Kansas City December Evolving Magazine

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E volving

December 2016 ~ Vol.VII1, Issue 10

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living

How to Ease Holiday Stress The Good Life Create Holidays of Connection and Joy EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


December 2016



December 2016

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

Using the Bagua Map to Take a Complete Inventory

What is conscious living? I believe conscious living is awakening to the process of life; and to awaken requires reflection. Self-reflection and introspection create awareness—which can lead to a life of joy. As Carl Jung said, “Your visions will become clear only when you


can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ‘Conscious Living’ is a vague term that has many expressions, but I think the most straightforward definition is that conscious living manifests from evaluating (awareness of) your life, principles, habits, and values—and then taking conscious steps to appreciate and therefore increase the good in your life and transcend the less desirable aspects. The main step in conscious living, then, is to take an inventory of where you are and where you’d like to be. Because without awareness, we continue recreating past patterns.

A Primer on Taking a Life Inventory 10

How appropriate that as the year comes to its end, we look this month at taking inventory. The New Year offers the potential for promise and hope, thus many are eager to create resolutions and goals; yet, reflection and taking inventory of the past year feel more like work. Regardless, how can we decide where to go without looking at where we have been?


We invite you to take a breather from the busyness of the holiday season— rest, reflect, take inventory—so that you may step into the New Year with renewed, focused vision and joyful purpose.


The Art of Oneness: Focus on Conscious Parenting

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: www.EvolvingMagazine.com *Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EvolvingMagazine *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Sara Zimmerman Print Layout/Design Alea Smith

Ad Design Olesya Vinci Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton

The Good Life

Departments News Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Holistic Health Food Gloria’s Food Revelations Wanderlust Horoscope Events

4 5 5 6 7 8 11 12 15

ON THE COVER Cover artist, Jim Ware, is a 50+ year resident of Lee’s Summit, MO. After other career pursuits, Jim decided to make a commitment to his first love...art. It took him five years to develop his unique style, which he calls “Dissociative Impressionism” that includes an intentional marriage of energy and color. Jim is teaching classes at the Got Art Gallery on Third St. His art has been juried into many local art shows. His art can be seen on his web page at www.jimwareworks.com.

Monthly Columnists Gloria Gale, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes

EVOLVING© 2016 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.




December 2016


The Freemind Experience Hypnotherapist, Tom Fortes Mayer’s new book, The Freemind Experience, releases in December. “Tom is the man that changed my life. After my experience of FreeMind I felt amazing, totally unstoppable. I really believe it could change the world.” —Myleene Klass, musician and broadcaster. Tom Fortes Mayer takes his experiences and skills as a therapist and puts them into this life-changing book. It is a fascinating look at what real happiness is and how we can enjoy more of it. Combining teachings from the Learn more at world’s ancient wisdom traditions with the most effective rapid-behavior-change www.freemindproject.org/freemindbook. techniques, hypnotherapist Tom Fortes Mayer presents with clarity, passion, and playfulness the three pillars upon which all lasting happiness and success can be built: peace, power, and purpose.



December 2016

Journey to Wholeness

Create Holidays of Connection and Joy



e are approaching the longest night and Next, he encourages us to look at our family roles shortest day. We are also approaching the and myths. It may take you some time to think about the holiday with the greatest expectations roles in the family and the stories or myths your family and, sometimes, the greatest stress. The embraces. Are you the family caretaker or mediator? question for many is, “How will we walk through these How about the rebel, the loner, or the “baby”? Does your days?” Will it be with fear, dread and depression, or joy, family carry on inaccurate ideas about the family like, connection, and excitement? “We all get along,” or “Don’t make waves. It is better A holiday is defined as being that way.” Think about the constructive exempt from work, a vacation, or destructive, healthy or unhealthy or a commemoration of an aspects of these roles and myths. It is event. For some, getting also important to take a “fearless through the holidays may be inventory of negative traits I need to work of a different sort. We may temper and control to improve be reminded of former holidays relationships with the family” and “stop that were not so happy or of the taking inventory of family members recent struggles we may be faults.” having with family members. The hardest part is to begin to let go of Image licensed by Ingram Images Our lives may be challenging in resentments, making the first move, and financial, relationship, or learning to employ active measures to emotional ways. It may require some effort on our part reconcile with your family. In my experience, it is always to face the challenges creatively. hardest to take these steps as we may feel our Image licensed by Ingram Images Image some licensed ways by Ingram Dr. Mark Sichel writes about to Images confront resentment is a boundary that protects us and that the family issues in Healing From Family Rifts: Ten Steps other person should make the first move as it was more to Finding Peace After Being Cut Off From a Family his or her fault. As Michelle Obama said in her speech Member. His ten points have some good suggestions for about injustice, “When they go low, we go high.” all of us going through holiday struggles. He begins by Hopefully, as we declare an amnesty, we can “find suggesting that we acknowledge the shock of the ways to build better relationships with family members” problem and determine to “Start to live, laugh, and be as we creatively plan, sharing experiences on “building happy now.” This seems key for any problem. blocks for a newly defined relationship.” He suggests we

How to Ease Holiday Stress


“cultivate gratitude and emotional generosity” and “make meaning out of our experience.” I hope all of us can find new ways to have relationships with those we will be around during the holidays. Maybe they will never be our best friends or even the first pick of people we want to be with, but these family members will be in our lives for years to come. We have something to learn from these challenges and perhaps we will be better people for it. Sometimes the biggest obstacles offer us the richest path to growth and greater happiness in our lives. If life has taught me anything it is to be deeply honest about my own patterns of behavior, both negative and positive, and be open to life-long learning, especially in the area of relationships. Here’s to happier holidays as we accept the challenges Dr. Sichel suggests in repair and rebuilding of relationships. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements, or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go to www.kcholistic.com.


ecades ago, I interviewed a number of ladies on how to ease holiday stress. The article was published in the FYI section of the Kansas City Star. Some years later, a reporter took my article word-for-word and published it again. I called her and warned her about copyright laws. But still this counsel is timeless so here we go! The average American spends about 42 hours a year on holiday activities. That averages about a week of shopping, wrapping, attending parties, and traveling. Often, these activities get squeezed into our current busy schedules. The two top holiday stressors, according to a survey, are chaotic schedules and money concerns. Women tend to feel a bit more stressed than the guys and parents feel more stress as they plan for their children. Our holidays are chaotic and noisy. I enjoy cooking and carrying on the traditions. Our table now hosts grandkids and various nephews and nieces who keep the party even more fun. Over the years, we have designed family guidelines. They keep the heart open and the joy abounding. They help create boundaries of respect, caring, and gratitude for one another.

the whole bunch? If someone gets in a “mood” they are expected to isolate themselves, deal with it, or leave. No negative vibes are allowed near the food.

it. This creates a lot of anxiety in January and is not a loving choice to make.

