December 2017 Evolving Magazine

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E volving

December 2017 ~ Vol. IX, Issue 10

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living

Create Healthy Holiday Events #MeToo Focus on the Foundation for Whole Healing 4 Truths To Get Healthy For Life

Travel West Virginia by Train EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


December 2017

2018 Vibrational Healing/Medical-Intuitive Training & Certification Program

9 Month Training begins March 3-4, 2018 Each training module is a blend of classroom instruction and hands on practice. Once completed, you will be certified by Vibrational Gateways Institute and have all the tools you need to start your own client practice. This in-depth training experience will be taught by CJ Martes who has over 25 years of experience in the field of Vibrational Medicine.


Happy Holidays from all of us at Evolving Magazine EVOLVING‌IN KANSAS CITY


December 2017

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

Relieve Your Tension with MuXing Therapy

I believe traditions, like life, are cyclical. With the passage of time and the transition of generations, traditions change. And sometimes they’re abandoned, forgetting the warmth, comfort, and familiarity that comes from established tradition. When I was a child, traditions were relished rituals in which I participated. I remember ‘hunting’ on Christmas day with my dad, uncle, and cousins. I was the only girl—and was very proud—even if the only things we shot at were pop cans. It was the hiking through the woods, camaraderie, and feeling of being a tribe that meant so much to me. When I was older there was sledding at the park and Volksmarches with Grandpa. Sister Mary, then in the military, created custom cadences for us to chant. Then when I established my own family I started new traditions as well as incorporated cherished ones from mine and the childrens’ father’s past. Then the kids grew up and moved out. Somewhere along the way, I forgot to start new traditions. New ones that invite elders, grown children as well as grandchildren into the circle of love. Now I have the opportunity to remember favorite rituals of youth as well as create new ones, based on current needs and values. May you and your loved ones experience a renewed zest for this special time of year. I wish you the most blessed of holidays.


Focus on the Foundation for Whole Healing 11

Winter Solstice

With much love and gratitude for you, our dear reader,


Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: *Like us on Facebook: *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

4 Truths To Get Healthy For Life Meet Me at the Casbah



Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistants Sara Zimmerman Judy Kirkpatrick Polly Swafford

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton Monthly Columnists Gloria Gale, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Angela Watson Robertson, Suzette Scholtes

Journey to Wholeness Wisdom Within Holistic Health Revelations Eating Well in Kansas City Wanderlust Horoscope Events ON THE COVER

Silver Streak it is 30” x 40”. Oil enamel on canvas. It is in the action painting style made popular by Jackson Pollock. Artist, Daniel Baxley, was a Shamanic Healer and Teacher for 20 years. After retiring his practice he moved his creative energy into art through the mediums of painting, mosaics, and writing. Contact Daniel at

Print & Web Layout/Design Alea Smith EVOLVING© 2017 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


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December 2017

Do you suffer from Low Energy, Brain Fog, Weight-loss Resistance?

Journey to Wholeness

Move the Body-Open the Mind BY JUDE LACLAIRE, PH.D.

You could be toxic! Detox the cell to get well!


s winter and the longest night approaches, our hibernating self may be pressing for attention. We may find ourselves doing less exercise or none at all. Bad decision! More and more convincing research tells us that brain health and plasticity, particularly from midlife onward, is influenced positively by exercise. We have paid attention for a long time to the positive effect of exercise on our physical health. We now have a substantial amount of research informing us of the positive effects on our emotional and cognitive health. According to a study done by the University of Georgia, even briefly exercising for twenty minutes facilitates information processing and memory functions. A recent study at UCLA demonstrated that exercise increased growth factors and made it easier for the brain to grow new neuronal connections. A 2013 National Institutes of Health study found that exercise helps us be quicker in our decision making process by raising the amount of white matter in the brain. A study done with a group of older adult also found that sedentary adults who practiced an aerobic fitness program for just six months experienced brain growth. It is good to know positive changes can take place at any age! Exercise helps alleviate depression symptoms. Exercise also helps us avoid depression by producing a protective stress protein that eradicates a harmful stress substance. A 2014 research study published in Frontiers in Psychology found that people who exercised thirty minutes a day had a greater ability to be more positive and have a better outlook in the face of stress. The NIH study also found that participants monitored over a twomonth period while participating in a regular exercise program exhibited positive calming and centering behavior in controlling emotions and stress. Have you ever noticed that after a brisk walk or workout you feel a boost of energy? Your experience has also been affirmed by research showing that we often get a second wind affect improving energy levels and reduced fatigue. All these studies tell us how powerful even a short amount of exercise can make in our mental and emotional health. So, if you were not convinced

Restore Health Naturally Dr. Lynda Gammal True Cellular Detox & Healing Specialist 785-566-8334 Special offer: Health Strategy Session + Toxicity Tests, $97.00

Come learn Holy Fire Reiki! Karen Harrison, Ed.S.

ICRT Licensed Reiki Classes & Sessions Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna Young Living Essential Oils Sex Therapy 816-523-4440 Kansas City, MO 64114



December 2017

before, I hope you will reconsider the positive effects of exercise for you. So, I ask you, as well as myself, what will we do about it? I have always found exercising regularly to be a daunting challenge. I know I am not alone in this dilemma. Let’s think about some ways to establish that healthy exercise habit. It is helpful to pick types of exercises you may like or enjoy. Do you like walking, running, swimming, aerobic exercise, or some other kind of workout? The chances of doing exercise will be greatly helped if you enjoy some aspect of it. I like walking outdoors as nature has a very calming effect on me and I like experiencing the seasons. Think about what you like. Now consider whether you would like to do it alone or with another person or a group. Some years ago when I was going through big changes I was able to meet a friend each morning for an hour walk. I think this daily ritual was a big part of my ability to get through a crisis in better shape. You may choose to go solo or with others or vary it by day or type of exercise. Another consideration is what time of day works best for you. The exercise experts tell us that exercise done early in the day has more positive effects. But anytime is better than not at all. Everyone’s physiology is a bit different as well. So, pick a time! Having a routine helps a lot. Make a doable goal on frequency and duration. Exercise once a day, 3-4 times a week, 20 or 30 minutes. Start small and add to it, as you are able. The reward is immediate and can also last for a healthier mental, physical and emotional future.

