April 2011 EVOLVING

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April 2011 ~ Vol. III, Issue 2


X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

Nature Therapy

A Global Shift Spring Detox DE! I S N I



April 2011

Join us for a FREE Health Fair/Anniversary Celebration on May 1, 2011 at Unity Temple on the Plaza (Meyer Hall) from 2—4 p.m. Live music, dancing and a chance for EVOLVING readers to meet the advertisers who support the publications. Learn about Feng Shui, energy healing, raw foods and so much more. Reservations not necessary, but you may RSVP on Facebook at “EVOLVING Anniversary Celebration/Health Fair”

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Wednesday night seminars No Charge RSVP Please to: 913-341-8605 7010 W. 107th Street, Suite 120 Overland Park, KS 66212 (435 & Metcalf) www.Baucominstitute.com EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


April 2011

publisher’s letter


Dear Friend, Each spring, nature calls to me. It truly is as if, like the dormant plants, I’ve been asleep all winter; for as soon as the first buds sprout from the cold ground, I awaken with an intense desire to reconnect with nature. Mostly, I start planning: the coming camping trips, kayaking adventures, what plants to put in the garden, new locations to hike. What amazes me so much about nature is the incredible, irresistible pull. While sleeping through the winter, I played in the snow occasionally, but mostly I recouped from the previous bountiful fall. That’s possibly part of the glory of spring—finally waking up and planning the coming season’s harvest . This issue on nature is filled with seasonal suggestions, detoxing and ways to embrace the coming season. We also have a reader promotion this month! Two readers can win one ticket each to Panache Desai’s Global Gathering (info on page 10). Please enter to win—it looks to be a fantastic, enlightening weekend! It’s also time for our anniversary celebration/health fair. EVOLVING celebrated two years of publication with the March issue and we’d love to have you commemorate with us. Please join us on May 1 from 2-4 p.m. at Unity Temple on the Plaza. There’ll be live music, dancing and an opportunity to meet the writers, staff and advertisers of EVOLVING. With 70 advertisers on hand, you can learn more about all the exciting topics that are close to your heart. You can find additional information and also RSVP by searching on Facebook for “Evolving Anniversary Celebration/ Health Fair”. And it’s free! I hope to see you there!

10 Acupuncture and Me

13 Consciously Embracing a Global Shift

14 Nature Therapy

Jill Dutton ON THE COVER:

The "Dancing Trees" series is a combination of photography and computer graphics by Vixie Styx (aka Vicki Schwab). This series and more can be viewed at KissTheSkyStudio.com. Vixie says, “Trees are some of my favorite people. They have distinct personalities and unique energies. And yes, they do communicate with us, if we know how to listen. Try it!” Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick Contributors Panache Desai, Jim Fleming, Dionna Ford, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes www.evolvingmagazine.com

Ad Design Maitreya Zohar Advertising Connie “Crash” Humiston 816-591-3378 conniecrash@kc.rr.com or Karen Cowdry 913-636-9502 karen@evolvingmagazine.com

Departments: News


Wisdom Within


Holistic Health Update 6

Horoscope/Fitness Dir 16

Food Conscious


Resource Directory


Journey of Wholeness





EVOLVING© 2011 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.



April 2011


WellSpring School of Allied Health Committed to Being Midwest Leader in Wellness Education

CRYSTAL MIRROR AWAKENING Rainbow Mooon, MA, Ph.C. Facilitating crystal clear awakening to a mystical reflection of your Inner Divine. • Group Intensives • Public Lectures • Individual Consultations Call today to unveil your connection to and with the divinity within.

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Pay it Forward-Rainbow Mooon Who’s more authentic than rainmaker Rainbow Moon? A committed, loyal, selfless server, Rainbow dedicates her life to enlightening us, aligning and encouraging us to bless thousands 24/7. Free, above and beyond enslaved abandoning, punishing judgmental dysfunction, Rainmaker Rainbow brings us out of this world bliss, ecstasy and joyful peace. —Dyane Frances Pauls Hyer

Every program at WellSpring School of Allied Health–including natural health and wellness classes for the community, massage therapy, personal fitness, medical assisting, and continuing education programs–is dedicated to excellence in wellness education. The 21-year-old school, which recently changed its name from Massage Therapy Training Institute (MTTI) is committed to being the leader in wellness education in the Midwest. The new name reflects the school’s broader mission which now includes education for allied health disciplines including medical assisting, nurse assisting, and in the future, nutrition counseling. “We incorporate a wellness component into every class we teach,” says WellSpring’s President and CEO Don Farquharson, who once faced the possibility of surgery for chronic pain but was able to resolve his health issues through massage and a wellness regimen. “WellSpring is different from other schools because of our commitment to wellness, outstanding curriculum, individ-

ual attention and high standards for both instructors and students,” Farquharson says. “Employers know that graduates from WellSpring’s massage and fitness training programs are among the best of the best.” Bev Goldstein, owner of Zen Massage in Olathe, concurs. “WellSpring graduates are the most educated and most prepared for the workplace in the Kansas City area. I am so pleased with my hires from WellSpring,” she says. Farquharson says that WellSpring’s new medical assistant program also will turn out graduates who will be highly prized by employers. “Our program blends state-ofthe-art clinical and office-operations training with a more integrative and humancentered approach to medicine. Our graduates will be ready to hit the ground running –even in the busiest of medical practices– while maintaining a focus on wellness.” WellSpring School of Allied Health has locations at 9140 Ward Parkway in Kansas City, Mo., and at 947 New Hampshire in Lawrence, Ks. www.wellspring.edu, 816-816-523-9140, or 866-443-9140

Meditation Concert Join Janalea Hoffman, pioneering music therapist, and professional musical guests for a Meditation Concert at Unity of the Heartland in Olathe on April 14 at 7:00pm. The Special Music presented will be from The Secret Garden. What an opportunity to combine the healing power of music in this intimate and serene setting! You will participate on inner levels to activate the healing potential of music. This unique experience is for anyone interested in holistic health, someone experiencing a health challenge or someone wanting a unique musical experience. Instruments for the meditation concert include the Cello, Violin, Native American Flute and the Piano. Janalea has been invited to present the Meditation Concert at local Churches and for private groups throughout the U.S. As a Music Therapist, Hoffman is interested in sharing the Healing Power of Music and how music can help us with everyday

challenges such as stress reduction, pain relief, and focus and concentration. At this event you may laugh, cry, sing or just listen. Several emotions may be touched, whatever your body-mind-spirit needs for healing. Proceeds from this concert will be used for music therapy for people in the hospital and hospice setting. ~Anyone who wants to de-stress and hear music in a very serene, beautiful intimate setting ~Anyone who wants to learn more about healing with music Thursday, April, 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Unity of the Heartland, 720 S Rogers Rd, Olathe, KS 66062. Limited Seating. $20 RSVP: 913-780-4569 ext 7 for ticket purchase. For more information, go to www.meetup.com/Holistic-Happenings-ofthe-Heartland/

Acuff to Present Health Seminars Steven Acuff, internationally-known nutrition and wellness expert, will present a series of Health Seminars in the Kansas City Area, May 14-17, 2011. Listed in the Marquis Who's Who in America for his extensive work in food and health, Steven Acuff offers a unique program that blends modern nutritional research with ancient principles. Steven has given many international seminars, including a joint seminar with Shizuko Yamamoto, a world-renowned master of shiatsu massage. Every year Steven teaches an intensive course in traditional facial and body diagnosis at the Alfa Center for Holistic Therapy in Stockholm, Sweden. He has



April 2011

lectured in the U.S., Canada, Thailand, Singapore, and many European countries. Health Seminar topics will include, Food: the Best Medicine; and The Great Food Myths. Register for Health Seminars by Friday, May 13, for $20; or $25 at the door. New this year, Steven Acuff will be conducting a cooking class! Cost is $75. Space is limited; pre-register by Thursday, May 12. For more details about these events, see the Event Listings section. To register, or for more information, call Gia Maisch, Nutrition Consultant, at (913) 406-4886 or visit www.GiaMaisch.com.


Kriya Yoga: Spiritual Science for an Awakening Age Contrary to popular assumptions in these current increasingly turbulent times, the conditions of peace, love and joy in lasting form are not out of reach. In fact, each one of us holds the tools within to bring greater harmony and fulfillment into our lives. From the very beginning of his ministry in the U.S. in the 1920s, the worldrenowned Yoga master Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi) taught that the attainment of inner peace is possible through the sacred science of Kriya Yoga. Originating millenniums ago in India, Kriya Yoga includes certain techniques of meditation whose devoted practice leads to realization of God. These methods serve to quiet both body and mind, and make it possible to withdraw one’s energy and attention from the usual turbulence of thoughts, emotions, and sensory perceptions. In the clarity of that inner stillness, one comes to experience a deepening interior peace and attunement with one’s soul and with God. “Through Kriya Yoga, one is able to still the mind to achieve a state of complete calmness,” Brother Nakulananda, a longtime monk of Yogananda’s Self-Realization Fellowship says. “It is the easiest, most effective, and most scientific avenue of approach to the Infinite.” “With the scientific approach,” Brother

Photo Courtesy of SelfRealization Fellowship, Los Angeles, Calif.

Nakulananda explains, “the meditator’s consciousness is directed inward, and he or she is able to experience a level of joy and peace impossible to achieve otherwise. We are able to commune with God, present in each one of us.” Brother Nakulananda will be in Kansas City in May to conduct a series of public talks and meditation classes. An opening night public lecture on Friday, May 13 at 7:30 will be held at Unity Village, Spiritual Life Center, 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, Missouri (15 miles southeast of downtown Kansas City). Admission is free. For more information, please contact the Kansas City Meditation Group of SelfRealization Fellowship at 816-799-5544 or visit www.kcmeditation.com. Information about the life and teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda is available from: SelfRealization Fellowship at www.yogananda-srf.org.

Michael Bernard Beckwith Teams with Panache Desai “An Evening of Power, Presence and Possibility” Michael Bernard Beckwith will appear at the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel at 7 p.m. on May 13 for an inspirational evening program together with Spiritual Master Panache Desai, who is hosting his transformational weekend Global Gathering, “The Heart of Possibility.” Dr. Beckwith is the founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center, author of the award-winning book, Spiritual Liberation, and featured in the best-selling book and film, The Secret. His PBS Special, The Answer is You, is currently being aired nationally, and he has also appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King Live. Dr. Beckwith’s inspirational, motivational and mesmerizing program will empower you in the knowing that everything you are looking for, and all that you are longing for, already exists within you. To seat these powerful insights, Panache will share his gift of vibrational transformation which he calls “Presence.” This energetic attunement returns you to the natural flow of life, allowing you to access the unlimited potential of Divine energy and to help unify the planet by unifying our hearts. On May 14 and 15, Panache will present “The Heart of Possibility,” ushering in a new paradigm of love, collaboration and unity. The United States is the focal point of this shift and Kansas City its heartbeat. The

shift begins in the hearts of everyone who joins Panache at the Global Gathering, and will spread throughout the nation. An inspirational visionary and mentor, Panache’s programs are both empowering and life-changing, and his vitality contagious. He travels internationally offering experiential programs and workshops and has helped tens of thousands transform their lives. Friday Night Ticket Information: Advanced General Seating $45/At the door $55. Reserved Seating $100. VIP Package including Premium Reserved Seating $250. Purchase online at http:// BeckwithDesai.eventbrite.com. Full Weekend Registration Information: Pre-Registration Fee $299/at the door $379, both of which include General Seating at Friday night’s presentation with Michael Bernard Beckwith. Register at http:// PanacheDesai.com/heartlands. To upgrade this package with Reserved Seating or the VIP Package for Friday night, please call (239) 649-7373. For more information, go to PanacheDesai.com.



April 2011

journey to wholeness

The Secret Garden Jude LaClaire, Ph.D.


