Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales Newsletter 2017

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Our New Patron’s Sad Task… As most people will be aware, Kath Morgan, president of WSSCSW, sadly passed away quite suddenly at home on 21st September 2016. Avril, my wife, and I were away on holiday at the time, and were devastated to learn of her passing, and even more so when we realised that we would not be returning home in time for her funeral, which was attended by many of her family and friends, both within the breed and throughout the dog world. Many people had travelled from far and wide to pay their respects, such was the high regard in which Kath was held. I have been asked to write an article, to share our thoughts on many years of friendship with both Kath and her late husband, Len. I am both proud and privileged to do so and I share my fond memories with you on pages 10 to 11 inside. Mansel Young (Patron WSSCSW)

New and old members go crazy in 2016 2016 will be remembered as a crazy year for world politics and news but in the WSSCSW we can rise above all that and simply enjoy our days out with our crazy Welsh Springers. Several new “Welshie”

owners turned up to our events in 2016 and the enthusiasm of existing members, who help out and make these occasions possible, persuaded them to join the club. We are very grateful for everyone’s contribution and hope you will continue to support us in the future. We look forward to seeing you and your lovely dogs throughout the coming year.

Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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Chairperson’s Report Dear Members, Wishing you all a Happy and Successful New Year. Well another busy year has flown by, all our events, from our established Shows, Gundog Training, Breed Promotion Day, Summer Rally to our impromptu beach or country park walks have all attracted new members and enthusiasts of the welsh springer spaniel – which can only be good news for the future. You will see from this packed Please go and issue what fun we had, if you have missed any of it “Like” us at: Welsh Springer then make sure you put dates in your diaries for this Spaniel CSW year, you can be assured of a good welcome. We were all left in total shock a few days after our September Show when we learned of the sudden and unexpected passing of Club President, Kath Morgan, a full obituary, beautifully written by our Club Patron Mansel Young can be found inside. Our sincere condolences once again go to son Darren and the family. If you haven’t come along to any of our events and want to get involved please let one of us know, we are planning some extra’s this year as well if time can be found, a Grooming Workshop, Ringcraft Sessions, and maybe an introduction to Rally/Obedience plus a long awaited Breed Specific Seminar is planned for the Autumn. Once again my grateful thanks extend to fellow Officers, Committee, and photographer Terry Evans whose commitment to the continued success of this Club is invaluable. Good Luck in 2017 – let’s make it a bumper year, but most of all enjoy your Welshies. Jan Rees (Chairperson) email: Castle_typica@hotmail.com

One of the highlights of the year is our Summer Rally held at Dingestow. And one of the highlights of that weekend is our mass dog-walk in the beautiful surrounding countryside. It’s always great to meet new members there and, of course, their wonderful Welsh Springer Spaniels. Newsletter 2017


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Officers and Committee Who’s Who in the Club – 2016

WSSCSW Committee taken at WSSCSW Champ Show held at Chepstow on 27th March 2016. Standing, L to R: Chris Randles-Price, Mary Evans, Sue Evans, Lesley Breeze, Anita Shears, Karen Lancett, Annie Glover (Treasurer), Alison Evans, Rhun Evans, Hayley Johnston, Sitting: Debbie Roberts, Jan Janes (Secretary), Kath Morgan (President), Jan Rees (Chair), Keith Masson Committee members not in the photo: Ann Lyon

Patron: Mr Mansel Young

President: Mrs Kath Morgan

Life Members: Mr T Davies, Mr & Mrs M. Young, Dr A Christie, Mrs K Morgan, Mr & Mrs J Derrick, Mrs E A Jones Vice-Presidents: Dr A Christie, Mr T Davies, Mrs A Davies, Mr M Green, Mrs C Green, Mr M Young, Mrs A Young, Mrs K Morgan, Mr & Mrs J Derrick, Mrs D Roberts, Mrs J Janes, Mr B Shears, Mrs E A Jones, Ms M Simmons. Chairperson: Mrs Jan Rees

Vice Chairperson: Mrs Debbie Roberts Secretary: Mrs Jan Janes, • e-mail: coedybrain.jan@hotmail.com

Assistant Secretary / Newsletter Editor: Mrs Sue Evans

Treasurer: Ms Annie Glover

Joint Health Group: Delegates: Mrs J Rees, Mrs J Janes • Reserve Delegate: Mrs K Lancett • Trustee: Ms A Glover Cup Steward: Mrs L Breeze United Spaniel Association Delegate: Mrs A Shears Committee: Mr R Evans, Mrs A Evans, Mrs M Evans, Mrs C Randles-Price, Mr K Masson, Miss H Johnston, Mrs A Lyon Web Site: Mrs J Rees, Mr T Evans (Designer & Photographer) WSS Rescue and Re-homing Scheme UK Co-ordinator: Mrs H Riley South Wales & Three counties Representative: Mrs K Lancett Disclaimer: The views expressed by contributors and reproduced in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the WSSCSW

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Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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Secretary’s Report A Happy New Year to you all. A difficult report to submit this year following the sudden untimely death of our President Kath Morgan so soon after our September show. Kath is greatly missed by all her fellow committee members and her friends throughout the dog world. The club has had another very good year with excellent Championship and Open shows held once again in our lovely venues in Chepstow, we are so lucky to have them. We were again invited to attend the breed promotion day in Fonmon which is so popular and well attended. The summer rally weekend in Dingestow was also very successful and we hosted members both old and new from many parts of the country. Many people arrived Friday before spending the whole weekend and leaving on Monday. The events on Sunday proved popular culminating with a show judged by Ann Worth. Unfortunately we have been unable to hold an autumn training day or Christmas walk this year but hope to arrange a walk early on in the new year and a breed seminar sometime in the Autumn. As always details will be shown on our website nearer the time. May I take this opportunity to offer my thanks to my committee for their hard work and to all breed enthusiasts who have supported us throughout the year. The Drill Hall in Chepstow continues to be a wonderful venue for our Open Shows where there’s always a warm Welsh welcome.

Jan Janes (Secretary) coedybrain.jan@hotmail.com

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – 2016 Open Show Annual General Meeting Championship Show

12th February 25th February 26th March

Summer Rally Open Show

29/30 July 17th September

Drill Hall, Chepstow. Vicky Reynolds (Benoveor) Ponthir Village Hall, Ponthir, Gwent Chepstow Leisure Centre Dogs – Pat Butler-Holley (Shandwick) Bitches – Catherine Dodds (Balcraig) TBC Drill Hall, Chepstow. Tina Smith (Isfryn)

Dates for other events such as Training Days, Working Days and Informal Walks are yet to be confirmed – please regularly check our Website or Facebook page for up-to-date details. Newsletter 2017


