January 2020 Evolving Magazine

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January 2020 ~ Volume XI, Issue 11

Evolving A Guide for Conscious Living


You Are Starting a New Life Gluten Confusion? Learn the Facts Take a Phoenix Winter Getaway Ethical and Sustainable Guide to Eating Meat EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Who Reads Evolving The typical Evolving reader is interested in alternative and holistic healing options, maintains a healthy lifestyle, purchases books and music, attends self-improvement workshops, and is actively interested in selfawareness.

What’s Being Said I want to thank you for publishing Evolving. I really love it and now grab an extra copy to mail to a good friend in Columbia, Missouri. Thank you so much for creating Evolving. It is such an awesome magazine and great resource. I make sure all my friends on the spiritual journey get a copy of it. —Rachel Penn For:

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Approx. 68,000 readership — print & online  80% are 35-54 years old; 20% are over 55  Female: 80% Male: 20%  87% are self employed  Income: 30% over $70,000/year; 70% over $30,000/year  82% are college graduates Readers value the content in Evolving and trust our advertisers  79% save each issue for reference and to share with friends  Most readers spend approximately two hours reading each ssue  82% purchased homeopathic remedies in the past12 months  78% are interested in or have attended events listed in Evolving  63% have responded to an ad with either an inquiry or purchase Contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com to learn more.

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Eating Well


Community Events

Enlightening Articles

ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS & VETERANS By appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy healing sessions for cancer patients and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety, and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at (816) 718-6358 for details. www.KansasCityHealingProject.org

Dr. Kat Bowie, Psy.D., E-RYT 200, YACEP Trauma Release Yoga Wellness Program

 Clinical Psychologist  Certified Yoga Teacher Specializing in Trauma and Chronic Stress

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Forward Movement, LLC 8301 Stateline Road Suite #202 Kansas City, MO 64114 816-960-4525 ~ DrKatBowie@kc.rr.com ~ www.DrKatBowie.com EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Dear Friend, Even though January is the traditional makeresolutions, fine-tune the goals list, and set new plans for putting growth into practice month, I started a little early. The day after Thanksgiving I began an unofficial experiment to find out how particular foods affect my body. It began with awareness. I have had a difficult time losing weight since I went through menopause five years ago. Not only that, but I’ve had some minor irritations — stuffy nose, joint stiffness, a mysterious rash on two of my fingers — most of that I’ve put up with (except the rash). For the rash, I’ve tried changing all cleaning supplies, soaps, lotions, etc. to eliminate a possible irritant. My physician says it’s eczema and prescribed a cream that insurance wouldn’t cover so it was going to cost me $650. I passed. The awareness came when I made the connection that these small yet irritating problems might be related to food. First I took a mail-in blood test that determines various food sensitivities. These aren’t allergies, but rather foods to which I have a slight, moderate, or high intolerance. I was surprised by the results; pleased that I didn’t have high reactivity to any foods, but disappointed to see a moderate reaction to gluten and egg whites, and a mild reaction to a few foods, mushrooms and yeast among them. To verify the lab results, I checked out The Elimination Diet from the library and implemented their plan of eliminating all the major irritants of nuts, soy, dairy, etc. for two weeks — even though most of these weren’t on my lab list — before re-introducing foods. The items like cheese and nuts that weren’t on my particular list I added back in quickly with no negative response. Now I’m in the process of adding back in the foods that were listed on my lab work, one at a time, testing to see how I respond for three days before adding another food. Unfortunately, after one egg, my rash, which I had been ranking as a “1” level of severity (down from a “5” when I started) immediately flared back up. This awareness, this learning about how things affect our bodies, fascinates me and I relate it to all of life, especially the New Year. It feels like at times we walk around in a bubble, not consciously realizing how what we do on a consistent basis, the foods we eat, who we spend time with, or unconscious — yet harmful — habits, affect us. Here’s to another new year and the chance to grow through conscious living.



Ethical and Sustainable Guide to Eating Meat 8

You Are Building a New Life...10 It’s All in Your Head...11

Phoenix Winter Getaway 12

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: www.EvolvingMagazine.com *Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EvolvingMagazine *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Chrisi Spooner Polly Swafford

Web Layout/Design Christine Lamb Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton Kevin Hall

Departments News Journey to Wholeness Holistic Health Horoscope Events

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Monthly Columnists Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell

EVOLVING© 2020 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


"Crown Chakra" This painting is one of seven connected chakra landscape paintings called "The Seven Chakras" - an installation piece created for the residents of Bishop Spencer Place in Kansas City. A print of the Seven Chakras is available at: Ninairwin.com ninairwin@me.com 816-289-5724



Tenth Street Hats

Kabaki Tea Why settle with only eating a rainbow of fruits and veggies when you could be drinking it too? Give your body an extra boost with Kabaki Kenyan Purple Tea — an exciting new better-for-you varietal that packs more antioxidants than even green and black tea. Kabaki crafts their teas from richly-hued purple tea leaves that are naturally imbued with anthocyanin and polyphenol antioxidants. These are two of the most researched natural compounds in the prevention of cancers, brain diseases, and heart disease! With each restorative bottle, you can raise a toast to your health while also helping bring accessible healthcare to Kenyan farming communities.

National Hat Day is on January 15, 2020. Tenth Street Hats recently released 50 new styles, and they’ll be doing BOGO on National Hat Day. Tenth Street Promise We want you to love your hat. Free exchanges on every order. We have a 30-day, hassle-free return or exchange policy as well as a one-year, craftsmanship guarantee on our hats; we'll replace your damaged hat for free within the first 12 months. Evolving Magazine readers can enter the coupon code EVOLVINGMAGAZINE20 when ordering. https://tenthstreethats.com/

Well Told Etched Glasses And Mugs

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Packed with more potent antioxidants than green or black tea Boosts the immune system Supports cell health and brain function No chemical preservatives Non-GMO Certified Fair trade Crafted from ingredients grown using organic and sustainable practices

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Available in 5 flavors: Unsweetened, Lightly Sweetened, Peach, Raspberry, and Lemon Kabaki is brewed and bottled in the USA and can be purchased on Amazon and kabakitea.com as well as retailers nationwide.

