February 2013 Evolving

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February 2013 ~ Vol. IV, Issue 12

X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

The Golden Years Caregiving for Aging Parents Herbs of Longevity Retirement: A New Stage of Life EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


February 2013



February 2013

Publisher’s Letter...


Photo by: Penny Thieme ©2011, pennythiemephotography.com

Dear Friend, Aging never becomes apparent until you’re in the midst of it. This year I turn 50 — and almost as suddenly as the milestone crept upon me, thoughts of aging pervade my consciousness.

I remember a crone party we threw for my mother when she turned 50. Somehow I don’t feel old enough to have this distinction, albeit honor; yet, I do feel an inner calmness, an assuredness about my decisions, and yes, wisdom, that I didn’t have even 10 years ago. So perhaps we do, however reluctantly, gracefully grow into our maturity.

Retirement: A New Stage of Life...9 Caring for Aging Parents...10

But I firmly believe that we are not “old” until the day we stop dreaming and pursuing passions. Like my mother, who still travels, laughs fiercely, loves deeply and rides her tricycle daily (see photo), I plan to pursue the beauty and joy of each season instead of lamenting the past.

Jill Dutton

Herbs of Longevity...11

Photo by Barbara Larson.

Marina Grog and Gallery...7 What the Healthy Victorians Ate...15 Publisher Jill Dutton 913-248-1912 jill@evolvingmagazine.com

Advertising ON THE COVER: In “Journey On,” Anastacia Drake expresses her kinship with trees through her rich textured paintings. They, like the human spirit are diverse, highly adapted, and stand tall and strong growing anew with each season of life. An opening reception on March 1 from 5-8 p.m. for her new paintings will be held at Suite 100, 4010 Washington, KC, MO, 64111. Artwork provided by VALA. www.strokeofredstudio.com ~ www.valagallery.org ~ www.corleylawfirm.com

Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Maddie Glenn Ad Design Maitreya Zohar Contributors Lorrie Crystal Eigles, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Bonnie Rabicoff, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes, Karen Schroeder, Lynn Johnson Soulier

Karen E. Cowdry

Connie “Crash” Humiston

Wendy MacDonald

Correction: The January cover art credit for Ayana Curran’s “Tree Pose” didn’t credit Evan Jay Warren, also a student at Shawnee Mission East, for technical consulting.

Departments: Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Holistic Medicine

EVOLVING© 2013 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.



February 2013

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Food Talk! In the Kitchen w/Bonnie Horoscope Events

7 7 12 14

Wisdom Within—by Suzette Scholtes Golden Girls and Boys


ne of our students shared the stage at the New Theatre in Overland Park, KS, with Marion Ross, who played the role of Mom on Happy Days. Marion Ross, at age 85, sparkles with energy as a lovely, continuously-upbeat and iconic All-American Mom. Night after night and a daily matinee, she performed a rigorous comedy for months at a time. I wonder, why does she choose this? “It’s her soul’s purpose,” her cast mate says. “It’s in her blood. It’s what a true actor lives for: performing and loving the work.” What will you be doing at age 85? Big John attends class every Monday to ease his Parkinson’s disease symptoms. He walks in and starts making jokes, cheerful and happy despite his challenge. I ask him, “Why are you still working 40 hours a week?” “Well,” he says, “get busy living or get busy dying.” He smiles as he quotes a line from the Bucket List. Most of the seniors at the Yoga School are as busy as their teenage grandchildren. Gloria at age 72 still hits the ice at the rink every day, ice dancing and spinning. Sally designs kitchens. Mary helps to run her book club.

My sis-in-law, another upbeat, cheerful, outgoing person, has chosen to take late retirement and continues to run, at age 70, full-speed-ahead her insurance business. “I love working!” she says. “The day I quit loving my work is the day I may quit.” My roommate from college and good friend shows up in her shiny new car this past holiday, pouring Christmas gifts into the front hall. She retired from Boeing at the ripe age of 57. After working to figure out how to produce the parts for the jet planes following the engineer’s specs, she was burned out. Trust me, she was tired and grumpy. Too many 60-hour weeks left her depleted. But she has it made. On a full pension, she is one of those savvy people who weekly saved her money. Meanwhile, she is generous, giving to her family, The Red Cross, and other organizations. This golden girl laughs a lot, shares a great joke and can down a brandy faster than a lumber jack. As she settles into the recliner by the Christmas tree, her hands move up the back of her sweatshirt. We are alone in the house. “This damn bra has to come off now!” she explains. “I have been bound up for hours today!” Our sisterhood is magical. Within minutes we are sharing old stories and laughing, laughing, laughing. How lucky are we?

So the circle spins. I remember my son very young, maybe four years old, for weeks on end singing a Sesame Street song: I am happy, happy, happy! So it seems now whether 18 or 80, it is a choice to find meaning in one’s life. Way to go, golden girls and boys!

Suzette Scholtes has won awards for her writing including the prestige “Writers Digest” award for nonfiction. Her passion is writing and teaching. At the Yoga School, she directs the yoga teaching methods based on the 8,000 year-old yoga tradition of yoga, health and happiness, whether 18 or 80. Here, be met with a smile and learn to love your life. At 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. Check it out at www.theyogastudio.com or email news@theyogastudio.com or call 913-492-9594.

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February 2013

Journey to Wholeness—by Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. Act III “We have not added decades to life expectancy by simply extending old age; instead, we have opened up a new space partway through the life course, a second and different kind of adulthood that precedes old age, and as a result every stage of life is undergoing change.” —Mary Catherine Bateson Composing a Further Life: The Age of Active Wisdom


ights! Camera! Action! It is time for Act III or Adulthood II. In the last decade a new revolution has been quietly happening. The not so “Silent Generation” has been writing and speaking about aging, painting a picture of those of us who survived our personal sixties and are now in our seventies. Sixty seemed very old to me and I was not happy about the prospect of the ‘retirement decade’ with the Social Security and Medicare words. Then I found myself happily celebrating my 70th birthday. Friends and family came to fete me as someone who was still healthy, contributing and glad to be alive. I was full-tilt boogey into Act III. Someone recommended that I listen to a TEDx video of Jane Fonda talking about the Third Act of Life. I found it very interesting, mirroring many of my own thoughts and experiences. A birthday gift this year was her book, Prime Time. She tells us that in the last century we have moved from a life expectancy of forty-six to eighty! This gives us a second adulthood in which we can re-discover, re-invent and find ourselves in new ways. Ms. Fonda cites eleven ingredients for successful aging. There is the usual list of good health habits including not smoking, not abusing alcohol, adequate sleep, physical and mental activity and healthy diet. The ones that stand out as somewhat different and extremely essential are: Positivity: encouraging a positive attitude Reviewing and reflecting on your life Loving and staying connected Generativist: giving of oneself Caring about the bigger picture It seems imperative that in moving forward we review where we have been, processing and learning from our experiences. Mary Catherine Bateson says we are “pioneering a part

