Evolve Charm Inspirations

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Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Silver Charm Inspirations Silver Charms

Safe Travel

Evolve New Zealand silver charms are expertly crafted from solid sterling silver. Each design has a special meaning, inspired by the magic of Aotearoa, featuring traditional cultural symbols & iconic Kiwi designs.

Fish Hooks (Hei Matau)

In Mãori culture the Hei Matau (fish hook) is Taonga (a cultural treasure). Each fish hook is created with a meaning of special significance and is worn with great pride. Hei Matau were traditionally carved from greenstone or whale bone and served many practical purposes alongside their unique ceremonial message.


LK002 Mãori legend tells of a great leader Mãui who bravely fished up New Zealand’s North Island (Te Ika a Mãui - ‘The Fish of Mãui’) using his grandmother’s jaw bone as a fish hook.To honour this well known Mãori story, this fish hook represents inner strength and determination, empowering its wearer.

Manaia (Guardian)


The Manaia is a spiritual guardian, a wise provider and protector who looks over us. This charm provides direction and protection to those who wear it, surrounding our loved ones with an invisible light. The three ‘fingers’ of our Manaia charm represent the trinity of birth, life and death, symbolising the circle of life and guarding those we love against harm or evil.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

Success & Prosperity


This stylised fish hook brings prosperity, good luck and fortune to the wearer. Fish were traditionally so plentiful and important to the Mãori that the simple ownership of a fish hook meant prosperity.This special charm also bestows great power and authority on its wearer.

Koru (Growth)


This stylised fish hook represents safe travel, especially over water. It promises protection for the wearer as they explore the world, discovering new cultures, experiencing their own adventures and enjoying life, across Aotearoa and beyond. This powerful symbol is held in great reverence by the Mãori people.


The Koru represents the new, unfurling silver fern frond and is widely recognised as a symbol of new life, growth, strength and peace. This charm has special significance to those who are embarking on new ventures, celebrating new chapters in their lives or honouring personal growth.

Friendship & Eternity (Twist)


The twist symbolises the most special of attributes - loyalty. This distinctive charm honours those friendships or relationships that will last an eternity. The powerful curves of the twist represent the joining together of people. Although these relationships may experience life’s ups and downs, or perhaps be separated by distance, their bonds of friendship and loyalty will last a lifetime.

Protection & Safety


This fish hook charm offers a guiding light of protection, keeping the wearer safe from harm. Often worn by travellers, or those embarking on a new part of life’s journey, this powerful symbol is also said to provide good luck and safety when travelling.


Silver Charm Inspirations New Life


Aotearoa (Long White Cloud)

As the silver fern frond unfurls, it slowly opens to reveal one of Aotearoa’s most precious colours: the bright green of our native fern appears, bringing with it the promise of new life and a new beginning. The spiral engraving symbolises this unfurling, celebrating a special new chapter.

Pacific Mask


Ancestry Mask

The mask is used to keep guard over the Mãori meeting house or wharenui and protect those within.The mask challenges the enemy and shows unrelenting determination to protect the whãnau (family) keeping them safe from harm. While tradition indicates that this is a charm for family, the mask will protect anyone who wears it.

Kiwi Mascot


Most Kiwis born before the 1990s will remember the animated TVNZ kiwi cartoon character who climbed the TV satellite at the end of each evening’s broadcasting, tucking himself into bed with a flick of his duvet. This charm represents the Goodnight Kiwi and all other things uniquely and proudly Kiwi.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


Silver Fern

New Zealand’s Mãori name is Aotearoa, meaning ‘land of the long white cloud’. This charm celebrates the lush magic and stunning vistas of Aotearoa’s land, sea and sky. Our famous landscapes are defined by their many cloud patterns, which continuously spiral and swirl over our islands from the sea.


Baby Kiwi

This charm is representative of the guardianship, wisdom and guidance provided by our ancestors. The wearer honours the values and lessons that our ancestors have passed from generation to generation. It is a symbol of the stories which have shaped mankind.


LK020 The kiwi is a much loved and famously endangered New Zealand bird. It is also the name we fondly give to ourselves and the name which other countries affectionately know us by. The kiwi is a treasured national icon. This charm is a symbol of our great pride in all that makes Aotearoa beautiful and unique.


The silver fern is a much treasured symbol of New Zealand, reminding Kiwis all over the world of their heritage and where home will forever be. Found in our pristine native bush, this charm depicts the beautiful tree fern, sharing the distinctive silver colouration on the underside of its leaves. New Zealand’s national netball team, the Silver Ferns, wear this charm with pride.


The flightless kiwi is an endangered New Zealand bird and the colloquial name fondly given to all New Zealanders. To be born in New Zealand and to be a Kiwi is a source of immense pride, for those Kiwis living at home in Aotearoa as well as those based in countries all over the world.


LK021 The tuatara is the only survivor of an ancient group of reptiles who used to roam Gondwanaland before it split and formed Aotearoa. Now only found on protected islands in New Zealand, the tuatara is a real ‘living fossil’, which has remained unchanged in over 225 million years.This charm is a symbol of endurance and celebrates Aotearoa’s uniqueness.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Silver Charm Inspirations Crayfish

LK022 The crayfish is an iconic symbol of coastal New Zealand and of the hot Kiwi summer. Summer days are spent diving for this famed seafood along our rocky shorelines. In the evenings we enjoy the fruits of our labour, expertly barbequed and shared with friends and family.

Põhutukawa (Christmas in NZ)


The põhutukawa is known as New Zealand’s Christmas tree because of its stunning deep red flowers which arrive in time for the Kiwi Christmas. This distinctive plant has also become a much loved symbol of long days at the beach, summer BBQs and hot January weather.

New Zealand Flag


When we see the New Zealand flag fly it instils a sense of pride in our country and our heritage. The Union Jack symbolises the connection with our British ancestry. The stars depict the Southern Cross constellation, seen only in the Southern Hemisphere, guiding us home. The New Zealand flag unifies us, whether as Kiwis or as lovers of New Zealand, and reminds us of beautiful Aotearoa.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

Woolly Sheep


Renowned as a country where there are more sheep than people, New Zealand is known all over the world for its sheep farming. Visitors travelling the length of Aotearoa will find these gentle animals to be part of the landscape, with woolly keepsakes in every town. Jokes aside, the sheep is an icon of New Zealand’s strong farming heritage.

Kõwhaiwhai (Beauty)


The traditional Mãori kõwhaiwhai patterns have special significance to their tribal origins and are displayed proudly on New Zealand marae (Mãori meeting houses). These precise patterns are beautiful to look at. The designs inspire us, as a popular symbol of our Kiwi heritage and of Aotearoa’s unique culture.

Southern Cross


The Southern Cross shows us the way home to Aotearoa. It is a bright and sparkling constellation of stars in the shape of a cross. We notice its absence when we are away from the Southern Hemisphere, a reminder that we are far from home. This iconic star formation serves as a guiding light, protecting travellers and those who navigate at night.

Kete (Treasures)


The kete is a traditional Mãori woven basket, used to keep treasures safe and to gather food. Woven from flax, the kete is both decorative and practical and has remained a faithful part of Kiwi life. This charm is a perfect gift for someone you treasure, bestowing a lifetime of good fortune.

New Zealand Map


New Zealand, this small piece of island paradise, holds a huge place in our heart. No matter where we may be in the world, the New Zealand map charm reminds us of all that is unique to Aotearoa. New Zealand is a place to experience the best that nature has to offer. Whether a born and bred Kiwi or a traveller who has fallen for the charms of New Zealand, by wearing this map you are a part of our whãnau (family).

Tiki (Knowledge)


The Tiki is a treasured New Zealand cultural icon. Traditionally a symbol of fertility and knowledge, the Tiki is viewed as the teacher of all things. The wearer of this special symbol possesses clarity of thought, inner wisdom and strength of character. Many believe the Tiki is also a powerful good luck charm.


Silver Charm Inspirations Monarch Butterfly


The monarch, with its rich orange and black patterned wings, represents new life and transformation as it turns from a caterpillar to a delicate butterfly of great beauty. This special butterfly symbolises new beginnings and empowers the wearer to embark on new adventures, experience new cultures and travel to exotic destinations.


LK041 An iconic symbol of the Kiwi summer, we live in our jandals during the hotter months. We wear them whilst exploring the hot golden sands of our many famous beaches. They stick with us as we gingerly tread melted tar roads, on the way to an icecream and as we fire up the ‘barbie’, enjoying the outdoors in our own back yard.

Combi Van (Road Trip)


The Combi van is a reminder of the freedom of the 70s and has become iconic of New Zealand’s ultimate road trip. With a big revival in popularity over recent decades, the Combi Van has become a sought after retro collector’s item for Kiwis, both young and young at heart. This charm celebrates the fun and freedom of the open road.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

South Pacific


The pacific patterns etched into this charm depict the history and heritage surrounding the vast Pacific Ocean and its many island nations, including our own, Aotearoa. This charm symbolises our cultural origins and the connection that we have with the people of the South Pacific.

Kõwhai Flower


The Kõwhai is a small leafed native tree, common along riverbanks and popular in our gardens. It is admired for its beautiful hanging clusters of bright yellow flowers in early spring. A native plant to Aotearoa, its presence attracts stunning native birds, such as the Tui and Bellbird, to feed on the sweet nectar and enchant us with their melodic song.

Baby Buzzy


Every Kiwi can either remember or produce a tired-looking wooden Buzzy Bee toy, dotingly pulled behind many a Kiwi toddler with wreckless care. The result is often a worn, wing-broken and paint-chipped version of its earlier self but much loved nonetheless.This special charm is a timeless heirloom for the modern generation, celebrating this iconic wooden toy.


LK039 The fern fronds which lay side by side on our heritage charm symbolise the precious links with our ancestors. The wearer of this charm honours those who have gone before us, it celebrates their lives, their stories and all they have contributed to make us who we are today.

Rugby Ball (World Champs)


Rugby is a sport that inspires many of our children, in the hope that they may grow up to be like their heroes, both past and present. Gratitude must go to the many parents, who brave biting winter winds and horizontal rain showers, to support their children as they develop their skills. Such shared passion has turned rugby into a favourite national past time and one of New Zealand’s most celebrated sports.

NZ Sheep Dog Puppy


Dog is man’s most loyal and loving companion, lending truth to the statement of “man’s best friend”. At home in the back yard as the adored family pet, or in New Zealand’s high country as the hard-working farm dog, he is truly one of our most faithful friends. Our cute little puppy dog charm symbolises this special bond.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Silver Charm Inspirations Kiwifruit


Travel Case

A real New Zealand icon, the kiwifruit is a proud symbol of Kiwi ingenuity, determination and success. Despite its furry exterior, the kiwifruit is a much loved, delicious fruit, favoured by people all over the world. A true testimony to the phrase ‘you can’t judge a book by its cover’, the juicy green flesh of the kiwifruit is beautifully patterned with glistening black seeds.

Caravan (Holiday Time)



Caravans are a traditional part of the New Zealand summer holiday. Whether parked up in a Kiwi camp ground, at the beach, on the back lawn or at the bach (Kiwi holiday home), the caravan is where lifelong memories are made. It’s a place where jandals are a must, where board games and fold up picnic chairs are everyday essentials and where the best views in Aotearoa can be enjoyed from the front door.

New Zealand Fern


An iconic symbol of New Zealand, this native fern branch often embellishes the uniform of anyone representing our country at an international level. The outline of our New Zealand fern is instantly recognisable to us all, evoking a sense of dedication, commitment and success. This charm inspires a real sense of pride and patriotism for Aotearoa.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


As we travel the world and experience cultures beyond our own shores, our travel case becomes our home away from home. Be it a back pack, trolley bag or suitcase, our travel bag is a faithful companion on the traditional Kiwi O.E. (overseas experience). Often returning home packed with treasured mementoes of the journey, our travel case comes back much different to the one excitedly packed for the big adventure!

LK062 Every little girl remembers wishing for a pony for her birthday. A pony is a friend to share adventures with, a means of meeting new friends at pony club and a way to learn about responsibility and caring – much more than just a pet. This charm symbolises fun and friendship, reminding us of happy times riding through Aotearoa’s beautiful countryside.


LK065 The horse is an important part of our heritage. As any New Zealand hill country farmer will tell you, there is no better way to negotiate the rugged wilderness of this country than on horseback. Revered for their strength, these majestic animals are well loved and respected. This classical saddle charm symbolises our love for horses and horse riding.


LK060 The kina is a sea urchin found widely along New Zealand coastlines. Traditional and popular kaimoana (seafood), the kina has a smooth, buttery roe hidden inside its hard spiny shell. Once removed, the kina’s spines reveal the most beautiful light green shell, textured with pearlescent white dots. Often found scattered close to shore, this seafood can be picked up, broken open and eaten fresh from the sea.

Fern Frond


Making a beautiful and distinctive charm, the fern frond is widely recognised as a symbol of new life and a fresh start. As a native plant, the fern frond is also an iconic symbol of Aotearoa and it represents the fresh, clean beauty of our country’s landscapes, native bush and active lifestyles.

Rugby Jersey (World Champs)


This celebrated and much sought after jersey represents our country’s obsession and passion for the game of rugby. Whether it be the youngest members of the local team or the mighty All Blacks, Kiwis proudly support their team with pride and dedication. In 2011 the All Blacks won the World Cup, reaching their goal of becoming world champions.


Silver Charm Inspirations Owl ‘Ruru’ (Wise Guardian)


Hector Dolphins

A watchful guardian representing wisdom and knowledge, ruru is the Mãori name for the New Zealand native owl. With its large shining eyes and melancholy hooting call, the ruru is also associated with the spirit world in Mãori mythology. This charm celebrates this quietly knowing, nocturnal bird, which is widely admired and respected, granting the wearer great wisdom.



Dusky Dolphins

Pükeko have found their way into the hearts of New Zealanders and visitors alike. Found in the swamps and grasslands of New Zealand, the pükeko is both an inquisitive and intelligent bird, known for its bold determination. Kiwis are especially fond of this brightly coloured bird due to its cheeky and often humorous character.


