Evolving Magazine March 2019

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Evolving A Guide for Conscious Living


March 2019 ~ Volume XI, Issue 1


Evolving Magazine seeks an Event Coordinator The ideal candidate has an interest in self-awareness, alternative healing, and other growth topics, is a self-starter who enjoys working independently, is an idea person who relishes in the creative process of implementing new events, and has the entrepreneurial spirit to work on a commission basis. Will help with creating and implementing unique events of interest to our readership. Contact Evolving Magazine publisher, Jill Dutton, at jill@evolvingmagazine.com. Send a couple of ideas for events you feel would complement the topics covered in Evolving Magazine. What do you see as a great event for our evolvin' readership? EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Dear Friend, When my appendix ruptured a few years ago, because of hospital misdiagnosis and then insurance delays for approval of a CT scan, I went more than a week before diagnosis and admittance to the hospital. After a week-long hospital stay and then more than a month wait before the surgery, when I went to check in with my primary care physician later, her first words were, “Isn’t it amazing what the body can do?” Because my body had found a way to encapsulate the poison—thus saving my life. Our bodies have an innate intelligence that is enhanced by our thoughts. Apparently, from my doctor’s proclamation, this innate ability amazes even the medical profession. I’ve been fortunate health-wise in many ways. Raised a Christian Scientist, although I no longer practice, it nonetheless instilled in me a thought pattern for health. I believe in the value of the medical profession for emergency care, and I know staying healthy is not something I can relinquish solely to my doctor’s care. It’s up to me to make healthy life choices, exercise, express joy, eat well, meditate, and learn stress reduction techniques. I also look first to alternative care. I recently watched Heal (www.healdocumentary.com), a documentary that looks at both ancient healing traditions like Ayurvedic medicine, as well as modern technologies and processes like sound therapy. The documentary explores health and the science behind healing modalities. One of the experts in the film was Dr. Kelly Turner, who studied more than 1,500 “radical remissions” from cancer. In the film, Dr. Turner says she identified more than 75 factors that cancer survivors said they used as part of their healing journey. There were nine common factors used by almost all of them. Taken from her book, Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds (http://amzn.to/1Lx2oY7), and reprinted with permission, the 9 Healing Factors Dr. Turner discovered are:

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Destination Dental Work...10

The Practice of Ayurveda...22 Healing from Assault...24 11 22

What if Hitler Had Meditated?...25

One doesn’t need to battle cancer to learn from this blueprint for living. We are fortunate to have a plethora of healers in the Kansas City area. I’m honored to share with you, as we celebrate 10 years of publishing Evolving Magazine, our annual Wellness Directory, highlighting the healers of Kansas City. Please save this valuable resource to reference throughout the year. Here’s to looking inward toward health.

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com

Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Chrisi Spooner Polly Swafford

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton Monthly Columnists Emily Akins, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Brandi Schoen, Angela Watson Robertson

Approach Life Differently and Watch it Change...21


Radically changing your diet Taking control of your health Following your intuition Using herbs and supplements Increasing positive emotions Embracing social support Deepening your spiritual connection Having strong reasons for living

Jill Dutton



Awareness is Healing...26

Departments News Journey to Wholeness Holistic Health Eating Well in KC Books 2019 Wellness Directory Horoscope Events

4 6 7 8-9 12 13 28 30-31


Web Layout/Design Christine Lamb EVOLVING© 2019 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


Valerie Doran Bashaw, Full Moon, 2018, 24 x 16", rust printed vintage cotton, dyed silk, hand embroidery, assembled, stretched over a deep frame. Photo: Paul Andrews. Fiber/Mixed Media arts professional and fine art educator. Valerie.wovenwind@gmail.com www.wovenwind.net Instagram @valeriewovenwind



Award-Winning Doctor Urges Drastic Revolution In Alzheimer's Medical Care What if the unthinkable has struck your family? What if a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease? Perhaps you already know that the symptoms can be alleviated with yoga, meditation and music therapy. But can they stop or even reverse the course of the disease? Dr. Shuvendu Sen thinks so, and this award-winning physician and author has penned a new book explaining why. In Why Buddha Never Had Alzheimer's: A Holistic Treatment Approach through Meditation, Yoga and the Arts, Dr. Sen notes that researchers at such respected institutions as Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins University and the Mayo Clinic have shown

that contributing factors to Alzheimer's (such as stress and hypertension) can be alleviated with holistic, alternate management approaches—like meditation, yoga, music therapy and virtual reality therapy. Dr. Sen sees his book as a manual for a drastic and necessary revolution in medical care. "How can meditation and yoga stop or even reverse Alzheimer's?” he asks. "They set the mind on an inward journey, where the risk factors that precipitate the disease are formed. This bridging of the old and new creates an imperative paradigm shift in our perspective toward managing this disease.” Listed in the US Top Physician's list, Dr. Sen is the author of the bestselling book, A Doctor's Diary, and is the recipient of the Nautilus Book Award, Men of Distinction Award from the New York State Senate, the Oscar Edwards Award from the American College of Physicians, and has been thrice nominated for the Pushcart Award for his

Art Saves Lives. Fire in the Heart joins its national touring company with local KC artists

columns and other works of fiction. He has been an invited speaker to address United Nations Officials, the New Jersey Senate, the Indian Consulate in New York, the World Book Fair, City University of New York and Harvard University. He's also been featured on many major television and radio stations. To learn more about Dr. Sen and Why Buddha Never Had Alzheimer's, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FpaOnasKuDk.

