent contact Russell Haskins at homesandVIDEOS.com to find out more. Your home should be in HD!

About homesandVIDEOS.com

homesandVIDEOS.com is a service of 23 Creations. 23 Creations is a video production company owned by Russell Haskins. They specialize in affordable, quality video production services for small businesses in East Tennessee.

Homes & Land

www.HomesAndLand.com www.homesandVIDEOS.com


“The place in which one’s domestic affections are centered.” Your home is a favorite gathering place for all of your family and friends, and we want to help you make your HOME the very best it can be all year round.



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Is your home feeling cluttered? Do you feel like there there’s just never enough living space, enough storage, or enough rooms? Whether it’s the closet, garage, pantry, mudroom, home office, or laundry area that needs organization, Tailored Living, featuring PremierGarage, provides affordable, customdesigned storage throughout the house and garage. Tailored Living’s experienced specialists provide personalized service to make the most of a home’s usable space, helping to create an additional 30-40% more storage space.

Increases Home Value Your home will be more attractive to potential buyers. Whether moving in a few years or not, professionally custom-designed closets and organized garages are high on the list of features homebuyers are looking for today. Saves Time Frantically looking for that black-patterned scarf or blue shirt, even if you’ll be several minutes late to work? Or can’t find an item that’s somewhere in the garage? With a custom-designed closet or garage storage, everything has its place, and valuable time isn’t wasted desperately searching for something hidden among the disorder.

Extra garage storage is always in style.

In addition to maximizing usable space, a customized closet, other in-home and garage organization also:

Saves Money No more duplicate purchases just because a pair of pants or a tool can’t be found. Also, fewer trips to the dry cleaners – clothes don’t get as wrinkled when they’re not crammed in a closet. Decreases Stress Being late, stepping over clutter, and frantically searching for things at the last minute are very stressful. Organization provides a sense of order. You’ll feel more in control and less stressed with a de-cluttered home. Enhances Health Disorganization is often a sign of emotional clutter. With an


Space for a small home office provides a dedicated area for everyday paperwork and filing. Home offices are designed to meet any need, and there are several finishes to complement any home décor.

Tailored Living offers organizational solutions for the entire home, including a home office. Whether you conduct company business or pay the household bills and manage the family calendar, home offices are designed to be efficient and inviting.

organized home, an emotional weight is lifted and mental health significantly improves. Additionally, an organized home impacts your physical health. An organized home is cleaner, has less dust, fewer germs, and bacteria is reduced. Improves Balance By saving time and reducing stress through organizing, you’ll have more time to do what you truly enjoy for more balance between life and work. Whether that means more time playing with your children, finishing another home project, or simply spending more time outdoors, you’ll take pleasure in your life and regain focus on what’s important. A custom cabinetry design or garage flooring starts with Tailored Living’s free, in-home consultation with an experienced space-planning expert who listens and discusses various solutions to your needs and budget. You’ll receive personalized service to

help you make the most of your home’s usable space. Using the company’s proprietary 3-D design software, homeowners see exactly what their new space will look like as they help design and instantly make changes to create the perfect space. With a wide selection of finishes, accessories, and hardware, you’ll receive a customized look. Only you will know how affordable that elegant new closet, garage, mudroom, home office, or pantry really is. So stop wasting time and money, and reduce stress by calling Tailored Living, featuring PremierGarage, to create smart home organization that’s tailored to the way you live.

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An Ounce of Prevention I have no idea how many frozen and broken waterlines I’ve repaired this winter, but it was a record number.


N INTERESTING consequence

of all these repairs is the large number of home plumbing systems we observe when we thoroughly evaluate each system to determine the extent of damage resulting from this winter’s freezing temperatures. We see old, outdated, and inefficient water heaters that are expensive to operate and deliver an inadequate supply of hot water when needed. We also observe hard water deposits and rust that damages plumbing fixtures and appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines, not to mention your home’s plumbing system. These impurities also cause me to wonder about the quality of the drinking water your family members are consuming each and every day. While your drinking water may be deemed safe, not even the EPA knows the long-term effects of routinely consuming even low levels of chemicals and pesticides found in most drinking water and thought to be safe. Lastly, when repairing cold weather home plumbing damage, I am reminded that most of the frozen pipes and the expensive water damage that results were preventable. If you think your home’s plumbing system is in need of a tune-up, then I encourage you to give me a call. Imagine a tankless hot water system that delivers an unlimited supply of hot water yet reduces your energy costs. How about eliminating hard water deposits and the unsightly appearance that results while extending the life of your clothes and dish washers? Why not install a whole-home filtration system that can provide your family with safe drinking water free from most chemicals, toxins, and other potentially harmful impurities? Finally, why not weather-proof your home’s plumbing system to prevent frozen pipes, which can cause thousands of dollars in damage to both your home and its contents? An ounce of prevention today can save you hundreds of dollars in energy costs, provide unlimited hot water, a source of pure, safe drinking water, and future protection from frozen pipes.

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S U B M I T T E D BY D R . S U E H A M I LT O N, D I R E C T O R O F T H E U T G A R D E N S

UT Gardens Plant of the Month:

Japanese Cornel Dogwood THE LANDSCAPE CAN BE dreary in

February, so trees or shrubs that offer a bit of cheer with winter blooms can be a welcome addition to almost any yard or garden. Underused in the landscape, the Japanese Cornel Dogwood is just such a plant. In midwinter, it defies the gloom with showy clusters of yellow flowers. The Japanese Cornel Dogwood’s exfoliating bark also adds interest to the winter garden with its rich grays, browns, and oranges. Native to Japan and Korea, Cornus officinalis usually grows as a large, spreading, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub or a small tree up to 15-25 feet tall. A deciduous plant, with pale yellow to reddish-purple fall foliage, the Japanese Cornel Dogwood is effective in the landscape when used in foundation plantings, shrub borders, woodland gardens, bird gardens, or naturalized areas. The plant prefers full sun to partial shade and tolerates a range of soil types. In the autumn, like other dogwoods, showy red fruits (drupes) decorate this plant. Technically these drupes are edible, but most would find them astringent. Japanese Cornel Dogwood is just one of

and University of Tennessee horticulture alumnus Mike Stansberry introduced the Sunsphere selection. He named it for the Knoxville Sunsphere, a landmark architectural tower that was constructed as part of the 1982 World’s Fair. East Tennessee is home to Stansberry’s Beaver Creek Nursery. about 30 to 50 species of dogwood, including our more familiar native flowering dogwood tree Cornus florida. Although it resembles the Cornelian Cherry Dogwood (Cornus mas), the Japanese Cornel Dogwood grows with a slightly more open habit, flowers a bit earlier, and has more attractive bark than Cornelian Cherry Dogwood. Several great cultivars of Japanese Cornel Dogwood are available on the market, including ‘Sunsphere’, which flowers slightly earlier than others in the species, ‘Kintoki’, known for its heavier bloom, ‘Lemon Zest’, which has larger flowers than most selections, ‘Issai Minan’, which flowers well as a young plant, and ‘Morris Arboretum’, which has heavy bloom and a slightly longer flowering period. Tennessee nursery owner

Sue Hamilton, Director of the UT Gardens, first wrote about the Japanese Cornel Dogwood as the March 2009 UT Gardens Plant of the Month. She is still enthusiastic about this plant as a winter feature. The UT Gardens includes plant collections located in Knoxville, Jackson, and Crossville. Designated as the official botanical garden for the State of Tennessee, the collections are part of the UT Institute of Agriculture. The gardens’ mission is to foster appreciation, education, and stewardship of plants through garden displays, educational programs, and research trials. The gardens are open during all seasons and free to the public. For more information, visit http:// utgardens.tennessee.edu.