Rule 2 – Eliminate

Best we are able, we keep our commitments to exercise, eat right, and get plenty of sleep during the busy holiday months. It’s a paradox, truly, that the shortest day of the year, winter solstice, is December 21. Our ancestors cozied up by the fire, roasted chestnuts, and went to bed early. Sounds good to me! Every January, Ma and I would sort out her closet, looking for stocking caps for the big snow coming. We would find wrapped Christmas gifts lost in the jumble of old sweaters, unmatched socks, various colored mittens, and yellowing baby books. She usually let me have the gifts for helping her out. I knew they were 29 cent panty hose from the budget store. Yes, she gave us panty hose for Christmas! Ma NEVER went over the budget! And for that matter, she loved the holiday so much she seldom felt much stress.

Rule 1 – No Whining in the Kitchen

Rule 4 - Budget

Actually, the no whine rule applies to the whole house. We established this family rule years ago when paying for vacations. Why should one spoiled apple ruin

My sister, Jeanette, loves to write out Christmas cards while I’m “not fond” of that task. The stress management gurus advise us to cut down or eliminate obligations or tasks you do not enjoy. Do what you prefer—as best you can! Our house looks like a holiday showcase because we love decorating. We get it done then kick back and enjoy the beauty.

Rule 3 – Delegate & Plan It’s my Christmas day to enjoy especially as host. Many families share the tradition of “bringing something.” We plan the menu, assign the dishes, and delegate. When asking for help, use such language as “Are you willing to make a pecan pie?” That way we allow the other person to feel empowered to make their choice. It opens you to negotiate. Maybe they bring something store-bought. We do our best to foster an environment where each family member feels valued and honored. We know this one. Why pay l8 to 20% after the holidays on charges you made? If you don’t have it, do not spend



December 2016

Rule 5 – Keep Your Routines

Suzette Scholtes’ non-fiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. www.theyogastudio.com news@theyogastudio.com 913-492-9594.

Holistic Health

10 Health Tips for a Perfect Holiday Experience BY DR, NANCY RUSSELL


Come learn Holy Fire Reiki! Karen Harrison, Ed.S. Licensed Professional Counselor Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna 816-523-4440 www.KarenHarrison.net Kansas City, MO 64114

Join the Evolving team as a commissioned sale rep. Work independently with the holistic community helping advertisers reach our unique readership. Jill@evolvingmagazine.com for more information. EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY

he holidays are filled with family veggies in omelets, sandwiches, or traditions that include some of stews. our favorite meals and foods. As 7. Make exercise a part of the fun! you celebrate, think of little Make being active part of your holiday changes you can make this holiday season tradition. Have fun walking and talking to create healthier meals and active, with family and friends after a holiday peaceful days. meal. Give gifts that encourage others The following are to practice healthy habits helpful tips for those such as workout CD’s, changes. FitBit app, dance lessons, 1. Enjoy all the food pedometers, running groups at your shoes, and reusable water celebrations. bottles. Prepare whole-grain 8. Be the life of the party! or gluten free Laugh, mingle, dance, crackers with and play games. Focus on hummus or fun and enjoy the guacamole as an company of others. appetizer; add Laughter is a wonderful unsalted nuts and natural medicine! black beans to a 9. Give to others. Spend green leafy salad; time providing foods or use almond or preparing meals for those coconut milk who may need a little instead of heavy help. Give food to a local Image licensed by Ingram Images cream or cow’s milk food bank or volunteer to in your casseroles. serve meals at a shelter during the 2.Make sure your protein is lean and holiday season. organic, free range as possible. Good 10. Take time for yourself to relax and choices are turkey, wild Alaskan breathe and connect. Plan time for salmon, lamb, roast beef, and beans. your busy activities and schedule down Serve brown rice with beans to make a time also. Even if it is just 5 minutes a complete protein for the vegetarians. day of deep breathing and prayer or 3. Cheers to good health with reflection time, just do it! Connect with quenching your thirst with low calorie your spouse or other loved ones about options. Drink water with lemon or your feelings and work together to get lime slices or seltzer water with a the extra holiday chores accomplished. splash of 100% fruit juice. As a holistic physician, I am happy to 4. Bake healthier by cutting the assist you on your life journey, one on amount of sugar listed in recipes in one, and use natural remedies as much as half. Use spices to add flavor such as possible. Drugs and surgery are cinnamon, allspice, or nutmeg instead sometimes necessary, but I try to avoid of salt. When salt is used, them and provide alternatives when Mediterranean or Himalayan sea salt possible. are good choices. 5. Tweak the sweet for desserts. Try baked apples with cinnamon and a Nancy Russell, M.D., is a sprinkle of sugar and nuts instead of holistic Internal medicine apple pie. Invite your guests to make physician, blending traditional their own parfait with colorful, sliced and alternative medicine in fruit and yogurt. When fats are used, her Kansas City northland better choices are organic coconut oil, practice for over 30 years. butter or cold pressed, and extra virgin For more information on olive oil. getting to know Dr. Russell, 6. Enjoy leftovers. Create delicious new visit her website, www.nancyrussellmd.com or call meals with your leftovers. Add turkey her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at and beans to soups or salads. Use extra 816-453-5545.