A Travel Pillow Designed with First Principles

My name is Joshua, founder of TripPal and inventor of HybridFlex, a patent pending dual solidness Polyurethane. For the past two years my team has been dedicated in creating the world’s best ergonomic travel pillow made with HybridFlex. It offers 360 degree support not only to your neck but also to your chin, without compromising the unrivaled wearing comfort. So you can have the good rest you need while on the go. It is the first travel pillow that:

Well Told’s mission is to create distinctive, wellmade goods and gifts that tell your story and inspire you to live memorably. Coffee and tea drinkers unite with this 13 oz. Map Mug etched with the city streets and neighborhoods of Kansas City. https://welltolddesign.com/

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Journey to Wholeness

Your Rules of the Road BY JUDE LACLAIRE, PH.D.


e live in a complex and constantly changing environment. In my lifetime I have experienced rapid changes in the widely accepted, distinct and secure, cultural rules and norms. Having been raised with similar expectations in the educational, social and religious settings, there was not a lot of guesswork about what my parents, teachers and other adults wanted from my peers and me. In the 60s, as a member of a religious congregation, I began reading the works of radical theologians questioning things I had been taught in my Catholic home and school. The religious order began changing some rules and the way we lived. The religious habit changed gradually to lay attire. The Vietnam War had stirred a massive polarization, questioning the government’s wisdom and decisions. With my fellow educators, we were introduced to new concepts of learning; the open classroom, individualized learning, and more humanistic growth experiences. My worldview and unquestioned beliefs were now called into question. Institutions of society, government, education, and religion were questioned. Sexual and social behaviors, among others, were changing dramatically. “Question Authority” was the mantra of the day. In many ways this was an awakening of our individual authority and a new permissiveness. As an educator, then a counselor, I began to see different issues arising. How were we to behave or make decisions in this new, somewhat chaotic environment? Albert Bandura, a Canadian-American psychologist, developed a theory of self-regulation. He postulated that this process contained selfobservation, judgment and selfresponse. As we assess our own thoughts and feelings we are informing and motivating ourselves

refers to “life’s journey as a trail, a rocky path symbolizing all of the challenges we face in everyday life -struggles with family, with friends, with school, or with pursuits outside the home, or simply the difficulties of managing the fluctuation of thought and emotions.” She talks about a Buddhist story in which the sage tells us we can either lay down leather wherever we step or make our own moccasins to protect us from the sharp stones along our path. She suggests teaching children these internal resources; delayed gratification, problem solving, adaptability, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, internal motivation, self-discipline, and ac“She suggests teaching children these internal ceptance of impermanence to help resources; delayed gratification, problem solving, them on their life path. book is a helpful explanaadaptability, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, tionHer and guide for parents as they internal motivation, self-discipline, and acceptance of face their own need to grow, while assisting their children in this impermanence to help them on their life path.” endeavor. Her approach gives us practical ways to help children toward goal setting and behavioral decision-making and communica- develop the self-efficacy Dr. Banchange. We may reward or punish tion. Inspired by the people who dura suggested we need to face ourselves to our personal or creat- pioneered these ideas I was hopadversities and succeed in life. ed standards. ing to give tools to people living in In dealing with our own inner My thought was that the more a highly diverse, open society. child, that of other adults, or democratic and freer the society The guidelines for this problem young people in our lives, I hope is, the greater is the need for each -solving journey include: we can develop the sense of interperson’s self-regulation and re Every problem is a learning nal and external self-regulation, sponsibility. Bandura expresses journey with a gift I can dismaking the rules on our own this well, “In order to succeed, cover for others and myself. rocky road. people need a sense of self I can take all the time I need efficacy, to struggle together with to calm my body and open my Jude LaClaire, resilience to meet the inevitable mind. Ph.D., LCPC is a obstacles and inequities of life.”  I can call on all the inner and counselor and He further states, “People who outer resources I need. educator at the have a sense of self-efficacy  I can achieve a positive outHeartland Holistic bounce back from failure; they come to any problem. Health Center. She approach things in terms of how  I am responsible for my life is the author of the to handle them rather than worryand solving the problems I “Life Weaving ing about what can go wrong.” experience. Education Curriculum” that teaches As I continued my learning  I am responsible for all my creative, effective, holistic problem journey in my Ph.D. program at thoughts, words and actions. solving. For counseling appointments, the Union Institute from the early A very important part of this to the mid-nineties, I developed a process is teaching emotional and seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on curriculum for elementary teach- behavioral resilience to Neurobehavioral Programs and Imago ers I called Life Weaving Educachildren. Krissy Pozatek, in her Couple’s Therapy call 913-322-5622 tion. It is a curriculum for the book, Brave Parenting: A Budor drjude@heartlandholistic.com; twenty-first century teaching skills dhist-Inspired Guide to Raising www.heartlandholistic.com for responsible living, learning, Emotionally Resilient Children, EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Holistic Health




ith the dawn of 2020, many of us are drawn to various diets to help jump start our health goals. A number of these diets reduce or eliminate gluten, and we may find ourselves asking, “Is gluten-free just a fad?” and "What is gluten, anyway?” While gluten-free diets have become more commonplace, it is helpful to review some basic facts about gluten and the different ways people react to gluten-containing foods. Gluten is the name for the proteins found in wheat, barley, and rye. It helps food maintain its shape and is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. Although present in many foods, Dr. Alessio Fasano, a pediatric gastroenterologist and researcher who specializes in gluten-related disorders, says, “No one can properly digest gluten. We do not have the enzymes to break it down.” Thankfully, not everyone struggles with health problems after eating it. Alessio notes that a diverse microbiome, a healthy immune system, an intact intestinal barrier (no “leaky gut”), and a lack of genetic predisposition to celiac disease are all protective factors that can allow us to enjoy glutencontaining foods without triggering disease. Still, some of us do negatively react to gluten in one of three ways.

