August 2018 Evolving Magazine

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August 2018 ~ Vol. X, Issue 6



A Guide for Conscious Living



for Lifelong Health

LAVENDER in the Kitchen

plus DECODE FOOD CRAVINGS and Feel Better Fast



Please join us in celebrating with a

Launch Party     

Pick up the September edition, hot off the press. Enjoy cake from Cakes by Maila. Sample specialty iced tea options from CommuniTea. Meet our printer, Allen Press, Inc. Enter for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card or a $120 gift certificate to Sweatheory KC.

Wednesday, August 29 from 5-7 p.m. InterUrban ArtHouse 8001 Newton St, Overland Park, KS 66204 RSVP on Facebook: events/215135195807388/


Dear Friend,


“Pick the very best cantaloupe for me. I want to go home and eat it immediately,” I said to the farmer. He sent me home with the assurance of a great cantaloupe. It cut and tasted like butter and I silently thanked him as I ate the warm cantaloupe at my kitchen counter. Personal touches like this are just one of the reasons I prefer to buy my produce directly from the farmer versus the grocery store. Each Saturday I visit the farmer’s market to stock up on my fruits and vegetables for the week. My CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) pickup is there so the Stranger Creek Heritage Farm table is always my first stop. The farmer, Doug Doering, will often pull out a unique item, something I haven’t tried before like kohlrabi or rampicante squash, and explain its uses and benefits. Each week he’ll also email all the CSA participants a few recipes to try. My personal favorite this year was beet greens with pasta. I’d never eaten the greens from my beets before—so now, rather than wasting the tops when prepping the beets, the greens are a new favorite. After I pick up my CSA items, I’ll check out what the other farmers have available. I usually stop by the New Roots for Refugees table to see what they have growing. Mary Nguyen, with Cultivate Kansas City, mentions them in her Eating Well in Kansas City column this month. This new column will be written alternating months by someone from Cultivate Kansas City and KC Food Circle. Each month they’ll explore what it means to eat like a local in Kansas City. I hope you enjoy. Just like the change of seasons brings new offerings at the market, Evolving Magazine is in the midst of a new season. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably noticed we have a new look and size. It brings me much joy to offer the magazine in this higher vibe format. You’ll find the same soul-nourishing articles and artwork but in a shinier package. And to continue our vision of sustainability, we’re looking for advertisers to sponsor a tree planting initiative offered by PrintReleaf. The company determines how many trees are used to print the magazine and then, for a fee, replants that many trees. Contact me if you’d like to learn more about sponsoring this initiative. Here’s to Eating Well in Kansas City. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed creating this new evolving version of the magazine. And please join us in celebrating the new magazine with a Launch Party on August 29. See the ad on page 2 for more details. We hope to see you there!

Jill Dutton

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Polly Swafford Web Layout/Design Christine Lamb

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton Monthly Columnists Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Mary Nguyen, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes, Angela Watson Robertson

Cooking with Loose Leaf Tea 6


4 Healing Herbs for Lifelong Health 16

Lavender Fields of Washington Island 18

Feed Yourself with Care


Departments News Journey to Wholeness Wisdom Within Holistic Health Eating Well in KC Horoscope Events

4 6 8 10 12 & 13 21 23


EVOLVING© 2018 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

“First Fish” is part of artist Polly McCann’s Love Stamp series to commemorate the firsts of love. Acrylic on canvas 8 x 8 inches. Find out more about Polly Alice at Her Love Stamps are showing in August at the RG Endres Gallery in Prairie Village.




Unity Church of Overland Park Finds New Home

known as Cleveland Chiropractic College, 10850 Lowell Ave, Overland Park, KS 66210). Our Celebration Service will start promptly at Unity Church of Overland Park, 10 a.m. your inclusive, intergenerational, Unity Church of New Thought ministry serving Overland Park is Overland Park and the engaged in a process surrounding communities, is of spiritual growth and selfmoving! reinvention. Starting August 5th, our setting As we align with the Divine for Sunday services will be at Energy of the universe that we call Cleveland University (formally God and create the next evolution

of what this spiritual community is called to be, we invite you to join us. Whether you connect for the first time or are reconnecting, this is a time filled with the possibilities of transformation. Come journey with us and change your life.

SASS-MoKan 15th Annual Walk to Remember Lives Lost to Suicide

in Kansas. A Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) report shows that the suicide rate in Kansas increased 45 percent between 1999 and 2016. The rate in Missouri was 36.4 percent. The report said that adults 45-64 had the largest increase in suicide. Suicide rates among young people go up in the school year and down during the summer. Although the reason is unclear, more girls attempt suicide than boys. health-news/more-kids-especially -girls-are-attempting-suicide-it-snot-n874481 Suicide death among farmers is increasing at an alarming rate. A 2012 study conducted by the CDC

shows that people working in farming, fishing, and forestry have the highest rates of suicide. This is comparable to the high suicide rates among military veterans. This statistic is of importance to the Kansas City area because it is surrounded by farming communities. The main causes are the unpredictability of nature and prices, unwillingness to seek help, social isolation, and the current opioid crisis. This year’s event begins with walk-up registration available at 8 a.m. on Sunday, September 9. The walk will start in Loose Park at 9 a.m., followed by a balloon release which will be around 10 a.m. The pre-registration fee is $25 and the day of the walk is $30. Participants can register online by going to Sass-walk and clicking on the registration link.

toxins. They are cruelty free and are not tested on animals. Our bath, body, and skin care products are produced locally. Our cosmetics are formulated locally and manufactured in an FDA approved lab so that we can provide you with products that have an SPF factor for your protection. It matters to us what you put on your skin, what you use on your children, and what goes into our land and waterways. We want to leave a cleaner future for the next generation. And we know you do too.

That is why at NasCia Naturals, we strive to make our products as natural as possible, at a price everyone can afford. Learn more at

This year will mark the 15th anniversary of a walk to remember those who have lost their lives to suicide, homicide, fire, accident, and other traumatic deaths. The remembrance walk will be on Sunday, September 9, at 8 a.m. at Loose Park, 51st and Wornall in Kansas City, Missouri. It is sponsored by SASS-MoKan, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit suicide awareness survivor support organization ( The support group was started by Bonnie and Mickey Swade to honor their son, Brett, after he lost his life to suicide 14 years ago. The annual remembrance walk is

Nascia Naturals, Kansas City-Based Skin Care and Cosmetic Company, Puts You First NasCia Naturals was founded on the principal that an inspirational and indulgent beauty experience, while caring for the health and beauty of the Earth and its people, is not only possible, but essential. We believe that true luxury is a sense of peace and well-being, while giving back and treading lightly on the Earth that was so

the major part of SASSMoKan’s fundraising to help with suicide awareness, education, prevention, and survivor support. Funds earned from the walk stay exclusively in the metropolitan Kansas City area. Facts and figures from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention ( about-suicide/state-fact-sheets/) show that Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death overall in Missouri and Kansas. It is the second leading cause of death for ages 25-34 in Missouri and second in Kansas for ages 10-34. Over twice as many people in Missouri die by suicide than by homicide with nearly four times that many

graciously given to us. As a company we care about the way we conduct business, the choices we make, and how those choices impact our health and our environment. We are dedicated to developing luxurious products for your health and beauty at an affordable price. At NasCia Naturals, we sell only natural products that we use ourselves. Our products are free from parabens and GMOs as well as harmful and potentially harmful chemicals such as aluminum, and synthetic chemicals and

• We will officially be moving to one Sunday service every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.


