June 2018 Evolving Magazine

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June 2018 ~ Vol. X, Issue 4



A Guide for Conscious Living

The Evolution of an Activist Parenting as Activism

Voluntourism in Mexico Dream Weaving Use the Chakras to Realize More of Who You Are EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


June 2018

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June 2018

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

I shared this quote a few years ago after reading Twelve by Twelve by William Powers: "The problem I have always had with any overly ‘spiritual’ path is that it sometimes denies life. We have an eternity to exist in the soup of universal energy, but just a few precious decades to savor rich coffee, whether it's bad for us or not. To plant zucchini; to people-watch in a subway car; to love jazz. To love others, even if it gets messy." This quote resonated with my need to not only explore my spirituality but to fully live the life I’m in—right now. And, I believe, part of fully immersing in this life, truly living, means reaching out and helping others through activism. There is no greater path than a path that helps to raise another. One particular form of activism, which is outlined in the book, is planet activism. Twelve by Twelve tells the story of a female 60-year-old physician who lives in a 12x12 shack in North Carolina. She takes only 11k salary a year so as not to contribute to war taxes. The author is invited to spend time in her shack while she travels and writes about the experience living off the grid. Even though we can't all take the measures she did to live sustainably and act as a planet activist, there are some great suggestions for improvement. “But you don’t have to live in a 12×12 house to discover more inner joy and contribute to global healing. Each of us, no matter where we live, can ask ourselves, ‘What’s my 12 x 12?’ Even in large cities—I now live in New York— it is possible to scale back from overdevelopment to enough. By planting a windowsill or community garden; doing yoga or meditation; walking and biking; and carrying out at least one positive action for others every day. We decide what gets globalized—consumption or compassion; selfishness or solidarity—by how we cultivate the most valuable space of all: our inner acre.” My hope is that reading this special edition about activism and volunteering, you’ll find a nugget of inspiration to lead you toward your calling to help others.

Voluntourism in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico 8

The Evolution of an Activist


Harness Resilience in this Age of Surprise 10

Jill Dutton →If you’re interested in environmental activism, Citizens Climate Lobby is a National Bi-partisan group which has a local chapter that meets on Third Thursday nights at JOCO Library on 87th Street in Overland Park. There are 425 chapters nationwide and more than 100k members. www.citizensclimatelobby.org

Parenting as Activism

→Want to help grow Evolving Magazine and reach the conscious Kansas City community? See the ad on page 5 of the print magazine for more details.


Departments Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Polly Swafford Web Layout/Design Christine Lamb

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton Monthly Columnists Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Angela Watson Robertson, Suzette Scholtes

Books Journey to Wholeness Wisdom Within Holistic Health Horoscope Events

4 5 6 7 13 15

ON THE COVER "SoulRise" depicts the dawning day and subsequent journey of the soul rising away from the human consciousness, toward its full potential and true liberation. When the soul is no longer burdened by the weight of the world but striving to be fully in- and of- the Light, one experiences wholeness. One is truly Evolving. Visit www.mandalashambhala.com

EVOLVING© 2018 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.



June 2018

Books The Dalai Lama’s Advice for Children of All Ages

The book focuses on his advice about compassion, kindness and happiness, as well as practical advice for situations children need a hand with (making mistakes, getting angry, etc). The quotes included in the book are short, funny and easy to understand, while the illustrations portray children from different cultures and countries, thus

educating children about lifestyles around the world. The book is a result of the collaboration of a Montreal-based team, a group of friends passionate about Tibet, art and meaningful education tools. The Dalai Lama’s advice for children of all ages is available on Amazon, in English, French and Spanish. More info: www.dalailama4children.com

The World Needs to Change. Is it too Late? The Choice is ours.

tion contains an additional chapter covering Trump and the deepening legitimacy crisis of government. Drawing on a huge range of resources and references, radical futurist and philosopher Daniel Pinchbeck presents a For the last few years the world has compelling argument for the need for been on the brink of an ecological megachange on a global basis. How Soon is crisis, and our actions over the next few Now? is a manifesto for personal and years may well determine the destiny of planetary change. It proposes a new narour descendants. Part manifesto, part tactical plan of action, How Soon is Now? rative for a unified social movement. Through global cooperation, we can outlines a vision for a mass social moveface this collective threat- ecologically, ment that will address this crisis. With an Introduction by Russell Brand socially, politically, and spiritually. Accepting this crisis as our initiation, and Preface by Sting, this paperback edi-

we can choose to evolve to the next level of consciousness as a species. We can do more than survive: we can thrive. Covering everything from energy and agriculture to culture, politics, media and ideology, Pinchbeck’s book is ultimately about the nature of the human soul and the future of our current world. Based on an integration of Eastern metaphysics, social ecology and radical political thought, How Soon Is Now? offers a completely unique and compelling plan of action to help us find our way in the darkness.

Mind Map Mastery

Map Mastery, he has distilled these years of global research into the clearest most The Mind Map is a revolutionary think- powerful instructional work available on ing tool which, when mastered, will trans- the Mind Map technique. Mind Mapping is an intricate diagram form your life. If you are looking to improve your memory, boost wellbeing, plan that mirrors the structure of a brain cell your business strategy, become more or- with branches reaching out from its cenganized, resolve conflict, study for an ex- tre, evolving through patterns of association. However, since its inception by Tony am or plan out your future, this is the in the mid-1960s, the Mind Map has book for you. proved to be much more than an excellent For the past five decades, Tony Buzan means of note-taking: it is an efficient and has been at the leading edge of learning and educational research with his revolu- profoundly inspiring way to feed our tionary Mind Map technique. With Mind starving minds, intellects and spirits. Developed both for those new to the

Mind Map concept as well as more experienced users who would like to revise and expand their expertise, Mind Map Mastery is the one Mind Mapping book needed on the shelf of every student and business person across the world. With exceptional clarity and depth, Mind Map Mastery includes the history of the development of the Mind Map, an explanation of what makes a Mind Map, why it's such a powerful tool, illustrated step-by-step techniques for Mind Map development–from simple to complex applications.

