The METRO April/May 2015

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Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015

Success Profiles

Creating Epic Friendships Editorial

do people enjoy being sold?

A Secret Knock

Greg S..


2 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015

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Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine

Published By Evolve Media Group Inc. Evolve MEdia Group Inc. DARNELL G DAVIS - CEO Editor In Chief DONNIE BRYANT Photography EVOLUTION MAGAZINE Staff Editors DONNIE BRYANT Graphic Designer EVOLUTION TEAM


Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine is a trademark of the Evolve Media Group Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is strictly prohibited. Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine is a monthly digital publication with limited print copies available in designated markets. Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine welcomes all contributions. Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine assumes no responsibility for content or advertisement. No representation is made as to the accuracy hereof and is produced subject to errors and omissions.

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featured articles

8 12 18 do people enjoy being sold?

business trendsetter a secret knock with greg s. Reid


Success profiles with brian wrightcreating epic friendships

developing Financial responsibility


from the publisher

Evolve Media is growing rapidly, and with great success comes great adversity. Over the past few months we have been working on “Team Development” and expanding our staff. The development of leadership skills are essential to the growth and health of any company – that includes yours.


s we begin to head into a new season of life, I would like to walk with you into the new season of your business. I would like to leave you with four foundational stepping stones, answering this fundamental question: “How would you describe the perfect leader?” You probably used words like control, insight, and poise in your description. The next question I want to ask is: “Is it possible that these qualities could actually hinder great leadership?” According to some leadership coaches, the answer is yes. So, in order to remain effective as a leader, it’s valuable for every leader to develop a repertoire of different leadership qualities.

Stepping Stone #1 - Knowing When to Hold Them... And When to Fold Them...

Stepping Stone #3 - Understand Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses

Ascertaining when to fight or when to let go is very important in laying a foundation in effective leadership. Often great people gain a position of influence but they fall into habit of micromanaging. The desire to control can be a leader’s largest temptation and can bankrupt your company if not properly dealt with.

Talk to most leaders and they will gladly tell you they have weaknesses. But most of them cannot tell you what they are. Most leaders don’t know their weaknesses because most leadership positions encourage managers to consider the weaknesses of others more than their own personal shortcomings. Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses will allow you to build a team that will support you and fill in the gaps.

Most control comes from fear: fear of the unknown and fear of the level of ability of those whom you lead. These fears will cripple your ability to make decisions that affect your business. For example, a business owner notices that a project is showing inherent weakness. However, instead of cutting his or her losses and moving forward, he or she begins to throw more resources towards it in hopes to MAKING it work. The end result is a frustrated staff and a financial loss. Knowing when to hold and when to fold will do more than preserve sanity in the business environment; it will save money and allow growth simply because you stop paying attention to dead situations. Stepping Stone Unlikely Sources





Another trap leaders fall into is to assume they are the only ones within their organization with great ideas while overlooking the wealth of information available from their employees. One of the worst things a business owner can do is to assume that their employees are incapable of making meaningful suggestions. Most problems that develop within your organization are experienced by those who are on the front line. These employees often see these issues with surprising clarity because they deal with them on a day to day basis. Your team can be your greatest asset against problems and breakdowns. Listen to your employees and consider their insight. It could save you a lot of time and money.

Stepping Stone #4- Place The Right People in the Right Positions Your team plays a major part (if not the most important part) in how effective you are as a leader. The hardest part is getting to the point where you are able and willing to place the right people into key positions. As a business coach, I have seen companies with great business plans en route to total collapse because of failure to put the right people in the right place to carry out the plan. Getting to know your employees individually and your team as an organic whole is essential to becoming an effective leader. It doesn’t make sense to have someone who is a great organizer working a sales position while your current administrator isn’t working out. You will never know that you are making this mistake unless you know your team. By taking the time to identify the right people for key positions, you can improve your company’s performance and eliminate the unnecessary cost of training people who don’t last. Entire libraries have been filled with books written to help leaders be more effective. In my experience, many leaders want to learn the most advanced techniques while they’re still falling short in the basic fundamentals. These 4 stepping stones, if you really meditate on them and start to put them into practice, will create a strong foundation that will support an impressive organization. Sincerely, Publisher Darnell G Davis CEO/ Evolve Media Group Inc. Publisher,



Do People Enjoy “Being Sold?” Somebody Sell Me Something, Please!

