Kansas City February 2017 Evolving Magazine

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E volving

February 2017 ~ Vol.VII1, Issue 12

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living

Creating Magical Friendships Palmistry Basics for Better Relationships Kind Actions Transform Violence Into Love



Inside: Program for Whole Living Fest—Feb. 11 February 2017



February 2017

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

Love Never Dies: Opening Hearts to the Language of Spirit

Years ago a healing practitioner told me to practice saying, “I love myself,” while looking in the mirror. I admit it was an uncomfortable feeling at first. Very uncomfortable, actually, and I had a hard time saying it with conviction. But I practiced and repeated the mantra often— sometimes rubbing my chest while I said it aloud and other times consciously breathing in love, while exhaling gratitude. It’s easy to look at another and feel love to the core: a warm, joyful feeling that’s hard to express, yet undeniable that it exists. Why was it so hard to look at myself and express that same deep feeling? Luckily, with practice, I began to believe. And then I noticed changes in my life. By loving myself, the love I felt for others took on more depth. Because I could recognize love in myself, I saw it expressed through others more often. I also began seeing people who also loved themselves were mysteriously more drawn to me. It was a subtle shift, but powerful, nonetheless. So with this month’s magazine about love, I hope you will start with yourself. As Abraham said, “If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest: Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself. Some say, ‘Well, Abraham, you teach selfishness.’ And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do, because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you don't have anything to give anyone, anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connection—you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are.”


Using Palmistry Basics for Better Relationships 12

Whole Living Fest Program 7

With much love and gratitude for you, our dear reader,

Jill Dutton ***Please join us on February 11 at Unity Church of Overland Park as we come together to celebrate with a Whole Living Festival. Visit www.EvolvingMagazine.com or find the complete program inside this issue starting on page 7. Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: www.EvolvingMagazine.com *Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EvolvingMagazine *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Sara Zimmerman Print Layout/Design Alea Smith

Ad Design Olesya Vinci Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton

Love, Italian Style


Departments Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Food Gloria’s Food Horoscope Wellness Directory Events

ON THE COVER Elmari van der Westhuizen's passion and joy are teaching women through movement or art. She is an artist and second level Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Elmari has been studying art with Shiloh Sophia learning the Intentional Creativity Method which is connecting deeply with your Inner Wise Woman, your heart, your soul, deeply listening. The focus is not on the outcome of the art, but on the journey of creating, writing, becoming whole. Find Elmari on Facebook.

Monthly Columnists Gloria Gale, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes

EVOLVING© 2017 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


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February 2017

Wisdom Within

Keys to Creating Magical Life-Long Friendships



hen I walked into my and when her mom passed, I flew to freshman dorm, there Chicago to be with her. she was in a mini skirt Recently, our friendship feels with her long blonde more tender, more intimate, more hair, smoking a cigarette by the caring than before. It is magic! Are window. “Well,” she said, “Look at there keys to creating magical you!” I was in church clothes with my friendships? hair in a tight bun. We were as different as night and day. 1. Say YES a lot. Be open to I came to college from a boarding connecting. Be honest and open Image licensed by Ingram Images school. I spent my days working, and keep up boundaries as needed. studying and praying. I went to bed 2. Give with Generosity. If you are early. She would be out drinking beer, having a good “giving” to “get” it will not work. True love fosters time, and when she came into our room said: “Good God trust, trustworthiness, honesty, and vulnerability, you are in bed already!” respect, sharing, and caring. We decided to find new roommates and began to 3. Be silly and fun. Send funny texts or good quote or hunt. Nada. The second semester we began to talk and link to share. It gives you more to talk about as we all visit and get to know one another. We spent four years share common and different interests. together as roommates. Now 40 years later we are the 4. Listen. It is the hallmark of a good friend: a best of friends. partnership of mutual support. Try not to fix one I think we balanced one another during our another’s problems. Try suggesting a solution. When I Image licensed by Ingram Images vulnerable youth. We studied together, shared boyfriend ask for an opinion, I want to hear it full and clear. Image licensed by Ingram Images gossip and teacher complaints. We both graduated with 5. Be vulnerable. If you are afraid of sharing how you honors: she a wise mathematician who ended up as the truly feel with a friend it will not mature to the next director at one of Wichita’s huge aircraft companies. I level. We must share true thoughts and feelings. But moved to Kansas City with a focus in journalism. not to dump on them. My friend and I say We got together often over the years. She was my “permission to whine?” That makes us laugh as we maid-of-honor. She drove to KC for my mom’s funeral clear our worries and fears.

6. Show gratitude. She always asks me if I have time to talk and I will always find a time. We say how much we appreciate one another for making time for one another. 7. Ask for support. We are vulnerable in asking for support but if you wish to deepen intimacy allow your friends to help you out. Consider how good you feel when you have helped a friend with something? We shared the holiday month talking, eating, laughing, and making plans for something fun to do together. We laughed about our trip to Sanibel Island where we rented our first electric car. We could never tell if the car was on or off it was so quiet. We no longer wear miniskirts and my hair is long and hers is short. Who knew being “so different” would turn into a life-long friendship to treasure with all our hearts? Suzette Scholtes’ non-fiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. www.theyogastudio.com news@theyogastudio.com 913-492-9594.

Focus On...




