Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company
HR News
Issue theme
Dmitry Kukovsky Alena Arkhypenko Konstantin Rogov Sangho Kim Olga Papusha Stanislav Pyrlik Natalia Karapysh Stepan Marchenko Kateryna Maksym Olena Mishakova Natalia Tarasevych Valeriy Onyshchenko Bogdan Nosok Olga Ivchenko Denis Kulish Elliza Esie Vladislav Kushnirov
HA Product Marketing HA Marketing HA Sales TN Team Accounting MIS Logistics HA Sales Marketing Communication Market Intelligence Brand Marketing/CSR/PR Spare Parts AV Sales Accounting TN Sales Logistics ChM Team
01-03 01-03 03-03 10-03 11-03 14-03 14-03 15-03 17-03 18-03 19-03 21-03 22-03 25-03 27-03 28-03 30-03
It is the time when our working day is over and we can get back to our personal life. We all know what we are like in the office, but it is a real mystery what happens when our working day is over and how we allocate time for work and personal life.
Accounting 01-03 TN Sales 05-03 Call Center 09-03 TN Product Marketing 14-03 IT Product Part 15-03 SVC Team 15-03 Logistics 15-03 IT Product Part 21-03 Marketing Communication 21-03 AV Product Marketing 24-03 Marketing Communication 27-03
Are you in for a white trend?
With spring knocking on the door everyone starts to dream of the renewal, of new and bright emotions – well, that’s exactly what Samsung Electronics suggests to obtain with its all new Samsung Galaxy White family. This new promo allows all Ukrainian consumers not only purchase productive and functional smartphones and Tablet PCs but also join the all so popular white trend. About this and many other interesting Samsung news read here
Dear colleagues, We are sorry to deliver you a February issue of our Corporate Digest so late. Anyway, we hope that all of you have already turned into a spring mood :) This issue will be a lot of fun with an article dedicated to St. Valentine’s Day, funny quotes we hear at work, but most important – we raised the topic of work-life balance, which is so actual nowadays for all modern business people. We hope you’ll find it interesting and inspiring for the further fruitful work!
Kind regards, Yulia Shyshenko, Olga Rotan, Svetlana Gurianova, Liya Muzychenko, Natalia Tarasevych
Read the article here
Dear Samsung Women,
Anniversaries with the company 1 Yulia Yanushevska 2 Ivan Postnikov 3 Anton Maslov 4 Nikolay Tsugaev 5 Larisa Khodakovska 6 Aleksey Roman 7 Andrey Bugay 8 Vitaliy Khyzhnyak 9 Lyudmila Prytula 10 Yulia Chmel 11 Elena Mazurenko
Editorial Board
The Time when Computers Are Turned off ... or How We Find a Balance Between Our Work and Personal Life
SEU Staff Birthdays 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
#14 (15) February 2012
2 5 2 1 8 2 2 5 1 4 6
Please accept our warm congratulations on International Women's Day! May you always stay so beautiful, bright and smiling! We wish you happiness and success in everything you do!
This sincere girl is really devoted to her job in HR (and participation in Editorial board of Samsung Digest as well!). In spite of her young age and romanticism she has deep understanding of many life issues. Meet Yulia Shyshenko in Frankly Speaking of this issue.
Read the article here
According to statistics, the average employee spends around 99,117 hours at work during his lifetime which is the equivalent of 11.5 years. You have to face it - your of f ice is your second home, and it’s probably a good idea to make it fun, inspiring and cozy. To help you do that, we’ve picked some funny phrases and stories from different teams to bring fun and inspiration to your work. Enjoy!
Read the article here
Love is...
In dedication to the Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th we decided to ask our dear colleagues to share their thoughts on what love means to them. After we gathered a lot of interesting opinions we realized that wellknownactors, writers, artists and other famous people were not better in expressing their thoughts on this topic and they easily can be put in line with our colleagues!
