EYP www.eyp-ua.org www.eypej.org
Official newletter of EYP-Ukraine, May 2011
Editor’s note
his month EYPigeon has got something of interest for you. MAY being extremely eventful, the issue couldn’t but be awesome. Apart from the new columns, EYPigeon introduced a new concept for the Newsletter – from now everyone is free to write articles, suggest ideas, share gossips, send photos or give any kind of information you would like to be in the paper to pr@eyp-ua.org We encourage you to contribute actively to the newsletter-making-process. As for the new columns, “Face control” will monthly introduce you to a new amazing couple of EYPers - one Ukrainian and one foreign – who will shortly answer our questions. “EYP-Ukraine’s pathway” is designated to show how much of European territory EYP-Ukraine members “cover” each month. A short overview of each session will give you an idea of the work of Ukrainian EYPers at foreign events. “EYP abroad” will reveal you the secrets of foreign National Committees. In these articles the organizational structure as well as selection procedure of EYP in different countries will be covered. In “Department is speaking” each month one of the EYPUkaraine departments will offer you an article from its professional sphere, which will keep you educated, as well as attract your attention to the department itself. There are several other interesting articles this month. At the last pages of this Newsletter you may have a look at the past years. Moreover, members of Ukrainian delegation to the recent International Session have shared their emotions with EYPigeon. Let EYPigeon accompany you these first days of summer and help to recall the fresh events that took place in May!
Table of Contents EDITOR’S NOTE by Melekhovets Zhenia ..................................................1 VP’S NOTE by Suprunenko Anna......................................................1 ATHENS by Ukrainian delegation to the 6 International Session in Athens........................................................................2 FACE CONTROL by Korchak Oksana.........................................................4 AH, CLIENTS... by Departament on Public Relations of EYP-Ukraine..5 MAY HOLIDAYS WITH EYP-UKRAINE by Melekhovets Zhenia...................................................6 EYPolls Press Release...................................................................8
VP’s note
ithin last few months PR department has been working really hard on rising up the awareness of EYP-Ukraine and its events. Of course, it’s too little time for summing-up the result, though we already are glad to report to you on our activities: • our greatest honor is to announce the renewing the tradition of the Newsletter, we are very pleased to have a super-creative team responsible for it with a talented editor – Zhenya Melekhovets; • also you are all welcome to check our web-site for finding brief information on all the events you are able to take part in the section “upcoming events”; • besides, we are trying to keep our groups in VK and FB always updated and you are more than welcome to keep them lively as well; • first EYP Poll has been conducted! Ukraine is among leading countries by participating; • GA in April has been conducted by PR department members. Guys, we will be so much happy to spread the word about EYP, hope you are sharing the wish! It’s our aim 2011! It might be easy to fulfill by general efforts – post your news in the groups, give comments, suggest the ideas, attend the events and just share the information you have! Thank you for being with us! Yours, Anna Suprunenko, Vice-President on Public Relations of EYP-Ukraine.