February 2017

Journey to Wholeness

Transform Violence Into Love with Kind Actions B J L C , P .D.




n a world that seems to feed on the The results of these acts of kindness are drama of violence, it may be time for amazing. each of us to think about our part in A series of studies have shown that creating an environment of kindness kindness is contagious. James Fowler transforming that violence into a safe, and Nicholas Christakis in the British loving space. An article in PARADE Medical Journal in 2008 said of their magazine, January 1, 2017, piqued my research, “Emotional states can be interest about this idea in the article, transferred directly from one individual “Let’s make 2017 the Year of Being to another by mimicry and ‘emotional Kind.” They contagion’…People highlighted several can ‘catch’ emotional authors that offered states they observe in some good thoughts. others over times Harriet Lerner, ranging from seconds Ph.D. in her new to weeks.” book, Why Won’t You When we are kind, Apologize?, says “But receive kindness or kindness is not an observe it, our heart Image licensed by Ingram Images ‘extra.’ It is at the rate and brain activity heart of intimacy, changes in a positive connection, self-respect and respect for direction. We feel better physically and others.” The Acts of Random Kindness emotionally. Of course, negative project (www.arkprojectnow.com) asks behavior like sarcasm, rudeness or “What would happen if kindness became criticism can also spread in the family, normal?” There are good ideas on their the classroom, the workplace or other website. environments causing greater stress in Another group found at individuals. You can choose what you are www.inspired2c.org suggests becoming ‘spreading.’ fluent in kindness by Here are some ideas. Make a 1. Being kind to others, resolution to perform one act of kindness 2. Being kind to yourself, a day. I also suggest that we become 3. Being kind to the planet. more aware of ‘receiving’ kindness with The World Kindness Movement was openness and gratitude. That means started in Tokyo, Japan in 1997. The allowing the fifteen seconds it takes for a mission is to “Inspire individuals positive experience to register! Think towards kindness and to connect nations about writing one thank-you note a week to create a kinder world. There are to someone. Take Dr. Lerner’s advice twenty-five nations, including the US, and take responsibility for your behavior that belong to this movement. They by apologizing sincerely when you are sponsor an international conference and aware you have hurt someone. a Happiness Day each year. Check out I am sure that you can think of other their website! ways to activate kindness in your life. Closer to home, KSHB 41 has Some of the websites above offer great launched a “Together We Are Kind KC” ideas. Ralph Waldo Emerson tells us, movement with the themes, “Say no to “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for violence. No to bullying. No to you never know how soon it will be too Discrimination. Not here, not now, not late.” ever.” They are inviting cities, groups, schools, etc. to join in this imperative on Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., their website. LCPC, is a counselor, Leon Logothetis quit his stockbroker educator and author. For job and decided to circle the globe counseling appointments, depending on the kindness of strangers seminars, training, and practicing his acts of kindness. He speaking engagements, wrote about it in The Kindness Diaries. or information on He says, “I hope you will see how an act Neurobehavioral of kindness really can change the world.” Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913He continues, “And from all of them, I 322-5622. For more information about Jude learned to love.” Check out his book. LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go There are multiple stories about people to www.kcholistic.com. who helped him and those he helped.


Come learn Holy Fire Reiki!


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February 2017

Food Gloria’s Food

Love Never Tasted So Good


Image licensed by Ingram Images

ervasi, a brand of imported, artisanal Italian products is designed for the discerning otherwise known as ‘picky’ cook. At least that’s what chef Daniela Mancinelli Abel said recently while a group of us watched her batch up three recipes at the Kansas City Culinary Center. With all the bells and whistles at her fingertips, Daniela deftly boiled, sautéed, rolled, crimped and tasted her demo fare for the day. On the menu: mushroom bruschetta, vodka sauced pasta, and an apple crostata. “Make sure you taste as you cook,” she said as we watched. An important lesson for today was not just three recipes, but those all-important Cervasi ingredients. “That’s where I get picky. It’s all about quality ingredients,” said Daniela. Using Cervasi’s entire line featuring olive oil, artichokes, cheeses, and of course, pasta in every shape imaginable, we listened to why these products would make the difference in our recipes. Daniela explained. “The water, the flour….everything is so different in Italy, the food tastes different. But, since we’re obviously not there, using ingredients like Cervasi, that duplicate the flavor as closely as possible, we are well on our way.” First up, the most time-consuming recipe—an Apple Crostata, “Which sounds Spanish but actually it’s very southern Italian. And for those of us who don’t know the south from the north, it really doesn’t matter,” she added.


Crostini 1 loaf Crusty bread ½ C. Cervasi Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 pint mushrooms, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 T Cervasi Balsamic Vinegar Slice bread into ½-inch rounds. Arrange on baking sheet and brush evenly with ½ C. olive oil. Bake 500 degrees for 2-3 minutes. Reduce temp to 450 degrees. In medium bowl combine mushrooms, garlic, olive oil, and vinegar. Stir. In medium baking dish arrange mushroom mixture so it’s spread out. Place in oven for 5 minutes. Spoon mushroom mix over toast. Serve warm or room temperature.

Daniela first made a savory pastry and then filled it with apples, dates, flour, sugar, and honey. While this baked, and smelled so delicious, we anticipated a delightful dessert at the end of our sampling. Tiny rounds of crostini laden with sautéed mushroom and heavenly extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar came next. Even I could handle making this easy appetizer. And here’s where the healthy comes in. As you probably already know, the Mediterranean diet is the food plan considered the healthiest by just about every nutritionist worth their salt but no sugar. Cervasi’s extra virgin olive oil is authentic, meeting the International Olive Council specifications and made from the first cold pressing of top quality handselected Italian olives. The result is a pure, flavorful taste and aroma. This is a good thing. Good fat; good for a healthy heart. Bubbling up As we finished the crostini, Daniela prepped for the final dish – Vodka Cream Sauce with Parmigiana Reggiano and Cut Fusilli. Adding the pasta to a boiling pot of water, we watched Daniela make the vodka cream sauce. Garlic, olive oil, whole tomatoes, cheese, basil, Italian parsley, and heavy cream blended into a wonderfully rich pink sauce when poured over the fusilli, was a joy in my mouth. We finished the tasting with the crostata – every bit as good as we imagined and left with this positive phrase: Buon cibo, aria fresca, bella gente. In other words, what we should aspire to is good food, fresh air, and nice people. “Salute!”


