April 2018 Evolving Magazine

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E volving

April 2018 ~ Vol. X, Issue 2

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living



April 2018



April 2018

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

A Sustainable Community

The first green blades of the crocus break through the cold earth and provide a promise of the coming growing season. Tulips, morels, budding trees, and blooming flowers remind me that the green will soon return. Each April, we celebrate this rebirth of the earth with our annual “green” issue. Inside, our writers take a look at various green issues: farmers putting sustainable plans into action, conscious gardening practices, and ways to declutter with spring cleaning. In addition, our spring festival, the Whole Living Fest, occurs on Earth Day weekend to honor the green practices you read about each month in Evolving Magazine. Our cultures encourage a great deal of expenditure and time to get our homes, along with our wardrobes, ready for the change of seasons. After Winter's enforced confinements, Springtime is always an especially robust time with graduations and other rites of passage. The publication, now in it’s 10th year since “rebirthing” in 2009, continually changes and grows, as well. It’s a beautiful season and a great issue on green living. Happy Spring!


The Evolving Garden 11

Whole Living Festival Program 11 7

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: www.EvolvingMagazine.com *Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EvolvingMagazine *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Pop the Hood: Naming and Tracking Bodily Sensations Read it at www.evolvingmagazine.com.


Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Polly Swafford Web Layout/Design Christine Lamb

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton Monthly Columnists Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Angela Watson Robertson, Suzette Scholtes

News Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Holistic Health Whole Living Fest Horoscope Events

ON THE COVER “Springtime Awakening”, oil on canvas, size 24” x 36”. Karrie Marie Baxley’s artwork explores form, nature, and the figurative elements that come together to enliven our senses and excite our minds. Author of “Dancing With A Thousand Bees” available on Amazon. Visit her website at www.KMarieArts.

EVOLVING© 2018 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


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April 2018

News Become a Medical Intuitive: Seeing with X-Ray Eyes

Workshop & Book Signing

Come learn Holy Fire Reiki! Karen Harrison, Ed.S.

ICRT Licensed Reiki Classes & Sessions Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna Young Living Essential Oils Sex Therapy 816-523-4440 www.KarenHarrison.net

Image licensed by Ingram Images

Tina wants you to excel as a medical intuitive. This is a step by step course focused on your learning how to do Medical Intuition and use it as a healing method for others. Lay people, without a medical background, as well as medical practitioners, professional intuitives and mediums, massage therapists and energy workers will empower their intuitive skills. This is an experiential program without any performance anxiety. It includes presentations with 15 handouts and step by step practice sessions. Certifications given. 16 CE’s for Massage Therapists

normal intuitive reading. *16 Intuition insights to immediately heighten and develop intuition. *What is blocking your intuitive abilities? *Assessing the body/mind connection. *Learning to do distance assessments with photos. *Create a medical intuitive drawing for your client. *Welcome Spiritual guidance in your You will learn: work. *Supervised practice sessions in *6 underlying causes of illness and unique small groups and pairs. *Exploring how to healing methods. *How to go beyond the

incorporate medical intuition into one’s current career. Tina Zion is the global leader and teacher for medical intuition. She is the author of Become a Medical Intuitive and Advanced Medical Intuition. For workshop information contact: Tammy Barton or Sheri Woxland at 816-415-2607 Tammy@AtTheHealingPlace.com For Book Signing/Free Talk Contact Aquarius Bookstore 3936 Broadway Kansas City, MO www.aquariusbooks.com/ 816-931-6303 Workshop held at Unity Temple on the Plaza May 5, 6, 7, 2018 One Hour Free Talk and Book Signing at Aquarius Books May 4.

For the Love of the South Amber Wilson, the creator of the beloved food blog For the Love of the South, has just published her first cookbook, an alluring collection of 100 mouthwatering, accessible, and easy-tomake recipes for Southern classics—all photographed by Wilson herself. FOR THE LOVE OF THE SOUTH: RECIPES AND STORIES FROM MY SOUTHERN KITCHEN (Harper Design; on sale: March 13, 2018; 256 pages; $35.00) captures the essence of Southern culture and honors family, friends, food, and Wilson’s experience growing up on the bayous of Louisiana. “Everything I hold dear about Southern culture rests in its narrative. The photographs throughout this book are personal—as personal as the stories I share. The images of satsuma trees, pecan trees, and cotton crops are taken on family land. Almost all the silver, cast iron, stoneware, and glasses in this book are family treasures. My china pattern and silverware are adorned with one of my favorite flowers, a gardenia, which represents grace and hospitality in the South. The dark wooden background for many photos is an old painter’s table discovered at an estate sale in Decatur, Alabama. The marble background is a restored piece from an old home, Rocky Hill, that my husband’s family owned.” The popularity of Wilson’s social media venues (178,000 Instagram followers, 56,000 fortheloveofthesouth.com followers, and

7,000 Pinterest followers) is testimony to her culinary skills, and ability to tell engaging, entertaining, and eloquent stories about her Southern childhood. She says: “I was raised in Cajun Country, experienced the boldness of Texas fare, tasted the light cuisine in Florida, plunged my fork into the various influences in Alabama, and am now enjoying the harmonious city of Nashville. I grew up in the small town of Lake Charles, Louisiana where the women in my family taught me the importance of our Cajun heritage and, of course, our cuisine. My grandmother’s kitchen will forever smell of homemade roux, and my memories are filled with boudin, crawfish boils and laughter.” No matter where in the country you live, no matter if you’ve barely used a