December 2016

Food Gloria’s Food

The Good Life


Holiday Gift Ideas BY GLORIA GALE

inoPair is what you give to “We start with the wine; it’s the someone who has everything, or keystone of the program. We source at least those who think they bottles globally that range from $30 to want to have everything. $50 retail. Then, we locate professional Pairing food and wine delivered right chefs to curate the boxes,” says Michael. to your door is the brainchild of Currently, Chef Michael Werner of the professionals Michael and Mindy Kearns, Jacobson, Californos’ Chef Marita Swift, an entrepreneurial couple who found a and Pro Athlete Corporate Chef, Nathan niche and decided to run with it. DeCaro are on board designing the boxes. Their company, VinoPair, was born According to Michael, “The chefs taste out of necessity to eliminate the gap in the wine then decide what food bites to affordable entertaining at a moment’s pair. There will usually be 4 to 5 different notice. The food items to a box. For couple’s solution example, a current addresses the issue selection features a with a 21st century hand-crafted cheese fix—a subscription called Flory’s Truckle, a box filled with golden chardonnay from small bites of Tamarack Cellars, Volpi artisan food paired Pinot Grigio White Wine with exactly the Salame, and Mancini right wine. Roasted Red Peppers.” The Kearns The subscription for embraced the meal VinoPair spans 3, 6, or 9 in a box months. The cost of one proliferation. box is $79.95 per However, with month, air-shipped free. “Open the box and you’ll You considerable can cancel the research, they subscription on the be treated to hand-picked found the website at any time or artisanal food and drink.” you can just sample a subscription box trend, such as Blue box on a one-time basis Apron and Hello Fresh, lacking the wine for $89.95. component. Looking forward to the winter “You can get wine with Blue Apron, months, Michael and Mindy anticipate a but you may not get it when you get the variety of mouthwatering artisanal box of food. That lag time is, products: salted watermelon jam, unfortunately, an issue for those wanting Cowgirl Creamery’s Mt.Tam, Organic it with their meal. That leads to another Fennel Pollen, Bermuda Triangle Goat situation—Mindy and I noticed that Cheese, manchego cheese, cedar smoked many people aren’t sommeliers and need salmon, avocados, sweet garlic puree, and help with determining the best food/wine apricot crisps, among others. complements.” Next time company calls and all you Unlike Europe where families grow have on hand is seltzer, serving VinoPair up on table wine and carry the tradition will quell any impromptu jitters. into adulthood, the 77 million Americans VinoPair.com who do enjoy wine only drink approximately one bottle a month. The Kearns researched the trends, Kansas City writer, determining there was a need for producer, and photo stylist intelligent wine pairing in this country. “We found the Baby Boomers are Gloria Gale is a sleuth drinking wine but starting to slow down. when it comes to The Millennials are too busy growing up discovering interesting and the Gen X’ers are still figuring out features for the media. what suits their taste,” says Michael. Most recently, Gloria With a subscription, customers get a profiled area restaurants box that’s essentially a surprise. Open the as a columnist for 435 Magazine and was box and you’ll be treated to hand-picked on KCUR's Food Critics radio program. Want artisanal food and drink. to know where to find the best tastes in town? ggale@everestkc.net


AT THE HEALING PLACE 1539 Maple Woods Drive Liberty, MO and 103 E. Gregory Blvd, KCMO www.atthehealingplace.com 816-415-2607

AQUARIUS 3936 Broadway, Kanss City, MO www.aquariusbooks..com 816-931-6303

Come shop at AQUARIUS for unusual gifts for yourself and your friends. Not Tammy and Sheri invite you to explore only do we have an exceptionally knowlour full list of services and inspirational edgeable and helpful staff, we have the gifts this holiday season. We offer a extraordinary, unique and hard to find unique line of gifts: Inspirational artitem that brings you pleasure to give, and work, salt lamps, statues, handmade jewlong lasting pleasure for the recipielry, crystals, and singing bowls. You can ent. Books, tarot, crystals, candles, chakpurchase gift certificates for any of our ra banners, drums, incense, sacred objects Bodywork services, Astrology or Tarot for many different paths, salt lamps, singreadings and more. What sets us apart is ing bowls, statuary, and some things just the full integration process we do with for fun! Don't forget to ask about our each client. Working with your entire Holiday Punch Card Program, where you body, mind and spirit. We incorporate can earn gift certificates for yourself, or to the various services we provide to truly give as gifts for the people you love! cater to what you as a client need. Holiday Open House: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Waldo - Dec. 10th /Liberty - Dec. 17th Visit our website for a list of services.


December 2016


The Art of Oneness: Focus on Conscious Parenting BY LINDA RAE

Image licensed by Ingram Images

“It takes effort and a conscious choice on my part to want to open my heart and be an uplifter.”


or years, I had blessed my food and family before eating a meal. That was the extent of my experience with blessings. Then, I was inspired by the separate teachings of Matt Kahn and Christie Marie Sheldon to bless everything around me throughout my day. So as I drove to the gym, I blessed the corn fields and the houses and the people in the cars that I saw. When I listened to NPR, I blessed the people in the news stories and the reporters. I blessed my cats and dog and horse when I fed them. I blessed the clothes in my closet and the water in the shower. I blessed everything I could think of. What did I gain from the act of blessing everything? I got a super-high, blissed-out vibration of pure love and joy! I also had a feeling of invincibility, as though I was everything that I was blessing. It was a lesson in Oneness. But one day, I turned my blessings on my daughter as we were doing homeschool, and I received something unexpected. My six-year-old daughter is a very unusual child. (I know all parents think this, but it’s really true about Skylee.) She is so full of love and happiness and gratitude, and she always has been. It’s

not something she learned from us. It’s just part of who she has always been. As Skylee’s homeschool teacher, I often found myself bored with the kindergarten materials and frequently impatient with her ability to take in the information. She often read very quietly and she spelled hesitantly, and it irritated me. So, I tended to be critical and demanding and not too pleasant of a teacher. One day, I decided to silently bless Skylee as she was verbally doing her spelling words. If she faltered or hesitated, I continued to bless her. This made my heart open so wide that there was a big, joyful smile on my face. Soon, Skylee was beaming back at me and spelling her words with confidence and joy. I was no longer focused on being bored. I was leading the both of us in a communion of teaching and learning in a most joyful way. Wow! I could not believe that by choosing to consciously focus my awareness through my heart on my daughter that she was doing her schoolwork with joy and confidence and excelling in a subject that she previously had struggled a bit with. Since my heart was so open and I was so full of love, I was patient with Skylee to


the nth degree. She could take as much time as she needed to pronounce or spell words, and I was her silent cheerleader. But I also became full of verbal praise and encouragement because my heart was so open. I just wanted to give and give and uplift her and see her excel in such an effortless way. It was a very practical, tangible example of the Oneness of all of humanity (and all of creation). By connecting with my daughter through the one heart/mind, I affected an outcome. It does take effort to show up to be a conscious parent/teacher. It’s not necessarily easier to just observe and bump along and react, but perhaps it is more familiar. It takes effort and a conscious choice on my part to want to open my heart and be an uplifter. But wow, what an affect giving blessings has on me as the conduit and my daughter as the focus of the flow. It seems too simple to be so effective, but I challenge you to give it a try and see if it doesn’t alter your relationships (with yourself and others) and your perception of the world in general. May you be blissed out in blessing everything as yourself and loving the you that you find in all of Creation. This is the Art of Oneness.