Self-Management Skills

of our survival mechanism: the fight, flight, or freeze instinct. The solution for situations like these is to learn to do the opposite: breathe deeply and evenly. What you want to carry with you throughout life is the clear understanding that your breath is your personal domain, and no one can enter this private space uninvited. It is your castle, and the firm ground on which you can stand no matter how dangerous a certain situation might seem. Whatever negative circumstances we encounter, we can always draw inside, center ourselves, and regulate our breath—deep, steady, and free. Excerpted from Buddha and Einstein Walk Into a Bar by Guy Joseph Ale (New Page Books, June 2018)

‘Books such as this will enable the children to proceed towards a positive direction, one that will lead to create a more peaceful and compassionate society’, says the Dalai Lama in the book forward.

Breath is the foundation of everything, and everything begins with breath. Breath is the true barometer by which to measure your mental, physical, and emotional states: levels of anxiety, fitness, tightness, ease, or stress. The quality of your breath indicates how balanced and aligned the different systems of your body are at any given time. The life force coursing through your body manifests itself through your breath. We don’t pay much attention to this activity and do it automatically about 22,000 times a day, but as the satirical publication The Onion correctly pointed out in October 2017, “A report released by

the National Institutes of Health found that breathing can extend a person’s lifespan by several decades. . . . Steady inhaling, when combined with equal parts exhaling, promotes healthy brain function. Conversely, missing even one day of breath-ing can drastically reduce an otherwise healthy person’s life expectancy.”3 We begin the self-management skills with breathing, because when we learn how to master our breath we can be in control in every situation in life. Our daily routines are filled with small and big annoyances, and potential causes of anxiety. When we find ourselves in a “tight situation,” the natural tendency of the body is to stiffen, and the breath to become shallow or restricted. These are the hereditary responses



June 2018

Journey to Wholeness



erhaps you don’t remember your dreams or pay much attention to them. I invite you to take a moment at night to suggest to yourself that you will dream, and in the morning when you awaken, you will remember your dreams. In many traditions, dreaming is regarded as a time to find answers to one’s problems, take spiritual journeys, communicate with spirits from other worlds or invoke healing energy and solutions for the community in which one lives. What do you believe about dreams? Do you have a way to use them as tools in personal growth and wisdom? If you should decide to accept the invitation to become a Dreamer for yourself and others, here are some ideas that will help you in this process. The dream state is part of the natural rhythm of the brain occurring every 90-120 minutes while you sleep. You may spend as much as 20 percent of your sleep-time dreaming. By the time you are seventy years old, approximately four years of your life will have been spent dreaming. Dreams can be understood on three levels; literal, symbolic/metaphoric and global/universal. Many people turn immediately to the literal interpretation of the dream. If I dream I am driving my car down the street and my brakes don’t work, it means I better get my brakes checked or I will have an accident. A deeper look at the dream takes you to the level of symbol or metaphor. Let’s assume that the dream symbols represent some aspect of your life. You tell the dream like this: “The part of me that is driving/in charge is trying to stop an out of control/no brakes part of myself. I may be endangering myself and others as I speed out of control.” Could this dream have a global or universal meaning? Perhaps you are part of a group or system that is out of control; that may need stopping, slowing, or re-directing. The collective “drivers” can change the direction by finding a way to steer the vehicle safely. Another very simple way to begin understanding your dreams is to make a list of all the parts of the dream, e.g., the driver, the vehicle, the brakes, the road, etc. By each word, make a list of associations, definitions or connections that come immediately to mind. Now retell the dream using the association words or phrases. Try different combinations. You may be amazed, as

you understand the connection to your current situation and problems that may be presenting themselves to you. The Senoi, a tribe living in the upper Malaysian Peninsula, gather each morning for a dream group. Children are guided to remember and share their dreams. They are given some very powerful guidelines to help them in their dream world. Here are some of the more important ones: You can call on whatever help you need. You can always take all the time you need. You can always protect yourself. You can enjoy positive and pleasurable experiences in the dream. You can always achieve a positive outcome or solution in the dream. These are potent directives that engage the dreamer in taking charge of the dream, directing or re-directing, as needed, to finish the dream. This dream approach is a more direct way of experiencing the dream symbols while moving towards solution and selfempowerment. I hope as you pay attention to your dreams you may be able to have the same feeling expressed by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, “There are times in my life when I have fallen asleep in tears; but in my dreams the most charming forms have come to console and to cheer me, and I have risen the next morning fresh and joyful.”

Looking for volunteer opportunities? Want to make a difference in Kansas City’s Wellness community? Evolving Magazine needs you! Various volunteer/intern/commission opportunities available:

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, training, supervision, speaking engagements or information on Life Weaving Education: A Holistic Problem-Solving Curriculum, Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-322-5622. www.kcholistic.com drjude@heartlandholistic.com


 Layout and design of the print publication  Project manager for special events  Volunteer Coordinator for Conscious Living Festivals  Volunteers the day of the festival  Editing  Ad design

Contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com to find out where your skillset might fit with our needs. 5

June 2018

Come learn Holy Fire Reiki!

Wisdom Within

Use the Chakras to Realize More of Who You Are Karen Harrison, Ed.S. ICRT Licensed Reiki Classes & Sessions Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna Young Living Essential Oils Sex Therapy 816-523-4440 www.KarenHarrison.net Kansas City, MO 64114

Spiritual Response Therapy & Numerology

Purchase a full SRT clearing & get a 1/2 price Numerology reading (exp. 7/1/18)



y favorite description of the chakras is that they are “measuring and observing devices.” Chakra translated literally means spinning wheel of light. These inner vortexes awaken with the discipline of meditation and yoga allowing our bodies, mind, and emotions to give us constant feedback to how we are doing. Yet, there are many myths and confusions concerning the energy of the chakras. I even heard someone argue that the colors need to be a certain hue. No true! But then how do we really know as this energy field is abstract. Some healers know how to read and repair them. I may offer to balance a student’s chakras but only with their permission and only if the feedback I may receive is useful for their growth and healing process. The chakra energies, mysterious and etheric as opposed to scientific, are the constant north star that helps us shine light as author of our life scripts. What is denied often comes back at us through issues of health or anxiety. By being aware of the basic energy of the chakras, we become more able to transform worry and guilt into action and resolution. Here are seven ways to heal with love and forgiveness in the life-long process of staying conscious to these subtle chakra energies: Recognize, accept, forgive yourself and watch your growth leap forward! l. Be Free of Blame and Victim! The Root Chakra is located at the base of spine. It revolves around the basic question of being. Do I have the right to be here? Am I safe? Do I have enough money, friends, health? A big whisper of being closed down or damaged is victim thinking and blaming. Yoga poses that help heal the root: child’s pose, downward facing dog, seated hero, and corpse pose.