LK075 Across the country on a Saturday morning, thousands of New Zealanders are involved in this highly competitive sport. The inspirational Silver Ferns, our national netball team, is considered one of the best in the world. This charm celebrates all that is special about the game of netball - a game that fosters competitive spirit and teamwork to achieve success.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


Curly Pig

One of the world’s smallest species of dolphin (small enough to fit inside a bath tub!) the Hector is only found off the coast of New Zealand. What these charming creatures lack in size, they make up for with their extrovert and playful nature.This charm celebrates the unique character which has endeared the Hector to Kiwis and New Zealand’s visitors alike.


Found south of the East Cape of New Zealand, the dusky dolphin is another favourite, with its friendly curiosity and playful nature. Nothing beats interacting with these dolphins whilst out boating, watching as they play, leap and flip in front of us. This charm captures the intelligence and spirit of these beautiful creatures.

21st Key

LK076 Turning 21 years old is a milestone achievement and a good reason for a celebration. The 21st key is a traditional gift, representing the opening of doors to a future full of opportunity. This special birthday also signals the start of life’s journey as an adult, celebrating moving into the world with freedom and independence.

LK071 This cute, chunky little curly tailed pig celebrates a creature which holds a special place in many a Kiwi’s heart. Although perhaps best known for its love of wallowing around in mud and eating everything in sight, the pig is an intelligent and loyal character. Pigs are an important part of New Zealand farming life and symbolic of wealth, prosperity and luck.


LK074 The subject of many fairytales, the delicate seahorse has captivated us for generations. Sailors have long viewed the seahorse as a good luck charm. This graceful sea creature possesses strength of character, displaying leadership and family loyalty. By wearing this charm you honour these virtues.

Mountain Bikes


Mountain biking creates a sense of freedom and a rush of adrenalin as we ride through the native bush and back road tracks of New Zealand. It gives us the chance to enjoy the thrill of downward trails, taking in the amazing scenery whilst winding through Aotearoa’s lush green landscape.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Silver Charm Inspirations Tractor

LK078 New Zealand is a country with its foundations strongly in agricultural farming. The faithful tractor is a common sight on farms, vineyards and orchards throughout the country. The tractor may be a necessary tool, but we can’t forget the joy that this trusty machine brings to many a little (or big) boy!

Bach / Crib (Holidays)


The bach (or crib as it is called in parts of the South Island) is a place for enjoying precious time spent with friends and family. It is a place for laughing and relaxing, enjoying BBQs and a chance to get away from it all - to the mountain, beach or bush. Be it a mansion or an old weatherboard shack, the bach is a cherished Kiwi tradition.


LK084 A traditional New Zealand dessert, the popular ‘pav’ dates back to the 1920s when it was lovingly first created. Since then this dish has become a ‘must have’ staple at many Kiwi family celebrations, including Christmas. A true Kiwi classic, a good pavlova is best served with fresh kiwifruit, harvested from a local orchard.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

Bungy Bridge


Native NZ Butterfly

The thrill of shimmying up to the edge of a bridge with heavy bungees attached to your ankles, listening to the countdown and jumping off the platform is an iconic adventure experience in New Zealand. Whether you do it once in your life, or many times, the natural high and sense of achievement is hard to beat.

Coffee Cup



This cute little coffee cup charm symbolises much more than just a lovely hot drink. It’s all about catching up with friends and family for a leisurely chat, over a superb cup of coffee, whether it be a long black, flat white or an instant! Recharging the batteries and taking time out to enjoy a coffee is one of life’s simple pleasures.



The mirror image of the koru patterns on this charm symbolises New Zealand’s many lakes, which provide awe-inspiring places of personal reflection. Often the waters of these lakes are still enough to perfectly reflect the stunning mountain ranges, endless blue skies and lush, green scenery which surrounds them.


The beautiful red admiral butterfly is endemic to New Zealand. Mãori named the red admiral ‘kahukura’, which translated to English can mean ‘red cloak’. The name of kahukura appears in Mãori mythology as the God of travel. This majestic butterfly is known for its strength and ability to travel long distances.

LK083 What better way to experience New Zealand than to dive for scallops on a sunny clear day. They are best enjoyed fresh from the sea, barbequed on the beach and shared with friends and family. The instantly recognisable shape of the scallop shell makes a beautiful charm, which reminds us how much we treasure Aotearoa’s abundant coastline.


LK086 The koru traditionally symbolises new beginnings and growth. In this distinctive charm design, the larger koru represents an individual striving for success and achievement of personal aspirations. The smaller koru symbolises the support of family and friends, which helps us to achieve our goals and shapes the type of person we aspire to be.


Silver Charm Inspirations Forever



This intricate charm is created from a series of delicate fern fronds, which embrace each other in a continuous spiral of new beginnings and growth. This eternal spiral represents the cycle of life, throughout which there are many friends, family and relationships who touch our hearts and share with us memories that we will treasure forever.



LK088 This delightful charm celebrates the busy lifestyle of the humble bumblebee. The beehive is an amazing hub of activity, centred around the tasks of gathering and creating. Found hidden amongst Aotearoa’s lush vegetation, the beehive is another icon of the close relationship Kiwis have with the natural world. The ‘Beehive’ is also the iconic name for the building housing the New Zealand government in the city of Wellington.



The koru is often associated with nurturing. When interlocked with other koru, as in this design, it is used to represent the strength and purity of a loyal relationship with friends and family. This charm celebrates the great strength we derive from our relationships with loved ones, acknowledging the power of togetherness and unity.

The starfish reminds us of long, hot summer days spent at Aotearoa’s many beautiful beaches. Days spent swimming, building sandcastles, collecting shells and exploring rock pools often end in delight with the discovery of a starfish. Enjoyed by giggling children and held in their small hands, this unusual creature brings much joy, before they return this treasure to its sandy seabed.


Aotearoa’s Heart (Charity Charm) LK094


Whatever the occasion, a present is given with love and received with delight. There may be no special event, just a gesture to show a loved one how much we care.The giddy surprise of opening a gift, chosen and wrapped especially for you, is always a happy moment. After all, it’s the thought behind the gift that counts.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

The Evolve Charity Charm, Aotearoa’s Heart, symbolises compassion, strength, hope & unconditional love. Originally designed to support the people of Christchurch following the 2010 & 2011 earthquakes, the simple koru engraved deep into the heart connects us with new beginnings & growth, inspiring us to move forward. 15% from each heart purchased is donated to charities in New Zealand. Thank you, so far your support has helped us raise over $100,000.


LK089 This design represents the heart and soul of Aotearoa, combining two of New Zealand’s most iconic symbols: The kiwi, embossed with a koru, captures the essence of New Zealand culture and Kiwi patriotism. This charm symbolises our loyalty, not only to our country and our culture, but also to our family and friends.

Christmas Tree


Christmas is a time to celebrate and spend time with those most important to us. Whether it’s a real pine version or an artificial lookalike, the Christmas tree is the centre-piece of a family Christmas. The much loved ritual of decorating the tree and the magic discovery of presents beneath, make this a charm full of happy memories.


Evolve New Zealand

Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Silver Charm Inspirations Graduation Cap


As the graduation cap is thrown excitedly into the air, another Kiwi graduates into their chosen pathway. The graduates have reached a milestone in their life journey; their study, determination and hard work is behind them and their chosen career path lies ahead. This cap symbolises success, knowledge and a bright future.

Rainbow Trout


Found in rivers and lakes throughout New Zealand, the rainbow trout is an angler’s ultimate catch.These beautiful fish are caught from pristine waters, surrounded by native beech and mãnuka bush. An opportunity for quiet reflection, to the sounds of tui, bellbirds and babbling water, there’s nothing quite like the serenity of trout fishing in Aotearoa.

Barb (Courage)


This unique charm is inspired by barbed wire, a form of fencing that has been used in New Zealand for generations. The barb represents the hard-working Kiwi pioneers who farmed the rugged New Zealand countryside with great determination and courage. Their ingenuity and uncompromising dedication to the land is celebrated by this charm.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

Daisy Cow


Our cute little ‘Daisy cow’ charm represents this gentle animal, that features so predominately in the green fields of Aotearoa. It may bring back fond memories of our grandparents or parents, trekking out to the paddock before dawn, to milk ‘Daisy’ the house cow. Thanks Daisy for our breakfast milk on those cold, frosty mornings!

Moby Whale


The fictional tale of Moby Dick, the famous pure white whale, is based on the real-life sperm whales of the Pacific. These magnificent creatures amaze us with their sheer size and how beautifully and powerfully they move through the water. It is our never-ending fascination with these ‘gentle giants’ of the sea that has made the story of Moby Dick so legendary.

Family Circle (Whãnau)


Whãnau meaning ‘extended family’ in Mãori represents the strength and togetherness of our circle of family and friends. It reminds us of the importance of embracing and celebrating family and friendships and nurturing these unique relationships. The linked figures, holding hands in a circle, celebrate the powerful bonds we share with our loved ones.

Kitty Cat

LK099 Cats are perfect companions, small and low maintenance. These much loved animals evoke the spirit of independence, cleverness and of course, curiosity. Other wonderful qualities in cats, like sensitivity and stealth, mean they are traditionally associated with magic. For many, there’s nothing more lovely than to listen to a cat purr.

Flax Weave (Achievement)


In a traditional Mãori meeting house (marae), a woven mat is given to guests of distinction, or a very fine mat is specially woven to celebrate the birth of a child. Owning or giving a piece of flax weave is a symbol of achievement, respect and great pride. This special charm also inspires a sense of strength and tradition.

Fence (Protection)


Fencing has been a mainstay of the rural New Zealand landscape for generations. Using many forms of fencing barrier, Kiwis have cultivated and protected a chosen way of life. The fence charm symbolises safety, security and protection. It represents our role as guardians of this beautiful land for future generations.


Silver Charm Inspirations Native Hebe (Resilience)


No. 8 Wire (Creativity)

This beautiful and well-known New Zealand native plant stirs thoughts of strength and regeneration. Named after the Greek goddess of spring and youth, the Hebe is a hardy plant that grows in many environments – from the coast to the mountains.The ability to thrive in the harshest of conditions is why this native plant represents the character trait of resilience.

Coal Carriage


Whare (Meeting House)

This coal carriage symbolises the rugged nature of coal mining, honouring the determination and comradeship of our miners working deep underground in harsh, unforgiving conditions. Coal mining has a long and proud history in New Zealand and was once central to this country’s early development.



‘Wings over Wairarapa’, ‘Omaka Classic Fighters’ and ‘Warbirds over Wanaka’ are just three of the renowned air shows that feature in New Zealand each year. Our aeroplane charm celebrates all that aviation has to offer and is designed as a tribute to the skilled pilots and their impressive flying machines. This charm also celebrates the Kiwi love of travel.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


A New Zealand national icon synonymous with Kiwi resourcefulness and tenacity, ‘No. 8 Wire’ is representative of the ‘can do’ attitude that Kiwis are globally renowned for. We’ve had a lot of good ideas for such a little country, growing our reputation as a nation of creative inventors. No. 8 Wire has become a national symbol of this innovation.


The marae is a sacred open meeting area, which is generally located in front of the ‘Whare Runanga’, a communal meeting house. It is the area of greatest mana and spirituality; a place of great dignity where Mãori customs are given their purest expression. The whare is usually symbolically designed in honour of powerful ancestors.


LK113 The chopper is used for transporting adventure seekers deep into the breathtaking wildernesses of New Zealand and is an important tool for farmers and emergency services. A helicopter flight affords us a privileged perspective on the beauty of Aotearoa, taking us to remote places - amidst the rugged mountain ranges, on top of glaciers or alongside pristine native bush.

Freedom Wings


These special wings symbolise freedom, the freedom to be yourself and to set your own destiny. Wings can also represent the angels that many believe look over us as we journey through life. This charm grants the wearer the clarity of thought to rise above troubles in their life, celebrating transformation and enlightenment.

Burt’s Bike (Fastest Indian)


Herbert James ‘Burt’ Munro (1899–1978) was a New Zealand motorcycle racer, famous for setting the under 1,000cc world record, at Bonneville on 26 August 1967. His is a story of iconic Kiwi ingenuity and sheer determination. Burt worked for 20 years modifying his 1920 Indian motorcycle from his garage in Invercargill, using the most basic of tools and plenty of improvisation. His record still stands today.

Tomato Sauce Bottle


This iconic tomato sauce bottle has been the mainstay of many a Kiwi barbecue for generations and a favourite for Kiwi kids growing up. In the shape of a tomato, this bottle is refilled time and time again over a festive summer season. Family and friends get together to celebrate the warmer weather and share a delicious sausage and bread, generously smeared in tomato sauce.


Silver Charm Inspirations Hope



Interlinked ribbons of hope feature on this charm, symbolising our hopes, dreams and aspirations. The continuous flow of the pattern represents the infinite twists and turns along life’s pathway. At any given time you may be in need of support or called upon to give support and inspiration.These heart-to-heart connections are the essence of hope.


LK121 You cannot help but be charmed by the penguin. These amazing birds have a character all of their own. On the land they have an ungainly waddle, marching upright like self-important little people. In the water they take on a new grace, diving and swooping with acrobatic agility, a true treasure of the Aotearoa coastline.

Marmite Jar

LK119 Our row of hearts symbolise love. Each heart connects us with the people who we cherish the most. The koru forms part of every heart, reminding us of the growth that love brings to us. Through its interlinking hearts, this charm celebrates the powerful connection between those who love each other.


LK122 Take a walk along any of New Zealand’s spectacular coastline, look closely and you may be lucky enough to spot a seal! This large, majestic mammal seems to be out of place on the land, lazily sunning himself on the rocks. In the water though, the seal transforms into a sleek and majestic swimmer, darting beneath the waves.


LK120 Branching from the silver stem, the heart shaped korus symbolise devotion. This beautiful charm celebrates our commitment and loyalty towards something or someone special. Such selfless affection and dedication is a mark of deep love and passion, for all that we treasure most in life.

Aotearoa’s Wine


With lots of sun and fertile soils, New Zealand is renowned for producing some of the world’s finest wines. No New Zealand summer is complete without visiting the local vineyard to wander amongst the vines and sample each carefully crafted variety. This charm represents more than just wonderful wine however, it reminds us of time enjoyed with friends and family, relaxing in the sunshine with a nice glass of Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Noir, delicious food and great conversation.


