Kansas City April 2017 Evolving Magazine

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E volving

April 2017 ~ Vol. IX, Issue 2

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living



April 2017

Follow Evolving Magazine publisher, Jill Dutton, as she explores the United States and Canada by train. Visit:

www.USABYRAIL.blog Join us on a guided trip to Santa Fe, NM, July 2-8, 2017. Experience the healing powers of Santa Fe, walk the Plaza, visit Canyon Road, and enjoy authentic New Mexican cuisine—and we’ll get there together via Amtrak. Jill@evolvingmagazine.com for rates, reservations, and more info.



April 2017

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

I stepped off the train into a blizzard. As I stood there trying to figure out where to go, I heard the conductor’s cry of All Aboard!, and knew I would soon be left to fend for myself. Yet fear never entered my consciousness. Instead, fully immersed in the moment and its requirements, I took the next step. This has become my mantra recently: Take the next step. Take the next step. It brings me into the moment where action lives. The future is where fear lives: The Unknown. The present offers reality and choices. That day last month in Colorado, I took the next step and located the bus stand. I took the next step and boarded the bus. I took the next step and dragged my 80 pounds of luggage (thank goodness for wheels) across a highway in snow so thick I could barely see the approaching cars. Then, because it was too early to check into my hotel, I took the next step and found a restaurant where the owner let me come inside and wait even though he wasn’t yet open for business. This perhaps sounds like a horrible day, but it wasn’t. Everything came together in divine order. The bus pulled up the second I located the bus stand. The kind owner of the restaurant let me wait inside in the warmth. If I had thought about this ahead of time, somehow known what might have happened, it could have caused fear and stress. I’d have worried how I would get from the train station to my hotel in a blizzard. Instead, taking each step in the current moment, it wasn’t a fear-based experience; it was life—and it worked out. This doesn’t seem to have much to do with Spring and this month’s issue on Green Living, but perhaps it does. There is a lot of fear about the future these days with the current political climate, the Earth and its climate, and a general degree of anxiety in the people I meet. But that is living in the future where fear resides. In the present, we can look at our situations (What activism calls to you? What would you like to change?) and simply take the next step. And then the next. And in the process affect change from the present and a place of conscious action—instead of a place of fear. So, what’s your next step?

Daily Practices to Build Sustainability From Within 10

Mother Earth, Mother of Us All 11


Dig In, Get Your Hands Dirty, and Enjoy the Harvest

With much love and gratitude for you, our dear reader,

Jill Dutton

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Sara Zimmerman

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton

Monthly Columnists Gloria Gale, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes

The Strong Impact of Community Consciousness on Sustainability

Departments News Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Holistic Health Revelations Food Gloria’s Food Horoscope Wellness Directory Events

4 6 6 7 8 9 13 14 15

ON THE COVER Michelle Muri-Sloane is an emerging visual artist living and painting in Washington, DC, as well as an avid indoor rock climber and golfer. Her artwork reflects energy, depth, and intrigue with a painterly playfulness of experimentation. Abstract florals and dramatic landscapes have been her most recent focus and a number of them have been accepted into juried shows across the country. Contact Michelle at mmsloane724@gmail.com or visit www.MichelleMuri-Sloane.com.

Print Layout/Design Alea Smith

EVOLVING© 2017 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.




April 2017


Esoteric Empathy: A Magickal & Metaphysical Guide to Emotional Sensitivity Esoteric Empathy examines the experience of empathy from every imaginable angle, taking the reader on a philosophical and experiential journey of what it means to be empathic. Specifically written with the mystical seeker in mind, the book introduces numerous techniques, practices, and philosophies designed for empaths to get the most out of life’s journey. Bridging scientific and metaphysical fields, a unique angle is presented on this elusive subject. Empathy is the most important component of human interaction. The empathic experience is both a biological and spiritual occurrence that upholds all conscious life on the planet. Empaths are individuals who absorb and conduct the emotions of those around them. While traditional psychics receive mental impressions, empaths naturally have their emotional receptors turned on high. This can give rise to profound levels of healing and love—or, if left uncontrolled, can be a painful experience of emotional overload. This book teaches readers the ins and outs of empathy and encourages selfawareness through education and proactive work. Each chapter includes numerous meditations, spells, and rituals specifically designed for the emotionally sensitive practitioner. Complete with insight, humor, and personal anecdotes, this highly accessible book is essential for anyone whose emotions fuel their magick and spirituality. Whether you strongly experience empathy on a regular basis or whether you are simply wanting to learn more about the skill, this book can provide some muchneeded answers about the emotional

Flint Hills Wisdom Keepers Flint Hills Wisdom Keepers Foundation is holding its annual Gathering, April 28 – 30, 2017, bringing together five Native American Elders and Presenters from indigenous nations in the U.S. It will be held at White Memorial Camp near Council Grove, Kansas. Interested participants are invited to join. Indigenous Elders and Presenters include: Rupert Encinas, Tohono O’ohdam Elder; Curtis Kekahbah, Kanza, Kaw Elder; William Hensley, Alaskan Native-Inupiaq Elder; Terri Delahanty, Cree/Ojibwa Presenter; abilities that are ushering our species into a new phase of conscious evolution.

Terri Delahanty teaches drum making in the Sacred Drum Workshop.

conflicts with the United States government. After this summit, Elders continued to meet near Through this book one can discover… Asheville, North Carolina, to celebrate  How to function in society as an the rich diversity of their cultures, empath discuss social issues such as language  How to harness extreme preservation and sovereignty, and emotional sensitivity dispel stereotypes by teaching others  Psychic gifts related to empathy how their cultures functioned in the  Absorptive versus projective past and survive today. In 2002, the empathy Gathering moved to Council Grove,  Occult rituals, meditations, spells, Kansas, where Elders and other and spiritual exercises for Presenters have continued the empaths important work of sharing indigenous  Working with emotional beliefs and practices so all mankind absorption and boundaries can live in harmony on the planet.  Emotional contagion, mirror The weekend is a celebration of neurons, and the psychology of indigenous storytelling, drumming, empathy wisdom, dance, humor, ingenuity,  Empathy in history, science, and strength, perseverance, and games. metaphysics Make your own drum at the  Stones, herbs, tools, plants, and and Debra Bolton, Uncompahgre Gathering’s Sacred Drum Workshop, deities for empaths Ute/Ohkay O’Wingeh/Dine’ Saturday eve, April 29th. If you have  Grounding, shielding, and Presenter. Sacred Circle Firekeeper is never met a Native American or if you protection techniques Mark Sampsel. Dancers in dance are Native, this Gathering welcomes  How to create personal regalia from the Haskell Indian you. boundaries and routines Nations University will perform a For more information or to  What to do when overwhelmed by traditional dance. register, visit external emotional energy Flint Hills Wisdom Keepers began www.fhwisdomkeepers.org, email  The role of empathy in this conversation in 1979 in Parkville, fhwisdomkeepers@gmail.com, or call psychological and spiritual Missouri. Spiritual leaders from 785-539-2819. Sign up for 3, 2, or 1counseling around the world met with tribal day Option. Registration deadline is  How to work with stress, anxiety, Elders to help indigenous people April 15th. Flint Hills Wisdom and depression establish their spiritual autonomy, Keepers Foundation is a non-profit rights, and to resolve ongoing 501(c)3 organization. EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


