August Evolving

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August 2012 ~ Vol. IV, Issue 6

X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

Freedom from Addictions Mental Health: Mindfulness & Stress Living with Loss Dieting with a Practicing Mind EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


August 2012



August 2012

Photo by: Penny Thieme ©2011,

Publisher’s Letter...


Dear Friend,

Carl Jung said, “Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism.” When it comes to addictions, I don’t believe the core problem is the particular addiction (whether it be cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, shopping, gambling or any other addictive behavior); I believe the core problem is the nature of what causes a person to seek relief through an addictive substance or behavior. In my opinion, the addictive behaviors themselves aren't the true problem, but ill-fitted or weak solutions to a problem — an attempt to cope. If we can learn to address the issues underneath the desire we can learn new, healthy coping skills. I’ve found that addictive behaviors become non-issues when I feel well and whole. There isn’t a need to cover up, medicate or cope with life — life itself is joy. Deepak Chopra suggests to, “...observe your addictive behaviors without judgment. Addiction is the number one disease of civilization, and it’s directly and indirectly related to all other diseases… “Over and over, people have tried to overcome their addictions through psychological and behavioral methods or through medication. None of these offers a permanent cure. The only cure for addiction is spiritual. We hunger for the ecstatic experience, which is a need as basic as the need for food, water, or shelter. Ecstasy, or ek-tasis, literally means stepping out,” Chopra says. This month, we have an abundance of articles on addiction and mental health issues. May we all find the subtle, gentle presence — our inner strength — so we may be whole, powerful and live with ecstasy.

The Real Rules of “Living Losses” … 16 Creating a Life You Love ...18 Mindfulness, Stress & Good Health ...19 Acupuncture & Addictions...17

Jill Dutton JJ’s Restaurant ...14

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-248-1912


Dieting with a Practiced Mind ...15 ON THE COVER: "The Need to Deal with the Human Condition" Mixed Media by Zigmunds "Zig" Priede. Zig's work is currently on display at VALA Gallery (, 5834 Johnson Drive & by appointment at his studio in Olathe.

Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick Ad Design Maitreya Zohar Contributors Heidi Alfrey, Will Bowen, Liz Brown, Ken Druck, Sally Ford, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Colleen Nilson, Lisa Pinsker, Bonnie Rabicoff, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes, Thomas M. Sterner, Mary Zhang

Karen E. Cowdry

Connie “Crash” Humiston

To have an account executive help you with your marketing plan, contact Jill Dutton and a rep will contact you shortly.

EVOLVING© 2012 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.

Departments: News Journey to Wholeness Let’s Get Naked Wisdom Within Holistic Medicine



August 2012

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Revelations Food Talk! In the Kitchen w/Bonnie Horoscope Events

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News... The Uptown Theater’s 4th Annual Kansas City Greenfest On September 8 & 9, thousands of Kansas City residents will once again come together from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. both days, to experience the best in Green from the Midwest and beyond at the Uptown Theater’s 4th annual KC Greenfest. Festival goers will be treated to a fantastic indoor and outdoor vendor village, free live music, an empowering speaker series featuring local leaders in the green movement, a huge indoor recycling flea market for eco-friendly treasure hunting, natural and organic food and drinks for the whole family, fundraising raffles and more! The focus of this year’s Greenfest is sustainability and community empower-

ment. By bringing together a host of speakers and workshop leaders with ample knowledge on the topics of sustainable farming, renewable energy, green living and community building, attendees will be educated on ways we can work together to create a better world. Greenfest will also feature the newly opened Prospero’s Uptown Used Bookstore and Coffee Shop with poetry readings, live music, organic vegan food and free concert ticket giveaways. More information at /greenfest.html.

Spiritual Healer Father Joshua Returns to OP By popular demand Ricky Yutuc and Karen Harrison are, for the second time this year, sponsoring workshops and private healings with Father Joshua of Sedona, Arizona, in addition to a public session on forgiveness at Unity of Overland Park on September 10. Featured on 60 Minutes and other radio and television programs, Father Joshua is a Catholic Priest and Filipino P s y c h i c S u r g e o n ( who has been healing and performing psychic surgery throughout the world for 40plus years. Sometimes known as bare-handed surgery, psychic surgery is the Philippine’s native healing art of opening the body with bare hands without the use of surgical instruments or anesthesia. The technique is well documented in film and by modern scientists. Mon., Sept. 10: The Healing Power of Forgiveness. 7-9 p.m. at Unity of Overland Park. Learn simple, yet effective ways to forgive, plus inexpensive folk remedies for many illnesses. Suggested love offering: $10.

Sat., Sept. 15: Energy Point Healing. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. By using various techniques from Father Joshua’s Energy Point Healing workbook, you will learn where to press your fingers on areas of the body to cure illnesses and pain. Sun., Sept. 16: Etheric Surgery. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The etheric body is a subtle body located within four inches around the body. When the physical body has an ailment or sickness it is also manifested into the etheric body. The ability to go into the etheric, work on it and create a beneficial change on the physical body is a powerful healing technique. You will learn to effectively heal this etheric body (and thereby the physical body), which is a twin to the physical — it has a heart, liver, pancreas and all other organs. The Saturday and Sunday workshops will be held at Mark Blanchard’s Power Yoga, 3665 West 95th St. in Overland Park. For information and registration, or private healings (Sept. 8-14), contact Ricky Yutuc at or (913) 522-1028.

PSI Presents Author/Channel Jackie Mullinax On August 24, PSI: Adventures in Consciousness will host former Paola resident Jackie Mullinax, aka Nakala Akasie, at 7:30 p.m. at Unity Temple on the Plaza. Nakala will discuss her work with the Angelic Realm and also will channel a group of Masters from the Pleiades, followed by a book signing of When Angels Speak: The Awakening A Pleiadian Endeavor. When Angels Speak is a compilation of true events and numerous channeled entries from a group of light beings who called themselves the Akasie. The communications were unexpected, and the EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


August 2012

book explains how Jackie/Nakala came to terms with her newly acquired gifts and later found the courage to share her experiences with family and friends. When Angels Speak assists the reader in the many steps shared by the Masters for going forward and higher into the light. More information is available on and, a 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to education and research in the field of parapsychology. The August 24 event fee is $5 for members, $10 non-members.

News... Labor Day Bicycle, Walking and Running Event for Mental Health Seventh Annual Bike 4 the Brain (B4B), Sept. 3, 7:00 a.m., 6000 Lamar, Mission, KS Bike 4 the Brain (B4B), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, will host its seventh annual community bicycle, walking, and running event on Labor Day, September 3. This is a healthy and fun way to increase awareness and funds for people with mental health disorders which are brain-based emotional, behavioral, and cognitive experiences that are common to many people. B4B, a National Multiple Sclerosis Society Bike MS Recommended Ride, is growing every year with a record 443 participants in 2011. Because of the success of this annual event, B4B has granted $37,500 to community agencies that help people reclaim their mental health. This year’s recipients are Kids TLC, Niles Home for Children, reStart, Inc., Sheffield Place, Synergy Services, and Wyandot Center for Homeless Outreach. EVENT HIGHLIGHTS

On-site Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. at 6000 Lamar in Mission, KS.

Urban/rural cycling courses of 3, 10, 33, 55, and 72 miles, 8:00 a.m.

Rest stops at mental health agencies and other locations.

Run 4 Recovery, a non-competitive

and untimed 5K fun run/walk, 8:15 a.m.

One mile Walk 4 Recovery, 10:00


• Tricycle Challenge, 10:30 a.m. Adults who donate $100 will pit their child-size tricycle racing skills against one another. •

Children can “race” the tricycle course starting at 8:30 a.m.

• Recovery Information Exchange where local agencies can share information about mental health topics and the services they provide. Delicious refreshments provided by Latte Land, Freddy’s Frozen Custard, Panera Bread, and other vendors. Registration is $30 per person at the event and $25 for sign up prior to August 31. Please go to for information or to register online for this Labor Day event for mental health. For questions, e -mail B4B Chair Dr. Ken Sonnenschein at

Dr. Michael Ulm’s “Healing Miracles Services” Coming to Unity Village Dr. Michael Ulm, an internationally known healer and teacher, will present a series of six “Healing Miracles Services” at Unity Village September 12, 13 & 14. He will be joined by Rev. Dell Cates who also is a healing minster with All Light Ministries. Dr. Ulm, a colleague of the late world renowned healer, Dr. Willard Fuller, is known for generating frequent healings and miracles. In his services, participants have experienced teeth and fillings turning to gold, wounds healing quickly, chronic pain disappearing, the release of traumas and cases of stage four terminal cancer healing. The Services will be held at the Unity Hotel and Conference Center at Unity Village, Missouri each day at 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. The services are open to the public at no charge with participants offered the opportunity to make a free will donation to Dr. Ulm’s All Light Ministries.

Dr. Ulm and Rev. Cates will also be presenting a workshop, “Holding the Higher Vibration” on Sunday, September 16 at 1 p.m., sponsored by the Unity Village Chapel and will be held in the Chapel’s library. “My work expands minds as it heals dis-ease and leaves participants profoundly moved by the transformative power of Divine Love,” Dr Ulm proclaims. Dr Ulm holds a Bachelors of Holistic Health from the Mediforphic Institute where he studied natural medicine under Rev. Hanna Kroger. He is a National Board Certified Counseling Intuitive and is a doctoral candidate in Energy Medicine with Holos Graduate Seminary. For more information about the Unity Village services contact Rev. Alberta Boccaleoni at 816-547-3730 or You can find out more about Dr. Michael Ulm, Rev. Dell Cates and All Light Ministries by visiting EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


