Wsscsw newsletter 2018

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Len & Kath Morgan Memorial Bowls Len and Kath Morgan (Cwrtafon) had dedicated much of their time to the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales for many years and both held the post of president for long periods. After their sad passing in recent years, the club commissioned a set of beautiful crystal bowls in their memory. They were to be given as one time awards to the Best in Show at each of our shows in 2017. Vice Chairperson, Debbie Roberts, close family friend of Len and Kath and partner in Cwrtafon, presented the bowls on each of these emotional occasions.

Honour and Tim Harrison won the first Crystal Bowl with Glenbrows Picture Me Now JW at our Open Show in February.

Jane Graham won the Crystal Bowl with Taimere’s Twister Round Nyliram JW ShCM at our Championship Show in March.

And Jane Sutherland was awarded the final Crystal Bowl with Jacranella Serenade at our Open show in September

Thanks To The Judges and Stewards The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales would like to extend their thanks to the judges and stewards who helped make our Breed Shows of 2017 a great success. (More photos on centre pages)

Above: Jan Rees presents a gift to Miss Vicky Reynolds (Benoveor), judge at the Open Show in February and Left: Ms Addriana Shears (Glenkerry) judge for the Special Awards classes.

At the Championship Show in September the judges were: DOGS: Pat Butler-Holley (Shandwick) and BITCHES: Catherine Dods (Balcraig). Bill Moulton and Alwyn Buchanan acted as Stewards. Debbie Roberts presented the thank you gifts.

Above: Jan Rees presents a gift to Ms Tina Smith (Isfryn) judge at the Open Show in September and Right: Mrs Anne Worth (Sarabande) judge for the Special Awards classes. Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

Chairperson’s Report 2017 Dear Members, Wishing you all a Happy and Successful New Year. I am sure you will all agree we have all enjoyed 2017 with our Welshies – from our successful shows, to the beach barbecue and Country Park walks. I hope you enjoy this year’s bumper edition, and don’t forget we are always on the look out for contributions and photographs from you, to use in the Newsletter and on our website, just get in touch. Looking back at the past year I realise there are just so many people who I should thank for making our events successful and I’m sorry that space does not allow me to name them all in person. We always receive lovely compliments for the organisation and atmosphere at our shows so a huge thank you is due to everyone who helps make them a success. There are those who layout the arena, seating and generally make the venue a welcoming sight and there are those who help tirelessly with the catering, preparing dishes at home and serving customers all day in the kitchen - thank you one and all. Of course, we are very grateful to our judges who had a difficult task with the high quality of dogs presented to them and they all did their job fairly and with good humour. Also massive thanks go out to the oft’ forgotten Stewards, whose help and guidance of the judges makes sure the shows run smoothly. Our two Open Shows and the Championship Show attracted over 250 entries all

Summer barbecue at Ogmore by Sea

Please go to: / WelshSpringer SpanielCSW “Like” us and you will be kept up to date with club news.

Chairperson, Jan Rees

together, please see the centre pages for a summary of each of the shows. I hope new members or new Welsh Springer owners will see the photos from our shows and be encouraged to come along to visit us, you may not want to enter your dog but it’s a great place to learn more about Welshies and you will soon find we are a friendly bunch – it can be a lovely day out just seeing so many beautiful examples of our breed together in one place. As I mentioned above, in the past year we had a few informal walks and a beach barbecue, where we met a few new faces, it was so nice to meet you all and I hope you will come along with us again in the following year. These events often attract 10 to 20 people with over 20 dogs and they take a fair bit of organising by committee and other members – many thanks, your help is invaluable. All our events are announced on our main website and the information is duplicated to our Facebook group, so please check out these areas regularly if you don’t want to miss out – and please spread the news by “sharing” any of our posts. Our Facebook page now has nearly 550 followers and it is probably the best place to find out about what’s going on in the club. My thanks again go to Sue and Terry Evans whose help and expertise to produce this Newsletter and website is invaluable. We are always looking to the future and we are always open to suggestions (polite ones of course!) or new ideas of what activities you would like to see the Club do. We already plan a Summer Rally in 2018 which was sadly missed last year, and also a Grooming/Trimming Workshop. Please try and support wherever you can but whatever you do with your Welshies have fun.

New Year walk at Penllergaer Newsletter 2018

Jan Rees (Chairperson) email:


Officers and Committee Who’s Who in the Club – 2017

Jan Rees

Debbie Roberts

Jan Janes

Sue Evans

Keith Masson

Annie Glover

Anita Shears

Lesley Breeze

Mary Evans

Karen Lancett

Patron: Mr Mansel Young (photo right)

Assistant Secretary: Mrs Sue Evans Treasurer: Mr Keith Masson

President: This post has been left open, until the next AGM, as a mark of respect to the previous presidents Kath and Len Morgan who both recently passed away.

Joint Health Group: Delegates: Mrs J Rees, Mrs J Janes Reserve Delegate: Mrs K Lancett Trustee: Ms A Glover Cup Steward: Contact the Secretary

Life Members: Mr T Davies Dr A Christie Mrs E A Jones Vice-Presidents: Dr A Christie Mrs A Davies Mrs C Green Mrs A Young Mrs D Roberts Mr B Shears Ms M Simmons

Mr & Mrs M. Young Mr & Mrs J Derrick

Mr T Davies Mr M Green Mr M Young, Mr & Mrs J Derrick Mrs J Janes Mrs E A Jones Mrs Jan Rees

Chairperson: Mrs Jan Rees Vice Chairperson: Mrs Debbie Roberts Secretary: Mrs Jan Janes e-mail:

United Spaniel Association Delegate: Mrs A Shears Committee Members: Mrs Mary Evans Mrs Lesley Breeze Web Site: Mrs J Rees (content) Mr Terry Evans (Design & Photography) Newsletter Production: Terry and Sue Evans WSS Rescue and Re-homing Scheme UK Co-ordinator: Mrs H Riley 01325 718055 South Wales & Three counties Representative: Mrs K Lancet General enquiries email address: Website:

Disclaimer: The views expressed by contributors and reproduced in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the WSSCSW


Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

Secretary’s Report A happy new year to all our members and breed enthusiasts! The club has again had a busy and successful year with excellent shows and various activities. Due to a full show calendar, we decided not to hold our usual fun weekend this year but we held several informal walks including an excellent beach walk BBQ at Ogmore in the summer. We are grateful for the support of our membership at these events which prove very popular. We will, once again, hold a full calendar of activities throughout the year including a rally and fun weekend, the venue is yet to be verified so please look out for announcements online. We would appreciate any suggestions for other events and venues. I would like to thank my fellow officers and committee members for their continued support and tireless efforts in the administration of the club for the benefits of the members and the breed. We held several committee meetings in the past year where, apart from the day to day running of the club and organising the various events, we also discussed a wide range of subjects, from breed promotion and Kennel Club Secretary, Jan Janes issues to new activities that our members and their dogs are becoming involved with. Activities such as Rally, Agility, Pets As Therapy (PAT) dogs are becoming very popular and we would love to hear from you if you are involved with activities other than showing or field work. The Health Group meets two or three times a year, in Coventry, to discuss Breed Health Issues, and in October we sent three delegates to the Kennel Club Breed Health Symposium in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire – a report from the group can be seen on pages 30-31. At the AGM, in February, we had to address the problem of electing a new President after the demise of our much loved Kath Morgan, it was decided to leave the position open until the next AGM as a mark of respect. The club was delighted to be asked to host a small judges reception for Susan Riese from the Statesman’s Kennel in the USA, who had been invited to Judge at Gundog Society of Wales. Jan Rees and I also enjoyed meeting her again, and it was lovely to be able to return some of the warm hospitality shown to us when we visited the 2013 ‘Specialty’ in Atlanta, Georgia. You can read all about her visit on pages 24-25. Chepstow Leisure Centre continues to be a wonderful venue for our Champ Show in March and there’s always a great buzz when there is a full entry list like last year – come and experience our unique Welsh welcome.