April 2017


The Laya Center Puts Holistic Health in Your Hands The Laya Center is a new, upscale holistic spa and wellness destination; owned by NFL veteran, Joe Mays and his Artist/Herbalist wife, Toyia. The center offers the opportunity for an individual to take their personal health and well-being into their own hands, propelling what you have come to expect from a Spa into a different realm. The Laya Center offers a variety of Wellness trends that give an alternative outlook to a more Holistic way of living… Mindful Massage, Meditative & Movement (Yoga) Practices, Nutrition, Herbalism, Technology driven therapies that encompass Naturopathy, and Ayurvedic methods set them apart from any other Wellness Center in the Midwest!

They are also the first in the region to offer a “Natural Way to Cryo.” Their FULL body Cryotherapy Chamber is the only on of its kind in the region and there are only 13 others like it in the US. Many products and services focus on strengthening the immune system through phyto-nutrients and quicker cellular turnover, allowing the body to heal itself naturally. The Laya way is truly a “Whole Body Experience!” Symptoms are the body's signal that we need to restore balance, eliminate whatever is causing the blockages, and reestablish the healthy flow of intelligence. The Laya Center, 601 Walnut St., Ste. 200 KCMO 64106 | 816-912-3258 | www.thelayacenter.com

Social and Environmental Advocacy Rabbi Moti Rieber, who has a long and distinguished career as a congregational leader, educator, and Social Justice Activist will be speaking in the sanctuary of Unity Church of Overland Park, 103rd and Antioch. Rabbi Rieber is Executive Director of Kansas Interfaith Action, a nonprofit, multi-faith issue advocacy

organization advancing public policies consistent with the values of our various faith traditions. April 20, 7:00 p.m., Unity Church of Overland Park. Love offering suggested. Child care is available with a 48-hour reservation at 913-649-1750.

Private Elementary School Opening September 2017 Transcendence Academy is set to open in September, 2017. This revolutionary school offers a new paradigm in education based on self-awareness, spirituality and nature. Classes will be held at the Unity Church of Overland Park at 10300 Antioch Road. Parents interested in an alternative to public education are encouraged to apply at www.transcendenceacademy.org. Transcendence Academy is distinctly unique from other elementary schools. One of our goals is to help kids unplug and reconnect with nature. We will take students on weekly excursions to local farms and nature centers where students will learn about the environment while working with animals and plants. We utilize project based learning so students can engage in hands on activities in practical ways. In addition to teaching core curriculum such as math, science

and language arts, the academy will also offer Spanish and French, yoga, knitting, healing, meditation, sustainability, debate, and quantum physics. We believe that building character is just as important as intellectual skills. Therefore, we emphasize character building through service activities so our students become model citizens of the world. School is not just for kids! Learning is a lifelong journey and we are excited to engage parents in stimulating classes such as visualization, dream interpretation, natural healing, and more! Transcendence Academy. 10300 Antioch Road, Overland Park, KS 847-287-7593 - Kathryn Andries info@transcendenceacademy.org www.transcendenceacademy.org



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April 2017

Ilene Kimsey, PhD “Your Presence is Your Essence” Wholistic Life Coaching Intuitive Counseling Ho’opono Pono Sessions Hawaiian Wisdom Speaking Engagements Seminars and Groups ilene.resolve@gmail.com www.kcresolve.com 913.353.6867

Counseling & Wellness

Wisdom Within

How to Strengthen Your Self-Worth



want Suzette in my life boat,” the guest 1. Believe in yourself. When we question ourselves teacher told our group of yogis. I was flattered! too much or take to heart what others may say or advise, I asked her later why she said that. we begin to doubt, and that is hurtful to our esteem. “Well,” she said. “You are a teacher who looks Support yourself with your choices and decisions even if for the greater good of all involved. some of those choices turn out to be wrong. From how I see you interact, you are “Some confuse self-love 2. There is no mountain you must climb. not self-centered or self-absorbed. And your true self is not arduous, there is and self-esteem with Finding you are organized.” no risk. Take steps forward and note when self-worth. However self you are enjoying yourself. How kind of her to say that and how careful I am to remain humble in -worth starts out by 3. Join a group you believe in. Whether a hearing those words. group or a charity, the primary enjoying who you are religious Some confuse self-love and selfbenefit is for you to meet others of likeand having something mindedness and whose company you may esteem with self-worth. However, selfworth starts out by enjoying who you you can take pride in” enjoy. are and having something you can take 4. Find a confidante or mentor. Sometimes it pride in. I think of a couple of students may be a spouse or loved one, but the person who worked hard to lose weight and keep it off. That should be mature and have a strong sense of self. It will served as a big boost to their self-worth. lift you to feel a bond with someone you hold in high We will all have days when we feel confident and regard. happy and other days when we feel something is 5. Find at least one activity every day you can enjoy missing. There is a lot of ambiguity in the air this year alone and savor. It could be reading, a hobby, watching a and most of us are not comfortable with the unknown. favorite movie — anything that lifts your heart and Image licensed by Ingram Images Image licensed by Ingram Images Yet, if we are able to feel comfortable in the “not spirit. knowing,” it will give us peace and boost our confidence. 6. Give to others. Whether you watch someone’s There are steps we may all take to add momentum to house while they are away or you volunteer, this helps our self-worth. you feel good about yourself.

7. Seek kindness and understanding. When in a tough place you are not looking for someone to “fix” you. It is the chance to share and talk and find warmth to fill the void you may be feeling. Last, what is essential and I find the most difficult, let go of the past. Just as we must forgive ourselves for our mistakes and take ourselves off the hook as many times as needed, little benefit comes from staying stuck in the past. With courage, we may move beyond the pain and hurt and regret and connect with our spirit and soul as to who we are in this moment. If ever in a life boat, your gang will work the waters ahead, not re-live the journeys of the past. Someone will know where life jackets and oars are kept. May we each catch the wind and make the life boat a great sailing vessel.

Suzette Scholtes’ non-fiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. www.theyogastudio.com news@theyogastudio.com 913-492-9594.