may show as impotence, bladder infections, and stiff lower back. Yoga poses that move the energy of the second chakra are all forward bends both seated and standing. 3. Become a Responsible, Honest, and Conscious Author of your Life The third chakra and largest center from the hip bones to the ribs swirls our gut responses to feelings, situations, thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. Taking ownership, defining, and choosing to change old beliefs and attitudes requires us to open to the sides of us we may wish to hide from ourselves and others. As the third chakra becomes healthy, we help heal the pain of feeling separate and alone. Yoga poses that give us the courage to be more authentic include all standing postures. 4. Love as if You’ve Never been Hurt This demands huge amounts of forgiveness because many of us are not willing to admit how hurt we have been my others and circumstances. It takes a lot of courage to open up to this level of vulnerability. The fourth chakra is the fulcrum, the center of the seven and the most measurable. The yearning to love and be loved pulls like a great inner tide. We begin to accept that love connects us to all other human beings with compassion and respect. Yoga poses that open the heart chakra are all backbend postures explored with right contraindications.

5. Find Your True Voice The fifth chakra is the throat. What is it you talk about with colleagues and friends? With my friends, we use the phrase “permission to whine” to vent our anxieties and frustrations consciously. True voice is self-loving, self-accepting, and self-forgiving. True voice chooses to release and heal the past to allow a more 2. Create More “Fun” & Pleasure loving future. The fifth chakra is about The 2nd Chakra is found at the point voice and trust. It involves creative below the navel. It involves the core of honoring of inner guidance to support the self: interpersonal emotions and our mission/vision. Often the process is relationships with family, community and purifying as it begins to cut out beliefs self. A healthy second chakra emanates that may restrict Divine guidance. When feelings of belonging, self-value, selfopen, trust strengthens while respect, happiness at living life and communication flows freely. Yoga Poses pleasure of all kinds…..food, touch, rest, that help are bridge pose and shoulder entertainment, work. Health challenges balance.



June 2018

6. Trust Your Intuition Those who feel they have little intuition tend to value mind more than emotions or their body’s feedback. Intuition deepens with meditation and analyzing night dreams. When the third eye is open, wisdom becomes a natural point of command. They feel and believe in themselves from the inside thus outside validation eases its grip. The inner voice becomes a trusted friend and guide. It is theorized that all twisting yoga poses helps to clear blocks to this powerful current. 7. Become Friends with God/ Goddess In our deepest nature, there is no separation from the light of God/ Goddess. Union becomes less of an ideal and more of a living contract with the unseen mystery we call Divine Love. More than once a day, but hour to hour the connection grows more awake and more real. We learn discernment and boundaries in talking about this wonderful knowing of living with the friend within, above, below, everywhere. Yoga poses that deepen the friend are seated poses for meditation, head balance, waterfall, and lotus. It’s believed by many there are 12 active chakra systems including the 8th below the feet and 9 -12 above the head involving complex energies of our souls and spirits and high selves. Daily, in meditation it’s powerful to connect the seven colors of the rainbows and visualize the colors in each chakra center or connect the light to your spirit guide or high self to fine-tune this inner radar even more.

Suzette Scholtes’ nonfiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. www.theyogastudio.com news@theyogastudio.com 913-492-9594.

Holistic Health

Artificial Sweeteners BY NANCY RUSSELL, M.D.


ccording to the medical journal, Internal Medicine News, dated April 15th, 2018 an article is entitled, “Sucralose upregulates adipogenic genes in high-BMI users”. The author of the article, Dr Sabyasachi Sen, M.D. says, we think that the sucralose, (also known as Splenda), is allowing more glucose (sugar) to enter the cell (cells of the body). When fat tissue from individuals with obesity was exposed to the artificial sweetener sucralose (Splenda), there was significant upregulation of genes that promote glucose (sugar) transport. Genes known to be adipogenic (cause increase in fat cells) and those governing sweet taste receptors also were significantly upregulated (which increases cravings for sweets). Effects of sucralose (Splenda), are more detrimental in obese people who are prediabetic or diabetic compared to non obese consumers of this low-calorie sweetener. These new findings are helping to solve the puzzle of how a sweetener that delivers no energy may contribute to metabolic derangement reported Dr Sen. The investigators in this experiment took fat cells from normal weight individuals and from obese individuals by a small biopsy sampling of the subcutaneous fat. Using mRNA gene expression profiles, they determined that glucose transporter genes, adipogenic genes and antioxidant genes were upregulated among sucralose consumers with obesity, significantly more than for the normal weight participants. The investigators concluded that sucralose allows more glucose (sugar from food) to enter the cells of the individuals. This is the mechanism that explains how consuming sucralose on a regular basis can worsen diabetes and cause weight gain. Another artificial sweetener, aspartame or Nutrasweet is sold in over 100 countries, found in over 5000 products, and is consumed by over 250 million people as reported by Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D. Aspartame is found in most diet sodas and a good portion of chewing gum. There have been more reports to the FDA for aspartame reactions than for all other food additives combined. Other names for aspartame include: Equal, Spoonful, Equal-Measure and the blue packet.

