March 2018 Evolving Magazine

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E volving

March 2018 ~ Vol. X, Issue 1

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living



March 2018

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March 2018

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

When I launched Evolving Woman in 1994, I didn’t realize the abundance of health practitioners in the area. Over the years, I’ve watched as holistic, alternative healers have become more mainstream—and the public in turn has realized their many benefits. Holistic and traditional medicine truly can blend and meld to create optimal wellness. Then in 2009, Evolving Magazine launched. The number of brave pioneers, willing to put their services forth to the community—energy healers, chiropractors, massage therapists, art therapists, wellness centers, and so much more—have multiplied. March marks the beginning of our 10th year of publishing Evolving Magazine. It is such a joyous time for me with the birth of spring, our annual Wellness Directory (inserted inside this issue), and the upcoming Whole Living Festival on April 21. Thank you all for your support throughout the past years. We have learned, grown, expressed, then learned and grown some more. The team I work with on a daily basis, as well as our contributing writers and advertisers, have created a publication that is truly a joy to produce. The annual Wellness Directory is a resource I hope you will pull out, save and reference whenever you need holistic products or services. The Wellness Directory is passed out all year at events and festivals, plus is online at Kansas City is truly blessed to have such an abundance of talented practitioners and my hope is that we will all live healthier lives by utilizing their services. For reminders of upcoming events, relevant articles, and to stay in touch, we hope you’ll “like” Evolving Magazine on Facebook.

How Acupuncture Can be Used For Infertility 9

Loosen the Belt of Pelvic Pain 10

Get Well by Getting Rid of Toxins 11

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: *Like us on Facebook: *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Turbo Metabolism


Departments News Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Eating Well in Kansas City Horoscope Events

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Polly Swafford Print & Web Layout/Design Alea Smith

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton


Monthly Columnists Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Angela Watson Robertson, Suzette Scholtes

‘Finding Peace Within’ by Tammy Barton, was visualized during meditation when she was going through a difficult time in her life. Her intention was to create and find a peaceful, loving place to be in despite the chaos that was happening all around her. Her hope for creating this piece is to encourage others to do same. Tammy will be exhibiting one of her many paintings at the Evolving Cover Artist Reunion Show (see ad page 2). You can see more of Tammy’s artwork at and reach her at

EVOLVING© 2018 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


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March 2018


Certified Cuddlist Helps Deepen Connection

We as social beings are hungry to feel connected to others and ourselves in healthy ways. The innate need for physical, nurturing touch is built into our emotional, spiritual, and physical DNA. But living in a culture where most of us don’t get enough platonic touch leaves many feeling isolated, lonely, and touch deprived—often without even knowing what that ache is inside. For adults feeling touch deprivation, seeing a Certified Professional Cuddler such as can be found through can provide the vehicle to meet this need for safe touch and connection. A Cuddlist provides a therapeutic service that allows people to get their needs met for nurturing, platonic touch. In cuddle sessions, the Cuddler holds space for them to be fully present to who they are by providing a safe container supported by boundaries, healthy communication, mutual consent/ agreement, and unconditional positive regard for who they are as individuals. “Much like yoga and meditation, nonsexual touch is healing and transformative” (Adam Lippin, CoFounder and CEO, Trained, Certified Cuddlers are experienced, safe, well-versed in cuddling techniques, and follow a code of conduct that allows for amazing “human connection sessions.” Cuddling includes anything that deepens our human connection: handholding, synchronized breathing, eyegazing, embracing, spooning, and talking together. Among its benefits are deep relaxation; reduction of stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain; and feeling deeply connected to others. Robin Stine, MS Ed has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology and is excited to bring this pioneering work to the area. She provides therapeutic cuddle sessions for clients in Lawrence, KS and the greater Kansas City area. For more information visit Image licensed by Ingram Images Robin

Kansas City-based eco-friendly company adds to its line of renowned body care products Indigo Wild® recently launched Eau de ZumTM, a plant-based, all-natural perfume line. The phthalate-free scents foundation follows the company’s philosophy of developing eco-friendly products for body and home. Unlike many perfumes on the market that contain synthetic phthalate chemicals and fragrances—linked in human epidemiological studies to headaches, nausea and sperm damage—Indigo Wild’s Eau de Zum line is made from essential oils. “Our customers expect natural when they purchase an Indigo Wild product, whether it’s Zum Bar goat’s milk soap or our laundry soap,” says Indigo Wild founder Emily Voth. “Eau de Zum is our newest creation and we think the fresh scents speak for themselves—for instance, the lavender isn’t made by combining chemicals to smell like lavender. It’s actually made with lavender essential oil.” The Eau de Zum line is modernly designed and packaged in slim roll-on bottles and features four roll-on perfume scents and one cologne, including Sea

de Zum line is available at and the Zum Factory in Kansas City, Missouri. Voth launched Indigo Wild in 1996 with Zum Bar Goat’s Milk Soap, the centerpiece of the company’s innovative collection of products, and over the years has added a full line of household cleaning products, aromatherapy sprays and candles; lip balms and salves; baby and pet care products; and more. Over the years Indigo Wild has established a reputation of being in-sync with emerging consumer trends producing an ever-evolving family of products that resonates with its robust Salt, a fresh, airy and citrusy scent; the customer base. Voth has cultivated an essence of Lavender, which helps to unusual, over-the-top, instantly reduce stress and increase relaxation; recognizable branding for Indigo Wild’s Frankincense and Myrrh roll-on perfumes products that correlates to its creatively and cologne that boast Indigo Wild’s best- irreverent internal culture. Indigo Wild is selling signature scent with woodsy, a philanthropic, community-minded camphoric notes; and Patchouli, which organization, supporting causes such as boasts a refreshing sweet but earthy scent. breast cancer and animal welfare. Eau De Zum scents are available in two For more information on Indigo sizes: 33 fluid-ounce bottle ($14.50) and Wild’s full line of all natural, eco-friendly 1.3 fluid-ounce bottle ($26.50). The Eau products, visit

Cali’flour Food Introduces a first of it’s kind Paleo, GlutenFree, Keto-Friendly Wrap Alternative The food industry is booming with the world’s cleverest healthy replacement products and Cali’flour Foods may have just changed the deli industry for good. Since the dawn of the gluten-free revolution, consumers have been changing the marketplace by demanding alternatives to the simple breads that have been a staple for years. However, it’s been no easy task to reconfigure wheatless versions of our favorite sandwiches. Lettuce wraps are a good start, but lacking. Cali’flour Foods, the mother of cauliflower pizza, has just released another ingenious product. Presenting: the Collagen Wrap. The perfect replacement sandwich wrap or tortilla that is paleo and low-carb. This new product is a simple yet perfect combination of cauliflower, collagen, egg, chia flour and a pinch of salt produced in a specific way to create the exact proportions needed for the perfect size and structure. Finally, the days of sandwich sorrow are over and a new era has begun!