Kansas City writer, producer, and photo stylist Gloria Gale is a sleuth when it comes to discovering interesting features for the media. Most recently, Gloria profiled area restaurants as a columnist for 435 Magazine and was on KCUR's Food Critics radio program. Want to know where to find the best tastes in town? ggale@everestkc.net



February 2017

Evolving Magazine Presents...

Whole Living Fest

February 11, 2017 Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 Antioch, Overland Park, KS 11 a.m.—5 p.m. www.EvolvingMagazine.com EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


February 2017

Educational Workshops 11 a.m.—5 p.m.

1—1:45 p.m.

Awakening Your Divine Feminine Power Connect with the strength of your Health Screenings Introduction to Energy Healing infinite wisdom as you Free blood pressure check, blood Experience the energy the healers use discover simple practices to glucose test, spinal screenings, goodie for energy healing and information strengthen your connection with your bags, and educational materials. on how healers use energy to assists spirit, Mother Earth, your emotional Health & Wellmobile clients to heal. body and energetic field (aura). Main vendor area John Hoefer/Core Star Energy Kim Macy Healing School Room 212 Room 210 What is Shamanism? Group Channeling Ever wonder what shamanism Essential Oils 101 & Beyond Divine Mother blessings with Ana means? Phoenix has married her Come learn about the benefits of Inacio. shamanic practices with her life essential oils and practical ways to Room 211 coaching skills to create a unique and use them. timeless approach to helping you live Lisa McCluer/ Young Living Love Is What You Are: Living As your heart out loud. Come join in the Distributor Love In Every Moment fun! Room 210 Join Evolutionary Soul Guide, Lara Phoenix/Spirited You Wolf, for step-by-step instructions to Room 215 Improving Fertility One Day at a access the unconditional love and Time acceptance you have always longed This workshop will cover how for. Traditional Maya and Chinese Laura Wolf/ Shaman’s Heart Medicine techniques can help boost Sanctuary fertility and improve women’s health. Room 212 10-Day Transformation Alex Jackson and Janet Lee/ Explanation of Purium’s 10 Day Centered Spirit - Cultural & Holistic No Kale Required Super Food Program. Center This class focuses on simple, healthy Bryan Rew/Purium Room 211 dietary shifts with several one-at-aRoom210 time easy changes. Choose the Defend Yourself Against Daily changes you want to make depending No Sugar Added Toxins on your lifestyle and health needs. An overview of the 6 basic types of tea Identifying common toxins in the Nancy Oglesby, author and how to prepare them. Also an home and workplace can help you Room 215 exploration of a few simple, natural identify which foods may be most additions that can be used with helpful to detoxify. Testing is also healthy, unflavored teas to turn them available for individuals to identify into guilt-free treats! which toxins they have a hard time Nicole Burriss/Midwest Tea Festival The Reappearance of Maitreya eliminating. Room 211 and the Masters of Wisdom Dr. Charles Andrews/Mosaic Life Care Journey’s Healthy Living Clinic Transmission Meditation-world 3 Keys to Living Your Abundant service for the new age. Room 212 Soul Purpose Ken Gates/ Share International In this workshop, we will discuss 3 Secrets to Stress Management Room 210 three main topics for how to live your Dr. Hall addresses how stress deeply unique Soul Gifts: 1. Step into clarity; Three Common Myths About affects our health, how to identify Psychic Protection (and what to 2. Use your intuition; 3. Drop the fear your greatest stresses, and why of what people will think. do about it) unchecked stress is at the root of Sarah Chapman/Soul Abundance IQ Discover the truth behind the myths many health issues people deal with With Sarah P. Chapman so you can be armed with vital every day. He also shares three Room 212 techniques to decrease stress and find information to keep you and your ways to cultivate better health habits. loved ones safe and protected from harmful energies. Dr. Hall/WellSpine KC Maya Zahira/ Maya’s Oasis Energy Room 215 Healing Institute Room 211

12—12:45 p.m.

3—3:45 p.m.

2—2:45 p.m.




Protecting Your Energy As energetic, sensitive beings, we often find our energy affected by others and by world events. Learn simple yet effective techniques to shield yourself energetically, emotionally, and physically, as well as pre-emptive protection and postexperience clearing. Christi Clemons Hoffman/ Radiate Wellness Room 215

3:30—4:15 p.m. Sound & Soul workshop with Victor J. Dougherty and friends Chakra clearing, sound healing, and chanting, Ancient forms of communing with spirit. Join Victor and friends as we align ourselves with the universal vibe. Live Music Hall

4—4:45 p.m. Emotional Doorways to Freedom Emotions constitute the undercurrent of our lives. In this workshop you will learn how to identify your emotions and how to utilize them for wholeness and healing. Walter Hrycaj/School of Metaphysics Room 210 Healing Touch: Health Benefits for You Explore all the many health benefits of healing touch: stress reduction, decrease anxiety, and promote health. Mary Oberg Room 211 Be Stress Free Learn to reduce stress and negative emotions. Enjoy an introduction to the Neurobehavioral Program creating a calm body and peaceful mind. A simple and powerful path to health and healing. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC Room 215

February 2017 2017 Whole Living Festival Program

Entertainment Schedule February 11, 2017 11 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 2 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:15 p.m.