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information on Jude LaClaire or the Heartland Holistic Center go to

Wisdom Within

FOCUS ON: Gentle and Restorative Exercise

Creating Peace for the Holidays BY SUZETTE SCHOLTES

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n Christmas Morning I would play background music for many masses at Queen of the Holy Rosary Church, near 227th and Metcalf. It is a brick steeple church. My sisters and I visited the church this fall and its beauty and peace radiate all around. The church is over l00 years old. My skills playing the organ were not that great as I was trained more for piano. But I loved playing Christmas masses. The peace and calm would fill my heart for days. Back at the farm my large family gathered for brunch and always saved me my share. Since we celebrated Christmas eve I did not feel left out and felt happy the younger kids would be home enjoying their new games and toys. The folks would shop for one special gift for all the family to enjoy. The big hit that year was a tandem bicycle, a little challenging to guide on the gravel roads. We loved it. How do we define peace? For the most part is is freedom from worry. I have two signs one in my office and one in my car that reads “Everything is working out for me.” It is a powerful affirmation. The more you say it the more it evolves. Peace and calm offer so much to the quality of our lives.

 More freedom from stress  Ease in our daily routine  More trust in ourselves  More freedom from our negative ego, especially blame and frustration  Freedom from annoyances and regrets of the past Probably the most important pose of yoga to foster peace is Savasana or conscious relaxation. I hear often how yoga teachers make it too short or how some leave the class and skip this most important ritual. Finding peace becomes easier when we feel gratitude for the many gifts of our days. Join me in making this a wonderful and peaceful and easy holiday season.

This Holiday Season…

Give the Gift of Potential The Thought Jots™ 2018 Annual Planner isn’t just a scheduler – it is a goal-realization system designed for people who are serious about turning their attitudes and actions into achievements.     

Suzette Scholtes’ nonfiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. 913-492-9594.


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December 2017

Ilene Kimsey, PhD “Your Presence is Your Essence”


Wholistic Life Coaching Intuitive Counseling Ho’opono Pono Sessions Hawaiian Wisdom 913.353.6867

Holistic Health

Tips for Creating Healthy, Active Holiday Events BY NANCY RUSSELL, M.D. Counseling & Wellness

When You Don't Know What to Do, Where to Go or Who to Call… Call Cat Spiritual Guidance Available In Person with Internationally Known Author, Healer, Teacher, Coach and Counselor Cat RunningElk, Author of the highly acclaimed "The Healer's Charm" and "Mystic Mommy" 863-529-1866

Consider Chinese Cupping or Ear Acupuncture Introductory Offer 15 minute treatment for just $20 Includes cupping or ear acupuncture only

King Chiropractic & Acupuncture 6447 N. Cosby Ave KCMO 64151 ` 816-221-4418 Find us on Facebook.



ating healthy and being physically active can be a fun part of parties and events. Great gatherings are easy to do when tasty, healthy foods are offered in a fun, active environment. Above all, focus on enjoying family and friends. Make healthy habits part of your celebration. Food and beverages are a part of the event, but they do not have to be the center of the occasion. Focus on activities to get people moving and enjoy being together. Make foods look festive. Decorate foods with nuts or seeds or use new shapes for vegetables. Add a few eyecatching fruits to a favorite dish, serve up a new recipe, or add a sprinkle Image licensed by Ingram Images of almonds or green onions to add just an extra something. Offer thirst quenches that please. Make fun ice cubes from 100% juice or add slices of fruit to make water more exciting. Create a float by adding a scoop of low-fat sorbet to seltzer water. Savor the flavor. Take time to pay attention to the taste of each bite of food. Make small changes to your old recipes or try dishes from another culture to liven things up. Offer healthy choices in appetizers and desserts. Offer whole-grain crackers instead of chips with a spicy bean dip and add a vegetable tray. Make fruit kabobs or layer yogurt and fruit to create a sweet parfait. Make moving part of every event. Being physically active make everyone feel good. Dancing, moving, playing active games, wiggling and giggling add fun to any gathering. Try out some healthier recipes. Find ways to cut back on sugar and bad fats as


December 2017

you prepare your favorite recipes. For example when making a cake or other baked goods, you could use stevia or xylitol instead of sugar or for part of the sugar. Serve an avocado dip instead of a sour cream dip. Keep it simple. Enlist others participation by contributing a prepared dish, helping with the clean-up or keeping the children active and moving. Shop smart to eat smart. Save money by offering foods that fit your budget. Buy in-season produce when it costs less and tastes better. Plan in advance and buy foods on sale. Portion control, even on holidays, can be helpful. Plan ahead of time to eat a healthy snack and drink a full glass of water before you leave for the event to feel fuller. Make an agreement with your spouse or friend that you will watch your portions; not stand at the appetizer or dessert table but place what you are going to eat on your plate and go sit down to eat. Drink more water or promise to count to 20 before you go get seconds for more food. Be a cheerleader for healthy habits. It’s never too early for adults to set an example. Keep in mind that children follow what the adults around them do, even at parties.

Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.





WAS RAPED. Those are the hardest words I’ve ever had to say. It’s only three words but the enormity of their weight kept me at the bottom of an abyss like an anchor at the bottom of the sea. They were difficult when I said them to the emergency room clerk right after it happened. Over thirty years later they weren’t any easier. But I had to speak those words out loud, to form my mouth around each word. Because saying them meant I had to accept the truth of those words. And accompanying those three syllables was crushing shame that it

happened to me. And like a pile up came the next wreck—it was my fault. I willingly went with him to the desert. Even after I didn’t trust him. Even after he had once warned me to get away from him, threatening to shred me like the cabinet he smashed his fist into if I didn’t leave him. And most damning of all—it was my body. Aren’t I in control of what I do with my body? Didn’t I give my consent since we once had sex? Since we had been in a relationship? Those questions were running through my head in the days after the attack. My stomach dropped when the prosecutor told me that was what the jury would ask.

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“He didn’t rape me because of me; he did it because of him. It didn’t matter what I did or didn’t do.” EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY

Ever since it happened, I punished myself for “asking” him to rape me. Though he released me physically, he still held me in his control, as I continued to do his work of destroying myself for him. My tongue was tied by my shame that I was raped, and that it affected me—that I didn’t let it roll right off me and get on with my life. After all—it was over. Right?