August 2012

Journey to Wholeness—by Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. Pathways to Change Change will not come if we wait for some other person or other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. —Barack Obama The first step in fostering intentional change is to become conscious of the self-defeating defenses that get in our way. Knowledge is power. —Prochaska, Norcross, DiClemente, Changing for Good


hat makes change, which seems so good, so difficult? The answer lies within our body-mind in the memories encoded in our brain and body memory. Our conscious mind may make a decision to exercise more, eat less or to be more positive in our outlook but the "unconscious" self can resist in subtle and maddening ways. We know that past memories — remembered, forgotten or repressed — can influence our present moment behavior. If food was a comfort, a substitute for love for one as a child, then breaking that pattern will be difficult because it carries the added "weight" of the emotional experience. If one’s sleep was disturbed because of sexual abuse or inappropriate touching, relaxing and letting oneself sleep deeply becomes a habit that is hard to acquire. Many other types of memory impinge upon our ability to make positive changes in the here and now. In therapy, these behaviors are called "resistance" and can be quite an obstacle to healthy change. Resistance is usually characterized by intense emotional reactions, distorted thinking or beliefs manifested in habitual behaviors. I often tell clients that what they did to deal with problems as a child or adolescent will not serve them well as adults. In fact it will usually be quite destructive. For example, if a child is repeatedly exposed to violence, abuse or any other destructive behaviors he/she will learn to disconnect emotionally and often. When the adult is trying to succeed in personal or professional relationships, this ability to "leave" and dissociate oneself from the interaction is not helpful or healthy. More recent neurological findings help us understand how lasting change can be achieved. As we experience life, we create thought patterns in response. A destructive thought pattern might be, “People will always leave me.” A neural pathway is constructed that will be "walked" every time there is any behavior that might suggest someone would not be present or could abandon this individual. Then one often expects this EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


August 2012

response, perhaps misinterpreting signals from others. Having a new thought is helpful but not necessary. In AA there is a saying, “Fake it ‘til you make it.” Sometimes when we "act as if," behaving as if we believed something, we begin to create a new neural pathway and abandon the old destructive one. I suggest that we think something like, “If I could believe that help will always be available, I wonder what it would look like and feel like?” This helps us to move past the negative habit of thought (neural pathway) and create a new neural pathway where expectation for something different and positive becomes the new thought pattern. Helpful strategies are given by Daniel Amen, M.D. in Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. Prohaska, Norcross and Carlo DiClemente explain the six stages of change and teach you how to free yourself from bad habits in Changing For Good. Breaking the Habits of Depression by Michael Yapko, gives many practical tips. Neurobehavioral Programs, EMDR, imagery and hypnosis are some of the ways to help us make permanent changes in neural pathways. Making changes is not easy; it is often emotionally laden, memory-packed and driven by habit. But, with practice, patience and persistence, we can overcome old patterns and create the new neural pathways, facilitating change and engendering hope. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs and Imago Therapy call 913-32256223. For more about Jude LaClaire and the KC Holistic Centre go to w w w . k c h o l i s t i c . c o m ,

Let’s Get Naked—by Heidi Alfrey Build It and They Will Come


uthentic, transparent living means allowing your attention and guidance to be from the purest inspiration of your soul. To deeply understand that your purpose on this planet is not to struggle and worry, but to live as Jesus and other spiritual masters taught. That it is your Divine Inheritance, like the birds, to be free. By not being willing to contemplate that Truth, the world is deprived of the exquisite and unique gift that you were born to offer. Kind of important, wouldn't you say? So, Heidi, what do I do, how can I get off the merry-go-round of my habitual nature of confusion and hear the voice of clarity within me? Read on my friend... Here is the story of two great souls who were willing to get “spiritually naked” and listen to the calling within them — and as they followed those yearnings to serve — their inspiration will now bless others as it has deeply blessed them... In a hurried and worried world, Tom and Beth Jacobs were given the conception of a dream in the late 1980’s to begin a retreat house. Knowing it was a God-seed that needed water, they were immediately sold on the need within humanity for rest and renewal, balance and beauty, lessons in listening — and more. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, Tom and Beth both lived in a retreat community west of Leavenworth called Shantivanam. Additionally, Tom was a Benedictine monk in Atchison, KS from 1981 to 1985. In both settings, Tom and Beth observed the "power of retreating" as they watched the obvious changes that would happen in guests between their arrival and departure time. The Timber Creek mission was created from this observation and every aspect of Timber Creek is geared toward the rejuvenation of people who are on the edge of burnout, or to assist them in grieving a loss or to teach them the art of balance – or just offer a space and place for prayerful reflection amidst the pace of the world. With the motto that "every drop of water can fill a huge pond" – 267 friends have made five to 10 year committed pledges (of all amounts and sizes) and 800 others – and growing – have given donations and/or in-kind services Essentially, Timber Creek already exists in everyone’s heart. It's that heartspace wherein we re-align with Divine energy and tap a well that never runs dry. The real purpose of a retreat is to better equip people to return to the

world of family, society, work and self and make a conscious positive difference! Timber Creek's guesthouse is an 11,000 sq ft home wrapped in nature on 80 acres of Missouri timberland just north of Drexel, Missouri (35 minutes south of I-435 & Holmes). There are seven overnight accommodations with private baths, a meditation chapel, exercise and yoga room, two massage therapy rooms, a spiritual cinema room for inspirational films, a small gift shop, library, living room and dining room where healthy organic meals are served – plus 80 acres of walking (or running) trails through native timber and creeks. Timber Creek Retreat House is a nondenominational, inter-faith retreat house that welcomes all people. Come to the quiet and they will serve you with a r t f u l h o s p i t a l i t y . www.timbercreekretreat. org (or) 816-619-3399 Heidi will lead a women's retreat at Timber Creek Labor Day weekend. "NoLabor, Unplug From Your Busyness: Relax into Your Greatness" Aug. 31- Sept. 3. Heidi holds a Masters degree in Counseling and is a Unity Minister. Tune into her radio show, "Let's Get Naked" Revealing Your Authentic Self" on Mondays at 3p.m. CST. or anytime at Email EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


August 2012

Holistic Medicine—by Nancy Russell, M.D. Top 10 Ways to Promote Optimal Health


ourishing your body, mind and spirit can lead to optimal health and wellness. The following 10 principles were a topic of discussion when I attended the MidWest Institute’s Holistic Nutrition Consulting certification a few years ago. They are very basic, yet always a good reminder of what you are doing correctly and what you may need to add to your life to enhance your overall wellbeing. 1. Reduce or eliminate caffeine. The ups and downs of caffeine include dehydration, heart palpitations and blood sugar imbalance which can disrupt your mood. 2. Drink water. Most Americans are chronically dehydrated. Before you turn to sugar or caffeine, have a glass of filtered or spring water and see how you feel. A goal in drinking water is to drink until you are not thirsty and a rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 ounce of water per pound of body weight. 3. Eat your vegetables. Strive for five to eight servings per day as they are full of vitamins and other nutrients. They improve circulation, lift the




spirit, purify the blood and strengthen the immune system. Try broccoli, carrots, celery, zucchini, cauliflower, and dark leafy greens. Use gentle sweeteners. Avoid sugar and chemically altered artificial sweeteners. Use gentle sweeteners like natural maple syrup, raw honey, brown rice syrup, agave nectar or an herbal sweetener with zero calories, stevia. Also to help with the sweet tooth, eat sweet vegetables such as yams, carrots and beets. Get physically active. Yes, Just Do It!! Start with simple activities like walking or yoga. Start with ten minutes a day, then increase as tolerated. Exercise is essential. Get more sleep and take breaks. When you are tired or stressed, your body will crave energy. These cravings are often a result of being sleep deprived — going to bed too late or waking up too early. By taking a quick break at work, going for a walk and deep breathing can allow your body to rejuvenate and work efficiently the rest of the day. Be aware of what drains you and take action against it to restore your energy. If

you are simply not able to go to sleep and stay asleep, consult your health practitioner; and if natural means don’t help with sleep, consider an evaluation by a sleep specialist. 7. Evaluate the amount of animal products that you eat. Eating too much dairy, meat, chicken and eggs can lead to low energy, but so can eating too little! Experiment and respect your body’s individuality and blood type. 8. Take time for rejuvenation. Find activities that restore your energy such as a bath, exercise, deep breathing, a movie, calling a friend or anything you enjoy. Schedule a weekly date for yourself to do something fun, either alone or with a loved one. 9. Get in touch with yourself. Find ways to get in touch with who you are and find ways to feel more grounded and add some stability to your busy life. This could be through a spiritual practice, meditation, dancing, art, nature, pets, etc. 10. Spend time with people who inspire, support and energize you and minimize time with people who do not.

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816-523-4440 8301 State Line Road, Ste 216 Kansas City, MO 64114 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


August 2012

I challenge you to check off the items above that you are already doing and circle the ones that need more attention. Then take one new change at a time and attempt to put it in place for sixty days, then try the next one. Optimal health is at your fingertips and can take time; but, I know you will find all steps worthwhile. If you would like some assistance of your journey to optimal health, I am here to partner with you. Nancy Russell, M.D. is a holistic Internal medicine physician and has practiced in the Kansas City northland for 30 years. Dr. Russell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice, Nurturing Optimal Wellness. As a founding member of the American Board of Holistic medicine, she is board certified in holistic medicine. For more educational newsletters:

Wisdom Within—by Suzette Scholtes Safety Ladder


he “safety” step ladder was nestled in the storage closet. So, in hanging the new art in the Yoga School, I climbed up on a folding chair. It looked good! Then in a micro-flash my foot folded the back of the chair and I knew the fall before it happened. In a moment beyond space and time, I made this micro-split choice to surrender. I opened my arms and took the fall. Pain seared through my right hip as I stood. My legs wobbled like a newborn deer as I made my way to lay down on the lobby sofa. Here this short article may become annoying to you if, like me, you believe there is no “accident.” I’m bruised but nothing is broken. With my long legs, hip to floor easily measured six feet. Quite a fall indeed! Why? Was I suppressing something wanting to become conscious? Bree is the first to arrive for class She takes a look at me not moving on the sofa and grows a bit pale. Few see this vulnerable side of me at The Yoga School. She offers to help finish up my chores. She helps me gather this and that as we clean up and hang yet another piece of the new fabulous art. Icing my muscles later that night, I enter into meditation. First I’m guided to inner healing of Reiki and intent to “forgive self for falling.” My baby sister had fallen against her granite counter top that week on Monday. She blacked out and awoke with blood dripping down her forehead. The cat scan showed she suffered a concussion. She had been clinically depressed and I was hoping to help her heal. I knew her fall was a pivotal moment to her recovery to move forward or go backward. My tears begin to fall. Her depression, in my take, was a cumulative crisis over decades: our sister’s suicide; her husband’s debilitating illness; their divorce; becoming a family of six with new husband, home moves, loss of her professional job. She coped well and then, bam, went down. In meditation, I’m feeling how much I love her, always loved her, love her more than ever and if I lost her as we lost our other sister, my pain and fear of that loss felt insurmountable.

