December 2010

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December 2010 ~ Vol. II, Issue 10


X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

Creating Holiday Traditions

Inside this Issue: EATING WELL IN KANSAS CITY Starting on Page 16 EVOLVING ‌ A unique, GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 1 December 2010 PLUS: Holiday Gift Guide with non-traditional and inspirational gift ideas!

Thanksgiving Hunger Initiative

THANK YOU To everyone who contributed in making this a successful, nourishing event! Sponsors include:

The Struan Center HeartSong Pathways Sandy Jorgenson VALA Gallery

Renee Burnett Mona Raglow Bonnie Salmon EATING WELL IN KC

What is

Pay It Forward? Forward Do you have a favorite holistic/alternative healing professional? Want to give back to those who help, guide and support you throughout the year? EVOLVING has started a Paying It Forward advertising section with community-supported ads. Two ways to participate: 1. Purchase an ad for your favorite business/practitioner. Contact an account executive to inquire how you may show support. 2. Or, write a testimonial and recommend who you think should receive a free ad in the next issue of EVOLVING. One business will receive a free 1/16 page ad as well as another 1/16 ad containing the testimonial. Send your suggestion to EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2010

publisher’s letter



Dear Friend, The articles this month focus on creating tradition. I believe traditions, like life, are cyclical. With the passage of generations and transition of time, traditions change. And sometimes they’re abandoned, forgetting the warmth, comfort and familiarity that comes from established tradition. When I was a child, traditions were relished rituals in which I participated. I remember as a child going “hunting” on Christmas day with my dad, uncle and cousins. I was the only girl—and was very proud. When I was older there was sledding at the park and Volksmarches with Grandpa. Sister Mary, then in the military, would create custom cadences for us to chant. Then when I established my own family I started new traditions as well as incorporated cherished ones from childhood. Then the kids grew up and moved out. Somewhere along the years I forgot to start new traditions. New ones that invite elders, grown children as well as grandchildren into the circle of love. So now I have the opportunity to remember favorite rituals of youth as well as create new ones, based on current needs and values. The articles this month offer an array of advice on the importance of ritual as well as ways to remember past traditions and incorporate new. In addition to the feature articles on creating tradition, we have our annual gift guide and a special sampling of our sister publication, EATING WELL IN KANSAS CITY (view the distribution list online at The Jan/Feb issue distributes mid January). I hope you enjoy the delightful selections this month. May you find peace in ritual and your holidays be blessed.

Jesus, the Tree of Life and Three Magi What Christian Mystics Know that You Don’t

15 Prosper the World with Love Boxing Day Celebration


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Eating Well in Kansas City


Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick Contributors Karen Cowdry, Sandy Jorgenson, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Trisha McCannon, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell Ad Design Maitreya Zohar

Photographer Aneal Vohra Advertising Connie “Crash” Humiston 816-591-3378 or Karen Cowdry 913-636-9502

Sandy Jorgensen is a stencil artist and semi-retired faux painter. Her skills with calligraphy, home decor, cake decorating and sketching are now being utilized to teach children about their connection to all of life through lessons in art. You can watch some of her videos on youtube under the title Artfelt Learning. Sandy's dedication to a greener world has inspired new works that are made out of reusable items such as bottle tops, plastics and papers. She teaches young mothers inexpensive and creative ways to live beautifully in their homes.

Departments: News


Holistic Health Update 8

Food Conscious


Spiritual Horoscope


Journey of Wholeness




EVOLVING© 2010 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.



December 2010



Jude LaClaire

Aluna Michaels

Bethany Klug

Jayana DeWolf


Tricia McCannon

Karen Cowdry


Sandy Jorgenson


December 2010

Nancy Russell


Local Author, Doug Billings, Releases Book Barnes & Noble and have picked up local author Doug Billings new book, Your Wonderful Life: No Matter the Past, Life Always Holds Wonder, Joy and Meaning. In the book, Billings claims that there are two fundamental principles one must acknowledge in order to continually be able to discover wonder, joy and meaning in life. These two principles are: 1. No one is as bad as the worst thing they’ve done. 2. No matter the past, you can still discover wonder, joy and meaning in life. Billings also addresses and defines the meaning of life and goes into detail about how to find and rediscover love, how to forgive and how to live a virtuous life. Perhaps

Shamanic Pathways at White Deer Lodge Daniel Baxley THOTH Endorsed Teacher in The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition

most appealing is that he writes about these significant topics in simple, straightforward dialogue.

Offering: Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Spiritual Counseling, Sacred Stone Massage, Reiki, Craniosacral, Vision Quest, Sweat Lodge, and Workshops 816816-769769-7343 email: Website:

Like a Day at the Beach Moves East Like a Day at the Beach is moving its “oasis of calm and relaxation” to 8666 W 96th in Overland Park (96th and Antioch) on December 18. The phone number and Web address remain the same: (913) 327-3938 and http:// Holiday specials abound with a 20 percent discount on all regularly -priced stock items, plus Hay House and other gift shop purchases. Check the Web site for details.

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Free Chiropractic for Returning Soldiers Doctors Andy Harding and Scott Loew of the Chiropractic Healing Center in Kansas City, KS ( will each take one returning solder as a new patient a week and treat that soldier free of charge for the next year as a thank you for serving our country. As this is a first-come, first-serve basis, returning soldiers are encouraged to call (913) 299-0276 as soon as possible to make an appointment. Dr. Harding implemented this service after learning at a seminar that soldiers returning from war have a very high incidence of depression and an alarming rate of suicide. It was suggested that chiropractors treat returning troops to help balance their neurology since emotional problems concern the brain and its ability to deal with the

environment. In treating depressed patients, Dr. Harding has found they are consistently subluxated in the upper neck. “Many of these brave people are being treated with antidepressive drugs for their symptoms, but one of the major side effects of an anti-depressant is suicidal tendencies. Yet, a chiropractic lifestyle of spinal adjustments, exercising and improved diet is more beneficial for depression than the standard drug regimentation. Because of the type of emotional and physical stress that soldiers routinely endure, all soldiers need to have their spine checked when returning from war. I also want to personally thank all those who serve for their willingness to protect me, my family, our country and our way of living,” Harding says.

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December 2010

food conscious

Two Books on Cleansing By Bethany Klug Cleansing has been all the rage of late. I’ve been recommending two books, Clean by Alejandro Junger, MD and Super Cleanse by Adina Niemerow. So what’s an MD know about cleansing? It turns out quite a bit. The first section of Clean is part personal journey and part Silent Spring, except the endangered species is us. Junger, born in Uruguay, and raised on a traditional diet, first encountered processed foods in the hospital cafeteria and vending machines where he did his residency. The bowel problems, allergies and depression that beset him reversed themselves each time he stayed at a yoga ashram. He finally got the message and developed the Clean program based on his experience. He now recommends this program routinely in his integrative cardiology practice in New York City. The Clean program eliminates foods that commonly trigger symptoms in people such as wheat, soy and dairy. The program lightens the load on your body with a liquid breakfast and dinner. The only solid food meal is lunch. He insists upon allowing twelve hours between dinner and breakfast the next day, to permit your body time to detoxify. All the recipes are in the book.

The Clean program eliminates foods that commonly trigger symptoms in people such as wheat, soy and dairy. The program lightens the load on your body with a liquid breakfast and dinner. The only solid food meal is lunch. The Clean program isn’t far off from the way I eat most days. But for those who eat typical American fare, it’s definitely a cleanse. It’s doable while working and can be done during cold weather. I was disappointed to learn that he sells a version of the program on his website that includes powders for the liquid meals. Your body didn’t evolve on powdered soup. Save your money and follow the recipes in the book. Your body will thank you. For thirteen years, Adina Niemerow studied holistic cooking and nutrition across the world and worked at wellness retreats and restaurants. Now her specialty is creating healing diets for individuals, physicians and groups. With a sense of delight, Super Cleanse shares

the theory behind cleansing, what to expect and how to prepare. You can start with the One Day Wonder Cleanse. Niemerov encourages you to “unplug and take care of yourself for a change!” You certainly feel pampered on a day of fresh juice, soup and salad. The Laughing Buddha is a 5-day whole-food cleanse that would leave anyone feeling nourished and revitalized. The Karma Cleanse reminded that, yes, you can cleanse in the winter with kitchari, a traditional Ayurvedic stew of basmati rice, mung beans and vegetables. I lived on kitchari the year I discovered it. My husband tired of it and I since forgot about it. This cleanse would be great around the new year for anyone wanting to wash away those holiday indiscretions. The Clean Program and Super Cleanse are a great introduction to a delicious, delightful, health and healing way of life. I hope you give them a try.

Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and

GOLDEN AROMATHERAPY Rocky Patel ~ 816-916-1823

The January theme for EVOLVING is

Aromatherapy—Experience the sensation of essential oils! ~ Purify home and office of negative energies, viruses and bacteria ~ Essential oils for love, healing, prosperity, clairvoyance ~ Beauty Creams, Soaps, Candles, Incense



MCKS Pranic Healing Sessions (Also see Ongoing event listings in this issue.)

for body/mind/spirit.

~ Long Distance Healings ~ Clairvoyant Readings ~ Financial and Relationship Healing ~ Pranic Energetic Facelift ~ Feng Shui for love, health and prosperity—home, office, or business ~ Space Clearing—helps disintegrate stress energies and residue from the past, relieves sports injuries, backaches, headaches

Contact your account executive to be included!

Rocky Patel:; 816.916.1823 or Sherry Sutera:; 913.488.6651 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2010


Directory of Services Northland YOGA Center d r o p i n a n d di s c o ve r

7711 N Oak Trfwy Kansas City, MO 64118 BOOK STORE AND GIFT SHOP Gemstones, essential oils, sage, incense, dreamcatchers, prayer flags, Readers, Events, Reiki and Energy Work

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Thank You to all who participated in the Holiday Gift Guide

Connie “Crash” Humiston

Creative Concepting ~ Ideas! Writing/Editing ~ Web, Press Releases, Brochures, Media Kits ~ Book Editing Publicity & Media Relations Event Planning & Promotion, Emcee & Voice Talent Evolving & JAM Ad Sales (913) 322-3378 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2010

journey to wholeness

holistic wisdom

Inner Festival of Light By Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. Most of the major world religions have winter celebrations of light. The Hindu celebration of Diwali or “Festival of Lights”, which was celebrated for five days beginning November 5th, symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. It follows the rainy season in India and honors Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth , peace and prosperity. Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of light, beginning sunset, December 1st to sunset, December 9th this year, was celebrated originally as a minor holiday; the re-dedication of a temple after driving out invaders. The custom was to use undefiled oil to light lamps. A legend says that there was only enough oil to last one night, but it miraculously burned for eight days. Now each night of the celebration there is the lighting of a new candle. This light represents knowledge and wisdom. Christianity celebrates the birth of Christ on December 25th. Most historians agree that this is not Christ’s birthday but the celebration was made to coincide with various pagan holidays, like the Winter Solstice, when people were already celebrating the theme of the shortest day and longest night. The message of the Christian gospel that Christ was the light of the world and that he was found by wise men who followed the stars made this a great time for this celebration. Different pagan traditions like the Druids and Celts celebrate the Winter Solstice, December 21st, as the turning point from darkness to light. Persia (now Iran) also celebrates the Zoroastrian holiday of the Solstice. Muslims around the world celebrate Ramadan, which moves according to the lunar calendar rather than the solar calendar. It moves from the dark time of the year to the height of summer. Ramadan is a celebration of spiritual light. There is fasting and reminders of doing acts of faith, giving donations to the poor, widows or orphans. Buddhist and Asian traditions focus on the celebration of the New Year. The emphasis is on new beginnings, cleaning, making everything fresh and new for the "re-birth" of each aspect of one’s life. Finding light in darkness is the theme of poets and writers who speak of the inner struggle to find hope and meaning.