Victor Dougherty

Victor Dougherty Steve Epley John Loux Peggy Chilson Jeanne Fizell Erin McCabe Sound & Soul workshop Open jam with all

Peggy Chilson

About the Performers: Peggy Chilson is a versatile vocalist, singing in many ensembles as well as solo work and being a band leader. Peggy can be seen and heard singing at Unity and other church services, or singing jazz with her trio at Californos and other jazz venues in the KC area. Image licensed by Ingram Images https://soundcloud.com/pkchilson Victor Dougherty is a co-founder of the Pathless Land Center for Mindfulness and Meditation in KC. Victor brings years of meditation and practice into his ministry. A part of the conscious music movement since 2007 Victor has inspired many individuals and communities throughout the Midwest at festivals, conferences, services, and concerts. www.VictorJamesDougherty.com

Jeanne Fizell

Steve Epley

Steve Epley - New Thought Singer/Songwriter. As a teenager, Steve Epley's life was deeply impacted when he visited Unity Village Church and became involved in the Youth of Unity in 1971. He started a band called "Logos - Firesides and Guitars" and began writing songs and performing. www.Steveepley.com Jeanne Fizell is seeped in folk and American old-time music and is a passionate musician who weaves melodies together with songs gleaned from the old folk tunes. She enjoys many genres of music including children’s music, along with Gospel, Celtic, Pop, Classical, Country, Americana, Traditional, and Patriotic. www.96strings.net John Loux is a Kansas City singer-songwriter who has been involved in the music scene since his early teenage years. His music has evolved over the years to reflect his own personal journey through life. His folkrock, soulful music speaks of love, the deep pain of loss, his faith, as well as his healing journey. www.facebook.com/johnlouxmusic/ or http://thehealingbreath.org/john-loux-music/ Erin McCabe’s refreshing style, authentic lyrics and folky vocals define her truly unique style. Each song has a different flavor and an emotional depth that decidedly gets your attention. When trying to pin down just who Erin McCabe sounds like, most say she has a sound that is all her own. www.Erinmccabemusic.com




February 2017 2017 Whole Living Festival Guide

Erin McCabe

Vendor Directory A Lightkeeper's Place in Olathe Kansas Annamaria McBride Alightkeepersplace@gmail.com

Health & Wellmobile www.healthwellmobile.com

Readings with Karen Elise www.KarenElise.com

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC www.kcholistic.com

Sacred Earth Arts Regina Compernolle www.sacredeartharts.com

Barefood‘n Happy, LLC Christy Lonergan/Lisa McCoy www.barefoodnhappy.com

Kim Macy www.KimMacy.com

Centered Spirit-Cultural & Holistic Center Alex Jackson/Janet Lee www.centeredspirit.com

Midwest Tea Festival/ Tea-Historic Nicole Burriss www.midwestteafest.com

Core Star Energy Healing School John Hoefer www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com

Mosaic Life Care Journey’s Healthy Living Clinic Dr. Charles Andrews, ND and Abby Stanley, MS, RDN, LD www.mymosaicjourney.com/services/ healthy-living-clinic

Earth & Sky: Wholistic Massage LLC Sakeena Abdul Haqq eathandskymassage@icloud.com Gifts and Decor Romona Martin www.giftsanddecorkc.com

Nancy Oglesby Health & Wellness Nancy Oglesby, author of No Kale Required www.nancyoglesby.com Purium Transformers LLC Bryan Rew www.mypurium.com/transformer

We are your Family’s best resource for Adult health and Pediatric Development.

Call us today for a FREE Consultation. www.WellSpineKC.com 913.624.3888

Quantum Heart Alignment/Star Thomas-Wyse starwyse@gmail.com Radiate Wellness Christi Clemons Hoffman www.radiatewellnesscommunity.com Radiate Wellness (booth 2) Christi Clemons Hoffman www.radiatewellnesscommunity.com

School of Metaphysics www.som.org

Home Herbalist Courses Women’s Sacred Studies Women of the Drum Regina Compernolle Regina@SacredEarthArts.com

Shaman’s Heart Sanctuary Laura Wolf www.laura-wolf.com Share International Ken Gates www.share-international.org Soul Abundance IQ with Sarah P. Chapman www.sarahpchapman.com Spirited You Phoenix www.spiritedyou.com The Bridge KC www.innershiningtemple.com The Wellness Wheel Karen Carmack kscarmack@kc.rr.com www.WellnessWheelKC.com WellSpine KC www.wellspinekc.com Wildtree Bob Linke, Independent Rep. www.mywildtree.com/boblinke

A Lightkeeper's Place Annamaria McBride

alightkeepersplace@gmail.com 913-558-1749   



Healing Touch Akashic Record Readings Group Leader for Friends of IANDS KC support group International Studies for Near Death Experiences. 10

February 20172017 Whole Living Festival Program


Love Never Dies: Opening Hearts to the Language of Spirit


his month, as many of us celebrate heartfelt relationships, some hearts are feeling empty after the passing of a loved one. Shortly after my mother’s death, my heart ached without her physical presence, but I soon discovered that love never dies, it only changes form. My grief journey and subsequent afterdeath discoveries began with my mother’s surgery to heal her back pain. Two painful weeks later, we learned she had contracted a fatal bacterial infection, and her death was imminent. Shortly after her passing, many mysterious occurrences began happening that fully resonated in my heart, even though they often challenged the logical side of my brain. These occurrences, however, proved to me again and again how our loved ones continue to love us, share our experiences, and provide help along our life’s journey, even after they pass on. Dream visits are often the easiest means for our deceased loved ones to communicate with us. Loved ones can visit during our sleep when our minds are still and our hearts are open. Shortly after my mother’s passing, I began keeping a dream journal to record the details and wisdom she shared. These dreams were unlike all others, especially when she shared specific advice about current life issues. From exact dates on decisions surrounding the remodel of my father’s new home to classes she suggested my daughter take in school, her advice was heeded, valuable, and proof that love never dies. In my experience, there are five practical D R E A M tips for opening your heart to receiving dream visits:


more you can elevate your energy by doing things that make you happy, the more you can restore your spirit. Taking just a few minutes to breathe and relax at night helps your mind release the events of your day, thus increasing the potential for dream visits.