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Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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Treasurer’s Report Continued Improvements Taking over the helm as Treasurer from Annie I would like to thank her, on behalf of the committee, for her previous work and commitment to this office. The club has continued to go from strength to strength both activity wise and financially. We had been careful to re-invest some of the profit made by the purchase of equipment to enhance and support all our activities and to this end have purchased another Coleman shelter, agility equipment and also, with the much appreciated help of Jan Reynolds, some excellent tablecloths to enhance our shows. Committee members were also provided with matching polo shirts to ensure we are easily recognisable at our outside events, walks and training activities. The club will continue to invest in any equipment we feel will enhance the club and its activities. A donation of £250 was also made to the AHT (Animal Health Trust). Financially we turned a profit on all of our events with the breed promotion day at Fonmon and the fun weekend at Dingestow proving to be very successful. Membership has again increased significantly with many new members including several junior members joining us during the year and we look forward to their continued support. Club supplies, as always, proved hugely successful with Kath doing her wonderful sales job and continuing to source new items. She will be sadly missed, a very tough act to follow. Entry fees for all our shows have been maintained with the entry for our Championship in particular being kept at the same level for the past eight years, I am sure that with costs increasing at most shows that this is greatly appreciated by our members and non-members. We will endeavour to maintain this for as long as possible. On behalf of the committee Membership thank you all once again for your Reminder support. Can we please remind you that Annual Subscriptions are now Keith Masson (Treasurer) due, Single Member: £4.00 Joint Members: £6.00 Junior Members: (under 18) 50p

If you have not already renewed your membership can you please send it to: The Secretary: Mrs Jan Janes,

Never forget again! Subs can be paid via Direct Debit. You can download a form from the website or contact the Secretary. Newsletter 2017

New stylish shirts for all hard-working committee members enhances the club’s image at all the public events we attend. 5

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In The Field Earlier in the year we held a Training Day in the beautiful surroundings of Cwmyoy near Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, by kind permission of Richard Morris. Our trainer for the day was Alan Willis of Keldeb Gundogs. Alan has worked with Welsh Springers many times and is always very encouraging with his quiet gentle manner and very enthusiastic and welcoming to newcomers to the sport. Although not a big turnout for the day we all benefitted from the excellent tuition with Alan putting us through our paces. The weather was very kind to us once again and the highlight of the day was the water work in the afternoon with which the dogs excelled themselves and every one of them finally doing their retrieves from the water. If you have never thought about doing some gundog training come along and ‘ have a go’ you will be made most welcome and it doesn’t matter how unruly your welshie is you can be assured of a fun day, as at the end of the day we have all had the naughtiest dogs in the group at some time!! Gundog Training is very enjoyable and a great way to train your dog even if you never intend to actually ‘work’ him. We will run another Training Day in the Spring, so look out on our website and make a date in your dairies.

Training Day with the WSSC

In March a few of our members were welcomed to a Training Day at New Farm, Norton near Evesham organised by the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club. Trainer for the day was Mr Pete Long and the ground was varied for the different exercises. There were fenced off enclosures for basic training for the newcomers and there were interesting wild hedgerows for hunting practice. Later in the day we moved to fields of beet for the more experienced dogs to practise hunting and retrieving after gun-shots. Our club members who attended enjoyed this well run day and thought it was a great opportunity to fit in some extra training.


WSSC Training Days 2017 WSS Club of South Wales members will always be welcome to attend other WSSC training days, look for the announcements on their Facebook page – the provisional days for the coming year are as follows: March 4th – Gundog Training – Worcs April 8th – Working Test – Worcs May 6th (TBC) – Water Training – Yeovil July 15th – Gundog Training – Stoneleigh August 12th – Gundog Training – Lincs Sept 9th – Working Assessment Test – Abbots Ripton Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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Certificate for Millie WSSCSW member, Ann Lyon and her bitch Millie attended the Show Gundog Working Certificate 2016 day organised by the United Spaniel Association and held at New Farm, Norton, Nr. Evesham by kind permission of Norman and Sandra Onens. The ground consisted of fields of fodder beet on which English and French partridge are the main game available. Both are ideal for spaniels to hunt, flush, and retrieve. Judges were Steve Bolton and Chris Page who were very encouraging to all Photo by Heidrun Humphries participants. There were 8 dogs entered, 2 WSS, 2 Clumbers, 3 Field Spaniels and 1 Sussex Spaniel. Four dogs made it through the first stage of hunt, flush and retrieve with only two of those succeeding with their final water retrieves. WSS (Millie) and one of the Field Spaniels won through to gain their Show Gundog Working Certificate Many Congratulations Ann and Millie, keep up the good work!

Photo by Shula Shipton

Welshies and Agility Last summer club member, Helen Hankins told us about her foray into the world of ‘Agility’ with her Welshie, Sam (Haltonian Romeo with Woodelrond) - maybe it’s a sport you would like to consider. Whilst walking Sam, my WSS, I met great fun and spend a lot of time a group of people with English laughing at the antics of the dogs. Springers. They are all members of Sam does quite well but as with Whirlwind Agility Club in Stoke Poges most Welshies he can get easily and they encouraged me to join the distracted. On one occasion, I had him group with Sam. sitting to start a jump and when I Sam adapted well after an intro- released him, he turned around and ductory session and we joined a small flew back to a previous jump and beginners’ class. The training started foraging. Sue, our trainer she had been concentrates on the handlers’ body apologised, language making it easy for the dog to demonstrating with another dog learn what is required of them; building earlier and had dropped two treats! a bond for dogs and handlers to work Sam had obviously been watching and together. The training carefully develops had “marked” the spot – as soon as I the dogs’ ability, starting with low slipped his lead, he ran back to retrieve training jumps at micro-height, how to the treats and then returned to me to travel around “wings”, progressing to proceed with his own exercise. Typical tunnels, apex frame, plank and see-saw. Welshie! They have a special training weave We are still in the early days of where dogs start with a wide gap training and at this stage, I don’t know between the poles and these are slowly if we will get as far as competing, but closed up as the dog progresses. we enjoy our training sessions and After introduction to the different have a lot of fun mixing with some equipment we are beginning to string lovely people and their dogs. a series of jumps together. We have Newsletter 2017

Helen Hankins and Sam

Photo courtesy Sue White, Whirlwind Agility Club


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Where breed type is paramount

This is Billy Cwmbeili Gwilym Coedybrain Llon Ddraig Goch x Coedybrain Nia at Cwmbeili DOB - 11 April 2016

A long awaited combination of traditional Welsh lines. We look forward to campaigning this delightful boy. Many thanks to Karen Lancett for entrusting him to us.

Enquiries and visitors are always welcome. Jan & Barrie Janes, • e-mail coedybrain.jan@hotmail.com 8

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Presentations and Celebrations

Typica Breeders Trophy Mick and Pam Tew of the Pamicks kennel were winners of this year’s Typica Breeders Trophy – Pam is seen here receiving the award from Kath Morgan at our Champ Show in March.

Silver Pheasant Working Trophy The Silver Pheasant Working Trophy was awarded to Gill Cooper with Fiergen City Limits.

Tregwillym Points Trophy This Trophy is awarded to the club member who has gained the most points with the same dog throughout the year. This year’s winner is Tina Smith with Isfryn Hocus Pocus JW. Newsletter 2017

Wyesider Trophy The Wyesider Trophy is awarded to the Top Dog or Bitch born in Wales. There were joint winners this year: Nigel Worth with Sarabande Perfect Storm (Ai) and Jan Janes with Coedybrain Menna – seen here receiving the silver plate from Kath Morgan at our AGM.