Journey to Wholeness

Nature: A Healing Path to Joy and Creativity



ould you believe that one of the best ways Other studies cited by these three authors, and others to be kinder, happier, more creative, and concur, that there are more chronic ailments, myopia healthy is to spend more time outdoors? (90 percent increase in teens with near-sightedness), George MacKerron, in the Mappiness obesity, depression, anxiety, and loneliness in this last study (with over 20,000 participants) of what makes decade. people happy, found something astounding. There is current research studying what is now called “On average, study participants are significantly and “biophilia.” This hypothesis is that we are most at home substantially happier outdoors in all green or natural in nature. E.O. Wilson, a Harvard professor, defined this habitat types than they are in urban as “the innately emotional affiliation of human environments.” The joy difference in beings to other living organisms.” urban vs. natural settings is greater than Yoshifumi Miyazaki, a Japanese researcher at the difference of being with friends and the center for Environment, Health, and Field about the same as doing a favorite Sciences at Chiba University, and a member of the activity. International Society of Nature and Forest According to Florence Williams in Medicine, is studying the effects of time spent in The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us nature measuring blood pressure, pulse rate, Happier, Healthier and More Creative, variable heart rate, salivary cortisol, and as the predominant population, since hemoglobin in the brain’s prefrontal cortex. 2008, is more urban than rural we have Image licensed by Ingram Images (Florence Williams reported about her experience “grown more irritable, less sociable, in a forest in Japan and the marked difference in more narcissistic, more distracted and all these body functions when she experienced less cognitively nimble.” time outdoors.) Wilson’s research indicates that time Richard Louv wrote his landmark book The Last spent outdoors with grass, trees, and water make a very Child in the Woods in 2005 and coined the term “nature- big difference in our physical and emotional well-being. deficit disorder.” He described this alarming trend of our Qing Li, another researcher in Japan, is measuring disconnection from the natural world and its dire how being outdoors “smelling trees” helps to build consequences for our children. Sadly, since the nature killer immune cells, called NK cells, which can publication of his book telling us of the need for young protect us from disease agents. people to spend more time in nature, the studies tell us Some people are looking for more outdoor activities the gap has grown wider with less time outdoors, instead and finding them helpful. The Project Healing Waters of more, for all age groups, especially younger children. Fly Fishing is a program dedicated to the physical and



April 2017

emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings. Seeing interviews of the men in this program healing from trauma, stress, and physical injuries was very moving and encouraging. Jill Suttie, Psy.D. reviewed and summarized the many studies citing the benefits of connecting with nature in Greater Goods magazine: 1. Decreases stress 2. Makes you happier and less brooding 3. Relieves attention fatigue and increases creativity 4. May help you to be kind and generous 5. Makes you “feel more alive” Perhaps you may want to think seriously about getting your time outdoors, in hot or cold weather, to give you that free antidote to the mental or physical health issues that are affecting you or could in the future. Think about how we can preserve the natural resources by supporting groups like the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, or any of the many other organizations helping our natural environment. Enjoy and protect this awesome resource! Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements, or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go to www.kcholistic.com.

Holistic Health

How to Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides Naturally


re you looking for a way to lower cholesterol carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, rice noodles, without prescription drugs? YES! And can you potatoes, and sweetened drinks). As triglycerides lower your cholesterol too much? YES! There increase, the HDL (good cholesterol) decrease. By are definite alternatives to lower cholesterol lowering your triglycerides with exercise and by and it can start with nutritional changes, exercise, and decreasing simple carbohydrates you can increase the natural supplements. HDL, or good cholesterol, to fight the buildup of plaque Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the fats in in the arteries. Plaque buildup can lead to strokes, heart your blood. Your body needs cholesterol to make healthy attack, and poor leg circulation. cells and hormones such as estrogen for women and The best foods to eat to lower triglycerides are beans, testosterone for men. Not all cholesterol is bad; so look green leafy vegetables, salmon, sardines, and fruits that beyond the total cholesterol number, LDL cholesterol are low in sugar such as Granny Smith apples, berries, and HDL cholesterol, to the and grapefruit. Exercise and weight loss can breakdown of these lower triglycerides. Fish oil and omega-3 fatty The best advice is to numbers or cholesterol acids in fish not only lower triglycerides but also particles. HDL cholesterol lower cholesterol with diet, can improve HDL cholesterol. is the good cholesterol LDL, or bad cholesterol, is raised by eating responsible for pulling exercise, and the milder fatty meats, especially beef and pork. There is plaque out of our arteries less of an effect with red meat if the animals are while the LDL cholesterol is supplements other than grass fed instead or grain fed, so choose grass fed the bad cholesterol and red meat without antibiotics and hormones. niacin and red yeast rice. Omega-3 eggs, cage free, is another good choice. causes plaque to build in our arteries. The next area Fiber in the form of steel-cut oats and psyllium of concern is to determine seeds, and increasing to over 30 grams of total if inflammation is present in your system or the arteries fiber per day, is known to lower cholesterol. directly. Two blood tests for inflammation are HS-CRP Supplements to help lower LDL cholesterol include for general inflammation and MPO or myeloperoxidase the following: Bergamot BPF—two capsules per day for more specific blood vessel inflammation. Genetic lower cholesterol in the liver and decrease inflammation. markers, such as Apo-A, MTHFR, and Lp(a) are a few of Artichoke extract—500mg three times a day. ECGC—the the markers that can be helpful in making treatment active ingredient in green tea, 500mg twice a day. Plant decisions. sterols—500 to 750mg two times per day blocks the Triglycerides are a type of fat that circulate in the absorption and lowers LDL cholesterol. Time Release bloodstream and are usually increased in the niacin is very strong in lowering LDL cholesterol as well bloodstream with obesity, lack of exercise, and as increasing HDL cholesterol and decreasing consumption of alcohol, sugar, and other simple triglycerides. If taking Niacin, the non-flush type is not

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April 2017

BY NANCY RUSSELL, M.D. as effective. Liver function should be monitored regularly if Niacin is taken. Red yeast rice is also very strong in lowering cholesterol, and liver function should be monitored as this is the botanical involved in statin therapy so it can also lower Coenzyme Q-10 levels. Niacin and red yeast rice are best used with the guidance of a healthcare provider while monitoring levels of cholesterol and liver enzymes. The best advice is to lower cholesterol with diet, exercise, and the milder supplements other than niacin and red yeast rice. There is more evidence to suggest if the total cholesterol is lowered below 200mg/dl, your brain health and hormone production can be affected. The stronger supplements can be utilized for people who have had plaque buildup and suffered plaque-related medical problems or have a strong family history of sudden death from heart attacks or heart attacks in family members under age 50. Lowering cholesterol is a complicated and controversial subject and each one of us needs to be educated based on personal lab values and preferences. Educate yourself and obtain the advice of a functional medicine or integrative practitioner for further knowledge. Your health is in your hands. Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, www.nancyrussellmd.com or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.


Balance Life by Taking a Break to Re-Fuel


“Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.” — Maya Angelou men to Maya Angelou! Dear hard working soul, you need to re-read this quote. I highly recommend placing it somewhere visible, where you can see it every day and make time for you to "withdraw." It's as important to take time off to pause and play as it is to work hard. Today, I want you to give yourself permission to pause and take a break. Whether you do that for five minutes right now or you schedule a full day of play and contemplation. If you're looking for a way to find balance between work and life, I highly suggest to read the following reasons why it's important for you to take a break and renew yourself.

out a better, more creative way to solve the work load. You will save time and energy that you can focus on something more fun. 4. Breaks can equal play. Kids are the best example with this. If you observe a child, they learn through play; they're not sitting down thinking, "Wow, this puzzle is so much work, if only I spend 10 more hours on it I will yield some productive results." They just play, go about their business, make it fun, and try to figure it out. Make some more time for play in your life, or even better, bring the play into your work so that it doesn't seem as hard.


