Evolving Magazine 2020 Wellness Directory

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March 2020 ~ Volume XII, Issue 1

Evolving A Guide for Conscious Living


Annual Health &Wellness Edition 2020 Wellness Directory Inside! EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Who Reads Evolving The typical Evolving reader is interested in alternative and holistic healing options, maintains a healthy lifestyle, purchases books and music, attends self-improvement workshops, and is actively interested in selfawareness.

What’s Being Said I want to thank you for publishing Evolving. I really love it and now grab an extra copy to mail to a good friend in Columbia, Missouri. Thank you so much for creating Evolving. It is such an awesome magazine and great resource. I make sure all my friends on the spiritual journey get a copy of it. —Rachel Penn For:

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Relevant Articles Online Holistic Directory Writer’s Guidelines Coming Themes Media Kit Distribution List, visit


Approx. 68,000 readership — print & online  80% are 35-54 years old; 20% are over 55  Female: 80% Male: 20%  87% are self employed  Income: 30% over $70,000/year; 70% over $30,000/year  82% are college graduates Readers value the content in Evolving and trust our advertisers  79% save each issue for reference and to share with friends  Most readers spend approximately two hours reading each ssue  82% purchased homeopathic remedies in the past12 months  78% are interested in or have attended events listed in Evolving  63% have responded to an ad with either an inquiry or purchase Contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com to learn more.

Features and Departments

Eating Well


Community Events

Enlightening Articles

Dr. Kat Bowie, Psy.D., E-RYT 200, YACEP Trauma Release Yoga Wellness Program

 Clinical Psychologist  Certified Yoga Teacher Specializing in Trauma and Chronic Stress

 Reiki Master

 Tonglen Meditation Teacher  Nutritional Consultant  Trauma Specific Yoga Classes  Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Teacher Training

Forward Movement, LLC 8301 Stateline Road Suite #202 Kansas City, MO 64114 816-960-4525 ~ DrKatBowie@kc.rr.com ~ www.DrKatBowie.com EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Dear Friend,


When I created and launched Evolving Woman in 1994, I was impressed by the abundance of health practitioners in the area. Over the years, I’ve watched as holistic, alternative healers have become more mainstream — and the public in turn has realized their many benefits. Holistic and traditional medicine truly can blend and meld to create optimal wellness.

Sound Healing and ASMR

Then in 2009, Evolving Magazine launched. The number of brave pioneers, willing to put their services forth to the community — energy healers, chiropractors, massage therapists, art therapists, wellness centers and so much more — has multiplied. March marks the beginning of our 12th year of publishing since the re-launch. The magazine has evolved into a glossy publication and, in keeping with digital times, has a vibrant online presence with an online Holistic Directory (in addition to this annual print directory). This time of year is such a joyous time for me with the birth of spring, celebrating another year as a Kansas City staple in the wellness industry, and our annual Wellness Directory (inside this issue). Thank you all for your support throughout the past 11 years. We have learned, grown, expressed, then learned and grown some more. The team I work with on a daily basis, as well as our contributing writers, artists, and advertisers, have created a publication that is truly a joy to produce.



How Alcoholism in the Family Affects the Brain’s Active and Resting States


The annual Wellness Directory is a resource I hope you will save and reference whenever you need holistic products or services. The Wellness Directory is passed out all year at events and festivals, plus is online at www.EvolvingMagazine.com. Kansas City is truly blessed to have such an abundance of talented practitioners and my hope is that we will all live healthier lives by utilizing their services.

Living in the Glitter

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: www.EvolvingMagazine.com *Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EvolvingMagazine *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Chrisi Spooner Polly Swafford

Web Layout/Design Christine Lamb Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton Monthly Columnists Jude LaClaire, Emily Day, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell


Departments Meet the KC Wellness Community News/Books Journey to Wholeness Wellness Directory Holistic Health Horoscope Events

4 6 8 9 15 21 23


EVOLVING© 2020 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


Cover artist, Cathy Jolliffe says, “This painting was borne out of my love of nature and my love of the healing modalities. The colors represent the emotions that are swirling around during my creative process. I trust my feelings to bring out my creativity while I am painting.” Contact Cathy at 573-480-3259 or follow her Instagram page at art4ubycathy .


Meet the Kansas City Wellness Community

Meet Carol Henderson, Owner of New Day Hypno

Hypnosis isn’t magic, but it sure seems like it sometimes! Carol Henderson, of New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC, has helped Attorneys, physicians, counselors, other hypnotists, professional athletes, local celebrities, as well as your neighbors change their lives for the better, helping them to become the confident, happy people they really want to be. She helps clients overcome their stresses, helping with fears and phobias, grief and sadness, weight loss, smoking, insomnia, problems with school and business, public speaking, confidence and much more. Many of these issues may seem too trivial for a doctor or psychologist -- like nail biting, fear of heights, or even drinking too much Mountain Dew, but they can usually be eliminated completely with hypnosis. Physical problems may have an emotional component, which, whe released, allow the body to heal more easily. Hypnosis has been shown to be effective with IBS symptoms, asthma, fibromyalgia and migraines, among others. Hypnosis is relaxing and pleasant, similar to a daydream. You are conscious and in control the whole time, while Carol, as your guide, helps you gain new insights that help resolve the problem. Call or Email for a free consultation on your issues. 913 908 6907 Carol@newdayhypno.com www.newdayhypno.com

Meet Laura Wolf, Women’s Embodiment, Empowerment, and Self-Love Coach

Meet Karen K Harrison LLC / Whole Life Center

Meet James C. Rider II with Ascension Energetics

“Turn on your feminine magic!” Laura teaches women how to live relaxed, radiant and connected to the magnetic power of their feminine essence. We live in a stressful world. Stress creates tension and anxiety in women’s bodies that turns into inflammation, digestive and reproductive problems, diminished libido, insomnia, exhaustion and brain fog. Laura knows: “Four years ago, I totally lived the masculine approach to life. As a single mom and entrepreneur, I was constantly working, going and doing. I felt anxious most of the time, got sick every couple of months and my sex drive was seriously waning. Eventually, I crashed and couldn’t conjure up the energy to make things happen with my business any longer. I seriously needed to slow down and learn new ways of being and doing. Now I help women come home to our magnificent bodies, love ourselves unconditionally, experience more pleasure, joy and ease, and create the life of our dreams.” Laura offers seminars, private coaching and destination retreats such as the WildWoman Experience in North Carolina and WildWoman in Paradise in Mexico. She sees coaching clients from all over the world online and in her office in Lawrence, KS. www.laurawolf.com laurawolf@shamansheartsanct uary.org

Karen Harrison, Ed.S., teaches Reiki and essential oil classes and provides Reiki and tantra coaching sessions. Reiki is energy healing and tantra coaching helps people spice up their sex life. She is here to support people in revealing their authentic self and providing tools to live their best life! Karen is a Licensed Teacher for the International Center for Reiki Training and the Codirector of the Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program as well as a mentor teacher for Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga. Are you an empath or highly sensitive person? Do you need additional tools to manage your overly busy life? Do you have pain or old traumas you want to release? Reiki sessions and classes can help with all of this! Many of her Reiki clients become Reiki students. They learn the skills to help with self-care because you can give Reiki to yourself everyday, as well as to your pets, your family, and friends. If you want to share healing with others, this is a great way to begin. Register for a Reiki class here: https://www.karenharrison.net/ class-descriptions/register-for-aclass/ Check out Karen’s Youtube channel here: https:// www.youtube.com/channel/ UCR6QSMPzfZMQg8hLWeg33gw /playlists Karen’s office is at 8301 State Line, Suite 216, KCMO, www.karenharrison.net karen@karenharrison.net 913-526-6556