Why Buddha Never Had Alzheimer's: A Holistic Treatment Approach through Meditation, Yoga and the Arts HCI Publishers Also translated into French by the prestigious Hachette Foundation ISBN-10: 0757319947 ISBN-13: 978-0757319945 Available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble HEART are part of a national touring company, the production incorporates local performers in each city it tours. “The show brings audiences to their feet as we share what helps us rise together and strengthen each other,” said the show’s directors, Deborah Allen and Delores Burgess. The women also perform in the production. In addition to Allen and Burgess, FIRE IN THE HEART is working closely with choreographer Tyrone Aiken of Kansas City‘s Alvin Ailey Conservatory. Other local Kansas City performers include storyteller Dr. Peter Van Veldhuizen, poet Jose Faus, filmmaker Aimee Larrabee, jazz saxophonist Max Levy, contemporary Indian dancer Anjali Tata Huston, and KC SuperStar finalist Jaeda Dickens. These Kansas City artists will join the national company, which includes music director and recording artist Stephan Terry, concert cellist Lisa Lancaster, storytellers Brittney Buffo, Tom North and Judith Schmidt.

The Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City (The J) and The White Theatre are proud to announce the touring company of FIRE IN THE HEART, arriving in Kansas City for two performances: Saturday, April 6 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, April 7 at 2 p.m. This exhilarating theatrical event features dance, gospel, hip-hop, classical music, poetry, autobiography and film to celebrate how the arts helped each performer pull through trauma—and pass on what they’ve learned to others. Through this performance, the audience gets an intimate look at how art can help us process, heal, and remain resilient not only with our personal challenges, but in the face of chaotic, difficult times. While the core artists of FIRE IN THE

Longest-Living Lung Cancer Survivor Shares The Plan That Helped Him Beat Cancer

this with his decision to take a holistic approach in his treatment. His treatment proved so successful, Dr. Helvie used it to develop a simple plan that he shares in his new book, Reducing Your Cancer Risk: A Holistic Approach (Booklocker Inc.). It's not No one wants to hear from their doctor that complicated—it's not rocket science—but it is they have cancer, and only six months to live. based on years of proven research. The book But these are the words that Dr. Carl O. Helvie explores the environment that brings cancer and the human body together, and offers steps heard 44 years ago. While his doctor encouraged him to begin traditional treatment to take before these three elements interact to cause the disease. right away, Helvie knew there had to be Listed in '50 Great Writers You Should Be another way to treat his cancer without the Reading in 2014,' Helvie recommends anyone negative side effects of radiation and chemotherapy, or the invasiveness of surgery. receiving a cancer diagnosis to take the time to really think about what they want to do for After a lot of praying and a good amount of their treatment plan. soul-searching, he opted to look for an In 2014, Dr. Helvie founded the Carl O. alternative way to beat his cancer. Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation—a Today, Dr. Helvie is the longest-living lung foundation different from other cancer cancer survivor in the world and he credits EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

foundations in that they focus on the holistic approach and multiple aspects of education, research and patient care for many types of cancer. For each area of content in the book there is a review of current research studies, and steps we can take to avoid carcinogens and strengthen the body. Also included are interviews with over 40 national leaders, discussing vastly different areas ranging from GMOs and EMTs to gratitude and forgiveness. There is also a how-to section that covers everything from meditation, gratitude and faith, to minor changes in diet, drinking water and reducing stress. For more information, please visit www.holisticcancerfoundation.com. Or visit https://www.holisticcancerfoundation.com/ interviews-cancer-survivors/ to listen to Helvie's interviews with cancer survivors.

Health News 5

Mindfulness and Mobile Devices: Can an app really help us be more mindful? BY SUNNY CHAYES


ften what comes to mind when I think of my iPhone is how mindful it really isn't. I think of the many times the person with whom I am sharing a meal has picked up their phone to make a call or look something up on the internet or to return a TEXT. Sadly, I also must consider the times I have done it to others. As our minds are being sucked ever more deeply into the electronic never world, is it possible that these same little mobile instigators could possibly help us recover some of the precious mindfulness that is lost to them? A slew of mobile app developers thinks so. Here are some suggestions. If we are going to spend some time, and potentially some money, on mindfulness apps, you might consider these.

for full version - $12.95/mo for Calm, $12.99/mo For Headspace.


(https://insighttimer.com/) If you are a fan of guided mediations, but don't enjoy paying the premium price, Insight Timer is your app. The tradeoff here is that Insight Timer is an open platform for seemingly anyone to post a meditation. It is up to you to choose wisely. The brilliance of the open platform is that there are literally thousands of meditations to choose from and many of those are extremely high-quality. A premium version of Insight Timer allows you to download your favorites for offline use and the app also offers premium 10-day courses ranging from "Learn to Mindfully Manage Stress and Anxiety" to "Heal Through the Power of Sound." The Goodness: The best app HEADSPACE AND CALM: around for a large selection of (https://www.headspace.com), guided meditations without the (https://www.calm.com/) premium design and handholding. We are lumping them together The Drawbacks: Requires a bit because they are both wonderful more investment of time to get apps that offer very similar things. what you are looking for. While there are subtle differences Perfect for you if: You are between what they offer, both are looking for high quality guided lovely. Many reviewers say that it meditations and don't mind comes down to the meditation spending some time searching for guide's voice that one prefers. teachers or meditation guides that Headspace uses the Buddhist suit your tastes and needs. Insight trained, proper English voice of Timer is entirely free for the basic Andy Puddicombe while Calm version. Premium -- $4.99/mo uses the well-regarded female and 10-day courses are $4.99 voice of Tamara Lovett. Both have each. free/trial versions of the app, so it may be great to try them both for VIBE: (https://vibe.me/) a week at a time. Both apps are beautifully designed, yet very far The Vibe app takes a different apart in graphical taste. If you are approach to mindfully enabling visually driven person, you might your device. This app focuses on find your preference of aesthetics providing daily guidance in to be your main decision driver. addition to meditation. The company has recruited a fairly The Goodness: For guided impressive group of 'thought mediations, they're beautifully effective for a combination of ease leaders' in mindfulness and spirituality who guide users with -of-use and quality. "light touch messaging" The Drawbacks: Pricey throughout the day. The compared to other options. messaging includes a daily post, Perfect for you If: You are short meditations and periodic looking for a meditation app reminders of the daily post called which provides a curated, high"Vibes," which pop up a few times quality guided meditations for during the day. According to the adults or children, and you are not app's website, this method of particularly price conscious. Price integrating a single mindfulness