Luci Enyart RN, Clairvoyant, Energy Healer, Personal Life Coach and Mentor BALANCES

Into my heart’s night Along a narrow way I groped; and lo! The light, An infinite land of day Rubaiyat of Rumi Sometimes it takes moments of darkness to push us to the place of seeking light. Joseph Campbell writes, “The black moment is the moment when the real transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment, comes the light.” Viktor Frankl speaks of his painful experiences in a concentration camp leading him to ask about the meaning of life, his purpose and search for the light within. He tells us about his experience in Man’s Search for meaning. “…I was struggling to find the reason for my sufferings, my slow dying. In a last violent protest against the hopelessness of imminent death, I sensed my spirit piercing through the envelope of gloom. I felt it transcend that hopeless, meaningless world, and from somewhere I heard a victorious “Yes” in answer to my question of the existence of an ultimate purpose….in the midst of the miserable gray of a dawning morning in Bavaria. ‘Et lux in tenebris lucet’-and the light shineth in the darkness.” In this wintertime when light is scarce and life is hurried; when depression and anxiety can creep into our moods unexpectedly, perhaps it would be good to think about the theme of millenia and look for the light in the darkness. Take a step to find your own light within. Then you can feel as Anais Nin, “When you possess light within, you can see it externally.” I hope for you that this is a season of transformation from darkness to light, from despair to hope and from meaninglessness to purpose. Happy light-filled holidays! Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre, go to

Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis by Nancy Russell, M.D. Nearly 50 percent of American women in their 30’s and 40’s are at risk for osteoporosis. Identifying your risk factors and current levels of bone loss can reduce the effects of this damaging condition. Osteoporosis is a “brittle bone” disorder, occurring when excessive bone loss leads to gradual bone weakening and eventually to fracture, usually a vertebrae (bone in the spine), hip or forearm. This can cause a gradual loss in height and stooped posture with age. Many more women than men get osteoporosis. The Surgeon General’s report on bone health and osteoporosis indicates that one out of every two women and one out of every four men, more than 50 years of age experience an osteoporosis fracture at some point in their remaining lifetime. Clearly, early identification, prevention and treatment is important. A bone density measurement, DEXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) scan is the predominant test in the United States; it is advised that men and women have this screening at age 50, or earlier if a fracture occurs. Assessment of lifestyle and behaviors can be an indication for an increased risk to develop osteoporosis and can determine what precautions or treatments are important. Risk factors for osteoporosis include: early menopause, alcohol intake (three drinks a day or more), aluminum consumption ( in antacids), excess vitamin A (more than 10,000 I.U’s per day), high caffeine intake (greater than 2 servings per day of coffee or soft drinks), high salt intake (more than 4 grams per day), sedentary lifestyle and immobilization, inadequate physical exercise (particularly weight bearing), low calcium intake, smoking (active or passive), thinness, use of steroid medications and very important, Vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency. A well-known holistic physician, Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., Director of the Fellowship in Integrative medicine at the University of Arizona says, “To prevent osteoporosis, concentrate on vitamin D and lifestyle factors, not drugs, like the bisphosphonates (Fosamax, Actonel and Boniva).” Dr Low Dog noted that by using vitamin D, at a moderate daily dose of 800 I.U.’s, you’d have to treat 45 women for 2 years in order to prevent one fracture. This compares very favorably with the 91 patients one would need to treat with a bisphosphonate drug for 3 years to prevent one fracture. Vitamin D not only protects and improves bone mineral density, it also improves muscle function, reducing the risk of falling in the

Specialties: Colonics, Nutrition Massage, Biokinetics, Energy Work Digestive Enzyme Therapy 816-721-3216

Your Guide thru the health care maze. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2010

elderly. Staying strong and flexible can prevent fractures even if you have osteoporosis. Measures you can take to maintain your bones include: minimize alcohol, caffeine, tobacco use and salt intake, partake in regular weight bearing exercise like walking, dancing, yoga, tennis, and take calcium and vitamin D supplementation. There are many other supplements that help build and preserve bone and can be gleaned from the book by Alan Gaby, M.D., called “Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis.” Dr. Gaby has also formulated a supplement called, Osteoprime Ultra or Osteoprime Plus with ingredients like calcium (several different kinds), vitamin D, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin K2, trace minerals and a few others and no vitamin A. After working on lifestyle and assessing risk factors, a work up for osteoporosis would include a blood chemistry panel, complete blood count and vitamin D level (25-hydroxy vitamin D level). Another test marker that I use for diagnosis and treatment is a urine test called bone resorption assessment (BRA). The BRA test is a simple, first morning urine test that: reveals your current rate of bone loss, determines whether you are at high risk for future bone loss and fractures and monitors effectiveness of preventative treatments. If you have increased risk of osteoporosis or have osteopenia (mild bone loss), I am happy to assist you on your journey to diagnose the severity of the problem, educate you on lifestyle factors and treat with natural therapies as much as possible. I also do prescribe prescription strength bioidentical natural estrogen, progesterone and other hormone therapies when needed. Remember the best medicine is prevention. Nancy Russell, M.D. is a holistic Internal medicine physician and has practiced in the Kansas City northland for 28 years. Dr. Russell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice. Dr Russell has been a member of the Executive Board of the American Holistic Medical Association. As a founding member of the American Board of Holistic medicine, she is board certified in holistic medicine. As a member of the American Holistic Medical Association, Dr Russell learned and believes, “Love is our most powerful medicine”. Holistic medicine is also about getting to know each person as an individual, getting to the root of the problem and having a partnership between physician and patient. For more information or call Combined Health Care Professionals: 816-453-5545.

Jesus, the Tree of Life and the Three Magi By Tricia McCannon Every year at Christmas millions of people celebrate the birth of Jeshua ben Joseph, better known to us today as Jesus Christ. We erect Christmas trees, set manger scenes and spend hours addressing cards painted with pictures of the three Wise Men; yet, how many of us have ever stopped to wonder at the deeper mysticism behind these powerful hermetic images? Let’s start with the Christmas tree. How many of us realize that the choice of this evergreen tree each year is linked to the promise of new life that comes after the winter cold? How many of us know that the Christmas tree represents the Tree of Life, and that the crowning star is a symbol of our own awakening inner sight? This spiritual light has been known throughout the ages as the Third Eye. It is the bindu point that lies at the center of our foreheads. Jesus speaks of this in the Gospel of Thomas when he says, “When you make the two eyes into one eye… then ye shall know the kingdom of Heaven.” Yet long before Jesus, the ancient Mystery teachings that spread all across the world taught about the Tree of Life. In spiritual traditions as diverse as Jewish, Egyptian, Sumerian, Hindu, Buddhist, Mayan and Druidic, this cosmic Tree represented the circuitry of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems that run up and down the spine. These ancient Mysteries taught that when any one of us successfully awakens the kundalini circuitry within our own physical and spiritual bodies, then we shall also awaken the light of our own crown star. Let us now consider the Magi, those three illustrious sages who ride into the pages of history and ride

What Christian Mystics Know That You Don’t By Father Peter Bowes

There is nothing mysterious about the word “mystical.” Mystical means simply having an experience beyond the five senses. When you experience love, it is an example of a mystical experience. When you feel a presence within you when you pray or meditate, that is a mystical experience. The feeling you get when you open to a consciousness that is much deeper or higher than you are used to is a mystical experience. A mystical experience changes you at the very core of your being. What you used to know and think has been replaced with something higher and more profound than you could think up with your mind. When an emotional problem is healed in you or lifted from you, it is difficult to conceive of how that happens. Yet, many people have had the experience of not being troubled about a particular fear or condi-

out again, with little explanation as to their origins. Just who were the Magi, and how did they come to be there at the birth of Jesus? Were they perhaps members of the great spiritual Mystery Schools that flourished all over the world some 4,000 years before Jesus was born, and some 400 years after he died? From what countries did they originate, and why do they suddenly appear at the Nativity, and then seemingly vanish? Is it possible that the reason we have been told so little about the first thirty years of Jesus’ life, is because the Magi, or magicians of these schools, helped to oversee the course of his education? Their names were Balthazar, Melchior, and Gasper, but exactly where did they come from, and how did they meet in Bethlehem? In the Gospel of Luke we learn that they appeared at King Herod’s court by following a most unusual star. It led them first to Judea, and then to Bethlehem. In an excerpt from Herod the Great’s annals, we glimpse a sense of the times in which Jesus was born. Herod writes: “As to this great excitement in Bethlehem, three strange, fantastic looking men called on my guards at the gate… One of them said he was from Egypt. I asked, what was their business? He said they were in search of the babe that was born to rule the Jews. I told them that I ruled the Jews under Augustus Caesar. But he said this babe would rule when I was gone… I asked them how he knew of this babe. He said they had all had a dream the same night about it. I told them that the devil played in their brains when they were asleep.” Herod then orders the Magi from his court, releasing them to discover the Christ child for themselves. Once found, the Magi present the child with three sacred gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh, all presents linked to nobility. Gold was a gift directly connected with kings and gods; frankincense was an expensive oil used only in spiritual or religious rituals; and myrrh was applied as a healing herb in Egypt during the embalming of pharaohs. You may recall that after the Crucifixion, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus brought 100 pounds of myrrh and aloe

with them to Jesus’ tomb to prepare the body (John 19:38-40). While the identity of our second Magi cannot be absolutely proclaimed, there is strong evidence that he came from Persia. This chapter of the Great White Brotherhood was called the Sarmoung Society, and their existence has only come to light in the last hundred years through the work of the mystical philosopher George Gurdjieff and modern day author Adrian Gilbert. Both researchers discovered a mystical society of adepts known as the “Keepers of the Flame of Knowledge.” This ancient sect had roots within the Mithric and Zoroastrian teachings, as well as the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, and had long predicted the birth of such a holy child. While we may never know the national identity of the third Wise Man, there has long been speculation that he sourced from India, Syria, Nubia, or even Britain. Certainly the astronomers of India and the Emerald Isles were world renowned for their wisdom, and we know they were closely tracking the conjunctions of Venus and Mercury, as well as Saturn and Jupiter, which were active in 6, 7 and 8 BCE. Evidence for the existence of a fourth Magi has also been found through the first hand accounts of an Essene teacher who witnessed the appearance of four separate lights over the town of Bethlehem on the night of the Nativity - lights which appeared from four different directions, finally merging into one great light to form the famous Star of Bethlehem. As we celebrate our various traditions this holiday season, let there be light in our hearts and a merging of the love in all directions around us.

tion any longer. The problem or illness just went away. Others have felt a Cosmic presence of the Divine and have been moved to tears or released from a burden that is often unexplainable to the conscious mind. Experiences like this are what mystics experience every day. To the average observer, these experiences are extraordinary and rare. But more and more people are reporting experiences similar to what the mystics of past times have written about. The Christian mystics are dedicated to precisely these kinds of experiences that cannot be scientifically proven but are mystically known and understood. Their experiences of God within and other manifestations of the Divine Being, like light in and around the body, healings of various physical ailments and profound peace filling the heart and mind,

are common and normal. The experience of the Christ Consciousness has other names in different religious traditions. But they have the same transformative effect on the recipient in all cultures: joy, liberation from the constraints of the physical world, profound love and peace filling the person, and emanating out to others. Real spiritual experience brings true wisdom. A Christian mystic is filled with the presence of Christ or, more universally, the love of God fills their soul and shines through their being. Most saints and sages regardless of their backgrounds are mystics. They have peered into the inner world in meditation, devotion and prayer and have had the experience of being embraced by the Being of God that resides within each person. Whether a person believes in such things or not, the mystics see God within and know that everyone has this Divine center within them. It is not an opinion or a belief, as mystics are not that interested in such things. Real experience brings real transformation and complete change to a human being. This is why those who really know carry such a presence of peace that flows through them. The mystics and saints are the ones who have moved the consciousness of the world and opened the hearts of those seeking the truth that God is within.

A mystical experience changes you at the very core of your being. What you used to know and think has been replaced with something higher and more profound than you could think up with your mind.