James C. Rider II specializes in rapid spiritual and personal growth, helping people ascend on their path of the awakening. Using the energetic modalities the Light Divine (direct source light energy from the divine) and Phoenix Fire (fires of transformation & rebirth) in events like Pineal Gland Activation, Ascension Chambers, Flames of Transformation growth, and advancement on one’s path is achieved. Empowering one’s self and advancing on their journey. Come level up with me. “I was able to do the heart immersion class with James and a few other wonderful members of the Metaphysical community back in November. It was such a heartwarming and loving experience. It was nothing like I had ever been to and one of the most memorable moments of my life. Thank you James for putting this together to help me even further along my journey. I would recommend the Heart Immersion Sound meditation to everyone who is wanting change and healing in their life. I am grateful for you.”--Sarah Wakeman Booking places in Overland Park KS and Lee’s Summit MO, https://www.facebook.com/ ascengetics/ ascengetics@gmail.com 816-379-6447


Meet the Kansas City Wellness Community

Meet John Hoefer, Certified Energy Healer, Director of the Kansas City Healing Project and Core Star Energy Healing

John Hoefer and the healers of the Kansas City Healing Project have been helping cancer patients and veterans live lives that are more productive for 15 years. Energy Healing is a natural way to reduce physical stress and pain as well as balance the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our selves. We help cancer patients move through their treatments and surgery with less pain, anxiety and fatigue. We assist them in remembering who they are beyond just being a cancer patient. We also help veterans with letting go of stresses and pain they accumulated during their service. The veterans report to us that after their sessions, they are feeling like who they were before they started their military service. Energy healing is a process that naturally balances your energy field. When your energy is balanced, you are not storing physical and emotional pain and stress so you can experience life from a clearer perspective. The sessions for the cancer patients and veterans are at no cost to the client. Call 816-7186358 for more information or to schedule a session. KansasCityHealingProject.org Meet the Kansas City Wellness Community is an opportunity to learn more about the products and services available in the Kansas City Metro. If you’d like your business featured, contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com. There is no charge for the listing but it is reserved for current advertisers — on a first-come basis — at this time.


Make Every Day Earth Day: Protect Imperiled Manatees And Their Habitat

Meet Rachelle Worrall, Owner of OsteoStrong Prairie Village

A new way to improve functional aging. OsteoStrong has helped clients improve their bone density, balance, strength, and posture. Lawyer and owner Rachelle Worrall had lost strength and function in her hands which returned after finding OsteoStrong, so she wanted her friends and family in Kansas City to also benefit. OsteoStrong utilizes Osteogenic Loading exercise, which can trigger your body’s natural adaptive response to build bone and muscle density. Our bones are always remodeling, but that remodeling process shifts to more loss than regeneration as we age. Science determined in 2012 it takes high impact force to activate cells to build bone in the hip. Such high impact is too risky for older populations, but impact emulation at OsteoStrong allows you to reach growth trigger events at your own pace and you stay in control. Once weekly sessions are supervised and take less than ten minutes. We are mimicking the effect of a gymnast sticking a landing—so it is fast. We also offer energy modalities including PEMF and Biocharger Ng. Call or Email for a free consultation.913-999-4888 Osteostrong.pv@gmail.com www.Osteostrongkansascity.com

This April 22nd marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, a worldwide movement to support environmental protection. At Save the Manatee Club, we often hear from people who love manatees and want to do their part to protect them, and Earth Day is a great time to get involved. And with the unfortunate news about record manatee mortality rates from boat strikes in 2019, manatees need your help now more than ever. While the average person is not able to rescue a manatee or enforce habitat protection, there are plenty of ways one can get involved. Whether you see manatees in your backyard or live thousands of miles away, here are several actions you can take to be a voice for the manatees, on Earth Day and every day. Help Manatees From Home: Join Save the Manatee Club’s grassroots effort to inform policymakers about issues facing manatees. Contact Florida’s Governor and your U.S. Senators and Representatives to tell them you support strong manatee protection measures. The Save the Manatee Club team advocates for these measures, and takes legal action when appropriate, but we need your help. Join our Email Action Network at savethemanatee.org/signup to be notified of manatee issues, and get more ideas on ways you can help at savethemanatee.org/moreways. While you’re there, don’t forget to follow Save the Manatee Club on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share manatee news with your network. Share Free Resources: To increase public awareness and education about manatees, Save the Manatee Club offers several free resources. Boaters and those who live on the water can order awareness signs, boat decals, and waterproof manatee protection tip cards. Teachers can request education guides, coloring and activity books, and posters. And those who can donate space in publications or on their website can request custom-sized manatee public service ads to help spread the word. Contact education@savethemanatee.org for more information. Volunteer: Do you love talking to people about your favorite aquatic mammal? Then you would make a welcome addition to the Save the Manatee Club volunteer team. Help Save the Manatee Club’s outreach efforts by staffing education tables at festivals or giving presentations about manatees. You can also join the Manatee Sighting Network to provide information to researchers, participate in cleanup efforts, or join the Manatee Observer Program to educate and prevent manatee harassment. Live far away from manatee habitat? You can still join the team. Visit savethemanatee.org/ volunteer for more information. Adopt-A-Manatee®: Did you know you could adopt a real, living manatee and help protect manatees and their habitat? Save the Manatee Club’s Adopt-A-Manatee® program features dozens of real manatees around Florida with unique families and histories. Choose from manatees like Howie, a curious winter visitor to Blue Spring State Park, or Ariel, a rescued manatee that resides at Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park. Proceeds from Adopt-AManatee® support Save the Manatee’s conservation efforts, including sponsoring manatee rescues, rehabilitation, and releases. Go to savethemanatee.org/adopt for more information.




PureWine Filter/Aerator System Imagine no more headaches or the other dreaded side effects that come after enjoying a glass of wine. Thanks to PureWine, you no longer have to suffer as it offers two unique filtration systems that eliminate the histamines and sulfites that cause wine allergies without altering the flavor of your delicious reds and whites. So now you’re asking how does it work? PureWine offers a filter/aerator system, The WaveTM, for entire wine bottles and an individual filter, The WandTM, to stir into a single glass of wine. Take in the unique pleasures and health benefits wine has to offer and eliminate these common side effects: Headaches Congestion Skin flush Upset stomach Hangovers We can’t take the headache out of your day-to-day, but PureWine can help you enjoy your nightly wine once your day is through with no early morning consequences. Make The WaveTM and The WandTM your newest go-to wine accessories and be sure to gift them along with that obligatory dinner party bottle. Learn more at https://drinkpurewine.com/.

Pop Bitties The new movie-watching, midnight craving, workday snack that’s giving popcorn a run for its money. Pop Bitties are bringing the nutrition-packed ancient grain sorghum to attention in the 21st century by air popping it to crunchy perfection and then pairing it with palate-pleasing flavor combos like brown sugar and cinnamon, classic sea salt, buttery white cheddar and half-dressed sea salt. This corn-free, gluten-free, easy-to-digest, 100% whole grain has been around for thousands of years. Each bite is packed with vitamins, protein, and fiber to help improve digestive health, regulate sugar levels, reduce cholesterol, and more! 