• Our Youth and Family Ministry programs continue with a nursery, an elementary education classroom, and Uniteen / Y.O.U. space. • Music Director Fred Albers and our amazing vocalists will continue to provide the heartopening music that feeds our souls. For more information please contact: Rev. Keri King at ~ (913) 649-1750

Evolutionary Life School: It's time for YOU to THRIVE!  Move beyond limiting beliefs and behaviors  Reclaim your infinite creative power  Live every day from LOVE, JOY, and EASE  Step powerfully into your highest potential Journey begins September 6, 2018 Register by August 6 to save $400



Journey to Wholeness

Laughter Feeds the Body-Mind BY JUDE LACLAIRE, PH.D.


aughter therapy began with Hippocrates and Aristotle! Fast forward to the mid20th century and we find Norman Cousins, the editor-inchief of the Saturday Review, writing about laughter as therapy. He was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a painful degenerative disease, causing breakdown of collagen and began to explore alternative approaches to healing. In his landmark book, Anatomy of an Illness, he writes about his discovery that watching funny movies made his pain decrease. He tells us that 10 minutes of laughter brought him two hours of pain free awake or sleep time. He stated, “Laughter is like a bulletproof vest,” and “Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors.” He later went on to become a professor and studied the effectiveness of laughter on health and is often referred to as the father of laughter therapy. Multiple studies have shown that laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, mental and physical illness, and conflict. In the article, “Laughter is the Best Medicine” (, the author states “Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.” JongEun Yim, in the article “Therapeutic Benefits of Laughter in Mental Health: A Theoretical Review,” writes, “Laughter therapy physiologically reduces the level of stress hormones, increases the level of health promoting-hormones such as endorphins, and strengthens the immune system…it also has an effect on reducing blood pressure by controlling vasoconstriction… helps reduce unpleasant feelings such as tension, anxiety, hatred and anger, alleviates stress and depression, aids better interpersonal relationships, and improves insomnia, memory failure and dementia.” Our brain responds to laughter by triggering the release of endorphins, the happiness hormone, and releases dopamine and serotonin, the stress hormones. These

“Laughter therapy physiologically reduces the level of stress hormones, increases the level of health promoting-hormones such as endorphins, and strengthens the immune system…” neurotransmitters are in charge of our motivation, balancing our mood, and fighting mental issues like depression and anxiety. The heartier the laughter the more it helps us keep a positive outlook on life. Laughter is a natural stressreducing medicine by combating stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine. JongEum Yim writes, “ Laughter helps people endure stressful processes or situations, reduces depression, helps people judge their problems objectively, and improves problem -solving ability by increasing insight. Therefore, laughter helps people prevent themselves from being influenced by the environment and control themselves (Wooten 1996).” Living in a society that is highly competitive and has many socioeconomic, environmental and political stressors negatively impacts our self-esteem. This is seen in the high numbers of very young to older people who are

experiencing depression, anxiety and stress-related illness. The evidence is convincing that laughter helps to improve our mental and physical health. It can help us to reduce stress, increase self-esteem, and raise our mood. Sharing laughter and humor brings us closer to others and creates positive social experiences. My question to you is, ‘What makes you laugh?” Think about the activities or experiences that cause you to laugh. Maybe you like those cat videos, a favorite comedian, movie, or book. Recently I found myself laughing out loud as I read different greeting cards with humorous lines. Michael Yapko, Ph.D., gave this exercise in a training seminar. Think of the negative self-talk conversations you have with yourself. Now imagine your favorite comedian, cartoon character, or person in a comedy show speaking these words to you in their voice. Just thinking of it may bring a smile to your face.


There is hardly any facet of your life that remains unaffected by laughter. I suggest you think of things that make you laugh, find people to share humor and laughter with—then begin to enjoy greater physical and emotional health, plus thinking more clearly and positively. Feed yourself with laughter! It really is nourishing.

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC is a counselor and educator at the Heartland Holistic Health Center. She is the author of the “Life Weaving Education Curriculum” that teaches creative, effective, holistic problem solving. For counseling appointments, seminars, speaker’s bureau, or information on Neurobehavioral Programs and Imago Couple’s Therapy, call 913-322-5622 or;



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Wisdom Within

Free Yourself from Negative Ego BY SUZETTE SCHOLTES


eeling separate from love, feeling separate from your spirit, feeling more negative rather than positive, may mean your negative ego is blinding you. An online search for ‘being free of ego’ revealed almost 31,000,000 sites. A hot topic indeed. Now I know a 500 word column may lack substance, but I will do my best. We have a negative and positive ego, and it serves as our eye to the world. We view the “maya” or illusions of our reality. Our job is to place that information, once delivered by the ego, into context. It’s complex. Many things go wrong.

Responsibility When I hear how a person is blaming the world, the boss, the stars, the gossip, I know being responsible is a missing link. The self talk may be: If this did not happen; if that person had not hurt me. Now, pretend for a moment your boss or partner or parent told you to take over responsibilities that belonged to them, and you knew you could not handle them. So you feel inadequate, and esteem falls and self worth is questioned. You may feel frustrated, anxious, frightened, and perhaps angry. Maybe you would feel sorry for yourself. Real panic sets in as now I will get “blamed” for messing up and it’s not my fault. It takes maturity, wisdom, and a strong act of will to overcome this. Think about this. Have you felt this way?

