February 2011 Evolving

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February 2011 ~ Vol. II, Issue 12


X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

The Animal Connection Ancient Answers for Canine Anxiety Our Relationship with Animals Where Have All the Healthy Cats Gone? EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


February 2011

Terry Hug ~ Health Coach Teas and Herbal Drinks that ENHANCE THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM


• Stimulates the immune system. • Boil the dried root a few minutes & drink. Cat's Claw

• Balances and enhances the immune system's ability to fight viruses, bacteria and intestinal parasites. • Has anti-cancer properties. Chrysanthemum Tea • Fever reduction, flu recovery, sore throats. • Helps with acne. Wakens the body. Treats the eyes by clearing the liver. Dulse Flakes • Full of the iodine essential in making thyroid hormones, which affect weight and metabolism. • Abundant in minerals: beta-carotene, calcium, chromium, cobalt, iodine, iron, lutein, manganese, magnesium, niacin, phosphorous, potassium, riboflavin, selenium, silicon, sodium, tin, vitamin C, zeaxanthin, zinc.

www.terryhug.com ~ 816.914.8599 Holistic Nutritionist ~ Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Body Work ~ Lymphatic Drainage Specialist by the Upledger Institute ~ Visceral Therapist by the Barral Institute EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


February 2011

publisher’s letter


Dear Friend, My dog, Bear, and I have had an incredible year together. I’ve found playfulness, companionship, joy and assurance in his presence. Where once I had a hard time falling asleep at night, now I listen to his gentle snoring and am asleep almost instantly. I’ve heard that owning a pet can lower depression, stress and anxiety—and I believe it. There is a quiet comfort in knowing a trusted friend is always there for you. This issue of EVOLVING is all about our animal friends. So snuggle up to your favorite friend and learn about connecting with your pet, keeping them healthy and dealing with anxiety. Below are some facts from the American Humane Association that illustrate just how connected we all are to our pets:

12 Our Relationship with Animals

14 Ancient Answers for Canine Anxiety

Cat and dog owners feel strongly about the role of animals in their family.

Nine in ten pet owners surveyed say they consider their pet a member of the family.

63 percent of dog owners and 58 percent of cat owners surveyed said they give their pets presents at Christmas.

• •

Americans spend about $5 billion on holiday presents for their furry friends.

About one quarter of both dog owners (27 percent) and cat owners (23 percent) sign their pet's name on greeting cards or notes.

About 27 percent of pet owners claim to have taken their pet to a professional photographer to have a picture taken with family, Santa or the Easter Bunny.

About 10 percent of both dog and cat owners carry their pet's picture in their wallet or purse.

In about 20 percent of both dog and cat households, the TV, radio, or stereo is left on when the animals are left alone, presumably so they don't get lonely.

36 percent of dog owners give their pets presents on their birthday, as do 20 percent of cat owners.

15 Where Have All the Healthy Cats Gone?

Jill Dutton

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick Contributors Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Linda Faris, Pat Hennessy, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes, Dori Thomas www.evolvingmagazine.com

Ad Design Maitreya Zohar Advertising Connie “Crash” Humiston 816-591-3378 conniecrash@kc.rr.com or Karen Cowdry 913-636-9502 karen@evolvingmagazine.com

ON THE COVER: Bridget Stewart’s “white butterfly” series of prints and digital print/collages began with the fact that the injuries suffered and produced by suicide bombers are referred to in medical jargon as “White Butterflies”. This is because the concussion of the blast turns the internal organs into jelly and so in X-Rays, the injuries have the appearance of a butterfly with divided wings. This fact coupled with the knowledge that in many cultures the appearance of a white butterfly can portend everything from good luck to death allowed her to explore the idea of transformation. Bridget Stewart's work can be seen and purchased through www.bridgetstewart.com or valagallery.org.

Departments: News


Journey of Wholeness


Food Conscious


Horoscope/Fitness Dir 16

Holistic Health Update 8

Resource Directory


Wisdom Within




EVOLVING© 2011 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.



February 2011


envisioning a great year

This vision board is a culmination of several steps I've taken working with the amazing energies— starting with the Winter Solstice, Total Lunar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde and the New Year. I feel the energies igniting for an amazing year!

My vision board is the culmination of the life I have been building from the ground up, starting with recognizing my blocks, acknowledging my pain, releasing that which is not mine to keep and creating that which is beautiful and glorious. —Diane Edmiston

—Teri Higbee

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February 2011


Energy Healing School

Out of India I recently traveled to Chennai, India, to become a Oneness Blessing Trainer at Oneness University. Chennai looked like the movies, although there is a big difference between seeing India in a theater and experiencing it. On the drive to the hotel at 12:30 a.m., the cab driver continually honked his horn while seven motorbikes, trucks and cars were wedged into two lanes of traffic. We passed dreary, dark buildings with litter lining the street and I spotted an occasional sacred cow. “Are my doors locked?” “Where are the seat belts?” “Aren’t we getting a little close to that dump truck fender?” “Augh!” My initial reaction was fear, panic and complete overwhelm. I had no choice but to trust and surrender to God's plan for this trip. My classmates were from all over the world and represented a variety of religions. The religious diversity ranged from Baptist ministerial students to Buddhist monks. The countries represented were Belgium, Germany, Thailand, South Korea, Tanzania, Scotland, England, Mexico, South Africa, Russia and the USA. Our class represented the global family seeking connection with each other and God. We were constantly challenged to feel our "charges". If there was no hot water, they would say something like, “Just, beee, with that.” Meaning: feel the frustration of not having hot water and NOT having someone respond. When I felt the “charge”, I burned off the emotions and the concerns dissolved. I learned that when I stuff, hide or ignore my “charges”, they become toxins stored in the body. So it is better to just feel it right now and let it go. By feeling our “charges” we create an opening to receive more benefit from the Oneness Blessing. What is a Oneness Blessing? It is a non-denominational experience of energy transfer that is done by placing one’s hands on the recipient’s head or transferred by the power of intent. It brings in the needed grace to heal our bodies, minds, relationships and traumas. In Christianity, this would be the “laying on of hands”. What does the Oneness Blessing do? It results in a rise in the consciousness of the recipient by initiating a neurobiological change in the brain. It is also known to activate the frontal lobes and deactivate the parietal lobes, thereby enhancing states of joy, love and a sense of connectedness in the recipient.

Discover your potential to Heal yourself and others Classes Start in September. Individual healing sessions are available by appointment 913913-831831-4422 ~ 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS 66202 www.corestarenergyhealing.com Why did I want to become a Oneness Blessing Trainer? As a Spiritual Life Coach, I teach people about the mind and ego and provide them with all kinds of tools to restore their peace. The battle in the mind is an endless job. I found that the Oneness Blessing brings about lasting change in the brain that provides peace and balance. Over time, the Blessing quiets mind chatter, disarms conflict and dissolves drama. I had finally experienced a powerful and effortless tool to snap out of worry, doubt, fear and sabotage. In addition to the Oneness Blessing Trainer course I attended an optional week of Spiritual Deepening that was rooted in the Hindu tradition. We experienced many different types of Yoga (Hatha, Prana, Karma, Kundalini, etc.). When I adapted what was being taught to my Christian belief system, I allowed myself to experience a profound connection with God. At Oneness University, “the core intent behind the Oneness phenomenon is to facilitate a direct awakening to one’s own truth in life, whatever that may be.” Driving back to the airport, my cab driver asked what I paid for my hotel room. I shared that it was 4,500 rupees ($100 US). He shared that he made 3,000 rupees ($70 US) a month and supported his parents and two sacred cows, plus was saving to marry in three years. Wow, this slap of reality put things in perspective. Traveling to India is not for everyone, but I am truly blessed that “Spirit” led me on this journey. Like Dorothy, I agree “There is no place like home" and yet, taking this trip provided me a beautiful sense of connection with India and the world.