Aspartame can be a danger to your brain and reported reactions range from headaches, mood alterations and even seizures. Other reported symptoms to the FDA include: dizziness, nausea, numbness, fatigue, depression, rashes, weight gain, muscle spasms, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, loss of taste, joint pain, memory loss, anxiety attacks, breathing difficulties, and tinnitus. According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting aspartame. These include: brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy. chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Fibromyalgia, birth defects, lymphoma cancer, mental retardation, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. The book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James and Phyllis Balch lists aspartame under the category of chemical poison. Aspartic acid has the same deleterious effects on the body as glutamic acid isolated from it’s naturally bound state, causing it to become a neurotoxin instead of a non-essential amino acid. Phenylalanine is an amino acid normally found in the brain but when consumed regularly can cause the levels of serotonin in the brain to decrease. Low serotonin levels can lead to depression, sleep disorders and increased appetite. In extreme cases, when large amounts of phenylalanine are consumed can go on to cause memory loss, headaches, mood swings and violent rages. The last ingredient, methanol makes up 10 percent of aspartame. When soft drinks undergo heat exposure above 86 degrees Fahrenheit, the amount of free methanol goes up and breaks down into formaldehyde in the body. Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin and can cause vision disturbances, headaches, dizziness, nausea, weakness, chills, memory lapses and even blindness. Advice for good health is to avoid all artificial sweeteners because of the potential health concerns. There are many healthy alternatives such as raw honey, real maple syrup and agave nectar. For zero calorie alternatives, choices include spring water, filtered water, mineral waters, vitamin water zero and sparkling waters. Stevia, xylitol and monk fruit are

zero calorie natural sweeteners that are readily available. Be sure to check the ingredients in your beverages, gums and foods as artificial sweeteners abound with many different names.


Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, www.nancyrussellmd.com or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.

Metaphysics Guide


June 2018


Travel for a Cause: Voluntourism in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


exico has the 14th largest economy in the world however it continues to be one of the most unequal countries in the world. More than half of the population is poor and more than 55 million Mexicans live in poverty. Almost half of Mexicans are under 25 years old and the average age of women at their first birth is 21 years old. Teenage pregnancy continues to be a problem in Mexico and single motherhood continues to be extremely prevalent in Mexican communities. Centro Infantil de los Ángeles is a nonprofit organization that provides free, quality daycare and preschool education to children with the greatest need in San

Miguel de Allende, Mexico. The center affords working parents the comfort of knowing their children are fed, nurtured, and can learn in a safe, caring environment as they work to make a better life for themselves and the community as a whole. The organization currently serves over 155 children ages one month to five years old, providing continuous care until the children are able to enter the public school system. The center provides a happy, educational environment for children under the age of five where they get to play, eat, learn, and laugh. In addition, it has become a support network for local women who complete an hour of service for each day that their child is at the day care,

thereby participating actively in the care of their children. Even though the children are from some of the most economically disadvantaged homes in San Miguel, over 70 percent of their scores were “above average” or “outstanding” in standardized tests given by the Secretary of Education. The teachers scored 93 out of 100 in their evaluations, and the school was one of three schools in San Miguel (a city of over 120,000) that was recognized for special achievement by the Secretary. Centro Infantil de los Angeles relies heavily on its international volunteer program which brings together incredible people from all over the world to support the daycare and preschool teachers in



June 2018

their daily work. Volunteers stay in the center’s volunteer guest house which provides a communal atmosphere and is attached to the daycare. In addition to providing much-needed classroom support, volunteers get involved with fundraising and events. The deep connections formed with the children and the staff often lead to return trips and long-term friendships.

To learn more about Centro Infantil de los Angeles, you can visit www.centroinfantil.org. The center is always looking for more volunteers! To find out more about volunteering, email michelle@centroinfantil.org.


The Evolution of An Activist: Dabbling in Volunteerism BY SAMI AARON


spent years volunteering on one charitable project after another, as if I was trying on wigs to see which style suited me. And I just now am getting a handle on the right fit. In college I became a Vista Volunteer, tutoring children from the urban core of my small university town. Fast forward, I married, had two sweet sons and a professional career. Then I began again to feel the tug to make a difference, to break out of my comfortable life, and have an impact on others who weren’t so fortunate. So with my family, we all dabbled in volunteerism. We helped out in surgery waiting rooms, served meals at a domestic violence shelter, and brought in games and holiday food at a juvenile detention facility. Each activity felt empowering. I knew we were making a difference, but I always felt like I wanted to do more. The Tug of Nature The tug to make a difference got stronger as my love of gardening led me to an understanding of the impact we humans have on the health of the planet. I started volunteering with environmental groups—removing non-native species and restoring wetlands areas. I even hosted tree-planting parties for my birthdays! I learned the direct relationship that degraded environments have, not just on air quality and clean water, but also on our communities. We lived in suburban neighborhoods where most houses had the same landscaping of non-native plants with minimal beneficial habitat for our native bees, butterflies, or wildlife. I learned that if we want to have clean air to breathe and fresh water to drink and to water our crops, we need a healthy population of pollinators. Like everything in the universe, it’s all connected. The decisions we make as we live our everyday lives have a wealth of trickle-down implications throughout the world around us. So my activism took a turn.

Activism and Protest I started attending protests over insecticide-ready crops, coal-fired power plants, and fossil fuel pipelines. I also confronted managers at local restaurants

and what all had failed. Then I opened my mind and heart to visualize a different way of expressing what I knew to be true and important environmental teachings. A powerful nature metaphor grabbed my attention! Many of the dead wildflower stalks in the gardens around me housed overwintering native bees. The eggs of these bees had been laid by a female bee last fall. She hollowed out a small space in a stalk, laid an egg in the hole, added a dollop of pollen and honey to feed the larva, then sealed the cell, flew off and died. Wow. What a metaphor. The bee did what she was compelled to do with no concept of the outcome or ability to witness it. She put her best effort into creating the perfect environment for her young, and that was it. Could I do that? I pondered. Could I live comfortably, using real plates and “By teaching people what I know and speaking for nature from napkins and refusing straws and Styrofoam, and just let that be enough? my heart, I finally have found a healthy, uplifting form of activ- No guilt, anger, or wishing that everyone else got it? ism—the one that’s right for me.” Nope, that didn’t feel authentic. I had this deep knowledge, and my heart about their uses of plastic straws and feeling like I was the only one who cared. told me that nature needed me to speak Styrofoam. I grieved for all the times friends and on her behalf. I was angry and frustrated that no one family rolled their eyes when I set the Now, I speak for the bee who needs else seemed to be aware of the negative table with real plates and napkins when winter wildflower stalks to lay her eggs. I impact of our consumer lifestyles. paper would have been so much easier. invite others to learn about these garden Pervasive apathy was breaking my heart. I bawled in disbelief that our elected concepts so they too can provide habitat And all the while, I tried to make officials don’t realize that the air they for native bees and other pollinators. sustainable decisions but felt stymied breathe comes from healthy trees. Also And that feels right. every step of the way. Either I couldn’t without regulations and laws, the clean By teaching people what I know and find eco-friendly products in my area, or water they drink can be contaminated by speaking for nature from my heart, I my family wasn’t interested in doing the oil spills and toxic waste from finally have found a healthy, uplifting necessary research on them, or the manufacturing processes. form of activism—the one that’s right for “green” products were too expensive. It seemed so simple to me. In my me. desperate mind that day, it felt like all What’s tugging at your heartstrings? I The Final Straw those years of my environmental activism, highly recommend taking it to nature and My environmental activist’s grieving and that of so many others, hadn’t made seeing what metaphors ring true for you. heart hit a feverish pitch in early 2017 the any real difference. day a new bill, H.R. 861, was introduced Sami Aaron is a Master A Nature Metaphor in Congress to eliminate the Facilitator for The Nature Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In that moment, the old cliché came to Process®. She offers free In desperation, I took my grief out to mind, “Insanity: doing the same thing programs on gardening for nature. But not to a pristine forest. No, I over and over again and expecting nature and is passionate went to a restored toxic waste site. One different results.” about exploring the intrinsic that the EPA is scheduled to monitor So I blew my nose, took a deep breath, relationship between forever. It’s been redeveloped into a and immersed myself in the winter scene humanity and the natural glorious demonstration garden for around me: dead stalks of native grasses, world. She is the founder of the nonprofit The pollinators, a veritable bee and butterfly wildflowers in dormancy, bare trees and Resilient Activist because joyful and resilient haven. the immense blue sky. I pondered what I activists are good for Years of frustration poured out of me, had been doing, how I had been doing it, life. sami@theresilientactivist.org



