December 2011

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December 2011 ~ Vol. III, Issue 10

X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

5 Tips for Staying Healthy This Holiday Season Minimalism for a Stress Stress--Free Holiday Drugs Treat, Food Heals Inside: Holiday Gift Guide EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2011

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For additional information, go to 913-432-4477 Dr. J. David Beaulieu, M.S., D.C. 5930 Roe Avenue #102, Mission, KS 66205 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2011

Photo by: Penny Thieme ©2011,

Publisher’s Letter...


Dear Friend,

I am working with two aspiring writers, helping them to reach their goals and fuel their passion as writers. In helping them, I also help myself; and the joy I feel at each of their triumphs is equal to what I feel for my own. Speaking with one of the writers recently, I told her that I’ve never felt like an expert on any particular topic, so I prefer to interview others. And while that’s true, it’s more of a deep need to hear other people’s stories than it is a lack of knowledge on my part. Because I believe we are all experts on the inner workings of our minds/ hearts/souls. And I so enjoy hearing other people’s stories because there are honest, heartfelt and deep lessons to be learned from each other. We all seem so different, but at our core, so completely alike. So it is with great joy that I announce a new department in Evolving: “Let’s Get Naked.” Heidi Alfrey, a Unity Minister, interviews, exposes and honors all of life’s warriors and heroes — us. For her debut, Heidi interviewed myself. I am deeply touched by her ability to extract my story, as well as the opportunity to share my journey with you. Another exciting change this month is the addition of “In the Kitchen with Bonnie” in the Eating Well in Kansas City section. Bonnie Rabicoff is the host of the radio and television shows by the same name. She introduces herself this month; future months, look for great recipes from local chefs as well as interviews. I’m so happy to share Bonnie’s knowledge with you, dear reader. In addition to all these exciting changes, we have a joy-filled, holiday-infused issue filled with seasonal hope and joy. Wishing you all the best of this and every season. In Gratitude,

Jill Dutton

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298


Ad Design Maitreya Zohar

Minimalism for a Stress-Free Holiday. .. 17 Find Your Personal Power… 17

5 Tips for Staying Healthy This Holiday Season… 18

Drugs Treat, Foods Heal… 10

Eliminate Allergies… 19

Blissful, Euphoric Chocolate… 11

ON THE COVER: "Soul Creation" by Sherrie Taylor. An avid student of all things spiritual, Sherrie is a transcendental artist painting her creativity from the Cosmos. She allows the universal archetypes and understanding to flow through her, transforming her art into a channel of love, light and healing for those who meditate upon her work. In addition to her art ministry, Sherrie is a Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, emphasizing the power of color and art as modalities of achieving wholeness. Sherrie’s work can be seen and purchased at the 1109 Art Guild on Massachusetts St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Hours are Tue – Sat. 11:00 am-5:00 pm & Sun: 1:00 pm5:00 pm . To view more artwork by Sherrie Taylor please feel free to visit her website at or you can contact her at

Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick

Contributors Heidi Alfrey, Brenda Clevenger, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Aaron Lerner, Aluna Michaels, Betsy O’Neal, Bonnie Rabicoff, Sherree Ross, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes, Judith Widener

Holiday Gift Guide… 12

Karen E. Cowdry

Connie “Crash” Humiston

To have an account executive help you with your marketing plan, contact Jill Dutton and a rep will contact you shortly.

EVOLVING© 2011 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.

Departments: News Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Let’s Get Naked



December 2011

4 5 5 6

Food Conscious 8 In the Kitchen w/Bonnie 9 Horoscope 20 Events 22

Your Personal Struggles Can Be Overcome There’s a better way to deal with conflict… confidentially, cost-effectively and constructively

Elizabeth L. Esrey, LLP private mediation services family concerns | school issues | parenting plans 913.226.8000 | |

Midwest Myofascial Release Center A cooperative wellness center

Experience the Calmness of Life Jan Kelly, OTR/LMT—Myofascial Release Therapy—913-706-2294 Grace Lindsay, CT—Akashic Record Reading— Kristen Hanson, LMT, NCTMB—Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial Release Therapy—816-392-2810 Mark Ferguson, LMT, CMT—Sports, Deep Tissue, Trigger pt—913-269-6277 Heather Etzkorn, LMT—Therapeutic Massage, Reflexology—913-244-8207 Stephanie K. Mohr—Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practitioner— Also Available: Sunlighten™ Solocarbon Far Infrared Dry Sauna & Zrii® Liquid Nutrition for Abundant Living 9200 Glenwood Street, Suite 100, Overland Park, KS 66212

James L. Fleming, M.D. Holistic and Integrative Psychiatry Combining the best of modern psychiatric treatments with complementary alternative strategies 618 SE 4th St., Lee’s Summit, MO 64063

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News... Life’s Wisdom Cards: 200 Cards of Wisdom, Inspiration and Beauty to Nurture the Soul Compiled and written by Brad VanAuken and Brad Nowlin Pithy and profound, these cards feature quotes from over 100 philosophers, poets, sages, gurus, visionaries, leaders and others accompanied by five different images created by Nicole Corea. Quoted: Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Anais Nin, Aristotle, Arthur Schopenhauer, Benjamin Disraeli, Carl Jung, Carl Sagan, Cicero, Confucius, Dalai Lama, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Eleanor Roosevelt, Epictetus, Friedrich Nietzsche, Galileo Galilei, Gandhi, Harry S. Truman, Hazrat Inayat Khan, Henry David Thoreau, Huang Po, Kahlil Gibran, Lao Tzu, Marilyn Ferguson, Mark Twain, Maya Angelou, Meister Eckhart, Neale Donald Walsch, Nelson Mandela, Norman Vincent Peale, Paul Tillich, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Frost, Robert M. Pirsig, Seneca, Stephen Covey, Theodore Roethke, Viktor E. Frankl, Walt Disney, Wayne Dyer, William James, Winston Churchill and more than 60 others. Brad VanAuken is the author of

Life: An Unfolding and Brand Aid. Brad Nowlin is a Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist. To order or for more information, contact Brad Nowlin at or 913-579 -8526. Retail price: $24.95 ISBN: 978-0-9752873-1-6

Angels InSight The divine alarm clock's time to wake up! Steffany Barton, RN, angel intuitive and local medium, has been selected by the, an internationally recognized website developed for spiritual growth and conscious living, to offer an online course. "Awaken to your Amazing Angels" is a 21-day course featuring videos, audio instructions and guided meditations to help you super-charge your connection to your angels. Enrollment is open and ongoing. Visit — Courses: Awaken to Your Angels, to sign up today. Additionally, Steffany is pleased to announce the release of her first



December 2011

children's book, The WonderWings! Beautifully illustrated, this book introduces children and adults to nine of the archangels and describes the gifts of each angel. Angels Insight, a book for spiritual living is also available for purchase. Steffany shares tips, tools, and techniques for living the high life. Books, CDs and readings may be purchased on her website, or by calling 913 451-4567.

Wisdom Within—by Suzette Scholtes

Journey to Wholeness—by Jude LaClaire, Ph.D.

Dashing through the Snow

The Gift of Receiving


The difference between a helping hand gratitude.” This will change your brain and an outstretched palm is a twist chemistry and, very likely change your relationships with others as well. of the wrist. Laurence Leamer Be Spiritually Naked: This means bes the season of gift-giving ar- ing self-revealing. “It means that you exrives, it occurs to me that very press all of your vulnerable, clueless, little attention is given to hateful, depressed, lost and lonely parts, "receiving." Every giver needs a too.” If we embrace our wholeness, others receiver. How do you feel when you give will do the same. We experience each to someone else? Often there is a sense of other as human beings with faults and pride, of pleasure, a satisfaction in help- failings as well as virtues and talents. We ing someone else feel better, less hungry, are authentic, telling our own truth to less needy and, just simply, loved. Giving each other. This is a difficult thing for and receiving are inseparable and remind givers to do. us of our interconnectedness with each Giving or receiving from a place of other. power, wholeness and strength looks and I love to give. In fact, I am rather ad- feels differently than doing it from fear or dicted to it. The truth is I fight the need to emptiness. I often gave to others because over-function, trying to be a good person I had a deep longing to be loved, noticed who is "selfless." Some years ago, when I or appreciated. When others don’t recipwas in a particularly lonely and needy rocate, we are lonelier. Takers trying to time of my life, I was telling a friend that fill an emotional hole never feel like they others didn’t seem to reach out to me. She get enough — a bottomless bit. told me that I was often busy taking care The giving and receiving business is of others and looking as if I did not need tricky and complex. It takes working on help. I listened to what she said and be- ourselves, learning to love ourselves and gan making a more conscious effort to others. Melody Beattie says it so well, step back, giving others the opportunity “When we are open to receiving love, we to give. will begin to receive it. It may come from Receiving from others is a gift we give the most surprising places, including to them. When we receive graciously and from within ourselves. We will be open to with gratitude, the giver feels good. It can and aware of the love that is and has been help self-esteem, acknowledging that they all along.” have something to contribute. The act of Enjoy giving and receiving this holiday giving produces feel-good hormones and season. You may just take a giant step the sense of well-being is heightened. toward your own wholeness Now, why would we want to keep others from feeling good by not openly receiving from them? Receiving can trigger shame, a sense of emotional vulnerability, weakness, embarrassment or the need to reciprocate. Accepting words or actions from others may feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Amanda Owen in The Power of Receiving: A Revolutionary Approach to Giving Yourself the Life You Want and Deserve outlines three steps in receiving:

don’t dash. But I do shovel snow and I love to walk in the winter when it’s not too cold; and to sled a time or two is good fun. Thirty minutes of slipping and sliding down the snowy hills burns about 260 calories, the same as 30 minutes of highimpact aerobics and a good cross training. Snow shoveling burns about 200 calories in the same amount of time.

Even with exercise, we tend to gain a bit of weight during the holidays. Trust me, I’m the first in the buffet line, not being shy to indulge a healthy appetite. But this year has been a stellar year for me to create new records of long walks, exploring and hiking new trails. My son, who loves to read biographies, says that Ben Franklin outlived all his contemporaries, dying at the ripe old age of 84 in 1776. He believed it was “good to exercise to perspiration” daily. So ho, ho, gosh-darn ho. How are we to keep those pounds away? Last year, about five pounds of more-to-love grew around my small-boned frame. Not cute. It took a while to shrink those lovely adipose cells by both watching my diet and exercising. Make a List and Check it Twice When my sister dropped over 50 pounds seven years ago, she arrived at my house for the holiday feast with special water to drink and avoided many foods on the holiday table. She ate just one bite of pie! I’m so proud of her for keeping the weight off! She offers a good model: Plan for those nights of the “big” parties or holiday dinners. No is a two letter word we all understand even if we do disappoint the holiday cook.


