Evok Corporate Overview

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well-be•ing wel • bēiNG

in·ten·tion in’ten(t)SH(ə)n

BE·print·ing bē’prin(t)iNG

The type, level, or intensity of energy exhibited towards a goal or aim. The sum total of who you’re being and how you show up to create a specific outcome.

The Evók process of blueprinting your being and increasing your intention to transform any result.

OF WELL-BEING CONSULTING + WORKSHOPS WHO ARE YOUR LEADERS AND WHAT’S THEIR LEVEL OF INTENTION TO DELIVER YOUR COMPANY GOALS AND PROFIT? BEprinting™ is a design based solution for leaders who are willing to leverage an innovative process of engagement to realize the profits of intention. You may feel you’re losing a vital part of your workforce to dissatisfaction and burnout, dealing with a culture crisis, or ready to blaze a new trail requiring significant change!

• Executive Design + Coaching • Group Workshops for Lead Teams + Emerging Leaders • Licensing and Train the Trainer Programs

A good or satisfactory condition of existence; a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity. A general term for the condition of an individual or group.

The well-being of your leaders is the number one condition required to create the level of intention, innovation, and contribution necessary to win in a competitive and rapidly changing market.



Intention measures well-being and your level of intention makes the invisible sources of your results visible. Nothing happens without intention and even with low intention, the status quo and its problems persist and block your profit. Disruptive results are created by high intention and alignment towards a stretching outcome.


BEprinting™ uncovers and redesigns the intangibles driving your company’s culture and goals. Your people are driven intrinsically yet managed and rewarded extrinsically. How’s that working for you? Engage your organization through an innovative process of internal discovery, design, and action that builds and aligns intention to meet and exceed your profit goals.




BEprinting™ is a systematic process that combines spirit, science, and reality to design your identity, shift your intention, and transform your experience of life. Spirit without science and reality is a dream. Science without spirit and reality is a theory. Reality without spirit and science is just your current results.












DIGITAL | LIVE WORKSHOP | PRIVATE Evók has created three signature experiences to deliver the


power of our Beprint™ process. We have worked with hundreds of women; transforming their immediate realities to evoke their


IT’S TIME TO OWN YOUR SHIFT Shift from BUSY to BEING and Intentionally Create the Life You Want: Own Your Shift is an 8-week on-the-court course and community designed to teach you the nine shifts to stop doing the most and get clear, commit, and finally create what you’ve been waiting for.

deepest desires and highest vision for their lives.





... and get your goal handled! Turn Up Your Intention is our half or full day live group workshop. We work with corporate clients and non-profits to introduce the power of well-being and the profits of intention to transform culture. We also host live virtual TUYI workshops for individual clients who want to get that one goal worked all the way out - in one day!

The Power Move Project is our premium and private Evók implementation strategy and structure for visionaries who are transitioning into something bigger and committed AF to having it without blowing up the life they’ve created in the process. EVOKLIFE.COM



ARE YOU AND YOUR TEAM STUCK IN A CYCLE OF BUSY, SACRIFICE, AND BURNOUT, WHERE YOU WORK HARD FOR YOUR GOALS BUT STILL COME UP SHORT? THERE’S GOOD NEWS... IT’S NOT YOU. IT’S YOUR INTENTION. Disrupt your unique pattern of struggle, declare purpose, design a structure to elevate your intention, schedule your priorities, and take “Oh Shit” (not BS) Action to create what you want. Evók’s half or full day live workshop experience where you make peace with your past, declare your purpose, and walk your personal pathway of


authentic power. Yes, in one day.







The high-powered trio is sparking a movement, an awakening of sorts, that’s shifting the consciousness of African-American women, giving us permission to break out of social constructs to help us live in alignment with the lives we desire.” – ESSENCE MAGAZINE

“ The Evók team taught me how to leverage my innate

strength and confidence, both professionally and personally. I’ve leaned into my Evók teachings and was promoted twice in one year!” – K. TURNER

“Evók helped jump start Smart Pressed Juice from the very

beginning. They always knew the right questions to ask to evoke the most authentic response from the team. Evók helped us dig deep to get to the core of what we were truly trying to accomplish – to build a love-based company that heals people through plants.” – A. VONHEIM

“OMG, The BEprint™ is AHHMAZING! This is Oprah in a Box!” – T. H A R R I S

“The BEprint™ process is the blueprint to get what you want. It's

so much deeper than a vision board or action plans and strategies.” – T. B R O W N


RADIAH RHODES PMP, CPC WELL-BEING INNOVATOR | AUTHOR | BRAND BUILDER | PRODUCT DESIGNER | EXECUTIVE COACH | ENERGY PRACTITIONER Radiah Rhodes is a visionary, entrepreneur, designer, engineer, and coach. After two decades of experience leading in small businesses and Fortune 100 companies in the beauty and information technology industries, Radiah became known for her strategic insights, impeccable design aesthetic, and natural ability to connect, lead, and get results. She has led and coached many executives and organizations to deliver exceptional business results and launched a strong portfolio of multi-million dollar products and services around the globe. Radiah Rhodes is a rare gem. She is a consummate professional who