Tricia McCannon is an American mystic, researcher and the author of Jesus: the Explosive Story of the 30 Lost Years and Dialogues with the Angels. She has been published in a variety of periodicals, and has appeared on over 150 radio and TV shows, including Coast to Coast AM. To find out more about Jesus and the Great White Brotherhood, please contact her at

December 2010

Holiday Gift Guide Unique, non-traditional and inspirational gift ideas Aquarius 3936 Broadway, KCMO 816.931.6303 Come to Aquarius for gifts of purpose and lasting value. We have the extraordinary and hard-to-find item that gives you pleasure to give, plus long-lasting pleasure for the recipient. We honor and support all paths and our goal is to help you find exactly the right item. We support local artists and stock fair trade clothing—check out our new alpaca shawls and capes from Peru! This is your source for meditation pillows, singing bowls (both Tibetan and crystal), incense, oils and candles, books, calendars, sacred objects of all sorts, and some things just for fun.

Maitreya Zohar Psychic, Healer, and Medium for 23 years, provides clarity into yourself, personal relationships, and business matters. “Thank you so much for our last session. Whenever I speak with you it is incredibly helpful, but this last time was life changing. I am deeply grateful. With great love, Jen.” - New York, NY

Would you like to transform? Are you ready to take the next step?


At The Healing Place 1539 Maple Woods Drive Liberty, MO 816.415.2607 Tammy Barton and Sheri Woxland invite you to explore our full list of massage and bodywork services, jewelry and artwork this holiday season. We offer a unique line of customized gifts ranging from Astrological bracelets, healing gemstone jewelry and inspirational artwork. Don't forget you can purchase gift certificates for massage, cranio sacral therapy, Astrological yearly forecasts, tarot readings and much more. What sets us apart from other business's is the full integration process Tammy and Sheri do with each client ~ working with your entire body, mind and spirit. We carefully blend and meld from the various services we provide to truly cater to what you as a client need. Visit our website for a full list of products and services. Our Holiday Sale is Saturday, Dec. 4th from 10am-6pm!! Rima Bonario, Jane Simmons, Kelly Isola Who have you come here to BE? 101 Possibilities for Contemplation Rima Bonario, Jane Simmons and Kelly Isola have crafted a guide book for a profound journey of self-discovery. The perfect gift for the evolving soul, the book is drenched in gorgeous imagery as each powerful page invites readers to dance, to leap, to sit still, to stand tall as they ponder, “Who have I come here to be?” Part daily reader, part spiritual practicum, the readings follow the classic elements of fire, earth, water, and air and end with “Cosmic Consciousness.”



December 2010

Join the journey and find the hidden treasure awaiting discovery within you! Jo Mesh V BSN/RN 913.488.0252 We are born with an unerring guidance system to help maintain our well-being. Somewhere along this journey, we forgot how to access this wisdom. The result is dis-ease in health, business & relationships. Fortunately there are techniques to reverse this state & it is simple physics. This combination therapy was given to me after meditation, along with this name. stands for Comforting, Aligning, Loving Mediation of Universal Spirit on our behalf. Once we allow it’s flow through our mind & body miracles can happen effortlessly. "Focus not on details of your problems, but on the Might of your God" Core Star Energy Healing School John Hoefer 913.831.4422 Core Star Energy Healing offers both individual sessions of hands on energy healing and classes to teach these healing methods. Energy healing is effective in providing deep relaxation and relief from physical and emotional stress, more rapid healing from illness, injury and surgery. We have also been successfully assisting cancer patients move through their conventional chemotherapy, radiation treatments and surgeries with less distress and faster recovery since 2005 through our affiliate the Kansas City Healing Project. Give yourself the gift of letting yourself move through life with greater ease and less anxiety as you let go of the stresses that hold you back. Diane Davis Reed Pathfinders Consulting 816.741.0820 Express Your Gratitude & OPEN THE WAY TO 2011—give a gift of Love, Wisdom and Well-Being Spiritual guidance and healing Be fully heard and received Access Inner Wisdom Clear Old - Create New Discover Personal Guides Illuminate your Life Path & Vision

Holiday Gift Guide Unique, non-traditional and inspirational gift ideas Create Personal Ritual Design a “Coming Alive” Celebration As spiritual guide and practitioner for 20 years, Diane uses shamanic and traditional approaches to guide individuals to wholeness, then finding their Path. Call for appointment or to purchase GIFT Certificates. Eklectic Bliss ~ Deena Chouhdry An online yoga-ish boutique; 816.877.7658 Give the gift of bliss ... bliss comes in many shapes and forms ... we are eclectik and funky! Soy candles ~ yoga and cool clothing for women and men ~ eco-lotions ~ designer mats and bags ~ meditative items ~ inspirational chimes~ much more. You never know what you will find! Throughout the month of December, purchase an item online ($15 and up) and we will give you a gift in return ... our choice but especially chosen for you! See us also at Stone Spirit Lodge, Northland Yoga and spa items at Mind-Body Nutrition Day Spa. One thought, one gift, one OM at a time... Karen K. Harrison Whole Life Center 816-523-4440 Gift your beloved with a session of Tantra coaching for $80 an hour to enhance your intimacy and bring spirituality into your sexuality. Consider sex coaching for trying new intimate things that are sure to spice up your relationship, learn what women want, and lots more. A Reiki session for $65 an hour can help your loved one to relax and unwind. Gift something that gives back through a Reiki I class so that your loved one can give themselves Reiki and give you Reiki too! For more info, see my website. Terry Hug, Health Coach; 816.914.8599 Feeling tired, back hurts and just don't feel right? Have several doctors said there is nothing wrong, yet you know you have a problem? Are your lab tests fine, yet you still have symptoms? Terry Hug, with her knowledge of Therapeutic Massage, Herbs and Nutrition, can help you get a healthy lymphatic system and improved internal organs. Many health issues are just a stagnation of the lymphatic system. Call if those quick fix pills are just not working! What better gift for yourself or your loved ones than the gift of health?

Sandy Jorgensen Creative Escapes .913-626-4554 Relax this holiday season with a creative escape, the spa for your heart. These are small intimate classes for women or children where they can spend an afternoon experiencing batik, printmaking, calligraphy or collage. We are a family run operation, one mom and two daughters all three artists, also offering guided meditation, palm readings and face paintings for special occasions. Schedule your creative escape with us, we will travel. All birthday girls or boys are free of charge when booking private parties. Join us on facebook under Art-felt Learning. For free ideas, visit KC Meditation 816-799-5544 Give the gift that has introduced millions to the science of yoga meditation. A lifechanging book, Autobiography of a Yogi is considered a spiritual classic and reveals the underlying unity of all religions. With engaging eloquence and wit, Paramahansa Yogananda describes his youthful search for an illumined teacher, remarkable encounters with modern masters of the East and great spiritual figures of the West; and the thirty years he spent in America spreading the Kriya Yoga technique of meditation he learned at the feet of his own Christ-like guru. Available in bookstores or through the Kansas City Meditation Group of SRF— Karen Elise 913.636.9502 This year give a one-of-a-kind, personalized gift to be remembered all year. Purchase a holiday gift certificate from Karen Elise for an intuitive reading in person or by phone. Gift certificates start at $20. Planning a holiday event? Have a psychic entertain your guests. It is so much fun and a unique experience. They will love it!! Dion Koch Christmas Oneness Blessing Dec. 22 Spiritual Life Coach & Oneness Blessing Trainer www.happinessnowuniversity 913.909.3326; Give yourself the gift of peace and balance during Christmas week by learning about EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2010

Holiday Gift Guide Unique, non-traditional and inspirational gift ideas and experiencing the Oneness Blessing from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 22, at Sweet Life at Grand Court, 12000 Lamar Ave., OP. Love offering. The Oneness Blessing creates a neurobiological shift in the brain that loosens the grip of the ego and expands connection with everyone and everything. In my life, the blessing has decreased fear, anxiety and worry while increasing peace, balance and love—maintaining the meditative state throughout the busy day. Jackie Mullinax Spiritual Psychic and Channel When Angels Speak; 913.206.1294 Going Forward Into the Light Angels are truly our biggest allies. Prepare for the future by giving yourself or someone else the ultimate gift of an Angel Reading that will inevitably be of great value in the coming transitions. Or give yourself peace of mind by connecting to a loved one who has passed on. Find out what is blocking your progress. Take the step to receive the

Shakuhachi style flutes fashioned from Northern China hardy bamboo. These handcrafted flutes have a Native American mouthpiece and are tuned to the Pentatonic minor scale.

Kelly Murphy 913.634.7553 Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can help with overcoming obstacles (both real and perceived) that stand in your way from a fulfilling life. Hypnotherapy is a great gift idea to give to your loved ones for: Quitting smoking; improving health issues; reducing anxiety and stress; better sleep; overall relaxation; improving relationships; overcoming fears and phobias; better life direction; building confidence; improving athletic ability; and so much more. Hypnokelly can help to take an individual from where they are at to where they really want to be.

N2paws Pat Hennessy, CAP2, CPDT 816.522.7005 N2paws offers many ways to help your companion animal lead a happy and healthy life in harmony with your home. Learn ways toward relaxation and calm through Doga (doggie yoga), Meowoga (kitty yoga), or TTouch® (method using gentle touch techniques to influence the body, mind & spirit), while enhancing the bond with your canine or feline family member. Create fun and rewarding environment enrichment through high quality training treats and toys that keep your pet entertained for hours. N2paws also features specialty classes to help your animal companion get through toenail trimming, separation anxiety, performance enhancement, and the aging process.


Lumerian Love Flutes Lumeria-inspired bamboo flutes evoking hauntingly beautiful tones for soothing meditation practices and musical enjoyment.

words that you are meant to hear for your personal empowerment and enrichment. Receive 20% off of your reading when you mention this ad.

Custom Jewelry Family Owned & Operated

Custom Design Jewelry Repair & Appraisals Custom Jewelry Made Affordable $$$ Top Dollar for Gold & Silver Jewelry $$$

Karen Harrison, Ed.S. Licensed Professional Counselor Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Reiki Master Teacher Usui Tibetan, Karuna & Kundalini Reiki


Go Natural & Get Some Color


Tie Dye, Candles, Soaps, Lotions


Custom-Design Tie Dye Apparel & Soaps, Lotions All Natural Soy Candles WATCH BATTERIES


816-523-4440 Innovative and Impressive Holiday Gifts

Ricky Yutuc 913-522-1028

6642 Nieman Rd., Shawnee, KS 66206

8301 State Line Road, Ste 216


Kansas City, MO 64114 12

December 2010

Enhancing the Bond between People & Animals

Holiday Gift Guide


Behavior & Wellness support from a holistic practitioner CAP2, CPDT, VA Whole Pet Positive Training

Unique, non-traditional and inspirational gift ideas

Come, Sit, Stay & Relax with Doga! Plaza Wellspring 1900 W 47th Place, Suite 328, Westwood, KS 913.432.6533 Plaza Wellspring is the place to find excellent training in body/mind/spirit development. Offering classes and workshops in Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, Meditation and Dance, we are more than a group of dedicated teachers and healing arts practitioners. Plaza Wellspring is “compassion in action.” Our community of students and teachers believe that as we uplift and strengthen the best parts of ourselves, we allow that which no longer serves us to fall easily away. Wellness is our natural state. Being present is simple, joyful, sometimes painful, always beneficial. Check out our new location! Rhythmic Medicine Center Janalea Hoffman, Music Therapist; 913.851.5100 Remember Rhythmic Medicine as a choice for your small or individual retreats. Everything about our Center supports healing— upon entering, people often sigh, “I feel relaxed already.” The setting has beautiful scenery and wonderful acoustics. Special classes in December: Learn How to Play the Native American Flute (Dec. 4 OR Dec. 5),

Yoga by Candlelight followed by a delicious Indian dinner (Dec. 8). Other in-house events include Using Music for Therapeutic Purposes, The Healing Power of Nature, Circle Dance and more. The Center is also available for your retreats. Sign up for our mailing list: Check our website for Healing Concerts and classes, etc. around town. Shakti Universe ~ Debz Shakti Buller; 816.550.5490 Donation-Based Energy Healing and Hypnosis Sessions—Healing and Self-Exploration for Everyone! Helping others to "wake up" to the beauty and wonder of life, to heal themselves and enjoy every moment of existence. Multi-Dimensional Energy Healing including Reiki, Quantum Touch, CoreStar, Vibrational and Shamanic methods. Self-Exploration through the tools of "Infinite-Life" therapy, utilizing methods surpassing regular clinical hypnotherapy methods, accessing information and healing from not just early or past-life experience, but from "Quantum Parallel Realities.” Corporate/community workshop presentations, including Visioning/GoalAttainment, Relaxation/Focus, Healing the Home/Workplace, Energy Clearing and Meditation. Intuitive readings and Channeling services via Skype as well!

