Preparation Kit for KyivRS 2102

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Kit Preparation

Dear delegate! Here you will find a description of session activities as well as some information about the way you should be dressed, packed etc. Please consider that the real image may differ from the one you see here. But whereas in the restaurant menu a cookie always looks tastier than in reality, believe us - true Kyiv RS will be way better than at the pictures of this preparation kit:)

Maybe Maya were Year 2102 will be the last one for the humankind?...



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Considering the present ecological situation in the world, caused by reckless human activities, the latter may turn out to be a real matter of concern.

Not to let this happen, we need to think green! From the 4th till 7th of April 100 young people will seek solution



survive 2012, Prevent ecological end of the world, prove Maya wrong!

prelimaniary Programme

April 3, Tuesday Till 12:00 - Arrival of the Officials’ team 13:00 - 14:00 – Lunch 14:30 - 15:00 – General CJO teambuilding 15:00 - 19:30 – CJ’s teambuilding 19:30 - 00:00 – CJO socializing. Dinner. April 4, Wednesday 8:00 - Wake-up call 8:30 - 9:30 - Breakfast Till 12:00 – Delegates’ arrival/CJO Teambuilding 12:00 – 14:00 - Teambuilding 14:00 - 16:00 – Opening ceremony 16:00 – 16:30 – Late lunch 16:30 – 17:30 – Transfer to the city center 17:30 – 19:30 – Teambuilding in Mariinsky Park 19:30 - 20:30 - Transfer to the Eurovillage venue 20:30 – 21:00 - Eurovillage preparation 21:00 – 23:00 – Eurovillage and country presentation 23:00 – 00:00 – Transfer back to the hotel April 5, Thursday 7:00 - Wake-up call 7:30 - 8:30 – Transfer to the Institute 8:30 – 9:15 – Breakfast 9:15 – 10:30 – Teambuilding 10:30 – 10:45 - Coffee Break 10:45 – 12:00 – Topical activity in the city 12:00 – 14:00 – Committee Work 14:00 – 14:45 - Lunch 14:45 - 16:30 – Committee Work 16:30 – 16:45 – Coffee Break 16:45 – 18:15 – Committee Work 18:15 - 19:00 – Dinner 19:00 – 19:30 – Euroconcert preparation 19:30 - 21:00 – Euroconcert 21:00 - 23:00 – Euroconcert afterparty April 6, Friday 7:00 - Wake-up call 7:30 - 8:30 – Transfer to the Institute 8:30 – 9:15 – Breakfast 9:15 - 11:00 – Committee Work 11:00 – 11:15 – Coffee Break 11:15 – 13:00 – Committee Work 13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch 14:00 - 16:00 - Committee Work 16:00 – 16:15 – Coffee Break 16:15 – 19:00 – Committee Work 19:00 – 20:00 – Transfer to the Hotel 20.00 - 20.30 - Preparation for the Farewell Party 20:30 - 21:15 – Transfer to the venue 21:15 - 23:00 - Farewell dinner and party 23:00 - Transfer to the hotel April 7, Saturday 6:45 - Wake-up call 7:30 - 8:30 – Transfer to the Institut 8:30 - 9:15 – Breakfast 09:00 – 09:30 – GA opening 09:30 - 11:00 – General Assembly (committees I, II) 11:00 - 11:15 - Coffee-break 11:15 - 13:30 – General Assembly (committees III, IV, V) 13:30 - 14:30 - Lunch 14:30 - 16:45 – General Assembly (committees VI, VII, VIII) 16:45 – 17.00 – Coffee-break 17:00 - 18:00 – Closing ceremony 18:00 – Departures