moved in with him. After I began a relationship with him. After I said, “Hello.” After I saw him wearing a hometown radio station tee-shirt. After he set me up. After he had targeted me. When I looked at each step, I saw that I did consent to say, “Hi, are you from . . ." I did consent to begin a relationship. I did consent to move in. I did consent to stay in the relationship after he had But after thirty-three years it was not threatened me. I even consented to go to “over”. I was a woman drowning in a sea the desert with him after I left him. For all of incriminations: “How could I have let of those “consents,” it was my fault that this happen? How could I let him do this he raped me—right? to me? How come I let it bother me? Why For thirty years I circled through those aren’t I over it? What is wrong with me?” questions trying to get back to that precise I denied it had any impact. I was point so I could unmake it. But it was tough, “I didn’t need anyone; nobody when I pictured myself sitting across from could hurt me.” If I took the blame, then I him in prison, and I saw him as a could protect that belief of myself. It pathetic, broken human being that I allowed me to live under the myth that it realized it wasn’t about me. He didn’t did not have any bearing on my life, nor rape me because of me; he did it because that it forever changed me. It covered up of him. It didn’t matter what I did or the truth that I had lost control of me, didn’t do. I was doomed from the moment that someone else had taken control of my he targeted me. I wasn’t the cause of his body and my life. rage, his hatred, his violence, his attack In the years that followed, I slowly on me. It was not my fault. I did nothing unraveled what happened, walking the wrong. It was then I said, “No, I am not steps backward from those terrible hours taking the blame for your raping me.” in the middle of nowhere and no hope of Today, I say those three words, “I coming out alive on back to the beginning. WAS RAPED,”, without shame. I had agreed to go with him to the I AM NOT TO BLAME. desert. After I broke up with him. After he had threatened to shred me. After I had Julia Laughlin is the author of, The River and the Sea A Story of Forgiveness, about her path to healing from being brutally raped, beaten, and tortured by an ex-boyfriend who was a serial killer. She is a speaker, advocate and lawyer, and works to help those affected by sexual violence heal. To learn more about her, or to purchase a copy of her book, visit the publisher’s website: also available at local bookstores in Lawrence and Salina. She may be reached for speaking engagements or information at:


December 2017

4 Truths To Get Healthy For Life


t may seem that everyone knows the right way for you to get healthy these days. Your doctor, your friends, and every website that you read. You hear the typical “you should get more exercise,” “you should eat healthier,” and “you should take supplements.” Yet, what exactly does that mean for your unique body? I teach my clients a path that involves taking into account all of the advice and information that you can from external sources and then utilizing your own intuition and experience of your body to make the right decision for you. Because the truth is that there is no one “right” way of eating, exercising or living that is perfect for everyone. So, if you’re ready to reinvent your health and your body, here are 4 truths you must know to get healthy on your own terms:

You are a bio-individual. Bio-individuality refers to the concept that individuality permeates each part of your body. No one way of eating is best for everyone. There are a few of the key factors that shape your bio-individuality:  ancestry  blood type  metabolism  personal tastes and preferences Each of these factors influence what will or will not nourish you at any given stage of your life and it is up to you to use your body as an experiment (gently, please) to determine what works for you. So, when experts say “red meat is unhealthy” or “milk is good for you,” it’s too much of a generalization.


You Are MORE Than What You Eat You’ve probably heard the saying “You are what you eat.” Yet, the truth is that you are MORE than what you eat- You are what you are able to digest and absorb. Digestion and gut health is a hot topic right now. Health food stores carry hundreds of products to support digestion and the topic has been written about a lot in recent years. As you are a bio-individual, your specific gut health will affect what you are able to digest properly and thus, what you will be able to absorb into your body. As a Certified Health Coach and Life Reinvention Expert, I help clients determine what foods support their body and, if needed, what supplements, such as probiotics or digestive enzymes, will support their system. Personally, I have benefitted a great deal from taking both digestive enzymes and probiotics daily.

Fad Diets Don’t Work. Let’s just be honest, fad diets don’t work in the long run. Again it’s about bio-individuality. You may have a friend who thrives on consuming dairy and red meat, while you feel unwell after consuming even the smallest amount of cheese and feel heavy and bloated when you consume red meat. Have you ever wondered why? We are too individualistic to eat the same exact food. For most of us, I suggest throwing prescribed diets out the door. Be it vegan, vegetarian, raw, dairy-free, glutenfree, carnivore, Paleo, pescatarian- the list goes on and on.

friend to be healthy, there are a few things you may need to do. After all, getting your body in a healthy and balanced state is a lifestyle commitment for the longrun. I’m not here to tell you this will be easy, but you can do healthy your way- on your own terms. Here are a few suggestions I recommend to anyone who is looking to live a healthier life:  Learn cooking basics and start cooking at home more often.  Drink more water. Ideally 50% of your ideal body weight in ounces.  Focus the majority of your diet to include real, whole food (not processed or refined).  Move your body as often as possible in a way that you enjoy.  Supplement your diet with high-quality, pharmaceutical-grade products. Once you shift your mindset about what it means for you to be healthy and start focusing on your own individuality when making lifestyle choices, you’ll be on your way to a healthier and more peaceful life.

Angela Watson Robertson, MBA, CIHC, INHC, is known as The Reinvention Warrior, host of Masters of Reinvention, and creator of the life-changing program, Fatigue Warrior. Not only has Angela completely reinvented her own life, she has created simple, effective tools to help others transform every area of their lives-from health, career, and money to relationships, spirituality, and sex. Find her free wellness tips, course and programs at Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter.

Getting healthy is a lifestyle commitment for the long-run. Though you don’t necessarily have to follow the latest fad diets or workout hours each day like your gym-rat

Meet Me at the Casbah


An oasis of Mediterranean delights awaits the pleasure of your company with no airfare necessary


’m committed to few restaurants in Johnson County but The Basha is one I heartily recommend. While not new to the scene, owner, Nader Shehata launched this Mediterranean mecca some years back. “I was really missing flavors and the atmosphere from my country, Egypt, so I decided it’s now or never,” said Shehata. So one day Shehata gave me a spin on the succulent treats gleaned from family recipes in the middle-eastern crescent. “Sit back, relax, “he said – tempting me with a lovely deep, current-colored drink served in a fancy glass. “It’s hibiscus juice,” Shehata said smiling as I asked what Basha means. “It's a term for someone with an aristocratic nature.” “I'm a Democrat, yes, but an aristocrat...hardly.” That being said, I felt like one when the pita, hummus and baba ganouj accompanied by a plateful of warm falafel appeared. If you haven't already noticed the Standard American Diet (SAD) is often devoid of much color. All that changes when you partake from The Basha’s culinary rainbow.

A lush green salad, filled with mint, sumac, cucumbers, crisp lettuce and tomatoes, was lightly brushed with a tangy olive oil dressing. Good starters so far. The entrée was so satisfying – a plate of shish kabobs consisting of chicken shawerma all atop heaps of mellow -yellow rice. It took a while to consume the banquet but I have to say, it was worth savoring. The meal concluded with my favorite, honeyed Baklava and Kunafa, a cheese pastry. Vowing to return “So, this is a great find,” coercing a meat-andpotatoes Tastebud to accompany me the following week. We started with kibbah, a sort of meat and grain little tidbit, then graduated to bountiful entrees. A succulent tilapia sautéed in olive oil perched on a bed of rice for me and Shish Tawook or grilled chicken skewers seasoned with an array of herbs for the Bud. I thought I'd also try the gyro plated with creamy Tahini and garlic sauce accompanied with the hummus and a green salad.