of life that did not exist before.” The radical influences of activism in the ‘60s and 70’s have liberated us from stereotypes of aging. Now we must write our own new script in Act III. Ms. Bateson sees us as people with “active wisdom—an entire cohort with something new to offer to the world as years of experience combined with continuing health.” (Composing A Further Life: The Age of Active Wisdom) Tapping into our generative and creative energy, buoyed by love and connectedness, we can give of ourselves as we look at the big picture. This is quite a tall order. It surely seems like a better alternative than watching TV, becoming a recluse, paying too much attention to physical issues or becoming depressed by having no sense of purpose or meaning. This is quite a challenge. My newest AARP Bulletin has a wonderful article about how retired, successful basketball coach, Pat Summitt is fighting Alzheimer’s disease. “As with everything in life, I play to win. With the help of my son, Tyler, I continue to take on the newest opponent, early onset dementia. We have created the Pat Summitt Foundation to do just that.” On the same page a new book entitled Encore Career Handbook by Marci Alboher of Encore.org is featured. This movement “aims to engage millions of people in encore careerswork that combines social impact, personal meaning and continued income. We call it ‘purpose, passion and a paycheck.’” It seems the spirit of this generational movement is catching. I am inspired by my peers and am going to be reading, reflecting and working more on my own Act III. This could be exciting! Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go to www.kcholistic.com. jude@kcholistic.com. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


February 2013

Holistic Medicine—by Nancy Russell, M.D. Using Your GUT Instinct


f you frequently experience indigestion, constipation, unexplained diarrhea, gas and bloating, fatigue and consistently lack energy, have chronic skin conditions, joint pain, weight imbalances, chronic sinus problems, migraine headaches or irritable bowel syndrome, it would be wise to assess your GUT. Answering ‘yes’ to several of these symptoms could mean you have DYSBIOSIS, an alteration in the bacterial balance in your intestinal system which causes inflammation that can affect the absorption of nutrients to your body. Chronic digestive dysfunction can set the stage for leaky gut, food sensitivities, toxic stress and even autoimmune reactions. The cellular function of every organ in the body is dependent on nourishing substances obtained through digestion. Antibiotics, toxins, sugar, birth control pills, steroids, parasites and stress can wreak havoc with your gastrointestinal system, upsetting the balance in your intestine as well as allowing harmful substances to enter the system. Before discomfort or disease develops, a comprehensive digestive stool analysis can be collected in the comfort of your home. This testing is considered alternative and special laboratories are needed to analyze the specimens. With this testing, it is possible to determine whether certain nutrients are being absorbed, if the pancreas is digesting food properly, and how the liver is metabolizing nutrients. Then the stool can be checked for bacterial and yeast (candida) overgrowth and parasites. Once it is determined what is out of balance in your GUT, treatment consists of the Four R’s; REMOVE, REINOCULATE, REPLACE and REPAIR. When it

is determined that you have a bacterial or yeast overgrowth, the goal is to REMOVE that overgrowth with either prescription medications and/or herbal remedies. The culture of the stool can reveal the specific type of bacteria or yeast and then specify which prescriptions and which herbs are best for your particular infection or overgrowth. While taking the prescription medication or herbs, it is advised to simultaneously REINOCULATE the good bacteria that is either already low or could be killed off by the treatment. Probiotics are good bacteria that consist of lactobacillus and bifidophilus organisms and can be found as a supplement in capsule, powder or liquid form. The probiotics need to be taken at least 4-6 hours away from taking the medication or herbal treatment. Next, it is determined whether you need to REPLACE your GUT system with digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid or other missing substances. After removing the imbalances, reinoculating with good bacteria and replacing necessary substances, it is necessary to REPAIR the gut lining. REPAIR can be achieved with healing nutrients like glutamine and aloe vera and a food elimination diet may also be necessary. To determine what foods are bothering your system, a food elimination diet can be entertained or food sensitivities can be determined through blood testing or kinesiology techniques. An elimination diet can be beneficial but it takes time and discipline as it takes 3-4 weeks of eliminating several food groups, such as wheat, gluten, dairy, soy, corn, etc. and then carefully trying one food back at a time every few days and watching for a reaction. I have found it helpful to do a blood test for food sensitivity-based ill-

nesses and the newest technique I have used is MRT or mediator release test. This MRT is different from Elisa IgG food testing in that it not only checks Type 3 food reactions, but also the more common Type 4 pathways. Plus, IgG testing can’t identify reactions to food-chemicals which the MRT testing does do. This translates into faster and more complete relief with the MRT testing. The MRT testing assesses your individual reaction to 150 different foods and chemicals. As the GUT has as much as 75 percent of your immune system cells in your body, assessing and treating this vital and “invisible” organ can be beneficial in getting to the root of complicated health problems. Your GUT is always a part of a complex puzzle that needs put together to reach optimal health. Nancy Russell, M.D. is a holistic Internal medicine physician and has practiced in the Kansas City northland for 30 years. Dr. Russell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice. As a founding member of the American Board of Holistic medicine, she is board certified in holistic medicine. For more information on getting to know Dr Russell, visit her website: www.nancyrussellmd.com or Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.



February 2013

Eating Well

in Kansas City

In the Kitchen with Bonnie—by Bonnie Rabicoff

Food First!—by Bethany Klug, D.O.

Marina Grog & Gallery

What the Healthy Victorians Ate


igeye Tuna is an excellent source of healthy protein, low in saturated fat and sodium. Executive Chef Amy Presson pays respect to this prized fish product with a light searing…then pairs it with fresh and Asian flavors for her signature dish at the Marina Grog & Galley. Bonnie Rabicoff is the producer and host of the multi-media foodie series “In the Kitchen with Bonnie.” She has served as the Vice President of Development for KCPT Public Television and

the Marketing Director of The Barstow School where she founded and coordinated “The Barstow School Organic Farmers’ Market and Chef Series. Bonnie has worked in the television medium for over 20 years…Serving as a producer and host for a variety of community programs addressing education, the arts, social service and cooking. For a listing of upcoming features or to view the entire foodie series, visit inthekitchenwithbonnie.com

Bruschetta of Seared Ahi Tuna and an Edamame-Wasabi Puree Topped with Dressed Greens on a Toasted Baguette Prepared by Executive Chef Amy Presson at Marina Grog & Galley

For the Edamame-Wasabi Paste:


ast month, I wrote about the work of Paul Clayton and Judith Rowbotham. They have identified a 30 year period between 1850 and 1880 where working class British enjoyed better health than we do now. Their research reveals that life expectancy at age five was as good as or better than today and that degenerative disease rates were 10 percent of ours. Through analysis of historical records, they’ve determined how they achieved this feat and how they later succumbed to ill health. So what did these healthy Victorians eat?