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DEVE - Committee on Development "Global warming is the biggest and most serious problem faced by us in this century. Climate change is happening and its effects are real. If we do not take it seriously, it will have serious consequences that will affect generations to come” Sir David Anthony King, Chief Scientific Adviser to the U.K. Government Climate models have demonstrated a clear link between deforestation and climate change. The struggle to keep European forests in a healthy state has been complicated by the fact that issues leading to forest loss in one context may have the opposite effect in another. What measures should be taken to prevent deforestation of Europe’s forests with due consideration of affected livelihoods and balance of local and international approach? ITRE – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy “Japan was still reeling from its largest recorded earthquake when an explosion struck the Fukushima nuclear plant on Saturday, followed by a second blast on Monday. Despite government assurances, there are fears of another Chornobyl. The incident has sparked a heated political debate in Germany and looks likely to end the dream of cheap and safe nuclear power”. “Spiegel” Among the 27 EU member states, fourteen have operating reactors that produce nuclear energy. It accounts for approximately 15 percent of the EU's total energy consumption and one third of the EU's electricity needs. With consequences of resent nuclear catastrophe spreading all over the world, what measures should Europe undertake to prevent recurrence of such incidents in the future, at the same time maintaining a sufficient energy supply? ECON – Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs "You can tell how high a society is by how much of its garbage is recycled." Dhyani Ywahoo, Chief of the Ani Yun Wiwa (Cherokee) and the Founder of Sunray, an International Organization and NGO dedicated to planetary peace Recycling is a complex economical issue. Evaluating the cost of recycling is a question of perspective as society does endure drawbacks, if garbage is not recycled. For the private sector it is often clear that recycling is not profitable. Up to now society has failed to address this dilemma. How can EU authorities encourage business to further invest in recycling while ensuring balanced and efficient partnership of private initiative and the public sector of economy? JURY – Committee on Legal Affairs “At the national level, each individual shall have appropriate access to information concerning the environment that is held by public authorities, including information on hazardous materials and activities in their communities, and the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes”. The Principle 10 of Rio Declaration of 1992 on Environment and Development Rio +20 should be an opportunity to build on existing experience and take the implementation of principle 10 further. The majority of current participatory models are still limited and compartmentalized. UN Commission on Sustainable Development, the voice of civil society representatives is not audible enough, or heard too late in the process of inter-state discussions. How can EU authorities ensure implementation, practice and protection of Principle 10 in order to help contract parties to meet their commit-

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ments made by signing Rio+20? AFET – Committee on Foreign Affairs “Continued efforts are needed to develop legislation, to implement existing strategies and plans and to further enhance monitoring and enforcement. Ukraine still faces a major challenge in strengthening its administrative capacity at all levels”. Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2010 Country Report on: Ukraine Among the 90 priorities of the EU - Ukraine Association Agenda for 20112012 is the issue on environment and climate change. Under these priorities the Ukrainian National Environment Strategy for the period until 2020 is supported by the EU and sets the goal for Ukraine to increase usage of renewable sources by 25% by 2015 and by 55% by 2020. Taking into consideration that Crimea’s wind energy generation potential is among the highest in Europe and less than 1 percent of Ukraine’s energy is currently provided by renewable resources, what measures EU should take in order to conduce Ukraine in meeting its commitments?


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ENVI I – Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food safety I “The governments across Europe need to end subsidies that encourage wasteful use of water. In fact,water must become the central plank of efforts to tackle lasting foodsecurity, public health, energy provision and climate challenges.” John Hontelez, Secretary General, EEB and Tony Long, Director, WWF European Policy Office Since 1970, the amount of water available for each human being has fallen by 40% and two out of five inhabitants of the planet experience difficulty in obtaining water. Europe is not spared of this shortage. At European level, 54% of water consumption is accounted for by industry, 26% by agriculture and 20% by domestic users, but this average breakdown may vary significantly from one country to another. The pressures exerted by increasing demand for water lead to overexploitation of local reserves. With governments having short-term horizons, and citizens and consumers tending to panic only once water runs out, what strategy should Europe adopt to put a stop to unsustainable water management? TRAN – Committee on Transport and Tourism "We recognise that we cannot simply build our way out of the problems we face. It would be environmentally irresponsible - and would not work." Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the UK The transport industry in Europe is leading in its field, while European landscapes are among the most fragmented areas in the world. Natural habitats have been lost, transformed and isolated over many centuries, but the pace and extent of landscape change that we face today is unprecedented. Fragmentation caused by expanding transport infrastructure and urban sprawl is a major cause for the loss of biodiversity, and many of its detrimental effects may still take time to manifest fully. Keeping this in mind, what measures should the EU take to make European transport system environmentally sustainable? ENVI II – Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food safety II “The challenge is to find the middle ground between economic interests, livelihoods and conservation”. Inter Press Service News Agency Rapid global warming can affect an ecosystems chance to adapt naturally. 192 countries, plus the EU, are now Parties to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In April 2002, parties to the Convention committed to significantly reduce the loss of biodiversity by 2010. Despite numerous successful conservations measures supporting biodiversity, the 2010 targets have not been met at the global level. What measures should be taken by EU in order to meet biodiversity targets?