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Filled with vitamins and minerals including Bvitamins, magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium Rich in antioxidants Gluten free Corn free making Pop Bitties ideal for folks who have a hard time digesting popcorn Nut free Non-GMO Grown in the USA

The First Button Down Swimwear Line For Women Swim season will be here before we know it! Do you often feel like you get more exercise getting into a bathing suit than you do in the pool? These unique button-down tops give you room to breathe, sit at the pool/beach with confidence, move, and play with the kids and grandkids while their built-in bra provides extra shape and support. Wear it on the way to the pool, while splashing, or when sightseeing around town--it’s that comfortable and that flattering! Even breastfeeding moms can reap the benefits of stylish full body coverage without sacrificing access. BAX Swimwear Highlights:      

Easy to put on! Effortless. No adjustments. Button-down design means no tugging, tucking, or contortionism necessary Flattering for all ages and stages of life - no more dreading bathing suit season Comes with a built-in bra and removable cups Ethically made in the USA Woman-owned


Mighty Sesame American foodies know there’s a tahini revolution afoot. The creamy, decadent condiment usually takes center stage in Middle Eastern dishes like hummus and falafel. But in fact, it’s perfectly at home in a variety of sweet and savory dishes. Best of all, tahini is a superfood. Made from one ingredient, 100% roasted sesame seeds, Mighty Sesame Tahini is loaded with plantbased protein, calcium and other vitamins and minerals. All varieties (Original fine and Whole seed) are, vegan, gluten- and dairyfree, kosher, and halal. Find squeezable tahini and other Mighty Sesame products at Walmart, Whole Foods, Wegmans, and other retail outlets. They are distributed by Kayco, the top purveyor of kosher foods in America. www.KAYCO.com

Ascension Energetics Ascension Master~James C. Rider II

Activations, Initiations, Trauma Relief, Awakening Energetic ModalitiesLight Divine & Phoenix Fire Ascengetics@gmail.com 816-379-6447 EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Books 7

Rekindling Your Passions An excerpt from Freedom is your Birthright


hat happened to you? I mean what happened to YOU…not what happened to you the wife or you the mom or you the employee. What happened to you the dreamer, the lover, the adventurer? What was it that enticed you away from your journey and lured you to the path that you are on today? In the third grade I discovered my passion. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what I wanted to do with my life. It was a rainy afternoon and we couldn’t go outside for recess, so my teacher pulled out the gray box record player and announced that we were going to be listening to a recording of a play. I fell in love with the music and the actors. I was even more thrilled when she announced that we would be performing the play during the spring assembly. I remember the process of learning lines and dance steps and I remember the auditions. I studied for the part of the lead. I knew the lines, I knew the dance routine and I was ready to be cast as the lead. I wanted to be an actress. Well, I was cast as a tree, no lines, no dancing, no moving. I was heartbroken and excited at the same time. I was determined to be the best tree, as if it were possible to be a bad tree…no lines, no dancing, no moving. But as I watched the lead rehearse I recited all her lines and mentally did all her dances. I comforted myself by thinking; “I’ll get this part next time.” Well, in fourth grade we did the same play and guess what? I was cast as a tree…no lines, no dancing, no moving. When you’re young there is an innocence that believes anything is possible no matter what the physical world displays. I was convinced that I would be an actress and that one day I would have lines and that there would be dancing and moving. I never gave up on the dream, but boy did I leave the path. There was always something tugging at my sensibility. Something or someone reminding me that the world of acting was too random for a girl like me. That if I got the chance to go to college it would be much more sensible to study a field that guaranteed me a job. Well,

things, some of which turned out to be quite valuable, but never quenched my thirst and passion for the arts. With the birth of our eldest child I decided that I had to pursue my dream of being an actress. How could I ever tell her to follow her dreams when I had not followed mine. She was three months old my husband and I did not have a support network. How could I possibly be considering taking acting lessons and working fulltime and caring for my daughter and my husband? That would have been a sensible question, but it wasn’t the question that greeted me in the morning. Instead I found myself wrestling with the question, “how can you possibly consider not doing this now?” There was something deep within me telling me that I was born to be whole and complete. I decided to move towards my dream, even though my circumstances were a bit challenging.

“When you’re young there is an innocence that believes anything is possible no matter what the physical world displays.” that sounded like pretty good advice to me. So, I temporarily abandoned the idea of studying theatre and studied math and science instead. I promised myself that I would get a good job, become an upstanding member of the gainfully employed and then I would go back and pursue my passion. Guess what? My heart believed me. I finished pharmacy school and got a good job, but I didn’t go straight away and fulfill the promise that I had made to myself all those years ago. No, I took many detours. I was lured away from my passion with trinkets, and shiny EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

We now have two children and they have grown up in the theatre and on the sets of no budget independent films. And I know that my ability to embrace my passion has helped them to become well rounded individuals. You are very important to the outcome and wellbeing of your family, your community and the entire world. When you stop pursing your dreams and what your passionate about, you are depriving your family, community and the world the opportunity of truly experiencing who you really are and the gifts that you bring! So, what will it take for you to rekindle your passions and live a life you dream of? Dravon James is the founder of Everyday Peace, an inspirational speaker, radio show host, and author of Freedom is Your Birthright. Dr. Dravon’s goal is to educate, empower and inspire others to build the life of their dreams no matter what shows up in their lives- good, bad, or otherwise. www.drdravonjames.com


Journey to Wholeness

A Perilous Balance: Hope or Despair BY JUDE LACLAIRE, PH.D.


tories of people who survive trauma with great resilience have always inspired me. One longitudinal landmark study began in 1995 as Emmy Werner and Ruth Smith followed 699 children from before birth into their thirties. These children faced adverse conditions, such as perinatal stress, chronic poverty, and parents who had little education and often suffered from mental illness or addictions. One-third of the children did very well in their lives and were called the “vulnerable, but invincible.” Researchers studied the protective factors those children either intrinsically had or developed. With the exception of emotional support outside the family, all the qualities these children demonstrated were personal to them. In the last two decades, systems approaches to development have focused resilience studies on other protective factors found in the macro systems of culture, society, and ecology. This helps us understand what happened to the other two-thirds of the children who did not fare well as they grew up. It also puts a spotlight on the increasing numbers of individuals who are dying early, succumbing to addiction, ending up in prison, suffering from chronic physical and mental health conditions, and experiencing chronic, intergenerational poverty. Two recent books highlight the concerns about the larger systems that have created an unequal and disastrous life for many people. Sarah Smarsh, author of the New York Times bestseller, Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth relates the personal saga of growing up in a family beset by the many problems caused by economic inequity. I heard her speak about her book and was impressed by her intelligence, insight, and ability to communicate. I am

monthly trip to the Topeka Women’s Correctional Facility to co-lead a Buddhist study group. The women, many from the circumstances described by Kristof, WuDunn, and Smarsh, are learning skills, getting sober, reconnecting with family members, and finding a new sense of self. I know it will be difficult for them when they return to society. There are few safety nets for them. I want this to change. Together, we can take action. Start where you can. Inform yourself. Information is power. Find ways to use your time, your financial resources, and your connections to make a difference. “Together, we can take action. Start where you can. If you are a parent, find volunteer activities for your family. Become Inform yourself. Information is power.” more politically active. Understand that, as a society, we currently over half way through choices the infant is making. If need to provide job training, her book and, admittedly, finding we’re going to talk about personal substance abuse and mental it so difficult to read the truth she responsibility, let’s have health programs, and find ways to tells. She explodes the myth she conversation about social decrease the number of people describes as “a democracy without responsibility.” who are being incarcerated. Be a castes.” The idea that anyone, When stressors become so non-judgmental person who regardless of means or intense that resilience is supports others and empowers background, can make it overwhelmed, people suffer and them to succeed. Relationships economically and socially is will fail. As a mental health are a significant protective factor. categorically untrue. The safety practitioner, I am often aware that Societal problems happen over net or ‘protective factors’ are we lack good mental health and time, and it will take time to make simply not there for far too many substance abuse resources for them better. Take care of yourself people. people of lower-to-middle so you may help, in whatever way Another book by a favorite economic means. you can, to make a difference. We author, Nicholas Kristof, and his It is disturbing to learn that can do this! wife, Sheryl WuDunn, Tightrope: foster children in Kansas have had Americans Reaching for Hope, to sleep in agency offices, often chronicles his experience growing experiencing sexual abuse. Other Jude LaClaire, up in Yamhill, Oregon. The have no stability, living in dozens Ph.D., LCPC is a experience of his family and peers of foster homes. In Missouri, a 48counselor and reflects the same tragedy Sarah year old woman, suffering from educator at the Smarsh describes. emphysema and struggling to find Heartland Holistic Kristof and WuDunn explain it day work, is in danger of jail time Health Center. She this way, “Americans also bought for failing to pay child support. is the author of the into a misconceived ‘personal More than seven million “Life Weaving responsibility’ narrative that Americans have had their driver’s Education Curriculum” that teaches blamed people for being poor. It’s licenses suspended for failing to true of course that personal pay child support or court-related creative, effective, holistic problem solving. For counseling appointments, responsibility matters: People we debt, meaning that they may not seminars, training, speaking spoke to often acknowledged reliably show up at work. engagements or information on engaging in self-destructive Finding ways to confront these Neurobehavioral Programs and Imago behaviors. But when you can issues definitely helps my own Couple’s Therapy call 913-322-5622 predict wretched outcomes based mental health and my sense of on the Zip code where a child is personal responsibility. One of my or drjude@heartlandholistic.com; www.heartlandholistic.com born, the problem is not bad most rewarding activities is a EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