principle into your life each day can have profound effects on happiness, wellbeing, even quality of sleep with minimal time commitment from the user. The app also includes a basic meditation timer for those who already know the basics of meditation. The Goodness: Perspectivechanging daily guidance from thought leaders in mindfulness and spirituality. The Drawbacks: It would be great to see a solid library of guided meditations with this app. I understand the guided meditations will be coming soon. In the meantime, perhaps combine with Insight Timer for guided meditations. Perfect for you if: You are a busy person and want to advance your mindfulness with less time per day. Free 7-day trial and then $2.99/mo.

MUSE: (https://choosemuse.com) If you struggle with meditation (Inside secret - most of us do. It's part of the process) and feel that you just can't quiet your mind enough to find your inner peace, then you might want to check out Muse. Muse is not primarily an app—the centerpiece of this technology is the biofeedback headband which doubles as a headset (for sound). The headband works with the Muse app which effectively runs the device. When you meditate with the headband, Muse plays meditative sounds such as birds chirping, as well as listens to the


activity in your brain. If your brain is too active (sometimes called "monkey brain"), the built-in headset provides an audible change in the sounds to something less calming, such as traffic or loud waves crashing. As you return your mind to a meditative state, the app provides the positive feedback to the brain in by returning to the gentler, more meditative sounds. The Good: Tests have shown that the Muse actually works in helping people relax more quickly into a meditative state. The Drawbacks: If you are serious about learning to meditate, learning to coexist with your thoughts is largely the point. Depending on a crutch might be counterproductive. Perfect for you if: You are beginning to meditate and struggle more than most with monkey brain, this might be the shortcut you are looking for. $200 on Amazon. How lovely it is that these creative companies used what is so ubiquitous in our culture to connect us deeply within ourselves. How cool is that? Sunny Chayes is an Author, a Sacred Social Activist, Host of The Sunny Chayes Show enjoyed on IHeartRadio, ITunes, ABC Talk/News, Mindalia TV and UBN Radio and Chief Strategic Partner and Feature Writer for Whole Life Times. www.YouTube/sunnychayes


Journey to Wholeness

Integrative Medicine: Making It Work BY JUDE LACLAIRE, PH.D.


recent foray into the current medical world reminded me strongly of how and why I began my journey into holistic health. Over four decades ago I began looking for help with migraine headaches. In my journey I learned hand warming with biofeedback, received acupuncture, relaxation and guided imagery, experienced massage, chiropractic and osteopathic manipulation, myo fascial release work with Rolfing, and learned the benefit of good vitamin, mineral and botanical supplements. I learned what worked and what did not. I learned how to assess practitioners and find very good ones. I learned what approaches worked best for different problems. I have always continued the quest, learning along the way and practicing what I have learned. The history of Integrative Medicine has a similar trajectory. As medical practice has gone from very personal, primary care practice to large urbanized health care systems that is high tech, expensive and, often, impersonal, more and more people were seeking alternative, complementary and more holistic approaches to care and healing. According to the American Journal of Medicine, in 2010, over forty-two per cent of adults were seeking integrative therapies such

“This strategy considers the patient’s unique conditions, needs and circumstances, using the most appropriate interventions from an array of scientific disciplines to heal illness and help people regain and maintain optimal health.”

as acupuncture, massage therapy, guided imagery and relaxation techniques, yoga and botanical supplements. Integrative medicine is defined as an approach that puts the patient at the center and addresses the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental influences that affect a person’s health. This strategy considers the patient’s unique conditions, needs and circumstances, using the most appropriate interventions from an array of scientific disciplines to heal illness and help people regain and maintain optimal health. The defining principles of integrative medicine are: Patient and practitioner are partners in the healing process. All factors that influence health, wellness and disease are taken into consideration, including body, mind, spirit and community. Providers use all healing science to facilitate the body’s innate healing response. Effective interventions that are natural and less invasive are used whenever possible. Alongside treatment, health promotion and the prevention of illness is considered. It would be ideal if we could find this approach in many places where medicine is practiced. Unfortunately, that is not the case. If you prefer this approach you must be the captain of your own team. You must find the practitioners who can best assist you in your process of healing. I have spent the last thirty years working with a multidisciplinary team of people who have helped me and others in this process. You must begin your own research to find the practitioners who can best help you. This part of Integrative Medicine is difficult as it requires research and diligence on your part to find the practitioners who can help you. My first attempt with my