Even with exercise, we tend to gain a bit of weight during the holidays.

soda with slices of fruit and cherries. Maybe toast with an ounce or so of wine and avoid like the plague those calorieladen sweet cordials so popular in the sexy ads. A Wonderful Life Choosing to indulge in holiday foods with discretion and making time to exercise will help you feel better and cope with the stress of the season. Added bonus: When we take care of ourselves, we give from a full cup….and that is a true gift to family and friends.

Eat balanced meals through the day to keep blood sugar level and then the voracious hunger you feel when you see FUDGE will ease the passion for that morsel of sweet. Those buffets and/or parties that offer waistline-dangerous foods offer good stuff too. The nutritionists say to choose foods with lots of color, which always include vegetables and fruits. Avoid those vegetables morphed into calorie-filled diet busters Each January, The Yoga School offers a with cheese, salt-laden canned soup, program “Yoga for Weight Loss” where fried onions and crème. Even those who everyone works a little harder to melt holiday pounds with cheer and good are not fond of sweet potatoes can love attitude. Check our website their high color, which promises healing antioxidants like beta-carotene — and the same for dark greens, as you readers Read testimonials from the many who are now trim and energized. know.

Accept All Compliments: This means receiving openly and willingly without conditions. Be genuinely appreciative. Life gives constantly; but only those who receive notice it. Make a goal of accepting . one compliment a day--really taking it in Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW is a without deflecting it in any way. In fact, counselor, author and educator. For thank people for what they do or say to counseling appointments, seminars, you. training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Count Your Blessings: Gratitude is the Programs call 913-322-5622. For more result of noticing what there is to receive information about Jude LaClaire or the and taking it in with appreciation. Think Kansas City Holistic Centre, go to about and write down at least five things that you are grateful for each day. ine yourself “in the experience of the

Drink, drink, drink but make it a club EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2011

Let’s Get Naked—by Heidi Alfrey An Evolving Woman


eady or not, The Naked Movement is here! I am thrilled to have the first Let's Get Naked column inside Evolving, because that is exactly what the "revealed" life requires one to do — EVOLVE. I am Rev. Heidi Alfrey, a Unity Minister and Empowerment Coach. My life is committed to stripping away limiting learned beliefs from religion, family, education and culture that block my natural joy and spiritual freedom. I am also committed to inviting others to play at that level of power, prosperity and purpose. This column will feature interviews with men and women who have removed the "hand-me-down clothing" of fear, doubt and worry and are courageously living the life they were born to live. Their stories are your stories, as genius is in every one of us… So if you want to unlock your imprisoned splendor, Let's Get Naked! I love asking people at the beginning of an interview, "So do you want to 'Get Naked'?" They often giggle, and then I ask them, "Are you willing to be Naked with your clothes ON?" and then they understand the importance of our conversation. Jill Dutton is one of those great souls; and, who could be more appropriate for the first "naked" interview than the same Jill, whom you all know and love as the publisher of this magazine? When I asked her at our first meeting how the magazine began, her eyes filled with tears (a sure sign of nakedness). Jill shares what a transformational journey Evolving has been for her. Here is her story… Jill is a born spiritual entrepreneur. She credits her adventurousness and risk-taking abilities to being exposed to a wide variety of activities as a young child, ranging from backpacking in Europe to watching live theatre in New York. From her mother she learned inspiration and from her dad, stability. No one ever tried to "contain" her. When she had a new idea, her mom would say, "That sounds great!" Later in her life, Mom would call and ask, "What's going on with you now, Jill?" — always curious, supportive and encouraging. Not surprising, when she went to study in higher education, she referred to herself as a "nontraditional student," taking English courses and greatly enjoying writing. She began working in the freelance arena, got married and life went along pretty well for Jill. It is so easy for life to feel "good enough", but our purpose is not to experience just "good" but "great" — to live the curriculum of our soul. (At this point, Jill was about to be invited to "get naked.") A turning point in 1990 would forever change the course of her life, as this was the year her father died. Jill was 26. Her father's passing left her stunned, "No one I knew well had ever died," Jill says. The sense of loss and confusion stopped her in her tracks — the most challenging part was the reali-

Jill learned two crucial lessons during this time of her life: you have to ask for help and allow people to celebrate who you are. One of those appreciative moments for Jill occurred after interviewing bestselling author Richard Bach. After receiving the copy of the magazine with the interview, he called and simply said, "I just want you to know you are wonderful," Jill breathed deeply and let it in.

Photo by: Penny Thieme ©2011

zation that she did not have a sense of spiritual connection — and that had to change. When the student is ready, the teacher appears... Into Jill's life came Karen Martin, a beloved counselor who made her transition back to Spirit last year. Karen was there at the perfect time and guided Jill into her own healing, inviting her to experience her grief and vulnerability. A powerful exercise that shifted Jill's perspective was a letter Karen asked her to write to her father…not avoiding, but, instead, tapping into the rawness of her experience. As she allowed herself to write and feel nakedly about what was there, anger at her dad passing before she'd said all she wanted to say, the sadness about his physical presence being gone. It became clear that these stories were hers, not his, and she was now responsible for peeling them off. With this new sense of freedom and insight…Jill was ready to PLAY BIG. Self-help books seemed to call to her; but with her new-found spiritual voracity, she found she would skim through them to find "the meat" rather than read the whole book. Then Divine Inspiration hit (you have to get naked first, you notice), the idea of publishing her own magazine with just the "spiritual facts" came to her. She had no idea "how" to create it…she just knew it was hers to do. We know from the Laws of Prosperity, the "how" is none of our business! Her mantra became, "I can do this!" In 1994, Evolving Woman was born. It was a time of believing in herself as she never had before. With few resources (that she knew of personally anyway) and living in an old historic home that was falling apart at the seams, she was not to be deterred. Jill poured her heart into the magazine and "learned as she went." When you boldly live your calling, everyone benefits. Jill received numerous comments over the six years she published Evolving Woman, from prison inmates to local women, stating the magazine was changing their lives.



In 2000, Jill knew this chapter of her life had come to a close and she was ready to explore freelance writing. With the enthusiasm and confidence of having done what she did not know "how" to do, life was truly an adventure. She wrote for the Kansas City Star and many other wonderful publications, loving the work and meeting fabulous people. Her book, The Joyous Journey: Living Life on Purpose, with Purpose, was published in 2008. Jill is committed to listening when Spirit calls. In late 2008/early 2009, the stirrings began and in March 2009 a new magazine emerged…Evolving: a magazine for men AND women! It has become a source for souls to gather and evolve together — whether it is the artists featured on the cover, the local writers or the loyal readers. We are always all creatively expressing, growing spiritually, ALWAYS evolving and I'd say...Getting Naked! Jill, thank you for revealing yourself to me and all of us who benefit by you following your passion and listening to your "inner knowing" rather than your "outer conditioning." When one person lets their Light shine, we all see better…Rock on, Jill! Thanks for reading, you Evolving Souls, … and one thing is for sure in upcoming interviews…more will be revealed!!!!

Heidi Alrey holds a Masters degree in Counseling and is a Unity minister, serving as one of the ministers at Unity Temple on the Plaza. She has a spiritual counseling practice and teaches many lively classes that remind men and women "who they are" and the "power within." Tune into her outrageously transformational online radio show at on Mondays at 3:00 p.m. CST or anytime in the archives. She travels nationwide, presenting authentic living playshops, with the title, "What if you knew you had Nothing to Hide? Find Heidi on her website

December 2011

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The Struan Center, LLC 4044 Central Street, KCMO 64111 816.960.4525

Are You Eating Beyond Organic? Beyond Organic Tasting Party hosted by Jill Dutton, publisher of Evolving. The Party will be held in Shawnee, KS at 6:30pm on January 12. Please RSVP to or 913-944-1298. View the products online at or contact Jill for information on how to host your own Beyond Organic Tasting Party.

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The Writer’s Edge Take your writing career to the next level with EVOLVING Publisher, Jill Dutton. As your writing coach, Jill can help you set goals, stay on track, break into freelancing and provide editing/critiquing of work. Contact Jill for rates and information:



December 2011

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Evolving is seeking a commissioned sales representative for the Kansas City Metro. Contact jill@ for more information.

Eating Well in Kansas City Weight Loss Competition! We Challenge You to Become One of “The Biggest Losers” of Johnson County! 12 Week Program $29 Entry Fee (majority of this fee is awarded to winners) Free Personal Coaching Free Nutritional Information Free Metabolism Test and body scan Prize $$ Awarded to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place and a bonus 4th place winner! Cash prizes will be awarded to the participants who have lost the biggest percentage of weight.

COMPETITION LOCATION Midwest Nutrition, 11836 Quivira Rd. Overland Park, KS 66210

Monday, January 2 - 6:15pm, Wednesday, January 4 - 6:15pm or Saturday, January 7 - 10:00am

Call to Pre-Register for Contest: (913) 814-7532 and please mention seeing it in

*Since success is so high in these competitions – seats fill up FAST – call to save your spot.

The 12-week program advises proper nutrition, food choices, and encourages exercise. Each person will receive personalized weekly, one-on-one coaching. The cost is $29 for the 12 week program. All money will be paid out in cash and prizes to the top three participants that have lost the biggest percentage of weight in the 12 weeks. Each week participants will weigh-in and consult with the coaches, who will help you along the way, offering various options to help reach your ideal weight and body composition. The program encourages participants to eat a healthy level of protein and calories each day and teaches the benefits of good nutrition and exercise. Our April challenge saw our participants lose almost 1500 lbs and we paid out over $3,600 in winnings!

The participants shown all lost their weight with the help of local Weight Loss Competitions. In total, they were able to lose 916 pounds!

Food Conscious—by Bethany Klug, D.O. Soy: Enjoy or Avoid? Most soy consumed in the US is in the form of soy derivatives, such as soy protein isolates and texturized vegetable protein. This is no different that eating white flour or high fructose corn syrup.