“We have a negative and positive ego, and it serves as our eye to the world.” Yoga School I may take time to lead students through 40 or 50 cycles of conscious breath with the depth of its meaning. The breath mantra soon becomes a part of you and an easy-reach tool to use daily.

why we as yogis are committed to our daily prayer or meditation with God and love and our souls and spirits. After time the love affair with this quiet time is habit. Judith Hansen Lasater, famous for her restorative yoga, says, “We say we don’t have time.” Now I understand her point. Do you not Forgiveness Choice We must forgive self first. What have time to give five minutes, 10 At every moment, even as you a challenge this presents! The best minutes, 15 minutes to devote to read this, you are choosing fear or way I know to forgive ourselves is your spirit, your esteem, your high love. Most of us dance with both self, your love? mindfulness practice of feelings throughout the day. I’m meditation and guided imagery. really conscious of it. The inhale How many are feeling separate Then repeat, repeat, repeat until it in yoga (Puraka) is intended to from love, feeling separate from is felt in your heart how much you absorb hope, love, and life. The self and your spirit, feeling the exhale (Rechakra) gives peace and are loved. It may take a long time negative rather than a positive? to heal layers of old stuff. calm. With the pause or the I’m surprised the search engine Kumbaka (base of exhale) we gain did not reveal more like three Steadfastness equanimity and in-the-moment billion entries. Find a teacher who presence. We have a tool now to How do you remember the knows of this work. Find the work with to shift the feelings love? The line itself feels books/CD’s that turn you on and from fear to love. In class at the sophomoric. How do you? That’s inspire you to practice and care EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

about what matters the most: your happiness, peace, contentment, and feeling the love and giving of love.

Suzette Scholtes’ non-fiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. 913-492-9594.

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10 Holistic Health

Is it SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)? Or is it Something Else? BY NANCY RUSSELL, M.D.


any people are being diagnosed by conventional physicians with SIBO or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. This diagnosis is generally made by a ‘breath test”. You are given a sugar solution to feed the bacteria in your gut and a certain gas is released that can be measured as you exhale. If you have a positive breath test, then the treatment is to put you on antibiotics. This is sometimes helpful but can lead to other gut issues such as candida yeast overgrowth or the bacterial can return or become a more resistant type of bacteria. The symptoms of SIBO are similar to those of (IBS) or irritable bowel syndrome. These symptoms include abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhea or constipation, alternating bowel habits, achy muscles, fatigue and excessive gas. Rectal itching is sometimes associated and skin rashes. SIBO is much more common is people with hypothyroidism or low thyroid. A medical study showed that 54% of those with hypothyroidism also had SIBO, compared to 5% of those without thyroid problems. Low thyroid function can slow peristalsis or movement by intestinal muscles to move food through the digestive tract. When food is stalled, bad bacteria can thrive, and you can end up with SIBO. The reason SIBO can happen in the first place is because of a leaky gut so bacteria, yeasts, foods and even parasites get through the gut lining. The gut lining usually protects you from these infections and food sensitivities. The reason you can get leaky gut is from taking prescription medications such as

“You may need digestive enzymes, probiotics, and a bacteria, yeast, or parasite treatment to treat the abnormalities.” antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, birth control pills, steroids and NSAIDS (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) such as Ibuprofen and Aleve. The gut can also be affected and even damaged by the food we put in our bodies when the food has pesticides, insecticides, antibiotic residues, and hormones. So finding out what kind of dysbiosis (out of balance in the gut) is very helpful in treating symptoms of gut imbalance. Comprehensive digestive stool analysis from special functional medicine laboratories can evaluate digestion (pancreas), absorption (small intestine), metabolism (liver), inflammation markers, for blood in the system, and do a microbiology test for bacterial overgrowth, beneficial bacteria, candida and other yeast and parasites.

This dysbiosis and any other abnormalities can be addressed by taking supplements or medications to correct the problems. For instance, you may need digestive enzymes, probiotics, and a bacteria, yeast, or parasite treatment. Some people need digestive enzymes long term and others just for a short time. Most functional medicine practitioners will treat any parasites first, then the bacteria and candida last. A follow up stool test can assess if further treatment is needed. Most treatments will last from 6 to12 weeks. Cleaning up your diet is also very important by eliminating foods that you have become sensitive or intolerant to, eliminating processed and refined foods, and sugar. Sugar is our biggest enemy for not being able to heal the gut.


After the treatment for the dysbiosis, then it is time to repair the leaky gut and prevent more damage. The diet is most important and several supplements and special foods can be helpful. L-glutamine, an amino acid, comes in many forms but the powder is usually the most effective and needs to be taken for about six months. Other supplements that can be helpful are collagen, bone broth, and bovine colostrum. Avoiding other the counter medications as much as possible is also beneficial especially NSAIDS, PPI’s and prescription steroids, birth control pills and antibiotics. Sometimes those medications are needed so other precautions can be taken. So if you get diagnosed with SIBO, realize there could be other associated infections and problems that can be addressed by a functional medicine practitioner. SIBO may not be the whole issue and you must get to the root of the problem and find all the pieces of the puzzle of disease. Holistic principles to follow are: look at each person as an individual, get to the root of the problem and partnership with a knowledgeable person to achieve optimal health.

Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.

Evolving Magazine Presents...

Conscious Living Festival

September 30, Noon-5 p.m. Unity Temple on the Plaza 707 W. 47th St., KCMO for more info. RSVP at events/195094194510646 EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