April 2018

stove or are an old hand around the kitchen, Wilson teaches you how to master a host of Southern dishes, from starters to desserts. The recipes feature inexpensive, readily available ingredients and come with instructive, encouraging directions. Learn to make a roux, perfect the popover, fry okra, lattice a piecrust, and create irresistible gumbos and jambalayas like a true Southerner. From Pain Perdu, Pimento Hushpuppies, Corn Bisque, and Spicy Oven-Roasted Okra to Tomato and Bacon Sandwich with Chipotle Mayonnaise, Nashville Hot Chicken, Cajun Jambalaya, and BaconLatticed Apple Pie, there’s something tasty for everyone. In the book’s section called “Kitchen Wisdom,” Wilson offers a pantry-full of time- and money-saving kitchen tips—from storing and freezing bacon to prolonging fresh berries in the fridge, seasoning cast-iron skillets, and making vanilla extract—and provides helpful do-ahead and leftover-saving tips for many recipes. This is an artful and accessible cookbook that Wilson wants you to really use. As she says, “I hope there are blackberry juice starbursts splattered across the pages, dog-eared corners, and handwritten notes in the margins. Above all, I hope you find comfort in these recipes and make them your own,” she explains in her introduction. So, grab a chair, sit down for a spell, and enjoy a taste of Southern life and food with FOR THE LOVE OF THE SOUTH.

Wisdom Within

Too Much Stuff—Time to Declutter? BY SUZETTE SCHOLTES


he last time I created a serious declutter of my home was 10 years ago. Time again to do it. My sis and I share a rule if a piece of clothing has not been on our back for a year, time to give it away. At times I regret the toss of a certain sweater or favorite pant, but they are gone. And we move on. I give most of my bags of old stuff to charities such as Goodwill. Then after the declutter projects, which may take some time, give yourself that allowance. It does not need to be done all at once. The folks who stage your home for selling suggest we clean until it gleams. This is fun for me. I like to polish and organize. It feels good to clean. Organizing is another skill, especially places such as your office, kitchen or your daily rituals for face and hair. Next, try moving furniture to a new formation. If it is all up against a wall, float some in the center to make comfortable conversation groupings. I remember a party I hosted and how the guests would cherish the comfy furniture in the seating areas around the room. Light is important. I use airy curtains to push back and allow the light to shine. I keep the windows clean and hire someone to help about once a year. If you can delegate certain tasks, it takes the load off a bit. Then these skilled “stagers” say to shake it up. Invest in some accent pillows you love for a splash of color. I use them in the family room, especially on the window seat. Think as well of using more light so your home or condo is not too gloomy. I installed under-cabinet kitchen lights years ago and not only do they help keep you safe while cooking and chopping but really brighten up the kitchen. Most often these lights are energy efficient. Mirrors create more light and brightness. I place large ones in the hall and in the master bedroom so a good view is given for your daily check of your outfit. Those who sell houses recommend neutral colors, but I am a big fan of color and use it for my dining room and kitchen. The bright yellows of the kitchen lifts the mood for all who share a bite with us. Make it fun. Place photos and art less high on the wall. Think of setting the art about sixty-five inches from the floor to the center of the piece. I often decorate my art with favorite items such as my old

Journey to Wholeness

The Power of One BY JUDE LACLAIRE, PH.D.

“Maybe you organize one drawer. Or clean up one closet. It is important to remain free of feeling overwhelmed. “ music from Beethoven. It holds a lovely small mirror over the piano to set it off. I keep one photo and treasured crystal gifts, but not too many on piano’s top. Groups of three hold much charm. Three candles, three baskets, three seashells. If it looks too skimpy, go up to five but keep it in the odd formation. I have a large library shelf of books in my office. If I do not use them on a regular basis, I give them away. Those I use a lot I keep aligned for easy grabbing and reference. One of our staff members worked for three months to de-clutter her home to put it on the market. It shines so brightly with new paint on the cabinets and new paint on the base boards. All closets, rooms organized, furniture moved. I’m sure her home will sell fast this spring. When unsure of how to go about this task to declutter, give yourself three boxes: one for items to give away; one for keeping treasured keepsakes; and one marked as unsure whether to toss or keep. I wrote it does not need to be completed all at once. Maybe you organize one drawer. Or clean up one closet. It is important to remain free of feeling overwhelmed. My friend took several months to declutter her home, taking her time in each room. I hope to begin my declutter projects soon. Where does all this stuff come from? It feels so good to be organized and free of clutter. As we free the clutter, more energy flows through your home or apartment. It will help free up your heart and mind as well. Suzette Scholtes’ nonfiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. www.theyogastudio.com news@theyogastudio.com 913-492-9594.



s human beings we are immersed in our physical environment. Today that reality is affected in many challenging ways by climate change and environmental shifts. These changes affect our mental and physical health in myriad ways. Locally, we have been spared the most severe weather and environmental disasters that other parts of the country, and world, have endured, and are presently experiencing. This challenges us to think about how we, individually and collectively, will live healthily in each moment and how that moment may affect others. Power, as defined by Webster is 1. ability to do, act, or produce 2. a specific ability or faculty 3. great ability to do, act, or affect strongly; vigor, force, strength 4. a source of energy. With that in mind, let’s think about how you, individually, can affect change. As the saying, “Think globally, act locally” indicates, we can acknowledge global issues but the local, personal experience is our reality and starting point. In teaching problem solving, I created an alphabetic reminder of the steps in the process. They are: Aware, Breathe, Connect, Direct, Energy and Focus. Using this device let’s think of other ideas or actions we could include. Once we become Aware of any problem or issue, we are more awake, alert and ready to think of action. I also thought about thinking of applauding others or ourselves for what we have done or are doing. We can affirm the values, thoughts and feelings of others in this process. We can learn to live more in awe of each moment. Do you ever have that moment of ‘awe’ or ‘aha’ when you see the bright full moon, flakes of snow, a soft rain, a gentle breeze or whipping wind? What about the new baby of a friend’s daughter you just held that took your breath away? Or the comedic behavior of your cat or dog or the crazy cat videos that made you smile and laugh out loud? The second step is to Breathe! Taking that deep, diaphragmatic breath helps us to balance our physical and emotional energy. It also helps activate “feel good” brain chemistry. Then we may be more aware of beauty, seeing it in others, ourselves or the world around us. As we see the blooming crocus, daffodils or