Read the article here
Company News
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I want to know, have you ever seen the Galaxy Note Studio…
ave you ever dreamt of becoming an artist? Or maybe you’ve dreamt about having the opportunity to save the memory about your greatest friends or colleagues in a way, which will be both funny and bright. Thanks to unique features of Samsung Galaxy Note these dreams may become true. How? To find out that you as well as thousands of Ukrainian consumers can attend a crea-
tive Samsung Galaxy Note Studio where you’ll learn how Samsung technology can turn a simple picture into loads of fun. Samsung Galaxy Note Studio – a bright BTL project, conducted within the framework of Edutainment program – travels around Ukrainian cities of Kiev, Lvov, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk and Donetsk giving all the people a unique opportuni-
Pushing Boundaries at Samsung CIS Forum in Prague, Czech Republic
f you want to imagine what the future of technology looks like – you definitely need to attend one of the most impressive events by Samsung Electronics – Samsung CIS Forum. This year Samsung Electronics brought the future of technology to Prague, Czech Republic. Over five hundred people including Samsung Electronics partners and media represent-
Samsung Life / #14 (15) February 2012
atives from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Georgia gathered to appreciate the technological breakthrough brought to CIS as a part of the company’s strategy of Pushing Boundar ies. For Samsung Electronics it’s not just about the words pushing boundaries is the company’s motto which is present in all of its new devices and technologies. This year’s attendees of the CIS Forum had the opportunity to experience the newest Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0), the outstanding LED – TB ES8000 with floating lines design and smart interaction technology, as well as Samsung 9 Series Ultrabook, and a whole new range of smart Kitchen appliances such as Samsung O’Table, OmniPro microwave ovens and Eco Bubble washing machines. All these innovative products do get you dreaming about the future and what may it bring to your household. Thanks to the entire team of the people who were involved in the organization of such complicated event – millions of people throughout CIS now have the opportunity to share vision and philosophy of the company and Push Boundaries even further.
ty to experience Samsung Galaxy Note as well as get their caricature drawn by a professional artist. Of course everyone is offered a freedom of choice whether you prefer a digital image, in a format allowing sharing over facebook or any other social media platform, or you may prefer to have it printed on a T-shirt – it’s all easy, well, see yourself!
Cherchez La Fleur
specially for the upcoming holiday of all Ukrainian women, Samsung Electronics Ukraine launched a special promo campaign together with the retail network Mobilochka. The video clip of the promo campaign takes you to a small French town, where you’ll meet with a wonderful lady and learn the answer to the old men’s question: What does a woman want? This 30 second clip is dedicated to the dreams of a woman about the best gift for March 8th that she can dream of SamsungWave 525 La Fleur smartphone. Thanks to the refined design and original La Fleur ornament this smartphone will become a great gift for any lady. Thanks to the style and airiness you get the impression that the entire story takes place in a French Provence. We can say for sure that this video allows consumers get the hint of the French romanticism and make the right choice when selecting a gift for their beloved women.
Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company
Company News
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Are you in for a white trend?
ith spring knocking on the door everyone starts to dream of the renewal, of new and bright emotions – well, that’s exactly what Samsung Electronics suggests to obtain with its all new Samsung Galaxy White family.This new promo allows all Ukrainian consumers not only purchase productive and functional smartphones and Tablet PCs but also join the all so popular white trend. White color embodies perfection, completeness, full freedom, opportunities – these are the exact features of all Samsung Galaxy devices. This project is one of the brightest examples when products really do speak for themselves. The white trend as well as the freedom of sharing and communication has already become popular among Ukrainian consumers and with this new lineup of Galaxy Family smartphones and Tablet PCs Ukrainian consumers will have an opportunity to get these two major advantages in one dream device.
The Mobile Domination
ven those who don’t belong to true fans of the mobile communications and gadgets will get the kick of the latest Mobile World Congress, which has taken place in Barcelona, Spain February 27 - March 01, 2012. Have you ever dreamt of the portable projector which would allow you to share photo and video content with your friends and family at any place and any time?.. Or maybe you always wanted to have a state of the art technology allowing you to draw on a portable 10.1 inch device with mind blowing screen and latest software updates?.. Think again – there is no need to dream any more – you are in the
right place at the right time wit h t he r ight par tner. Thanks to Samsung Electronics newest products presented at the Mobile World Congress all these dreams have already become a reality. So, without further adieu please welcome the new members of t he Galaxy Family Samsung Galaxy Beam and Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1.
