The new awareness day aimed to encourage greater numbers of people to build walking into their everyday lives and reap positive health benefits.
Minister Catches Walking Bus! Photo: Nick Treharne
he Welsh Assembly Government’s Environment Minister joined with Welsh Ramblers to celebrate “Get Walking Day” at Hay on Wye on May 30th.
The 305 walking bus was a 30-minute guided-walk around Hay aimed at raising awareness amongst festival-goers of the benefits of walking and in so doing completing one of their 30 minutes of activity x 5 per week! Walking with members of Ramblers Cymru was Jane Davidson, Minister for the Environment, Sustainability and Housing. The Minister said: “Regular walking has many health benefits; it relieves stress, aids restful sleep, strengthens muscles and joints and improves posture. She added: “Try building walking into your everyday life - even short periods of walking everyday make a positive difference.”
Promoting the Get Walking Day (30/5/2008) message of 30 minutes exercise 5 times a week is Jane Davidson AM with (l-r) Harry McKenzie, Richard Jones, Ron Williams, Helen Lloyd Jones, and John Evans at the Get Walking Day launch, Hay on Wye
Also helping to launch Get Walking Day was Floella Benjamin OBE, a keen walker and the new President of the Ramblers’ Association. Speaking about her support of Get Walking Day, Floella said: “Walking is a great tonic; it keeps me fit in mind and body and really puts me in a positive mood. The more you do, the better you’ll feel, even walking for half an hour five times a week makes a real difference”
(l-r) Harry Mckenzie, Cathy Norris, Jane Davidson, Helen Lloyd Jones and Ron Williams
WALKING TO LOSE WEIGHT The scientific study “The effects of a onehour brisk walk on appetite and energy intake” examined the effect of walking for one hour on hunger perceptions and subsequent food intake. The main finding of the study is that subjects did not increase their food intake in the hours following a one-hour walk despite walking 4.4 miles and expending an average of 480 kcal. These findings support the role of walking as a means of weight control and add weight to a growing body of research that underlines the multiple health benefits of walking. Photo: Nick Treharne
A Hay “30-minute walking map” leaflet was well received by festival goers and offers a template for similar projects throughout Wales.
*The Ramblers’ Association is using Get Walking Day to announce the results of specially-commissioned research into the effects of walking on the human body.
GROUPS~GROUPS~GROUPS We will shortly be circulating information on how Groups can produce their own 30-minute walk around their village or town and a visitor handout. PAGE