June 2018


Harness Resilience in this Age of Surprise and Manifest 2018 as Your Year of Possibility BY DEIRDRE HADE


he topic of how to harness resilience during times of stress has really hit home for me personally. The Thomas Fire, the largest fire in California history consuming 281,000 acres, burned its way across the Los Padres Mountains from Ventura to Ojai to my front door. My home miraculously survived because of the protection of world-class firefighters; the beast licking a few final leaves of my hedges before it rolled on in search of new mountains and new homes to destroy. One week later, the beast finally dead, my husband and I surveyed a charred landscape, grateful no one was harmed. We had about a week to catch our breath. Then the rain came. Torrential, it descended like a million bullets hammering our fragile, barren mountains. The watershed came rolling down, boulders the size of trucks carried by mud -like liquid concrete cascading upon us like cold grey lava. My home town, Montecito, California, was buried like Pompeii while we were asleep in our beds, the destruction rolling all the way to the ocean. The next day we faced the unimaginable, neighbors, friends, pets and homes lost, our beautiful California dream gone. Of the hundreds of homes destroyed, my house again survived. The boulders, the debris had missed us, leaving a new landscape, trees gone, enormous stone statues in their place, a canyon carved 30feet deep just 15 feet away from our house. Such is nature's power. These will remain here forever as monuments reminding me how profoundly close life and death can be.

Welcome to the Age of Surprise. Calamity, abrupt change, often comes without any kind of warning. So, how do we handle this? How do we find strength and resilience? How do we care for ourselves and those that we love? How do we manage the inner stress? In experiencing the Thomas Fire and the mud and debris flows that followed, it reminded me of so many other times when my world came apart. I was in my 20's when my mother died, then soon after my father died. Then, after thirteen

years of marriage, a divorce occurred, breaking my heart, leaving me with two small children looking to me for answers as my best friend died, same as my parents, a victim of cancer. In the middle of all these losses I was certain grief would kill me. I was unsure if I would survive. And yet, I survived it all. Because, when I felt my world coming apart, my body freezing up with anxiety and fear as I went about worrying, "What am I going to do?" a voice, a Presence, spoke to me each time, helping guide me through. You see, I am a mystic, a person who, for whatever reason, has been given the ability to live with one foot grounded in an unseen reality I call the wisdom light of All That Is while having the other foot fully grounded in this physical reality. I see and hear angels and other beings and receive information that most people do not, which places me in an interesting position during the difficult times we face here in our country and around the world today. We entered 2018 with hope that it would be a year of new possibility. We are all very much in need of a boost, and the divine is here to help. Which is why I feel now is the time to share what has been shown to me in conversations, visions and insights on my journeys to and from this other reality. With this need to share in mind, I asked in my morning prayers recently, “What does all this disaster and change mean? What is the message? What can I share with my family and friends? What can I share from You, Presence of Pure Creation, Great Light of God, that will help us find the possibility in all of this today?” And in a flash of clarity, everything that I had studied in my years of spiritual pursuit, all of the varied teachings of truth, words I had memorized from sacred texts, collided together in one giant symphony of thought, feeling, and awe. Suddenly, I had an understanding that has renewed my life and the lives of all I have shared it with.

“The Thomas Fire, the largest fire in California history consuming 281,000 acres, burned its way across the Los Padres Mountains from Ventura to Ojai to my front door.”

Connection is the most important lesson humanity is here to learn. Everything that comes our way right now is to teach us that we must change our perception to know that the value of who we are is far greater than the things that we try to achieve, build or accomplish, from setting goals to becoming successful. Those things alone will not bring us the peace, joy and fulfillment that we think they will. The only true and lasting happiness our souls know comes from experiencing deep interpersonal connection. It is time to come together, soul to soul. It is time to remember who we really are. We are the presence of eternal love. When catastrophe comes, all that we’ve considered vital and important gets put aside because now we have to survive and take care of one another. This is the great lesson: we are here to learn to take Here is the message: care of each other. Period. This is the We are here at this moment in time, light and the grace inside the darkness of The Age of Surprise, to reconnect our our suffering. The Presence of Pure souls with each other, to reunite in a state Creation, the worlds of light, the Creator, of deep love, care and compassion. want all of us to know how to find each



June 2018

other, how to reconnect, soul to soul, caring for each other in harmony, love, and service without needing a calamity to force us into caring for each other. So, then I asked, “How do we do this when we’re all so busy and overwhelmed?” And the answer came: It is simple: take one step at a time on my ladder of steps to re-connecting soul to soul. One step is harnessing resilience. After that are the steps of guiding faith and trust. Here, take my ladder, take these steps and I will do the rest. And then, one day, you will be upon my Altar and We will create Our greatest manifestation. For The Age of Surprise is, in Truth, Your Great Age of Transformation—Your Age of Enlightenment. Here are the first two steps God showed me as important and necessary in order to create this year, and every year thereafter, as A Year of Possibility.