Follow Samsung
Samsung Life / #14 (15) February 2012
Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company
Issue theme
Время, когда компьютеры выключаются… или как мы находим баланс между работой и личной жизнью
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The Time when Computers Are Turned off ... or How We Find a Balance Between Our Work and Personal Life
то время, когда рабочий день заканчивается, и мы можем заняться своими личными делами и отдохнуть от рабочих вопросов. Мы все знаем, какие мы в офисе, но что происходит вне рабочего дня, и как мы распределяем время на работу и личную жизнь, мало кто знает. А ведь это настоящее искусство - успеть все. Кроме дел в офисе, нас ожидают родные, друзья, учеба, хобби, шопинг, развлечения, да и просто время «для себя». Современный человек должен и может успеть все. Самой сложной сферой, которую никак нельзя отложить «на потом» - семья. Как же наши коллеги справляются с этой нелегкой задачей? Сегодня секретами успеха делятся люди, которые не только заслужили авторитет коллег, но и создали большие и крепкие семьи.
t is the time when our working day is over and we can get back to our personal life. We all know what we are like in the office, but it is a real mystery what happens when our working day is over and how we allocate time for work and personal life. Actually, it is a real art to manage all you need to do in time. Besides our office work we spend time on our family and friends, studies, hobbies, shopping, entertainment and just have time “for ourselves”. A modern person should and can be able to do everything in time. The most important thing, which we cannot put aside is a family. How do our colleagues cope with this difficult task? Now we will hear the secret of success from people, who have not only deserved good reputation among their colleagues, but also created large and strong families.
Вадим Муквич, Vadym Mukvych, Channel Manager HA, ChM Team
Vadym Mukvych, Channel Manager HA, ChM Team
В будни дни я провожу свое время не особо разнообразно, да и живём за городом - я возвращаюсь достаточно поздно и в основном успеваю поужинать и уложить детей спать(сказки читаю), а вот по выходным постоянно куда-то ездим - к бабушкам\дедушкам, в цирки, дельфинарии, детские развлекательные центры, парки и т.д. Выходные всегда насыщены по максимуму. Когда приходит волшебное время отпуска, то обычно везём детей на море( в прошлом году были в Болгарии), или отдаём деток родителям и с женой ездим по экскурсионным турам(Украина, Европа). Относительно работы в офисе, то в обеденный перерыв я стараюсь выйти побродить по близлежащим старым кварталам - атмосфера интересная, хорошо переключаешься на другую волну. Считаю, что очень важно найти баланс между работой и личной жизнью, потому что если слишком много времени и энергии уделять работе, то это сразу скажется на взаимоотношениях в семье, начнутся конфликты на этой почве, будет расти напряженность и раздражительность, что в свою очередь крайне негативно скажется на результатах работы.
My weekdays are quite monotonous as my family lives in the suburb. I come back home late in the evening, and just manage to have dinner and put my kids to bed (while reading them fairy tales). Though on weekends we always visit grandmothers and grandfathers, circuses, dolphinariums, children’s entertainment centres, parks, etc. Our weekends are always full of events. When the magical holiday season comes, we usually take children to the seaside (last year we went to Bulgaria), or send kids to their grandparents and go on sightseeing tours in Ukraine and Europe together with my wife. Regarding the work in the office, at lunch time I try to wander around the nearby old quarter. The atmosphere there is rather interesting and helps me relax. I suppose it is very important to find a balance between our work and personal life. If too much time and energy are given to our work, it can affect the family relationship. There are permanent conflicts, growing tension and irritability, which in its turn will result in negative impact on our work.
Елена Билык, Elena Bilyk, Accountant, SVC Team Время с семьей провожу очень продуктивно. У нас дружная семья, поэтому общение приносит много позитива. На выходных очень часто выезжаем за город в частный дом или можем просто спонтанно собраться и уехать на своем авто в любой интересный город в Украине (в общем на месте не сидим). Отпуска предпочитаем проводить возле моря. Очень любим Крым. После работы я успеваю приготовить что-то вкусненькое и помочь с уроками сыну. Но, конечно, не без помощи мужа. Отвлечься от работы помогает общение с друзьями, люблю шопинг и людные заведения. Из увлечений – очень нравится собирать грибы и ягоды. Тема баланса, на мой взгляд, очень актуальна на сегодняшний день для каждого. Коллектив – это тоже своего рода вторая семья, в которой мы проводим немалую часть времени. Успехи, как в работе, так и в личной жизни непосредственно влияют на внутреннее состояние души. Наверно именно поэтому очень важно иметь равновесие в том, что на самом деле важно для себя, родных и окружающих. Samsung Life / #14 (15) February 2012
Vadym Mukvych with his daughter Veronika
Elena Bilyk with her son Vyatcheslav Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company
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Elena Bilyk, Accountant, SVC Team I spend time with my family very productively. Our family is quite close-knit, so this communication brings us a lot of positive emotions. On weekends we often go to the country, or just pack up and spontaneously go by car to any interesting city in Ukraine (in general we are fond of travelling). Our family prefers spending holidays at the seaside. We like the Crimea very much. After work I have time to cook something tasty and help my son do his homework. But, of course, only with my husband’s help. Communication with friends helps me relax. Besides, I love shopping and crowded stores. As for hobbies – I like picking mushrooms and berries.