TTouch® Reiki Alpha-Stim Private Lessons Workshops Specialty Classes (like Doga) Gift Certificates ~ 816-522-7005

Energy Healing School Discover your potential to Heal yourself and others Classes Start in September. Individual healing sessions are available by appointment 913913-831831-4422 ~ 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS 66202

Through Our Children's Lives

Through Our Children’s Lives.

Domestic Violence Resale Shop

Crystals, tarot decks, books, candles, jewelry, aromatherapy oils, clothing, runes, herbs, Magickal items, Gods and Goddesses Buddhist, Hindu, Native American, Pagan, Wiccan Multipurpose room for rent for your private event.

Meaningful gifts of lasting value For yourself And your friends

Paying it Forward Each month, EVOLVING gives one free ad to a business recommended by a reader. This month, we honor

“Every child deserves a safe, loving family environment, providing home, education and self worth”.

Large selection of gently used items Please Adopt a family this holiday season. Shoppers welcome daily 10am—6pm

913-381-2544 6709 W 75th St., Overland Park, KS 66204

Volunteers Appreciated * Donations Accepted

Gayle Loya, Lenexa KS says,“ I would really like to recommend a local thrift store in the Overland Park area. Not only do they have a vast assortment of unique furnishings, the employees are upbeat, well informed and generous. They have daily specials and their clothing is of nearly-new quality. The store benefits women and children who have escaped bad domestic situations and are restarting their lives, so it feels really good to shop there. I know that I am participating in a great cause. They are also always seeking donations and volunteers. A great idea would be to adopt a family for the Holidays.”

Happy Holidays! from the staff of

3936 Broadway Kansas City, MO 64111 816/931-6303




December 2010

Holiday Gift Guide Unique, non-traditional and inspirational gift ideas Stone Spirit Lodge 309 Westport Road, KCMO; 816.561.7900 So many people to bless with your gifts of love in physical form and you wonder, how do I choose the right one? Ideas abound as you begin to see visions of Buddhist statues, crystals, Djembe drums, natural body care products, yoga clothing, CDs, books, chimes, meditation altar table and cushions. Then you wonder further about this illusion of time as you envision driving all over town to find just the right gift. It is then you remember hearing about the new Metaphysical Store designed to Awaken Your Wild Joy: Stone Spirit Lodge at 309 Westport Road. Check our site for lots of events! Thompson’s Custom Jewelry & Wicked Wicks Custom Made Candles 6642 Nieman Rd., Shawnee, KS; 913.766.8875 FREE Sample Candle with coupon. More than a familyowned, full-service jewelry store specializing in custom design, jewelry repair and top dollar for gold and silver,

we also have a unique selection of tie-dye shirts, all natural soaps and hand-poured organic candles. John Thompson has more than 25 years of experience. We can take that old piece of jewelry and either repair it or completely refurbish it into a fabulous and one-of-a-kind family heirloom. We are a non-pressure, home town jewelry shop with a relaxed “natural” atmosphere. Through Our Children's Lives Domestic Violence Resale Shop 6709 W 75th St. Overland Park KS 66204 913-381-2544 “Every child deserves a safe, loving family environment, providing home, education and self worth”. Please Adopt a family this holiday season. Shoppers welcome daily 10am-6pm Donations accepted Mon-sat 10am-5pm Volunteers are always appreciated. Ricky Yutuc ~ Bliss Vibrational Healing ~ 913.522.1028 Working out, healthy diets, various modalities—they all

When Angels Speak Jackie Mullinax •

Spiritual Psychic


Channeled Readings

Reiki Treatments


Remember Rhythmic Medicine as a choice for your small or individual retreats.

Rev. Maitreya Zohar Olathe, KS; 913-839-8745; Invest in a session—be GIFTED a session Invest in a healing session, regression, tarot reading, channeling, or ionCleanse at regular price by December 21 and I will GIFT you or your “friend” a complimentary session of equal or lesser value.

Sandy Jorgensen

At the


Healing Place


• • • • •

Call 913-851-5100 or

have their place. Yet, changes are not enduring unless you love yourself—self-improvement lies deep within your heart. I help to reactivate, then maintain, the cellular memory of love through vibrational healing, such as Didgeridoo, flute and tuning forks. I also deepen self-love by addressing physical, mental and spiritual issues through crystal healing, Reiki and intuitive counseling. I teach the above modalities and my passion is group vibrational healing—discounted group rates for gift giving! Mentoring paranormal children, space clearing and sacred relationship/tantra coaching are also my specialties, as are handcrafted bamboo flutes for meditation at reasonable prices—groovin’ gifts!

Art Events & Parties Face Paintings Classes Palm Readings


Terry Hug Health Coach

Deep listening for your deepest Self Shamanic counseling & healing Guiding access to inner wisdom Companioning life transitions

Nutritionist, Massage Therapist and Herbal Treatments

Diane Davis Reed 816816-741741-0820 816.914.8599 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2010

Holiday Gifts For You!! Unique Jewelry and Artwork Gift Certificates for Massage and Bodywork, Astrology Forecasts, Tarot and More

Call 816-415-2607 Visit:

Science based, Spirit Led Individualized Therapy in JoCo Comforting Aligning Loving Mediation of Universal Spirit Jo Mesh V BSN/RN Master of Usui & Karuna Reiki, Intuitive Counselor 913-488-0252

Published in seven languages and read by over a million people in 175 countries, DailyWord magazine offers readers of all faiths a daily inspirational message and positive affirmation, as well as poems and feature articles. The magazine has published continuously since 1924 at Unity, headquartered in Unity Village, Mo. Colleen Zuck, beloved DailyWord editor for 25 years, recently released the book “DailyWord for the Spirit,” a collection of 50 most-memorable features from her time at the magazine. Below is an excerpt from the book, a personal story of Colleen’s mother and her lessons in love. By Colleen Zuck

Prosper the World with Love

Most Missouri winters offer a diversity of weather: warm and cold days, and dry and wet spells. In fact, those born and raised here advise new residents and visitors, “If you don’t like the weather in Missouri, stick around because it will change tomorrow.” Just before Christmas in 1954 (I believe that was the year) it was bitterly cold. Snow filled the ditches and low spots in the ground of our hilltop community. The neighborhood took on a surreal look of black and white, a contrast of earth and snow. Our house, with an acre and a half of land, was at a point where the urban scene shifted into a rural one. This was the Christmas when I learned the difference between material wealth and spiritual wealth: I experienced what it was to give from the abundance of God’s love that was within me. A Helping Hand My mother was the manager of our neighborhood grocery store, but more than that she was the caring heart of our community. She was a champion of recycling long before it became popular. Clothes were passed down in our extended family. I remember being relieved when my feet outgrew some of the clunky shoes my cousins and even my aunts passed along. Mother also collected toys for the children in our neighborhood, often cleaning dolls and washing and ironing the dolls’ The inspiration for our annual "After Christmas Boxing Day" celebration was born on a bitter-sweet trip to Canada. My husband’s father had recently passed and we were there to scatter his ashes in his beloved homeland. Years ago, the family had owned a summer vacation property on remote Gun Lake. Although our visit was sad, we were also enjoying visiting my husband’s “auld acquaintances” and had a wonderful stay at the majestic Minaki Lodge. We first heard of Boxing Day at breakfast one morning. We were chatting with our vibrant waitress Natalie; and since we were the only guests in the dining room, we were enjoying quite a conversation. It was October and the lodge was closing for the bitterly cold winter season. We asked Natalie what her plans were for her time off. She proceeded to tell us her holiday plans and mentioned Boxing Day. Not being big sports fans, we were picturing boxing rings and gloves and so we asked her, “What exactly is Boxing Day?” She explained that although it had changed over the years to become something like the after-Christmas shopping day we have in the United States, originally it was a day off given for English servants to spend with their families once everything was cleaned and decorations were boxed up and put away. We loved this explanation, loved to entertain and had no interest in the day after Christmas shopping frenzy, so we created our Boxing Day Celebration. We are so blessed in our lives to be sur-

clothes. But back to this cold morning just before Christmas when I was about 13 years old. Mother called me into the kitchen and began to pull canisters out of the cabinets. She directed me to the refrigerator, saying, “We need milk for the gravy.” I questioned what we were doing since we had already eaten breakfast. Then she explained she had learned that the family down the road from us was without food. “Jesus fed 5,000 with five loaves and fishes, and we ought to find enough food in this kitchen to feed a family of seven.” Mother began heaping flour into a large crockery bowl. After she had added and mixed other ingredients, she rolled the dough out on a floured board. She then pressed out big, round biscuits—enough to feed a dozen people! Sliding the biscuit pan into the oven, she began making a huge pot of milk gravy, saying, “I need your help carrying this food over to Kitty and her children.” I immediately felt embarrassed about taking biscuits and gravy to this family. What if they didn’t like this kind of food? What if they felt embarrassed—about not having enough? Within 30 minutes, Mother and I were walking down the road to Kitty’s house. Mother was in front carrying the pot of steaming hot gravy; I reluctantly followed behind with the pan of biscuits, covered by a clean dish towel.

When Mother knocked at the door, a young boy about 7 years old answered. “I thought you might enjoy some biscuits and gravy,” Mother announced with all the ease she did when passing a bowl of food at our family table. As we entered the house, I was struck by how cold it was inside. There was no heat. Steam flowed from the pot of gravy and billowed up to the living room ceiling. Five other children appeared in the room followed by their mother. An Abundance of Love One girl, several years younger than me, looked at the pan of biscuits I was holding and then looked into my face as though she were looking at an angel. I was seeing myself through her eyes, and I felt so good about the person whom she was seeing. I knew that’s who I wanted to be. I felt like an angel, not because of me but because the abundance of God’s love being shared by two families filled that small home. During the walk back home, Mother and I were quiet, but I felt warm and happy. From that day on I enjoyed helping Mother share her heart of love by giving what we had to give, knowing that no gesture of caring and no gift given in honor of God’s love were too insignificant or small. Years later when I found Unity, I under-

Tribute to Our Boxing Day Celebration By Karen Cowdry rounded by a close and connected family with whom we celebrate every year. We also have many good friends, not all of whom have family close by, so they have very little holiday celebration. I have had more than one friend tell me “Boxing Day is my Christmas.” Our party is an attempt to uplift and include everybody and celebrate—one more day. Our Boxing Day Celebration is fun, unique and works on so many levels. All are welcome and we have had all ages attend from newborn to 90. If anyone has guests from out of town, they are also welcome to attend. The only requirements are that you bring leftover food (most have something from the previous day), leftover liquor or anything else you would like to drink and a "mathom" of your choice. Some people call this a white elephant gift, but a mathom was defined by JR Tolkien in the first Lord of the Rings trilogy as “Anything that a hobbit has no immediate use for, but is unwilling to throw away.” Sometimes the gift giver cannot wait to be rid of the item, but one man’s trash can be another man’s treasure, can

stood that Mother had a prosperity consciousness that was so much a part of the Unity teachings. Although she didn’t have much, materially, she expressed the love of God abundantly. Because Mother now has Alzheimer’s, she doesn’t always know how to feed herself. Often when I am feeding her, she lets me know with a word or gesture that she wants me to share her food and even to eat first. Yes, God’s love expressed by Mother is stronger than Alzheimer’s and any other adverse condition or circumstance. What prosperous people we are when we love and are willing to be loved. Postscript My mother was also my teacher, my friend and my greatest supporter. She grew up in what most would consider extreme poverty. Yet having less didn’t dampen her passion to give to others. With only a third-grade education, she had a wisdom that exceeded “book learning.” As I was growing up, Mother’s nightly ritual was to tuck me in bed and then, down on her knees beside my bed, she would pray with me. Remembering these prayer times with Mother blesses me to this day. In 2007 at age 97, Mother experienced what the doctors called heart failure, but I knew that her heart of love never failed. I was at her bedside, praying with her, telling her how much all her family loved her and thanking her for being a wonderful mother. I told her that her family was okay and that she could go on to her rest. And as if she was waiting to hear that, she took her last breath and rested her heart of love. I know that her family and everyone who ever met her would agree that she left this world with a lot more love than there was before she came into it. This is something each of us can do; we can prosper the world with love. Excerpted from “DailyWord for the Spirit” by Colleen Zuck. Copyright 2010 by Unity. Used with permission. Books are available online at few rules. Because stealing of gifts is allowed and encouraged, we have had to put a limit on it or the game could go on forever. We also had to add a no alcohol gift rule as we had four teenage sons one year at the gathering. We now have a king and queen of Boxing Day who oversee the gathering, the rules and get last chance on all of the mathoms as a reward. This gathering serves to remind us just how prosperous we all are. Just like my favorite Christmas song, “The Little Drummer Boy,” who had no gift to bring and played his music for the new born king, there is always something we can give. The real gift is not the present, but the presence of those we love.