teambuilding Every session starts with a teambuilding. It is an informal activity, happening both indoors and outdoors. The delegates are divided into committees. Two experienced chairpersons guide the committee through various exercises in order to turn a group of individuals into a team. Though some games might seem random and unnecessary, there is an important plan behind it as the group moves from ice-breaking to complicated problem-solving. We have a variety of games developed by professionals. Through 23 years of experience, it is designated to get the group ready for the further challenges of the session.

committee work

The committee work is the most “European� activity you could possibly imagine. It is entirely built on cooperation and consensus from its members. The delegates have on forehand been given a committee topic about a regional, European, global or moral issue which they have prepared and analysed before arriving at the session. Guided by the chairpersons, they go through an intense workshop including brainstorming, debating and finalising. The purpose is to produce a resolution that is a political statement often used in international organisations. There are often many disagreements to overcome, and the task often seems unsolvable; yet by compromising, a common ground is always found.

Opening Ceremony will officially mark the start of the academic part of the session. During the opening ceremony, politicians, distinguished guests and the volunteers who have made the session happen get the chance to address the assembly in order to broaden everyone’s perspectives. The European Anthem “Ode to Joy” fills the room. Dress code: formal (suit, shirt, tie, dress/skirt; no jeans/casual wear)

Official opening and closing The General Assembly reunites all the participants of the Kyiv Regional Session 2012 to consider the results of the committee work. Each committee presents and defends their motion for a resolution, which is debated upon for approximately one hour by the Assembly. A voting procedure takes place at the end of each event. The vote is based solely on the personal conscience of each delegate. Those resolutions which are passed are subsequently presented to the national and international governing bodies. While it is true that the European Parliament has gone on to discuss issues brought up by EYP resolutions, the main aim of EYP is not to exert political influence but to enable the participants to experience democratic decision making. Generally Assembly is planned to be held in the Institute of International Relations on the last day of the session. General Assembly is followed by the Closing Ceremony, which will mark the official end of the Session. The session is properly closed by John Lennon’s “Imagine”, expressing our wishes for a better world. Dress code: formal (suit, shirt, tie, dress/skirt; no jeans/ casual wear) Please don’t forget to take comfortable teambuilding shoes with you to the Opening Ceremony - we won’t go back to the hotel to change. Make sure you are formally dressed at these events.

euroconcert Ladies Cocktail Dress A short gown. Also known as a 'Dancing Costume' or a 'Cocktail Gown'. Ranging in length from just above the knee to about two inches above the ankle (Tea length), however the longer length is appropriate to semiformal wear. Popular materials include silk, satin and chiffon. Less elaborate dresses are most appropriate for semiformal wear. Formal Shoes To suit your gown or skirt.

“Be like a star”!

Either perfoming on the stage or watching from your seat - you are to look appropriately.

For those who will perform: in the morning on the 5th of April we’ll have the auditions, so you need to pack your costumes and all neccessary equipment in the morning and bring it to the Committee Work venue (Institute of International Relations)

Gentlemen Dinner Jacket Black. Midnight blue (with black trimming) is a recent innovation. Single or Double Breasted. Satin, silk (ribbed), or grosgrain lapels which can be peaked, shawl collar, or the popular notch collar (which is less traditional). Ideally no vents. Formal Shirt Stiff Collar. Double cuffed with long collar if worn with a long tie. Single cuffed and winged if worn with a cravat such as at weddings. Marcella, piqué or pleated front. True traditionalists have detachable collar and cuffs. Socks Black. Silk (ribbed) Formal Shoes Black. Lace up. No toe cap or decorative brogueing.

farewell party

Pease make sure you are wearing Princess Leiha’s hairdo or holding a lightsword. Other alien-like outfit is welcome.