Vladimir Sorokin with his daughters Alena and Kateryna
Katerina Zots
To my mind, to find a balance is an issue relevant to everyone today. The team of our collegues at work is also a kind of our second family where we spend a large part of our time. Being successful in work and personal life has a direct impact on the internal state of mind. Perhaps, that’s why it is important to have a balance in what is really important for me, my family and other people surrounding me.
Катерина Зоц, Katerina Zots, TN Marketing Communication Manager, CM Team
Katerina Zots, TN Marketing Communication Manager, CM Team
Забота о семье и работа по дому – это самый сложный труд, который невозможно переделать. На работе все проекты имеют свое начало и конец. Результат достаточно легко дождаться и оценить. С домашними заботами все иначе. Моя семья довольна тем, что с профессиональным ростом я росту как личность. В нашей семье к личностному развитию относятся очень серьезно. Правда, иногда не очень довольна, что моя работа порой занимает очень много времени:). Но все это мы компенсируем отдыхом: летом стараемся быть больше на воздухе, зимой с досугом на свежем воздухе сложнее, но у нас большая семья, мы часто организовываем зимой “дни семьи” на даче. Мой ребенок начал летать на самолете с 7 месяцев. В отпуск обязательно едем куда-нибудь за свежими впечатлениями. Сейчас я понимаю, что мне повезло. У меня семья появилась раньше, чем работа. Тенденция такова, что люди не спешат создавать семьи, а минимум до 30 лет активно работают. Главное всегда знать меру и понимать, что всей работы не переделать, и вряд ли мы были рождены для работы. С одной стороны семья требует очень много внимания, но радость, которую приносят дети не заменит ни одна работа.
Taking care of my family and housework are the most complicated things to do and, what is more, these things can be endless. At my job all projects have their beginnings and endings. It is easy enough to wait and evaluate the result. Everything concerning family and home is quite different. My family is happy that my professional growth goes together with my personal development. In our family, personal development is taken very seriously. However, sometimes I am not very happy that my work takes a lot of time so often:). But we compensate all that having a rest. In summer we try to spend more time outdoors. We have a big family, and in winter, we often organize “family days” in the countryside. My baby made her first travel by air when she was just 7 months old. On holidays we always go somewhere in search of fresh impressions. Now I realize that I am lucky. I had got married before I started working. The trend is that people do not hurry up to create a family, and actively work till they are at least 30 years old. The main point is to know when to stop and realize that you are not able to do all the work. I don’t think we were born for doing the work all the time. The family really requires a lot of attention, but the joy our children can bring to us can not be compared to any job.
Владимир Сорокин, Vladimir Sorokin, Head of TN Sales, TN Team
Vladimir Sorokin, Head of TN Sales, TN Team
Моя семья довольна моей работой, дети, несмотря на их возраст (4,5 и 2 года), уже прекрасно знают, что такое Самсунг и легко находят знакомый логотип в окружающем мире. Правда из-за напряжённого графика работы в будние дни времени на общение практически не остаётся. Зато – выходные стараюсь полностью посвятить семье и детям – провести дни вне дома – прогулки, посещение разных интересных мест для детей для их постоянного развития. Отпуск проводим всей семьёй – чаще на море или на свежем воздухе на даче, или в Карпатах. Первый выезд на море у старшей дочки был в 1 год, у младшей – в 4,5 месяца. В выходные – семейный выезд на дачу – с весны по осень. Семья – это основная ценность для человека – потому как только в семье ты настоящий и можешь чувствовать себя максимально комфортно.