Donnie Bryant Editor-In- Chief

“People hate to be sold.”

You've probably heard that statement more times than you can count. And it seems to make sense. The quote may be helpful, but it isn't entirely accurate. It's really just an oversimplification used to illustrate a point. Think about it: do shoe aficionados hate hearing about the new Air Jordans? Crowds gather outside Foot Locker's door hours before store opening, each person hoping to be one of the first to buy a pair. It's true that people generally dislike being pressured to do anything. When we don't know what we want, we don't like to be sold. When we don't trust the salesperson's intentions, we don't like to be sold. But when we do know what we want (and we can afford to get it), we end up practically begging someone to help us relieve the tension of pent-up desire.

8 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015

Video game fans can't wait until the next PlayStation console is announced, right? You may be thinking to yourself, Nike and Sony aren't "selling." I disagree. Selling is, as I see it, any effort to get someone to take a defined course of action. Nike isn't making commercials just for the fun of burning through millions of dollars. They want customers to buy stuff. And their customers WANT to buy stuff, too.

What Does This Mean For You?

How can you practically utilize this information as you attempt to connect with your customers and should-be customers? Focus on Customer Identity Runners, musicians, gamers, weight lifters, mothers of newborns, et. al, LOVE to buy stuff to enhance their lifestyles and display who they are to others. They love to pursue their passion and embark on the newest adventures (often through products and programs they can purchase). They're practically obsessed. They LIKE being sold stuff that augments their personality, like the athletes in the video linked to above. You may have heard me tell the story about a manager I had years ago who kindly informed me that "every man should have a Rolex." In his mind, a fancy timepiece is part of what defined masculinity. • You have to know your audience. Perhaps that means going after customers in an audience that's already been defined, like Rush Limbaugh listeners or subscribers to wine magazines. Tailor your offerings and messaging to appeal to their perceptions of themselves and the things they've indicated they like to do and buy.


Gather your own "tribe." Be vocal and courageous about what you stand for and/or against to rally other like-minded people. Make ambiguous concepts concrete. Make technical concepts easy to grasp. Give them unique names to develop a common language. (One of my favorite examples of this is Dan Sullivan's "ceiling of complexity." Look it up.)

promises and puts buyers in a better place to buy from you again in the future.

Foster Loyalty People are going to be loyal to the companies who continually help them get what they want. Businesses that come across as self-serving make selling harder than it already is. Demonstrate your desire to add value to your customer's life. Your marketing and sales messages Make the Benefits Impressive Blow your customers' minds with the value you deliver, should always address "what's in it for me?" from the the wonderful way you treat them and the risk you perspective of the potential buyer. absorb on their behalf. Never settle for giving the bare minimum. Don't try to be "competitive." Do what no If you have a loyalty program, please do better than all one else in your industry is willing or able to do for your the companies whose loyalty cards are stashed in your customers. wallet. They are more concerned with collecting data than winning hearts. A loyalty program can, and should, Referring again to Road Runner Sports, imagine giving do both. customers a 90-day guarantee on athletic shoes (which is one of the benefits of their VIP Family Membership What kind of special treatment can you offer your best program), then sending reminder emails to your clients? Consider how much their loyalty and referrals will mean to you and decide accordingly. customers to get out and run! This is a fantastic example of making it easy to buy from you and building trust in the process.Also consider offering a done-for-you service if appropriate. That eliminates risk, proves that you can back up your


Quotes That Influence Mark Edward Brown

"The greatest adventure of your life lies in the decision to live in the present moment. Do not stare into the mirror of yesterday nor gaze into the mist of tomorrow. Your time is NOW – take action and live!" ~ Mark Edward Brown

Mark Edward Brown is the founder of, the community dedicated to the background, history, and application of how influential quotes contributed to the ultrasuccess of people who became successful as well as the “why” and “how” they did it.