December 2016

Linda Rae is an artist whose work depicts a visual language of Oneness. Her mission is to spread a message of Oneness through her art and writing. See her website at www.artofoneness.com.


Using the Bagua Map to Take a Complete Inventory


ften times, we get caught up in the web of our daily tasks and find ourselves literally and figuratively running on autopilot. Have you ever had a moment of realization of stopping and asking yourself, “How did I get here?” when marking off another birthday in the calendar? We often get swept away by the current of our lives and end up blaming the lack of time. We may drift through our lives for months or years until a profound event wakes us up and we start looking around for our purpose in life. Instead of waiting for an external stimulus, it is more beneficial to deliberately seek deeper meaning in our lives by taking inventory, at minimum, every year; however, monthly and even weekly reviews are the most advantageous. Taking inventory means looking at ourselves and our lives from different angles, as if in a three hundred sixty degree mirror. It is examining all areas of our lives to see if we are on track with fulfilling our desires. One of the tools that can be used to evaluate our progress in life is the Bagua Map from the Feng Shui tradition. It divides life into eight distinct areas:

Wealth/Prosperity, Love/Relationships, Self/Wisdom, Career/Service, Health/ Family, Mentors/Friends, Children/ Creativity, and Fame/Reputation (see diagram). Taking the time to examine all eight sections helps us evaluate the areas where we prosper and where we need more support. This simple tool helps us to recognize the multiple dimensions to true fulfillment, allowing us to welcome more wholeness into our lives. A very important realization in the process of taking inventory is that everything in our external experience is a reflection of our inner state. Once we realize this and accept its validity, we are able to then receive feedback from all our experiences and thus deepen our understanding of ourselves and others. While evaluating all the areas in our lives, it is best to not only focus on the final outcome but also on the effort exerted. For example, what price are we paying for our current status of wealth? Is it taking away from our family and health? Examining our inner world helps us unravel our belief systems. Beliefs are thoughts that we think on a consistent basis. Those thoughts can be changed and updated. It is very crucial to know that,



more often than not, the true cause of lack of accomplishment or lack of life satisfaction stems from our own beliefs. We inherit our beliefs from our family of origin and our environment in early childhood. By approximately age seven we have most of our predominant beliefs encoded into our inner, subconscious minds, our souls. Taking an inventory of all areas of our lives helps us to pinpoint our underlying beliefs so we can redefine them and improve our life experiences on a more complete level. Taking inventory of our lives requires a lot of courage and honesty. Many times, we escape facing the truth of our affairs, thinking that avoidance is going to change the status quo. Frequently, we also go into defense mechanisms such as blame or anger to mask the root cause of our inner disappointment. Honestly looking into our inner world is the crucial stride toward making any improvements. The first step in transformation is the awareness of where we stand. The important fact to remember is that every day is a new beginning. While taking inventory, we also must look into the eye of our fears. So many of us sell ourselves short due to our deepseated fears and reservations including the fear of success. As Marianne Williamson puts it, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” As we evaluate our lives, we need to include our impact and influence on others. We are all connected, and our thoughts, words, and actions leave a blueprint on everyone and with everything we engage. Forgiveness comes into play as an important factor in the process of inner and outer evaluation. Forgiveness allows us to free ourselves from the past and the power the past has on us. Without forgiveness, we tend to recreate the same situations and bring the past into the present. When we do not forgive, we hold onto negative feelings that poison our mind, body, and spirit. Forgiveness is not equivalent to condoning what happened, it is a process of healing, of freeing ourselves from negative beliefs and feelings rooted in our past. It takes time to truly forgive and reprogram our subconscious beliefs. There is no need to rush through the process, and yet it is crucial to our selfdevelopment to consistently move through it.


December 2016

After evaluation of our inner and outer states of being, and also cleansing areas needing healing, we are ready to foster the vision for our future. Lewis Carroll says, “Any road will get you there, if you don’t know where you are going.” Therefore, having a clear set of desires allows us to become creators of our own life. One of the great tools to help us foster our vision for the future is making a simple list of ten items that we desire to have fulfilled, starting with the most desired. We then review the list daily, spending some time on each item by visualizing exactly what we want in our lives. This activity engages our mind and activates the Law of Attraction. What we focus our attention on grows. It is extremely important to commit our desires and goals on paper rather than simply storing them in our memory. Studies show that writing these items down and reviewing them regularly gives us a 95 percent higher chance of achieving the outcomes that we desire. And yet, research shows that only three to five percent of people in the world have written goals. These three to five percent are the same people that achieve success in life, according to the research. Our lives are our masterpieces—it is our responsibility to paint the ideal images. Taking inventory allows us to examine where we are now and propels us to move forward and live the most meaningful lives possible. Every night before going to bed let us ask ourselves: “Did I live today to my fullest potential?”

While pursuing her Doctorate of Divinity degree, Aneta Baranek continues her research and study of selfactualization and selfrealization. She also holds a Master’s Degree from DePaul University in Computer Science. She has been serving as a spiritual teacher through the School of Metaphysics for the past seven years. She currently resides in Kansas City where she directs one of the branches of the School of Metaphysics. To learn more about Aneta, visit her website http:// www.onwholeness.com. To find out more information about the School Metaphysics visit: http://www.som.org.


A Primer on Taking a Life Inventory


ncouraging thorough inventory of oneself, intentions, and actions, particularly in a written form, may be viewed as an exciting opportunity to facilitate astounding results. Toward that end, following the steps in this article will help you simplify the process and encourage an annual repeat. December presents an excellent time to perform inventory and to set a plan for the upcoming year, 2017. There are formal situations in life where inventory is taken for us including:  At places of employment via evaluations  Within educational environments  In groups and organizations, private/public/and governmental  At the time of formal giving or tithing During formal educational experiences, for example, it is most frequent that the educator evaluates the student. In employment situations, the employer evaluates the employee. In the not-as-common situations where students or employees evaluate themselves, be it their application to their studies or their performances, a limited scope of behavior, actions, and intentions are measured. Yet as students, employees, members of a board, etc., our training in evaluating ourselves seems slim, if at all existent, but can be learned. Taking inventory of one’s whole self:  Offers opportunity to develop a comprehensive roadmap for an identified margin of time  Raises conscious openings for restructuring and revision  Allows the monitoring of progress  ncourages scheduled inventory  Presents fortuitous occasion for continuance of planning and evaluating A plan for taking inventory is something this author has developed and used toward achieving holistic goals in life—balance. This has most often resulted in a satisfying view of movement and progress through the journey of life. For people who hold concern that they, “...don’t accomplish anything,” owning the rights to their personal blueprint offers a document of proof that they do in fact succeed at such! This plan is one in which you might pop applicable goals, achievements, and events that have already occurred or will likely occur in 2016. Otherwise, it may serve as an effective tool to work on now for the

coming year. The following offers fodder for mapping the journey. Take nine sheets of paper and label the top of each with one of the following categories: 1. Health/Wellbeing 2. Love/Relationships 3. Inner Knowledge (how we look at and navigate the world) 4. Prosperity (not just money, but what things make our lives feel rich) 5. People Helpful to Us & Our Travels 6. Children and/or Creativity 7. Fame (how the world looks at us) 8. Career On each of these pages, spend a due amount of time jotting down items that you wish to add, achieve, maintain, or eliminate from your life during the assigned time period. Allow ample time to do this, which may be over several days. Your ‘assigned’ time period might equal a time period, a year, or even a decade. Immediately below appear examples.