My family is satisfied with my job. My kids, despite their age (4.5 and 2 years old), are well aware of Samsung and easily find the familiar logo in the surrounding world. However, due to the tight schedule during the week, there is no time left for communication. But on weekends I try to spend my free time with my family. We are fond of walking, visiting various interesting places for children for their constant development etc. We spend holidays together, often at the seaside, or in the open air in the countryside, or in the Carpathian mountains. My elder daughter had the first trip to the seaside when she was one year old, the younger – 4.5 month old. We spend our weekends in the countryside from spring to autumn. Family is a core value for people, because only in your family you can be yourself and feel really comfortable. Prepared by Yulia Shyshenko
Samsung Life / #14 (15) February 2012
Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company
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Men’s Day
ay of Motherland Defender (Den' zashchitnika Ottechestva) is a holiday celebrated on 23rd of Febr uar y in Ukraine, Belar us, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other former countries of the former Soviet Union. As the name suggests, the holiday celebrates the victory of Soviet soldiers but recently it became just a men holiday in general and in colloquial speech the holiday is often referred to as Men's Day. Unofficially it also acts as a counterpart of International Women's Day celebrated on the 8th of March.
The meaning of this holiday is to celebrate the achievements of military forces and veterans, but men who have never served in the army also receive congratulations and presents on this day. On a workday before or after the holiday, many women congratulate their male family members, friends and colleagues with greeting card and little presents. Female part of Samsung has done its best to prepare well for the Men’s Day and congratulated our dear men with nice presents, greeting cards as well as set tables with delicious dishes.
Chayka for Newcomers by Alexey Roman
s you already might have heard from the newcomers we have started our Induction program. Induction training is absolutely vital for newcomers and our idea was to show the company’s mission and goals through the insights from our colleagues. In frames of this training our first group of recent newcomers (Olga Potimko, Pavel Khlust, Denis Kostan, Liya Muzychenko) visited our office at Chayka.
Edible Art or Korean-Style Pancakes
Prepared by Svetlana Gurianova
How to cook this new tasty Korean dish?
Step One - Dough: Place 1 cup of sweet rice flour and a pinch of salt in a large bowl. Add 1/4 cup of hot water little by little. Mix it well as you pour in the water. Knead the mixture for 5 minutes. Cut the dough into 12 pieces and roll each piece into a ball. Step Two - Syrup: Place 1/4 cup of sugar and 1/4 cup of water in a small pot. Simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes, then remove from the heat. Step Three – Final: Heat up a frying pan over low heat. Drizzle some vegetable oil on it (1/2 tbs). Press each rice cake ball into a disc about 5 cm in diameter. Place each disc-shaped rice cake on the pan and cook it. Before turning it over, place an edible flower (could be roses, chrysanthemum or azaleas) on the top of the rice cake. Finally, drizzle the syrup on top of the pancakes. Prepared by Liya Muzychenko Samsung Life / #14 (15) February 2012
Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company
Life story
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Frankly Speaking: Yulia Shyshenko This sincere girl is really devoted to her job in HR (and participation in Editorial board of Samsung Digest as well). In spite of her young age and romanticism she has deep understanding of many life issues. Meet Yulia Shyshenko in Frankly Speaking.
Эта искренняя девушка действительно предана своей работе в HR (так же, как и участию в редакционной коллегии Samsung Digest) Несмотря на юный возраст и романтичность, она многое понимает в жизни. Встречайте Юлию Шишенко в рубрике Frankly Speaking.
« Everything that surrounds us… is our world. I see it as a blank sheet of paper. We can paint so much with different colors and various shades! And the picture depends on our attitude to the drawing process and colors selection.»
« Все, что нас окружает… это наш мир. И мне кажется, что он - как белый лист бумаги. Ведь мы можем столько всего нарисовать разными красками и разными оттенками! И от нашего отношения к процессу «рисования» и выбора красок зависит, какая картинка получится в итоге. »
« My job… is different. Sometimes it is simple; sometimes it is complicated, but always lovely. I am happy that every day I can come to my favourite job and not just come and leave. »
« Моя работа… разная. Иногда простая, иногда сложная, но любимая. Я счастлива, что каждый день могу ходить на любимую работу, а не просто приходить и уходить.»
« Successful person… is really successful when there is a person whom you can share your success with and who is always sincerely happy for all your achievements.»
« Успешный человек… по-настоящему успешен, когда есть с кем поделиться своими успехами и когда за твои успехи ктото искренне рад. »
« The dream should be… real and accessible. And also it should be beautiful. Otherwise this is not a dream. A lot of dreams should exist. If any of them can’t be realized, then there will be some other. »
« Мечта должна быть… реальная и досягаемая. А еще красивая. Иначе это - не мечта. А еще их может быть много. Если некоторые невозможно осуществить, то останутся запасные. »
« Inspiration… comes unexpectedly. But it may also go away unexpectedly. Fortunately it is more or less on time.»