10 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015

At the time of this quote’s creation, I was in my early 40s. A young man by any measure, yet found the wisdom and knowledge of influential quotes, the people who authored them and the people who applied the knowledge contained within them is simply amazing, entertaining and educational. There was a time in my life when I lived life with a "victim" mentality. I came from a broken home which resulted from my parents’ divorce in my midteenage years. My wayward tendencies and dangerous delinquency almost landed me in jail more times than I care to recount. The first line of the above quote is a realization that I came to after years of study, discipline and personal development. You truly can live a life of adventure if

you are "awake" and living in the present moment. You can also engineer your ultimate success if you make the commitment to begin right now. You don’t have to have all the answers or the complete road map from point A to Z. The important factor is that you start now and begin the journey that will become your adventure. The second sentence harkens back to the days when I would languish away the hours, contemplating what would have happened if I had done "this" or "that" and how daydreaming about a "tomorrow" that never comes is futile to the experience of how I was not living in the moment. Reflect on your life right now. Are you guilty of blaming other people for your circumstances? Take inventory to determine if you are empowering yourself or giving

away your power and inspiration to the “blame game,” which does not serve your best interests in the here and now. The final sentence in the above quote is both a statement and command. Live your life in the here and now, take action towards that which will make you happy, fulfilled, and content. Perhaps you are not adventurous, yet you know you need to make a change in your life in order to move forward or get unstuck from the rut of reactionary living. That is why you must take action now and live the life you know you were meant for…the life you deserve!


Business Trendsetter

A Secret Knock

Greg S.


Darnell G. Davis - CEO Evolve Media Group Inc. Photography By: Brent Haywood


young man on a mission to show others they too can have a “Lane Change” in life, finds himself in a room full of great minds eager to achieve their success goals. He is speaking and the room is at a hush as he begins to share his personal story. He begins to speak about how a book he had read some time before this meeting, changed his life forever. Those in the audience began to wonder why this young man was carrying a yard stick in

his hand and he would give them the answer to the question that baffled their minds. During a time of contemplation about life, Lane Etheridge had read a book titled Three Feet From Gold. The words in that book would forever change his life. As a result of this profound experience, Lane would carry a yard stick everywhere. You can hear the sighs of relief from the crowd. He was not crazy after all. Rather it was an ingenious way

to remind himself of his own personal “Lane Change.” What Lane did not know was the author of the book was in the audience that day. After Lane finished speaking, he would introduce himself. That author was Greg S. Reid, and the ensuing conversation would result in a great friendship and mentorship that would change Lane’s life yet again. Lane has been a great inspiration to my life and, subsequently, has had a profound impact on my business as


both a confidant and a mentor, as well. In addition to all of the great things I learned about Greg from Lane, over the past year I have had the opportunity to learn quite a lot about Greg through others that he has impacted. But as I began to follow him through various social media platforms, I got to learn firsthand why so many find him to be a mentor. OK I must add that I had the opportunity to read Three Feet From Gold myself and let’s just say, I am not carrying a yard stick with me, but it did impact my life greatly. Everyone I have spoken to that has had the opportunity to volunteer or attend “Secret Knock” all have said the same thing about this “Trendsetter:” “Get to know and watch yourself grow”. Greg has been hailed as a voice of inspiration to both the young and old. If you have not seen him in action, his fast-paced, story-formatted presentation informs, entertains and educates an audience and empowers them to turn their obstacles into opportunities. You can say that his unique style has truly made him a much sought-after keynote speaker for corporations, universities and charitable organizations. As we do with many of our trendsetters, we asked Greg to answer 3 power questions. The Metro: What's the most exciting thing you're working on right now? Greg: That one is easy! We are hosting a major conference on the west coast called 'The Secret Of Happiness' this November 5th and 6th in San Diego. Here, we are bringing the most powerful and positive like-minded people together to motivate, educate and inspire them to become the best form of themselves. You can find out more at

The Metro: What's the best advice you ever received? Who did you you get it from? How did it change your course?

The Metro: What's one piece of advice you'd give our readers to help them live the lives they were meant to lead?

Greg: Charlie 'Tremendous' Jones once said that we are the same today as we will be in five years except for two things. The people we meet and books we read. It's who we hang out with and what we put in our minds that determine who we are as a person. Hang around winners, and you become one, too!

Greg: Here's a doozy! Successful people seek counsel, whereas failures listen to people's opinions. Counsel is based on wisdom, knowledge, and experience (they have already done what you wish to do yourself ) where opinion is (usually) based on ignorance, inexperience, based on their own judgment.