“When you're running non stop, like a car, you need to stop and replenish with gas. If you keep running on low you'll The Importance of Taking a Break eventually dry up and stop.” from Work 1. You need gas to keep going. When you're running nonstop, like a car, you need to stop and replenish with gas. If you keep running on low, you'll eventually dry up and stop. How do you replenish and fill your tank up? What kind of gas do you need to get you going? Is it a day at the spa? Hanging out with friends? Going to the beach? Playing an instrument? Watching movies? Think about what gets you all jazzed up and full of energy and make time for it. 2. Your body, mind, and spirit need rest. You are not a machine; you are human, and as such, you need to rest. Has it ever happened to you that you miss out on sleep

one night and have to drive somewhere? How did it feel? The few times that this has happened to me, I felt as if it were worse than being intoxicated, or as I like to call it, being drunk on lack of sleep. You can't function as well, you make many more mistakes, and just don't operate well. Your body, your mind, and your spirit need to relax in order for you to be able to give more of yourself. 3. Working smarter vs. working harder. Just because you're working hard and nonstop does not mean that you're getting more done. Sometimes it's best to take a step back, strategize, batch process things, and figure

5. There are health risks involved when you don't take a break. If you keep on pushing yourself without getting proper rest/breaks, the machine (your body) will eventually have a breakdown. Think about it, the more you push yourself the harder it is to break the bad patterns: you order more take out, you sleep less, you stress more, you exercise less, and eventually you fall flat on your face. Please take care of yourself and give yourself a break sooner than later.

Tania Vasallo is the founder of The Courage To Be Happy, a supportive community that empowers and teaches passionate, heartcentered women entrepreneurs all over the world how to create their desired lifestyle and design a purposeful life: A life of freedom, joy and success! Creator of the “Designing My Life Workbook(www.designingmylifeworkbook.com), designed to help others create a life they love. Tania is hosting her acclaimed 3 day retreat: “A Brand New You” taking place April 26th-28th where you get to work on your business and yourself in a beautiful setting. Check out this opportunity to see if it’s a fit for you www.abrandnewyoulive.com

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April 2017

Food Gloria’s Food

Dig In, Get Your Hands Dirty, and Reap the Harvest


BY GLORIA GALE sk a kid where food comes from and the answer may be as simple as “The store.” Dayna McDaniel wants to replace that notion with a far more experiential one—

seeds. Dedicated to the fantastic mission of collecting, cataloging, and sharing seeds, McDaniel is the founder of Seed Savers, a metro-wide Kansas City organization with a mission to promote and propagate heirloom (non-GMO/non-terminator) seeds through the sharing of seeds and seed saving techniques and information. The range of available seeds includes “Non-GMO vegetables, annuals, perennials, natives, shrubs, and trees. Native plants are very well adapted to our conditions and weather extremes better than exotics. We recommend their use for their durability, beneficial insect attraction, and increasing the diversity of food sources for wildlife in your gardens,” says McDaniel. The soulful intent of Seed Savers reaches beyond the exchange to encompass a range of benefits not just to our community but communities at large. According to the group website, here’s a sampling.  Teaching new generations skills such as how to save open pollinated seeds from prior harvest then use them at planting.  Promote and advise people on sustainable gardening practices.  Negotiating with the Land Bank Trust to acquire vacant neighborhood lots and turn them into community gardens.  Presenting seed saving topics at speaking engagements across the metro.  Operating a Seed Library where seeds can be checked out. The business of exchanging seeds takes place Monday –Friday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at The Missouri Department of Conservation’s Anita B Gorman Discovery Center, 4750 Troost Ave, Kansas City, Missouri. Patrons can check out seeds that will eventually be replenished. Patrons are also asked to attend one of the free classes taught by the organization, read online literature devoted to seed saving techniques, and watch a webinar on line. And all of this is supported by donations—as little as $1.00 will afford a lifetime membership in this little but mighty nonprofit. Not much for a worthwhile effort that keeps on giving. Annually, Seed Savers conducts educational events for hundreds of people from preschoolers to adults. Classes can be scheduled on-site or anyone

The soulful intent of Seed Savers reaches beyond the exchange to encompass a range of benefits not just to our community but communities at large. can come to Seed Saver classes held twice monthly at the Troost location Discovery Center. A Winter Seed Exchange takes place in January and a much anticipated Spring Plant Exchange is held in early May. Check out the Seed Saver’s Facebook page for dates. The whole idea of giving, getting, and, nurturing this bounty is mind-boggling. Just think how seeds can prevent famine or boost a self-sustaining endeavor. It’s a whole new way to propagate that will make you think twice the next time you want to throw away seeds from fruits or vegetables. Mighty cucumbers from little seeds grow! http://www.seedsavers-kc.org/

Kansas City writer, producer, and photo stylist Gloria Gale is a sleuth when it comes to discovering interesting features for the media. Most recently, Gloria profiled area restaurants as a columnist for 435 Magazine and was on KCUR's Food Critics radio program. Want to know where to find the best tastes in town? ggale@everestkc.net



April 2017


Daily Practices to Build Sustainability From Within


ost often, sustainability is associated with making sure that our physical resources are used in the most proper and efficient way. Yet, there seems to be the inner realm of human existence that has not been included in the sustainability movement. Long ago, scientists determined that we use less than 10% of our brains. How sustainable is that? How can we be going about our whole lives using only a fraction of our physical command center? According to studies of Metaphysics and Mindfulness, it is the mind that actually controls our brains (not the other way around). To use the computer analogy, our mind is the software and the brain is the hardware. This is reflected in the first verse of the recorded teachings of the Buddha: “Our life is shaped by our mind. We become what we think.” So, how can we use our most precious inner resource, our mind, more sustainably? Daily practice is the key. As we are able to hone our mind more and more, and produce larger gaps between our thoughts, we are able to more fully utilize this often untapped resource. Here are three sustainable actions you can take, starting today, to utilize more of your inner power:


hand, you can complete anything in shorter amount of time and more efficiently and thus, become more productive, more relaxed, and more aware.

Meditation Meditation is a form of inward concentration based in listening and experiencing the inner self. Practicing meditation for at least fifteen minutes daily allows you to experience deeper connection with yourself and also with others. Through meditation, we often find answers for many deep questions. To begin your meditation practice, sit in a quiet place for fifteen minutes. After some deep breathing, concentrate your full attention on the point between your eyebrows and hold the attention on this point. Each time your attention drifts, simply bring it back to that same single point. Observe what comes up. Meditation frees our mind and brain to be more tranquil and allows for any perceived stressors to dissipate. It also helps us to feel reenergized and more aware.