Expect a Miracle Miracles happen daily and occur in our dream states as well. If you can change your definition of a miracle, you’ll begin to see them everywhere, simply by having a change of heart. You can ask your loved one to help you see things differently, and then pay careful attention to what shows up!

Ask for Angelic Support Before retiring for the night, engage your angels for support in connecting with your loved Modified image, originals licensed by Ingram Images one. Your angels are always leading and guiding you, so ask to, if only we make the conscious choice to for specific help and open your heart to open our hearts and receive it. receive it. Four tips for understanding this

Make Notes

Keeping a dream journal helps to not only retain the details of a dream visit but can document clues that your intuition may be trying to convey to you. The practice of making notes and recording your dreams will help you grow to receive the language of Spirit. In addition to dream visits, signs are an important way our deceased loved ones arrange energy to attract our Decide to attention. This Receive arranged Have the conviction to connect, synchronicity lets us know that despite believe it is possible, and ask your loved being separate from their physical body, one to wake you up if necessary, to help their presence is always near. you remember. Psychic dream Signs appear in a variety of ways, some information can be subtle, yet symbolic, being very subtle while others can carry and you will most likely communicate much more drama. My personal examples telepathically with your loved one while have included unexplained coincidences dreaming. in the form of radio songs, cloud shapes, license plates, messages on my computer, Relax and Restore as well as unusual bird and animal Relaxing before bed and restoring behaviors. It’s as if Spirit has its own your own spirit throughout the day increases the likelihood of dream visits. In special language that we all have access spite of the grief you may be feeling, the

“Your heart will open and you will be filled with joy and comfort in knowing that your loved one is still near.”


Notice Nature

It’s often easier to listen to your own intuition and messages from your loved special S I G N language include: ones in nature. Walking, being near water, and experiencing the silence of Sense Your Senses nature opens your heart to receive signs. Our physical senses only detect a sliver Mindful walking can become a form of of what’s around us, and science now meditation by closing the clutter of the proves that our five senses detect less mind and getting in touch with the than one percent of reality. Therefore, it’s rhythm of nature. important to be mindful of all the senses When you can incorporate these tips and pay special attention to sights, smells, for receiving dream visits and witnessing and feelings. Loved ones often make their signs into your everyday life, you will feel presence known via distinctive aromas transformed. Your heart will open and with special memories, a supportive you will be filled with joy and comfort in touch, or their favorite song playing at knowing that your loved one is still near. atypical times. Love Never Dies!

Ignore Your Ego Ignoring critical self-talk is an important tool to receiving signs. By ignoring the seriousness of the ego, we cultivate a sense of humor about divine interaction and begin to see signs everywhere.

Go Within All answers are within, and by practicing quiet breathing and meditation on a regular basis, signs from your loved ones will be immediately recognized in your heart. Practice “being versus doing”, and remember you are a spiritual being having a human experience.


February 2017

Lisa K. Cooper is an author, inspirational speaker and grief advocate. Her memoir, You Are My Voice, How Love’s Voice Never Dies was inspired by her own spiritual awakenings about life beyond the physical world that she experienced after her mother’s death. Connect at www.youaremyvoice.com, www.facebook.com/LisaKCooperAuthor, Twitter @LisaKCooperKC, or email at Lisa@youaremyvoice.com


Using Palmistry Basics for Better Relationships


t was the last performance of the year for the junior high school band at a time when my emotions were raw. Instruments were being tuned while parents filled the bleachers. Saxophones played over violins and the drum banged, piercing my heart for tears to run. The audience silenced to sounds of young musicians, bringing the room together as a whole; but soon our collective peace was shattered by a redfaced man running in late, two bleachers at a time. I noticed his short straight fingers indicating a quick and impulsive mind that may ignore details—and that he had sat next to an obviously annoyed elegant man with long knotted fingers. Long slender fingers that preferred punctuality and planning. The knots indicated analytical thought so it was likely he had arrived early. My tears turned to laughter. We're all musical instruments if only people knew the code for natural harmony. How do I know? I am a hand reader. Palmistry is defined as 'divination by inspection of the palm of the hand; the art of telling a person's character and fortune by examination of the lines and configurations of the palm.’ This definition is why many think only a select few have this skill, although complicated

in nature as humans are, it can be learned. Wouldn't it be nice to know how another person reacts to the environment and operates in the world to avoid conflict simply by observing their hands? Approaching a stranger and asking to see their palms for compatibility frightens many but there is an unspoken language on the outside of a hand. A square, course hand tends to be honest, liking physical pleasures, usually doubting the unseen world while a slender palmed hand with long fingers and soft skin will be emotionally observant to their surroundings with a natural inclination toward books and imagination. These are basic traits and not everyone will fit comfortably in the box so the trained palmist must consider other variables such as the length of fingers and shapes of nails. Short nail beds belong to high strung bossy types. They see the big picture, run in and out of the grocery store as fast as they can. Long nail beds belong to calmer people who take things slowly and like details. A lazy quality can sneak up on them because they tend to be sensual in nature. Another nail bed is the slender and long type that loves beauty and order. If you rearrange what they've done, you may cause arguments.