“The defining principles of integrative medicine are: Patient and practitioner are partners in the healing process. All factors that influence health, wellness and disease are taken into consideration, including body, mind, spirit and community.” migraines was a learning process. Now, I am better at this skill. My primary care doctor often helps me identify problems and then I consult with a health team that may consist of a Naturopath, a Doctor of Pharmacy experienced in supplements and prescription drugs, an Acupuncturist trained in Chinese Medicine, a Chiropractor, body workers including Rolfing, deep tissue massage, or physical therapy, a nutritionist and a mental health person experienced in guided imagery, stress reduction and pain reduction. Each medical problem may require different practitioners. The mistake people often make is to trust one approach, whether it is mainstream medicine or a more holistic approach, and not look at the best integration of approaches. Even small problems often benefit from a multi-faceted approach. The other difficult part of this is that you must establish healthy habits including good nutrition, exercise, a positive mental outlook


and ways to self-calm. You must learn the skills and practice. Follow-up is imperative in the process of healing and prevention. For Integrative Medicine to work you need a seeking spirit, diligence, a willingness to do your research and then follow-up. The journey is well worth it and the payoff is good mental, physical and spiritual health. Make it work! Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC is a counselor and educator at the Heartland Holistic Health Center. She is the author of the “Life Weaving Education Curriculum” that teaches creative, effective, holistic problem solving. For counseling appointments, seminars, speaker’s bureau, or information on Neurobehavioral Programs and Imago Couple’s Therapy, call 913-322-5622 or drjude@heartlandholistic.com; www.heartlandholistic.com

Holistic Health 7

Do You Suffer From Chronic Sinusitis? BY NANCY RUSSELL, M.D.


f you suffer from recurrent sinus infections or chronic runny nose, facial pressure, and fatigue, you may be suffering from chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis is an infection in the airfilled cavities located behind and around the nose and eyes. The infection causes your nasal passages to swell shut, triggering symptoms such as headache, facial pain, and fatigue. The swollen, blocked sinuses can develop a secondary bacterial infection, generating a lot of yellow-green mucous. There are two types of sinusitis. Acute sinusitis is a sudden-onset, often after a cold, affecting 20 million Americans yearly. Chronic sinusitis is an ongoing, low-grade infection with runny nose, postnasal drip, and repeated flareups of acute sinusitis. About 40 million Americans have this problem. When you show up at urgent care or your practitioner’s office with either acute or chronic sinusitis, you are likely to get a prescription of antibiotics 90 percent of the time. But the realization is dawning on practitioners that antibiotics don’t always solve the problem, so acute sinusitis many times leads to chronic sinusitis. A study from Finland involving 15,000 patients showed that patients with acute sinusitis typically get better in two weeks, whether they take antibiotics or not and whether they use a steroid nasal spray or not. Researchers are finding out that the adverse effects of repeated antibiotics are leading to drug resistance. Antibiotics don’t get rid of 100 percent of bacteria. And those that survive can evolve into new generations of bacteria that can resist antibiotics. One example of this is the multiresistant bacteria called MRSA which can cause unstoppable staph infections of the skin. Worldwide, bacteria that cause many types of infections, from tuberculosis to bladder infections, are becoming antibiotic resistant. Another side effect of treating acute sinusitis repeatedly is the fact that antibiotics can eventually cause chronic sinusitis. Antibiotics don’t specialize in bad bacteria.

prescription strength medications. These may include a topical antibiotic such as mupirocin or gentamycin, xylitol or other biofilm fighters, low dose steroid to shrink the swelling and an antifungal such as fluconazole or itraconazole. Adding a natural over the counter spray with colloidal silver may be helpful but no longer than two to three weeks. The prescription nasal spray usually needs to be used for six weeks and again if there is another infection. And remember to always add probiotics while using antibiotics or this nasal spray to replenish the microbiome. For better results, take the probiotics at least four hours away for the spray or antibiotics “A study from Finland involving 15,000 patients Other modalities to consider if showed that patients with acute sinusitis typically the chronic sinusitis doesn’t resolve is to assess your body for get better in two weeks, whether they take food allergies and food sensitivities as this can impact antibiotics or not and whether they use a your ability to heal. For resistant steroid nasal spray or not.” issues, obtaining an alternative testing of the bowel movement to assess for beneficial bacteria, They target all the bacteria in your uncontrolled. A study published in bacterial or yeast overgrowth or body, including the friendly the Mayo Clinic Proceedings a parasites. When obtaining the bacteria that live in your digestive decade or more ago that showed stool test, when an organism is tract, and disrupt your an inflammatory reaction to identified, prescription and microbiome. When the candida is likely the cause of many natural herbal treatments can be microbiome is in harmony, the cases of chronic sinusitis. assessed for your particular type friendly bacteria aid in digestion, How can you protect yourself if of infection. After balancing the manufacturing vitamins, you suffer from acute or chronic microbiome, healing the leaky gut disarming toxins, and lending the sinusitis? Many sinus infections with bone broth, collagen, or Limmune system a helping hand. start out as a cold. When you have glutamine can be helpful. When those friendly bacteria are a cold or upper respiratory My good friend recently lost his decimated, the fungus (yeast) infection, it usually is caused by a wife to a sinus infection that was Candida albicans normally a well- virus. If it lingers and causes resistant to all antibiotics which balanced part of your digestive enough inflammation to totally led to sepsis and her death. Be tract, can multiply and overgrow. close off the sinus cavities, this proactive in your health care Another side effect of antibiotics is leads to an acute sinus infection. journey, beginning today. overgrowth of bacteria called When you get a cold, there are SIBO or small intestinal bacterial several pro active steps to take. overgrowth. And that overgrowth Take extra vitamin C 1000 to of candida or other yeasts and 5000 mg a day, avoid sugar and bacteria doesn’t confine itself to dairy to avoid thickening of the the intestines. It can also end up mucous and decrease the Nancy Russell, M.D., in your sinuses causing chronic effectiveness of your immune is a holistic Internal sinusitis that does not respond to system, use mucinex or sinatrol antibiotics. herbal supplement to thin mucous medicine physician, blending traditional and Antibiotics-sparked fungal and boost the immune system, use alternative medicine in overgrowth is the main, but little a saltwater nasal rinse, and her Kansas City recognized cause of tens of humidify the air in your home. northland practice for millions of chronic sinus If the cold progresses to a sinus over 30 years. For more information on infections in the United States. It’s infection, continue the above getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her also the reason why there are remedies and consult a functional website, www.nancyrussellmd.com or more and more of these medicine provider to prescribe a call her office at Nurturing Optimal infections, as the rampant use of unique compounded nasal spray Wellness at 816-453-5545. antibiotics remains mostly or irrigation solution with EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM


Eating Well in Kansas City

Joining a CSA? Here’s what you need to know! BY BRANDI SCHOEN AND EMILY AKINS


ating locally is, without a doubt, rewarding. Lettuce heads so colorful, curly, and flavorful; an abundance of the freshest of healthy foods like spinach and sweet potatoes; tomatoes that were still on the vine only hours before they came to you; pungent herbs and fresh berries. The rewards are delicious. Joining a CSA is a great way to reap those rewards and to support local farmers. A CSA—Community Supported Agriculture—is like a subscription to a farm. As a member of that farm, you get weekly bundles of the freshest harvests during the growing season. And farmers get the financial support they need to farm—and, what's more, they know just how many people they are growing food for. Both parties—growers and eaters— share in the ups and downs of farming and reap the rewards together. But if you are new to CSA and just now beginning to learn the benefits and perks, there are a few things you can do to smooth your transition and to help as you shift your mindset and methods.

A CSA—Community Supported Agriculture— is like a subscription to a farm. As a member of that farm, you get weekly bundles of the freshest harvests during the growing season. And farmers get the financial support they need to farm—and, what's more, they know just how many people they are growing food for.

CSA pickup day at the Merriam Farmer’s Market.

Get the tools you need to process your food. One of the things that makes processed food so easy is that it’s ready to cook and eat. CSA vegetables (any whole foods, obviously) have to be chopped and prepped. So we recommend taking one night a week to prep your CSA veggies so they’re ready to use. A salad spinner, a lot of storage containers for the fridge, a good sharp knife and a mandolin will work for most things. Though some produce shouldn’t be washed or chopped until you’re ready to eat (like tomatoes, for instance), many vegetables and greens can be washed and chopped in advance and stored in the fridge; then they will be ready when you are.

CSA farmers do a great job of providing recipes that incorporate several elements from each share into one meal.

Create a “reverse grocery list.” One of the nice things about food from a CSA is that it’s fresh. But fresh also means it’s not shelf stable. So we recommend prioritizing share items based on how long they will stay fresh and what you need to eat first (hardier greens, veggies, and peppers will last a week or two; tomatoes, peas, beans and berries need to be eaten sooner; etc.). Make a list featuring the entire contents of your refrigerator’s vegetable drawer and prioritize the items that need to be eaten first; then display this list on your fridge for when your family makes meal plans. We call it the “reverse grocery list” because it tells you the things you already have—not the things you need to buy. This also helps you remember what everything is when you can’t see it easily because it’s in a produce bag in the vegetable drawer, hiding behind a giant eggplant or something.

grains (whole wheat pasta, brown rice, quinoa, noodles etc.), you will find it easy to whip together a hearty meal using a colorful, “eatthe-rainbow” assortment of whatever CSA vegetables happened to be harvested that week. For example, an array of veggies like carrots, green beans, cherry tomatoes, and squash can roasted in the oven and added to pasta for a Pasta Primavera—keep jars of tomato sauce on hand if you'd like, or let the veggies be the star. You could also take carrots, squash, radish, and greens and stir fry them in a little bit of sesame oil; add peanut sauce or soy sauce and add them to rice or rice noodles (which cook really quickly) for a fast and easy fresh local dinner. Quinoa also cooks quickly and makes a great base for a "Buddha bowl"—add broccoli, snow peas, cucumber, and an Asian-style dressing of your choice. Any of these options would be great on their own or with a selection of local meats, which are also available through CSA programs. These formulas—and these tips —combined with the abundance of our region and our long growing season - make it easy to eat with the seasons by joining a CSA.

The KC Food Circle Use seasonal recipes and is a non-profit cookbooks. connecting We have found that cookbooks eaters with organized by theme or by courses local, organic, weren’t very helpful when that free-range weekly batch of produce came farmers to around. Websites and cookbooks promote a that are focused on local food are sustainable food system in the Kansas helpful, especially if they are City region. For more information visit organized by vegetable. We www.kcfoodcircle.org. WANT TO JOIN A particularly like local cookbooks Winter or early spring is a great which feature the exact same Have the right staples on CSA? time to join a CSA. Visit produce you get in your CSA. hand and be flexible. www.kcfoodcircle.org to learn more Examples: Rolling Prairie You will learn that you can turn about local farms offering CSA Cookbook and the University of almost any assortment of CSA programs. You can also speak to Missouri extension program’s vegetables and herbs into either a farmers in person at the Eat Local Expo Seasonal and Simple cookbook stir fry, a pasta, or a "bowl." If you on March 23, 10am-3pm, at Johnson and website (http:// seasonalandsimple.info). Farmers have on hand the right sauces (or County Community College. always have good recipes, too. Our better yet—make your own and preserve them!) and the right EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Eating Well in Kansas City 9