Vegetables, Green and Root. Onions, leeks, watercress, Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage, broccoli, carrot, turnips, peas, all in season.

2 c Edamame, steamed 5 minutes from frozen, then shock in cold water 1T wasabi powder mixed with 2T water 2 tsp Kosher Salt 1oz water

• Fruit. Apples in winter, gooseberries and plums in summer. Dried fruits were readily available year round. All fruits and vegetables were organically grown and ten times more nutrient dense than today. They ate eight to ten servings per day. Most people today eat three.

For the Asian Vinaigrette: 2 T soy 2 T rice vinegar 2 T lime juice 1/8 tsp ground ginger ¾ c olive oil For the Balsamic Syrup: 1.5 c balsamic vinegar ¼ c brown sugar For Plating: 4oz Ahi pc Sesame oil for Ahi Garlic pepper Edamame-wasabi puree Baguette Olive oil- for baguette Tomato Asian vinaigrette Baby greens Balsamic syrup

For the Balsamic Syrup: In a heavy saucepan, add ingredients and put on stove at low heat. Let reduce by half, about 30 minutes or until a syrup consistency develops. Order of Preparation:

• Start balsamic syrup • Edamame-wasabi paste • Toast baguette • Slice tomato • Make Asian vinaigrette • Have spring mix ready in bowl • Season ahi For the Edamame Wasabi Paste: • Sauté Ahi • Assemble Edamame on baguette In food processor, blend Edamame first, then Tomato add next 3 ingredients. Blend well, scraping Ahi sides to get big chunks. Mix Add water. greens Balsamic For the Asian Vinaigrette: syrup In a bowl, add first four ingredients. Slowly whisk in oil. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING

• Legumes and Nuts. Dried legumes year round. Chestnuts, hazelnuts and walnuts in season. Almonds, Brazil nuts and coconuts were imported and served as a treat during Christmas. • Fish and Seafood. Herring, pickled in winter, fresh the rest of the year, other whitefish and eel. The whole fish was eaten, even the head and roe. • Meats. Victorian working class rarely ate a piece of meat cooked in one piece as we do. They consumed meat on the bone such as shin and cheek bone in a soup or stew, and mostly organ meats, even “pluck” the lung and intestines of sheep. Organ meat is more nutrient dense than the skeletal muscle meats we eat today. All animals were grassfed. • Eggs and Dairy Products. Most households kept laying hens for eggs. Milk was avoided due to lack of refrigeration and fear of adulteration. Animal fat drippings were favored over butter. Hard cheese was common. 7

February 2013

• Salt. There were very few processed foods and therefore little hidden salt, other than in bread. Recipes suggest that significantly less salt was then added to meals. At the table, salt wasn’t sprinkled from a shaker but piled at the side of the plate, allowing it to be used in a more controlled way •

Alcohol. Beer was the most common alcoholic beverage consumed; but, the alcohol content was only 1 – 3.5 percent, less if watered down. They drank the equivalent to one and a half to two pints of beer per day in today’s terms.

• Tobacco. Rarely used. The big expansion in mass tobacco consumption by the working classes did not take place until after 1883, when industrial cigarette production was introduced. •

Adulterants. Lead chromate in mustard, mercury and arsenic compounds as colorants in confectionery and picrotoxin in beer all undoubtedly contributed to ill health. Otherwise, some of the other common ‘adulterants’ have potentially significant health benefits. The hawthorne used to extend tea, for example, contained flavonoids beneficial to the heart and blood vessels. The coriander in beer may have had some anti-parasitic activity; and the watering down of beer and spirits was – from a health perspective – a generally good thing! The advent of processed foods in the 1880’s destroyed the health of the Victorian working class. Their story confirms what we know now: factory produced food destroys our health. The diet of the Victorian working class has much to teach us about the way back. Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and www.bethanyklug.com.

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February 2013

Feature—by Lorrie Crystal Eigles Retirement: A New Stage of Life


he ‘second half of life,’ the ‘third chapter,’ and the ‘encore stage’ are a few of the recent terms used for the time of life previously known as ‘retirement.’ According to Gail Rentsch, in her book Smart Women Don’t Retire—They Break Free, retirement “… which traditionally has been associated with a withdrawal from society in order to spend the remainder of life in pursuit of leisure,” is an outdated term. Our older concept of retirement no longer describes the dynamic next chapter of life that we are creating for ourselves. Our ‘retirement’ years typically look very different from those of our parents and grandparents. We’re pioneers in designing what’s next in the 5 to 35+ years after we leave our fulltime work. The people I talk with and coach are not ready to withdraw from life! Instead, we may want what David Corbett and Richard Higgins describe as a Portfolio Life: a flexible mix which may include full or part-time paid work, volunteering, hobbies, health and fitness activities, time with friends and family and travel/leisure. Each portfolio life will be uniquely our own design. When we move into the next stage of life, some of us flounder due to a loss of structure, professional identity or a sense of purpose provided by our work. This is understandable when we consider that for most of our lives our culture, families, schools and religious institutions have provided clear steps and expectations: go to school, work, marry, have children, have grandchildren and then retire into a rather foggy, undefined stage of life. While we may not follow all the steps that are laid out for us, we still know what they are. Starting the next chapter of life is often not appreciated for the huge transition it is and the time it takes to acclimate to our new world. It takes time for us to figure out who we are when we no longer have a work identity. Being in the period between ending one phase of life and starting a new beginning can leave us feeling anxious and lost. This in-between time is called the “neutral zone” by William Bridges in his book Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes. Yet it can also be a fertile time of exploration and creativity, when we learn many new things about ourselves, what we deeply desire in this time of life and what we’re able to do that we may not have believed possible. It helps to have what Buddhists call ‘Beginners Mind’ when we are open-minded and curious without having preconceived ideas as we meet new people and have new experiences. I find that most of us in our 50’s, 60’s and 70’s are excited about the prospect of the next chapter of our lives. When asked what we look forward to, some say: “freedom to do what I want and when I want,” “travel,” “play golf every day,” “move to live near my children and grandchildren,” “do the things I never had time

