August 2014 Evolving Magazine

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X volving

August 2014 ~ Vol.VI, Issue 6

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living YOUR MENTAL HEALTH





August 2014



August 2014

Publisher’s Letter...


Photo by Penny Thieme

Dear Friend,

I struggled this month writing my publisher's letter. The topic of mental health is not only broad, it's an area in which I am not an expert with advice to give. Hoping for inspiration via cool breezes and vibrant sunshine, I decided to write my letter while seated on the deck. As I gathered a pen and paper, I thought, "Working outside makes my heart sing." And in that moment I realized what the topic of mental health means to me. For me to have a positive mindset (mental health), I have to seek out and cultivate those activities which feed my soul and make my heart sing in the process. This summer, gardening has been my anchor to mental stability. The physicality of it (exercise is a proven mood booster and stress reliever); the experience of being in nature, hands literally immersed in the dirt; the natural vitamin D from the sun (also a mood booster); and, the opportunity to nourish a seed through its life cycle have all enhanced my mental wellbeing. So I'll ask myself more often, "What makes my heart sing?" and incorporate those activities, one at a time, into my life. They're small steps, but put together, can add up to create a vibrant life.

Mindfulness for Peaceful Living...9 Manifesting a Dream: The Mike Taylor Story...13

Trauma Matters...15 Mental Health: Creating Success...16

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! Read the online magazine: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag Read Jill’s blog on The Business of Writing:

Mio Italian Trattoria...11 In August, Green Girls Eat Weeds...10 ON THE COVER:

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Aaron Lerner

Sapphire Moonbeam is a Spiritual/Energy Artist that does Intuitive Oil paintings by commission, creates stone and crystal jewelry and spreads good vibes all over the world via social media. Visit for links to her Etsy shops, commission a painting, get an oracle card reading and for links to follow her on various social media sites.

Contributors Martha Childers, Bhaswheti Gewhas, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Sharon McGloin, Aluna Michaels, Tracy Ochester, Bonnie Rabicoff, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes Advertising


Ad Design Susan Prout

Karen E. Cowdry

Connie “Crash” Humiston

EVOLVING© 2014 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.

Journey to Wholeness Wisdom Within Holistic Health Food First!



August 2014

6 7 8 10

In the Kitchen w/Bonnie Horoscope Events

11 16 18

News Campus Week at Unity Village Holos University Graduate Seminary is pleased to announce its Campus Week activities at Unity Village. September 8th through the 13th. The public is enthusiastically invited to experience HU by attending the Graduation and Ordination Ceremonies at 4 p.m. Sunday, September 7. Beginning Monday, September 8, eight concurrent leading-edge workshops will be presented by HU’s pioneering faculty:

AUGUST EVENTS Evolving Magazine Conscious Living Center 6115 Nieman Rd., Shawnee, KS 66203 See event listings for complete info. Contact each workshop instructor individually to sign up. To host a workshop at the

1) Inner Counselor-Ann Nunley, PhD, Transformational Psychologist, 3-days, MondayWednesday, $250. Learn a powerful 15-Step guided imagery process to permanently transform outgrown response patterns 2) Trauma First Aide-Geneie Everett, RN, PhD, 3-days, MondayWednesday, $250. Learn skills to quickly reduce symptoms of acute traumatic stress and stabilize the nervous system, 18 CEU’s for RN, LCSW, LPCC 3) Heart Rhythm MeditationChristine Caldwell-Bair, ThD, 3 -days, Monday-Wednesday,

center, contact Jill Dutton: August 6 & 20 August 22 Far Out Meditation with Animal Communication Daniel Scharpenberger with Judith Wade

August 15 Artist’s Reception for Sapphire Moonbeam

August 23 Practical Mysticism with Madison Joy

August 16 Akashic Records with Stephanie Forcier



August 2014






$250. Learn a heart-opening Meditation skill Creating Sacred Ceremony-Rev. Jane Simmons, 1-day, Thursday, $85. Learn to be a Celebrant for important life events by creating and performing your own sacred ceremony or celebration Body Spin -David Pasikov, 3days, Thursday-Saturday, $250. Learn to help yourself and others release energy blockages related to body-centered vibrational energy points Holistic Healthcare — C. Shaffia Laue, MD & Ralph Bauer, ThM, 3-days, Thursday-Saturday, $250. Learn to use a variety of Holistic Energy Therapies that are part of the expanding field of holistic health and healing Mandala- Suchinta Abhayartna, ThD, 3-days Thursday through Saturday, $250. Learn the process of creating sacred Mandalas on paper and in sand Evolutionary Astrology, Patricia Bechdolt, 2-days, Monday and Tuesday, $175. Learn to interpret the unique relationship of the symbols in your chart in order to clarify your sense of purpose

News Grateful Joy! & Createful Studios, LLC Launch Website Renowned Kansas City artist, business owner and Gratitude facilitator Grateful Joy! and Lenexa-based artist co-op Createful Studios, LLC are proud to announce the launching of their official website, Createful Studios’ mission is to infuse creativity with gratitude. In everything we do, we aspire to better our community and ourselves through artistic expression. Createful offers a wide-variety of services including fine art sales and curating, fundraising for the arts, workshops on the subjects of painting, poetry, creative writing, and Gratitude, Public Relations, and event planning and production. With the launching of the new website, Createful coowner Grateful Joy! released a new series of paintings, “Offerings.” This collection is a series of 3D mandalas and zentangles which highlights her primary focus, the healing power of art combined with gratitude. Grateful Joy! is a multi-media artist and co-owner of Createful Studios, LLC in Lenexa, KS. She is a full time Grateful Joy is a multi-media artist and co-owner of Createful Studios, LLC in Lenexa, KS. She is a full time artist with an emphasis on charity fundraising for arts programs in the Kansas City metro area. “Through my own spiritual awakening, this series was born by accident, as a form of meditation. I was told my recent pieces resembled mandalas which led to my research of this ancient art form. I discovered the Buddhist monks who spend substantially long periods of time creating beautiful works of art out of sand and then, when the mandala is complete, they erase it. These mandalas are meant as offerings to stillness, to happiness, to love, to balance, to playfulness, to life and death, to all things beyond the self which are achieved in full enlightenment during the process of meditation. I am struck with admiration by the dedication these monks have to an art form that is impermanent. This made me realize that the journey is the point, the journey is the offering. There is no destination as beautiful as the path to the destination. The monks make spiritual offerings through their work as do I. My offerings are for peace, balance, hope, freedom, contemplation, gratitude, love, reflection, revelation, transforthese are my offering to you through my artwork. Mandala inspired works appeal to me as the process requires working from the inside out to create beauty, and that’s what I’ve been doing in my personal life. I work with a variety of materials to create these offerings including upcycled wood, hand-tinted 3-D adhesive paint, acrylic paint, gold leaf, molding paste. All offerings are unique, original, hand-drawn inspirations of my own design. You can find more information about Joy Baker, her work as an artist and Gratitude Facilitator by visiting or by visiting her company website She can be reached at