Step 1. Reclaim Your Core Value Your core value, the virtue you live by, is the energy of your soul purpose. And when you live from this core of who you are you are connected to All. This is the foundation of God that will sustain you through times of stress and disaster. Your core value is the profound miraculous energy from which you will create A Year of Possibility.

This basic step, this simple practice will bring a wealth of possibilities for you. It works because virtue and value are the building blocks of manifestation used by the divine universe.

Step 2. Invite Divine Resilience.

The changing times will continue. They will surprise you. They will test you. And this is not going to slow down. The unexpected will become the expected. Every single human being on this planet will be impacted. And with change comes How to find your core value: anxiety and stress. However, even if life is A. Close your eyes. Imagine you are not a bed of roses, we can look for roses. sitting in your belly, within a golden We can find roses along the way. We can light. plant the saplings of hope by being in B. Gently watch your breath, allowing touch with a greater reality. your breath to soften, continuing to When we look straight into what is place your awareness in your belly in happening right before us with our core the golden light. value intact, the resilience of a divine C. Ask yourself: What is my soul’s core power becomes our power. With divine value, the virtue I used to live by as a resilience you can overcome any obstacle, young child? What virtue do I believe any trauma. You can manifest a new in more than any other? Ask this possibility. You do not have to have your golden light these questions and then own resilience. You only have to have listen for the answer. God's resilience. Make it your own. Color D. Continue to repeat the questions it to your favor. followed by silence until you hear an You see, we are here to bring light (love) answer. Be patient. Allow this into the human experience. We are here communication to come from your to bring joy to our soul, and the soul's soul. The answer will come, I greatest joy is to serve others. If we were promise. meant to be in heaven, we would all be in E. Write your core value down on a heaven right now. We would not have piece of paper and place it on your incarnated into the volatile world we live altar or desk, someplace where you in. We are here to fully experience our see it and are reminded of it every soul's love as the human experience. To day. Then, over the next few days, do this we must partner with the divine, meditate upon these questions: God, The Presence of Pure Creation. And “Am I living truthfully by my core we take a closer step toward this by value?" inviting divine resilience into our life. We "Where in my life have I fallen off my actualize this partnership when we find core value, and what effect has that each other in authentic connection, that had on me and those I love?" place of being-ness where our differences "What can I do to live my life from do not even matter. This is the meaning of my core value?" true resilience. Now, every morning when you first wake up, affirm your core value and the guidance you have received from your soul. When you live by your core value/ virtue to the best of your ability, something magical happens, synchronicity comes. New ideas, chance meetings, healing of relationships come, all this, because your soul is now fully engaged with you.

How to invite divine resilience into your life. A.

Once you have your core value in place, repeat this invocation every morning: God, Presence of Pure Creation, fill me with your divine resilience. I open myself to you as a vessel for your strength and your all-knowing

wisdom. I am human and limited, but with you as my partner, your invincible resilience and strength I know will uplift me, protect me and guide me throughout this day, this year, this life. B. Create a Soul Pod, a small group of supportive and trusted friends who want to share this practice with you. Set a designated time to meet. At each meeting each participant shares their core value and what that means to them. Go around the circle. Next, everyone shares how their heart is feeling while everyone else bears witness, listening deeply, paying attention silently. When each person finishes sharing, the group repeats the following mantra: I hear you. I see you. I love you. I share with you my light and my strength, dear friend. My soul is completely with your soul. And together we form a ring of divine resilience around you, protecting you, supporting you, holding you with our love. Inviting divine resilience into your life and creating a Soul Pod will harmonize and sooth your nervous system. It will heal your anxiety and remove the stress from your body. This, along with consciously embracing your core value/ virtue, is a winning practice for thriving



June 2018

and manifesting all possibilities. For you will have taken great steps in selfawareness, surrender and soul to soul connection We can learn and receive the message of our changing times with grace, forbearance and wisdom. We can learn to love each other without disaster. We can open to our souls without having to be forced into a great calamity to drop our differences and our judgments. We have the ability to heal each other now. And not only will we survive the Age of Surprise, we will thrive as the true creators and manifestors of brilliance that is our birthright. This is the Year of Possibility. And the possibility is YOU.

Mystical visionary Deirdre Hade is the founder of The Radiance Journey. She is the co-author of The (not so ) Little Book of Surprises with her husband William Arntz, the creator of the film “What the BLEEP do We Know!?,” and the author of the forthcoming book The 12 Archetypes of Eve: A Modern Woman’s Guide to Achieving Full Feminine Power. Her website is www.DeirdreHade.com


Parenting as Activism BY SUMYA ANANI


ealth education for children should be a priority for all of us. In order to obtain true health, I believe there are seven holistic practices for mind, body, and spirit. For each healthy habit, incorporate fun and playful activities to engage a child's natural curiosity and address their energetic bodies.

now. So many young people are well traveled, and many homes are bilingual. It is so much fun to learn about the many cultures and their important contributions in so many areas - diverse languages, food, cultures, fashion, family traditions, and art to name a few. Global diversity adds so much joy and creativity to our lives. Learning to appreciate other cultures also opens many doors of opportunity. We can all work in our own communities to actively work together to improve the world. Teaching kids to accept people from varied cultures and backgrounds makes positive impacts. Celebrating and appreciating diversity is important, necessary, and awesome. We can raise empathic young people who welcome differences and are sensitive to others. Be aware.

Healthy Habit #1—Nutrition Sugar is a big problem in this country, and it starts early. Walking down any cereal aisle is proof 'in the pudding.' White refined sugar has debilitating effects on a child's young, still growing body. Healthy sugars, like fruit, taste great and are a delicious snack. Get kids started on these natural sugars while they are young. I made a sugar display that shows how much sugar is in our everyday foods. It has impacted kids and adults in positive ways. According to the American Heart Association, one single serving cola and orange juice have more sugar than a child should have in one day. We all need to think about what we put in our mouth. We can cultivate positive nutritional habits from the start. Be vigilant.