Cali’flour has been experimenting with the goal of creating a dairy-free and Keto-friendly wrap for quite some time now. After multiple trials with many different ingredients and hours of research into what makes a wrap taste good and hold together, the development team finally manipulated a precise ratio of collagen to cauliflower in order to achieve not merely a gluten-free product, but one with massive benefits as well. The new Collagen Wrap provides a substantial punch of protein from the collagen, an impressive list of nutrients from the cauliflower and a healthy dose of the right fats from the egg. For more nutritional information and to find out where to buy this innovative new product, visit Cali’flour’s site at and check out their product page. Cali’flour Foods has been a leader in the cauliflower movement since 2015 and is proud to be a part of the change. Follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


March 2018

Wisdom Within

Get Ease with Spring Cleaning BY SUZETTE SCHOLTES


he first rule of yoga is to create Aadil, Judith, and others teach us all order. One of the philosophies we have the power of choice. Then they on top of priority for give us the tools from the yoga is purity and ancient yogis to use now in cleanliness called Saucha. My modern times. Whether or sister always remarks how not we choose to eat clean my house looks. organic, to clean up our What to do? I organize cars and homes, it all boils products (organic or down to the intent of otherwise) in categories in choice. It’s time to Spring each bathroom so I may grab Clean! Are you willing? My and reach easily to get the job sleeves are rolled up and done. Same for the kitchen. ready for scrubbing, We know of Dr. Moto’s washing, and purging. Image licensed by Ingram Images groundbreaking work of What the master yogis filming water molecules. We suggest: see the images created with thoughts of 1. Eat fresh, organic foods (avoid love and gratitude. The energy of love processed food) looks like a crystal snowflake. Conversely, 2. Bathe or shower daily and two times the water molecules of hate look sick and a day if around crowds dark. 3. Drink plenty of water and herbal It is said we have over 60,000 teas thoughts per day! Yoga gives us the tools 4. Keep teeth, gums, nails and hair to develop stronger awareness―to stay impeccably clean awake to the nature of our thoughts and 5. Be in fresh air away from noise feelings and choices. As we heal our every day consciousness of victim, blame, suffering, 6. Wash your hands in warm water and unhappiness, transcendence takes many times throughout the day. place. We become lighter, happy, and 7. Keep your bathroom (s) impeccably fulfilled. This is the heart of yoga saucha. clean. “Why would Pantanjali, the father and 8. Same for the kitchen where food is great sage of yoga, give such importance prepared to Saucha (Yoga of Purity & Cleanliness) 9. Clean out and sort foods in your he places it as the very first philosophy?” refrigerator once/week. writes master yogi Aadil Palkhivala. “The 10. Keep garden areas and lawns reason is energy.” beautiful and free of weeds Aadil says when the body is dirty, it 11. Keeping your house clean includes holds past energy (vibration or the garage and basement. resonance). When clothes are dirty, same 12. Keep your car showcase clean (it thing. I’m sure you’ve discovered, he will slow modality of progress if notes, that when you just cleaned up your cluttered or dirty.) whole house, it feels lighter and brighter. 13. Breathe deep, meditate, exercise, Judith Hansen Lasater, another do yoga on a regular basis. master yogi famous for her restorative yoga training, says when she first studied Then make it fun. Maybe engage a saucha, it felt to her like a set of moral helper. Play some fun, upbeat music. Our rules. chores will give us more ease with the “No one told me that the intent in my right attitude and feeling good about your heart mattered when I attempted to bright, clean place. practice saucha,” she said. “I have since Suzette Scholtes’ nonlearned common-sense insight to saucha. fiction writing won the If anyone embraces impurity in thought, prestigious “Writers Digest” word, or deed, he/she may eventually award. Her passions are suffer.” writing and yoga and she Judith shares that, with time, saucha feels one needs a sense of took on another dimension for her. humor for both. She “Rather than seeing it as a measure of my founded The Yoga School of actions, I see this now as a reminder to Therapeutics where she manages one of the constantly examine my intention behind region’s prestige teacher training programs. my actions. When I focus on acting from 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland compassion, there is a space for saucha to Park. arise from my heart.” 913-492-9594.


Activate your ability to receive far more than you ever imagined possible.

Journey begins March 31


March 2018

Journey to Wholeness

Raising Children: Which is better Wimps or Free-Range? BY JUDE LACLAIRE, PH.D.


    

Workshops Vendors Food Fun FREE!

Unity Church of Overland Park, 10500 Antioch, Overland Park 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Visit the Facebook page for more information or

n the last decade there has been increased concern and discussion about some alarming trends in the Millennial and Z generations. Hara Estroff Marano in A Nation of Wimps: The High Cost of Invasive Parenting (2008) states “Colleges are experiencing record demand for counseling and intensive support services from students with serious psychological problems…anxiety and depression, binge drinking and substance abuse, eating disorders, self-mutilation and other manifestations of self-disconnection.” Prescriptions for stimulant drugs for ADD/ADHD in children ages six to fourteen has risen four hundred percent compared to the previous decade. Anti-depressant use in children has risen three hundred and thirty percent in the same time period. Those statistics are from the last decade. The current numbers are even higher. A recent study by the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan found that since the 1970s, children have lost 12 hours a week of free time, including a fifty percent drop in outdoor free play. Both Marano and Lenore Skenazy, author of Free-Range Kids: How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts with Worry) agree that one of the primary problems is performance pressure in academics and sports. This leads to over-functioning and attention on the part of the parents, much more structured time in study and physical activities. There is very little time for free play, time to create their own activities and fun. While Marano takes a more serious, sometimes pessimistic view, of the future for these children, Skenazy has a more humorous, positive view with proposed solutions. Both offer many valid, interesting and helpful points. Marano’s thesis: “Overprotected and overmanaged by their parents, and with few challenges all their own through which to sharpen their instincts and identities, kids are unable to forge their own unique adaptations to the normal vicissitudes of life. That not only makes them risk-aversive; it makes them psychologically fragile. In the process they’re robbed of identity, meaning, and a sense of mastery, which underlies real happiness. Forget, too, about perseverance not simply as a moral virtue but a necessary life skill.” Skenazy says, “Free-Range Kids believe…the best way to keep your kids safe is to worldproof your baby. Or at least worldproof your growing children. That way they’re safe even when you’re not right there next to them.” The Free-Range Kids Membership Cards reads, “I’m not lost, I am a Free-Range Kid! I have been taught to cross the street safely. I know never to GO OFF with strangers, but I can talk to them. I like going outside and exploring the world. If you are a grown-up, you probably did the same thing when you were a kid, so please do not be alarmed. The adults in my life know where I am, but if you want to talk to them, feel free to give them a call.”