Manage Endometriosis with Nutrition and Supplements BY ANGELA WATSON ROBERTSON


s someone who has suffered from severe endometriosis for more than 15 years, I’ve spent a lot of time and energy researching what I can do to help my body feel better and experience less pain. Chronic pain, or inflammation, can be debilitating and life-altering. It can also be something of a mystery, because the cause of one person’s pain is often different from another’s. In addition, endometriosis symptoms vary widely, so the disease can be difficult to diagnose and treat. True diagnosis of endometriosis requires surgery. The Mayo Clinic defines endometriosis as “an often-painful disorder in which tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus—the endometrium—grows outside of the uterus.” I’ve learned that endometriosis in the abdomen results in internal bleeding and inflammation, which causes pain and the formation of cysts. Although this disease can be frustrating, I know firsthand that there is hope. I’ve found relief with the help of nutrition and supplements.

Drink a protein shake daily In addition to eating plenty of protein throughout the day, I recommend a daily protein shake or smoothie. Protein does wonders for our body, including forming antibodies to prevent infection, assisting in hormone balance, and managing blood sugar. The key is to make the protein shake yourself at home and use high-quality ingredients with minimal added sugar or additives.

Maca Many people who suffer from endometriosis are also challenged with significant hormonal imbalance, and using maca can help restore balance. Maca is known to benefit energy levels, balance male or female fertility, help women achieve health during menopause, and maintain libido and sexual function in both men and women.

you get the benefits without the “high” you have heard about .

In addition to the above, I recommend that everyone take a high-quality multivitamin and probiotic daily. If you have any issues with digestion, add in digestive enzymes before or right after a meal. A certified health coach, like myself, can help you determine what supplements are right for you and your medical Turmeric Part of the ginger family, turmeric professional can order labs to test Angela’s Daily Protein Shake your levels. is a root that has been known to Recipe reduce inflammation. I recommend taking a minimum of 500 mg daily Important Notes I recommend working with a Half of a frozen banana for back and joint pain. You can nutritionist, health coach, or A handful of strawberries, wild find it in powder, tea, liquid, or dietician when making significant blueberries, cherries, and capsule form. changes to your diet, especially if mango you have chronic health issues. Several scoops of your favorite Vitamin D If you experience pelvic pain, dairy-free and gluten-free Recent studies have shown that please see your doctor and/or an protein powder high doses of vitamin D can help endometriosis specialist for Two handfuls of spinach reduce pain. According to a 2011 diagnosis and treatment. The above Almond milk, as desired study of breast cancer patients, recommendations do not replace Purified water, as desired vitamin D eases chronic pain the need for surgery or other because it limits how much Use whatever vegan and gluteninflammation can take place. This is treatment options. free protein powder you prefer. I There is currently no scientific because vitamin D is a key nutrient recommend a pea-protein base, and that prevents the immune system evidence to support the use of CBD I love the chocolate-peanut butter oil for pain, so please do your from responding excessively, blend from Amazing Grass that also leading to chronic inflammation, research and use caution. includes green powder. I also also known as pain1. I recommend Further Resources NUTRITION suggest adding a probiotic powder taking at least 5,000 iu of vitamin D Nancy’s Nook Endometriosis to your daily smoothie along with a per day for pain; however, it is Education Facebook Group Follow an anti-inflammatory tablespoon of a fiber blend of your important to work with a doctor Heal Endometriosis Naturally by diet choice. and get regular blood draws if Wendy K Laidlaw If you have endometriosis, you taking vitamin D in high doses for Endometriosis—A Key to Healing have inflammation. There are ways SUPPLEMENTS long periods of time. and Nutrition Through Nutrition of eating that can help reduce Progesterone Cream by Dian Shepperson Mills inflammation. That’s why I DHA/EPA (Fish Oil) Although proper nutrition is key, Endometriosis Diet by Barbara recommend an anti-inflammatory New research shows that essential diet, which is often considered to be I’ve found supplements to be crucial fatty acids, DHA and EPA, promote Williams in managing my pain and other a helpful part of an integrative See article on endometriosis symptoms. I believe a class of compounds called approach to pain management, resolvins, which restore nerve and EvolvingMagazine.com for progesterone is the most important along with exercise, stress immune cell function to normal in a References. supplement for helping with this management, and alternative timelier manner, thus getting rid of condition. Endometriosis is an therapies such as acupuncture. excess pain2. I recommend taking estrogen-dominant condition, so it You can find information about two to three grams daily, which was only makes sense that your body Angela Watson the anti-inflammatory diet in shown in a 2012 university study to may need progesterone. Robertson, MBA, numerous books and on various be therapeutic for 380 arthritis CIHC, INHC, a.k.a websites, but the primary idea is to Magnesium patients who took this dosage for The Reinvention avoid sugary, refined, and more than three months and Magnesium is a key supplement processed foods and replace them Warrior, is a well experienced a reduced need for for those of us with endometriosis 3. with whole, nutrient-rich, plantknown nutrition NSAID (aspirin, ibuprofen) drugs or chronic inflammation because it based foods. The specifics will vary helps reduce cramping. People with blogger and health depending on the severity of your CBD Oil coach who teaches you how to endometriosis are often lacking in pain and overall health, but in its If you have chronic pain and have transform your life starting with the magnesium due to estrogen strictest form, the diet may involve dominance . In addition, during tried the above with no relief, I also food you eat. She has created eliminating dairy, red meat, simple menstruation, women’s magnesium recommend researching the simple, effective tools to help you carbs, such as sugar and flour, and levels can drop by up to 50 percent. benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) oil— reinvent every area of your life- from most grains, including rice, corn, one of the 104 chemical compounds It can be difficult to absorb health, career and money to and wheat. Instead, focus on whole magnesium, so experiment with known as cannabinoids found in the relationships, spirituality and sex. fruits, vegetables, and animal marijuana plant, Cannabis sativa. different types and delivery Find her free wellness tips, nutrition proteins such as fish and chicken in mechanisms. You can take Epsom Because most CBD oil is sold courses, and coaching programs at moderation. Personally, I have without tetrahydrocannabinol, or salt baths, add a powder to water, www.angelawatsonrobertson.com. found that I feel my best when I THC, the main psychoactive use a body spray, take capsules, or Connect with her on Facebook, eliminate all grains, dairy, and compound in the cannabis plant, get magnesium intravenously using Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. processed sugar from my diet. an IV drip.