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Kath Morgan (Cwrtafon) A lifetime of dedication… Mansel Young, Patron of WSSCSW shares his memories of Kath Morgan, president of WSSCSW, who sadly passed away on 21st September 2016. When I recited the eulogy for Len, at his funeral five years ago, little did I realise then how soon it would be that I would have to produce something similar for “Kathy”, as Len affectionately called her. So where do I start? At the beginning I suppose. Len and Kath first met one another in the Christmas of 1964, fell deeply in love, and were married in 1967. Kath was always the calming influence in their relationship, but usually had her way when decisions needed to be made, or at least that was according to Len. Two years later, their son, Darren, was born. Both were keen dancers in those early years, their favourite dance being the quickstep. They also had a huge passion for motor rallying, and would travel many a mile in their Hillman Imp with Kath’s brother, Jeffrey, until the day that Len crashed the car through a local farmer’s fence. Although naturally quite shaken up, Jeffrey told me that they continued on for a short while with their hobby, and even managed to win a rally, but the passion quickly diminished. The CWRTAFON kennels were founded in 1970, when along with Len’s sister, Carol, they purchased their first Welsh Springer Spaniel from Cliff and Mary Payne, of the famous Tregwillym kennels, and so began a long and successful association with our breed spanning over forty years together, where many title holders would bear their affix, both home and abroad. I believe it was sixteen in all. They had also owned, exhibited and bred English Springer Spaniels and Cocker Spaniels at various times, and Len even spent a few years handling Welsh Terriers for his very good friend, Ray Davies. Avril and I first met them way back in 1974, when I was working in their home town of Blaenavon, and where I spotted Len walking a Welsh Springer. We had recently bought a young pup from the same kennels of Cliff and Mary, and so I stopped the car, and began to ask him a few questions about the dog, and the breed in general. We were immediately invited into their home, offered loads of advice, and suggested that we might like to join them in showing our dogs together. They even entered our very first couple of shows for us a few days later. Following that first visit, over forty years of friendship was to follow, with all four of us, and Darren, of course, travelling up


Kath (photographed just two days before her passing) doing what she loved, manning the club’s shop at our club’s Open Show in September 2016.

and down the country in our quest to exhibit our lovely chosen breed. No matter how far we had travelled, our punctuality was pretty good for arriving at the shows. The same could not be said, however, when it was time to head home. We spent many a frustrating hour searching for Darren, who had a knack of wandering off when it was time to go home, only then to hear voice on the tannoy asking for Mr. & Mrs. Morgan to come to the office to retrieve their son, who was supposedly lost. We always believed that he was never actually lost, but so loved to hear his name being called over the public address system when he “disappeared”. But they were great times, and we would eventually set off on our return journey to Wales, all intact. We were privileged to have visited a number of foreign countries with Len and Kath, including a visit to the “All Winners Show” in Holland, and Len and I also judged The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of Sweden’s championship show together, where the after show dinner and singing, shared with all the competitors, was one of the most enjoyable and memorable occasions that we had ever experienced in our entire lives. In those early years, Kath and Len shared the same veterinary surgeon as Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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ourselves, Wendy Jones who was continually thinking of ways to raise money for The Guide Dogs for The Blind Association. All four of us were always “roped in” to help (although we didn’t need much persuading). There followed a whole range of events, from Parade of Champions, fancydress theme nights, (Kath and Len would always dress up for the occasion), horse racing, and even mouse racing, something which probably would not be allowed today, but great fun then. Many thousands of pounds were raised for the Association, when in those days one thousand pounds would be the cost of training each guide dog. Wendy would proudly hang a photograph of a dog given to her by the Association whenever sufficient funds were raised for each dog trained. I believe there were no less than twelve such photographs on display at her surgery in Risca, deep in the heart of the south Wales valleys. Both Len and Kath’s enthusiasm for their hobby was infectious, always encouraging and helping newcomers into the breed, and they were always prepared to put into our sport as much as they obviously enjoyed taking out of it. They both served their local canine society, Pontypool, throughout their careers, Len serving as its Chairman, and Kath its Treasurer for the last three or more decades. They were both founder members and life members of The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales, with Len serving in all three offices at different times, and in fact was President at the time of his death, a post that Kath would take over and cover with distinction. Although holding the ultimate office, Kath would never give up her role as club supplies officer, and would be seen manning the stall at all club events, even as recently as the last club open show, which took place only a couple of days before her untimely death. She was a natural in this capacity, having spent many years working for

Above: Kath, pictured with Rita Curtis, was always game to dress up if it was for a good cause. Right: Kath and Len had great success together as they gained an enviable reputation for their kennel name, Cwrtafon. Newsletter 2017

Left: Len and Kath on one of their fund-raising events for Tenovus, the cancer charity. Below: Mansel, Avril and Kath on one of their overseas trips, this time it’s Sweden.

Estée Lauder and Christian Dior in a large superstore at Cwmbran until her retirement ten years ago. When Len was first diagnosed with cancer, they were determined to help others with the same problem, and so became heavily committed to raising money for Tenovus, a charity organisation for cancer support and research. During a special dog show organised for that very charity, they managed to raise over £2,000. Such was their enthusiasm and dedication to worthy causes. Some years ago, Len and Kath welcomed another good friend of theirs, Debbie Roberts, to join them in continuing on with the Cwrtafon Welsh Springers. In fact Debbie became a partner in the ownership of their affix. During Len’s prolonged illness Debbie took on the role of handling, and also helped in the preparation of the dogs. When Len finally succumbed to his fight against cancer, Debbie’s friendship with Kath grew more and more, and only recently they were beginning to enjoy dog showing again together, albeit with another breed. With some of her other friends, Sue Aston and Yvonne Billows, Kath, together with her sister, Alison, continued to enjoy cruising, a passion that Kath and Len began many years ago. Kath was always at Len’s side whenever he was judging, whether in the UK or abroad, and indeed was herself a championship show judge, having last judged the breed at Paignton in 2010, and I know she was very much looking forward to next year, when she was due to judge The South Eastern Welsh Springer Spaniel Club championship show. Kath was a proud Mum, a dedicated and loving wife, who lived life to the full. We will miss her dearly, the world of dogs will miss her, but we will never forget the happy times that we shared together, and there were many, many such times. Kath is now re-united with her lifelong soul mate, Len. May they both rest in peace. God bless. Mansel Young


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Summer Rally and Dog Fun Day The WSSCSW social get together and Dog Fun Day this year was held at: The Bridge Caravan Park and Camping Site, Dingestow, Monmouth on Saturday 15th to Sunday 16th July 2016 Friday morning arrived and it was time to pack up the caravan for the short trip to Dingestow and the WSSCSW Summer Rally and Fun weekend. Once again we were blessed with good weather and we set up the vans and tents on what has become known as Welsh Springer Avenue. A hospitality area was arranged to welcome visitors who started to arrive in the afternoon and who were greeted with drinks and cakes after their journeys. Some had travelled long distances and were grateful for the on-hand refreshments. Friday evening was spent at our usual buffet with lots of chats about the breed and the forthcoming events. After a leisurely Saturday morning and another impromptu buffet everyone embarked on our dog walk in the beautiful Monmouthshire countryside and returned exhausted and ravenous for our fish and chip supper. A doggie pub-quiz followed and we chatted and quaffed wine long into the night. The show field had already been set up on Friday so it was over to there and the lovely smell of bacon cooking greeted everyone. We started the day with the dog match and a good entry was judged by Ann Worth (Sarabande). BIS was Karen Lancett‘s Coedybrain Nia at Cwmbeili and Best puppy was Cwmbeili Maddi. We then went on to the fun classes and had some super entries again, with the highlight being a very exciting egg and spoon race. There was a well supported scurry and also agility equipment for everyone to try out at their leisure. Another very successful day culminated in our awards ceremony and a well deserved break for tea and cakes. Another exhausting The photos above show Welsh Springer Avenue on the campsite, hospitality on the but really enjoyable weekend. We field and the Scurry. Left is Kath Morgan presenting Sian Owen and look forward to the next one and Typica Seren Aur, the “Dog of the Day award” chosen by “Secret Judge” Avril Young. The other photos show Greta everyone’s continued support. Garbo dressed up as a Welshie, the joys of winning and a Jan Janes gentle stroll in the Monmouthshire countryside.


Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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The Saturday afternoon mass dog walk was blessed with perfect weather and great photo opportunities in the glorious surrounding countryside.

Today’s Judge I was delighted to be asked to judge at the WSS rally's fun day. I have to admit that it was my very first attendance at this event and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. The committee certainly know how to put on an event for both wss exhibitors and pet owners. The day flowed nicely with several activities for Welshies and their owners to take part in. It was a very hot day but there was plenty of shade provided for both humans and dogs. The judging started with the pedigree classes, although those that had never shown their dog were given the opportunity to do so. The stars of the day were definitely the puppies. Some as young as 4 months really strutting their stuff. There were some really promising puppies and the final decision on best puppy was a hard one. Dogs in the higher classes seemed to be enjoying their day out as well and competition was strong. There were also a few nice surprises among the “pet” Welshies being shown for the first time. There were definitely one or two that would give the usual entries a run for their money at any show. After BIS and Best Puppy in show there was a short break before the judging of the “fun” classes. There was something for everyone and much fun was had by all. I certainly enjoyed my day and listening to the sporting acceptance of each placing so did those in attendance. This club gives a lot back to the Welshie community and certainly knows how to be put on “a bit of a do”. Anne Worth

Newsletter 2017

It was Anne’s job not just to judge the dog show classes but also the fun classes like, waggiest tail, best six legs, the egg and spoon race and fancy dress, (Gareth Bale and the Welsh football team was a popular theme). The photos show that everyone had a great day out and enjoyed taking part in all activities on offer. There’s many more photos on our website which we’re sure will convince you to come along to this year’s rally.


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Typica Flash Harry JW (dob 29/5/15) Sire: Sarabande Perfect Storm (AI) Sh.CM Dam: Typica Country Maid. We are very proud of Harry’s first year in the showring. 3 Best Puppy in Shows BEST IN SHOW (Port Talbot & Neath CS) and Gained his Junior Warrant Bred and owned by

Jan & Alan Rees, email:



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Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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OPEN SHOW The Drill Hall, Lower Church Street, Chepstow. NP16 5HJ

Sunday 7th February 2016 Judge: Mr. David Everington (Peakdale) BEST IN SHOW (AND BEST VETERAN) - Smith’s: Isfryn Park End JW (centre) RESERVE BEST IN SHOW & BOS - Tew’s: Pamicks Tilly Trotting JW (left) BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Sutherland’s: Jacranella Solo (right) Best in Show Lineup

Judge’s Comments This was a show that I had anticipated with much pleasure and was not disappointed. My thanks to officers and committee for a memorable day in pleasant company and a friendly atmosphere. My impression overall was that the bitches were rather better than the dogs but that is my opinion and I was really pleased with my BIS, RBIS and BP. I was grateful to my two excellent stewards who kept me David Everington on the straight and narrow and to Terry who worked hard all day taking the photos.

Best Dog Line-Up

Best Bitch Line-Up

BEST DOG (centre) – Smith’s: Isfryn Park End JW RESERVE BEST DOG (left) – Samsel and Yacoub’s: Laithmoor’s Marek BEST PUPPY DOG (right) – Sutherland’s: Jacranella Solo

BEST BITCH (centre) – Tew’s: Pamicks Tilly Trotting JW RESERVE BEST BITCH (left) – Smith’s: Isfryn Hocus Pocus JW BEST PUPPY BITCH (right) – Sutherland’s: Jacranella Symphony

Full list of results and the Judge’s critique can be seen on the club’s website at www.wsscsw.co.uk Newsletter 2017


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CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Chepstow Leisure Centre, Chepstow, Gwent

Sunday 27th MARCH 2016 JUDGES: DOGS: Suzanne Backhouse (Aindrea). BITCHES: Richard Morris (Lascoed) REFEREE: Mansel Young (Wainfelin) BEST IN SHOW (AND BEST VETERAN) - Thomas’ Sh Ch Bowdonia Sweet Dreams JW RESERVE BEST IN SHOW - Cocking and Barnaby's Bushwacker Captain Courageous At Ruskinite ShCM BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Harrison's Glenbrows Picture Me Now Best in Show Lineup

Judges’ Comments – It was a great pleasure being asked to judge this championship show. We would both like to thank the committee for their hospitality. It is hard work running a show and this club certainly do it very well. Thank you to everyone who entered and allowed us to assess their dogs, there were some hard choices to be made but everyone took the decisions with good grace.

Best Dog Line-Up BEST DOG (centre) – Cocking and Barnaby’s Bushwacker Captain Courageous At Ruskinite ShCM RESERVE BEST DOG (left) – Douglas’ Sh Ch Ferndel Justin Time Sh CM BEST PUPPY DOG (right) – Harrison’s Glenbrows Picture Me Now 16

Best Bitch Line-Up BEST BITCH AND BEST VETERAN (centre) – Thomas’ Sh Ch Bowdonia Sweet Dreams JW RESERVE BEST BITCH (left) – Morgan and Schofield’s Ferndel Silhouette Of Cwsscwn JW BEST PUPPY BITCH (right) – Barkley’s Cherryheath’s Miss Velocity Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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A BEAUTIFUL spring morning saw nearly 150 Welsh Springer Spaniels and their owners descend on Chepstow Leisure Centre for the South Wales Club’s Championship show. Mrs Suzanne Backhouse judged the Dog section in the morning session. She had 66 dogs across 16 classes to appear before her. While Mr Richard Morris judged the Bitch section, in the afternoon, with 81 entries across 16 classes. The high quality of the dogs presented made the judges’ work difficult but very enjoyable. The club is very grateful to them for their expertise and fair play. A special thanks goes out to all those members who helped make it a successful day. The photos here by photographer Terry Evans show what a busy day it was. Full list of results, the Judges’ critiques and many more photos can be seen on the club’s website. wsscsw.co.uk

A special ‘Farewell cake’ was presented to Committee members Alison and Rhun Evans who were emigrating to New Zealand shortly after the show. The club is very grateful for their hard work over the past several years – see their story on pages 26-27 Newsletter 2017


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OPEN SHOW The Drill Hall, Lower Church Street, Chepstow, NP16 5HJ

Sunday 18th September 2016 Judge: Mrs. Lesley Breeze (Clynewood) BEST IN SHOW – Harrison’s Glenbrows Trademark JW RESERVE BEST IN SHOW & BOS – Reynolds’ Slapestones Hepburn For Benoveor BEST PUPPY - Worth’s Sarabande Man In The Mirror (Ai) BEST VETERAN – Tew’s Pamicks Dazzling Boy JW ShCM (right) Best in Show Lineup