Dion Koch is a Spiritual Life Coach and Oneness Blessing Trainer offering classes and complimentary coaching consultations: HappinessNowUniversity.com or (913) 909-3326.

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February 2011


The Heart of VALA Midwest Transplant Network and Gallery Fundraiser February 19

Enhancing the Bond between People & Animals __________________________________________________________________

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For three years, Penny Thieme has worked on a body of work she dreamed of using to bring awareness to both quality of life and organ donation. On February 19 at 7 p.m., her dream becomes reality. Penny will offer a short talk about her work followed by a talk by Larry Thomas, a regional, national and internationally known artist and professor and chair at JCCC. Larry was also a kidney recipient.

Also on hand, Terry Benson, whose daughter Lyric (a donor), was the inspiration for LYRIC of LIFE, an organization that helps people in the process who need things they can't get from other sources, promotes registration awareness and scholarships for theater students. VALA Gallery, 5815 Johnson Drive, Mission, KS 66202. More info at http://valagallery.org.

Lindsay Wagner, the Bionic woman and Oneness Blessing Trainer, Presents “Open to Oneness Lindsay Wagner has always been committed to the advancement of human potential. This has been evident not only throughout her highly successful acting career, but also in her personal life. She has chosen her films taking into consideration the effect they will have on the audience and used her position as a public figure to highlight issues that are important to her, with the objective of helping people in their personal journeys. As a Oneness Trainer, Lindsay facilitates workshops to “Quiet the Mind and Open the Heart”. The Oneness Movement is most known for the Oneness Blessing. A Oneness Blessing is a sacred transfer of divine energy that calms the mind, initiates healing and brings about a greater sense of Oneness. Friday April 1, 6:30pm, at Unity Church of Overland Park, Lindsey Wagner, will share her journey and help us move to a greater experience of Oneness. "Lindsay's presentation is an opportunity to explore how we perceive life through the stencil of the mind, learn some techniques to help release uncomfortable emotions and to experience the relief, joy and power that can come from a shift in one's perspective."

The evening will include beautiful music, relaxation and Oneness Meditation. You will experience an opening to a deeper connection to the whole of creation and allow peace, power and unconditional love to emerge. Dion Koch, local Oneness Trainer and Founder of Happiness Now University, is hosting the event. Admission is $35.00 in advance and $40.00 at the door (cash only). To register: visit www.HappinessNowUniversity.com and click on the Lindsay Wagner Heading, or email Dion Koch at Dion.hnu@gmail.com or call Dion at 913-909-3326.

Have a Heart Fundraiser Chinese Medicine Clinic Joins “Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center’s Tenth Annual Fundraiser “Have-A-Heart” Scheduled for Valentine’s Week Dr. Martin, of the Chinese Medicine Clinic, will provide complimentary consultations for children, discuss health concerns and perform wellness screenings. The Chinese Medicine



February 2011

Clinic is an integrative alternative medicine clinic offering chiropractic care, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage therapy. Contact them at (816) 361-8885. Located at 9229 Ward Pkwy, Ste. 107, Kansas City, MO 64114. Donations for “Have-a-Heart” can also be sent directly to Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center 4500 N. Meridian, Oklahoma City, OK 73112. For more information about Oklahaven visit www.chiropractic4kids.com.

food conscious

What About Dessert? Bethany Klug


or those of us committed to eating whole, unprocessed foods, dessert is often the trickiest course. White sugar and white flour, the mainstays of most desserts, are two of the worst bad actors out there along with high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners. They wreak havoc with nearly every system of your body: hormones, weight control, blood sugar, digestion, elimination, skin, cholesterol and triglycerides, brain chemistry, you name it. Stopping high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners and reducing white sugar and white flour to a rare treat is often the first piece of healthy living advice I give. So then, what about dessert? Smoothies are my favorite creamy treat. I covered smoothies as a nutrition delivery vehicle in the November 2010 issue of EVOLVING. The most popular smoothie

around my house is the date shake. Frozen bananas add a creamy texture without dairy. The optional carob nixes a chocolate craving. You’ll find carob powder in the baking section of your health food store. I find mesquite powder at www.rawguru.com. It is rich in minerals and thickens the shake. I don’t find sweetener necessary for this shake, but some people do.

Date Shake ¼ cup almond or pumpkin seed butter 1 cup water 6 dates, pits removed 1 frozen banana 2 TBSP carob powder (optional) 2 TBSP mesquite powder (optional) Honey, agave nectar or your favorite natural sweetener to taste (optional) Place all the ingredients in a

blender. Puree until smooth. Serves two. Once someone has converted from white sugar to more natural sugars such as agave nectar and maple syrup, I challenge them further. Even these more natural sweeteners can stress our metabolism. The challenge? Nothing sweeter than fruit. Here's a simple, tasty cookie that meets this criteria that can be made while dinner is cooking.

Raw Pear or Apple Raisin Coconut Cookies 1 green apple or pear, peeled and chopped 1/3 cup raisins 2/3 cup unsweetened organic dried shredded coconut 1/3 cup almond butter



February 2011

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a food processor or highspeed blender. Pulse several times until ingredients are combined. Place "dough" into a ball. Using your hands, make 8-10 small balls and roll in additional shredded coconut. Refrigerate or freeze 30 minutes for desired consistency.

Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and www.bethanyklug.com.

holistic wisdom

Does What I Eat Make Me Feel Sick? Nancy Russell

“I used to have a chronic runny nose, coughing, headaches, burning eyes and fatigue. Blaming allergies on something like dust or grass or trees, I just took Benadryl, but didn’t get much relief. Then a holistic physician did a blood test on me and found that I had food sensitivities. Avoiding dairy, sugar and wheat has changed my life; I rarely have symptoms unless I eat these foods more that just occasionally.”


his story is typical of a person with food sensitivities and may just be the tip of the iceberg of other digestion system problems. Intestinal abnormalities can affect many systems of the body. The intestinal defense system is continuously under attack from chronic stressors including: emotional issues, stress, infections (bacterial, viral, yeast), toxins (exogenous, endogenous), lifestyle, poor diet, and medications. The body’s immune responses to these stressors can cause a breakdown of the intestinal lining (leaky gut), which is also known as “intestinal barrier distress” and causes an ongoing cycle of inflammation. This inflammation up-


(Also see Ongoing event listings in this issue.) ~ Long Distance Healings ~ Clairvoyant Readings ~ Financial and Relationship Healing ~ Pranic Energetic Facelift ~ Feng Shui for love, health and prosperity—home, office, or business ~ Space Clearing—helps disintegrate stress energies and residue from the past, relieves sports injuries, backaches, headaches Pranic Healing Class

March 19—20 ~ Unity Village ~ Class Fee: $325.00 Pranic Healing Clinic & Meditation

Second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Unity Village Fellowship Lounge ~ Love Offering Experience the sensation of essential oils!