10 Wanderlust

Destination Dental Work: Costa Rica a Top Choice BY DEBORAH CHARNES


ohn’s a 77-year-old retired lawyer from Austin, Texas. He’s a fairly nondescript looking American, possibly of Scandinavian descent. He’s seated next to me on the plane to San Jose, Costa Rica. He’s wearing dark pants, a beige shirt and a dark suit jacket. He isn’t dressed like your stereotypical beach goer or cruise shipper. Yet, he doesn’t look like he’s in a business mode. He sports practical shoes rather than shiny leathers. Since I can’t peg him and his travels, I ask why he’s headed to Costa Rica. Dental work. Dental tourism is big in Costa Rica. As John acknowledges, fewer and fewer Americans have dental insurance. With age, the cost of dental work increases dramatically. In John’s case, he needs a few implants. His Austin dentist gave him a price quote, and warned him that if anything went wrong, he’d need to re-do the treatment for an additional hefty sum. Not the most inviting of scenarios.

implant procedures. As he sat next to me, raving about his experiences, he was headed back for his permanent crowns (round two). The bottom line? John’s implants cost about one-fourth of what the Austin specialist quoted him. And, the Costa Rican doctor didn’t charge extra for any replacements or adjustments. What’s more, customer service went far beyond the dental clinic. As John arrived at the San Jose airport, a representative from the dental office was at the arrivals area waiting for him. He was shuttled off to a hotel owned by the dentist. The clinic, with hotel across the street, were in a nice neighborhood, with easy access to a mall. What more does an American need?

Tabacon is a luxurious set of volcanic waterfalls that are near Arenal. A visit to both can be arranged as a one-day or two-day excusion from San Jose.

in script on the sides of the vehicle. When business is brisk, Richard was on the same early he picks up six patients at a time. evening flight the very next day. There’s no charge for the airport Like John, he was a Texan who pick up service, but if you want couldn’t afford a million-dollarthe driver to take you anywhere mouth. Once he hit his 50s, his else during your stay, you pay for dental needs were more and more the door-to-door service with the John balked. expensive. Like John, he balked at English-speaking driver that is Then, he turned to the internet. spending all his savings on his used to shlepping tourists teeth. The son of a dentist, he John discovered people were around. could spot a good oral surgeon flocking to Costa Rica and when he saw one. A fastidious Richard stayed in a hotel Hungary for their dental needs. researcher, he settled on a father connected to the dental clinic. All The prices were considerably the signs are in English, and lower than those in the States, and and son team in San Jose. there’s a telephone on the night apparently, both countries had He acknowledges he has saved excellent dental professionals and thousands of dollars while taking stand for free unlimited phone calls to the United States or equipment. advantage of a top-of-the-line Canada. In the lobby, you can clinic with 50 years of experience watch CNN News, play a jigsaw Just like a hotel shopper, John with implants. sought real people’s experiences. puzzle, find sudoku books, plenty He searched for a dental clinic When Richard landed at SJO on of magazines, or choose a with five-star reviews. It was a romance or crime novels. There’s his Southwest flight from recurring theme for Costa Rica: also a computer with wifl. Houston, there was no sign with outstanding services at his name on it. The driver had no The 24-hour manned reception exceptional prices. So, he bought a problem recognizing Richard, and desk can steer you to a night club, plane ticket for San Jose, and vice versa. What’s more, the driver spent a week in Costa Rica for part sported a new white van with the or order you food from more than a dozen restaurants. They can also one of his two-phased dental name of the dental clinic written book you a day tour when you’re

Customer Service

on an off day, awaiting your prosthetics. Breakfast is served at both Richard’s and John’s hotels with dental patients in mind. There’s no crunchy granola or sticky buns. Rather, soft food. Richard’s indoor/outdoor dining area opens at 6:30 in the morning. There are several choices of pre-sliced fresh fruit. Hard boiled eggs are on the counter, or the attendant can custom make you an egg dish. Other options include oatmeal, waffles, pancakes and croissants. Plus, your choice of coffee, black or herbal tea or juice. When you’re getting major dental work done, it’s normal for people to have a bit of the jitters, and their ease of mind and comfort is extremely important. Being able to chat (all in English) with others that are going through the same thing as you, at your breakfast table, is just one more added perk.