to do,” or “find a new sense of purpose.” We want to remain actively engaged in life. For many of us this time of life may be the first chance we’ve had to define ourselves and live the way we want to. That can be both heady and confusing, which is normal. We’re in new territory! Some of us may have financial constraints or family obligations, such as raising our grandchildren. That may mean that having what we want in life will take the form of smaller pleasures that are important to us. Carving out time to take care of ourselves is critical. Two things to consider when we’re approaching retirement or have recently retired are: The first year or two in particular can be challenging as we figure out new routines, new activities, new identities or a new direction in life. It helps to have an adventurous frame of mind and a willingness to explore new things as well as a willingness to let them go if they don’t fit who we are and what we want at this point. You can liken the first year of our new life chapter to the high school or college graduate’s ‘gap year,’ where they’re giving themselves permission to have fun, experiment and not put pressure on themselves before they take their next big step. Their unstructured ‘gap year’ may actually lead to discoveries that affect or determine their next step and this may happen to you too. Be gentle with yourself during this confusing, uncertain time. No matter how goal -oriented you are, you can’t force the process to happen more quickly than it will. I like the image of driving in the fog: you can only see a few feet in front of your headlights so it’s important for you to take your time, trust that you’re moving forward in the right direction and eventually you will get where you want to go--even if you don’t know what the next destination is! Now, what are your thoughts about your upcoming or recent ‘retirement?’ What actions are you interested in taking? You’re in the drivers seat to design what can be the best time of your life! Lorrie Crystal Eigles, the “Authenticity Coach,” lives her dream by “empowering people to be true to themselves.” She is a thinking partner who helps clients clarify who they truly are, what they most deeply desire in their lives then guides them step by step to achieve it. She’s described by clients as “warm, creative, enthusiastic, and having a great laugh” and “an attentive listener who offers thoughtprovoking feedback and challenges.” As a Certified Life and Retirement Coach, PCC, BCC, MSED, a Visual Artist, and founder of “Authentic Communication,” Lorrie is both well grounded and able to help clients reach for the stars! Visit: http:// myauthenticlifecoaching.com.



February 2013

Feature—by Karen Schroeder Caregiving for Aging Parents


he topic of caregiving for the aging is getting a lot of attention these days, and rightly so. The American Society on Aging reports that nearly one out of four U.S. households is providing care to a relative or friend aged 50 or older. The term caregiving covers a broad spectrum of activities that range from helping the aging maintain their independence to providing end-of-life care. Caregiving can be both challenging and rewarding. One of the most challenging aspects is that it often catches people by surprise. Recently, I was thrust into this role, totally unprepared, when my dad had a stroke. I had been planning to move in with my parents “in the near future” to help Dad care for my terminally ill mother. Suddenly, they both needed care and attention. I experienced the gamut of practical and emotional challenges. On the practical side, I learned about illnesses, conditions and treatments of which I knew little. I was arranging for unfamiliar services and trying to meet my parents’ immediate needs, all while trying to rearrange my life to accommodate this new role. There were extensive communications with medical and financial professionals, insurance companies, social workers and elder law attorneys. There were also the tasks of locating, organizing and understanding important legal and financial documents; setting and getting them to appointments; dispensing meds; and all the activities of daily living. Talk about overwhelming! While dealing with these practicalities, I found myself in a sea of emotions. I was grieving the loss of my mother, who was still alive, but now a very different person. She felt terrible and it came out at me as angry criticism. I experienced guilt, worry, resentment and loneliness. As many caregivers come to realize, this was one of the most difficult times of my life, yet one of the most rewarding. I was able to give back to the people who had given me so much. I was also reminded how precious life is and that we waste so much time on things that are truly unimportant. My mother transitioned five months after my dad’s stroke. Looking back, I can offer some ideas to make your experience more positive. Ask your parents, preferably ahead of time, about their financial and legal arrangements…as well as any long-

term care plans. Do they have a durable power of attorney, healthcare proxy, will or living trust? Do they have longterm care insurance or plans to go on Medicaid? What about retirement and other financial accounts? Where do they keep their important documents? Do they have a CPA, an elder law attorney or someone else advising them? Depending on their state of health, you may have questions about their condition, including possible treatment options. It’s a good idea for elderly patients to have an advocate to accompany them to doctor visits to take notes and discuss meds/treatments. You can also address nutrition, pain control, natural remedies and other topics they may be reluctant to bring up. It might be time to discuss taking the car keys away or bringing in hospice care. Take time for yourself for personal restoration. Get some energy work or a massage, exercise, and take a relaxing bath. Share tasks with family members and friends. There are support groups for caregivers in general, as well as those for specific illnesses — there are even online support groups. Consider respite care for a lengthier get away, usually a week or two. Bringing in professional or volunteer services doesn’t mean you’ve failed as a caregiver. Professionals bring a different perspective with loads of experience with issues that may be new to you and your parents. They can also give you some time for renewal, while relieving your parents’ guilt at burdening their family. Many caregivers don’t know what types of services are available. A great place to start is with your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA), which can help you identify your family’s needs and match you with providers. These agencies are part of a multilevel aging network that is funded at the federal, state and local levels. The Kansas City metro region is serviced by these four agencies: Johnson County AAA, Miami County AAA, Wyandotte/ Leavenworth County AAA and the MidAmerica Regional Council (MARC) Department of Aging Services, which serves Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte and Ray counties. The services available are comprehensive and it would be impossible to list them all. Some services are no cost and others have an associated fee, with some assistance available to those who qualify. Some of the categories include:

Adult Day Care Centers Community Services – Legal, financial and insurance assistance, education on issues such as powers-ofattorney, living wills, social security, Medicare/Medicaid, housing and consumer advocacy. Geriatric Care Management – A care manager who will assess needs and help locate services for an individual who lives alone and needs assistance with everyday tasks. They monitor services and reassess at appropriate intervals. In-Home Services – Assessment, attendant care, emergency alert systems, homemaking, meals-on-wheels and medication management. Senior Centers – Hot meals, recreation, education, exercise. For the Caregiver – Assessment, counseling, respite care, support groups and training. Supplemental support in the form of brochures, books, CDs, recommended websites and newsletters. Another great local resource is Shepherd’s Center of KC Central. They have some of the programs listed previously as well as their new KC Caregiver Supportline. Visit them at www.sccentral.org or call (816) 4441122. Also, Turning Point: the Center for Hope and Healing (www.turningpointkc.org) provides nocost, comprehensive programming to address the psychological, social, emotional and physical needs that accompany a serious or chronic physical illness. And Johnson County’s The Best T i m e s m a g a z i n e (www.thebesttimes.org) provides diverse information. Many facilities, such as cancer centers, will have resources for services that pertain to their patients and caregivers. Most have social workers who will research the options and determine which are best for your situation. I found this assistance to be a godsend. From a spiritual perspective, I see caregiving for aging parents as a high calling — one that offers many blessings and opportunities for personal growth. As difficult as it seemed, I am grateful that I had the chance to answer this call.