This is the reason for the fall? I did not process my most deep and intimate feelings and did not give voice or energy to how much I cared and how much I feared losing her? To stay in our dominion of “no accidents” here’s what I suggest: 1. Claim your own stuff. Ghandi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Get quiet and look within. The only place to begin shifting is inside of you. Stop wishing the outside circumstances different. Change what you can and accept what you cannot change. 2. Ask yourself if you can allow all your feelings. When emotions are strong ask yourself if you can allow the feeling to be there. This one step may ease the discomfort. Even if the answer is “no,” then you’re at least acknowledging the feeling. 3. Are you tired, overwhelmed, or hungry? Being tired or hungry can make you more vulnerable. Do you have too much going on and you can’t find your center? Take a nap. Get a good night’s sleep. Eat when you’re hungry. Move away from the overwhelm and get quiet. 4. Dominion. Whatever path you’re on, you have the choice to manage how you react to any circumstance. If you want to teach, inspire, or help, what comes up most likely it’s going to require you to face your own demons. It’s all part of our inner teacher. Let it be. Moving beyond the doubts to the trust and love reveal your greatest treasures. Suzette Scholtes is Director of Teacher’s Training and Founder of The Yoga School of Therapeutics, 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. Her writings have appeared in national magazines and published by New Leaf Publishers, Atlanta. The yoga school calendar of public classes and workshops may be found at or Email or call 913 492-9594.



August 2012

Revelations—by Sally Ford The Boomerang Effect


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ur existence is governed by Universal Law—the Laws that determine everything both physical and non-physical. Universal Laws are eternal, or forever, they are infinite, or everywhere. So whether you understand these laws or whether you accept them or not — they still affect you. We don’t understand the Law of Gravity; but, we know that if we jump out of a building we are going to hit the ground. We don’t understand electricity but we know that it can cook a man’s dinner and it can also cook the man. We also know these laws are no respecter of persons, they work equally for everyone, for the just and the unjust. The most powerful, most important law that you will ever come to understand is the Law of Attraction which is defined as “that which is like unto itself is drawn” — “like attracts like.” We all know what happens when we throw a boomerang. We toss it into the air and it comes right back to us. The Law of Attraction works the same way. Whatever begins with us ends with us, like a boomerang. Whatever we send out will ultimately come back to us. What goes around comes around. The simplest way to look at the Law of Attraction is if you think of yourself as a magnet. You are the most powerful magnet in the Universe! You contain a magnetic power within you that is more powerful than anything in this world, and this unfathomable magnetic power is emitted through your thoughts. So, as you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you. What most people don’t understand is that a thought has a frequency, an energy that can be measured. Thoughts become things! If you’re thinking a thought over and over and over again you are sending out a magnetic signal that is drawing the subject of your thought to you. It works whether your thought is of something that you “want” or something you “don’t want.” Most people are thinking about what they “don’t want,” and they are wondering why it shows up over and over again. If you’re looking at a mountain of debt, feeling terrible about it, that’s the signal you’re putting out into the Universe. That’s what you’re going to get more of. By the same token, when you think of the things that you “do want,” and you focus on them with all of your feelings and intention, then the Law of Attraction will give you exactly what you want, every time. If you can see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand. What you think about, you bring about!



August 2012

If you’re thinking a thought over and over and over again you are sending out a magnetic signal that is drawing the subject of your thought to you. It works whether your thought is of something that you “want” or something you “don’t want.” Most people live their life by default— whatever happens, happens. When you become aware of this great law, then you become aware of how incredibly powerful you are. You can deliberately create and think the life you want into existence!

Sally L. Ford is a New Thought Teacher, Speaker, Author and Spiritual Life Coach. She may be contacted at

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August 2012

Revelations—by Will Bowen World Peace Begins September 21, 2056


lbert Einstein said, “You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.” And Jesus of Nazareth is quoted to have said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The United States spends 54 percent, more than half of our annual budget, on the military. If Jesus was correct that our hearts follow our pocketbooks, then our collective heart is attuned to war and it’s time to stop. Since its inception, there has been a strong peace movement in the United States. In 1793 Dr. Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence wrote “A plan of a Peace-Office for the United States” calling for the creation of an Office of Peace on equal footing with what was then called the Department of War (now called the Department of Defense). In 1925, Carrie Chapman Catt founder of the National League of Women Voters called for the United States to establish a cabinet level Peace Department complete with a Secretary of Peace. In 1935, Senator Matthew M. Neely introduced the first bill calling for the establishment of a United States Department of Peace. Since that time, more than 100 bills have been introduced calling for a U.S. Peace Department. To date, we do not have a Department of Peace and there are still dozens of wars raging around the world. There are hundreds of organizations across the globe working for peace. Their efforts are both noble and important because they raise our collective consciousness to the idea that peace in our world is a priority and can become a possibility. However, it has been my experience that when a goal is set it must be accompanied by a date for its completion. Otherwise, its open-ended nature can limit progress toward its achievement. Therefore, I am officially declaring a date for world peace. Yes, you heard me right. A date beyond which human beings will no longer resolve their differences by killing one another en masse. That date is September 21, 2056. Why this particular date? September 21st is the United Nations’ annual Day of Peace. It seems fitting to hold this as the first day of a new beginning for humankind. Why this particular year? Honestly, I was guided in meditation to select 2056. It seems to me that 4 decades is long enough for us to wrap up this nonsense once and for all. Further and most important, if we begin now to declare this as the date that world peace begins, it gives us time for a couple of new generations of people to



August 2012

accept this as a fact. And, as we know, for this to become a reality it only takes enough people believing in it. Interestingly, after I settled on this date, I realized that this is 44 years from now. In the Bible, numbers from one to nine all have meanings. Biblically, the number four means, “long enough.” How long was Noah’s great flood? Forty days and forty nights. Translation: long enough! (A zero after a number in the Bible is for emphasis). The Israelites wandered the desert for forty years, which means they trekked through the sand “long enough.” If the goal date for world peace is fortyfour years in the future. And, if four means, “enough,” then perhaps forty-four means, that when it comes to war “Enough is enough!” Who am I to set such a huge goal for all humankind? Nobody, really. But someone has to do it. Many a strident person has predicted that the world will end on this date or that date so why can’t I set a date for the end of war? Six years ago I made another outlandish claim that we would create a Complaint Free World and, to date, ten million people around the world have joined the Complaint Free movement. So, maybe I’ll get lucky again. ‘Sound simplistic? Of course it does. But our complicated approach to world peace has failed; so, perhaps its time to simply set a goal date, believe it and leave the details to the Universe. Chief Joseph said, “From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.” If enough of us adopt September 21, 2056 as a date when people of our world will fight no more forever, it must become reality.

Will Bowen is Spiritual Leader of InVision, a new thought ministry here in Kansas City, and the founder of "A Complaint Free World" which has helped transform the lives of more than 10 million people in 106 counties. His is also the bestselling author of two books.

Eating Well in Kansas City Healthy Bytes Flexible Raw Recipes Anyone Can Make Practically Raw revolutionizes raw food cuisine with cooked options


ractically Raw is the revolutionary new way to enjoy raw food at your own pace. Chef Amber Shea’s flexible approach allows for substitutions, variations, and even cooked options for many of the dishes. Amber has also designed her recipes so they can be made with ordinary equipment and ingredients. What’s more, each raw vegan recipe can be adapted to your own taste and budget. Practically Raw has something for everybody, whether you are exploring ways to improve your health and longevity, cope with a food allergy, or lose weight. The book is ideal for beginners as well as seasoned raw foodists. This flexible approach allows you to enjoy creative, satisfying, and delicious recipes such as: Almond Butter Sesame Noodles Vegetable Korma Masala Fiesta Taco Roll-Ups Primavera Pesto Pizza Maple-Pecan Kale Chips Cherry Mash Smoothie Parisian Street Crêpes Warm Apple-Walnut Cobbler This innovative cookbook includes a foreword by raw foods pioneer Matthew Kenney. It has full-color photos throughout and provides a pantry guide, menus, money-saving and make-ahead tips, and nutrition information, as well as recipe variations and ingredient substitutions. Kansas City native, Amber Shea Crawley, is a chef and writer specializing in healthful vegan and raw food. She was classically trained in the art of gourmet living cuisine at the world-renowned Matthew Kenney Academy, graduating in 2010 as a certified raw and vegan chef. In 2011, she earned her Nutrition Educator certification at the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute. Amber blogs at Practically Raw: Flexible Raw Recipes Anyone Can Make Vegan Heritage Press Paperback, 256 pages, $19.95 ISBN: 978-0-9800131-5-3 Pub Date: March 10, 2011

Get Growing KC Fall 2012 Workshops August 6 (Monday) 6-8pm: Water: ‘Cause It Sure Ain’t Been Rainin’! Location: Kansas City Community Gardens, 6917 Kensington, Kansas City, MO 64132. Water is essential for healthy productive crops. Come see the creative ways farmers and gardeners are accessing water throughout our city and across the country. We will talk about tapping into fire hydrants, installing a hydrant, rain water catchment, water meters, and water conservation. Find out about funding opportunities available to farmers and gardeners that can help offset the cost of water access.

September 29 (Saturday) 9am-12pm: Get Growing a Community Garden Kansas City Community Gardens 6917 Kensington, KCMO 64132. This workshop is essential for anyone thinking of starting a community garden or wanting to expand or improve their existing community garden. 9:00am-10:00am- How to Start a Community Partner Garden 10:00am-11:00am- Making Your Community Partner Garden Successful 11:00am-12:00pm- Special Enhancements for Community Partner Gardens event/259113

August 20 (Monday) 6-8pm: Season Extension: Getting the Most from Your Garden or Farm Location: Urban Impact Center, 1028 Paseo, Kansas City, MO 64106. Fresh spinach in January? In this workshop we will be exploring ways to harvest later into the fall and even into the winter by using simple structures that will help you extend your harvest. You will learn techniques in this class that can also be used at the beginning of the season to get an early harvest.

October 22 (Monday) 6-8pm: Fall Growers’ Tasks: Getting Ready for 2013! Location: Cross-Lines Community Outreach, 736 Shawnee Ave, Kansas City, KS 66105. Come learn how to prepare your growing space for the fall and get ready for winter. We’ll discuss cleaning up, adding organic matter and what to do with all of those fall leaves. Learn how to plan now for next season.



August 2012

Eating Well in Kansas City In the Kitchen with Bonnie—by Bonnie Rabicoff

Food First!—by Bethany Klug, D.O.