Dr. Connie's Chiropractic Center CHIROPRACTIC, MYOFASCIAL, ACUPUNCTURE Now treating lower back and hip pain with innovative and successful treatments that are especially helpful for women with experience of rape, incest, or pregnancy. 6005 Martway, Mission, KS 913-384-5423 ~ www.drconnies.com

ow powerful is place in your life? Where were you when you had a peak experience? Studies have shown that nature is the most common trigger for these kinds of experiences. For example: 82 percent of the general population have "experienced the beauty of nature in a deeply moving way," 45 percent said the "beauties of nature" led to an "intense spiritual experience." When asked to describe their peak experiences, 78 percent of city college students said these occurred outdoors or made references to natural settings. Richard Louv, author of Last Child In The Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder, has published his 2nd edition containing more research documenting that direct exposure to nature is essential to healthy child development and the physical and emotional health of children and adults. He has added 100 actions you can take, 35 discussion points and a report on the “Leave No Child Inside” movement. Another national and local movement is the development of community gardens and school gardens. A good friend of mine is responsible for working with students in special projects after school. She is working with students to plant and maintain a garden, learning about healthy eating as they harvest the produce. There are several new books about implementing nature friendly practices in school: No Child Left Indoors: Creating a Field Guide to your Schoolyard by Jane Kirkland and How To Grow A School Garden: Complete Guide for Parents and Teachers by Andrea Bucklin-Spore and Rachel Kathleen Pringle. With education in so much chaos, the garden and outdoor experiences may be the key to help our children grow in many ways. School gardens have been shown to: Enhance academic achievement Promote healthy lifestyle Instill an environmental stewardship ethic Encourage social development Instill a sense of place. This movement can certainly help combat the rise in obesity, attention disorders and

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April 2011

depression. Research has shown that people recover from surgery and other illnesses sooner if there is a view of trees. Children with ADD, ADHD experience symptom relief after contact with nature. Visual exposure to settings with trees produced significant recovery from stress in five minutes, evidenced by changes in blood pressure and muscle tension. The first thing I teach both children and adults in the self-calming process is to imagine that they are a tree with roots reaching deep down into the earth, feeling their body getting heavier and warmer. People most often experience an immediate sense of relaxation, calmness and sense of well-being. The 2nd step is to find a Safe Place using guided imagery. Very often people go to a place of nature. In this safe place, one can feel the sense of calmness and relaxation to think clearly and make good decisions. One of my favorite stories is The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. A young girl, Mary, experiencing grief and loss, discovers a garden hidden away on her uncle’s estate. As she brings the garden back to life with the gardener’s son and, eventually, her cousin, Colin, all three of the children change and heal their lives. They also help Colin’s father, her uncle, to heal as well. At the end of the Secret Garden film, Mary says, “The spell was broken. My uncle learned to laugh and I learned to cry. The secret garden is always open now…open and awake and alive. If you look the right way, you can see the whole world is a garden.” I hope you find your connection to nature, your secret garden and a spring path to healing. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre, go to www.kcholistic.com. jude@kcholistic.com.

food conscious

How to Eat Meat Bethany Klug


t’s okay to eat meat if you do it right. As always, there’s a caveat. The meat must be minimally processed and the animal must have eaten its natural diet until the time of slaughter. Except for fish, their natural diet is grass. This difference between grass and grain fed animal food is huge:

Grass-fed animals are healthier and don’t require the routine antibiotic use that grain-fed animals do. Their immune systems are weakened by the wrong food.

Most grass fed producers are opposed to hormone and pesticide use common with grain feeding.

Grains are deficient in certain amino acids, especially tryptophan. Most of us have heard about serotonin and its role in depression. Drugs like Prozac slow the breakdown of serotonin to help relieve depression and other conditions associated with low serotonin. Our bodies make serotonin from

the amino acid tryptophan. Until the last century, most humans ate grass fed meat, thus we have evolved with the complement of amino acids found in grass fed meat.

Grains are also a poor source of omega-3 fatty acids, required by our bodies to fight inflammation and build healthy functioning nervous system tissue. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, depression and other mental illnesses have been linked to deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids. Could the epidemic of these diseases in the United States be caused by eating animal protein low in tryptophan and omega-3 fatty acids for the past 50 years or more? For most of us to obtain grass fed animal food, we need to have a relationship with a producer or a hunter. The usual neighborhood grocer sells grainfed meat and poultry. The good news is it’s not difficult. Peruse Evolving’s sister publication Eating Well in Kansas City

to find advertisements for grass fed lamb, beef, poultry and eggs. Most sell individual cuts, and deliver regularly to the city. Some producers grain-finish their animals. They grass-feed until six weeks before slaughter, then switch to corn to fatten them up. All the benefits of grass-feeding are lost. It’s just like the movie Super-Size Me. An otherwise healthy guy gained thirty pounds and became quite ill after eating McDonald’s fast food for a month. The worst thing you can to do is take any animal protein and process it. The next time you reach for a few slices of low-fat turkey breast, think twice, and beware of the following:

Harvard researchers have found that eating processed meat increases your risk for heart disease by 42%, and increases risk for type 2 diabetes by 19%. These risks were not found for those who eat unprocessed meats. Processed meats increase your risk for colorectal cancer.

• Almost all processed foods contain preservatives, coloring, and/or flavorings which have been linked to various types of cancer. The most common being sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, both which give the meat a longer, more

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Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and www.bethanyklug.com.

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colorful shelf life, and give you an increased risk of cancer. Remember, the more ingredients in a food, the more processed it is. Whole foods contain one ingredient, themselves. Steer clear of deli meats or lunch meats, bacon, turkey bacon, sausage, etc. They almost always contain nitrates or nitrites (both are known carcinogens) and many other chemical preservatives. Run, don’t walk from Spam, deviled ham, hot dogs, bologna, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, etc. With close to a dozen ingredients, these factory formed concoctions should never pass your lips. How the animal you eat was fed and what was done to it after slaughter determines whether the food will heal you or hurt you. Minimally processed food, fed its natural diet, free of chemicals is the way to heal and stay healthy.

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April 2011

Wellness on a Shoestring Seven Habits for a Healthy Life based on the book by Dr. Michelle Robin Take the complexity out of being healthy by learning the why and how of 7 simple, cost effective healthy habits that will fundamentally improve your mind-body-spirit wellbeing.

COST: $200 Includes: The book, workshop, 8-class sessions facilitated by the experts, and materials for activities.

DATES & TIME: Wednesdays: 7:00– 8:30 p.m. 4/20, 4/27, 5/11, 5/25, 6/8, 6/22, 7/6, 7/20

LOCATION: Unity Church of Overland Park


Dr. Michelle Robin, Shelly Murray, Erin Parkinson


April 6, 2011

(913) 962-7408

wisdom within

Spring Cleaning—Yoga Saucha Suzette Scholtes


Did you know—we choose and package our own line of herbs for making incense and for magickal and spiritual work, emphasizing wild crafted and organically grown herbs. Did you know—we have our own line of votive candles made by local women using our own formula of palm oil, soy wax and essential oils made with intent and prayers. Did you know—we have exciting stones of the new consciousness—Anandalite, Infinite, Christmas Tree Tourmaline, Azeztulite, Shamanite, Elestial Calcite, Super 7, Shungite. Also crystal skulls and spheres.

We strive to be the first with the best of what you are looking for. 3936 Broadway Kansas City, MO 64111 816/931-6303 www.aquariusbooks.com

Angels With Fran Author of Angel Messages for Everyday People ~ Using my business acumen and your Angels to enhance your business and personal lives. ~ Specializing in prosperity, relationships, life purpose, divine healing and releasing. Certified Spiritual Life, Prosperity, Love & Business Coach Angelic Messenger & Medium Course in Miracles Instructor Angel Sessions (private & parties) Workshops & E-Courses Business & Home Clearing & Products “As the economy slumped, my real estate business almost came to a halt. I signed up for Fran’s Master-Mind group and now I am the top earning realtor in my company. I am grateful to Fran for helping to change my thoughts and life.”… Teri

www.angelswithfran.org ~ 816.974.8075

n Dr. Emoto’s groundbreaking work of filming water molecules we see the images created with thoughts of love and gratitude. The energy of love looks like a crystal snowflake. Conversely, the water molecules of hate look sick and dark. It is said we have over 60,000 thoughts per day! Yoga gives us the tools to develop stronger awareness--to stay awake to the nature of our thoughts and feelings and choices. As we heal consciousness of victim, blame, suffering, and unhappiness, transcendence takes place. We become more light, happy, and fulfilled. This is the heart of yoga saucha. “Why would Pantanjali, the father and great sage of yoga, give such importance to Saucha (Yoga of Purity & Cleanliness) he places it as the very first philosophy?” writes master yogi Aadil Palkhivala. “The reason is energy.” Aadil says when the body is dirty it holds past energy (vibration or resonance). When clothes are dirty, same thing. I’m sure you’ve discovered, he notes, that when you just cleaned up your whole house it feels lighter and brighter. Judith Hansen Lasater, another master yogi famous for her restorative yoga training, says when she first studied saucha, it felt to her like a set of moral rules. “No one told me that the intent in my heart mattered when I attempted to practice saucha,” she comments. “Since I have learned common-sense insight to saucha. If anyone embraces impurity in thought, word, or deed, you will eventually suffer.” Judith shares that with time saucha took on another dimension for her. “Rather than seeing it as a measure of my actions, I now see saucha as a reminder to constantly examine my intention behind my actions. When I focus on acting from compassion there is a space for saucha to arise from my heart.” John Schumacher, another master teacher, says “Everything you say and do in life effects your life’s path.” John mails an occasional note on my writings. He may say something about clarity of a yoga sutra and then end the note with such kind compassion the message always teaches, never hurts Aadil, Judith, and John all teach us we have the power of choice. Then they



April 2011

What the Master Yogis Suggest: l. Eat fresh, organic foods (avoid processed food) 2. Bathe or shower daily and two times a day if around crowds 3. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas 4. Keep teeth, gums, nails and hair impeccably clean 5. Be in fresh air away from noise every day 5. Wash your hands in warm water many times throughout the day. 6. Keep your bathroom (s) impeccably clean. 7. Same for the kitchen where food is prepared 8. Clean out and sort foods in your refrigerator once/week 9. Keep garden areas and lawns beautiful and free of weeds 10. Keeping your house clean includes the garage and basement. 11. Keep your car showcase clean (it will slow modality of progress if cluttered or dirty.) 12. Breathe deep, meditate, exercise, do yoga on a regular basis. give us the tools from the ancient yogis to use now in modern times. Whether or not we choose to eat organic, to clean up our cars and homes, it all boils down to the intent of choice. It’s time to Spring Clean! Are you willing? My sleeves are rolled up weeding, scrubbing, washing, and purging. It feels good to clean!

Suzette Scholtes has trained 100s of yoga teachers and reached 1000s of yoga students since 1984. The school is approved by the Kansas Board of Education, providing solid credentials and depth of yoga. www.theyogastudio.com or news@theyogastudio.com or 913-492-9594.

holistic wisdom

Spring Detox Nancy Russell, M.D.


pringtime reminds me of spring cleaning, decluttering and new beginnings. As you begin to clean, declutter and set new goals, remember to write down your intentions, give yourself a time line with measurable, realistic goals. It is rewarding for me to set goals with the change of seasons and be able to check them off my list for a sense of completion. After hibernating during the winter and sometimes getting off track with my optimal health goals, it is time to regroup. On the path to optimal wellness, several aspects of our life are important. For our minds and bodies to function well, it is imperative to allow ourselves refreshing sleep, healthy foods, regular exercise and stress management. This all seems a little easier for me in the spring, especially when the sun is shining more, birds are singing and green appears! Let’s begin by assessing our physical bodies. The physical environment plays a crucial role, specifically the quality of the water and food we ingest and the air we breathe. Pollutants abound. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: 1) More than 4 billion pounds of chemicals were released into the ground in 2000, threatening our natural ground water sources. 2) Nearly 2 billion pounds of air emissions were pumped into the atmosphere. 3) Several thousand food additives are intentionally added to our food supply and thousands more slip into our food supply unintentionally during harvesting, processing or packaging. 4) Overall, the average American consumes about 124 pounds of food additives a year! In addition, exposure to toxins is increased by eating processed foods and fat, drinking or bathing in tap water, consuming excessive caffeine and/or alcohol, using tobacco, taking medications for long durations, inadequate exercise, liver or kidney problems and occupational exposure. So, what can you do to improve your health and minimize these exposures? Whatever you think about detoxifying your body, both critics and proponents agree on one thing: The best way to reduce the level of chemicals/toxins in your body is to bar their entrance. To reduce your exposure: 1) Don’t smoke and avoid secondary smoke. 2) Eat as much organic food as possible. 3) Use water filters in your refrigera-

tor, sink and shower. 4) Use natural cosmetics, deodorants and hair sprays. 5) Use nontoxic bug repellents. 6) Substitute chemical-laden, scented household cleaners and detergents for allnatural ones. 7) Limit your use of paint, varnish and wax. 8) Use air purifiers. 9) Avoid alcohol and caffeine. 10) Don’t buy products presoaked in formaldehyde such as particleboard, plywood, and permanentpress fabrics. These help your system to eliminate toxins: 1) Exercise regularly at least 30 minutes 3 times a week. 2) Drink plenty of filtered water daily; divide your weight in half and that is how many ounces required per day. 3) Eat cleansing vegetables and herbs based on your blood type. 4) Participate in a 10 day or 28 day diet program that combines low allergenic, organic foods with a source of protein and nutrients known to enhance the body’s detoxification capacity. 5) Far-Infrared Sauna treatments. 6) Enroll in a Juice/Fast Retreat. 7) Make an appointment with your health care provider to discuss an individualized approach to rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit. Cleansing can also positively impact your mental, emotional and spiritual well being. Detoxification of the body can lead to better sleep and relaxation, decrease in aches and pains, reduce allergy symptoms, aid weight loss and improve energy and overall health. Other activities to positively impact these areas include: 1) Journal your feelings. 2) Meditation. 3) Prayer and reflection time daily. 4) Relaxation breathing. 5) Individual or couples retreats. 6) Reading inspirational material. 7) Gardening. 8) Being in nature. 9) Being with your pets and 10) Connecting with a friend or loved one.