Jan Janes (Secretary)

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – 2018 Open Show Annual General Meeting Championship Show

11th February 25th February 25th March

Summer Rally Open Show

14/15 July 16th September

Drill Hall, Chepstow. Dawn Ritchie (Slapestones) Ponthir Village Hall, Ponthir, Gwent Chepstow Leisure Centre Dogs – Jennifer Murray (Priestbeck) Bitches – Debra Roberts (Cwrtafon) TBC Drill Hall, Chepstow. Judge TBC

Dates for other events such as Training Days, Working Days and Informal Walks are yet to be confirmed – please regularly check our Website or Facebook page for up-to-date details. Newsletter 2018



Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

Treasurer’s Report We cannot sit on our laurels As I sit here trying desperately to think of something different to say rather than the usual boring numbers, facts and figures, I can also hear the newsletter editor screaming down the phone pointing out that my deadline is so far in the past that the Hubble telescope is needed to see it, and that if I don’t come up with something SOON, I am a dead man walking. So here goes. As always with a club of any sort whilst it was fun it was also hard work and this work is falling on fewer and fewer people each year. Our membership was down for the first time in at least 6 years, this I mainly attribute to the fact that when litters are born breeders have been giving the puppy owners membership as well and during 2016 there were fewer litters locally. However the profit from the shows was at the same evel as the previous year so it is good to see that we are still seeing strong support from the showing Treasurer, Keith Masson community. On the cost side whilst most expenses were very much in line with previous years the club running costs were £400 higher and this was not because the Treasurer had a fantastic holiday, pictures available, but because we bought several items which will enhance what the club can do, in the form of new matting as well as a shelter for our outdoor events. As a result we made a small loss of £188.50 but we still maintain a strong and healthy position in that our net assets are in excess of £10,000, however we cannot sit on our laurels and so we must all help and support the efforts of the committee to ensure that this club is successful for years to come and so further this Breed that we all love Keith Masson (Treasurer)

Membership Reminder Can we please remind you that Annual Subscriptions are now due: Single Member: £4.00 Joint Members: £6.00 Junior Members: (under 18) 50p If you have not already renewed your membership can you please send it to: The Secretary: Mrs Jan Janes,

A new event shelter, new prize boards, and the display of trophies add a touch of professionalism to our shows and enhances the club’s image at all the public events we attend. Newsletter 2018

Never forget again! Subs can be paid via Direct Debit. You can download a form from the website or contact the Secretary.


Positivity Only In Training

Five years ago we decided on our first family dog. My husband’s grandfather had previously had a Welsh Springer so he was adamant a Welshie would be joining us. We absolutely adored Gwen and the breed, so it wasn’t long before our Welshie family became three. As everyone with Welshies know, there are a number of traits that these amazing dogs have – both amazing and challenging! Chester was most definitely my challenge!! I attended training classes with all of them, including ringcraft with the younger one – Piper. What I found however was the punitive form of training that was being taught was making my dogs very negative, unhappy dogs and if I’m honest I wasn’t enjoying them. Life with our dogs was meant to be fun and enjoyable, but this was becoming anything but. So I started looking into positive only training. I embarked upon my first training course which taught me about how dogs learn and the principle of teaching a dog what we want it to do, not telling it what we don’t want it to do. This made perfect sense! I needed to show my dogs what I wanted from them, not what they were doing wrong. This lesson was invaluable and I soon started to enjoy the relationship that developed with my dogs and saw an immense change in them too. They no longer dreaded that weekly lesson; they started to love the daily changes and tricks that we were learning together. My training has had a profound impact on my dogs – Chester is now much happier and Piper is a little

joy with a recall to die for. More importantly we have a much better bond and relationship. The IMDT methods gave me skills that I wanted to share with everyone because surely everyone wants happy dogs. They offer a qualification to show a standard of achievement which was perfect for me. I didn’t want to just label myself a ‘dog trainer’, I wanted to be a qualified trainer with a reputable organisation. I decided to start my own training classes in order to share the positivity and help to change peoples relationships with their dogs. Tudful Dog Academy uses the most up to date science based techniques that are proven to be effective and have the dogs welfare at heart. As an IMDT member I signed to adhere to a code of conduct and to only use modern reward based methods. I now see my dogs world as being full of potential rewards rather than full of distractions. I aim to provide owners with all the information required to help their dogs grow into rounded, happy confident dogs with limited class sizes in order to ensure everyone gets the attention they deserve

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The Institute of Modern Dog Trainers is a leading body and independent course provider for Dog Trainers and Behaviourists. It was founded to promote the very best in understanding and training of dogs through quality trainers and ultimately, owners. Through a comprehensive range of Courses and assessment, The IMDT offers a recognised and accredited qualification as well as a supportive, positive network of Members with a purpose of developing and offering the very best dog training and behavioural advice. Visit for more information


Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

Commitment To Training Gets Just Rewards by Gill Cooper and Oscar (Fiergen City Limits) Oscar came to live with us at 14 weeks from Sandy White of Fiergen kennels. We were living in Wales at the time and had plenty of opportunity to exercise and give a Welshie plenty of scope to channel his exuberance for life. Training him for Gundog work did not initially come to mind as I had been showing Pointers some years back and therefore I showed Oscar in his early years, with some success. I happened to buy a Spaniel Training book from a Antique bookshop in the town and my interest grew. I met Sandy Bell who lived not that far away and she suggested that I take Oscar to the Gundog Trainer Anthea Lawrence in Welshpool. My first lesson was somewhat of an eye opener, I thought my obedience training with Oscar was coming along nicely, but when I told Anthea that I let him run on the beach each day chasing seagulls, this did not go down very well, not good practice for a working dog to chase birds! He was confined to the garden only and back to basic obedience for a month! Our time with Anthea gave me the enthusiasm to go on and train Oscar in a more committed way and focused on what was needed. Family commitments called and we moved back to the South East and I found a trainer who is patient and with years of experience behind him and began to teach Oscar and I what was needed in a good working dog. Commitment to training and the time put in on a regular basis goes a long way in owning a steady dog. Oscar proved to love retrieving and although he has never been fast on his return, he is a steady dog to the flush and the gun when using dummies. I have been fortunate in that Oscar knows when he needs to sit to the gun when a

dummy is thrown in tests, and in trials and on shoots he sits to the flush; he manages to switch quite easily. Our first Working Tests were somewhat fraught as his nose took over on several occasions and was deaf to my whistle. But with practice he became reliable and he began to be in the placings. He worked his way up from Special Beginners winning various classes and has won several Open classes and has gained his KCWGC on Dummies / Game/ Water Certificate, plus the KCSGC on Game/Water. He successfully completed his two runs in a Minority Breed Field Trial last year and retrieved a partridge from a very long retrieve, fortunately he had marked the bird as I had no idea where it was!, not in the placing but very proud that he completed his run and was not disqualified for some misdemeanour. We regularly go on two shoots during the season in the beating line, and he has proved to be a reliable and steady dog. I have met a lot of friends along the way, and some good advice, Oscar and I have enjoyed it all. Many congratulations to Gill and Oscar on winning the Silver Pheasant Trophy for the second year running. They’re living proof that commitment to training is not only an enjoyable pastime but also brings the benefit of a steady, obedient dog - and the occasional trophy.