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The south’s “Downton Abbey”

Biltmore Offers New Audio Tours and Orchid Talks in a Setting Fit for “Downton Abbey”

OW THROUGH MARCH is typically a quieter time of year for visiting America’s largest home, allowing time to discover extra touches throughout the estate. Special deals combined with warm indoor attractions make a wintertime visit at Biltmore the best value of the year. Travelers can take advantage of the lowest admission prices of the year now through March 19. Estate admission begins at $39 when tickets are purchased seven or more days in advance. Regular tickets are $49, and kids aged nine and younger are free. Tickets include free new audio tours of Biltmore House.

Discover more at Biltmore this winter

Garden walks and orchid talks

Available at no additional charge through March 19, two new audio tours give an updated interpretation of Biltmore’s grand rooms, architecture, collection of art and antiques, as well as true stories about the Vanderbilt family, their guests, and servants. For the first time, Biltmore has introduced a children’s audio tour in addition to the standard audio tour, created to give kids an imaginative connection to life in the Vanderbilt household. Biltmore’s curators and hosts narrate the standard audio tour, while the children’s tour is told from the point of view of Cedric, the Vanderbilt’s beloved Saint Bernard. Both tours follow the same route through Biltmore House for families to enjoy together. Travelers also won’t want to miss a brand new area to explore in Biltmore House in 2014: the second floor living hall. This is the latest restoration project undertaken by Biltmore’s curatorial staff and reopened to the public last fall.

More indoor enchantment awaits in the Conservatory. Possibly one of the warmest spots in North Carolina’s mountains during winter, the Conservatory is filled with thousands of tropical plants, including an expansive orchid display at its showiest peak in March. Orchids and Biltmore have a long history; in fact, some 800 orchids were on George Vanderbilt’s list to be purchased for the Conservatory in 1894. Through the efforts of Biltmore’s orchid expert Jim Rogers, the estate has procured heritage varieties found on the 1894 list that can be seen on display in the Conservatory. New educational tours are offered in the Conservatory Mondays through Fridays through March 19 at 11 am. Expert gardeners discuss the many types of orchids in bloom and topics such as Biltmore’s heritage orchids, the history of orchid cultivation, and details about Biltmore’s Conservatory. Growing tips and general care information will also be offered. Capacity is limited, and orchid talks are free with the price of estate admission.

Photo provided by The Biltmore Company

As the fourth season of “Downton Abbey” airs on PBS this winter, fans of the show have taken note of similarities between Biltmore and the period drama hit. Thematic story lines and the era of the show overlap with the time when George and Edith Vanderbilt lived in the 250-room Biltmore House and raised their daughter, Cornelia. Parallels between Biltmore and Downton Abbey can be brought to life in two specialty tours at Biltmore. During the Butler’s Tour, visitors discover how Biltmore House functioned, past and present, and learn about the work of the Vanderbilt’s domestic servants. As for the opulence upstairs, it’s easy to imagine what it would have been like to stay at Biltmore (circa 1895 to the early 1930s) with the Vanderbilts as your hosts during the Vanderbilt Family & Friends Tour. Tours are offered daily, and advance registration is required. Each tour is $17 per person in addition to estate admission. Finishing an afternoon with the English tea service at the Inn on Biltmore Estate, complete with traditional English finger sandwiches, scones, fruit breads, and tea pastries, will round out a day in the spirit of “Downton Abbey.”

Warm-up at the Winery A stop at Biltmore Winery is a delightful way to spend a chilly winter afternoon with free guided tours of the production facility and complimentary tastings. Specialty wine tours offered at an additional price include the Red Wine and Chocolate Seminar and the Biltmore Bubbles Tour. Antler Hill Village is just steps away from the Winery and features “The Vanderbilts at Home and Abroad,” an exhibition highlighting archival letters, personal items, and exotic treasures the Vanderbilts collected around the world.

Special rates at the Inn on Biltmore Estate The four-star Inn on Biltmore Estate has special winter pricing with savings of up to 50%. Rooms start at $149 per night. For more information, call 800-411-3812 or visit www.biltmore.com. Februar y 2014 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE



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tight-as-a-drumhead playing, and a profound depth of feeling: these are the promises of a great soul band, and St. Paul and The Broken Bones deliver on those promises. Half The City is the compelling full-length Single Lock/ Thirty Tigers debut of the Birmingham, Alabama-based sextet, who have already created a maelstrom of interest with their roof-raising live shows and

self-released four-song 2012 EP. Produced by Ben Tanner of Alabama Shakes and recorded and mixed in the storied R&B mecca of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, the album, harkens back to the region's classic soul roots while extending the form with electrifying potency. For more information, visit www. knoxbijou.com.

Repurpose Your Unused Diamonds and Fine Jewelry



service in the U.S. Coast Guard, Vince was soon after married and later the father of two children. He could have little imagined that he would soon be launching a more than five decade career in the diamond and fine jewelry business. Since 1961, Vince has been a student of both the quality diamond and fine jewelry business, and he has put this experience to work in some rather unique ways. “I’ve been fortunate in my career to have met many of the leaders in the world diamond marketplace and to have been privileged to work with many of the nation’s premier jewelers,” says Vince. “I’ve loved every minute of this fascinating and fast-paced industry, and the thought of retiring has never occurred to me.” Vince and his wife of 50 years, having relocated to the Knoxville area, opened an office in the Farragut area in addition to offices in St. Louis and Clearwater. Called Vincent’s, Vince and company purchases diamonds of all shapes and sizes, as well as fine jewelry, sapphires, and rubies, from both individuals and estates. “In addition to purchasing diamonds and fine jewelry at the highest possible prices, we also offer sellers a totally unique selling experience,” says Vince. Vincent’s meets with each client on an appointment only basis in their Farragut office, offering a secure, private, and safe environment. All consultations are confidential and are performed on a no cost, no obligation basis. If you are interested in selling your diamonds or fine jewelry, why not trust Vincent’s and their more than 50-year tradition for integrity, experience, and courteous service? For more information, call 865-392-5358 or visit www.sellmyjewel.com. Confidential • Secure • Trusted Established 1961 By appointment only


123 Center Park Drive, Suite 203 Knoxville, TN 37922 865.392.5358 www.sellmyjewel.com 58


BY S H A R O N H E R R E L L , C O - O W N E R O F H O N E Y S U C K L E R O S E B O U T I Q U E

Honeysuckle Rose Boutique

Where Cupid Shops for Valentine’s Day


Simply Enchanting Gifts HoneysuckleRoseBoutique in Historic Wears Valley

N SEARCH OF the perfect Valentine

gift? Well, if you’re tired of the same old Valentine’s card and box of Whitman’s chocolate, I have the perfect alternative for you. You can do all your shopping in a truly enchanted, cottage-like setting the Honeysuckle Rose Boutique in historic Wears Valley. Honeysuckle Rose Boutique is a refreshing alternative to today’s shopping venues that often offer the same generic merchandise. At Honeysuckle Rose Boutique, we encourage you to share your Valentine’s interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes with our associates so we can help you select that perfect gift that will make the special day remembered by your loved one for many years to come. Is your Valentine an amateur gourmet? Then visit our boutique’s kitchen area, where you’ll discover rich roasted coffee from the Vienna Coffee Company or specialty and award-winning foods from Stonewall Kitchen. Also, savor gourmet recipe mixes from Willow & Willow, wine-inspired vinegars from B.R. Cohn Olive Oil Company, or how about dips and relishes from Robert Rothschild Farm? Is fashion her thing? Check out our newest arrivals from Mary Frances or our fabulous fine jewelry from, yes, Arthur Court - not just for the buffet or dining table anymore! There’s also Jilzara Premium Clay Beads, Lucina K Peapod Necklaces, Viva Beads, City Gypsies Jewelry, Jody Coyote, and more. Maybe it’s bath and body that delight. How about all-natural body products from Farmhouse Fresh, The Naked Bee, Hillhouse Naturals, Caren Original, EVOO Spa Line, or Misty Mountain Soap Company? For home decor and more, be sure to browse our extensive candle collections from Root, Fairfax & King, Massie Creek, Lifetime Oil Candles, and everyone’s favorite, Tyler Candle Company. You also want to be sure to check out our extensive collection of intricate aluminum and pewter creations from Arthur Court Designs. Also, there’s tons of creative gifts for your guy, too! The perfect destination for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift or gifts for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, showers, holidays, corporate... you name it. Honeysuckle Rose Boutique, where cupid shops for Valentine’s Day.