August 2014

Journey to Wholeness—by Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. Addictions: Path to Healing


rom the beginning of our lives we are on a quest for food, sleep and touch. We move on to seek novelty, friendship and sex. The reward system of the brain is insatiable for good reasons. It keeps us alive as we connect, reproduce and seek new ways to do things. It has not only helped us survive, but drives us to develop and grow in the process. The downside of this drive is addiction. Addictive substances or behaviors mimic natural rewards such as food or sex by activating a network of brain areas called the 'reward circuitry,' which is responsible for enjoyment. The hook is that the use of mood-altering substances or behaviors (like gambling, porn) often ‘exceeds expectations.’ We might think, “Wow, this was even better than I thought it would be.” When we repeat this experience, we begin rewiring the brain, strengthening the synaptic contacts between neurons that encode this experience. With repeated use, combined with the delusion of the addict, the brain develops a long-term strengthening of the substance/ behavior memory circuits. This helps explain why it is so difficult to stop the addictive behavior. What predisposes a person to get hooked? We know that genetic vulnerability, environmental influence and the repeated use of a substance or behavior are conditions that will trigger an addictive habit. As I look at family genograms the patterns of addiction are easily spotted. Experiences of trauma, loss, mental or physical health problems and relationship issues can all be triggers for addictions. Experimenting with drugs and alcohol at impressionable ages, along with some of the factors mentioned, could start a person on the road to addiction. Once the brain’s reward system is ’rewired’ the roller coaster is sliding down hill. Until a person has some sort of awakening, either by hitting bottom or some experience that jolts them out of their delusional thinking, the addiction will be in charge. In the twelve-step program of AA, the first step is to “admit that we were powerless over alcohol (addictive substance or behavior) and that our lives had become unmanageable.” The second step EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


August 2014

is to believe “that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” These steps are taken only when some sort of ‘awakening’ has occurred. Bill W. (one of the founders of AA) and Carl Jung, a well-known Swiss psychiatrist, discussed this in the letters they exchanged in 1961. Carl Jung had told one of his patients (Rowland), who later met Bill W. and who continued to relapse with his drinking, that he was at the point where he was powerless and needed to have a spiritual experience. He recommended that he search for this experience. It took Rowland seven more years to find the Oxford Movement, where he immersed himself in helping others and began his recovery. Jung’s idea that addiction was a longing for wholeness is a portend of the discovery that it is in the hard-wiring of the reward system of the brain. Some of us get lost in the immediate reward and forget to keep seeking for the holistic experience. And we want it now! Having the spiritual experience, which may happen slowly over time, is key to the motivation to ‘re-wire.’ The neurobiology of addiction helps us to understand the nature of this brain dysregulation and invites us to learn new skills, re-train the brain and be patient with the long-term nature of this process. People do better in recovery when they have support and structure. Addiction treatment, good psychotherapy, groups that use the twelve-step program and family and community support are helpful in this journey. It is definitely the best, and often most difficult, road to take.

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go to

Wisdom Within—by Suzette Scholtes A Healthy Mind is Clear and Calm

I can see clearly now the rain is gone.” Remember that tune? As great yogi Sean Corne said, “I was walking one day and asked myself what am I feeling?” She broke into a smile. She felt a depth of happiness never felt before. She experienced what we call in yoga a “break through.” I equate a solid yoga practice to therapy. That is why my membership in the National Association of Yoga Therapists is always renewed for its guiding work in the proper use of yoga for mental, emotional and physical healing. As the father of Yoga, Pantajali writes, “Yoga allows us health and happiness.” I wrote these seven C’s years ago as guidelines. 1. CHOOSE. Choice or intent is pivotal to all change and growth. Use passion! Today I choose to create a day of love and fun and productivity. I choose to be alive in my heart, body, mind and spirit. When stuck, get quiet, breathe, center and move again to the heart for healing. Love is always a choice. One cannot feel fear when one feels love. 2. CENTER. Before I leave the sanctuary of my bedroom, I meditate and connect with God, High Self, Soul and Spirit. Ease flows in the under-current of my day. 3. CREATE. This means we give birth to the new. Your next breath is a new breath. Your next choice may be a new choice. Your attitude change may be new. I’m writing a book. I love this project I procrastinated on for too many years. 4. CAUTION. I keep my negative ego in check watching for covert control issues, blame, and nobilzing the past, arrogance, feeling unworthy, self-pity, not forgiving. Healers: protect yourself with pranic or light energy or other means you find appealing, such as crystals. Lock your

car doors. Secure your latches. In June, I purchased pepper spray to carry while walking. A snarling black dog raced from behind as my sister and I walked the lake. It growled and bared its teeth. Streams of pepper spray left it to sputter and cough as we walked on. Pepper spray turned out to be a serendipitous purchase. 5. CALM. I love how yoga gives us the tool to create composure with our will. I return to my heart, breathing deep in a “mini” meditation. Why should I give power away to an aggravating incident or negative conversation? This is a fine tool to use for peace. 6. COMMIT. How I wish to be fully awake. I look for beauty and find ways to feel grateful every day. It is the core of the laws of attraction. 7. CHERISH. On my morning walk, along with the geese upon the path, ducks in the pond, I found myself remembering incidents in my life, that were not so positive. Like a child who holds tight onto the red balloons, I opened my hands to the sky, part of the heart chakra, and let it go. As we cherish those golden moments shining divine light within, others see it in your eyes. It is indeed “…. a bright, bright wonderful day.”

Suzette Scholtes’ published work has won the prestigious NonFiction Award from Avila College and Writer’s Digest Magazine. Kansas City Magazine, Star Magazine, The Pitch, and KC Wellness, Ladies Day and now Evolving have published hundreds of her columns over 25 years. She also serves as Director of Teachers Training and owner of The Yoga School of Therapeutics, 10400 W. 103rd St., Overland Park. Reach her at or 9l3-492-9594. She welcomes your feedback.