Generation after generation of New Zealanders have grown up on Marmite! It was first introduced to Kiwis in 1910. Since then we have found many ways of enjoying its black velvety richness; spread thinly on our morning toast, in the lunchboxes of Kiwi school kids or enjoyed as a hot drink! Marmite truly is one of Aotearoa’s treasures.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Silver Charm Inspirations Moments Like These (Minties)


Kiwi Cooking (Sure to Rise)

Every Kiwi remembers the classic ‘It’s moments like these’ adverts for the much loved Minties toffee lollies. We’ve all had one of those mortifying moments, where we wish the ground would just swallow us up! Moments like these give us a good laugh and a great story to tell for years to come. This charm celebrates our most embarrassingly memorable moments (it’s definitely ‘O’ for Awesome!)


LK131 New Zealand’s ‘musicians of the bush’, tui have some of the most complex and special bird songs in the world. Recognisable by a distinctive white tuft under their throat, these attractive birds are often found perched amongst our native flax and can usually be heard singing their beautiful melodies long before they are spotted. A firm favourite in Aotearoa, our tui charm symbolises our enjoyment of music and song.

NZ Camping


New Zealand is made for camping! There’s nothing like the freedom of packing up your tent and heading off to explore. Choosing your own little corner of paradise to set up camp for the night, whether by the beach, on the shores of an aqua blue lake or alongside a favourite swimming hole. Telling tales round the camp fire, sleeping under the stars and waking to the first rays of sunlight – life’s simple pleasures.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


Kiwis love to cook and the Edmonds cook book is a national icon. Whether you’re an accomplished cook or just starting out, this renowned recipe book is a symbol of good honest Kiwi cooking. The well-thumbed pages have taught a nation of food lovers how to serve up hearty, healthy dishes. This charm celebrates our love of cooking and all those great times shared together around the table.


LK132 This charm celebrates New Zealand’s unique and endangered mountain parrot, the kea, considered one of the most intelligent birds in the world. Notorious for their cheeky and inquisitive nature, kea are affectionately nick-named ‘the clown of the mountains’. They regularly investigate backpacks, tramping boots and even cars, much to the entertainment of human visitors to their alpine environment.

NZ Globe


We may love to travel the globe, but there is nowhere on earth like New Zealand. Our favourite place in the world, the iconic outline of these beautiful shores connects us with a unique culture. Wherever we may be, our NZ Globe evokes happy memories. It’s the perfect traveller’s keepsake, a wee piece of Aotearoa to have with you always.

Boat (Fishing)


Our cute game fishing boat celebrates great times spent with loved ones out on the water. Sun on your face and the sea breeze in your lungs, heading out fishing is a huge part of Kiwi culture. It’s hard to beat the excitement of feeling a bite on the line and the thrill of the battle to reel in the big catch, topped only by the pride we feel when cooking our freshly caught fish to share with friends and family.

Rock Daisy (Bravery)


The bright white flowers of the rock daisy are a true symbol of bravery. Treasured for their resilience and striking, silver evergreen leaves, rock daisies are naturally found growing on steep slopes and cliffs, braving drought, sun and salt winds. A famous sight along the rugged Kaikoura coast, this brave little flower is fearless, thriving amidst the elements.

Love & Kisses


Our charming kisses design is a symbol of endearment, a sign of friendship, love and affection. Kisses can mean so many things; a warm greeting or a fond farewell, a gesture of passion, love, reassurance, support or even all these things at once. Whether signed by our name in a letter, bestowed on a special friend or secretly shared with the one we love, a kiss is an intimate expression of how much we care.


Silver Charm Inspirations Cherished Child


There is no bond as pure and strong as the love we have for our children. This beautiful charm pays tribute to all guardians, celebrating the endless, selfless and unconditional love and support they give us. The continuous embrace symbolises the protection, guidance, care and patience we bestow on our children. Our special charm depicts this unique bond, one we will cherish forever.



Our Soulmates charm represents the unbreakable bond we have with the one who complements us perfectly, our true love. It also celebrates those special friends, with whom we feel a real connection and natural affinity. The embrace of a soulmate is a symbol of deep commitment, a consistent source of strength and support, wherever life’s path may take us. A soulmate is our other half, the one who makes us complete.

Spring Bouquet (Gratitude)


Aotearoa’s spring brings a riot of colour and new life. Native flowers bloom amongst our lush bush, grasslands and alpine meadows. As a gift, flowers can mean many things, but always express how thankful we are for our loved ones. This Spring Bouquet charm symbolises our gratitude, both for the beauty surrounding us and for the special people in our lives.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

Treasured Boy


Our Treasured Boy charm celebrates our adventurous, spirited and often mischievous boys. Full of cheeky charm, they enrich our lives with laughter, happiness and a dash of trouble. Our boys make us proud each and every day, with their no-fear attitude, inquisitive minds and sense of humour. Precious time spent together is captured in this charm, before our boys grow to be men. When together, our treasured boys are both brothers and best mates.

Daisy Chain (Companionship)


A gift of a daisy chain is something very special indeed, the ultimate token of friendship and good times shared. Created with love, this intertwined ring of daisies symbolises the powerful bonds of companionship. The time spent picking bright daisies to thread together into a beautiful chain makes this a treasured memento for our favourite companion.

Kãnuka Blossom (Wellbeing)


Closely clustered together, the small white flowers and soft leaves of the native New Zealand kãnuka are known for their healing properties. A symbol of caring, compassion and protection, the kãnuka is an important ‘nursery’ plant for regenerating native bush. Essences from this magical plant are said to soothe the soul, restoring inner vitality and strength. The wearer of our kãnuka charm feels nurtured and loved.

Treasured Girl


Our Treasured Girl charm represents those special young ladies we are lucky enough to have as part of our family. This charm celebrates the delight our girls bring us, with their sensitive souls, creative minds, independent nature and natural intelligence. Thoughtful and spirited, our girls make us proud every day and this charm symbolises the eternal bond we share. When together, our treasured girls are both sisters and best friends.

Mount Cook Lily (Kindness)


The lovely Mount Cook Lily is one of New Zealand’s treasured alpine plants. Its striking white flowers and large glossy leaves glisten amongst the formidable rocks of our mountain hillsides. Not really a lily at all, this beautiful flower is actually the world’s largest buttercup. Its cup-like leaves often hold water after a rainfall, offering intrepid travellers a welcome drink. This charm symbolises true kindness and celebrates those special people who embody this virtue.

Daffodils (Vitality)


Our inspiring bunch of daffodils symbolises vitality. These bright yellow flowers, with their beautiful fragrance, awaken our senses and lift our mood. For many, the daffodil is a sign that they have made it through tough times, a symbol of hope, strength and positivity. This hardy flower blooms brightly, heralding the start of spring, a season of new life.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Silver Charm Inspirations NZ Tree Fern (Spirit)


Our unique NZ Tree Fern charm celebrates those special individuals who embrace all that life has to offer. The curved koru symbols represent new fern fronds before they grow and unfurl, celebrating the endless potential life brings us. The simple beauty of the interlocking koru pattern symbolises great heart, strong will, energy and enthusiasm, inspiring us with a passion to follow our ambitions.


LK150 Our cute Fantail charm celebrates one of New Zealand’s most treasured native birds.The unique and curious fantail (pïwakawaka in Mãori) is respected as a symbolic messenger. Its beautiful fan-shaped tail allows it to twist and turn in the air with ease. Every tramper is familiar with this friendly little character, as he follows visitors to his forest home closely, to capture any insects disturbed along their path.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

NZ Mistletoe (Affection)


Nestled amongst New Zealand’s forest canopies, a stunning sight in summer, masses of red, orange and yellow flowers or white berries adorn our native mistletoes. Their nectar attracts Aotearoa’s birdlife, especially tui and bellbirds. A well-known Christmas symbol, in New Zealand and across the globe, and an excuse to share a kiss, mistletoe is a sign of peace, goodwill, love and affection.

Sailing Yacht


The natural thrill and speed of sailing evokes a real sense of freedom and excitement. Surrounded by ocean, New Zealand’s proud sailing heritage has fostered many legends of the yachting world. KZ 7 ‘Kiwi Magic’ was Aotearoa’s first America’s Cup entry, winning this prestigious competition in 1987. The whole nation remembers this yacht and her crew with great affection. Our Sailing Yacht is the perfect lucky charm for all intrepid voyagers.


Silver Charm Inspirations L&P (World Famous in NZ)


Lemon & Paeroa or L&P is New Zealand’s very own soft drink. Much loved by Kiwis, it’s as iconic as buzzy bees, jandals, gumboots and BBQs. We’re so proud of our national beverage, we erected a giant L&P bottle in its birthplace, Paeroa. Best served ice cold with fish and chips by the beach or slurped during a good movie, the lemony goodness is like nectar to us Kiwis – a real taste of home.

NZ Film

LK155 New Zealand has become world famous for film making. The unique and untouched natural beauty of our country has provided the backdrop for some of the best-selling and most loved films of the century. This iconic charm celebrates the Kiwi love of the movies and honours the talent and creativity of all those who have made our New Zealand film industry great.


LK160 The ute is as much a part of New Zealand culture as pavlova, sheep, rugby & barbecues! A practical vehicle for a hardworking, hands-on nation, the humble ute is a proud symbol of the Kiwi can-do attitude. With plenty of space to chuck the dog on the back, add the dive gear, tools or fencing equipment and head out into the great outdoors, every ute has its own story to tell. Our classic ute charm is an ode to these much-loved vehicles.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

Pineapple Lumps



As precious as chocolate-coated gold, Pineapple Lumps are a New Zealand national treasure. When far from home, many an expat Kiwi has excitedly ripped open a parcel sent from NZ and dug straight for the bright yellow bag! A real Kiwi favourite, Pineapple Lumps were proudly invented in Oamaru. There’s nothing quite like this unique combination of chocolate and chewy pineapple - Kiwi ingenuity at its best!



Pram (New Baby)

Footprints symbolise our journey through life, from baby’s first steps to the wise and intrepid traveller. As we walk barefoot along the sands of New Zealand’s beautiful beaches, we leave a trail of footprints behind us. Our Footprints charm represents the imprints that those closest to us leave on our lives and our hearts. Each person’s footprints are unique, like lasting memories made together and cherished time shared.

Cruising NZ


Whether steaming into New Zealand’s impressive urban harbours on an international cruise vessel, taking the ferry across the Cook Strait or sailing amidst our pristine fiords, cruising is the perfect way to experience Aotearoa. With over 15,000kms of spectacular coastline to explore, each port of call is special. Disembark to experience beautiful beaches, outstanding food and wine, unique wildlife, stunning architecture and our rich cultural heritage.

LK154 All about fun & mischief, Jaffas are part of New Zealand cultural folklore. Bringing back childhood memories of trips to the movies, these perfectly round choc-orange spheres are ideal for rolling around in your mouth or down the cinema aisle! Every year 30,000 giant Jaffas are raced down Baldwin Street in Dunedin (officially the world’s steepest street) in what’s become a favourite part of the annual Cadbury Chocolate Carnival.


Nothing compares to the joy of a new addition to the family. This beautiful design celebrates the promise of new life and a new beginning, representing all the nurturing love and affection to be showered on this special little person. The pram symbolises the pride of parenthood and the gift of happiness it brings, a lasting token of the hopes and dreams we have for our children.

NZ Golf

LK162 With over 400 golf courses carved out amongst its picturesque landscapes, New Zealand is a golfer’s paradise. From the big cities to the smallest country towns, golf is the highest participation sport in NZ and our country has produced many notable players. Experience playing a hole or two, with vineyards on one side and the sweep of the ocean on the other, or enjoy a course which meanders through lush bush, farmland and pristine native wetlands.


Evolve New Zealand

Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Silver Charm Inspirations NZ Gecko


Hibiscus (Celebration)

There are at least 39 species of gecko in New Zealand, all known for their speed and agility. Geckos’ toes are covered with tiny hairs that allow them to climb sheer surfaces and even walk upside down. These amazing little creatures can symbolise luck and regrowth, particularly during times of change or challenge. An important part of Mãori legend, lizards and geckos are revered as the incarnations of gods by some.



This intricate design symbolises our most cherished friendships. The koru spirals mirror one another, representing the special bond we share with our closest friends. A token of good times together and lasting memories made, this design reflects the happiness, love and support our friends give us. The wearing of this charm celebrates the gift of true friendship.


LK169 This beautiful charm represents our journey through life, particularly the people and places that shape and enrich our experiences. The scrolling koru design celebrates the gift of growth and learning each new chapter brings us. Flowing together, the korus symbolise our closest friends and family. Adventures, challenges and remarkable moments combine to create times in our lives we’ll remember forever, our experiences all the richer for being shared.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


The native Pacific hibiscus flower blooms brightly in hues of red, pink, orange, yellow and white. Hibiscus are traditionally worn by women behind their ear or given as a welcome gift, celebrating the beauty of a bride, arrival of honoured guests or other happy occasions. In New Zealand the hibiscus is a celebrated sign of summer, lending its name to the Hibiscus Coast, a beautiful stretch of coastline north of Auckland, famous for its pristine beaches and sunny climate.


LK167 There is nothing better than quality time spent with those closest to us. In our Together charm, curving korus reflect one another to form a heart. This special design represents true partnership, celebrating our most special relationships. We may not always be together, sometimes far apart, but wherever we go our loved ones are carried with us in our hearts.

NZ Music

Rose Bouquet (Congratulations)


First introduced by early settlers, roses quickly filled the gardens, hedgerows and pa sites of New Zealand with their scent and blooms. Popular with brides, the rose represents love, friendship, devotion and unity. The giving or carrying of a rose bouquet is a beautiful way of saying congratulations, celebrating new beginnings, impressive achievements or any happy occasion where celebrations and best wishes are due.

Precious Hearts


Our sphere of interlocking hearts symbolises the unique bonds we share with those most precious to us. The way the hearts hug and connect with one another represents the true understanding, special experiences and intimate moments we share only with our family and closest friends. These treasured relationships make us who we are; they are a true gift, which we will cherish always.


Our NZ Music charm celebrates the passion of those with a real love for music. Music is an essential part of the Kiwi identity. Our homegrown artists mix popular international styles with Mãori, Pakeha, Asian and Pacific Island influences, which reflect our diverse cultural origins, creating a musical blend that is uniquely and proudly New Zealand in style. Each May New Zealand Music Month honours our musical heritage and emerging talent.