Newsletter 2018



Where breed type is paramount

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This is Billy aka Cwmbeili Gwilym Coedybrain Llon Ddraig Goch x Coedybrain Nia at Cwmbeili DOB - 11 April 2016

A lovely combination of traditional Welsh lines. Many thanks to Karen Lancett for entrusting him to us. Enquiries and visitors are always welcome. Jan & Barrie Janes,


Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

Presentations and Celebrations

Typica Breeders Trophy

Wyesider Trophy

Yacoub and Samsel’s kennel, Laithmoor’s, were winners of this year’s Typica Breeders Trophy – Judy Yacoub is seen here receiving the award from club patron, Mansel Young, at our Champ Show in March.

The Wyesider Trophy is awarded to the Top Dog or Bitch born in Wales. Awarded this year to Debbie Jenkins’ Brynseiri Afan – pictured here with handler Bekki Williams receiving the silver plate from Mansel Young at our Championship Show in March.

Tregwillym Points Trophy Also known as the Cliff Payne Trophy, this trophy is awarded to the club member who has gained the most points with the same dog throughout the year. This year’s winning dog Laithmoor’s Marek is pictured left with owner Judy Yacoub who also collected the Typica Breeders Trophy (see above).

Silver Pheasant Working Trophy The Silver Pheasant Working Trophy was awarded to Gill Cooper with Fiergen City Limits for the second year running. See Gill’s story on page 6

Newsletter 2018


Hudolus Rhys Henllys at Typica (aka Lloyd) Slapestones Eros JW + Typica Skylark D.O.B. 24/11/14 Hip and Eye tested

Typica Flash Harry JW (aka Harry) Sarabande Perfect Storm (AI) JW + Typica Country Maid D.O.B. 29/05/15 Hip and Eye tested

We are very proud of both boys successes in the Showring to date Owned and loved by

Jan & Alan Rees, • email: 10

Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

Summertime Dog Walk and BBQ During summertime for the previous couple of years we have held a club rally for a full weekend of doggie fun - but unfortunately other Welsh Springer events clashed with our proposed dates so it was decided just to have a one day informal get together at the seaside. So it was that towards the end of August we descended upon Ogmore By Sea with our gazebo and barbecue ready to entertain an excited pack of Welshies and their owners. We were very fortunate with the weather for this summertime gathering. The weather in the preceding weeks had not been very promising but as we gathered for the day at Ogmore By Sea (near Bridgend in South Wales) the sun came out and it was ideal conditions for a beach walk and paddle. Can't say we walked very far because all the dogs - and there were over twenty of them - were having such a good time racing in and out of the water. A few new puppies joined us for the first time and they were not used to the water - but the older dogs soon showed them how much fun it could be. Over thirty owners turned up with about 25 Welsh Springer Spaniels and we created quite a spectacle on the beach for all the other holiday makers to see. Ogmore is dog friendly all year round and is popular with many club members and other dog walkers. After the dog walk we all tucked into some great burgers and hot-dogs supplied by Sue, Jan Rees and Jan Janes.

Newsletter 2018


Gatherings and Dog Walks Throughout the year we often arrange informal dog walks. We say “informal” because there’s no training, no showing, just socialising and enjoyment for dogs and humans alike. We simply announce on our website and Facebook page that we are going to meet up at a suitable location and off we go for an easy walk with our ‘pack’ of Welshies. If we have enough volunteers we can set up our gazebo and brew up a cuppa but we usually choose a location where there’s a nearby café. We keep the walks fairly short (4 miles max.) and undemanding, and we’ll find an area where we can let the dogs off their leads to let them race around enjoying themselves free from the constraints of the showring or working training ground. It’s a great opportunity for both the dogs and their owners to socialise and it’s a relaxed atmosphere for new members to join us and find out more about the breed. There are loads of photos of these events on our website - go and see if you can spot yourself. Plans for 2018 We are looking at some different destinations for 2018. One we want to arrange is the circular walk around Cardiff Bay area, starting from the Wales Millenium Centre, the walk will take us past the Senedd, the Norwegian Church, the new BBC Studios, and across the Barrage to Penarth – before looping back across the 140 metre Pont y Werin bridge which links Penarth and the International Sports

Village. There’s even the option of taking the boat ride back from Penarth if the weather is kind! We Going Walkies? hope this will be a St David’s Day If you are planning event, and we can have our photoan interesting dog opportunity on the steps of the walk and fancy the company of a few Senedd, a proper ‘Welsh’ day out . more Welshies, why We are also investigating a not announce it on new, better located, venue for our our Facebook page? Summer Rally, top of the list at Give the time and the time of going to press is place you intend to be Tredegar House Country Park, on there and, you never know, a few others the outskirts of Newport, just off may turn up - no Junction 28 of the M4. This is a fuss, no obligations you may strike up Caravan Club site, with all the new friendships facilities associated with the CC, some and get your dogs huge gardens around the National better socialised too. Trust managed House, plus a wealth of attractions nearby in Newport and Cardiff. I think we could have great time there. (if you are a CC member the ref is TDH). Other planned walks include Ystrad-fellte, Oxwich Bay and the Twmbarlwm Hot-Cross-Bun walk. South Wales has endless possibilities for suitable walks and if you have a particular favourite that you think would suit sizing-up to a group walk, get in touch, we’d love to see where your Welshies enjoy themselves.

New Year GetTogether at Penllergaer Valley Woods We started our new year with a lovely informal walk on Sunday 28th January 2017 at Penllergaer Valley Woods – just off the M4 north of Swansea. It was quite a good turnout and the weather was relatively kind to us but a bit cold. The dogs all enjoyed each other’s company and had a fab walk in this very picturesque setting, exploring the undergrowth and ending in the river and pond for some! There were some new faces and old friends we’d not seen for a while and we were all happy for a warming drink in the visitor centre afterwards.


Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

Spring Dog Walk and Get-together at Cwm Darren Park We had a smashing informal walk at Parc Cwm Darren on a sunny spring day in May. It was a really good turnout with nearly 20 Welshies and their owners. It was a lovely walk around this popular beauty-spot that is situated at the top of the Rhymney Valley, there’s a visitor centre and well marked walking trails. All the dogs all enjoyed each other’s company and had a fabulous walk ending in the lake for some - not strictly allowed, but we all know what it’s like trying to keep a Welshie out of the water! Fine weather, walk and wet Welshies, sounds a perfect day doesn’t it - come and join us on our next outing!