« Вдохновение…приходит неожиданно. Уходит неожиданно. Но, к счастью, оно более-менее вовремя.»
« I cannot imagine my life without… an interesting fiction book. A book draws you away and gives understanding of other people’s lives. It gives a chance to design different situations in your life and draw useful conclusions. »
« Я не могу представить свою жизнь без… интересной художественной книжки. Книга отвлекает и дает понять, как живут другие люди. Это позволяет некоторые ситуации проектировать в свою жизнь и делать полезные выводы. »
«I still believe… that brownies exist and every night they read our books and diaries:)»
« Я все еще верю… что домовые существуют и читают ночами наши книжки и ежедневники:) »
« I still don’t believe… that the age of 25, 30…70 is something that will happen soon and to me. I never feel my age. And I’m sure that time doesn’t influence me… but... » « The strongest feeling… when simple dreams come true; and when you are waiting for an important letter and it appears; and when you fall in love; and when you change everything in life; and when you miss your friend; and when you find a new one… In general - all those things that make something in our souls turn upside-down at least for a moment. » « If I had magic power… I would place the direction signs for all streets and destinations. I cannot come out without being asked how to get somewhere.» «The most impressive moment in my life… was when I first came to Kyiv.
I was young and beautiful:) I was 6 years old, confidently and freely I held my mother’s hand during the walk. Then I came into the trolleybus, the doors closed and I was smiling to passengers. But I found out that my mother stayed outside. I think that the trolleybus driver still remembers my scream and as for me I strongly understood that losing a mother is terrible and impressive thing in life…» Yulia Shyshenko was interviewed by Olga Rotan, Author
Samsung Life / #14 (15) February 2012
« Я все еще не верю…в то, что 25, 30…70 лет – это то, что будет скоро и со мной. Никогда не могу ощутить возраст. И чувствую постоянную уверенность, что время на меня не влияет…хотя…»
« Самое сильное чувство…когда мелкие мечты сбываются; и когда ждешь важное письмо, и оно появляется; и когда влюбляешься; и когда меняешь все-все в жизни; и когда друга теряешь; и когда находишь… В общем - все то, что заставляет на секунду что-то в душе перевернуться.. » « Если бы я обладала магической силой… везде бы поставила указатели улиц и направлений. Не могу выйти из дому, чтобы меня не остановили и не спросили, как дойти, пройти и где что находится. » « Наиболее впечатляющий момент в моей жизни… когда я первый раз приехала в Киев. Я была молодая и красивая:) Мне только исполнилось шесть лет, я уверенно и легко, держа маму за руку, шагала городом. Непринужденно зашла в полный троллейбус, двери закрылись, и я мило улыбалась стоящим вокруг бабушкам... Но я обнаружила, что мама-то осталась на улице. Этот крик, я думаю, водитель троллейбуса помнит до сих пор, ну а я на всю жизнь запомнила, что маму терять очень страшно и впечатляюще… » С Юлией Шишенко беседовала Ольга Ротань, Автор Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company
‘Fun staff’
According to statistics, the average employee spends around 99,117 hours at work during his lifetime which is the equivalent of 11.5 years. You have to face it - your office is your second home, and it’s probably a good idea to make it fun, inspiring and cozy. To help you do that, we’ve picked some funny phrases and stories from different teams to bring fun and inspiration to your work. Enjoy! P.S. Unfortunately we couldn’t translate the jokes below to English as they will lose their sense:( Клиент звонит в колл – центр и говорит (дословно): «Я вот хочу, а у меня не получается. Что делать?»
Fun from Call centre: Как показала практика самые смешные истории на Чайке случаются в коллцентре. Вот несколько диалогов, которые рассмешили весь отдел: Оператор задает вопрос клиенту: Оператор: - Яка техніка вийшла з ладу? Клиент: - Ну це ось... дуйка!. Оператор: -Ви мали на увазі кондиціонер? Клиент: - Так! Оператор принимает звонок от клиента: Оператор: - Добрый день! Клиент: - Здравствуйте! Оператор: - Как я могу к вам обращаться? Клиент: - Отченаш. (Разговор происходил по громкой связи, и большая часть офиса слышала данный диалог. В итоге оказалось, что это настоящая фамилия клиента).