12 Eating Well in Kansas City

Decode Your Food Cravings and Feel Better Fast BY ANGELA WATSON ROBERTSON


veryone has cravings for certain foods—be it chocolate, bread, French fries, or ice cream—and often we beat ourselves up for having cravings as if something is wrong with us. Yet, there is another way to view food cravings. I suggest viewing your cravings as a message from your body to decode instead of a problem to be solved. With this perspective in mind you welcome a partnership with your body instead of being at war with it. In my experience, the body is like a car or a computer. If I don’t service my car regularly and take care of it then it breaks down. I don’t get mad at or shame my car for not working properly if I failed to get an oil change or air up the tires. The car needs what it needs to run well. Our bodies are the same and cravings are critical pieces of information that tell us “Our bodies can’t talk and tell us what they need so we have to take time to what those needs are. Our bodies can’t talk and tell us what they listen and that’s where cravings can help us.” need so we have to take time to listen and that’s where cravings can help us. When I studied at The Institute sugar) or too extremely yang (like menstruating, pregnant, or give your body the energy it is for Integrative Nutrition, I learned meat)? Your body craves balance. experiencing menopause, cut craving. We can only get so far the 8 primary causes of cravings: yourself a break! with will power and I don’t INSIDE COMING OUT suggest forcing your body to avoid Often cravings come from foods DE-EVOLUTION something entirely that it wants 8 Primary Causes of our ancestors have eaten or foods Sometimes we self-sabotage just because the latest fad diets Cravings from our childhood. Satisfy these when things are going really well and trends tell you it’s bad. cravings by finding healthier and crave foods that will throw us However, there is usually a DEHYDRATION versions. out of balance. Then the body healthier option for what your Dehydration often occurs when craves foods to bring us back into body is craving that is a win-win you are hungry, so the first thing SEASONAL balance. Low blood sugar plays a for you and your body. you should do when you get an Often our bodies crave foods role in this as well and causes odd craving is to drink a full glass that balance out the elements of strong mood swings. Angela Watson of water. the current season. If you’ve ever Robertson, MBA, craved raw, cool fruits and ice So, what do we do? Give in to CIHC, INHC, a.k.a LIFESTYLE cream in the hot summer then you every craving that we have The Reinvention Eating is sometimes used as a know what I mean. indulgently? Not entirely and it Warrior, is a well substitute for entertainment or to depends. The key is to observe known nutrition fill a void in our lives. Are you LACK OF NUTRIENTS your behavior and trust that your blogger and health dissatisfied with a relationship, a If your body is not getting body is needing something from coach who teaches job, or lacking in a spiritual adequate nutrients, it will produce what it is craving. Then, modify you how to transform your life practice or connection? Are you odd cravings. If you are craving your diet and lifestyle to get what starting with the food you eat. She exercising too much, too little, or salt, you may have low mineral your body needs in a healthier has created simple, effective tools to in a way that your body no longer levels and a lack of nutrition way. help you reinvent every area of your tolerates? Are you bored, stressed, overall produces cravings for nonFor instance, if you are craving life- from health, career and money or uninspired and what can you nutritional forms of energy like sugar all of the time I’d suggest to relationships, spirituality and sex. do about it? caffeine. you introduce more naturally Find her free wellness tips, nutrition sweet vegetables, such as carrots courses, and coaching programs at Yin/Yang Imbalance HORMONES or sweet potatoes, into your diet Are you eating too many foods Changes in testosterone or on a regular basis. This will Connect with her on Facebook, that are either extremely yin (like estrogen levels may cause unusual “crowd out” the cakes, candy bars, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. cravings. So if you are and cookies over time and still EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Eating Well in Kansas City 13

A Foreign Approach to Locally-Grown The beauty of some local food is that it can transport you to new places BY MARY T. NGUYEN


orn and raised in Kansas spinach and bok choy. Cactus City, I consider myself a might be offered alongside local. But as the daughter cilantro and peppers. of Vietnamese These uncommon but locally immigrants, my upbringing is a grown offerings are opportunities colorful mix of familiar and for more meaningful insight. foreign. Instead of asking the farmer his or My parents were avid backyard her country of origin, ask “How do food growers. I you prepare wouldn’t have this?” considered You could them farmers, learn how to but they always let it ripen for grew a variety best flavor. of fruits, You could vegetables, and learn how to herbs. make This was not something only a matter that wouldn’t of seem edible practicality— actually quite Water spinach growing at with seven delicious. You Juniper Gardens Training could also get kids, it sure saved money— response— Farm in a plot managed no but also, as but a polite Vietnamese smile— by a New Roots for immigrants, a because there Refugees farmer. connection to is a language home. barrier, and Growing they don't water spinach, bitter melon, Asian know how to respond. pears, tiny chile peppers and In any of those instances, there Vietnamese coriander were is more to learn if you care where portals for my parents that took a person or your food is from and them back overseas. For them it really a better story. was a bridge to their homeland; The following is a recipe that for me, it takes me back to our serves as my story. You can use family home in Waldo Kansas locally grown garlic, onions, City. For all of us, it is a sense of tomatoes, sprouts, and water place. spinach (also called rau muong or Perhaps, you’ve noticed more on choy depending on who you ethnic diversity at your local ask) which can be found in season farmers markets. The farmers right now at your local markets. themselves hail from all over the city, region, state, and yes, even world. Through programs like Global Gardeners and New Roots Mary T. Nguyen is the for Refugees, some growers are communications refugees from across Central and manager of Cultivate South America, Africa and Asia, Kansas City, a and have established themselves in our city as independent homegrown farmers. nonprofit that builds And while some wouldn’t mind foods, farms and talking to you about their personal community for a healthy local food histories, a better way to learn system for all. Her favorite vegetable is might be to look at the offerings the carrot. Her favorite fruit is lime. on their table. Between kale and Learn more about Cultivate Kansas collards, you might find water City at

SAUTEED WATER SPINACH AKA RAU MUONG XAO 1 bunch of water spinach 1 bag of bean sprouts, rinsed Beef chuck* 2 tsp MSG* 1.5 tsp white pepper* 1 C. brown sugar* 1 Tbsp. oyster sauce 1 white onion, roughly chopped 2-3 tomatoes, roughly chopped 6 cloves garlic, thinly sliced. 2-3 Tbsp. olive oil 1-2 Tbsp. fish sauce* Wash spinach; strip and discard small leaves. Break up into 1.5" sections. Mix with sprouts. Thinly slice beef chuck. Dress with MSG, white pepper, and brown sugar. Drizzle with oyster sauce. Heat olive oil in large pan. Add half of the garlic and all the meat into pan. Brown meat. Then add onion and tomato. After a few minutes, add spinach and sprouts. Sprinkle with fish sauce, stirring occasionally. Finish with remaining garlic. Serve over white rice with a squeeze of lime and Chile sauce. *Or to taste because a mom's recipe is never precise.


14 Feature



ea has seen its popularity rise in recent years in the United States. We often hear about the antioxidant properties of the famous green tea; but, each tea— Black, Pu-erh, Oolong, Yellow, White—has its own virtues and health benefits. Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world (after water) and yet it still has secrets to reveal. Whether you like it strong, with a cloud of milk, light, unsweetened, spicy, hot or cold, there is always a tea that will suit your palate and a time in the day to enjoy it. And if drinking tea isn’t your thing, maybe you’ll enjoy eating it! Cooking with tea originated in China, just as tea cultivation did. In the spring, when the annual tea harvest goes into production and the bamboo shoots are newly emerging, the Chinese people are reminded that it’s time to purchase new tea for sipping— and time to relegate what little is left of last year’s tea for kitchen use. Throughout Asia, tea has been used as a natural food coloring and seasoning in many dishes for centuries. One of the most traditional Chinese recipes that uses tea is tea-marbled eggs and tea smoked duck—a common street food in China. Cooking with loose leaf tea is a fun and creative way to enhance


any type of dish. In France and in other western countries, it was only a few decades ago that chefs and tea tasters agreed that tea as an “ingredient” revealed its gastronomic potential. Chefs and cooks started to use it in their recipes because it never overpowers the dish with which it is paired. Instead, it allows for a more complex depth of flavor. It is considered a versatile seasoning that can be used for fish and meat, as well as pastries.