~ Purify home and office of negative energies, viruses and bacteria ~ Essential oils for love, healing, prosperity, clairvoyance ~ Beauty Creams, Soaps, Candles, Incense Learn to heal yourself and others. Rocky Patel rcky1120@aol.com ~ 816.916.1823

Food sensitivities are different from food allergies. Typically, food allergies cause an immediate response, such as hives, swelling of the throat and lungs with serious shortness of breath, and even lead to a life-threatening situation. regulates the inflammatory cytokines which affects the nervous system, immune and endocrine systems. This up-regulation can lead to the aforementioned food sensitivities and several other problems, such as: fatigue, lethargy, malaise, anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, asthma or arthritis. Currently available testing can assess the intestinal barrier lining, food sensitivities, dysbiosis (intestinal imbalances) and neurotransmitters. To find the many pieces of the puzzle, food sensitivity

March 2011 EVOLVING

Wellness Directory Inserted inside the March issue, this annual resource of health and alternative healing professionals is a pull-out directory to save and reference year round. In addition, copies of the Wellness Directory will be distributed throughout the year at various wellness events. Pick up the March issue for your copy! For advertising information in this special resource, contact your account executive. Deadline for space reservations is February 15. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


testing with intestinal barrier assessment may be the place to start. Food sensitivities are different from food allergies. Typically, food allergies cause an immediate response, such as hives, swelling of the throat and lungs with serious shortness of breath, and even lead to a life-threatening situation. The immune system response, called immunoglobulin E (IgE), needs immediate medical attention and treatment. Conventional allergy physicians diagnose these types of allergies with skin testing and treat by strict avoidance long term. Food sensitivities, also known as food intolerances, are very different. The immune system has a more delayed response, immunoglobulin G (IgG); however, the reaction delay can vary from a few minutes to as long as 24 to 36 hours. Alternative laboratories test IgG with blood samples and are not usually recognized by conventional allergy physicians. The delayed reactions can manifest symptoms as mentioned above and many others, such as: gas and bloating, joint pain, ear infections, attention deficit disorder, memory loss, mental fogginess, bed wetting, migraines, bladder infections, fluid retention, canker sores, nausea, eczema, and psoriasis. Testing in my office helps identify the degree of intestinal barrier distress, quantifies IgG food sensitivities, and effectively guides treatment options. Food elimination nutritional programs based on this testing can reduce symptoms and increase positive outcomes in people by more than 25 percent over people utilizing elimination diets alone. As noted earlier, food sensitivity testing is a good place to start in a comprehensive health evaluation with holistic principles as a guide. My guiding holistic principles include: treating each person as an individual, getting to the root of the problem, building a partnership with each person and remembering that love is our most powerful medicine.

Nancy Russell, M.D. is a holistic Internal medicine physician and has practiced in the Kansas City northland for 28 years. Dr. Russell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice. Dr Russell has been a member of the Executive Board of the American Holistic Medical Association. As a founding member of the American Board of Holistic medicine, she is board certified in holistic medicine. Combined Health Care Professionals: www.drnancy.com or call 816-453-5545.

February 2011

wisdom within

Four Ways to Love Yourself More Suzette Scholtes


think my mom knew she was losing her mind well before it happened. She handed me, still in the store sack, the last gift she gave me. One of my most treasured possessions, it is a music sculpture of a young blonde girl in braids holding a basket of roses. She wears a blue dress and a quiet smile. When you wind it up it plays Love Story. “Your dad said this was a waste of money,” Mom said. “But I wanted you to have this. It reminds me of you. It cost a lot of money." The last quote was a family dysfunction which translates to I’m not sure if you are worth the money I spend on you, but loved you enough to give it to you anyway. She said it cost her $9.99. There is no bittersweet in this posting. This happened a long time ago. My mom was one of the first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s before the condition was known. In 1979, it was often called “hardening of the arteries”. Today, while dusting the dresser, the music sculpture began to play: “Where do I begin, to tell the story of how great a love can be. The sweet love story that is older than the sea. The simple truth about what love brings to me.” I joke about the values family passed on, our parents being children of the depression. “Poverty Consciousness” was taught to a bunch of us and it took years for me to reframe my thinking into abundance reality. Over the years, I’ve learned to speak of spiritual studies and growth only when asked. However, there are such universal principles in the laws of attraction that some live the principles without naming them. It bubbles up naturally from the heart like a creek bubbling from the Earth. As this is Valentine Month and the energy of everincreasing self-love is the root of all growth, here are a few thoughts: 1. Little anyone else does or says is personal to you. It’s their stuff. Often the more a family member or colleague acts out, it is because they are removed form the “source” of Divine intelligence. The more you remain in the vibration of Divine intelligence, the more you help them by NOT fostering codependence or trying to “fix” them. Hold them in the vision of loving character traits and think of their good points. 2. Healthy boundaries are fundamental to any relationship. Meeting your own needs and preferences often leads to better relationships. We do not give from empty cups.

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Only then are we able to “give generously”. This is still, in today’s world, misunderstood. Take yourself off the hook for any past mistakes. We are human. We make mistakes and our mistakes are forgivable. This takes practice. Forgive yourself every time you become self-critical or remorseful. Forgiveness is the heart of self-love and loving others. You may not choose to forgive “what” another did to hurt you, but we may forgive the insanity of the “why.” We may choose to forgive ourselves for getting caught in the wake of the drama. Try to focus on how you feel about others and let go of how you worry about what they may think of you. This way you align yourself to the Source of all love and help them do the same.

$30 for 1 month of Yoga Shamanic Pathways at White Deer Lodge Daniel Baxley THOTH Endorsed Teacher in The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Offering: Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Spiritual Counseling, Sacred Stone Massage, Reiki, Craniosacral, Vision Quest, Sweat Lodge, and Workshops 816816-769769-7343 email: rainbowspiritstar@yahoo.com Website: www.shamanicpathways.net

Love carries the highest resonance of human emotion. My mom transcended in 1991, but even as recent as last week, shows up in my dreams or meditations with a positive message of the reason we are here on Earth: Love ourselves more to love those around us more. Suzette Scholtes has trained 100s of yoga teachers and reached 1000s of yoga students since 1984. The school is approved by the Kansas Board of Education, providing solid credentials and depth of yoga. www.theyogastudio.com or news@theyogastudio.com or 913-492-9594.



February 2011

2011 YOGA INTENSIVE with Aadil Palkhivala

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or LWW@LoveWisdomWellness.com for dates and more information.

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February 2011

journey to wholeness

Who Speaks for Wolf? The Animal Connection Jude LaClaire

And so it was that the People devised among themselves a way of asking each other questions whenever a decision was to be made on a New Place or a New Way Who Speaks For Wolf? —Paula Underwood Spencer, Who Speaks for Wolf?


aula, my mentor and guide, first told this Native American learning story to me. It is a story of great wisdom about our relationship with the animal world. A young man, Wolf’s Brother, was absent at a council meeting when a decision was made to move the village to another location. Unfortunately, they had chosen to move into “the Center Place for a great community of Wolf.” Their lives were disrupted as wolf took their food and watched them constantly. They knew they had made a great mistake by not asking the question, “Who speaks for Wolf?” The lesson of this learning story is that we must listen to all the aspects of nature, sentient and non-sentient beings. We must also listen to the parts of ourselves, the animal self, that reflects our "primitive and instinctual nature" (Carl Jung). Many stories and legends tell of the kinship of animals with humans. The first drawings in caves depicted animals of all kinds. Many cultures chose animal figures, both living and mythical to represent attributes such as wisdom, courage, fierceness or gentleness. Even today, we live side by side with animals both domestic and feral. I had a very poignant reminder of this connection on my early morning walk a day after a very good friend of mine had passed. It was dark, not quite 6:00am, when my walking partner and I heard an owl as we approached the park we walk to each morning. Then we heard a 2nd owl. We looked and, amazingly, we saw the clear silhouette of the two owls in the tree above us, speaking to one another. We stood in awe and silence, taking in this magical moment. After my mother’s death, over twenty years ago, I had a very significant owl dream that shaped my life for many years to come. I came to understand the metaphor, real life habits, and symbolism of the owl in many cultures. I came to understand what it meant in my life at that time. This recent experience put me back in touch with the meaning of the owl as messenger between the spirit and physi-