2020 Wellness Directory EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM


Evolving A Guide for Conscious Living



CHIROPRACTIC Total Care Chiropractic/Dr. Tess Volner


New Day Hypnotherapy/Carol Henderson Kelly D. Murphy

Karen Elise



Nancy Oglesby


Cynthia McKay

Laura Wolf


6 6


MEDIA Evolving Magazine






Divine Natural Wellness


HealthSpan/Dr. Bethany Klug



Pure Living KC


Karen Harrison, Ed.S.

Radiate Wellness





COUNSELING Karen Harrison, Ed.S.


6 RETAIL Gemini



Nancy Oglesby


EDUCATION Wellspring School of Allied Health




Margie Kay



FESTIVALS Evolving Magazine Festivals




Full Wheel


HealthSpan/Dr. Bethany Klug


Radiate Wellness




aNu Aesthetics & Optimal Wellness


Nancy Russell, M.D./Nurturing Optimal Wellness 2 YOGA Kelly Crowe

HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY Total Care Chiropractic/Dr. Tess Volner




Dr. Cristyn Watkins Amanda Whitson, APRN  Functional medicine  Medical weight loss  Bio identical hormones  IV Nutrition therapy  Regenerative medicine  Ozone

 PRP  Exosomes  Infrared sauna  Float pod

10090 NW Prairie View Road And 547 Grand Blvd, Kansas City, MO

www.anuaesthetics.com 816-359-3310


Holistic and Functional Medicine in Kansas City

Bethany Klug, DO HealthSpanKC.com 913.642.1900 Located in Prairie Village

We aspire:  To help our patients enjoy a life of vibrant health. That’s the definition of HealthSpan.  To listen—it’s the key theme of our Google reviews.  To go beyond the conventional pill-for an-ill approach to identify root causes that when addressed, can resolve a multitude of symptoms.  To meet you where you are so you can successfully make positive steps toward greater health and wellbeing.

Feminine Empowerment Coach

Turn On Your Feminine Magic! Women's Embodiment Women's Empowerment Women's Retreats www.laurawolf.com


Lupe Eichenberg, FDN-P, AFDNP

Colon Hydrotherapist I-ACT 7327 Hardy St Overland Park, KS 66204 913-593-4116 PurelivingKC@gmail.com www.PurelivingKC.com First Time Clients: 20% discount on 1st visit


Kelly Crowe

7:30 Tuesdays www.homeholistic.com

Divine Natural Wellness “Supporting the body’s ability to heal itself Naturally”


(913) 687-9738

Products are gentle and senior friendly.


Holistic Health 15

What is Functional Medicine Anyway? BY NANCY RUSSELL, M.D. AND EMILY DAY


lthough there are similarities between Integrative and Functional Medicines, there are differences, too. Integrative Medicine is a health care approach that incorporates different tools, such as nutrition, meditation, exercise, supplements, and more, to help a patient achieve a balanced state. It focuses on whole-person care, with the philosophy that health is a combination of mind, body, and spirit. Functional Medicine is one of the tools within the Integrative Medicine umbrella that seeks the underlying causes of a patient’s symptoms or disease. Those trained in Functional Medicine look to the whole person to uncover imbalances leading to dysfunction that manifest as disease. Mark Hyman, one of the leaders in the field of Functional Medicine, says, “There’s a doctor for every inch of us, but who’s the doctor that puts it all together?” Family practice and internal medicine providers are trained to address the whole person, but they are often constrained by short 10- to 20-minute office visits. Conversely, a new patient visit with a Functional Medicine provider is 60-90 minutes and aims to address your health history from pre-conception onwards. If symptoms or disease are present, a Functional Medicine provider looks for underlying factors that may be affecting your health. For example, environmental inputs are information to our bodies, from the water we drink, the air we breathe, the food we consume, pollutants we are exposed to, our

by blood and is frequently a part of a workup through a Functional Medicine provider. When elevated, incorporating key nutritional, exercise, and supplement interventions can help prevent worsening pancreatic function and the onset of Type 2 Diabetes. In another example, ferritin is a marker for our iron stores, and it lowers earlier than hemoglobin when someone is at risk of irondeficiency anemia. Checking ferritin through a blood test is another way to address nutritional imbalances before a larger and more debilitating diagnosis of anemia occurs. When low, a Medicine provider “If symptoms or disease are present, a Functional Functional might advise more iron-rich foods Medicine provider looks for underlying factors that and/or an iron supplement coupled with a search for any may be affecting your health.” chronic low-level blood loss causing the low iron and ferritin. If the roots of a tree, its social and psychological health, the way genes are activated and foundation, are not strongly and the exercise we do (or don’t expressed. It’s important to review established, the tree will fall. In do) each day. A Functional your current health-related Functional Medicine, we seek to Medicine provider spends time behaviors and work to improve ensure that your foundation of addressing each of these aspects those that are not as consistent. health is strong so that you can of our lives, looking for Remember, you are not your better weather life’s challenges imbalances as leverage points to genes, but rather your genetic without significant consequence. help patients get well. Think of expression. Functional Medicine like Along those lines, Functional Emily Day is a Family sustainable, organic agriculture– Medicine is also valuable for treat the soil, remove what causes prevention. Most chronic diseases Nurse Practitioner and Functional Medicine imbalance, provide what creates are preceded by long-term provider at Nurturing balance. imbalances that can be identified Optimal Wellness with Functional Medicine also and addressed. For example, in Dr. Nancy Russell. addresses genetics. Although you traditional medicine, we learn to may be predisposed to certain measure fasting glucose to assess conditions, research shows that a person’s risk of developing Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic genes are influenced by your diabetes. But Functional Medicine Internal medicine physician, blending environment, a phenomenon checks fasting insulin, because traditional and alternative medicine in called epigenetics. It’s possible, this metric rises five to 10 years her Kansas City northland practice for through everyday behaviors such earlier than fasting glucose and is over 30 years. For more information on as eating whole foods, getting therefore an important harbinger getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her adequate sleep and exercise, of declining pancreatic function website, www.nancyrussellmd.com or committing to daily stress and rising risk of Type 2 Diabetes. call her office at Nurturing Optimal management and more, to change Fasting insulin is easily checked Wellness at 816-453-5545. EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM



Sound Healing & ASMR: A Unique Method To Combat Burnout & Promote Wellness By: Dr. Patrick Porter, Neuroscience Expert and Creator of BrainTap


urnout is a growing mental and emotional health problem in America, one officially classified as a medical condition by the World Health Organization, referring to emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Combating burnout is difficult in a society that has forgotten how to unplug and relax from pressures and coworkers. Physical and mental relaxation have become irrelevant and so has the concept of focus. Stimuli such as texting, social media, and Alexa all compete for our focus, making concentration even more difficult than it was in my childhood. When I was twelve, my father taught a relaxation technique to my family members, one I recorded and that helped me transform from a struggling student to a three-sport athletic captain and honor roll student. This turnaround inspired an early interest in the bridge between sound, relaxation and improved focus and well-being. It even inspired BrainTap, a program I designed with scientists and mindfulness experts to help those who suffer from anxiety, insomnia, pain, or low-energy health issues. The concept of sound healing is used to improve mental, physical, and emotional health as well as reducing stress and bolstering the immune system. Vibrational therapy uses vibrations from gongs and tuning forks to relax the mind and body. Binaural beats, also known as brainwave entrainment or braintapping, uses auditory stimulation to synchronize and balance brainwaves so they align to the frequency of a beat. Braintapping guides your mind from an awake, reactionary mind into an intuitive, creative state, then to a place where learning and healing can occur. Sound healers infer the healing effects occur because the body relaxes and blood pressure is lowered, which improves circulation and respiratory rates. It stabilizes the limbic system which is involved in motivation, emotion, learning, and memory. The body is calmed, breathing

becomes rhythmic, and the muscles relax. The ASMR community has now brought sound healing to the mainstream. The term ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response. The sensation is triggered by sounds as varied as tapping on thick plastic surfaces, close whispering, the crinkle of medical gloves, and newspaper pages being flipped. The triggers cause what is described as electrostatic-like tingles that travel across the scalp and back of the neck. These tingles bring a sense of relaxation and calm throughout the back and neck and soon, the entire body releases tension and relaxes. Many surmise that one of the earliest and unintentional ASMRists was Bob Ross, the painter and host of The Joy of Painting. His soothing voice, calm actions, gentle affect, and tapping on canvas was sound healing for his viewers. By now you've probably heard of ASMRists like GentleWhispering, Latte, WhispersRed and even celebrities like Cardi B and Janet Jackson are requested to create ASMR videos that utilize their slightly raspy, whispering voices and calm demeanor. Viewers around the world are bonding

over the unexpected euphoric sensation they receive from hearing certain noises. They discuss the 'best' parts of the videos and express how, often, they do not make it to the video's end because the relaxation was so effective. Given the current fascination with ASMR, it's understandable why people are now investing in the legitimacy of sound healing. Digital medicine is quickly becoming a go-to solution for enriching patient care. As more research results are published, sound therapy will become an essential part of healing protocols. With its ability to calm and relax, sound therapy helps the body stay stress-free so it can heal at an appropriate rate. With the thousands of crossgenerational ASMR subscribers, it's becoming clear that relaxation and sleep aids are necessary, especially those easily downloaded or available online. Seventy percent of the nervous system is in the brain, and so it would make sense that body healing begins there. Modern work hours are longer, technological stimuli is everywhere around us. Burnout is taking over the adult workforce as


well as their children. Sound healing is a safe, simple way to revitalize and reboot your mind and health, to unplug and recharge. Whether student-age or retired, people are looking to combat burnout with a good night's sleep. They may not even realize they utilize sound healing but do so each time they watch a video from their online ASMR libraries. Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D., is an awardwinning author and speaker who has devoted his career to neuroscience and brainwave entrainment. As the creator of BrainTapŽ, Dr. Porter has emerged as a leader in the digital health and wellness field. BrainTap’s digital tools and mind development apps use Creative Visualization and Relaxation, a biohacking technique that has made tremendous advances in helping mental, physical, and emotional health issues. BrainTap has been praised for helping people relieve symptoms associated with stress, insomnia, pain, and much more. www.braintap.com

Feature 17

How Alcoholism in the Family Affects the Brain’s Active and Resting States


ou don’t have to be a drinker for your brain to be affected by alcoholism. A new study shows that just having a parent with an alcohol use disorder affects how your brain transitions between active and resting states – regardless of your own drinking habits. The study, performed by researchers at Purdue University and the Indiana University School of Medicine, discovered that the brain reconfigures itself between completing a mentally demanding task and resting. But for the brain of someone with a family history of an alcohol use disorder, this reconfiguration doesn’t happen. While the missing transition doesn’t seem to affect how well a person performs the mentally demanding task itself, it might be related to larger scale brain functions that give rise to behaviors associated with addiction. In particular, study subjects without this brain process demonstrated greater impatience in waiting for rewards, a behavior associated with addiction. Multiple regions of the brain are involved in a “reconfiguration” that happens between completing a difficult task and resting. But for people with a family history of alcoholism, this reconfiguration is diminished. (Purdue University image) Findings are published in the journal NeuroImage. The work was led by Enrico Amico, a former Purdue postdoctoral researcher who is now a researcher at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. How the brain reconfigures between active and resting states is like how a computer closes down a program after you’re finished with it. “The moment you close a program, a computer has to remove it from memory, reorganize the cache and maybe clear out some temporary files. This helps the computer to prepare for the next task,” said Joaquín Goñi, a Purdue assistant professor in the School of Industrial Engineering and the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering.

echo in time of what had been going on,” Kareken said. Subjects lacking the transition also had the risk factors that researchers have seen to be consistent with developing alcoholism. These include being male, a greater number of symptoms of depression, and reward-impatience. A family history of alcoholism, however, stood out as the most statistically significant difference in this brain reconfiguration. The finding affects research going forward. “In the past, we’ve assumed that a person who doesn’t drink excessively is a ‘healthy’ control A family history of alcoholism affects a process that for a study. But this work shows that a person with just a family the brain uses when transitioning from a mentally history of alcoholism may also demanding state to a resting state, researchers have have some subtle differences in how their brains operate,” Goñi found. (Illustration by James Steinberg) said. The code used to analyze data in “In a similar way, we’ve found computer. The task required them this study is available at https:// that this reconfiguration process to unpredictably hold back from engineering.purdue.edu/ in the human brain is associated pressing a left or right key. After ConnplexityLab/publications. with finishing a task and getting completing the task, the subjects This research was funded by the ready for what’s next.” Goñi’s rested while watching a fixed National Institute on Alcohol research group, the CONNplexity point on the screen. Abuse and Alcoholism (grant Lab, takes a computational A separate task outside of the P60AA07611) and the Purdue approach to neuroscience and MRI scanner gauged how Discovery Park Data Science cognitive science. participants responded to Award “Fingerprints of the Past research has shown that a rewards, asking questions such as Human Brain: A Data Science family history of alcoholism if they would like $20 now or Perspective.” The work was also affects a person’s brain anatomy $200 in one year. partially supported by the and physiology, but most studies Amico and Goñi processed the National Institutes of Health have looked at this effect only in data and developed a (grants separate active and quiet resting computational framework for R01EB022574, R01MH108467, states rather than the transition extracting different patterns of and R00AA023296). between them. brain connectivity between “A lot of what brains do is switch completing the mentally About Discovery Park between different tasks and states. demanding task and entering the Discovery Park is a place where We suspected that this task resting state, such as when brain Purdue researchers move beyond switching might be somewhat areas rose and fell together in traditional boundaries, lower in people with a family activity, or one brain area rose collaborating across disciplines history of alcoholism,” said David while another fell at the same and with policymakers and Kareken, a professor of neurology time. business leaders to create at the Indiana University School The data revealed that these solutions for a better world. of Medicine and director of the brain connectivity patterns Grand challenges of global health, Indiana Alcohol Research Center. reconfigured within the first three global conflict and security, and The study defined a “family minutes after finishing the task. those that lie at the nexus of history of alcoholism” as someone By the fourth minute of rest, the sustainable energy, world food with a parent who had enough effect had completely supply, water and the symptoms to constitute an alcohol disappeared. environment are the focus of use disorder. About half of the 54 And it’s not a quiet process: researchers in Discovery Park. study participants had this Reconfiguration involves multiple The translation of discovery to history. parts of the brain at once. impact is integrated into the Researchers at Indiana “These brain regions talk to each fabric of Discovery Park through University measured the brain other and are very strongly entrepreneurship programs and activity of subjects with an MRI implicated in the task even though partnerships. scanner as they completed a by this point, the task is already mentally demanding task on a completed. It almost seems like an EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM



Living in the Glitter An excerpt from FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self by Lora Cheadle


ave you noticed that most of life is neither black nor white but some scintillating shade of glitter that you can’t quite name? One moment it looks gold, then the light catches it and it’s red, but then a silver fleck jumps into view. If you have ever listed out pros and cons to help you make decisions and then still not been able to decide, you will know exactly what I’m talking about. Wouldn’t life be easier if everything was just cut-anddried? Look at how frequently news stories deal with elusive, shimmery shades of glitter. Did the officer shoot the suspect because he posed a viable danger and the officer feared for his life, or did he act unreasonably based on a racial bias? Whoa. Is this something we can ever answer with complete certainty? Probably not, and that uncertainty can be excruciating. The discomfort that comes from living in this glittery confusion sometimes makes us want to pretend that things are clear and precise, even when they are not. Instead of admitting that life is filled with value judgments, errors, and complexities none of us could ever see through, we sometimes pretend that we can. And in slipping back into our black-and-white ways of thinking and reacting, we overlook the fact that sometimes, it is in the glittery, complex tragedies that the biggest gains and unexpected joys are born. What are some of the black-and -white beliefs held by your family? If you are looking for a starting point, think about the biggies: race, gender, nationality, religion,

marital status, political affiliation, level of education, and sexual orientation. But know that it’s usually the subtle ones, like A worthy woman sacrifices for her family that are more impactful. Living in the Glitter Ask yourself these filter questions, and see what shifts for you. Move through the questions with a sense of curiosity and wonderment, as if you were watching a burlesque routine (Ohhhh, I can’t wait to see what’s underneath that!), instead of with blame, shame, or judgment. 1. Besides me, who around me holds this belief ? 2. Is there a reason that I, or those around me, hold this belief ? prove a position that in my heart and head I knew wasn’t accurate. Let me butt in for a moment Mum’s the word. Perhaps you can here and explain what I mean by a relate. reason for holding a certain belief. 5. How is my belief false? My grandpa was a pilot in both 6. What evidence can I find that World War II and the Korean is contrary to my belief, and what War. His experience, coupled with is the quality of that evidence? wartime propaganda, shaped his 7. Does this contradiction cause beliefs about those of Asian me mental angst or discomfort? descent. A reason is not a 8. In what ways have I rejected justification. It does not excuse this contradictory evidence? the belief or make it correct. It 9. In what ways have I explains logically why someone attempted to explain away this would feel the way that they do. contradictory evidence? And until we discover those 10. In what ways have I avoided reasons, we are much less likely to looking at this contradictory create lasting change. evidence? 3. How is my belief true? 11. What would changing my 4. What evidence can I find that belief mean for me, as well as for supports my belief, and what is my relationships with others? the quality of this evidence? Magical Meditation Okay, okay, the preceding Find a comfortable place to question is a tad lawyerly and a relax where you won’t be little ridiculous, I admit. It’s just disturbed. Take a few breaths, and that there may have been a time or two when I was more interested allow yourself to settle in the moment and whatever that in being right than in really, moment is bringing. If you are honestly being right. And I may distracted or uncomfortable, allow have gone to great lengths to EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

yourself to be distracted and uncomfortable. Release all thoughts of what meditation should feel like and just be where you are. On your next inhalation, breathe in the thoughts you are thinking or the emotions you are feeling. Exhale whatever it is you are thinking or feeling. Be here as long as you need, until you have breathed in and then breathed out all unsatisfying thoughts and emotions, and are left breathing in and breathing out only thoughts and emotions that are pleasant to you. From this state of pure satisfaction, fill yourself with a sense of playful positivity, where anything is possible, and just be. When you are ready, imagine, visualize, or pretend that you are a tiny, beautiful baby or a beautiful, luminescent soul, floating on a cloud, waiting to descend to Earth and begin your life. But before your life on Earth, you have been given the opportunity to review the dreams, desires, gifts, and

passions that form your core essence, the sparkly center of your innate being. What are your dreams and desires? How will you use your gifts and pursue your passions? Why is your soul here now? What is your life mission, and when your life is finally over, what will your legacy be? Will you be satisfied with this life? Breathe, relax, and let your mind wander into this creative, joyful space. Without judgment toward yourself or others, and knowing that all things happen for a reason and in perfect order, notice how your life has moved both toward and away from your dreams, desires, passions, and gifts. There is no judgment, because, like the path of a labyrinth, life moves us both toward and away from ourselves and our goals. Notice the parts of your inner core, your true essence, that have been covered. Your masks, stories, and costumes. But most importantly, notice what lies

beneath those masks. Watch as everything that is not your true essence, everything that is a story or mask or judgment, slowly crumbles and falls away, and feel yourself smile. As you allow the unmasking. As stories that are not your own fall away. And allow your dreams, desires, passions, and gifts to be reignited by this noticing. What does life look like, now that you have an awareness of what lies beneath your costumes and masks and what your inner core is made from; and now that your dreams, desires, gifts, and passions are smoldering, on the brink of catching fire? Notice where your life is leading. When you feel ready, slowly let your mind move back to the present, back in your body. Take three or four deep breaths, preparing for the day or night ahead, staying connected to your own creative insight, divine possibility, and uninhibited joy.

There’s no right or wrong way to experience this or any meditation. Like you did during your field trip to the toy store, step back and see what happens. Notice where your mind goes. Be surprised by your dreams and desires, your passions and purpose, and by the legacy you desire to leave. If you found it difficult to stay focused during your own meditation and would like to try a guided meditation led by yours truly, then head over to loracheadle.com/freebies and download my free MP3 “Finding Your Passion & Purpose.” Viewing your life as a whole, from a detached, higher perspective, validates the longings of your inner being and gives you the opportunity to start fresh, to push the reset button on your life. Even though you can’t control everything that happens in life, you can always control your response to what happens. Resetting yourself back to your original core is always the right choice!

Lora Cheadle is the author of FLAUNT! After ten years of practicing corporate law in California and Colorado, she chose to change paths to become the radio host and Life Choreographer® she is today. She is a certified hypnotist, personal trainer, burlesque performer, and yoga instructor, as well as a popular writer for People magazine and Elephant Journal. She offers “Find Your Sparkle” coaching programs, workshops, and destination retreats and teaches all over the world. Her home base is in Colorado. Find out more about her work at LoraCheadle.com. Excerpted from the book FLAUNT!. Copyright ©2019 by Lora Cheadle. Printed with permission from New World Library — www.newworldlibrary.com.

“The discomfort that comes from living in this glittery confusion sometimes makes us want to pretend that things are clear and precise, even when they are not.”




Living with Purpose An excerpt from Everyday Legacy: Lessons for Living With Purpose, Right Now by Codi Shewan


ou’re dead. Your human experience is over. I’m going to give you the opportunity to talk to the person who meant the most to you. But the only question you’re allowed to ask is, “What will I be remembered for?” What do you think you’ll hear? That you were honest? Loyal? That you always had something positive to say? That you brought comfort to any situation? That you made people laugh? That you made every- one around you smile and feel alive? Or might that person struggle to tell you how you’re being remembered? Did you put your job above most things? Or, worse, did you put work above everything? Did money matter more than the things that money can’t buy? Did you take time for people when they needed you? Or did you only make time when it was convenient for you? The first thing being a funeral director taught me was that death has no clock; it waits for no one. Death can be as close as the next minute. When it’s your time, it’s your time. But you get to determine how you live before that time comes. I am willing to bet that, when you hear the name Nobel, you instantly think of the Nobel Peace Prize. But perhaps you aren’t aware that this association exists because Alfred Nobel had the unusual opportunity to read his own obituary, and he did not like what had been written. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. He made a fortune by stabilizing tNt so it would be safer to work with and to transport. Essentially, Alfred Nobel armed the world with bombs. When his brother Ludvig Nobel died, a French newspaper mistakenly printed a scathing obituary for Alfred. The piece