Shamanic Pathways at White Deer Lodge Daniel Baxley THOTH Endorsed Teacher in The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Offering: Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Spiritual Counseling, Sacred Stone Massage, Reiki, Craniosacral, Vision Quest, Sweat Lodge, and Workshops 816816-769769-7343 email: rainbowspiritstar@yahoo.com Website: www.shamanicpathways.net

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Nancy Russell, M.D. is a holistic Internal medicine physician and has practiced in the Kansas City northland for 28 years. Dr. Russell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice. Dr Russell has been a member of the Executive Board of the American Holistic Medical Association. As a founding member of the American Board of Holistic medicine, she is board certified in holistic medicine. Combined Health Care Professionals: www.drnancy.com or call 816-453-5545.

816-523-4440 www.KarenHarrison.net Karen@KarenHarrison.net 8301 State Line Road, Ste 216 Kansas City, MO 64114



April 2011


Acupuncture and Me By Dionna Ford


f you’ve been raised around Western medicine, the idea of acupuncture might seem strange – even scary – to you. From the way Traditional Chinese Medicine understands the causes of disease (the invasion of harmful Chi from such factors as wind, cold, damp, etc.) and the methods of diagnosis (the use of pulse and tongue diagnosis to determine where the flow of Chi has been disrupted) to the methods of treatment (the needles!), the language and tools of acupuncture sound foreign and fanciful. Acupuncture was not something I’d considered until recently. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about eighteen months, and we’ve avoided invasive medical procedures. Instead, we’ve focused on more natural approaches–fertility awareness method, changing our diets to eat healthier and more fertility-enhancing foods, and exercise. In researching and talking to people who have had similar experiences, acupuncture kept coming up as a treatment that many women had successfully turned to. So, I thought–why not? After researching acupuncture options in Kansas City, we decided to go with a community acupuncture setting–Summit Acupuncture Services in Lee’s Summit. I liked the relaxed atmosphere and downto-earth practitioner, the ability to be treated at the same time and in the same room as my husband, and the reduced rates. We went into our appointments with an open mind and no expectations. Our first two appointments were educational and uneventful. I was nervous, but the needle placement is relatively painless (just don’t try to move around after the needles are in place; that might be uncomfortable). After our second appointment, I checked out a book on acupuncture to learn about the philosophy and methods. Bad idea – reading about the five elements, meridians, and other concepts that acupuncturists study made me even more skeptical than I was before. But I went back again. At my third appointment, I told my acupuncturist that there was no chance that month of becoming pregnant, so she suggested we concentrate on alleviating premenstrual symp-

toms. Have at it, I thought, and I didn’t think much more about it . . . Until a week or two later when I started my period with absolutely no premenstrual symptoms. No moodiness, no cramping, few cravings – all typical for me. I was floored. What had she done? And how had it worked? I had no idea, but I liked it. At my next appointment, I did something that is far outside the norm for me – I fell asleep. Me, the insomniac who can never nap, the person whose mind races at every empty moment, I felt relaxed enough to doze off in a strange setting. If you are interested in (but skeptical about) what acupuncture can do for you, the following are a few tips that might be helpful.

1. Find a down-to-earth acupuncturist: For those who aren’t familiar with alternative medicine, trying acupuncture may be outside of your comfort zone. When you look for a practitioner, get recommendations, talk to potential practitioners on the phone for a few minutes, and don’t feel you have to commit to the first person you see. Like a family doctor, select someone who is a good fit for your personality. 2. Have an open mind: While your first appointment with an acupuncturist may feel a little bit like going to a doctor (she will take your pulse, look at your tongue, ask about your medical history and concerns), she may also ask about other aspects of your life. Acupuncture is a holistic therapy, which means that the patient is treated as a whole. Your acupuncturist will not treat a single symptom or even a single disease – she will treat you. 3. Try it before you research it: If you are steeped in Western thinking, you might want to ease into the language and philosophy of acupuncture. Go with the flow for a few sessions before you try to figure it out (and realize that you may never figure it out). My preconceptions about acupuncture seemed to be, at least in part, misconceptions, as my nearly symptom-free premenstrual week and period were pleasant proof of the benefits of acupuncture. And recently, after more than a year and a half of trying to conceive, our three-year-old son looked at my pregnancy test and joyfully announced, "Mama! You are pregnant!"

Dionna Ford writes at www.CodeNameMama.com, where she shares information, resources, and her thoughts on natural parenting, consensual living, eclectic learning, and compassionate advocacy.

Win One Complimentary Ticket ($299 value) to

Panache Desai’s Global Gathering with Opening Speaker Michael Beckwith May 13 -15 (more info at http://panachedesai.com/heartlands )

To participate in this reader promotion, visit www.evolvingmagazine.com by April 13 and enter your information to win. On April 15 we’ll do a random drawing and two individuals will each receive a weekend ticket. The two winners will be announced on April 15 at http://www.facebook.com/jill.dutton EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


April 2011

April 2011 ~ Vol. II, Issue 1



ell in Kansas City

Celebrating Whole, Seasonal, Organic and Local Eating

Feature Articles: Eat How You Were Designed A Midwest Food Forest Healing Power of Foods

Recipes: Vegan Enchiladas Tequila Lime Chicken with Cilantro Pasta Chocolate Chunk Cookies— Featuring Local, Organic Ingredients EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


April 2011

Food: A Path of Awakening 3

by Natalie George

Healing Foods 3

by Jane Van Benthuson

Let Food be Thy Medicine



by Tracie Walker

Eating Live, Becoming Whole



by Kat Bowie

Into the Kitchen 8


Recipes from Local Chefs

Features 5 6 7

Food Fight! Eat How You Were Designed A Midwest Food Forest

7 Eating Well in Kansas City www.eatingwellkc.com Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@ eatingwellkc.com Editorial Assist Judy Kirkpatrick

Contributors Badseed, Natalie George, Teresa Kelly, Vaughn Lawrence Pasta Pros, Sue Rosner, Jane Van Benthusen, Tracie Walker

EATING WELL IN KANSAS CITY©2011. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the publisher.

From the Publisher...


’ve been waiting for this moment like a child anticipating Christmas morning: the opening of the new season at the farmers markets. And with this eager anticipation, I’ve set a personal goal. This year I intend to purchase only local, seasonal produce (except for those near-anddear necessities for me, such as grapefruit and avocados, which I’ll only buy organic). With the opening of the markets this month, I’m looking forward to

returning to some of my favorite markets (Rosedale, Shawnee, BadSeed, Merriam), as well as trying new ones each week (Brookside, Westport, City Market, Lawrence and Overland Park). It’s always fun meeting different farmers and sampling their produce—and determining who, for me, has the best of each item. The healthiest indigenous peoples create their diets around local, seasonal foods, versus the processed, factory foods Americans consume. Rather than taking an otherwise healthy cuisine, like Asian, Italian or Mexican, and Americanizing it, I


plan to create my own local, organic feast. A great book I recommend on eating locally is The Jungle Effect: A Doctor Discovers the Healthiest Diets from Around the World—Why They Work and How to Bring Them Home by Daphne Miller. Happy Spring to all—and I’ll see you at the markets!

Jill Dutton

Food: A Path of Awakening — by Natalie George

Healing Foods — by Jane Van Benthuson

The Hundredth Monkey

Fresh, Local, Live and Full of Energy!


recently went to Costa Rica for vacation. I fully expected to return home with a few extra pounds as it seemed I was eating more than usual. To my great surprise, I lost 4 pounds during my 11 days of vacation! I immediately became curious as to how that could even be possible. After reflecting on my time in Costa Rica, I realized that I “released” a lot of emotions that had been “weighing me down”. Could it be that my emotional weight was causing me to hold onto weight in the physical sense? I’ve heard of that happening before but was amazed when it happened to me. I’ll share with you what I felt were the contributors to my weight loss success. I’m calling it the Let Go and Lighten Up Diet! Let Go and Lighten Up Diet Say what I don’t want to say. While in Costa Rica, I participated in a retreat that focused on relationships. The retreat leaders suggested that if we have the thought, “I shouldn’t say that” or “I can’t say that”, then it’s probably something worth saying. I realized that I felt guilty for flirting with some male friends in my life and I did not want to tell my husband about it. He’s not the jealous type at all, but I still didn’t want to say anything. Eventually, I knew that the guilt I felt was not healthy for me or our relationship, so I told him. I felt free (and yes, we’re still happily married)! Allow my emotions to be expressed. I grieved on this vacation and I was so relieved to grieve. After 7 years of being bothered by a relationship ending, I finally realized that the reason I’ve been bothered is because I had not allowed myself to fully grieve the loss. So I cried, I grieved and I allowed myself to feel the loss. It was about 30 minutes of grieving and I was amazed at how grateful I was to finally let that loss go. I felt connected. Said in another way, I was present. I felt connected to nature and to the people. It took me a few days to reach this point. Birds awakened me every

morning around 5:30am. I was annoyed, to say the least, on the first morning. By the end, I was awaiting their beautiful calls and now I miss them. I also connected with others in the retreat on a deep level. I laughed a lot! I gave and received many hugs. Connecting to others and to nature was my access to being present and connecting to me. It was like, “Oh yeah, here I am!” I lived in wonder. I was in exploration mode on vacation, continually looking for the next greatest view of the beach, new wildlife, tropical flowers or a beautiful butterfly. I was in awe of the beauty around me and expected to experience more and more on my trip. It felt light to me to live in wonder; to be anticipating great things. What if I viewed each and every day like this? What if I viewed each person in my life like this – always looking for greatness in everything and everyone? Not only would I have that feeling of being in awe all the time but I’m guessing the people around me would love it too. There you have it – the Let Go and Lighten Up Diet! I’d love to hear if you try the diet in your life! Write me if you do and let me know what results you have! Natalie George is a Fitness and Nutrition Visionary. She is a certified personal trainer, group exercise instructor and holistic nutrition consultant. She is passionate about empowering people to integrate exercise, nutrition and powerful thinking into their lives. She founded GratitudeKC and is in the midst of bringing Cafe Gratitude to Kansas City. She teaches a new kind of exercise class utilizing spoken affirmations called intenSati and is currently being offered at Unity on the Plaza. www.GratitudeKC.com


s a family that eats a high raw vegan diet we are often asked about how someone can eat more organic foods on a budget. So I thought I would share some of our tips. We buy what's on sale that week, in season or available at our local farmers markets in the warmer months. More and more organics are available at places like Costco too. You will need to buy them in bulk which is great for our family but if you live alone maybe you could split a big bag of carrots with a friend. We also try to grow as much as we can inside and outside of our home. Yes, I said grow inside our home. Without any special equipment we grow lots of sprouts. Sprouts are easy to grow and you can literally grow a pound of greens for pennies! Anyone can do this and kids love the process. Talk about fresh, local, live and full of energy! There are many great websites to help you get started. I love the http:// sproutpeople.org/ and http:// www.wheatgrasskits.com/. They also sell sprouting jars at most healthfood stores and better kitchen supply shops. Seeds are packed with nutrients, sprouted seeds are even better. As each grows, proteins, enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients increase and become more bioavailable. At the same time toxins and enzyme inhibitors are reduced, increasing digestibility. One cup of bean sprouts can provide up to 119% of your daily Vitamin C, and brassica sprouts like broccoli sprouts are considered to be a "cancer fighting superfood" due to high levels of phytochemicals. They are so yummy! You can add them to salads, sandwiches or eat them alone. You can also throw in your green smoothies or juice them. I'm hooked on pea sprouts lately and drive around with a container full of them. They are tasty and high in protein! You can grow a wide variety of things as sprouts too. It's amazing the amount of textures, tastes and nutrients you can gain just by adding water and air to seeds. I

The Little Muddy Farm Robert Jones www.thelittlemuddyfarm.com

Saturdays 10 a.m.-Noon at the Lee’s Summit Farmer’s Market through December Year-Round CSA—local, seasonal food! Produce and Egg Delivery Shop Online: http://shop.thelittlemuddyfarm.com


April 2011

feel the sproutpeople.org have the most educational website there is about exactly how to do it. And if you really want to be inspired look for the wheatgrass trucker on You Tube he grows grass and sprouts in his semi! No excuses anymore! You can sprout beans, brassicas, grains, nuts, seeds, exotics, grasses, greens, micro -greens and even sprouts for your pets! At our house we enjoy this sprouted quinoa salad....... Sprouted Quinoa and Grape Salad 4 cups Sprouted Quinoa ¼ cup Lime Juice ¼ cup Ume Plum Vinegar 3 Tbs Olive Oil 1 tsp Sea Salt 3 cups Grapes (halved) 3 stalks Celery (finely chopped) ½ cup Mint Leaves (chopped) ¼ cup Parsley 1 Green Onion (chopped) 1/8 tsp Black Pepper 3 Tbs Honey or Agave Soak quinoa for 2 hours in filtered water and let it sprout for 1 day. Place in a large bowl and spread out to dry some of the surface moisture. Add all the ingredients and let sit for about an hour to absorb all the flavors. Recipe by Loran Van Benthusen @ www.greenstgoods.com. Jane Van Benthusen is an alternative cancer thriver. She, along with her husband and youngest son, teaches raw food classes, hosts a monthly potluck dinner in Lee's Summit, MO and offers alternative health support. You can learn more about her and her family at www.janevanbenthusen.com andwww.greenstgoods.com.

