Our vision is an increasingly vibrant and prosperous Forest Hills.
FOLLOW US @fhcommunityalliance
We are listening, Forest Hills!
● Increased time devoted to perspective-gathering, through guided conversation at each table
● Inspiring guest speakers who are passionate about Food + Water and driving change
● Tailored materials that balance data-driven insights with accessibility and legibility
What food issues are most important to you and why?
What food opportunities do you see in Forest Hills?
This is Forest Hills TODAY.
What should be different in 2035?
Landfill - Recycle - Compost
“May we plant seeds in our garden that grow change in yours.”- Alex Neal
gathering space property value education
Establish organization andstructure
Fundraiseto purchaselot
Submitlot application (1yearprocess time)
STEP 4 Addresstop priorities
● Water
● Fencing
● AwaitingnextstepsfromVLRP,tentativegroundbreakingnextSpring
● Opportunitiestogetinvolvedinorganizing/leadership
● Nextmeeting-March24th,2PMatDunkinonArdmore
● DonateatLINK
● Joinusonsocialmedia
What food issues are most important to you and why?
What food opportunities do you see in Forest Hills?
This is Forest Hills TODAY. What should be different in 2035?
What water issues are most important to you and why?
What water opportunities
do you see in Forest Hills?
This is Forest Hills TODAY.
What should be different in 2035?
We are part of a larger watershed, and water connects us all
What water issues are most important to you and why?
What water opportunities
do you see in Forest Hills?
This is Forest Hills TODAY. What should be different in 2035?
Water places
Rain gardens
Streamside parks