Judge’s Comments It was with great pleasure I accepted the WSSCSW invitation to judge their September Open Show. I would also like to thank the exhibitors for their entries and for travelling from far and wide to attend with their lovely dogs. Temperaments were excellent all round and I was very pleased with my final line up. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thank you all very much. Lesley Breeze

Best Dog Line-Up BEST DOG (centre) – Harrison’s Sh Ch Glenbrows Trademark JW RESERVE BEST DOG (left) – Attwood’s: Kylowen Drym BEST PUPPY DOG (right) – Worth’s: Sarabande Man In The Mirror (Ai)

Best Bitch Line-Up BEST BITCH (centre) – Reynolds’: Slapestones Hepburn For Benoveor RESERVE BEST BITCH (left) – Smith’s: Isfryn Hocus Pocus JW BEST PUPPY BITCH (right) – Harrison’s: Glenbrows Liberty (Ai)

Full list of results and the Judges’ critiques can be seen on the club’s website at www.wsscsw.co.uk


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SPECIAL AWARDS The WSSCSW schedule special classes at our shows to encourage and help develop up-and-coming judges. If you have already judged the breed and are already on a club C list and would like to be considered to judge these classes at a future show can you please contact the Secretary.

AT OUR OPEN SHOW IN FEBRUARY, Ms Vicky Reynolds (Benoveor) judged three Special Award classes in which there were 22 entries. The photo above shows the class winners: (Left to Right). LEN MORGAN MEMORIAL OPEN STAKES: Pick’s: Sh Ch Llon Lili Bengam; SPECIAL POST GRADUATE: Revill’s: Julita Rokahlua; SPECIAL JUNIOR: Harrison’s: Glenbrows Picture Me Now.

AT OUR OPEN SHOW IN SEPTEMBER, Miss Bethan Williams (Trebettyn) judged three Special Award classes in which there were 18 entries. The photo above shows the class winners: (Left to Right). SPECIAL JUNIOR: Harrison’s: Glenbrows Liberty (Ai) SPECIAL POST GRADUATE: Sutherland’s: Jacranella Solo; LEN MORGAN MEMORIAL OPEN STAKES: Reynolds’: Kamunting Cast Away To Benoveor JW;

WSSCSW Merchandise

We had some fabulous new mugs this year – have you got yours yet? Newsletter 2017

If you come along to one of our shows make sure you check out the Club Shop. There’s loads of desirable products for sale with the club logo or other Welsh Springer images – these include: n Sweatshirts n Polo & T-Shirts n Jackets n Bags n Hats n Gilets n Mugs n Pens n Coasters n Cards n Badges n Books There’s always plenty of new items available and very often some last season’s bargains. But if we haven’t got the item you fancy in your size or colour we can usually order it for you – just ask. 19

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From Puppy to Champion

Spencer at 6 weeks

Sh Ch Bushwacker Captain Courageous at Ruskinite ShCM (a.k.a. Spencer) Owners: Jenna Cocking & Peter Barnaby Bred by: Julie & Ashleigh Frost Born: 7th April 2012 Spencer joined our family in 2012, he is the third Welshie we have owned and the second that we have shown.

Spencer at 18 months

He is a pleasure to live with and never fails to brighten our day with his loveable character and his outgoing attitude to life. Spencer’s success in the show ring has continued to exceed our expectations, and we are incredibly proud of his achievements, which to date include 5 CC’s and 13 RCC’s. There have been many highlights along the way from puppy to champion, some of which include RBIS at the WSSCSW Championship Show, BOB and Group 2 at Border Union, BOB at Manchester and Midland Counties, and RCC’s at Crufts 2015 and 2016. We would like to thank all those judges that have thought so highly of Spencer, and to all those in Welsh Springer Spaniels, who have congratulated us and sent cards, we appreciate the warm welcome we have received since we started showing seven years ago. 20

Spencer at 3 years

Photo: Andrew Brace Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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Scarlett at 6 weeks

From Puppy to Champion Bowdonia Moment to Shine (a.k.a. Scarlett) Owned and Bred by: Mandy Thomas Born: 3rd June 2012 Sire: Sh Ch Glenbrows Time Lord JW C.M

Scarlett at 12 months

Dam: Sh Ch Bowdonia Sweet Dreams JW Scarlett obtained her first CC at LKA in her first post graduate class at the age of just 18 months old under judge David Shields. Her second came at Windsor from Judge Elaine Thomas and the third came at Gundog Society of Wales under Julie Exall at the grand old age of 28 months. Her fourth at WELKS under Christine McDonald.

Scarlett at 2.5 years

She was also awarded a few best puppies in breed and best puppy in show at Welsh Spring Spaniel club of South Wales under Jennifer Murray. Scarlett is a delight to live with. Always happy to meet dogs and people alike when out and about with all her siblings. She passed her Bronze Good Citizen’s award as a puppy. Like all Welshies she loves water and running on the beach.

Newsletter 2017

I am so proud of all my dogs and what I have achieved in the 20 years I have loved and owned Welsh Springer Spaniels. Scarlett is my third champion, second home bred along with her mother, Bowdonia Sweet Dreams. My first being Sh.Ch Fernley Dillion, bred by the late Mrs Pat Rhodes. 21

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Ch JULITA REZANELLA OF JACRANELLA (Nell) Nell is in the centre and then left to right are:

SOLO (Nelson), SYMPHONY (Amelia), SONATA (Grace), SERENADE (Daisy) 2016 proved a very busy and successful year for our gang, the pups have all done extremely well in their first year out, always placing very highly. Between them they have gained numerous BP, BOB, RBOB and Group places. Nelson has won two G3, a G1 and RBPIS, and BPIS at WSSCSW open show, Daisy was awarded BPB at Crufts this year under Julie Revill, Amelia has gained her first RCC out of Junior under Jaquie Ward at GSSW, Grace although very lightly shown has always placed very highly. Nell has continued to do well gaining numerous BVIB she was also awarded BVIS at SEWSSC Championship Show. Gundog training is progressing well and we hope to be out in the field in 2017. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to those judges who thought so highly of our beautiful Nell and her family.

Owned and much loved by:

Janey and Craig Sutherland



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Informal Dog Walks Throughout the year we often arrange informal dog walks. We simply announce on our website and Facebook page that we are going to meet up at a suitable location and off we go for an easy walk with our ‘pack’ of Welshies. We set up our gazebo and supply food and drink. On the walk we let the dogs off their leads and let them race around enjoying themselves free from the constraints of the showring or working training ground. It’s a great opportunity for both the dogs and their owners to socialise and it’s a relaxed atmosphere for new members to join us. There are loads of photos of these events on our website - go and see if you can spot yourself.

Going Walkies? Welshies love a bit of company, so if you are planning an interesting dog walk and fancy the company of a few more Welshies, why not announce it on our Facebook page? Just give the time and place you intend to be there and, you never know, a few others may turn up - no fuss, no obligations - you may strike up some new friendships and get your dogs better socialised to boot.