“We need to feel included or a sense of belonging, affection or love, and control which comes from a sense of competence.”



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In the Free-Range Parent Membership Statement, she reminds us of the statistics on the true safety of our children.  36 percent decline in homicides of children under age 14, 1993-2005  60 percent decline in homicides of children ages 14-17, 1993-2005 (Source: U.S. Dept. of Justice)  79 percent decline in juvenile sex victimization trends (1993-2003) (Source (National Crime Victimization Survey)  Each year about 2,000 children are killed as passengers in cars. About 50 are kidnapped and killed by strangers. That means children are forty times more likely to die in a car trip to the mall than during a walk home from school. Raising confident, competent kids is my goal. I have seen this trend in my experience as a parent (of a GenX) and a mental health practitioner. I had to learn, sometimes in very challenging ways, that to step back and let my daughter practice what she had learned from myself and others was most important for her healthy development In working with young people I sometimes see confusion, lack of confidence and very little knowledge of what it means to be a self-reliant, confident person in the world. William Schutz, Ph.D., in 1958, wrote about his research in Interpersonal Needs. He stated that we need three things beyond food and shelter. We need to feel included or a sense of belonging, affection or love, and control which comes from a sense of competence. It would seem that we have opted for the love and acceptance need and sadly neglected the need for control and competence. Skenazy and Marano give us much to ponder. How we raise our children in this culture is creating our future. Something to think about. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, training, supervision, speaking engagements or information on Life Weaving Education: A Holistic Problem-Solving Curriculum, Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-3225622.

March 2018


Possibly The World's Longest Lung-Cancer Survivor Offers Hope For Beating This Disease


magine your doctor telling you that you have lung cancer and you have six months to live, even with conventional medical intervention. That's what happened to Carl Helvie, a longtime RN and Dr. Ph., more than four decades ago. His doctor recommended chemotherapy and surgery, but Helvie needed time to think and pray. Ultimately, he eschewed the traditional and took a holistic pathway that he now credits with his survival. Helvie shares advice on how we can reduce our risk through lifestyle changes in his book, Reducing Your Cancer Risk: A Holistic Approach, published by BookImagepersislicensed by Ingram Images locker Inc. His journey beganImage with licensed by Ingram Images Image licensed by Ingram Images tent dreams that urged him to get a chest x-ray despite a lack of symptoms, which then led to his decision to reject conventional treatment and follow a holistic approach. In recounting his journey, the author has a lot to say about alternative treatment, and he especially emphasizes the importance of pausing before leaping into any particular approach. "People shouldn't jump into chemotherapy or surgery if they don't have all of the information and have a chance to think about it,� Helvie said in a 2015 inA prolific author, Helvie terview. has written 10 books, more Helvie's book explores cancer, the hu- than 55 articles and has man body and the environment that presented 57 research pabrings them together. The author bepers throughout the United lieves it is possible to intervene in the States and Europe. In reprocess before these three elements intirement, Helvie has foteract to cause disease. His approach: cused his research on natueliminating or reducing the risk of cancer ral interventions for health from environmental factors, and employ- issues, which led him to develop a nursing physical and mental/spiritual activi- ing theory that has helped him establish a ties to fend off the carcinogens. nursing center and improve primary care For each area of content in Reducing for homeless and low-income families. Your Cancer Risk: A Holistic Approach, Since retiring, he has written two more there is a review of contemporary rebooks and served as the host of a holistic search studies, as well as a list of steps health radio show. In 1999, he was prepeople can take to avoid carcinogens or sented the Distinguished Career Award in strengthen the body. Content areas also Public Health from the American Public include interviews with more than 40 Health Association. He has been international leaders in areas as diverse as viewed on more than 150 radio and teleGMOs and EMTs, to gratitude and forvision shows about his two most recent giveness. The book's how-to section debooks. He recently founded the Carl O. scribes such practices as meditation, de- Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation, veloping gratitude and faith, making mi- where he serves as CEO. nor changes in diet, drinking water to For more information, please visit eliminate risks, and reducing stress. Or visit interviews-cancer-survivors/ to listen to Helvie's interviews with cancer survivors.

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Helvie's book explores cancer, the human body and the environment that brings them together.

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March 2018

Sheri Woxland Dr. Diane Voss Tammy Barton

The Difference Between Real Hunger vs. Cravings An excerpt from Turbo Metabolism BY PANKAJ VIJ


s the modern Western lifestyle spreads around the globe, so too does metabolic syndrome — a cluster of symptoms that increases the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other conditions. The good news: metabolic syndrome can be tamed by a sensible program of exercise, natural foods, stress management, and quality sleep. In his new book Turbo Metabolism, Dr. Vij distills a mass of medical research into a simple, effective program for vibrant health. Avoiding fads and gimmicks, he provides practical advice, case studies of ordinary people, and brief sections that debunk common medical myths. We hope you’ll enjoy this short excerpt from the book. One of the best urological surgeons in the country once told me, “I don’t do anything special, I just cut and stitch all day — the magic of healing is in the body itself.” In fact, it takes a lot of effort to overwhelm the healing system of the body. Still, we’ve found the perfect recipe for disaster in our modern diseasepromoting lifestyle of caloric excess, which originated with toxic substances mislabeled as food and has been coupled with unmanaged stress and a lack of physical activity and sleep. When you put the right fuel in your body, health and healing happen almost automatically. You are “designed” to move naturally. You do not need to do anything drastic. My program simply asks you to eat, move, and live in the unique way that you are designed to do. Everything else will take care of itself because the wisdom of healing is within. The reason you need to get started right now is that the sooner you follow the right path, the easier it will be to heal. The further you go the wrong way, the greater the effort required to correct course. Eating for health — rather than eating for entertainment — should be a conscious commitment.