Silver Charm Inspirations Endless Arrow


The New Zealand bow hunter cherishes the majestic beauty and natural solitude of time spent in our great outdoors, as much as the thrill of the hunt. Our Endless Arrow design celebrates the focus, bravery and skill we need to realise our true hopes and dreams. Often associated with love and great heart, the arrow is a symbol of strong direction and character in life. Only through great passion, knowledge and dedication can we achieve our aspirations.

Eternity Rings

Pohutakawa Flower


The pohutukawa is perhaps New Zealand’s best-known and most distinctive native tree. The blaze of scarlet flowers it produces in summer has given it the label “Kiwi Christmas tree”. This much-loved tree evokes fond visions of the Kiwi summer – cherished memories of long days at the beach, sizzling BBQs and hot January weather.


LK173 The koru is a traditional Mãori symbol representing personal growth, new life, creation and fresh beginnings. The intricate pattern of the koru spirals in this charm symbolises our hopes and dreams. Curving together, the korus remind us that, whether our most enduring aspirations are large or small, it’s never too late to realise our dreams, with the support of those around us.This special design inspires us to make the most of each day and pursue our greatest passions.


The infinite circle of the ring or wedding band is a symbol of eternity. Our beautiful Eternity Rings charm celebrates the love and lifelong commitment between two people, bringing them together as one. The two interlinked rings represent the couple’s everlasting promises of love, understanding and fidelity to one another. Whether celebrating a new partnership or a special anniversary, this unique charm honours the happiest of things – love without end.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Gemstone Charm Inspirations Gemstone Charms


Our stunning gemstone charms include delicate sparkling stones, which catch the light and add a beautiful contrast to the sterling silver. Each design has a special meaning, highlighting the magic of Aotearoa.

Mãnuka Flower

LK042 CZ

The mãnuka flower is a very small and perfectly proportioned white flower with a delicate pink centre, which blooms on the native New Zealand mãnuka tree. These intricate blooms add a stunning backdrop to a walk through Aotearoa’s native bush. The precious nectar of the mãnuka tree is represented by the shining clear cubic zirconia delicately placed at the centre of this charm.



The poppy represents great bravery, as a symbol of war remembrance the world over. In New Zealand the ANZAC poppy commemorates not only the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli, but now more broadly honours all those who died in service of their country, as well as those who still serve.This charm is a beautiful and lasting tribute to all those loved and lost. The sparkling poppy seed, crafted from black cubic zirconia, symbolises release from pain and sorrow, towards peaceful rest.

Crafted from sterling silver, featuring cubic zirconia


LK116 CZ

Beautiful but strong and resilient, the Chatham Island forget-me-not grows in sand dunes and on the cliff edges of some of New Zealand’s wildest coastline. This is a flower historically connected with romance; it was often worn by ladies as a sign of faithfulness and enduring love. The forgetme-not petals surround a shimmering clear cubic zirconia, celebrating this hardy little flower as it blooms brightly amongst rugged surroundings.

Family Tree

LK136 CZ

Our beautiful Family Tree charm is inspired by the iconic Mãori Kõwhaiwhai patterns, which often adorn the rafters of whare (Mãori meeting houses) in honour of celebrated ancestors. Our family tree and stories of our lineage (whakapapa) are an integral part of how we view the wider world and our place within it. The sparkling cubic zirconia symbolises the insight given to us by our whãnau and the wisdom bestowed upon us by our ancestors.

LK038 CZ

The beautifully fragrant frangipani flower gives a tropical scent to any New Zealand garden. Known for its distinctive clusters of flowers, which consist of creamy white outer petals and a delicately coloured centre, frangipani is a Kiwi favourite. The sparkling clear cubic zirconia, nestled at the heart of this charm, represents the magical perfume of this elegant bloom.

Rãtã Flower (Perseverance)

LK117 CZ

Rãtã, a native plant to New Zealand, begins its life journey as a tiny seed. In order to flourish into a plant, it needs to find a tree to twist and wind around, slowly reaching towards the sunlight where it can burst into brilliant red blooms. This journey requires much determination and perseverance, inspiring us to emulate the same qualities during our own life journey. The light is represented by the shining clear cubic zirconia.

Lucky 8 (Good Fortune)

LK142 CZ

The number 8 is considered to be very lucky, bringing us good fortune. The sparkling cubic zirconia represents our zest for life, celebrating our ingenuity, drive and spirit, which ultimately leads to our success. With its infinite flow, this powerful charm continually inspires and energises us to achieve our goals, delivering its wearer luck and prosperity throughout life.


Gemstone Charm Inspirations Shining Star

LK156 CZ

Stars have long represented our greatest aspirations, helping us to navigate through life. The stars guided the original MĂŁori migration in tribal waka (canoes) across the Pacific to New Zealand. A sparkling cubic zirconia represents the brightest stars in our southern skies, a symbol of direction and accomplishment. This beautiful charm celebrates our most special achievements, inspiring us to reach for the stars to realise our dreams.

Lighthouse (Guiding Light)

LK157 CZ

Proud guardians of our island nation, lighthouses shine bright beams of guiding light across New Zealand’s night sky. Found on some of the most beautiful, rugged and remote sections of our coastline, lighthouses are reminiscent of holidays and adventures by the ocean. More than this, they are beacons of truth and light in the midst of darkness, strong protectors guiding us home.


Pendant Charm Inspirations Pendant Charms

Pãua Shell

Our sterling silver pendant charms enhance the Evolve New Zealand collection by adding a whole new dimension to your bracelet. These intricate designs can also be worn on a necklace chain, to highlight your most treasured moments.

Tramping Boot


Picturesque walks through Aotearoa’s national parks feature native bush, pristine water and spectacular mountains. These treasured pathways attract trampers from all over the globe and are considered exceptional by all who have an adventurous spirit. New Zealand’s striking landscapes are perhaps best explored on foot. This charm celebrates happy times at one with the land.



No summer in New Zealand is complete without catching a wave or two. Whether you visit Raglan or Kaikoura, or another one of Aotearoa’s many surfing spots, the peeling breaks will leave you feeling exhilarated. Nothing beats the feeling of riding a wave to shore, with the energising sea spray in your face and salt on your skin. This charm celebrates the privilege of our surf and beach lifestyle

Crafted from solid sterling silver

Wine Glass


A treasured shellfish, Pãua is gathered in the pristine waters of coastal Aotearoa. Once the rich, dark, flesh has been harvested, the unassuming shell reveals exquisite shades of blues, pinks, purples and greens. This delicacy is best served fresh, then enjoyed in the company of friends and whãnau. The beautiful shell is kept as a memento of the day spent diving for this treasure.


Collected from an aged oak barrel, this precious glass savours the elegant fruit flavours and depth of a quality wine. This charm is inspired by the feeling of walking through our glorious vineyards, enjoying a drop of New Zealand’s best. Memories of the vineyard are relived each time we sip one of Aotearoa’s distinctive and treasured wines, as well as through the delicate details of this charm.

Baby Booties


The birth of a child should be honoured and is one of life’s true miracles. These cute little knitted booties celebrate the joy of this momentous event. The happiness bestowed on the whole whãnau by a new arrival is truly magical. Gifted to those special little people who we cherish and adore, this charm symbolises the close bond between mother and baby – a pure and unconditional love like no other.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Pendant Charm Inspirations Tiki

LKD009 The Tiki is a powerful good luck charm, believed to keep evil spirits away and provide the wearer with great insight, knowledge and clarity of thought. A Kiwi cultural icon, the Tiki is a talisman to the Mãori people and has been regarded as a symbol of good luck since ancient times. Legend states that Tiki was the first man on earth who originated from the stars, a symbol of creation.

Heart of NZ (Endearment)


Our beautiful Heart of NZ charm is a symbol of endearment, celebrating the deep bonds we share with those we love.The combination of the heart, signifying love, and the koru, representing new beginnings, hope and well-being, embodies the magic of the circle of life and growth. This charm honours our journey through life and reminds us of our origins and influences - family, friends and togetherness.

NZ Rhythm


Two quavers come together to create our NZ Rhythm charm, which symbolises New Zealand’s proud musical heritage, diverse and vibrant music scene and distinctly Kiwi style. The pride and emotion stirred by a classic Kiwi song is part of our national identity, as a small country on the global music stage. The popularity of homegrown music has made Kiwi music festivals like Rhythm & Vines, held over New Year in Gisborne, a magical experience and huge success.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

Lucky Horseshoe


Our delicate horse shoe charm is a symbol of good luck, good fortune and protection. Tradition tells us that all the luck is held within the curve of the shoe; the ends must be pointing up to invite the good luck in and capture it there. First designed to protect horse’s hooves, our lucky horse shoe also symbolises protection, as well as the winning and success associated with the speed, grace and power of the horse, a creature that has a special place in the hearts and lives of many New Zealanders.

Aotearoa’s Flower (Admiration)


The simple beauty of our Aotearoa’s Flower charm honours those we love and admire. The delicate symmetry of the petals represents quiet wisdom and natural beauty. The closely connected collection of spheres at the core symbolises strength of character, integrity and sensitivity towards others. The wearing or gifting of this single beautiful bloom embodies these qualities and celebrates someone truly special.

Gift of Music


Music is a gift, created to be shared. This beautiful treble clef design celebrates true musical talent. From national festivals to local gigs and guitar sing-alongs around the fire, music has a unique power to move people.The ability to make music, to inspire thoughts and stir feelings amongst your audience, whoever they may be, is an incredible skill. Our Gift of Music charm represents those special people who make our lives richer with their music.

Treasured Nïkau


The iconic silhouette of the nïkau palm is celebrated as one of New Zealand’s many treasures, symbolising our country’s rich flora and fauna. The nïkau has always had great importance in Mãori life, used to thatch houses, wrap food before cooking and to weave into hats, mats and baskets. This tall, slender and graceful tree is unique to New Zealand and represents our nation’s close relationship with the natural world.

Aotearoa’s Fern (Honour)


The unofficial symbol of New Zealand, the silver fern evokes a sense of pride, admiration and dedication towards beautiful Aotearoa. The sculptural beauty of our native fern’s foliage, with its striking silvery underside symbolises all that we treasure. An emblem of our armed forces and national sports teams, the silver fern honours the strength of these national heroes and celebrates the Kiwi dedication to our land, people and values.

Shooting Star


Officially recognised as one of the best stargazing destinations on earth, New Zealand is the perfect place to experience that most magical of all celestial wonders, the shooting star. Seeing a shooting star race across the night sky is a symbol of good luck, success and wishes come true. Our Shooting Star charm celebrates believing in your dreams, embracing new beginnings and reaching for the stars to achieve your goals.


Pendant Charm Inspirations Jandal

LKD018 A cultural icon in New Zealand, proudly worn by many of us year round, jandals are a symbol of the laid-back Kiwi lifestyle and long, hot summers at the beach. Auckland man Morris Yock first made this simple rubber footwear in his Onehunga garage in 1957. The term ‘jandal’, rarely used outside NZ, combines the words ‘Japanese’ and ‘sandal’. Every December, National Jandal Day celebrates our favourite footwear and raises funds for Surf Life Saving NZ.



Gumboots are a Kiwi institution, loved by all who encounter mud on the farm or puddles on the footpath. Associated with the early Kauri gum diggers and symbolic of New Zealand’s strong farming identity, our gumboots embody the pride we feel in our close relationship with the land and the outdoors. This love for our trusty gumboots has sparked the small North Island town of Taihape to pronounce itself the ‘Gumboot Capital of New Zealand’ – home to a giant gumboot sculpture and host to the muchloved annual gumboot throwing competition!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Flexibility, balance and adaptability are the keywords for the Gemini. Excellent communicators, they are intelligent, persuasive and sensible. Gemini people are also affectionate, imaginative and supportive, with a charisma and generosity that is infectious. The sign of Gemini is represented by the element of air, celebrating the freedom, thoughtfulness and versatility of those born under this inquisitive sign.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

NZ Map

LKD019 The iconic outline of New Zealand’s shores connects us with a unique culture, incredible natural beauty and our happiest memories. Whether as a memento of awesome experiences in New Zealand or a proud symbol of home, this charm is a treasured keepsake. Our NZ Map design celebrates your special affinity with Aotearoa, the unforgettable ‘land of the long white cloud’.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)


Aries, the ram, is the first of the 12 zodiac constellations, with the principal stars in the constellation forming a wide triangle. Aries people are creative, active, insightful and versatile. They are also known for being determined, dynamic, ambitious and spontaneous. Aries are fire signs, often with a passionate, fiery and larger than life personality and great sense of humour. They make devoted friends, lovers and family members and are loyal to the end.

Cancer (June 21 - Jul 22)


Cancerians love home-life and family. With the moon as their ruler, they are traditionalists, making wonderfully loyal, loving and sympathetic friends.Those born under the sign of the crab are also emotionally intelligent, diplomatic and well in touch with their own feelings and those of others. As a water sign, they are sensitive, intuitive and adaptable souls.