cal worlds. It can also represent transformation; moving from one part of one’s life to another or the recurring cycle of life, death and re-birth. Owls can see in the dark and have an uncanny ability to penetrate beyond the masks, the untruths. This certainly was an accurate reminder of my friend’s skills as a social worker, therapist, father, husband and friend. He was a wise helper to many, a giving man with a wonderful sense of humor and a great ability to go into the darkness to find light. What can you do when the synchronicity of life manifests in animal form? I continue to ask myself about the meaning, listen to dreams, daydreams and my own thoughts. I also consult others who have written wonderful stories and other writings about animals. Clarissa Pinkola Estes wrote Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype. It is a book of amazing insight and wisdom about the instinctual nature of women. Ted Andrews in his books, AnimalSpeak and Animal-Wise, gives practical information about the animal, their habitat, and ways of behaving, along with myths, stories and meanings in other cultures. His work has been a valuable tool for me when I dream of animals or have some experience of them in my waking state. When you are going through changes or challenges, experience the death of someone close or any other "transformative experience"; pay attention to the animals that may appear in your dreams, day dreams or waking life. They may have a message for you and will assist you in your journey. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre, go to www.kcholistic.com. jude@kcholistic.com.

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Our Relationship with Animals Looking at the Whole Picture

By Pat Hennessy

Bringing an animal companion into your household is no different than a member of the family. You need to learn to understand them, teach them how to understand you, and they will more easily adapt to their environment (and the world around them). There are four simple principles that you can follow to accomplish this and build a wonderful relationship with your animal companion.


ur dogs, cats, birds, bunnies and other critters that live with us are our family members. When we bring them in to our lives, we make that commitment to love and honor them as any other member of our family. When we have children, we know that we will not only provide food, shelter and health care, but we will teach them about life and give them the skills to cope with the world around them. Bringing an animal companion into your household is no different: You need to learn to understand them, teach them how to understand you, so they will more easily adapt to their environment (and the world around them). There are four simple principles that you can follow to accomplish this and build a wonderful relationship with your animal companion:

Learn their language and teach your language. Understanding how your pet communicates in his or her language will help you understand their perspective and give you clues as to what they are trying to tell or ask you, as well as give you ways to respond back to them that they will be able to interpret. It is

not always easy for us to remember to communicate in canine or feline, so teaching your pet about your language will give you a common denominator for communication, cooperation and cohesion. Always use positive reinforcement, as this will be motivating for your animal companion and build trust in the relationship. You want to start out with something of high value, like a special treat or a toy and once the cue is learned, switch to a secondary motivator such as praise. The more words your companion learns the more language you have, to ask for behaviors you want or to redirect a behavior that you don’t want repeated.

Provide a quality diet. It is important to learn about your companion animal’s species to know what is best for his metabolism. Always read pet food labels, as many pet foods contain low-quality ingredients or fillers, such as meat and grain by-products, to save costs. While some animals may be able to tolerate these ingredients, they have often been linked to health issues such as obesity, diabetes and potentially cancer (as they weaken the immune system by not providing



the nutrients that keep our animals strong). Buying products with ingredients that you recognize (i.e. chicken, lamb, etc.), as the first ingredient, is a good start.

Provide environment enrichment and socialization. Environment enrichment would include items for your animal companion to play with, preferably ones that are colorful and require problem solving. Having some background sound would be useful–a TV or radio. A room with stimulating surroundings and a variety of toys will engage the mind, which not only keeps your pet entertained and less likely to find trouble, but an active mind makes for a healthier body. Making sure that your animal companion has proper socialization includes time around their own species, introductions to a variety of people and at least a couple of other species, and some time outside the house in a variety of places (more than just veterinary visits). The more exposure your furry family member has, the more confident she will be, the better she will adapt to different situations, and the more appropriately she will behave around others.

February 2011

Fun Facts About Dogs When it comes to sharing your life with another species, it can be the most joyous or the most frustrating experience. The keys are in your hands.

Perform a maintenance check on your animal companion weekly. You can do a brief assessment of her and make it fun by working it in with meditation, yoga, or TTouch® (a gentle method of calming and balancing your animal). This technique will give you valuable information and help you decide if you need to try altering her diet, exercise, daily routine, or provide this information to your veterinarian during an exam. Be very observant. If your dog is acting unusual or different, consider if she has recently had an injury, vaccinations, flea treatment, a new food or medication, or a change in her environment (i.e. family member addition or departure). As part of your weekly assessment, do a body “once-over” by gently stroking your fingers down the body and feel for anything different (hot or cold spots, changes in the texture of the coat, a reaction to your touch). If your best friend is not feeling well, that may explain a change in behavior and give you what you need to make adjustments or consult your veterinarian. Don’t you get a bit grumpy when you don’t feel well? You will need to constantly monitor your progress in these areas. You can do that by looking at the big picture. Ask yourself these questions: • How good is your relationship with your dog? How well do you understand your canine companion? How well does she understand you–does she respond appropriately to a request? • How healthy is your kitty? Some things may be obvious, like a soft shiny coat, but is he drinking more water lately? Are there any noticeable behavior changes – sleeping more, eliminating less? • How well-adjusted is your dog? Does she do well around other dogs? Is she confident and relaxed or reactive? How well does she do at home alone? Offering your companion new and enlightening experiences builds confidence and stability. Once your animal learns about new things then she is not frightened by them. Keeping your companion’s knowledge level up by occasionally testing cues (aka commands), and adding new ones, will enhance your ability to communicate what you want or redirect what you don’t want. Monitoring your companion’s body will give you valuable information as to her health and wellbeing, as well as create a relaxing and bonding opportunity for both of you. When it comes to sharing your life with another species, it can be the most joyous or the most frustrating experience. The keys are in your hands. Before unlocking that door, don’t forget to look at the big picture, and don’t let the small stuff get in your way. Pat Hennessy is the founder of N2paws, LLC, an organization that provides a holistic approach to companion animal care through behavior education, energy work, and positive training methods. Pat is a Level 2 TTouch® practitioner, CPDT and member of the IAABC, IAATH and AWA. You may contact N2Paws via email pat@n2paws.com, phone 816-522-7005, or visit www.n2paws.com.

Dogs only sweat from the bottoms of their feet, the only way they can discharge heat is by panting. • Dogs have about 100 different facial expressions, most of them made with the ears. • Dogs have about 10 vocal sounds. • Dogs do not have an appendix. • There are more than 200 different breeds of dogs. • Dalmatians are born spotless: at first pure white, their spots develop as they age. • Contrary to popular belief, dogs aren’t color blind; they can see shades of blue, yellow, green and gray. The color red registers on a grayscale in a dog’s vision. • Most domestic dogs are capable of reaching speeds up to about nineteen miles per hour when running at full speed. • Using their swiveling ears like radar dishes, experiments have shown that dogs can locate the source of a sound in 6/100ths of a second. • Domesticated for more than 10,000 years, the dog was one of the first animals domesticated by humans.