Image licensed by Ingram Images



Each of us desires meaningful people are risk takers who act impulsively. relationships and validation. We come Headlines tied to the life line show on together to learn life's lessons and to people that are reserved and may hesitate fulfill a purpose. The lines on our palms before taking chances. If your new partner speak volumes. There are three basic has a short line, lectures and activities lines: heart, head, and life line. that require sitting will bore them. Better The heart line represents our to go bowling, anything that moves the emotional nature and body as they love to be “Approaching a how we choose to love. active, generally practical It can be seen as a stranger and asking to and may become specialists curved or z. Straight, in their field. see their palms for the person is cautious Long headlines belong to in love, taking their people have multiple compatibility frightens intereststhat time to get to know you and are always because their emotions many but there is an asking questions with a are guarded while the for lectures, meetings, unspoken language on desire curved heart line is and classes. friendly yet emotional the outside of a hand.” Watch for straight or at times. They jump curved lines. I read a boy's into relationships hand with a straight head quicker than the straights. line, knowing this was a child that would Look to see if the line is short or long. I meet deadlines in a headstrong way. had issues with a woman for years Analytical and practical, he'd save money because I thought she was uncaring until I and work in an established company. He saw her short heart line telling me she desired to be a banker with a sports car. was cautious to a fault because it was hard His sensitive sister had a long curved line. for her to be vulnerable. Once I She wrote poetry and used her heart understood this, everything changed. instead of her mind with decisions. I These types need to feel secure with asked if she had an interest in healing and finances before friends. Don't expect them she said yes, she'd love to be a nurse but to call you first as they generally tend to couldn't make up her mind as she also have a “me first” attitude. The good news loved painting. The curved lines can dip is that through internal reflection and into the area of the subconscious on the forgiveness work, our lines will palm. Parents may see these children as grow on the dominant hand. procrastinators who meet deadlines right Long heart lines are at the last minute. Curved types are romantic and caring. They will intuitive business owners but need the call you to see how things are straight-lined folks for accounting work. going and have days when they It all balances out. will feel ignored. If the line is deeply chained or broken, "In arming yourself with this science, emotional pain is present. you arm yourself with a great power and Find ways such as writing or you will have a thread that will guide you walks in nature to release the into the labyrinth of the most tension, avoiding heart impenetrable hearts." problems down the road. ~ Henri De Balzac~ The head line is under the heart line, starting near the Sandy Jorgensen is a thumb, traveling across the freelance artist, curious hand. Head lines are not a mystic, teacher, and partmeasure of IQ; rather, how time intuitive palm reader. mental energy is directed and You may find her at many how we express our thoughts. of the local Kansas City The life line must also be psychic fairs as well as observed. It curves around the private consultations in her thumb, starting at the index home. For more information, follow her page finger and ending near the on Facebook at Mystic Afternoons. Contact wrist. When the head line isn't Sandy at sandyj88@hotmail.com. attached to the life line, these


February 2017

Spiritual Horoscope

February 2017 Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Happy birthday Aquarius! It’s a passionate time for renewing relationships, friendships, and spiritual development. Be open to a new attitude regarding all areas of your life. You’re brilliant, but can get locked into ideas that were once innovative, but now limit you. Strive to remain open, curious and teachable. The eclipses this month ask you to open your heart and forgive yourself and others, letting imperfections be beautiful. Meditate about creative money ideas so new finances can flow! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The solar eclipse in your sign helps dreams manifest! Meditate about how you want life to be and, most importantly, how you will feel when these things happen! Memorize these feelings and become “addicted” to them, if you will. You’ll notice an increase in finances and self-esteem, as well as healings in relationships. Even longforgotten goals can be achieved so reactivate your passion for those things! Don’t just hope and wish — feel the future reality as if it were occurring now.

The solar eclipse this month can open doors for career, even if they unfold slowly over the next two years. Follow your heart, and don’t give up or get impatient. You can also reconnect with a spiritual practice, like yoga, prayer or meditation. Find a way that resonates with you so you’ll stick with it. You’ll see quick results that inspire and motivate you. Connect with like-minded friends so camaraderie sustains you when you get distracted. Also, you’ll find ways that work feel exciting, and your spiritual “pep” makes your job meaningful so you’ll feel less pulled in opposing directions. Being at work can be spirituality in action.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Even without Valentine’s Day, February is a time of relationship renewal. Long term partnerships can heal from old problems, even ones that seem impossible! If venturing into a new connection, meditate to leave old patterns behind. This month’s eclipses help you see subconscious patterns, so you can observe rather than react. In this way you can root out “issues” and feel authentic and joyous. Dreams and subtle intuitions give clues that lead to big breakthroughs!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You can have career breakthroughs by meditating and re-connecting with passion and goals. The eclipses this month remind you that when you’re es motivated, you’re not selfish — rather you are inspiring to others! As you allow that fire to rise up within you, you’ll feel energized to accomplish dreams as they become more clear. Forgive yourself for “wasted time” and all your life transforms. Stick with friends who honor and encourage what you’re doing!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Were you programmed to look at the glass half empty? Meditate on how much energy you drain by worrying. Commit to use imagination rightly! Visualize positive outcomes. Stop negative thoughts when you catch them. They only feel “true” and “real” because they are familiar. Research neuroplasticity. You can re-train your brain out of fearful patterns, but it takes patience and commitment. You’ll lose loneliness and that sense of separateness. You’ll feel embraced by the Universe as anxiety subsides and safety permeates your being!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) As a Leo, you like to be in control, but that can inhibit your ability to trust, so it’s hard to surrender to the care of another. This month’s eclipses provide a clearing of old wounds and a doorway into feel safe emotionally, sexually, spiritually and even financially. Allow


memories to arise. Experience the pain fully as it washes through you. Release it with forgiveness. Visualize positive future realities so you welcome them when the show up “in real life”. You’ll feel more centered than when you’re being self-protective.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Relationships can always transform, especially with this month’s solar eclipse! Meditate to let go of old beliefs about yourself, present/past partners, and love in general. You can re-make this part of your life by creating new concepts and putting the time in to make them your truth (through visualizing in meditation). Even troubled bonds heal by being open to new possibilities. You can also have breakthroughs with finances by facing them squarely. Read about spirituality and money and watch abundance flow in!