Autumn Walk at Dare Valley Park This 500 acre country park just a mile from Aberdare was the ideal location for our Autumn walk. The midweek weather forecast was for a dry bright day, yet we had a very wet start – no one was really surprised. However, the sun came out later and we took the Red route around the park, alongside streams and up to the lake, there was lots of shrubby undergrowth for Welshie hunting fun, and open grassy areas for chasing games. Luckily Welsh Springers have no idea about bad weather, just being outdoors is enough for a good time, and us wet humans enjoyed a cup of coffee and a chat in the Cwtch Café afterwards. A most enjoyable day despite the weather and we highly recommend Parc Cwm Dâr for your weekend Welshie Walk – it’s a lovely place.

Newsletter 2018



Pamicks Field Of Dreams JW

(aka Cheri)

Hips 3/3. Eyes unaffected G Pamicks Believe You Can JW x Pamicks Girl In A Whirl Cheri has had a wonderful first year in the show ring helping her to gain her JW at 13 months of age

Mick & Pa m Te w ~


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Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

OPEN SHOW The Drill Hall, Lower Church Street, Chepstow. NP16 5HJ

Sunday 12th February 2017 Judge: Miss Vicky Reynolds (Benoveor) BEST IN SHOW (AND BEST VETERAN) - Harrison’s: Glenbrows Picture Me Now JW (left centre) RESERVE BEST IN SHOW & BOS - Barkley’s: Cherryheath’s Miss Velocity JW (left) BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Tew’s: Pamicks Field of Dreams (right centre) BEST VETERAN IN SHOW - Sutherland’s: Ch Julita Rezanella Of Jacranella (right) Best in Show Lineup

Judge’s Comments I was delighted to be asked to judge at this my first breed open show, where I was welcomed with warmth from the committee and exhibitors alike. Overall the quality of the exhibits were of a high standard and the ‘up and coming’ youngsters look promising for the future of the breed and certainly stole most of the top honours today. I felt that the majority were ‘fit for function’ and temperaments were superb but found one suspect mouth. I’d like to thank you all for taking the time to travel, giving me such a super entry with the opportunity to judge your lovely dogs and the sporting way you accepted my decisions. I really had a memorable day thank you so much.

Best Dog Line-Up

Best Bitch Line-Up

BEST DOG (centre) – Harrison’s: Glenbrows Picture Me Now JW RESERVE BEST DOG (left) – Douglas’: Sh Ch Ferndel Justin Time ShCM BEST PUPPY DOG (right) – Harvey’s: Benjamin Jankina Zahrada To Mariemead (Imp SVK)

BEST BITCH (centre) – Barkley’s: Cherryheath’s Miss Velocity JW RESERVE BEST BITCH (left) – Harrison’s Glenbrows Liberty (Ai) BEST PUPPY BITCH (right) – Tew’s: Pamicks Field Of Dreams

Full list of results and the Judge’s critique can be seen on the club’s website at Newsletter 2018


CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Chepstow Leisure Centre, Chepstow, Gwent

Sunday 26th MARCH 2017 JUDGES: DOGS: Pat Butler-Holley (Shandwick). BITCHES: Catherine Dods (Balcraig) REFEREE: Jan Rees (Typica) BEST IN SHOW - Graham’s Taimere’s Twister round Nyliram JW ShCM RESERVE BEST IN SHOW - Tain’s Taimeres Two Step BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Tew’s Pamicks Field of Dreams BEST VETERAN IN SHOW - Ritchie’s Sh Ch Slapestones Smooth JW (Ai) Best in Show Lineup

Judges’ Comments – In their critiques both judges expressed their thanks to the club and committee for making them welcome and complimented us on such a well run show. Dog Judge, Mrs Pat Butler-Holley (Shandwick) particularly liked our Welsh cakes and was impressed with the quality of presentation of the dogs but warned against over-zealous handling. Bitches’ Judge, Catherine Dods (Balcraig) who had judged at the other three Breed Clubs was honoured to judge at the South Wales club and was a happy that BIS went to the ‘more mature’ dog. Both judges were in total agreement that the other certificates went to bitches.

Best Dog Line-Up BEST DOG (centre) – Graham’s Taimere’s Twister Round Nyliram JW ShCM RESERVE BEST DOG (left) – Tolladay’s Sh Ch Ferndel Commander of Bethersden BEST PUPPY DOG (right) – Davis’s Julita Rutland 16

Best Bitch Line-Up BEST BITCH AND BEST VETERAN (centre) – Tain’s Taimeres Two Step RESERVE BEST BITCH (left) – Morgan and Graham & Denwood’s Lyndfil Zazu JW BEST PUPPY BITCH (right) – Tew’s Pamicks Field of Dreams Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

A BRIGHT spring morning saw over 160 Welsh Springer Spaniels and their owners descend on Chepstow Leisure Centre for the South Wales Club’s Championship show. Mrs Pat Butler-Holley judged the Dog section in the morning session. She had 70 dogs across 16 classes to appear before her. While Mrs Catherine Dodds judged the Bitch section, in the afternoon, with 90 entries across 16 classes. The high quality of the dogs presented made the judges’ work difficult but both said in their critiques that it was a very enjoyable show . The club is very grateful to them for their expertise and fair play. A special thanks goes out to all those members who helped make it a successful day. The photos here by photographer Terry Evans show what a busy day it was.

Full list of results, the Judges’ critiques and many more photos can be seen on the club’s website. Newsletter 2018


OPEN SHOW The Drill Hall, Lower Church Street, Chepstow, NP16 5HJ

Sunday 17th September 2017 Judge: Ms Tina Smith (Isfryn) BEST IN SHOW – Sutherland’s Jacranella Serenade RESERVE BEST IN SHOW & BOS – Stone’s Stedigan All In Good Time for Merrem BEST PUPPY - Dixon’s Stedigan Starz in Their Eyes. BEST VETERAN – Sutherland’s Ch Julita Rezanella Of Jacranella (right) Best in Show Lineup

Judge’s Comments I would like to thank the club for their invitation to judge this breed club show and for my very efficient steward Anita Shears and also to the exhibitors for their support. Ms Tina Smith

Best Dog Line-Up BEST DOG (centre) – Stone’s Stedigan All In Good Time for Merrem RESERVE BEST DOG (left) – Sutherland’s Jacranella Solo

Best Bitch Line-Up BEST BITCH (centre) – Sutherland’s Jacranella Serenade RESERVE BEST BITCH (left) – Jones’ Julita Rumours at Trosley BEST PUPPY BITCH (right) – Dixon’s Stedigan Starz in Their Eyes.

Full list of results and the Judges’ critiques can be seen on the club’s website at


Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales


The WSSCSW schedule special classes at our shows to encourage and help develop up-and-coming judges. If you have already judged the breed and are already on a club C list and would like to be considered to judge these classes at a future show can you please contact the Secretary.

AT OUR OPEN SHOW IN FEBRUARY, Ms Addriana Shears (Glenkerry) judged three Special Award classes in which there were 10 entries. The photo above shows the class winners: (Left to Right). KATH MORGAN MEMORIAL STAKES JUNIOR: Harrison’s Glenbrows Liberty (Ai) KATH MORGAN MEMORIAL STAKES POST GRADUATE: Ellis’s Shannara Total Eclipse. LEN MORGAN MEMORIAL OPEN STAKES: Lancett’s Coedybrain Nia At Cwmbeili.