Taking responsibility and affirming our control and autonomy, which is what we do when we consciously decide to nurture and nourish ourselves, are as applicable here as in other aspects of our life. When we have been addicted to an unhealthy lifestyle, it takes time and effort to break the addiction. In fact, it can take up to forty-five days to take an idea from cognition (understanding) to emotional buy-in and finally to actual behavior change. The goal is to live in sync with our natural rhythms in an effortless way. This can happen as we move to convert our surroundings and routine so that healthy habits become our default. Think about a child learning to tie his or her shoelaces: The process goes from not knowing how to do it, to learning the steps, to practicing the steps, to finally being able to do it reflexively, without even thinking about it. And here is the good news: The rewards — of more energy, vitality, and zest for life — are almost immediate. Although a complete transformation takes months, within a week or two, the taste buds start to adjust and the body starts to respond in such a way that you will not want to regress to previous unhealthy habits. The compliments you will get from friends, family, and coworkers will be a bonus.

headaches, fatigue, irritability — are present in drug withdrawal. True hunger is a mouth or throat sensation similar to thirst. We often mistake thirst, boredom, nutritional deficiency, or a low blood sugar for hunger. Have you ever been truly hungry? A good gauge of whether a meal is truly nourishing is the degree to which it keeps you satiated. A meal that is biochemically suited to your needs should keep you satisfied for three to five hours. The Difference between Real Shedding ugly belly fat can be the key Hunger and Craving to reversing diabetes, improving heart health and memory, increasing energy and vitality, improving erectile Your goal should be to maintain dysfunction, preventing cancer, and satiety or satisfaction, to start thinking getting rid of sleep apnea and fatty liver about food as a source of energy and disease, in addition to injecting you with wisdom from nature. However, to more energy and zest for life. understand satiety, you must first When your body is given the right fuel, understand hunger. What does hunger you gain energy and vitality, and there is mean to you? Craving sugar, chocolate, no need for it to be hoarded as fat in cheese, or meat is less likely real hunger places where it can cause harm. and more likely an addiction reaction, Every time you eat or drink, you are arising from the effect of these substances either nourishing your body or feeding on the reward center of the brain. The disease. You have two choices: You can same sensations of craving — jitteriness,



March 2018

either “try” — that is, make excuses and then fail — or you can succeed no matter what obstacles come your way. In the words of Yoda in Star Wars: “Do or do not. . . . There is no try.” Pankaj Vij, MD, FACP, is the author of Turbo Metabolism. As a doctor of internal medicine, he has helped thousands of patients lose weight, manage chronic health conditions, and improve their physical fitness. Visit him online at http:// Excerpted from the book Turbo Metabolism. Copyright ©2018 by Pankaj Vij, MD. Printed with permission from New World Library—


How Acupuncture Can be Used For Infertility


New research is showing how a more individualized, nuanced approach can boost birth rates.


f you’ve had difficulty conceiving, you likely already know the stats: At least one in eight couples in the U.S. are affected by infertility. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 12 percent of women will have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying to term during their normal childbearing years. The process can be long, arduous and emotionally and financially draining. In some cases it can challenge the foundations of your relationship. Thanks to advancements in technology, assisted reproductive techniques (ART) are improving every year. They’re still centered around manipulating hormones to grow as many follicles as possible in the hopes of getting one good egg to meet that one good sperm. But ultimately, even when the DNA and egg and sperm quality are acceptable, success still depends on the uterine environment and the woman’s overall health. The ART process is drug- and timeintensive, not to mention invasive. It can hijack your body’s natural processes for months. And the cost—approximately $12,000 to $20,000 per “round” of in vitro fertilization (IVF) or $500 to $1,000 per intrauterine insemination (IUI), depending on where you live and the clinic—can be prohibitive as well.

this can alter how we approach treatment with our clients. Some of the ways we believe acupuncture works to help with infertility are by increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, stimulating hormones that lead to improved ovulation and cycle regularity, and triggering the release of endorphins and “endogenous opioids,” which calm the stress response. Other research has shown that certain Chinese herbs may help improve mitochondrial function in the egg (giving them more energy), and acupuncture may also help improve various sperm parameters. Most of the research on Chinese medicine and fertility focuses on using it during the ART process. Specifically, acupuncture is often performed immediately before and after embryo transfer (the point during IVF when the fertilized egg is returned to the uterus). Studies found that this approach led to a 65 percent increase in birth rates. Word got out and it became a standard “IVF protocol” for acupuncturists, whether they specialized in women’s health or not. As research has accumulated, the success rates have shifted, and recent research has shown a much smaller benefit. Still, the results have proved strong enough to prompt some of the top fertility centers in the country to offer acupuncture as a regular Chinese medicine and infertility part of their fertility programs. But many acupuncturists would argue that this is not really Chinese medicine. Simply putting needles in a client that you’ve never seen before—and may not see again— using the same points for everyone, isn’t applying the full power of Chinese medicine, which at its roots is complex and individualized. Most acupuncturists who specialize in infertility use needling, herbs, cupping, Chinese massage, and lifestyle recommendations (and possibly other interventions, such as yoga or supplements, depending on their expertise) over a few months to Acupuncture, herbs, dietary address underlying issues that may be recommendations and other techniques— contributing to infertility. This approach all part of Chinese medicine—have been is referred to as whole-systems used to treat women’s health and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It’s infertility for centuries. It doesn’t more in line with how acupuncturists and generally boast technological Chinese medicine doctors practice in the advancements; the foundations of real world with all of their clients, treatment have remained pretty much the whether they’re coming for infertility, same. What has changed is our ability to pain, or something else. study and understand how it works, and Finally, we’re starting to see research based on this method of treatment. A


2015 study—the first of its kind— published in the journal Reproductive BioMedicine Online evaluated more than 1,200 IVF cycles over a five-year period. Researchers found that those who had IVF with their own eggs and who received whole-systems TCM had a 27 percent higher live birth rate than those who received IVF alone. It was 21 percent higher than the group who did IVF along with pre-/post-embryo transfer acupuncture. But when those results were statistically adjusted for age, previous IVF cycle and dosage of a key IVF drug (to make the groups more comparable), the whole-systems TCM group had approximately double the live birth rate of the other groups. Women who had an average of 12 acupuncture treatments leading up to embryo transfer had a better chance of having a live birth.