Healthy Habit #2—Exercise Movement is life. The benefits for daily exercise are extensive. Being active helps alleviate so many other issues, including obesity, ADHD, and according to Harvard, exercise is an all-natural treatment to fight depression. We introduce kids to many forms of movement during our camps, including daily aerial silks classes. We add boxing on heavy bags, yoga, weight training, nature walks, and hula hooping too. At home, make a family commitment to exercise. Plan dates with your kids to explore your city and all the fun ways to move your body. Go roller skating, rock climbing, or kayaking. Make exercise a habit. Be consistent.

Healthy Habit #3—Learning & Self-Confidence "I'm bored," said no child ever at my youth camps. Curiosity is the greatest quality we can nourish in children. Learning new things is so much fun. Our goal is to inspire your children toward a lifelong love of learning which builds a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Healthy Habit #7—Spirituality We need to create and nurture an environment where kids feel good. Treating others with love and respect is essential, but also we need to be mindful of our own internal dialogues. Sometimes we are not nice to ourselves with our Healthy Habit #5—Family & thoughts, and in fact, we can actually be very negative. Thoughts are things. Community The value of having friends and family Teaching children meditation techniques that support us is priceless. Learning how and affirmations can ease stress and anxiety. This fortifies a positive inner to make friends and keep friends is belief about who they are. Thoughts do something that should be taught in schools. Kids can learn to use their power affect our health. Let's not judge or limit of their words to uplift and inspire others. ourselves with our thoughts. Be positive. Healthy Habit #4—Environment Words matter. Listening also is a life skill Educating children on health and - Be a tree hugger. to develop that will impact every part of Every day really should be earth day. their life for the rest of their life. It will aid wellness practices is an essential activism Let's work together to teach kids to honor kids when there is conflict, and there will in action. I believe that practicing these seven fundamental habits of health will the earth, animal and plant life, the air, be conflict. create a happy, healthy child, adult, and waters of the planet. Just as our Learning how to speak and listen bodies are miracles, kids should paves the way for conflict resolution. This community, nation, and ultimately, a healthy world. YES WE CAN. understand the miracle of all life on is important for dealing with conflict in planet earth. Whether you believe in relationships and between nations. global warming or not, it makes good Everyone needs and wants to be heard. Sumya Anani owns sense to teach our children not to be Being able to communicate effectively will Learning2Fly - aerial wasteful. We all can take pride in serve as inspiration to be a better person, fitness, party, K-12 field contributing towards a healthy ecosystem. partner, and parent. Maya Angelou said, trip center in white Look at all the litter lining our highways. I "I've learned that people will forget what geodesic dome off I-35 & am astonished at the plastic trash that you said, people will forget what you did, Lamar. Regular classes, lines the creek along I-35 near the Lamar but people will never forget how you birthday and bachelorette exit. made them feel." Be kind. parties, summer youth Most of what people throw away is camps, K12 field trips. She recyclable. “Away” is actually somewhere, Healthy Habit #6—Global is 4x world champion Diversity & Appreciation and when you throw something away, it boxer and Women's Boxing Hall of Famer could end up in a landfill, in our creeks or It's a small world after all. That song wwwiAMLearning2Fly.com in the ocean. The Great Pacific Garbage is so true today considering we live in a www.Sumya.com Patch is a wad of plastic the size of Texas. very diverse world. We are global citizens Feeling good about oneself is important for a healthy self-esteem. Making individual art projects around the "seven habits of health" reinforces any lesson. Making group art projects are also important. It is great for kids to know the value of creating something themselves and the value of collaborating with others. This teaches children important skills of listening, compromising, praising others and being a team player. We can learn from everyone. Be curious.

Let that sink in. Eldridge Cleaver said, "You either have to be part of the solution, or you're going to be part of the problem." Be the change.



June 2018

Spiritual Horoscope

June Horoscope Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Happy birthday Gemini! Mars and Neptune turn retrograde, creating a wonderful opportunity to connect with your spirituality and intuition these next four months. Meditation may bore you, but give it a try! Rather than getting frustrated about constant thoughts, focus on your heart. Recall feelings of love and appreciation. Let joy wash over and fill you. You’ll notice less struggles in relationships, and better career focus. Seek out a sense of God that feels nurturing and meaningful to you.Your confidence and happiness will raise to an all-time high! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Mars retrograde is designed for you to let go of old resentments that simmer in your subconscious and block the flow of love. Meditate on the balance between forgiveness (that frees your emotions and body from self-created poison) and healthy boundaries (which emerge from self-love and self-respect). Releasing the memories of wounds won’t make you a victim in the future. Instead, you’ll be a wise guardian of your open heart. You’ll also have major prosperity breakthroughs. Treat yourself to extra yoga classes, a spiritual retreat, or just more quiet reflective time each day. You’re worth it!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) June begins a four month transformation in relationships. Meditate on how you behave and react with others. Observe things clearly. Ask for guidance in dreams. Ponder your past situations and even how your parents interacted. If you need to make changes, you’ll know how to handle it in the early autumn. More than likely, there’ll be a re-vitalization in all your bonds as you tap into more self-love. With your heart open to trust and a greater capacity for intimacy, things will shift in positive and exciting ways! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Do you hold yourself or your romantic partner to impossibly high standards? Neptune moving retrograde wants you to meditate on true unconditional love. You’ll be guided how to make gentle, yet profound improvements in yourself —without selftorment! You’ll also be able to set firm limits with others if need be. You’ll be clear if a relationship has potential and if the energy is there to unfold that potential.