it not? The main event that guests look forward to all year is the hilarious gift exchange. This is what makes Boxing Day their favorite holiday party. It is fun and irreverent and there is never any pressure to outspend another. No one takes their gift too seriously. There are usually extra gifts, so no one is left out. ActuKaren Cowdry is an account executive for ally some do try to leave their precious gifts Evolving. As a former avid reader of Evolving behind but the host and hostess frown on this. Woman, Karen E Cowdry feels blessed and I do not want to minimize the outrageous grateful to be a part of the Evolving staff. nature of the gifts involved. We have had eveKaren has 20+ years of sales and marketing rything from gag gifts (an intravenous booze experience. This, along with her deep interest bottle) to nice holiday gift sets and new de- and involvement in metaphysics and alternasigner pajamas. tive healing, make Evolving a great place to And, the best news is you never have to admit contribute her energy and experience. Karen which gift you brought. is a certified Hypnotherapist, spiritual coach The one drawback of this party is that we and psychic counselor. She has performed never seem to be able to cancel it. The gatherpsychic readings at the Kansas City Renaising is so loved, that people threaten to show up sance Fair for nearly 15 years. Karen says, “My here again next year even if we should sell the passion is encouraging and empowering others house. Once you have attended Boxing Day you on their Evolving journey, and I love to enterare always invited to return tain!” Although we love the relaxed atmosphere of this party, over the years we have had to add a



December 2010

Nov/Dec 2010 ~ Vol. I, Issue 4



ell in Kansas City

Celebrating Whole, Seasonal, Organic and Local Eating

How to be a Raw Vegan During the Colder Months Fungus Among Us: Dealing with Candidiasis The Economics of Healthy Living Health Risks of Microwave Ovens EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2010

Cover Photo: Sweet Potato Hash

Healing Foods — by Jane Van Benthuson Dr. Kat Bowie

Sweet Potatoes are Not Just for Thanksgiving Anymore!

I Clinical Psychologist Live and Whole Food Nutrition Consultant

have personally witnessed the healing power of foods. In this article I've chosen to sing praise to the sweet potato. They are in season now through the fall and early winter and can be found locally at farmers markets and your grocery store. Many associate sweet potatoes only with Thanksgving, but they are a food that is available year round and one we should be eating on a regular basis. They are a sweet source of good nutrition as they are high in vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese and a good source of copper, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, potassium and iron. Not only do

they taste great, but they are an amazing source of unique proteins with potent antioxidant effects. The sweet potato contains unique root storage proteins that have been observed to have significant antioxidant capacities. As an excellent source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) and vitamin C, sweet potatoes have healing properties as an antioxidant food. Both beta-carotene and vitamin C are very powerful antioxidants that work in the body to eliminate free radicals. So how to eat them? At our house we bake them with the skin on in a baking dish for 45 minutes to an hour at 350 degrees or we put them in our Crockpot on low to cook while we are gone during the day. Then we eat them with coconut oil, sea salt and a little pepper. Sometimes I like a little cinnamon too. Surprisingly sweet potatoes are excellent for juicing. I like to add a little pumpkin pie spice. Sweet potato and apple juice is very yummy. So is sweet potato, pineapple and lime. The possibilities are endless. We make a vegan potato soup with white and sweet potatoes. Just sauté onions, garlic, celery and bell peppers until soft, then add some water or vegetable broth with peeled cubed potatoes and carrots too. Add sea salt, pepper and dried parsley to taste and eat it up when the potatoes are done. I apologize for not having this in more of a recipe form but that's how I make soup. I just start throwing everything into my biggest soup pan. You can even make sweet potato pies and fries! Any of the above recipes along side a nice


Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes 2 pounds red-skinned sweet potatoes 2 tablespoons olive oil or coconut oil 2 tablespoons honey (or maple syrup) 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon salt Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into 1inch pieces and put in a 9 X 13 baking dish. In a small bowl whisk together olive oil, honey and lemon juice. Pour mixture over potatoes and toss to coat. Sprinkle with the salt, and bake, stirring occasionally, for about 1 hour, until potatoes are tender.

big salad makes a great meal. So add sweet potatoes to your shopping list and include them in your diet as a source of sweet nutrients including antioxidants and know you are eating well.

Jane Van Benthusen is an alternative cancer thriver. She, along with her husband and youngest son, teaches raw food classes, hosts a monthly potluck dinner in Lee's Summit, MO and offers alternative health support. You can learn more about her and her family at and

Into the Kitchen — with BadSeed Japanese Sweet Potato Hash


n BADSEED Farm, pulling glowing pink tubers from the rich black earth marks the final harvest of the season: Sweet Potatoes!! Digging sweet potatoes is a wonderful and methodical task that allows the farmer to reflect upon a long and exhausting season full of both nature's bounty and nature's wrath. Soon the ground will freeze and another season's worth of memories will be buried under a blanket of snow. Better get those taters' out of the ground fast!! During the several long weeks of the sweet potato harvest, my husband and I rely on a hearty breakfast to give us the energy to "dig in the dirt" all day long. Luckily, those sweet potatoes are just the fuel we need!! My favorite variety is the fuchsia-skinned, densely textured, white-fleshed Japanese. This gorgeous and complex sweet potato has a tendency to taste like roasted marshmallow when cooked!! I use it for all manner of sweet potato dishes, but namely a sweet potato hash that is an excellent addition to any "big

farmer breakfast". I serve it on the side of blue cornmeal pancakes topped with sunny-side-up eggs straight from our beautiful hens. Or try it alongside homemade biscuits drizzled with raw honey. Yum! This recipe is incredibly simple and needs no long list of ingredients. Select several large Japanese Sweet Potatoes from you favorite Farmers Market (regular orangefleshed varieties are acceptable as well). Slice them thinly in long strips. In a cast iron skillet heat up a generous amount of cooking oil of your choice. (Being Sicilian, I use olive oil for everything, even when frying on high heat). Throw those taters' in the hot skillet and fry em' up diner style with an offensive amount of sea-salt and fresh cracked pepper!! Add some crushed red pepper flakes if you like a bit of spice and fry em on high heat until sufficiently browned and a bit crispy. You can always jazz your hash up by adding an onion and green peppers among other garden goodies, herbs, and spices.

Soon the ground will freeze and another season's worth of memories will be buried under a blanket of snow.

BADSEED An Urban-Organic Farm & Market Celebrating Local Food, Culture, & Community 1909 McGee*KCMO*64108 WFOR ELL IN KANSAS CLITY ~ Nov/Dec 2010 EVOLVING‌EAATING GUIDE CONSCIOUS IVING 18 December 2010

Eating Live, Becoming Whole — by Kat Bowie You Can be a Raw Vegan in the Colder Months It is important to remember that being a raw vegan does not mean the food is always cold.


appy Fall, Everyone! I bet you thought that when Fall and Winter came I would go away and not come back again until Spring and Summer when cold foods were back on the menu. Just ain’t so, my lovelies! In Autumn and Winter we tend to not only crave warmer and heavier foods, but Ayurvedically we need them to be more balanced. Ayurvedic medicine is a 5,000 year old philosophy of medicine from India that uses food, fragrances, environment and all other aspects of oneself to maintain a healthy balanced life. In Ayurveda, the cold, windy Fall months easily pull us out of balance and our bodies begin asking for warmer, oilier and heavier foods. So, how does that fit into the raw vegan lifestyle if we do not eat cooked foods? It is important to remember that being a raw vegan does not mean the food is always cold. It means that the food is not heated over 118 degrees and does not contain dairy, meat, fish or eggs. One of my favorite foods to prepare in the Fall of the year is chili. Raw vegan chili is not that much different from the chili I prepared when I consumed the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.). The only difference is that I do not add meat and do not cook it for long periods of time. I do, however, heat it to warm (about 118 degrees) until it is heated throughout. It is not “piping hot”, but for me, personally, I rather resent when I go to a restaurant and the food is so hot with temperature that I spend the entire dining experience waiting for it to cool down while my friends have already eaten and are preparing to leave. I have never really cared for extreme temperatures in my foods and really enjoy not burning my mouth or tongue anymore. Right before writing this article I ate a wonderful bowl of raw vegan chili. The cool weather called to me and I decided to make a big pot of it yesterday. I thought the Chili Gods might be calling you,

too. I hope you enjoy this recipe. I serve it with 7-Seed Onion crackers or Salsa Flax Crackers on the side. I personally like very spicy foods and have a whole area in my kitchen dedicated to my hot sauces and spices. In learning to cook, it is important to honor your tastes. Make the tastes in this chili what you enjoy and just let my recipe be your guide. I hope you enjoy it. I’ll have more holiday recipes and tips for being joy-filled and remaining raw vegan during the upcoming holidays in my next column. Until next time, Eat Live and Be Whole. In Peace, Dr. Kat Dr. Kat’s Yummy Chili (yeah, and its RAW, too!) 1 C organic sundried tomatoes, soaked in pure water 6-8 hours or overnight 2 cloves, fresh organic garlic, peeled 1 C English walnuts, soaked in pure water 2-4 hours, rinsed and drained 4-6 large, fresh organic juicy red ripe tomatoes, cored and diced 1 green, fresh organic bell pepper, seeded and chopped finely 1 red, fresh organic bell pepper, seeded and chopped finely 1 medium, organic yellow onion, peeled and chopped finely 1 C fresh cut from the cob or frozen organic, sweet corn kernels (rinsed in warm pure water and drained) 1 can, organic Black beans (optional, if used the dish becomes vegan but not raw vegan) 1 T Onion powder 1 T Garlic powder 1 t Real salt (this is a brand name and is not heated, therefore retaining its 84+ minerals…very tasty) 2 T Chili powder 2 T Cumin seed powder ½ t Chipotle pepper, powder (this is smoky and is quite hot for some people) 1 T Agave In a food processor chop the drained, soaked walnuts until

ground but not too fine. You still want them to have texture. They become the “mouth-feel” of “meat” in the chili. Remove them to a bowl. Then in the food processor, puree the sundried tomatoes, their soaking water and the fresh garlic. In a large soup pot add the tomato/garlic puree and all the additional ingredients, including the ground walnuts. Gently stir until it just begins to simmer but you can still touch your finger to the mixture without burning yourself. Immediately turn the stove off, put a lid on the chili and let it sit for the next hour or two. Adjust the spices, more salt, more cumin, etc. It is absolutely delicious the next day and can be reheated on the stove (remember how we used to re-heat things before microwaves?). If you have questions or comments, I’d love to hear them. You

can drop me a note at the email address below. Kat Bowie, Psy.D. is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in Nutrition and its impact on the Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit. Dr. Kat teaches on Live and Whole Food Nutrition and preparation as well as Dining in the Raw, a raw food fine dining education experience. ( For more info and raw food recipes, go to Dr. Bowie and Dr. Raphael Smith are the owners of The Struan Center, LLC located at 4044 Central St. KCMO. Dr. Bowie can be reached at 816.960.4525 or