 Identify and plan ways to increase your income

Helpful People & Travel Most of us have places and people to see and things to do.  Write down places you wish to travel, along with people who might be of assistance (friends, travel agent, lecture)  Research your family tree  Learn more about a particular interest you have

Children and/or Creativity

Think about what jazzes you to do! Write it down if Image licensed by Ingram Images you’d like to continue, revive, or create it. a different employer, or to land that  Crafts, woodworking, origami, bird deserved promotion watching, etc.  Hire a coach  Begin journaling or blogging  Attend a conference, seek a raise, Health & Well-being  Strengthening the relationship or completely shift careers, moving  Attend yoga three times per week with child(ren)/grandchildren. Be toward what you absolutely love to do.  Attend a workshop on biofeedback specific, e.g. plan an activity to do with Remember to place dates on your your children and/or grandchildren, calendar to review your progress. Many  Take off and maintain the weight perhaps monthly—as easy as finger people do this quarterly. This offers a time you wish to lose painting or picking dandelions, or to check-off things accomplished, note Love & Relationships Skype time projects that are in-progress, eliminate those things no longer applicable, and an  Attend Fame opportunity to tweak existing strategies. a concert “This (taking inventory) has Some folks would prefer that the Finally, present yourself with ample (with most often resulted in a world not look at them. Fact is, few compassion and understanding for what friends/ of us are invisible. If you fall into satisfying view of you did not achieve, and a healthy-handpartner) camp, think about an epitaph of-applause for what you either  movement and progress that how you would like people to reconsidered, or started. Award yourself Continue through the journey of life.” describe you after you’ve passed or with thorough congratulations for things with weekly when you’ve moved-away. Other realized or letting go of the unnecessary. date-night thoughts include: Picking up for 2018 will be a much easier  Find the love you seek  List acts of kindness you wish to task, even an exciting one. For things you engage in may not have accomplished, a roadmap Inner Knowledge now exists to list the projects, thoughts,  If you’re a public figure, perhaps  Read series of inspirational books ideas, desires, hopes, and dreams that are you’d like to be interviewed for a  Attend services at different newspaper, magazine, or television, or yet to be discovered. religious institutions to host a podcast Traci Bray is an  Learn to play the ukulele, (and, if  Chair a fundraising event “Evidence-based” Medium. ambitious), the banjo too She is Certified by The Career  Work on positive self-talk/ Windbridge Institute of thinking For those in the workforce, being Tucson as Level Five detailed here may be easy to accomplish. Research Medium, and by Prosperity Presuming you’ve a job description, take a the Forever Family  Continue to daily list people/ peek at it, and frame the snapshot of what Foundation of New York. places/things you are grateful for needs to happen, adding in things you She earned her Master’s Degree at Western wish to see happen. Consider stretching  Review financial plan with a Illinois University. She reads by phone, or inyourself. planner person from her Kansas City office. Find her Otherwise:  Write a note or email or text once at https://tracibray.com, or reach her at  Identify the predetermined date per week letting someone know why 913.940.0754. She posts nearly daily at you wish to be working for yourself, for you are grateful for them http://Facebook.com/TraciBrayMedium



December 2016


Day Trip by Rail: Jefferson City, Mo.


ooking for a quick holiday getaway? Consider a day trip via Amtrak to Jefferson City, Mo. When you don’t have time for a long train ride and a lengthy vacation, a day trip by rail offers the chance to escape and indulge your wanderlust while enjoying a holiday getaway. And Jefferson City offers small town charm, history, nature, and Midwest values—a great place to explore on a day trip by rail. If you take the early train (there’s also a daily 4 p.m. train), you’ll depart Kansas City’s Union Station at 8:15 a.m. and arrive in Jefferson City at 11:18 a.m. There’s barely time to settle in, watch the scenery, and maybe journal or read for a bit before you arrive. The train station is centrally located in this scenic, walkable town, so you’ll detrain right in downtown Jeff City where you can enjoy a day—or overnight stay—before boarding the train and returning back to Kansas City. While you can buy food in the lounge car, on a trip to Jefferson City recently, my friend Pete and I brought our own coffee and muffins to enjoy during the ride. We detrained in Jefferson City and spent some time exploring this quaint small town. Luckily, we took a back alley and wound up discovering an off-thebeaten-path place for lunch called Bones Lounge & Restaurant (also known as Bones in the Alley). This friendly venue has a small bar and dining area downstairs, with another bar and a rooftop patio upstairs. It was a perfect quick meal before heading to the Missouri State Penitentiary for a guided tour. After touring the penitentiary (they also have haunted tours at night) we went to check in at the Capitol Plaza Hotel. The hotel is just a few blocks from the train station, but still, we were glad we wore comfortable shoes as the hills in Jefferson City are tremendous. Once checked in, and with only a day to explore, we had to choose between several historical sites and decided on the Missouri State Capitol. Inside the Capitol is the Missouri State Museum, plus there’s a Capitol tour. In addition, there is artwork throughout including pieces by such notable artists as Thomas Hart Benton and Sir Frank Brangwyn. Pete and I built up an appetite walking all day and decided to try Paddy Malone’s Irish Pub for dinner. A historical brick building houses Paddy Malone’s, an Irish Pub showing off Jefferson City’s Irish Heritage with delicious, traditional Irish menu items and an extensive beer selection.