“Coffee?” Shehata asked, then obliged with a bold cup of Turkish – so rich and aromatic I was immediately transported. “You know,” he leaned in, “In my country, at the end of the meal, a designated seer will actually read your fortune found in the coffee stain at the bottom of your cup.” “Send her over,” I implored. It’s always good for me to know what's ahead.” I'm interpreting that I'll be back to the Basha. The Basha Mediterranean Cuisine 7016 w. 105th St Overland Park, KS 66212

December 2017

Kansas City writer, producer, and photo stylist Gloria Gale is a sleuth when it comes to discovering interesting features for the media. Most recently, Gloria profiled area restaurants as a columnist for 435 Magazine and was on KCUR's Food Critics radio program. Want to know where to find the best tastes in town?


Journey by Train to See West Virginia Up Close and Personal BY JILL DUTTON


look at the houses as the train rolls past and imagine what the lives are like for the people who live there. I wonder if they're happy…think about what their day might have been like or what they're having for dinner," the young Amish woman sitting next to me on the train said. We were riding Amtrak's Cardinal train from Huntington, West Virginia, to Charleston. Riding the train is like that. It gives you a glimpse into the lives of fellow travelers, plus a window-view into the backyards of America where we can only ponder what life might be like. I've often caught myself having similar thoughts as this young woman taking the train to visit her mother near New York. But there's one other intimacy with train travel. Not only do you get close to (literally) your fellow travelers and take a voyeuristic journey through the landscape, but you detrain right in the heart of the area you visit, allowing you to immerse yourself in a community at its hub. West Virginia offers up a bounty of such intimacy. There's the sweet beauty of the Appalachian Mountains, a quiet resilience to its people, and a chance to visit the past while watching its residents move surely to the future.

White Sulfur Springs). As the sun rose gently the following morning, I prepared to depart Huntington for Charleston.


“Well you have a long ride this morning,” the conductor smiled and said when he scanned my ticket. Just over an hour, it’s a brief but enjoyable ride from Huntington to Charleston. I arrived at the Charleston station that overlooks the Ohio River with cityscape views of the downtown area. It was also a quick Uber ride across the bridge to downtown Charleston and a beautiful room at Four Points by Sheraton. From there I explored parts of downtown Charleston including Taylor Books, an institution in the area that houses a unique bookstore, coffee shop, art gallery, and an underground cinema. I could have stayed all day but there was more to see and do. The next day I toured the J.Q. Dickerson Salt Works, where a seventh generation salt-making family harvests all -natural salt by hand, from an ancient ocean trapped below the Appalachian Mountains of the Kanawha Valley. In the afternoon, I took a tour of the Capitol building Huntington and the West Virginia State Museum. The next morning I departed for White Sulphur Amtrak’s Cardinal train runs three times a week from Springs, the location of the famous Greenbrier Resort. The Images from top: Huntington Riverfront Park, WWII Monument in CharlesChicago’s Union Station to New York’s Penn Station. The train ride from Charleston to White Sulfur Springs is specton, River Walk in Charleston, the view of the Capitol from above, New route through West Virginia is idyllic for the devoted train tacular. Similar to the train ride through Colorado, a good Royal Gorge Bridge from the train, a covered bridge in Lewisburg. traveler because the stops are during daylight hours. Stapart of the time we followed the river with views of the serve up high quality food and great service in a casual tions that arrive or depart in the middle of the night can be mountains. atmosphere. The Caper Berry Trout Salad with smoked hard—loss of sleep, inconvenient hours, deserted train local trout, roasted tomatoes, giant caper berries on a bed stations--but you won’t find those obstacles at the stops in White Sulfur Springs/Lewisburg of organic greens with pomegranate vinaigrette did not West Virginia. disappoint. After lunch, we walked for a bit, exploring the I departed Chicago’s Union Station at 5:45 p.m. and The train was late but I arrived in White Sulfur Springs shops in downtown Lewisburg. Although a small city at woke to an early-morning arrival in Huntington. It’s a early afternoon. Kara, my guide, picked me up at the train small station and I had a hard time at first finding a taxi or station and drove me to Lewisburg, about 10 minutes from about 4,000 residents, the downtown area is vibrant and cheery with boutique shops, live theatre, local dining, and Uber at that early hour. I was staying at the Holiday Inn & White Sulfur Springs. First stop was lunch at Food & live music. Suites Downtown, just a short distance from the station, so Friends where I had a vibrant, fresh salad and chowder. Then it was time to check into the Greenbrier Resort, a I called them to arrange a shuttle. After a lovely lunch, I checked into Maison Marcel, a National Historic Landmark and world-class resort that The hotel is centrally located, so once settled, I set off charming manor house on three-and-a-half acres. The has been welcoming guests from around the world since on foot to explore the downtown area. Home to Marshall Owners, Arthur Forgette and Debbie Porter (who are just 1778. The natural mineral springs drew the first guests University and the 2006 film, We Are Marshall, the team as charming as the home), also own the French Goat, over 235 years ago and still invite guests including 26 spirit is evident in stores and restaurants throughout where I would dine later that night. This gorgeous 1920's Presidents to this 11,000-acre luxury retreat. After a firstdowntown Huntington. home features two luxury guest suites and beautiful comclass dinner of linguine with shrimp and crab at The FoJust a few blocks from the hotel I found Pullman mon areas for relaxing. A petit déjeuner (small breakfast) rum (there are six restaurants on site), I spent the evening Square, a lifestyle center developed as part of the downis served daily in the sunny breakfast room. shopping and then relaxing in the healing waters at the town revitalization. Across the street, I discovered the After unpacking and freshening up from the train ride, pool. walking trails along the Ohio River at Harris Riverfront Kara and I headed to the French Goat for dinner where we As I boarded the train to depart West Virginia, I thought Park. And just a few more blocks took me to Heritage Sta- enjoyed French Onion Soup and Steak Frites, a charbroiled about the people I had met during my trip, the sweet beaution, a former Baltimore & Ohio Railroad passenger staflat iron steak with divina tomatoes, béarnaise sauce, and ty of the mountain scenery, the glimpse into West Virginia tion that is now a shopping mall with eclectic shops. truffle frites. The owners, Arthur and Debbie, whether at life I saw for a brief time, and I felt gratitude for the opporA short Uber ride took me to explore The Wild Ramp, a their restaurant or their bed and breakfast, create an attunity to experience what life is like in, according to John nonprofit market made up of producers throughout the mosphere of luxury, home, and comfort that is natural and Denver, “almost heaven.” area. I discussed the namesake, the wild ramp, with the inviting. manager. Our conversation led me on a search for this The next morning, Kara picked me up to explore the two illusive wild delicacy that is foraged for in the spring. Like local farmers’ markets. Two markets within blocks of each Jill Dutton is publisher of Evolving Magazine, author of the newly released travel guide, the morel, perhaps the short growing season and the illuother offered up local produce, baked goods, homemade The Best of Kansas City: 3-Day Itinerary, and siveness of the plant, create an even greater love for this items and more. I stocked up on several kinds of cheeses, a travel writer. Read the complete article with fragrant wild leek that tastes like a cross between garlic fresh bagels, and apples (three varieties) for the train ride photos from her trip at and onion. Considered the holy grail of wild edibles, I the next day. knew I had to get a taste (which I eventually found in For lunch, we stopped at the Stardust Café where they