Is soy okay to eat?” This is one of the most common questions patients ask me. Soy is widely promoted and widely damned. So what’s the story? Here’s what I’ve concluded: Most soy sold in the US is genetically modified (GM). The European Union does not permit GM foods to be grown or sold in their countries because studies showed damage in most every organ in animals fed GM foods. The longest human studies of the effect of GM foods lasted only 90 days and were performed by the GM industry. The industry has fought scientists wanting to conduct longer-term independent studies. The ones that have been done have not been favorable. The most common GM foods are soy, corn, Hawaiian papaya, sugar cane, sugar beets, wheat, rice and milk containing recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). GM foods are not labeled in the United States, so if it’s not organic, consider it GM. Yet organic is not a fail-safe. Eating organic will lower but may not eliminate your exposure to GM foods as GM seeds easily spread by wind and wildlife. Most soy consumed in the US is in the form of soy derivatives, such as soy protein isolates and texturized vegetable protein. This is no different that eating white flour or high fructose corn syrup. These soy derivatives are everywhere in packaged, processed and fast foods. Many vegetarians replace meat with soy derivatives such as veggie burgers, sausages and protein powders. Case reports exist of hormone imbalances in people whose primary protein source is processed soy. Some raise concerns about antinutrients in soy which block the absorption of minerals and other nutrients. Some say this does not appear to be a problem in a diverse minimally processed diet. If this truly is an issue, Asian cultures have gotten around this by eating fermented soy which reduces these anti-nutients. Examples of fermented soy include miso, tempeh, nama shoyu, a fermented soy sauce,



December 2011

and natto. Sea vegetables and sea creatures are a mineral rich part of the traditional Asian diet which would provide additional minerals over and above those blocked by soy. What about hormones in soy? The estrogen-like compounds called isoflavones in soy are weak. As part of a diverse, minimally processed diet, this does not appear to be a concern. Asian cultures have been eating soy for millennia without feminization of their men. Weak estrogens from plants appear to block stronger estrogens providing an anti-cancer effect. Soy clearly has elements of pharmaceutical interest such as isoflavones. Can we get these from eating soy foods? It depends. These isoflavones are available from tempeh, a fermented soy product, not from texturized vegetable protein, and to a small degree from soy milk. So what is the best way to enjoy soy? As part of a diverse, minimallyprocessed diet, favoring fermented soy such as miso, tempeh, nama shoyu and natto, and avoiding soy derivatives. Eat only organic soy.

Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and

Eating Well in Kansas City In the Kitchen with Bonnie—by Bonnie Rabicoff An Introduction


am pleased to become a contributing writer for Eating Well in Kansas City, and would like to introduce myself to you. I am the producer and host of “In the Kitchen with Bonnie.” “In the Kitchen with Bonnie” premiered June 2010 and is produced each week in the kitchen of Kansas City’s many celebrated chefs. Its purpose is to highlight food products, preparation, presentation, beverage pairings and a behind-the-scenes chat with the chef. We have expanded the program format to include other products and topics of interest to foodies (organic wines, the field-to-fork process – food prepared directly from the harvest in the garden and a “Cooking with Kids” feature to address child obesity). Our “foodie” series can be seen on Educational TV Channels in the Kansas City metro area and at Please check the website for a schedule of show times. The entire series is available on the “Show Archive” page at “In the Kitchen with Bonnie” can also be heard during a onehour broadcast on Radio Bach Saturday mornings at 9:00 a.m. (1660 am, 96.5 FM in HD and streaming on the web at and again on Sunday evenings on KMBZ at 7:00 p.m. (NewsRadio 98.1 FM KMBZ, NewsRadio 980 AM, and streaming on the web at This month I will be “In the Kitchen” at Piropos (discovering the tastes of Argentina), Rozzelle Court (creating art on the plate at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art) and Blanc Burgers + Bottles (with a look at their efforts to locally-source food products). We will offer two special features in December, as well. The first is “At Home for the Holidays.” I invite our audiences into my home to help prepare for holiday entertaining. My mother (Ida Mour) joins me to share one of our traditional foods for the season, potato pancakes (latkes). Our other feature is “Cooking with Kids.” In this feature, Executive Chef Charles d’Ablaing (Chaz – The Raphael Hotel) teaches kids how to prepare healthy snacks.

Quinoa with Garlic, Shallots, Butternut Squash, Haricot Verts, Brussels Sprouts and Dried Cherries topped with Crisp Arugula and Shaved Parmesan

GrassFed, GreenFed, Probiotics! Creating a HIGHER Standard Than USDA Organic!

As seen on “In the Kitchen with Bonnie” Prepared by Executive Chef Stephanie Dumler (The Westside Local) Ingredients: ½ t. minced garlic ½ t. minced shallots ¼ c. thyme roasted butternut squash 2 T. chopped haricot verts 4 each Brussels sprouts, halved and roasted 1 T. chopped dried cherries ¼ c. white wine 1 c. cooked quinoa ½ c. vegetable stock Salt and pepper Pinch of shaved Parmesan Pinch of crisp arugula Cooking Quinoa: Rinse 1 cup quinoa thoroughly under cold running water in a chinois (a fine mesh cone strainer); drain. Place in a saucepot and add in 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer 15 minutes. The grain will have “popped” and look curled. Lay out on a sheet pan to cool for service.

Bonnie Rabicoff, Produ cer & Host of “In Th e Kitch en with Bonnie”, p reviously s erved as the Vice President of Dev elo pment and C ommunity Partnershi ps fo r KCPT Public Tel evision for 11 years. Fri ends, dinner guest s and viewers t ol d her she shoul d “do ” a cooking sh ow. It is with this encourag ement and the supp ort of Entercom Radio “In th e Kitch en” was creat ed. Visit for a schedule of sho w times .

Preparing the Dish: Heat a medium sized sauté skillet. Add in canola oil, then add in the garlic and shallots; sauté lightly. Add in the squash, haricot verts, Brussels sprouts and dried cherries; sauté over medium high heat until vegetables are heated through. Deglaze with white wine, reduce by half. Place quinoa in the skillet, toss everything together. Add in vegetable stock and sauté until nearly all liquid has evaporated. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour quinoa into a bowl and garnish with Parmesan and arugula.



Beyond Organic is the most exciting new company to hit the U.S. in YEARS, and the plant is right here in Kansas City – with the farm nearby in Southern Missouri! Jordan Rubin, founder and CEO of Garden of Life, launched Beyond Organic Nov. 1! Beyond Organic produces the BEST food in the world! There is not another option to buy food of this quality, anywhere! Beyond Organic will NOT be available in stores — you HAVE to order online — delivered FRESH and direct from his farm to YOUR door. And, if you live in KC, you have the option to pick it up. You can order right from our website

Shop now at or contact Jill Dutton, or 913-944-1298, for more info or to host a Beyond Organic tasting party in your home.

December 2011

Eating Well in Kansas City Feature—by Aaron Lerner Drugs Treat, Food Heals


was 9-years-old when I was diagnosed with severe plaque psoriasis. For those unfamiliar, psoriasis is an auto-immune disease that manifests itself in the form of red and white hues of scaly patches appearing on the top first layer of the epidermis (skin). The disorder is a chronic recurring condition that is not fully understood, and can vary in severity from minor, localized patches to complete body coverage. By the time I reached high school in 1993, I had undergone every treatment and taken every drug that was in existence at the time, including systemic ones that were harsh and reserved only for the most severe cases. Because of the toxicity of the medications, I was required to have regular blood and liverfunction tests. This seemed a small price to pay for getting even some relief from the embarrassing and unsightly lesions that would cover 50 to 60 percent of my skin's surface area without the drugs. As long as I took the medications, my skin would improve, and I would ask no questions. Never would I say that I was totally symptom-free, but it was no longer the first thing people noticed upon meeting me. By 2008, I was using the most recent in my growing list of drugs, an immunosuppressant that came in the form of

Fibromyalgia, reduced sex drive, wrinkling skin and a host of other conditions and diseases are all symptoms of oxidative stress and cellular damage; and, there aren't any medications that can "fix" these problems. four injections — one per week — and carried a price tag of $1,200 a month. This created a dilemma for me financially. I had recently lost the health insurance that I had grown dependent upon, and I didn't know how I would be able to continue treatment without it. I couldn't have known at the time, but a soon-to-be confluence of perceptionchanging events (my perceptions) would soon take place and totally reshape the way I looked at food as medicine, and the way I understood the idea of treatment coming from outside the body, and true healing coming from within. In short, from that time forward I would no longer need the drug that had me choosing between paying my bills and NOT having skin that was more reptile-like than human. It has been nearly four years since I have last used a pharmaceutical, or doctor-prescribed, side-effect-laden treatment of any kind for my skin. That said,

Eating well with olive oil! Sample before you buy over 20 fresh oils… unflavored, fused and infused. Over 25 balsamic vinegars, olives, pastas, sea salts, gourmet oils, sauces, books & more are also at the store. 7945 Santa Fe OPKS ~ 913.649.7900 ~

Harness the Purifying Power of Ayurveda—Chopra Center Endorsed. 3-step purify program provides all natural detox system. Jan Kelly, OTR/LMT 913-706-2284

Showcase your food-related product or service in the Eating Well KC Directory. Include photo or logo and up to 40 words of text. Will be edited to fit. Due by the 15th of the month. $75 for three months, $120 for six months or $180 for a full year—or 1/2 price with a current display ad. Must be prepaid. Contact

I do not consider myself to be “cured.” I believe that I will always be susceptible to the same triggers that affected me before, and have the same pre-disposed potential for symptoms to flare up — and remiss — in direct correlation with my daily decisions and various environmental factors. This article is not about me, though. It's not about what you should eat, and it's not geared toward people with psoriasis alone. In my work as a health and fitness coach, I meet people every day who reluctantly wear labels. Often, they were given these labels by medical doctors; and, sometimes there are those who simply "read it on the internet," and stamp themselves using their own negative-labeling strategy. Like psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia are two examples of incredibly common conditions that people are typically not born with. Chronic fatigue can essentially be defined as a severe lack of energy, and fibromyalgia as moderate to severe chronic muscular pain. Once people become "diagnosed," the seemingly logical next step has become to immediately seek the correct medication to make the symptoms disappear, temporarily. Stop the medication, the symptoms inevitably return. Insert next/ newest drug for same condition here, and the carousel continues. What I am suggesting is for people to look at this with a slightly differently approach: If you are having trouble producing energy, for example, you are quite likely having a problem at the mitochondrial level. The sections of human cells known as mitochondria are the energy centers of the cells, and are therefore the energy centers of life. No energy, no life. If the wall or function of the mitochondria are damaged, energy suffers; and, what leads to a reduction in mitochondrial integrity is oxidative stress. Typically, the energy centers are already weakened by poor nutrition (more specifically, individual nutritional deficiencies); so much so, that by the time other toxins, stressors, processed foodstuffs, polluted air, water, etc. enters our bodies, the problem only becomes



December 2011

compounded. Obviously I am not a doctor, and the examples/descriptions given above are grossly simplified. There is incredible research however, backed by my own personal results and experiences, to demonstrate that specific types of exercises and foods can rebuild the mitochondria in our cells. Fibromyalgia, reduced sex drive, wrinkling skin and a host of other conditions and diseases are all symptoms of oxidative stress and cellular damage; and, there aren't any medications that can "fix" these problems. While I do not mean to imply that any of the above symptoms are not real, I do believe that the mistake is in stopping at the diagnoses, and turning towards managing the condition through medical and pharmaceutical interventions. We seem to have entered into a world where symptoms are given names and too easily accepted as diseases. Working to erase those labels is a journey that requires research, introspection and openmindedness. A headache is not a disease, rather a symptom; so too, is low libido, impotence and chronic fatigue. I have seen too many people find relief, and sometimes completely and permanently reverse symptoms through dietary and lifestyle adjustments — to think that it is impossible for others not to experience the same at some level. If we clean up our internal and external environments, the human body can very often have an amazing ability to regenerate and heal itself in ways that are beyond explanation. Nobody argues with the fact that our body will heal itself after getting a cut or breaking a bone. Based on that reasoning alone, why shouldn't we believe that our bodies are equipped with an eternal wisdom that is capable of healing itself on a much broader scale?