Клиент: - Мне нужен мастер! Оператор: - Что у Вас не работает? Клиент: - 3 телевизора - не включаются. Оператор: - Розетки проверяли? Клиент: - Да. Оператор: - Оформляем заявку на выезд мастера. Через 5 минут звонок от клиента: - Отмена заявки - в квартире нет света. Оператор в конце разговора (уже под вечер после 10 часов работы): «Ничего доброго, всего страшного» (вместо ничего страшного всего доброго).
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Fun from HR:
Кандидат на позицию специалиста по поддержке нашего сайта, на просьбу выполнить небольшое задание – проанализировать ресурс и представить список необходимых на взгляд соискателя улучшений/проблемных мест, ответил следующим образом: «Спасибо за предложение и возможность поучаствовать в выборе кандидата на данную позицию. Но, прежде чем я начну бесплатно предлагать какие-либо идеи по продуктам или инфраструктуре компании Samsung…» Причина поиска работы - желание пройти обучение и получить опыт работы в международной компании, в течение 2-3 лет занять руководящую позицию топ-менеджера или директора направления национального масштаба. Доброго дня! Будь-ласка, повiдомте, коли будэ вакантнэ мiсце у креативному вiддiлi чи будь-яке, пов»язане з розвитком/пiдтримкою ваших веб ресурсiв. Дякую завчасно. IQ по Айзеку – 120 середній рівень англійської мови англійської документації Адрес фактический: Автономная Республика Крым, г. Херсон Из секции «Интересы, хобби, увлечения»: •«не пью, не курю» •«делать людям приятные сюрпризы» •«печатание текстов» •«вышивка крестом» •«люблю детей» •«перестановка мебели» •«баня, женщины» •«работа» •«хобби» •«желание путешествовать» Здравствуйте! Долго не решалась Вам написать. мне очень нравится продукция фирмы Sony.
Клиент жалуется на качество холодильника. Оператор: - Какого характера шум издает холодильник : скрежет, стучание. клацание...? Клиент: - Н у в от к а к то та к : « У У Уууууууууууу-УУУУ-ууу-УУУУУУ» - как волк в лесу. Оператор: - Оформляем заявку на выезд мастера. (а тем временем в голове продолжается песня Барбара-Стрейзанд). Prepared by Svetlana Gurianova
Samsung Life / #14 (15) February 2012
Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company
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Love is... In dedication to the Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th we decided to ask our dear colleagues to share their thoughts on what love means to them. After we gathered a lot of interesting opinions we realized that well-known actors, writers, artists and other famous people were not better in expressing their thoughts on this topic and they easily can be put in line with our colleagues!
Vladislav Kushnirov: Love is…the ability to find compromises. Dmitry Stepanov: Love is…a big responsibility.
Pablo Picasso: Love is… the greatest refreshment in life.
Maksym Nosenko: Love is… unpredictable, you can’t be prepared for it or be aware of the time it comes. It always comes suddenly and in different waves and if you think you will never fall in love again, be sure, you will :)
Nadia Marakhova: Love is…inspiration, sense, care, support. Love is friendship set on fire and a key that opens the gates of happiness, it makes your heart big inside.
Sergey Kozyrenko: Love is… to let your heart live forever in the chest of another person and make it beat even stronger.
Mark Twain: Love is… the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
Olga Gordienko: Love is… a tender flower which needs everyday care to stay in full bloom. It is chemistry at the beginning and rather hard work from both sides afterwards. But it is love indeed if you really understand this fact and do this, you are honoured with real happiness as a result.
Yevheniy Potupa: Love is… when you care not about yourself, but about your girlfriend.
Kateryna Rudenko: Love is… like war: easy to begin but hard to end.
Sylvester Stallone: Love is… absolute loyalty. People fade, looks fade, but loyalty never fades. You can depend so much on certain people, you can set your watch by them. And that’s love, even if it doesn’t seem very exciting.
Alexander Zhovkliy: Love is... keeping her always in my mind.
Ja-min Kim: Love is.. Be together, share my joy and sorrow, understand each other, provide space to each other, but always be there for each others need.
Iryna Chernyshova: Love is… to agree to bury the past.
Vincent Van Gogh: Love is… something eternal. The aspect may change, but not the essence.