Taking the Next Step This type of research is complex and impossible to do in a “controlled” environment (e.g., with placebo controls), but the results are encouraging. If you’re considering exploring Chinese medicine for infertility, either on its own or in conjunction with ART, here are some questions you should ask: Do you specialize in reproductive medicine? Some acupuncturists specialize in women’s health and infertility while others prefer to see a variety of clients with different issues. You can still get good care with someone who takes a broader approach, but ideally you want to work with someone who understands what you’re going through on the Western medicine side of the equation and how Chinese medicine may affect that process. The American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM) certifies acupuncturists who have undergone extensive, specialized education and passed a rigorous exam, ensuring that they’re fluent in both the Eastern and Western side of infertility and ART. (You can find ABORM-certified practitioners at Will you work with my reproductive endocrinologist (RE)? Depending on the relationship, your acupuncturist might speak to your RE if he or she has a concern, but don’t expect them to take a “team” approach. They have different tools and expertise. This is why it’s key that your acupuncturist understands the ART process and potential health implications. (Most REs in the Kansas


March 2018

City area don’t have acupuncturists on staff or offer it as part of an IVF program.) What’s involved in Chinese medicine fertility treatment? Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are the mainstays of fertility treatment, but your acupuncturist may also recommend some lifestyle changes (such as altering how you exercise, losing/gaining weight or making healthy alterations to your diet), stressrelief techniques and possibly supplements, such as CoQ10 or omega3’s. Chinese herbs are powerful, and your RE may not want you to take herbs while you’re also doing IVF so be sure to discuss this with your acupuncturist and RE. As with ART, there is no guarantee that you’ll get pregnant if you opt for acupuncture. Your practitioner should never promise that he/she can make it happen for you. Regardless, you can expect your overall health to improve with regular acupuncture treatments and healthy lifestyle changes. How much does it cost? REs are very clear with patients about the potential costs of all aspects of ART, and your acupuncturist should be forthcoming as well. Treatment fees vary between practitioners, but you can expect to pay between $1,000 to $1,500 for 12 weeks of acupuncture leading up to IVF (that includes weekly treatments and possibly some herbs).

Janet Lee, DACM, L.Ac., FABORM, is an acupuncturist and owner of Vitality Holistic Medicine. She sees clients at her offices in Waldo and Lawrence. She is the only acupuncturist in Kansas and one of only two in Kansas City who has earned the FABORM designation. (Head shot by Chris Fanning)


Loosen the Belt of Pelvic Pain


hronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) is a condition that is affecting an increasing number of people every year. This painful condition is often misunderstood, misdiagnosed and mistreated – yet can have an altering effect on a person’s lifestyle in many ways. Although, women usually experience Chronic Pelvic Pain more often it can also affect men to the same degree. According to a Gallup poll, 1 in 7 women between the ages of 18 to 50 suffer from chronic pelvic pain and it is estimated that every 15 seconds a man in the U.S. is diagnosed with CPP. In addition to many other chronic conditions that are physically connected to the abdominal region, CPP can be hard to treat because of the proximity to reproductive and digestive organs. Along with digestive and reproductive problems, the proverbial Pandora’s Box is usually opened when addressing any issues in the abdomen. For this reason I have become somewhat of an expert in Chronic Pelvic Pain over the years. From my fifteen years as a holistic health practitioner I would like to share what I have found to be the true causes of CPP and steps you can take to empower your health. To better understand the feelings and affects of CPP - take a belt, long cloth, or rope and cinch it around your pelvis. Pull it tight enough so that it feels uncomfortable, it may be even harder to take a full breath. Take a moment to notice how it makes your whole body feel, the increased awareness it brings you of where you are holding tension. This is


exactly how your pelvic diaphragm reacts to stress or trauma. Now imagine slowly tightening more each day with each stress and never unwinding it. How long would it take…minutes, hours, days or years for the pressure to build to the point where it was affecting vital organs and resulting in chronic pelvic pain? Chronic Pelvic Pain is defined as nonmenstrual pelvic pain in the abdomen, hips, perineum, rectum, buttocks, vagina, and thighs that persists for six months or more. This pain not only puts physical limits on daily activities but also can take an emotional toll - especially if it interferes with bladder control or sexual intercourse. Conventional treatments for CPP can include:  Over the counter or prescribed muscle relaxants  Nerve blocking injections  Physical Therapy  Counseling for abuse or depression  Surgery The following conditions typically precede CPP are generally referred to as causes for CPP: Endometriosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Postsurgical & Musculoskeletal Pain, Prostatitis, Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, Prudendal Neuralgia, Overactive Bladder and Vulvodynia. I would rather categorize them as symptoms of a much bigger yet overlooked true causal factor – a hypertonic contracted pelvic diaphragm.

Photo Courtesy Alex Jackson


In addition the lower abdominal and relief for CPP it loosens the respiratory perennial fascia connections that have diaphragm at the same time you are tightened like a belt—thus affecting blood, treating the pelvic diaphragm. This is oxygen and nerve supply to organs and to ensure that even pressure is surrounding tissue. Of course the next established in the whole body. In my logical step would be to loosen the fascia opinion this is the missing link to belt to get relief. So why is this so hard to chasing CPP symptoms and is a great accomplish even with years of therapy or compliment to those who are seeing a surgery. To better understand this we pelvic floor physical therapist. need to look at how 2. Breathe, Feel, and the pelvic diaphragm “Since the abdomen is our Release—Since the abdomen functions. biggest storage container for is our biggest storage The pelvic floor is for stress, it is stress, it is inevitable that container a muscular partition inevitable that emotions also emotions also lie (also known as the lie within the pelvis. The pelvic diaphragm) more emotions that are held within the pelvis. ” formed by the within = more pressure in levatores ani and the body…and more coccygei, which includes the parietal pressure = more pain…always. We pelvic fascia of the upper and lower need to remove “old baggage” that has aspects. These muscles not only engage been pushed to the basement “aka” the with skeletal actions, but also have a pelvic floor. Allow yourself to take a movement that corresponds and deep breath into your pelvic floor—be synchronizes with our respiratory honest of what you feel and any diaphragm. This means every time we emotions that arise…this is where fear, take a breath we are expanding and shame and guilt hide. This awareness contracting the pelvic floor and can help free your body and spirit from surrounding fascia. Proper abdominal years of pain. breathing keeps the diaphragms loose, 3. Do the Un-Kegel—First feel what its allowing fluid and oxygen pressure levels like to tighten your perineum (doing a to normalize within the body. We kegel.) Next, open your mouth and naturally hold our breath during times of take a big breath out…now do the stress or trauma, bracing and protecting kegel, exhale out your mouth while for what may come next. The problem making a sighing sound of “ahhh.” occurs when we are repeatedly exposed to Notice the difference in your pelvic adverse experiences, especially as floor— it is virtually impossible to children. Even though presently we may tighten the perineum while deeply be in a good emotional state, our body breathing out of your mouth at the may have never felt like it could take a same time. Throughout your day Unsafe and full breath in its formative years. Kegel: by performing this simple Gradually and unconsciously over time breathing exercise to relax your pelvic the respiratory diaphragm and pelvic diaphragm. diaphragm continued to tighten with each As you loosen your “pelvic belt,” each little bit of stress. The result is increased notch becomes a step toward healing. pressure and pain within the abdomen. Chronic Pelvic Pain is removed in layers The severity of CPP can vary from person so be patient with yourself and take time to person. The pain can range from to explore the best modality that fits you. constant to intermittent—mild to severe or a dull ache that is characterized by a Alex Jackson LMT, feeling of heaviness or pressure in the pelvis. NCTMB is a Holistic Health Here are three holistic Practitioner, specializing in recommendations for lasting relief of Traditional Maya Medicine. CPP: He has over a decade of 1. Maya Abdominal Massage: a experience in treating chronic Traditional Maya Medicine external and acute health conditions massage technique that can effectively such as chronic pelvic pain, reduce the pressure, which causes pain digestive, reproductive, musculoskeletal, and in the pelvis. This technique uncoils anxiety issues. He is co-owner of Centered bound up fascia; restoring oxygen to Spirit – Cultural & Holistic Center located in vital nerves, increase circulation to Waldo: 8131 Wornall Rd., Kansas City, MO organs and remove waste out of 64114 816.225.9393 tissues. In addition to getting lasting