Honeysuckle Rose Boutique

3008 McPherson Lane Sevierville, TN 37862 865.428.1599 www.HoneysuckleRoseBoutique.com Sat 10am-5pm & Sun 11am-5pm

Jewelry • Handbags & Accessories • Gourmet Foods • Home Décor Wedding Party Gifts • Locally Made Health & Beauty Products

"Extraordinary Touches for Ordinary Days" 3008 McPherson Lane • Sevierville, TN 37862 865.428.1599 • www.HoneysuckleRoseBoutique.com Sat 10am - 5pm & Sun 11 am - 5 pm

Yonder Mountain String Band February 8 at 8 pm Tennessee Theatre YONDER MOUNTAIN STRING BAND

has always played music by its own set of rules. Bending bluegrass, rock, and countless other influences that the band cites, Yonder has pioneered a sound of their own. With their traditional lineup of instruments, the band may look like a traditional bluegrass band at

first glance, but they’ve created their own music that transcends any genre. Yonder’s sound cannot be classified purely as “bluegrass” or “string music,” but rather it’s an original sound created from “looking at music from their own experiences and doing the best job possible.” The band continues to play by their own rules on their new record "The Show." The Coloradobased foursome has crisscrossed the country during the past 13 years, playing such varied settings as festivals, rock clubs, Red Rocks Amphitheater in the band’s home state, and even at Mile High Stadium. For more information, visit www.tennessee theatre.com.




Winter Heritage Festival Providing First-Hand Cultural Insight into Appalachian Heritage

THIS FEBRUARY, the 2014 Winter Heri-

tage Festival will offer attendees a first-hand look inside the cultural traditions, heritage, and history of the Appalachian region. The festival will be held at various locations throughout Townsend and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park February 6-9, and most events require pre-registration to participate. (See the full schedule of events for costs and registration details.) “This festival offers an intimate, insider’s look into Cades Cove and the surrounding area with songs, stories, and accounts of the region and its heritage from the people that lived the history and who have expertise on a wide range of topics,” said Tami Vater, Director of Tourism for the Blount Partnership. “There are also events like hikes, candy making, and workshops in photography and dowsing that get attendees actively involved. It’s a lot of fun.”

The festival will kick off on Thursday, February 6, with a reception at the Townsend Artisan Gallery. On February 7, events will include hikes to the Walker Sisters House and Elijah and Polly Oliver’s place in Cades Cove with a park ranger, a photography workshop presented by the Townsend Artisan Guild, and talks at the Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center with Appalachian historians and local legends who will share first-hand experiences about living in Cades Cove, the area’s wildlife, and in-depth historic tales ranging from the Civil War to hunting in the mountains told through presentations, songs, and stories. On February 8, the Chocolate B’ar will offer a beginner’s candy making course where participants will learn the principles of tempering chocolate and truffle making, as well as old-fashioned window pane candy. The day

will continue at the Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center with more local tales from historians about “The Meaning of Respect,” videos about the natural and cultural heritage of Southern Appalachia, the military history of the area, and accounts of living in Cades Cove. Additionally, there will be demonstrations and lessons on the “Art of Dowsing,” as well as live bluegrass music performances at the Visitors Center in Townsend. The festival will conclude on February 9, with an open homecoming reunion of former residents of Cades Cove hosted by the Cades Cove Preservation Association. For more information about the events held during the Winter Heritage Festival or to register to attend a specific event, visit www.SmokyMountains.org or contact the Smoky Mountain Tourism Development Authority at 800-525-6834.

2014 Winter Heritage Festival Schedule of Events THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH Winter Heritage Festival Kickoff & Reception 4:30-6 pm

Join us for the Winter Heritage Festival Kickoff & Reception at the Townsend Artisan Gallery, located at 7843 East Lamar Alexander Parkway. Refreshments provided by the Townsend Artisan Gallery and the Blount Partnership. To attend, call 865-983-2241.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH Hike the original back road to Walker Sisters House (4.5 hours, 4.5 miles) 9:50 am

Hike is limited to 24 people, and attendees must reserve a spot to participate. Meet at Metcalf Picnic Area. Bring waterproof boots, water, lunch, and snacks. Rain gear advised. To register, call Mark or Janet Snyder at 865-448-1183 after 6 pm.


Photography Workshop presented by Townsend Artisan Guild (Photographers of all skill levels are welcome) 9 am-3:30 pm

The discussion begins with the use of a photographer’s levers to create interest in a specific subject, specific digital camera tools, and then applications of those functions on your own camera. Continuing conversations include optimizing compositional elements to add impact and emotion to your photographs. Participants have an opportunity to photograph still life objects and to practice those techniques with the guidance of experienced photographers. The final wrap up is a review of images, critiquing their technical and emotional impact, along with a discussion of processing the images on your computer. 9:00 am: Welcome, introduction, coffee and muffins provided 9:15 am: Using Photographic Levers to Create Interest in Your Subject 10:15 am: Digital Tools Within Your Camera to Improve Your Photographs


11:15 am: Optimizing Composition for Impact and Emotion 12:15 pm: Lunch and Photographing 2:15 pm: Digitally Processing Images and Critiques

played in Cades Cove. He often demonstrates some of the homemade toys they would have used then. He lives with his wife, Jo, near Maryville.

Bring your camera and your manual. An opportunity to acquire a box lunch will be provided at noon. Donations of $25 are requested to cover the Guild’s expenses for this event. To register, contact Susan Cooper at 865-448-0859 or townsendartisanguild@gmail.com.

Earl Layhue, singer-songwriter

Presentations at the Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center Gene Lequire – “Children Then and Now” 10-10:45 am

Gene Lequire is a retired farmer, builder, and cabinet maker who was born in Cades Cove and lived there until his family had to move out when it became part of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. He has often spoken to school groups telling the students how children lived and

11-11:45 am

Earl Layhue was born in Uniontown, PA, and lived in Sandusky, OH, until 2010 when he and his wife, Tammi, moved to Pigeon Forge to be near Cades Cove. They visited Cades Cove often and fell in love with the historic valley. After their first visit to the Cove, Earl wrote a song, “The People of Cades Cove,” which is the lead song on a new album he has recorded.

Lynn Fox – “Walking in the Footsteps of Tennessee History with Gov. John Sevier” 12-12:45 pm

For more than 27 years, Lynn Fox has kept the spirit of the heroes of the Battle of Kings Mountain alive, reenacting their march from west of the Appalachians to Kings Mountain


on the North Carolina-South Carolina border, where they defeated British forces during the Revolutionary War. He is also a fan of former Gov. John Sevier of Tennessee, one of the early patriots of the era. He uses Sevier as well as Davy Crockett and Sam Houston in his presentation.

Break for Lunch 1-1:45 pm

Dr. Aaron Astor – “Divided Loyalties in East Tennessee during the Civil War” 2-2:45 pm

Dr. Aaron Astor is an associate professor of history at Maryville College and the author of numerous articles, conference papers, and book chapters on the Civil War era on the Upper and Border South. He is the author of the recently released Rebels on the Border: Civil War, Emancipation and the Reconstruction of Kentucky and Missouri, 1860-1872, published by LSU press. He has also written about such topics as guerrilla warfare, battles and campaigns in the Western Theater, and other topics about the Civil War. He is a graduate of Hamilton College in Clinton, NY, and Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.

Randal Pierce – “The Hunting Tradition in the Great Smoky Mountains” 3-3:45 pm

Randal Pierce is a native Tennessean who grew up in Upper East Tennessee. He is a professional educator and trainer and is an assistant professor in Human Resource Management at the University of Tennessee. He is a long time collector of early Americana, especially handmade firearms, their accessories, and the tools used to build them. He is married with three children and two grandchildren. He and his wife enjoy camping, fishing, and hiking and live in the Wildwood community of Blount County.