Example: If you want to write a book and you go to a family member or friend who never did it himself, he may say 'You can’t do that' based on his own feeling of inadequacy or lack of experience. Now on the flip side, you go up to Jack Canfield who wrote Chicken Soup for the Soul and sold hundreds of millions of copies and say you want to write a book, he may say 'Excellent, before you get started - here are a few tips you may want to know' giving you COUNSEL based on his amazing success and experience. The day we only seek counsel and we ignore people's opinions is the day our lives will change! Greg is truly a “Metro Business Trendsetter” and I am so excited to have had the opportunity to get to know more about him and the impact he is having on the lives of people all over. If you would like to learn more about Greg or just connect with him email us at


Are ou ready to EVOLVE your brand through the power of MEDIA?

16 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015


Brian K Wright

Creating Epic Friendships Recently, I had perhaps the most epic phone conversation I have ever had. It was with one of my very best friends, and it lasted for over 5 hours. How does something like that happen? Think about the people who are your closest friends. Most people are lucky to have 1-2 really close friends at any one time, and perhaps 5-6 in their entire lifetime. It starts with being absolutely real with someone else–being willing to let someone see who you REALLY are, and not just who you want them to think you are.

than someone who likes me for who they THINK I am—and there is a big difference. It means letting people know the good AND the bad. We all have our share of things going on, much if it isn’t pleasant. I don’t mean sharing just to vent—I mean sharing with the intent of letting someone into your inner circle…and with someone who has a genuine interest in helping you and asking guiding questions…not just someone who will commiserate with you. It means discussing REAL issues, not just the weather, how your day went, what the latest gossip is…seriously who cares about that. None of that will last forever.

It means not caring much about what other people think of you. The older I get, the more I find this to be the case Friendships and relationships last with me. If someone likes me for who forever. When you come from a place I AM, that means a lot more to me 18 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015

of genuinely caring about people, and wanting to help them and GIVE instead of take, that’s where the richest relationships flourish. My challenge to you this week (if you choose to accept it), is to have a REAL conversation with someone you care about. I can just about promise it will make your connection with that person stronger….and that is something that can never be replaced. You will be so glad you did.

Karen Jett

Brand For Rent

When I first started my business, I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out how to create a brand. Unfortunately, when speakers and trainers talked about branding and having a brand, they would reference well-known brands like Coca~Cola and Nike. No one ever spoke about how to build a brand from scratch. What I learned over time is that your brand is made up of everything you do. It’s in: • How you answer the phone • The color you paint your office • Your logo design • How you dress to meet with customers • The types of flyers that you distribute And this is just a sample. I could create a list 20 times longer and still not encompass every aspect of your brand. The trick to creating a strong brand is to make sure that every element of your brand is consistent with the image that you desire, and the image you desire is consistent with how your company actually operates.

These two concepts are important, because while you can and should consciously create your brand, ultimately your brand is only a perception made by others. What does this mean to you? It means that you do not really own your brand, you simply rent it; and just like a rental property that has a rental payment due each month, your brand will only continue to grow if you continue to monitor and strengthen it on an ongoing basis. In other words: • Are the colors being used in your new website design consistent with your brand? • Is how the new receptionist answers the phone and responds to inquiries consistent with your brand? • Are the services that you are thinking of adding consistent with your brand? • It also means that it is important to check in with people outside your company and see how you are actually being perceived by your ideal customers. What you intend is not always how others see you.

For example, • Is the long and detailed greeting people receive when they call perceived as professional or pompous? • Is the cool new logo you are considering seen as fun or frivolous? • Is your weekly newsletter welcomed in people’s email boxes or relegated to the spam folder? At its core, your actual brand is best expressed in the sentence or paragraph that your customers use when they talk about you and your company to other people. It’s not about whether they say you are great. Instead, listen to what they say you do and how you do it. If it’s congruent with the brand you have been working to create, you have been successful. If not, it may be time to get to work and fix your brand.