Troque Farms Frank Kuhnert & Rennie Graves 31710 E Oakland School Rd., Buckner, Missouri 64016 Phn: 816816-650650-9307 // Alt: 816816-215215-9925 (cell) Pastured Free Range CHICKENS for meat and EGGS. Holiday TURKEYS, TURKEYS, DAIRY PRODUCTS. GrassGrass-fed BEEF, BEEF, PORK and Pastured LAMB. LAMB. We distribute Fertrell Organic Fertilizer


Let Food Be Thy Medicine — by Tracie Walker Healthy in High Heels this Holiday


es! It can be done. It will be done. It must be done. This is my attitude as we approach this year’s fast-paced, herebefore-we-know-it Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holiday. No matter where you are in your current diet and lifestyle, 99 percent of us tend to over indulge and eat foods that we normally wouldn’t consume throughout the rest of the year. Why? Well, because, “It’s the holidays,” “I’m going to diet in January” or “I don’t want to be a rude guest.” These are the things we tell ourselves to justify why we put things in our mouths that we know aren’t good and healthy for us. This year, as I put on my high heels and head out to holiday parties or host them in my home, I am going to have a plan of attack and the self control to eat sensibly. Like I mentioned above, we all have our unique diet and lifestyles that we believe in and that works for us, so I am going to just focus on the sweets. I feel this is an area I myself and most people tend to struggle with when it comes to what are better choices. The four categories below are the ones I think are both healthier options and satisfying. These are the foods I am going to personally entertain with as well as what I will choose to eat when I am out and about. CHOCOLATE. The darker the better in my opinion. Chocolate is a great thing. I love to make my own chocolate desserts and bring them to parties as my gift. A little goes a long way; therefore it doesn’t take much to satisfy a sweet tooth. Don’t think it is the enemy because it is quite the

friend of mine and can be yours also. Just be picky about the ingredients. Look for the higher cacao percentage and steer clear of the milk chocolate with the added dairy and sugars. FRUIT. What can be more natural than fruit? There are a lot of fresh strawberries, dried cherries, cranberries, apricots and figs as dessert items throughout the holidays. Eat them...they are good for you. They are naturally very sweet and make a great dessert option. NUTS. Again, what is more natural and plant-based than nuts? I avoid the sugary and candied kinds. Munch on the raw or slightly-salted varieties. They will fill you up and are a good source of protein and fat. Go nuts! WINE. I enjoy a glass of red wine and consider it a treat. Whether it is enjoyed after a meal or during, I always savor the drink. By looking at it this way, I naturally limit myself to a glass or 2 and don’t feel the craving for anything more when I am finished. It leaves me completely satisfied… and always in a better mood.

Make a plan to only eat specific sweet treats and stick to it. You will feel better and not have the guilt of eating something you know isn’t right for you. Bring enough to share with others so you can turn them on to healthier desserts. Here is an easy recipe I challenge you to try and share with friends and family. Raw Chocolate Sauce ½ cup raw cacao powder ½ cup agave or raw honey 1 Tbsp coconut oil ¼ tsp vanilla extract Mix the above ingredients by hand in a mixing bowl. Use chocolate sauce to coat strawberries, cherries, almonds or any combination of fruit or nuts. Refrigerate for a couple hours to harden and enjoy. (Enjoy with a glass of red wine and you have my above 4 categories covered!)

If I focus and limit myself to these sweet treats then I can feel content without having to indulge in cakes, cookies and any other baked goods with high levels of refined sugars, flours and other artificial ingredients. I honestly don’t even miss them. So put on your high heels and don’t be afraid to enjoy yourself—just be aware of what you are choosing to ingest or imbibe.

Tracie Walker is a raw food vegan and has her own business educating clients and catering raw food. Tracie is the Healthy Eating Specialist at Whole Foods Market off of 119th St. in Overland Park, KS. She is working towards her Masters Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics and also certificates in plant based nutrition.

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Feature — by David Laskowski, Clinical TCM Herbalist –Viable Options Fungus Among Us: Dealing with Candidiasis The process of getting a handle on your yeast issues is going to take a little time. Because we are talking about lifestyle changes, it has been my experience that making these changes over a three-month period is very realistic.


f you are dealing with digestive disorders, sinus congestion, skin rashes, lethargy, headaches, joint or muscle pain, vaginal infections, jock itch, leucorrhea, brain fog and the list goes on, you might be dealing with excessive yeast. Over the last 25 years, this issue has been in the top three complaints that clients bring to me and is, if the client is willing to stay the course, a problem that can be helped with some very simple changes in lifestyle and specific herbal approaches. Let’s get right into them…. First, the process of getting a handle on your yeast issues is going to take a little time. Because we are talking about lifestyle changes, it has been my experience that making these changes over a three-month period is very reasonable. Having a plan and taking a reasonable amount of time to allow your immune system to get a handle on things helps eliminate the issues of headaches, cravings for sugar and carbs and the classic healing crisis. Second, you are going to have to change your diet, period. Eliminating sugar in its various forms and eliminating simple carbs like potato chips and breads for a while is your main weapon for attacking this issue. Yeast lives on sugar and it will perpetuate junk

All the foods that yeast loves are emotionally tied to comfort. If you are going to work on changing your diet and spending your hard-earned dollars on supplements, then you need to deal with the stressors that are making you look for comfort. There are no magic bullets—you have to do the work. food cravings just to sustain itself. As you start starving off the yeast with your diet changes you may experience a slight headache—this is not unusual. If you get a headache, see if you can take a meditative moment and rest it away. If it is bothering you excessively, go see your chiropractor and get an adjustment (tell him or her about the positive changes you are making in your lifestyle). If you are still feeling a little rough, then massage and/or a colonic would be in order. Most folks will pay the piper for a little while they change their habits, so just stay the course. Third, there are nutritional supplements that can be taken to help your body through this process. Using Probiotics on a daily basis will

help as well as adding Caprylic Acid; both are available at any health food store. A professional herbal formula that I recommend to my clients is called Phellostatin. Phellostatin is made by Health Concerns and is a timetested formula that is only available through practitioners. This formula is anti-fungal and works on tonifying Spleen / Stomach Qi from a TCM viewpoint. It has been my experience that if you are going to take supplements to address your candidiasis you also have to address your diet— you can’t have your cake and eat it too! Starting slow with the supplements will help eliminate any digestive issues and headaches that might come up. The yeast did not show up overnight and it will not go away overnight. All

you are trying to do is help your immune system by keeping the yeast in check, just as it does with bacteria and viruses. All the foods that yeast loves are emotionally tied to comfort. If you are going to work on changing your diet and spending your hard-earned dollars on supplements, then you need to deal with the stressors that are making you look for comfort. There are no magic bullets—you have to do the work. I have had clients tell me that they noticed positive changes in as little as 72 hours after working this program! With the holidays coming up and all the stress that is wrapped up in what should be a joyful season, I pray that you take my suggestions to heart. Everyone benefits when you are the best you can be! David Laskowski is a Clinical TCM Herbalist, Iridologist and Certified Nutritional Consultant with 25 years experience. He, along with his wife, Linda, a Certified Gravity Flow Colon Therapist, own and operate Viable Options in North Kansas City, Mo. For further information about their services visit their web site at www.viableoptions

The yeast did not show up overnight and it will not go away overnight. All you are trying to do is help your immune system by keeping the yeast in check, just as it does with bacteria and viruses. EVOLVING…EAATING GUIDE CONSCIOUS LIVING 21 December 2010 WFOR ELL IN KANSAS CITY ~ Nov/Dec 2010

Feature — by Aaron Lerner The Economics of Healthy Living The effects of obesity and poor health go far beyond a person’s physical appearance. In this new millennium we seem to have replaced racial and gender discrimination with a new kind, based on a person’s weight and appearance.


ver the last few years, the cost of vegetables, lean meats, fruits, and other high-nutrition, low -calorie foods has increased by an average of 19.5 percent. Junk food, on the other hand, is getting cheaper—down 1.8 percent. Researchers recently estimated that on a junk-food diet, a person could eat for $3.52 a day. To eat healthy, one must spend closer to $36.32 a day. So this begs the question: Does it pay to be healthy, or to be healthy, must one pay? Because there are incredibly powerful economic forces that are preventing people from taking control of their health, and actually encouraging them to become worse off, it seems fair to say that unhealthiness and obesity may have more to do with economics than with anything else. Indeed, for some people, taking control of their health may be impossible until they first understand the food and medical industries that represent 30 percent of our national economy. The effects of obesity and poor health go far beyond a person’s physical appearance. In this new millennium we seem to have replaced racial and gender discrimination with a new kind, based on a person’s weight and appearance. Whereas in the past, poverty was associated with thinness, and obesity with wealth, most people who are overweight today occupy the lower rungs of the economic ladder. “Rich fat man” has become an oxymoron. Poor and fat have become synonyms. Weight and appearance now define social and economic opportunities just as family name and birth did in the nineteenth century. When a person is fat— not just a few pounds overweight, but clinically obese—it is hard to find a job, a relationship, or the energy to stay on top of the everyday demands of even a simple life. Even most people with normal weight are unhealthy, and often, they don’t even know it. Modern medicine tells us to accept headaches, body pain, fatigue, arthritis and thousands of other common ailments as inevitable symptoms that afflict an aging population. Yet these ailments, like being overweight and obesity, are the direct result of having a terrible diet. Economics is largely to blame for this state of affairs. A powerful trillion-dollar food industry bombards us with messages calculated to make us eat more and more of the worst possible food. Understanding how the food industry works today is crucial for those seeking to control their diet and, ultimately, their life. Packaged food companies, such as General Foods and Proctor & Gamble, employ some of the best and brightest minds to study customer psychology and demographics. In trying to decide what sorts of foods to sell us, they invariably apply one of the great unwritten laws of marketing: It is easier to sell more product to an existing customer than to sell that same product to a new customer. In other words, it is easier to influence a regular customer to eat four additional bags of potato chips per month than it is to

persuade a new customer, who may never have tasted potato chips before, to buy even one bag of this new, exotic substance. Most processed food sales, products like Hostess Twinkies, Oreo Cookies and McDonald’s Happy Meals, are governed by what those in the business call a “potato-chip marketing equation.” According to this law, more than 90 percent of product sales are made to less than 10 percent of their customers. In the case of processed foods, that coveted 10 percent consists largely of people weighing more than 200 pounds and earning less than $20,000 per year. Each company studies its 10 percent, people known as the “target market,” like rats in a laboratory. Customer surveys reveal their likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams, heroes and desires. No expense is spared to hit every psychological button that matters to the target market. If people in that market like a particular actor or singer, that very celebrity will soon appear on radio or television, praising the product. If a certain look, feel, or lifestyle appeals to people in that market, legions of stylists and designers will descend on the studio to simulate it. Like a deer caught in the telescopic sight of a hunter at close range, the target never has a chance. Such ruthless tactics used to be restricted to U.S. tobacco companies, which wrote the book on deceptive marketing tactics while getting the world addicted to nicotine. Recent legislation has forced Big Tobacco to curb some of these activities when it comes to promoting cigarettes, especially to children. They are not letting their acquired expertise go to waste though—they are purchasing the major brands of addictive processed foods. In early 2001, Philip Morris, the world’s largest tobacco company, purchased some of the most popular children’s processed food brands, including Oreo Cookies, Ritz Crackers and Life Savers candies. This makes Philip Morris the world’s second largest food company after Nestle Inc. One of the great scandals of the junk-food culture is the extent to which its most enthusiastic promoters personally avoid the very products they are pushing. Moreover, many of the emotional and medical challenges some people face today, from controlling one’s temper to depression and cancer, are as much products of these junk-food companies as are frozen pizza and low-fat cookies. Then we turn to the medical industry, where we encounter large multinational companies whose nefarious practices make those of the food companies pale by comparison. Just as obese consumers represent the “target” market to the food companies, physicians represent the “target” market to the medical and pharmaceutical companies. The patient will receive the drug or treatment that is most profitable for the supplier of the treatment, the health insurance company, and in some cases even the individual physician. This may or may not represent the best medical treatment available. In the United States, doctors typically prescribe completely different treatments for the same