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) You can start a new relationship, or a current one feels like a second honeymoon! You’re revolutionizing the way you experience yourself, and that reinvigorates all the connections you have with others! Also, any health or anxiety issues can heal through imagery, meditation or subtle forms of healing (think massage, yoga, and homeopathy). Remember, you’re in charge of your thoughts, which means you’re also in control of your nervous system, moods and body. You can heal because you are your ultimate healer!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Even more than your Libra friends, health issues can heal through meditation and visualization. Be kind to yourself, while seeing your body as powerful and transformative. You can also have insights into how to solve stressful situations at work or in closest relationships. If you’re a parent, really listen to your kids, since you can see deeply into their problems (which could


February 2017

even be karmic) and help them in amazing ways. Also pay attention to dreams, since many messages can come through your subconscious.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) This is a fun relationship month! If single, you can start a new one. If partnered, things will be extra playful and lighthearted. Plan day trips or longer travels. For more results, meditate on childhood or family issues that block joy. Breakthroughs are immediate as you clear away “karmic cobwebs” that interfere with accomplishing goals. If you’ve neglected your spiritual practices, it’s a great time to jump back in, feeling re-inspired and refreshed.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Pay attention to subtle voices in your mind. This month’s eclipses stimulate your subconscious to supply you with great ideas and insights if you listen carefully in meditation and to your “gut instincts”. You can start a project at work that leads to an amazing promotion or new job in the fall. Go with it and see where it takes you over time. You can also work with investments, savings or general finances so they supply you with even more prosperity!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com





REGINA COMPERNOLLE Home Herbalist Courses, Apprenticeships, Women’s Sacred Studies, Astrology, Tarot, Consults, Women Drumming 816-547-0266; www.SacredEarthArts.com INTUITIVE ENERGY COACHING Intuitive Life Sessions & Wellness Retreats with Master Practitioner Cathleen Miller. Limited Time New Clients Book 30 Get 30 FREE @ www.IntuitiveLifestyleSuccess.com

GIFTS & DECOR SWORDS & MORE A great shop for meaningful gifts like Candles, Fairies, Swords, Crystals, and more to meet your Holistic & Metaphysical needs. 123 S Mur-Len Olathe, KS 66062 913-782-4244

ENTERTAINMENT KAREN ELISE - PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER & COACH Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations. 913-636-9502 www.KarenElise.com

SPIRITUAL GROWTH STEPHANIE FORCIER, CT/CAP, Workshops, Events, Personalized Infinity & Akashic Record Sessions: connect with your infinite nature, 816-260-2438 www.infiniteforcier.com.

GOURMET FOODS THE TASTEFUL OLIVE 7945 Santa Fe Dr. Over 65 oils & vinegars to sample before you buy! Call for info on classes, specials or to place a shipping order. www.thetastefulolive.com

BARBARA AHERN Energy Healing * Hypnosis * Whole Life Balancing ~ Classes on 3rd Sat. each month. Inquire at 913-5224953 or kansashealer@yahoo.com KIRSTEN HARWICK MILLS, CHt, CAT Akashic Readings, Certified Hypnotherapist, Advanced Akashic Teacher, and Past Life Regression. In office or remote. kirsten@silentsynergy.com, 913-370-7007 silentsynergy.com

SPECTRUM-A NEW AGE SHOP 7827 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City Missouri 64118; 816-3212658’ www.spectrumreiki.com Spectrum.newageshop@gmail.com

Helping people going through health, career, & relationship transitions gain clarity & move forward in your unique Soul Purpose. Complimentary Soul Abundance Breakthrough session. 913549-0280 www.sarahpchapman.com

AT THE HEALING PLACE Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Shamanic Healing, Intuitive Readings 816-415-2607 www.atthehealingplace.com

RE-IMAGINE YOUR LIFE WITH LANIA DESMOND Life Purpose • Relationships • Divine Guidance ~Private Sessions & Group Events. SoulPoint.com 828-2361230 ~ info@SoulPoint.com

HYPNOSIS/EFT NEW DAY HYPNOTHERAPY, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. www.newdayhypno.com 913-908-6907

STEPHANIE RED FEATHER, THE HEALER'S HEALER Transformational life/business/$ coaching, shamanic healing, energy therapies, Reiki classes, women's circles. 913-5153271, redfeatherconnections.com


COUNSELING BARB HOFFMAN, MA, LPC, LCSW, in KCMO; 816.561.1116 Indiv./ Couples/Family Therapy, Depression & anxiety, abuse & trauma, grief & loss, addictions, relationships. Most insurance.

EDUCATION CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING SCHOOL Classes and individual sessions in energy healing and meditation. NCBTMB approved courses. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com MAYA'S OASIS ENERGY HEALING INSTITUTE Classes in Psychic Protection, Reiki, Energy Healing, and Intuitive Development. NCBTMB approved courses. www.MayaZahira.com

NUTRITION CONSULTANT JACKIE CALDWELL HHC, BS Jackie works with you to restore digestive health by eating a grain free diet. Contact Jackie at 913-980-5605 www.grainfreewellness.com


N2PAWS OFFERING DOGA (DOGGIE YOGA) An integrated approach to balance & relaxation for you and your canine companion! www.n2paws.com 816-522-7005 DOG’S WORLD OF FUN Boarding/Grooming/ Daycare. 1220 W. 31st KCMO 816-931-5822 www.dogsworldoffun.com


HOLOS UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SEMINARY Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, self-development & Research: www.holosuniversity.org


CYNTHIA LITWER, ASTROLOGER Member AOA; NCGR Astrological consult., writer, Instructor at JCCC, BS in Psych. Facebook: “Cynthia Litwer, Astrologer” 913-385- 7031 perspective2@mac.com

GODDESS PILGRIMAGE TO CRETE WITH CAROL CHRIST, a life-transforming sacred sites journey for women, spring and fall. www.goddessariadne.org.