Nicole Newman |

Financial Responsibility

Seven Tips for Spending Money Wisely


iving in abundance means that we accept that all our needs are fulfilled using the right knowledge to increase others, which increases ourselves! The wrote "Before you can reach your lifestyle goals, you need to master the basics. One of those basics is the practice of financial discipline." In my view, before you can get more, you have to learn to make do with less. In other words, spend less to get more. My mother would say "live within your means" and "money gives you opportunity." I took it to mean "live beneath your means" so I could have "more opportunities." I believe that sharing is caring; all the new opportunities

you discover by living beneath our means are meant to be shared. I am sharing the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) tips that we used to create opportunities for others by spending less. My accountability partner is Tara Colquitt also known as The Credit Woman. She tells me not to use the word “budget,” which indicates "a diet," but to call it a "spending plan." Now this is an opportunity to use technology as it was intended – to help people! PlantingMoneySeeds. com writes "Budgeting software is not only inexpensive (there are many programs available free of charge), but it can have an immense impact on how well you’re able to

20 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015

stay disciplined about handling your finances. Because this software often requires you to manually enter transactions, you’ll be forced to pay close attention to exactly what you’re spending your money on. You can categorize your purchases and set limits, which is a great way to ensure that you don’t go overboard at any point throughout a given month." Know what you are going to spend (with a ceiling price and a floor price) before you spend it. A spending plan, forces people to write down the numbers, so people are likely to be more mindful and less reckless with the money.

In that regard, knowing that business is cyclical, in addition to developing a spending plan also have to develop a savings plan. Business has highs and business has lows. The savings account is there to keep the business operational while the business is in a low period. The Grow Wise Money website instructs readers to use these tools for financial discipline: 1. Set up an automated transfer into your savings account each pay period 2. Cut up your credit cards, or freeze them in a large chunk of ice 3. Get a financial mentor or

4. 5. 6. 7.

someone you trust (i.e. accountability partner) who would have to approve every time you wanted to withdraw money from the bank Keep a record of everything you buy, (i.e. develop a spending plan) Train your mind to say NO to instant gratifications through meditation Make A Dream Board Carry very little cash - Only carry what you need to get buy and keep a prepaid debit card that is used for emergencies. When you carry lots of cash, you feel urged more to impulsively buy things.

The idea is to minimize temptation, making it as easy as possible to stay disciplined. Make a firm resolution to use these tools and focus on spending less to get more. In twelve months, you will be able to look back and celebrate 2015 as a financially strong and healthy trip around the sun. For more information: subscribe to the Newman Networks Newsletter, follow Newman Networks on Facebook


Your Ideas And Content Plus “Our Web Pro” Experience Equals A Professionally Created Website You Will Be Proud To Promote.


22 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015


Stephanie Dreyer


s a busy mom of three small children, I always need more energy! Managing all the factors that affect how our metabolism stores and uses energy is critical. From exercise and food to sleep and stress, there is lots to manage with our metabolism. That is a lot to take care of, especially with little ones to look after and feed. With the following boosters, a healthy metabolism is simple for this busy mama. Try them for yourself!

me: think a 20 minute interval run, versus a 45 minute steady jog.

Exercise in bursts.

Plan to eat.

Intervals are short boosts of intensified activity during your workout. With them, you use more oxygen, causing your body to work harder to burn energy, which revs up your metabolism.

Eating small snacks throughout the day as you are hungry keeps your blood sugar levels steady, which keep your metabolism running. To make sure I have healthy snacks and meals at the ready for me and my family, I do all of my meal planning and shopping once a week. This takes the guesswork out of “What’s for Dinner?” It also saves me multiple trips to the

When you exercise like this, you can burn more calories in less time more efficiently, which is great news for a busy mom like

Stay hydrated. Your metabolism can slow down if you are dehydrated. To get the water I need, I carry a reusable water bottle with me wherever I go and fill it up as soon as it is empty. I am already doing this for my kids, so it’s just another water bottle to fill. I also snack on fresh fruits and veggies along with the kids, which have lots of water.

grocery store (a time suck), and allows me to wash and prep all of my veggies and fruits when I get home– making snack time that much easier to prep. Maintain some rituals. Stress can release hormones that interfere with the metabolism, so it is important to manage stress levels daily. As a multi-tasking mom, I am no stranger to stress, so I use rituals to manage mine. In the morning, I wake up an hour before my family and use the time to meditate, journal, and read. This begins my day with a calm outlook. Each evening after the kids are in bed, I wind down with a cup of green tea (which can be a metabolism booster) and my gratitude journal. Both of these rituals are great for stress management and get me in and out of bed restfully, which is important since sleep can also be a factor in managing our metabolism.