Image licensed by Ingram Images

Tapping into the inner resources of our mind increases our overall Visualization sustainability. As we stay connected to Recently, more and more studies are our inner self, gain more peace, and being published on how sport teams and become more conscious and aware individual athletes repeatedly use overall, we can then channel that Concentration visualization to accomplish their goals. In expansion back into our outer expression. fact, Dayton Moore, the General Manager As we experience more inner care and Once we set our full attention, including all of our five senses, on a single for Kansas City Royals, confessed to love, we yearn to give it back to our point, we experience undivided attention. visualizing a World Series parade through environment and those around us. As the Country Club Plaza in within, so without. When we hold the downtown Kansas City undivided attention for a May these practices, or at least one, many years before it prolonged amount of bring out more inner sustainability within occurred in 2015. time on that same your life! In visualization, we hold in object, we then mind an image, a vision, of While pursuing her experience what we would like to Doctorate of Divinity concentration. accomplish in our lives. degree through the School Practice now if you We use our imagination of Metaphysics, Aneta would like. Use a timer and feelings to project Baranek continues (perhaps on your phone) ourselves into her research and study of and for one minute put circumstances we want to self-actualization and selfyour whole attention on experience in real life. a single point on the realization. She also holds Visualization does not wall. Master’s Degree from DePaul University in need to be elaborate. Ten What did you notice? Computer Science. She has been serving as a minutes a day of Was your mind racing spiritual teacher through the School of concentrated efforts will and wanting to process Metaphysics for the past eight years. She go a long way. Create a thoughts not related to currently resides in Kansas City where she believable desire and use your the present moment? directs one of the branches of the School of imagination to see it come to pass. The Concentration allows us to be fully Metaphysics. To find out more information more you practice, the greater the vested in the now. With the undivided about the School Metaphysics visit: http:// probability of manifesting your desires. attention fully focused on the task at www.som.org.

“As we are able to hone our mind more and more, and produce larger gaps between our thoughts, we are able to more fully utilize this often untapped resource.”



April 2017


Mother Earth, Mother of Us All Mother I feel you under my feet Mother I feel your heartbeat


stumbled into the dark night, tears of gratitude blurring my vision. Standing on the sidewalk outside my back door, I quickly pull off my shoes and peel off my socks, desperate to stand barefoot on the soft soil of my sweet Mother. “Thank you,” I whisper/cry into the night. “Thank you,” sobbing now as I look out at the twinkling stars, the sliver of the crescent moon, and the outline of the trees rooted in the Earth. I go to my knees, pressing my forehead into dry leaves and dirt, vaguely aware that my 6-year old son is beside me, having followed me outside. It’s not enough to be on my knees in gratitude to Her; I stretch out flush with the Earth, pressing my body into Her unseasonable warmth, still whispering, “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” as my little boy lays his head on my back, patting me on the arm, unsure of why I’m crying but right there with me all the same. Life challenges, powerful enough to take anyone down, come for all of us. Haven’t we all questioned the path our lives seem to take when we are shaken to our core? Aren’t we all questioning right now what the purpose is for the direction our world seems to be heading? I can assure you that this is a matter of Divine

Image courtesy of Kim Macy.

Alignment. We are all navigating this EarthWalk as conscious beings, meant to be deeply, personally, lovingly connected to the Mother Earth, the essence of the Divine Feminine, as best we can, trying to understand the signs, symbols, and ways we can best serve the evolution of human consciousness. The Mother of Us All lovingly plucks us from where we stand and positions us precisely where we need to be. Like a mama tiger biting the scruff of her cub’s neck, the hand of the Mother is always lining up blessings to flow into our lives. And sometimes, She has to clean house a bit to make room for what our souls are calling in. The cycles in nature mimic our own life cycles—dry, dead leaves falling in autumn, barren trees in the cold of winter, the Death Cycle giving way to the bright green hosta spears shooting up from the soil even as winter remains, the purple and orange of crocus, the promise of Spring unfurling Her glory as the birds sing their springtime songs early in the dark morning, the Sacred ReBirth as the days warm into a sunny glow, flowers blooming, gardens growing, summer coming, making us all forget when the nights were long and cold and dark. So it is with our personal life rhythms. We can all come through the dark night into the beauty of ReBirth, growing and nurturing that new life as surely as we fertilize and grow our gardens of food. The gratitude I felt as I stretched my body full out on the sweet Mother Earth was because of a simple phone call I received from a Planetary Priestess1, a spiritual midwife for the Awakening of human consciousness. She inquired about my work, listened with absolute love, and gave blessings from the Goddess for the journey. It may seem like such a small thing but it was everything to

BY KIM MACY me—it was a Gift that made personal challenges I faced meaningful, purposeful. This simple symbol, this sign made everything worthwhile. Our inner world reflects our outer world. “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”Hermes Trismegistus. Know within your heart of hearts that your personal connection with your own spirit as a divinely incarnated being in this time-space reality, “ firmly connected to your body as your sacred Temple, deeply connected to the brilliance of Mother Earth, contributes in a magical, miraculous way to the growth and evolution of us all. Following are ways to celebrate your EarthWalk and connection with this beautiful Blue Planet:  Connect with your body as a manifestation of all the elements: Earth my body, Water my blood, Air my breath and Fire my spirit. Be in your body. Be Here Now. Take a deep breath and connect with the miracle of your physical body, this divinely designed vessel that knows how to heal itself, repair itself, without you even having to think about it.  Stand barefoot on our Mother Earth daily. She emits a negative electromagnetic field that helps dissipate all excessive positively charged ions in our electric air.  Align with your own natural rhythms by noting the rhythms in nature. An excellent resource for this is the annual WeMoon datebook/ calendar2 that lists daily moon phases in the corresponding zodiac signs along with planetary alignments and cycles. Listen to your body as an extension of your spirit’s voice. S/he is trying to speak with you.  Make all aspects of your seemingly “mundane” life sacred. Washing the dishes becomes cleansing the hearts of humanity. Rocking the baby becomes soothing those who feel alone and abandoned in the world.  Breathe the sunshine in as a

The Mother of Us All lovingly plucks us from where we stand and positions us precisely where we need to be.”