After dinner, we were ready to explore Jefferson City’s nightlife. For such a small town, there are an abundance of entertainment venues. Each within walking distance, we took the time to stop by Spectator’s Sports Bar, J. Pfenney’s Sports Grill, and Gumbo Bottoms Ale House. It’s a friendly town and we made friends at each place we visited. My favorite was Gumbo Bottoms. Owned by a young Irish man ,Gumbo’s is a small dark venue with chalkboards listing specialty beers and spirits. As soon as I would say, “What’s a habanero beer?” there was a shot glass with a sample in front of me. We tasted several of the specialty beers as well as learned the art of drinking fine bourbon (Add one ice cube. Swirl and taste before adding another). Back at the hotel, Pete and I enjoyed a relaxing evening in our King Suite at the Capitol Plaza Hotel. The next morning, we indulged in the breakfast buffet at the hotel, then trekked back to the train station for our 11:36 a.m. departure (there’s a second train at 6:22 p.m. for a later departure) back to Kansas City. With so much to do and see in our short visit, we were tired but fulfilled as we boarded the train to return home. Jill Dutton is publisher of Evolving Magazine. She travels frequently via Amtrak writing about her experiences. Read her travel blog at www.jilldutton.wordpress.com.

Clockwise from top: Jefferson City Station; River Walk; Downtown Jefferson City; Boarding Amtrak; Carnahan Memorial Garden; Missouri State Capitol

Bone's Lounge & Restaurant 210 Commercial St. www.bonesinthealley.info

Missouri State Capitol 201 W Capitol Ave 573.751.3339

A Charlie Brown Christmas | Dec. 1-17 See how Charlie Brown attempts to restore holiday spirit at the Stained Glass Theatre.

Capitol Plaza Hotel & Convention Center Jefferson City 415 West McCarty St. www.capitolplazajeffersoncity.com

Missouri State Penitentiary 115 Lafayette St 866.998.6998 http://www.missouripentours.com

Governor’s Mansion Candlelight Tours | Dec. 2-3 Tour of the beautifully decorated governor’s mansion in its holiday elegance.

Gumbo Bottoms Ale House 221 Madison St. www.facebook.com/pages/Gumbo-BottomsAle-House/120603551287507

Paddy Malone's Irish Pub 700 W Main St http://paddymalonespub.com/

J. Pfenny's Sports Grill & Pub 217 E High St. www.facebook.com/jpfenny2

Spectator's Sports Bar & Billiards 232 E High St www.spectatorsjeffcity.com



December 2016

Cantorum’s Annual Holiday Concert |Dec. 10 Enjoy the glorious sounds of the season performed on stage at the Miller Performing Arts Center. 7 p.m. 79th Annual Capitol Caroling | Dec. 13 Few traditions are as joyous as the holiday selections performed in the capitol rotunda each year. 7-10 p.m. Skate with Santa & Winter Ice Recital | Dec. 17 Join Santa for a lap at the Washington Park Ice Arena from 1-4 p.m. Stick around for a winter ice performance at 6 p.m.

Spiritual Horoscope

December 2016 Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Happy birthday Sagittarius! Saturn in your sign helps you be steady and focused, especially in career and developing talents. You can also improve relationships by sticking with commitments and having others see your reliability. If single, you can meet a new partner who becomes a long-term love! Mercury turns retrograde mid month, so don’t overspend on impulsive gifts. Take longer to choose and have a budget before you shop!

relationships, career, finances, and spirituality. Don’t be swayed by big, loud ideas of others. You’re not stubborn, you’re actually centered and “on target.” Meditate daily and ask for signs or dreams to reinforce your inner knowingness. If you need to make choices, wait until January when more dust settles and you feel even more clear and confident.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Mercury retrogrades in your sign, helping you ponder your identity. With transformative Pluto also nearby, you can shift and heal deep personality issues and emerge empowered for the New Year! Especially contemplate issues with your dad, bosses, or other authority figures. Also, look at how you hammer yourself mercilessly! Develop selfcompassion and you’ll have more motivation and achieve more goals than when you frighten yourself with shame!!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Energetic, sexy Mars and peaceful, romantic Venus are both in your sign, balancing emotions in relationships or attracting a new partner! You’ll also feel self-love that blesses you and everyone around you. Use this inspiration to form goals with progressive steps and ask positive friends to keep you motivated and accountable so your dreams manifest! Meditate and comb your mind for old resentments or limiting beliefs

that block happiness. Empower yourself by taking charge of your subconscious!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Amazing breakthroughs can happen with work and finances! Prosperity affirmations and visualization manifest, as well as seeing results from plain old hard work and patience. This abundance flows all next year too! Meditate to release old frustrations or buried feelings of not deserving success so even more good can flow in. Connecting with old friends during the holidays re-ignites the bond so that your sense of support expands!

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Discipline doesn’t appeal to you, but commit to a spiritual practice! Be it yoga, meditation, daily prayer, or spiritual studies, your intuition, happiness, and internal empowerment will explode! So, out of “boredom” will come unlimited excitement! Investigate the new movement of quantum physics and spirituality to create changes in health, relationships, and career. If you attune yourself regularly with meditation, you’ll become almost magical in your ability to shape your world. You’ll also have inspired advice for family members that helps them heal with each other.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Image licensed by Ingram Images

Trust yourself! You have a strong intuition even though it might be a subtle inner voice. You have the answers you need regarding


The biggest spiritual step you can take as a Gemini is gaining control over thoughts. Mercury (the mind) is retrograde near Pluto (obsessive focus). But also, Pluto can give insights into the way your mind works. Saturn is also helping you have clarity. Write down your worries. Meditate to let other parts of your brain supply potential solutions, which you’ll also write down. Enlist a friend to help with an action plan. You’ll gain freedom to use your brain in happy, constructive, creative ways!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Meditate how you could be “addicted” to stress and problems. This Mercury retrograde illuminates how you’re more comfortable having issues with work, finances, relationships, and intimacy than having peace in those areas. Create new habits of thought that create a new life as a “joy addict!” Observe your birth family this month, looking for clues and patterns to “sadness addiction.” But you can be free no matter how entrenched you feel this part of you is!!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) It’s obnoxious, but ponder the statement, “Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?” Release stuck attitudes to heal relationships with family and romantic partnerships. It isn’t only ideas about others but also about limited beliefs about your future based on past experiences. Open up more possibilities by challenging your interpretations and extrapolations from life events. Past doesn't equal future if you forgive and free yourself from your old identity. Become a different you with new love and new joy!


December 2016

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Trust the guidance from your intuition that comes from meditation and being centered. “Going within” before you act improves issues with family, kids, and relationships—and even self-esteem. Lots of your energy gets diverted and converted into worry and rumination so that you’re physically depleted. When you’re poised about decisions you can act in confidence and trust the outcome. When you don’t doubt choices or replay possible scenarios, you have more vital forces to accomplish lots of tasks. You’ll also empower your health and immune system this winter!