Stephanie Dreyer, is the founder of VeegMama, a lifestyle blog sharing new approaches to healthy living and eating. She encourages her readers to live their best life every day through food, wellness, and personal fulfillment. Stephanie was most recently featured on KCAL 9 in Los Angeles and Chickpea Magazine. Her new ebook, VeegMama’s Guide To Going Vegan

24 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015

While you are trying these boosters, make this “lemonade” recipe. It has cayenne pepper, which can rev the metabolism. VeegMama’s Skinny Lemonade Ingredients: Juice of 2 lemons 3 cups of water Dash of cayenne pepper Handful of ice 1 teaspoon real maple syrup (optional) Directions: Combine all ingredients. Shake and serve.


26 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015

Anejo Spicey Spring With Chef Matthew Davidson Photography by Jennifer Brazil

Spring is arriving, and so is the fever for warmer days. Sometimes we can’t jump on a plane to hit hotter weather, so if all you can spare is a daycation, head down to Añejo Restaurant in the Mission area of Calgary. With fresh Mexican-fusion inspired dishes and a warm vibe, you’ll be sure to forget any snowmageddons or spring storms that may dampen your day. Chef Matthew Davidson has a talent for Mexican Cuisine and a great awareness for gluten-free and dairy-free living. The menu at Añejo is great for those with gluten issues as there are less than five items on the menu that are not gluten-free. That is great news for the gluten intolerant and celiacs. “In Mexican cuisine it’s very easy to do and we are gaining

a great reputation for being a well-known restaurant with a lot of gluten-free options, so it’s great,” says Chef Matt, “There are also a lot of items that can be done dairy-free as well, so we can cater to both the dairyfree and gluten-free crowd.” What can we expect for going into the spring and summer for menu changes? Sounds like more light and fresh foods and dishes along with more traditional plates are coming back. Other favorites are sticking around like the guacamole that will never go away. In fact, they go through 1500 avocados a week at Añejo restaurant. There are always a wide variety of tacos including lamb and beef short rib.

“What people really love about the feeling is the vibe of the restaurant. It definitely takes your mind off the cold weather. We get that comment a lot.” In the kitchen for prep with gluten intolerance and celiac, they do it with flour in the morning and then wash everything to prevent contamination. Gluten has been eliminated from the menu largely. Chef Matt always encourages clientele to share the severity of their allergy or intolerance so they can take the appropriate precautions to make sure nothing gets contaminated. All of the salsas and sauces are also made in-house, so you can expect everything to always be fresh.


Peppers In correspondence to peppers, Chef Matt made some unique and simple salsa recipes to share for the magazine. These are great, delicious and freshnot to mention a great boost of benefits for circulation and metabolism which is fitting for this edition.

Regarding his penchant for salsa, Chef Matt says, “The love comes from when I started the Mexican cuisine here at Añejo. It’s such a versatile food item.” Peppers that are regularly used for salsas are: Arbol pepper: Spiciest dry chili they have, used for snapper tacos, seasoning, can use as a spicy chilli powder

Guajillo: Used the most, had a nice flavor that isn’t necessarily spicy, it can be also about flavor. Has a smokiness to it with a tang and some spice Jalapeno: We used fresh jalapenos in the guacamole, garnish and it’s a very midrange chili, not too spicy but not too mild

Serrano: Pretty spicy, mid-to high spice range level. One of the spiciest at Anejo Ancho Chili: dried poblano pepper used for flavoring. It’s more of a subtle smoked flavor Poblano Chili: least spicy of these 6 chili’s only a few steps above a green pepper Chef Matt’s Three Basic Tips for Making Simple Salsa Spice level first and foremost especially if you are trying a new chili; try a bit of it before making the salsa

The need to have an acid in there as it will release more of the capsicum which helps support metabolism. Lime juice or lemon juice are good options Then you want to balance out the acid you do put in. You want it to be balanced in spice, acid and sweetness. Using yellow onion has a good amount of natural sweetness to bring the acid level back a bit

Milk is still by far the best for calming down a spicy mouth If you get it on your skin nothing works If you get it in your eyes keep blinking and it will go away in about four minutes Thanks for the tips Chef Matt. And check out Añejo for one of the best Mexican-inspired experiences in Calgary.