reported on the passing of the “merchant of death” who grew rich by inventing new ways to “mutilate and kill.” It is believed that when Alfred read this, he became obsessed with the way he would be remembered after his death. And so, Alfred Nobel rewrote his last will and testament, arranging that his fortune would be used to recognize and award peace. He wanted to be remembered for his philanthropy, not as someone whose life’s work took the lives of so many. Had he not read those harsh words, the world would have a very different memory of him. Although historians have never found this obituary, and even if this story of Alfred Nobel is a modern myth, it teaches a powerful lesson about how we should live. Often, when we talk about learning lessons, we don’t necessarily imply that the lesson learned will result in actual changes in behavior. But when we read stories like Alfred Nobel’s, whether they are historically accurate or not, they offer us something to apply in our lives. Lessons lived are much different from lessons learned. A lesson lived means understanding what you’ve been taught, adopting it, and executing it with action. Lessons learned mean nothing unless they’re applied. You have to live the lessons you learn. In one of my workshops, I conduct an exercise that involves people writing their own obituaries. This is a powerful practice because it forces you to consider the end and to think about what’s important and how you want to be remembered. What if you thought now about the things and the people in your life, taking note of everything that you value. If you were to fast-

“What’s left when you strip away the things that don’t really matter?” forward to the end, which of the things would become irrelevant? What’s left when you strip away the things that don’t really matter? What’s left is people. Not things. Not possessions. Not bank accounts. At least not for most of us. Think about the people in your life and what you mean to them. What is it about you that they love? What values and qualities do you possess that they hold dear? People’s opinions of us are a manifestation of our behavior. If you have likable characteristics, you will be well liked. If you don’t conduct yourself nicely, you’re not going to be very well thought of. Since outside opinions of us correlate to our behavior, we have to decide: who do we show up as in this world? Who do you show up as? The way you behave today will be the way you are remembered tomorrow.


This is an excerpt taken from Everyday Legacy: Lessons for Living With Purpose, Right Now by Codi Shewan. Shewan is a sought-after consultant and speaker on a mission to redefine “legacy” as something that you personify, each day of your life: you can realize the power of your own positive influence while you’re still here. For more information, visit everydaylegacy.com, or connect with Shewan on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Spiritual Horoscope 21

March Horoscope PISCES (FEB. 19 – MARCH 20) Happy birthday, Pisces! Mercury turns direct and moves into your sign, bringing inspiration and clarity of purpose! Many answers come through meditation and dreams. It’s also a powerful time for manifesting desires by means of affirmations. You’ll need to constantly (and lovingly) counter your fearful or negative voice. It’s normal, so don’t be discouraged. Only confide your visionary future to one or two trusted friends who believe in spiritual manifestation, and spend time with positive, upbeat people! ARIES (MARCH 21 – APRIL 19) Wow! It’s an amazing career month! You could have a fabulous offer, promotion, or bonus. It might even be out of the blue, but you deserve it from your hard work last year! Mercury moves direct and helps you forgive old resentments and opens your heart and mind to be able to wish, hope, and dream. Think clearly about investments, since a get-rich-quick scheme could likely be a scheme! True prosperity will come from the harvest of your past planting. A new relationship can start, but clearly discuss each other’s expectations. TAURUS (APRIL 20 – MAY 20) Loving, opulent Venus moves into your sign. You can start a new relationship or improve the harmony in your current partnership. With revolutionary Uranus being also in Taurus, the best relationship to heal and expand is with yourself! Say positive affirmations in the mirror. Take deep breaths with your hand over your heart frequently throughout the day. Plan a trip to an exotic place you’ve yearned to visit. You’ll also have breakthroughs feeling the Universe is a safe and abundant place that is blessing you! GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20) Meditation will be easy for you, believe it or not! You’ll be able to still your mind and be less restless. You’ll also have intuitive thoughts during the day that solve problems effortlessly. Relationships take a deeper turn in terms of trust and sexuality.

Sometimes you feel safer keeping things on the surface, but right now opening your heart and soul are the right things to do. Even in a long-term partnership, new levels of intimacy are there to be explored! CANCER (JUNE 21 – JULY 22) Open up to new friends and hobbies. It’s too easy to stick with the same people and circumstances, even if there are problems. Challenge yourself and experience fresh social energy! You can also start a new relationship. In a current partnership, try new ways of problem solving and conflict resolution. Also try different activities together, so you reach each other in new ways! If you’ve strayed from meditation habits, get back to basics. You’ll feel a return to safety and reliable inner guidance. LEO (JULY 23 – AUG. 22) As Mercury moves direct, meditate on releasing resentments that have hardened into limiting beliefs. Open yourself to trust again, especially in regards to intimacy on all levels. Forgive yourself and others while maintaining healthy boundaries. Breakthroughs happen at work with promotions, bonuses, or recognition! Revitalize your health with new foods, detox programs or stress-management practices. Don’t overlook simple yet powerful tools like conscious deep breathing and minimeditation during your busy day!

VIRGO (AUG. 23 – SEPT. 22) Mercury goes direct. This clears up miscommunication with relationships, helps you both smooth things over and regain playfulness and sexiness! If you just started a new connection, ask pertinent questions to make sure you’re actually aligned in terms of life goals and values. Spiritually, get out in nature to revitalize your spirit. Meditate outside if possible. Also, find new ways to connect with your inner wisdom through yoga, qigong, or by “just” falling in love with life! LIBRA (SEPT. 23 – OCT. 22) Puzzling health issues can resolve as Mercury moves direct this month. Eliminating a troublesome food can be a big part of your problem, even if it’s emotional wellness you’ve struggled with. You can start a passionate new relationship that leads to surprising levels of intimacy! Current partnerships can also deepen, even if you’ve “given up” on things improving. Meditate on boundaries with others, be they family or work. As you keep those limits clear, you’ll notice you have more energy and success in many ways!

SCORPIO (OCT. 23 – NOV. 21) It’s time for a brand new approach to communication in relationships. You usually pull deep within yourself when conflict arises, which can feel abandoning to your partner. Inform him/her of your need for private reflection and agree on a time to check again together. Also ponder how you pull away from what/whom you call God when you have challenging emotions. Open your heart to be loved and helped. Also, be aware of the power of the spoken word. Affirmations can be almost magical right now! SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 – DEC. 21) Focus on money and budgeting, but also put prosperity principles into practice! You can really create financial magic that flows all year long. Check out “It Works” by RHJ, simple and powerful! Meditate on


subconscious programming you picked up from your family regarding funds and also in terms of self-esteem. These patterns shift as you bring them to the light of awareness. You can also meet a new partner who’s interested in new forms of wellness, especially the spirituality behind health. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 – JAN. 19) Mars enters your sign, giving you energy and enthusiasm. You can start a new relationship, or a current connection blossoms with love and joy! Physically, you’ll feel stronger and healthier than you’ve felt in a few years! Sometimes you feel life is a struggle, but now it’ll seem that you’re effortlessly “in the flow.” Please make time for fun and play! It will help you be more efficient at work and more relaxed with family and romantic partners. AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 – FEB. 18) Meditate on forgiving others, yourself, and circumstances from the past two years (or longer!). Try the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono prayer or the Buddhist practice of loving kindness. As you release old blocks to love, your heart flings open! A new relationship can begin that matches your values. Current connections can be revitalized with your authentic emotions. Even old family hurts can heal. Finances also start flowing now that Mercury turns direct!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E -book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com




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CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING SCHOOL Classes and individual sessions in energy healing and meditation. NCBTMB approved courses. CoreStarEnergyHealing.com HYPNOSIS

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NEW DAY HYPNOTHERAPY, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. www.newdayhypno.com 913-908-6907 NUTRITION & WELLNESS NUTRITION CONSULTANT JACKIE CALDWELL HHC, BS Jackie works with you to restore digestive health by eating a grain free diet. Contact Jackie at 913-980 -5605 www.grainfreewellness.com