Fun Feline Facts • •

Cats do not have sweat glands. A cat can jump as much as seven times its height. • Cats have five toes on each front paw, but only four toes on each back paw. • Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten. • A pack of kittens is called a kindle, while a pack of adult cats is called a clowder. • An adult cat can run about 12 miles per hour, and can sprint at nearly thirty miles per hour. • A cat's tongue is scratchy because it's lined with papillae—tiny elevated backwards hooks that help to hold prey in place. • The nose pad of each cat has ridges in a unique pattern not unlike a person's fingerprints. • Cats' bodies are extremely flexible; the cat skeleton contains more than 230 bones (a human has about 206), and the pelvis and shoulders loosely attach to the spine. This adds to their flexibility and allows them to fit through very small spaces. • Cats have better memories than dogs. Tests conducted by the University of Michigan concluded that while a dog's memory lasts no more than 5 minutes, a cat's can last as long as 16 hours—exceeding even that of monkeys and orangutans.


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February 2011

Ancient Answers for Canine Anxiety By Dori Thomas


our newest family member is showing signs of separation anxiety and stress, has eaten a pair of shoes and destroyed the sofa. From mild whining to full-scale panic attacks, many dogs suffer from separation anxiety when their owners leave home. After all, you just spent the weekend together and now everyone is leaving for work and/or school. If you are doing all the right things, like exercising daily, feeding a grain-free, natural diet and giving plenty of attention to your dog, why is he still being destructive while the family is away? While it is often necessary to involve a professional trainer, and always recommended that you have your veterinarian rule out any physical problems, there are many things you can do to help address the destructive behavior your dog is displaying. I always recommend crating your dog, young or old, so they have a comfortable place to call their own. Crates provide a safe place for your pet, where it can be calm and relaxed. Some dogs do not enjoy crating or still suffer from anxiety while in their crates. For the owners of these dogs, life can be very frustrating. I once had a dog that could get out of the crate by bending the frame. This dog suffered extreme anxiety when in the crate or when we were absent from the home. Not only is this behavior destructive and sometimes costly, but can also be very harmful to your pet’s health. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety can benefit from a little additional effort by their owners to help them better deal with their fear. There are many natural calming remedies out on the market, but you can make your own remedy at home and share it with your canine friend in a few different ways to help them feel calm and relaxed. I recommend using Therapeutic Grade* Essential oils. They have been used throughout time dating back to 4500 B.C. These aromatic liquids derived from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds are extracted and play a vital role in human health and well-being. Since animals generally respond to essential oils in much the same way as humans do, they can be very helpful for our companion animals as well. You can diffuse the oils while you are gone to add peace and tranquility throughout the house or you can put a little diluted oil on your pets paws each day. Another good way to disperse oils in your home is to create your own room spray to be used whenever you are about to leave or you expect a possible upsetting event. There are a variety of calming single oils and oil blends that are recommended for reducing stress. The most widely used single oil is Lavender, known for its

Dogs suffering from separation anxiety can benefit from a little additional effort by their owners to help them better deal with their fear. relaxing and balancing effects, both physically and emotionally. Many studies have shown that inhalation of a therapeutic grade Lavender oil can help reduce anxiety. The University of Miami found that “inhalation of lavender oil increases beta waves in the brain, suggesting heightened relaxation,” and; a 2001 Osaka Kyoiku University study found that it “reduced mental stress” (Essential Oil Desk Reference-Fourth Edition). Roman and German Chamomile are other wonderful oils to help your pet. They have been used for centuries by mothers to calm their crying babies, and it is just as effective on your dog. According to the Essential Oil Desk Reference, Chamomile’s fragrance stabilizes emotions and minimizes anxiety and nerv-



ousness. Geranium is a great single oil whose fragrance helps “ease nervous tension. It balances the emotions, lifts the spirit, and fosters peace, well-being, and hope” ( Essential Oils Desk Reference-Fourth Edition). But, the best choice for a extreme case of anxiety and restlessness is Valerian oil. Steam distilled from the root of the plant, it has been studied for the last 30 years for its tranquilizing properties. Researchers have pinpointed the sesquiterpenes, valerenic acid and valerone as the active constituents that exert a calming effect on the central nervous system (Essential Oils Desk Reference-Fourth Edition). Ancient Greeks used the plant for a variety of medical disorders ranging from liver problems, digestive ailments, and urinary tract disorders to nausea and insomnia. Valerian has also been used for centuries for nervous conditions and has been traditionally used for sleeplessness, epilepsy, nervousness, hysteria and as a diuretic. Diluted application to your dogs paws, spraying or diffusing Valerian oil is certainly a great way to help your anxious pet relax. This soothing oil has a sedative effect and is sure to bring some peace. So the next time you have to leave the house, rest assured your pet can be relaxed and comfortable with a little help from Essential Oils. After all, they are Mother Nature’s gift for the benefit of all who use them. Helping your pet with these proven ancient remedies seems only natural. Dori Thomas is an Independent Distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. She lives with her family in the Kansas City metro. She has enjoyed using essential oils since 2008 when she was introduced to Young Living by her massage therapist. To find out more about Dori and Young Living Essential Oils, visit http://www.youngliving.org/dorithomas or join her Conscious Considerations page on Facebook. Contact Dori at dori@youngliving.org *Young Living Essential Oils are therapeutic grade– meaning they are the purest quality oils available and work on a cellular level to produce therapeutic results –and have available to us some of the best single and blended oils for calming and reducing stress. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

February 2011

Where Have All the Healthy Cats Gone? By Linda Faris, DVM, CVA


ats used to be easy keepers. Down on the farm where I grew up, cats hunted mice, lay in the sun by the hay barn, and didn’t have so many problems. What has happened to the cat population in the past few decades? Why are all the cats so sick? Most of the cats I see in practice have allergies or some other chronic disease. They are either too fat or too skinny. Many of them throw up every day, have diarrhea or are constipated or alternate from one to the other. Some of them have a number of the above symptoms simultaneously. Chronic recurrent symptoms are more the norm now than the exception. As cats get older, they are more and more likely to become chronically ill. What is going on? There are several things going on. Excessive chemical and vaccine use are contributing to the rate of chronic disease. Our lifestyles make it almost impossible for cats to live a normal existence. Many cats can eat whenever they want to without having to hunt and work for a living. That is just wrong. Cats need exercise, and in nature they get it by hunting. Another obvious problem is diet. Like all of us, cats are what they eat. It is now a well-understood fact that cats are obligate carnivores. They have no biological need for carbohydrates. Even conventional feline practitioners readily admit that dry cat food is not very good for cats. And some of the popular canned foods on the market are just trash. Cats were never meant to eat processed grain. Some dry food is worse than other dry food. By-products, dyes, preservatives and contaminants make processed grain that much more toxic. Many of the worst cat foods on the market are actually touted for being the best. “The gold standard,” as they say, is an illusion. Quality is more important than price. Cats are small and won’t break most budgets to feed them the best food on the market. Some cat food manufacturers base their recipes on your cat’s optimal health benefits. You can tell by the quality of the ingredients they use. You need to know what companies are making the food and their mission. Your cat’s preferences, age, and medical issues will be deciding factors when you pick a specific food. What foods are available, what is in them, and how well they are made should all be considered when deciding what to feed your cat. General guidelines: If your cat is young and healthy, digesting well and willing to try new foods, it makes sense to try some different diets. 1. Give a good cat multivitamin to avoid micronutrient imbalances. Taurine deficiency, calcium and phosphorus imbalances are the most likely problems in a home made or variable diet. 2. Support the gut during times of stress or diet change. Probiotics and digestive enzymes are recommended. 3. Feed cats a meat based diet. 4. Unprocessed, whole foods are better than processed

foods. Canned cat food, raw meat and cooked meat are all okay to use as a base food for a healthy cat. 5. Try to feed at least 50 percent fresh food, more is better. That means no more than 50 percent dry. 6. Some (less than 30 percent) fiber from vegetables is helpful but not mandatory. 7. As a general rule, avoid wheat, corn, soy and milk ingredients. Gluten from any source is out. Learn to read the label and know what ingredients are acceptable. 8. If you get a new kitten, keep it on a raw diet. Kittens don’t know what dry food is and they usually are more adaptable than adult cats that have been on dry diets for a long time. 9. Older cats have often developed a carbohydrate addiction. Sometimes they are not satisfied by low carbohydrate, high protein and higher fat diets, i.e., The Catkins Diet. I recommend being persistent and trying new things. My main advice to cat owners is this: If you don’t have the time or the medical knowledge to understand cat food, get some help. The employees at Brookside Barkery and Bath are a tremendous resource. These stores have a fabulous variety of inventory and the staff is well educated. They can steer you in the right general direction. Cats need to be digesting their food prior to changing



their diet. If your cat is already sick, get medical advice from a qualified alternative veterinarian before starting a diet change.