August 2014

Holistic Health—by Nancy Russell, M.D. Let Sleep Heal You


leep is one of the great mysteries of life. Like gravity, we still don’t understand exactly why we sleep, although we are learning more about it every day. Good sleep is one of the cornerstones of good health. How many hours do you need to sleep to be optimally well? If you are a giraffe, it is 2 hours in 24 hours, if you are a Koala bear, you need 22 hours in 24 hours. As a human being, experts tend to agree that you probably need 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Too much or too little can have adverse effects on your health. Sleep offers rebuilding of tissues and maintenance of a healthy metabolism and sleep deprivation impacts levels of the major hormones; insulin, adrenaline & cortisol. In April of 2006, the Institute of Medicine issued a report that confirmed links between sleep deprivation and increased risks for high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, memory loss, depression, heart attack, stroke and immune dysfunction. The largest study of sleep duration and mortality followed one million people for six years. Those who slept 7 hours had the highest survival rate, and those who slept less than 4.5 hours had the worst. Nine hours of sleep or more each night was also associated with a higher mortality risk. In general, a good night’s sleep seems to be as important to good health as a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Roughly 40 percent of Americans get fewer than seven hours of sleep on weekdays, and 71 percent get fewer than eight hours of sleep. The main causes for lack of sleep are: long work hours, long commutes to work, excessive television and computers. If you are getting enough sleep, you will feel well-rested and able to wake up in the morning with no problem. But if you are fatigued in the morning, nodding off or yawning throughout the day, and just want to go back to bed when your alarm clock goes off, your sleep schedule needs some tweaking.



August 2014

A good night’s sleep seems to be as important to good health as a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Suggestions to improve your sleep are as follows: sleep in complete darkness, no television right before bed, keep the temperature no higher than 70 degrees F, eat a protein snack several hours before bed, move clocks away from your bed, reserve your bed for sleeping and establish a bed routine. Also helpful can be avoiding caffeine and alcohol, exercising regularly and meditating regularly. If you find no answer to your sleep issue, get checked out by a holistic physician for food sensitivities, adrenal stress, female or male hormone imbalances and/or neurotransmitter excesses or deficiencies. I have been able to help many patients with sleep disorders using these simple techniques or more complex testing. These tests are done through urine, saliva or blood. Let me know if you would like assistance on your journey to optimal wellness.

Nancy Russell, M.D. has been a holistic Internal Medicine physician in the Kansas City northland for over 30 years at 5140 N. Antioch Road in Kansas City, MO. Her phone number is 816-453-5545 and website is where you can get more information. Dr. Russell is board certified in holistic medicine and is a member of the American Holistic Medical Association and a prior board member.

Revelations—by Martha Childers & Tracy Ochester Mindfulness for Everyday Peaceful Living


uch of our time is spent plugging away at routine tasks, barely noticing what we are doing or how we are feeling about it. As a result, we tend to get stuck in our habits, neglecting to appreciate the moment and causing a disconnect from others and ourselves. Flying on autopilot, life passes us by with little awareness. The cost of this mindlessness is a sense of dissatisfaction, boredom, restlessness and maybe even feeling a little dead inside. Fortunately we can break free of these habits through Mindfulness, which is a calm awareness of a gentle, sustained attention to the present moment. It involves being fully conscious in the here and now while accepting, without judgment, the experiences, thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations that arise. Mindfulness can be cultivated through practice and increases mental clarity, compassion, acceptance, and emotional selfregulation leading toward improved life satisfaction and functioning. The practice of Mindfulness helps us to be more aware of our emotions, choose our responses wisely, accept things that are outside of our control, adjust to change, have more compassion for our own struggles and those of others. A psychotherapist trained in Mindfulness can help you learn techniques and guide you in your practice. Practicing Mindfulness can be as simple as being aware during the performance of daily tasks, such as teeth brushing, eating meals or waiting in line. For example, feeling the sensations of the teeth and gums being cleaned, the suds foaming in the mouth, and all the experiences that usually go unnoticed while brushing our teeth, can make us feel alive. While waiting in line at the grocery store, stop, become present in the moment, relax, experience yourself and your environment. Time will expand as you breathe slowly. Pull back, and wait your turn while seeing, feeling, hearing and smelling the space around you. Connect with the checkout clerk; enjoy this unique person’s presence and the (leeting interactions you will share together. Lose yourself in the experience. Notice how you feel, and this will motivate you to repeat the experience next time you are waiting in line. Each day, take a little extra time to pay attention to what you see, hear, feel, smell and taste during routine activities. Resist multitasking, such as

For more information about mindfulness and meditation, a good place to start is University of California, Berkley’s Greater Good website ( mindfulness/de(inition), which has a number of videos illustrating mindfulness techniques and explaining the rationale behind the practice. You can even take the Greater Good Mindfulness Quiz ( take_quiz/4/) to (ind out how mindful you already are in your everyday life.

Practicing Mindfulness can be as simple as being aware during the performance of daily tasks, such as teeth brushing, eating meals or waiting in line. watching TV or listening to music while you perform your tasks. Instead, calmly observe your physical sensations, thoughts and emotions without judging them. An even more effective way to develop Mindfulness is to keep a regular practice of meditation. Choose a quiet space where you are unlikely to be distracted or interrupted and sit comfortably, starting with short periods of only 10 or 15 minutes at a time. Begin with just observing the breath as the object of meditation. When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the sensations of air entering and exiting your nostrils and the rise and fall of your chest and diaphragm. Over time you can increase the length of your practice or schedule in several meditation sessions per day. Those new to meditation may (ind EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


it useful to enlist the help of a therapist or mentor who can guide them in their practice. There are a number of documented health and cognitive bene(its to cultivating Mindfulness. Research indicates it decreases stress and worry while increasing working memory capacity, and sustained attention. Emotional regulation is also improved. An ever-increasing supply of excellent resources for learning Mindfulness is available in bookstores, on the web and in your community. Free apps are available that you can download to use to remind you to take a mindful moment as well as suggest subjects of meditation. A Mindfulness informed therapist can provide you with more resources and help you clarify the path that is best for you as a unique individual. Tracy Ochester, PsyD is an independently practicing psychologist in Leawood, KS Martha Childers, EdS, LPC, is a sole practitioner psychotherapist conveniently located on the Country Club Plaza

August 2014

Xating jell in Kansas City

Food First!—by Bethany Klug, D.O. In August, Green Girls Eat Weeds


Karen Harrison, Ed.S. Licensed Professional Counselor Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Reiki Master Teacher




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t’s August, and tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and zucchini abound. While I enjoy these vegetables, I feel a bit deprived this time of year. You see, I eat a lot of greens. They make me feel fantastic. But most greens are dormant this time of year. So what’s a green girl like me to do? Eat weeds. You read it right. Many so-called weeds are delicious, more nutritious than domesticated plants and thrive on the summer heat. If you’ve been around long enough you may remember what is now the Blue Bird Bistro started as the health food market, City Garden. They grew food on the vacant lot to the east and sold it at the store, thus the name. I learned about one of my favorite edible weeds there. Once the weather hot heat arrived, they gathered the purslane that grew in the garden and sold it. Purslane is succulent with paired leaves and grows is straggly bunches along the ground. I cut it, leaving an inch or two behind so it will regrow. It tastes slightly salty and lemony. It’s delicious raw in salads and in smoothies but it can be cooked in any way. Another weed that keeps this green girl thriving is lambs quarters, or wild spinach. The leaves are arrowhead shaped, soft, with a slight silvery cast and toothed edges. The stalks are reddish green. The taste is similar to spinach, but better in my book. Prepare lambs quarters just like spinach or chard. My friend and HealthSpan Health Coach Christy Lonergan introduced me to wood sorrel. Similar to clover, it has three heart shaped leaves, but has small yellow, white or pink flowers. I add it to smoothies for its lemony flavor. If the stalk is tough, snip the leaves off with scissors. Oxalic acid is responsible for the lemony taste, so folks with gout and kidney stones should pass up wood sorrel. Each year, I’ve learned to identify another edible weed. The book Edible Weeds for Beginners from Althea Press is a helpful guide with color photos and