AT OUR OPEN SHOW IN SEPTEMBER, Mrs Anne Worth (Sarabande) judged three Special Award classes in which there were 11 entries. The photo above shows the class winners: (Left to Right). LEN MORGAN MEMORIAL OPEN STAKES: Lancett’s Coedybrain Nia at Cwmbeili. SPECIAL POST GRADUATE STAKES: Courtney’s Sycarth Land of My Fathers; SPECIAL JUNIOR STAKES: Tew’s Pamicks Field of Dreams

WSSCSW Merchandise

Even the dogs come to check out our range of club merchandising Newsletter 2018

If you co ng to one of our shows make sure you check out the Club Shop. There’s loads of desirable products for sale with the club logo or other Welsh Springer images – these include: n Sweatshirts n Polo & T-Shirts n Jackets n Bags n Hats n Gilets n Mugs n Pens n Coasters n Cards n Badges n Books There’s always plenty of new items available and very often some last season’s bargains. But if we haven’t got the item you fancy in your size or colour we can usually order it for you – just ask. 19

J A Welsh C RSpringer A N Spaniels ELLA

Fit for Purpose, Bench & Field, Full of Fun! Bred, owned and much loved by: Janey and Craig Sutherland Photos Courtesy of Peri Burchmore 20

Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

‘Amelia’ at 8 weeks

From Puppy to Champion Sh Ch Jacranella Symphony (a.k.a. ‘Amelia’) Owned and bred by: Jane and Craig Sutherland Born: 18th April 2015

‘Amelia’ at 6 months

Sire: Sh Ch Ferndel Comander Of Bethersden ShCM Dam: CH Julita Rezanella Of Jacranella SGWC Amelia showed her potential early. She was a sturdy and balanced puppy as can be seen at 8 weeks and again at 6 months. She gained her first RCC aged 18 months at GSW 2016 under Jaquie Ward, and her first CC at Crufts 2017, aged 23 months, under Mr Mansel Young. A very proud day for us!

‘Amelia’ at 23 months

She then gained her second CC at SKC 2017, aged 25 months, under Tim Harrison, and her crowning CC at Bournemouth 2017, aged 28 months, under Dr Ron James. Not surprisingly she is now a full blown Diva! To date Amelia has been awarded 3 CCs, 1 BOB and 2 RCCs.

Newsletter 2018


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Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

‘Lenny’ at 6 weeks

From Puppy to Champion Sh Ch Taimere’s Twister Round Nyliram JW ShCM (a.k.a. ‘Lenny’) Owned by: Jane and Tom Graham Bred by: Lesley and Graham Tain Born: 24th January 2015

‘Lenny’ at 4 months

Sire: Sh Ch Furness Way From Minebea Nyliram JW ShCM (imp SVK) Dam: Reedbank Salvia (imp Swe) From a litter of six we chose Lenny, the first photo aged six weeks shows a balanced puppy, he continued to show promise at four months and the third photo shows him coming to full maturity.

‘Lenny’ at 21⁄2 years

Lenny gained his first CC aged 19 months under Chris Atkinson at WKC 2016, his second under Pat Butler-Holley at WSSCSW 2017 and his third at SKC 2017 under Tim Harrison. To date he has been awarded 11 CCs, 8 BOBs and 8 RCCs. He was placed G3 at Bath and G2 at Paignton. He gained his JW at 8½ months old and qualified for the KC Junior Warrant Semis.

Photo by “Photocall” Newsletter 2018

Lenny’s daughter Ferndel Cover Story About Nyliram JW became our youngest JW winner at 7 months old and has won a RCC whilst still a puppy. 23

My visit to the UK by Susan Riese (Statesman Welsh Springers USA) I was invited in 2016 by Nigel Worth to judge at the Gundog Society of Wales Championship Show at Malvern in October 2017. I gladly accepted this invitation and this visit turned out to be one of my most enjoyable experiences ever. I was met at Edinburgh Airport by Thelma Ritchie of Kennel Slapestones who provided for me in her kind and thoughtful manner throughout my eleven days that I was in the UK. I have known Thelma for several years now and we are firm friends. Others during my visit also opened their arms to me, and the warmth and hospitality I felt throughout my stay will always be remembered. The first several days were spent in Cumbria visiting Lowther Castle amongst many other interesting places. Then the big event, Gundog Society of Wales. My warm reception to the UK continued. All the Committee and my Stewards were very pleasant and helpful. Thelma had given me excellent instructions on UK judging procedure and it was calming to know that the

Stewards would make sure that all went well. My critique has appeared elsewhere but the comments I wrote down on the first two placings as they stood in front of me at the judging table were hopefully seen that I have strong priorities on correct proportions and sound, effortless movement. What a wonderful surprise awaited me when judging was complete, A grand gathering of exhibitors hosted by the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales who put on a wonderful spread, with the most beautiful cake with recognisable painted outlines of Statesman Welsh (thank you Joy) made by Joy Baguley. Lots of good food and drink and a chance to chat with people, made my day complete thank you everyone. Friday saw us make a special visit to Anne Walton (Hillpark), what a grand lady she is. Like many of us she had photos of her dogs on the walls and I took photos of

Judge Susan Riese visited many interesting sights around Cumbria (left) and after judging the Gundog Society of Wales Show, WSSCSW committee members helped host a reception and provided an appropriately decorated cake.


Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

Above: Judge Susan Riese with the Best Dogs at the Gundog Society of Wales Show. Left: Susan had a lovely afternoon visiting Anne Walton (Hillpark). Photos by kind permission of Thelma Ritchie

many. We had a lovely dinner followed by tea at the hearthside. Anne brought her three Welsh in and they were lovely, the two older ones were quite stately in their manner but the young male was busy kissing Anne and checking out the visitors, I so much love our breed at all of their stages. Sunday saw us attend the South Eastern WSSC Championship Show at Swanley in Kent. Traffic and motorways were not good both ways and we had to leave before the end and take back roads as the M6 was closed in both directions. Coming from the States there is nothing comparable to stone fences right up to the roadway or the sharp curves.

Next day saw me leave Penrith train station for my journey home. Easy trip to Edinburgh although I was concerned that my flight the next morning might be delayed or cancelled because of the remnants of Hurricane Ophelia. The wind picked up during the night, but the morning showed clearing skies – easy flight home. Some impressions – it seems that people that I met while in the UK are more cheerful than the serious attitude seen by many in the States. Lots of joking and laughter. Some people were much older than their appearance suggested and I totally enjoyed everyone I met during my visit. I LOVE the various accents. Good people, good food, beautiful scenery, Thank You – one and all.

Typica Kingfisher at Y Berfa (aka Owain) Achieving success in the showring as a Veteran and enjoying life with kennel mates Trannon Wheelbarrow Megan and Yberfa Lili Bychan Sue & Terry Evans

Newsletter 2018

25 The Welsh Captains on Tour… Sam, Ryan and Alfie. Since Alison wrote this article, Alfie has sadly passed away. Many in our club have fond memories of Alfie and we pass on our sincere condolences to Alison and Rhun.