March 2018


Get Well by Getting Rid of Toxins


n 1974, the World Health Organization stated that environmental toxins create approximately 84 percent of all chronic diseases. Cellular toxicity is one of the major epidemics of this lifetime and remains an underlying cause of numerous chronic health issues. People have the problems of being unable to lose weight, can’t sleep, brain fog, low energy, pain, hormonal issues, and just don’t feel well overall despite doing everything right. This is because of what is happening at the cellular level. Toxins make their way to the cell and drive cellular inflammation. A 2004 Time magazine article stated that cellular inflammation is the secret killer and the cause of most of our chronic diseases like diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and many more. You cannot get well without the perfect diet, but the perfect diet alone is not going to get you well. The key to getting well today is to find the cause and remove it. The number one cause is toxins because they bind to the cell membrane which affects cell function. Because of the tremendous exposure that we have to toxins today, our systems are being overwhelmed and accumulating in our cells. Toxins are binding to our cell membranes and causing cellular inflammation which damages the receptors, so now your hormones can’t get their message into the cell and you won’t feel well. What is scary about that is that your blood work will look normal, and your doctor will tell you that you should fell well. The reason people don’t feel well and have many symptoms is because there is a problem with the cell. To get well you must fix the cell, but importantly you must detox the cell because that is what is driving the problem, and it is epidemic today. However, what most people are doing to detox is not working because the cell is not being addressed. There is one toxin that is ubiquitous in the environment and causing many chronic diseases. It is in the air we breathe, the water, our food and, yes, even in vaccines. It is the active ingredient in the weed killer Round-up called glyphosate. Glyphosate causes leaky gut and brain and it binds our necessary minerals causing them to leave the body. It also binds heavy metals and other toxins, driving them to the brain.


Once in the brain, these toxins don’t want to come out and will continue to cause damage by causing cellular inflammation. This is why you need a system in place that is safe and effective and should never be done without the supervision of a trained practitioner. Most detoxes on the market are only addressing the drainage pathways like the liver, gut and kidneys. They also use weak binders that cause re-distribution and auto-intoxication. While these drainage pathways must be open, it will not create lasting results. True detox must be done at the cellular level so the cell can function and start doing what it was designed to do. You must have a proven system in place to safely get toxins not only out of the cell but all the way out of the body, or detox can become dangerous. True Detox is comprised of three components and three phases and is shown in the diagram. For the components you must up-regulate cell function (the 5R’s of fixing the cell), open the downstream pathways (liver, kidneys, and gut), and use true binders so you don’t cause re-distribution of toxins or auto-intoxication. The three phases are: Step One - The Prep Phase: You must first up-regulate cell function to get the cell doing what it is supposed to do while you support the downstream pathways. You never detox a sick cell. Step-Two - The Body Phase: Get easy to grab toxins from the body and set up a concentration gradient which sets you up for the most important step. Step Three – The Brain Phase: This is where you go after the deeper toxins, and studies have shown this is where most of the toxins are accumulating and causing health problems. The toxins especially like the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, both of which affect the entire hormonal system. True Detox takes time and must be done slowly and must take into account other health issues that the person may have. If there are toxins, and we are all toxic, the immune system is compromised and more likely there also are pathogens. You will need to work between pathogen and heavy metal detoxes. Only a practitioner trained in True Detox will be able to know how to proceed, and that will be different for each person. There is a detox protocol that people use that is called IV chelation. True binders are used, but they have a short


“The key to getting well today is to find the cause and remove it.” half-life and will start mobilizing toxins. However, before they can get all the way out of the body, the chelator is gone and the toxins re-distribute. Many of the toxins that we are exposed to are neurotoxins causing many neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autism and many more. If you want to prevent and reverse chronic disease, the proper detox is not optional anymore. It is a necessity because of the toxic world in which we now live.


March 2018

Dr. Lynda Gammal, owner of Restore Health Naturally, is a functional medicine practitioner who specializes in True Cellular Detox and Healing. She helps people overcome chronic health conditions. Contact information: and 785-566-8334. Free strategy sessions to determine your toxicity level and a toxin exposure article are available.

Spiritual Horoscope

March 2018 Happy birthday Pisces! Celebrate your special month by having fun! Often your spiritual path gets bogged down with shame and isolation. Give yourself a break and seek out happy friends and cool activities. When you meditate or reflect, cultivate compassion for “issues” you’re working on. Self-love can heal your heart, mind and soul in wonderful ways. When in doubt, be gentle with yourself so the Universe can work its magic within you. This is also a strong financial time, so enjoy that too! Aries (March 21 – April 19) Mercury retrogrades in your sign through mid-April. It’s a great time to focus on developing your intuition and spiritual path. Reflect upon and be authentic with yourself about your values. By connecting with what’s truly important to you, you can set new goals that are meaningful and vital! Also, work toward forgiving old resentments when it comes to committed emotional partnerships, breeches of trust or financial issues. In other news, you can get a new job offer or a cool project can begin.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) This Mercury retrograde gives depth in meditation and power to dreams. Pay close attention to intuitions and subtle inner messages that inspire your spiritual path. In fact, you can start a new discipline like yoga, read a powerful book that shifts your consciousness, or begin a different meditation style. This fresh life perspective also heals a current relationship from old wounds and allows for more trust. If single, you can meet someone who will be a powerful partner!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Jupiter turns retrograde, asking you to pay more attention to your health. That can mean physically, but also how you deal with work and life stress. Geminis are famous for endless mind chatter that depletes your energy and joy. Become aware that you are having constant thoughts. Be friendly to yourself and gently say, “Thinking!” This habit brings a burst of focus and extra vitality for new goals. Also, make an effort to get in touch with old friends, as those reconnections can give a boost too!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) You can have amazing healing with relationships, but you must let go of past hurts. Of course, set limits and hold to boundaries where needed, but observe how you overly protect your heart. Meditate on beliefs you’ve formed and how they isolate you from love. Challenge your ideas, and see if opening your mind improves a current connection. If single, you can draw in a positive new partner. Check for negative thoughts about work, too. Everything changes when you dwell on positive options rather than shield yourself from a predictable “bad” future!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Meditation brings healing insights about deep family or childhood issues. Also, practice feeling compassion and love for yourself. As a Leo, when you truly feel self-love and self-esteem, you radiate joy to others like the warmth of the sun! Be gentle as you bring yourself back to the generous present moment with kind self -talk, especially if you catch yourself being mean and self-critical. Even a few full breaths bring a momentary quiet that works wonders. In other news, you can have an exciting job offer!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Meditate on beliefs about communication, trust, and intimacy. Forgive negative experiences of betrayal. Write about how safe or unsafe it feels to express your authentic self. Maybe read books about positive communication and apply new ideas. Also examine if it’s hard to be quiet and present within yourself for yourself. In meditation, let