Kim Delozier – “Wildlife in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park” 4-4:45 pm

Kim Delozier is a retired Wildlife Biologist with the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. He grew

up living and working on the family farm in Sevier County, where he developed a love for the outdoors and animals. He received a Wildlife and Fisheries Science degree from the University of Tennessee and went to work for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in 1978 as a wild boar hunter. He later served as the park’s wildlife biologist and retired in 2010 after 32 years of service. His work primarily involved nuisance black bear management, wild boar control, whitetail deer management, and small animal management. He also worked on re-introduction efforts for elk, river otters, peregrine falcons, and red wolves. He now works for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. He recently co-authored a book, “Bear in the Back Seat.”

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH Hike to Elijah & Polly Oliver’s place in Cades Cove (1.5 hours, 1 mile) 1 pm

Hike with a Cades Cove Park Ranger to learn about the family, and see the only park historic site that has all the support buildings still there and available to see. Also, learn how the park’s historic preservation team maintains and repairs more than 100 historic structures throughout the park and how park partnerships with groups help to preserve the cultural history of the park. Attendees must reserve a spot to participate. Meet at Abrams Falls parking lot (half way around Loop Road). Dress for the weather. Subject to cancellation for inclement weather. To attend, call 865-448-4104 or email mike_ maslona@nps.gov.

Candy Making Class 9:30-noon

Come take part in a beginner candy making course at the Chocolate B’ar. We will discuss the principles of tempering chocolate and truffle making. Participants will be able to make some truffles to take home (if they last that long) and also learn how to make old-fashioned window pane candy. Cost is $15. To register, call 865-448-9433 or 865-448-9895.

“The Art of Dowsing: Do you have the gift?”

10:30-11:30 am and 2-3 pm

Join Charlie Monday at the Smoky Mountain Visitor’s Center (7906 E. Lamar Alexander Parkway) to learn the history of dowsing, what to expect from their visit, and his experiences using the rods for underground objects (water, graves, pipes, etc.). We will demonstrate the dowsing rods and forked stick with each visitor, who will be given a set of dowsing rods to try what they have learned. The class continues outside, weather permitting, to locate water and a trip to the cemetery if they wish. Class size is limited, and registration is required to participate. To register, contact Vicky at 865-983-2241.

Live Bluegrass music at the Visitors Center in Townsend 12-2 pm and 3-4 pm

Presentations at the Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center Betty Bales – “The Meaning of Respect” 10-10:45 am

Betty Bales is a native Tennessean who lives in Maryville and is a registered nurse at Blount Memorial Hospital. She will share how her great grandmother, Mary Jane Gregory Whitehead, taught the meaning of respect to her children. Betty is the granddaughter of John and Lilly Cooper Whitehead, descendants of Cades Cove, and enjoys researching the history of her Smoky Mountain heritage, working with women’s ministries, and serving in the mission field, both locally and in South America.

Kate Marshall – “Sparks Lane – Then and Now” 11-11:45 am

Kate Marshall is a professional videographer. She and her husband, Al Harmon, own Kate Marshall Graphics Inc., which has won 13 international film awards for its films. Their company is focused on preservation of the natural heritage and the cultural heritage of the Southern Appalachians and the Southern States, with DVD

documentary projects about black bears, mountain music, wildflowers, and whitetail deer. They are now working on a personal history of Cades Cove. Their work can be seen at www.CoveBear.com.

Break for Lunch 12-12:45 pm

Dorothy Sutton – “Military veterans in Cades Cove and East Tennessee” 1-1:45 pm

Dorothy Gregory Sutton is a native of Cades Cove and currently lives in Blount County. She was born in Cades Cove but moved out at an early age when the Cove became part of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. She is a retired nurse who has researched military Veterans from the Cades Cove area who were in all of the wars from the Civil War to present day. She focused some of her research on military service women.

Bernard Myers – “The Myers Family of Cades Cove and his uncle, Sherman Myers” 2-2:45 pm

Bernard Myers was born in Cades Cove and lived there until he was nine years old, when his family moved out of the Cove when it became part of the Great Smoky Mountains National. His parents were Golman and Viola Burchfield Myers. He attended the old Cable School for one year before it closed. He finished his education at Townsend High School. He has entertained groups with stories of the Cove, his family, and especially his uncle, Sherman Myers.

Panel discussion by former Cades Cove residents 3 pm

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH Cades Cove Reunion 2-4 pm

The Cades Cove Preservation Association will host a homecoming reunion of former residents of Cades Cove at the Big Valley Resort, 7056 E. Lamar Alexander Parkway in Townsend, in the resort clubhouse. Light refreshments will be served.





narrative” and thereby help foster more positive, just, and equitable interactions between the diverse groups of people for whom East Tennessee is home. AAHA is a task force of CEDnet, the Community Economic Development Network of East Tennessee. Added information about the AAHA team can be found at www.aahaonline.net.

Service Learning Students Enhance Appreciation for African American History JEFFERSON COUNTY High School Service Learning students get hands-on learning with the rich history of our area through cemeteries and archives. Service Learning is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to learning skills in context within a real environment. The students team with local historians in researching and documenting local history in different locations across the county. From Jefferson County archives to historic sites, a deeper quest for knowledge comes from mentoring the past to the present. The program has experienced success on many levels. One highlighted project came in 2010, when the students decided to document African American cemeteries in Jefferson County. The students were mentored by Helen Gray (Glenmore Mansion Director) and Lura Hinchey (Director of Jefferson County Archives Department) in researching our local past. The program believes that the work we do is minor compared to those we mentor. Utilizing the three volumes of documented cemeteries Stories in Stone, students took pictures of stones in cemeteries across the county. They photographed seven of the eight black cemeteries. This digital portfolio provided a link to the East Tennessee Preservation Alliance and African American Heritage Alliance in East Tennessee. “The students we have hosted at the Jefferson County Archives from the Student Learning class are top students who have a desire to learn about history,” said Lura Hinchey. “Where better to learn of history than at the 1845 courthouse where records 62


are kept beginning in 1792? They are reading original documents mostly in the mid 1800s and transcribing them.” “Being involved with the Stories in Stone project was a very humbling, eye-opening experience,” said John-Logan Churchman, a former student. “I never knew of all the rich history that lies within our own town. Being able to say that I had a part in such a great project is an honor.” The African American Heritage Alliance “AAHA” is a group of dedicated volunteers dedicated to preserving and sharing the African American stories of East Tennessee. The student work was given to the AAHA team for their database. Members of the AAHA task force represent eight different counties in East Tennessee and 12 different organizations, most of which are African American. AAHA believes that preserving, restoring, and celebrating knowledge of the history of the African American community in East Tennessee and the cultural and economic contributions its members have made will “change the

One of the featured cemeteries from Stories in Stone came from the Westview Cemetery on the west side of Jefferson City and Boyd Chapel Freedmen Cemetery located on the east side of Jefferson City. The Boyd Chapel Freedmen Cemetery, founded about 1867 by the African Methodist Episcopal Church, is the older of the two. It is believed that when the Boyd Chapel Freedmen Cemetery was full (about 1887), burial took place at the Westview Cemetery in the section designated for African Americans. Ongoing research led by members of AAHA will continue as they work on cemetery issues and ask the community to provide any information they may have on African American cemeteries in the county. More importantly, they will provide needed knowledge concerning the origin and people located within both cemeteries. Jefferson County High School’s Service Learning Program has developed an appreciation for local history during a span of 10 years. Ranging from Christmas tours at Glenmore Mansion to transposing documents at the Jefferson County Archives Department, students have discovered the significant components that make up Jefferson County’s rich history. The growing number of talented teenagers interested in researching historical data illustrates our future can touch and appreciate our past!

Each month contributors from the East Tennessee Preservation Alliance (ETPA) write an article for Everything Knoxville celebrating the rich heritage of our region. ETPA is a regional historic preservation membership-based organization that serves Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Claiborne, Cocke, Grainger, Hamblen, Jefferson, Knox, Loudon, Monroe, Morgan, Roane, Scott, Sevier, and Union counties.