Aaron Lerner is a Lifestyle Coach and Performance Specialist with National Academy of Sports Medicine. Contact Aaron at 816-309-7047,

Eating Well in Kansas City Feature—by Sherree Ross Ahhh… Blissful, Euphoric Chocolate


ars, cookies, cakes, candy bars, milk, covered raisins, nuts, pretzels, syrup, ice cream, milkshakes, fountains, fondues, martinis, icing, mocha, mole’, white, dark, semi-sweet, beans, nibs, raw… Theobroma Cacao, known as, "Food of the Gods"… C - H - O - C - O - L - A - T - E . The aroma, taste, and texture of chocolate seductively draws in lovers. It calms, it comforts, it intoxicates, it entices and it lures... You either crave and love it or are ambivalent to it. Americans consume upwards of 12 pounds per person per year. During the winter holidays and at Valentines Day, chocolate consumption rises. There is much controversy over the health benefits of chocolate. The part to note is the type of chocolate, how minimally it has been processed, and how little dairy and sugar have been added to it. (Milk and sugar block the antioxidant absorption). Studies conducted show raw chocolate and dark chocolate have more antioxidants and help prevent stoke and heart issues. Antioxidants help protect the body from free radicals, which can damage the cells and cause aging. The ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) score value measures the antioxidant level of foods. Raw cacao powder or raw chocolate, with no other ingredients and not heated, tops this list. ORAC scores for the Top 10 Antioxidants Foods (per 100 grams) 1) Raw cocoa powder* 95,500 2) Raw cacao nibs* 62,100 3) Roasted cocoa powder 26,000 4) Organic Goji Berries* 25,300 5) Acai Berries* 18,500 6) Dark Chocolate 13,120 7) Milk Chocolate 6,740 8) Prunes 5,770 9) Raisins 2,830 10) Blueberries 2,400 Source: US department of Agriculture/Journal of American Chemical Society *Brunswick Laboratories MA, USA Chocolate is the highest food source of the mineral magnesium. Some statistics indicate 70-80 percent of Americans are magnesium deficient due to over use of alcohol, caffeine, phosphoric acid in soda, stress and some drugs. Magnesium helps blood flow and circulation, as well as lessens blood coagulation to help lower blood pressure, and in turn, easing the load on the heart muscle. It promotes strong bones, increases flexibility, calms and relaxes muscles, helps balance hormones and helps the brain function properly. Is it any wonder that giving chocolate to a loved one is so popular? Chocolate contains a caffeine-like substance called theobromine. Theobromine is a cardio stimulant and helps relax smooth muscle. Dogs and cats do not have the enzymes necessary to metabolize theobromine which is why chocolate is so dangerous to our furry friends.

Ever wonder why chocolate has come to be known as the "love" food? It contains phenylethylamine (PEA), the love chemical and anandamide, the bliss chemical. PEA is an adrenal related chemical released when we are in love. It helps drive away depression and create feelings of exhilaration and joy by being absorbed instead of dopamine. Anandamide is an edogenous cannabinoid receptor. It makes us feel good. Cacao also contains anandamide inhibitors; these inhibitors slow down the metabolization of anandamide, so we feel better longer. Note to self: eat more raw truffles… feel happy longer! Chocolate also contains tryptophan; you know, the same chemical found in your thanksgiving turkey, the one that makes you happy and sleepy. Tryptophan combines with other nutrients and vitamins in the body to help produce the mood-enhancing neurotransmitter, serotonin, as well as the neurotransmitter, melatonin, which helps us sleep. So where does cacao (pronounced ka-cow) come from? Cacao, consumed by many ancient cultures, is reported to be 5,000 to 15,000 years old. It comes from a jungle tree that can grow up to sixty feet in the wild. The cultivated tree usually grows fifteen to twenty-five feet and is a very delicate plant that must be shaded from wind and excessive sun. It takes five years for the fruit to mature. Due to the frailness of the tree, the pods must be handpicked using extension tools for the higher pods. The pods are cracked open using machetes. Inside is the fruit — the luscious treasure — the cacao bean. The cacao bean, also referred to as cacao seeds, cacao nuts, chocolate seeds, chocolate beans, or cacao nibs, is actually a nut. Each pod averages twenty to fifty beans. The air changes the beans from a cream color to lavender. The beans are piled in heaps and covered for three to ten days, which ferments them and removes a lot of the bitterness. The beans are then sundried in low moisture areas or dried by indoor heat pipes. As the beans dry, they lose about half their original weight. It takes about 400 beans to make one pound of chocolate. So how did chocolate get the name, “Food of the Gods?” In 1753, Carl von Linnaeus, the Swede who developed the plant and animal Latin categorization system, did not like the name cocoa so he renamed the



chocolate tree “Theobroma cacao,” which literally translates to “Cacao, the Food of the Gods.” This amazing food has been used for shamanic rituals, as currency, as medicine, as an aphrodisiac and in preparations to soothe chapped dry skin and lips. Over the years, the fascination with chocolate has produced many new processing methods. The Mayans and Aztecs heated the chocolate and made a hot frothy drink mixed with spices. In 1528, Cortes took beans back to Spain where the chocolate drink was reserved for the nobility for over a century. The fame of this drink eventually helped spread it to other countries. By the 1700’s, chocolate houses, like coffee houses, flourished. In 1765, the first chocolate factory opened in Massachusetts. In 1795, Dr. Joseph Fry of England invented a steam engine to grind the cacao beans and led to the mass production of chocolate. In 1819, François Louis Callier pioneered the Swiss version of chocolate making. In 1828, Conrad Van Houten patented his "Dutching" process, which added alkaline salts to the powdered cacao so it mixed better with water. In 1879, "conching," a process that produced a more smooth and creamy chocolate that melted on the tongue, was invented by Rodolphe Lindt of Berne, Switzerland. So what is the best way to enjoy chocolate? Chocolate was originally eaten raw. Raw cacao is still the healthiest way to consume this food of the gods. Once the chocolate is heated over 42 degrees, it starts losing nutrients. The raw chocolate is more "chocolaty" so it usually takes less to satisfy a chocolate craving. High quality dark chocolate contains at least 70 percent cocoa solids and still contains vitamins A, B1, C, and E. Making your own chocolate treats allows you to control the ingredients, avoid allergens like nuts and dairy, use healthier fats and far less sweetener. What better activity can you think of than to make a healthy creamy chocolate treat on a blustery fall or winter afternoon? Here’s to finding your Chocolate Bliss! “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....chocolate....” Homer Simpson, 2000 Sherree Ross, HHC, AADP, EFT-ADV, foodmood expert and founder of Whole Body, Whole Food, Whole Health, is a board certified Holistic Health Coach, Reiki Seichim and Karuna® Reiki Master/Teacher, EFT-ADV Practitioner, trained herbalist and ordained minister. An alternative healer and intuitive for 20 years, Sherree utilizes personalized individual coaching programs, group coaching programs, corporate wellness consulting, phone consultations, group seminars/workshops, and cooking classes to guide individuals and/or groups through their own growth and healing process to whole body wellness by understanding how their food and lifestyle choices effect mood, relationships, career, physical activity, and spirituality. Contact Sherree at or

December 2011

Holiday Gift Guide Unique, non-traditional and inspirational gift ideas

Bliss Vibrational Healing ~ Ricky Yutuc Vibrational Healing w/Didgeridoo, Flute, Tuning Forks ~ Etheric Surgery When the cellular memory of love is reactivated, nothing (physical, emotional, or ethereal) can be off balance. Normally in only 2 sessions, I empower you to Vibrational release from your HEART, not from your brain. Healing & •

Spirituality does not have to be hard work. All you need is love! 913.522.1028 ~ Crystal healing ~ Reiki ~ paranormal kid mentoring

Chakra Clearing Group Rate, with this ad: $20/person suggested Minimum of 3 persons

Aquarius | 3936 Broadway, KCMO | 816.931.6303 Come to Aquarius for gifts of purpose and lasting value. We have the extraordinary and hard-to-find item that gives you pleasure to give, plus long-lasting pleasure for the recipient. We honor and support all paths and our goal is to help you find exactly the right item. We support local artists and stock fair trade clothing. This is your source for meditation pillows, singing bowls (both Tibetan and crystal), incense, oils and candles, books, calendars, sacred objects of all sorts, and some things just for fun, along with a huge new supply of stones and crystals.

to explore our full list of massage and bodywork services, jewelry and artwork this holiday season. We offer a unique line of customized gifts ranging from Astrological bracelets, healing gemstone jewelry and inspirational artwork. Don't forget you can purchase gift certificates for massage, cranio sacral therapy, Astrological yearly forecasts, tarot readings and much more. What sets us apart from other business's is the full integration process Tammy and Sheri do with each client ~ working with your entire body, mind and spirit. We carefully blend and meld from the various services we provide to truly cater to what you as a client need. Visit our website for a full list of products and services. Our Holiday Sale is Saturday, Dec. 4th from 10am-6pm!!