Wheat Allergy Although rare, people can have a true allergy to wheat, just as some people have an allergy to peanuts or shellfish. With wheat allergy, symptoms are felt within minutes to hours and include difficulty breathing, swelling and irritation of the mouth and/or

While gluten-free diets have become more commonplace, it is helpful to review some basic facts about gluten and the different ways people react to gluten-containing foods. throat, hives, and abdominal pain. Wheat allergy can be diagnosed by an allergist through blood and/or skin-prick tests, and treatment is wheat avoidance. Given the prevalence of wheat in our food system, patients may also need to carry an EpiPen for safety. Like peanuts, 100 percent avoidance can be difficult.

Celiac Disease

within days to weeks of ingesting gluten and include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, weight loss, vomiting, and pale, foul-smelling stool. Celiac disease is also systemic, affecting several organs and tissues, not just the GI tract. Patients can experience fatigue, anemia, tingling or numbness in hands and feet, osteoporosis, dental enamel defects, and more. A blood test that reveals elevated antibodies can indicate genetic predisposition to celiac. However, the gold-standard diagnostic tool is damage to the small intestines observed through a tissue biopsy. If positive, treatment for celiac disease is life-long avoidance of gluten.

With this autoimmune condition, 30 out of 100 people have a genetic predisposition for disease, but only one of those 30 will develop it. Unfortunately, most people with celiac disease don’t know they have it, and it’s no longer diagnosed only in childhood. Recent cases have shown up in people in their 60s Non-celiac gluten and 70s. Evaluation for celiac disease sensitivity (NCGS) starts with watching for common Unlike celiac, there is no symptoms and performing a blood genetic susceptibility to NCGS, test. Common symptoms occur but rather an imbalanced reaction EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

to gluten-containing food that stems from poor digestion and intestinal permeability (leaky gut). The immune system responds, and within hours to days, symptoms such as bloating, change in stool pattern, headache, depression, “brain fog,” fatigue, rashes, joint and muscle pain, and more can develop. Although there is some overlap in the symptoms of both celiac disease and NCGS, the underlying immune mechanism is different. Furthermore, NCGS is a diagnosis of exclusion that begins by first ruling out wheat allergy and celiac disease, and then following a gluten-elimination diet for at least four weeks. After that time, you would reintroduce gluten-containing foods and observe any reaction. If nagging symptoms improve while glutenfree, but return with the reintroduction of gluten, it’s highly suggestive of NCGS. Patients with NCGS usually feel better following a strict glutenfree diet, but occasionally, after healing their GI tract and strengthening their microbiome and immune function, they can enjoy some gluten in their diets. Now that the holidays have passed and you’re reflecting on how you’d like to approach your health in 2020, speak with your functional medicine provider about how you’re reacting to gluten and discuss potential next steps.

Emily Day is a Family Nurse Practitioner and Functional Medicine provider at Nurturing Optimal Wellness with Dr. Nancy Russell.


Eating Well in Kansas City

Ethical and Sustainable Guide to Eating Meat You Can Help the Environment without Going Vegan this environment is ideal for methane production. Consequently, farmed fish is about as bad as poultry and pork when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions, despite often being assumed to be environmentally friendly.


4 – Meat Accounts for 83 Percent of Farmland Used but Only 18 Percent of Calories

ating meat has a substantial negative effect on the environment, but you don’t have to go vegan or vegetarian to reduce your impact. Choosing more environmentally-friendly meats like chicken instead of beef, being careful where you source your food from and reducing your consumption can all make a big difference.