JJ’s Restaurant

Improving Standard American Healthy, Part II


he most famous fish stew of the Mediterranean is bouillabaisse, and its home is considered to be Marseilles, although it is made in every little port throughout the coastal regions of Provence. The apocryphal story of the origin of bouillabaisse, as told by the Marseillais, is that Venus served bouillabaisse to her husband Vulcan in order to lull him to sleep while she consorted with Mars. The most distinguishing characteristic of a bouillabaisse is not the fish, because all fish stews and soups have fish, but the unique flavoring derived from saffron and fennel. Though no “consorting” took place “In the Kitchen”…Executive Chef Grant Wagner remained true to these unique flavors with his bouillabaisse of shrimp, mussels, clams, seasonal white fish, tomatoes, leeks, fennel, garlic, herbs and white wine…Served over a crostini and topped with saffron aioli…at JJ’s.

Bonnie Rabicoff is the producer and host of the multimedia foodie series “In the Kitchen with Bonnie.” She has served as the Vice President of Development for KCPT Public Television and the Marketing Director of The Barstow School where she founded and coordinated “The Barstow School Organic Farmers’ Market and Chef Series. Bonnie has worked in the television medium for over 20 years…Serving as a producer and host for a variety of community programs addressing education, the arts, social service and cooking. For a listing of upcoming features or to view the entire foodie series, visit

Fear bad fat, not good fat.

Bouillabaisse of Shrimp, Mussels, Clams, Seasonal White Fish, Tomatoes, Leeks, Fennel, Garlic, Herbs and White Wine over Crostini topped with Saffron Aioli Prepared by Executive Chef Grant Wagner “In the Kitchen” at JJ’s Restaurant. Bouillabaisse Ingredients: 1 Tbls minced garlic 2 cups tomato concasse ½ cup diced fennel ½ cup diced celery ½ cup diced white onion ½ cup diced leeks 1 pint fume 1 cup white wine 1lb of diced, seasonal white fish 6 mussels 6 clams 6 shrimp 1 tsp ground, toasted coriander 1 tsp ground, toasted fennel seed 2 Tbls extra virgin olive oil 2 Tbls canola oil S&P to taste 1 Bay leaf 1 tsp white wine vinegar 2 crostinis 2 Tbls saffron aioli Procedure: Sear the fish over high heat in the canola oil. Add the leeks, garlic, onion, celery and fennel. Sweat until translucent. It’s a good idea to add a little salt while cooking the vegetables. Deglaze with the white wine. Add the tomatoes, fume, fennel seed, thyme, coriander and bay leaf. Cook over moderate heat for 8 minutes. Steam the clams in the stew, preferably with a lid. Once open, add the mussels and shrimp. Steam for approximately 2 minutes, or

until the shrimp turn pink and the mussels open. Drizzle the bouillabaisse with the vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Remove the bay leaf and thyme sprig and plate the dish in a large bowl. Place the crostini in the stew and top with saffron aioli.

Saffron Aioli Ingredients: 1 egg yolk ¼ Extra virgin olive oil 2 Tbls canola oil ½ tsp dijon mustard 2 minced garlic cloves 2 Tbls lemon juice 15-20 saffron threads Salt to taste Procedure: Gently heat the saffron and lemon juice together. Let cool, until the lemon juice is infused with the saffron, approximately 1 hour. Whisk the lemon juice and saffron with the egg yolk by hand. Place the bowl over open flame and continue whisking until the mixture is at the “ribbon” stage, or until 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix in the mustard and garlic. Emulsify, or whisk in the two oils one drop at a time at first, gradually increasing as more oil is emulsified. Add salt. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


et’s continue last month's discussion of “Standard American Healthy Diet,” a way of eating promoted by the food industry and popular media. Followers of Standard American Healthy think they are doing something to prevent chronic disease, but most will end up in an oncologist’s office or in the cardiac cath lab, if they are lucky. Standard American Healthy isn’t healthy enough. Here’s more on how you can improve upon it.


Standard American Healthy has a misplaced fear of fat. Yet, your brain, nerves, hormones, inflammation fighting chemicals and most importantly the outer membrane of every cell in your body is made of fat. With the wrong fats and low-fat diets, cellular metabolism malfunctions and leads to every kind of poor health. Most people need 25 - 45 percent of their calories from fat. Contrary to popular belief, healthy fats do not cause weight gain or atherosclerosis. So throw out margarines, including Earth Balance and any oil in a clear bottle. Healthy fats come from whole food sources, such as raw nuts and seeds, olives and avocados. Fats in grass fed animal flesh and small fish such as sardines and anchovies are less toxic. However, cooking fat makes it rancid and creates free radicals and carcinogens. This worsens with temperature. When you cook with oil, favor heat stable ones such as coconut, grape seed oil or ghee made from organic unsalted butter. Cook animal foods and oils at the lowest temperature possible. Never heat olive oil and always eat it with vegetables. Otherwise, it causes your blood vessels to constrict, contrary to its heart healthy reputation.

August 2012

Nix the energy bars. The real culprit behind the obesity epidemic, besides trans fats and high fructose corn syrup, may be grains. When the U.S. government recommended low fat diets in the 1970s, grains replaced fat that was taken out and obesity rates skyrocketed. Your body converts all grains, even whole grains like oatmeal and quinoa into sugar. If you don’t use the sugar for energy it is converted to triglycerides and stored as fat. High levels of triglycerides reduce the action of leptin, a hormone that signals your body to stop eating and burn fat. The result? You "can’t eat just one" as the potato chip jingle goes. If you are overweight, insulin resistant or diabetic, you may be able to activate leptin again by eliminating all grains from your diet. Additionally, gluten, a protein in wheat, wheat alternatives, rye, barley and most oats, can trigger autoimmune disease such as multiple sclerosis and lupus. I recently learned that even heart disease has an autoimmune component. I recommend anyone with autoimmune disease and now cardiovascular disease to stop eating these grains. I’ll address even more ways to improve on Standard American Healthy next month. Until then, enjoy half an avocado on a salad everyday, reevaluate the place of grains in your diet and see how much better your look and feel!

Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and

Eating Well in Kansas City Feature—by Thomas M. Sterner Dieting with a Practicing Mind


hat’s the first thing we do when we set a dieting goal? We aim at the final destination: “I want to lose 25 pounds.” This immediately sets up a perspective that breeds struggle and beckons failure before we have made that first step onto the treadmill or passed up that first donut. Why? Most of us have a habit of setting our goals too far out in front of where we are at that moment and immediately become attached to the point in time when that goal will be reached. This is both counterproductive and a misuse of the goal. Instead of our goal serving as a rudder to guide our effort, it creates a feeling within us that every moment along the way to reaching that goal is something we have to overcome, something we must endure. We experience impatience and struggle, and if we fail to sustain our extended effort, we can lose confidence in our ability to reach any particular goal we set. We also usually attach a time frame for reaching our goals that is totally unrealistic and not based on any factual information, but instead is driven by the thought that reaching a particular goal will make us feel more complete than we already are.

The key is to break our final goal into more manageable parts. Losing 25 pounds is the end of the journey, but to keep us inspired, it is much more helpful to set a goal of first losing only 5 pounds. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, or even fearful, that we will not be able to overcome our cravings for certain foods on any given day or, worse, for an entire week, we should focus on just breakfast and then just the midmorning snack. We know the rest of the day is out there, but we accept that we are here now and that there is just this one meal, this one temptation to deal with. We see only the physical exercise we need to do today, not the cumulative effort it will take to in-

Stepping on the scale more than once or twice a week can be counterproductive because it can strengthen your attachment to reaching your overall weight goal as opposed to the process of achieving the weight loss.

It’s also wise to limit your number of trips to the scale. Stepping on the scale more than once or twice a week can be counterproductive because it can strengthen your attachment to reaching your overall weight goal as opposed to the process of achieving the weight loss. In systems such as Weight Watchers you only have one weigh-in a week. It is normal for your weight to fluctuate a little day-to-day, and stepping on the scale every day when you are trying to lose weight is like constantly looking at your hair in the mirror after a bad haircut to see if it has grown out. What you are really doing is measuring the distance from where you are to where you feel you want to end up. At some level you are saying, “I am not where I want to be, and until I get there, I am incomplete and so can’t feel good about where I am right now.” The hidden joy in losing weight is a basic truth that is present in any cycle of creating a goal, working toward it, and then eventually reaching it. That joy is revealed in the awareness that the “moment” of achieving your goal is happening in every moment of your effort. In that awareness, you are open to accept those positive emotions in real time because you become aware that you are “living your success” right now.

tegrate exercise into our schedule for the rest of our lives. We focus only on one small, simple task as we move through each hour of each day. Doing this requires the same awareness and control of eating and exercise that we need to reach the final goal of losing 25 pounds, but it sets us up with a much shorter “cycle of dieting” that we must adhere to before experiencing success. That experience of success then breeds the motivation and stamina necessary to keep moving forward.

Thomas M. Sterner is the author of The Practicing Mind: Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life. Visit him online at Based on the book The Practicing Mind: Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life, © 2012 by Thomas M. Sterner. Printed with permission from New World Library.

We focus only on one small, simple task as we move through each hour of each day.