Colon Care Center Rosie Matchette, Certified CT, CBE, CHFS (se Hablo Español) Specializing in:

• Colon Hydrotherapy • Cultured Foods Rosie’s Cultured Vegetables Available at Green Acres Body Ecology Products at Colon Care Center

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Let Food be Thy Medicine — by Tracie Walker

Eating Live, Becoming Whole — by Kat Bowie

Go for the Greens

Where are Your Enzymes?


pring is here and you know what that means….time to roll up your sleeves and clean house! But this time it’s an internal cleansing I’m talking about and the first stop is your yard. Those pesky little weeds you will greatly benefit from this year are dandelion greens. They are highly cleansing and will give your system a much needed spring kick start. Dandelion greens are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. They have a high concentration of vitamins A, C and K and are good sources of calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. They are also rich in lecithin which is believed to help protect against cirrhosis of the liver. The high mineral content helps prevent anemia while the diuretic actions help reduce high blood pressure. By being rich in potassium, dandelion greens help regulate the body’s water balance and normalize heart rhythms. They are an excellent source of carotenoids which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Surprisingly they contain more carotenoids that carrots. Now that’s something to chew on! Check this out…..1 cup of raw dandelion greens contains the following: The plant was first introduced to North America by early European immigrants. The origin of the name dande25 19mg Vitamin C calories (32% DV) 1.5g 7,700 IU Vitamin protein A (112% DV) 5g carbo103mg Calcium hydrate .39g fat 218mg potassium 1.9g fiber

107mg iron

lion stems from several European languages such as the Italian, dente di leone referring to “lions tooth” due to the shape of the leaves. I have to say that I like the modern French’s way of thinking when they named the plant pissenlit, due to its strong diuretic effect. The leaves increase urine production by promoting the excretion of salts and water from the kidney. What a great way to detox after a winter of heavy, comfort foods. These early American immigrants loved this weed so much they taught the Native American Indians how to use it. The Iroquois Indians ate boiled dandelion leaves to avoid indigestion. Try eating a few leaves about 20 minutes before your meal. The bitterness will stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes which will in turn make your meal easier to digest. The Mohegans drank the tea to keep up their energy levels and prevent constipation. The

Marinated Kale & Dandelion Green Salad 2 c. organic kale, chopped 2 c. organic dandelion greens, chopped ¼ c. distilled water ¼ c. olive oil 1 small clove garlic 1 Tbsp. fresh grated ginger 1 Tbsp. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos Dash of salt and cayenne to taste (I usually add about ¼ tsp. each) **Blend the water, oil, garlic, ginger, Bragg’s and seasoning together and pour over greens. Let them marinate for a few hours or overnight. Enjoy!

Just adding a green salad to your diet every day can add to the amount of enzymes that your body has so that it does not have to use up its stores of endogenous enzymes.


ave you eaten your enzymes today? Yes, that’s right, enzymes.

Why would you eat these and what are they? Enzymes are the fuel for every single activity in our body. Enzymes digest the food brought into the body, transforms that food into power packs, and are important in transporting those power packs and helping the cells use that power to repair, maintain, and heal every cell in the body. There are 75,000-100,000 different enzymes in the body and they help in Native American women used dandelion repairing our DNA and RNA. They are as a cure for cramps and PMS. instrumental in making active horNutrients are needed for normal hormones, dissolving fiber and preventing mone production and function. The clots in the blood system. They are antipotassium and Vitamin C content both inflammatory, support and maintain help with hot flashes while the calcium the immune system, are essential for rich properties can help prevent osteodigestion, are anti-aging, and increase porosis. As a woman, you couldn’t ask the vitality in our foods and in our abilfor a more natural prescription than ity to utilize those foods. To heal or this. Chinese medical practitioners used repair any cell in the body we must dandelion to treat breast problems such have enzymes. as inflammation and lack of milk flow. Enzymes are destroyed by stress, In addition, they help prevent breast chronic addictions, and chronic disease. tumors, treat skin problems such as According to Dr. Gabriel Cousens’ as eczema and acne and help with gout. quoted in his book, Spiritual Nutrition Thank you Mother Nature! “After chronic disease in humans, the Spring and early summer when the enzyme content is depleted.” Without leaves are still young is the best time to live enzymes healing cannot take place eat them. There are many easy ways to at a cellular level. incorporate them into your diet. So, have I impressed upon you the Try juicing them, adding a handful to importance of enzymes yet? your favorite smoothie, tossing a few Okay, well where then do we get into your salad or making a tea out of these little power-packing critters? the flowers. Being the raw foodist that I We get enzymes in live and whole am, I prefer to eat them just as they foods. We get them from eating foods are… tossed in a delicious salad and whose enzymes are still intact, alive, accompanied by my all time favorite… and viable. kale! One of the major ideas behind those who eat a raw vegan diet is that one of the first characteristics of a raw food Tracie Walker is a certidiet is that no food is heated above 118 fied Raw Food Chef & degrees. In heating foods over 118 deTeacher and the Healthy grees enzymes are destroyed. Food Eating Specialist for heated to boiling for 3 minutes kills Whole Foods in Overland 100% of the enzymes in that food and Park, KS. She is a firm destroys approximately 50% of the probeliever of “Let food be tein. thy medicine, let mediJust adding a green salad to your cine be thy food.” She has diet every day can add to the amount of a home and small busienzymes that your body has so that it ness in Overland Park where she offers does not have to use up its stores of raw food classes, special event catering and live demonstrations. For more info endogenous enzymes. When you eat about Tracie and her business please raw veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds you visit www.simplyrawlifestyle.com. bring in enzymes to aid in digestion so EVOLVING … A GIN UIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 14 April 2011 EATING WELL KANSAS CITY 4 April 2011

that other enzymes that are working hard to repair the damage within our bodies don’t have to quit what they are doing and go help with digestion. Enzymes can be supplemented with dried green products, blue-green algaes, Spirulina, chlorella, kelp and seaweed. But, remember that supplementation is just that…something that is a supplement. It is taken in addition to, not in place of food. For a tasty, fresh salsa packed full of our little enzyme friends, why not try something delicious and different? Fiesta Mango-Jicama Salsa 1 10 ounce package of frozen corn, rinsed, thawed, and drained or kernels cut from 3 fresh cobs of corn 1 avocado, cubed ½ jicama, peeled and diced small Juice of 1 lime Salt and pepper ¼ C red onion, diced fine 1 jalapeno, seeded and diced fine ½ C cilantro, chopped fine 1 mango, diced In a large bowl mix together. Enjoy! And let all those enzymes go to work helping you heal and repair all the damage in your cells. Healing never tasted so good! Kat Bowie, Psy.D. (drkatbowie.com) is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in Nutrition and its impact on the Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit. Dr. Kat teaches classes on Live and Whole Food Nutrition and is the Co-Organizer with Jane Van Benthusen of the Kansas City Raw Food Union (http://www.meetup.com/ rawkansascity). Dr. Bowie and Dr. Raphael Smith are the co-owners of The Struan Center, LLC located at 4044 Central St. KCMO. For a list of her current classes and offerings please go to www.TheStruanCenter.com. Dr. Bowie can be reached at 816.960.4525 or through email at drkatbowie@att.net.

Feature — by Sue Rosner Food Fight! Jolted by a disease that comes knocking after decades of a poor diet, the time is ripe for a food fight. Jumping over time.

Could it be that the trail of junk food littered with

Normally, I don't wish away time but that's pretty much what I wanted to happen last summer.

sticky wrappers, oily paper boxes, cans of liquid sugar and soiled java cups be the crumbs that lead me into this

July's dog days had arrived and, as always, I was moving at the speed of light.


There, on a stifling 98 degree day under a tent, Traci Walker, Raw foodist extraordinaire, magically made

That's where I decided to grab hold. Food would be-

A week earlier I had made sure my mammogram

But a conscious choice to attend Bliss Fest in Parkville made me a believer.

come my path to enlightenment and recovery.

chocolate pudding out of cacao and avocados. Another Living Foods chef, Val Jacobson, introduced

schedule was in order and dutifully, as I had for so many

Immediately, I dug in.

me the art of dehydration, the beauty rendered from

moons, thought nothing about this routine appointment.

Consuming everything I could read about cancer was

coconut water and sprouting and the difference between

Only this time, I was unprepared for the radiologist to shuttle me back into another room and announce without hesitation, “You need a biopsy NOW.” “Why?” I blubbered back.

a given. The books piled up. The drama was palpable. I talked and talked and talked to professionals, to friends, to family to anyone who would listen.

A crushing possibility

started to invade my senses. This wasn't a routine ap-

My catharsis was to spill all of the emotions and somehow, I have to say, it was and still is comforting. But the target of control came sharply into focus.

odd ball percentage of 1 in 8 who would get breast can-

I, the self-proclaimed “Queen of Junk” would undergo a radical transformation.

Not me, the nimble, I hoped as I waited for the Doc to proclaim his findings. But somehow, across the decades, across all this time of perfect x-rays and outcomes, I was that cruel statistic. Warp speed doesn't really do justice to what happen

gena and Cascade for Indigo Wild's Zum and Renegade Health products. I replaced my Cabernet with an elixir of cabbage, sugar that lurked behind. Grocery shopping, that I once abhorred, became an

That's because... I hated vegetables. Yep. There was

anticipated event at farmer's markets. Life in the fast food lane at McDonalds would become three meals a day sitting down mostly at my kitchen ta-

Ruthlessly, I scoured my fridge tossing everything


with total abandon. There was nothing left.

Staggering through the next few weeks, I went through all the anguish anyone would who has just been hit by a truck.

It began with a loss of appetite.


My weight plummeted. Twenty pounds that had literally stuck with me through thick and (really never) thin

Sure there were gasps and tears from family and friends.

was in order.

plate...usually it was a stand-up affair by hand).


placed them with stainless steel. Traded Dove, Neutro-

sprouts and wheatgrass and ditched any remnants of

Suddenly, a shift to a higher realm on the food chain

no such thing as a rainbow of color on any plate (what

The biopsy was positive.

I was becoming a believer. I gave away my Teflon set of pots and pans and re-

pointment at all. I was about to find out that I was in that cer.

being acidic and alkaline.

Mostly, however there was a distinct turning

inward for me.

was gone.

My lipids, once scaling alarming heights, have plummeted 50 points.

I decided that there had to be a better way to examine what I had consumed that could have lead to this de-

I wanted to find a place that enveloped me--

Again, fast forward.


No longer glucose intolerant, my sugar rushes have been banished into a sea of calm. I swill cleansing fruit and vegetable juice daily. And,

underscored with a strong medical science foundation. A

I called my friend, Bill who had been juicing for 18

place that I knew would strongly embrace my entire be-

years. “We'll buy you a juice extractor and I'll teach you

ing and let me fold into their arms while still holding

how to drink your veggies,” he said. The next thing I

The change in six months time is pretty remarkable.

myself upright.

knew, a $200 juicer arrived at my doorstep.

For the first time in eons, my moods and blood sugar

After settling on KU and all that the navigators would be doing with me. I thought I will let science take my hand; but, not without some way of gaining a foothold of control on this whole process.

I investigated, then embraced, a diet 180 degrees away from junk.

products. No more dairy, no meat of any kind and no sugar.

Kicking into overdrive, I decided to review what lead me into this chasm. what was it that may have contributed to my current physical state? really examine the areas that would cause my cells to betray me.

That's where things teetered. No meat, no problem. Little by little, the white stuff, the pure bliss of my dreams, my crack, was relegated to a distant universe. organic, mostly raw foods.

People comment, “How do you feel?” “How do I look?” I counter as I welcome gratifying My journey through time in these last few months has new food pyramid that makes far more sense to my body, mind and soul. Food as medicine is now my Feng Shui. This path is an artful new way toward enlightenment; designed to repair

Raw foods? What did I know about raw foods... nothing, nada, zip.



been one of relentless catching up and climbing onto a

Suddenly I was about to learn about eating whole,

An avid exerciser, non-smoker, the time had come to

have flattened. Both are now even…not angry.


But sugar, c'mon.

I knew that while I wasn't at fault (no one ever is),

ing this is pure, natural medicine.