February 2017

Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE LindaLysakowskiEssentialOils.com

YOGA THE YOGA SCHOOL OF THERAPEUTICS Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594; www.theyogastudio.com YOGA PATCH 19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore. YogaPatch.com; 816-268-4660

FEBRUARY 7 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. Reservations 913831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com

FEBRUARY 10 & 24 KAHOTEP CHANNELING'S WITH DR. RICH FINE 7 p.m. See Facebook or spectrumreiki.com for details. Spectrum A new age shop 7827 N Oak KCMO 64118 816-321-2658

FEBRUARY 21 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. Reservations 913831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com FEBRUARY 22 DOORWAY TO DREAMS WORKSHOP WITH POLLY 7 p.m. Call to reserve your spot 816-321-2658. Check out the Spectrum a new age shop Facebook page. 7827 N Oak KCMO 64118

FEBRUARY 24 PSYCHIC STUDIES INSTITUTE FEBRUARY 11 Stephanie Barton, "Angels Among Us" WHOLE LIVING FEST Evolving Magazine presents a Whole Living Fest at 7 p.m., Unity Temple on the Plaza, $10 Unity Church of Overland Park. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Join www.PsychicStudiesInstitute.org us for a day of food, vendors, workshops, and live FEBRUARY 25-26 entertainment. RSVP on Facebook: USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II www.facebook.com/events/103360363477778 Learn energy healing skills for yourself and FEBRUARY 13 others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – GUIDED MEDITATION 6:30pm, $380 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, Join us for an evening of spirit guided meditation. massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, New or experienced meditators welcome! 7:00 social workers. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed p.m. Cost: love offering John Hoefer (913) 831Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-5234422 Core Star Energy Healing, 6045 Martway, 4440. karen@karenharrison.net Mission, KS. www.karenharrison.net. FFEBRUARY 17 MARIANNE WILLIAMSON - LIVE IN PERSON EVENT Join Marianne Williamson for "TEARS TO TRIUMPH: The Spiritual Journey from Suffering to Enlightenment", an in-depth look at the true source of human despair and the spiritual power by which we transcend it. Presented by the Cornerstone Foundation and Evolving Magazine at Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 W. 47th Street, Kansas City, MO 64112. 7 p.m. Tickets available online at CornerstoneFoundation.com or the Central Ticket Office (816) 235-6222. Use coupon code EVOLVING for advance discount. FEBRUARY 18 - 19, 2017 CHINESE MEDICAL MASSAGE 1 All new advanced Eastern medicine class. Packages available! 816-523-9140 ext 111. http://wellspring.edu/continuing-education

MARCH 4-5 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI® I/II & ANIMAL REIKI Incredible opportunity to learn reiki for yourself, clients, and with horses and buffalo on a historic ranch. Lawrence, KS radiantlightrobin@gmail.com MARCH 11-13 HOLY FIRE KARUNA REIKI MASTER The next step after Reiki Master. Learn chanting. 9am – 6:30pm. $975 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood. 816-523-4440. karen@karenharrison.net www.karenharrison.net



MARCH 14 TOP 5 THINGS THAT MAKE YOU VULNERABLE TO PSYCHIC ATTACK (AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT) 7:00-8:30 p.m. Free online class via Facebook Live. Visit www.MayaZahira.com for details. APRIL 1 MANY LIVES, ONE SOURCE Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment is sponsoring a full-day workshop entitled Many Lives, One Source: Understanding Karma, Grace, Reincarnation and Your Place in the Divine Plan; presented by Peter Woodbury, A.R.E. staff member, MSW, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, past life regressionist. Unity Village Hotel and Conference Center. To register, contact the A.R.E. at 800 333-4499 or go to EdgarCayce.org/field conferences. ONGOING FEBRUARY SATURDAY READINGS 4th Dennis Doc Cromwell Past Life Readings- 11th Christy's Stuckey Intuitive Life Readings- 18th Patricia Sneed Psychic Readings- 25th Palm Reading By Sandy Jorgenson -All at Spectrum a new age shop 7827 N Oak KCMO 64118 Check us out onFacebook. REIKI CIRCLE Unity Temple on the Plaza; 707 W. 47th St., Kansas City, MO. 2nd Saturday every month 1-4 p.m. to receive Reiki session. Love Offering. For information, email kaubry@rocketmail.com or call 913-215-8863. REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park –10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email karen@karenharrison.net. 816-523-4440 ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy healing sessions for cancer patients and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. KansasCityHealingProject.org BELLY DANCE CLASSES FOR WOMEN Sundays at 3:00 p.m. at Plaza Wellspring. Only in February so don't miss it! Beginner-friendly $15. Online registration required: www.MayaZahira.com.

February 2017


FEBRUARY 8, 15, OR 22 PALMISTRY CLASS Taught by Sandy Jorgensen discussing the main aspects of the hand. An individual print of the hand will be offered. Wednesday evenings February 8, 15 or 22. The Bridge 4354 W. 107th St., 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Overland Park KS, 66207. Fee: $50 Sandy Jorgensen, Hand Analyst and Spiritual Coach 913-626-4554

FEBRUARY 20 PSYCHIC PROTECTION MASTERCLASS ONLINE 7:00-8:30 p.m. Want to be empowered, brave and practical? This monthly ongoing course covers unique material not taught anywhere else! www.MayaZahira.com to apply.



February 2017

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