Don’t make sudden career changes. Contemplate what type of situation would be better for you. Late summer is a better time to change jobs or speak up to make changes in your existing job. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) You’re so focused on others, so it’s often tough to know what you want. As Mars moves retrograde, bring your real self to relationships. Meditate on your heart, feeling what you love about life, and what you have to offer the world. Fall in love with amazing you!! You’ll have immediate harmony in your partnerships. If single, you’ll attract a vital person who’s aligned your values. Stand up for yourself if need be, being gentle yet firm. Instead of fights, there will be peace! Also, connect with old friends and nurture those connections too. Physical concerns due to the stress clear up, especially eating or sleeping issues. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Having job struggles? Meditate on family-oforigin issues. Could anything be re-playing with authorities at work? Also ponder inherited beliefs that working is a ball-andchain. What if you believed it was energizing and fun? Even in personal matters, you might be addicted to the hormones of stress. It can feel strange to have no problems, complaints or worries. What brought you joy as a kid. Sports? Art? Dance? Music? Pets? Nourish your inner innocence with childhood “nutrients”. You’ll balance your nervous system and soothe your soul. Solutions to problems can come “out of nowhere”, but actually your “sacred playtime” created an avenue for them to flow in!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Words and thoughts are powerful. Mars starts a four month cycle that brings insights about your mind. Observe your beliefs and dare to wonder if they’re actually true. Are they your “personal gospel” because you’ve held them for so long? Or that your parents believed them? Or that society believes them? Write things down to examine them clearly. In meditation explore what life would feel like to live from more empowered concepts. Also, forgive and heal relationships that will be “resurrected” by the power of love and new perspectives.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) You have amazing money-making potential! You’ll gain more power by blending your spirit into your business mind. Explore ideas about the spirituality of money and prosperity. Meditation sharpens your intuition about financial issues. Also focus on self-forgiveness. See yourself as an amazing soul who’s bravely advancing through life, learning the whole way. This self-directed kindness opens doors to deep connection in relationships. Relieving yourself of the burden of perfectionism makes you truly present and available for love! Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Mars retrogrades in your sign, starting a four month journey to discover internal power, courage and integrity. One of the biggest areas is fear of intimacy. You might have abandonment anxiety, or fear of engulfment. Meditate on gently retaining individuality while being in a partnership or group. These huge strides improve all relationships incredibly. Also find ways to soothe your nervous system, whether that means overthinking, insomnia or even panic attacks. You could find nutritional supplements that help. You’ll uncover core thoughts and “unwire” them through observation of your patterns. Your brain is sometimes not your friend, so practice delving into the wisdom of your heart. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) With Mars retrograde, meditate to reveal hidden sources of rage or helplessness. It’s a delicate balance between claiming you’ve been hurt by other and being a victim. Practice forgiveness, remembering you’re validating the experience, but eliminating the internal poison that’s hurting you. Heal low energy with massage, yoga or cleaner eating. Anything that reduces stress makes a



June 2018

difference. Focusing on self-care before you feel run-down isn’t selfish, it’s self-loving — and is an example to others in your life. Also, have fun with friends to feel the healing power of playfulness! Aries (March 21 – April 19) You can be pulled between your relationship and your friendships or hobbies. It might seem you can’t be happy in the relationship until you give up certain people or fun activities — but then you won’t be happy either! Your partner is just craving quality time with you. Be fully present when you’re together. In general, notice how often you’re in one place doing one thing, but in your head, you’re somewhere else. Your loved one’s desires are pressing you to address this anxiety pattern. If single, meditate to examine the belief you’ll lose freedom of choice if you’re in love. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) If you’re having work issues, don’t make sudden changes if you don’t have to. Meditate on career goals as well as the standards you want in a job. Be patient and see what unfolds throughout the summer. An amazing opportunity could come up. In the meantime, practice feeling what it will be like to have peace in this area. This magnetizes new options to you, and you’ll recognize which one feels the most “familiar”. De-clutter your him so you’re comfortable and have pleasant surroundings. Too much junk causes stress. You deserve serenity!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com


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WELLNESS RIORDAN CLINIC The Riordan Clinic has over 40 years of experience integrating lifestyle and nutrition to help you find the underlying causes of your illness. 21620 Midland Drive Suite B Shawnee, KS 913.745.4757 www.RiordanClinic.org

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June 2018


JUNE 3 HEALING CIRCLE 5-7 pm. Centered Spirit. $10. Open to everyone, whether you are familiar with energy healing, are energyfriendly, or are interested in exploring healing options. radiatewellnesskc@gmail..com. JUNE 7-8 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – 6:30pm, $380 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440. karen@karenharrison.net www.karenharrison.net. JUNE 9 & 10 NEURAL RESET THERAPY FOR THE LOWER BODY Ralph Stephens returns. Call us at 816 -523-9140 or visit www.wellspring.edu for more information! JUNE 12 AND 13 CORE STAR + REIKI 1 Special 2 night class taught by Debra Baker and John Hoefer will bring you a Reiki 1 attunement and some basic Core Star techniques that have been shown to enhance grounding and energetic connection. Cost $125 for both evenings from 6:30 pm 9:00 pm. See web site for more details and to register. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing. com JUNE 14 ALLERGY CLEARING 6:30-7:30. Centered Spirit. $15. Join medical intuitive Christi Clemons Hoffman to get to the root cause of seasonal, environmental, or food allergies. radiatewellnesskc@gmail.com. JUNE 16 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI LEVEL II 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Lenexa. Instructor: Susan Warner. $225 (early registration discount available). radiatewellnesscommunity.c om.

The next Conscious Living Festival is scheduled for Fall 2018 at Unity Temple on the Plaza.

JUNE 28 SEARCHING FOR THE MIRACULOUS "Longing for something more"? We welcome those who are on a quest! One hour of dialogue and discussion 7:30-8:30 p.m. - NO CHARGE PROPEROS BOOK STORE - upstairs 1800 39th Street Kansas City, Mo 64111 Gurdjieff Study Group celebrating 25 yrs in KC www.gurdjieffkc.org

ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy healing sessions for cancer patients and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816 -718-6358 for details. KansasCityHealingProject.org

3RD FRIDAY NITE IN DOWNTOWN OVERLAND PARK 5-8:30! Live music everywhere, oil & vinegar food samples in store! The Tasteful Olive 7945 Santa Fe Drive. www.thetastefulolive.com

ONGOING REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park – 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier karen@karenharrison.net 816-523-4440

CLASSIFIED CONSCIOUS CULINARY LEADER – WANTED FOR ENJOY® PURE FOOD + DRINK RESTAURANT Full-time Kitchen Manager wanted to help co-lead the kitchen with conscious awareness of healthy cuisine and supportive staff relations. Leadership in kitchen management, excellent culinary skills, and a team spirit are required. If you lead a healthy and conscious lifestyle by example and through your work, please send resume to Staci at cross.staci@gmail.com and/or call 913-963-5801.



June 2018



June 2018

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