Producing 18 percent of calorie intake for the human population and about 37 percent of protein, meat manages to use up a whopping 83 percent of farmland used. An unavoidable truth is that one of the best be In addition to this already unflattering things you can do to protect the environment grown. statistic, livestock is responsible for about 58 is to go vegetarian or vegan. As University of Rather than eating crops, you need to grow percent of all greenhouse gas emissions from Oxford researcher Joseph Poore put it, crops to feed to animals to then eat the following a vegan diet is “the single biggest animals, leading to more waste over the whole agriculture and 57 percent of all water pollution. The amount of damage to the way to reduce your impact on planet Earth.” process. This is the reason animal products environment is wildly out of step with the By completely removing your dependence require more water than plant-based nutrition and energy we get from it. on the meat trade, you’re discouraging products. Beef, for example, uses intensive farming of animals and dramatically around 15,400 liters of water per kilogram of 5 – The “Best” Meat and Dairy is lessening your environmental impact. edible meat produced, pork is close to 6,000 Worse for the Environment than But I know what many of you are thinking: liters/kg, and chicken takes around 4,300/kg. the Worst Veggies and Cereals what if I don’t want to give up meat? Is there In comparison, vegetables use about 300 Even if you take the positive step of moving any way to reduce my environmental impact liters/kg and fruits use about 1,000 liters/kg. towards more sustainable forms of meat, while still enjoying the occasional steak? 2 – Cattle Produces Methane, a there is still bad news compared to being a Admittedly, accomplishing this as a meatPotent Greenhouse Gas vegetarian or vegan. The unfortunate truth is eater is a little bit harder, but there are steps Ruminants like cows and sheep – that eat that even the most sustainable forms of you can take to reduce the impact you’re grass – tend to be the worst when it comes to livestock and dairy are still less sustainable having on the planet. This will still mean greenhouse gas emissions. This is because the than the worst offenders out of cereals and changing some of your diet, but you can still bacteria in their stomach which allows them vegetables. make a substantial difference if you’re to digest grass creates methane as a by6 – Meat Contributes to dedicated to making a positive change. product, and methane is about 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2) in terms of Deforestation 9 Ways Meat Trade Seriously With a large proportion of farmland taken the greenhouse effect. Translating the Impacts the Environment environmental impact into “CO2 equivalent” up by meat production, it also takes a big But changing your whole lifestyle isn’t amounts – that is, an equivalent effect to the share of the blame for ongoing deforestation, which is largely caused by agriculture. Once something you’re likely to do for no reason. stated mass of CO2 – cows release about 16 the trees have gone, chances are they’ll never People often say that reducing your meat kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of meat, and come back, but they are a vital ally in the fight consumption or going completely sheep release about 13 kg of CO2 equivalent against climate change because they absorb vegan is the best thing you can do per kg of meat. carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and only to help the environment, but why is that the 3 – Freshwater Fish Farming Also emit oxygen. case? There are many points that can be Produces Methane 7 – Livestock Causes 14.5 Percent raised to explain the problem, but these nine Although it’s for a different reason, give a good overview of the nature of the of All Emissions (As Much as the freshwater fish farms are also significant problem. World’s Cars, Planes, Boats, and sources of methane. These farms are the 1 – Meat Uses a Lot of Water source of almost all the fish in Europe and Trains) The easiest way to understand the greater two-thirds of it in Asia, but as excrement and The level of greenhouse gas emission from environmental impact of meat is realizing unconsumed feed sinks to the bottom of the livestock is a substantial chunk of total that animals are fed crops which also need to pond, the oxygen levels drop dramatically and emissions – about 14.5 percent of total manEVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

made emissions – identifying it as one of the most important sources of greenhouse gases to reduce. The most shocking part of this fact is when you compare it to emissions from transportation, in the form of all of the world’s cars, planes, boats, and trains: the meat trade is responsible for an equivalent amount of emissions to all of these combined.

issues by over 70 percent. Similarly, you could choose to incorporate meat into your main meal – ideally with a smaller portion than you’d usually go for – but not have any for lunch or breakfast. However, even following a simple and minimal approach like “Meat Free Mondays” can have a significant impact, cutting your consumption by over 14 percent. Ideally, 8 – The Meat Trade Creates Pollution and Possibly Contributes though, you can try to cut your meat consumption by about half (to about 100 to Antibiotic Resistance grams / 3 oz per day), which can even be While agriculture in general – including the accomplished by reducing your portion size. production of plant-based foods – is a source You’ll never do as much as a full-time of pollution due to fertilizers, pesticides, and vegetarian or vegan, but you can still make a other factors, the fact that 30 percent of all very real and positive contribution to solving crops are ultimately fed to livestock means the problem, all the while enjoying meat if you that meat takes a substantial proportion of the feel like it. blame. Eutrophication of water bodies, for 2 – Choose the Right Meats – example, results from an excess of nutrients and things like animal excrement and leftover Choose Chicken Over Beef Or Pork When you do eat meat, the choices you feed. This leads to overgrowth of algae and plants, using up all of the oxygen in the region make about what type of meat can make a huge difference. As pointed out above, sheep and having serious impacts on other aquatic and cows contribute more to greenhouse gas species. Antibiotic resistance is also a serious problem, and it’s expected that the over-use of emissions than other animals like chickens antibiotics in livestock is partially responsible and pigs, so these should be avoided from an environmental perspective. for this. So when you eat meat, reduce your 9 – Meat Consumption is Expected environmental impact by choosing chicken to Rise Worldwide and avoiding beef, mutton or lamb. While beef The final fact is probably the most costs the environment 16 kg of CO2 equivalent worrisome of all. As more nations become per kg of meat, pork is closer to 8 kg per kg of wealthier, meat consumption worldwide is meat and chicken comes in at an impressive expected to increase. This is likely to be a 4.4 kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of meat. Pork substantial increase, too, estimated as a would be better from an environmental doubling of consumption in the next four perspective, but pigs are particularly decades. This means all of the intelligent animals, so recommending this is problems identified above will be doubled in an eco-friendly alternative to beef has other impact unless something drastically changes. issues. Fish is about as good as chicken, and – How to Eat Meat More Sustainably while regularly incorporating them into your diet won’t be easy – mussels have a carbon and Ethically The facts above show that if you’re going to footprint that’s about 20 times smaller than continue eating meat, your contribution to the chicken. Other good ideas from both an ethical and an environmental perspective are oysters, issues surrounding global climate change is scallops, and sea snails. Shrimp is a fine choice going to be bigger than if you became ethically, but crustaceans are the worst vegetarian or vegan. However, that doesn’t mean the only way to reduce your impact is to seafood from an environmental perspective. Simply switching a beef meal for a chicken make such a drastic change in your lifestyle. You can actually make a substantial difference meal would lead to a 3.6-fold reduction, and you’ll see similar benefits if you incorporate by just thinking about how you eat meat and any seafood (besides shrimp or lobster) as an your relationship with food in general. Here alternative, as well as much bigger ones if you are five simple suggestions you can use to make a difference without waving goodbye to use mussels. 3 – Choose Pasture-Raised Meat meat altogether.