fish or poultry, the proportion of leaves to liquid may be even higher. Much like herbs or spices, tea can also be used for braising, rubs* and smoking, as well as a flavor enhancer for meat or vegetable stocks. To start your adventure in cooking with tea, here are a few of my favorites teas to use in recipes:

EARL GREY is a black tea scented with bergamot, one of the most well-known flavored teas, whether you are a tea connoisseur or an Simple tips to follow: amateur. Its citrus notes are a Like brewing tea for drinking, great complement in chocolate the most important thing in cooking with tea is to learn how to cakes or infused in warm milk to get the most flavor from it without prepare a crêpe or pancake dough. releasing the bitterness or KEEMUN is a black tea from the astringency commonly tasted region of Qimen in Anhui Province when a tea has been over steeped*. and is considered one of the most If you are short on cooking time, refined Chinese black teas. It has a you can use a simple and average sweet floral aroma and slightly water temperature to brew most of smoky notes which pair perfectly the teas (185°F / 85°C for 1 to 3 with spices to cook meat or minutes). poultry. Consider cold brew tea as an option, too. If you know a few days SENCHA is a green tea whose delicate and sweet aroma pairs in advance what you’re planning to cook, you can use cold water to well in cooking noodles or in vegetable and mushroom stocks infuse tea overnight. This adding to them a subtle grassy and technique is one of the best ways umami flavor. to get the most out of the tea flavor and avoid any bitterness. MATCHA (powdered green tea) is Using 1.5 to 2 teaspoons for 6 to 8 the easiest to use because of its ounces of cold water enables you texture and bright green color, but to extract more tea flavor. When green, black, smoked or scented using tea for marinades for meat, teas also have their place in the EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

kitchen. Now that you understand the basics of cooking with tea, have fun with it and be creative! Use it as a garnish in salads or brewing spice in recipes that require milk, broth or water. It will boost certain flavors, give herbaceous or smoked notes, and take you into a completely new sensory universe. *Over steeping: the action of infusing the loose-leaf tea too long, resulting in a tea that will taste overly bitter. *Rub is a way to flavor meat by rubbing it with a mixture of dry ingredients called a spice rub. These rubs typically contain salt or sugar and spices, but can also contain flavorings like loose-leaf tea grounds, coffee grounds, etc. Emilie Jackson, MS Born in France and having lived in four different countries before settling in Kansas City, Emilie has a passion for cultures, traditions and rituals from around the world — especially tea rituals. Emilie is the co-owner of Emilie’s French Teas – a French Tea Room located inside Centered Spirit Cultural and Holistic Center in Waldo – 8131 Wornall Road, KCMO 64114, 816.225.9393,

Chia Pudding with Matcha Tea and Berries Ingredients: Serving 2-3 6 Tablespoons chia seeds 2 cups unsweetened coconut milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract ½ tablespoon of organic Matcha 1 Tablespoon maple syrup, local raw honey, or sweetener of choice Blueberries, strawberries, and fresh mint leaves for topping Instructions: Combine all ingredients together in small bowl and let it sit for 5 minutes. Give it another stir to break up any clumps of chia seeds and serve in individual ramekin or small glass for a prettier look. Cover and put the mixture in the fridge for 1-2 hours. You can also prepare this recipe the night before and let it sit overnight. When ready to serve, uncover each glass and top the pudding with berries and fresh mint leaves.


16 Feature

4 Healing Herbs for Lifelong Health BY AMY HUNDLEY


elcome to the world of herbs. You may not need to travel the globe to embrace the magical healing wonders of herbs because they can all be locally and kitchen home grown. Since herbs are nature’s medicine, why not enrich and care for your ever-evolving life? It’s time to cultivate long lasting great health and eat well with these four herbs.

healing powerful properties, cooling especially sensation, during the mint can also Middle Ages soothe sore and was even throats just used to help like throat prevent the lozenges. plague. Nowadays in In the the 21st Kitchen—It century, combines “Sage pairs well with citrus current wonderfully fruits like lemon.” research when eaten reported in with General Benefits the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy vegetables such as carrots, and Therapeutics; indicate that potatoes, and peas. Mint is also “Before the discovery of modern sage may be able to improve brain great with meats like lamb and pharmaceuticals, both Americans function and memory, particularly chicken and can be finely chopped and Europeans relied on herbs,” in people with Alzheimer’s or topped alongside yogurt. This says William J. Keller, PhD, vice disease. Researchers believe that herb is for you if you have a sweet president of health sciences and sage has the saving power to tooth since it’s the only herb used educational services at Nature’s inhibit the breakdown of in desserts and is a favorite flavor Sunshine Products in Provo, Utah. acetylcholine, the chemical partner to chocolate. For millions of people worldwide, messenger that declines in those herbs even in today’s society act as with Alzheimer’s disease. To take ROSEMARY the medicine they depend on to it one step further, scientists at the Native to the Mediterranean and stay healthy. University of Otago in New brought to American kitchens In the culinary world, there’s an Zealand led a four month study of from Europe during the early herb to complement nearly every 42 individuals with mild to settlements, this herb’s leaves dish. moderate Alzheimer’s disease; resemble pine needles that grow sage was shown to produce on a tough long steam. significant improvements in the Herbs versus. Spices participants brain function. Health Benefits—Due to one of rosemary’s primary active Though often used In the kitchen—Sage pairs well ingredients, rosmarinic acid, it has interchangeably, the two terms with citrus fruits like lemon and been shown to subdue allergic are actually very different in goes nicely with vegetables such as responses and nasal congestion. A nature, literally. Herbs are the peas, pumpkin, winter squash and study from the University of leafy, green parts of a plant. tomatoes. Meal wise, it can be Medicine at Kyoto, Japan, proves Spices, in contrast, are usually added to soups, risotto, baked that when 29 individuals used always dried, often ground, and chicken, and can even be topped rosemary daily, their overall are made of the other parts of the to tomato sauce or added to butter allergy symptoms were plant, including but not limited to for spreading onto pasta dishes. suppressed. Furthermore the seeds, stems, and roots. Overall, number of immune cells in the herbs have fresh, light flavors MINT nasal mucus also decreased. while spices tend to have stronger Historically used as a tithe in and more concentrated flavors. biblical times, mint is noticed by In the Kitchen—Rosemary tops its erect, branching steams and well on vegetables such as oblong leaves. It is arranged in potatoes, tomatoes, onions and Four of the Healthiest and opposing pairs on the steams, and spinach. By having a fresh, mild Healing Herbs the leaves are often covered in tiny flavor, this herb pairs nicely with hairs. lighter proteins such as chicken SAGE and lamb. Rosemary is especially This sweet herb is native to the Health benefits—According to delicious when combined with North American Southwest. It is studies published in the British grains. To enjoy, simply sprinkle characterized by texturized fuzzy, Medical Journal, mint has over olive oil along with salt to gray-green, and oval shaped promising effects in management add flavor for dipping your leaves. Sage is a member of mint for improving pain with those who favorite bread grain. family which can be noticed by its have irritable bowel syndrome or vaguely minty aroma. IBS. It appears to work by relaxing PARSLEY the smooth muscles in the colon, This herb was founded on rocky Health Benefit—Historically, sage equaling pain relief. Due to the hillsides in Greece and is known had a strong reputation for its ingredient menthol and its as one of the most popular herbs EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