December 2017


Relieve Your Tension with MuXing Therapy BY LISA WATERMAN GRAY


y yoga instructor, Sharon Friedman, greeted me at her front door and directed me to an upstairs treatment room where pale neutral colors, filtered sunlight and inspirational quotes created a soothing space. Also a massage therapist, Sharon had recently learned a new modality called Mu-Xing Therapy during a 20-hour class. But she wanted to ‘practice’ for an additional 10 hours, on volunteers from our yoga class, before offering the modality to paying clients. Sharon says this form of massage uses warmed bamboo and rosewood to promote relaxation. Displayed beneath the window, her ‘tools’ included small, round rosewood pieces that resembled hot stones used for massage as well as short bamboo rollers, and bamboo rods from six to about 18 inches in length. According to the web site,, “Mu-Xing Therapy tools are specially crafted to deliver a full body, deep tissue massage effortlessly. Mu-Xing tools act as an extension of your hands reducing overall wear and tear on the thumbs, hands and wrists. The warmth of the tools helps to melt muscular tension and allows the therapist to work deeper with less effort…” I undressed and slid beneath soft sheets on Sharon’s massage table, as tranquil piano music played. She massaged my head gently yet firmly, with her hands, as well as my neck and upper shoulders. Then she rubbed Biotone

Massage Butter across the same area, before pulling one of my arms from beneath the sheet and gently resting it on the table. Sharon rubbed the butter across my entire arm, and warm pressure from a smooth, rounded rosewood ‘button’ followed. “I do this first, to warm up the muscles,” she says. Several minutes later, Sharon began to roll a warm bamboo rod across the arm. As she added a second rod, they occasionally clicked together, sounding almost like knitting needles. Mostly soothing, the rods occasionally struck a sore spot. When I mentioned this, Sharon called them “trigger points” – a term I recognized from many previous massages. As she continued, it Image licensed by Ingram Images was obvious the bamboo’s warmth had also transferred to her the rosewood buttons and bamboo rods hands. added a new dimension. By the time With my eyes closed, at certain points Sharon lightly and rhythmically patted it became difficult to sense whether my back, signaling the end of our session, Sharon was massaging me with a I had almost melted into the bed. rosewood button, single or dual bamboo “Take your time getting up,” Sharon rods, or her hands, because the warmth, said. “I’ll meet you downstairs.” I glide, and smooth pressure felt so fluid. remained on the table for several more Sharon slid my massaged arm beneath minutes, slowly rolled to my side and the sheet and then she repeated the then retrieved my clothes from the process on my second arm. The source of adjacent pastel-hued bathroom. At the warmth and smooth pressure remained bottom of the stairs, Sharon met me with blurred yet mostly relaxing. a glass of water before we thanked each Next, Sharon began to massage my other and I departed beneath bright fall left leg. After she smoothed on more sunshine. therapeutic butter and briefly applied a At the time of publication Sharon warmed rosewood button, she worked my knew of only two additional therapists in muscles with bamboo rods. I breathed the Kansas City area, (from Gardner, deeply as rods found trigger points in my Kansas), who have completed Mu-Xing calf and shin, but any discomfort training. diminished quickly. Sharon moved her hands, a rosewood button and rods to my A professional writer for left torso, infusing the area with warmth more than 25 years, Lisa and more gentle but firm pressure. She Waterman Gray has then continued in the same manner, on crafted destination and my right leg and torso. Once again, I culinary stories, plus health breathed deeply as the rods hit various and wellness articles, for trigger points. USA, I then turned over and settled my face in the headrest, so Sharon could work on and many other clients. She the back of my body. I especially liked the enjoyed and wrote about four Missouri spas for warm pressure across my shoulders. AAA Midwest Traveler and also practices Reiki. Although the warmth of this massage Contact Lisa at or felt similar to that of hot stone massage,

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December 2017


Focus on the Foundation for Whole Healing


hen thinking about our life we often separate things into categories. We have romance, work, family, friendships, and maybe if we get to it, ourselves. Even with ourselves we separate our physical health, our mental health, and our spiritual health. So often these separations leave us feeling disconnected, like we are playing roles in our lives or putting on masks. Everything we do though, crosses over and effects each other. And there are three things that infuse it all, our breath, our thoughts and our Life Force. Like one giant house our lives have separate rooms and access points, but it is all built on the same foundation, that foundation is the basis of the body, mind, and spirit connection. So when building anything, or fixing anything, it is necessary to start with the foundation.


The Mental - Our Thoughts

Our minds are always on the run. Often we have no idea what our thoughts are. Our focus is split between the past and the future; the To-Do list, future projects or plans, past conversations or arguments, things we should have done or should do. Rarely is the mind still or focused on the present. But it is our thoughts that often navigate our life. There is an old saying that says, “Where the mind goes, energy flows, reality grows.” Too often our thoughts can be full of worry, doubt, and fear, directing us in ways that are not helpful, creating in our lives emotions and experiences we truly do not want. Gratitude and Affirmations are perfect mental exercises, helping us to refocus on both the present, and what we want to experience in the present. A simple daily exercise for gratitude is to choose three things you are grateful for in your life. Really visualize them, The Physical - Our Breath experience them, and honor them. Maybe Breath work is a powerful tool to aid it is a loved one, or a positive promotion, the body in all ways. Most people only use or a delicious lunch you just had. Close a portion of their lung capacity, taking your eyes, picture it in your mind, use shallow breaths. Breathing shallow can your senses to re-imagine it, and give cause anxiety, worry, fear and stress. thanks. This practice should take 5-10 Calming the breath, bringing your minutes. Once completed you will feel attention to the present moment and refreshed, full of joy and gratitude, more redirecting focus can aid the emotions to clear-minded, and re-engaged. Another calm, quiet the mind chatter, and relax exercise for the mind are Affirmations or the body. A great exercise to try is to sit positive statements of something that you comfortably on a chair or on the floor. wish to create in your life or within your Place your hand on your knee or thigh, Self. An easy affirmation is, “I am full of palm facing down in a relaxed position. As Joy and Light easily attracting more Joy you breathe in lift your hand in sync with and Light into my life”. You will then want your breath. As you exhale lower your to repeat this affirmation at least 10 times hand in sync with your breath. As you out loud. This way you are focused on this match the rise and fall of your hand with thought above all others, and easily able your breath, consciously slow the to direct your mind to this thought as you movement of your hand slowing the go through the day. You will often begin inhale and exhale. As you do this you will to attract experiences that mirror your be able to deepen the breath, while thinking. consciously slowing the breath down. Continue this exercise for a full 2-5 The Spiritual - Our Life Force minutes and feel how you are calmer and Life Force, also referred to as Qi, Ki, or more at ease. Use this daily at work, when Spirit, is the energy that animates our you are highly stressed, or when you just body. We can feed a body, water a body, need to unwind. and move a body, but without Life Force