Shepherd’s Whistle


This iconic design is a symbol of true friendship. Dog is man’s most loyal and trusted companion. Without our hard-working farm dogs, we could not farm the vast flat plains and steep hill country that make New Zealand unique. The skills displayed by these committed farmhands created a national institution: sheep-dog trials. Dogs never fail to listen and support us to achieve our goals, a true friend we can always rely on. Our beautiful silver shepherd’s whistle works as a whistle and symbolises the irreplaceable bond between best friends.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)


Like the animal that represents them, Taurus zodiac signs are all about strength, stamina and will. Those born under the sign of the bull are loyal and reliable and will stand their ground to the end. As an earth sign, they are at one with nature and the physical world around them. Taurians are very patient, practical and efficient. They are also a loving, sympathetic, understanding and appreciative sign, endlessly generous with their time, possessions and love.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)


The zodiac sign of Leo is about expanse, power and exuberance. Leo’s are natural born leaders. They are brave, intuitive and savvy and usually very head-strong and wilful. Beneath their dynamic persona lies a generous, loving, sensitive nature, which makes them warm, faithful and loving friends. A sociable fire sign, Leos are also known for their action, spirit, and vitality.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Pendant Charm Inspirations Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)


Excellent teammates, Virgos have keen minds and are natural conversationalists, drawing people in with their charm and open, inquisitive nature. Blessed with exceptional memories, they are naturally quick thinking and analytical. Virgos seek balance in their lives and are usually very intuitive, reflective and thoughtful souls. As an earth sign, they are also practical, loyal and reliable, at one with nature and the physical world around them.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


The philosophers of the zodiac, Sagittarius have great ability for intense focus. They are optimistic and experimental hard workers, who expect quick results. When faced with challenges they make extreme efforts to overcome any hurdle, often against incredible odds. They are also incredibly loyal friends and lovers. As a sociable fire sign, they are admired too for their action, spirit and vitality.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)


As their zodiac sign would indicate, Libras are all about balance, justice, harmony and stability. With Venus as their ruling planet, Libras are extremely understanding, caring, and often the champion of underdogs. They are very perceptive and quietly persuasive, seekers of truth and beauty. Libra is an air sign, so this sparkling charm celebrates the freedom, versatility and thoughtfulness of those born under the element of air.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)


Capricorns are organised, philosophical and highly intelligent signs. They are systematic, practical and intuitive. Patient and persevering, they know they can accomplish any task as long as they follow their plan step-by-step. Capricorn’s are sympathetic and generous, with broad shoulders, they often take on other’s problems as their own. As an earth sign, they are also determined, loyal and reliable, at one with nature and the physical world around them.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)


Scorpios are bold, capable and confident. They are extremely focussed and can surmount seemingly all obstacles when they put their mind to the task. They can be secretive occasionally but love travel, enjoy exploring new places and usually live their lives boldly, with true vigour and determination. As with all water signs, those born under the constellation of the scorpion are also sensitive, intuitive and adaptable.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


Uncomplicated and unassuming, Aquarians are the humanitarians of the zodiac and will take up any cause.They go about accomplishing their goals in quiet, often unorthodox ways. The Aquarius sign is honest, loyal and highly intelligent. They are also easy-going, artistic and poetic and make natural friendships. Aquarius, the Water Bearer, is an air sign, so this sparkling charm celebrates the freedom, versatility and thoughtfulness of those born under the element of air.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)


Quiet, modest and humble, the Pisces zodiac sign has a real love of knowledge and learning. They are also honest, unselfish and trustworthy. Pisceans are beautifully gentle, generous and imaginative. Due to their intense determination, they often become passionately devoted to a cause, particularly if they are championing for friends or family. As a water sign, you will find Pisces people are sensitive, intuitive and adaptable too.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


Focal Charm Inspirations Focal Charms These beautiful solid sterling silver focal charms have been crafted as centre pieces, to be worn on either a bracelet or a necklace. Each design has a special meaning, inspired by the magic of Aotearoa, showcasing the essence of our Evolve New Zealand range.

Mountain Daisies


The beautiful bloom of our alpine daisy symbolises new life, heralding the start of spring. Clustered together, the mountain daisy lends a carpet of colour to New Zealand’s alpine grasslands. This pretty flower energises the wearer and gives them the confidence to start afresh and take on new challenges.

Eternal Energy


The silver wave depicted in this design symbolises the power of the mighty ocean. As a small island nation, New Zealanders have a special respect and admiration for the energy of the sea. Inspired by this close relationship, the wearer of this charm is continually energised, radiating vitality and life.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

Kia Kaha (Stand Strong)


Kia kaha, meaning ‘stand strong’ in Mãori, symbolises courage and internal strength. The deeply carved korus represent determination, resilience and power. The wearer of this design is empowered to ‘stand strong’ when challenged, something we all need a little help with from time to time.

Leader (Ariki)


The traditional Mãori meaning of ariki is chief.This charm represents leadership; the wearer of this design displays strength of character and wisdom. Etched deep into the surface are the directional kõwhaiwhai patterns, which represent the clear paths chosen by those whom we respect most.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Focal Charm Inspirations Strong Warrior (Tãne)


Tãne in Mãori mythology is ‘God of the forest’. He is renowned for his immense physical strength and power, as well as his protective nature and strength of character. This charm of Tãne, dressed as a warrior, symbolises the strong, protective males in our lives.


LKF010 The Tiki is a treasured New Zealand cultural icon. Traditionally a symbol of fertility and knowledge, the Tiki is viewed as the teacher of all things. The wearer of this special symbol possesses clarity of thought, great inner wisdom and strength of character. The Tiki is regarded as a good luck charm when worn.

Aotearoa’s Wish


Our Aotearoa’s Wish charm celebrates our dearest wishes, ambitions and dreams. The strong pathway flowing through the heart symbolises our chosen direction in life. Curving koru spirals cascade from the central stem, representing our greatest passions and deepest aspirations. This beautifully intricate kõwhaiwhai design inspires us to chase our dreams and never give up. If we believe in ourselves and follow our hearts, we can make our wishes come true.

Crafted from solid sterling silver

Wise Goddess (Wãhine)


Wãhine is defined in Mãori language as ‘woman’. This charm represents all that a woman is revered for; her beauty, her strength of character, her intelligence and her nurturing nature. She is the matriarch of our future generations. The wearer of this powerful symbol possesses these virtues.



This charm celebrates the freedom of the open road. Home is where you make it and the campervan offers the perfect sanctuary whilst travelling. Nothing compares to snuggling up in your favourite picnic rug, sipping a cup of tea and capturing a glimpse of New Zealand’s untouched wilderness, rugged mountains or sandy shores all whilst nestled inside your van.

Eternal Fern


Our stunning Eternal Fern design is inspired by the leaves of New Zealand’s iconic silver fern. As the fern curls round in an endless spiral, it celebrates our continuous growth as individuals, symbolising the different stages of our life journey. No matter what part New Zealand has played in your life story, large or small, the Eternal Fern is a symbol of the unique and everlasting memories you have made here. This special charm is a little piece of Aotearoa, carried with you always.

Four Winds


New Zealand is a place where prevailing winds from the North, South, East and West meet. This powerful force brings with it change and renewed energy. The continual swirl depicted in this design empowers the wearer to utilise this energy, particularly when faced with change and challenge.

Sea Turtles


These beautiful and ancient creatures are known for their elegance and agility underwater and the loving care they give their eggs, carefully dug into the sand of remote beaches across the globe. Sadly now a threatened species, these noble creatures are a rare and special site on Aotearoa’s shores.

Trinity Fern


The silver fern is a proud symbol of New Zealand. Embodied in this striking emblem is a unique sense of belonging. It is a badge of honour to identify the wearer’s pride as a Kiwi, special affinity with New Zealand or achievement as someone representing New Zealand on the world stage. As custodians of a small island nation, New Zealanders are bound together by a strong and true sense of identity. Our Trinity Fern charm honours this uniquely Kiwi blend of loyalty, pride and passion.


Companion Charm Inspirations Pacific (Spacer)


Silver Fern (Spacer)

The imprinted cultural patterns in this pretty spacer charm, link us with our Pacific heritage, which has shaped the lives of many who dwell in Aotearoa.

Spring Bouquet (End Stopper)


Aotearoa’s spring brings a riot of colour and new life. Native flowers bloom amongst our lush bush, grasslands and alpine meadows. As a gift, flowers can mean many things, but always express how thankful we are for our loved ones. This Spring Bouquet charm symbolises our gratitude, both for the beauty surrounding us and for the special people in our lives.

Love (Stopper Clip)


Our row of hearts symbolise love. Each heart connects us with the people who we cherish the most. The koru forms part of every heart, reminding us of the growth that love brings to us. Through its interlinking hearts, this charm celebrates the powerful connection between those who love each other.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


The Silver Fern is a recognised and much treasured symbol of New Zealand. This iconic spacer charm is a subtle tribute to the beautiful land of Aotearoa.

Bridle Bit (Spacer)


The classic design of this bridle bit spacer charm perfectly complements the spirit of Aotearoa, celebrating New Zealanders’ love of the horse.

Continuum (Stopper Clip)


The infinite flow of the korus, etched deep into the silver, celebrates the nurturing power of those close bonds we share with friends and family.

Continuum (Safety Chain)


This eye-catching pattern honours the enduring nature of loving relationships between family and close friends.

Evolve Koru (End Stopper)


The original inspiration for the iconic Evolve koru logo came from our favourite rock, found whilst kayaking the Mohaka river. This ancient natural treasure was formed many centuries ago, with striking twin koru-shaped fossils deeply embedded into its prehistoric surface. The twin korus, nestled within a never-ending circle, perfectly capture the essence of the Evolve brand, symbolising how we continuously grow as individuals, shaped by our experiences.

Evolution (Stopper Clip)


The strong, deep lines of the interlocked korus represent the strength and purity of our relationships with loved ones, celebrating the ways in which we grow together.

Evolution (Safety Chain)


The intertwining korus etched into this design symbolise the eternal growth and evolution we experience throughout our lives.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Gold Charm Inspirations Gold Charms

Koru (Growth)

Evolve New Zealand gold charms are beautifully crafted from 9 carat solid gold. Each design has a special meaning, inspired by the magic of Aotearoa, featuring traditional cultural symbols and iconic Kiwi designs.

Baby Kiwi


The flightless kiwi is an endangered New Zealand bird and the colloquial name fondly given to all New Zealanders. To be born in New Zealand and to be a Kiwi is a source of immense pride, for those Kiwis living at home in Aotearoa as well as those based in countries all over the world.

New Zealand Map


New Zealand, this small piece of island paradise, holds a huge place in our heart. No matter where we may be in the world, the New Zealand Map charm reminds us of all that is unique to Aotearoa. New Zealand is a place to experience the best that nature has to offer. Whether a born and bred Kiwi or a traveller who has fallen for the charms of New Zealand, by wearing this map you are a part of our whĂŁnau (family).

Crafted from solid 9 carat gold

Kiwi Mascot


The Koru represents the new, unfurling silver fern frond and is widely recognised as a symbol of new life, growth, strength and peace. This charm has special significance to those who are embarking on new ventures, celebrating new chapters in their lives or honouring personal growth.


Most Kiwis born before the 1990s will remember the animated TVNZ kiwi cartoon character who climbed the TV satellite at the end of each evening’s broadcasting, tucking himself into bed with a flick of his duvet. This charm represents the Goodnight Kiwi and all other things uniquely and proudly Kiwi.

Fern Frond


Making a beautiful and distinctive charm, the fern frond is widely recognised as a symbol of new life and a fresh start. As a native plant, the fern frond is also an iconic symbol of Aotearoa and it represents the fresh, clean beauty of our country’s landscapes, native bush and active lifestyles.


Gold Charm Inspirations Aotearoa’s Heart



Aotearoa’s Heart symbolises compassion, strength, hope and unconditional love. The simple koru engraved deep into the heart connects us with new beginnings and growth, inspiring us to move forward. This special charm honours the strength and unity in the hearts of all New Zealanders.



Beautiful but strong and resilient, the Chatham Island Forget-me-not grows in sand dunes and on the cliff edges of some of New Zealand’s wildest coastline. This is a flower historically connected with romance; it was often worn by ladies as a sign of faithfulness and enduring love. The forgetme-not petals surround a shimmering clear cubic zirconia, celebrating this hardy little flower as it blooms brightly amongst rugged surroundings.

Crafted from solid 9 carat gold

111G This intricate charm is created from a series of delicate fern fronds, which embrace each other in a continuous spiral of new beginnings and growth. This eternal spiral represents the cycle of life, throughout which there are many friends, family and relationships who touch our hearts and share with us memories that we will treasure forever.


Family Circle (Whãnau)


Whãnau meaning ‘extended family’ in Mãori represents the strength and togetherness of our circle of family and friends. It reminds us of the importance of embracing and celebrating family and friendships and nurturing these unique relationships. The linked figures, holding hands in a circle, celebrate the powerful bonds we share with our loved ones.

114G Our row of hearts symbolise love. Each heart connects us with the people who we cherish the most. The koru forms part of every heart, reminding us of the growth that love brings to us. Through its interlinking hearts, this charm celebrates the powerful connection between those who love each other.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Gold Charm Inspirations Family Tree


Our beautiful Family Tree charm is inspired by the iconic Mãori Kõwhaiwhai patterns, which often adorn the rafters of whare (Mãori meeting houses) in honour of celebrated ancestors. Our family tree and stories of our lineage (whakapapa) are an integral part of how we view the wider world and our place within it. The sparkling cubic zirconia symbolises the insight given to us by our whãnau and the wisdom bestowed upon us by our ancestors.

Lucky 8 (Good Fortune)


The number 8 is considered to be very lucky, bringing us good fortune. The sparkling cubic zirconia represents our zest for life, celebrating our ingenuity, drive and spirit, which ultimately leads to our success. With its infinite flow, this powerful charm continually inspires and energises us to achieve our goals, delivering its wearer luck and prosperity throughout life.


125G Our cute Fantail charm celebrates one of New Zealand’s most treasured native birds.The unique and curious fantail (pïwakawaka in Mãori) is respected as a symbolic messenger. Its beautiful fan-shaped tail allows it to twist and turn in the air with ease. Every tramper is familiar with this friendly little character, as he follows visitors to his forest home closely, to capture any insects disturbed along their path.

Crafted from solid 9 carat gold

Love & Kisses


Our charming kisses design is a symbol of endearment, a sign of friendship, love and affection. Kisses can mean so many things; a warm greeting or a fond farewell, a gesture of passion, love, reassurance, support or even all these things at once. Whether signed by our name in a letter, bestowed on a special friend or secretly shared with the one we love, a kiss is an intimate expression of how much we care.

NZ Tree Fern (Spirit)


Our unique NZ Tree Fern charm celebrates those special individuals who embrace all that life has to offer. The curved koru symbols represent new fern fronds before they grow and unfurl, celebrating the endless potential life brings us. The simple beauty of the interlocking koru pattern symbolises great heart, strong will, energy and enthusiasm, inspiring us with a passion to follow our ambitions.


Cherished Child


There is no bond as pure and strong as the love we have for our children. This beautiful charm pays tribute to all guardians, celebrating the endless, selfless and unconditional love and support they give us. The continuous embrace symbolises the protection, guidance, care and patience we bestow on our children. Our special charm depicts this unique bond, one we will cherish forever.

NZ Mistletoe (Affection)


Nestled amongst New Zealand’s forest canopies, a stunning sight in summer, masses of red, orange and yellow flowers or white berries adorn our native mistletoes. Their nectar attracts Aotearoa’s birdlife, especially tui and bellbirds. A well-known Christmas symbol, in New Zealand and across the globe, and an excuse to share a kiss, mistletoe is a sign of peace, goodwill, love and affection.