Photography provided by Knox Heritage

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Papier Mache Jesters at Mardi Gras World. Photo courtesy of Blaine Kern’s Mardi Gras World.



A 150-Year History of Mardi Gras Festivities INCE THE Mystic

New Orleans Great Cultural Celebration Steeped in History and Tradition

Krewe of Comus took to the streets of New Orleans in 1857, Mardi Gras has grown to be one of America’s greatest cultural celebrations. One last bash before the season of Lent, New Orleans’ carnival balls, parades, and traditions of today can be traced back for more than 150 years. In 1872, Rex became Mardi Gras’ first organized daytime parade and introduced the purple, green, and gold colors (meaning justice, faith, and power), which are said to have been chosen by Grand Duke Alexis Romanoff Alexandrovitch. Mardi Gras was declared an official holiday in Louisiana three years later, and other “krewes” such as Momus and Proteus soon followed, along with the Jefferson City Buzzards, the city’s first and oldest marching club. Zulu, the first African-American krewe, originally heralded the use of floats in 1916, poking fun at Rex and parodying what 64


King Rex and his Page Toasts the Crowd. Photo courtesy of Kate Elkins and NewOrleans Online.com.

were at that time elite and exclusive Mardi Gras celebrations. The painted coconuts that Zulu throws remains one of Mardi Gras’ most prized throws and dates back to 1910. Both Zulu and Rex continue to parade on Fat Tuesday and are a highlight of Mardi Gras. By the 1950s, more Mardi Gras krewes formed, and the celebration began to gain international attention. The famous Bourbon St. Awards costume contest was founded in 1963, and six years later, Bacchus, the city’s first “superkrewe,” came on the scene. Looking to breathe new life into the annual celebration, Bacchus featured the biggest and most spectacular floats in all of Mardi Gras. In 1974, superkrewe Endymion followed suit and now parades along its own route in Mid-City with 2,000 riders, celebrities, and some of the world’s largest floats. As large parades stuck to the St. Charles route, organizations like Pete Fountain’s Half Fast Walking Club and the Krewe du Vieux brought the fun to the French Quarter on foot. Mardi Gras festivities expanded throughout the suburbs in the 1980s,


and in 1987, Rex resurrected its arrival on the Mississippi River on Lundi Gras as it had customarily done between 1874 and 1917. Zulu soon introduced its own Lundi Gras traditions as well, and today, the annual traditions and party continues in Woldenburg Park on the riverfront. The 1990s saw continued growth of Mardi Gras, and in 1993, musician Harry Connick, Jr. and captain Sonny Borey founded the star-studded superkrewe of Orpheus. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, much of the country debated the future of Mardi Gras, but parades rolled successfully that same year. The celebration proved to be not just a muchneeded boost for the city’s tourist industry, but a morale boost for the residents themselves. Bringing back familiar parades on St. Charles, second-lines in the streets, and putting smiles on the faces of revelers, Mardi Gras helped restore a legacy of good times in New Orleans.

Year-round Mardi Gras Family Fun More than 100 years ago, the first Mardi Gras Parade rode down St. Charles Avenue, and since that time the festival has grown into a world event. There are many family activities, however, surrounding Mardi Gras that occur throughout the year.

“FOR NEW ORLEANIANS, Mardi Gras is a

great family event, something that is celebrated each year with all generations participating,” said Sandra S. Shilstone, President and CEO of the New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation. “Families attend all the parades in Uptown, Mid-City, and downtown and make these events part of their rituals.” Families enjoy Mardi Gras year-round due to the many exhibits open in the area. These exhibits offer an excellent opportunity for visitors to entertain and educate their families about this famous annual celebration. Mardi Gras: It’s Carnival Time in Louisiana is located at the Louisiana State Museum’s

Masked Mardi Gras Reveler. Photo courtesy of NewOrleansOnline.com.

Presbytere on Jackson Square in the historic French Quarter. This must-see exhibition features two floors of hightech, interactive displays and traces the history, glamour, and fun of Mardi Gras as it is celebrated throughout the state. There are also permanent exhibits of exquisite ball gowns and jewels, an interactive climb-aboard float recreation, Mardi Gras Indian costumes, an Acadian Carnival gallery, and much more. Also located in the French Quarter, and

open all year during restaurant hours, is the Germaine Cazenave Wells Mardi Gras Museum, located on the second floor of Arnaud’s Restaurant at 813 Rue Bienville. Here the visitor will find a dazzling collection of Mardi Gras ball gowns, costumes, and memorabilia that provide a glimpse into the glamour of the season. When the Casbarian family bought Arnaud’s in the 1970s, 26 gowns and costumes from the Cazenave family were found packed away. The Casbarians felt they Februar y 2014 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE



French Quarter Balcony. Photo courtesy of Alex Demyan and NewOrleansOnline.com.

needed to be shared with the public, so they encased them in glass, added historical information about each, and now invite visitors to learn about the social aspects of Mardi Gras that normally is not shared with the public. Just across the Mississippi River is Blaine Kern’s Mardi Gras World, home of the largest float builder in the world. Here families will see floats being created and designed. Blaine Kern is affectionately called “Mr. Mardi Gras” by locals and has been in the forefront of float design and construction worldwide. His facility offers visitors a birds-eye view of the intricacies and detail in building floats. More



than 80% of the floats that travel down New Orleans streets, and many floats that decorate parades worldwide, are made at Blaine Kern’s Mardi Gras World. While actual Mardi Gras festivities take place for about two weeks, families can get a feeling for Mardi Gras year-round by touring the various exhibits available. To learn more about the history, pageantry, and activities surrounding Mardi Gras in New Orleans, visit www.NewOrleansOnline. com, the official tourism website for the city of New Orleans, where visitors can also order a free copy of the Official New Orleans Tourism Guide.

Bouef Gras Float Rides in the Rex Parade on Mardi Gras Day. Photo courtesy of Blaine Kern's Mardi Gras World.

2014 Mardi Gras Parade Schedule Each year there are dozens of parades in New Orleans and the surrounding area, and this year is no different. Parades begin Saturday, February 15, and continue until Mardi Gras day, March 4. Usually days have several parades booked back to back, so whether you are on St. Charles Avenue with the family, catching beads from a Central Business District balcony, or enjoying the floats on Canal before a night in the French Quarter, plan for a day of Mardi Gras magic.



February Concerts Maestro Lucas Richman

KSO POPS DANCING AND ROMANCING February 8 at 8 pm Knoxville Civic Auditorium

Broadway and Hollywood combine in a night of song and dance inspired by the legendary Fred and Ginger! Maestro Lucas Richman leads the Orchestra and special guests, including dancers/singers Kirby Ward and Joan Hess, in a tribute to the music of Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, and George Gershwin. Tickets can be purchased at the Coliseum box office or all Knoxville Tickets locations.


The Knoxville Symphony Youth Orchestra Association consists of five orchestras and 275 students. The Winter Concert of the 40th KSYOA season will take place at 7:00 pm on Monday, February 17. Admission is free. This concert is sponsored by Charlie & Moll Anderson Foundation.



Lucas Richman, conductor, Nmon Ford, baritone, and UT Choral Ensembles will feature Yardumian: Veni, Sancte Spiritus, Hovhaness: Symphony No. 2 “Mysterious Mountain,” and Bloch: Sacred Service. Tickets are on sale at all Knoxville Tickets locations and the Knoxville Symphony box office.

The Very Young People’s Concerts are created specifically for preschool, kindergarten, first, and second grade students. The program Shall We Dance explores all types of dance music with the help of Maestro Lucas Richman and the KSO’s animated friend, Picardy Penguin. Picardy will guide the students in the basics of dancing a waltz in Richard Rodgers’ “Shall We Dance” from The King and I. Maestro Richman’s own Variations at the Barre will accompany different ballet techniques performed on stage and will introduce Tchaikovsky’s beloved Swan Lake. The Maestro will lead us on a trip to South America for some Argentinean Tango with Astor Piazolla and then to Bohemia for Dvorak’s Slavonic Dances. The program will also feature a tap routine and even the familiar Hokey-Pokey. Join us for this fun exploration of music and dance! A special group price is available for this program. Admission for the concert is $8 per student and one adult for every 10 students will be admitted free of charge. Upon receipt of your reservation, a teacher’s guide and CD will be sent to you to help prepare your students for the concert.