5 Ways to Make Meat-Eating More Ethical and Sustainable 1 – Reduce the Amount of Meat You Eat

from Ethical Suppliers

Animals raised on pastures generally have less environmental impact because it more closely mimics what happens in nature. They’re allowed to forage naturally, reducing the wasteful dependence on high-energy The simplest change you can make is grains or other agricultural crops, and they cutting the amount of meat you eat, even if it’s fertilize the soil with their manure, only by a small amount. There are many ways maintaining the natural ecosystem. They’re you can do this, but the more meat you cut also unlikely to be treated with antibiotics, and out, the less you contribute to the global issues the animals also experience less stress. So caused by the meat trade. You can choose a pasture-raised meat is the best choice when it reducetarian or flexitarian diet, both of which comes to the environment, but also offers are effectively mainly plant-based diets but benefits when it comes to animal welfare, ones that incorporate some meat on occasion. provided you take the time to choose a If you switch to only eating meat on weekends, supplier that treats its livestock well. for instance, you’ll cut your contribution to the EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

4 – Choose Locally-Fed or GrassFed Meat Even if you can’t find pasture-raised meat, you can drastically reduce the environmental impact of your meat-eating by choosing meat from farms that grass-feed their livestock or allow them to eat grass. For cows in particular, feeding them grains is a very inefficient approach: they don’t absorb most of the nutrients in the grains, and it may have to be shipped a long distance to the farm. Choosing meat either fed on locally-produced crops or grass-fed is the best approach for the environment.

5 – Reduce Your Food Waste

It’s worth mentioning that one of the best things you can do to ensure your diet is more sustainable is to substantially reduce your waste. Presently, a third of all food produced ends up on landfill, costing the average family over $2,000 and producing a massive 4.4 million tons of CO2 equivalent per year. Essentially, producing the food has the same impacts on the environment, but the food is then thrown away without providing nutrition or energy to your family, and ends up rotting on a landfill and producing methane. Some simple tips for reducing food waste include planning your meals in advance before going to the store (to prevent overshopping), learning how to correctly store your fruits, vegetables, and meats, trusting your senses rather than printed use-by dates, moderating your portions and taking steps to use up any leftovers. If you’re eating meat, reducing your food waste is more important than for vegetarians or vegans, because meat takes so much more water and energy to produce, and releases more CO2.

You Can Help the Environment Without Going Vegan Going vegan isn’t the only way to help the environment. While it’s undeniable that this is a very positive step you can take, the very real problem of climate change requires us to be a bit more pragmatic. If you still want to enjoy meat, you don’t need to feel guilty about it. But if you also care about the environment, following the advice in this post is absolutely essential to reducing the impact your diet has on the planet. The more you do, the better, but doing something is substantially better than doing nothing. Laureen Asseo founded Fresh n’ Lean at 18 years old from the kitchen of her one-bedroom apartment. Her father had been facing serious health problems after years of overindulging in processed American foods, and she was desperate to help him reverse the damage. Her plan: make eating well a no-brainer for people who lack the time or desire to prepare tasty meals. Today, Fresh n’ Lean is the #1 meal delivery service for fresh, ready to eat, glutenfree, organic meals. Learn more at www.freshnlean.com.



You Are Building a New Life

An excerpt from We Are the Luckiest by Laura McKowen


efore Laura McKowen got sober, she had a long, successful career in public relations in the Mad Menesque drinking culture of the advertising industry, where “liquid lunches were frequent and drinking at your desk in the late afternoon was perfectly normal.” In the five years since she stopped drinking, she has become one of the foremost voices in the modern recovery movement. In her new memoir We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life (New World Library, January 7, 2020), McKowen flips the script on how we talk about addiction and encourages readers not to ask, “Is this bad enough that I have to change?” but rather, “Is this good enough for me to stay the same?” *




Let’s talk for a minute first about building a new life. This is not the same as, say, cleaning out your closet, learning how to knit, or starting CrossFit. This isn’t just making a self-improvement or productivity tweak so your life can be 20 percent more organized and interesting, or so you can get a great-looking ass or earn $15,000 more a year; I’m talking about the kind of change that requires death and rebirth. Maybe you’re trying to get sober. Or maybe you’re at the end of a relationship, or someone you love has passed, or you’re making a huge professional leap, or a season of your life is coming to an end or already has. Whether it’s something that you’ve chosen or something that has befallen you, the result is the same: you are going to have to build a new way of being. That can sound clear and linear, like something that can be project-managed, but real transformation doesn’t work that way. My friend Lisa says, “Getting sober ain’t like other task-oriented activities, sweetie,” and this is