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) This month is creative, sexy, and fun! You can meet a new love, or breakthrough longstanding issues in a current connection. (Family of origin problems can heal too!) The key is to keep your commitment to think positively. Discipline yourself to observe moment-to-moment thoughts and end painful, negative thought patterns. The support of the Universe is behind you on this, so patiently pluck out each yucky idea as it comes up and toss it out!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) You can get a great new job offer or start an exciting work project. It’s a perfect time to re-budget finances and set powerful financial goals. Meditation sharpens your intuition and keeps you on a course of success! You can also have health breakthroughs, even if you’d given up on ever being healed. Maybe set up a yoga space in your home so it’s convenient to practice and keep your body, mind, and soul tuned in! Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727-239-7179 or visit www.alunamichaels.com




AT THE HEALING PLACE Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Shamanic Healing, Intuitive Readings 816-415-2607 www.atthehealingplace.com CENTERED SPIRIT The Holistic solution for chronic and acute health conditions ~ Medical Massage, Maya Abdominal Massage, Cupping, Infrared sauna. 816-225-9393 or visit centeredspirit.com REGINA COMPERNOLLE Home Herbalist Courses, Apprenticeships, Women’s Sacred Studies, Astrology, Tarot, Consults, Women Drumming 816-547-0266; www.SacredEarthArts.com INTUITIVE ENERGY COACHING Intuitive Life Sessions & Wellness Retreats with Master Practitioner Cathleen Miller. Limited Time New Clients Book 30 Get 30 FREE @ www.IntuitiveLifestyleSuccess.com BARBARA AHERN Energy Healing * Hypnosis * Whole Life Balancing ~ Classes on 3rd Sat. each month. Inquire at 913-5224953 or kansashealer@yahoo.com KIRSTEN HARWICK MILLS, CHt, CAT Akashic Readings, Certified Hypnotherapist, Advanced Akashic Teacher, and Past Life Regression. In office or remote. kirsten@silentsynergy.com, 913-370-7007 silentsynergy.com



HOLOS UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SEMINARY Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, self-development & Research: www.holosuniversity.org

GOURMET FOODS THE TASTEFUL OLIVE 7945 Santa Fe Dr. Over 65 oils & vinegars to sample before you buy! Call for info on classes, specials or to place a shipping order. www.thetastefulolive.com “FRIEND THAT COOKS PERSONAL CHEFS” offer weekly meal prep for families with busy schedules, food allergies or special diets. 913-660-0790; www.kcmealprep.com

RETAIL SPECTRUM-A NEW AGE SHOP 7827 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City Missouri 64118; 816-3212658’ www.spectrumreiki.com Spectrum.newageshop@gmail.com GIFTS & DECOR SWORDS & MORE A great shop for meaningful gifts like Candles, Fairies, Swords, Crystals, and more to meet your Holistic & Metaphysical needs. 123 S Mur-Len Olathe, KS 66062 913-782-4244

RETREATS GODDESS PILGRIMAGE TO CRETE WITH CAROL CHRIST, a life-transforming sacred sites journey for women, spring and fall. www.goddessariadne.org.



COUNSELING BARB HOFFMAN, MA, LPC, LCSW, in KCMO; 816.561.1116 Indiv./ Couples/Family Therapy, Depression & anxiety, abuse & trauma, grief & loss, addictions, relationships. Most insurance.

DOG’S WORLD OF FUN Boarding/Grooming/ Daycare. 1220 W. 31st KCMO 816-931-5822 www.dogsworldoffun.com Find us on Facebook

MAYA'S OASIS ENERGY HEALING INSTITUTE Classes in Reiki, energy healing, intuition, and 12-month women's circle. NCBTMB approved courses. www.MayaZahira.com

NEW DAY HYPNOTHERAPY, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. www.newdayhypno.com 913-908-6907

CJ MARTES Spiritual Mentoring/Coaching, Medical-Intuitive, Akashic Field Therapy, Seraphim Fire Healing cjmartes.com or 800-604-9967

N2PAWS OFFERING DOGA (DOGGIE YOGA) An integrated approach to balance & relaxation for you and your canine companion! www.n2paws.com 816-522-7005

CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING SCHOOL Classes and individual sessions in energy healing and meditation. NCBTMB approved courses. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com

KANSAS CITY MEDITATION GROUP OF SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP Sunday Service 10AM 10819 Wornall Rd, KCMO http://kcmeditation.com/ 816-799-5544

SHAMANISM DANIEL BAXLEY Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343, www.shamanicpathways.net

SPIRITUAL GROWTH STEPHANIE FORCIER, CT/CAP, Workshops, Events, Personalized Infinity & Akashic Record Sessions: connect with your infinite nature, 816-260-2438


ENTERTAINMENT KAREN ELISE - PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER & COACH Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations. 913-636-9502 www.KarenElise.com

NUTRITION CONSULTANT JACKIE CALDWELL HHC, BS Jackie works with you to restore digestive health by eating a grain free diet. Contact Jackie at 913-980-5605 www.grainfreewellness.com



December 2016

RE-IMAGINE YOUR LIFE WITH LANIA DESMOND Life Purpose • Relationships • Divine Guidance ~Private Sessions & Group Events. SoulPoint.com 828-2361230 ~ info@SoulPoint.com


SPIRITUAL GROWTH STEPHANIE RED FEATHER, THE HEALER'S HEALER Transformational life/business/$ coaching, shamanic healing, energy therapies, Reiki classes, women's circles. 913-5153271, redfeatherconnections.com CYNTHIA LITWER, ASTROLOGER Member AOA; NCGR Astrological consult., writer, Instructor at JCCC, BS in Psych. Facebook: “Cynthia Litwer, Astrologer” 913-385- 7031 perspective2@mac.com TRACI BRAY, BS, MA PSYCHIC/MEDIUM Private, group or family sessions by phone or in person. 913-940-0754 www.tracibray.com www.Facebook.com/TraciBrayMedium SHIRLEY FESSEL, MA, MEd SpiritExpressions® Writing Coach Holy Spirit Mother Sessions - Religious Abuse Recovery ShirleyFessel.com. Fessup2@msn.com 816-651-5997

WEDDINGS UNITY TEMPLE OFFERING FREE SIMPLE WEDDING CEREMONIES Register at www.simpleceremonieskc.com 707 West 47th Street, KC, MO