April 2018

tulips, we may be reminded of our ability to bloom and grow, and see it in others. It may also enhance that sense of belonging to the earth, to each other, and this constant cycle of birth and re-birth. Thinking of Connecting to the inner and outer resources in the continuum of consciousness, there may be a greater feeling of calm. This sense of control will connect us to our experience of competency. Hopefully, this may trigger us into caring more for others and our environment. This clarity and clearness continues to reinforce the physical, mental and emotional calm. Knowing we have resources within us and around us and accessing them puts limitless energy at our fingertips. Directing your Energy...giving your energy Form, awakens that sense of accomplishment. Having purpose or goals helps make your energy productive. That direction helps develop actions. Engaged in action, our brains are again energized and more positive. I was having some fun thinking of word connections to help express important ideas and how to express them. I hope you can do the same, thinking of some of your own. Develop your own fun semantic ways to remember what to do when you feel weighed down by the issues thrown at us in our present environmental situation. Take some time to think of the power of one thing. Think of the one breath, action or activity, thought or prayer, laugh or cry, single step or new habit. There is a saying, “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” I hope you can find one thing to do in any given moment that empowers you and, just maybe, changes you and the world in amazing ways.

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, training, supervision, speaking engagements or information on Life Weaving Education: A Holistic Problem-Solving Curriculum, Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-322-5622.

Lower your stress and get healthier! Are your health, day-to-day activities, career, or relationships causing you anxiety? Learn how to cope well with stress by attending one of Dr. Harrison’s workshops or scheduling a one-on-one coaching session today.

Call before April 30, 2018 and receive 15% off a group class or individual session.


Holistic Health

Chronic Inflammation: Ways to Cool Down Disease BY NANCY RUSSELL, M.D.


nflammation in the body presents in many ways. These inflammatory conditions can set up shop in every part of the human body. In the bones and muscles, it is called arthritis, bursitis, or tendinitis. In the digestive tract, it is gastritis, diverticulitis or colitis. On the skin, it is dermatitis or folliculitis. The suffix “-itis” is shared by these conditions and many more including gingivitis (gums), cystitis (bladder), plantar fasciitis (feet). Inflammation can be acute: from an infection, or after a cut or injury—or the chronic variety, which can be a hidden cause of disease mediated by the immune system. The immune system detects foreign invaders called antigens with antibodies. Immunoglobulin M or IgM antibodies go in first, figure out the weak points of the invader to assess how to attack and/or eliminate them. IgA antibodies protect the lining of the body in the nose, sinuses, digestive tract and other mucous membranes. IgE antibodies respond to environmental challenges. If the antibodies say the problem is self, they stay at rest. If the antibodies answer is other or invader, the battle begins. If acute inflammation, millions of white blood cells go to the area of the injury, whether it is a cut, burn, bite or scrape, the area becomes swollen, red, hot and painful. These are all signs that the immune system is doing its job. This type of inflammation is protective and a natural part of the healing process. But if inflammation goes on too long, if it becomes chronic instead of acute, all that healing hyperactivity can eventually damage the tissues of the body. In the mouth, a long-term buildup of bacteria can stimulate constant inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) which is chronic, celldamaging inflammation that studies show is a risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, pregnancy complications, Alzheimer’s disease, and pancreatic cancer. So brush and floss your teeth daily for prevention of this type of inflammation. In the respiratory tract, chronic inflammation can become asthma, easily inflamed airways that swell and clog with mucous. In the intestinal tract, chronic inflammation can take the form of inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. In the arteries, the immune system responds to


April 2018

cholesterol as a foreign invader. White blood cells rush to the cholesterol and stick to the cholesterol, inflaming the artery lining and forming plaque. This process of inflammation can lead to heart attacks, strokes and other circulation problems. What causes all this inflammation that you can have control over is as follows: Nutritional deficiencies such as too little omega 3 fatty acids or too little zinc can weaken the immune system. Other sources of limiting the immune system full function is sleep deprivation, ongoing stress, hormonal imbalances, digestive difficulties and cellular toxicity. By addressing these real causes with real cures, you can optimize the functioning of your immune system, prevent it from overreacting, and stop chronic inflammation from undermining your health. The anti-inflammatory diet consists of eating mostly whole, fresh foods, grass fed meats, use extra virgin, organic olive oil or coconut oil, cage free eggs, plenty of vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds and drink plenty of water. Other tips for reducing inflammation include: reducing negative thoughts as they decrease natural killer cells, reduce stress and depression, be optimistic, express your anger in a healthy way, and ask for help if you need it. For acute inflammation from an injury, use natural remedies such as resting and elevating the area, ice, compression, elevation and use enzymes between meals, arnica creams and curcumin products. Other helpful herbs for more chronic inflammation can be boswelia, willow bark and cherry. Acute and chronic inflammation can be reversed, in many cases, without over the counter antiinflammatory or prescription drugs. For more assistance in this area, consult a functional medicine physician or practitioner. Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, www.nancyrussellmd.com or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.

Evolving Magazine Presents...

Whole Living Fest

April 21, 2018 Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 Antioch Rd., Overland Park, KS 11 a.m.—5 p.m. www.EvolvingMagazine.com EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


April 2018

Educational Workshops 12—12:45 p.m. ART OF ASCENSION INTRODUCTION Want to move beyond faulty limitations of the mind? Research shows 8095% of disease begins with the faulty use of the mind caused by our reaction to stress. Art of Ascension teaches simple mental techniques to easily relax the mind and body, connect and align with the source. Jyoti Ishaya/Art of Ascension Room 210

1—1:45 p.m.