Topic of theme party is space. Once upon a time there were men in Ancient Greece, who discovered the universe. Few, very few believed them and thus the humanity had to wait until more prominent Galileo Galilei has proven his assumptions about the sun and Copernicus made his heliocentric model. The man, who actually discovered the universe are not know widely in the history. They wanted to stay unanimous and we will not disclose their names according to their will. They escaped from Greece and settled in the new land, later known as borderland of the Slavic world or “Ukraine” (ukr. “okraina”->”Ukraina”). No, they didn’t go to the woods; they have chosen a little village, later named “Kyiv”. The man created their vision of space on the Earth. Over the years they city has grown into the capital, technologies allowed people to meet the space in closer but you can still find that ancient vision space on the Earth in Kyiv! Magic, mystery and space waiting for us at the Farewell Party! The man, who discovered the space bequeathed to keep the space atmosphere in this venue, despite anything. The succession follows carefully their ancestors’ rules, especially strict they are on the dress code. They let in only those, whose appearance resembles all matter.

The party will be held in the entertainment center “Atmasfera” next to the new born stadium Olympijsky that will welcome Euro 2012 soon. Before partying hard in cosmo style, you will watch a movie in the spherical cinema. Starred sky... the best venue to say goodbye.

We warn you that according to Ukrainian legislation, all those under 18 are not allowed to buy alcohol at the party.

National costumes and cuisine are a must.

eurovillage After a hard day of committee work the famous Eurovillage is arranged where all delegations share food and drinks from their countries with each other – so bring lots of food! All the delegates will have the opportunity to represent their countries. It is a nice possibility to get to know all parts of Europe, their culture and traditions. You are strongly encouraged to bring and wear your national costumes and bring flags/symbols/placards to decorate your stand for this event. Also, pay attention that national delegations should prepare their own video-country presentation (duration no longer than 3 minutes), which will be shown on the big screen. Your videos are expected to be in avi/mov/mpeg4 format on a memory stick or a CD disk. You may either perform yourselves. Besides being a great chance to relax and just socialise, Eurovillage contributes to the special spirit of this EYP session. We warn you that the maximum of national drinks containing alcohol you may bring is 1 liter. No hard liquor is allowed. All hard liquor (over 17% alc.vol.) found at Eurovillage will be confiscated and handed over to your teacher/responsible adult after the event.

Please, have everything you need for Eurovillage (food, drinks, costumes, decorations) packed separately. Organizers will take that from you in the morning and transport to the Eurovillage venue. You won’t return to the hotel before the party.

While packing to Kyiv, make sure you have warm in- and outdoor clothes with you. Weather conditions are now quite unclear. While we are typing this text little snowflakes are swirling behind the window:) and only few days ago it was +15. Having an umbrella will also be good idea. On your arrival you’ll be met by an organizer and accompanied to the hostel or Opening Ceremony venue (depending on the time of your arrival, please, consult the program). Be sure that your mobile is turned on. In case of need, call Valentine (organizer responsible for the arrivals). His number is +38(050)352-44-00. You’ll be accommodated in a cozy hostel which is half an hour away from the committee work venue. Mind that Kyiv is a big city, so sometimes the distance between the venues is quite sufficient. Please, pay attention to the hints in the booklet saying what you should carry with you when you won’t be able to return to the hostel.

Anna Lachikhina

TRAN Dima Derevianchenko



Lyubov Dvoretska

Valentine Bondaruk


Yegor Vlasenko

Roksolana Pidlasa

Zhenia Melekhovets +38(099)5498944

T E F A Vitalii Ovsiiuk




s l a i ffic



Katya Baskenova

Kristina Chelmakina

Tania Korniichuk +38(063)7483604

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