Dr. Linda Faris is trained in both conventional and alternative veterinary medicine. She is a 1986 graduate of the University Of Missouri College Of Veterinary Medicine. She received her IVAS certification to practice veterinary acupuncture at the end of 2001. In 2001-2002, she took the New Mexico Basic Chinese Herbal course in Albuquerque, New Mexico. During an extended period from 2002 to 2004, she completed advanced herbal modules in cancer therapy, treatment of neurological disorders and geriatric herbal medicine, and in 2006 took an advanced acupuncture course through the Chi Institute in Florida. In 2008, she completed the IVAS Food Therapy Course with Dr. Bruce Furguson. Dr. Faris studied and regularly practices the balance techniques and acupuncture strategies of Dr. Richard Tan. She is currently enrolled in a university level Chinese Herbal course offered by IVAS through the College of Integrative Veterinary Medicine in Sydney, Australia. Training in alternative therapies has given her more treatment options when a case is presented to her. Most of her cases are seriously ill and have failed to respond favorably to conventional medical interventions.

February 2011

Spiritual horoscope

fitness directory

January 2011 Aluna Michaels Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Aluna is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Happy birthday Aquarius! You’re not usually mushy or romantic, but many of your relationship dreams are being fulfilled. Meditation will help your heart open even further to receive more love and good feelings. You could also be making new friends or beginning a new activity. Everything that’s happening is going to be very healing to your self-worth, and you’ll also be enjoying more prosperity! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Chiron is moving into Pisces this month. It has about a 55 year cycle, so this is special! Chiron has to do with healing and self-worth. You might find that you have actual healing abilities that you can cultivate. Meditation will make your intuition very reliable and strong, so you can have answers to problems in a way that makes you feel incredibly secure. Try to surround yourself with people who are bighearted and giving . . . people who are like you!




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Aries (March 21 – April 19) Please pay attention to your dreams! Keep a notebook by your bed and scribble any bits you remember when you wake up. You can also receive clear guidance in meditation, so keep up with your daily practice. If you’ve been struggling at work, or about money issues, you’ll have solutions come this month. You might be surprised by who sticks up for you, or recommends you for a new position or job! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) It’s important to let people know how important your spiritual growth is to you. You’ll be feeling it’s too much of a burden to hide who you are from people who are “3rd dimensional”. New relationships will start with likeminded souls. Stay committed to your meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices. You might also get intuitive guidance about financial issues, or receive an unexpected gift of money! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Meditation will help you heal family or childhood issues that interfere with your ability to bond in relationships. You can break patterns of attracting unavailable people, or people who put limits on intimacy. Try to forgive all the romantic people and situations who’ve disappointed you – including yourself. Old subconscious patterns are being destroyed so you’ll be freer and happier! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Relationships will be very intense this month! Dispel expectations by being open to discuss your desires and ideals about romance. Letting your partner know what you want gives them opportunities to make you happy. Don’t wait for them to read your mind, and then be hurt when they can’t! It would be great to meditate



February 2011

together to increase the depth of your bond – but it’s still crucial to be direct in conversation, even if you get more bonded through intuition! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Communication in relationships will improve and make your romantic life so much easier and happier! You’ll be able to solve problems as a unit if you meditate together, or at least sit quietly and ask for divine solutions. Apply your intuition to work problems too. Go off by yourself for a few minutes, or just sit and breathe. Affirm that there are many ideas that aren’t in your brain. Then open your mind to let in new options! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) You could be starting a new relationship that is deeper and more spiritual than any you’ve ever had. If partnered, you’ll be insisting that the connection between you deepen and become more profound. You won’t settle for ordinary! Focus on simplifying your life so you’re not overly busy and distracted. You’ll feel so fulfilled if you have enough quiet meditation time. Plus, you’ll be able to complete tasks quicker and better if your have that daily soul connection! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) You’ll be gaining freedom from childhood issues that impair your ability to be intimate. You’ll also heal self-criticism that dims your spiritual light. You could be surprised to find that a sibling or old friend is also interested in spiritual growth, and that creates a deeper bond between you. You’ll be able to cheer each other on as you grow in new fulfilling ways. You could also receive money from a relative, or from a superior who is championing your work efforts. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Pay attention to your thoughts and how they impact your perception of relationships. It’s time to challenge old negative beliefs about love and bonding. You see things through this filter and it limits your joy! You can also have limiting concepts of money that deplete your prosperity. When you alter the “program” in your mind, you can get different results from life! Create affirmations that you actually desire to believe, and meditate on them until they take root in your subconscious. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) If you’re fretting about finances, look for answers in meditation. Your intuition will sharpen and you’ll have ideas about making more money, or about wisely using what you have. Sagittarians often lead chaotic lives, so focus on making a meditation spot in your house. Having a little “sacred area” will instantly bring you internal stillness. Also, even if it’s cold, you get a lot of spiritual nourishment from walking outside. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) It’s time to focus on self-love and selfappreciation! So many people look up to you, and seek support from you – and that comes with the territory of spiritual growth. People sense your “soul strength” and want some of it. As you release self-criticism, you’ll be more humbly confident. You’ll have intuitive ideas for others that don’t seem intrusive or “advise giving”. You’ll also be given added respect at work – you deserve it!

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Kristie Macan Martin - A Quiet Sole Reflexology Board Certified Reflexologist & Relaxation Professional. 913-220-8990 Gift Certificates at www.aquietsolereflexology.abmp.com

New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC www.newdayhypno.com Smoking, weight, stress and more 913-908-6907


LIFE COACH COLOR THERAPY AuraAura-Soma Heart of America— America—Leiola Reeder Certified Advanced Teacher and Consultant. Offering CEUs for Massage Therapists and Nurses.816-217-3722, leiola@sbcglobal.net

COUNSELING Dr. Jay Peters Marriage & Addictions Counselor. Smoking/ Weight Mgmt. Hypnosis. Regression/Past Life Hypnosis 913-339-9591 www.drjaypeters.com

ENERGY HEALING Pranic Healing Sessions, Feng Shui, Space Clearing Rocky Patel; rcky1120@aol.com; 816-916-1823; Sherry Sutera: s.sutera@att.net; 913-488-6651

Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343, www.shamanicpathways.net

Teri Higbee, Radiant Living Expert: Expert Weight Loss, Energy Therapies, Prosperity, Empowerment Processes, Clarity of Purpose, Shamanic Astrol. LoveWisdomWellness.com; 913-219-6788.