My appetite, while modified, isn't raging nor ridicu-

Though red meat was never important in my hierarchy, the little I allowed was banished just like all animal

Life lessons

though it looks unappetizing, I drink with abandon realiz-

April 2011

the damage and wisely, make me whole again.

Feature — by Vaughn Lawrence

Eat How You

Were Designed


our body was designed very specifically. Your car was designed very specifically. How do you take care of your car? Most everyone is very careful in changing the oil, changing the air filters, changing the spark plugs, keeping air in the tires, putting quality gasoline in the tank, etc. We know for a fact that the better you care for your car, the longer it will last. You can put a mix of gas and water in the tank to save money and ignore changing the oil and the air filters, but what will happen? Eventually the car breaks down, sooner than expected. If only you would have considered better preventative maintenance. When it comes to health, it is hard to sell prevention. If you ignore the way your body was designed, it will fail. It may start failing slowly as you begin to complain about constipation, joint pain and general fatigue, or it may just completely break down all at once. You may accept this as “life” or “aging.” Regardless of any test, procedure, massage, acupuncture, supplements or other healing modalities available, the most important thing to your health is learning how to eat how you were designed. Here is a very brief lesson about the human body. Your body has 75 trillion cells. Your body reproduces 150 billion brand new cells every single day. These cells do not come out of thin air. They are constructed based on the availability and quality of nutrients available in your body. Aging is very simply the loss of more cells than your body is able to reproduce optimally. Almost everyone is lacking in vital nutrients needed to replicate healthy cells on a daily basis. It’s a no brainer that soda, fast food, cookies, cake, candy, processed packaged foods, cigarettes, alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs, hormone and anti-biotic loaded meat, homogenized and pasteurized dairy products and the over 70,000 chemicals in our food supply are not building blocks to efficiently produce 150 billion new cells each day. So how fast are you aging? Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are what you eat?” Are you consciously aware of the foods you put in your mouth each and every day? Do ask yourself, “Are the foods I’m eating close to God’s original design, therefore providing life?" Or, "Are they heavily processed and poisoned by big business, therefore void of life?” Yes, you will never be perfect and nobody expects you to be. But make quality food choices the rule and not the exception. Take the garbage out of your daily life, and only indulge on very special occasions. Eventually you will find yourself only choosing life, with rare exception. When you provide quality foods to your body based on its design, you feel amazing, energetic and full of life! Who doesn’t want that? So how are you designed? The human body is designed to eat raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. I am not a vegetarian myself, and I am not promoting vegetarianism. However, Americans eat too much meat! It is a fact that disease went through the roof with heart disease, diabetes and cancer after the industrial revolution when we switched from primarily a plant-based diet to a meat-based diet. Watch a movie called “Eating” that provides convincing evidence to this fact. We are not lions. Lions have razor sharp canine teeth, very short intestinal tracts and produce large amounts of hydrochloric acid. They are carnivores, designed to eat lots of meat. Humans are not. If you learn nothing else from reading this article, please consider reducing your meat intake. For your health and for the sake of your family members, this might be the most important step you take towards better health. If you worried about not getting enough protein, forget it. That is a lie perpetuated by the beef industry and you are brainwashed. The largest animals on the planet with the biggest muscles and the strongest bones are all vegetarians. Here are some quick guidelines for you: 1. Choose quality meat, only from humanely raised 100% grass fed beef, free range, cage free chickens and eggs, fresh fish (wild or farmed is a whole other article) and

wild game such as bison, elk, deer, duck, etc. Go to the farmer’s market and talk to people! 2. With each meal eat no more than a portion of meat that would fit in the palm of your hand, about 4oz. 3. Eat meat no more than one meal per day maximum, and ideally shoot for meat only twice weekly 4. Do not combine meat with starches (like breads, French fries, beans, etc.) Instead only eat your meat with vegetables. The meal should be 80% veggies and 20% meat. If you do this you will avoid digestive problems like gas, bloating, acid reflux and heartburn. Processed food is a 20th century invention. Along with massive meat consumption, processed food was not a part of human history anywhere on the globe since the beginning. Couple that with the invention of over 70,000 different chemicals and you have a recipe for death. And that is exactly what is happening to Americans. The first symptom of a heart attack means death for 50% of its unfortunate recipients. I am not promoting extremes. I am not advocating you to eat a certain way, become a vegetarian, a vegan or a raw foodist. I am asking you to use common sense. Think about how humans have eaten for thousands of years. Think about how your body is designed to eat. Think about what has happened to our culture and our environment over the last, very brief, 100 years. Awareness and consciousness starts with you. Your consciousness led you to read this article right now, so I encourage you to act on it! With all my blessings and to your vibrant health!

Vaughn Lawrence is a Naturopath, Herbalist, and Nutritional Consultant. He founded Spirit of Health, LLC upon his return to the Kansas City area after seven years in Las Vegas as a health food store manager, educator, practitioner and consultant. Vaughn takes on the challenge of educating people that health is a lifestyle and not a quick fix, band-aid or a magic pill. Contact him at spiritofhealthkc.com or 913-901-0277.


Feature — by Teresa Kelly And now, for something completely different:

A Midwest Food Forest “The yield of the system is limited by our imagination....” Bill Mollison


hat would you think if you went to your favorite park and found that an orchard had been planted near that old oak grove? Or alongside the hedges of burning bushes and forsythia, rows of raspberries were trained along cables between t-posts and blueberries rimmed the clearing where you play catch with your children? And in the sunny spot below the retaining wall you see an attractively fenced oasis brimming with vegetables and herbs lovingly tended by your neighbors, a church group or even you? Your arrival is greeted with smiles and waves from others enjoying the park open space bordered by large fruit and nut trees adapted to our climate. Does this sound like Utopia? Or like a great idea? Or a foodie’s dream of how the world should be? Or something that will never fly? Ponder that while you enjoy that imaginary red ripe strawberry plucked from under the apple trees. In January, at the Kansas City Community Urban Agriculture (KCCUA) annual Farmer and Friends gathering, 150 people showed up to talk, share, brainstorm and plan ways to make our food system better. The group I worked with was charged with brainstorming ways to utilize public lands for food production. The Kansas City area has acres and acres of green spaces ranging from parkway esplanades to large expanses of city parkland that has the potential of feeding a lot of people! How do we go about utilizing this wealth of land? What challenges will we have to face? What are some creative solutions? A lot of people are not aware of the benefits of native species and the value of using some of the open space as urban farmland. As transportation and irrigation costs rise, so does the need to have access to local food sources. We learned about how creating fingers or ribbons of orchard plantings and community vegetable gardens could weave throughout the urban landscape along our boulevards and parkways. Shelter belts on public land would create environmental diversity and a source of food for neighborhoods. This potentially could alleviate pockets of the urban landscape referred to as food deserts.

Our group went to the core of the issue: Changing the perception of what a park (public land) is supposed to look like. Our biggest task would be to shift the common perception of a park. Parks are community gathering places. Typically a park is a public space with lots of lawn that is mowed and kept weed free with chemicals and landscaped around the edges and often includes a pond or grove of trees, sidewalks and playground equipment. Lots of costly upkeep could be reduced by creating environmental diversity that supports the community in many different ways. We recognized that not all citizens are aware of the benefits of shelter belts, community gardens and native plantings. We brainstormed about grass roots organizing and ways to educate policy makers and private citizens. Could we use the parks and recreation department educational program as a vehicle to deliver information? Could we start gradually introducing the concept by planting a few rows of fruit trees and shrubs like blueberries in a couple of parks? Is it really feasible to plant in boulevard esplanades? Are there school lands available for food production? What is the impact on the community? Are there success stories and resources from other cities that we could utilize? Maybe this is a great place to try an Urban Food Forest? What is forest gardening? It is food production that mimics the layering structures of a forest. From large canopy trees to understory to shrubs to ground covers, the forest with its diversity in structure and plants is self sustaining. The same technique is applied using fruit trees, vines and other perennial plants to create a food forest. The food forest generates fertility and uses less resources and labor than annual vegetable crops. Food forestry is not meant to replace annual food crop production. It makes a good addition to the whole food production picture. Perennial food production can include many things from fruits to herbs, vines and some varieties of vegetables. Forest Gardening has been part of the principles of Permaculture for some time. It is gaining mainstream attention as part of the Urban Agriculture movement. Yes public parks with grassy open space and playground equipment and picnic tables are a great part of our communities. Why not consider productive trees and food producing

Into the Kitchen — with Brett Boulé Vegan Enchiladas 18-20 small corn tortillas 1 16-oz. can enchilada sauce 1/2 c. white onions 2 pkg's vegan cheese, shredded (Daiya cheddar or mozzarella, or other vegan type) 1/3 c. black olives 1/2 c. red potatoes 1 jalapeño 1 c. baby spinach

shrubs as part of multifaceted use of some of the land? This whole concept of transitioning public lands from conventional parkland design to a more diverse and sustainable landscape is no small undertaking. The conversations are just beginning. We are lucky to have a local pilot program underway. KCCUA’s Daniel Dermitzel was inspired during a Permaculture course he took in 2008 at the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute. He has been exploring how to transition a traditional annual cropping operation to perennial food forestry ever since. With lots of research and local expertise and resources the concept is taking shape. A workshop will be taking place in early summer for those interested in exploring this “new” concept in food production. It is an opportunity to explore this idea for your community or for your own backyard! So back to the question…is this a Utopian vision? A foodie’s fantasy? Or some wacko idea that will never fly? Maybe, and in a growing number of communities that are mindful of limited resources and the importance of local food sourcing, the idea of an Urban Food Forest is taking root. Are we ready to jump out of the box and explore new ideas? Are we ready for something completely different in Kansas City? Resources: How to Make a Forest Garden by Patrick Whitefield http://www.kccua.org/foodforest.htm for details on the local Food Forest Workshop. http://www.kawpermaculture.org/ http://www.permaculture.org/nm/index.php/site/ Permaculture-Food-Forest/ *Founder of permaculture- quote from www.permaculture.org Teresa Kelly writes about what she loves, gardens with the natural intelligences, cooks with passion, travels as much as she can and photographs it all. Her pet project was getting chickens legalized in Roeland Park, KS. Through her practice, Good Natured Living, she provides others information and experiences renewing the connection to self, community and the planet. She is married to the man of her dreams and has four beautiful children… and hopefully hens soon!

Combo #1 - potatoes, black olives, jalapeño Combo #2 - mozzarella cheese, onions Start by chopping all ingredients fairly small, then precooking some fillings such as potato and beans and keep them separate. Steam or soften each tortilla shell, fill with desired filling and a little cheese, then lay in ungreased baking pan. Choose a pan that is not much wider than the rolled enchilada so that it holds the sauce up. You can fill them with individual fillings or mix however you wish. THE KEY is to not overfill, therefore the enchilada will stay together when you transfer from wrapping surface to pan.


April 2011

Smother enchiladas in the sauce, then sprinkle cheese and some leftover chopped white onion over the top and bake at 400ºF for about 10 minutes. This can be a 100% organic meal if you buy accordingly. It can also be gluten free (using corn tortillas that contain corn, spices, lime juice and a little salt). It is also dairy-free if you use a vegan cheese. Do get one that "melts”. Some other possible fillings: Mushrooms Beans, refried or black Tomatoes

Into the Kitchen — with BadSeed

Into the Kitchen — with The Pasta Pros

Classic Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Tequila Lime Chicken with Lime Cilantro Pasta

.....featuring local-organic ingredients!!