August 2014

recipes. I’ve included a recipe from this book for you to enjoy. One important caveat: know your land. I do not apply chemicals to my yard. If you do, don’t eat your weeds. Purslane and Golden Potatoes The mild flavor of purslane and buttery Yukon Gold potatoes are a nutritious and delicious combination. Try this as a side dish with roasted or broiled chicken. 1 pound small Yukon Gold potatoes 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rose mare or 1 teaspoon dried rosemary Sea salt and freshly ground pepper 2 cups purslane leaves 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon lemon zest If the potatoes are larger than a golf ball, cut them in half. In a large heavy-bottomed skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the potatoes and rosemary and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook the potatoes without stirring for about 5 minutes, until the bottoms are golden. Stir the potatoes, reduce the heat to medium low and cover the pan. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are tender, about 10 minutes. Add the purslane and lemon juice to the potatoes, toss to combine. Sprinkle the lemon zest over all. Serve the potatoes warm or at room temperature.

Bethany Klug DO is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about how she helps people live a lifespan of health at www.HealthSpanKC. com Learn more about her juice fast on the Health Span blog at, click on HealthSpan Blog at the bottom of the page.

Xating jell in Kansas City

In the Kitchen with Bonnie—by Bonnie Rabicoff Mio Italian Trattoria Executive Chef & Owner, Julian Viso, discovered the many exciting flavors of Italy during his travels through the 22 regions of this country. Chef recreates some of these food memories with his signature dishes "In the Kitchen" at Mio Trattoria.

Bonnie Rabicoff is the producer and host of the multi-media foodie series “In the Kitchen with Bonnie.” She has served as the Vice President of Development for KCPT Public Television and the Marketing Director of The Barstow School where she founded and coordinated “The Barstow School Organic Farmers’ Market and Chef Series.” To vi ew the entire foo die series , inthekitchenwithbonnie. co m

Pan Seared Scallops, Sautéed Kale and Orzo with a Wine & Lemon Sauce Prepared by Owner/Chef Julian Viso "In the Kitchen with Bonnie" at Mio Italian Trattoria

INGREDIENTS: 6 - Scallops (dry) 1/2 cup cooked orzo pasta 1 cup of shredded kale 2 Tbl extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp chopped garlic 3 Tbl white wine 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp cold butter Salt, black pepper, and crushed red pepper flakes DIRECTIONS: Saute kale and chopped garlic with extra virgin olive oil. Add orzo pasta. Deglaze with white wine, lemon juice. Add butter and season to taste. Set aside to plate. Season scallops with salt and pepper. Add extra virgin olive oil to a very hot saute pan. Turn fire off and place scallop on pan. Start high fire to sear scallops (4 minutes). Turn fire off and turn scallops to uncooked side. Plate saute kale and orzo as a bed and place scallops on top



August 2014

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EVOLVING A GUIDE FOR ONSCIOUS LIVING August 2014 Evolving…Magazine 2014CSummer/Fall Events12Guide

Feature—by Jill Dutton

Manifes ng a Dream


egardless of his background, the odds against him and even his own fears, Mike held a vision to play football. He used the law of attraction to plant the seed of his desire. He held this seed and nurtured it daily to reach his goal.

He tapped into the Oneness of the Universe. Without consciously knowing what he was doing, Michael Taylor created a vision, held it in his mind and manifested the unthinkable. In high school, Mike dreamed of playing football at the highest level; yet, he was far from what a coach looks for in a stellar player. He was undersized, struggled academically and didn’t begin playing football until the 10th grade. His background didn’t lend itself to an athletic career, either. Mike’s mother raised four boys as a single mother in a socially and economically deprived part of Detroit, known as little Vietnam, which frequently has the highest violent crime rate in the country. Regardless of his background, the odds against him and even his own fears, Mike held a vision to play football. He used the law of attraction to plant the seed of his desire. He held this seed and nurtured it daily to reach his goal. And he did it without realizing exactly what he was doing. It started one Saturday afternoon by fate. When Mike was 12, he went to his room and Maxwell Maltz’s book, Psycho-Cybernetics, was lying on the floor. No one knows where the book came from, but Mike picked it up and sat down to read. When he opened the book it was Noon and when he closed the book it was dark. Mike says of this event, “It was like invisible arms came out and pulled me into the book. The author was an American cosmetic surgeon with a method to improve selfimage. Maltz said he noticed that even though he fixed peoples’ faces and looks, they still had a distorted view of themselves as ugly. It was the self-image that was plaguing the person. It was something inside them, not outside

them, which needed to change.” This realization led Mike to understand that through the right image of self, he could achieve any goals. People frequently ask Mike how he got away from the crime, the drugs and the other negative influences surrounding him. “The power of that book put me in a trance. Like in a hypnotic spell, it allowed me to stay focused on what I wanted, not what I had,” Mike says. “It all started with desire. My conscious mind sent meaning to my subconscious mind — the concept of being a football player – and my subconscious mind created the reality through people, circumstances and conditions.” Growing up in Detroit, there wasn’t a local sporting program like the YMCA or Little League for inner city kids. So when Mike started playing football in high school, he says he was, “nothing but a tackling dummy.” There were a lot of times he wanted to quit. He lacked the size and the abilities to play. He was frequently ridiculed by his teammates. Rather than accept defeat and circumstance, he used the power of assumption to create a dream in his mind. And he saw this dream as a present reality. “I could see myself playing the game. My imagination took over. In the midst of the gauntlet of being a tackling dummy and the adversity of peer pressure, my imagination held the key to solve all of my problems,” Mike says. Mike graduated from high school and lived in his mother’s basement while working odd jobs. During those two years, rather than accept his circumstances, he sat and imagined himself playing football for hours on end. Mike says, “For two years, I sat in the theatre of my mind and imagined myself playing the game. I was completely involved with the feeling of it. I saw myself in uniform. I saw the crowd, the commentators. I saw myself running out of the tunnel. I saw myself in the limelight, playing the biggest teams.