WELLNESS The Riordan Clinic has over 40 years of experience integrating lifestyle and nutrition to help you find the underlying causes of your illness. 6300 W 143rd Street, Ste #205, Overland Park 913.745.4757 www.RiordanClinic.org



N2PAWS—Harmony & Balance for your animal companion with TTouch, Reiki, Doga, & Essential Oils (specializing in recovery, senior, & hospice) n2paws.com CAMILLE PUKAY, ABCDT, Certified dog trainer-Animal Reiki and Animal Communication to help dogs move forward with their person creating a new journey of partnership. Animal Reiki Divine, LLC Camille.pukay555@gmail.com VK ANIMAL COMMUNICATION AND ENERGY THERAPY Understanding & relief for challenges such as new to family, relationships, trauma & behavior; references vkanimalcommunication.com

under Dr. Cristyn Watkins, offers you the ultimate experience in Wellness Medicine and Aesthetics since 2011. anuaesthetics.com CONSCIOUS CONNECTING We share lifestyle tips with holistic techniques for you, your family, and your fur babies. 6907 Metcalf Ave., OP, KS 913-908-1784 www.GloriaKnowsBest.com YOGA THE YOGA STUDIO 10400 W. 103rd, #14, Overland Park. All levels, teacher’s training and new flow classes 913 492 9594 www.theyogastudio.com Kelly Crowe, Ayurvedic Yoga and Pelvic Floor Yoga Specialist, aids women in connecting to their bodies in dynamic ways. 816-582-4583 www.homeholistic.com


WESTPORT YOGA KC teaches a comprehensive yoga curriculum of philosophy, pranayama, meditation and alignment-base asana. Classes held 7 days a week. 5911 Main St, Kansas City, Missouri 64113. WestportYogaKansasCity.com

KAREN ELISE - PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER & COACH Tarot / astrology corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations. 913-636-9502 www.KarenElise.com

Find more holistic practitioners in Evolving Magazine’s

Holistic Online Directory www.evolvingmagazine.com/holistic-online-directory EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

MARCH 8 JIN SHIN JYUTSU SELFHELP CLASS BOOK 1 9:30-12:30 am. Susan Warner’s Healing Space. $60. radiatewellnesscommunity.com MARCH 9 SUCCESSFUL AGING 2-3 pm. Kansas City Public Library - Trails West. Learn how to strive to be as chronologically as young as possible. Free. radiatewellnesscommunity.com

MAY 15-16 MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSE CONFERENCE by OZ-UFO with top speakers. Alien and UFO encounters and other mysteries. Keynote speaker Ian Punnett. http:// www.oz-ufo.com

Licensed Reiki Master with International Center for Reiki Training, Leawood, KS. 913-526-6556. karen@karenharrison.net www.karenharrison.net

APRIL 6 DOGA (DOGGIE YOGA) MARCH 27-29 6:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Overland HOLY FIRE KARUNA REIKI Park, KS An integrated MASTER approach to flexibility and Catapult your skills after Reiki relaxation for you and your Master. Learn the Holy Fire canine companion. material and chanting. 9am – Register: pat@n2paws.com or MARCH 9 6:30pm. $975 with early 816-522-7005 “SUGAR, CRAVINGS & deposit. CEs for health www.n2paws.com EMOTIONAL EATING” professionals. Karen Harrison, A one- hour class at Northland Licensed Reiki Master with APRIL 11 Senior Center, 1:00PM 5601 NE International Center for Reiki K9 GUIDE TO THE Antioch Rd., Gladstone, 64119 Training, Leawood. 913-526GALAXY Register at 816-808-9405 6556. karen@karenharrison.net 12-2 p.m. Peculiar, MO www.karenharrison.net Introduction to a holistic MARCH 10 approach of caring for your furry GUIDED, GROUNDING MARCH 28 family members through AND RELAXATION AGING GRACEFULLY TTouch, Nutrition, Essential Oils MEDITATION 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Peculiar, and more! Join Jan Peck, Energy Healer and MO. Learn techniques that will Register: pat@n2paws.com or Massage Therapist in a healing help comfort your canine family 816-522-7005 www.n2paws.com and grounding guided member during the golden years meditation. “Love Offering”. 6 -7 and through end-of-life. APRIL 18 p.m. Reserve your space by Register: pat@n2paws.com or RESTORATIVE YOGA texting 913.620.1938 Core Star 816-522-7005 www.n2paws.com AND HERBAL HEALING Energy Healing Office 7700 with Heather Healy. at 2 pm @ Shawnee Mission Pkwy Suite 320 MARCH 28-APRIL 4 Westport Yoga KC. $25, Enroll: OPKS 66202 ** $30 WILDWOMAN IN WestportYogaKansasCity.com introductory energy healing PARADISE session for 1st time clients by Join Laura Wolf, Priestess to the ONGOING mentioning this ad** Wild Feminine, for a luxurious women’s retreat, March 28-April GLORIA KNOWS BEST MARCH 12 4, 2019 near Cancún, CONSCIOUS RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Mexico. Relax on the beach, CONNECTING EVENTS MEDITATION play in the turquoise blue ocean Live Life Better 7-8 pm. Wellness Wheel, 4752 and receive deep rejuvenation 6907 Metcalf Ave, OPKS N. Broadway, 64118. Connect for your soul. www.GloriaKnowsBest.com with sound and vibration to www.laurawolf.com connect to your own SERENITY HOMESTEAD beat! $15. radiatewellnesscomm APRIL 2 Mind Body Spa Wellness unity.com YIN MERIDIANS AND Oxidative Stress Discussions CHAKRA MEDITATION RNewcomer.EcoKangen.com MARCH 13 WITH AMBER JACOBER PSI PRESENTS: 5 Thursdays @ 7:30 pm CONSCIOUS "Atlantis, Why is it Important beginning April 2, 2020 @ CONNECTING Today? by Patrick Andries, Westport Yoga KC. $65, Enroll: Live Life Better Gatherings 7 p.m., Unity Temple on the WestportYogaKansasCity.com On-going weekly wellness Plaza, $15 at the door events. GloriaKnowsBest.com PsychicStudiesInstitute.org APRIL 3 – 5 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI KANSAS CITY MUFON MARCH 14 MASTER meetings are held on the second ALL-DAY REMOTELearn the Master symbol and the Monday of the month. We study VIEWING WORKSHOP Holy Fire material. Work with UFOs, extraterrestrials, crop with Margie Kay includes lunch crystals. Strengthen your healing circles, and related subjects. $99 pp. Learn to increase your energy and be able to teach Info at psychic abilities and remote Reiki. 9am-6:30pm. $975 with www.missourimufon.org. view. www.margiekay.com 816- early deposit. CEs for health 833-1602 professionals. Karen Harrison, EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy healing sessions for cancer patients and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. KansasCityHealingProject.org TEMPLE BUDDHIST CENTER SUNDAY MEDITATION SERVICE 9am and10:30am, all are welcome, childcare available. http://www.facebook.com/ templebuddhistcenter for details TEMPLE BUDDHIST CENTER HALF-DAY MEDITATION RETREAT Last Saturday of each month 9am-1pm. http:// www.facebook.com/ templebuddhistcenter for details REIKI CIRCLE IN KANSAS CITY METRO AREA 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. 8301 State Line, Suite 202, KC, MO 64114. Love offering. All Welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For Flier email karen@karenharrison.net 913-526-6556 SERENITY PAUSE™ MEDITATION 7 DAYS A WEEK - 365 DAYS A YEAR 12:10-12:40pm and 5:306pm, Myrtle Fillmore Chapel, Includes instruction and discussion. www.unitytemple.com

UNITY CHURCH OF O.P. 10 a.m. Sundays at Abdallah Shrine Temple, 5300 Metcalf www.UCOP.org 913-649-1750



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