February 2013

Websites dedicated to the issues of aging and caregiving: Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) Department of Aging Services, serving seniors in Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte and Ray c ount ies ( 81 6) 4 21 - 4980 www.marc.org/aging/ kcconnectseniors.htm Kansas Area Agencies on Aging Association, serving seniors in all Kansas counties www.k4a.org American Society on Aging U.S. Administration on Aging eldercare.gov National Institute on Aging www.nia.hih.gov National Alliance for Caregiving www.caregiving.org AARP www.aarp.org/families/ caregiving www.asaging.org Family Caregiver Alliance www.caregiver.org

Karen Schroeder is a licensed massage and energy therapist, specializing in non-invasive, light touch and nontouch treatments for the elderly and frail. She is currently developing her gift of mediumship, particularly with pets that have transitioned. Karen also provides administrative assistance to small businesses and can be reached at karens358@yahoo.com or (816) 217-4403.

Feature—by Lynn Johnson Soulier Herbs of Longevity


i Ching-Yun a resident of the Kaihslen region in the province of Szechwan, was a Chinese herbalist, a martial artist and a university professor who had the longest confirmed lifespan in history. He lived to be 256 years old. Li Ching was born in 1677 and died in 1933. Now I know that most of us really can’t believe someone could live to be happy and healthy into such an advanced age, but what if we could? According to a New York Times article published at the time of his death in 1933, it was stated that his facial appearance looked to be that of a much younger man, even two centuries younger. It is also reported that Li Ching outlived 23 wives and was living with his 24th wife, a woman of 60, at the time of his death. How is this possible you ask? Li Ching had many positive things going for him; he was a master herbalist, making a lifelong study of many medicinal Chinese plants. Li Ching was also a vegetarian and practiced the art of Qigong, breathing techniques and movements coordinated with specific sounds. Li also took a number of medicinal herbs to promote his daily health. So what was the particular combination of plants that Li Ching-Yun consumed to help with the longevity of his mind, body and spirit? Li’s Herbal Elixir of Youth Fo-ti (He Shou Wu) Polygonum Multiflorum This is an outstanding yin tonic and anti-aging herb that increases human longevity potential. He Shou Wu can be translated into “Mr. Ho’s hair is black,” (it seems that the most amazing thing about this herb is its ability to reverse gray hair). Shou = head, Wu = black. No more trips to the beauty salon, or touch ups every month-now that does sound promising! Fo-ti is warming, bitter, astringent and mildly sweet as it tones the liver and kidneys. It is an adaptogenic herb, which means it possesses the ability to help the body cope more effectively with stress. Specifically, adaptogens recharge the adrenal glands, which are the body's method of responding to stress and emotional changes. The adrenals, which cover the upper surface of each kidney, synthesize and store dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. These compounds are responsible for the changes that occur during the fight-or-flight reac-

that these herbs had on his system--discovering if they were of benefit for his particular constitution. This is the wonderful thing about exploring the medicinal properties of plants for ourselves; some may really enjoy the benefits of this tonic root, while others may find it much too stimulating for their system. No one herb can affect all of us exactly in the same manner; so, it is good to do our homework, research and try one single herb by itself first to determine the results for ourselves.

tion. Taking an herb like Fo-ti to help with the daily effects of stress can be significant in reducing the effects of aging. Scientific studies have shown that prepared Fo-Ti root (stewed in a black bean soup and then dried), will give the root its strongest beneficial effects in both humans and animals. The benefits of taking this plant are many; providing anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties, it decreases blood clotting, lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels and tones the heart muscle. What an amazing plant, helping to increase life span, lowering the body’s stress level and providing a healthful quality to life. Ginseng, Panax ginseng The second ingredient in Li’s elixir of youth was Ginseng, (Panax ginseng) a very sweet tasting adaptogenic herb (panax comes from the Greek word for panacea, which means “all Healing”). Ginseng is native to China, Russia, North Korea and Japan, as well as some areas of North America. The root is harvested after its fourth year of growing when the active constituents are most concentrated. This root turns quite red when steamed, and resembles the shape of the human body. Jinchen means “like a man.” Ginseng has been taken by mankind (and womankind) for more than 7,000 years, and has grown in popularity in recent years since scientific studies have proven its value as a health-enhancing and anti-aging herb. Ginseng increases immune function and resistance to infection, supports liver function and increases stamina. The plant is considered a tonic, a restorative and even a sedative for those weakened by illness or advanced age. Even as Li Ching studied these plants, one might speculate that he took them, and determined the effect



Chinese Licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra The third ingredient in Li’s fountain of youth is not the red or black variety of licorice found at the candy counter. This root is a powerful agent for relief of arthritic conditions. The glycyrrhizic acid within the root is 50 times sweeter than sugar, and may be the reason that it’s so agreeable to take. Licorice root is one of the most valuable of all herbal medicines. It is a powerful antiinflammatory that is extremely effective in arthritis. And, it is also a wonderful remedy for loosening mucus and relieving coughs. A mild laxative, it has soothing and healing properties for the digestive tract. Those who find relief by taking regular cortisone treatments will be intrigued to discover that Licorice root naturally produces an action similar to hydrocortisone and other corticosteroid hormones. So…living to the ripe old age of 256 may not be for everyone; but, finding a combination of herbs to relieve some of the symptoms of aging is a blessing. Just knowing that there are herbal allies in nature that we can take in the form of a capsule, herbal tea or liquid drops can bring comfort and healing. When we are physically challenged, may we remember that these wonderful remedies have been passed down to us for our benefit from ancient healing masters like Li Ching-Yun. Lynn Johnson Soulier brings her knowledge of herbs, aromatherapy, yoga and energy healing together in a center for natural healing called Gardens of Delight. http://gardensofdelight.org

February 2013

Spiritual Horoscope—by Aluna Michaels February 2013 Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) – Happy birthday Aquarius! This is a great relationship year, starting now! You’ll feel more fulfilled, even if you’ve been in a long-term partnership. You’re able to feel things are fresh and new, and problems seem to smooth out. If single, you could start a fabulous romance with someone you blend with effortlessly. Be patient at work this month, as blessings in that area will be slower – but they will come!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – You’re such a giver in relationships, but it’s time to give love and attention to yourself! Doting on your own needs centers and re-empowers you. Your selfworth will increase and you’ll have more to give others without getting drained. Also, you can fall into the parental role with your mate, which causes tension and sputters sexuality. Retracting your overly strong level of caretaking restores romance and harmony.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) – You’ll find home life more peaceful – especially if you meditate daily. Your spiritual energy impacts your environment powerfully, even if you only meditate a few minutes. Consistency is the key. If single, visualize someone with the qualities that are most valuable to you. You can meet someone who links with you on a higher level. If partnered, focus on the best things about your mate. Your bond will improve, and you can communicate even higher ideals you’d like to strive for together.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Jupiter, the planet of expansion, success and fun, is in your sign and moves direct this month, helping you to fulfill many goals and have things fall into place. It’s a great idea to release old, limiting attitudes – especially about self-perception and relationships! You’ll make way for even more happiness. Throwing old stuff away is also the best way to allow extra prosperity to flow! Meditate on ways you can be kinder to your body through relaxation, better eating habits, and more stress reduction (yoga, deep breathing, positive thinking).