During those two years, with such intent focus, I began materializing the people and circumstances I needed.” The situations and circumstances started to build. Mike met a man who talked to him about junior college. He took a bus to three different schools. He walked into coaches offices and said, “I’m here. I want to play football for your school.” One of the colleges gave him a tryout. During the tryout, he collided with another player and broke the player’s foot. The other player told him that by breaking his foot, he ruined his chances for a football career. Incredibly, he offered to help Mike instead. “This guy said, ‘You’re a decent player, but you‘ve got to get better. I’ll show you how.’ I worked out with him for a semester,” Mike remembers. Now not only playing in his mind, Mike began physically working toward his goals. He calls it his “Rocky” moment. To build strength and weight, he slept on concrete. He began doing pushups and sit-ups and ate food anywhere he could. Miraculously, within two months, Mike grew two inches in height and put on 15 pounds of muscle mass. He bought a one way ticket to Iowa Falls, Iowa, and told his mother he wasn’t coming back. “That was it, the moment of truth. All the other colleges shut their doors on me and I end up at the most prestigious community college in the country. For the first time in my life, I broke the lineup. I lead that team with 111 tackles and 13 quarterback sacks and a number two ranking in the country.” Mike was offered scholarships to numerous colleges. Iowa State reached his mother first. Mike says, “They came with their black suits and cases and told my mother that I was a great player with great ability and they wanted to offer me an athletic scholarship. My mother collapsed on the floor in tears. “Trouble used to find me in high school. Mom once said I was the worst kid to deal with. I was in the bottom third in high school, yet I graduated from Iowa State.” The climatic highlight of Mike’s career came on August 27, 1984, during a University of Missouri homecoming game. Mike was called on to block a go ahead field



goal win. Seizing the moment, Mike blocked the field goal, saving Iowa State from a road loss with a game-saving 14-14 tie. The Columbia Tribune stated that the block left homecoming fans stunned and silent. Mike remembers, “What a powerful realization of a wish fulfilled. I was the first one in my family and my entire high school class, to get a college degree.” And that’s the power of the law of attraction. Thoughts are powerful; form them with care, intention and desire – and like Mike, you can create the reality of your dreams.

Learn the shocking truth about how success is achieved through Mikes books:Ten Powerful Strate-

gies To Get an Athletic Scholarship and How to Get your Kid from Little League to Pro. To book Mike Taylor for speeches/appearances, contact him at 913.701.0270 or www.mastermindsportsrecruiting. com Facebook: mastermindsportsrecruiting

Jill Dutton is publisher of Evolving Magazine. She has worked as a freelance writer for 20 years. Jill is currently writing her second book,

The Business of Writing. August 2014

Feature—by Sharon McGloin

Trauma Ma ers: The Move Toward Trauma Informed Care


etween 19951997, Kaiser Permanente and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted one of the largest investigations into the connections between child maltreatment and later life health and wellbeing. Known as the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) Study, more than 17,000 individuals chose to provide detailed information about their childhood experience of abuse, neglect and family dysfunction. The ACE Study found that adverse childhood experiences correlated with major risk factors and poor quality of life with increased risk factors for diseases that were leading causes of death in the United States. It is critical to understand how some of the worst health and social problems arose as a consequence of adverse childhood experiences. As a result of this study, the interest in the effects of trauma on the brain has become a topic of discussion in the (ield of mental health. What do I mean by trauma? According to Trauma MattersKC, “Trauma is the emotional impact as a result of environmental events and stressors and may include violence, war, loss and natural disasters, physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse.” The result of trauma can include injury, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, dif(iculty coping with everyday tasks, stress, troubled relationships and increased health concerns and issues with mental health. Everyone has experienced trauma in their lives. The important part is how we learn to deal with these events from a trauma informed perspective. Trauma Informed Care is an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. Becoming trauma informed means recognizing that people

Get involved within your community and es and behaviors on the part of staff, clients and join Trauma MattersKC. This is an the community that can counteract the biologiadvocacy group that meets every second cal, affective, cognitive, social and existential Monday from 1-2:30 pm at the wounds suffered by the victims of traumatic experience and extended exposure to adversity. Mid-America Regional Council, ( The curriculum is based on 600 Broadway Blvd, KCMO. Becoming trauma informed involves a collective the acronym SELF-Safety, Emotional Management, Loss and Future. These represent four areeffort to change how we view those that as of recovery that provide a framework for indihave experienced trauma in their lives. viduals and organizations. Both the clients that Join the movement in Kansas City. are served as well as the organization itself can stressed as a result of the effects of trauma. SELF is a guide that will assist with clients model.php and staff working through the effects of trauma both from an individual perspective as well as an acestudy/ organizational perspective. often have many different types of trauma in their lives. People who have been traumatized need support and understanding from those around them. Changing the language from, “What is wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?” is a good starting point in becoming trauma informed. As an organization begins to adopt trauma sensitive practices, these practices are within the entire organization. It is not just about how we treat the clients that are being served but how we treat each other everyday. When these practices become embedded into the culture of an organization, folks feel safe. Clients and staff participate in their care and treatment. Folks are supported for disclosure and support is offered that leads to resilience and recovery. There are various models of trauma informed care available. One model that I am most familiar with is called Sanctuary. The Sanctuary Model represents a theory-based, trauma-informed, evidence-supported, whole culture approach that has a clear and structured methodology for creating or changing an organizational culture. The model provides a context from which healing from psychological and social traumatic experiences can occur. The model is designed to facilitate the development of structures, process-

What can you do to promote trauma informed care practices within the community and your organization? • Begin by creating a common language and establishing best practices within the organization. • Provide information on the causes and consequences of trauma. • Promote education, resources and advocacy for prevention and intervention services. • Promote healing and increase awareness of issues facing those who have been traumatized. • Change your language and ask, What happened to you? Sharon is President and Owner of Experiential Alternatives, a training/ speaking and coaching company that focuses on personal growth and development as it relates to leadership development as well as a variety of seminars from teambuilding and con(lict resolution to compassion fatigue. Contact her at

Trauma is the emotional impact as a result of environmental events and stressors and may include violence, war, loss and natural disasters, physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


August 2014

Feature—by Bhasweti Gewhas

Manifes ng Success


n my work as a spiritual life coach and hypnotherapist, one of my clients, Susan (not her real name), brought me an important lesson involving the signi(icance of simplicity, joy of life and its powerful role in manifesting success. She is a Reiki practitioner and has been working for many years in the (ield of holistic health. She has learned many different healing modalities; but becoming (inancially successful as a holistic practitioner – was a big struggle for her. She understood the concept of success in the form of conventional norms: like regular (low of income, continuous growth, new clients, prosperity, supportive friends and family, fame — but after trying too hard for ten years she became frustrated. She realized that she had dif(iculty receiving the wonderful gifts of the universe. Susan tried to devote more time in marketing and promotional activities like demonstrating her healing work at different holistic fairs, offering free workshops, advertising in new age magazines, developing a good looking website and asking for referrals; but again, nothing worked for her (inancial success. She had very few clients and very little income; all her hard work and sincere efforts resulted in very few positive responses. She felt unworthy of success so she tried self-healing for some time and practiced af(irmations regularly. But, she felt defeated, confused and helpless and gave up hope. She was lost, feeling the universe was not supporting in her ventures. She did not understand why the universe was not supporting her by providing a clear way to grow her spiritual practice and income. She began to struggle with self-respect and low con(idence. Eventually stress affected her more by causing chronic depression and anxiety. She started to suffer with ulcer, heartburn and many other gastrointestinal problems. She started eating more and gained a lot of weight, disrespecting herself even more as she became an emotional eater.