February 20 & 21 at 7:30 pm Tennessee Theatre


The concert will feature the Youth Orchestra and the winners of the 2013-14 Concerto Competition: Daniel Choo, violin (Wieniawski Violin Concerto No. 2, Movement 1) and Benjamin Parton, violin (Shostakovich Violin Concerto No. 1, Movement 4). The concert is free and open to the public; no tickets are required.

February 25 at 9:30 am Tennessee Theatre

For more information, visit www.knoxville symphony.com. Photograph by Eric L. Smith





Feb. 1: The Whipping Man at the Carousel Theatre at 7:30 pm. Also on Feb. 5-8 & 12-15 at 7:30 pm. Matinees on Feb. 2, 9, & 16 at 2 pm.

Feb. 15: Edwin McCain at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm.

Feb. 1: Art Garfunkel at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm.

Feb. 17: Knoxville Symphony Youth Orchestra Winter Concert at the Tennessee Theatre at 7 pm.

Feb. 3: Mighty Musical Monday with KSO Woodwind Quintet at the Tennessee Theatre at 12 pm. Free! Feb. 4: Jonny Lang at the Tennessee Theatre at 8 pm. Feb. 7: First Friday on Market Square, Gay Street, The Old City, and Downtown North beginning at 5 pm. Feb. 7: Valentine's Day First Friday Open House at the Tennessee Theatre at 5:30 pm. Feb. 7: Joel Osteen “A Night of Hope” at Thompson-Boling Arena at 7:30 pm. Feb. 8: KSO Pops Dancing and Romancing at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium at 8 pm. Feb. 8: Yonder Mountain String Band at the Tennessee Theatre at 8 pm. Feb. 8: 10 Years Acoustic at the Bijou Theatre at 9 pm. Feb. 12: Mystical Arts of Tibet Performance of “Sacred Music Sacred Dance” at the Bijou Theatre at 7:30 pm.

February 14

Valentine's Day

Feb. 13: Knoxville Jazz Orchestra presents Jazz is for Lovers with vocalist Gregory Porter at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm. Feb. 14: Winter Jam 2014 at Thompson-Boling Arena at 7 pm. Feb. 14: Black Joe Lewis at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm. Feb. 14 & 16: Knoxville Opera presents The Elixir of Love at the Tennessee Theatre. Feb. 14 at 8 pm and Feb. 16 at 2:30 pm.



Feb. 17: Presidents' Day.

Feb. 20 & 21: Knoxville Symphony Orchestra: Music of the Spirit at the Tennessee Theatre at 7:30 pm. Feb. 20-22: The Trip to Bountiful at the Clarence Brown Theatre at 7:30 pm. Also on Feb. 23 at 2 pm and Feb. 26-28 at 7:30 pm. Performances continue through March 9. Feb. 20-23: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey presents Super Circus Heroes at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum. Feb. 20 & 21 at 7 pm and Feb. 22 & 23 at 1 & 5 pm. Feb. 22 & 23: GO! Contemporary Danceworks presents Search for Persephone at the Bijou Theatre. Feb. 22 at 8 pm and Feb. 23 at 3 pm. Feb. 23: Farragut Folklife Museum Black History Month Event: "Reflections on Community Contributions." Reception at 2 pm and presentation at 3 pm. Free event, no registration required. Feb. 23: KSYO Concerto Concert at the Tennessee Theatre at 2:30 pm. Feb. 25: KSO Very Young People’s Concerts: Shall We Dance at the Tennessee Theatre at 9:30 am. Feb. 25: Four on the Floor featuring Randy Rogers Band, Wade Bowen, Stoney Larue, and Josh Abbott Band at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm. Feb. 26: St. Paul and the Broken Bones at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm. Feb. 27 & 28: The Tennessee Children's Dance Ensemble at the Tennessee Theatre at 7:30 pm. Feb. 28: Todd Snider at the Bijou Theatre at 8:30 pm.


“TheWhipping Man” to Play in the Carousel Theatre THE CLARENCE BROWN THEATRE

opens the second half of its season with Matthew Lopez’ highly acclaimed “The Whipping Man,” directed by John Sipes, running now through February 16 in the Carousel Theatre. The production is sponsored by BB&T, Knoxville Area Urban League, Knox County Tourism Consortia, Tennessee Arts Commission, and the City of Knoxville.

inspired him to write “The Whipping Man.” “When I became aware of its background narrative, my interest in the play began and then deepened when I heard the voices of the characters,” said director John Sipes. “Characters who spoke passionately about issues of faith, morality, ethics, status, and, above all, the right of personal freedom - all topics as pertinent today as they were long ago.” The production will feature visiting guest artist, Daver Morrison, and two UT Theatre Department graduate students, Tramell Tillman and Steve Sherman. Several additional events are associated with this production: Open Caption performance on February 2 at 2:00 pm and Talk Back with the cast and director following the February 9 matinee. With a dual mission to train the next generation of theatre artists and to provide top quality professional theatre, the Clarence

Brown Theatre at the University of Tennessee Knoxville is one of only 12 academic LORT (League of Resident Theatre) institutions in the nation. Under the artistic direction of Calvin MacLean, the CBT season runs from August through May and features eight productions ranging from musicals to drama. The 2013-2014 remaining season includes “The Whipping Man,” “The Trip to Bountiful,” “Wrens,” and Monty Python’s “Spamalot.” Stay connected with the Clarence Brown Theatre on Facebook (Clarence Brown Theatre), follow us on Twitter (@ClarenceBrown), and view Clarence Brown videos on YouTube (Clarence Bro). Ticket prices range from $5 for UT students to $40. Discounts are available for UT faculty/staff, the military, and senior citizens. For more information or tickets, call the CBT Box Office at 865-974-5161 or visit www.clarencebrowntheatre.com.

Daver Morrison, Steve Sherman, and Tramell Tillman in the Clarence Brown Theatre’s production of “The Whipping Man”

In April 1865, a wounded Jewish Confederate soldier returns to his home in Richmond only to find it ruined and abandoned except for two former slaves also raised in the Jewish faith. As the three men celebrate Passover, they uncover a tangle of secrets and grapple with an uncertain future brought on by the end of the Civil War. The production contains strong language content and strobe lighting. Called “haunting, striking, and powerful” by The New York Times, the production premiered Off-Broadway in 2011 at the Manhattan Theatre Club, for which Lopez was awarded the John Gassner Playwriting Award from the Outer Critics Circle. Having rapidly gained in popularity, it is currently being widely produced throughout the country. Lopez said he experienced a “eureka moment” during his research for “The Whipping Man” when he came upon a reference that on April 9, 1865, General Lee surrendered at Appomattox, and one day later on April 10, 1865, Passover began. “As the slaves were being freed in the American South, there was this ancient observance of the Exodus story,” he noted. It was the discovery of this extraordinary simultaneity of events - one modern and one ancient - that Februar y 2014 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE



FEBRUARY 20-21 AT 7 PM FEBRUARY 22-23 AT 1 & 5 PM KNOXVILLE CIVIC COLISEUM howcasing wonders from the marvelous to the magnificent, every day is extraordinary in this actionpacked super circus filled with superhuman athleticism, power, and pageantry that will have children of all ages discovering their own superhuman strength. Amazing elephants, horses, camels, and more alongside astonishing acrobats, awe-inspiring aerialists, and some over-the-top clowns will have audiences in stitches‌ of laughter of course! Come join us in celebrating the bravery, courage, and honor that lives inside all of us at Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents Super Circus Heroes: far from ordinary, beyond extraordinary! Tickets start at just $16 and can be purchased by calling Knoxville Tickets at 865-656-4444 or visiting www.knoxvilletickets.com. For more information, visit www. knoxvillecoliseum.com.