in the United States. Parsley has a classic herb appearance with small bunches of bright green leaves that can commonly appear in two varieties-curly or flat. Health Benefits-This herb is rich in vitamins A and C, two crucial nutrients that nature your skin. It also contains chlorophyll, a nutrient compound that helps remove toxins from the body. In the Kitchen—Parsley can be added to mushrooms, zucchini, and potatoes. Having a light, peppery flavor it is enjoyable in salads, soups, and pasta dishes. This herb can also pair beautifully when eaten with eggs, rice, pork, and fish.

Safety, Storage, and Growing Care Tips * When shopping for fresh herbs, choose those that are completely clean and free of soil. Once at home, cut off and trash any bruised stems or leaves. * Fresh herbs should always be refrigerated and can be kept in a plastic bag for up to five days. * Dried herbs are very heat and light sensitive. Therefore, they should be stored in the pantry or closed in a kitchen cabinet/ cupboard. * Herbs are one of the easiest plants to grow and can be a good place to start to set your sights in the gardening realm. * Since the kitchen is considered one of the central rooms of the house, this is the ideal environment for growing and displaying your culinary herbs.

Amy Hundley is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, licensed in both Kansas & Missouri and a published Freelance Nutrition Writer. She is currently practicing as a clinical RD and the world of freelance writing. Amy can be contacted for questions, comments, and writing requests@

“It’s time to cultivate long lasting great health and eat well with herbs.”


18 Wanderlust

The Lavender Fields of Washington Island, Wisconsin BY JILL DUTTON


hen Martine and Edgar Anderson moved to Washington Island as young retirees, they looked for a business in which to invest, but nothing seemed to suit. Martine, born in France, dreamed of one day owning a lavender farm. She felt that Washington Island shared similar characteristics with Provence, so Edgar did weather studies, took soil samples, and planted a test garden at their home. The test was successful and the dream of creating lavender business and contributing to the economic growth of Washington Island became a reality. Today, Fragrant Isle is proud to be the Midwest's largest lavender farm and Washington Island’s first. To celebrate its 6th anniversary on Washington Island, Edgar and Martine expanded their fields with the addition of 6,000 lavender plants and more rose gardens. Fragrant Isle’s grand total is now 20,000 fragrant lavender plants for visitors to experience and enjoy. Fragrant Isle is Washington Island’s true, working lavender farm where visitors can learn first-hand from the expert grower and knowledgeable staff about lavender. The

gardens at Fragrant Isle are open daily to visitors during the growing and harvest season. Their goal is to educate people about the many benefits and uses of this unique herb. They use the latest in farming technology to cultivate their plants in an allnatural environment. No chemicals are used— ever. Plants are harvested both by hand and by machine, but always with the greatest concern for maintaining the strength and stability of the growth stock. If you’re planning a visit to Door County, you’ll want to explore Door County’s largest selection of luxurious lavender products at Fragrant Isle’s Shop on Washington Island and at the Fish Creek Shop located at The Top Of The Hill Shops. The Fragrant Isle line is proudly made in the USA with their sustainably grown and pesticide-free lavender. You can sample their selection of hundreds of lavender products made for use from head-to-toe and formulated to be both good for you and for the environment. The Shops also feature a select few lavender products from France, Italy, and Spain that represent the finest the world has to offer. Visitors to both shops are able to watch videos

featuring Fragrant Isle Lavender Farm on Washington Island, the blooming lavender, and a glimpse of their biennial “All Things Lavender” festival, an overview of harvesting, processing and distillation demonstrations, and sites from scenic Washington Island. New for 2018, Fragrant Isle’s restaurant, Le Petit Bistro offers a daily à la carte lunch menu (which changes weekly) in addition to its delectable selection of chocolates, candies, ice cream, and their famous macaroons. Enjoy mouth-watering food and a glass of wine on the terrace overlooking an unparalleled view of the lush lavender fields.


Reserve your seat and enjoy fine dining and musical entertainment on the terrace where Chef Roxanne Boren will prepare gourmet dinners at Le Petit Bistro. The dinners will again delight your palate with a savory three-course gourmet meal. Or if you can’t visit the fields in person, visit Fragrant Isle’s website: for details. Fragrant Isle is proud to be a Discover Wisconsin 2018 Choice Destination and a 2018 Trip Advisor Award of Excellence recipient. Plan your next trip to Door County and Washington Island, Wisconsin at

Fragrant Isle Recipes

Fragrant Isle Lavender Rub 1 Tablespoon Dried Lavender buds 1 Tablespoon Fine Salt 1 Tablespoon Black Pepper 1/4 Teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes 1 Tablespoon Fennel Seed 1 Tablespoon Herbs de Provence 1 Tablespoon Orange peels 1 Tablespoon Lemon peels Grind all spices and rub the mixture on the meat before grilling.

Fragrant Isle Lavender Syrup 2 Cups water 4 Tablespoons Dried Lavender buds 1 Cup Sugar Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. When the liquid turns a light yellow turn off the heat and allow it to infuse for 5 minutes, then pour through a strainer.

The syrup may be kept in the refrigerator for a week.