August 2012

Feature—by Ken Druck, Ph.D. The Real Rules of “Living Losses” If Someone You Love is an Alcoholic or Addict, Debilitated, Estranged, Sick or Missing, You May be Experiencing a “Living Loss”


hen my daughter, Jenna, died in a bus accident in 1996 while on the Semester-at-Sea program in India, I was in choiceless agony. So were the parents of the three other girls who died in that accident. That same year, I started the Jenna Druck Center, a non-profit foundation, to honor my daughter’s life and spirit — and created Families Helping Families, a program to help other bereaved families. The response was overwhelming. We started receiving calls from all over the world and, to date, The Jenna Druck Center has been a lifeline for over five thousand bereaved families. After our first year, however, something completely unexpected happened. We started getting calls from parents whose children were still alive — but who were grieving their loss none-the-less. Their children were either missing, strung out on drugs, debilitated by a mental or physical illness or an accident, estranged, incarcerated and/or lost to them is some other way. These parents were suffering horribly and in as much need of support as those whose kids had died. Feeling helpless, scared, confused, angry, humiliated, guilty — and living under a dark cloud of fear, dread, despair and sorrow – everything from their health, to their relationships, to their work and sense of purpose for living were all profoundly affected. The future they had envisioned for their children, themselves and their families was in great peril, or had already been lost. They were in dire need of understanding, emotional support, guidance and resources to help their children -- and themselves. And so, I began inviting these mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents and friends from all corners of the community to come together to support one another, learn from experts, develop effective intervention and survival strategies and share vital information about resources in our community. The "Living Losses" program has been helping families from all over the world for 16 years since then. I have been giving public workshops and running support groups for families in every imaginable situation. And the need is even greater today. Let me explain a few reasons why: 1. Alcohol and drug abuse has become pandemic – resulting in living losses from auto accidents, acts of violence, incarceration and debilitating addictions (“Boutique” addiction centers are popping up like fast food restaurants). 2. Increasing numbers of young people, including soldiers returning from war zones with fractured bodies and hearts, are struggling horribly to stabilize and settle their lives. And dropping out of society. Their suffering is immeasurable. 3. Debilitating depression, anxiety, autism and antisocial behavior are running rampant, creating a black hole of despair in many thousands of families. 4. Stress, environmental and food-based diseases are on the rise, claiming the health and shortening the lives of millions of people. 5. Children and young women disappear every week somewhere in America, creating perhaps the most brutally terrifying, savage and violent kinds of living losses. And so on. One of the most powerful, yet little know, truths I write about in, The Real Rules of Life: Balancing Life’s Terms with Your Own is that we grieve for the people we love while they are alive. And that many of our worst losses are “living” losses. Our society has yet to recognize the severity of pain

associated with living losses – or to provide adequate resources to those who are suffering. Living with alcoholism and drug addiction, or someone who is debilitated, estranged, traumatized or has gone missing, is heartwrenching. Lost, or at risk, are their hopes and dreams for the future. Parents, spouses and siblings fight valiantly to help their loved ones, in some cases just to keep them alive. The cost of living on edge, depleting their own limited resources, seeking help from the community and going to sleep/waking up every day hoping for a miracle is considerable. The frustration, pain, confusion, humiliation, exhaustion, heartache and feelings of utter helplessness can be overwhelming. Believing that somehow, some way, things will get better, and devoting our time and energy to making that happen, takes tremendous amounts of raw courage, faith, hope and determination. Sometimes things do get better. An addicted or alcoholic son or daughter goes to rehab, stays sober and builds a good life for themselves. A returning vet gets job training and trauma counseling, falls in love and slowly puts their life back on track. An estranged daughter comes home after years on “the road.” A missing child is found alive. The heart of an 18 year old boy is transplanted into the body of a dying 70 year old grandfather and his life is saved. And sometimes they don’t. Living losses become life losses. Casualties. And we grieve a death. What can those of us who suffer from living losses do to help ourselves? Our loved ones? Where can we turn to find relief no matter what the source of our suffering? What can we do to save a loved one’s life? Salvage their future? How can we take care of ourselves, “process” our grief, continue to learn from experience, remove ourselves from torture chamber and summon the strength to survive? How can we fight our way back into our own lives? Here are three resources that exist in many of our communities. 1. Attend a Recovery Program or Support Group Programs like Alanon and “Living Losses” support groups directly address these inner and outer challenges described above through peer support and education, resource and information-sharing, expert advice, experiential learning and community advocacy. You will quickly learn that you’re not alone! We all have much to learn about living with and even preventing living losses and promoting the kinds of things that reduce and/or prevent them. There are devoted, knowledgeable experts in almost every community. But we also have one another. Peer support and education can make all the difference. Our slogan is “Hope Loves Company.” These kinds of support groups and Twelve-Step programs exist in many of our communities and online -- and can help you begin to address the following questions: • Am I suffering from a “living loss? • What are the different kinds of living losses? • Might I be in over my head and in need of help? • Am I being seriously affected by this living loss? • Is it possible that I am denying, minimizing or avoiding this problem? • What can I do to help myself deal with my living loss? • What are the "signs and symptoms" of alcohol and drug addiction? Of depression? Etc. • How can I cope when my (perfectly healthy) child or loved one is at risk? • What do I need to learn and do to help my loved one?



• • • • • • • • •

What does it mean to set healthy boundaries? Why is this so important? What is an intervention? Are there different kinds? Do I need to do one with my loved one? What is enabling? Am I an enabler? If so, how can I change? How can I maintain my own health and sanity when my child is not well and/or missing? What part do depression/anxiety play in addiction? What is meant by "dual diagnosis"? Are there any programs/treatments that can help my child? Our family? What are they? What is "tough love?" Does taking the “hard line” always work? Do people really need to hit bottom to get better? How can I help other members of my family deal with this living loss?

If you’re asking some of these questions, you may benefit from attending a Living Loss or other kind of support group, like Alanon, or by scheduling a consultation with a mental health professional to learn more about how you can help yourself, loved one, family and community. 2. Self-Help We also have the amazing ability to help ourselves. How we do this is the core of my “Real Rules of Life” book. By taking exceptionally good care of ourselves, getting the help and support we need, learning more about how to cope with the pain, sorrow, anger, fear and frustration that come with a living loss, we can fight the good fight. Becoming our own best friend and supporter also means freeing ourselves of the debilitating blame, guilt, judgment and punishment that many of us have unknowingly turned against ourselves. Learning to treat ourselves with kindness, patience, self-compassion, forgiveness, encouragement and understanding is the key. Each of us is human — and a work in progress. We deserve a second chance. 3. Getting Professional Help Getting professional help from a qualified therapist, counselor, Living Losses Coach or spiritual advisor/ clergy can make all the difference as a stand alone activity or complement to the other options mentioned above. We don’t get to play God in this life. No matter how healthy, wealthy or wise we become, there will always be things that are beyond our ability to control or understand. We can, however, learn to live valiantly, humbly and honorably in the face of life’s most devastating living losses, setbacks and tragedies. We can summon great strength and face each day as it comes, doing the best we can, working hard to help ourselves and our loves ones create the best of all possible futures. This takes time and great courage. Rising out of the ashes, mobilizing resources and fighting our way back into life is how we grow our souls. This is also the greatest triumph of the human spirit, but it only happens one breath at a time. Ken Druck, Ph.D., is one of the nation’s pioneers in personal transformation, breaking fresh ground in male psychology, executive coaching, organizational consulting, parent effectiveness, healing after loss, and, most recently, the art of turning adversity into opportunity. Ken’s most recent book is The Real Rules of Life (

August 2012

Feature—by Mary Zhang Acupuncture and Addictions


raditional Chinese Medicine is increasing in popularity as an effective aid in controlling many addictions. TCM and Acupuncture is a natural procedure with no side effects: and, it can treat a wide range of addictions from alcohol, drug abuse, nicotine and overeating. There has been clinical evidence that supports the use of TCM for addiction control. The first acupuncture detoxification clinic in the United States opened in 1974, at the Lincoln Memorial Hospital in the South Bronx section of New York City. At first, acupuncture was used as an adjunct to methadone treatment, but such good results were obtained with acupuncture that methadone was dropped from the program. According to Dr. Michael Smith, director, the success rate with acupuncture is substantially higher than that of more conventional programs. Addicts reported a marked reduction in craving for drugs, a relief from symptoms of withdrawal, and feelings of relaxation along with improved sleep. Research has shown strong evidence that acupuncture can raise the level of endorphins in the nervous system. Endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers and their levels are increased by endurance exercises. By increasing the endorphin levels, people experience their symptoms of cravings and withdrawals are allevi-

body. Treatment frequency is dependent on each individual and how the body responds to the treatments (slow or fast). Acupuncture is effective for many other conditions as well. Acupuncture has a 3000-year old history and has only recently been found to be useful for addictions. The World Health Organization lists over 40 disorders that respond favorably to acupuncture. Among these are chronic pain, injuries, back and neck pain, chronic fatigue, headaches, depression (mild), stress disorders, hypertension, insomnia, digest i v e d i s o r de r s , p re menstrual syndrome, constipation, allergies and the common cold. Our office specializes with infertility, women’s health, and pregnancy.

ated. Some researchers also believe that the desire to eat is also mediated by the endorphin levels in the brain, which would explain why acupuncture helps dieters control their appetites. Chinese medical theory is based on the concept of yin and yang, which are dynamic and complementary opposites. Addicts often suffer from a deficiency of yin. Chinese medical theory, which comprehends the body metaphorically, relates yin to substance and nourishment whereas yang consumes and relates to function. On a psychological level, an imbalance of

yin and yang creates feelings of emptiness and desperation. Physiologically, it manifests as frenetic hyperactivity. The addict is driven to use and abuse, but the drug exacerbates and further depletes the yin; hence, the feeling of power he/she gains is exaggerated and merely temporary, leading to even more desperation. Treatments focus on rebalancing, strengthening and supporting the body which often have grown weak in addicts due to being subjected, daily, to the burden of eliminating an excess of toxins from the



Dr. Mary Zhang is a Lic. Acupuncturist at Chinese Medicine Clinic, Inc. Please contact the office for more information or to schedule an appointment 816-361-8885; 9229 Ward Parkway, Suite 107, Kansas City, MO 64114; August 2012

Feature—by Colleen Nilson Creating a Life You Love


to aim for. We can make a plan. Just like if we were taking a trip to New York, we would get a map and make a plan. Here is the next point in the process we may need to look outside of ourselves to gather information, find new ideas and techniques to make and implement the plan. Do we need the help of a financial planner, a nutritionist, a spiritual or emotional counselor, a fitness trainer, a meditation teacher? Write the goal down. Post it in a place you can see it every day. Write the plan down. Review it often.

an people change? Yes, if we could not change life would be hopeless.