Arbor Creek Animal Hospital Mike Tarrant, DVM, CVA Steffany Barton, RN | Angel Intuitive, | 913.764/9000 Psychic Medium Treat your pets to the gift of health and a | Facebook/Angels longer pain-free life! Acupuncture and therInsight | 913.451.4567 apy laser treatments can ease pain, as well as New books! WonderWings: introduction to help the body heal from a variety of ailments. We offer Chinese herbal therapy, acupunc- nine of the archangels. Angels Insight: inspirational quotes from Steffany's original Faceture and therapy laser treatments, as well as traditional veterinary services. If you are look- book posts. New 21-day course: “Awaken to Your Amazing Angels”—open and ongoing ing for options and an open- minded apenrollment on— proach to Veterinary care, please give us a videos, audio instructions, guided meditacall! Gift certificates available! We are located tions. Other stocking stuffers: meditation CDs, at 159th and Murlen in Olathe. angel readings, past life regression. Steffany’s educational CDs are especially unique. ReinDino Athan carnation provides research into the life cycle Vibrational Attunement CDs & of our soul and a guided past life regression. Chakra Balancing GOT AFTERLIFE? reveals what happens to the | 913.491.4989 soul at death and covers such controversial Need to lose weight? High blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, low thyroid? Stomach, topics as suicide, abortion, murder, and predestiny versus free will. intestinal or colon issues? Chronic illness? Sounds that vibrate at the same frequency of Daniel Baxley | Shamanic Pathways our internal organs and chakras facilitate healing. How effortless (and economical) to | 816.769.7343 lie down with a CD: Weight Loss / Blood Pres- Shamanic Counseling and Healing deals with sure, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Thyroid / Stom- the spiritual aspects of health and disease. By working with the underlying spiritual condiach & Intestinal / Colon Health / Cell Regeneration / Meditation/ FREEDOM from Addic- tions surrounding individuals, transformation tions / Children’s De-Stress. See 12-1 and 12- can occur. This work calls forth the assistance of the seen and unseen realms to manifest 13 event listings for in-person! “In 3 ½ listens, wholeness within the individual. It is very my blood pressure dropped 20 points.”— effective for shifting conditions of addiction Matthew, Palm Springs, FL. and mental illness. I also offer Reiki, Attune“I’d been bloated for weeks and was preparing for a cleanse. Instead, I reclined with ment, Massage, CranialSacral, Soul Chi, Vision Dino’s Weight Loss CD and immediately felt Quests, Sweat Lodges, Spiritual Counseling my intestines gently moving, feeling lighter and an intensive Apprenticeship Program each minute. How easy is that?!”—Connie (beginning in January). Individual sessions, “Crash” Humiston, Shawnee, KS. workshops and community events are offered with humility and gratitude. Please visit At The Healing Place for more infor1539 Maple Woods Drive Liberty, MO mation. 816.415.2607 Tammy Barton and Sheri Woxland invite you



December 2011

Holiday Gift Guide Unique, non-traditional and inspirational gift ideas Bliss Vibrational Healing | Ricky Yutuc | 913.522.1028 Exercise, healthy diets, various modalities— they all have their place. Yet, changes are not enduring unless you love yourself—selfimprovement lies deep within your heart. I help to reactivate, then maintain, the cellular memory of love through vibrational healing, such as Didgeridoo, flute and tuning forks (balancing the hemispheres of the brain). I also deepen self-love by addressing physical, mental and spiritual issues through crystal healing, Reiki and intuitive counseling—two sessions are normally sufficient. Discounted group rates (holiday parties!) and gift certificates available! I also offer paranormal children mentoring, space clearing, sacred relationship/tantra coaching, and handcrafted bamboo flutes for meditation at reasonable prices—groovin’ gifts!

Diane Davis Reed | Pathfinders Consulting 816-741-0820 Celebrate the abundance in your life with a gift for yourself or for someone you love. Gift cards are available. Diane provides Shamanic guidance: Awareness of your heart’s deepest desires Activate your most powerful gifts Focus your intentions for 2012 Create a template for manifesting these in the world As a Shamanic Counselor with 20 years of experience, Diane deeply trusts the transformative power of life transitions. Her healing gifts arise from love, compassion, insight and trust in the inner wisdom of each person. She is professionally trained in Psychosynthesis and shamanically apprenticed by don Oscar Miro-Quesada in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition.

Sally L. Ford, MBA Personal Life Coach, Author, Spiritual Teacher | Paul and Catherine Clark New Book Now Available! Spiritual Teachers | Hands on Energy My Life Beautiful, A Woman’s Guide To HavWorkers ing It All, Ten Steps To Success, a step-by-step “Live As a Golden Age Man and Woman” process for making your dreams come true Would you like to improve every relationusing the Law of Attraction: "Sally, your eship you are a part of? Gift yourself or those book was one of the BEST things I've ever you love with a 2-1/2 day workshop Jan. 20 – read. I'm keeping it right by my bed!"—Liz. A 22. Paul and Catherine Clark teach you to wonderful gift for women of all ages, availcommunicate from a place of love and understanding with interactive exercises that able on my website and at Save money with an early sign up for my 8-week can be equally effective with or without a teleseminar series, “10 Steps To Success,” partner. Great for couples or individuals to learn to “Walk the Earth as a Living Master,” starting early 2012. Receive a free 30-minute personal coaching session: Sallybringing your relationships to a level most have only dreamed existed. For details call: 913-631-3089 or 913-221-5924, or e-mail: Gardens of Delight | Lynn Johnson Soulier The Center for Natural Healing Core Star Energy Healing School | 816-584-0777 This is the Center where you’ll begin to treat your body, mind and spirit naturally and John Hoefer gently. Explore Yoga, therapies, and herbal Core Star Energy Healing offers both individproducts derived from nature. Grow your ual sessions of hands on energy healing and organic foods and herbs with us, in your famclasses to teach these healing methods. Energy healing is effective in providing deep ily’s garden plot. Gently relax into a restorarelaxation and relief from physical and emo- tive Yoga class or meet other new moms in a tional stress, more rapid healing from illness, pre-natal Yoga class. Perhaps you’d like to try injury and surgery. We have also been sucEnergy Healing and aromatherapy together in your next healing session? Join us monthly cessfully assisting cancer patients move for our Herbal Study Group and learn the through their conventional chemotherapy, systems of the body and the supporting radiation treatments and surgeries with less herbal allies. distress and faster recovery since 2005 through our affiliate the Kansas City Healing Karen K. Harrison | Whole Life Center Project. | 816-523-4440 Give yourself the gift of letting yourself move through life with greater ease and less Gift your beloved with a session of Tantra coaching for $80 an hour to enhance your anxiety as you let go of the stresses that hold intimacy and bring spirituality into your sexuyou back. ality. Consider sex coaching for trying new

The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Cross Cultural Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal With Daniel Baxley A two-year, five part weekend intensive apprenticeship program that is a heartfelt initiation into the healing power of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition as originated by don Oscar Miro –Quesada – and with contemporary relevance for Personal and Planetary Transformation. Weekend 1: January 6,7,8 2012 The Call to Heal (Releasing the Past) Weekend 2: April 27,28,29 2012 A Balance of Power ( Transforming the Present) Weekend 3: October 12,13,14 2012 The Condors Quest (Creating the Future) Weekend 4: Mar. 22,23,24 2013 The Hummingbirds Ascent (Living the Mystery) Weekend 5: August 23,24,25 2013 Our Shamanic Self ( Serving the Earth) Friday 7-10 PM –Saturday 10 AM - 10 PM Sunday 10AM – 4 PM

Tuition : $250 per weekend paid in advance of each weekend. Register early as class size is limited and early sign ups will receive priority.

These weekends of re – membering of our common destiny will be held at Daniel and Karrie Marie Baxley’s sacred White Deer Lodge on many beautiful acres of woods, trails, creeks, and ponds near Gardner, Kansas Daniel Baxley is a Master Ceremonialist, Teacher and Healer. He is a long time student of don Oscar Miro Quesada and one of 26 stellar teachers from around the world trained and endorsed to teach this tradition. He brings his gentleness and open heart to all he touches to open up sacred space and open up one’s own door to healing.

For more information or to register contact Daniel at: Or call 816-769-7343 Visit us online at

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200 CARDS OF WISDOM, INSPIRATION, AND BEAUTY TO NURTURE THE SOUL Quotes from 100+ philosophers, poets, sages, gurus, visionaries and leaders


▪ Gain insight & promote discussions ▪ Excellent for couples or families ▪ Start the day with inspiring thoughts, end the day with something to ponder

Available for Purchase at Unity of Overland Park Bookstore & or 913.579.8526 Brad Nowlin is co-creator of the Life Wisdom Cards and is a Licensed Clinical & Marriage Family Therapist. 13

December 2011

intimate things that are sure to spice up your relationship, learn what women want, and lots more. A Reiki session for $65 an hour can help your loved one to relax and unwind. Gift something that gives back through a Reiki I class so that your loved one can give themselves Reiki and give you Reiki too! For more info, see my website. HeartSong Bodywork 1810 Summit, Suite 102 KCMO 64108 816-686-7555 ALLEVIATE THE STRESS OF THE HOLIDAYS!! Pamper yourself or someone you love with a relaxing Massage or a Paradise Foot Treatment using essential oils and hot towels. GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE. $10 off: Paradise Foot Treatment, Paradise Back Treatment, or Foot Reflexology Massage through January 2012. Karen Elise 913-636-9502 | This year give a one-of-a-kind, personalized gift to be remembered all year. Purchase a holiday gift certificate from Karen Elise for an intuitive, tarot or Akashic reading in person or by phone. Planning a holiday event? Have a psychic entertain your guests. It is a fun and unique experience. They will love it!!