will never, be anything less than that. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t edged as close to disaster as I did. It doesn’t matter if no one has ever commented on your drinking or no one believes you when you say you have a problem. As they say, it doesn’t matter how much you drink, or how often, but what happens to you when you do. If something is keeping you from being fully present and showing up in your life the way you want, “It doesn’t matter if you haven’t edged as close to then deciding to change that thing an actual matter of life and disaster as I did. It doesn’t matter if no one has ever isdeath, you know? It’s the commented on your drinking or no one believes you difference between existing and actually living. when you say you have a problem. As they say, it Doesn’t it make sense that, as doesn’t matter how much you drink, or how often, with a pregnancy, you’re going to have to fight like hell to bring this but what happens to you when you do.” new life into the world? If you are doing anything new, hilariously, and unfortunately, the place “where we are betwixt you are building a new life. true. It’s bigger. Wider. Deeper. and between. There, the old world Nothing less. New life does not Entirely engrossing. Otherworldly, is left behind, but we’re not sure of burst forth fully formed on day even. the new one yet. . . . Get there often one; it is at first a pink, tender In every big transition of my life and stay as long as you can by thing that requires attention, — pregnancy, becoming a mother, whatever means possible.” He says, vigilance, and respect. It takes marriage, divorce, and especially “If we don’t find liminal space in time and tending to get big getting sober — I have been our lives, we start idolizing enough and strong enough to exist gobsmacked by the messiness and normalcy.” on its own. I really want you to difficulty of it all. It can feel like And yet, we always think it hear that. the most basic tasks, things you should be easier. Faster. Less have been doing since childhood gnarly. — taking a shower, brushing your The Instagram culture we live in teeth, feeding yourself — are new doesn’t help. All the sparkly, shiny again and near impossible. Time images of people slows. Axioms you’ve understood #livingtheirbestlife #soberAF can and relied on all your life fall make it look like sobriety, or any away. There is a profound and other significant transformation, complete dislocation from the is an instant reality. We don’t see very center of things, as if gravity the daily fight — the thousands of Laura McKowen is the author of We Are the Luckiest. She is a former itself has relocated. tedious, unsexy steps — it takes, public relations executive who has There’s a term for these phases day after day, to really heal and of life in biblical and psychological become new. become recognized as a fresh voice in terms: liminal space. Limen is a My friend Janet said to me the recovery movement. Beloved for her Latin word that means many times early on, when I soulful and irreverent writing, she leads “threshold.” It is the time between would come to her vexed, once sold-out yoga-based retreats and other the “what was” and the “next,” a again, by the sheer difficulty of courses that teach people how to say place of transition, waiting, and getting through a single day yes to a bigger life. Visit her online at not knowing. Generally, we resist without drinking, “Girl, don’t http://www.lauramckowen.com. and wish like hell against these forget that you are saving your life times, but for me, learning that it — it should be hard.” I thought Excerpted from the book We Are the was an actual spiritual thing that sounded rather dramatic. Luckiest. Copyright ©2020 by Laura defined by groundlessness helped But, of course, she was right. I was McKowen. Printed with permission from a lot. In Everything Belongs, saving my damn life. I was New World Library — author and theologian Richard building a new life. It was never, www.newworldlibrary.com Rohr describes liminal space as EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Feature 11

It’s All in Your Head An excerpt from Feed Your Soul by Carly Pollack


here are countless diets, cleanses, and 30-day challenges all geared to help people lose weight, heal their digestion, and feel more energy. Yet, these temporary protocols fall short when it comes to true transformation. With all of the nutrition guidance available, why do millions of people weigh more than they want and feel anxious and depressed about it? Nutrition expert Carly Pollack lived this vicious cycle until trial and error, and over a decade of academic study and self-healing, led her to the incredible insights she’s shared with thousands. In Feed Your Soul: Nutritional Wisdom to Lose Weight Permanently and Live Fulfilled, she presents her unique understanding of body science, brain wiring, and spiritual principles to facilitate real, longterm change. We hope you’ll enjoy this short excerpt from the book.

fall so hard from grace and directly into a bag of chips. It is also the key to understanding why diets don’t work. Consider this formula:

Monday was always redemption day for me. A fresh start and a new opportunity to finally stop abusing myself with food. I would plan my gym workouts, make my grilled chicken and vegetables, and promise myself that this week Thoughts—Emotions— would be the start of something Behaviors—Reward or permanent. The thought of finally feeling good in my body evoked Consequence hopefulness and desire, which changed my eating behavior Diets don’t work because they during the week. But by the end of focus on behavior modification and nothing more. Eat this, don’t the week, I was tired, stressed, and ready to break free from the eat that; and if you eat that, you * * * * almond-counting food prison of break the rules of the diet, and the past five days. It was a subtle that makes you lazy, inadequate, There’s a point in the process of weak, unlovable, and [insert shift, but my thoughts changed dieting, usually close to the from “I want to feel good in my insult] here. If we are brave and beginning, when we experience body” to “It’s the weekend, and I vulnerable enough to look more hopeful euphoria. The diet is deserve comfort and rewards for deeply at what truly needs to be working for us, we feel great, and healed, we will have success all my hard work.” That subtle we feel like we’ve finally got it. It’s eliminating our negative shift in thought created new the point at which we think about behaviors at their root. It is our emotions, which drove unhealthy our past behaviors and exclaim minds that drive the eating bus. In weekend behaviors time after that we are never going back to time. I was the epitome of the fact, our thoughts drive every that old way of eating again! We emotion we feel, and how we feel weekday warrior and the weekend are essentially high on the diet, will dictate how we act. Unless we partier. No diet could save me. If I and we want to climb a mountain change the original thought/story, wanted to make any real, and scream from the top, “I’m we will re-create the same painful permanent change, I had to look cured!” A few weeks later, we internally to examine the pattern, a nightmarish dietleave our favorite Thai restaurant induced Groundhog Day. underlying thoughts that were feeling disgusted (and yet consuming my brain. Once I For years I went on and off somewhat impressed) with how diets, some sane, some downright started using my formula to get to much pad thai we were able to insane (hello, prepackaged meals the real root of the issue, true and shove down our gullets. We think and freeze-dried snacks; I want a permanent change emerged. back to our mountaintop moment refund). I went through long Your thoughts are most likely and wonder why and how we have periods of reckless abandonment, subconscious; they ride fallen so far from grace. Does also known as eating everything I underneath the surface, and you restricting our food intake release craved until all my clothes may not even notice they are some special endorphins that there. If you heighten your stopped fitting. When anything make us appear more confident with an elastic waistband became awareness and start questioning than we really are? If we were your behaviors with this formula my preferred pants for every truly that happy about all the as your guide, you will start to outing, I would prepare for my positive eating changes, then why next big diet adventure. notice that exact moment when did we go back to our old your emotional thinking about Eventually I stopped going for patterns? extended periods of time in eating food changes. Because I have visited the The practice of paying attention denial. I evolved to binging and mountaintop a time or two (or to your thoughts can be hard at restricting all within a week’s ten), I have the answer to why we time. first, especially if you have been EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