Volodymyr Asadchiy Love is... http://ru.wikipedia. org/wiki/Любовь :)
Prepared by Svetlana Gurianova, Olga Rotan, Yulia Shyshenko, Natalia Tarasevych, Liya Muzychenko Samsung Life / #14 (15) February 2012
Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company
HR News
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Pavel Khlust
Kateryna Maksym
Pavel was born in Kyiv; he graduated National Aviation University, Controlling Systems department, degree in Computerized Systems, Automatics and Controlling. Previously he worked for Pernod Ricard Ukraine at position of Logistics coordinator/Supply planner. Pavel likes snowboarding, surfing, traveling and reading. Start day: Feb7 Ext.: 5391 Mobile: 380-50-416-2874 Direct: 380-44-391-5542 E-mail: Viktoria Radzitska
Irina Levchenko Team: IT Position: Product Manager (NotePC)
Team: MS Position: Junior VAT Accountant Victoria was born in Kyiv; she graduated The Interdisciplinary Institute of Management, accounting department. Previously she worked for Fozzy Group at position of accountant. Victoria likes fitness. Start day: Feb13 Ext.: 5352 Mobile: 380-50-335-3702 Direct: 380-44-390-5352 E-mail:
Viktoriya Petrenko Team: CM Position: MarCom Part Leader TN Viktoriya was born in Kiev; she graduated Kiev Politechnic University. Previously she worked for «Kraft Foods Ukraine» at position of Marketing Manager . Start day: Feb14 Mobile: 38050-332-63-42 E-mail:
Team: CM Position: Head of Marketing Communication Group
Team: AV Position: Supply Chain Manager AV
Irina was born in Zaporizhzhya; she graduated Zaporizhzhya State Technical University, Management of organizations. Previously she worked for «Philips Ukraine» at position of Senior Marketing Manager . Irina likes sport and history. Start day: Feb28 Ext.: 5363 Mobile: 380-50-418-4028 Direct: 380-44-390-5363 E-mail:
Kateryna was born in St. Petersburg; she graduated SDA Bocconi, Milan (Italy), Master of Business Administration; and National University of «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy», Kyiv, Bachelor of Economics. Previously she worked for «Myronivsky hliboproduct» at position of Marketing manager. Kateryna likes sport, travelling, reading and opera. Start day: Feb17 Ext.: 5502 Mobile: 38-050-382-83-94 Direct: 380-44-391-5502 E-mail:
Andrey Rybalka Team: HA Position: KAM DVM Andrey was born in Poltava; he graduated National Aviation University. Previously he worked for «Vaillant Group Ukraine» at position of Engineering Project Manager. Andrey likes photography. Start day: Feb14 Mobile: 38095-271-48-81 E-mail:
Saet Pyul Lee
Inna Kupest Team: SVC Position: Online manager Inna was born in Berdichev; she graduated National Aviation University. Previously she worked for «IN Business» at position of Content Editor. Irina likes photography, Photoshop, hand made crafts.
Start day: Feb14 Mobile: 38050-335-39-62 E-mail:
Team: PI Position: PI Support Specialist She is an undergraduate of Kyiv National Linguistic University, and before studied at Tashkent National school of Choreography. Saet Pyul Lee likes reading, sport, travelling. Start day: Feb9 Ext.: 3507 Mobile: 380-50-335-3684 Direct: 380-44-391-3507 E-mail:
Product Manager (IT)
Key Account Manager (IT)
Main Responsibilities: • Sales orders planning and control; • Support and development of key accounts; • Analysis of sales intelligence
Main Responsibilities: • Development of sales strategy • Analysis of general market trends, competitors, line-up • Pricing management • Support of marketing and sales part with product-related information
Key Requirements: • 24 - 35 year old; • Higher education (economic, technical, math); • Upper-Intermediate or Fluent English (both spoken and written); • 3+ work experience in sales (consumer electronics, FMCG); • Advanced user of MS Excel, Power Point; • Team-player, active, responsible, multi-tasking. • Strong communication and analytical skills are the must
Key Requirements: • 30 - 35 year old; • Higher education (economic/technical); • 5+ year experience in product marketing (consumer electronics, FMCG) • Upper-Intermediate or Fluent English (both spoken and written); • Advanced user of MS Excel, Power Point • Team-player, active, responsible, ready for multi-tasking environment, to learn and work a lot. • Strong organizational and timemanagement skills
Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company