Holiday Gift Guide Unique, non-traditional and inspirational gift ideas Vasavi Kumar | Coaching | 913.951.1764 What better gift than an investment in yourself, loved ones and/or employees? I offer coaching for individuals, organizations, executives and women, as well as customized workshops and speaking engagements. Specializing in life transformation and performance coaching, I trust that YOU and only you have the answers for your life and career. I am absolutely passionate about and committed to supporting those who are craving a breakthrough in their lives, and who want to explore their lives in a deeper way to create a lasting shift. Complimentary individual 30-minute coaching session, or a 1-hour business strategy session. See ad for Jan. 28 workshop! Garland Landrith, Ph.D. | “Tap Into Bliss” DVD | 913.307.2018 Tap Into Bliss, a DVD from Dr. Landrith, a

Quantum Field Psychologist cited in What the Bleep, teaches unique Finger Tapping on Acupuncture Points (EFT) to release those pesky blocks to Manifesting Your Dreams. Dr. Landrith has taught more than 15,000 people to supercharge their positive thoughts to enhance intentions. Learn how to get a natural high, fall and stay asleep, get in the zone, or get a job, enhance public speaking, reduce junk rood cravings, or even hit a golf ball straight! With step-by-step demonstrations on using Tapping with Positive Affirmations, Prayers and Songs (from well-known artists), Tap Into Bliss is a lifechanging holiday gift at $25! Life Wisdom Cards | Brad Nowlin, LCMFT | 913.579.8526 Imagine a gift that keeps giving insights over 200 times a year. Multiply those insights with friends and family and 2011 will be a wonderful year. Life’s Wisdom Cards are a

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December 2011

unique gift that can be treasured all year long. Brad Nowlin, an Overland Park Marriage and Family Therapist, and Brad VanAuken, a business consultant, decided to get together with 200 of their favorites in a deck called Life’s Wisdom Cards. Featuring five different images from Nicole Corea, the cards feature quotes from 100-plus philosophers, poets, sages, gurus, visionaries and leaders. Available at Unity Church of Overland Park bookstore and via e-mail: Kelly Murphy 913.634.7553 Kelly is a hypnotherapist and a holistic nutrition coach. The colder months can often put more stress on our body and mind and you can use hypnotherapy to help you or loved one to: establish healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress; create a healthy outlook on life; quit smoking; lose weight and much more. Holistic nutrition may help with: weight loss; create healthier eating habits; improve sleep; feeling mentally and emotionally calm; improve energy; and more. Gift certificates are available and if you mention that you saw this in Evolving get 10% off until January.

Garland Landrith, Ph.D. Cited in What The Bleep Do We Know?

Holiday Gift Guide

and by Deepak Chopra, Neal Donald Walsh, Dr. Dean Radin...

His DVD “Tap Into Bliss” Will Teach You: to Transform your Life by increasing feel-good brain chemicals.

Unique, non-traditional and inspirational gift ideas Mystic Treasures |7711 N. Oak Trfwy, KCMO 816.420.0820 | Facebook/Mystic Treasures A well-balanced, inviting and quite sassy book and holistic goods shop in the Northland, Mystic Treasures was conceived by mother, Checita, and daughters Penny and Lea Anne; hence, the sassiness! The shop carries a nice selection of religious, inspirational and self-fulfillment new and used books, along with incense, sage, crystals, gemstone, essential oils, and other products to assist in balancing your environment and yourself. Step into the Mystic for a plethora of workshops and seminars, Reiki sessions, massage, viewing of local artists’ works, or to pick up the latest copy of Evolving.

certified organic botanical perfumes. The gentleman in your life would feel pampered by our certified organic shaving gel and after shave balm. Perfect gifts for the new mother are certified organic mother and baby products. Of course, anyone on your list would be delighted to receive a gift certificate to select from our entire product range of fabulous organic and natural products. Please contact Joanne for more ideas.

Buy at ~ 913-307-2018 Spiritual Life Coach ~ Nationwide Seminar Trainer on How to Manifest Your Dreams Over 15, 000 people have learned his unique techniques on this DVD Call To Release blocks to success with a Personal Consultation

Energy Healing School


Only Natural Organics | Joanne Rizer 913-709-4449 | Are you looking for something unique for the special people in your life this holiday season? For the lady on your list, consider a sample collection of six exquisite aromatic

Happy Holidays from the Staff of Evolving!

Plaza Wellspring 1900 W 47 Place, Suite 328, Westwood, KS | 913.432.6533 Plaza Wellspring is your neighborhood place to find excellent training in body/mind/spirit development. Join us for classes and workshops in Yoga, Pilates, GYROTONIC®, Meditation and Dance with a group of dedicated teachers who embody “compassion in action.” Wellness is your natural state. Strengthen and uplift the best parts of yourself and let that which no longer serves you fall away. We can help you become more

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December 2011

resilient and better able to manage the stress in your daily life. Find a workout that is just right for you, leaving you invigorated, peaceful and centered with a stronger mind and body! Power for a Lifetime | Judy Widener, MS, CLC | 816.616.2593 Discover Your Inner Life Coach! Judy has taught her holistic self-evolution strategies to 600 clients. In Power for a Lifetime, she shares the process for finding clarity, developing confidence and staying motivated as you grow. Most self-help books don’t give you a framework for changing your life. But Judy describes in detail what to do. Includes

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December 2011

Revelations—by Brenda Clevenger

Revelations—by Judith Widener

Minimalism for a Stress-Free Holiday

Find Your Personal Power


uick, what do you love about the holidays? I’m not a big holiday person but I do love watching “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” eating chocolatecovered cherries and opening sock gifts with my family. These are my favorite holiday things. The rest I pick and choose wisely. Chiseling away all the excess that you don’t enjoy and keeping the things you love is the minimalist approach to the holidays. It’s the path least followed because the majority of us succumb to the commercialized, artificially sweetened, justone-more version of the holidays. Just one more gift, just one more party, just one more family gathering, just one more batch of cookies, fudge, peanut brittle. Cramming just one more thing in doesn’t serve you or others in your life. It’s just a form of keeping up with the Joneses when the holidays should be about celebrating that one special thing in the few special ways that resonate with you and bring you joy. Stress is self inflicted. You get stressed when you overextend, overbook, overeat, over-drink, and overspend. You can feel stress-less when you do less, which is so simple – but, something that’s taken me until midlife to figure out. I used to live the holidays and life in black and white – all or nothing. I even flew to Rome one holiday for 15 days to avoid the whole darned thing. Fortunately, I’ve realized it doesn’t have to be all or nothing; it can be just as you please--all, nothing, or just right. Here are some of my favorite tips for minimizing the stress and being true to your health and happiness during the holidays. Make time for Yoga It’s the only exercise I know that can totally transform your mental and physical state in a single class. You can walk in feeling like a tight piano string and leave feeling like an al dente soba noodle. Take a Breath Deep inhalations slow you down

and center you. I recommend carrying either aromatherapy smelling salts or essential oils in your purse or car to sniff whenever you need a lift or to slow your thoughts down. Visualize the Calm If you carry a smart phone, download the De-Stress Brainwave iPhone app for under $5 that has 5-8 minute sight and sound-based meditations to do when visions of stress dance in your head. Give Sentimental Value If exchanging gifts is something you choose to do, give something that has emotional, sentimental, home-spun or from-the-heart meaning vs. designer, fight-for-it at Toys R Us, or otherwise supply-anddemand-imposed value. Don’t allow yourself, or your children, to be brainwashed by materialism – a minimalist wouldn’t. Consider forgoing television during the holidays as a commercialism cleanse. Go Back in Time Return to simpler times by watching a classic movie with a stellar message like Jimmy Stewart’s, It’s a Wonderful Life. If we only focus on ourselves or our ego, we forget we’re all connected — and it's that connection that is most important of all. So have yourself a minimally invasive, ultimately stressless, merry little holiday, doing the select few things that bring you and yours joy. B r e n d a Clevenger is a writer and publicist at Group Renaissance PR. She inspires women at her blog, Midlife Mona Lisa, where she encourages women to paint their best life on a new canvas. You can reach her at or 816-501-6042.


very day, you experience situations where you leak energy — and your power along with it. Just like a leaking bottle drips water, your energy leaks one drop at a time until you’re feeling empty, powerless and stressed out. Perhaps you feel your energy drain every Monday morning during your commute to the job you hate and feel trapped in. Or, do you feel a knot in your stomach at the thought of asking your partner for what you honestly need in your relationship? It’s not true that you can build up your power just once, then you’ll always feel powerful in all situations. But you can learn how to be as powerful as you can be in any moment, no matter what is happening or who you are with. So the big question is how to maintain your power consistently, moment by moment, in each situation every day. The first step is to understand how power works. The three fundamental truths about the nature of power are: Truth #1: How powerful (or powerless) you feel varies, depending on: • Who is with you • Where you are • Your past experiences For example, you’ll feel more powerful when you’re with a friend you’ve known for years than someone you’ve just met. And you’ll feel more powerful in your office than in the Oval Office. Truth #2: Power isn’t spread equally across all parts of your life. Instead, you’ll feel more powerful at home than at work, or vice versa. You’ll feel powerful today at home if you believe your beloved is trustworthy, respectful and loves you deeply. Conversely, you’ll feel less powerful when you go to work if you believe that your boss is too demanding and the work is unfulfilling. Truth #3: Your power doesn’t grow in a linear fashion; it goes up and down, based on the circumstances. For instance, you could be feeling strong and powerful until an accident lands you in a hospital bed for a week, followed by months of rehab. It’s hard to feel powerful when you’re dependent on others just to get dressed and your income is suspended. The next step in maintaining your power is to identify the requisite skills to being powerful on a moment-by-moment basis, which are: • Your level of awareness (how quickly you notice when your power is draining) • How well you assess your options • Choosing your response from a power-



December 2011

ful place Your ability to use these skills to respond powerfully in every situation depends on how much energy and desire you have in that moment. For instance, when you’re feeling perky, you have your best shot at stating your opinion, seeing all of your options, setting a boundary or getting what you need. However, there are times when you might not have the physical or mental capacity to communicate as clearly as you’d like to. Your energy and desire are affected by these physical and emotional factors: • Hunger • Physical fatigue • Mental fatigue • Emotional exhaustion If you’re hungry, tired or mentally shot, you’ll be less able to respond to a situation powerfully than when you’re rested, alert and have a full tummy. Pay attention to and heed the signals your body gives you about when you’re able to give your full energy to the situation at hand, and when you’re best served by minimal interaction. I’m stating the obvious here, but I see so many people ignoring their fatigue, and paying a huge price for it. Most of the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth that happens in relationships (at home and work) can be easily avoided when you don’t engage in a conversation that you can’t participate in fully and powerfully. I encourage you to be gentle with yourself. Give yourself a break when you’re bushed. Gracefully exit any conversation that pushes you past your limits. Remember, too, you can’t do this perfectly all the time. Give yourself and others space to be human, to grow and to learn. Judy Widener is a Certified Life Coach and author of Power For A Lifetime: Tools You Customize to Build Your Personal Power… Every Day of Your Life. Her passion is assisting her clients to discover what is most important to them, then to create more balance and fulfillment in their lives. Judy has coached more than 600 people over the past 12 years. Her website is www.