1. Ariel Spilsbury, High Priestess of the Planet, author of Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars; Guidebook for a Modern Priestess; 13 Moon Oracle; and Alchemy of Ecstasy. 2. WeMoon 2017 Datebook/Calendars are available locally through me, Aquarius Books in Kansas City and online at www.wemoon.ws.


reflection of your own inner light. The twinkling stars remind us of what we truly are, lights in the firmament. The people of Peru honor the Mother Earth as Pachamama, She Who Provides, and we learn their tradition of making a medicine bundle as a living offering of gratitude. Simply take 100 percent cotton cloth and cut it into an 8” by 8” square. Place tobacco, cornmeal, sage, cedar, and sweetgrass in the center, representing Earth and Fire. Add small shells or beach sand to connect with the Mother Ocean and the waters of Earth. Place a feather for the element of Air and connection with Father Sky. Amplify the energy with tiny crystals. Arrange flower petals in a lovely pattern that is pleasing to the eye. You may wish to place a piece of your hair in the bundle and any small tokens that are symbolic to you. If you have specific prayer requests or expressions of thankfulness, write them on small slips of paper and slide under tobacco pile. Fold the cloth toward the center, making a bundle. Cut a 1” strip of cloth and wrap around the center, tying it tight, then wrap around opposite ends of the bundle, like a present. I like to slide a feather under the knot in the center. Crow or Raven feathers carry the magic into the ethereal realm. Dig a hole in the earth outside your home or at a place in nature that is special to you. Offer the Medicine Bundle into the soil and feel your special, unique connection with the Mother of Us All, a Child of Earth. Blessed Be!


April 2017

Kim Macy is a Priestess of the Goddess, spiritual counselor in private practice in Overland Park, Kansas and facilitator of the Temple of the Goddess Mystery School. Her passion is in assisting people as they navigate their soul’s journey, while connecting with the body as Temple, with conscious thought and awareness of their soul purpose, expressing their light and wisdom gained by facing the shadow of life challenges. For more information, please visit www.KimMacy.com (816) 510-4391 or email Kim@KimMacy.com.


The Strong Impact of Community Consciousness on Sustainability BY GABRIEL OF URANTIA


am glad that so many people across the country have been trying to start communities and grow organic food, but sustainable living is not just about goals of things to accomplish. Longlasting and continually evolving sustainable living requires a shift in consciousness, a state of being. It is a total lifestyle—a way of thinking and doing that is not done in part. Thirty years ago, I co-founded, with Niánn Emerson Chase, a vision of sustainable community living that turned into a reality. Now, we live with nearly 120 people from all over the world in a beautiful 220-acre Eco Village in southern Arizona. I want to share some of the reasons why more people should start communities like this and how they can succeed. Independence from the system must begin in our mind, in our consciousness, which determines our decisions and actions. And we can’t do it alone. It’s going to have to be with a group of individuals, all working together to make this independence happen. Buying land together may be the first physical step. Building “green” the second, but before you do either one, you should have many meetings together, deciding how to live in “green,” sustainable consciousness, because we are the permaculture—the new, permanent agriculture. Perhaps the most important part of sustainable living is interpersonal sustainability. That requires efficient and effective conflict resolution, selflessness, and being more serviceoriented. The values of communal living must be taught to adults and children so that there is a unifying goal of selfimprovement as well as community improvement. In the world of over-consumerism and self-serving values, people are always running around trying to be seen by the right people, buy the right thing, wear the right clothes, and go to the right event. This modern consciousness madness is so inbred in Western civilization today that many people miss one of the greatest

things that they can do for humanity, and that is, slow down and give someone a smile or a kind hello, take time to really know another person. In true community life, there should be more quality time with another human being. It is easier to do that in a rural lifestyle where the pace is slower and people pay more attention to each other. Many people have the consciousness of “bigger is better.” However, in forming a community, we carefully consider how much land to buy based on our ability to plant, maintain, harvest, and steward. All we may need is Image courtesy of Gabriel of Urantia a few acres. We also have to realize the necessity of good leadership. Using our extended family. I coined the saying, only consensus for making decisions, “My child is your child, and your child is especially with more than six individuals, mine,” for we not only share material is usually counterproductive because things, we share the care and upbringing everybody has his/her opinion of how of children so that the burden of things should be done and run. So, if we parenting is lightened. really want our community to survive and In my community, no one owns grow, we need leadership—a decision anything except private clothing and maker—because when people are locked heirlooms; everything else is shared. in their opinions and do not agree, That’s sustainable because we don’t have someone has to decide. A good leader to run out and buy everything. Someone values the opinions of in the community probably has it already. others and seeks advice Many people in community find that from others, but ultimately their creative abilities begin to come out, the leader has to make the and they begin to develop a more creative decision. consciousness. Individuals have time Living in an intentional cultivate ideas and to try to create more community helps us begin energy-efficient systems and machines. to realize that others are Some may even be able to develop freewatching how we use water energy devices. and other natural In community, we pay the bills as a resources, and so our group, and the every-day-living bills are consciousness of personal decreased because we are sharing more responsibility begins to and consuming less. In my experience, blossom more quickly in many of the mental burdens of being in that social situation. You will find that in survival mode are lifted when we join choosing to live in a community of people others to create a better quality of life who want to become more sustainable in together that benefits even others outside their lifestyles you become more aware of of our community—as well as the land we the natural elements and how precious live on. they are for our survival. Consciousness in humans does indeed In community living, we need to get have cause-and-effect ramifications, a away from the consciousness of just domino cascade of short-term and longlooking out for our own biological family, term impacts in every area of human and because the whole community becomes natural life. Is our consciousness part of

“Perhaps the most important part of sustainable living is interpersonal sustainability.”



April 2017

the perpetration of the rapidly unraveling web of life on Earth, or are we moving into a consciousness of sustainability that contributes to the correcting and healing of people and planet? Gabriel of Urantia is one of the most unique and distinct spiritual leaders and authors of our time. Gabriel is the cofounder of Global Community Communications Alliance in southern Arizona, a multifaceted global change nonprofit, comprised of about 120 change agents from five continents on 220 pristine acres called Avalon Organic Gardens and EcoVillage. http://gabrielofurantia.org/