News from New Zealand - Part 2 by Alison and Rhun Evans Shortly after we arrived in New Zealand in May 2016 we spoke to Sue Lawless, Bryndoin Kennels, who in 2015 had written an article for the WSSC on NZ Welsh Springers. To meet other Welshie people she suggested we enter New Zealand’s National Dog show to be held in Christchurch. To enter we had to join the NZ Kennel Club (now Dogs NZ), and as part of this we were required to also join a local dog club. We chose the Southern Gundog Society as this was reasonably local. We also had to get temporary permission to show Ryan. With the National Dog show taking place in Christchurch, a number of clubs were holding additional Championship shows during the preceding few days including the Southern Gundog Club. We discovered that many clubs will hold two or more shows over a weekend, flying in judges from Australia, South Africa or the US and further afield to judge a whole group rather than breed. They may judge gundogs on one day or half day, and then ‘another’ show takes place and they will judge another group. With less people and thus less dogs being shown it is cost effective and encourages people to travel and enter. It is also the case that more than one club may hold a show over consecutive days during the same weekend. In completing the entry form - a generic New Zealand show entry form – you indicate the club who is holding the show(s) you are entering, the number of shows you wish to enter, and class. Prior to the show you receive, via e-mail, the ‘report’. This tells you the start time, the order of judging and the number of dogs entered in each breed. In the e-mail you also get your number. Once at the show you pick up your number from ringside – your details are on the back of this, and you enter the class according to your number. New Zealand folk regard the UK system as quite chaotic! We entered Ryan into the Southern Gundog show first – in the veteran dog class. This took place just north of Christchurch at a place known as McLeans Island. For


those that had travelled some distance for the National Dog show, this was their camping base. The National Dog Show itself was held at the Canterbury Agricultural showground on the southern outskirts of Christchurch. For the National show, with no veteran class, we entered Ryan into Open Dog. Our next venture out for Ryan was the Waimakariri Kennel Association with three Championship Shows. We entered him in Open. There were seven judges on the Saturday doing one group in the morning, and another group in the afternoon. So two shows for Ryan in one day. The third show was on Sunday, with five judges remaining from the previous day. Three judges from the previous day judged the groups, with the other two judges doing handling and stakes classes. Next up was the Canterbury Kennel Association show with Ryan in Open for two Championship shows, and the Southern Gundog Society Championship show with Ryan in Veteran on the Sunday. We finished the year with Ryan entered in the Junior Canterbury Kennel Society show with two Championship shows. Where was Alfie in all this? I hear you ask. There is no “Not for Competition”, no “Unentered Dog Tent”, no “Benching”. You just turn up, set yourself up near ringside – most people with a few dogs set up a marquee, and then at the time of your breed judging wheel in your dog crate to ringside. In our case, when I had Ryan in the show ring, Rhun was at the side with Alfie watching. At the National you can book and pay for a grooming space – piece of square footage – in the tent outside the main ring. So, how did we get on? At our first show we met Kelly Te Reo (Brynmor) with Ch Bryndoin Just Too Cool at Brynmor pictured in the WSSC 2015 yearbook, Ch Brynmor Isabelle and Brynmor Jacobs Ladder. We also met Nicola Bray (Afonderi) with Ch Afonderi Calico Jack, Ch Afonderi Lil’Scallwag and Afonderi All The Way May. Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

named after Sam Warburton to continue Sue Lawless could not make these the Welsh Rugby captain theme, aka shows, but on a work trip up to Llon Llaeth y Gaseg ar Nantlle, Hamilton where she is based I did get to Samantha Warburton, and Ryan’s meet up with her and her dogs. There daughter. They are very alike. She is very was certainly a recognisable touch of fond of both her dad and her ‘Uncle’ Alf. Pennylock in one of them. So, having retired Ryan we started In this first show, Ryan won his class, showing Sam. Dog showing in New but Ch Afonderi Calico Jack got Best Zealand is at dedicated dog club grounds Dog and Best of Breed, and Ch Bryndoin and agricultural showgrounds and Just Too Cool at Brynmor got Reserve. outside whatever the weather. There are Ryan left with Best Veteran Welshie. At generally no marquees or buildings to the National Show Ryan won the Open shelter in – hence people bring their own class but again lost out to Ch Afonderi square marquees to set near to the rings. Calico Jack. Kelly and Nicola were very As in the UK more shows thus take place helpful at these first couple of shows as in the summer months, but not over we got to grips with the process. Christmas. At the National, I also discovered In our first show it was a bit wet and which particular type of sausage would Ch Llon Llaeth y Gaseg ar cold, but in later shows the sun was get Ryan on the move much better – too Nantlle – aka Sam shining and Sam’s lovely red coat really late for these early shows but which paid looks good. She always looks a bit wary, but stands very dividends in the later shows because he went on to achieve well and moves nicely. We have been going to ringcraft and the following. they always say how nice she is, how well she stands and • Waimakariri Kennel Association - Best Open Dog, moves. They provide the occasional tip on how to improve Challenge and Best of Breed in all three shows. and one thing I have managed to get her to do is stand • In the Canterbury Kennel Association Best Open Dog, perfectly as we draw to a stop. Generally, no repositioning Challenge and Best of Breed in both shows required as she knows where her feet should be. I also • Southern Gundog Society Championship - Best Veteran make sure I tell her that she is a good girl – guaranteed to Dog, Challenge and Best of Breed. get her to wag her tail just slightly without spoiling the • Junior Canterbury Kennel Society, Ryan again got Best look, which seems to please the judges. Most Welshies are Open Dog, Challenge and Best of Breed in both shows. still docked here. I do move to hold her when the judge approaches to go over her as she will turn to look at them It was also particularly pleasing at one show that the and end up out of shape. President of the New Zealand Kennel Club commented that he thought Ryan had a very good outline. And how has she done? She has very much followed in her dads footsteps. We targeted a number of shows, visited For those of you who can count, that series of wins a few more different venues a bit further afield, and now means that Ryan got his eight challenge certificates, the we have Ch Llon Llaeth y Gaseg ar Nantlle. number required to put in an application to the New Zealand Kennel Club for Champion Status. A good way for We will continue to show her, but have also started her Ch Coedybrain Ryan ar Nantlle, aka Ryan Jones, to end in Good Citizen dog training – a relatively new initiative the year and retire gracefully. here. Her one failing is the dislike of being left with a stranger whilst I go out of the door, otherwise I think she In 2017, we were very pleased when Sam arrived, would be top of the class. The trainer asks if I’d like to do a particular exercise and always seems pleasantly surprised when she does so well. I am not sure whether it is the nature of Sam herself, or down to Steve Pick and Molly who looked after for her first nine months before she got here. Maybe female Welshies are just easier to train – Alfie and Ryan were not as easy! Updates to follow as she progresses…

Sue Lawless, pictured right, with friends (dogs and humans) – gave Alison and Rhun valuable advice on the show scene in New Zealand Newsletter 2018

We wish Alison, Rhun, Ryan, Alfie and Sam continued success in their new home and if you want to see this article in full, it is on our website where Alison gives a fascinating insight into the intricacies of showing in New Zealand.