5 Tips for Staying Healthy This Holiday Season Dr. Julie Chen offers simple solutions for avoiding the winter flu.

T 1 2

here are several tips I pass along to my patients to help them stay healthy during the winter months. We all know that stress levels can increase during the holiday season. With the weather changing towards colder temperatures, how can we try to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy? Here are a few quick tips to keep your immune system healthily humming along this winter: Ask your doctor about getting your vitamin D level checked. If we are deficient in vitamin D, our immune system is less likely to be functioning at optimal levels to help us fight colds. Consider drinking warm green tea. The antioxidant flavonoids in green tea help us to strengthen our immune system and have some potential antiviral and anti-bacterial benefits as well.


As the weather gets colder, I know we like comfort foods to help keep us warm. Just make sure those comfort foods include a variety of vegetables in various colors. All the phytonutrients will help to support your immune functioning throughout this holiday season. So, think to eat vegetables and not the sweets and cookies. Foods high in sugar load (high in glycemic load) have been seen in studies to suppress immune functioning. So, say yes to vegetables and try to keep intake of sweets to a minimum.


Our bodies are essentially machines. And all machines need time to cool off and rest. So, make sure to get plenty of rest. I usually recommend my patients to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. While we sleep, our body recovers and regenerates. So, find time to rest and allow your body to recover from the daily hectic schedule of this holiday season.


Make it a priority to intentionally implement relaxation periods into every day. Studies show that stress suppresses immune functioning. So, if you want to have the health and energy to tackle all you need to do this winter season, make sure you take 5 minutes several times per day to de-stress. This way, your immune system can keep up with you and your schedule! With these tips, you should be able to enjoy a healthier winter with your family and loved ones!

Dr. Julie T. Chen, M.D. an integrative medicine physician who is boardcertified in internal medicine and is also fellowship-trained and boardcertified in integrative medicine. She has her own medical practice in San Jose, CA, is the medical director of corporation wellness at several Silicon Valley-based corporations, is on several medical expert panels of websites as well as non-profit organizations, is a recurring monthly columnist for several national magazines, and has been featured in radio, TV, newspaper, and magazine interviews. She incorporates many types of healing modalities into her practice including, but is not limited to, medical acupuncture, Chinese scalp acupuncture, clinical hypnotherapy, straincounterstrain osteopathic manipulations, and biofeedback. To learn more about Dr. Julie, you can check out her website at



December 2011

Eliminate Allergies By Betsy O’Neal, R.N.


t's difficult for me to believe that it will soon be forty years that I have been signing “RN” after my signature on medical charts. Those forty years have provided many experiences and opportunities to see changes in the medical field. Many commonly accepted medical practices in those initial years would be considered malpractice today. Does it make you wonder what practices in today's medical field will be considered malpractice in the next forty years? I have experienced a professional epiphany and have come to realize that the healthcare system does not necessarily facilitate good health. Unfortunately, the existing system functions as a disease management system where many times symptoms are alleviated; but, physiological causes are never addressed. There are trained physicians adhering to the standards of care they were taught; yet there seems to be a revolving door of patients who have a growing list of medications. The results are frustrating for both patients and practitioners. Another term used loosely in the medical community is health care team. As the patient, you are a member of the team. It benefits you to be more knowledgeable about your health conditions. Many accepted medical standards of care today fall short of having true therapeutic and restorative value. There are definite systemic problems; but, that should not undermine the professional's duty to do the job well or prevent openness to alternative/complementary options to care. With the technology available today, you have enormous amounts of information available to help you make informed decisions about your choices. Use it! Any doctor who encourages you otherwise is not the doctor for you. Choose your physician wisely! When our daughter had been diagnosed with severe, life-threatening asthma, my husband and I felt we had few choices in regards to her medical care. We saw pediatricians, allergists, and pulmonologists in consultation and it was a great concern when she obtained no relief from the traditional medical interventions. The massive dosages of steroids had greatly compromised her health and led us yet to another specialist, the endocrinologist. After extensive testing, we were told that she had no severe allergies but some mild sensitivities which were, “Certainly nothing that would be contributing to the severity of her condition.” Our concerns continued to grow as her

condition grew more ominous. I received a phone call from a concerned family friend, who happens to be a family practice doctor. He hesitantly suggested that we had other “alternatives” and told us about NAET. I started my journey into alternative/ complimentary medicine and did some research. I found that NAET—an acronym for Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Treatment, was a unique approach to treating allergies/ sensitivities and other chronic inflammatory conditions. I met with “Dr. David”. Dr. David Beaulieu, M.S., D.C. is the leading NAET Practitioner in the KS/MO area. He explained that the treatments are non-invasive and a drug free natural solution to eliminate allergies/ sensitivities of all types and intensities through the use of “energy balancing,” kinesiology and acupressure. Dr. David has been using NAET in conjunction with other modalities in his practice for over fifteen years. I was skeptical, to say the least, but desperation won out over skepticism. We proceeded with NAET and the treatments were nothing short of incredible. Following NAET, she has had no reoccurrence or treatment for asthma in ten years. No inhalers, no nebulizer, no medications, no trips to the hospital for asthma! I wondered, “If NAET can do this for asthma, what can it do for other chronic inflammatory diseases?” I was invited by Dr. David to learn more and began to “shadow” him in his office. For over a year I was observing, asking questions and satisfying my curiosity regarding the use and effectiveness of NAET. I even had NAET treatments myself and found that my health improved. No longer did I have those vague “I don’t feel good” complaints. I felt better than I had felt in twenty years. I began following the life-style instructions I heard him giving to patients. I’m now one of the few women my age I know who can say — “I am pharmaceutically FREE.” Because of the many positive patient outcomes I have observed with Dr. David, I made the decision to go to California to be trained in NAET and Advanced NAET with the founder, Dr. Devi Nambudripad. It has been the most satisfying experience of my nursing career to work with Dr. David in his practice and to assist in the treatment of patients with a wide gamut of inflammatory disease processes. Most of our patients, like my daughter, come to our office as an act of desperation when nothing else they have tried has brought any relief or improved the quality of life.



I’m now one of the few women my age I know who can say — “I am pharmaceutically FREE.”

If you wonder if you might benefit from NAET; if you just don’t feel as good as you think you should and don’t know why; if you have been told you have no allergies or sensitivities, but still have symptoms; if you are taking numerous prescription drugs and finding no relief from physical symptoms; consider the possibilities of NAET. Dr. David Beaulieu is available for free telephone consultations to discuss your health and nutritional concerns. You can view the web site at Be sure to read our “Patient Stories”, which are testimonies of how patients have been helped by NAET.

Call Dr. David to get your questions answered. As health professionals, our first and foremost thought is always—DO NO HARM. What do you stand to gain? You may contact “Dr. David” Beaulieu M.S., D.C. Tues, Wed, Thurs. 10am – Noon, Central Time 1-800-888-4866 or 816-753-4866 if calling from the Kansas City area.

December 2011

Spiritual Horoscope—by Aluna Michaels December 2011 Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Happy birthday Sagittarius! There’s a total eclipse this month affecting your relationships in a positive way. Meditate on what you’d like to change about how you connect with your spouse or partner. You can heal many subconscious problems that sabotage your ability to have smoothness in this area of life. If single, you can change your “vibe” so you attract better people. You’ll also be able to see self-esteem issues clearly and uproot them easily! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

This month’s eclipse will make you dig deep in your subconscious to see why you’re so mean to yourself. Meditate especially on eating issues, and on how you run yourself ragged. Make it a priority to have breaks in your day. Use loving affirmations. Release perfectionism and appreciate your strengths, so more of them can come forward! Deep breathing will also have profound antistress results. You deserve to treat yourself with gentleness!

If you’re feeling at all defensive in your marriage or partnership, please understand this month’s eclipse is releasing deep spiritual blocks. Your ego wants to protect itself, but your soul wants to trust and surrender. Relationships are a mirror of how you connect with the Universe. As you let go of this internal struggle, you’ll feel a deep peace and serenity – and your relationship will deepen. If single, you could attract a very high quality person who is ready to be your soul mate!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Aries (March 21 – April 19) The total eclipse this month is challenging your to see how you hold people at bay by seeming to have all the answers. Let yourself be vulnerable by admitting to yourself that you are scared to be hurt. There’s so much energy right now to go to a deeper level of intimacy and bonding in your closest relationships. Mediate to let your mind take a backseat to your heart and your emotions.

Not only is there a total eclipse this month, but Uranus is moving direct in your sign. This means you’ll have amazing revelations and insights about how to solve long-standing problems in your life. If you have an anxiety, sleep or anger issues, you’ll come across cutting edge information to correct the difficulty. You’ll also get information

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through meditation. Please act on the information so you can live in the change! These deep shifts will alter the way your feel about yourself, as well as the way people perceive you. It’s like your soul is shimmering on your surface! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) This month’s eclipse will shed light on financial issues and how they relate to your self-esteem. Do you think you’re unlovable because of money matters? Are you ashamed about spending habits? Meditation will reveal ways you can heal these difficulties. Share your story with someone who can help you create a budget. Just by being open, you’ll take a burden off your relationships and things will be smoother and more harmonious. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) This month’s total eclipse could make you feel strange. You rely on your brain, but the eclipse makes it feel like scrambled eggs! As you meditate, believe that higher parts of your brain are being accessed and activated. Visualize your intuition (the higher level of thought) is merging with your day-to-day thinking. You’ll be blessed with insights about relationship challenges, and even about childhood issues. Just don’t struggle to “figure things out” – instead, let solutions flow into your mind by relaxing mental tension. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Watch out for jumping to conclusions and saying half-thought-out ideas! The eclipse is triggering old fears and subconscious anger. Be especially careful at work and with family. It’s as if you have glasses on that have pictures of the past glued inside. Meditate to ask for emotional centering. You’ll likely see you’re not even reacting to present circumstances. Keep sane with frequent deep breathing! If you actually do need to confront someone once you’ve done your inner reflection, you’ll be poised and clear. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) How are you doing with meeting important goals? Please spend time in meditation to get insights into how you could be more effective with finances, relationships and friends. You’ll be able to see if certain beliefs or actions are keeping you from your highest good! You could have a little burst of money, especially if you’re clearing out the “junk” in your life. It’s also a great time to reconnect with old friends. Keep up with



December 2011

meditation even when problems resolve, because there’s many “spiritual goodies” at your fingertips if you stay connected! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) You’ve got lots of courage and energy to make changes! This month’s eclipse will help your break through fears of confronting others at work or at home. Confronting doesn’t mean being angry – it’s being clear and authentic. It could also mean daring to give your insights when you think they “won’t matter” or that you’re “not good enough” to speak up. Just taking these brave steps will increase your sense of self-worth! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Relationships are about to go to a new, exciting level! Old problems in current partnerships can be suddenly overcome, or, if single, you can meet someone great! But . . . you must meditate to release old anger and disappointments. You won’t be able to enjoy these new blessings if you’re caught up with negative emotions from the past. You’ll feel it’s too good to be true or will still find fault even though issues are healed. Forgive yourself and others and move on to a joyous future! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Meditate on prosperity to reap wonderful rewards form this month’s eclipse! Focus on how much good stuff is in the Universe! See yourself receptive to finances, love, health and happiness. Find a friend or two who can give your spiritual pep-talks when you get negative or “poverty minded”. Poverty could be in the realm of shutting yourself out to self-love, intimacy or other life blessings. There’s enough to go around and you deserve abundance!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. H e r b o o k “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit

Include photo or logo, name, brief description and contact info. Will be edited to fit four lines. Due by the 15th of the month. $75 for three months, $120 for six months or $180 for a full year— or 1/2 price with a current display ad. Must be prepaid. Contact




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December 2011


December 1 Vibrational/Sound Therapy Connie “Crash” and Dino Athan present a 20-minute chant, followed by a 20minute CD meditation—preview on Love offering appreciated, but not required. Limited to 16 participants. 7-9:30 p.m. at the Crash Pad in Shawnee. Directions and RSVP to Dino at, or 913.491.4989.

Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact

December 3 Living With Loss Seminars Part 2: Healing the Past Examines Losing Identity, Unfinished Business, Anger, Guilt and Gratitude. 9:30 am to 11:00 am Cost = $10 see for Registration information.

December 9-11 Authenticated Relics of the Buddha Join us for a very special event featuring authenticated relics of the Buddha and other Buddhist masters, donated by the Dalai Lama and sponsored by the International Maitreya Project. This event is an opportunity to learn more about Buddhism and to come together as a community to support interfaith dialogue and increase the energy of loving-kindness and peace in the world. Opening ceremony 6 pm Friday December 9 More information can be found at or This event in KC in the only place in the Midwest to see these precious relics and receive their blessings.

December 3 Carpal Tunnel Natural Healing Workshop Whether you have been diagnosed, had the surgery or just suspect you have CT, you will learn easy and effective methods for improving and preventing CT at this interactive workshop! $25,

December 9 Russ Matthews Photo Art Show Opening Photographs of performers in the Kansas City burlesque scene. No charge. 7-9 p.m. at Aquarius Books, 3936 Broadway, KCMO,; 816-931-6303.

December 4 Holiday Sale and Open House 10:00am to 6:00pm Jewelry, Artwork and Unique Gifts galore Door prizes, FREE chair massage and lots of holiday munchies. Sale prices on massage gift certificates, and much more! One stop shopping for all your holiday needs! At the Healing Place 1539 Maple Woods Drive Liberty, MO 64068 816-415-2607 December 6 Gifts of the Maji: Healing Workshop Using Sacred Oils Unity Temple on the Plaza, 6:30-8:30PM. Rev. Eleanor Fleming 816-353-4080 or December 9 Psychic Readings Stone Spirit Lodge, 309 Westport Road Enlightened fun! Kaya Hewitt will be offering Tarot, Intuitive Body Readings and Aura Brushings for $5 - $25. 4 – 7pm Private readings available: 816-217-3359. More info:

Communiversity Wholistic Health Fair November, 2011

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December 9 Elemental Forces of Nature (4th Class) Connect with the Unifying Quintessential Element of Spirit and learn to utilize its power. Teachings anchored in Peruvian Shamanism. Presented by Diane Davis Reed and Lynn Johnson Soulier in Parkville, 7-10 p.m. Prior registration for 12month series required. Info: Diane at Pathfinders Consulting, 816.741.0820. December 9-11 KC Pipe Circle Holiday Sale 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. 7110 Antioch, OP, 913362-0904. Local artists offering their creations to bring joy to your loved ones—pottery, tie dyes, jewelry, candy, ornaments, poinsettias, more!

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December 10 Searing Education Presents: KEY Workshop 9:00 – 11:30 AM $19.95 with complimentary book Synergy: Follow Your Heart 12:00 – 5:00 PM with Patricia Searing, Ph.D complimentary with KEY Synergy is about energy, awareness, and moving forward with intention and purpose. Register: 816/405-2482 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING

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December 2011

December 13 Core Star Energy Healing Clinic 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 December 13 Vibrational/Sound Therapy Connie “Crash” and Dino Athan present a 20-minute chant, followed by a 20minute CD meditation— preview on http:// Love offering appreciated, but not required. Limited to 16 participants. 7-9:30 p.m. at the Crash Pad in Shawnee. Directions and RSVP to Dino at, or 913.491.4989. December 17 Living With Loss Seminars Part 3: Moving Forward Examines Putting Loss into Perspective, Redefining Oneself, Grief Recovery. 9:30 am to 11:00 am Cost = $10 see for registration information. December 17 The Goddess Meetings Healing Journeys, Merriam, KS Each woman is a unique expression of the Feminine Divine. Embrace your gifts and begin to live your most beautiful & empowered life. 4th Saturdays,123pm, $20 Details: / 816-217-3359 December 17 Intuitive Reading and Aura Drawing Night At The Healing Place with Tammy and Sheri 6:30pm Join us for a wonderful evening of intuitive messages and insights. Investment: $20 Please RSVP at 816 -415-2607 At the Healing Place 1539 Maple Woods Drive Liberty, MO 64068

December 18 Castle and Cross Concert Free at Aquarius Books as our annual gift for the community—Celtic and seasonal music on Celtic harp, Aeolean pipes and other medieval instruments. 2-4 p.m., 3936 Broadway, KCMO,; 816-931-6303. January 8 Animal Communication Class At the Healing Place". 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Info at$125.00 816-781-4445 to register. January 14 Creating Your Inner Self ~ Workshop At The Healing Place with Tammy and Sheri 9am to 5pm Create ~ Learn ~ Love ~ Inspire ~ Explore for your own Personal Growth If you are looking to create positive changes in your life ~ here is your answer! Investment: $125 ~ All supplies included Reserve your space at 816-415-2607 January 20-22 Live As a Golden Age Man and Woman Improve every relationship you’re a part of. 2 ½-day workshop for couples or individuals. Paul or Catherine Clark: 913.631.3089, 913.221.5924 or January 28 Engaging the S.O.U.R.C.E. of Your Success Workshop Uncover, explore and engage the six S-O-U-R-C-E elements of having a successful, whole life! 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Your Wellness Connection in Shawnee Mission. Pre-register: 913.951.1764. Vasavi Kumar Coaching; http://

ONGOING KC WELLNESS PROFESSIONALS 1st & 3rd Saturdays. 10-Noon. Overland Park. Holistic Health and Well-being Professionals in the Greater Kansas City area who offer services in the areas of health/health care and wellness/ well-being, and who are interested in networking, exchange and personal/professional development. RSVP Barb 816.803.7418 or RESTORATIVE YOGA 2nd Saturdays 10 a.m. – noon at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Gently stretch, open the body, deeply relax and rejuvenate major organs. $25. Preregister at 816.456.2359. PRE-NATAL YOGA Mondays at 6:45 p.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Enjoy our innovative approach to prenatal care and experience a radiant pregnancy and healthy delivery. $78/6-week session. Preregister at 816.584.0777. GROW ORGANIC w/GARDENS OF DELIGHT Join our community garden outside of Parkville. Your family receives a 10’ by 20’ plot. Explore growing and eating your own organic produce. Information: 816.584.0777. LIFE OF PRAYER Five Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m. beginning Oct. 25, Unity Temple on the Plaza. To register or for more information, call Rev. Eleanor Fleming: 816-353-4080 or email Love offering requested. KIRTAN—A JOY-FILLED, HEART ENERGY EXPERIENCE 2nd Fridays with Mark Gossman, Ricky Yutuc, Gina-nina Namaste, and John Mark Aladeen, 7:30 p..m. at Mark Blanchard's Yoga, Ranch Mart South Shopping Center, 3665 West 95h Street, OP. $10 suggested donation. ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS By Appointment. Since 2005 the Kansas City Healing Project has



been providing energy healing sessions for cancer patients. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels from their treatment and disease. Donation basis. Contact John Hoefer at 816718-6358 for details. HEARTLAND COMMUNITY OF MINDFUL LIVING Practicing mindfulness in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh since 1997, every Monday except holidays at Unity Temple on the Plaza, Classroom C, 7 - 9 pm. Info at or WOMEN'S WEB An evolving group of down-toearth, real women of all ages exploring, honoring, and celebrating Goddess energy through ritual. We meet twice a month in Lawrence. For more information, LINK UP AT WHITE DEER LODGE 1st Wed. of every month, 7 p.m. Prayer, meditation and healing in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Free. No experience necessary. Daniel Baxley: 816.769.7343. 4 DAY BIOENERGY HEALING CLINIC First Tues of the month 7-9 PM, Fee: Donation. Reservations: Kim Meisinger 913-685-9939 HealingBioenergy/ Movies_BLP.html MUSICAL SOUL PORTRAIT Have the ‘divine music of your soul’ channeled, to support you to go gracefully to your next level. A beautiful birthday gift for a loved one! Contact Rama: (603) 731-7676 or SPIRIT SHOW-UP 7 p.m. on the 1st Tuesday of every month in OP to share the energy and joy as Spirit guides us. Love offering. Maitreya: 913.839.8745, http:// December 2011

REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier: 816-523-4440 WORKSHOPS OF HEALTH AND HEALING With Art Therapist, Dr. Avis Garrett-Baptist. Information for yourself or groups: SACRED RELATIONSHIP 2nd or 3rd Saturday monthly A beginning tantra class for singles and couples to experience the Divine. 7-9pm. Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher. Leawood 816 -523-4440, For flier with topic and date, LEARN BOWENWORK Manual therapy for pain relief, repetitive strain, chronic conditions, athletics. Works when nothing else does. Ongoing classes OP area: Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012. NCBTMB SACRED WOMAN BELLY DANCE 1st & 4th Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 p.m. with Maya Zahira. Sacred aspects of belly dance class. Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816931-6303, PET LOSS SUPPORT GROUP for individuals who have lost or are anticipating the loss of a beloved pet. Last Tuesdays of the Month, 6:30 to 8:00 pm at The Struan Center. See or call 816.960-4525 for details. TONGLEN MEDITATION WITH DR. KAT All levels welcome. Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at The Struan Center. $10. For more information go to or call 816.960.4525 for details.



December 2011

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