Spiritual Horoscope

April 2017 Happy birthday Aries! Give yourself the gift of patience, although that’s not the top of your Aries list! With so many planets turning retrograde, including Mercury, slowing down replenishes and refocuses you in a powerful way. Rid yourself of stress hormones through meditation and your health and moods improve. Examine life with relaxed observation so you can prioritize plans, eliminate what doesn’t serve you, and take precise action on what gets you where you want to go! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Don’t dread Mercury retrograde in your sign! As a compulsive nurturer, its a beautiful time to focus on your own needs. What dreams do you have from your last birthday that remain unfulfilled? Commit to a plan of action to move toward those goals. Include daily meditation or reflective time. Your intuition is an invaluable guide and you need to tap into that still small voice each day! Life runs smoothly, trust and prosperity open and and you’ll feel included rather than drained by others!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) If you’re frustrated about romantic relationships, take time to nurture other friendships as Venus turns direct. Also meditate each day as Mercury goes retrograde (at least one planet is always retrograde!) Reflect on what you need in a partnership and if you feel worthy to receive those needs. How open is your heart to give if you feel hurt from the past? Releasing pain creates more stable and satisfying partnerships in current connections, or draws in someone new. Also watch over-spending as you deal with “issues”.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Like Gemini pals, this is a big month for relationship healing. Without gossiping or complaining, seek opinions of spiritual friends to gain new perspectives on your current partnership, or how you can improve to have healthier situations in the future. You could be judging yourself or partner too harshly. It sounds weird, but making better food choices really helps all of this! Even start a yoga or deep breathing practice. Also, finances or new job options flow in without issue once your heart heals!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Don’t jump on job changes while Mercury retrogrades this month. Instead spend time evaluating important career goals, and even spiritual goals. Meditate daily to tap into dormant talents and passions that can motivate you and inspire others. See if this shifts your work life. If not, May is better to select new options. Also, healing issues in your love life, or even with children can make job stress less. It’s easier to displace anger toward the office rather than face deeper pain at home or in your heart. Again, inner reflection reveals the roots of whatever unsettles you and shows the path to peace of mind.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Mercury retrograde illuminates solutions about money or debt. Meditate since mental relaxation allows ideas to flow in and lets for “magical” things to happen! Prosperity is also linked with trust and intimacy, so reflect on healing old wounds to open to the love available in the present moment. If single, that opening makes room for new people who have high standards and ethics. If struggling with family, just let it lie and things resolve easily in early May.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Seeing both sides of a choice is insightful, but you create stress (mentally and physically) when you dwell on “what ifs”. Grab your personal power back by refusing to be wishywashy. Once you make a decision, stick with it and cut yourself of from other options. The Universe will support your dreams whichever direction you commit to, but you must make that commitment! Relationships, money and self-esteem improve. Your intuition strengthens to make your next decisions even easier.


Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) More than any sign, Scorpio must continually forgive! You can bury resentments so deep you forget they’re there. This creates chronic unhappiness, prosperity blocks and relationship issues. Meditate perhaps with the Buddhist prayer of “May I be peaceful” . . . followed with “May all beings be peaceful” (google “Metta prayer”). Blessing others blesses you! You’ll still have healthy limits without being overprotective of your heart. In closest partnerships, remember the saying, “how important is it?” and allow imperfections in those bonds.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) You’re infectiously positive and can avoid negative emotions. However, repressing or ignoring tough stuff is problematic. As Saturn retrogrades in your sign, see life as a roller coaster. Take a Zen approach to the “downs”, and move toward them without resistance. Allow the experience to be fully processed and completed. If you “apply the brakes” as you go down, there isn’t momentum to go back up and you can get stuck. Meditating to embracing the “bad” without denial or bracing allows integration, wisdom, and a quicker flow back into joy and ease!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) It’s no small task to observe inner dialog, but careful attention breaks negative thought habits that deplete energy, creativity and self-esteem. Meditation reveals subconscious thinking that have roots in childhood, or even a family lineage of trauma and shame. Remember that “nerves that no longer fire together no longer wire together”, so you can un-create your old personality and re-create and new one by meditating positive future vision surrounded by feelings of gratitude and joy. Feelings are the glue that hold the new you in place!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Meditate to resurrect dreams and goals you’ve given up on. Mercury is retrograde, breathing life into “dead” hopes. Declare you’re no longer the old you who “failed”. Each day, visualize your new reality, along with feeling the joy as if it already happened. Your intuition gives action steps, and it’s up to you to carry them through. Small increments now add up to a flowing cascade of success in months ahead. Continue to internally see and feel your new life each day and take outer actions to make it real. This is quantum physics on a personal level and it works!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Old resentments and fears are made worse by your imagination. Repeatedly replaying conflicts creates a negative beliefs system. As Saturn and Mercury retrograde, meditate on how you’ve altered experiences by overlaying powerful emotions onto them. Release these “issues” by observing them as simple facts, as if watching a movie. Painful emotions float away and you can forgive the persons or circumstance more easily. You’ll have a rush of personal empowerment, confidence and spiritual safety. You’ll feel to your core that you’re a valuable part of the world around you, not separate from it!


April 2017

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com


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STEPHANIE FORCIER, CT/CAP, Workshops, Events, Personalized Infinity & Akashic Record Sessions: connect with your infinite nature, 816-260-2438 www.infiniteforcier.com.

NUTRITION CONSULTANT JACKIE CALDWELL HHC, BS Jackie works with you to restore digestive health by eating a grain free diet. Contact Jackie at 913-980-5605 www.grainfreewellness.com

REV. STEPHANIE RED FEATHER, MS SHAMANIC INTUITIVE HEALER, COACH & FACILITATOR Feminine mysteries, energy therapies, Priestess Process, initiations, shadow work, speaking 913515-3271, redfeatherconnections.com

PETS CYNTHIA LITWER, ASTROLOGER Member AOA; NCGR Astrological consult., writer, Instructor at JCCC, BS in Psych. Facebook: “Cynthia Litwer, Astrologer” 913-385- 7031 perspective2@mac.com

N2PAWS OFFERING DOGA (DOGGIE YOGA) An integrated approach to balance & relaxation for you and your canine companion!


DOG’S WORLD OF FUN Boarding/Grooming/ Daycare. 1220 W. 31st KCMO 816-931-5822 www.dogsworldoffun.com Find us on Facebook

RIORDAN CLINIC The Riordan Clinic has over 40 years of experience integrating lifestyle and nutrition to help you find the underlying causes of your illness. 21620 Midland Drive Suite B Shawnee, KS 913.745.4757 www.RiordanClinic.org

BROOKSIDE BARKERY & BATH Providing pets with better health w/the largest all-natural, organic pet food selection in KC – full and self-service bathing/grooming facilities Brookside and Lee’s Summit. 816.333.2275 barkerybath.com

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GIFTS & DECOR SWORDS & MORE A great shop for meaningful gifts like Candles, Fairies, Swords, Crystals, and more to meet your Holistic & Metaphysical needs. 123 S Mur-Len Olathe, KS 66062 913-782-4244


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SPECTRUM-A NEW AGE SHOP 7827 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City Missouri 64118; 816-321-2658’ www.spectrumreiki.com Spectrum.newageshop@gmail.com

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YOUNG LIVING INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS: Jeanne Clark, MA, HTSM CP/1 thewellnessmaven.com

Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE LindaLysakowskiEssentialOils.com

YOGA RETREATS GODDESS PILGRIMAGE TO CRETE WITH CAROL CHRIST, a life-transforming sacred sites journey for women, spring and fall. www.goddessariadne.org.