Still Fundraising at 15 & Three-quarters A couple of years ago we gave you the heart warming story of old-timer Sion helping out with fund raising duties. You won’t be surprised to hear that he’s still at it… Hello folks, Meryl and Sion reporting again. I’m happy to report that Sion, at the stately age of fifteen and three quarters is still carrying out his charitable duties - and more. At the beginning of the year we had a collection for Guide Dogs at Waitrose in Newmarket, where Sion was allowed inside as he was sporting his special GD neckerchief and he was a real hit with the customers despite there being a guide dog pup there as well! Later in the year we had a collection at Tesco where he also proved popular, I think that it's his lovable face! However, these are not his only charitable duties, in his twilight years Sion has become a PAT dog and we now visit an elderly lady, Phyllis and she absolutely adores him. She probably gives him far too many treats but as he has retained his silth like figure I really don't mind. Finally I would just like to mention the walk with the SE Welshie group. We met at The National Stud, then took a leisurely hour and a half stroll round the gallops with Sion being the patriarch of all the dogs. We then returned to the stud for tea and cake. I believe there were thirty nine Welshies it was quite a spectacle ! I would like to say a special thank you to Alison Finlay for organising such a fun afternoon, it was really lovely meeting up with everyone.


SOLVA ORTLINDE b 10-08-2015, Avilt Neferusobek x Solva Octavia Lindy, the latest young lady from the Solva stable to make her mark in the showring Mrs Jean Luckett-Roynon


Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

Notes from abroad… Davide Mori lives in Parma, Italy and is the proud owner of Welsh Springer, Elfin, who has achieved extraordinary success in Europe. Davide found our website and avidly follows updates on our club’s Facebook page – we thought you would enjoy our newest European member’s story…

Elfin Welsh – The Italian Dog Elfin was born in Italy in May 2013 at the family of a passionate veterinarian. His sire was Empirio d’Ann Cambris and he was out of VerySweetBlue del Re di Danari. Elfin was bought as a pet dog, but as soon as he arrived in his new home, he immediately showed a passion for work on game and retrieve. So he began his journey at puppy school for the first rudiments of obedience, then into utility dogs training, and finally into the hunting with an instructor that combined his ability to search on game with correct training. Its owners are not professional handlers or trainers, and for them Elfin was the first pure breed dog in the school. At the age of 7 months Elfin attended his first show and with the passing months he achieved good results in the show ring, becoming Young Italian Champion, then Italian Champion, Champion of the Republic of San Marino, Champion of Slovenia, Champion of Austria, Champion international show and International Beauty Champion, as well as many other awards such as the WSS Junior Top Dog in Italy 2014, Top WSS Dog 2016 and the Trophy of the Mediterranean, achieved in three different nations Monaco, Italy and France. Elfin loves to run more in the field than in the show ring, so slowly, with his innate passion for hunting and willingness to work convinced his owner to acquire a hunting license and also to handle him in official working trials for spaniels. Elfin easily reached the qualification in field trial, the first WSS in Italy in category A according FCI rules, trial with wild game shot. Then it is claimed by acquiring water retriever test and, once again the first WSS in Italy, was awarded for the natural quality certificate CQN for spaniel in FT. Up to now, he has achieved 13 qualifications in Field Newsletter 2018

Trial, always competing with ESS working lines and reaching the second position in his class. Recently, Elfin achieved the top award in field trial with Excellent in A-type test for Spaniel (FCI rules) working with wild game, the first WSS in Italy to achieve this. With this result, Elfin is now a breed ambassador for Italy and Selected stud dog. When hunters meet him during the harsh hunting days along the banks of the River Po in northern Italy they appreciate his judgement on hare, his stubbornness in search of pheasant in difficult environments such as hard bushes, and his ability to retrieve in deep water for ducks, in addition to the vigorous and prolonged hunting action that his robust and impressive physical structure allows. He hunts very well in partnership with his” brother-in-law” Plume (Sonnetend Indiana Jones) a Field Spaniel brought to Italy by his owner, who, thanks to Elfin, has also been fond of other rare spaniel breeds. When traditional English driven shoots in northern Italy are organized in Piedmont and Lombardy, Elfin is a permanent presence in the beating line and even picking up teams, and it is in this type of hunting that he expresses the most of his hunting skills. Elfin has achieved important results and BoB in shows in Germany, Luxembourg, Croatia, France and the Principality of Monaco, so we hope that when he finishes his hunting season in Italy he will be able to compete in the rings to complete these championships as well. Elfin always shows that he is really proud of being a Welsh and a Hunter. 29

The Joint Health Group is made up of two delegates from each of the four Welsh Springer Spaniel Clubs: The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club, Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales, South Eastern Welsh Springer Spaniel Club and the North of England Welsh Springer Spaniel Club and has an independent Chairman. It meets 2 – 3 times annually to discuss and monitor any health matters within the breed and delegates report back to their respective committees. Health Reports and updates are published in Newsletters, Year Books and on respective websites.

JOINT HEALTH GROUP REPORT The Group met twice, in March and November. Delegates Jan Rees and Jan Janes attended both meetings.

GLAUCOMA The new Pilot Scheme that is being trialled for Gonioscopy testing, when a grading will be given along with the usual ‘Affected and Unaffected’ results, has now been extended until July 2018 to collect further data. A separate sheet is provided for your information on this scheme. The Group would like to remind you that it has now been recommended that dogs are tested every 3 years for Goniodysgenesis, and preferable before breeding. One new report of a dog that has developed Glaucoma – HELGEN CONFETTI

MENINGITIS A small survey was carried out of dogs who developed meningitis resulting in one particular point that it was felt worth passing on to owners. ALL of the dogs first presented with pain in the limbs, mostly the neck but also limping. Most were misdiagnosed initially, so it is worth keeping in mind that such symptoms could possibly be a sign of meningitis.

FITTING Two new Fitters have been reported to the JHG as follows:¬ ISLANZA DUTCH APPLE CAKE AT IMPECELYN (Maverick From Kind of Magic x Islanza Lady in Red) HELGEN NAPOLEON (Glenbrows Manifesto x Highclare Electra at Helgen) This is the third dog from this litter to be reported as a Fitter.

CANINE GENOME PROJECT As part of the ongoing Canine Genome Project we have been advised that they are focusing on Epilepsy in the Welsh Springer Spaniel. We have therefore been requested to provide the names of 3 fitting dogs, still living, who have undergone the full criteria of clinical tests including an MRI. Initially a DNA cheek swab sample will be required. This has been undertaken.

DANGER TO DOGS The JHG had a report of a dog that had swallowed a corn on the cob husk of which the owners were not aware, after some time the dog was very unwell and it eventually resulted in an operation to remove a foreign object and a large part of a corn on the cob husk was found blocking


the intestines. Sadly this dog did not survive the operation. Please be aware of what your dog may be eating.

MICROCHIPS The JHG have been made aware that it is believed that there may have been a ‘bad’ batch of microchips used some 5/6 years ago. A number of dogs of this age have been found to no longer have a readable microchip, so it could be worth getting your dog checked at the next Vet visit if around this age.

CANCER The WSS Joint Health Group, supported by all four Breed Clubs, has agreed with Nottingham University to circulate the following survey on cancer that is being carried out on Spaniels by Dr. Mark Dunning. Club Newsletters and social media are carrying the link to this survey. We would request if you could please complete this survey for each of your dogs that may suffer, or have suffered from this condition, including dogs no longer with you. Although the preamble does state a paper version can be requested from the WSS Health Co-ordinator Mrs Julie Revill, we would suggest that you try and complete this on line as sending out paper copies will become expensive. The Club really hopes that you will co-operate with this survey which could be very important to our breed. Data will be collected by the University on the various Spaniels Breeds and it is stated that statistical updates will be passed back to Members of the WSS Clubs. Thank you for your co-operation. The link is :- https// cancersurvey.