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we would just be an inanimate object. The Life force that runs through our body helps balance, heal and vitalize us. It also connect us the Divine or the higher Self. Life force can also be directed through breath, visualization, and tensing and relaxing of the body. This can help awaken the body and keep the energy moving throughout the body with ease. The easiest Life Force exercise begins by sitting or lying down. As you breathe in, tense the right side of the body from the head to toes, while at the same time imaging a white light coming into the head and moving to the tensed sided of the body. Then as you exhale, release the tension and relax the body. On the next inhale, tense the left side of the body while imaging the same white light coming in through the head and being directed to the left side of the body. On the exhale, relax the body completely. Repeat 3-5 times, tensing only to the point of vibration, not straining, and then relaxing completely. If you are siting, when you relax your body allow your head and neck to drop forward to fully release the tension from the neck. This exercise


December 2017

can be helpful to relax mental emotional stress and re-energize the body when tired or physically overworked. Once you have strengthened the foundation of your Self, life begins to transform. So often we look for a quick fix, but when it comes to true permanent health and lasting happiness, it is a daily practice. Those daily practices create a resilience within that cannot be taken away and cannot be easily shaken. They help us to respond to our life rather than react, create the life of our dreams, and truly help us to be whole.

Codie Lea is a a teacher and student at The School of Metaphysics. She is very passionate and dedicated to aiding others and the world toward wholeness. One of her great joys is seeing others light up and grow. She can be reached at

Book Excerpt

Winter Solstice


Taken from The Magical Year, published in paperback by Watkins


s the nights grow longer and all of nature seems to sleep, the rebirth of the sun draws near. The Winter Solstice, in the northern hemisphere at least, is a time of crackling fires, faery lights in the trees and deep, silent rest. A season for feasting, gathering and celebrating with family and friends as a way of bringing the light back into our lives at this darkest time of the year. Eating delicious seasonal local produce, sharing our abundance with others, and following traditions, binds us closer to our environment and community and brings the sacred as well as the sensual into our everyday lives in a meaningful way.

still living. If it is a cut tree, placing it in a stand with a water reservoir or in a bucket of wet sand will preserve its life force for longer. As you decorate the tree, place each object on it with a blessing. Giving thanks for the tree’s sacrifice, talk to it as an honoured guest and a symbol of the Holly King or Green Man. When the season has passed, cut a piece of the trunk and wrap it up to burn as next year’s Yule log, forging a link between the spirits of the wild and the celebrations of one year and the next.

northern hemisphere, but it used to be practised at Yule, Imbolc and other seasonal feast times, too. In your modern Winter Solstice celebration, you might want to revive this tradition as a way of gathering with friends, family and community to appreciate the gifts of nature. Make your offering to the spirit of the orchard – Holly wreath sometimes known as the A holly wreath is a powerful, Apple Man or Avalloch – Image licensed by Ingram Images traditional charm that can protect your by pouring a cup of home from winter storms and bad luck as warmed cider and placing a piece of toast fire is the perfect place to burn a Traditions well as being a festive decoration. at the roots of an apple tree or any other traditional Yule log. Tending the green spirit Wreaths can be made either by using a fruit-bearing tree. Take your time and do Write down your wishes for the The ancient tradition of bringing an traditional florist’s hoop stuffed with this reverentially, being truly present as following year on small pieces of paper, evergreen tree into the house at the moss, or a sponge oasis, or they can be you thank the trees for their gifts of fruit along with a list of the things you are Winter Solstice transcends national bound alone in a hoop. The plants you use over the summer and ask that they grateful for, and tie them to the log with customs. It harks back to our pagan past, can add extra magic and spiritual continue in their generosity in the coming red ribbon. When your solstice fire is when evergreen boughs were considered significance. Heather looks good and, like year. Say these words: going well, add the log to the flames so to be embodiments of the spirit of life and ivy, is sacred to several Celtic goddesses, ‘I thank you, Spirit of the Apple Tree, that the flames transform your wishes and were brought inside to ensure its survival and holly is, of course, sacred to the Holly for all your gifts, this year and the next! ascend to the spirit realms upon the through the winter months. King himself. Blessed be!’ smoke. Keep a small piece of the log to If you bring an evergreen into your When you have made the wreath, hold use as kindling for next year’s Winter Spiced cider home to encourage cheer and fertility over it up toward the sun and ask that it be Solstice fire to maintain a cycle of magical the season, consider choosing one that is blessed and charged with protection for This recipe is really easy to make and intent from year to year, as well as to align the home and all those within it. perfect for wassailing. For a non-alcoholic your sacred actions to the ever-turning This is old magic. Use your own drink, replace the cider with apple juice. cycle of the sun itself. words, as they come from your You will need In celebrating the Winter Solstice we heart and express your true 3 apples, grated nourish our spiritual lives and create new intentions; or you can try this 6 cups cider or apple juice ways of encountering the world around simple prayer: 1/2 cup brown sugar us, as well as enhancing the sense of ‘Lord of the winter sun, empower ½ tsp whole nutmeg, grated renewal that this season offers in this, your charm, and grant this ¼ tsp ground cloves preparation for the first green shoots of home and all those within it your 3 tsp dried cinnamon stick, grated the coming new year. Blessed be! protection and blessing over this 2 tsp fresh ginger root, grated sacred time. So may it be!’ Place the apples in a large pan and Hang the wreath on the front door, cover with the cider, then cook for about 5 Danu Forest has been a practicing druid witch or use it as a decoration around a minutes or until the fruit is soft. and Celtic shaman for solstice candle in a place of Add the sugar and spices and gently honour, such as in the centrepiece simmer for 20 minutes to 1 hour, over twenty years, has for a table or over the fireplace. depending on your taste. been teaching Celtic Other pieces of holly can also be Pour into a large cup or bowl to be shamanism and blessed and charged in the same shared around, while offering the blessing witchcraft for over a way and placed over doors and ‘waes hael’ (‘good health’). decade, and runs a shamanic windows.