Aries (March 21 – April 19) – You’ll be able to make new friends, or get involved with projects/hobbies that make you feel excited about life. As the Universe blesses you, take time to forgive people and situations that haven’t turned out well – especially in matters of finances or deep emotions. Releasing clears the way for prosperity in terms of money, and also of trust and relationships. On the other hand, it’s great to be enthusiastic, but have discretion with spending. You can be prosperous-minded, without being overly impulsive!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – If relationships seem to be following old patterns, make time for meditation and see if past fears that are making good things look bad. Forgive and release experiences that interfere with lack of trust. Ask for guidance in dreams to see emotional blocks to closeness. The next six months hold many breakthroughs with bonding, and also with financial abundance, so do the spiritual work and reap the rewards!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) – Relationships will be great! You can meet someone new if single, and have much more harmony if already partnered. Enjoy good times with friends and activities too! Also, make sure you have a quiet meditation space at home. De-clutter and prioritize serenity in your house – and office too. Meditate to release negative childhood messages that could poop on this happy time that you so strongly deserve! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) – It’s a great month for job stuff! You could get a coveted position, a raise, or even start a new career. Enjoy the sense of things going smoothly!! Get in a regular routine of meditating and taking extra good care of yourself, since good habits stick easily now. In meditation, stave off any negative thoughts with a strong “NO!” Don’t let your peaceful “internal kingdom” be invaded. Set boundaries with “downer voices”! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) -- You'll feel renewed about your spiritual path. Maybe you'll be inspired by a new book or meditation technique. Experiment with a different yoga class, or try tai chi. If partnered, meditate together, even for just a minute or two – it will create more depth in your relationship. If single, you could meet someone who's open to your viewpoints. Meditate to expose unconscious negative messages that keep you from feeling as awesome and lovely as you are! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) – Saturn turns retrograde in your sign, creating a time of introspection about self-image and relationships. Meditate on what habits and attitudes you need to release. Then you’ll send off better signals, and have happier results interacting with others. You’ll also feel more confident! Saturn wants to show you the flaws in your system, so



February 2013

don’t dwell on defective internal messages – just note them, and be rid of them! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) – If you’ve been struggling about relationships, things resolve this month! You’ll feel positive and happy in current partnerships, or if single, you can meet someone new who’s into spiritual topics. Meditate to release the problems you’ve just overcome so you can move into the future freely, with your mind not dwelling on the past. It’s also a great time for creative visualization or dream work, to draw even more future happiness! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) – If friends or activities encourage bad habits, take a stand and ask for what’s best for you -- especially with eating habits and spiritual practices. Let people know you’re rededicated to taking better care of yourself. You don’t have to change your whole social life, but do let people know your new plan of action. You could inspire everyone around you by being true to your goals. Also, you’ll have extra prosperity this month! Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com

Include photo or logo, name, brief description and contact info. Will be edited to fit four lines. Due by the 15th of the month. $75 for three months, $120 for six months or $180 for a full year— or 1/2 price with a current display ad. Must be prepaid. Contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com.


resources PAIN RELIEF


At the Healing Place, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, ChanRi, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Bodywork (816) 415-2607 www.atthehealingplace.com

Holos University Graduate Seminary Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, intuitive inspiration, self-development & Research ~ 888-272-6109

Nature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars www.livingthespiral.com 913-499-8514

School of Metaphysics ~ Studies to develop personal potential through spiritual practices including concentration, meditation & visualization. (913) 236-9292 kansascity@som.org

Justin & Sharon Orth - Spring Forest Qigong Practitioners/Healers and Certified Qigong Level 1 Instructors. EFT (BAS/ADV) www.meetup.com/Spring-Forest -Qigong-Meetup-Group/ (913) 244-0167 for info.

Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~ Intuitive, Intuitive offers loving guidance enabling you to heal and grow. Live an authentic life and LOVE yourself in the process! ShellyRWilson.com 918-782-4778

PETS Terrier Talk, Christine L. Fuller, Fuller Telepathic Dog Communicator. I am able to listen with my heart and communicate on a level your dog understands and relay this to you. (913) 689-5099.

ENTERTAINMENT Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 - www.KarenElise.com

PSYCHIC Nakala Akasie, Akasie, Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone. $45 for one hour, CD included. 913-206-1294 WhenAngelsSpeak5@aol.com

Sandy Jorgensen, Creative Escapes Through Art, Events & Parties, Face Paintings, Classes and Palm Readings. 913-626-4554 sandyj88@hotmail.com

Maya's Oasis Transforming, Healing, and Inspiring Women ~ Reiki, Womens' Circle, Belly Dance Classes, Online Classes MayaZahira.com, 816-476-maya (6292)

Tarot Card Reading by Yvette. $30 for one-hour reading. In person only. Northtown. 816-645-1818



LIZ BROWN, Feng Shui expert since 1996

Reverend Marta A. Schwartz, Schwartz, Ordained NonDenominational Minister. Shamanic and Massage Practitioner, Reiki Master-Teacher. Lawrence, KS. 785-550-9576, Reikims@yahoo.com

"Inspired Guidance for Great Change"

Integrative Therapies by Sarah P. Chapman Aromatherapy Massage, Raindrop Treatment, Vitaflex, Pressure Point Therapy 913-549-0280 www.sarahpchapman.com Bhasweti Gewhas, Ph.D., Ph.D. Stress Relief Therapist & Energy Healer. Certified Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, Psychic Reader www.stressfreetools.com 913.660.0669 ~ bhasweti@gmail.com

COUNSELING Dr. Jay Peters Marriage & Addictions Counselor. Smoking/ Weight Mgmt. Hypnosis. Regression/Past Life Hypnosis 913-339-9591 www.drjaypeters.com

Consultations, clearings/blessings, classes, workbooks. www.ahandinhealing.com 816-444-2725

Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343, www.shamanicpathways.net

HYPNOSIS/EFT New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC www.newdayhypno.com Smoking, weight, stress and more 913-908-6907

Diane Davis Reed, Reed Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge, pathfinderdiane@gmail.com, 816-741-0820

Alternative Healing Modalities by Sherri "Shakti" Mack Past-life Regressions, Quantum Hypnosis, & more! 913-514-2644. bahasherri@yahoo.com

SOUND HEALING Dorethy Hancock, Certified TamaTama-Do Practitioner Using tuning forks instead of needles on acupressure points, to assist your body in selfhealing! 785-246-0860 centeroftherainbow.com

LIFE COACH Teri Higbee, Radiant Living Expert: Expert Weight Loss, Energy Therapies, Prosperity, Empowerment Processes, Clarity of Purpose, Shamanic Astrol. LoveWisdomWellness.com; 913-219-6788.