As her body and mind became out of control, it affected all her chakras adversely. It caused imbalances in her root and feet chakras as they became ungrounded. Weak feet and root chakras are related to poor health, fear and manifestation problems. During her state of confusion, she was stuck in the sufferings of past failures and become too engaged in anxieties about her uncertain future — she was never present in the moment. Opportunities to experience the joy and simplicity of life were not available to her, because she was not able to understand that the root cause of her problems were within her own mind. As she started doing hypnosis sessions with me, she became able to access her subconscious mind. She was directed to connect with her spirit guides and angels. Guided by her higher masters she was able to understand the inner con(lict. She gradually realized that if she really wanted to experience a dream life then she had to change her inner feelings…her inherent vibrations. Otherwise, positive changes were not going to happen. Soon, she realized that she had two options to choose from – she could remain (ixed with the limited mindset of complaining and suffering for the lack of money, career, health happiness; or could notice the simple moments that life was presenting. When she focused on lack, then all that she did not have in life became the main point of her attraction. The law of Attraction brought her exactly the same kind of lack and poverty again and again. Since the issues of lack of monetary success took all her attention, she was getting stuck in the past realities of lack, sickness, failures, resentment, confusion; it was becoming a spiraling pattern of continuous misfortune for her. At the same time she also had the option to choose a more holistic path of open ended goals of expansion and (lexibility, by bringing change, not in her outer world, but from inside (irst. She was advised by her spirit guides in our hypnosis sessions. to change her focus from achieving monetary goals to something different, something easy and something more enjoyable…like (inding joy in simplicity of life, because then it would be easy for her from moment to moment to raise her vibration to something positive.

The moment she brings trust into her mind things become easier for her to attract. Without being in the driver’s seat, she can focus on something joyful and then allow the universe to bring this to her in due course. There is no stressful struggling associated in the process of manifestation. As she is practicing this aligning process with trust and gratitude, she is experiencing joy in simple things and easy (low of synchronicity. Her mind rests in a high vibrational state of receiving. Recently she has attracted a wonderful life partner, they are very happy with each other and he is eagerly sharing all her (inancial expenses to give her opportunity for growth. The Universe presented her with a wonderful gift that was her (irst major key to trust and become more open to the (low of abundance. She was told by her spirit guides to go through all kinds of exposure to offer healing sessions and workshops, and keep the focus on creating joy for self and others. Because joy will bring the high vibrational frequency that can eventually open up the door to bring the prosperous (low of the universe in her life. These healing sessions with Susan gave me the con(irmation of the truth. It is very important for all of us to replace our limited perspectives by opening our heart to higher guidance. The Universe is ready to offer us everything when we are ready to



August 2014

receive in joy. In order to be in the receiving mode, we need to improve our vibrations by being grounded in the present moment -- (inding joy in simple things and feeling grateful. Changing our attitude from lack to joy helps us to (ind the opportunity to feel the closeness with the Divine within. Feeling grateful for all that is joyful brings us closer to the prosperous (low of the Universe. for true success. This present moment is the best time to create a life of joy! Bhasweti Gewhas, PhD., CHt., was a professor of Economics for 20 years but her inner quest led her to the path of spirituality. She is a certi(ied Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Life Coach, Advanced Theta Healer, Psychic Reader and Reiki Master Practitioner. For stress free meditation visit http:// products/ Now offering one hour introductory session for only $30 (50% discount) for limited time only:, 913-660-0669

Spiritual Horoscope—by Aluna Michaels August 2014 Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Happy birthday Leo! Everything’s going your way! Meditate with affirmations and creative visualization and see what more can happen. Later in August, things may seem blocked. Don’t get frustrated. Focus instead on expanding your consciousness and releasing any limitations, so you can receive even more! Also update your desires, since you’ll be at a new level of spiritual growth. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Meditate on your ideal relationship and perfect financial situation. What subconscious blocks keep you from having the best circumstances in these areas? Start a journal and write intuitions that arise during the day, or even in your dreams. Now work on purifying your mind with “denials” – strong “NO” statements that clear out hidden limited thoughts. Next month, you can work on planting seeds of positive affirmations! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Examine your spending and finances. After meditation and contemplation, you’ll see you don’t need as much as you think. Also, when you feel spiritually full, you’re less likely to try to fill empty spaces inside by shopping. Focus on sharing your light with others. Be social and take walks with friends. Do fun activities that don’t involve money, just human connection. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Mars and Saturn want you to focus your energies toward important goals. Meditate and get clear about your highest priorities. Make a plan of action and follow through on those inspired ideas. You have great support from the Universe now to improve health, fitness, relationships and emotional

boundaries. Also meditate on selfforgiveness. Release harsh thoughts about yourself! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) You’re often cheery and silly, and don’t express anger outwardly. Examine your behavior to see who or what you’re avoiding – or minimizing contact with. Meditate to cleanse your mind of these hidden resentments. This exercise opens your heart to a sense of spiritual bliss and in-tune-ment with life! You’ll be able to feel closer with others, and more committed to your soul’s path. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) August is a great time of financial abundance! You might have new investments that pay off, or receive gifts from people. Also explore spiritual sexuality. Even if single, meditate on the powerful life force in each cell that radiates a compelling sense of bliss. In this way, you can attract an amazing partner! Also spend time with friends who are as committed to their spiritual goals as you are. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Relationships are flourishing! You can meet an amazing partner, or have a renaissance in your current connection. Career-wise, don’t avoid work due to romantic enthu-

siasm, since supervisors are extra critical now. On the other hand, don’t be your own critical boss by overworking if you’re anxious about the intensity of your emotions. Don’t hide from love, Aquarius. Ironically you’re a better individual as you blend with another! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Devote yourself to a spiritual practice. As a Pisces, you see God in all Paths, and are tempted to float dreamily from one to another. Avoid “spiritual indigestion”. Choose one guru or one style of yoga/meditation. Dive deep into the water you choose, Little Fish, and be blessed by the abundance of joy you find! Health wise, treat yourself to the highest quality organic foods and take time for meals. Aries (March 21 – April 19) You’re enthusiastic about things in the beginning, but lose interest quickly. This month, be careful about leaping into a new relationship and promising so much that you scare yourself. You could suddenly back away and hurt someone. Resist the impulse to move too fast. Meditate as commitment anxiety surfaces (often masking boredom), and move forward anyway! Similarly, watch out for spending sprees, since you’ll likely regret it later. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) If you’re struggling with your partner, incorporate meditation time together. Create a sacred space in your home where you can both honor each other’s souls and release personality quibbles. Spiritual solutions will come for mundane issues. If single, put your own soul connection first, and can attract a solid partner with permanent potential!