In fact, we should welcome change. Few of us attain our potential, our best. To become more of our best we should be on the lookout for ways to change every day. Some of us may suffer from severe mental health issues or debilitating addictions and most of us have some limiting thought patterns that hold us back from being our best. Some of us have stress, anxiety, trauma, resentments or simply an empty feeling that is so unpleasant that we create defenses to protect ourselves from that pain. These defenses come in many forms. They can be lies we tell ourselves such as “I’m not smart enough to do that”, “I don’t have enough money”, “I’m not good looking”, “I’m not good at school or sports or meditating” or “I’ve made too many mistakes. Some of us use behaviors such as lying, gambling, inappropriate sex, compulsive shopping, watching too much TV, or harmful relationship patterns to ward off that uneasy feeling. Some of us use substances like food, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs to ease the discomfort. At first we may use a substance to just “take the edge off” but at some point we are on the edge all the time and the anxiety, stress and fears grow and become even harder to face. The substance use becomes abuse. What once brought us comfort now causes us more pain. Emotional discomfort can help point to the changes we need to make. When we touch a hot stove the pain tells us to pull our hand away. When we experience an uneasy feeling, it is telling us something. Like the idiot lights on the dash board of our car, when the oil light comes on, it means something. We need to be present and observant, living in the moment to be able to recognize our thoughts and feelings. We need to exam-

We have an inner compass that tells us direction. It points us to our “true north”, our best self. Once we have an idea where the dis-ease or discomfort originates, we have an idea where we need to heal.

ine our situation to see what changes need to be made. The changes are sometimes outside of ourselves but generally the changes that need to be made start on the inside of ourselves. When we become aware of a stress or discomfort we can start by listening to our thoughts. Our thoughts create our attitudes, perceptions, behaviors and beliefs. Our thoughts create our reality, our life. We have thoughts but we are not our thoughts. We can examine, choose, rechoose and change our thoughts. Many of our thought patterns are unconscious. As we begin to examine our thoughts we begin the process of changing and recreating ourselves. It is a miraculous process. Awareness is the first key to understanding ourselves. It is important for us to be the observer of our thoughts. Sometimes we need help in recognizing and unlearning old thought patterns and behaviors. Sometimes we just need

someone to listen, to help us unload the burden, untangle the knot. A good athlete doesn’t get to be a great athlete without the help of a coach. It takes courage to look at the feelings of uneasiness that are causing the problem. But facing the uneasiness, pain or empty feeling is the first step to improvement, joy and fulfillment. We can’t get rid of the toothache until we look at the tooth. We have an inner compass that tells us direction. It points us to our “true north”, our best self. Once we have an idea where the dis-ease or discomfort originates, we have an idea where we need to heal. Do we need to lose weight, clean the house, improve our financial situation, improve our relationship with our family members, drink less alcohol, improve our education, quit a risky behavior, or just find something to do for fun and relaxation? Now, we have a bull’s eye, something



August 2012

Begin every day in the change process with the question, what can I do today to get closer to my goal? End every day with the question, what did I do today that got me closer or farther from my goal? What, if anything, happened that threw me off course? When we get off course, it is a learning experience about ourselves and our patterns. Falling asleep meditate on the question what will it feel like when I reach my destination? What will it feel like to have a good relationship, to be a healthy weight, to be smoke free, to have a better education and job, a clean house? What are the new things I will be able to do once I’ve hit the mark? What are the things I will do every day to get there and stay there? Is hitting the goal a reward in itself or do I need to plan a reward for myself when I reach certain benchmarks? We can make this process fun and rewarding. We need to celebrate our courage and accomplishments. Colleen Nilson holds a Master’s of Science in Counseling Psychology. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Life Coach. She is in private practice and can be reached at 913-244-6281.

Feature—by Lisa Pinsker Mindfulness, Stress and Good Health


ave you noticed the exploding interest in mindfulness recently? What does it have to do with stress or better health?

How do you become mindful? Mindfulness is about purposefully paying attention, moment-to-moment in a nonjudgmental way. The concept has grown tremendously in popularity over the last few decades although the practices are thousands of years old. Today, contemporary mindfulness practice is secularized, science-based and holds a universal appeal.

alcohol, drug use •

Increased ability to relax and cope effectively with stressful situations

The burgeoning interest in mindfulness started with a program called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., at University of Massachusetts Medical Center in 1979. MBSR has been featured on Oprah, PBS specials and NBC’s Dateline. Today, MBSR programs are ongoing at more than 250 hospitals in America. More than 19,000 people have graduated from MBSR at UMass alone!

And with good reason. Mindfulness meditation appears to be effective in treating many physical and mental health conditions. It can also be of tremendous help to the recovering addict. The number of clinical studies published documenting the benefits has grown steadily in recent years. There is no sign of this trend slowing as more and more groundbreaking findings are discovered. Benefits include: •

Improved self-esteem

Strengthened immune response

Lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms including: ~Reduction of pain levels and enhanced ability to cope with pain that may not go away. ~ Reduction in anxiety and depressive symptoms

Greater relationship satisfaction

Better sleep

Positive changes in brain structure involving learning, memory processes, emotion regulation, concentration

Increase in brain activity associated with positive mood states

Prevention of weight gain

Reduction compulsive behaviors such as smoking, eating,

MBSR is an educational program and a common form of complementary medicine to facilitate healing in the management of a wide variety of health challenges including: chronic pain, heart disease, cancer, headaches, anxiety, depression, sleep or eating disturbances, fibromyalgia, PTSD, asthma and substance abuse. High levels of stress, burnout or a desire to take a more proactive role in promoting one’s wellbeing are also common reasons that people participate. How does mindfulness help to relieve stress? By training the brain to stay in the present moment and not constantly flitting off to thoughts/ stories about the past and future. Staying present and mindfully aware helps people recognize unskillful thought patterns and not be overly identified with the content of the thought stream. We feel more calm and in control when we are not caught up in the incessant chatter of our “monkey minds.” When you are more calm your body relaxes and the “rest and digest” response of the nervous system kicks in. Many of us live with the “flight or fight” switch of the nervous system always “ON.” The pace of modern life has us feeling like we‘re on a hamster wheel, exhausted and not getting anywhere. Not to mention being bombarded daily with stimuli from the media and vast amounts of technology that keep us “connected” and constantly “plugged in.” Add to this mix

our cultural attitudes about achievement, productivity and always being the best, fastest, brightest and you have a recipe for dangerous levels of stress and “dis-ease” of being. What happens when you sense danger (stress)? The adrenal glands release cortisol and adrenaline into the bloodstream resulting in a cascade of physiological responses such as: •

Stickier platelets for blood to clot faster if you incur a bleeding wound

Digestion slows

Fat and sugar are dumped into the bloodstream

Blood flow is constricted in many parts of the body

Helpful when you need more muscular energy to get away from a tiger on your tail; but, today’s stressors tend to be psychological in nature and unremitting… resulting in a continuous release of these hormones into our systems. How can this affect your body over time? •

Stickier platelets, stroke

Lack of digestion, GI problems and weight gain

High levels fat and sugar, atherosclerosis and diabetes

Constricted blood flow, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure

Practicing mindfulness won’t eradicate stress but will help you to relate differently to your experience. When a stressor occurs you may manifest muscular tension or have ruminative, catastrophic thoughts. Left unnoticed, a headache, sore neck, anxiety or depression may result. Instead of denying or resisting stress, if you practice mindful awareness, you’ll open to your experience, notice the tension and negativity before it escalates…you'll let it go to bring yourself back into balance.



August 2012

How do you do that? Practice, practice, practice. Mindfulness is an experiential skill like playing the piano, where your skill level improves over time. You can start small … you don’t have to take 45 minutes focusing on your breath daily to begin. Formal practice, like sitting meditation is important; but you can start with informal practices like just stopping— stop, check in to see what’s up with your mind and body, then follow your breath for several cycles… it takes 30 seconds! Mindfulness practices and mindfulness meditation have no goal except to “be with what is.” You are not trying to relax or “empty” your mind, but to let go of distractions as they occur and return awareness to the object of your attention (like the breath or sounds or sensations). A simple concept but not so easy…if it were that easy you might already be doing it! Eventually, mindfulness becomes not just a set of techniques to use when you are stressed or feel drawn to an addictive behavior. Mindfulness is truly an engaged way of being in the world that holds the potential for deep healing and transformation.

Lisa Pinsker, MA, is a Health Educator/ Mindfulness Coach in Kansas City. She has trained with Jon KabatZinn in MBSR through UMass Medical School and offers a variety of mindfulness-based programs and services to public, patient and healthcare provider populations. Free introductory sessions and consultations for upcoming MBSR courses are available. For more information log onto or call (913) 789-9696.

Spiritual Horoscope—by Aluna Michaels August 2012 Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Happy birthday Leo! In order to be truly joyous in the present moment, meditate to release disappointments and expectations. You’ll clear out old mindsets from your subconscious. In that way, you’ll attract what makes you happy today, right now! Forgiving the past also heals karma so you don’t have to repeat yucky patterns. Do this inner work and look for big improvements with relationships and money! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Mercury has moved direct, so ask for guidance before bed and during meditation. Your soul really wants to give you information to help solve important issues – but you need to ask, and then make space in your mind for new ideas. It’s great if you have spiritually-minded friends who you can meditate with, or who could help you interpret you rdreams.

one. This could be a small beginning, but hang in there, because superiors are watching you and bigger blessings will come in 3-4 months as they see your talents. Strive for renewal in your spiritual life. Meditate in a new way, or in a different place. You could try a yoga or tai chi class. Maybe go to that new church or buddhist temple you’ve been wanting to check out.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) You’ll feel reinvigorated about friendships and activities. During last month’s Mercury retrograde, you might have been more inward and contemplative – but now it’s time for fun! You could also be getting a raise at work – or even meet a new love interest related to your job. Focusing on gratitude helps a current relationship seem even better – and helps your finances look even more abundant!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) As a Sag, it’s tempting to get to know lots of people on a surface level. Challenge yourself to get closer to someone by opening up about your spiritual life. Maybe you can start meditating with a friend. If you’re in a relationship, you could explore Tantra (spiritual sexuality). It’s even a beginning to spend time with people in your yoga class. You’ll be developing the Sagittarian side of yourself that is interested in devotion and depth.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) You could be starting a new job, or having new duties at your current

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) You could be starting a new relationship! It’s important to meditate

Love Evolving Magazine? Wish there was a local edition in your area? EVOLVING is branching into other cities in the Midwest and seeks Associate Publishers to manage the publication. Email your resume and a cover letter explaining why you want Evolving Magazine in your community.

to be able to forgive and release negative experiences from the past. These experiences have created belief systems that hold you back from having the best romantic situations today. Clearing your heart will attract healthy people, and help you be open and trusting of them! If partnered, see him/her with new eyes. Let go of “history” and appreciate them with in the present moment!

others. This will create more harmony in your household. It may sound silly, but you’ll also have better digestion and could even loose weight from these positive messages. Your body will be in a state of harmony and will function without stress. You could even overcome food cravings that seem addictive or destructive. Make time to clear out clutter in your home for added emotional and physical peace!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) It’s scary for you to be in love – or even to be in a business partnership! Merging with someone else means moving into the unknown, and Aquarians are anxious when they don’t know stuff! Adopt what Zen followers call “beginner’s mind”. Release fear and control. Allow your heart to be open to learn from the other person – and to learn from the experience of bonding and blending. Stay calm and keep breathing!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) It’s a great time to ask for help about organizing your finances. Make sure your checkbook is balanced. Find a budget that is comfortable. Make payment plans for loans or credit cards. You might also get a raise at work, or even some type of windfall. You’ll also feel richer from just facing your finances and seeing you do have plenty. It’s a relief to not hide from the truth, because the truth isn’t even so bad!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Miscommunication or differences of opinion in relationships will clear up this month. More depth and trust will occur as you realize you are truly loved! If single, you could meet someone new. You’ll feel the Universe is really listening and has finally sent the kind of person you’ve been asking for! Enjoy being happy – don’t overanalyze (or selfcriticize) and complicate your blissful state!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Venus is the planet of love and money, and it is in your sign this month. You might start a new relationship or have improvements in your current one. You could receive financial blessings. But the biggest gift is feeling self-love and selfappreciation! Meditate on your good points, and stop beating yourself up! Let go of impossible standards and ask the Universe to release you from worry. Relax and be happy!