Elizabeth HunterHunter-Blank, LCSW Assisting clients with grief & loss, chronic & serious illness, relationship issues, depression & anxiety. 4104 Central St. KCMO 64111. 816.582.3877 Colleen Nilson, MS, LPC—Couples & Families, LPC Adolescence & Teens, Depression & Anxiety, Stress Mgmt, Conflict Resolution, Work/Career. 913.244.6281; cnilsoncounseling.com (in OP)

Healing Thru Music and Life Coaching For more info. Contact Kathleen (913)206-2151 or Klmamuric@yahoo.com $25.00 per session.

THERMOGRAPHY BRAS-BRAS--Thermography, --Thermography, Linda Bamber: Breast Research Awareness and Support. Safe, pain-free, no radiation. Overland Park. Linda at (417) 770-0451. www.brasthermography.com


ENERGY WORK Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Therapist Creator of Quantum Shift Energetix 913-906-9986—www.innerjourneyhealing.com Lynn Johnson Soulier at Gardens of Delight Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Yoga, Herbal Apprenticeship Program , near Parkville. 816.584.0777; www.gardensofdelight.org.

Learn Bowenwork. Effective manual therapy for pain relief. Easy on the practitioner’s body. Leverage income—work on multiple clients. Ongoing classes. Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012.

M. Corinne Corley, Corley Corley Law Firm—Family Law cases in Missouri. 4010 Washington, Ste100 KCMO. 816-753-5556 www.corleylawfirm.com The choice of an attorney is an important decision that should not be made on the basis of advertising alone.

NUTRITION & WELLNESS Ayurveda Practitioner, Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle. www.GoWithSteph.com Nancy Oglesby, Health & Weight Loss Coach Breakthrough to a New You! Let’s find out what’s holding you back & develop a plan to move past it. www.HealthWorksKC.com 816-808-9405 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


February 2013

YOGA Yoga ~ over 20 years experience. Emphasis on alignment & safety. New and ongoing students. Seeking Solace Yoga Studio, 7501 Mission, PV, KS 913-302-2439 seekingsolaceyoga.com The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594;

Mark Blanchard’s Power Yoga. Focused on breathwork. No levels, props, music or egos. Lots of events! In Ranch Mart Center in OP. www.markskcyoga.net; 913-901-8970. Your Wellness Connection Wellness Club Movement & Nutrition Classes, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage.7410 Switzer, Shawnee; 913.962.7408; YourWellnessConnection.com

events January 29 – March 9 Wellness on a Shoestring Class Series Led by Karen Kipp on 8 consecu ve Tuesdays from 7-8:30 p.m. at Your Wellness Connec on, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee. $200 includes a copy of the book, a workbook, 8 class sessions and all materials. Call 913-962-7408 to register. February 2 Blessings & Boogie 7 – 10 p.m. Healing Journeys Spiritual and fun! We do a chakra medita on, followed by sharing Oneness Blessings (you've got to try this!) and then we dance our bu8s off. A Freeing and JOYFILLED experience. Love offering. KayaHewi8.com 816-217-3359 February 2 Akashic Records Meet-up Join us as we open our Akashic Records to explore our rela onship to self -compassion and extreme self-care. 10-11 AM, Crescent Springs, OP, KS www.crescentsprings.net love offering Host: Stephanie Forcier, 816-260-2438 stephanie@ innerwisdomevolu on.com February 2 Akashic Record Sessions Treat yourself to a personal Akashic Records Session with Stephanie Forcier and connect to the path of your inner wisdom. 1-4 PM Crescent Springs, OP, KS www.InnerWisdomEvolu on.com Call Kat for appt: 913-341-2044 February 2 & 22 Friends & Family Reunion w/Julie Marie Messages of hope and healing from those is Spirit in a gallery-style forum, $20, RSVP. 6:30-9:00 p.m. at Mys c Treasures, 7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO, 816-420-0820, Facebook/ Mys c Treasures

Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com.

February 9 BodyTalk w/Debbie A simple and effec ve form of therapy that allows the body's energy system to be resynchronized (www.bodytalkkc.com). 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Mys c Treasures, 7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO, 816-420-0820, Facebook/ Mys c Treasures February 9 Holos University Graduate Seminary Open House Telephone Conference A review of HU's Cer ficate, Masters, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral programs. 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 213-342-3070, Code 689 2398. For details, call 888272-6109 or go to www.HolosUniversity.org. February 9-10 Annual Thank You Sale Pop a balloon and get a discount of 10 -50% on every purchase this weekend at Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816-9316303, www.aquariusbooks.com. February 9 & 16 Class: Discover Your Life Purpose Past lives + Numerology + Palmistry + Iris Analysis + Astrology + Family Birth Order = You! Gain insight into your life purpose through these 6 methods of self-awareness. See the total picture of who you are, and your hidden talents, strengths and weaknesses. Course includes book “Soul Choices: Six Paths to Find Your Life Purpose” astrology chart, workbook, op onal iris photos. Saturdays 9-5, Unity Temple on the Plaza, Register: www.kathrynandries.com, (847)287-7593 February 10 Vistas for Different Beliefs A member of a faith will share their theology, doctrines and prac ces so we may become be8er acquainted with different beliefs. Free, 6-8 p.m. at Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816-9316303, www.aquariusbooks.com.

February 12 Core Star Energy Healing Clinic 7:15 p.m. $20. Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reserva ons 913-831-4422 www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com February 14 13th Annual Valen9ne’s Day Celebra9on of Love at Unity Temple on the Plaza Unity Temple on the Plaza will once again offer free weddings, holy unions and vow renewals on Valen ne's Day. Let this once-a-year giR from Unity Temple make your special day with that special someone irresis bly convenient and affordable. Couples must register in person by February 11th from 10 am ll 4 pm, Monday through Thursday. For more informa on contact Chris ne Garvey at (816) 994-8009, email chris ne@unitytemple.com. Un ity Temple on the Plaza, 707 West 47th St., KC, MO. February 14 How to Find Your Soul Mate w/ Rev. Paul Caruso Learn types of soul mates, how to remove blockages and to be a "magnet." $25, RSVP. 7-9 p.m. at Mys c Treasures, 7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO, 816-420-0820, Facebook/ Mys c Treasures February 16 Interpre9ng Your Dreams with Dr. Vic Contoski. Bring a dream and learn to interpret it. Free workshop presented by Psychical Research Society of Kansas City. Info: www. prskc.org or 816-880-9474. February 21 Seasonal Cooking w/Shelly Murray 12-1 p.m at Your Wellness Connec on, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee, KS. Learn ps and get great recipes for cooking seasonally. $20. Call 913-962-7408 to register.