20 Feature

Feed Yourself with Care BY NATASHA BAILEY


elf-care can be tough. I’m usually at the bottom of the list when it comes to taking care of it all. The political climate we are currently immersed in can be taxing and fear inducing on so many levels that I have made it my mission to perform more rituals of self care. For one of these rituals, I might search for the last piece of chocolate remaining in my house, allowing it to slowly and deliciously melt in my mouth...thereby soothing my cravings for peace and harmony. A wise friend once told me: “I know exactly who you are. You’re a healer, you’re a giver, you care about other people. You spend so much time helping others that sometimes you forget that it’s just as important to give that same love, care, and adoration to yourself.” Do these words sound familiar to you? For me the thought of selfcare can be daunting, but this weekend, I found a new ritual in “Buying locally encourages seasonal eating, cheaper organic produce, great which I can regularly indulge—I cut through the fog and set out on variety, and impeccable flavors.” a journey to get to know my local farmer. I also found that when I eat better everything in my life matter what the scale says. I hope that I am leaving you feels better. Eat everything in moderation STEP FOUR: with some tangible advice that is except water. Drink as much water Enjoy the connectivity that easy to be put into action to assure as your body requires. Being comes with taking care of yourself that you are looking out for STEP ONE: hydrated is one of the first things Buying from local producers yourself. Self care can be fun and Get to your local Farmers we forget about; but, it is encourages important personal is a necessity, because we all need Market. By going to the local imperative to loving yourself and connections within our that bit of greatness that only you farmers and buying their wares feeling your best. community. We can learn so much can contribute to the world. Let it you are supporting local about each other. shine while enjoying the process. agriculture and economy. STEP THREE: What a joy it is to talk with a Buying local encourages Put your money where your local farmer about their particular seasonal eating, cheaper organic heart is—buying local empowers varieties of greens, to learn from produce, great variety and you as a consumer. Supporting another farmer about a new way impeccable flavors. local farmers means supporting to protect your tomatoes during Natasha your community while reducing heavy rains, or to discuss a new STEP TWO: Bailey is a the footprint it takes to get your law that may have passed that will Eat what you want! mom, cheese affect our local food supply. So many of us get stuck in food food to the dinner table. connoisseur Eating locally and naturally can The connections that come trends and fad diets. Eat what you and lover of help reduce the use of pesticides from these interactions make our want, listen to your body and eat all things and herbicides used in growing lives so much happier, healthier, what makes you feel nourished local. Find her your foods. This benefits your and more beautiful. and whole. Your diet is in your on Instagram: hands. Stigma-free and nutritious health, as well as the climate, the @eatablekc. environment and our food and eating can help you on your water supplies. journey. You are beautiful no EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Spiritual Horoscope 21

August Horoscope LEO (JULY 23 – AUG. 22) Happy birthday Leo! Don’t give up on your dreams! In meditation time, add extra power to visualizations and wishes. After you imagine your desired goals, bring up the feeling of success and fulfillment. Let the gratitude and happy emotions fill your heart and spill out to touch every cell of your body! It’s a challenge when you haven’t met the goal yet, but keep trying. Carry the feeling with you all day. You’ll have powerful results in late August with career and with relationships too! VIRGO (AUG. 23 – SEPT. 22) As Mars moves direct, you’ll have clarity in relationships. Meditate on your highest values. Balance your thoughts about being picky as a way of protecting yourself from hurt vs. having standards when it comes to love. Spiritually, re-connect with the beliefs that make you feel vital and alive! You want to be motivated to connect with your soul and to the Universe, not to feel that it’s a chore. As Mercury moves direct in late August, focus on stopping selfflagellating thoughts and enlace them with loving voices! LIBRA (SEPT. 23 – OCT. 22) Venus is in your sign, so focus on self-love! Also dwell in a “casual state of appreciation.” Don’t try too hard to be grateful, just let it happen as you go about your day by changing your focus. As Mars moves direct, you’ll have profound healings about family issues that have prevented you from feeling as close to others as you’d like. You can also have a great job offer! Also, meditate to gain intuitive solutions with finances; whether about your budget, debts, or how to open to greater prosperity. SCORPIO (OCT. 23 – NOV. 21) If you’re frustrated in relationships, hold your tongue (Mars turning direct can make you snippy!). Meditate on the vision you have for partnerships, then write out your thoughts. When you feel calm, present your ideas to your loved one. You’ll be surprised at how you both can work out a collaborative solution that brings your

connection to a higher level. At work, you can have breakthroughs you’ve been waiting on for awhile! SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 – DEC. 21) Mars moving direct is a great boon for your finances! Mercury also finishes its retrograde pattern, and along with the eclipse, deepens your spiritual path. Find styles of meditation that suit you. Maybe go for a run and then sit quietly in nature. Or maybe try yoga, qigong, or chanting. The idea is to do something each day that nourishes your soul and enhances your connection with your intuition or the Universe. If you’re having work issues, inner guidance that comes through meditation time gives surprisingly effective results! CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 – JAN. 19) Mars finally moves direct in your sign, providing you with enthusiasm to set out on new goals! Think about what makes you feel passionate and alive and move in those directions. You could also feel irritated in close relationships. It’s a good time to have heart to heart conversations, but meditate first and get clear and level-headed about the changes you want. If you’re overly emotional, things can explode. Remember that love and abundance are all around you, so don’t limit the amount of joy you let into your life!

AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 – FEB. 18) It’s a major relationship month that brings healing and transformation! Meditation reveals repressed anger from past connections, and also from childhood. Allow challenging feelings and memories to arise. Write about your emotions, then maybe tear up or burn the paper. Underneath the frustration and despair lies clarity about your needs and life direction. You’ll tap into an authenticity that empowers and excites you! You’ll feel more valuable, and even more sexy. Also, you can have career or money breakthroughs. PISCES (FEB. 19 – MARCH 20) It can be hard to express yourself and your deepest thoughts, but please find the courage to open up. Meditate to find your true ideas and trust you’ll find the right time to say what needs to be said, without procrastinating or missing opportunities. With Mars moving direct, re-connect with friends and activities that bring you joy! Also take time to be in nature. Expand the feeling of safety you gain from that primal connection, and carry it with you to your interactions with people. A gentle, but powerful you will shine through! ARIES (MARCH 21 – APRIL 19) Mars and Mercury move direct, creating balance between work and relationships. You can get a promotion, or a new job that’s a pinnacle of your career! If single, you can meet a wonderful partner who resonates with many facets of your life. If partnered, you’ll have increased harmony, almost magically, even if there’s been tough issues! Meditation improves your ability to open to prosperity — especially how to hold onto money when it comes. Think purchase through, because you deserve be able to make long term financial plans! TAURUS (APRIL 20 – MAY 20) Life-changing Uranus retrogrades in your sign. Contemplate how you take care of your body. You might revolutionize the way you eat, how you look, or how you relate to others. Meditate on your personal value, since you’re


likely underestimating your capacities on many levels. Over the next few months, you can tap into quantum potentials that have been dormant for many years, maybe even for your entire life! Clear a space in your home for mediation, yoga, qigong, journaling or reading. Even if it just a certain chair or small area, you’ll infuse it with power as you dedicate time for yourself in that spot! GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20) Mars direct opens self-inflicted blocks to prosperity, heals wounds of betrayal in close relationships, and increases selflove. Meditate on feeling what you have to offer others. It can be talents in the workplace, or your level of communication and understanding in partnerships. You can also experience a sexual awakening as it feels safer to bond deeply with a committed person. In general, Gemini prefers to skim the surface, yet this month you’ll feel drawn into deeper parts of yourself in all sorts of human connections.