Most recently Radiah authored the book, Being is the New Doing: A Divine Guide to Owning Your Energy, Time and Peace of Mind. She also launched a collection of brands and products designed to transform and expand your intention and well-being. As an entrepreneur, corporate leader, wife, and mother of two amazing and active children, Radiah knows what it takes to be extraordinary in life and leadership. She trains clients on how to tap into and leverage their intention as the fuel and fire to create any desired outcome with ease and authenticity. Whether it’s personal expansion programs, business launches, or products on the shelves of Target and Walmart, her expertise can be seen, touched, and felt in the client experience and results.

collaborates with clarity, intention and vision. When mapping out the vision for Wonder of Women, Radiah’s consult was significant in helping me interpret and communicate our mission for the organization while ideas and vision were unfolding in real time. I strongly recommend her services to any person or company interested in realizing what they envision. Radiah can help make your dream a living reality. – V. Very, Visionary at Wonder of Women EVOKLIFE.COM




Before stepping into full-time entrepreneurship, Tawana worked for Procter & Gamble as a global human resource leader for many million dollar brands. She served as the coach for C-Suite executives advising on a variety of managerial decisions including diversity and inclusion, organizational design, culture, employee relations, executive compensation, and strategic planning. Her entrepreneurial spirit, civic leadership and commitment to humanity through empowering the lives of young women across the country is a testament to her love and dedication to making this world a better place—and she does so unapologetically.

Tawana Bhagwat is masterful at helping women declutter their past, grasp opportunities and gain proper perspective of their potential for


An organizational leader with a bold, unapologetic approach and the desire to drive others toward success creates change. It’s a simple truth—one that Tawana Bhagwat, a career development, labor relations, talent acquisition and management leader embraces every day. As managing partner of Evók Life by Design, a well-being company specializing in the design of transformational programs and products for leaders, executives and entrepreneurs, Tawana is masterful at helping individuals declutter their past, grasp opportunities and gain proper perspective of their potential for greatness. This married mother of four believes that encouraging more trust, more connection, more accountability and more focus are the cornerstones of growth and positive change in any organization. Tawana is equal parts executive coach, change agent, strategic planner and entrepreneur. Her vision knows no limits and her approach to organizational leadership and personal transformation are rooted firmly in the belief that in order to be their best, an individual must be honest with themselves and bring clear intentions to all that they do.

greatness. Her philosophy is: ‘No broken women on my watch.’ You feel every bit of this philosophy when Tawana, an accomplished change agent and strategic planner, steps into a room. When she looks you in the eye and calls you on the lies you tell yourself, you feel compelled to avert your gaze because looking your own truth in the face is often difficult. But she helps you work through the difficulties to find your way to an elevated way of thinking and being. The light comes on and you want to hug her as though she were that long lost friend who’s been holding onto your secrets since childhood.




DR. RONI ELLINGTON Mathematics education professor, inspirational speaker, executive coach, and STEM education scholar and mentor, Dr. Roni Ellington has spent the last 18 years cultivating her undeniable talent as a teacher, speaker, scholar and personal development expert. Trained as a mathematics educator and life coach, Dr. Roni knows firsthand how to help people get clear and achieve excellence despite the challenges they face. Her work is grounded in the philosophy that we are all winners and can do anything we choose, even the hard stuff. She draws on her humble beginnings as a student that was placed in low track classes until one of her teachers realized that she could succeed in more rigorous courses. When she moved into the advanced classes in the 8th grade, she realized her own genius, which was cultivated by caring adults and teachers. The rest is history! She graduated valedictorian of her high school class and was awarded a full scholarship to study mathematics at Morgan State University, earned her Master’s in Mathematics and a PhD in Mathematics Education. Now she is on a mission to encourage others to excel in their lives and realize their dreams. Often referred to as the inner clarity expert, Dr. Roni’s belief is: You are NEVER really confused. You always know what’s in your best interest; you just have to get out of your own way to see it. Dr. Roni is laser sharp at asking the questions that give you the space and open the door for you to actually acknowledge what you already know but don’t see. Clarity is the ultimate transformative experience; it is true perception that actually empowers you to get what you want. When you get clear, you can get moving and get unprecedented results in your life.



This experience has been tremendous and life changing. Roni held me accountable in a very real and supportive way. Roni took a genuine interest in my development as she led me to uncover my default, live life by design, and ensure I have a strong support structure beyond the time of the formal tele-seminar. It’s so worth it, thank you! – E. Kenney




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