This intricate design symbolises our most cherished friendships. The koru spirals mirror one another, representing the special bond we share with our closest friends. A token of good times together and lasting memories made, this design reflects the happiness, love and support our friends give us. The wearing of this charm celebrates the gift of true friendship.


Gold & Silver Charm Inspirations Gold & Silver Charms

Safe Travel


This stylised fish hook represents safe travel, especially over water. It promises protection for the wearer as they explore the world, discovering new cultures, experiencing their own adventures and enjoying life, across Aotearoa and beyond. This powerful symbol is held in great reverence by the Mãori people.

The Evolve New Zealand gold and silver charm collection features some of our most popular sterling silver charms, beautifully highlighted by the addition of a solid gold element. Each design has a special meaning, inspired by the magic of Aotearoa, featuring traditional cultural symbols and iconic Kiwi designs.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold twist.

New Zealand Fern


Mountain Daisies


An iconic symbol of New Zealand, this native fern branch often embellishes the uniform of anyone representing our country at an international level. The outline of our New Zealand fern is instantly recognisable to us all, evoking a sense of dedication, commitment and success. This charm inspires a real sense of pride and patriotism for Aotearoa.

The beautiful bloom of our alpine daisy symbolises new life, heralding the start of spring. Clustered together, the mountain daisy lends a carpet of colour to New Zealand’s alpine grasslands. This pretty flower energises the wearer and gives them the confidence to start afresh and take on new challenges.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold leaves.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold mountain daisy.

Family Circle (Whãnau)


Whãnau meaning ‘extended family’ in Mãori represents the strength and togetherness of our circle of family and friends. It reminds us of the importance of embracing and celebrating family and friendships and nurturing these unique relationships. The linked figures, holding hands in a circle, celebrate the powerful bonds we share with our loved ones. The gold figure represents that special individual at the centre of our family or friendship group. Featuring solid 9 carat gold figure.



NZ Globe


Hokey Pokey Ice Cream


Our row of hearts symbolise love. Each heart connects us with the people who we cherish the most. The koru forms part of every heart, reminding us of the growth that love brings to us. Through its interlinking hearts, this charm celebrates the powerful connection between those who love each other.

We may love to travel the globe, but there is nowhere on earth like New Zealand. Our favourite place in the world, the iconic outline of these beautiful shores connects us with a unique culture. Wherever we may be, our NZ Globe evokes happy memories. It’s the perfect traveller’s keepsake, a wee piece of Aotearoa to have with you always.

Hokey Pokey ice cream is a real Kiwi favourite. In this special charm, our treasured pieces of honeycomb toffee are depicted in solid gold. Almost every New Zealander has a Hokey Pokey childhood memory, so when this treat melts in the summer sun it becomes nostalgic, gooey, New Zealand gold. A true example of Kiwiana, to the rest of the world it may be just another flavour, but we Kiwis know better!

Featuring solid 9 carat gold heart.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold New Zealand.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold Hokey Pokey pieces.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Gold & Silver Charm Inspirations Heart of NZ (Endearment)


Aotearoa’s Fern (Honour)


Kiwi Cooking (Sure to Rise)


Our beautiful Heart of NZ charm is a symbol of endearment, celebrating the deep bonds we share with those we love.The combination of the heart, signifying love, and the koru, representing new beginnings, hope and well-being, embodies the magic of the circle of life and growth. This charm honours our journey through life and reminds us of our origins and influences - family, friends and togetherness.

The unofficial symbol of New Zealand, the silver fern evokes a sense of pride, admiration and dedication towards beautiful Aotearoa. The sculptural beauty of our native fern’s foliage, with its striking silvery underside symbolises all that we treasure. An emblem of our armed forces and national sports teams, the silver fern honours the strength of these national heroes and celebrates the Kiwi dedication to our land, people and values.

Kiwis love to cook and the Edmonds cook book is a national icon. Whether you’re an accomplished cook or just starting out, this renowned recipe book is a symbol of good honest Kiwi cooking. The well-thumbed pages have taught a nation of food lovers how to serve up hearty, healthy dishes. This charm celebrates our love of cooking and all those great times shared together around the table.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold heart.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold fern.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold sun.

Rose Bouquet (Congratulations)


Spring Bouquet (Gratitude)


Cherished Child


First introduced by early settlers, roses quickly filled the gardens, hedgerows and pa sites of New Zealand with their scent and blooms. Popular with brides, the rose represents love, friendship, devotion and unity. The giving or carrying of a rose bouquet is a beautiful way of saying congratulations, celebrating new beginnings, impressive achievements or any happy occasion where celebrations and best wishes are due.

Aotearoa’s spring brings a riot of colour and new life. Native flowers bloom amongst our lush bush, grasslands and alpine meadows. As a gift, flowers can mean many things, but always express how thankful we are for our loved ones. This Spring Bouquet charm symbolises our gratitude, both for the beauty surrounding us and for the special people in our lives.

There is no bond as pure and strong as the love we have for our children. This beautiful charm pays tribute to all guardians, celebrating the endless, selfless and unconditional love and support they give us. The continuous embrace symbolises the protection, guidance, care and patience we bestow on our children. Our special charm depicts this unique bond, one we will cherish forever.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold rose.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold flower.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold child.

Featuring solid 9 carat gold


Pounamu Charm Inspiration

Pounamu (NZ Greenstone)


The Mãori word for greenstone is pounamu. Greenstone is highly valued by the Mãori and it plays an important role in their culture. It is considered a treasure. This piece of genuine New Zealand greenstone has come from Big Bay in South Westland, New Zealand. It has a special, high quality finish referred to as a ‘tumble’ finish, a fitting reminder of how the greenstone has tumbled from its origins in the mountains and stone-filled rivers of New Zealand, to its final resting place. Over time greenstone absorbs the body’s natural oils, taking on qualities unique to its wearer. Our Evolve New Zealand greenstone is specially blessed to bring good luck.

Crafted from genuine New Zealand greenstone


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Faceted Glass Charm Inspirations Faceted Glass Charms

Blue Topaz

Specially cut to reflect the light, our stunning faceted glass celebrates Aotearoa’s natural treasures, from starry skies to vibrant forests, geothermal wonders and awe-inspiring glaciers.

Wild Emerald


Diamond Ice

New Zealand is a spectacularly lush, green land. Most of our many native trees and shrubs are evergreen. The sun streams down through vibrant forest canopies, giving Aotearoa’s native bush an almost tropical feel. Huge kauri and tall trees tower over rushing streams, moss covered boulders and a multitude of ferns and creepers. Like many New Zealanders, those born under the earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - are practical, loyal and reliable, at one with nature and the physical world around them.

Rose Dawn Quartz



The intense blue of our pure New Zealand sky is captured in this stunning faceted glass charm. Aoteaora is renowned for its wide, sweeping horizons, enhancing the vibrant colours of our spectacular land and seascapes. Whether on a crisp winter’s morning or a sunny summer afternoon, expansive blue skies frame gentle hills, golden beaches and jagged peaks. Representing the element of air, this sparkling charm also celebrates the freedom, versatility and thoughtfulness of those born under the zodiac signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.


New Zealand is home to some of the most accessible and ruggedly beautiful glaciers in the world. Layer after layer of snow is compressed into hard ice to create spectacular ice formations, with plunging crevasses and towering pinnacles, in a beautiful array of blue tones. This sparkling blue colour is caused by the bending of light as it passes through the ice crystals – a natural work of art. This glittering charm also honours the sensitive, intuitive and adaptable souls born within the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Ruby Fire

The softly frosted colour of our Rose Dawn Quartz charm honours New Zealand’s stunning sunrises, an impossibly beautiful start to our day. The first rays of sun bathe New Zealand in a delicate pink predawn light, framing our majestic mountain ranges against rose coloured skies, dotted with wispy pink clouds. These glowing skies are perfectly reflected in the mirror-calm surface of our tranquil lakes. This gorgeous charm also celebrates the freedom, versatility and thoughtfulness of those born under the air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


The rich, deep and intense red of this charm represents the powerful element of fire. New Zealand is a land which has been shaped and coloured by volcanic and geothermal forces for thousands of years. Boiling mud pools bubble amongst landscapes that hiss with steam. In turn, these rich volcanic soils give birth to smooth and warming red wines, perfectly reflected in the hue of this Ruby Fire charm, which also celebrates the sociable fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, admired for their action, spirit and vitality.

Deep Sapphire


With deep tranquil lakes, rushing rivers and rolling surf, it’s little wonder that New Zealanders love the water, a life force which has sculpted both our landscapes and culture. Many favourite Kiwi pastimes take advantage of our abundant waterways, from diving, fishing, swimming and surfing to sailing, rowing and kayaking. Nothing beats exploring the deep blue – whether underwater or above the waves. This charm also honours the sensitive, intuitive and adaptable souls born within the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Twilight Quartz


This beautiful charm evokes the romantic shades of twilight, that magical time in the early evening between daylight and absolute darkness, when the sun is below the horizon, shadows disappear and a diffused light bathes New Zealand in delicate shades of violet. As the sun sinks deeper, pristine skies display a celestial treasure trove of twinkling stars, glittering constellations, shooting stars and glowing purple aurora. This stunning charm also celebrates the freedom, versatility and thoughtfulness of those born under the air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

Amethyst Frost


The frosted lilac glow of this pretty charm captures the beauty and tranquillity of Aotearoa’s morning light. There’s something very special about the start of each day, before most of the world is awake and New Zealand is draped in a glistening blanket of dew, or adorned with a billion tiny crystals of sparkling frost. For just a few precious moments, the sky takes on a luminescent radiance, reflecting back the pastel tones of our crisp, cool morning landscape.This lovely charm also honours the sensitive,intuitive and adaptable souls born within the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.


Glass Charm Inspirations Glass Charms


The beautifully handmade flame work of our Murano glass charms represents the vibrant colours of New Zealand’s iconic vistas. The magic of Aotearoa’s magnificent scenery inspired this collection. Created from world-renowned Italian Murano glass, each glass charm is individually crafted by hand - no two will be exactly the same.



Bay of Islands

The Coromandel area is known for its breathtaking white and gold sand beaches, which blend into an interior cloaked in pristine native rainforest. The region is rustic, unspoilt and relaxed with rolling surf beaches, stunning coastal walkways with plenty of places for snorkelling, diving and fishing. The greeny blue swirl of this charm depicts the magnificent coastal scenery of the region, bathed in sparkling sunlight.




The pacific flower design floating on the clear blue base represents the islands that surround the enchanting towns of Russell and Paihia. Alluring visitors to this northern paradise, the beauty of the Bay of Islands is well renowned. With its abundance of offshore islands, the area is a marine adventure playground, with incredible wildlife including penguins, dolphins, marlin and whales.


The slopes of the Kaimanawa mountain range are cloaked with native bush and form part of the spectacular North Island volcanic plateau. Kaimanawa Forest Park is a large and precious area of ancient native forests, shrublands and tussock grasslands. The intense green colour, adorned with a subtle fern pattern, represents this beautiful area.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


The zesty green of the Taranaki charm was chosen to depict the lush grass that surrounds the lowlands of Mount Taranaki’s volcanic peak. Famous as a fertile farming region, swathes of thriving produce and plush paddocks stretch as far as the eye can see. Guarded by its famous mountain, steeped in historic significance and pounded by the restless Tasman Sea, Taranaki is a place of great natural beauty and rich cultural heritage.


This sophisticated charm celebrates our nation’s capital. A picturesque and vibrant city, known for its lively arts and culture scene, Wellington is home to striking public sculpture, lush gardens, gourmet restaurants and chic bars. Clouds race by as whistling winds hug the steep bush-clad hills surrounding the city. At night the city lights reflect brightly across the harbour.



Located at the top of the South Island, Kahurangi National Park is a wonderfully diverse world of marble mountains and peaceful, palm-fringed beaches. In the Mãori language, Kahurangi means ‘treasured possession’. Within its boundaries are some of the oldest rocks, strangest plants and rarest birds in New Zealand. The soft gradients in our Kahurangi charm depict the complex landforms of this magical place.

East Cape


On the shores of the East Cape of New Zealand’s North Island, golden sands sparkle. This beautifully wild coastline catches the first rays of sunlight for each new day. Surf spray bubbles as it rolls effortlessly to the shore. The rich orange-red colour, dotted with flecks of steely blue, depicts the intense beauty of sunrise over the Pacific Ocean.


Glass Charm Inspirations Tekapo



At the foot of the Alps, the vibrant blue of Lake Tekapo reflects the endless sky. Bordered by ancient rocks and rustling tussock grass, the striking waters of this glacial lake mirror the mountain ranges of this stunning southern region. The intense milky turquoise colour, created by the fine rock-flour suspended in the water, is echoed in this unusual charm.




Nestled in the heart of an ancient volcano, Akaroa has a decidedly French flavour. The warm colonial culture of this quaint seaside settlement is celebrated by the rich burnt red base of this charm. The area’s diverse marine life and aqua blue waters complement its popular pebbled shores. Panoramic vistas across Akaroa Harbour make this a truly magical spot.



GK13 Lava seeps through rocks blasted from the spectacular crater of this live volcano. Mount Ruapehu’s name derives from the Mãori language: ‘rua’ meaning ‘pit’ and ‘pehu’ meaning ‘to explode’. The rich earthy red represents the intense heat of flowing lava, speckled with volcanic rock. Exploring this North Island wonderland is truly exhilarating.


The deep green colour of this charm depicts the local greenstone (pounamu). Carved by an incredible community of artists resident in the West Coast town of Hokitika, this treasured stone is a symbol of the rugged beauty of the West Coast. Hokitika is a gloriously isolated sanctuary, adored by those with a courageous spirit and love of Aotearoa’s wild West Coast.


The Waikato River was once Hamilton’s only transport and communication link with other towns in New Zealand. Aotearoa’s longest river, this glistening waterway meanders through the region, cutting a path through verdant farmland and native bush. The green of this fertile countryside is contrasted with the earthy tones of the riverbank, which channels the mighty Waikato River, depicted in blue.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


Kaikoura is renowned for its dramatic seascapes, dark siltstone beaches and abundant marine life, depicted perfectly by the intricate array of blues in this charm. In the Mãori language Kaikoura is loosely translated as ‘meal of crayfish’, a delicacy for which the town is famous, along with its incredible whale watching, surfing and fishing.