listening to the voice in your head your entire life (and believing every word it says). The easiest way to heighten your awareness is to simply ask yourself throughout the day, “What am I thinking?” If you are a person who can connect more easily with your feelings than your thoughts, identify your emotions and work backward. If you ask yourself, “What am I feeling?” and the answer is, “Stressed and exhausted,” then you can take it a step further and ask, “What story am I telling myself right now that is creating this stress?” This is you working your way through the meat of my formula. For the first time, your focus is on what really needs healing and not on your plate. By the time you question your eating behaviors, you are too far down the rabbit hole to make any permanent change. (Just a headsup: Once you start paying attention to your thoughts, you are going to realize that your mind is absolutely insane. You will need to learn how to distinguish between what’s real and what’s pure crazy, but I’ll help you navigate those shark-infested waters.) To create the life and body you want, you must do so from a place of peace, gratitude, and happiness. You can’t fake it. If you’re going to achieve deep and fulfilling success, love, and abundance, you have to separate your mind (thoughts) from your heart and soul (your higher self). Only then will you create peaceful behaviors around food. Carly Pollack is the author of Feed Your Soul and is the founder of Nutritional Wisdom, a thriving private practice based in Austin, Texas. A Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a master’s degree in holistic nutrition, Carly has been awarded Best Nutritionist in Austin five years running and has helped over 10,000 people achieve their health and happiness goals. Visit her online at www.carlypollack.com Excerpted from the book Feed Your Soul. Copyright ©2019 by Carly Pollack. Printed with permission from New World Library — www.newworldlibrary.com.



Take Off in the New Year on a Phoenix Winter Getaway BY JILL DUTTON

Day 3 Hike Gateway Loop at McDowell Sonoran Conservancy A 4.5 mile loop that wanders up to a low saddle before winding back to the Gateway Trailhead. The length and grade changes make this a moderately difficult hike, but one worth trying. Make your way at an enjoyable pace while enjoying the wildflowers and wildlife. Lunch at The Churchill The Churchill is home to 10 small local businesses, mixing established operators with startup entrepreneurs. All of the businesses residing in The Churchill focus their efforts on collaboration over competition, finding ways to benefit each other. At the heart of The Churchill is a 9,000 square foot courtyard intended for dining, drinking, socializing and learning.

Check-in at Hermosa Inn Hand built by legendary cowboy artist Lon Megargee as his home and studio, The Hermosa Inn and its acclaimed on-site restaurant Lon’s at The Hermosa have been restored with careful attention to modern day comforts while preserving original charm scape the wintery weather Sage Desert Clay Body Mask and authentic touches. Since the this January with a enriched with a subtle blend of 1930’s, The Hermosa Inn has been getaway to Phoenix. essential oils and the energy of a recognized destination in the turquoise. The ritual continues desert Southwest offering luxury Day 1 with a balancing and re-hydrating lodging accommodations and fine Check-in at JW Marriott full-body massage using Turquoise dining. Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort Sage Massage Oil. Finally, & Spa experience an energy ritual using Dinner at LON’s in Hermosa The fires are lit. The water is desert sage to cleanse the aura and Inn flowing. The earth is flowering. turquoise gemstones to strengthen There’s a reason why LON’s at The sky is limitless. Where all the and balance the body and spirit. The Hermosa Inn is rated as one elements meet. JW Marriott of Paradise Valley’s top Desert Ridge Resort & Spa may be Beverages at UnderTow restaurants. We seek out the Arizona’s largest resort, but it’s UnderTow is a unique Tiki region’s freshest ingredients and also big on luxury. With 950 adventure! Sip cocktails fit for a prepare them with age-old cooking guestrooms (including 81 suites), captain as you sail the seas aboard traditions — roasting, smoking, this AAA Four-Diamond awarda 19th century clipper ship. We wood-grilled—combined with winning, alluring resort is set on offer a one-of-a-kind experience cutting-edge trends. The result? 316 acres in the Sonoran Desert complete with music, scenes and Globally inspired Arizona cuisine, where Phoenix meets Scottsdale special effects that correlate with our popular Himalayan Salt and features sweeping views of the directly with our annual craft Seared Ahi Tuna, served with McDowell Mountains. cocktail menu and the story it cilantro, pickled onion, and accompanies. ceviche sauce, as a prime example. Day 2 Turquoise Blue Sage Body Dinner at Beckett’s Table Day 4 Ritual Spa Treatment Chef Justin Beckett invites you Gila River Rock Massages spa In this healing ritual that uses to gather around his kitchen to treatment at Aji Spa the ancient wisdom of the Native indulge in a hearty assortment of For centuries the Pima and American people, the energies of seasonal, American dishes. The Maricopa people have used hot the sacred turquoise gemstones neighborhood restaurant is a rocks to alleviate pain and soothe offer a deeply relaxing experience regional respite for comfort the soul. Warm stones are applied for body and soul. Begin with a cuisine. to your body and used to massage mineral-rich Turquoise Sage your muscles. The experience will Desert Salt Body Polish to cleanse leave you in a state of intense calm and awaken the skin followed by a and tranquility while clearing cocoon wrap with a Turquoise toxins and restoring the body to a



natural state of balance. Hot air balloon ride with Hot Air Expeditions Breathtaking. Magical. Aweinspiring. These are just a few words that have been used to describe Hot Air Expeditions’ ballooning experiences. During the journey, you will enjoy floating at different elevations, from up to 5,000 feet in the air for a gorgeous overview of the Sonoran Desert, to within feet of the desert floor, to catch a glimpse of local wildlife, plant life and landmarks.