thoughts and emotions arise and greet them in a friendly way. Observe how they just float by when you don’t label them as bad. Then you’ll feel less shame about being you, and that’s great because you’re wonderful!

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Mercury retrograde can bring pointless arguments in relationships based on misunderstandings. But it can also trigger old resentments from important unresolved issues. Those bigger themes buried in you can surface as little fights. In meditation, have the courage to see what you are harboring. You might even be reacting from childhood “buttons”. If you can let it go within you in a healthy way, do that. If you need to have an open discussion, be clear and centered as you talk so resolution will be easier. Also, work on healing negative beliefs about prosperity so yours can flow!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Jupiter retrogrades in your sign until July. It’s a great time to deepen your spiritual path. You can have extraintense meditations. Your intuition will be easy to access and depend on. Jupiter also is about fun, so be sure you allow yourself to play, laugh and generally enjoy life! Think about ways you’d like to change and put those concepts into action. Release limiting beliefs. Dream big and practice seeing the impossible as possible! Love yourself and open your heart to others without fear.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Make a list of your deepest desires. What would you like to manifest in terms of relationships, prosperity, or spiritual growth? As a Sag, it is vital to center your life around joy. Being a spiritual person can be fun. In fact, you evolve faster when you have humor about yourself and life. Laughter is sacred! Pay attention to dreams, intuition and guidance in meditation, since you’re really “tuned in” right now. Read your “divine wish list” a few times each day


March 2018

and watch your cherished ideas appear with ease!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Energetic, passionate Mars is your sign until mid-May. Meditate on your goals and write a list. Next to each, write action steps and your level of willingness to take those steps. Now you can see what’s truly important to you and not just what you should want to accomplish. Once you’re clear on your real priorities, you’ll find it easier to make strides and be filled with selfconfidence! Create a special sacred space in your home for quiet time — you deserve it! You can also start a new relationship if single, or re-invigorate a current connection!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) With both Mercury and Jupiter retrograde, practice slowing down your thoughts. You carry unconscious anxiety from your super-smart, but non-stop mind. In meditation, rather than ignoring thoughts or trying to stop them, welcome their presence. Without engaging them, notice how they float in and notice there’s space between them. Focus on the spaciousness between each thought. You’ll feel much more peaceful, in meditation and all day long! Also release old anger so your heart can be open to joy with others and open to love for yourself!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit




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March 2018

MARCH 3 CHAKRA BASICS Learn the basics of the chakra energy system. Explore colors, sound vibrations, key traits. 2-4 p.m. $25


MARCH 10-12 HOLY FIRE KARUNA REIKI MASTER The next step after Reiki Master. Learn the new Holy Fire material and chanting. 9am – 6:30pm. $975 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood. 816523-4440. MARCH 10, 20 AND 27 USUI REIKI LEVEL ONE TRAINING $150. Evenings. At the Healing Place - Liberty Instructors Sheri Woxland and Tammy Barton. Lunch and handouts provided MARCH 12 SACRED HEALING CIRCLE ONLINE W/MAYA ZAHIRA 7:30 p.m. CDT Monday 12-month personal development circle with focus on intuitive development. Visit m to apply. MARCH 13 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. Reservations. 913-8314422. 7:15 p.m. $20 MARCH 13 INTUITIVE READING AURA DRAWING NIGHT 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. At the Healing Place – Liberty Readings by Tammy Barton and Sheri Woxland $25. Our most popular event.

MARCH 13 -27 CRANIOSACRAL BALANCING 1 Morning and afternoon class at our Olathe location. Please call Danielle Hicks for information at 816-5239140 or visit for more information. MARCH 14 HOW TO LOSE FAT AND KEEP IT OFF Presented by: Dr. Ron and Dr. Anne | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm | Free | Wichita (Live streamed at: healthhunter1 )Everyone is looking for the “magic bullet” when it comes to losing weight (this is why the majority of people who lose weight on a diet gain it back … plus more!). Come hear Dr. Ron and Dr. Anne discuss the mechanisms of why the body stores excess fat and what you can do to reverse them and lose fat for good.

MARCH 24 THE ART OF FRENCH TEA 9:30-10:30am | Cost: $12 | Instructor: Emilie Jackson. Learn how tea arrived in Europe in the 17th Century and how the French embraced tea in making blends oriented towards a more culinary experience. For registration call 816.225.9393 MARCH 24 MEDITATION AND BATH GONG 7-8:30pm | Cost: $20 | Instructor: Jana Lee. Tap into the wisdom of Mantras, Mudras, Meditations and the transformative power of Sound and Vibration – The Naad. For registration call 816.225.9393

MARCH 24 SPRING FLING! WITH CAT RUNNINGELK Dust off the cobwebs of winter and gain clarity on your life’s purpose. Enjoy an afternoon of community and MARCH 15-18 a channeling of love at a soulCORE STAR ENERGY HEALsearching retreat with Cat RunING FOUNDATIONS CLASS ningElk. For more information: This class is the first of 5 weekends of runningelkalmostdaithe Core Star Energy Healing class 1–4 p.m. for the 1st year of the 3 year Energy $45 RSVP, call or email catrunHealing program. See http:// 863-529-1866 for more details. MARCH 24 MARCH 19 DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL'S PSYCHIC PROTECTION MEN- FOOD TORSHIP ONLINE Led by Steve Sanders. Develop clarity Monday 6 p.m. CDT. 6-month men- and improve your life. Location TBD. torship with psychic protection ex9:30-11 a.m. $30. Radiatewellpert & author, Maya Zahira. Use your training for personal or spiritual/ 816.388.0289. healing biz. Request an interview, MARCH 24 ESSENTIAL OILS FOR ANIMARCH 21 MALS HEARTLAND AYLLU COMMU- 11:00am-12:00pm Peculiar, MO, NITY LINK UP CEREMONY Learn how to enhance the well-being Monthly 3rd Wednesday Link-Up and for you & your animals with nature’s gathering of community in ceremony, essential oils. Register: all are welcome. Ceremonial honor- or 816-522-7005. ing of the Spring Equinox, led by Au- Website: tumn and Daniel Moler. 7 p.m. to 10 p.m at The Lodge @ Hollis Renewal Center , 11414 Kansas Ave, Kansas City, KS 66111. RSVP, or 913-602-1529 EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