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Observe if any miscommunication you’ve had during July’s Mercury retrograde had to do with old family -of-origin triggers. Negative patterns from your upbringing could be affecting your relationship. Meditate and look at ways you are defensive. You’re probably being needlessly strong and pushing your loved one away. If single, forgive yourself for ways you let patterns harm past relationships, and be open to new communication in the future! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Focus on using gentle and loving affirmations towards yourself and



August 2012

Aluna Michaels is a second generation astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit

Include photo or logo, name, brief description and contact info. Will be edited to fit four lines. Due by the 15th of the month. $75 for three months, $120 for six months or $180 for a full year— or 1/2 price with a current display ad. Must be prepaid. Contact

ALTERNATIVE HEALING At the Healing Place, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, ChanRi, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Bodywork (816) 415-2607 Nature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars 913-499-8514 Justin & Sharon Orth - Spring Forest Qigong Practitioners/Healers and Certified Qigong Level 1 Instructors. EFT (BAS/ADV) (913) 244-0167 for info.

Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~ Intuitive, Intuitive offers loving guidance enabling you to heal and grow. Live an authentic life and LOVE yourself in the process! 918-782-4778

Maya's Oasis Transforming, Healing & Inspiring Women ~ Reiki, Drum Circles, Holistic Health & Belly Dance Classes, 816-476-maya (6292) Reverend Marta A. Schwartz, Schwartz, Ordained NonDenominational Minister. Shamanic and Massage Practitioner, Reiki Master-Teacher. Lawrence, KS. 785-550-9576,

COUNSELING Dr. Jay Peters Marriage & Addictions Counselor. Smoking/ Weight Mgmt. Hypnosis. Regression/Past Life Hypnosis 913-339-9591 Raphael Smith, PsyD – Clinical Psychologist specializing in Grief and Pet Loss Counseling, Depression, Anxiety, GLBT & Relationship issues. (816) 960-4525 or Elizabeth HunterHunter-Blank, LCSW Assisting clients with grief & loss, chronic & serious illness, relationship issues, depression & anxiety. 4104 Central St. KCMO 64111. 816.582.3877 Colleen Nilson, MS, LPC—Couples & Families, LPC Adolescence & Teens, Depression & Anxiety, Stress Mgmt, Conflict Resolution, Work/Career. 913.244.6281; (in OP)

ENERGY WORK Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Therapist Creator of Quantum Shift Energetix 913-906-9986 Lynn Johnson Soulier at Gardens of Delight Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Yoga, Herbal Apprenticeship Program , near Parkville. 816.584.0777; QUANTUM Biofeedback: RERE-TRAIN Your STRESS! Got depression, fatigue, pain, cravings, ADD? For physical, emotional, mental & spiritual well-being! Ronda 831-521-0861



PETS Terrier Talk, Christine L. Fuller, Fuller Telepathic Dog Communicator. I am able to listen with my heart and communicate on a level your dog understands and relay this to you. (913) 689-5099.

Holos University Graduate Seminary Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, intuitive inspiration, self-development & Research ~ 888-272-6109



Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 -

Nakala Akasie, Akasie, Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone. $45 for one hour, CD included. 913-206-1294

Sandy Jorgensen, Creative Escapes Through Art, Events & Parties, Face Paintings, Classes and Palm Readings. 913-626-4554

SHAMANISM Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343,

FENG SHUI LIZ BROWN, Feng Shui expert since 1996

"Inspired Guidance for Great Change" Consultations, clearings/blessings, classes, workbooks.

Diane Davis Reed, Reed Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge,, 816-741-0820

HYPNOSIS/EFT New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC Smoking, weight, stress and more 913-908-6907

SOUND HEALING Dorethy Hancock, Certified TamaTama-Do Practitioner Using tuning forks instead of needles on acupressure points, to assist your body in selfhealing! 785-246-0860

LIFE COACH Teri Higbee, Radiant Living Expert: Expert Weight Loss, Energy Therapies, Prosperity, Empowerment Processes, Clarity of Purpose, Shamanic Astrol.; 913-219-6788.

LEGAL SERVICES M. Corinne Corley, Corley Corley Law Firm—Family Law cases in Missouri. 4010 Washington, Ste100 KCMO. 816-753-5556

THERMOGRAPHY BRAS-BRAS--Thermography, --Thermography, Linda Bamber: Breast Research Awareness and Support. Safe, painfree, no radiation. Overland Park. Linda at (417) 770-0451.

The choice of an attorney is an important decision that should not be made on the basis of advertising alone.

MEDITATION Kim Colegrove, Meditation Instructor. Meditation is the foundation of well being. Learn why it works and how to do it., 913-972-2548

NUTRITION & WELLNESS Ayurveda Practitioner, Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle. Kansas City Food Circle Connecting you with local, organic, and free-range food for over 20 years.

PAIN RELIEF Learn Bowenwork. Effective manual therapy for pain relief. Easy on the practitioner’s body. Leverage income—work on multiple clients. Ongoing classes. Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


August 2012

YOGA Yoga ~ over 20 years experience. Emphasis on alignment & safety. New and ongoing students. Seeking Solace Yoga Studio, 7501 Mission, PV, KS 913-302-2439 N2Paws Offering Doga (doggie yoga): an integrated approach to balance and relaxation for you and your canine companion! The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594;

Mark Blanchard’s Power Yoga. Focused on breathwork. No levels, props, music or egos. Lots of events! In Ranch Mart Center in OP.; 913-901-8970. Your Wellness Connection Wellness Club Movement & Nutrition Classes, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage.7410 Switzer, Shawnee; 913.962.7408;

events Free Mental Health Workshops & Groups Mental Health America of the Hearltand Heart, Health and Depression Workshop Dr. Lori Blankinship Thurs., August 2, 2012; 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, 9349 E. 65th St., Raytown, MO Daily Skills for Healthy Choices, Relationships, and a Balanced Mood Workshop Holly Ramaeker, MA, PLPC Wed., August 15, 2012; 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. First Christian Church of Pleasant Hill 519 Cedar St., Pleasant Hill, MO Heart, Health and Depression Workshop Dr. Lori Blankinship Thurs., August 16, 2012; 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Oak Ridge Missionary Baptist Church 9301 Parallel Pkwy, KCKS Authentic Happiness Workshop Brad Nowlin, LMFT Mon., August 27, 2012; 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. First Baptist Church of Olathe 2024 E. 151st Street, Olathe, KS Alzheimer's and Depression in the African American Community Workshop Clemme Rambo Tues., August 28, 2012; 6:00 -7:30 p.m. St. James United Methodist Church 5540 Wayne, KCMO MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER: For program flyer with details go online to WWW.MHAH.ORG and click on "CALENDAR OF EVENTS" or for more information, please contact Stacy Davis at 913-281-2221, ext.112 or CONTINUING EDUCATION: Earn 1.5 CEU's WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Each workshop will be of benefit to persons with depression and related mental health conditions, their families and significant others, as well as care providers. The community and healthcare professionals are also welcome to attend. FREE DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUPS: A complete list of free depression support groups are located on under "CALENDAR OF EVENTS". ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: MHAH gratefully acknowledges the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City, United Way of Greater Kansas City and United Way of Wyandotte County for their support of these events.

Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact August 4 Journey of the Shaman An introduction to Shamanism with Martein and Teressena Bakens, $75, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816.931.6303, Aug 4 Deeksha Dance Party Experience peace, love & healing during Oneness Blessings followed by a "Sweat Your Prayers" trance dance. Truly an alternative spiritual experience. 7 - 10p.m. @ Healing Journeys. Details: 816-217-3359 August 4 Introduction to Energy Healing Workshop 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Core Star Energy Healing School 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS 913-831-4422 August 4 Akashic Records Meet-up We will open our Records and explore significant other relationships and partnerships. 10-11 AM Crescent Springs, OP, KS (love offering) Host: Stephanie Forcier, 816-260-2438 August 4 Akashic Record Sessions Treat yourself to a personal Akashic Records Session with Stephanie Forcier and explore the evolution of your inner wisdom. 1-4 PM Crescent Springs, OP, KS Call for appt: 913-341-2044 August 7 Contacting Your Spirit Guide I Learn their name, purpose and how to communicate with your own spirit guide, $25. 6 p.m. at White Light Bookstore. August 10-12 First Responders Retreat First of a Three Weekend Series that serves all First Responders. In a group setting, learn the effects of everyday traumatic stress and experience various techniques that provide relief. $975. August 11 Don't Get Caught Off Guard - Women's SelfDefense Workshop Come learn the practical aspects of protecting yourself in sticky situations with this hands-on workshop. A qualified martial arts practioner will lead this interactive workshop where women of all ages will learn practical defense tactics for a variety of uncomfortable or threatening situations. Bell Yoga Studio, 41st &

Bell, KC MO 64111 11:00-1:00 $15 per person Bell Yoga Studio, 816-589-7896 August 11 Oden Reiki & Usui Reiki Second Degree & Advanced 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Earn a traditional Usui certificate and Oden Reiki, $225. You may take just the Oden, which uses ultra-violet light to instantly create results. August 11 The Herbal Apprenticeship at Gardens of Delight 10 a.m. to Noon, near Parkville. A 9-month program studying the systems of the body and the medicinal herbs that support and balance. Also start herbs from seed, design and plant your own garden, harvest herbs, prepare skin care products, medicinal extracts, salves and lotions. Intro class on Aug. 11 is $75 with each class thereafter at $175, meeting once a month on a Saturday. Contact Lynn Soulier 816 -584-0777 or August 12 ENERGY COACHING 2-4 p.m. at Maya’s Oasis. ~ 2 hours of handson group practice, energy coaching, lecture, and Q & A w/ intuitive healer Maya Zahira; No experience necessary. Info at Pre-register and save $5. August 14 A Community of Healers An open circle for everyone interested in healing—both giving and receiving. Free, 7-9 p.m. at Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816.931.6303, August 16 Spiritual Children: Crystals, Stars, Indigos, Violets Are you or do you have a special child? Learn why these children are incarnating and how to best meet their special needs, $20. 7-8 p.m. at White Light Bookstore. August 17 Third Friday Event: UP Productions Art Show Local KC artistsTori Tong & Ali Watson present to you a wide variety of art, including photos prints, paintings, and furniture. Bell Yoga Studio, 41st & Bell, KC MO 64111 5:30-9:00 FREE Bell Yoga Studio, 816-589-7896 August 17-19 Advanced Yoga Retreat Weekend with certified local yoga instructor covering advanced techniques, understanding, and meditation at The Journey Home. $350.