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April 2017


AT THE HEALING PLACE Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Shamanic Healing, Intuitive Readings 816-415-2607 www.atthehealingplace.com REGINA COMPERNOLLE Home Herbalist Courses, Apprenticeships, Women’s Sacred Studies, Astrology, Tarot, Consults, Women Drumming 816-547-0266; www.SacredEarthArts.com



APRIL 1 SHADOW BREATHWORK WITH LAURA WOLF Reclaim your passion, power and purpose from the shadows so that you can create a life that you love! www.laura-wolf.com APRIL 4-5 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – 6:30pm, $380 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. karen@karenharrison.net 816-523-4440. www.karenharrison.net APRIL 7 & 8 MINI-READINGS IN PERSON WITH MEDIUM TRACI BRAY Kansas City Livestock Exchange, Phone 913940-0754 or https://www.tracibray.com/appearances---events.html APRIL 8 CUPPING THERAPY – INTRODUCTORY CLASS Learn the Traditional Maya Medicine concepts of Cupping Therapy. This class outlines the clinical benefits and uses of cupping as well as hands-on practice time during the class. Saturday 9am-4pm, Instructor: Alex Jackson $95 Centered Spirit, 8131 Wornall Rd, Kansas City, MO 64114. Registration: call 816-225-9393 – Facebook.com/centeredspirit APRIL 8 INTRODUCTION TO ESSENTIAL OILS FOR ANIMALS 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Peculiar, MO - Learn how to use essential oils for battling pests, grooming, first aid, stress reduction, and

overall wellness support for your animal companions. Register: pat@n2paws.com or 816-522-7005. Website: www.n2paws.com APRIL 11 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. Reservations 913-831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com APRIL 11 SUSAN WALTER FULL MOON CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS 6 p.m. $20 Spectrum a new age shop 7827 N Oak KCMO 64118 816-321-2658 APRIL 12 PELVIC PAIN RELIEF —THE MAYA CONNECTIONS Learn how Traditional Maya Medicine techniques can address chronic pelvic floor pain. Solutions for lasting relief: including excises to decrease inflammation and relax the pelvis. Instructor: Alex Jackson $35 68pm at Centered Spirit, 8131 Wornall Rd. KCMO 64114 Registration: Call 816-225-9393 Facebook.com/centeredspirit APRIL 14 UNCOILING OUR DIVA Part 1 by Elmari at 6 p.m. (part 2 on 04/21) painting workshop, all materials included. No experience necessary. Spectrum a new age shop 7827 N Oak KCMO 64118 816-3212658 (r.s.v.p.) $65 prepay or $80 at the door APRIL 15 WILD SPRING EDIBLES AND MEDICINAL HERBS Take a walk to identify wild edibles and healing plants that grow all around us. Learn to make herbal remedies. 1-3pm, $30 Contact Regina@SacredEarthArts.com for KCKS location. APRIL 21 3RD FRIDAY NITE Come enjoy Linda & Dan with live music and food/drink sampling in the store! Music starts at 6:30 pm! 7945 Santa Fe Dr., OP KS. The Tasteful Olive 913-649-7900 APRIL 21 PSI APRIL 2017 PROGRAM “NUMEROLOGY: ADDING UP YOUR DESTINY” Kathryn Andries 7pm All Seats $10 at the Door. Unity Church of Overland Park, 10300 Antioch Rd, Overland Park. More details at http://psychicstudiesinstitute.org/2017/03/18/ numerology-adding-up-your-destiny/


APRIL 22 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHIC AND MEDIUMSHIP With Jamie Collins. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (lunch break at noon). Spectrum a new age shop 7827 N Oak KCMO 64118 816-321-2658 $60

MAY 6 INTRODUCTION TO HEALING This is an informational and experiential workshop for people to expand their knowledge and practical capabilities for working healing energy. Cost $125 10 a.m. APRIL 22 - 5 p.m. 6045 Martway #104, FARM TO FIBER FEST Mission, KS 66202 Learn about luxury fibers at The Light Center www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com and Baldwin fiber farms. 10- 4:00 Register: www.farm2fiberfest.com $20 ONGOING includes lunch/classes/tour REIKI CIRCLE APRIL 22 Unity Temple on the Plaza; 707 DOG ADOPTIONS AT BROOKSIDE W. 47th St., Kansas City, MO. 2nd BARKERY– T.A.R.A. Saturday every month 1-4 p.m. to Dedicated volunteers with The Animal receive Reiki session. Love Rescue Alliance (T.A.R.A.) are bringing once- Offering. For information, email forgotten, adoptable furry friends to kaubry@rocketmail.com or call Brookside Barkery & Bath. Stop by and find 913-215-8863. your perfect match! 11am-3pm. www.barkerybath.com REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park – APRIL 25 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love CLINIC offering. All welcome. Receive a Experience the benefits of energy healing. Reiki treatment. For flier email 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. karen@karenharrison.net. Reservations 913-831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20. 816-523-4440 www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com ENERGY HEALING APRIL 26 SESSIONS FOR CANCER BROOKSIDE BARKERY & BATH PATIENTS AND VETERANS “BARKERY UNIVERSITY” By Appointment. The Kansas City 7 p.m. What’s in your pet’s food? Join us for Healing Project provides energy an informative seminar that will leave pet healing sessions for cancer owners feeling confident in understanding patients and veterans. Our clients their pet’s nutritional needs and reading pet have been experiencing a food labels. Details and registration at reduction of their stress, anxiety www.barkerybath.com/barkeryuniversity. and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the APRIL 28-30 client. Contact John Hoefer at 816 FLINT HILLS WISDOM KEEPERS -718-6358 for details. GATHERING KansasCityHealingProject.org Come join the annual Gathering in the Flint Hills near Council Grove, KS. Five indigenous U-NITE INTERSPIRITUAL Elders & Presenters share their rich diversity SERVICE of Native American Culture. A safe place to Join us at Unity Temple on the explore Native traditions and issues. Sacred Plaza for our weekly Drum Workshop 4/29. 3, 2, & 1-day 'interspiritual' service SUNDAYS Registration Options by 4/15. 4:30-5:30PM (YOUTH www.fhwisdomkeepers.org, email: PROGRAM available for ages 5+). fhwisdomkeepers@gmail.com Sponsor: Flint www.uthrive-in-unity.com Hills Wisdom Keepers Foundation, 501(c)3 Call: 785-539-2819 FRIENDS OF IANDS KC Every 3rd Saturday of the month APRIL 29 1-3pm Host Annamarie McBride DOG ADOPTIONS AT BROOKSIDE International Studies for Near BARKERY – CHAIN OF HOPE Death Experiences. Gifts & Decor Dedicated volunteers with Chain of Hope Swords & More 123 S Mur-Len are bringing once-forgotten, adoptable furry Olathe, KS (913) 782-4244 friends to Brookside Barkery & Bath. Stop by and find your perfect match! 11am-3pm. www.barkerybath.com


April 2017


APRIL 1 LINGER OVER BREAKFAST: SPIRITUALITY AND THE MORAL LIFE, WITH JEAN DEBLOIS, CSJ Presented by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Today, we find ourselves confronted by daunting moral issues made particularly challenging by the divisive climate in our society. Additionally, issues in our private lives can be just as daunting. We will look at the intersection between personal spirituality and the moral life asking how attention to deepening our own spirituality can help us grapple effectively with the many moral decisions we face on a daily basis. Saturday, April 1, 2017, Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Program 9-11 a.m. At St. Teresa’s Academy, Windmoor Center $15 per session, breakfast included. Register at www.csjsl.org or 816-501-2944 Sponsored by Avila University and St. Teresa’s Academy



April 2017

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