Yule log magic

The Yule log is a wonderful ancient The practice of blessing each other tradition found all across Europe and can and the spirits of the orchards with truly help us to keep in mind the cyclical homemade spiced cider or ale, nature of the seasons and maintain our together with songs and hopes and spirits from one year to the merriment, goes back to Anglonext. The log is a special piece of wood – a Saxon times. Wassailing, as it is root or part of the evergreen tree brought known, now usually takes place on in during the Yule holidays that you burn Twelfth Night (6 January) in the with a special prayer or wish. A solstice Image licensed by Ingram Images



December 2017

consultation and healing practice. She is the author of Nature Spirits: wyrd lore and wild fey magic (Wooden Books), The Druid Shaman (Moon Books) and Celtic Tree Magic (Llewellyn), creates and teaches email correspondence courses, writes a "Danu's Cauldron" blog for For more information, see

Spiritual Horoscope

December 2017 Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Happy birthday Sagittarius! Mercury retrograde in your sign, which is a great time for meditation, introspection and self-discovery. You can see hidden ways you self-sabotage so you don’t accomplish goals. You can release old resentments and disappointments that bog you down. You can open prosperity blocks! You’ll tap into a deep source of self-love. Now you can fearlessly dream big and be able to manifest your greatest possibilities! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Wow! Saturn, your ruling planet, moves into your sign for 2 1/2 years! It has a 30 year orbit, so it’s a significant time for you. Ponder your values and write then down. Focus on your integrity. Meditate on the courage to act from your values, staying centered in your personal power. Confront and release fears. Break the habit of worry and negativity. You’ll accomplish goals, have success in career, feel self-love and have fulfilling relationships — but it all starts from knowing your center and sticking by your own truth!

Mercury retrograde helps quiet your mind so you’re centered under stress. Meditate daily, and also take deep breaths during the day as a “mini connection” with your wisdom. Saturn moving into Capricorn brings 2 1/2 years where your inner poise and external expertise create lots of work success! In relationships, you’ll feel balanced and less reactive, but still vibrant and passionate. If you feel edgy, ponder releasing your identity around fighting and struggling. Being in the flow doesn't make you wimpy, it makes life easier and more fun. Observe family patterns when you’re around them. Don’t judge, but see how you’ve shaped yourself around those “issues”.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) This is a great career month and you can get a new job or promotion. You can also feel renewed inspiration about your purpose in the world (your “spiritual career”!) Mercury retrograde helps you realign with goals, connect with friends and even jumpstart your ability to have fun! Saturn moves into Capricorn, so you can gain more commitment with meditation, and also find determination to resolve unconscious emotional patterns. You’ll feel centered and confident!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Since Mercury is retrograde this month, it’s not the best time to make decisions, especially about job issues. It is a good time to get clear about what you want and what’s most important to you. (Being a Pisces it’s too easy to get caught up in other people’s ideas.) Being excited and optimistic when you imagine a future scenario is a good way to “try out” the potential choice. That way you’ll find an inner focus so the path to be on is clear, whether your concerns are about work or other matters.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

contemplation (not judgement). You can also overcome compulsive issues around sex, spending and eating.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Saturn moving into Capricorn brings authenticity to relationships. If you feel distant from a long-term partner, meditate on what values brought you together and see if you can reconnect from that level. Let go of little issues that distract you from love. If single, you’ll find new strength in yourself that helps you feel positive about finding a soulmate. Also, taking care of your health, especially with eating or stress reduction, gives more energy to bond with others and to feel happy!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Mercury retrograde can bring up old hurts around intimacy. Instead of arguing with your partner, or stewing over the past in your mind, meditate and allow the pain and disappointment to flow up and out, without attaching to it. This is like an emotional detox — flush it out and let it go. This opens the door for more trust, bonding and even more prosperity! As Saturn moves into Capricorn, dedicate yourself to a spiritual practice. Consistency brings amazing results!

Saturn moving into Capricorn for 2 1/2 years asks you to be aware of emotions impacting your health. Observe your automatic reactions to stress. Later, while in meditation, replay the scenario and ask yourself, “How else is it possible to respond?” Relive it in your mind being “the new you”. You’ll see quick improvements with physical issues, as well as in relationships with co-workers, romantic partners and your children. You’ll also re-connect with your ability to have fun and thoroughly enjoy life!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Like your Taurus friends, you’re challenged to deepen your capacity for intimacy. Mercury retrograde can create misunderstandings that pit you against people. Meditate on how quickly you assume the worst and say things you later regret. Why do you get so defensive? Can you pause and ponder why you’re triggered? Meditating on being safe in the world opens doors to greater love. Your walls melt when exposed to the gentleness of your own


Meditate on being kind to yourself. Throughout the day, observe your inner dialog. If you’re like most Virgos, you are a “mean girl” to yourself and tormented with endless critical thoughts! This habit isolates you and makes you feel unworthy of love. Create a habit of gentleness and compassion when you realize you’re hurting yourself. Don’t buy into the belief that you’re helping yourself grow by relentlessly critiquing everything you do, say, feel and think. Just be present and enjoy life. You’ll feel


December 2017

“more perfect” than if you “improve yourself.”

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) December is a great money month! You’ll feel confident and prosperous. Mercury retrograde helps you find peace within holiday chaos. You’re able to quiet your mind more easily than normal. When you’re around family, you can clearly see dysfunctional dynamics in yourself and others without judging or feeling thrown off. You’ll feel compassionate, but at the same time be in touch with intuitive solutions, so you’re not just putting up with patterns.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Energetic, sexy, confident Mars moves into your sign for a two month stay, so enjoy! You can get clear about changes you want to make in terms of relationships, career, or selfimprovement. With Saturn’s move into Capricorn for 2 1/2 years, you’ll stay focused well into the future. Mercury is retrograde this month, and this opens a door for more prosperity. Meditate on removing blocks to abundance, and let it all roll in!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit





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December 2017

REV. STEPHANIE RED FEATHER, MS SHAMANIC INTUITIVE HEALER, COACH & FACILITATOR Feminine mysteries, energy therapies, Priestess Process, initiations, shadow work, speaking 913515-3271,

WELLNESS RIORDAN CLINIC The Riordan Clinic has over 40 years of experience integrating lifestyle and nutrition to help you find the underlying causes of your illness. 21620 Midland Drive Suite B Shawnee, KS 913.745.4757