Electrifying beams from millions of tiny glowworms light up the caves of Waitomo, like a galaxy of twinkling stars. In the Mãori language ‘wai’ means water and ‘tomo’ means hole, a perfect name for this vast subterranean labyrinth. Adventure seekers crawl, swim and float through this twisting landscape of limestone caves, sinkholes and underground rivers – an experience known as ‘blackwater rafting’.



The fertile sheep and dairy farming district of Manawatu is centred around the provincial city of Palmerston North. Winding its way through the spectacular Manawatu Gorge, the Manawatu River is shaped by dramatic grey cliffs, which rise sharply from the water. The metallic brown swirl, interlaced with green depicts the river cutting through the lush countryside.

Hanmer Springs


The alpine village of Hanmer Springs is the perfect place to enjoy New Zealand’s clean, green outdoors. Set on a crystal clear base, dappled in a green to depict the fresh alpine environment, the bubbles represent the internationally renowned hot springs. In this thermal paradise, you can enjoy a soak in mineral and freshwater pools, all with a mountain view.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Glass Charm Inspirations Rotorua


Mt Maunganui

Rotorua is a thermal wonderland represented by the red in this charm, while the green represents the stunning native bush surrounding Lake Rotorua. Mountain biking, tramping and kayaking are some of the adventurous activities that attract thousands of visitors to this unique location each year. Rotorua is an area steeped in New Zealand cultural history.

Abel Tasman


Mt Cook (Aoraki)

A National Park and protected marine reserve, Abel Tasman is renowned for both its stunning coastline and clear turquoise waters. Locals and visitors alike enjoy walking, kayaking and camping in the native bush fringed bays. The yellow celebrates the famously golden sands of the area, whilst the red is the warm climate, matched by the stunning sea blue.




Milford Sound

For decades New Zealanders have been holidaying at Mt Maunganui, affectionately nick-named ‘The Mount’. The ancient volcanic dome is linked to a Mãori legend of unrequited love, represented by the intense reds of this charm. From the base of the dormant volcano, also known as Mauao, a beautiful white sand surf beach stretches as far as the eye can see.



An iconic peak of the Southern Alps, the spectacular Mt Cook is part of a World Heritage Area. It is the highest peak in both New Zealand and Australia. Known to the Mãori as ‘Aoraki’, after a deity from Mãori mythology, the distinctive Mt Cook was named after Captain James Cook. The pretty glacial blue in this charm represents the icy climate, whilst the pale grey depicts the towering mountain ranges surrounding Aoraki.

Hawke’s Bay

Located right on the shores of Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown is nestled in beside the spectacular Remarkables and Eyre Mountain ranges. Picturesque Queenstown attracts adventure seekers all year round, particularly skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts. The white base depicts the snowy peaks and the delicate blue floral design represents the beauty of the lakeside setting.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


Recognised on the world stage for award-winning wines, Hawke’s Bay is one of New Zealand’s premier wine-producing regions. The purple base of our Hawke’s Bay charm represents the subtleties of the region’s red wine, whilst the white in the design depicts the Chardonnay that the area is famous for. The floral motif celebrates the region’s glorious Mediterranean climate of long hot summers and crisp, clear winters.


This charm depicts the forest draped canyons, as they steeply descend into Milford Sound, creating the dark, deep waters which make up one of New Zealand’s most stunning tourist destinations. Wet or fine, Milford Sound is breathtaking. The fiord’s sides rise vertically from the still waters, mountain peaks scrape the sky and waterfalls cascade down precipitous cliffs.


The greens of this charm depict the lush landscape that frames New Zealand’s Otago Coast. The round discs echo the shape of the unusually large, spherical boulders that lay scattered at Moeraki. In Mãori tradition, these natural sculptures spread along the beach, are eel pots or baskets of kümara (sweet potato) washed ashore from the Ãrai-te-uru voyaging canoe.


GK37 The charming seaside town of Raglan draws worldclass surfers from all around the globe. The thrill of catching the perfect left hand break is what attracts surfers to this laidback beachside destination, also known for its growing arts and café culture. The deep blue base of our Raglan charm highlights the distinctive rolling shape of a perfect white peeling wave.


Glass Charm Inspirations Stewart Island



Insulated from the world by its remoteness, Stewart Island is a haven of tranquillity and adventure. The pristine deep blue waters that surround Stewart Island are a marine paradise, attracting divers seeking seafood treasures, such as pãua and crayfish. ‘Rakiura’ is the Mãori name for Stewart Island. It translates as ‘the Land of Glowing Skies’, probably referring to the night-time displays of Aurora Australis, the Southern Lights.



Marlborough Sounds

Punakaiki or ‘Pancake Rocks’ is one of nature’s great works of art. The incessant forces of wind, waves and rain have slowly eroded the softer rock of this coast, leaving dramatic natural sculptures, with hundreds of horizontal slices cut along their vertical faces, like huge stacks of pancakes. The subtle layers in our Punakaiki charm, reflect the merger of earthy and ocean tones.


GK40 Nelson is the sunniest region in New Zealand, known for its relaxed lifestyle, diverse creative community and stunning scenery. The vibrant orange spheres, outlined with white, represent the warmth that radiates from this inviting region. Nelson’s geography captures everything from long golden beaches to untouched forests and rugged mountains. It’s a place to sit in the sun, sip local wine and dine on fresh seafood.


The Marlborough Sounds is a network of ancient sunken river valleys, filled with the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Treasures from the sea, Green Shell Mussels cling to sea-swept rocks. Bush-clad hills rise steeply around an intricate coastline of sheltered inlets and sandy bays. The deep blue of this charm depicts these stunning waterways, beautifully offset by vibrant native bush.


The swirling greens in this charm represent Canterbury’s sweeping grasslands and patchwork pastures, complimented by endless skies, braided rivers and snow-capped mountains. The dominant red represents the stunning sunsets and sunrises over the Southern Alps. Red is also a colour of passion and reflects the determination, zeal and tenacity of Cantabrians.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


Our woven leather ‘Journey’ bracelets are designed to wear wherever you go. The beautiful interlinked pattern reminds us of woven flax (harakeke), a stylish and meaningful part of Mãori culture today and always.

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Glass Charm Inspirations Shotover River



The spectacular water-sculpted schist rock walls of the Shotover Canyon tower high above the exhilarating and fast-flowing Shotover River. Sourced from the Southern Alps, the river cuts through Skippers Canyon. The charm’s white base depicts the rushing rapids of the Shotover River, whilst the metallic strip represents the glistening canyon walls.

Rakaia River



Pristine, crystal blue waters, fed by melted snowfall from the Southern Alps, meander through wide banks of stone and sand, as the Rakaia River winds its way through the Canterbury Plains to the Pacific Ocean. One of New Zealand’s largest braided rivers and famous for its salmon and trout fishing. The blue stripe epitomises the purity of this turquoisecoloured river.




Whanganui River

An iconic landmark of the Hauraki Gulf, the long extinct Rangitoto volcano inspires colours that reflect its sand and molten rock landforms and newly emerged native forest. The island also boasts the largest Pohutukawa forest in the world. Rangitoto’s iconic shape is depicted by the earthy coloured curves which contrast beautifully with the white base of this charm.


Hokianga is a historic harbour steeped in New Zealand history and encompassed by golden sandbars, which protect the harbour from the waters of the Tasman Sea. Stunning sunsets, reflected on the sweeping sands, slip effortlessly into the tranquil waters of the harbour. This beautiful sight is represented by the sandy colour combination with a fleck of blue.


The stunning blues and greens of the scenic Mahurangi region are depicted in this charm. The sheltered bays and tidal estuary makes this seaside paradise a popular holiday destination, with its sandy beaches and pristine marine blue waters. Native bush amply covers the surrounding rolling green lowlands, giving shelter to the many ‘boaties’ that visit the area.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


A colourful city, Dunedin is renowned for its vibrant student lifestyle, as well as its arts, fashion and culture. The city’s distinguished architecture, moody weather and stunning surfing beaches makes for a dramatic and buzzing place to live. The vivid colour combination of the Dunedin charm reflects the spirits of this lively city.


Mystical mists rise from the dark water and merge with the river’s sandy shores, as the river winds majestically through the countryside. The winding ribbon represents the mighty Whanganui River, flanked by the gold of its sands and the white of its rapids, it was an historic trading route for early New Zealand communities.


E07 Kapiti Island, with its native bush and protected wildlife, sits amidst some of the wildest seas and most ruggedly beautiful coastline of the North Island. Climatic extremes create wildly varying colours in the sea surrounding the island, from bright aqua to deep blue, whilst walks along the beach at sunset or during a storm are a stunning palette of pink and grey.



The Wairarapa is a renowned farming region characterised by its wide valleys, native bush and rolling green pastures. The region is home to a beautiful rugged coastline and the glistening waters of lake Wairarapa, surrounded by lush low-lying swampland. A popular wine and food region, the various shades of green represent the fertile land of this stunning area.


Glass Charm Inspirations Great Barrier


Aroha (To Love)

Great Barrier Island is a remote and tranquil paradise, lush with the vibrant greens of New Zealand’s native flora and fauna. Surrounded by the beautiful waters of the Hauraki Gulf, Great Barrier Island is one of the most scenic places you will ever find.The green ferns scattered across the white base depict this enchanting paradise.



Spring Blossom

This historic region is overflowing with variety, scattered with pretty coastal villages and peaceful inland towns. Naturally appealing, the region is awash with stunning scenery, with a captivating wild and rugged coastline. The rich red base illustrates Southland’s traditional colours and the gilded inlay evokes memories of those that travelled to the area to pan for gold.

Central Otago



Aroha is the Mãori word for love, the most powerful of human feelings, represented by the vibrant red heart. This charm depicts the magic of true love, celebrating the deep affection, commitment and devotion inspired in us by the one we love. To love deeply and without condition is the sentiment at the heart of our aroha charm.


The soft pinks of early spring blossom herald the arrival of warmer weather and an end to winter’s monochrome tones. As the first spring blossom bursts into flower, signalling an abundance of new life across Aotearoa, the growing warmth in the sun puts a smile on our faces and paints our islands in a soft spring palette.

Cook Straight

Vast open spaces, wind-whipped landscapes and dramatic treeless vistas characterise the scale and grandeur of Central Otago. Framed against a royal blue summer’s sky, historic gold fields nestle amongst the golden tussocks of the region’s grasslands. The prominent gold leaf sprinkled amidst the blue illustrates what this spectacular piece of New Zealand is all about.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


One of the most dangerous and unpredictable waters in the world, the Cook Strait forms both a valued sea link and a physical barrier between the North and South Islands of New Zealand.The sharp silvery stripe encircling the black represents this treacherous yet beautiful and vital stretch of water, traversed year-round by visitors and locals alike.

Aroha Nui (Deep Affection)


Meaning ‘much love’ or ‘with deep affection’ in the Mãori language, our arohanui charm celebrates the gifts of friendship, support and love. The white heart at the centre of this design, celebrates the strength and purity of the special relationships we have with those closest to us.

Poor Knights


Washed by warm currents swept south from the Coral Sea, the pristine blue waters of the Poor Knights Islands are home to a myriad of brightly coloured fish. The bright blues of the shallows reflect the light above, while the inky depths of the marine reserve shelter a treasure trove of caves and corals for divers to explore. This divers’ paradise is showcased by our spectrum of deep sea blues.



Auckland is also known as ‘the city of sails’ due to the many yachts dotted across its stunning harbour. On a bright, clear day these boats make a truly beautiful site as they enjoy the sparkling blue waters and warm summer breezes. The crisp blues and white of our Auckland charm, tell the stories of the boats as their full sails guide them across the Hauraki Gulf.


Glass Charm Inspirations Southern Alps


Aotearoa’s Autumn

The spectacular Southern Alps are the spine of the South Island, spanning 450 kilometres north to south. Carved amongst glacial valleys and lakes, the jewel of this dramatic mountain range is Aoraki, or Mount Cook, the highest point in New Zealand, which majestically commands the southern skies. Snow-capped mountain peaks and silvery slopes are depicted in this charm, rising over the sun-drenched plains of the South Island.




Built on a long tradition of gold mining, this quaint and tranquil town is at the heart of New Zealand’s Southern Lakes district. Arrowtown is worldrenowned for its rich autumn foliage, which makes a spectacular sight each year. Vibrant gold and amber shades clothe the rolling hills and a carpet of crunchy autumn leaves graces the historic streets.

The Remarkables




A kaleidoscope of colour embraces New Zealand in autumn. From March to May alluring golds and warm reds are generously splashed across our landscape. Rust-coloured leaves adorn the trees, then drift to the ground and crunch underfoot. Autumn in Aotearoa is a time to enjoy orchard fruits, watch vineyards being harvested or simply enjoy exploring the outdoors.


Ninety Mile Beach

This subtropical Northland township is known as New Zealand’s citrus capital, a place where many small orchards grow a myriad of subtropical fruit. Rich in vivid oranges, luminous yellows and deep reds, Kerikeri is surrounded by colour. The popular weekly farmers’ market is another delight for the senses, along with the town’s buzzing café and gallery scene.

Aotearoa’s Summer

This dramatic mountain range rises up directly from the ice cold waters of Queenstown’s Lake Wakatipu, forming steep, silvery-grey peaks that tower high above the lake’s south-eastern shores. Winter’s snowfall creates a magical effect, blanketing the peaks with a pure white powdery snow, which attracts skiers and snowboarders from around the globe.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


Summertime in New Zealand brings with it an abundance of delicious, freshly picked, seasonal orchard fruit such as plums, strawberries, cherries and raspberries. The juicy freshness of this homegrown fruit is enjoyed across Aotearoa, introducing a rich palate of cerise and ruby tones to the fruit bowl with plenty left over to bubble away in the jam pot!


One of New Zealand’s hottest summertime locations, this small township is renowned for its copper-coloured landscape. The metallic tones of parched hillsides contrast with the soft white spring blossom of the many fruit orchards which thrive in this picturesque location. A town born in the goldrush era, the colours of this charm also celebrate Alexandra’s rich history.


Located on the western coast of New Zealand’s far north, Ninety Mile Beach is Aotearoa’s longest beach. Renowned for its enormous sand dunes, adventure seekers from around the globe are attracted to these silver swept and gold dappled sands. The spectacular red sunsets reward those who stay to watch the sun sink to the horizon.