Best Remedies to Calm Too Spicy of a Mouth or Skin A cold liquid is a must; never something hot

Spicy Salsa Recipes by Chef Matt Davidson "Salsa Picante de Ajonjoli" (Spicy Sesame Seed Sauce)

5 Serrano chilies, stem removed 7 tbsp. sesame seeds, toasted 3 roma tomatoes, dry roasted 2 tbsp. chopped cilantro Sea salt to taste Combine all ingredients in a food processor until desired thickness. Para la Mesa Salsa (Salsa for the Table, Made Tableside) 2 roma tomatoes, cored and cut in half, dry roasted 4 cloves roasted garlic 2 tbsp. small diced white onion 1 dry roasted jalapeño, stem removed 1 tsp sea salt 1/2 lime, grilled 1 tbsp. chopped cilantro leaves Combine all ingredients except lime in a mortar, then use a pestle to crush them together. Once desired consistency is achieved, squeeze the lime into the salsa and mix briefly. Best if mixed right before serving. Serve with chips or tortillas. Salsa Brasera (Jalapeño Salsa) 5 jalapeño chilies, stem and seeds removed 2 cloves of fresh garlic 1/2 white onion, peeled 1 tsp sea salt Juice of three limes Combine all ingredients in food processor until thoroughly combined. Serve with meat, fish or with tacos.


Chef’s table with amber romaniuk

Chef’s table Chef de Cuisine – Michel Nop

30 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015


orn and raised Parisian, Chef Michel learned his love for cooking when he was a little boy, hanging out in his parents Asian-fusion restaurant in Paris. When Michel was done from school for the day, he’d be at the restaurant helping both the front and back of house. His parents tried to talk him out of proceeding with a career in culinary, but Michel knew his passion for cooking at a young age so he decided to go to cooking school when he was fourteen years old. For the next 4 years, he continued cooking school and obtained his CAP, BEP and a Baccalauréat Professional while working at restaurants as a prep cook including a couple well-known places such as Le Train Bleu and Letoupary. After school, Michel moved to Sidemouth (Devon, England) for a year where he was Chef

de Partie for the Belmont Hotel. He then moved to Calgary and worked as Chef de Partie at Teatro under a well-known Calgary chef Dominique Moussu. His working VISA was up after two years when he moved back to France to work side-by-side a Michelin Star Chef, Alain Ducasse. Most of his time was spent at Ducasse’s restaurant Spoon but he did get exposure to working at some of Duncasse’s Parisian restaurants.

serving French bistro cuisine. Before making the move over Chef’s Table, Michel has had the opportunity to work at Model Milk, Cuisine & Chateaux as well as Catch where he was Sous Chef under Chef Kyle Groves.

After two years working with an internationally known chef, Michel got the opportunity to work as Chef de Partie with another internationally known chef, Alain Senderrens (3 stars Michelin in the Lucas Carton building). After 2 years with Senderens, Michel got his permanent residence for Canada and he was asked to be the opening chef for Cassis Bistro in Calgary, a restaurant

Michel is thrilled to work at the small, 40-seat Relais & Chateaux property with an incredibly skilled team where they are able to make the food perfect every time and interact with guests in the open kitchen concept. He loves simple food as much as French fine dining and his favourite thing to make on the menu currently is Frog legs – “a French classic” says Michel.

Michel started at Chef’s Table in August 2013 where he quickly moved his way up to Chef de Cuisine. Working under the direction of Executive Chef Duncan Ly, Chef


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What inspired you to want to be a chef?

Do you have any chefs that inspire you?

My parents had a restaurant before and growing up I was inspired. It was a no brainer, I will be a chef or I will be nothing. My parents didn’t really like it, but I knew it was what I wanted to do. When you grow up in the same industry as your parents you know sometimes that’s what you want to do.

Yes there are a lot. Inspiration comes from everywhere to me. From every chef you can take some ideas. I don’t want to be a copycat though. My mother was a huge inspiration for me. That was the food I was eating every day. It would be maybe twice in the year that she would order pizza but most of the time she would cook.

