Portfolio Year Two | Sample work

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Portfolio Year Two | 2012-13 Evgenia Vlachaki Sheffield School of Architecture

Boathouse | Damflask Reservoir

The brief specified the design of a boathouse to accomodate the storage of 8 rowing boats, a small accomodation space for 2 people and a viewing area for visitors. As a theoretical framework was the notion of the “threshold” at the Damflask Reservoir. My approach to the word “threshold” was influenced by an article of an American philosopher who discussed mans constant efforts to surpass every other creature or conquer every natural element by living constantly on the verge and threshold of a something more aiming towards a utopia of senses. Therefore, I wanted to place man literally on the physical threshold of my site were all the different types of vegetation meet the footpath and the water. In my building, the act of rowing symbolizes mans need to conquer Water, the boathouse its self would be fulfilling his need for shelter and protection from the elements and the camera obscura room is a way to enhance his vision, getting the view which is lost by the volume of the building. The reservoir is place were many people go to walk and appreciate nature and they think its important that the boathouse does not distract their activities. Therefore, I placed the building in a way that it doesn’t cut the path that is already there and I found a way to give the passers by the view that is being taken away by the volume of the building.

Boathouse | Damflask Reservoir 1:200 Plan on Figure ground drawing Pencil

Boathouse | Damflask Reservoir 1:200 Section B-B Pencil

Boathouse | Damflask Reservoir 1:200 Section A-A Pencil

Boathouse | Damflask Reservoir Exterior Perspectives Ink

Boathouse | Damflask Reservoir Diagram & Interior Sketches Watercolour & pencil

P 2.3 threshold Diagram of uses, view and points of entry; pencil and watercolours. Interior sketches; pencil and watercolours.

Boathouse | Damflask Reservoir 1:200 Elevation Pencil

Boathouse | Damflask Reservoir Exterior Perspective Pencil

Housing | York

P 4.3 Housing

Building typology: Terraced Housing Society’s rapidly changing demographic make-up is a trend that has resulted in a renewed interest for terraced houses. There are more singles, single parents, elderly and families who wish to reside in a ground-related welling rather than in an appartment. They have maintained their attraction by offering privacy and green spaces in dense urban settings. This is why I chose to design my own interpretetion of existing building typology of the site.

Uses of space






My scheme includes 4 large dwellings (3 bedrooms), 2 medium dwellings (2 bedrooms) with home office and 2 live/work units (1 bedroom). The units are strategicaly positioned to address the shape of the site, while allowing room for pedestrian and cycle routes; a barrier between the busy street and the front doors.

Work space

3Bed House Ground Floor Scale 1:100

3Bed House First Floor Scale 1:100

3Bed House Second Floor Scale 1:100

Live/Work Units First Floor Scale 1:100

Live/Work Units Second Floor Scale 1:100

2Bed House/Home office Ground Floor Scale 1:100

2Bed House/Home office First Floor Scale 1:100

Housefronts can be accessed on street level and all backs are facing the internal, communal courtyard which is a shared area with some of the existing terraced houses. Thresholds are formed by changes in materiality of the ground and paving which in turn

Live/Work Units Ground Floor Scale 1:100

ARC202 Top: Perspective view of bicycle parking and alley Bottom:Perspective view of living/dining area and private

Types of dwellings Above: Axonometric of dwellings Below: 1:100 Plans/diagrams P 4.3 HousingP 4.3 Housing

P 4.3 Housing Dwelling types Dwelling and characteristics types and characteristics Dwelling types and characteristics

3bed Family House Axonometric 1:100

3bed Family House Party walls Party walls Axonometric 1:100 Family House The nature3bed of terraced The houses nature of terraced houses Axonometric 1:100 results in a reduction ofresults materials in a reduction of materials The house can accomodate The families house can accomodate families used in their construction. used Dwellin their construction. Dwellof 4-6 people since ofall4-6three people since all three The house can accomodate families ings are exposed to the ings elements are exposed to the elements bedrooms are to fit either bedrooms 2 single are to fit either 2 single of 4-6 people since threeleading to only on two sides leading only on totwoallsides beds or a double. beds or a double. bedrooms are to fit either 2 single beds or a double.

Lightwell for daylight and Lightwell ventila-for daylight and ventilation tion A lightwell extends vertically A lightwell from extends vertically from Party walls the skylight to the ground the skylight floor to the ground floor The the nature of terraced houses through U-shaped through stacked the U-shaped stacked results inSmall a reduction of materials circulation. openings circulation. are Small openings are used on in their Dwelldesigned everyconstruction. level designed allowing on every level allowing are exposed thecorrielements freshings air into the lobbyto fresh and air into the lobby and corrionly when on two sides leading to needed. dor areas needed. dor areas when

2bed House with home2bed office House with home office Axonometric 1:100 Axonometric 1:100 Lightwell for daylight and ventilation house can accomodate The The house 2-4 can accomodate 2-4 A lightwell extends vertically from individuals. individuals. the skylight to the ground floor through the U-shaped stacked circulation. Small openings are designed on every level allowing fresh air into the lobby and corridor areas when needed.

Exterior staircase for Exterior immediate staircase for immediate access to First floor/Home accessoffice to First floor/Home office 2bed Houselevel. with home office level. Axonometric 1:100 Ideal for occupants who Idealwish for to occupants who wish to work at home (e.g. single/divorced work at home (e.g. single/divorced The house parents can accomodate with a child)2-4 parents with a child) individuals.

Live/work unit Live/work unit Axonometric 1:100 Axonometric 1:100 Exterior staircase for immediate accessunits to First office are suitable for Live/work are floor/Home suitable Live/workforunits young level. professionals, providing young professionals, a providing a Ideal on forground occupants whoeasy wish to workspace level workspace for on ground level for easy work at home (e.g. single/divorced access to clients or access collegues. to clients or collegues. Glazedparents doors with anda child) large Glazed window doors and large window openings evoke the nature openings of their evoke the nature of their use. use.

Live/work unit Axonometric 1:100 Live/work units are suitable for young professionals, providing a workspace on ground level for easy access to clients or collegues. Glazed doors and large window openings evoke the nature of their use.

2Bed House/Home office Second Floor Scale 1:100

Housing | York Sectional Perspective

Housing | York P 4.3 Housing Section A-A Scale 1:50


1:50 Detail Section through living room window seat (Resized from original 1:20)

1:50 Detail Section through bedroom window (Resized from original 1:20)

1:50 Detail Section through rooflight (Resized from original 1:20)


Housing | York Interior Perspectives of a typical dwelling Artlantis renders

Housing | York P 4.3 Housing 1:200 Elevation Pencil & Photoshop

Front Elevation 1:100

1:100 Model

The courtyard is communal but at the back of every family house two steps down discretely suggest a more private outdoor space.

Bicycle parking is offered to the residents to promote cycling in the area.

A bit of public landscape in front of the Live/Work units is being preserved for the community.

The courtyard is communal but at the back of every family house two steps down discretely suggest a more private outdoor space.

Most of the communal courtyard will be paved with black slate providing the children with a canvas for drawing with chalk.

Housing | York 1:200 Scheme Model Laser cut and hand-modeling

Front Elevation 1:100

1:100 Model

The courtyard is communal but at the back of every family house two steps down discretely suggest a more private outdoor space.

Bicycle parking is offered to the residents to promote cycling in the area.

A bit of public landscape in front of the Live/Work units is being preserved for the community.

The courtyard is communal but at the back of every family house two steps down discretely suggest a more private outdoor space.

Most of the communal courtyard will be paved with black slate providing the children with a canvas for drawing with chalk.

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