August 2014

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Your body believes every word you say! Observe your speech and see what signals you send your cells, joints and organs. Make a gratitude list about your body and meditate on that list, speaking affirmations aloud. Stop picking on your body right now! At work, you can have a long-awaited breakthrough. Even someone with whom you’ve been struggling could seem kinder or more helpful. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Finances get a boost this month! If it comes in the form of a gift, please accept it – you’re reaping good karma! In relationships, meditate on whether or not you’re appreciated by others. You might need to calmly confront people about their habitual bad treatment. You can create new rules for how you want things to be, even if they’ve gone as they are for awhile!

Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit



Nature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars 913-499-8514

REAL ESTATE Put the OM in your home, Lanae Blattner Licensed Realtor in Kansas/Missouri; 913.633.4930;

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The Journey Home, Retreat and Event Facility Retreats, Conferences, Weddings, Parties, near KCI 816-501-6350;

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Ayurveda Practitioner, Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle.




Elizabeth HunterHunter-Blank, LCSW Assisting clients with grief & loss, chronic & serious illness, relationship issues, depression & anxiety. 4104 Central St. KCMO 64111. 816.582.3877

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Terrier Talk, Christine L. Fuller, Fuller Telepathic Dog Communicator. I am able to listen with my heart and communicate on a level your dog understands and relay this to you. (913) 689-5099.

Laura Packer, storyteller, writer, coach Storytelling for families, adults, corp/private events. B-days, weddings, funerals, holidays, classes 781-526-7255

Maya’s Oasis Transforming, Healing & Inspiring Women with Reiki, Intuitive Guidance, Online Healing Circle & Bellydance 816-476-maya (6292)




Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~ Intuitive, Intuitive offers loving guidance enabling you to heal and grow. Live an authentic life and LOVE yourself in the process! 918-782-4778

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Learn Bowenwork. Effective manual therapy for pain relief. Easy on the practitioner’s body. Leverage income—work on multiple clients. Ongoing classes. Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012.

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Justin & Sharon Orth - Spring Forest Qigong Practitioners/Healers and Certified Qigong Level 1 Instructors. EFT (BAS/ADV) -Qigong-Meetup-Group/ (913) 244-0167 for info.

Bhasweti Gewhas, Ph.D., Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Psychic Reader, past lives, angels. Abuse/trauma/grief/stress relief. 913.660.0669;


Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Therapist Creator of Quantum Shift Energetix 913-906-9986—

At the Healing Place, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, ChanRi, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Bodywork (816) 415-2607

THERMOGRAPHY BRAS-BRAS--Thermography, --Thermography, Linda Bamber: Breast Research Awareness and Support. Safe, pain-free, no radiation. Overland Park. Linda at 913-396-2774 .

Kimberlin Hypnosis, LLC Kathleen Kimberlin, CHt Smoking/weight loss/childbirth/past life/behavior Call for free consultation (816) 305-8418

THRIFT STORE 20% off your purchase every time you donate. 25% off every Tuesday with Savers Club Card.13233 Shawnee Msn Parkway, Shawnee, KS 913.248.1938 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


August 2014

YOGA Yoga ~ over 20 years experience. Emphasis on alignment & safety. New and ongoing students. Seeking Solace Yoga Studio, 7501 Mission, PV, KS 913-302-2439 The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594;

Events AUGUST 1 HIGHER SELF ALIGNMENT TEMPLE “OmniDimensional Transformational Cellular group session.” Remember, It Is Time… 6:30 p.m., $15, Crescent Springs, 913-341-2044 AUGUST 2 AKASHIC RECORDS GET TOGETHER Everyone welcome to join us in exploring The Akashic Records. 10 a.m., $10 love offering suggested, Crescent Springs, 913341-2044 AUGUST 5 CLEARING AND TRANSFORMING YOUR ENERGY AROUND MONEY Begin shifting your energy around money, freeing you to be more purposeful and prosperous. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. $25 Vivian Faulkner, Money Coach and Energy Healer 913-735-3183 Core Star Energy Healing School, 6045 Martway, Mission, KS AUGUST 5 REDUCE YOUR STRESS W/ SHELLY MURRAY Noon – 1 p.m. at Your Wellness Connection in Shawnee. Info/ registration: http:// www.yourwellnessconnection.c om/events-calender/2014-08 AUGUST 7 THE STONE TEMPLE 6:30 p.m. $15 OmniDimensional Transformational group process utilizing stones, music & energywork. Crescent Springs, 913-341-2044.

AUGUST 9 INTRODUCTION TO ENERGY HEALING WORKSHOP Learn the basics of Core Star Energy Healing to expand your knowledge and abilities for working with healing energy 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. $125 see web site for more details AUGUST 9 TEA & TAROT: HOW TO CHOOSE A TAROT DECK Discussion of a tarot (or tea!) issue each month w/tea and light refreshments. 4:00-5:30 p.m. at Aquarius, 3936 Broadway,, 816931-6303. AUGUST 10 VISTAS: A VIEW FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP Monthly event of different faiths. Aug: a traditional prayer lodge with Stumbling Deer (Rev. Lee Slusher). 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Aquarius,, 816-931-6303. AUGUST 12 WHY? WHAT IF? HOW? EXPLORING LIFE’S BIG QUESTIONS IGNITE Your Life! workshop w/ Sharon McGloin and Denise Mills, 6 – 9 p.m. (networking @ 5:30), in OP. See ad in this issue and/or AUGUST 12 – OCTOBER 16 PHLEBOTOMY Tuesdays and Thursdays 6 – 10 p.m. through October 16 at WellSpring School of Allied Health. $1900. Register: Jaclyn Sherrer at 816-523-9140 ext 107.