How long have you been at Chef’s Table? It’s been almost 2 years and before that I was at Catch and then Cassis and before that in Paris. I went to school in Paris when I was 18. I was 14 when I decided that I wanted to be a chef. Do you think there is a big difference in the way chefs are taught in school in Paris versus here in Canada? Yes there is because it’s more old school cooking there. You start with the basics and focus more on the taste of the food first over the presentation of the plating. The creativity comes down the road there. Versus here it’s a mix and match of creative plating also mixed with trying to get the basic flavors.

The menu at Chef’s Table, what is the theme of the menu? We are trying to go more with a French style of food. But at the same time with my background we add a French technique with Asian ingredients. There are a lot more chefs supporting local and sustainable food and produce, where does that stand with Chef’s Table? We try to get as much local food as we can. Sometimes with Calgary that can be difficult with the winters, as they say there are two seasons here, winter and construction season. With local we go into British Columbia as well. We have to import some things but

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work with Alberta meat suppliers. You can feel the love in the food. We try to also use some seasonal food. How often does the menu change? About 4 times a year. Sometimes we have to bring the season where we are even though it can be hard in Calgary with the weather. I can see Calgary moving slowly. People want more variety, so sometimes I step outside of local to provide more variety for the customers. Are you quite able to accommodate customers with food allergies and sensitivities? Yes for sure, and I have learned a lot more since I have been here. Back home I never had that kind of thing. There were rarely people back home where I had to deal with allergies but here is two a night. I try to use more fresh ingredients, dairy-free and gluten-free. The Monk Fish on the menu was a dish created that is more of an item that is dairy-free and gluten-free. It is recommended because it’s a coconut milk sauce with no flour and lots of great flavor.

I tried to move some of the dessert as well to gluten-free. There are also better quality gluten-free products like flours now. It costs more but if there is a higher demand on that, it is my job to answer to that demand. In this industry if you don’t want to change anything in the dish because it will change the dish or plating, you are better off the change your job because there are more allergies now that need to be accommodated. Here we know how important it is to please the customers. We make it an experience to come to chefs table. If anyone does have an issue with an allergy sometimes we recommend other dishes to prevent risk of a reaction. We have a staff that has a passion for cooking and accommodating people so it’s a great team to work with. We have to go beyond what people expect because we are Calgary’s only Relaix Chateau What would you say is the healthiest menu item right now? The Monk Fish. It’s pan seared with curry rub that’s made in-house. The veggies are

steamed. We let the produce speak by itself. The sauce has a coconut milk base. When you pay more for great produce I don’t want to add other ingredients to take away from the produce.

This kind of food will change the whole scene. Even just small details like one organic ingredient can change a dish and add some freshness

Where do you see the restaurant trend going in the next 3-5 years in Calgary? I think supporting local will come more. I love to talk with the farmers and suppliers who know more about the produce. I think more natural food, more gluten-free and dairy-free cooking. You are seeing more gluten-free bakeries as well. You see more menus labelled with gluten-free friendly items. It’s important for me to answer to the demands and changes with the customers in this industry. Even with dealing with other stores that do organic and have products, Market 17 is great because they really care about what they are selling. They have the best quality products and healthier options for even things like pop. They have high quality products that are healthier.


Curried Monkfish With Combava Sauce and caviar Chef de Cuisine – Michel Nop

Combava Sauce 2 Shallot 20ml of white wine 150ml of coconut milk 1 Combava 1 Lime Sweat the shallot in grappeseed oil for about 3to5 min deglazed with the wine then let it reduce until dry. Add the coconut milk with the lime zest inside and simmer for 15 min. Strain the sauce then off the heat, add the combava zest to it with some lime juice.

34 Metropolitan Entrepreneur Magazine April/May 2015

Celerie root puree 1 shallot ½ celerie root Veg stock 10ml coconut milk Garnish Fennel Purple cauliflower Romanesco Baby corn Steam all those vegetables in salted boiling water 150gr of monkfish /person Curry powder In a hot skillet, heat up some grapeseed oil. Rub the monkfish with the curry powder then Sear each face of the fish for about 3 minute



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