DISCOVER THE ENERGY OF ENERGY HEALING Experience the energy that healers use when performing healing sessions. This workshop will be primarily experiential to do grounding, moving and perceiving energy. John Hoefer/Core Star Energy Healing Room 210

2—2:45 p.m.

3—3:45 p.m.

WHAT IS CBD? Workshop will cover the most common questions asked about CBD oil. What is it? Is it legal? Who needs it, how to choose good oil, followed by Q&A if time permits (will have handouts). Tracy Whitt/HempWorx Room 210

EXPLORE YOUR DREAMS Need some help to understand your dreams? Want to remember your dreams more often? Come to learn about your dreams and what they mean. Jude LaClaire,Ph.D., LCPC/ Heartland Holistic Health Center Room 210

FLOWER POWER Delicate and beautiful flowers offer powerful healing benefits. We’ll learn about making teas, tinctures, and flower essences from locally harvested flowers to support physical and emotional wellbeing. Regina Compernolle/Sacred Earth Arts LLC Room 211

ATTENDING TO THE WISDOM OF THE BODY: A PATH TO EMOTIONAL HEALING Through the art of focusing, we listen to what is taking up space within us for the purpose of tending to it in a positive, healthy manner. The healing that takes place sets the stage for an inner freedom to blossom where attributes such as love, compassion, and gentleness flourish. Kathy Keary/Precious Blood Renewal Center Room 211

BRAIN POWER SECRETS How to activate untapped energy to get things done, make smart decisions, and be in control of your HEALING TOUCH FOR A health. Without sacrificing HEALTHIER YOU the people you love, Hands-on healing therapies getting distracted, or being have been used for overworked. Each attendee millennia. Healing Touch is receives a gift of Dr. Alain a relaxing, nurturing heart- Salas’ book, Brain Power centered therapy that Secrets.” assists in balancing Dr. Alain Salas DC QN/ BETTER SLEEP, BETTER physical, mental, Brain Power Code LIFE… emotional, and spiritual Room 211 Learn the importance of well being. better sleep and how it Mary Oberg/A impacts all aspects of life Lightkeeper’s Place including cancer and Room 211 disease risk, hormone control, mood, and healthy weight. Get tips on how to achieve better quality sleep today! Natalie Chester/Sleep Number Room 212 EVOLVING EVOLVING...IN KANSAS CITY …IN KANSAS CITY 2


April 2018

2018 Whole Living Festival Program

Vendor Directory 4) A LIGHTKEEPER’S PLACE Annamaria McBride alightkeepersplace@gmail.com 20) ART OF ASCENSION Jyoti Ishaya www.ArtOfAscension.com 2) AT THE HEALING PLACE Sheri Woxland and Tammy Barton www.AtTheHealingPlace.com

16) BRAIN POWER CODE Dr. Alain Salas DC QN www.alainsalas.com

1) EVOLVING MAGAZINE Jill Dutton www.evolvingmagazine.com 5) HEALING ESSENTIALS (GIFTS & DÉCOR) Romona Martin www.giftsanddecorkc.com

6) MIDWEST TEA FESTIVAL Nicole Burriss www.MidwestTeaFest.com 13) NATURE’S LOVE Kay Cahalane natureslove2017@hotmail.com

18) HEARTLAND HOLISTIC HEALTH CENTER Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC www.heartlandholistic.com

11) PRECIOUS BLOOD RENEWAL CENTER Elizabeth Heule www.pbrenewalcenter.org

21) HEMPWORX (INDEPENDENT AFFILIATE) Tracy Whitt www.kchempworx.com

19) READINGS WITH KAREN ELISE Intuitive Guidance and Coaching www.KarenElise.com

9) RIORDAN CLINIC 17) IMAGINE WHOLENESS Dr Nia StephanopoulosMASSAGE, LLC Chichura, MD Julia Thomas www.RiordanClinic.org www.imaginewholeness.com 3) CORE STAR ENERGY 7) SACRED EARTH ARTS HEALING 8) LAWRENCE DENTAL LLC John Hoefer SOLUTIONS Regina Compernolle www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com Dr. Kelly Miller www.sacredeartharts.com LawrenceDentalSolutions.com

10) SLEEP NUMBER Natalie Chester www.SleepNumber.com 15) UNITY ARTS MINISTRY Rev. Jen Hutchins www.UnityArtsMinistry.org 22) UNITY CHURCH OF OVERLAND PARK Rev. Brandon Nagel www.ucop.org

14) CONSCIOUSLY HEALTHY, LLC ERIN PERRIGO www.consciouslyhealthy.com

Home Herbalist Courses Women’s Sacred Studies Women of the Drum Regina Compernolle Regina@SacredEarthArts.com

Specializing in mercury free and mercury safe dentistry and general holistic/biological dentistry. 785-841-4840 | 545 Columbia Dr, Lawrence, KS 66049 EVOLVING...IN KANSASEVOLVING CITY …IN KANSAS CITY 3


April 2018

2018 Whole Living Festival Program

Vendor Location Announcements























Kitchen Outdoor Entrance




April 2018

2018 Whole Living Festival Program


The Evolving Gardener:You Have the Gifts to Heal the Planet BY SAMI AARON


you’re like me, you feel a deep, spiritual connection to the natural world. You head to the beach or mountains or forests when you’re on vacation. You go for a hike when you’re anxious or stressed. There are fresh flowers, houseplants, or pictures of nature throughout your home or office. You have a sense that there might be some uplifting and healing properties to be found in nature—and you’d be right. According to The NatureProcess® (www.thenatureprocess.com), there are 67 scientifically proven benefits to time spent in nature. These benefits can positively impact mental processes and behaviors, cognitive function, and physical health as well as cultural and spiritual well-being. I believe that there is an innate drive within humans to live in harmony with the natural world and its rhythms. But so often these days, you learn something that’s devastating to an aspect of nature that you love: another massive oil spill, threat to the habitat of an endangered species, or your favorite tree being cut down. You find yourself in the throes of deep grief, profound loss, and a feeling of complete impotence to do anything about the ongoing destruction that is marring the face of our beloved Earth.