ailment depending on which drug company has the dominant market share in their region. Meanwhile, medical technology and pharmaceuticals change so fast today that what physicians learn in medical school is often obsolete by the time they graduate. In practice, doctors learn about new drugs and treatments from a special type of salesperson called a “detail person” in the medical industry. “Detail person” is nothing more than a euphemism for “very attractive, highly paid young person of the opposite sex.” Detail people lavishly hand out free samples and handsomely reward physicians and their staff in proportion to the amount of prescriptions they write for their company’s product. Although the ethical (prescription) pharmaceutical companies around the world justify the very high prices of their drugs with the high cost of research and development, drug companies actually spend much more money marketing their drugs than they do on research and development. In recent years, the pharmaceutical companies have even hired the same advertising firms as the food companies and have begun direct image-based advertising to consumers. Sadly, most physicians have become “technology dispensers” for the products and services of the large multinational medical companies—companies which always seems to tip the scale between profits and patients in favor of profits. In some cases, this could even mean manipulating the federal government against the public interest in safety as well as in dollars. Prescription drugs now represent the single largest monthly expense for most over-65 U.S. citizens, approximately $300 per month, and millions of people sadly make the terrible choice today between purchasing their food or their medicine. But these, and hundreds of other examples, are just symptoms of the deeply-rooted problems that exist when it comes to the ability for people to live healthy or well. While there is obviously no direct conspiracy between the $1 trillion food industry, which causes most problems, and the $1.4 trillion medical industry that treats just enough of the symptoms to get the “targets” back to work and consuming, the economic effect is the same as if these two industries were conspiring against the American consumer in the most sinister fashion. Because of the economics that drive the food production industry, and the inability of the government to address the problem, U.S. obesity has almost doubled in the past two decades. Take a moment, and think again of this figure in terms of human suffering—77 million Americans are now clinically obese, and 184 million are overweight and unhealthy because they lack the resources, information and motivation to safeguard their most precious asset: their wellness.


Aaron Lerner, Performance Enhancement Specialist,National Academy of Sports Medicine.; 816.309.7047

Feature — by Linda Laskowski Stress and Your Colon Nothing says stress quite like the holidays and nothing holds stress better than the colon.


oliday stress for most of us starts around November 1. Christmas has been in the stores for a few months and there is anything but sugar plums dancing in our heads as we remember last year’s memories and those all the way back to childhood of Uncle Harry and his roaming hands and Aunt Ethel’s remarkable way of directing everything to be about her. Promises made the year before that “this year will be different” are slowly slipping away as we finish up yet another call from “Mom”. As the cell phone clicks shut, our fear, anger, bitterness, dread and lack of joy start to form as we rub our intestinal area and wish we were someplace else—now. You have just felt the stirrings of your colon— more specifically, the hepatic flexure—as it stimulates the nerve endings corresponding to the liver (anger), gall bladder (bitterness) and the heart (lack of joy). The hepatic flexure, shown in the illustration, is on the right side of the body near the liver. It is the right-angle bend in the colon that marks the connection of the ascending colon and the transverse colon. With years of built up anger, rage, resentment, bitterness, lack of joy and the onslaught of holiday food, it doesn't take one long to realize their bodies are being controlled not only by the unresolved emotional issues stored systematically throughout, but also the intake of “once a year” foods. The splenic flexure is a sharp bend between the transverse and the descending colon in the left upper quadrant of our intestines. The left colic flexure is near the spleen, and hence called the splenic flexure. In this area we have the emotional nerve endings leading to the stomach (dread, not being able to break down our inflow of information) spleen (obsessing about everything), pancreas (anger, again) and throat (angry words not being able to be spoken). I can’t stress enough about emotions and what part they play in our everyday life. Everything that is manifested in our bodies as disease starts with an emotion that we either consciously or sub-consciously feed with negativity. When our emotions are fed with constant negativity daily, we then pull towards us scenarios to help us rid ourselves of our negative thinking. Most often we aren’t aware of this help so we just use this created opportunity to further our upset over whatever unre-

solved emotion we are feeding, allowing the body to continue developing a specific disease. When these areas, as any area in the colon, build up with impacted fecal matter, the toxins are transported via the blood stream to all the various organs that hold the negative energy that we have been feeding through our thoughts, words and deeds. Now the holidays are approaching and our past memories are being ignited and refueled and they are becoming our current reality to be relived once again. When all of these emotions are in full throttle our need for comfort rises and we start to reach in excess for the alcohol, drugs, the holiday goodies laced with sour cream, cream cheese, cheesecake, sausages, lasagna, breads, cakes, pies… and on and on. Everything is inside of us churning and brewing until sometimes these unresolved emotions boil over in a negative manner and we have a stroke, heart attack, and or gall bladder episode, no doubt resulting in a surgery. Did you know statistically there are more gall bladder surgeries between Christmas and New Years than at any other time of the year? By the time Halloween finishes and we roll into Thanksgiving, then into Christmas, we have already had way too much fun and our gall bladders are usually the prime targets.

However, there is still time to get on top of these emotions, settle them, release them and free your body, mind and soul. Detox your body, reclaim your energy with juicing, a more balanced intake of foods according to your blood type. What a great holiday gift to give yourself and your family. However, if your ego still says no, that you must do this dance yet again, then think about this… just before you take that bite of the infamous green bean casserole, remember the words of Dirty Harry… Do you feel lucky? Linda Laskowski is a trained gravity flow colon therapist with 25 years experience. She along with her husband, David a Traditional Chinese Herbalist own and operate Viable Options in North Kansas City, Mo. For further information about all of their services visit their web site at


fitness directory

Spiritual Horoscope for December By Aluna Michaels, M.A. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Happy birthday Sagittarius! You’ll have many breakthroughs about emotional issues that have held you back since childhood. You’ll also be able to bring your wide variety of talents together into a unique and cohesive whole. This could lead to a fulfilling new job. Just be aware of being impatient with people. Mercury is retrograde and could seem especially annoying, so try to laugh off misunderstandings. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) This month’s eclipse brings many insights about relationships, communication skills (or lack thereof) and optimistic/pessimistic thinking. Your concepts are being challenged, but that doesn’t mean things stink and are falling apart. It’s just time for change in the depths of your mind. As old habits of interacting die off, you’ll see things anew and be able to fall in love in a more pure way. You’ll also be happier and feel mental burdens lift off your shoulders. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) It’s time to release old trauma that continues to impact your self-esteem. Meditate and, in your mind, forgive those people and events that have created negative beliefs about yourself. Your subconscious might even give you bad dreams that cause you to remember these situations, even if you’re not trying to. Letting go of this burden will infuse you with new confidence. New doors to self-love, relationships and prosperity will open!


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Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) You’ve been in an exhaustive struggle to create a new self-image. It’s changing the way you operate in close relationships. More importantly, it’s changing how you feel in your own skin. Truly healthy bonds will become stronger. You may choose to let go of people who resist the revolutionary shifts you’ve made and demand you be the “same old same old”. Don’t be afraid to forge ahead and find people who appreciate the “bold new you”! Aries (March 21 – April 19) Be patient with changes, especially when it comes to career. Mercury is retrograde and you might not be thinking clearly, and could be quite irritated – not a good combination! Use this month to meditate. Be specific at finding out what is making you frustrated and stuck. You might be surprised at insights you receive that help you make subtle changes which then make profound shifts in your circumstances. Stay away from dramatic actions that cause chaos. Carefully choose actions that create positive momentum. Use this same advice for family issues that might come up at holidays! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) You could be starting a new relationship, or new friendships! You’re often cautious about welcoming new people into your life, but you’re quite open-minded right now. If already partnered, you’ll notice a deeper closeness and appreciation. Keep up your meditation or spiritual practice, even though this is a busy time. You could have many breakthroughs, and even receive intuitive information that helps others! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) You’ll have deep breakthroughs about what keeps you emotionally distant from others. As a Gemini, you are interested in people with



December 2010

your mind, but you often don’t feel close with your heart. Meditation and introspection will release old, dysfunctional patterns. You don’t have to know intellectually what was holding you back, just let it be enough that you feel a new sense of freedom inside! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Meditation will purify your heart so relationships improve. Make a list of hurts you’ve had over the past two years. Focus on each event in your quiet time and ask the Universe to help you forgive and release all these unhappy pieces. Also, trust that you can express present emotional challenges. People will still love you if you say you’re angry or disappointed. Identify your feelings, claim them then let it go. You’ll be amazed how grounded and loving you’ll feel! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Be gentle with your body. This is a good time to examine your diet and see what you’d be brave enough to let go of. Junk food? Coffee? Skipping meals? Pay extra attention to moodiness – what did you eat a few hours ago? Understand that these substances aren’t comforting; they are unkind visitors in your system! Release them and you’ll feel so much more harmony in your home life, relationships and within your own skin. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) You’re being called to be authentic in all of your relationships–whether in romance, business, friendships or family. By aiming to please others, you end up being someone you’re not. This ultimately displeases people! Meditate on who you really are. If you’re not sure, ask your soul for insights into yourself and the courage to take action when you grasp your inner truth. Use affirmations to bring out qualities you desire to express. By even just stopping people-pleasing behaviors, relationships will have a new excitement and pizzazz that will empower you and others! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) You will feel emotionally and physically empowered this month! Meditate on releasing any feelings of being a victim to people or circumstances. One of your spiritual goals as a Libra is to learn to respond rather than react. You don’t have to feel, be or act a certain way just because someone else triggers you. You can choose responses that are guided by your soul and from your own center. This is especially important if you’ll be around your family for holidays! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Any difficulties or misunderstandings in relationships will clear up this month. If single, it’s a great time to meditate and make a list of important qualities you’re seeking in a partner. You can attract someone who’s not only spiritual and deep, but lots of fun too! It will be good to incorporate playtime in your life. Profound inner changes can happen when you take your focus off your problems and become lighthearted! Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Aluna is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit


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Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Therapist Creator of Quantum Shift Energetix 913-906-9986

Dr. Jackie Devaney, Devaney Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Auriculotherapy, Nutrition, Allergies. Specializing in relieving chronic pain. Sliding scale fees. 30 yr. exper. 816-786-2623.


At the Healing Place, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, ChanRi, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Bodywork (816) 415-2607


Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 -

Traci Bray, Bray BS, MA ~ Psychic MEDIUM connecting the living with those past. Individuals and groups, small to large. Ethical, respectful, confidential. 913-940-0754


Neshamah Healing, Debbie Lewis, Practitioner Hands-Off Energetic Techniques. 913.636.0271

Jackie Mullinax, Mullinax Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone or in person. $45 for one hour, CD included. 913-206-1294; (816) 792.4325: 792.4325 Event space for weddings, corporate, private events. Wellness classes/workshops: pilates, yoga, healthy cooking/detoxing/juicing, Reiki.

Nature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars 913-499-8514



Justin & Sharon Orth - Spring Forest Qigong Practitioners/Healers and Certified Qigong Level 1 Instructors. EFT (BAS/ADV) (913) 244-0167 for info.

Maya's Oasis Transforming, Healing & Inspiring Women ~ Reiki, Drum Circles, Holistic Health & Belly Dance Classes, (cell) 785-979-4681

Natural High Wellness Center: Center Colon Therapy, Massage Therapy, Ion Cleanse, Far-infrared Sauna, and more. We are here to help; call us at (913) 901.8699

POTENTIAL Turn on your higher brain to realize your potential. See a presentation about this revolutionary process. rsvp at

Jason Nowlin / NowlinRE Full Time, Full Service Real Estate Consultant for KS and MO. 816-994-9904,;

Improve Finances & Love Life! Effective results for home and office. Ronda's Feng Shui works 831-521-0861


LIZ BROWN, Feng Shui expert since 1996

Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343,

"Inspired Guidance for Great Change" Consultations, clearings/blessings, classes, workbooks. 816-444-2725

Diane Davis Reed, Reed Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge,, 816-741-0820

HYPNOTHERAPY BODY THERAPEUTICS Carol Ann Brown Massage, Reiki, CranioSacral,, Intuitive, Rebirthing, DNA Activation 785-317-0448

New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC Smoking, weight, stress and more 913-908-6907

SPRAY TAN Healthy GLO Achieve a red carpet glow with the all natural SunFX spray tan. Professionally applied in five minutes. 50% off your first tan.; 913-485-5850

LIFE COACH COLOR THERAPY AuraAura-Soma Heart of America— America—Leiola Reeder Certified Advanced Teacher and Consultant. Offering CEUs for Massage Therapists and Nurses.816-217-3722,

Teri Higbee, Holistic Life Coach: Coach Energy Therapies, Empowerment Processes, Prosperity, Clarity of Purpose, Weight Loss, Shamanic Astrology.; 913-219-6788.