DONATIONS A number of donations have been received for the JHG funds, many of these have come via the WSSC website. Each and every one is much appreciated and will be put to good use. If you wish to donate these can be made at any time and sent to the Treasurer: Anne Morgan, Park House Farm, Bradbourne, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1PD Thank You. Julie Revill (JHG Secretary) WSSCSW Delegates, Jan Rees and Jan Janes. Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

The following Report has been received from the BVA to the Breed Health Co-ordinator (July 2017) It announces a new Pilot Scheme for an eye testing grading system. For more information or how to arrange a test session contact JHG Secretary Julie Revill -

Primary closed angle glaucoma (PCAG)/primary angle closure glaucoma (PAGC) Pilot Project Primary closed angle glaucoma (PCAG) / primary angle closure glaucoma (PAGC) is significantly associated with defective development of the drainage angle which is termed goniodysgenesis (gonio = angle, dysgenesis = defective development), also known as Pectinate Ligament Dysplasia (PLD) or Pectinate Ligament Abnormality (PLA). Goniodysgenesis is inherited in several breeds and is tested for using a technique called gonioscopy. It was originally believed that the degree of goniodysgenesis did not progress after birth and so a ‘one-off’ test before breeding was advised for dogs of certified breeds. However, recent research has provided evidence of progression of goniodysgenesis with age in several breeds, namely the Flat Coated Retriever, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Basset Hound and Leonberger.

provide owners with useful information to aid breeding decisions. The grading proposal is, in part, also a recognition that ‘Clinically Unaffected’ cannot be an accurate description unless the gonioscopic findings are entirely normal. The Kennel Club database is not set up to record grades, so the pilot gonioscopy grading project will run in parallel with the existing layout of the Certificate of Eye Examination. The recording of results as ‘Clinically Unaffected’ and ‘Clinically Affected’ under Goniodysgenesis (G) continues as before for the benefit of the Kennel Club and the results will be published as they are at present. The grades will be recorded and collated by the BVA. Protocol to be followed for the Pilot Grading Project On the Certificate of Eye Examination Second section: EXAMINATION OF THE EYE AND ADNEXA Gonioscopy grading recorded under Descriptive Comments 0




Tick one box Should there be disparity between the grade assessments in each eye, it is the higher value that is recorded on the Certificate of Eye Examination under Descriptive comments.

In consequence, the advice on gonioscopy has been updated for all breeds in which gonioscopy is performed. It is advised that for Schedule A breeds gonioscopy should be carried out every 3 years, unless any evidence to the contrary emerges.


The first test can be performed in dogs from 6 months of age onwards and current advice is that gonioscopy is performed at approximately 1, 4 and 7-8 years of age. Repeat testing should provide much needed longitudinal information about the risk of developing glaucoma in later life and, in conjunction with Breed Clubs, will enable breed-specific recommendations to be developed.

Tick one box as at present

A simple grading scheme (0-3) for gonioscopy was agreed by the Eye Panel Working Party in 2016; it is being piloted from July 2017 with the aim of being formally adopted, with or without any revisions, if analysis of the results supports this approach. Initial analysis will take place at around the time of the next Eye Panel Working Party (EPWP) meeting in November 2017. The grading scheme will be used to complement - and may ultimately replace - the ‘Clinically Unaffected’ or ‘Clinically Affected’ classification that currently records the results of examination. The EPWP has proposed that a grading system reflects more accurately what the Panellist observes and is better able to inform the potential risk of developing glaucoma in later life. It will Newsletter 2018



(G) Goniodysgenesis





Gonioscopic findings Normal iridocorneal angle (ICA) with no/minimal (0%-<1%) pectinate ligament abnormality (PLA) 1-25% of ICA affected by PLA

Diagnosis Advice: Normal iridocorneal angle - highly unlikely to develop primary glaucoma. Currently classified for KC publication as ‘Clinically Unaffected’ Advice: mildly affected unlikely to develop primary glaucoma. Currently classified for KC publication as ‘Clinically Unaffected’ 26-75% of ICA Advice: moderately affected affected by PLA low risk of developing primary glaucoma. Currently classified for KC publication as ‘Clinically Unaffected’ >75% of ICA affected, Advice: severely affected and/or severe highest risk of developing narrowing of ICA primary glaucoma, breeding not recommended. Currently classified for KC publication as ‘Clinically Affected’

July 2017


How I turned my hobby into a career My journey into the dog showing/grooming industry started way back when I was growing up with the family cocker spaniels. I caught the showing bug off my mum at the age of eleven and I was hooked from the very first show, competing in junior handling classes until I was 24. About 8 years ago I decided I wanted to show something a bit bigger than the cocker spaniels and the Welsh Springers just stole my heart. I now have two Welshies that are my pets first and show dogs second. Before shows I love bathing and preparing them and the difference from before and after their grooms is extremely satisfying because I don’t like them to enter the ring looking nothing but presentable.

career. I already had most of the equipment needed and with the catchy title Hayls & Tails, Dog Grooming Service I opened my doors to the public in October 2015 – the rest is history. The business has gone from strength to strength and I can honestly say it does not feel like I go to work every day, because I am so passionate about what I do. Going from grooming 1-2 dogs a week to 5-6 dogs a day is just so overwhelming and I have to say word of mouth has got me where I am, so it makes me so happy that my customers are satisfied with my service and trust me with their dogs. Another perk is getting to groom some of the beautiful Welshies that live within the area. Before


This leads me on to how I turned my hobby into a business. Back in 2015 I decided to take the plunge and turn my love of grooming my own dogs into a




Dog Grooming Service Contact Hayley on 07463 731728


Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales

It has been a fabulous year for:

Cwmbeili Nia (Coedybrain Nia at Cwmbeili) …won Best of Breed and Gundog Group 1 at Welsh Kennel Open in January, under Mrs Yvonne Billows. …she gained her Stud Book Number at Crufts this year with a First in Limit, under Mr Mansel Young. …she was awarded a Reserve CC at SKC in May, thanks to Mr Tim Harrison, her first CC at Gundog Breeds of Scotland in November under Mrs Barbara Attwood.

Many thanks to all the Judges who have thought so highly of her. was also a very good year for Nia’s puppies, Llon Ddraig Goch x Coedybrain Nia at Cwmbeili 11/04/16) Cwmbeili Morgan, Cwmbeili Gwilym, and Cwmbeili Madlen, are all doing well at Championship level.

Coedybrain Nia at Cwmbeili and Cwmbeili Madlen, proudly owned and loved by Mrs Karen Lancett.



We can also offer our services to help promote your kennels

t give your next litter a professionally outdoor banners designed “Puppy Pack” – this consists a private photo-shoot of your dogs and then the preparation t newsletters t photography of personalised “New Owner” packs for you to supply t posters t advertising with each new puppy. t stationery t websites t other services include: photo scanning, retouching & repair, we create photo t exhibitions albums, supply canvas prints, personalised special occasion cards – and more… t logos If you have any photography or print project in Tel: 07876 358884 t brochures & leaflets t

mind give Terry or Sue a call to discuss - or visit our website at Newsletter 2018



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