YOGA THE YOGA STUDIO (a division of the Yoga School of Therapeutics) 10400 W. 103rd, #14, Overland Park. All levels, teacher’s training and new flow classes 913 492 9594

YOGA PATCH 19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore.; 816-268-4660 GLORIA'S GENTLE HATHA YOGA Over 30 years experience, emphasis in toning, stretching and learning breathing techniques to manage stress and anxiety. - 913-638-3906

DECEMBER 2-3 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – 6:30pm, $380 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440

DECEMBER 14 GROUP COACHING – ANSWER YOUR CALLINGS Cat RunningElk has been coaching individuals for over 25 years. Meets twice a month beginning January 2018. Go to answer-your-callings/ for more information. 7 – 9 p.m. $35. Preregister 863-529-1866 DECEMBER 16 SHAMANIC BREATHWORK Deep clean your energy field and connect with higher guidance through the powerful portal of this body-spirit technique. Hollis Center 10-6. $111 or 2/$200. 913-515-3271

DECEMBER 16 HOLIDAY MOON LODGE As our thoughts gather round the winter days approaching, our hearts are warmed by a beloved annual Moon Lodge tradition: DECEMBER 7 An evening of storytelling by the fireside, HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE and candlelight singing hosted by Anita Come find the perfect gift for that unique Slusher Williams, and her Mom, person on your list. Great gifts, music, and Sharon. 7:00 p.m.—10:00 p.m. Anita free gift wrapping. 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Unity Slusher-Williams' home, 8619 W 72nd Ter, Village Bookstore, 1901 NW Blue Overland Park, KS 66204 Parkway, Unity Village, MO 816-251-3578, RSVP, or 913-219-1013 DECEMBER 9 INTRODUCTION TO ENERGY HEALING This is an informational and experiential workshop for people to expand their knowledge and practical capabilities for working healing energy. Cost $125. 10 a.m. -5 p.m. 6045 Martway #104, Mission, KS 66202 DECEMBER 9 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AND CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SALE At The Healing Place 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Come celebrate and enjoy holiday sale prices on inspirational gifts and massages. Location: 1539 Maple Woods Dr. Liberty, MO 64068. 816-415-2607, DECEMBER 12 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20

DECEMBER 19 FREE EVENT - DISCOVER HOW TOXINS MAY BE THE REASON YOU DON’T FEEL WELL AND CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT Real Solutions and Real Results! Noon, Lawrence Library – 707 Vermont, Dr. Lynda Gammal - 785-566-8334 DECEMBER 20 PACHAKUTI MESA COMMUNITY LINK UP CEREMONY On the eve of Winter Solstice, we gather together in sacred community to celebrate the life of our beloved PMT elder and Sanctioned Teacher, Gary Langston. 7 p.m. —10 p.m. Hollis Renewal Center, 11414 Kansas Ave., Kansas City, KS RSVP, or 913-6021529 JANUARY 6 SEEDS OF WISDOM INTUITIVE READINGS Reinvent Your Health - Receive a 5 minute Intuitive Reading from Tammy Barton, Sheri Woxland and Diane Voss (Total - 15 minute reading) Cost: $15.00 10:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. Location: 17331 E. US Hwy 40, Suite 101, Independence, MO 64055 Sign up at,, 816-272-4877

JANUARY 23 FREE EVENT - DISCOVER HOW TOXINS MAY BE THE REASON YOU DON’T FEEL WELL AND CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT. Real Solutions and Real Results! Noon, Lawrence Library – 707 Vermont Dr. Lynda Gammal - 785-566-8334 BEGINS MARCH 3-4 2018 VIBRATIONAL HEALING/ MEDICAL-INTUITIVETRAINING & CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Each training module is a blend of classroom instruction and hands on practice. Once completed, you will be certified by Vibrational Gateways Institute and have all the tools you need to start your own client practice. This in-depth training experience will be taught by CJ Martes who has over 25 years of experience in the field of Vibrational Medicine. 800-604-9967 MARCH 13 -27 CRANIOSACRAL BALANCING 1 morning and afternoon class at our Olathe location. Please call Danielle Hicks for information at 816-523-9140 or visit for more information

TUESDAY EVENINGS - ONGOING TAROT FOR EVERYONE Learn the cards, practice doing readings with others and increase your confidence. From beginning students to advanced, all can benefit! Cat RunningElk began as a professional reader over twenty years ago and brings her wisdom and guidance in this safe environment so you can grow. -classes/ for more information. 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. $20 drop in. Call or email for directions to Cat’s Place. 863-529-1866 MASTERING THE INTUITIVE ARTS Ongoing Monday evenings. Develop your gifts in a fun and supportive atmosphere with Cat RunningElk. Each week we gather for guided meditation, connect with one another, your spiritual guides and bring wisdom through for all. mastering-the-intuitive-arts/ for more information.7-9 p.m. $25 drop in. Call or email for directions to Cat’s 863-529-1866

TAROT FOR EVERYONE Ongoing Tuesday evenings. Learn the cards, practice doing readings with others THE EARLY BIRD SPECIAL for the and increase your confidence. From Energy Vitality Technique with beginning students to advanced, all can Somaenergetics is available now through benefit! Cat RunningElk began as a December 31, 2017. Class is February 23- professional reader over twenty years ago 25, 2018. Please call Danielle Hicks for and brings her wisdom and guidance in this information at 816-523-9140 or visit safe environment so you can grow. for more information! -classes/ for more information. GIVE THE GIFT OF CONTINUING 7 – 8:30 p.m. $20 drop in. Call or email for EDUCATION to your favorite massage directions to Cat’s Place. therapist this Holiday Season. We have gift certificates available; perfect fit for the 863-529-1866 stocking! Please call Danielle Hicks for information at 816-523-9140 or visit REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park –10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 MONDAY EVENINGS - ONGOING p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a MASTERING THE INTUITIVE ARTS Reiki treatment. For flier email Develop your gifts in a fun and supportive atmosphere with Cat RunningElk. Each 816-523-4440 week we gather for guided meditation, connect with one another, your spiritual ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR guides and bring wisdom through for all. CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS mastering-the-intuitive-arts/ for more By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing information. 7 – 9 p.m. $25 drop in. Call Project provides energy healing sessions or email for directions to Cat’s Place. for cancer patients and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction 863-529-1866 of their stress, anxiety and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816718-6358 for details. ONGOING



December 2017


DECEMBER 2 CUSTOMER APPRECIATION AND HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE with Reinvent Your Health and At The Healing Place. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Come celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Reinvent Your Health ~ A New Approach to Health Care and enjoy holiday sale prices on inspirational gifts and massages. Location: 17331 E. US Hwy 40, Suite 101, Independence, MO 64055 816-272-4877,,



December 2017

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