Parc Penallta A few hardy souls gathered for an informal walk at the reclaimed land turned into a wonderful Country Park at the old Penallta Colliery near Caerphilly. The site boasts the largest figurative earth sculpture in the UK, it is the image of a pit-pony called ‘Sultan’ and has been carved out of the old coal tips. The weather was lovely despite a cold spring-time breeze and we set up camp under our field-shelter, armed with tea/coffee plenty of cake, biscuits and saucepans of soup with crusty bread. The park was stunning, resplendent in a carpet of croci and with outstanding views across miles of open countryside. We had a short training session before setting off for a 2 mile walk around the park – the dogs absolutely loved it. We will definitely make this a venue for another walk again next Spring, keep a look out for details on our website.

Pedigree Paws Unite Every dog breed in the UK set out on a walk like no other – the equivalent of hiking six marathons. In September dog owners took part in the ground-breaking Pedigree Paws Unite event – a series of sponsored walks totalling 160 miles. All 216 Kennel Club (UK) recognised breeds took part in the event each walking a minimum of five miles. The event was the brainchild of Crufts 2013 Best in Show winning handler and owner, Gavin Robertson. Held under the umbrella of The Peekaboo Trust - the aim was to raise £70,000 for seven different dog charities. Sue Evans joined Jan Rees and her dog Lloyd representing the Welsh Springer Spaniel on Day 3, walking a 7 mile leg on the Monmouth and Brecon Canal near Abergavenny. They managed to raise £150 from club members, family and friends. Congratulations to them for their effort in this amazing charity event. Newsletter 2017


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Fonmon Castle -

Breed Promotion Day

How fast can an 11 year old boy run a the urge to pee against the straw bale. We scurry course aided by his Jack Russell? would have one family member at the This was just one of the questions that was start and then Mum or Dad at the answered at our 3rd visit to promote the bottom of the course literally screaming breed at what can only be described as a dog for the dog to come down the track spectacular Charity Day at Fonmon Castle. In then frantically pointing at the ball and this time we have become a firm favourite at then run back up the course calling this event with not only our excellent their dogs. Many of these events were promotional tent with so much information caught on phone cameras and I am sure about the breed manned by club that much money has been members and their dogs to handed over to ensure that answer the many questions but those incriminating videos also the much anticipated have been deleted. Gundog Scurry!!!! Then we had those dogs In fairness we run this event who had no interest or on many different levels, we intention of demeaning have the actual proper scurry themselves in public to and this year we had a number do anything like fetch a ball. of very quick dogs, especially For these we would allow the when a family arrived with 3 owner to run down the different dogs and it became course with the dog on a obvious that bragging rights lead. Again worth a watch were on the line as to who had Dogs of all shapes and sizes as we established that the fastest dog, and then who took part in our scurry but many of the owners had a could handle the dog the fastest. there were a few Welshies on view that they were much After each dog had had a hand to show the rest how to fitter than they thought number of runs it was do it properly. and the number of owners established that the father’s dog Be sure to check out the who struggled to get over gallery section of our website was fractionally faster than the for many more photos. that 4th bale on the way other 2, BUT then horrors of back was interesting as horrors Mum brought his pride and joy to the were the comments which seemed very start line and went 2 seconds faster. Uproar religious in that “God I am knackered” ensued, abuse followed, reputation gone in or “God that was tough”. All shapes, an instant and we gained another £5 as it took sizes and ages took part, dogs and him several attempts before he finally took owners both, and again we had prizes back the fastest time. for many. We then had the dogs who knew how to As the day drew to an end all those fetch something and for those we would who helped out agreed it was a fun day throw a tennis ball. Again some very quick and roll on next year, and for of those times and for a while a Great Dane was the interested he did it in 21 seconds and he one to beat. It was in this group we had some was so happy until his twin sister beat entertaining events. Owners making some him by a second, bet that was a fun car very interesting noises to attract their dogs’ on the way home. attention to get their dogs back and ignore Keith Masson Newsletter 2017


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News from New Zealand Preparing for departure by Alison and Rhun Evans

The Welshies have arrived…

So, what does it take to move two Welsh Springer Spaniels, Alfie and Ryan, down to New Zealand? We could have saved money and flown ourselves business class instead – but leaving the dogs behind was not an option. Three key things to bear in mind – you need a company who do this as their day job, a good vet, and a bit of time – and then it is relatively easy. The company provided all necessary paperwork and key dates, and we liaised between them and the vet to get the paperwork completed and returned. The company had options as to how much you wanted them to do from ‘Basic’ to ‘Gold Standard’ – we went for ‘Silver’. We also had two routes to choose from – via Los Angeles, Auckland then Christchurch, or via Singapore and then direct to Christchurch. We went for the latter. At Los Angeles, because it is the same plane and only a two hour stop, the dogs are not taken off the plane nor out of the crate, and it is then followed by a quick transfer across the tarmac when they arrive at Auckland for their flight to Christchurch. They are looked at and their water is topped up but that is it. In Singapore, it is an 8 hour stop over so the dogs are released into quarantine, have space to walk around and are fed. Slightly longer trip, but only two flights.

The Journey The main steps in the emigration process were as follows: (1) Our boys had to have a rabies vaccination six months prior to travel and then a rabies blood test at least three months prior to travel to check that all was okay. (2) We used the company to book their flight and we had to provide measurements for their custom made crates. (3) We booked the quarantine space near Christchurch (our destination) and provided the company with the letter to confirm this – no flying without a quarantine space to go to. (4) The company sorted the application to NZ to import Alfie and Ryan, which included declarations from our vet and from ourselves – statements such as WSS are not a dangerous breed. We were then issued with an import permit.


Alfie and Ryan starting their epic 12,000 mile journey

(5) The company then applied for an export permit from the UK (Defra). (6) 30 days before their flight blood samples were taken to check for Leptospira and Heartworm, and they were treated for ticks and internal parasites. The fact that in the UK we vaccinate for Leptospira can be a problem as results can return as positive – but this then just requires a course of antibiotics. Luckily for us this was not the case. (7) 15 days before the flight blood samples were taken for Babesia and Brucella. (8) A day or two before the flight your vet has to fully check the dogs, treat for ticks and worms again, and sign off the Defra export paperwork. All paperwork goes with the dogs. (9) On the day of the flight, the dogs are checked in at the airport with their paperwork. We had booked onto the same flight so it was useful to have a few hours spare just in case there were any issues to sort. Paperwork is checked by the airport vet, the dogs board and fly. We were e-mailed photos of the boys in Singapore – Ryan posed, Alfie was a bit more camera shy.

Arrival The boys were collected from Christchurch airport by the quarantine staff and we went to visit the next day! I thus turned up for my first day of work to say I was heading off to see my dogs – my new employers were very understanding. We arrived at the same time as the Ministry vet who was in to check them over – they passed their assessment with flying colours. I then helped with Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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bath time – they were a bit smelly after their travels. We visited most days. There were dedicated visiting hours. The quarantine place had a small heated ‘bedroom’ area and indoor run and they could see outside through a mesh at the end but were not allowed out. We could not take anything in, but were provided with grooming stuff and toys. Photos were taken for us. After 10 days they were released – I think that word is very apt for what the dogs felt! Alfie very definitely in his last few days when we visited him in quarantine kept going to the mesh end and looking wistfully out and then back at us. Unfortunately, at this point we were waiting to take on our rental property so were still in a motel where dogs were not allowed. So we booked Alfie and Ryan into kennels for another 10 days. This was just 10 minutes from work so we popped by every lunchtime to walk them in a large fenced paddock and do a bit of hunting and retrieving practice. They also got to walk with other dogs. Alfie got to play with other resident elder statesmen and Ryan with a younger pack. We were sent photos from their first few days there to show us they were enjoying themselves even though we went every day.