CANCER (JUNE 21 – JULY 22) Relationships heal as Mars moves direct. Allow yourself to speak your truth from a balance place so your needs can be met. But first, meditate to get clear on those needs. Often you just feel unsettled and not sure why. Going within helps you identify what your emotions actually are and where they stem from. Connecting with others is easier when you communicate openly! Also as Uranus retrogrades, make time for friends you’ve been “too busy” for and have fun doing your favorite activities. Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an Ebook on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 5831663 or visit



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BEGINNING AUGUST 5 10 a.m. Unity Church of Overland Park will be moving its Sunday services to Cleveland (Chiropractic) University. 10850 Lowell, OP, KS. Come check out our new space!

AUGUST 15 HEARTLAND AYLLU COMMUNITY LINK UP CEREMONY Monthly 3rd Wednesday Link-Up and gathering of community in ceremony, all are welcome. AUGUST 9 Join Autumn Paige Moler and Daniel LOVE NEVER DIES Moler for drumming and shamanic Spiritual medium Christi Clemons ceremony to anchor the energy of Hoffman and author Lisa K. Cooper their NEW home lodge! 7 p.m. to share their parallel missions of heart 10 p.m. at 2214 Lennox Dr, Olathe, -centered communication with KS 66062 RSVP 913-562-8792 or loved ones. Centered Spirit, 8131 Wornall, KCMO 64110. 6-8 pm $35 Information and tickets at AUGUST 16,17,18 LOMI LOMI 1 events. Call us at 816-523-9140 or visit for more AUGUST 11 information! SOUND HEALING CONCERT Radiate Wellness presents an AUGUST 18 & 19 evening with Dr. Paul Rudy to mark AROMATHERAPY the new/supermoon in Leo. Enjoy Morning and afternoon. Call us at sound healing with drums, flutes, 816-523-9140 or visit and more. 7-8:30 pm $20 Centered for more Spirit, 8131 Wornall, 64110. information! Information and tickets at AUGUST 25-26 events. KC SPIRIT FAIR Hours 11a.m.-6p.m. both days AUGUST 12 $5 admission. Clarion Hotel REEL WISDOM FILM SERIES: 12601 W 95th St, Lenexa, KS The Living Matrix. Unity Temple, 66215. More info at 707 W. 47th St., KCMO 64112. Film features a group of dedicated scientists, psychologists, AUGUST 26 bioenergetic researchers and SEARCHING FOR THE holistic practitioners who are MIRACULOUS finding healing potential in new "Longing for something more"? We places. 12:30-3 pm $10 Information welcome those who are on a quest! and tickets at One hour dialogue and discussion 7:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday Aug 26th – events. No charge (meeting every 4th Thursday) at Prosperos Book StoreAUGUST 12 upstairs. 1800 39th Street, Kansas REEL WISDOM City, Mo. 64111. Gurdjieff Study Presented by Radiate Wellness and Group Celebrating 25 yrs in KC Unity Temple. 12:30-3 p.m. Film TBD. 707 W 47th St, Kansas City, MO. $10. Registration and SEPTEMBER 1 information: THE MEANING OF DREAMS: CARL JUNG'S MODEL OF DREAM INTERPRETATION AUGUST 12 EXPLAINED MOON LODGE Andrew Sherwood, Ph.D., Jungian Join us for a very special sharing of Analyst. 10:00 a.m. Unity Temple individual creative expression. on the Plaza, Temple Space Facilitated by Amy Renee. Everyone room. NO is asked to bring an example of how CHARGE. WorkingWithDreams.c they express themselves, art, om 816-500-3880. cooking, music, clothes, dance, writing, or stories of how your SEPTEMBER 6 passion expresses it's self at work EVOLUTIONARY LIFE or home. 6 - 8 p.m. Soul Ascension SCHOOL BEGINS Spiritual Center 12700 W 119th St It's time for YOU to Overland Park, Kansas 66213. Led THRIVE! Move beyond fear, own by Mesa Carrier Amy Renee your infinite creative power, live RSVP: 816-500-5603 or your PASSIONATE PURPOSE. With Laura Wolf and Phoenix Timberwolf. Register by August 1st

to save $400. Apply today: SEPTEMBER 8-9 MIDWEST TEA FEST Tea lover or just tea curious? The Midwest Tea Festival is a weekend of nothing but tea! Education, tastings and shopping all in one place. SEPTEMBER 8-9 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – 6:30pm, $380 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440.

SEPTEMBER 29-30 LAWRENCE METAPHYSICAL FAIR Sept. 29, 10-6; Sept. 30, 11-5 Douglas County Fairgrounds, Bldg. 21, 2120 Harper Street, Lawrence, Ks. carol@ SEPTEMBER 30 CONSCIOUS LIVING FESTIVAL Join us for our 9th year at Unity Temple on the Plaza! This FREE event offers workshops every hour and holistic health and wellness vendors. See the ad on page 11 or RSVP at events/195094194510646 Noon-6 p.m. 707 W. 47th KCMO ONGOING REIKI CIRCLE 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. Cleveland Chiropractic University,10850 Lowell Ave, OP KS, second floor, soft tissue room. 816-523-4440

SEPTEMBER 15 WOMANKIND 2018: EMPOWERING THE SPIRIT OF WOMEN Daylong event featuring live music, vendors, and 5 inspirational speakers including Keynote by Marianne Williamson. Unity Temple ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS on the Plaza. Tickets/Info: FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS By Appointment. The Kansas City SEPTEMBER 21-23 Healing Project provides energy WILDWOMAN RETREAT, healing sessions for cancer patients ASHEVILLE, NC and veterans. Our clients have been Activate your WILD essence: join experiencing a reduction of their Laura Wolf for a weekend romp in stress, anxiety and pain levels. the mountains, forest and waterfalls These sessions are provided at NO of western North Carolina. COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. SEPTEMBER 23 HEALING CIRCLE 3RD FRIDAY NITE IN All ages/levels welcome, from DOWNTOWN OVERLAND energy-friendly to practitioner. All PARK hands-on modalities welcome. 5-8 5-8:30! Live music everywhere, oil & p.m. Centered Spirit, 8131 Wornall vinegar food samples in store! The KCMO. $10. Information: Tasteful Olive 7945 Santa Fe Drive.

CLASSIFIED CONSCIOUS CULINARY LEADER – WANTED FOR ENJOY® PURE FOOD + DRINK RESTAURANT Full-time Kitchen Manager wanted to help co-lead the kitchen with conscious awareness of healthy cuisine and supportive staff relations. Leadership in kitchen management, excellent culinary skills, and a team spirit are required. If you lead a healthy and conscious lifestyle by example and through your work, please send resume to Staci at and/or call 913-963-5801.




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