Dinner at The Gladly Named one of Phoenix’s best new restaurants, The Gladly is the follow up concept by the owners of critically acclaimed Citizen Public House. The stylish bar boasts a world-class craft beverage program and over 200 whiskies to go along with Chef Bernie Kantak’s well-traveled comfort food. Day 5 Experience the Desert Botanical Garden The Desert Botanical Garden offers the world’s finest collection of arid plants from deserts of the world in a unique outdoor setting. The Garden has more than 50,000 desert plants on display throughout five thematic trails that illustrate topics such as conservation, desert living, plants and people of the Sonoran Desert, and desert wildflowers. Brunch at Gertrude’s Gertrude’s is Desert Botanical Garden’s relaxed bar/restaurant that serves sustainable, refined American meals.

DOWNTOWN PHOENIX ON A PEDAL CAB TOUR Jill Dutton is publisher of Evolving Magazine. Follow her travels at www.USAbyRail.blog.

Spiritual Horoscope 13

January Horoscope Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Happy birthday, Capricorn! Make a list of everything you want to transform in your life, be they relationships, job issues, health conditions, emotional patterns, etc. Forgive yourself for “failures.” Make peace that things come to a natural conclusion in order to make space for a more fulfilling life! Release anger, so you can use pent-up energy to be joyful and to create powerful changes. Make gratitude lists, since you’ll easily overlook blessings if you’re in “perfectionist” mode. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Don’t be afraid to explore your subconscious. It’s intimidating to feel old, squashed-down emotions. Aquarians often prefer to think about emotions rather than feel them. Be brave, so your heart can open in new ways and allow deeper, more fulfilling experiences to flow into your life! Be active with supportive friends, so you can have fun and also have a listening ear. Make changes in your home, so that it feels fresh and vital. Throw out junk that reminds you of the past in a negative way. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) It’s so important to follow your inner guidance. Daily meditation, even for a few concentrated minutes, helps strengthen your soul connection. Many insights and solutions will come as you validate your knowingness. It’s a powerful time to make sure you’re following your own life path, and not merely going along pleasing others. Trust your heart, no matter what! You can also have breakthroughs at work that excite you and give you more of a sense of meaning and purpose. Aries (March 21 – April 19) This can be one of the most successful times in your life for career! Stick with your values and deepest visualizations, because you can create even from seemingly impossible odds. You can also have financial breakthroughs, not just from work, but from gifts or

“unexpected income”! Meditate on the impact you wish to make in life in general, based upon your unique talents and qualities. Keep your focus in that direction and watch the results roll in! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Uranus moves directly in your sign, bringing renewed courage to imagine and manifest your dreams! Meditate to release limited thoughts about yourself, others, or life in general. Uranus reminds you that every possibility is in the quantum field. Your thoughts and beliefs either draw or repel those possibilities. Choose spiritual concepts that keep your mind and heart open. Talk with like-minded friends each day to encourage each other. Also, plan a trip to a dream destination — maybe India, Bali, Paris, or Italy! Allow yourself to splurge on something that nurtures you. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Get ready for relationship excitement! If single, you can meet a sexy new partner, and if bonded, you can re-ignite passion together! Internally, you may have challenges about withstanding the intensity of intimacy. Meditate on past events or family patterns that inhibit your ability to get close and/or to stay close. Even if you need a trained professional, you can break through these fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs! You can also heal ways you self-sabotage when it comes to finances.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) It’s vital to make sure your needs are being met in relationships. Meditation creates a strong inner bond with yourself and with the nurturing Universe. But you also need bonding with the humans with whom you choose to merge lives. Be brave and stand up to old emotional patterns of “lack” within yourself and between you and a partner. Also beware of shunting your anxiety into eating crappy food. Be direct with others and treat your body well! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Uranus moves directly, bringing changes to your career. If you feel your work is meaningless, opportunities can arise to be with a company whose mission aligns with your heart. It’s important to be true to yourself in every way right now; otherwise, you can have health “stuff” like insomnia, digestive issues, repeated colds, or feelings of anxiety. Be with people who support the shifts you need to make to have fulfillment in your life! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) It’s time to stand up to the critical voices in your head once and for all! You’re protective of others, so imagine if those voices were saying mean things about your best friend. You would not believe those mean things, and you’d see the ideas as abusive. Meditate and become your own protector from your negativity. Make a clear decision to believe in your goodness, in spite of your flaws. Embrace new forms of spirituality that emphasize selfforgiveness and self-love. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) It’s a month of deep healing about your capacity for intimacy and trust. Meditate on releasing betrayals and hurts, no matter how longstanding. Believe that you can create new patterns of connection that reflect your own chosen life direction. You don't have to repeat family dysfunction or live in the shadow of trauma. Seek professional help if needed, yet also connect with new possibilities that exist in the Universe. Your fulfilling future is in the quantum field.


“Brain wash” yourself with those joyous beliefs by joining with that energy in meditation and throughout the day. You can also have financial breakthroughs as your self-worth increases! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) If you’re involved with someone, meditate on releasing past ideas about what he/she is. Pray to see him/her with fresh eyes. If single, let go of old hurts that narrow your heart so you can explore relationships again. In general, examine your allegiance to your beliefs about life and love. Where can you allow more gentleness and vulnerability? Can you let go of pessimism that you call “realism”? Financially, you’ll have a great month. Make sure you splurge a little on yourself. You deserve your own love and thoughtfulness! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Energetic Mars is in your sign, giving pep, courage, and enthusiasm to make changes or meet goals! You can start a new relationship, resolve job issues, or make shifts that improve your health. In meditation, place focus on beliefs that limit financial flow. These can be inherited ideas from generations back that you firmly decide are no longer true for you. Set up a solid budget that includes paying off debt, but also gives you a bit of “mad money,” so you don’t feel trapped by overly stringent rules.

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E -book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com



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