EXOTIC ANIMAL TRAINERS AND PRESENTERS Brett and Catherine (Cathy) Carden are what people might consider the perfect couple who can truly share their passion with each other, as well as with audiences across the United States. Both from wellknown, multi-generational circus families, the two have created a name for themselves as they continue to successfully train and perform with exotic and domestic animals. Back on their fourth tour, the Cardens are the featured animal presenters in the 7th Gold Edition of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents Super Circus Heroes. They will amaze audiences as they

perform three extraordinary presentations: one featuring three Asian elephants, a second with an mixed animal act, including three camels and two Arabian horses, and a new dog and pony presentation highlighting terriers, poodles, mixed breeds, and, of course, ponies. Having previously toured on Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents ZING ZANG ZOOMÂŽ, Gold Edition, with their comedy mixed Liberty Act and their Asian elephant display, Brett and Cathy have added a dog act featuring an array of different breeds that jump, tumble, flip, and walk on their front and hind legs.

Photos courtesy of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey




Demonstrating the ancient form of qigong (pronounced “chee-gong”), which dates back more than 4,000 years in China, the Shaolin Troupe displays supernatural strength and unbelievable agility. Summoning their inner “qi,” the troupe meditates an hour a day to balance their energy so their minds and bodies can focus on performing the unimaginable. You will witness several amazing feats during their performance as these warriors apply powerful concentration and skill to break wooden and metal poles in one precise strike. Troupe members display their super hero abilities as they get lifted seven feet into the air on the points of five handheld spears, balance on top of spinning tridents, and use a special Kung Fu animal discipline to represent several types of animals. Most of the troupe members have been together for 10 years, presenting this age-old Far East discipline in countries all around the world, including Germany, France, Russia, Japan, and Brazil. The troupe has also participated in various martial arts matches and has been awarded the prestigious Praying Mantis Award for their animal discipline at the International Shaolin Martial Arts Competition. Graduates of various martial arts schools throughout China, the Shaolin Troupe members are seven young men who range in age from 19 to 31 and were recruited by coaches after they held elite auditions at their schools.

The Lopez Family present a duo of energizing acts that will shock audiences, including a daring high-wire act and a Globe of Steel act performance in a smallerthan-average diameter globe with faster speeds and more precise timing.





The fearless Lopez family brings more power than ever before to the high-wire act. Their aerial stunts have unbelievable risks, including a sideways hand-balancing stunt on the high wire, shoulder stands, blindfolds, and a handstand on a precariously-balanced bike. “My biggest challenge is performing a handstand on top of a pole balanced on the brothers’ shoulders as they peddle across the high wire on bicycles,” said Maria. “You must remain focused. You’re always aware of the danger,” says Jonathan. “We kiss the babies, make the sign of the cross, and get up there.”

At 12-ft diameter, the Lopez’s globe is the narrowest globe in the U.S., which equates to faster speeds, closer passes, and requires more precise timing – all combining to make this an incredibly dangerous act! This powerful act has been in the Lopez family for more than 40 years, with Alfonso performing the act for more than 30 years. Once the Lopez family is at maximum capacity with all three riders within the Globe of Steel – and their bikes at full throttle – their protective gear lights up for an explosion of power!


TEETERBOARD/RUSSIAN BARRE Performing for the first time with the Super Circus Heroes, Troupe Alegria, a group of two women and six men, showcase a mixed act full of high-flying skills with energy and pizzazz. This heroic group of acrobats from Cuba have a passion for being part of a team that executes incredible mid-air stunts on the Teeterboard and Russian Barre.



Consign ToDesign SUCCESS

Advertising only becomes an investment when you get results. Fifteen new customers came into Consign To Design on a single Saturday from our ad and article in Everything Knoxville magazine. We plan on continuing to advertise in Everything Knoxville in the future. Every day we have customers saying they read and look forward to our ad every month. Everything Knoxville magazine has been and continues to be a great asset to our store. We love it!

Kristi & David Hickey

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Who’s Telling Your Story? I’ve been following an ongoing news story out of Virginia that could potentially have far reaching consequences for many of us. A Virginia business owner, unhappy with about seven or eight negative online reviews regarding his company, sued and won in court to have the identities of these negative reviewers made public to determine if they had actually patronized his business.

IF THEY HAD NOT, and if he can prove that his business was negatively impacted by these reviews, the court will have to decide whether the business owner is entitled to punitive damages from the reviewers. This

case is unique, as are the laws of Virginia. It’s not certain whether this owner could have succeeded in other states. I’m a big fan of online reviews, although I’m often skeptical of a company or its product that receives both five-star and one-star ratings. Without question, online reviews are often abused. Sometimes by friends of the business owner and occasionally by their enemies, competitors, former disgruntled employees, and even those who claim to be customers but in reality are not. I’m not taking any position on this Virginia legal action, which is continuing to unfold, but I do wish that online reviews were more reliable. No five-star rating from friends, and no one-star rating from competitors. This story caused me to reflect on the significance of not only our reputations as small business owners, but our public perception as well. You might think I’m obsessed with accurately communicating your small business’s story, and I guess I am. You should be,

too. What story do your customers tell others about you, and what do your marketing efforts communicate? I know of multiple businesses who have incredible value propositions that clearly differentiate them from their competitors but whose advertising promotions ignore their strengths, focusing on pricing, leaving potential customers to view them as one more generic business in a sea of other generic competitors. You cannot afford to become a generic icon in today’s competitive marketplace. If you’re not sure how to successfully differentiate yourself and your small business, we’d like to help.

The Cream Rises to the Top B U S I N E S S B A S I C S by Beth Townsend YOU MAY HAVE HEARD that old phrase.

Those with years of life experience have likely heard it more than once. If you are kind, live responsibly, work hard, and stay out of trouble, you will rise above average. Could it be that simple? Recently I placed a call to someone to inquire of her professional services. After receiving a generic voicemail message indicating the party was not available, I left a message requesting a returned call. The returned call came but was not as expected. Apparently my message was left at the wrong number and therefore reached the wrong person. Instead of the recipient discarding the message and going about her busy day, she called to inform me that my message didn’t reach its intended destination. “I wanted to make sure you knew your party did not receive your message,” the caller said. Hers was one of the most refreshing calls I’d received in quite some time. Due to her taking time to communicate information important to me, I was able to quickly redirect my call and finally reach the person intended. If you want to be above average, start with genuine courtesy:

Always return messages. No one person or job is more important than another. Don’t “discount” messages as unimportant. While the message may not be important to you, it is to them. Offer at least a brief response, and treat others with the same respect you would like. Be truthful. If you are not interested in further communication, just say so. “Thanks for calling, but no need to call back; I’m not interested in what you are offering.” Don’t avoid communication because you’re afraid of hurt feelings or conflict. Be direct and communicate boldly but kindly. Most people appreciate knowing where they stand. Express an interest in others. You never know who you might meet or what may develop from random conversations and chance meetings. Don’t get so lost in your schedule or cell phone that people become less important than the steady flow of distractions that are often unimportant.

expectations and that she was a “gem” to work with daily. Setting yourself apart from others is not difficult. It takes building solid relationships and a desire to do what it takes to rise above average. Repetitive skills such as kindness, clear and concise communication, and authenticity are power magnets for success and promotion. Then add a disciplined attitude coupled with gratitude and you quickly become the person others want to be around. Does the cream always rise to the top? Perhaps not always, but you will never know until you rise above the average to see who is in the lead.