You’re not alone. According to studies from the American Psychological Association, people around the world are experiencing severe distress caused by climate change. There are even words for these emotions now such as eco -anxiety, pre-traumatic stress, and solastalgia—pining for lost environments. According to a 2010 article, “Is There an Ecological Unconscious?” from The New York Times, “’Solastalgia’ has been used to describe the experiences of Canadian Inuit communities coping with the effects of rising temperatures; Ghanaian subsistence farmers faced with changes in rainfall patterns; and refugees returning to New Orleans after Katrina.” The grief you experience is powerful and palpable because our connection to our environment is real. Test it out for yourself! With your next in-breath, let your mind meander over the idea that those molecules of air have been floating around this planet on the wind for eons!

If you mow, burn, compost, or throw away those leaves or stalks, you are killing next year’s critters. Leave dead leaves and stalks standing over winter until you see new spring growth. And finally: educate your neighbors and ask them to join you so pollinators can have continuous pathways of nectar, pollen, and host plants.

How will you know you’re making an impact? You will really experience all seasons because your gardens will evolve throughout the year. Native plants typically only bloom for a few weeks at a time, so every few weeks it’s like you have a new garden! You’ll see life in your gardens— buzzing bees, flitting butterflies, crawly caterpillars. Sometimes there is so much activity it looks like the plants themselves are buzzing. Seeing this, and knowing that you created it, can be uplifting and joyous.

“I believe that there is an innate drive within humans to live in harmony with the natural world and its rhythms.” There is good news. Because we are nature, when we simply re-connect to natural, native settings around us, we set the stage for a tremendous benefit to ourselves as well as our planet. How would it feel if you could recreate the gardens, woodlands, prairies, or forests of the most beautiful places on the planet right in your own home or office, your yard, or your porch? You have the gifts to do just that! All you have to do, as you start your spring garden projects, is to shift your mindset from just “gardening” to “gardening for nature.”

What are Your Gifts? Gift 1: Plant native plants that have co-evolved with our native insects and wildlife to provide the proper bloom or fruit at just the right time for breeding or overwintering. Don’t have a yard? Put them in deep pots on your porch!

Gift 2: Plant host plants such as milkweeds for a variety of butterflies and moths. Host plants don’t have to be native! Parsley, tomato, dill, fennel, and other herbs are host to lots of native insects. Many insects have evolved to lay their eggs on specific plants. If you provide these plants, the caterpillars will come. Gift 3: Buy only chemical-free plants. If the nursery where you shop cannot guarantee that their plants were grown without any chemicals—from the seed to the sale—then shop elsewhere. Gift 4: Leave your yard messy. This may be your favorite gift! Many insects, including the faery-like Luna moth, overwinter in last fall’s leaves. Many native bees lay their eggs in the stalks of taller wildflower plants in fall, not to emerge until later the next spring.



April 2018

Your senses come into full receptivity in your garden—the aroma of healthy, rich soil, the intoxicating scent of blossoms, the textures of leaves, stalks, and fruits. You’ll feel compelled to smell, touch, and examine each leaf, fruit, and petal. And best of all, you’ll create a sacred retreat, right in your own yard, where you can visualize the delight of a healthy planet knowing that your wildflower haven, which is benefitting you, is also an important link in the environmental restoration of Earth.

Sami Aaron is a Master Facilitator for The Nature Process®. She offers free programs on gardening for nature and is passionate about exploring the intrinsic relationship between humanity and the natural world. She is the founder of the nonprofit, "The Resilient Activist," because joyful and inspired activists are good for life. sami@theresilientactivist.org.

Jerusalem Farm: A Sustainable Community


hen exploring how to incorporate green living into our lives, we have a wonderful resource to follow in Jerusalem Farm, a Catholic intentional community located in the historic northeast Pendleton Heights neighborhood in Kansas City. Founded in 2012, with the support of Avila University and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Jerusalem Farm is built on the four cornerstones of prayer, community, service, and simplicity. They strive to transform their lives and those around them through sustainable living, service retreat experiences, and home repair to neighbors in need. Jessie and Jordan Schiele lead the community. Jessie, who serves as Executive Director, and Jordan, Project Director, live at the farm with their two children and three full-time community members. “The more I live in community, the more I become a believer that our current consumeristic society is unsustainable. I think we are seeing that in climate change. By living in a learning community, encouraging [your] faith, living with less resources, you’re able to give to others more freely because you yourself have a stronger sense of the community network,” says Jordan. Originally a convent, the Schieles, with help from a multitude of volunteers, transformed the space into an ecofriendly community, in keeping with the farm’s mission to care for the earth and reduce their carbon footprint. An example of this can be found in the solar panels they installed. On most days, these panels provide more power than the farm needs. The extra power then goes back to the utility company. The farm’s utility bills are only for service fees, which run from $15 to $25 per month. To show awareness and conserve electricity, on Thursday evenings from 7 p.m. until daybreak, no electricity, not even batteries, are used. This provides all