NUTRITION & WELLNESS COUNSELING Dr. Jay Peters Marriage & Addictions Counselor. Smoking/ Weight Mgmt. Hypnosis. Regression/Past Life Hypnosis 913-339-9591

ENERGY HEALING Pranic Healing Sessions, Feng Shui, Space Clearing Rocky Patel;; 816-916-1823; Sherry Sutera:; 913-488-6651

Tamara Creighton, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Cleanse With Friends, and Hawaiian LomiLomi, 913-232-6419

YOGA Everyday Yoga & Wellness Center Yoga -Class or Private, Reiki, Massage Nutrition Counseling, IonSpa Foot Detox. 816-809-9574


Eating Well in Kansas City: Celebrating Whole, Seasonal, Local and Organic Eating. Pick up a copy near you (distribution list online) or read back issues at

PAIN RELIEF Learn Bowenwork. Effective manual therapy for pain relief. Easy on the practitioner’s body. Leverage income—work on multiple clients. Ongoing classes. Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


Space for Lease For massage therapist or holistic practitioner, inside Northland Yoga Center. Conveniently located in heart of metro, easily accessible. Join our wellness crew! Catherine 816-520-2247.

December 2010


Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact

December 1-21 Private Readings With Cat RunningElk Author, Seer, Healer, Spiritual Teacher In Kansas City at Unity Temple for a limited time. Call 877-71-Cat-4-U to schedule

known author, healer and mystic, for a powerful workshop to help you find and answer the callings of your soul. Spirit of the Woods Retreat Center, 8180 Ravenswood, Desoto, Kansas 66018 1:00-5:00 p.m. $45 Call 816-806-3495 to register.

December 1-31 Eva Wojcik's Energy-scapes at Aquarius Pen/Watercolor/Photography Expressing her connection to life energy flowing throughout our world on multiple levels and sharing an awareness of the creative life force connecting all things.

December 4 Learn How to Play the Native American Flute 10 a.m. – noon at Rhythmic Medicine Center. $25 for instruction and use of a beautiful flute. Instructor: Janalea Hoffman. No musical knowledge necessary. 913-851-5100.

December 3 Open Circle Pathfinders Consulting at Red Moon Lodge, 7-10 p.m. Gifts of the Spirit— Expressing Our Gratitude. Diane Davis Reed 816-741-0820 or Lynn Johnson 816-308-5450. December 4 Reiki Level I and II By Rich Fine. 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. RSVP for class fee and info. At Mystic Treasures, 7711 N. Oak Trfwy, 816-420-0820. December 4 At The Healing Place Holiday Sale 10am-6pm 1539 Maple Woods Drive Liberty, MO 64068 816-415-2607 Gifts galore for all your holiday shopping needs!! Door Prizes! Hand made jewelry and artwork! Free chair massage! Gift Certificates available! Holiday beverages and goodies! Come join Tammy and Sheri to celebrate the holiday season!! December 4 Answering Your Callings Join Cat RunningElk, nationally

December 4-5 Reiki I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – 6pm, $320 with early deposit. CEUs for nurses, massage therapists, other healing professionals. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440. December 4-5 Angel Portraits & Aura Readings Susan Prout, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Holly Holly Holly, 211 W Linwood Blvd., KC, MO. Get your Aura check up, or connect w/your angels. 816.377.3507; December 5 Learn How to Play the Native American Flute 2-4 p.m. at Rhythmic Medicine Center. $25 for instruction and use of a beautiful flute. Instructor: Janalea Hoffman. No musical knowledge necessary. 913-851-5100. December 9 Eklectic Bliss at Girl's Night Out at

Liberty Square Just in time for holiday shopping—a display of some of our items at Mind -Body Nutrition Day Spa, 111 N. Water St., Liberty, MO. December 9 How to Clear Your Home Space & Other Ceremonial Basics By Stephanie Roth, Love offering. 6:30-9:00 p.m. at Mystic Treasures, 7711 N. Oak Trfwy, 816-420-0820. December 10-12 KC Pipe Circle Christmas Sale 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 7110 Antioch, Mission, 913-362-0904. Stumbling Deer Pottery, Flower Farm Poinsettias, Vivid Earth Tie Dyes, various artists jewelry, Phyllis Cronbaugh books, Ukranian eggs, ornaments, more. December 10-12 Oneness Awakening Intensive Take the next step toward deepening your spiritual connection!, (816) 520-2247 December 11 DailyWord for the Spirit Holiday Luncheon With longtime DailyWord magazine editor Colleen Zuck. $25 includes lunch and book. Call 1-800-669-0282. December 12 Blue Light Special “InSightful” Tarot Readings with Maitreya. Crystal Foot Massages & ionCleanse Foot Bath Detoxification with ChristiElla. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Overland Park. $20 per 20 min. 913-4271149; December 13 Angel Portraits & Aura Readings Susan Prout, 1-5 p.m. Crescent



December 2010

Springs, 7317 W 80th, OP, KS. Get your Aura check up, or connect w/ your angels. 816.377.3507; December 14 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 December 14 Spirit Show-Up Gather with like-minded spiritual people and share the energy and joy as Spirit guides us.7 p.m. Overland Park, Call: 913-232-9437; December 15 Reiki World Peace Card Meditation Open to everyone. 7-9 p.m. at Mystic Treasures, 7711 N. Oak Trfwy, 816-420-0820. December 18 Qi Gong Longevity Retreat 9 a.m-4 p.m. Master Xiao teaches ancient Shaolin Qi Gong for vitality longevity. Dolphin Song, Gardner, KS. $75. December 18 Yoga Mama: preparing for your birth journey Prepare for your birth mind-body. 10-noon, $20., (816) 520-2247. December 19 Castle and Cross Concert And our Holiday Party for YOU!! At Aquarius Books from 1-3 pm., Medieval, Celtic and holiday concert by professional musicians, great re-

freshments. No charge for a stress free afternoon.


December 19 MCKS PRANIC HEALING Open Yule Ritual CLINIC & MEDITATION Hosted by Witches Meet Up Aura cleansing for emotions, All are welcome to this open Yule ritual from 4-9 p.m. For pain, addictions. Second Wednesmore information and to RSVP, go to days, 6:30 p.m. Unity Village FelKansas-City-Witches. lowship Lounge. Love offering. Rocky Patel, 816.916.1823. December 22 Christmas Oneness Blessing Event GRATITUDE OPEN MIC NIGHT Restore peace during Christmas week, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. New Location: Stone Spirit Lodge, Sweet Life at Grand Court, 12000 Lamar Ave., 309 Westport Rd., KCMO. Every Overland Park., Dion First Friday 7-9 p.m. with Paul Koch, Spiritual Coach & Oneness Trainer, Goldman, local poets, musicians 913-909-3326. and Belly Dancer Maya Zahira. December 30 Balls & Bands ONENESS BLESSING 6:30-8:00 p.m. Plaza Wellspring, 1900 W 47th Place #328, MEDITATION GROUP Westwood. Try this fun exercise system for strength and Tuesdays 7-8:30 p.m. More info: stability. All welcome. Meetup Oneness Kansas City and December 31 Pranayama for Beginners QI GONG LONGEVITY WITH 10:30-11:30 a.m. Plaza Wellspring, 1900 W 47th Place # MASTER XIAO 328, Westwood. When the breath is steady, the mind is Sundays 10:30-11:30 a.m. $25. steady. Longevity movements, Shaolin style. 11806 77th St. Lenexa, KS. December 31 Fifth Friday: New Year's Eve Party! TAI CHI TRAINING WITH Celebrate with us, food, music, yoga and dance! MASTER XIAO, (816) 520-2247 Saturdays 10-11 a.m. $25. May include Chen style, tai chi gong. December 31 11806 W. 77th St. Lenexa, KS. Eklectic Bliss at Northland Yoga’s New Year's Eve Party We will have specials for you at Northland Yoga, 710 Argosy Pkwy, Riverside—where we have a year-round BASIC LIVE & WHOLE FOOD Eklectic display. PREPARATION rd January 1 3 Saturdays 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. New Year’s Day Special Event—intenSati $35 per class includes food, recipes, demonstration and class. It's 1-1-11 and we're celebrating at 1:11 p.m. with 111 friends as we experience intenSati—an inspiring fitnessclass-for-all that is designed to fulfill your 2011 intentions! ANUSARA INSPIRED Register to be one of the 111: YOGA CLASSES January 7 Meet Tuesday and Thursday Open Circle mornings at 9:30 a.m. at the Pathfinders Consulting at Red Moon Lodge, 7-10 p.m. Nur- Northland Yoga Center. $15 for a ture the seeds of your intentions for 2011. drop in class. $72 for a 6 week Diane Davis Reed 816-741-0820 or Lynn Johnson series. Call Lynn Johnson: 816-308-5450. 816-584-0777. January 10 - 31 Doga 6:30-7:30pm – N2paws teaching techniques to improve you & your dog’s flexibility and enhance the bond with your canine companion. Overland Park, KS $60 (4-weeks) ~ 816-522-7005

WOMEN'S WEB An evolving group of down-toearth, real women of all ages exploring, honoring, and celebrating Goddess energy through ritual.


REIKI CIRCLE at Unity Church of Overland Park – 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9pm. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email LINK UP AT WHITE DEER LODGE 1st Wed. of every month, 7 p.m. Prayer, meditation and healing in 816-523-4440 the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Free. No experience necessary. REIKI SHARE Daniel Baxley: Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. at; Stone Spirit Lodge, 309 Westport 816.769.7343. Rd., KCMO. http:// Bring a 4 DAY BIOENERGY portable Reiki table if you HEALING CLINIC have one. First Tues of the month 7-9 PM Fee: Donation. ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR Reservations: Kim Meisinger 913CANCER PATIENTS 685-9939 By Appointment. Since 2005 the bioenergy/HealingBioenergy/ Kansas City Healing Project has Movies_BLP.html been providing energy healing sessions for cancer patients. Our KIDS YOGA CLUB clients have been experiencing a Every First Saturday for ages 5-12. reduction of their stress, anxiety Learn yoga * have fun * balance and pain levels from their treatfor busy little minds. ment and disease. Donation ba816-520-2247 northsis. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. YOUTH AERIAL FITNESS CLASS Features many aerial apparatus: SACRED RELATIONSHIP silks, trapeze, hoop, smooth rope. 2nd or 3rd Saturday monthly - A Ages 6-15. All levels. Climbing, beginning tantra class for singles and couples to experience the swinging, developing skills. FriDivine. 7-9pm. Ipsalu Tantra days 4:15-5:15pm. Kriya Yoga teacher. Leawood. 816-523-4440, For flier with topic and date, email NEW STATIC TRAPEZE CLASS Alternating Fridays 5:30-6:45pm. LEARN BOWENWORK By climbing, inverting, rolling and Manual therapy for pain relief, turning, discover your center of repetitive strain, chronic condigravity, develop core and upper tions, athletics. Works when body strength. nothing else does. Ongoing classes OP area: Nancy Pierson LAUGHTER YOGA FRIDAYS 512-750-4012. bowen6:00-6:45 p.m. Plaza Wellspring, 1900 W 47th Pl. #328, Westwood. NCBTMB Laugh your way to greater vitality and joy. Deepen your breath; SPIRIT SHOW-UP 7 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of relax your body and mind. Love offering. every month in OP to share the energy and joy as Spirit guides us. Love offering. Maitreya: 913.839.8745, http://


We meet twice a month in Lawrence. For more information,

December 2010



December 2010

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