AUGUST 13 E FACTOR WORKSHOP W/ GIGI LANE 6 – 9 p.m. at Your Wellness Connection in Shawnee. Info/ registration: http:// www.yourwellnessconnection.c om/events-calender/2014-08 AUGUST 16 AKASHIC RECORDS MEET-UP Nature’s Reflections: join us as we connect to the vast web of nature in the Records, and explore how she supports and connects us. 10 a.m.-11 a.m., (love offering) EMCLC 6115 Nieman Road, Shawnee, KS RSVP to host: Stephanie Forcier, 816-260-2438 stephanie@

August 22 Introduction to Animal Communication Everyone is born with intuitive abilities but many of us have forgotten how to recognize it within ourselves or suppressed it. It's that feeling telling you to call someone to find out they've had a hard day and need a friend. It's that knowing about your animal but you don't know why you know. Join this fun, interactive class and find out how easy it is to connect or re-connect. 6-9 p.m. $55. Judith Wade is a professional communicator with clients nationwide. EMCLC, 6115 Nieman, Shawnee judithw44 to register.

AUGUST 16 AKASHIC RECORD SESSIONS Treat yourself to a personal Akashic Records Session with Stephanie Forcier and connect to the path of your inner wisdom. 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m, (discounted rates) EMCLC, 6115 Nieman Road, Shawnee, KS Call Stephanie for appt: 816-2602438

AUGUST 23 PRACTICAL MYSTICISM PART ONE 10a-11a lecture: Principles of psychic development will be covered as well as ESP exercises, methodology, and spiritual responsibility. **(love donation) 11:15-2:00p Individual tarot and palmistry mini sessions (by appointment) **30mins. EMCLC, 6115 Nieman, Shawnee Contact Madison Joy to register:

AUGUST 17 THE LAW OF MIRACLES Readings Service by Paramahansa Yogananda 10819 Wornall Rd, KCMO at 10 a.m. More info at or 816.799.5544

AUGUST 23-24 REIKI I 9:00 – 6:00 Saturday, 9:00 – 1:00 Sunday, at Wellspring School of Allied Health. $204. Register: Jaclyn Sherrer at 816-523-9140 ext 107.

AUGUST 20 JO JAMZ & HAPPY HOUR Please join us at Mission Transit Center (5251 Johnson Drive) 4:30 - 6 p.m. for a performance by Eco-Elvis. This is a free event.

AUGUST 26 SLEEP DISORDERS W/ ABID BHAT 6 – 7 p.m. at Your Wellness Connection in Shawnee. Info/ registration: http:// www.yourwellnessconnection.c om/events-calender/2014-08



August 2014

Events AUGUST 27 WITCHES MEET UP An evening of community and Earth based Spirituality, 7-9 p.m. at Aquarius, 3936 Broadway. Info/RSVP: Kansas-City-Witches. AUGUST 30 PRS: REFLEXOLOGY W/TIMOTHY HUGHES 7 – 10 p.m. at Westwood Community Center, 4700 Rainbow Blvd. Westwood, KS. More info: Non-members $5. AUGUST 31 MEDITATION IS THE PATH TO GOD Readings Service by Paramahansa Yogananda 10819 Wornall Rd, KCMO at 10 a.m. More info at or 816.799.5544 SEPTEMBER 2 CLEARING AND TRANSFORMING YOUR ENERGY AROUND MONEYBegin shifting your energy around money, freeing you to be more purposeful and prosperous. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. $25 Vivian Faulkner, Money Coach and Energy Healer 913-735-3183 Core Star Energy Healing School, 6045 Martway, Mission, KS SEPTEMBER 8-13 HOLOS UNIVERSITY WORKSHOPS AT UNITY VILLAGE Join HU graduate students to experience workshops presented by pioneering faculty members. One- to three-day workshops in Intuitive Inner Counseling; Trauma First Aide; Heart Centered Meditation; Sacred Ceremonies; Body Spin; Holistic Healthcare Applications; Mandala; and Astrology. Faculty:

Ann Nunley, PhD; Geneie Everett, RN, PhD; Christine Bair, MA, ThD; Rev Jane Simmons, ThD; David Pasikov, MA; C. Shaffia Laue, MD and Ralph Bauer, ThM; Suchinta Abhayaratna, ThD; and Patricia Bechdolt, ThD. Workshop Flyer: http:// Register: 888-272-6109. SEPTEMBER 9 WHY NOT ME? MAKING BOLD LIFE CHOICES IGNITE Your Life! workshop w/ Sharon McGloin and Denise Mills, 6 – 9 p.m. (networking @ 5:30), in OP. See ad in this issue and/or SEPTEMBER 10–11 21ST ANNUAL UNITY WORLD DAY OF PRAYER AT UNITY VILLAGE “We Are the Light of the World: Let Your Light Shine!” is the theme of the Unity global 24hour prayer vigil, which begins the evening of Wednesday, September 10, and continues through Thursday, September 11. Highlights at Unity Village include a keynote address by best -selling author Mark Nepo at 7 p.m., Wednesday, September 10, in the Activities Center, followed by a candlelight walk to Silent Unity Chapel. Events on Thursday, September 11, include a Prayer Fair, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on the central campus, and a closing concert by singer/ songwriter Karl Anthony at 7 p.m. in the Activities Center. All are welcome. There is no charge for these events. Unity Village is located approximately 15 miles southeast of Kansas City, next to Lee’s Summit, at 1901 NW Blue Parkway. Learn

more or participate online at SEPTEMBER 13-14 REIKI I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – 6pm, $320 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-5234440. www.kar ONGOING ONENESS AWAKENING COURSE Experience the bliss and healing from several aspects of the Oneness movement including teachings, healing processes and an ancient spiritual celebration. Facilitated by Oneness trainerAngela Reed. Investment-$225, early bird-$199 Unity Church of Overland Park 913-514-4986 SERENITY PAUSE™ MEDITATION 7 DAYS A WEEK - 365 DAYS A YEAR, 12:10pm-12:40pm and 5:30pm—6:00pm, Myrtle Fillmore Chapel, Includes instruction and discussion. Serenity Pause™ meditation sessions are available to people form all walks of life and from all religious backgrounds and spiritual traditions. All Serenity Pause™ meditation sessions are offered on a love offering donation basis. Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 W. 47th St, KCMO 64112 or call 816-561-4466



August 2014

REIKI CIRCLE AT UNITY CHURCH OF OVERLAND PARK 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9pm. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email 816523-4440 HEALTH AND HEALING WITH ENERGY MEDICINE MEETUP GROUP Monthly Meetup Sun at 7pm. Veteran energy healer Randy Veitenheimer will discuss various aspects of energy healing followed by Q&A. Find us on for more info. KANSAS CITY MEDITATION GROUP Join us for meditation, chanting and inspirational readings from Paramahansa Yogananda, Sundays at 10 a.m. Visit for more information or call 816-799-5544 ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS By Appointment. Since 2005 the Kansas City Healing Project has been providing energy healing sessions for cancer patients. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels from their treatment and disease. Donation basis. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details.



August 2014

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