at the farm the opportunity to “live in solidarity to those who don’t have access, and to illustrate how our dependence on electricity can be detrimental,” shares David Armstrong, Jerusalem Farm chairperson and Director of University Mission and Ministry at Avila University. Moreover, all volunteer work groups are asked to not use their cell phones while at the farm. A three-thousand gallon rain collection and irrigation system provides all of the water for the community garden, in addition to helping with general water needs. To further conserve water, residents and retreat participants are challenged to take only three showers during the week—one normal and two bucket showers. A community garden provides the produce needs, as well as extra to share with their neighbors. The greenhouse was built with repurposed materials, including wine bottles and used tires for the walls and recycled corrugated steel for the roof. Only the tempered glass around the wood-fired stove was made with original materials. The heat from the stove runs under the greenhouse dirt, keeping the seedlings and plants warm during the winter. The farm community not only embraces composting, they established the only curbside compost program. Once a week, over eighty neighbors’ food scraps are picked up and added to the farm’s compost site, which is later used as fertilizer in their garden. The chicken coop, made from recycled material, is home to a rooster and a dozen hens. Enough eggs are laid to take care of the farm’s needs. After four years, when the hens no longer produce eggs, they are processed for consumption by the community and neighbors in need. Residents and volunteers wear repurposed t-shirts, which are donated or purchased at a local thrift store. From there, the shirts are turned inside-out, tie


-dyed, and embossed with the farm logo. They also sell the repurposed t-shirts for five dollars. The farm’s mission of repairing homes soon evolved into also providing restorative justice services to neighbors facing city codes violations. These services allow neighbors, many elderly, to stay in their homes. Labor is provided free of charge, with neighbors only paying the cost of materials. Repayment is flexible to what the homeowner can afford—some pay as little as $5 per month. If they are struggling, the farm forgives the loan. When repairing homes, care is taken to salvage as much torn out materials as possible. From there, the materials can be reused in another home. Soon after beginning this service, Jordan noticed that neighbors had the skill but lacked basic tools for home repairs. This inspired him to open a tool library, where neighbors can check-out any needed tools.

general contractor. The new home is being built sustainably. Its energy saving features include insulated concrete form technology (ICF), triple paned windows, and solar panels. A wood stove supplements a highly efficient HVAC system that can be controlled in each room.

Sabbath Year

This year marks the sixth anniversary and beginning of the farm’s seventh year. In the Old Testament, the seventh year was considered the “Sabbath year.” In celebration of this, Jerusalem Farm will match all payments on all homeowners’ loans. They hope by doing this, they can provide financial rest to their neighbors. “We take a lot of inspiration and wisdom from the sisters who have lived in community for hundreds of years. We want to keep that tradition, the sense of community, and being good stewards of the earth alive,” says Jordan. Jerusalem Farm provides a vibrant Looking Forward model of green living not only for their Part of the Jerusalem Farm’s original neighbors, and those who participate in five-year plan was to have two buildings service retreat experiences, but to the to carry out their mission. In April 2018, general public as well. As community they will move into a new Common member Sunny Hamrick shared, “We are Home, while also having completed showing people that through the small renovations to their current farmhouse. changes with love and compassion, you With the additional space, more can reap radical love.” volunteers will be able to experience and For more information on Jerusalem then share with their own community, the Farm events, how to volunteer, or donate, joy of green living while serving their go to www.jerusalemfarm.org. neighbor. With land obtained via the city’s free Barbara Kietzer Roberts’ land-grant program, ground was broken writing includes award in February 2017. The home, the first new winning essays, short stories, construction in the neighborhood in fifty and a novel. She is Vice years, includes common living space, a President for Whispering reading room, sacred prayer space, along Prairie Press and is the with nine bedrooms, four bathrooms, a Mission Advancement communal kitchen and laundry room. Director for the Sisters of St. Generosity from donors and volunteers Joseph of Carondelet in Kansas City. For more, has helped to keep construction costs, go to www.barbarakietzerroberts.wordpress.com “far below average building costs,” says Jordan, who also serves as the project’s

Jerusalem Farm photos, left to right: backyard; backyard; greenhouse; compost pickup.



April 2018

Spiritual Horoscope

April 2018 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Happy birthday Aries!! It’s paradoxical, but it’s month of powerful reflection.You’re impulsive, but also have a strong intuition. Meditation brings insights about what blocks success personally, romantically and professionally.You’ll see into your depths and have “ah ha!” moments of clarity. Then you can take actions that lead to big, fast results. Feisty Mars, is also around, so watch out for irritation. It’s a fine line between excitement and impatience, so take internal “check in” times to stay balanced. In this way you’ll also let go of really old patterns you thought would never change! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Loving, abundant Venus is in your sign, helping you feel happy, attractive and fulfilled! You can start a new relationship, or have resolution in current one. You can also feel self-love! Mercury turns direct giving deep meditations, or even guidance in dreams. Also see if you have courage to stand by your principles. For instance, can you live the ideals of your yoga class in the rest of your life? Or you might have to defend your views to someone. You hate confrontation, but it’s important that people around you know what is important to you. It’s ok to have opinions! Others respect you when they know you at your core. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Examine your level of trust — in yourself, in your deepest relationship, even in the Universe. As a Gemini, your “go to” feelings can be surface-y. Meditation can be used to expose hidden disappointments, and heal them by holding them in your mind with love and compassion. Facing buried issues help you be calmer and more focused in dayto-day thoughts. You’ll also be more capable of intimacy. Strangely, you’ll also open doors to prosperity! You’ll can even have relief from addictive or compulsive behaviors your struggle with! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) You can have great news about work you’d given up on hearing! Even if it was three months ago, you’ll be surprised at sudden opportunities. More importantly, meditation reveals ways