February 2013

February 21 Make Your Own Kombucha w/ Tamara Creighton 6:15-7:15 p.m. at Your Wellness Connec on, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee, KS. $20. Call 913-962-7408 to register. February 23 Intui9ve Fun Night 6:30 p.m. At The Healing Place ~ 1539 Maple Woods Drive, Liberty Mo. 64068 Come explore, learn and play with your intui ve giRs. Mini tarot readings and intui ve readings available Bring your own intui ve tools! RSVP by calling 816-415-2607 February 24 Movies That Ma@er 2-5 p.m. Make new friends, munch snacks and have a great me while watching alterna ve/oUeat/ spiritual/thought-provoking/ enlightening films. 3rd Sunday of the month. 816-217-3359 / h8p:// www.meetup.com/Healing-Journeyswith-Kaya/ February 26 Core Star Energy Healing Clinic 7:15 pm $20. Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reserva ons 913-831-4422 www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com March 2 Deeksha & Divine Dance Experience peace, love & healing during Oneness Blessings followed by a "Sweat Your Prayers" trance dance. Truly an alterna ve spiritual experience. 7 - 10p.m. @ Healing Journeys. Details: KayaHewi8.com 816-217-3359 March 2 Group Past Life Regression 7 p.m. At The Healing Place ~ 1539 MapleWoods Dr. Liberty, Mo 64068 Explore your Past life with Cer fied Past Life Regression Counselor, Sheri Woxland. Investment: $20 ~ journal included RSVP by calling 816-415-2607

March 3 Presenta9on on: "Ancient Biblical Oils" Young Living's Crown Diamond Marcella Vonn Har ng PHDc will be presen ng a lecture on Ancient Biblical Oils at Unity Village 1901 NW Blue Prkwy, Unity Village, MO 64065 1-3pm Cost $20 for individual Call for Group rate. Reserva ons 913-832-4962 or email mcjmiller@yahoo.com March 7 Stretches & Self-Care for the Neck w/Tamara Creighton 6:15-7:15 p.m. at Your Wellness Connec on, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee, KS. $20. Call 913-962-7408 to register. March 9 and 10 Retreat ~ Release ~ Renew Workshop At The Healing Place presents this wonderful workshop at The Journey Home. Join Tammy Barton, Sheri Woxland and Troy Parkinson for a weekend of releasing and renewing your body, mind and spirit. Investment: $249.00 ~ Overnight stay and all supplies included Call 816-415-2607 March 23 and 24 Core Star Energy Healing Mentoring Weekend Reiki prac oners, other healers and massage therapists, this is your opportunity to build on and strengthen your energy healing skills, techniques and knowledge. Cost $250 call 913-831-4422 www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com April 13-14 SPIRITCON! Mark your calendars for a weekend full of metaphysical workshops. For more informa on go to www.kcspiritcon.com or Facebook us at KCSpiritCon!

ONGOING CHAKRA YOGA Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:15 – 8 a.m., Healing Journeys Learn a simple and healing program to open and balance your chakras. Love Offering, 816-2173359 / www. KayaHewi8.com

SHAMANIC BREATHWORKTM SESSIONS 3rd Saturdays 9 a.m.- 6 p.m., Saint Garabed Church, 4400 Wyoming, KCMO. Deep cyclical breathing, music, energy work and healing. Must pre-register: www.sacredspirals.org.

HOW? HOLOS ON WEDNESDAYS TELEPHONE CONFERENCE A weekly tea or coffee in CyberSpace with Bob Nunley, Director of Admissions and Outreach. 4: to 4:45 p.m. 213-342-3000, Code 476 589. Come early for orienta on.

WELLNESS 101 If you are ready to change your health, wellness and/or weight, you’re ready for Wellness 101 – a 10 -hour science-based course that can CHANGE YOUR LIFE! November classes KansasCity. WellnessForumRep.com or call 913-269-7990.

ONGOING TUESDAYS AND SUNDAYS OPEN HEART MEDITATION WITH THE SINGING BOWL Come meditate with us and be bathed in the clear, pure, healing sound of a massive crystal bowl. This is a moving event for which you need no previous experience. All are welcome. Bell Yoga Studio, 41st & Bell, KC MO 64111 Tuesday 6:307:30pm; Sunday 5:00-6:00pm 816-589-7896 SUNDAYS WEEKLY, BELLYDANCE CLASSES FOR ALL WOMEN Bellydance at YouYoga studio in Overland Park PLUS Bellydance w/ Maya Zahira at Zona Yoga studio in the northland, Schedule and Registra on at www.MayaZahira.com WEIGHT LOSS FOR A WOMAN’S SOUL 1st Thursdays at 7 p.m. A monthly support group in Overland Park presented by Priestess Kim Macy: reserve your space at 816.510.4391. Explore, Share, Release and Integrate within our sacred circle! SHAMANIC 12-STEP MEETINGS Thursdays 6:30-7:30 p.m., drop-ins welcome. Saint Garabed Church, 4400 Wyoming, KCMO. Medita on followed by 12-Step Mee ng. Love offering, www.sacredspirals.org.

INVISION SPIRITUAL GATHERINGS Saturday nights at 6:00 PM and Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM. Powerful messages and great music! 5106 NW Waukomis Drive, KCMO. www.EnjoySpirituality.org YOGA IN THE NORTHLAND TAUGHT BY MARTI LEE Classes for beginners to advanced. Address: 5106 NW Waukomis Drive, KCMO. More informa on: Facebook/com/InBlissYoga CHAIR YOGA Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. $78/6 week session Pre-register at 816.584.0777. ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS By Appointment. Since 2005 the Kansas City Healing Project has been providing energy healing sessions for cancer pa ents. Our clients have been experiencing a reduc on of their stress, anxiety and pain levels from their treatment and disease. Dona on basis. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. KansasCityHealingProject.org RESTORATIVE YOGA 2nd Saturdays 10 a.m. – noon at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Gently stretch, open the body, deeply



February 2013

relax and rejuvenate major organs. $25. Pre-register at 816.456.2359. PRE-NATAL YOGA Mondays at 7 p.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Enjoy our innova ve approach to pre-natal care and experience a radiant pregnancy and healthy delivery. $78/6-week session. Pre-register at 816.584.0777. GROW ORGANIC w/GARDENS OF DELIGHT Join our community garden outside of Parkville. Your family receives a 10’ by 20’ plot. Explore growing and ea ng your own organic produce. Informa on: 816.584.0777. 4 DAY BIOENERGY HEALING CLINIC First Tues of the month 7-9 PM, Fee: Dona on. Reserva ons: Kim Meisinger 913-685-9939 h8p://web.mac.com/bioenergy/ HealingBioenergy/Movies_BLP.html REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 An och, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier: karen@karenharrison.net. 816-523-4440 SACRED RELATIONSHIP 2nd or 3rd Saturday monthly A beginning tantra class for singles and couples to experience the Divine. 79pm. Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher. Leawood 816-523-4440, For flier with topic and date, karen@karenharrison.net



February 2013

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