Diane Davis Reed, Reed Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge, pathfinder@kc.rr.com, 816-741-0820

Tamara Creighton, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Cleanse With Friends, and Hawaiian LomiLomi tamara@tcreighton.com, 913-232-6419 www.tcreighton.com

SPRAY TAN Healthy GLO Achieve a red carpet glow with the all natural SunFX spray tan. Professionally applied in five minutes. 50% off your first tan. jmeverett1017@yahoo.com; 913-485-5850

Gia Maisch Nutrition Consultation Guiding you to self discovery through nutrition. Support, classes, workshops www.GiaMaisch.com (913) 406-4883 Eating Well in Kansas City: Celebrating Whole, Seasonal, Local and Organic Eating. Pick up a copy near you (distribution list online) or read back issues at www.eatingwellkc.com.



YOGA Everyday Yoga & Wellness Center Yoga -Class or Private, Reiki, Massage Nutrition Counseling, IonSpa Foot Detox. 816-809-9574 www.myeverydayyoga.com

February 2011

events February 1 Kirtan Unity Church, Overland Park. 7-8:30 p.m. With /Ricky Yutuc, Mark Gossman, Jeri Birdsall. Love offering.

Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com. February 8 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com

February 2 & 25 Radiant Living Series Group/Proxy & Tele-Session. Transform limiting attitudes and beliefs into Radiant Living using the energy psychology of Resonance Repatterning®. Teri Higbee, 913-219-6788 or www.lovewisdomwellness.com/ RR_proxy.htm.

February 9 Resonance Repatterning® 12-Week Tele-Series Radiant Release ~ Lose Weight from the Inside Out! Change negative patterns. Teri Higbee, 913-219-6788 or LWW@LoveWisdomWellness.com.

February 4 Open Circle Pathfinders Consulting at Red Moon Lodge, 7-10 p.m. Express and expand the LOVE in your heart. Diane Davis Reed 816741-0820 or Lynn Johnson 816-308-5450.

February 10 Interpreting Dreams for Self Discovery At Park Hill High School, N. Barry Road, North Kansas City, 7-9 p.m. Presented by the School of Metaphysics, (913) 2369292.

February 4 2011 Visioning Celebration & Potluck Share your 2011 vision and learn about vision boards, 7-9 p.m., Sweet Life Grand Court, 12000 Lamar Ave., OP www.HappinessNowUniversity.com, Dion Koch, Spiritual Coach & Oneness Trainer, 913-909-3326.

February 11-13 Oneness Blessing Giver Training Fri 6-9, Sat 9:30a-8:30p, Sun 1:30-8:30p, Sweet Life Grand Court, 12000 Lamar Ave., OP www.HappinessNowUniversity.com, Dion Koch, Spiritual Coach & Oneness Trainer, 913-909-3326.

February 5 Intro to Conscious Equal Partnership With Stephanie Roth, $25/person; $45/couple. RSVP: www.redfeatherconnections.com. Noon-4 p.m. at Mystic Treasures, 7711-E N. Oak Trfwy, 816-420-0820.

February 12 Didgeridoo Workshop With Ricky Yutuc at Stone Spirit Lodge. 13 p.m. Learn circular breathing. Bring your Didgeridoo (or we will provide), a bottle of water and a straw. Love offering. www.stonespiritlodge.com.

February 6 Pendulum 101 With Laurie. Noon-to 3:30 p.m. RSVP to Mystic Treasures, 7711 N. Oak Trfwy, 816-420-0820.

Sound Vibrational Healing Using Didgeridoos and tuning forks with Ricky Yutuc at Stone Spirit Lodge. 3-6 p.m. Ricky channels your Higher Self and you can hear your spirit animal through the Didgeridoo. $1/minute. www.stonespiritlodge.com.

February 6 Intro to Oneness Blessing Giver Training 3-6 p.m., Sweet Life Grand Court, 12000 Lamar Ave., OP www.HappinessNowUniversity.com, Dion Koch, Spiritual Coach & Oneness Trainer, 913-909-3326. February 8 Spirit Show-Up Gather with like-minded spiritual people and share the energy and joy as Spirit guides us. 7 p.m., Overland Park. Call: 913-232-9437; landofom@gmail.com.

February 12 Yoga for Lovers: Partner Yoga Workshop Connect, breath, relax, laugh, celebrate … together! 3-5 p.m., $25/couple. www.northlandyoga.com, (816) 520-2247. February 12 Thoughtforms With Rich Fine, $30. RSVP: www.finenergy.org. 4 - 6:30 p.m. at Mystic Treasures, 7711 N. Oak Trfwy, 816-420-0820

February 12 Intuition Enhancement Class Develop YOUR true clear sight, YOUR soul connection thru guided visualization. Identify, Remove, Transmute, Protect and Inspire. Interactively experience in a virtual classroom the soul, chakras, energy and spirit. 1 hour @ wk for 10 weeks $250 rondareinke@yahoo.com 831-521-0861 www.happyhealthyhomes.com February 12-13 Valentine's Day Party & Sale Select your purchase, pop a balloon and receive whatever discount (5-50% off) is inside—as our thank you. Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816-931-6303, www.aquariusbooks.com. February 13 Group Channeling Black Hawk (Spirit Guide) provides answers, insight, awareness, laughter. 6 p.m. Sug. Donation: $33, Overland Park. Call Maitreya at 913-839-8745; http://maitreyazohar.com; maitreya912@gmail.com. February 13 Monthly Artist Exhibition At Stone Spirit Lodge 1-3 p.m. Consciousness Trifecta with Victor James Dougherty, Conscious Music; Jenny Hahn, Artist; and Dawn Downey, Spiritual Essayist. http://stonespiritlodge.com. February 14 FREE Weddings, Vow Renewals & Holy Unions 11th Annual Valentine’s Day Celebration of Love - Unity Temple on the Plaza is offering couples their very own ceremony to say “I do” & celebrate their joy & commitment to each other….FREE OF CHARGE. To reserve your time & more information contact Christine Garvey at 816-994-8009 or Christine@unitytemple.com. All you need is love, love, love! February 16 (Begins) DNA Activation Series Every other Wed., Noon-2 p.m., activate your original blueprint w/Debbie Miller and Susan Prout. www.RenewalOils.com. At Crescent Springs in OP. First class $45, then $35 for each.



February 2011

February 19-20 Heartland Oneness Weekend Experience a deeper experience of divine connection. More information at www.northlandyoga.com, (816) 520-2247. February 20 Bambi Nancy Shen, Author of The Uncrushable Rose Talk on her childhood, surviving the Japanese concentration camps, and using her experiences to inspire and empower others. 1:30-4 p.m. Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816-931-6303, www.aquariusbooks.com. February 21 Pedicures for Pups 6:30-8:00pm – N2paws teaching techniques to turn toenail trimming trauma into the spa treatment. Overland Park, KS $25 pat@n2paws.com ~ 816-522-7005 February 22 Biofeedback For Stress Reduction & Muscle Relaxation 7 p.m. at School of Metaphysics, 4323 Rainbow Blvd, Kansas City, KS, (913) 236 -9292. Donations accepted. February 22 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com February 23 Celestial Timings Repatterning Tele-Session 7-9 p.m. A key celestial event is chosen monthly. Using Resonance Repatterning®, flow with the energies of the Universe affecting you. Teri Higbee, 913-219-6788 or www.lovewisdomwellness.com/ RR_proxy.htm. February 23 Chakra 13 Divine Heart Space Divine Energy and Invocation of the Pink Flame w/Debbie Miller and Susan Prout. www.RenewalOils.com. 6:30 p.m. at Crescent Springs in OP. $35.