**This recipe is a slightly altered version of Erin Reynolds Brown's who owns Dolce Baking Co. in Prairie Village, KS. If you've got a sweet tooth, you absolutely must pay her a visit very soon!! Being a farmer in March and April is kind of like being on a nonstop roller coaster ride. Spring planting is by far the most chaotic time of the year, and it leaves me low-down, dirty, and utterly exhausted!! Tack on the fact that I am 7 months pregnant, and it goes without saying that I need a little "pick me up"!!! For me, that "pick me up" comes in the form of warm, decad e nt , fr es h -o u t-o f -t he -o ve n , chocolate chunk cookies!!! Being a "health-nut", I simply cannot stand for processed store-bought ingredients, so my classic cookies come with a local/organic twist featuring locally-grown and milled flour, fresh eggs from my lovely hens, sweet Missouri pecans, Shatto butter, and high quality fair-trade/ organic chocolate!! Mmmmmm...... If you are like me, you'll be lucky if you even get to the baking stage.....(usually I eat the cookie dough before it ever makes it to the oven!). Ingredients: 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour (from Heartland Mill, www.heartlandmill.com) 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 1 cup butter, softened (from Shatto Dairy, www.shattomilk.com)

3/4 cup organic, evaporated cane juice (sugar) 3/4 cup packed brown sugar 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 2 free-range, farm-fresh eggs *(local eggs tend to be on the slightly smaller side, so use three if necessary) 1 3/4 cups roughly chopped, semisweetened organic chocolate bars 1 1/2 cups Missouri Pecans

From Thomas Belisle, Executive Chef The Café at Briarcliff Village

2 five ounce boneless skinless chicken breasts 2 ounces of your favorite tequila (I prefer Patron) 1 clove finely chopped garlic 1 teaspoon lime zest 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice Directions: 2 cups heavy cream ¼ cup fine quality parmesan Preheat oven to 340 degrees. cheese + 2 tablespoons 10 fresh grape tomatoes sliced in Combine flour, salt, and baking halves soda in a bowl. Beat butter, white 12 ounces of Pappardelle’s Lime and brown sugar, and vanilla in a Cilantro Fettuccini large mixing bowl until light and 3 tablespoons good quality extra creamy. Add your eggs one at a virgin olive oil time, mixing thoroughly after each Rub your chicken breast with addition. Scrape down sides of salt, pepper, lime juice and olive bowl with rubber spatula and oil, let marinate for 15 minutes. gradually add your flour mixture, Start 1 gallon to boil your pasta. beating as you go. Stir in chocoBroil Chicken over a medium low late chunks and pecans. Drop open flame on the grill. Using a heaping, rounded tablespoons onto meat thermometer cook Chicken to baking sheets lined with parch165 degrees. Sauté grape tomament paper. toes and fresh garlic for 1 minute over a medium flame in 1 tableBake for 9-11 minutes or until spoon olive oil. Add Tequila (be lightly golden brown. Cool on bakcareful as tequila is very flammaing sheet for several minutes then ble). Cook pasta to slightly al remove to wire racks to cool comdente remove pasta and drain (I pletely......(or gobble them all like mine slightly al dente as I am down while they are still piping placing back on the stove in my HOT!!!!) roasted garlic cream sauce). Add BADSEED heavy cream, and lime zest let An Urban-Organic Farm & Market cream reduce by 25%, add parmeCelebrating Local Food, Culture, san cheese. Let sauce cook till parand Community mesan cheese is melted, add salt 1909 McGee*KCMO*64108 and pepper to taste and toss in www.badseedkc.com Papardelle’s lime cilantro fettuccini. Slice the two chicken breasts on EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 18 April 2011

the bias, divide pasta and sauce on two plates and top with sliced chicken, fresh grated parmesan and chopped cilantro. Add some pesto garlic toast and a nice glass of pinot grigio and enjoy a wonderful dinner. If you don’t want to go through all that work you could always come to The Café at Briarcliff Village where it is featured daily on our menu. Have a great day. About The Pasta Pros The Pasta Pros are a local Kansas City company selling Pappardelle’s Gourmet Pastas, Bottled Oils & Vinegars at area Farmer’s Markets and to local restauraunts. For more information visit the company website at www.ThePastaPros.com About Pappardelles Fine Pasta Pappardelle’s offers over 100 flavors of dried pasta and freshfrozen ravioli, sauces and pestos. For more information, visit the company website at www.pappardellespasta.com About The Café The Café is locally owned and use local farmers and producers to source our food ingredients whenever possible. The Café serves Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner including a complete Catering Menu for special events. The Café is located just minutes north of Downtown Kansas City in Briarcliff Village. For more information about The Café, please visit them at www.thecafeatbriarcliff.com


11 19

April 2011

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Consciously Embracing a Global Shift Spiritual Master Panache Desai’s Insight Into 2012


hroughout history, certain dates have marked a significant shift in the way we perceive ourselves, each other and our world. No date has been the cause of more speculation and concern than 2012. An entire industry has sprung up around this singular event. Books have been written, workshops have been crafted and movements have been created to prepare us for what some call the Golden Age and others call the End Times. Although this is no ordinary time, I do not perceive an Indiana Jones-apocalyptic scenario in our collective future. Instead, an old paradigm is dying and a new paradigm of love, collaboration and unity is emerging. What you are sensing—or feeling—is your intuition preparing you for one of the most fundamental shifts humanity has ever experienced. This profound transformation was set in motion long before your birth, beginning millennia ago. Although the earth is changing, the greater shift in this Golden Age is in human consciousness. You and the earth are being gently and lovingly brought into a place of harmony. This Shift is moving you from the space of living life from your mind to experiencing life from your heart. When you operate from the level of your mind, you exist in a space of comparison and judgment. You perceive others as better or worse, more or less, right or wrong. These differences are plastered across every media outlet, sparking new conflicts in every corner of our globe. Our planet is divided by political beliefs, religious beliefs and economic differences, just to scratch the surface. If we can’t agree, we argue, we fight, we judge and we make one another wrong. We wage war. When you live life from your heart, you honor life as it unfolds, knowing that we are all one. You recognize all who cross your path as unique expressions of one singular consciousness. You see any and all differences simply as diverse expressions of the Divine, and you appreciate those differences because they are all just manifestations of Source. You love yourself, just as you are, in each moment. There is a sacred peace that comes from this way of being as you experience that all things are connected and ultimately one. Each of you has a very special place on this planet and the full magnitude of who you are and why you are here is about to be revealed. Know that you have a truly unique destiny and that what you are experiencing no

one has ever experienced before. This global transformation is unfolding in its own Divine time and in Divine order to move you into the highest expression of yourself. Universal Consciousness doesn’t work from a calendar or in deadlines. There is nothing you can do to speed up or slow down the process. Each interaction and every perceived challenge is calling you to move into the present moment and simply experience what is. You cannot fail. Yes, our planet is shifting; it’s shifting its point of experience from separation to unity. We are about to realize that we are more alike than we are different and that there is a common thread that bonds us all—love. Here are some guidelines to experience this momentous time with grace and ease:

Experience Life Fully No one is more qualified to experience your life than you. Step off the hamster wheel of needing to change. The need to improve or be other than you are keeps you away from the perfection that has always existed. Your soul has a vibrational essence, its own distinct authentic soul signature. Your life’s purpose is to be you and to fully experience everything that you are experiencing. Keep it real! End the struggle and pretense and show the world who you really are. Everything that is unfolding in your life has been laid out for you. Every experience you are having is bringing you closer to your true self. It’s time to experience life without editing it. When you are happy, stop and be present to the experience. Relish it as you would a favorite dessert. When you are sad or angry, be fully in the emotion. Don’t critique the experience, belittle it or blame those whom you believe may be responsible for what is unfolding. Every experience is unfolding for your benefit. Your entire reality is working in your favor. There is nothing wrong with you, nothing to fix or change, nothing to become, and nothing to do. Be empowered with the truth that the Divine loves you just as you are. Experience it all; embrace it all.

Breathe Deeply and Let Go of Fear Stop, slow down and breathe. Being who the Divine created you to be requires no effort. There is a light within you that burns as brightly as a million suns—a light that is here to remind an entire planet of its magnificence. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING

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April 2011

You have nothing to fear, as we are not moving toward the end of the world. What we are facing is the end of a world that doesn't work. The old paradigm of human experience is being replaced with a new one. The old operating system of fear, scarcity and competition is being replaced with a new paradigm of love, collaboration and unity. With this shift we embrace that we are one consciousness expressing itself in 6.8 billion different ways. With this transformation, we move from a planet divided by beliefs to one unified by the heart. We are all one … one consciousness, one tribe, one energy, one heart, one love. Even though you may perceive your life as falling apart, know that you are simply being asked to show up as a more authentic expression of who you are. Trust that no matter what your life looks like or what you are experiencing in this moment, a greater experience of your life awaits.

Enjoy the Ride Don't ask a human being for something that only the Divine can give you. Go directly to Source and connect for love, protection and guidance. Ask and you shall receive. No one truly knows what will unfold over the next few years. Life is a mystery. Walk in complete trust, knowing that your every step is being guided by the Divine. Embrace all that is. Be who you really are, with no exception and no apology. Live from your heart and you’ll be amazed at the magic and wonder of what is revealed. The Divine never needed you to be anything other than yourself, so live authentically—from your heart. Panache Desai is a catalyst for vibrational transformation, and his international work crosses all cultural, ideological, generational and economic boundaries. He is featured regularly in print, online and broadcast media. Panache has chosen Kansas City for his 1st Global Gathering of 2011—or, more rightly, the Heartland chose him to present “The Heart of Possibility,” May 13-15, at the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel. Joining Panache on May 13 will be Michael Bernard Beckwith, worldrenowned author, philosopher and teacher featured in The Secret. Event info on www.panachedesai.com, or see the ad on page 11.

NATURE THERAPY By James L. Fleming, M.D.


itting at the top of high fire lookout tower far above the tree line at sundown, in the middle of the vast Nicolet National Forest in northern Wisconsin, I was struck by the awesome silence and beauty of the 360-

degree view of evergreen wildness. In that "aha" moment, now more than 25 years in the past, I came to the conclusion that this isolated grandeur, known to so few, must somehow be protected and I silently vowed to myself to do just that.

More than two decades later, after pursuing a career and raising children in a society which was becoming increasingly technologic and separated from nature, that silent vow and the memory of that special moment faded, though thankfully not forever. Nature and wilderness— "wildness"—if you will, are in our blood, in our bones, literally. The intelligence of our bodies contained in the DNA of every cell has been carried down through millennia from our primitive ancestors who had to adapt to and become a part of their natural

Fleming kids enjoy the farm. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING

environment. Those who didn't would not pass their genes on to offspring who could survive long enough to do the same. Perhaps this is why most of us feel relaxed and at peace in natural settings and why most modern urban planners try to incorporate parks, hiking and biking trails and shared open space into planned communities. It also may be related to why some of the most successful therapeutic programs for troubled youth who have "lost their way" (or not yet found it) use some form of wil-

Dr. Jim on Island of Ometepe, Nicaragua . 14 22

April 2011

derness therapy or "adventure based counseling" involving contact with nature. From a spiritual perspective, its as though we feel connected on some deep level, just as infants feel connected to their mothers. Indeed are we not direct offspring of the great, ancient planet earth which we sometimes affectionately, even reverently refer to as Mother Nature? The importance of regular contact with natural environments—and the perils of remaining isolated from them—is highlighted in a well documented yet enjoyable way by Richard Louv in his book Last Child in the

Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder (2005, Algonquin Books). The author co-founded the Children and Nature Network (http:// www.cnaturenet.org/) to encourage and support those working to reconnect children with nature and the book has spawned a worldwide movement known as "Leave No Child Inside" a goal increasingly important as more techno-gadgets keep us connected electronically but disconnected from the natural environment. And because of humanity's deep biological and spiritual connection to our environment that disconnection can leave us feeling fragmented within ourselves and between each other. There are many resources available for those eager to reconnect with nature. Here are a few favorites which have nurtured me over the last 10-15 years: Sierra Club

(www.sierra.org) whose 3 fold motto is Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet has national outings to some of the most spectacular natural areas on earth, many in the United States. Local Sierra Club groups in Missouri and Kansas host regular outings year round (http:// m is s o ur i .s ie r rac lu b . or g / th b / outings/ ) For parents, therapists and other caretakers looking for wilderness-based treatment programs for adolescents or young adults I suggest going to www.natsap.org for information on safe, certified programs. Look for programs based on the "experiential education" model* and be cautious of "boot camp" type programs some of which have associated with abuses. But speaking of boot camp, more and more outdoor programs for veterans are springing up to meet the need for healing in soldiers traumatized by war and losses associated with long deployments. It makes sense that wilderness therapy would be healing for these individuals: it meets the need for adventure and teamwork which many of them have but without the fear and danger of combat environments. With any successful therapy program, strong emotions and reactions can be evoked and the best outdoor programs have licensed therapist or counselors as part of the outdoor treatment team. To immediately start reaping the benefits of contact with nature, you don't need to join a group or take a trip to the Colo-

Photos by Penny Thieme, www.pennythieme.com

rado Rockies, Grand Canyon or the Amazon rain forest. Just put down this article, get on your shoes, leave behind cellphone and internet and get yourself out to the nearest park, hiking trail or other "greenspace". Walk into it and breathe it in, not only through your respiratory system, but through the mind, senses and spirit as well. Breathe in the loving, patient, nurturing sustenance of Mother Earth, our share of natural heritage. And return often to visit. We owe it to the planet on which our life depends and most importantly of all, we owe it to ourselves.


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*See www.aee.org (Association for Experiential Education) for more information.

Dr Fleming has been a member of the Association for Experiential Education since 2003, has led outings in the Midwest, Colorado Rockies, and Nicaragua. He has enjoyed growing veggies, herbs and flowers (and three children!) since 1985. He also a psychiatrist who has been integrating adventure-based counseling into group and individual therapy since 1989. He can be reached at 816-213-1885 or jflemingmd@yahoo.com.

spiritual horoscope

fitness directory

April 2011 Aluna Michaels Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Aluna is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Happy birthday Aries! You like to get things done right away and don’t have much patience -- but please meditate and creatively visualize the changes and accomplishments you want in your life. Build your dreams “on the 4th dimension” and they will manifest “in the 3rd dimension” without struggle. Then you’ll know which actions to take instead of wasting energy acting on every random idea. In general, don’t act unless you feel clear guidance. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) You’re going to make new friends and become interested in new hopes and goals. You’ll find that all these people and concepts are spiritually based and represent the “real you”. However, it’s important to take the time to release old situations and friendships that didn’t work over the past two years. Forgive all involved, including yourself. Then you’ll be able to receive all the blessings that are on their way!