August 2012

August 18 B.L.I.S.S. (Body, Love, Intuitave, Sacred, Self) Come recieve massage, energy work, reflexology, tarot card readings, and resonance paintings. Bell Yoga Studio, 41st & Bell, KC MO 64111 12-4pm $1.00 per minute Angela Reed, 913-514-4986 August 18 Native American Flute Concert 1-3 p.m. with Terry Lee Whitstone, free, at Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816.931.6303, August 18 Holos University Graduate Seminary Open House Conference Call Hosted by Dr. Bob Nunley, Dean of Faculty, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 Central. Phone: 605-4756150 Access: 269 417#. August 22 A Special Evening of Messages & More Robert Baca communicates with loved ones who have crossed over; questions welcome. $30, 7-9 p.m. at Mystic Treasures, 7711 N. Oak Trafficway, KCMO, 816.420.0820, Facebook/Mystic Treasures. August 23 Private Readings w/Robert Baca By appointment only, 45-min. $110/individual, $150/couple. Call 515-278-5033 or 877-2705033 to schedule. Mystic Treasures, 7711 N. Oak Trafficway, KCMO, 816-420-0820, Facebook/Mystic Treasures. August 24 The Power of Your Spirit An Evening with Sonia Choquette Learn to explore, engage, express your intuition with world-renowned teacher, author and vibrational alchemist Sonia Choquette. Unity Village, $20 at the door. for more. August 24 PSI Presents Author/Channel Nakala Akasie When Angels Speak Author Jackie Mullinax/ Nakala Akasie discusses her work with the Angelic Realm and also will channel a group of Masters from the Pleiades. Unity on the Plaza, 7:30 p.m. Books will be available and signed. Info: or August 25 Akashic Record Sessions at the Mystic Fair Come join us and experience a variety of sessions, snacks, and store specials. Call to schedule or drop-in. 10-4 Crescent Springs, OP, KS Call Kat for more info: 913-341-2044

August 25 The Goddess Meeting Healing Journeys, Merriam, KS Learn which Goddess you embody & experience the perfection that is you thru activities, ritual & sisterhood. Playful, soulful and lovefilled gathering. 12 - 3pm, Love Offering, Details: / 816-217-3359 August 25 Tasting Mindfulness w/Shelley Stelmach & Lisa Pinsker Daylong program (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) to increase awareness of our relationships with eating, dieting, body image and stress. $111 includes lunch. Pre-registration required. or 816.806.5514. August 25 Course: Love-My True Reality With Jan and Tomas Burke. Learn about the laws of love, look at concepts, and release what no longer serves you. $45, 1-4 pm, at Mystic Treasures, 7711 N. Oak Trafficway, KCMO, 816-420-0820, Facebook/Mystic Treasures. August 25 Usui & Oden Reiki I 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Healing Points in Mission. Earn attunements/ certifications. $185. Students Reiki I or higher may come for Oden material and receive a discount. September 1 Holos University Graduate Seminary Open House Conference Call Hosted by Dr. Bob Nunley, Dean of Faculty, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 Central. Phone: 605-475-6150 Access: 269 417#. September 1 Totally FREE Terrific Tarot Party! Healing Journeys, Merriam, KS Music, food & Enlightened Fun: mini & full tarot readings, body readings, astrology, guest psychics & more! 7 – 10 pm Details & tix: / 816-2173359 September 7-9 Silent Retreat Weekend An opportunity to focus on yourself, explore your spirituality, meditate, sleep, read or just peacefully exist. $200 September 8-9 Greenfest 2012—Food, Fun & Free

VALA Gallery Calendar 5834 Johnson Drive, Mission, KS 66202

1:30 & 7 pm, Unity Hotel and Conference Ctr, Unity Village, MO for more info contact Rev. Alberta at 816-547-3730

• August 10—VALA Artists Exhibition & Open Studios • August 11—Arm The Poor Reggae Concert 8 PM • August 14—Song Writer's Circle with Jake & Angela Carmack, 7 PM All genres of original music welcome, open to the public • August 16—Literary & Poetry Night 7 PM Rich Burgess in Concert 8 PM, $5.00 Admission

September 13 Unity World Day of Prayer Celebrate a sacred day of prayer at Unity Village. We'll have events throughout the day including a prayer breakfast, prayer fair, prayer service, evening celebration and closing ceremony. FREE.

10 a.m.-7 p.m. both days, presented by the Uptown Theater at 3600 Broadway, KCMO. Vendor space still available. The 4th annual Greenfest features a fantastic indoor and outdoor vendor village, live music, an empowering speaker series featuring local leaders in the green movement, a huge indoor recycling flea market for eco-friendly treasure hunting, natural and organic food and drinks for the whole family, fundraising raffles, and more! GREENFEST.html or 816.753.8665. September 8-14 Private Healing Sessions With renowned Spiritual Healer Father Joshua of Sedona, AZ ( Info and scheduling: Ricky Yutuc at or (913) 522 -1028. September 9 Pet Memorial Day Open House and Cookout 10 am – 3 pm, 816-891-8888, Rolling Acres Memorial Gardens for Pets, 12200 N. Crooked Rd., KCMO. September 10 The Healing Power of Forgiveness With renowned Spiritual Healer Father Joshua, 7-9 p.m. at Unity of Overland Park. Love offering. Info: Ricky Yutuc at or (913) 522-1028. September 10-15 Holos University Campus Week Workshops 9 a.m.–5 p.m. at Unity Village, Lee’s Summit, MO. Open to the public. September 12, 13 & 14 Healing Miracles Services with Dr. Michael Ulm & Rev. Dell Cates

ONGOING KC WELLNESS PROFESSIONALS Holistic Health and Well-being Professionals interested in networking, exchange and personal/ professional development. 4th Saturdays. 10-noon. m or 816.803.7418. WEEKLY BELLYDANCE CLASSES FOR ALL WOMEN New location--YouYoga studio in Overland Park w/ Mandilyn; PLUS Bellydance w/ Maya Zahira in northland KC, MO, Dates, Times, and Registration at ClassSchedules

September 15 Energy Point Healing Workshop With renowned Spiritual Healer Father Joshua. Learn where to press your fingers on areas of the body to cure illnesses and pain. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Mark Blanchard’s Power Yoga in OP. Info: Ricky Yutuc at or (913) 522-1028.

INVISION SPIRITUAL GATHERINGS Saturday nights at 6:00 PM and Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM. Powerful messages and great music! 5106 NW Waukomis Drive, KCMO.

September 16 Holding a Higher Vibration Workshop With Dr Michael Ulm & Rev Dell Cates, 1 pm – 5:30 pm Unity Village Chapel Library, Unity Village, MO 816-547-3730

MEDITATION FOR TRANSFORMATION Sundays at 12:30 PM at InVision. 5106 NW Waukomis Drive, KCMO. YOGA IN THE NORTHLAND TAUGHT BY MARTI LEE Classes for beginners to advanced. Address: 5106 NW Waukomis Drive, KCMO. More information: Facebook/com/InBlissYoga

September 16 Etheric Surgery Workshop With renowned Spiritual Healer Father Joshua. Learn to heal the etheric body and thereby the physical body. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Mark Blanchard’s Power Yoga in OP. Info: Ricky Yutuc at or (913) 522-1028.

CHAIR YOGA Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Pre-register at 816.584.0777.

September 27–30 Out in the Open An LGBT Spiritual Experience This LGBT-only retreat invites you to live out in the open. We'll celebrate the authentic YOU with music, art, meditation and interactive WORTHshops facilitated by Unity ministers and friends. for more.

SUNDAY MEDITATION Please join us at Mark Blanchard's Yoga at 8:45 on Sunday mornings to sit in this time of quiet. 3665 W. 95th St., Ranch Mart South Shopping Center in OP, 913-901-8970. ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS By Appointment. Since 2005 the Kansas City Healing Project has been providing energy healing sessions for cancer patients. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels from their treatment and disease. Donation basis. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details.

September 30-Oct. 6, Healing Miracles Spiritual Enrichment Seminar Series With Dr Michael Ulm & Rev Dell Cates, Part 1, Blueprint to Your Transcendent Self, Part 2, God, Faith, Miracles, & You, Classes will be held in Lee’s Summit. Rev Ellen 850-688-3476,



August 2012

RESTORATIVE YOGA 2nd Saturdays 10 a.m. – noon at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Gently stretch, open the body, deeply relax and rejuvenate major organs. $25. Pre-register at 816.456.2359. PRE-NATAL YOGA Mondays at 7 p.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Enjoy our innovative approach to pre-natal care and experience a radiant pregnancy and healthy delivery. $78/6week session. Pre-register at 816.584.0777. GROW ORGANIC w/GARDENS OF DELIGHT Join our community garden outside of Parkville. Your family receives a 10’ by 20’ plot. Explore growing and eating your own organic produce. Information: 816.584.0777. 4 DAY BIOENERGY HEALING CLINIC First Tues of the month 7-9 PM, Fee: Donation. Reservations: Kim Meisinger 913-685-9939 HealingBioenergy/Movies_BLP.html REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier: 816-523-4440 SACRED RELATIONSHIP 2nd or 3rd Saturday monthly A beginning tantra class for singles and couples to experience the Divine. 79pm. Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher. Leawood 816-523-4440, For flier with topic and date, OPENING TO YOUR GUIDANCE Every Thurs eve in August, 7-9 p.m. @ 9200 Glenwood, #100, OP KS 66212. $18/session. Based on MUST pre-register @ SACRED WOMAN HEALING CIRCLE Healing, inspiration and transformation in a sacred supportive circle of women ~ 2nd & 4th Thursdays 79 bi-monthly at Maya's Oasis, Info & registration at or email, Please RSVP



August 2012

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