you’re self-abusive, and how you protect yourself from relationships because you expect people to treat you as bad as you treat yourself! It’s vulnerable to walk around without your “emotional armor”, but you’ll quickly attract people who see you as a brave, shining power source! If you do need to confront others about poor behavior toward you, you can do it from a solid internal stance, and not as a frightened victim. More than likely, you’ll be standing up to the “mean girl” voices in your own head! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Meditate on being kind to yourself. It’s a good time to set goals, but make them attainable. Make a list each day of what you’d like to accomplish, then edit it so you’re not overloaded. Small, consistent steps bring grand results! Leos get enamored with flashy things, and forget the value of foundational pieces. Don’t worry, because what seems humbling now will lead to a big “ta-da” in a few months. Ponder what you’ll feel like when you’ve succeeded in your goals and live from that awesome energy, even as you plod through the “boring” stages of progress! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Meditate on the truth that you are lovable “even though” you are flawed. Maybe you’re even more lovable with flaws! Instead of focusing on your limitations and using them as excuses to pull away from love, see them as a connecting point. Your vulnerabilities are a door to intimacy. If you wait until you’re perfect to open your heart, you’ll miss a lot of love! Most importantly,


don’t withhold self-love because you’re “imperfect”. Practice laughing and other activities that bring you joy! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Relationships are bursting with love! Your spiritual and emotional work you’ve done lately shows amazing results. You’ve overcome big pieces from past programming that have held you back, in relationships, self-esteem, and even in financial prosperity. If single, you can start a new, healthy bond. If partnered, you’ll feel a sense of renewal together. Also, as Libra, remember harmony can exist even if emotional friction arises. Have courage to be clear about your views and balance will be restored without resentments.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) As Saturn and Pluto move retrograde, examine your negative thoughts. They don’t just protect you; they isolate you. Challenge your habit of emotional withdrawal. Keep a journal of thoughts and review them each night. It’s good to see how many “stinkers” are on the page! Experiment with thoughts that are opposite and feel what it’s like to live from that alternate reality of positive expectations. You’ll notice you’re not just happier, but also healthier and more focused and alive! You can create a joyous future every day as you steer your brain in new directions! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) It’s time for financial empowerment! Have courage to look squarely at finances and make adjustments where necessary. You can create major prosperity if you face where your money “blind spots” are. Read books on the spirituality and prosperity to open your mind to that dimension of abundance! Meditate on self-worth and even on gratitude for your body. Treat yourself well with enough rest, fun exercise, healthy food and stress reduction techniques. All these steps help you feel internally steady in a way you haven’t in a long time!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Saturn and Pluto retrograde in your sign, helping deepen your commitment to yourself. You’re often a caretaker and put yourself last. . . or you strive to


April 2018

succeed in many ways and forget to nurture your heart. Ponder all the ways you drive yourself unnecessarily with perfectionism, stressful goals, or critical thoughts. If you lighten up you’ll still “hit your targets”, but you’ll be more healthy and peaceful when you do! Allowing time for relaxation improves relationships, since you’ll be more present and more upbeat! Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Meditation and observing your thoughts create amazing insights! You’ll be able to uproot subconscious patterns that have made you unhappy for a long time! You won’t be mean to yourself about these things; you’ll feel relieved and empowered. You can also get clues to these issues through dreams . . . or random situations during the day can provide flashes of awareness. Read about epigenetics and neuroplasticty for inspiration of shifting family patterns, or issues around trauma. Center yourself in gratitude to keep you motivated!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) You’re a people-pleaser and nonconfrontational. Yet, you can build resentments since people “neglect” your opinions or needs. But how can they know if you always act as if you’re ok with everything? Have courage to state your choices. Being assertive isn’t aggressive; it’s an act of trust and vulnerability to reveal your heart. Practice risking rejection, even if it’s throwing out an idea of where to go for lunch. Stating your truth in tiny ways keeps anger from building and then helps you state your ideas about bigger issues, too! Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com




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PET CANCER COACHING.com Mark Zwick, BA, MRC, RN/EFT, LLC Helping families PREVENT, CARE for, & COPE with, their sick beloved pets with cancer. 888 – 247 – 6442


WELLNESS RIORDAN CLINIC The Riordan Clinic has over 40 years of experience integrating lifestyle and nutrition to help you find the underlying causes of your illness. 21620 Midland Drive Suite B Shawnee, KS 913.745.4757 www.RiordanClinic.org



VITALITY HOLISTIC MEDICINE Board-certified reproductive acupuncturist specializing in women's health and infertility. www.VitalityHolisticMedicine.com


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April 2018

THE YOGA STUDIO (a division of the Yoga School of Therapeutics) 10400 W. 103rd, #14, Overland Park. All levels, teacher’s training and new flow classes 913 492 9594 www.theyogastudio.com YOGA PATCH 19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore. YogaPatch.com; 816-268-4660

To find more holistic practitioners, visit Evolving Magazine’s HOLISTIC ONLINE DIRECTORY at

www.evolvingmagazine.com /holistic-online-directory

Plaza, 707 West 47th Street, KC, MO 64112.Tickets are $20 in advance/$25 at the door. For tickets or information, visit CornerstoneFoundation.com or call 816561-4466. APRIL 21 WHOLE LIVING FESTIVAL April 21, 2018 from 11 a.m.—5 p.m. at Unity Church of Overland Park. EvolvingMagazine.com for more info.



BECOME A MEDICAL INTUITIVE & ADVANCED MEDICAL INTUITION BY TINA ZION One hour free talk and Book Signing at Aquarius Books 816-931-6303.

MAY 5 MYOFASCIAL RELEASE FOR THE PELVIS Morning and afternoon OR May 7 & 8 evening classes available. Call us at 816523-9140 or visit www.wellspring.edu for more information!