February 27 Blue Light Special “InSightful” Tarot Readings with Maitreya. Amazing Crystal Foot Massages with ChristiElla. 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. Overland Park. $20 per 20 min. 913-427-1149; landofom@gmail.com. February 24-27 Spiraling Consciousness: An Experiential Retreat Explore your role in evolution and develop a way of thinking about the divine that unites rather than divides humanity. Call 816-2513540 or visit www.unityvillage.org. March 1 Forgiveness Through Neuro Emotional Healing Experience emotional healing and forgiveness. Love offering. 7 p.m. at School of Metaphysics, 4323 Rainbow Blvd, Kansas City, KS, (913) 236-9292. March 2-6 Wellness Lifestyle Retreat At Unity Village. $1,299 per person or $2,200 for two. Includes accommodations, meals and all retreat experiences. Register: Janet at 913.962.7408. www.yourwellnessconnection.com . March 7 Aging Gracefully 6:30-8:00pm – N2paws teaching techniques to help comfort your canine companion during the golden years. Overland Park, KS $25 pat@n2paws.com ~ 816-522-7005 March 9 14 Quantum Holographic Gateway Working with Divine Energy and Invocation to the Unified Chakra w/Debbie Miller and Susan Prout. www.RenewalOils.com. 6:30 p.m. at Crescent Springs in OP. $35. March 17, 18, 19 May I Be Frank Screenings 7 p.m. Thursday & Friday, 2 p.m. Saturday at Your Wellness Connection, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee. Register and pay: www.mayibefrankmovie.com.

March 17, 18, 19 A Lifetime of Wellness Yoga Classes for All Levels: MCKS PRANIC HEALING Beginner, Intro, Prenatal and CLINIC & MEDITATION Over 50. At Your Wellness Aura cleansing for emotions, Connection, 7410 Switzer, pain, addictions. Second Shawnee. Times and fees: Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. Unity yourwellnessconnection.com. Village Fellowship Lounge. Love offering. Rocky Patel, March 18-19 816.916.1823. AN EVENING & FULL DAY TRAINING IN ENERGY MEDICINE & QI GONG LONGEVITY WITH ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY MASTER XIAO Donna Eden, legendary pioneer in Sundays 10:30-11:30 a.m. $25. the field of Energy Medicine, goes Longevity movements, Shaolin in-depth to teach simple yet pow- style. 11806 77th St. Lenexa, KS. erful remedies for maximizing your www.masterxiaohealing.com well-being. David Feinstein, noted expert in Energy Psychology will TAI CHI TRAINING WITH teach techniques to help shift enMASTER XIAO ergy, emotions, fears and habits Saturdays 10-11 a.m. $25. May and experience joyful living. Pre- include Chen style, tai chi gong. sented by Cornerstone Founda11806 W. 77th St. Lenexa, KS. tion. Unity Temple on the Plaza, www.masterxiaohealing.com. 707 West 47th St., KCMO. Discount pricing good through 2/28. Details BASIC LIVE & WHOLE FOOD and registration at PREPARATION (816) 561-1627 or 3rd Saturdays 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. cornerstonefoundation.com. $35 per class includes food, recipes, demonstration and class. March 23 drkat@kc.rr.com Intro to Classical Feng Shui 7-9 pm www.UMKC.edu/commu WOMEN'S WEB KCMO limited enrollment $9 Iden- An evolving group of down-totify directions, elements and color earth, real women of all ages that support you, your family and exploring, honoring, and celeyour home. rondarebrating Goddess energy through inke@yahoo.com ritual. We meet twice a month www.happyhealthyhomes.com in Lawrence. For more information, kansaswomenMarch 30 sweb@sbcglobal.net Feng Shui for Romance 6-8 pm www.UMKC.edu/commu LINK UP AT WHITE DEER LODGE KCMO limited enrollment $9 At- 1st Wed. of every month, 7 p.m. tract romance into your life. Learn Prayer, meditation and healing which individuals will best in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. support you over time. Free. No experience necessary. rondareinke@yahoo.com Daniel Baxley: www.happyhealthyhomes.com www.shamanicpathways.net; 816.769.7343. April 1 Lindsay Wagner 4 DAY BIOENERGY “Open to Oneness” HEALING CLINIC The Bionic Woman and Oneness First Tues of the month 7-9 PM Blessing Trainer shares techniques Fee: Donation. to release uncomfortable emo- Reservations: Kim Meisinger 913 tions and shift to Oneness. Music, -685-9939 Relaxation, Meditation. 6:30-9:30 http://web.mac.com/bioenergy/ p.m. at Unity in OP. $35 advance. HealingBioenergy/ Hosted by Dion Koch, Spiritual Movies_BLP.html Coach & Oneness Trainer: HappinessNowUniversity.com LAUGHTER YOGA FRIDAYS 913-909-3326. 6:00-6:45 p.m. Plaza Wellspring, 1900 W 47th Pl. #328, West. wood. Laugh your way to EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


ONGOING greater vitality and joy. Deepen your breath; relax your body and mind. Love offering. www.PlazaWellspring.com. REIKI CIRCLE at Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9pm. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email karen@karenharrison.net. 816-523-4440 ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS By Appointment. Since 2005 the Kansas City Healing Project has been providing energy healing sessions for cancer patients. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels from their treatment and disease. Donation basis. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. KansasCityHealingProject.org SACRED RELATIONSHIP 2nd or 3rd Saturday monthly - A beginning tantra class for singles and couples to experience the Divine. 7-9pm. Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher. Leawood. 816-5234440, For flier with topic and date, email karen@karenharrison.net LEARN BOWENWORK Manual therapy for pain relief, repetitive strain, chronic conditions, athletics. Works when nothing else does. Ongoing classes OP area: Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012. bowenworkacademyusa.com NCBTMB SPIRIT SHOW-UP 7 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in OP to share the energy and joy as Spirit guides us. Love offering. Maitreya: 913.839.8745, http:// maitreyazohar.com. RESTORATIVE YOGA AT NORTHLAND YOGA CENTER 2nd Saturdays, 10-Noon. Profound Healing~Deep Peace, Diana's gentle spirit will have February 2011

you floating on a cloud! $20. www.northlandyoga.com, 816-520-2247. DIKSHA MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING Tuesdays 7-9 p.m. at Stone Spirit Lodge, 309 Westport Rd., KCMO. Facilitated by Rainbow Mooon. Open to everyone. Love offering. http://stonespiritlodge.com. DIKSHA MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING Wednesdays 7:30-9 p.m. at Plaza Wellspring, 1900 W 47th Place #328, Westwood. Facilitated by Rainbow Mooon. Open to everyone. Love offering. www.PlazaWellspring.com. MYSTIC THERAPY Sundays 6:30-8 p.m. at Plaza Wellspring, 1900 W 47th Place #328, Westwood. Seated meditation followed by a guided relaxation and transmission of healing energy. Love offering. www.PlazaWellspring.com. UPSIDE DOWN TIME: KIDS YOGA! 1st Saturday every month 10-11 a.m., $10/family. Open to kids ages 3-8. www.northlandyoga.com, (816) 520-2247. SACRED WOMAN BELLY DANCE 1st & 4th Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 p.m. with Maya Zahira. Sacred aspects of belly dance class. Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816931-6303, www.aquariusbooks.com. INTERPLAY PLAYGROUPS Community, Creativity, Change! Sat., Feb. 5, 1-4 p.m. Create & Embody Your Life @ Plaza Wellspring. Mondays 7-8:30 p.m. @ Plaza Wellspring Devi Wetterer 816-830-7778 Facebook Midwest InterPlay GRATITUDE OPEN MIC NIGHT Stone Spirit Lodge, 309 Westport Rd., KCMO. Every 2nd Friday, 7-10 p.m. with Paul Goldman, local poets, musicians and Belly Dancer Maya Zahira. http://stonespiritlodge.com.



February 2011

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