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Plaza Wellspring Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic Meditation and more. 1900 W. 47th Pl, Suite 328, Westwood, KS 816.931.6533; www.plazawellspring.com


The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS 66214 (913) 492-9594; www.theyogastudio.com


Your Wellness Connection Wellness Club Unlimited Movement & Nutrition Classes, Discounted Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Consultations.7410 Switzer, Shawnee; 913.962.7408 YourWellnessConnection.com


Zona Yoga Zona Rosa’s Premiere Yoga Studio, ZONA YOGA, is currently offering Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Restorative, and more! 8741 Dixson, Zona Rosa, KC, MO 64153 816.876.5516; www.zonayogakc.com; zonayogakc@me.com

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) You could be starting a new relationship with lots of potential! Please don’t let old fears interfere with building intimacy. Try not to talk with pals who have negative beliefs about love. Gossipy, fear-based people will just stir up your obsessions! Confide in folks with positive partnerships. If already partnered, see if you can remove blocks to deeper trust, especially when it comes to finances. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) You’re entering an amazing time of spiritual growth. Re-dedicate yourself to a daily meditation routine. This will develop a sense of continual contact with the Divine. With this bond securely in place, you’ll be courageous in many ways! The biggest changes will be with work and relationships. You’ll be able to ask for what you want clearly and powerfully, without being overly emotional. Your self-esteem will be at an all-time high! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) This may sound harsh, but it’s important to look at ways you are in denial about problems, or ways you play the victim. There could be issues with finances, trust in relationships, sexual difficulties, or old resentments. Meditate on how you can get out of your own way and not subconsciously sabotage your happiness. Forgive where you have been wronged so you can make space for opportunities that will heal painful memories and positively change your life story in that particular area! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) If single, make a list of qualities in your ultimate partner. Meditate on each point and see how important it truly is. If already partnered, ponder how you can be more compassionate and loving toward him/her. Try to release unnecessary critique. Bonded or not, you’ll have improvements in relationships. It will also help if you speak up for your needs. Sometimes your criticisms cover up your fear of expressing your desires.


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April 2011

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Be wary of being irritated with your partner. Unpleasant childhood memories are being stirred up and it’s easy to transfer them to innocent people in your present. Meditate each day to sort out the source of your emotions, and release those old feelings. As a Libra, a negative way you blow off stream is to mistreat yourself. Make sure you eat well, get enough rest and practice stress reduction. Be kind and gentle with yourself during this healing time. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) If you’re beginning a new job or relationship, watch out for jumping to conclusions thinking it won’t work. Mercury is retrograde, which leads to silly misunderstandings. Meditate to cultivate some patience with circumstances. Draw conclusions next month. On a different note, you could be discovering a new artistic talent. Don’t focus on how good or bad you are, or compare yourself to masters in that field. Instead, feel the spiritual enjoyment that comes from the creative process! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) You’re going to have lots of healing about emotional issues related to your upbringing. Meditation will help reveal subtle ways you screw up close relationships and obstruct your serenity. It’s also a great time to go through your house and thrown away things from the past that don’t fit who you are today and who you want to be in the future. You’ll have a huge increase in selfesteem. Relationships and finances will improve because of your outer and inner cleanse. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Part of spiritual growth is being able to shed old aspects of your identity. Meditate on what doesn’t suit you anymore. This could mean attitudes, clothes, negative people or self-perception. You’re never stuck! Forgive and release so you can “shed your skin” and be renewed! If you feel guilty for changing and how that can affect people, know that being an example of a constantly evolving soul is the highest love you can show. Don’t hold yourself back so others can stay in their stifling comfort zone! You owe it to yourself and the world to grow to your full potential! Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) You have such a strong mind and always struggle to figure out your problems. Try to use meditation to find easy solutions. This is a way to activate your “higher brain” that isn’t fraught with tension and colliding concepts. This is a big surrender, since your identity comes from your intellect. But it’s time to move into your intuition. You’ll be leaving your old self-concept behind, but you’ll be gaining a more powerful, graceful self! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Neptune is your planet and it is moving into your sign this month! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to grow in spiritual understanding, compassion and self-love. Don’t worry, it lasts for 14 years, but there is a lot of energy as it changes signs, so open your heart and mind to receive this subtle, transformative energy. Meditate, be in nature, create art, take long baths, relax! These are all ways to expand your soul and allow yourself to evolve. Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Aluna is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com

Include photo or logo, name, brief description and contact info. Will be edited to fit four lines. Due by the 15th of the month. $75 for three months, $120 for six months or $180 for a full year— or 1/2 price with a current display ad. Must be prepaid. Contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com.

ALTERNATIVE HEALING Dr. Jackie Devaney, Devaney Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Auriculotherapy, Nutrition, Allergies. Specializing in relieving chronic pain. Sliding scale fees. 30 yr. exper. 816-786-2623. At the Healing Place, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, ChanRi, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Bodywork (816) 415-2607 www.atthehealingplace.com Neshamah Healing, Debbie Lewis, Practitioner Hands-Off Energetic Techniques. 913.636.0271 debbie.lewis91@yahoo.com InstituteofTransformationalStudies.com Nature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars www.livingthespiral.com 913-499-8514 Justin & Sharon Orth - Spring Forest Qigong Practitioners/Healers and Certified Qigong Level 1 Instructors. EFT (BAS/ADV) www.meetup.com/Spring-ForestQigong-Meetup-Group/ (913) 244-0167 for info.

Maya's Oasis Transforming, Healing & Inspiring Women ~ Reiki, Drum Circles, Holistic Health & Belly Dance Classes mayazahira.com, 816-476-maya (6292) Natural High Wellness Center: Center Colon Therapy, Massage Therapy, Ion Cleanse, Far-infrared Sauna, and more. We are here to help; call us at (913) 901.8699 www.naturalhighwellness.com Personalized sessions create lasting results: results 6 massage styles, nutrition, energy work, tarot, yoga & more! Intro Special: 2 1/2 hrs - $85. 20+yrs exp KayaHewit.com 913-839-6309

INTUITIVE READINGS Carol Ann Brown Past Life & Spiritual Counseling; Connect with Your Loved Ones; thebodytherapeutics.com 785-317-0448

COLOR THERAPY AuraAura-Soma Heart of America— America—Leiola Reeder Certified Advanced Teacher and Consultant. Offering CEUs for Massage Therapists and Nurses.816-217-3722, leiola@sbcglobal.net

COUNSELING Dr. Jay Peters Marriage & Addictions Counselor. Smoking/ Weight Mgmt. Hypnosis. Regression/Past Life Hypnosis 913-339-9591 www.drjaypeters.com

ENERGY HEALING Pranic Healing Sessions, Feng Shui, Space Clearing Rocky Patel; rcky1120@aol.com; 816-916-1823; Sherry Sutera: s.sutera@att.net; 913-488-6651


Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Therapist Creator of Quantum Shift Energetix 913-906-9986 www.innerjourneyhealing.com

ENTERTAINMENT Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 - www.KarenElise.com

PSYCHIC Traci Bray, Bray BS, MA ~ Psychic MEDIUM connecting the living with those past. Individuals and groups, small to large. Ethical, respectful, confidential. 913-940-0754 http://tracibray.com Jackie Mullinax, Mullinax Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone or in person. $45 for one hour, CD included. 913-206-1294 WhenAngelsSpeak5@aol.com



Jason Nowlin / NowlinRE Full Time, Full Service Real Estate Consultant for KS and MO. 816-994-9904, Jason@NowlinRE.com; www.NowlinRE.com

Improve Finances & Love Life! Effective results for home and office. www.HappyHealthyHomes.com Ronda's Feng Shui works 831-521-0861 LIZ BROWN, Feng Shui expert since 1996

"Inspired Guidance for Great Change" Consultations, clearings/blessings, classes, workbooks. www.ahandinhealing.com 816-444-2725


REFLEXOLOGY Kristie Macan Martin - A Quiet Sole Reflexology Board Certified Reflexologist & Relaxation Professional. 913-220-8990 Gift Certificates at www.aquietsolereflexology.abmp.com


New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC www.newdayhypno.com Smoking, weight, stress and more 913-908-6907

Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343, www.shamanicpathways.net

LIFE COACH Teri Higbee, Radiant Living Expert: Expert Weight Loss, Energy Therapies, Prosperity, Empowerment Processes, Clarity of Purpose, Shamanic Astrol. LoveWisdomWellness.com; 913-219-6788.

NUTRITION & WELLNESS Tamara Creighton, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Cleanse With Friends, and Hawaiian LomiLomi tamara@tcreighton.com, 913-232-6419 www.tcreighton.com Gia Maisch Nutrition Consultation Guiding you to self discovery through nutrition. Support, classes, workshops www.GiaMaisch.com (913) 406-4883 Eating Well in Kansas City: Celebrating Whole, Seasonal, Local and Organic Eating. Pick up a copy near you (distribution list online) or read back issues at www.eatingwellkc.com.

SPRAY TAN Healthy GLO Achieve a red carpet glow with the Bronze Bilogic spray tan. Professionally applied in five minutes. 50% off your first tan. jmeverett1017@yahoo.com; 913-485-5850

THERMOGRAPHY BRAS-BRAS--Thermography, --Thermography, Linda Bamber: Breast Research Awareness and Support. Safe, painfree, no radiation. Overland Park. Linda at (417) 770-0451. www.breastresearchawareness.com.


PAIN RELIEF Learn Bowenwork. Effective manual therapy for pain relief. Easy on the practitioner’s body. Leverage income—work on multiple clients. Ongoing classes. Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012.

POTENTIAL Turn on your higher brain to realize your potential. See a presentation about this revolutionary process. rsvp at www.higherbrainliving.com EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING

Diane Davis Reed, Reed Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge, pathfinder@kc.rr.com, 816-741-0820

17 25

April 2011

AMBASSADOR TRAVEL Your full service travel planners 816-554-2300 Lee's Summit or 322-6336 Raymore www.ambassadortvl.com

events April 2 How to Eat, Move and Think Well Presented by Dr. Harding of the Chiropractic Healing Center. 9 a.m. at Unity of OP Men’s Group Breakfast. Info: www.ucopmensgroup.com. April 5 Gluten-Free Living By Shelly Murray, Nutritionist & Wellness Coach, at Your Wellness Connection, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee. 6-7 p.m. $20, or free to Wellness Club members. Register: 913-962-7408. April 6 Radiant Living Series Group & Proxy Session. Transform limiting attitudes and beliefs into Radiant Living using the energy psychology of Resonance Repatterning® at Stone Spirit Lodge or Proxy in. Fee $20. Teri Higbee, 913-219-6788 or www.lovewisdomwellness.com/ RR_proxy.htm. April 8 Living in Buddha Standard Time: Lama Surya Das Lama Surya Das is one of the foremost Western Buddhist meditation teachers and scholars, and best-selling author of "Awakening the Buddha Within." He'll read excerpts from and discuss his new book Living in Buddha Standard Time. Surya engages audiences with a healthy dose of humor and a straightforward, down-to-earth approach to enlightening the mind and opening the heart. For beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Presented by Cornerstone Foundation. 7:30 pm, Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 West 47th St., KCMO. $20. Free with purchase of Saturday Workshop. Details at www.CornerstoneFoundation.com or call Christine (816) 561-1627. April 9 Dzogchen: The View, Meditation & Action of the Natural Great Perfection Lama Surya Das Named "The American Lama" by the Dalai Lama, Lama Surya Das has made Buddhism accessible and inspiring to serious practitioners and neophytes alike. This day-long experiential workshop is dedicated to his teachings of the Natural Great Perfection, awakening us to a direct recognition of our pure, unstained nature—who we really are. Invaluable for beginners and experienced Buddhist practitioners. Presented by Cornerstone Foundation. 10am-4pm, Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 West 47th St., KCMO. $119, includes Friday program. Details at CornerstoneFoundation.com or call Christine (816) 561-1627.

Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com. April 9 Group Channeling w/Archangel Jondelen "What the World Needs Now is Love," uplifting and diverse teachings at the Land of OM, OP, 6-9:30 p.m. Suggested Love Offering $20. Info: Jackie Mullinax, 913-206-1294. http://Whenangelsspeaktous.com. April 9 Sri Aurobindo Lecture Series, Part II Presented by Rainbow Mooon at Stone Spirit Lodge 1-3 p.m. The Evolution of Consciousness. The Connection to Mind in Oneness. http://stonespiritlodge.com. April 10 Broadway Bridge Run At City Market. Chair massages by WellSpring School of Allied Health. Funds help Special Olympics. Details: Mardi at 816-523-9140. www.wellspring.edu. April 12 Chinese foot Massage: "Aging starts from your feet" The condition of the whole body is affected by the feet. To learn and experience Evergreen Wellness Reflexology developed by Dr. Gao. Your feet will thank you! 6:30-8:30 pm. Class fee: Free KCCM 14720 Metcalf, Suite 130 Overland Park, KS 66223 913-871-6309 April 12 Readings, Book Signing & Integrative Magic Workshop T Thorn Coyle, Pagan, mystic, magic worker and author. Aquarius in Westport: www.aquariusbooks.com; 816-931-6303. April 12 Core Star Energy Healing Clinic 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com April 14 Nutrition 101 By Shelly Murray, Nutritionist & Wellness Coach, at Your Wellness Connection, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee. Noon to 1 p.m. $20, or free to Wellness Club members. Register: 913-962-7408 April 14 Janalea Hoffman Meditation Concert featuring Secret Garden music. Unity of the Heartland, 720 S. Rogers Rd, Olathe. 7:00pm $20. RSVP 913-780-4569 ext7 http://www.meetup.com/HolisticHappenings-of-the-Heartland/

April 14 LENTEN FENG SHUI JOURNEY Join Feng Shui expert Liz Brown in meditation, ritual and cures to access the inner Divine. "Home As Sacred Space" textbook included. $36. 7-8:30 pm at Unity Temple. Details @ www.ahandinhealing.com

April 16 Past Lives, Future Life and After Life Edgar Cayce’s ARE presents a one-day seminar from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Unity Independence. E-brochure: dotkirk@sbcglobal.net. Hard copy: 913.649.9811. Pre-registered: Students ages 13-22 @ $45; Seniors 62+ @ $64; Members @ $74; Non-members @ $84. Door: $10 additional. Some scholarships available. April 16 Celestial Timings Repatterning Tele-Session 1-3 p.m. A key celestial event is chosen monthly. Using Resonance Repatterning®, flow with the energies of the Universe affecting you. Fee $13.Teri Higbee, 913-2196788 or www.lovewisdomwellness.com/ RR_proxy.htm. April 16 The Goddess Awakening Mini Retreat 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Christine Kaya Hewitte (www.HealingwithKaya!gmail.com) helps you connect with your inner Goddess. www.aquariusbooks.com; 816-931-6303. April 16 Chinese Medicine for stroke rehab: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers safe, effective and natural methods for stroke rehab. Join your host, Dr. Qizhi Gao, President and Founder of the Evergreen Wellness Center and the Kansas College of Chinese Medicine, for an informative session to share his amazing research result on stroke research! Saturday,10:00 am-12:00 pm. Class fee: Free KCCM 14720 Metcalf, Suite 130 Overland Park, KS 66223 913-871-6309 April 16 Exciting career in Chinese Medicine: Open house for parents and students, for associate degree and master degree programs at Kansas College of Chinese Medicine. Huge financial aid opportunities. 3:005:00 pm. KCCM 14720 Metcalf, Suite 130 Overland Park, KS 66223 913-871-6309 April 16 Introduction to Energy Healing Workshop 9 am – 4 pm Core Star Energy Healing School 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS 913831-4422 www.corestarenergyhealing.com


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April 2011

April 19 Dairy—Benefits, Limits & Alternatives By Shelly Murray, Nutritionist & Wellness Coach, at Your Wellness Connection, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee. Noon to 1 p.m. $20, or free to Wellness Club members. Register: 913-962-7408 April 21 The Power of Breath for Health and Longevity Workshop on pranayama breathing, 7:30 p.m. School of Metaphysics, 4323 Rainbow Blvd, Kansas City, KS. 913-236-9292. April 23 & 24 "Reiki II & Advanced Animal Reiki" With Camille Pukay, Animal Reiki Teacher, Noon-5pm, KC North, $250 Includes manual, certificate, practice with rescue horses; Limit class size; advanced registration required; More info at www.AnimalReikiDivine.com, Contact Camille@AnimalReikiDivine.com or (816)453-9542 April 26 Core Star Energy Healing Clinic 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com April 27 or 28 (Begins) 3-Week Workshop: Trauma Proof Your Child For parents and educators; w/Deb DeAngeles. Wednesdays 10–11:30 a.m., or Thursdays 7:00–8:30 p.m. Plaza Wellspring, Westwood. $45 before 4/20 or $60 after 4/20. www.PlazaWellspring.com. April 29 Dream Awareness Concert Presented by the School of Metaphysics. All music is inspired by nighttime dreams. Includes interpretation of musicians’ dreams. Love offering. 7 p.m. Location TBA. 913-236-9292. April 29 Angel Gallery Insight into health, wealth, relationships and connections with loved ones who’ve crossed over. 7-9 p.m. with Fran the Angel Lady at Unity/Plaza. 819-9748075; www.angelswithfran.org April 29-30, May 1 PRS Psychic Fair All things metaphysical—books, music, crystals, incense, jewelry, artwork, & so much more. Get a Reading. Shop the Ven-

dors’ booths. Attend Lectures. www.prskc.org. April 30 Beltane Concert w/Gerald Trimble Hear ancient and exotic string instruments and celebrate the ancient Celtic holiday of growth and merriment. $10. www.aquariusbooks.com; 816-931-6303. April 30 The Edge of Dreaming A movie presentation presented by the School of Metaphysics. Love offering. 7 p.m. at Stone Spirit Lodge, 309 Westport Road, KCMO. Info: 913-236-9292.

May 15 Group Session with Steven Acuff A special one-time opportunity to receive cutting-edge nutritional advice for your unique situation from an internationallyknown nutrition and wellness expert in a mutually-supportive small group setting; $30. Register early; space is limited to 8. KC Northland Area. Private sessions are also available. To register, or for more information, call (913) 406-4886 or www.GiaMaisch.com.

May 17 The Great Food Myths – A Seminar with Steven Acuff Come learn the TRUTH about healthy food! You’ll learn why eggs and other cholesterol-rich foods do not affect blood May 6 cholesterol --and why low cholesterol Free Chair Massages does not protect against heart attacks; WellSpring School of Allied Health— Saturated fat does not cause heart and Kansas City Campus, 9140 Ward Parkway circulatory disease; Plant-based oils are Massages from 1:30–4:00 p.m. First not a healthy alternative to animal fat; come, first served! www.wellspring.edu. Milk and dairy products do not prevent osteoporosis--but they do contribute to May 7 (date change) degenerative illness; and much more! Red Moon Lodge Sweat 6:30-9:30 p.m. Rosedale Lodge (Lower Pathfinders Consulting at Gardens of Level) 6161 Slater, Merriam, KS. $20 if Delight, 6:30-10:30 p.m. Sacred ceremony you register by May 16; or $25 at the to pray, cleanse, heal and vision. Reserve door. To register, or for more informayour place: Lynn Johnson at 816-308tion, call (913) 406-4886 or 5450. www.GiaMaisch.com May 7 May 21 & 22 Art of the Goddess Art & "Reiki I & Basic Animal Reiki" Craft Show At Aquarius in Westport from 10 a.m. to 6 With Camille Pukay, Animal Reiki Teacher, p.m. Interested vendors, contact Stepha- Noon-5pm, KC North, $200 Includes manual, certificate, practice with rescue nie Roth: 913-515-3271. horses; Limit class size; advanced registration required; More info at May 11 www.AnimalReikiDivine.com, Contact Ask the Angels Camille@AnimalReikiDivine.com or Fran will be taking your questions via (816)453-9542 Skype $15 for 15 minutes.www.angelswithfran.org. PreJune 18 & 19 registration required. "Reiki II & Advanced Animal Reiki" With Camille Pukay, Animal Reiki Teacher, May 13 Noon-5pm, KC North, $250 Includes manKriya Yoga: Spiritual Science for an ual, certificate, practice with rescue Awakening Age Free lecture on the Kriya Yoga teachings horses; Limit class size; advanced registration required; More info at of Paramahansa Yogananda. 7:30 pm – www.AnimalReikiDivine.com, Contact Spiritual Life Center, Unity Village, 1901 Camille@AnimalReikiDivine.com or NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO. For (816)453-9542 more information call Kansas City Meditation Group of SRF 816-799-5544 or visit www.kcmeditation.com May 14 Cooking Class with Steven Acuff Learn how to prepare a full-course natural foods meal, step by step. Come hungry! 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., KC Northland Area; $85. Space is limited; must register by May 12. To register, or for more information, call (913) 406-4886 or www.GiaMaisch.com.

ONGOING MCKS PRANIC HEALING CLINIC & MEDITATION Aura cleansing for emotions, pain, addictions. Second Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. Unity Village Fellowship Lounge. Love offering. Rocky Patel, 816.916.1823.

class for singles and couples to experience the Divine. 7-9pm. Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher. Leawood 816-523-4440, For flier with topic and date, karen@karenharrison.net

EAT WELL, MOVE WELL, THINK WELL Tuesdays 6-7 p.m. at Chiropractic Healing Center, 8437 State Ave., Suite A, KCK 66112. Free. Dinner and child care are provided. www.chckc.net; (913) 299-0276.

DIKSHA MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING Tuesdays 7-8:30 p.m. at Stone Spirit Lodge, 309 Westport Rd., KCMO. Facilitated by Rainbow Mooon. Open to everyone. Love offering. http://stonespiritlodge.com.

WORKSHOPS OF HEALTH AND HEALING With Art Therapist, Dr. Avis Garrett-Baptist. Information for yourself or groups: www.avisgarrett.com

BIO AVAILABLE HORMONE THERAPY THYROID & NEUROTRANSMITTER SUPPORT Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Baucom Institute for Longevity & Life Enhancement, www.baucominstitute.com. No charge. Please RSVP to 913-341-8605.

LEARN BOWENWORK Manual therapy for pain relief, repetitive strain, chronic conditions, athletics. Works when nothWOMEN'S WEB ing else does. Ongoing classes OP area: Nancy An evolving group of down-to-earth, real Pierson 512-750-4012. women of all ages exploring, honoring, and bowenworkacademyusa.com NCBTMB celebrating Goddess energy through ritual. We meet twice a month in Lawrence. For more SPIRIT SHOW-UP (DATE CHANGE) information, kansaswomen7 p.m. on the 1st Tuesday of every month in OP sweb@sbcglobal.net to share the energy and joy as Spirit guides us. Love offering. Maitreya: 913.839.8745, LINK UP AT WHITE DEER LODGE http://maitreyazohar.com. 1st Wed. of every month, 7 p.m. Prayer, meditation and healing in the Pachakuti Mesa TradiMYSTIC THERAPY tion. Free. No experience necessary. Sundays 6:30-8 p.m. at Plaza Wellspring, 1900 Daniel Baxley: shamanicpathways.net W 47th Place #328, Westwood. Seated medita816.769.7343. tion followed by a guided relaxation and transmission of healing energy. Love offering. 4 DAY BIOENERGY www.PlazaWellspring.com HEALING CLINIC First Tues of the month 7-9 PM Fee: Donation. SACRED WOMAN BELLY DANCE Reservations: Kim Meisinger 913-685-9939 1st & 4th Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 p.m. with Maya http://web.mac.com/bioenergy/ Zahira. Sacred aspects of belly dance class. HealingBioenergy/Movies_BLP.html Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816-931-6303, www.aquariusbooks.com. LAUGHTER YOGA FRIDAYS 6:00-6:45 p.m. Plaza Wellspring, 1900 W 47th Pl. GRATITUDE OPEN MIC NIGHT #328, Westwood. Laugh your way to greater Stone Spirit Lodge, 309 Westport Rd., KCMO. vitality and joy. Deepen your breath; relax your Every 2nd Friday, 7-10 p.m. with Paul Goldman, body and mind. Love offering. local poets, musicians and Belly Dancer Maya www.PlazaWellspring.com. Zahira. http://stonespiritlodge.com. REIKI CIRCLE DIKSHA MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING at Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9pm. Love Thursdays 1:30-3:00 p.m. at Plaza Wellspring, 1900 W 47th Place #328, Westwood. Facilitated offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatby Rainbow Mooon. Open to everyone. Love ment. For flier: karen@karenharrison.net. 816 offering. www.PlazaWellspring.com. -523-4440

By Appointment ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS TASTEFUL OLIVE Since 2005 the Kansas City Healing Project has 7945 Sante Fe drive, Downtown Overland Park been providing energy healing sessions for 913-645-7900; 3rd Friday Nights (April 22) at cancer patients. Our clients have been experiThe Tasteful Olive! Open until 9 pm with live encing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels from their treatment and disease. music while you enjoy free samples of olive oils and balsamic vinegars. Come see us at our Donation basis. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718 booth at the Overland Park Farmers Market on -6358 for details. Saturdays from 6:30 am-1:00 pm. Free samples www.KansasCityHealingProject.org of oils and vinegars! SACRED RELATIONSHIP 2nd or 3rd Saturday monthly - A beginning tantra


19 27

April 2011



April 2011

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