MASTERING THE INTUITIVE ARTS Ongoing Monday evenings. Develop your gifts in a fun and supportive atmosphere with Cat RunningElk. Each week we gather for guided meditation, connect with one another, your spiritual guides and bring wisdom through for all. 7-9 p.m. $25 drop in. 863-529-1866 runningelkalmostdaily.wordpress.com/ mastering-the-intuitive-arts/ for more information. Call or email for directions to Cat’s Place. catrunningelk@gmail.com www.catrunningelk.com

APRIL 24 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING APRIL 7 CLINIC RAINDROP THERAPY Experience the benefits of energy healing. Morning and afternoon class. 8 CEU 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. MAY 5-6 hours. Call us at 816-523-9140 or visit Reservations. 913-831-4422. 7:15 p.m. $20 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II REIKI CIRCLE www.wellspring.edu for more information! www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com Learn energy healing skills for yourself and Unity Church of Overland Park –10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 others. Intro to essential oils included. APRIL 7 APRIL 24 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a 9am – 6:30pm, $380 with early deposit. INTRO TO THE CHAKRAS LIVING THE SHAMANIC LIFE: A 6 CEs for nurses, massage therapists, Reiki treatment. For flier email In-depth look at the chakras. Learn about MONTH APPRENTICESHIP IN karen@karenharrison.net marriage and family therapists, social your energy body and how it’s all EMBRACING SHAMANIC workers. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed 816-523-4440 connected. 1-5 p.m. KCYogaKula.com/ CONSCIOUSNESS Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR workshops $60 Do you know you're a shamanic being? Do 4440. karen@karenharrison.net CANCER PATIENTS AND you want to learn the shamanic arts? Are www.karenharrison.net. VETERANS APRIL 7 you ready to step more deeply into your By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing MEDITATION POSTURE shamanic cellf? Travel this initiatory path at MAY 5, 6, 7 Project provides energy healing sessions WORKSHOP a comfortable pace with both in-person WORKSHOP- BECOME A for cancer patients and veterans. Our Explore a variety of meditation postures and on-line components, facilitated by MEDICAL INTUITIVE: SEEING clients have been experiencing a reduction and sitting gear, learn some yoga moves to Stephanie Red Feather. WITH X-RAY EYES of their stress, anxiety and pain levels. ease seated meditation, and enjoy a guided www.redfeatherconnections.com. Held at Unity Temple on the Plaza. Tammy These sessions are provided at NO COST meditation together in newfound Barton or Sheri Woxland at 816-415-2607 to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816comfort! $30. Rime Buddhist Center, 2APRIL 27-29 Tammy@AtTheHealingPlace.com 718-6358 for details. 4:30 pm. www.facebook.com/ THE ANNUAL FLINT HILLS KansasCityHealingProject.org mindfulnessmeditationkc WISDOM KEEPERS GATHERING MAY 6 Will host five Native American Elders of SEICHIM REIKI LEVEL 1 3RD FRIDAY NITE IN APRIL 10 five tribal nations presenting their various Morning and afternoon. Call us at DOWNTOWN OVERLAND PARK CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING traditions, ceremonies and way of life. A 816-523-9140 or visit www.wellspring.edu 5-8:30! Live music everywhere, oil & CLINIC safe place to discuss indigenous issues and for more information! vinegar food samples in store! The Experience the benefits of energy healing. philosophy of living in harmony on Mother Tasteful Olive 7945 Santa Fe 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. Earth. www.fhwisdomkeepers.org for Drive.www.thetastefulolive.com Reservations. 913-831-4422. 7:15 p.m. $20 complete info and contact; 5 options for www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com attendance and fees. Held at White CLASSIFIED Memorial Camp near Council Grove, KS. APRIL 18 CONSCIOUS CULINARY LEADER – WANTED FOR ENJOY® PURE HEARTLAND AYLLU APRIL 28 FOOD + DRINK RESTAURANT COMMUNITY LINK UP INTRODUCTION TO HERBS/ Full-time Kitchen Manager wanted to help co-lead the kitchen with conscious awareCEREMONY THERAPEUTIC USE OF HERBS ness of healthy cuisine and supportive staff relations. Leadership in kitchen manageMonthly 3rd Wednesday Link-Up and Morning and afternoon OR April 30 & May ment, excellent culinary skills, and a team spirit are required. If you lead a healthy gathering of community in ceremony, all 1, 2018 evenings. Call us at 816-523-9140 and conscious lifestyle by example and through your work, please send resume to are welcome. Ceremonial creation of an or visit www.wellspring.edu for more Staci at cross.staci@gmail.com and/or call 913-963-5801. Apacheta, hosted by Mesa Carrier, Amy information! Renee Kraus. 7-10 p.m. at 4843 N Bellaire THE WELLNESS COLLABORATIVE Ave, Kansas City, MO APRIL 28 has one office available to rent beginning RSVP amy.renee.kraus@gmail.com or MOON LODGE May 1, perfect for psychotherapists, body 816-500-5603. Join us for a very special outdoor guided workers or other healing professional. meditation and journaling experience with APRIL 19 Elaina's latest meditation deck called For details, contact: THE CORNERSTONE "Reflect". 6-8:30 p.m. 1123 Oregon St. #2, Dr. Christina McDowell, PhD, LSCSW FOUNDATION PRESENTS DR. Lawrence, KS 66044. Led by Mesa The Wellness Collaborative JACOB LIBERMAN Carriers, Amy Ameis and Elaina 4044 Central St Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Cochran. RSVP: amyameis@gmail.com or KCMO 64111 Unlocks the Art of Living, Thursday, April 19 816-810-9029 816-682-8147 at 7:00pm at Unity Temple on the cmcdowellphd@gmail.com



April 2018


APRIL 6-8 USUI/HOLY FIRE ADVANCED REIKI TRAINING/REIKI MASTER Learn the Master symbol and the new Holy Fire material. Work with crystals. Strengthen your healing energy and be able to teach Reiki. 9am-6:30pm. $975 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-5234440. karen@karenharrison.net www.karenharrison.net



April 2018

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