Settling In The dogs finally joined us after 20 days. We were lucky to be renting a house at the end of a very quiet cul-de-sac in Lincoln, it had reasonable garden space and a fenced in yard. Lincoln is a very small town consisting of mostly housing, so evening walks were not very exciting. On the weekends we drove through the Christchurch suburbs to the Port Hills. The hills overlook Christchurch, the sea and Lyttelton harbour. The hills have the Summit Road that runs along its length, parts of which are closed to cars. There is also a footpath called the Crater Rim walk as Lyttelton harbour was once a volcano. There are also walks up and down the hills and mountain bike tracks. The trick is to try and find just walking, as opposed to joint walking and mountain biking, tracks. There is also what are known as dog parks – dedicated and usually fenced in areas where you

Alfie and Ryan waiting patiently for release from quarantine in Christchurch

can exercise your dog off lead. These are not particularly spacious or as exciting as walking the hills.

The New Home After six months, we bought a house on the Port Hills. We have a reasonably large plot. The front garden is steep, essentially a rockery with a couple of small lawns. We have a courtyard by the front door, and a deck overlooking the hills out the back which drops down to small back garden and a gate to a path which takes you onto the hills. We can also drive up to the summit road within five minutes. This is ideal for the dogs – the garden is interesting to explore, and the longer hill walks are not far away. We have also taken Alfie and Ryan on a ferry across Lyttelton Harbour to visit a work colleague and for a short walk around Diamond Harbour, to colleagues out in the country, and for weekends away to dog friendly motels in Blenheim and Nelson, and for Alfie – who was disobeying orders - a paddle in the sea on a dog friendly beach. We think they are enjoying their new life. …and we all wish Rhun, Alison, Alfie and Ryan the best of luck in finding new exciting walks and fabulous views in this new chapter of their lives.

Newsletter 2017


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Sh.Ch Ferndel Justin Time Sh.CM 9 CCs, 7 BoBs, 13 RCCs, 1x Group 1, 1x Group 3

5 months Joint Top Male WSSC & Dogworld 2015 Ian & Kay Douglas kay.douglas@live.co.uk 28

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A Touch of Wales Exported to America For the Love of Love Spoons The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America has a yearly honour of an individual who is considered for the annual Breeder of Merit award. The two main qualifications for this nominated award are: 1) be a member in good standing with the National club, and, 2) have breed 25 American Kennel Club champions with at least one championship obtained over the year prior to the award being given at the Annual Banquet held in conjunction with the National Specialty each spring. Initially, the Breeder of Merit award was named the Tom Joy Award, after long time breeder Tom Tracy. However, with his passing several years ago, the award was retired. In the spring 2012, Colleen O’Keefe, a long time breeder under the kennel name Limberlost, passed away from cancer. It was decided to rename the Tom Joy Breeder of Merit award the Limberlost Breeder of Merit award after Colleen, who had previously been awarded the Tom Joy Award. Once this renamed award received support from the National Club Board of Directors, the issue then became finding a suitable trophy. Although we all have to admit we love the flashing sterling silver cups engraved and placed on various wood bases, we all have to admit it is an issue transporting these trophies without causing any damage to award or self. Portability, then, was one of the key requirements for this trophy; another was the aesthetics; and the final concern was ensuring a suitable individual

Newsletter 2017

trophy in addition to the perpetual one. All these issues were met when Shelley Traylor and Cindy Ford (Rolyart WSS) and Brenda Trofanenko (Longlanes WSS) attended Crufts in 2014. No, we did not purchase any trophies at the Crufts market. We did, however, spend time with Jan Rees (Typica) and Jan Janes (Coedybrain) and left Wales with various souvenirs, including Welsh love spoons. The spoon then became the idea for re-establishing the trophy. What better way than to celebrate the Welsh Springer Spaniel than with an award with a wee bit of Wales? Jan Rees kindly located a crafts person who carved the spoons, sent them to Brenda in Canada, who then took them to the U.S. to be made into a trophy. The perpetual trophy has a larger loving spoon secured onto a slanted wooden piece placed on top of a base. On the front of the base is the name of the award; surrounding the base are the names of the annual winners. For the annual award, a smaller spoon is placed on an angle piece with an engraved individual names to the side. Although the initial winners (Shelley Traylor and Cindy Ford of Rolyart WSS and good friends with Colleen) thought the award would never see fruition, it finally did this past spring. Brenda Trofanenko (Longlanes)


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The Joint Health Group is made up of two delegates from each of the four Welsh Springer Spaniel Clubs: The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club, Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales, South Eastern Welsh Springer Spaniel Club and the North of England Welsh Springer Spaniel Club and has an independent Chairman. It meets 2 – 3 times annually to discuss and monitor any health matters within the breed and delegates report back to their respective committees. Health Reports and updates are published in Newsletters, Year Books and on respective websites.

JOINT HEALTH GROUP REPORT The Joint Group met three times during the year, February, July and November. WSSCSW Delegates Jan Rees (Chairperson) and Jan Janes (Secretary) attended all 3 meetings.

NEW CHAIRMAN Due to an unforeseen change in his work commitment, Dr. David Shearer has been unable to join the Group as the new Chairman, however the JHG is delighted that Miss Jane Sansom BVSc CertVOphthal DVOphthal DipFRCVS has agreed to act as Chairman for the next 12 months. Her qualifications are as follows:Bachelor of Veterinary Science; Certificate in Veterinary Ophthalmology; Diploma in Veterinary Ophthalmology; Diploma of European College of Veterinary Ophthalmology; Fellowship of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

GLAUCOMA JAMES OLIVER’S STUDY James Oliver has had his paper published recently in the Journal of Small Animals Practice. A précis of this is set out below. Permission has been gained from the BSAVA to print the Paper in the WSSC Year Book where it will be available in full. Prevalence and progression of pectinate ligament dysplasia in the Welsh Springer Spaniel J. A. C. Oliver, A. Ekiri and C. S. Mellersh. Centre for Preventive Medicine, Animal Health Trust , Lanwades Park, Newmarket, Suffolk. CB8 7UU OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of pectinate ligament dysplasia in a large group of Welsh springer spaniels; to investigate associations between pectinate ligament dysplasia and age, sex and intraocular pressure and between intraocular pressure and age and sex; and to investigate progression of pectinate ligament dysplasia in individual dogs. METHODS: In a prospective study, gonioscopy was performed in both eyes of 227 Welsh springer spaniels and intraocular pressure measured by rebound tonometry. Eyes were classified as “unaffected” if 0% of the iridocorneal angle was affected with pectinate ligament dysplasia (grade 0), “mildly affected” if 20% was affected (grade 1), “moderately affected” if 20 to 90% was affected (grade 2) and “severely affected” if 90% was affected (grade 3). In a retrospective study,


progression of pectinate ligament dysplasia over time was investigated for 65 dogs. RESULTS: One hundred and thirty-nine of 227 dogs (61·2%) were affected by pectinate ligament dysplasia (grades 1 to 3) and 82/227 (36·2%) were moderately or severely affected. There was a significant association between pectinate ligament dysplasia and age. There were no associations between pectinate ligament dysplasia and intraocular pressure or pectinate ligament dysplasia and sex. Thirty-five of 65 dogs (53·8%) demonstrated progression of pectinate ligament dysplasia. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE & CONCLUSION: Prevalence of pectinate ligament dysplasia was high despite widespread screening and selection against the condition. Our data indicate that gonioscopic features of pectinate ligament dysplasia can progress in the Welsh springer spaniel. Dogs deemed unaffected at an early age may subsequently be diagnosed with pectinate ligament dysplasia. Based on these results, the authors recommend that the traditional advice of performing gonioscopy as a “once in a lifetime” test should be reviewed. Currently, under the BVA/KC/ISDS Eye Scheme, gonioscopy is recommended every 3 years in the Flat Coated Retriever, and we recommend a similar testing frequency for Welsh Springer Spaniels.’