E30 New Zealand’s oyster capital is home to the famous Bluff oyster. Grey and blushing pink tones adorn the Bluff oyster shell, whilst the flecks of purple and green represent pãua, another delicacy harvested from the rugged Southland shoreline. White wraps around these treasures like the blustering winds, which whip the southernmost point of New Zealand’s South Island.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Glass Charm Inspirations Fiordland



Fiordland was carved by ancient glaciers and is surrounded by towering cliffs adorned with countless waterfalls. From sandy beaches to lush green forest and snow-capped mountain peaks, this is an area rich in colour. It is a place where lively colours reflect the diversity of flora and fauna, home to many unique species of birds, animals and insects.

West Coast


Aotearoa’s Spring

Glistening black seams of coal weave through the deep earth of the South Island’s West Coast, alongside equally desired seams of gold, clues to the region’s long history of mining and prospecting. These colours reflect not only the landscape and wild beauty of this area but also a heritage rich in tenacity, resilience and determination.




Queen Charlotte Track

Vibrant blues represent the pristine waters surrounding the historic town of Russell. This azure sea is scattered with secluded islands and beaches, dotted gold and green. Russell, the heart of the Bay of Islands, is a favoured holiday destination, made popular by its rich history, stunning sea views and island lifestyle. This coastal paradise has an air of romance and tranquillity.


Spring is heralded by the arrival of a range of blossoms, rich in hues of cherry, pink and white. With the approach of spring emerges a fresh outlook and a renewed excitement. We anticipate the fruit that follows the blossom, the beginning of warmer weather and long summer days with family and friends.


The Avon River follows a meandering course into the heart of Christchurch and is a familiar symbol for this, the Garden City. Depicted in this charm by its steely blue weave, the Avon River holds a special place in the hearts of Cantabrians. A staunch red with a whisper of black represents the region’s sporting colours, honouring Cantabrians’ strength and courage.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


Historically the ‘Gateway to Canterbury’, this historic township remains a functional port town, located on the lower slopes of Canterbury’s aptly named Port Hills. Grey rocky outcrops isolate Lyttelton from Christchurch but, as part of the Canterbury region, red is the colour that defines this scenic township and represents the strength of those who live within it.


Vivid greens depict the lush native forest of the coastal Queen Charlotte Track. Beams of sunlight shine through the forest canopy, highlighting the way for walkers and warming the sandy shores nearby. Whitewashed shells, crushed by the turquoise waters of the Marlborough Sounds, wash up on the beaches and speckle the golden sands with white.


E36 The alpine village of Twizel is made spectacular by the mass of seasonal purple toned lupins, which grow wild along the road’s edge. Providing a stunning backdrop for many an amateur photographer, whilst road-tripping into the picturesque Mackenzie Country, this riot of colour frames the clear mountain views, rivers and lakes of this beautiful region.

New Plymouth


Mount Taranaki’s iconic triangular outline is a constant source of pride for those from the city of New Plymouth. With its white peak extending directly upwards, towering over the blue sea, this legendary mountain keeps watch over the city and its people. The deep red represents the rich cultural heritage of this region, bounded by epic surf and fertile soils.


Glass Charm Inspirations Aotearoa’s Winter


Fox Glacier

New Zealand goes into overdrive during winter as crisp blue skies, steaming geothermal pools, snowcapped mountains and vibrant festivals enliven the country from north to south. Both the North and South Islands feature world class ski fields depicted by the pearlescent white of this charm. The deep blue swirls represent our winter’s crisp seas and clear skies.




Steeped in history, Greymouth is home to New Zealand’s pioneering mining population. A community of hardy miners survived this spectacular yet unforgivingly harsh environment to seek their fortune. Greymouth is a true pioneer’s town, built on the riches of gold found in the West Coast’s ice-cold rivers and glistening seams of black coal discovered deep underground.




Franz Josef

At 13kms, Fox Glacier is the longest of the aweinspiring New Zealand West Coast glaciers. Fresh white snow is compacted by some of nature’s most powerful forces, to become pure blue ice. Within the glacier, such extreme forces create spectacular ice caves and sweeping arches. This majestic ice flow, with its vibrant glacial blues, is a truly enchanting sight.



The striking blue of this charm represents the crystal clear waters of Lake Taupo. The mysteriously deep waters of this great lake feed the foaming flows of the mighty Waikato River, then make an impressive departure down Huka Falls. ‘Huka’, Mãori for foam, is depicted by the silvery droplets, suspended within the brilliant blue. The Taupo charm captures the unique beauty of the region, from still waters to thundering torrents.


Our striking Courage charm celebrates determination, strength of character and bravery. The traditional Mãori decorative colours of red, white and black often adorn the rafters of Mãori meeting houses, in honour of great ancestors. This design reminds us of the courage of those that have gone before us and inspires us to emulate this strength when faced with life’s challenges.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


The intense reds of this beautiful charm symbolise the deep commitment we have to all that we care about most. The flowing hearts celebrate our dedication to our families, our work, our sports and our country. The warmth and intensity of this charm honours the strength of those enduring relationships in life, reminding us of the power of togetherness.


One of the steepest and fastest moving glaciers in the world, this white peaked ice glacier originates from high in New Zealand’s Southern Alps. It’s breathtaking body of ice and snow descends deep into the lush rainforest of Westland’s National Park. So special is this mountain environment, that it forms part of the South Westland World Heritage Area.

E45 Few nations are as fiercely loyal and vocally proud about their home as the Kiwis. Maybe it’s because we’re a small nation, but loyalty, pride, dedication and teamwork are particularly important in these isles. The celebrated outline of our New Zealand fern embodies these values. Particularly when contrasted against a rich black background, this icon symbolises deep love and loyalty towards New Zealand.


E48 Our pretty Passion charm celebrates those who have an infectious enthusiasm for life. Vibrant pink hearts framed with the legendary black and white colours of New Zealand, represent the inspirational spirit of these special individuals. Whether or not you call Aotearoa home, this charm celebrates the virtue of passionate belief in those you love and what is important to you. When shared, this passion creates an unbreakable bond.


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Glass Charm Inspirations Adventure



Those with an adventurous spirit are at home in New Zealand. Kiwis and visitors alike love to explore the wonders of Aotearoa’s great outdoors. Unspoilt golden beaches, lush green native bush, powerful oceans, turquoise lakes and crystal clear rivers form a majestic natural playground. Our Adventure charm challenges us to get out there and seize life with both hands.




Whangamata is a New Zealand surfing mecca, where the smell of suntan lotion and salt air envelops you. During the summer months this town really hums, as wicked waves combine with a holiday party atmosphere. Whether relaxing on the beach, lazing in the sun or riding a long peeling break off the Whangamata Bar sandbank, life is good here on the Coromandel’s East Coast!

Southern Lights




Our Desire charm celebrates the zeal and energy of those brave enough to chase their dreams. Our deepest desires, whether towards a loved one or for a long-held ambition, inspire us to be the best we can be. The meeting of the colours of sea and sky symbolise our horizons. If we are true to ourselves and all we believe in, the sky is the limit.


Coast to Coast

Our unique Napier charm captures the soft creams and muted pastels of New Zealand’s artdeco capital. Rays of golden Hawkes Bay sunlight kiss the sweeping curves of Napier’s famous artdeco architecture. The town’s bounty of fresh farm produce, crisp wines and juicy stone fruit is celebrated too. A gentle stroll on tree-lined Marine Parade captures the magic of this special place.


If you are very lucky, the clear skies of New Zealand, particularly the far south, are the perfect place to witness the spectacular natural light display of Aurora Australis, the Southern Lights. The vivid splendour of glowing green, red, pink and occasionally blue streaks shimmering in the night sky is a truly special sight, which can transform within seconds or glow unchanging for hours.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano glass


Nestled below towering mountains is the picturesque lakeside town of Wanaka. The sweeping outlines of the region’s awe-inspiring landscape are perfectly reflected in the mirror surface of Lake Wanaka. The soft alpine blues and crisp whites of this charm are inspired by Wanaka’s pure beauty, a spectacular natural playground for all those who love the great outdoors.


In Northland you get a feeling you belong, as part of the land and the sea. The vibrant green of our Northland charm celebrates the area’s unique subtropical climate, which nurtures fertile farmland and ancient kauri forests. Dramatic cliffs, rolling waves and the sweeping branches of Tane Mahuta, ‘Lord of the Forest’ complete the unspoilt paradise depicted in this charm.


This beautiful charm celebrates the magnificent adventure of traversing New Zealand’s South Island, exploring silvery riverbeds and dramatic mountain passes, from the Tasman Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Whether as a competitor in the adventurous ‘Speights Coast to Coast’ race, or travelling scenic trails with family and friends, this journey is a magical experience amidst spectacular scenery.


E57 Showcasing the iconic colours of New Zealand, black and white droplets flow together, representing the symmetry of life’s complementary forces. This elegant charm brings the wearer the inner strength and optimism to successfully negotiate life’s journey. It realigns our spirit and restores balance, giving us clarity and perspective, ultimately making us feel calm, energised and alive.


Glass Charm Inspirations Tranquility



Our beautiful Tranquility charm brings its wearer calm amidst the chaos of everyday life. The soothing greens represent those rare moments of true peace, relaxation and contentment. The emerald hearts symbolise inner peace and wellbeing, reminding us of the importance of taking time out for ourselves. This special charm also celebrates the peaceful sanctuary of our stunning natural landscape and its powers to clear our minds and cleanse our souls.




True inspiration is gained by taking time to appreciate the world. Staring out over a tranquil turquoise lake, looking up into an endlessly blue sky or listening to the thoughts of someone we respect, we feel infused with a fresh zest for life. As we visit new places, meet new people and try new things, we are enriched with ideas and challenged by different perspectives, inspiring us to continually grow and learn. This charm celebrates the special people and places that inspire us.

Ladybird Wishes


The striking blue and vibrant yellow flowers of our Happiness charm represent the treasures and opportunities life brings us, reminding us what true happiness is about. The first spring blooms symbolise life’s simple pleasures, celebrating growth, new beginnings, family and the natural wonders of our world. When we appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, whether jokes shared with friends, time spent with family, sun on the water or the grass beneath our feet, we can’t help but feel blessed and alive.


Inspired by the stunning natural beauty of New Zealand, this striking charm represents the freedom to be ourselves and explore without boundaries. The flowing golden swirls signify our deepest hopes, ambitions and dreams, whilst the delicate blue-white symbolises our horizons. This beautiful charm empowers us to live life to the full, embrace opportunities and express our true character, granting us ultimate freedom.



The deep blue of our Romance charm celebrates the strong and intimate emotional connection we have with the one we love. This beautiful charm honours the art of romance. It expresses our love, devotion and desire. The soft blue flowers are a token of our deep appreciation and passion for that special someone.The giving or wearing of this charm, promises eternal romance, love and happiness.

Ladybird Luck


A happy messenger of good times, good luck and good fortune, ladybirds capture our imagination. In New Zealand, we know spring is on her way when they appear. With vibrant red wings and striking black spots, these friendly creatures stand out against the lush greens of Aotearoa’s landscape. Our cute Ladybird Luck charm grants its wearer lots of luck and evokes just a little bit of that childhood magic.


The treasured stories and rhymes we grew up with tell of the ladybird’s power to grant wishes. As we gently pick up our ladybird friend, we share our secret hopes before releasing it again. Some believe this fairytale creature is a teller of fortunes, can carry away bad luck or guide us to the one we love. Our Ladybird Wishes charm symbolises our hopes and dreams for the future, may they all come true.

Reflections of New Zealand - Crafted from Murano Glass


Evolve New Zealand Charm Inspirations

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


Lariat Inspirations Lariat Designs

Eternity Bracelet

Crafted from high quality black cotton, featuring sterling silver ends, our stylish and versatile lariat can be worn as either a necklace or a bracelet. Each lariat design has a special meaning, inspired by the magic of Aotearoa.

1. Fold Lariat in half with silver ends together 2. Thread looped end through charm(s) and slide to centre of bracelet 3. Hold looped end, then wrap the Eternity bracelet around wrist 4. Thread silver ends through loop at opposite end 5. Knot to fasten in place (see diagram)

Necklace / Bracelet Length 100cm N100

* Depending on your wrist size, thread 3-5 charms using this sequence to create the Forget-me-not bracelet

Tribute Necklace

Forget-me-not Bracelet

1. Fold Lariat in half with silver ends together 2. Tie knot at desired length

1. Fold Lariat in half with silver ends together 2. Thread looped end through charm 3. Tie two knots either side of charm 4. Thread another charm 5. Tie knot 6. Repeat * 7. Wrap the knotted loop around wrist 8. Thread silver ends through loop at opposite end 9. Knot to fasten in place

(Ensure you make the loop large enough to slip over your head)

3. Thread looped end through charm(s) 4. Place necklace over your head (see diagram)

(see diagram)

Crafted from black cotton featuring solid sterling silver ends


Bracelets & Necklaces Bracelet & Necklace Designs Evolve New Zealand bracelets and necklaces are crafted from solid sterling silver. Each piece features the Evolve koru logo, inspired by the natural beauty and magic of Aotearoa.

Signature Bracelet

Includes complimentary solid silver stopper LKBE17-23

Signature Bracelet (gold clasp)

Includes complimentary solid silver stopper LKBEG17-23

Signature Necklace Sizes 45cm / 50cm NK45 / NK50

Featuring 9 carat solid gold clasp Bracelet Sizes 17cm / 18cm / 19cm / 20cm / 21cm / 22cm / 23cm

Fitting your bracelet

To find your perfect bracelet size, measure your wrist by using a ribbon (wrap the ribbon firmly around the broadest part of your wrist and then measure its length in centimetres [cm]). Once you have your wrist measurement add approximately 1.5-2cm to accommodate the charms, which will make up your unique story.

Crafted from solid sterling silver


The inspiration behind the Evolve koru logo lies in our favourite rock, which features the vibrant outlines of two ancient fossilised shells. Found whilst kayaking the beautiful Mohaka river, it’s hard to believe that the distinctive koru shapes in this rock were formed entirely by nature. The pure and exquisite beauty of New Zealand’s natural world and the unique culture of our small islands inspires each meaningful Evolve design.

Exquisitely crafted charms inspired by New Zealand’s unique culture and natural beauty


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