I phoned this person’s supervisor to make them aware of her rare manners in an often rude world. Thankful for my call, they assured me she made a habit of exceeding

Beth Townsend is a dynamic

Take time to compliment others.

freelance speaker and writer and can be reached at 225.910.7426 or at www.bethtownsend.com. Februar y 2014 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE




The Key to Being Heard by Your In-Law… Is to Listen! I WAS AT AN EVENT recently, and while I was there, I started observing how other women interacted with one another. I was fascinated by what seemed like a power struggle between the different women. It wasn’t because they were arguing; it was a normal conversation. What I noticed, however, was that both women were fighting to be heard. Both women wanted the other one to listen to her so much that she herself wasn’t listening. How often do you find this to be the case in your relationships? Whether it’s a friend, family member, or an acquaintance, it seems as though everyone is talking and no one is listening. When I think of the MIL/DIL relationship, it’s astounding how hard it is to listen to the other because so much seems to be at stake. Instead of listening, we hear something she says and immediately stop listening and start formulating what we want to say in return.


And now we are no longer able to hear or listen to a thing she is saying. To make it worse, our in-law is doing the exact same thing. As you can imagine, no one is listening, which means no one is being heard! Part of the reason for this is we want to defend ourselves against what we believe she’s saying. We want to make sure she understands why she is wrong or why she has misunderstood. We want to be heard! As I say in my Listening & Learning: Breaking the Stalemate Without Giving In download for MILs and DILs, “If you want to be heard, you have to first listen.” You will get a chance to be heard if your in-law feels you’ve really listened to her and heard her emotional pain. Take the risk. What do you have to lose? The more you listen to her, the less she will feel the urge to bulldoze her thoughts, feelings, and opinions onto you. This then opens up the door for you

to be heard as well. Now you might say, “She never listens to me.” Yes, that’s how it feels, and yes, that may be what it looks like, but she is probably feeling the same way. That’s why it’s time to do something different. Change doesn’t occur magically. Change will occur when you take that first step and do something different to create a different outcome. It’s up to you! Dr. Brann holds a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology and a Ph.D. in Psychobiological Anthropology. www.drdeannabrann.com info@drdeannabrann.com


Etiquette Skills We Might Forget to Teach Our Children WHY COULDN’T SOMEONE come up

with a list that includes every single thing we must teach our children before they turn 18? Then we could just check them off as we went. Are you laughing yet? Nope, it doesn’t really work like that. There are many etiquette skills we sometimes just don’t think to teach our children until we’re in the moment and realize “oops, I don’t think we’ve talked about that.” Here are just a few of those: ›› It’s never polite for your children to go to school, church, etc. with invitations to a birthday party or event unless they are inviting every single child in the school, church, etc. What a heartbreak when one child sees other children receiving invitations, only to be passed by and left without one. Unless you’re inviting everyone, only mail or email invitations. ›› Have you taught your children what to do when the American flag is brought into a room or when the national anthem is played? Too often I see these events happening and children are simply at a loss as to appropriate behavior. Teach your children to stand when 74


the flag is raised or brought into a room and to face the flag while standing when the national anthem is played. Teach them that it’s rude to talk or make noise when this is going on. Although it’s not necessary, you may place your hand over your heart during the national anthem. Always be at attention. To learn more considerations towards our flag, visit www.usa-flag-site.org. ›› It’s not polite to double dip. If you take a bite of a chip, then it would be rude to take the halfeaten chip and re-dip it into a bowl of dip. Maybe you do this in your own home, but you don’t do this when eating in public or with a group. ›› It’s not polite to touch other people’s babies or pets without their permission. Many parents are very concerned about germs when it comes to their small children, so you should never assume it’s alright to touch a child without the parent’s permission. With pets, it’s more of a safety issue to our own children, but regardless, you should always have permission. ›› It’s not polite to walk through other people’s yards, regardless of how careful you walk, without the property owner’s permission.

This is more about respect than just about damaging someone’s property. Of course it’s usually not damaging to someone’s yard for someone to walk across it, but it’s not polite to ever assume that the property owner doesn’t mind. ›› It’s polite when we keep our commitments. If your children commit to being home at a certain time, then that’s the time they should arrive. If your child commits to cleaning his room, then a clean room should be had. Helping your children learn to keep their commitments is one of the first steps to helping them become trustworthy, dependable adults, and what a gift that is.

Monica Irvine The Etiquette Factory President

865.719.7302 www.theetiquettefactory.com monica@theetiquettefactory.com

BY M AT T H E W B . D O P P E LT, D.O.


ULTRASOUND is Heating Things Up

IN THE MEDICAL field, ultrasound

has been used for diagnostic imaging purposes for many years. More recently, ultrasound has been turning up the heat in the field of aesthetic medicine. The power of ultrasound has been harnessed to perform non-invasive cosmetic procedures with some amazing results.

Matthew B. Doppelt, D.O.

Before Liposonix

After Liposonix

Before Liposonix

After Liposonix

Before Ultherapy

After Ultherapy

Board Certified Dermatologist

Two companies have brought ultrasound technology to the aesthetic marketplace. These are Solta with Liposonix and Ulthera with Ultherapy. Both Liposonix and Ultherapy use focused ultrasound technology to bypass the delicate upper layers of skin and target deeper tissues. Think of a magnifying glass’s ability to focus sunlight into an extremely high temperature point capable of burning. This is similar to how Liposonix and Ultherapy work. Southeastern Dermatology Consultants is proud to be the exclusive provider of these treatments in Knoxville. Using focused ultrasound to melt fat, Liposonix has been approved to treat the abdomen and flanks (love handles). The Liposonix treatment is ideal for active, healthy individuals who have at least 1 inch or 2.5 cm of fat to lose in their abdomen or flanks. It is noninvasive, so it is a great solution if you have stubborn fat but don’t want to have surgery. The Liposonix treatment has 10 years of research and testing

behind its development. It has a welldefined safety profile during and after treatment with very good patient satisfaction. With a single treatment we typically see patients lose between one and two inches from their waistline, and maximum improvement is seen after two to three months. Ultherapy is the only device that has received FDA approval for a noninvasive neck and brow lift. We use it to lift and tighten the skin of the face, neck, under the chin, along the jaw line, and on the brow. Ultherapy is able to do this by going deeper into the tissue than lasers and radio frequency without injuring the skin’s surface. Another factor that promotes safety and better results is that with Ultherapy we can visualize the targeted areas. Results will unfold during the course of two to three months with maximum improvement at six months. While these ultrasound technologies do not duplicate the results of traditional surgery, Liposonix and Ultherapy are inviting alternatives for those who are not yet ready or who are not candidates for surgery. Please call Southeastern Dermatology Consultants to schedule a complimentary consultation, and see if either of these procedures are a good option for you.

Southeastern Dermatology Consultants 1924 Pinnacle Pointe Way, Suite 300 Knoxville, TN 37922 865.474.8800 www.drdoppelt.com

Before Ultherapy

After Ultherapy

Join us for ou "Thinner Dinner Par rt y" on March 6th at 6 pm

Featuring Liposonix, Sli Smartlipo. Hors d' oe mlipo, and vre refreshments will be s and served. Call 865-474-8800 today to RSVP as seating is lim Special pricing for att ited. endees.



Fat reduction that fits.™

INTRODUCING THE LIPOSONIX® TREATMENT Do you have areas of unwanted fat around your abdomen or love handles that you can’t seem to get rid of, even with diet and exercise? If so, the Liposonix treatment may be the perfect fit for you. The Liposonix® treatment is a non-surgical fat reduction procedure that uses advanced ultrasound technology to permanently destroy unwanted abdominal fat just beneath the skin. • • • •

Noticeable results after just one treatment Customizable to address specific “problem” areas Non-surgical with little to no downtime Backed by over 10 years of research and testing

Southeastern Dermatology Consultants is proud to be Knoxville’s premier provider of Liposonix, Slimlipo, and Smartlipo.

Join us for our “Thinner Dinner Party” on March 6th at 6:00 pm Featuring Liposonix, Slimlipo, and Smartlipo. Hors d’ oevres and refreshments will be served. Call 865-474-8800 today to RSVP as seating is limited. Special pricing for attendees.

865.474.8800 | www.drdoppelt.com 1924 Pinnacle Pointe Way, Suite 300 Knoxville, TN 37922


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