GLAUCOMA Three dogs in all have been reported during the year as developing Primary Glaucoma: Ardinia Angel Baye Fiergen Silver Trinket at Julita Daisy (unregistered) A note has been received by the JHG from James Oliver thanking everyone for bringing their dogs to the September eye testing. He also mentioned that he has classed 2 dogs as affected and the rest as unaffected – two of these dogs were borderline unaffected. He also stated that he is working on another manuscript made possible by the JHG and WSS owners on the feasibility of a Gonioscopy Grading Scheme – comparing the results of two panellists – Beverley Cottrell and himself. New Information from the Kennel Club – is that of now, the advice has been changed with regard to Gonioscopy testing on all the BVA and Kennel Club’s Health Schemes literature, to advise that testing should be carried out every 3 years, unless evidence to the contrary emerges. Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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With this in mind please note that James Oliver is attending the WSSC Championship Show on 3rd September 2017 for eye testing. At present re-testing will cost the same as the original test i.e. £55.

HIP DYSPLASIA With regard to hip x-rays the JHG would advise that care is taken in choosing a Veterinary Practice with suitable experience in this field.

FITTING One dog has been reported as fitting confirmed by the owner and Veterinary Surgeon. HELGEN BLUCHER (Glenbrows Manifesto x Highclare Electra at Helgen)

CANINE GENOME PROJECT The Joint Health Group is pleased that Welsh Springer Spaniels will be involved in the first phase of this Project where 75 Breeds will be involved. The following has been received by the JHG from the AHT “The main aim of this research is to gain a much better understanding of which DNA changes are neutral and those which are likely to have a negative effect on dog health, by using whole genome sequencing technology to look very closely at all 2.4 billion letters of DNA in a dog’s genome. We believe this will have a profound effect on our ability to identify mutations which cause inherited diseases in purebred dogs, and the rate at which we can develop new DNA tests as tools for breeders in the future. “ We are really grateful to the Kennel Club Charitable Trust for continuing to support this project. The 75 places have already been filled for 2016 as so many breeds were keen to be included in this project when it was first launched. However, we have started a waiting list for those breeds who may want to be involved in Give a Dog a Genome next year if we’re able to run ‘phase two’ of the project.” Steve Dean, Chairman of Trustees at the Kennel Club Charitable Trust said “ We are very excited to announce this extra funding from the KCCT for the Give a Dog a Genome project. The project will revolutionise canine genetics research and is a hugely important project for the future of dog health, and is another example of the pioneering and fantastic work being carried out by the KC Genetics Centre at the Animal Health Trust.” For more information on the “Give a Dog a Genome” initiative, please visit: www.aht.org.uk/gdg

BREED HEALTH SURVEY The Breed Health Survey on Welsh Springer Spaniels has been published, it is possible to access this direct from the Kennel Club website. (Use the following link: bit.ly/wss_health).

KENNEL CLUB WEBSITE UPDATE The following information has been received from the Kennel Club concerning recent improvements to their website – www.thekennelclub.org.uk/ Newsletter 2017

“In the Health Area, two new areas for breeders have been created, which include a “Breeding Advice” area and an “Understanding Canine Genetics” area. Summary of Changes • REORGANISATION - We’ve divided the health content into better defined areas for particular users (“For breeders”, “For owners”, “For Breed Clubs and Breed Health Co-ordinators” etc.) and the “For breeders” section now clearly outlines all available breeding resources, such as Health Test Results Finder, Inbreeding Co-efficient calculators, World Wide DNA Testing List etc. • NEW AREAS – We’ve two new areas for breeders, which include a “Breeding Advice” area and an “Understanding Canine Genetics” area. NEW WEB AREAS: Breeding Advice This section gives guidance on important factors to consider when breeding and how to appropriately use results from health tests and screening schemes. This area includes detailed advice and information about: • Complex diseases with no test • Conformation • Deafness (BAER testing) • DNA testing • Elbow dysplasia • Estimated Breeding Values • Eye Disease • Hip Dysplasia • Inbreeding – Using COIs • Managing Genetic Diversity • Syringomyelia (BVA/KC CM/SM). Understanding Canine Genetics If you would like to understand more about DNA, mutations and inheritance then the articles in this section will help you gain a basic understanding of canine genetics. This area includes the following articles: • DNA, Genes and Chromosomes • Traits and inheritance • From DNA to protein • Mutations and disease • Breeds and their gene pool • Inbreeding and health • The impact of popular sires.

DONATIONS A number of donations have been received for the JHG funds, many of these have come via the WSSC website. Each and every one is much appreciated and will be put to good use. If you wish to donate these can be made at any time and sent to the Treasurer: Anne Morgan, Park House Farm, Bradbourne, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1PD Thank You. Julie Revill (JHG Secretary) WSSCSW Delegates, Jan Rees and Jan Janes.


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Pamicks Believe You Can JW (aka Barney) Hip score 6/2 and eyes tested unaffected The photo shows Barney winning his first CC at Bournemouth 2016 under Judge Kathleen Abbot. Barney’s daughter Pamicks Field of Dreams has joined him in the show ring

Mick & Pa m Te w ~ www.pamicks.co.uk 32

Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

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New Breed Record Holder The WSSCSW wishes to congratulate John Thirlwell and his Sh.Ch. Ferndel Aeron Magregor on their fabulous achievement of gaining their 60th CC to make Greg the new Breed Record Holder. The previous record holder was Tom Graham’s Sh Ch Russethill Royal Salute over Nyliram, who won 58 CCs from 57 judges. Greg has won 60 CCs from 59 judges, taking a repeat at Crufts 2015.

What a great achievement – Well Done John & Greg. John recounts that ‘Greg’ won his first CC from Nigel Worth at Birmingham City 2010 as a Junior. His 2nd under David Howarth at Manchester 2011 and his 3rd from Jenny Stratton at Crufts in 2011 from Junior. ‘Greg’ has been placed regularly at group level, winning the group at Windsor ’12, Manchester and Windsor ’13 and City of Birmingham ’14, and has five group 2, eight group 3 and three group 4 awards. He was BIS at Gundog Society of Wales in 2013 and RBIS at Gundog Breeds of Scotland in 2014.



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If you have any photography or print project in mind give Terry or Sue a call to discuss - or visit our website at wheelbarrowstudios.com

Newsletter 2017


e-mail: evinrisca@gmail.com


Designed and produced by WheelBarrow Studios.com

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