March 2018

MARCH 25 AWARENESS IS HEALING® 1-3pm | Cost: $20 | Instructor: Alex Jackson. Keys to understand how trauma is stored in the body. Insights into preventing many chronic and acute health conditions. For registration call 816.225.9393 MARCH 27 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. Reservations 913-8314422 7:15 p.m. $20. MARCH 30 PSYCHIC STUDIES INSTITUTE 'Channeling Adironnda'-Marilyn Harper ( Unity Temple on the Plaza, 7 p.m., $15 MARCH 30 MOON LODGE Women's gathering to honor and celebrate the Spring Equinox.. We will share food (potluck style) and create together a sacred, beautiful gift of offering for the earth. 7:00 p.m.— 9:00 p.m. Lodge of the Peole, 1628 W. Brittany Dr. Olathe, KS 66061. Led by Moon Lodge Coordinators, Autumn Paige Moler and Anita Slusher Williams. or 913-602-1529 MARCH 31 TURN ON YOUR FEMININE MAGIC Live more joyfully in your feminine body – SOFT, RELAXED, OPEN and TURNED ON - and activate your ability to receive far more than you ever imagined possible! MARCH 31 DOGA (DOGGIE YOGA) 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Peculiar, MO An integrated approach to flexibility and relaxation for you and your canine companion. Register: or 816-522-7005. Website:

APRIL 7 RAINDROP THERAPY morning and afternoon class. 8 CEU hours. Call us at 816-523-9140 or visit for more information! APRIL 7 INTRO TO THE CHAKRAS In-depth look at the chakras. Learn about your energy body and how it’s all connected. 1-5 p.m. $60 APRIL 7 CREATE A CHEMICAL-FREE HOME 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Peculiar, MO, Learn what is harmful in your environment and create a chemical-free home for you & your pets. Register: or 816-522-7005. Website: APRIL 7 MEDITATION POSTURE WORKSHOP Explore a variety of meditation postures and sitting gear, learn some yoga moves to ease seated meditation, and enjoy a guided meditation together in newfound comfort! $30. Rime Buddhist Center, 2-4:30 pm. mindfulnessmeditationkc

INTRODUCTION TO MEDITATION Meditation relieves stress, improves focus, and boosts health. Centered Spirit, 8131 Wornall, 64110. 4-5 pm. $10 events. 816.388.0289. APRIL 13-15 CHAKRA YOGA WORKSHOP Learn the chakra energy system and how it’s deeply connected to yoga and the physical body. Contact for Registration. APRIL 19 THE CORNERSTONE FOUNDATION PRESENTS DR. JACOB LIBERMAN Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living, Thursday, April 19 at 7:00pm at Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 West 47th Street, KC, MO 64112.Tickets are $20 in advance/$25 at the door. For tickets or information, visit or call 816-561-4466.

Lunch provided. 816-415-2607 APRIL 29 REIKI FOR RESTORATION, RELAXATION, RELEASE Learn all about this hands-on healing energy modality. Centered Spirit, 8131 Wornall, 64110. 4-5 p.m. $10 events. 816.388.0289.

ONGOING MASTERING THE INTUITIVE ARTS Ongoing Monday evenings. Develop your gifts in a fun and supportive atmosphere with Cat RunningElk. Each week we gather for guided meditation, connect with one another, your spiritual guides and bring wisdom through for all. 7-9 p.m. $25 drop in. 863-529-1866 /mastering-the-intuitive-arts/ for more information. Call or email for directions to Cat’s Place. /tarot-classes/ for more information. 7 – 8:30 p.m. $20 drop in. Call or email for directions to Cat’s Place. 863-529-1866 SERENITY PAUSE™ MEDITATION 7 DAYS A WEEK - 365 DAYS A YEAR, 12:10 p.m. to 12:40 p.m. and 5:30pm to 6 p.m. Both chairs and mat/cushions are provided.. Includes mediation instruction and time to sit. Unity Temple on the Plaza-707 W 47th Street, KC, MO 64112. REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park – 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email 816-523-4440

ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND APRIL 21 VETERANS WHOLE LIVING FESTIVAL By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy April 21, 2018 from 11 a.m.—5 p.m. TAROT FOR EVERYONE Ongoing Tuesday evenings. Learn the healing sessions for cancer patients at Unity Church of Overland Park. and veterans. Our clients have been for more info. cards, practice doing readings with others and increase your confidence. experiencing a reduction of their From beginning students to advanced, stress, anxiety and pain levels. These APRIL 28 all can benefit! Cat RunningElk began sessions are provided at NO COST RETREAT RELEASE RENEW as a professional reader over twenty to the client. Contact John Hoefer at WORKSHOP 816-718-6358 for details. At the Healing Place – Independence years ago and brings her wisdom and guidance in this safe environment so $75.00 Affirmations, visioning, releasing, readings. 9 a.m.—5:30 p.m. you can grow. Go to https:// U-NITE INTERSPIRITUAL SERVICE Join us at Unity Temple on the Plaza for our weekly 'interspiritual' service SUNDAYS 4:30-5:30PM (YOUTH Join us again for the Spring PROGRAM available for ages 5+).

Whole Living Festival

April 21, 2018 from 11 a.m.—5 p.m. at Unity Church of Overland Park. for more info.

APRIL 7 OR APRIL 9 & 10 INTRODUCTION TO MYOFASCIAL RELEASE morning and afternoon evening classes available. Call us at 816-5239140 or visit for more information! APRIL 8 EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


March 2018

3RD FRIDAY NITE IN DOWNTOWN OVERLAND PARK 5-8:30! Live music everywhere, oil & vinegar food samples in store! The Tasteful Olive 7945 Santa Fe


APRIL 6-8 USUI/HOLY FIRE ADVANCED REIKI TRAINING/REIKI MASTER Learn the Master symbol and the new Holy Fire material. Work with crystals. Strengthen your healing energy and be able to teach Reiki. 9am-6:30pm. $975 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440.



March 2018

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