Give Yourself the Gift of Knowledge

YOUNG LIVING INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS: Jeanne Clark, MA, HTSM CP/1 thewellnessmaven.com


Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE LindaLysakowskiEssentialOils.com

10% off one month personal coaching. ($30 value) Exp. 12/31/16

ALOHA DAY SPA Specializing in massage therapy, energy healing, and acupuncture. Aloha Day Spa, Inc., 9770 Quivira Rd., Lenexa, KS 913-481-2667

Take your writing career to the next level. EVOLVING publisher, and freelance writer for more than 20 years, Jill Dutton, offers personal coaching to help you reach your freelance writing goals. Learn more about coaching options, plus Jill’s Business of Writing eCourse at

YOGA THE YOGA SCHOOL OF THERAPEUTICS Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594; www.theyogastudio.com YOGA PATCH 19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore. YogaPatch.com; 816-268-4660

www.TheBusinessOfWriting.net “Jill Dutton is a positive, supportive writing coach. With a confident, but laid back manner she creates a trusting teacher/student relationship that inspires you to share both your aspirations and doubts. I have wanted to write for publication for years, but only with Jill’s guidance and practical approach have I finally had the focus and courage to take the necessary steps to begin realizing my dreams.” —Joan Polifka



December 2016

DECEMBER 4 INTIMACY AND RELATIONSHIPS WORKSHOP W/ REV. KENT "STEVEN" NORTHCRAFT Discussion on how to become intimate with yourself, your partner and others, as well as the Source of All that Is. Release attachment to a desired goal, then venture into a field of infinite possibilities. Sunday, Dec. 4, 1:00-2:30 pm. No charge. Aquarius Books, 3936 Broadway, KC, MO. More info: www.aquariusbooks.com 816-931-6303

DECEMBER 12 GUIDED MEDITATION Join us for an evening of spirit guided meditation. New or experienced meditators welcome! 7:00 p.m. Cost: love offering John Hoefer (913) 831-4422 Core Star Energy Healing, 6045 Martway, Mission, KS.

DECEMBER 24 ENROLLMENT CLOSES FOR C-R-E-A-T-E PROGRAM If you're looking for community with other women + education in energy healing, intuition, and personal development, now's the time to sign up. www.MayaZahira.com

DECEMBER 13 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. Reservations 913831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com

JANUARY 14-15 HEALING THROUGH THE AKASHIC RECORDS CERTIFICATION WORKSHOP This two day (12 hour) workshop uses the foundation of the Akashic Records to uncover, explore, and use “the power of your Sacred Wounds” to discover your Soul’s Perfection.” Prior experience reading the Akashic Records is not necessary. Registration @ SilentSynergy.com is required. This workshop will be taught by Kirsten Harwick Mills (Advanced Certified Teacher) and will take place @ Cura Integrative in Leawood, KS, January 14th and 15th (9:00 to 4:30).

DECEMBER 15 HEARTLAND SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE-SPIRIT CIRCLE Monthly meeting covering spiritual and Pagan topics. This month's guest is Rose Watkins and the subject is, "Magical Storytelling". Free and open to all. Thursday, Dec. 15, 6:00-9:00 pm. Aquarius Books, 3936 Broadway, KC, MO. More info: www.aquariusbooks.com 816-931-6303

DECEMBER 6 GUIDED GROUP MEDITATION DECEMBER 17 6 p.m. every Tuesday in December. Spectrum, A new AWAY IN A MANGER: TO BIRTH THE CHRIST age shop 7827 N Oak KCMO 64118; 816-321-2658 CONSCIOUSNESS WITHIN, BECOME LIKE A MANGER Meditation in the frequencies of LOVE at The Light DECEMBER 10 Center robingoff714@gmail.com AT THE HEALING PLACE HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AND SALE! DECEMBER 17 Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m 103 E. Gregory AT THE HEALING PLACE Blvd. KC MO 64114 Sale prices on salt lamps, HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AND SALE! jewelry, pottery, buddha statues and massage and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 1539 Maple bodywork gift certificates! FREE Chair massage and Woods Dr., Liberty, MO 64068 Sale prices on salt holiday festivities! Come join the fun! 816-820-5644, lamps, jewelry, pottery, buddha statues and www.atthehealingplace.com massage and bodywork gift certificates! FREE Chair massage and holiday festivities! Come join the fun! DECEMBER 10 816-820-5644, www.atthehealingplace.com SHAMANIC BREATHWORK COMMUNITY EVENT If you're looking for accelerated transformation, DECEMBER 18 SBW can help you access levels of wisdom and PUBLIC YULE RITUAL guidance other therapies can't come close to! $80. Sponsored & conducted by Héena Lushede Coven. www.redfeatherconnections.com. 913-515-3271 Come celebrate the return of the light with us! There will be a potluck dinner after the ritual, so DECEMBER 10 bring a side dish and/or dessert, and your own drink. 5 WAYS YOU'RE LEAKING ENERGY & WHAT TO DO Sunday, Dec. 18, 5:00-8:00 pm. All are welcome. No ABOUT IT charge. Aquarius Books, 3936 Broadway, KC, 2:00-3:30 p.m. *FREE* Find out how you're losing MO. More info: www.aquariusbooks.com 816-931energy + easy steps to fix it fast. Join Maya's Oasis 6303 Facebook group to participate via Facebook Live. DECEMBER 21 DECEMBER 10 RAMA INAGIO VIBRATIONAL SOUND HEALING INTUITIVE READINGS WITH CHRISTY STUCKEY 7 p.m. Spectrum, A new age shop 7827 N Oak Intuitive reader & energy specialist Christy lovingly KCMO 64118; 816-321-2658 offers information to assist in finding one's true self. Spectrum, A new age shop 7827 N Oak KCMO 64118; 816-321-2658



JANUARY 20 PSI PRESENTS: "Channelled Insights" by Chris Powell. 7 p.m., Unity Temple on the Plaza. $10 www.PsychicStudiesInstitute.org ONGOING REIKI CIRCLE Unity Temple on the Plaza; 707 W. 47th St., Kansas City, MO. 2nd Saturday every month 1-4 p.m. to receive Reiki session. Love Offering. For information, email kaubry@rocketmail.com or call 913-215-8863. REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park –10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email karen@karenharrison.net. 816-523-4440 ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy healing sessions for cancer patients and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. KansasCityHealingProject.org

December 2016


DEC.EMBER 3-4 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9 a.m .– 6:30 p.m, $380 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440. karen@karenharrison.net www.karenharrison.net.



December 2016

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