“The bottom line? John’s implants cost about one-fourth of what the Austin specialist quoted him.” EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

It’s a No-Brainer Sally and Joe live near Tampa. About 12 years ago, they were on a plane from Costa Rica. There was a gentleman with a huge smile stuck on his face. He was showing his teeth the entire time, almost like a Cheshire cat. Finally, he confided in them. He had had extremely bad teeth. Then, he won upwards of $5,000 in Vegas. At his daughter’s urging, he researched dentists in four countries. He picked Costa Rica, and was thrilled with his new set of white permanent choppers. Sally could identify. She had a full set of dentures as a result of an accident. In the states, the bill for the reconstruction would have been about $65,000. The tab in San Jose for 12 implants and 22 crowns: $11,500. Plus, a lifetime guarantee. “I think the quality is fabulous,” she said. On their recent trip they flew Jet Blue from Orlando for $300 round trip. “It’s a no-brainer.” Another upside to dental work in Costa Rica is the turn around time. Sally and Joe’s dentist has his own lab, and pharmacy, on-site. Richard’s final visit only required two days. For those that have to stay longer, they can head to the beach, volcanos, coffee plantations or waterfalls, on free days.

Coffee plantations are very much a part of Costa Rica’s physical and economic landscape. Visits to coffee plantations can easily be done in less than half a day.

“John discovered people were flocking to Costa Rica and Hungary for their dental needs.The prices were considerably lower than those in the States, and apparently, both countries had excellent dental professionals and equipment.” Below: Irazu is a breathtaking volcano, just a short distance from San Jose.

Making the Dental Process More Pleasurable Israel works for one of the dental enterprises. He does his part to make the guests feel comfortable during their stay. Many are seniors. For some, this is the first time that they’ve even left the U.S. It’s not as if they’re on a cruise. They can be in pain. Nervous about major surgery in a foreign land. Some travel with a friend or family member for moral support. Regardless, they seem to build a sense of community among the other traveling patients. All agree the value of your dental dollars extend much further in Costa Rica. And you can squeeze in some fun, too.

Deborah Charnes, of The Write Counsel, is a bilingual marketing communications specialist with more than 40 years’ experience assisting clients in the medical, mental health and fitness sectors. She has written travel and yoga/lifestyle blogs for more than ten years. Additionally, a yoga therapist, she is owner of The Namaste Counsel and The Namaste Getaway. EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

12 Eating Well in Kansas City

It’s All in Your Head An excerpt from Feed Your Soul by Carly Pollack restricting all within a week’s time. Monday was always redemption day for me. A fresh start and a new opportunity to finally stop abusing myself with food. I would plan my gym workouts, make my grilled chicken and vegetables, and promise myself that this week would be the start of something permanent. The thought of finally feeling good in my body evoked hopefulness and desire, which changed my eating behavior during the week. But by the end of the week, I was tired, stressed, and ready to break free from the almond-counting food prison of the past five days. It was a subtle shift, but my thoughts changed here are countless diets, from “I want to feel good in my cleanses, and 30-day body” to “It’s the weekend, and I challenges all geared to deserve comfort and rewards for help people lose weight, all my hard work.” That subtle heal their digestion, and feel more Thoughts → Emotions shift in thought created new energy. Yet, these temporary emotions, which drove unhealthy → Behaviors → Reward or protocols fall short when it comes consequence weekend behaviors time after to true transformation. With all of time. I was the epitome of the the nutrition guidance available, weekday warrior and the weekend Diets don’t work because they why do millions of people weigh partier. No diet could save me. If I focus on behavior modification more than they want and feel and nothing more. Eat this, don’t wanted to make any real, anxious and depressed about it? permanent change, I had to look eat that; and if you eat that, you Nutrition expert Carly Pollack internally to examine the break the rules of the diet, and lived this vicious cycle until trial underlying thoughts that were that makes you lazy, inadequate, and error, and over a decade of consuming my brain. Once I weak, unlovable, and [insert academic study and self-healing, started using my formula to get to insult] here. If we are brave and led her to the incredible insights the real root of the issue, true and vulnerable enough to look more she’s shared with thousands. In permanent change emerged. deeply at what truly needs to be Feed Your Soul: Nutritional Your thoughts are most likely healed, we will have success Wisdom to Lose Weight subconscious; they ride eliminating our negative Permanently and Live Fulfilled, underneath the surface, and you behaviors at their root. It is our she presents her unique minds that drive the eating bus. In may not even notice they are understanding of body science, there. If you heighten your fact, our thoughts drive every brain wiring, and spiritual awareness and start questioning emotion we feel, and how we feel principles to facilitate real, longwill dictate how we act. Unless we your behaviors with this formula term change. We hope you’ll enjoy change the original thought/story, as your guide, you will start to this short excerpt from the book. we will re-create the same painful notice that exact moment when your emotional thinking about pattern, a nightmarish diet### food changes. induced Groundhog Day. The practice of paying attention For years I went on and off diets, There’s a point in the process of some sane, some downright to your thoughts can be hard at dieting, usually close to the insane (hello, prepackaged meals first, especially if you have been beginning, when we experience and freeze-dried snacks; I want a listening to the voice in your head hopeful euphoria. The diet is your entire life (and believing refund). I went through long working for us, we feel great, and periods of reckless abandonment, every word it says). The easiest we feel like we’ve finally got it. It’s also known as eating everything I way to heighten your awareness is the point at which we think about craved until all my clothes to simply ask yourself throughout our past behaviors and exclaim the day, “What am I thinking?” If stopped fitting. When anything that we are never going back to with an elastic waistband became you are a person who can connect that old way of eating again! We more easily with your feelings my preferred pants for every are essentially high on the diet, than your thoughts, identify your outing, I would prepare for my and we want to climb a mountain next big diet adventure. emotions and work backward. If and scream from the top, “I’m you ask yourself, “What am I Eventually I stopped going for cured!” A few weeks later, we extended periods of time in eating feeling?” and the answer is, leave our favorite Thai restaurant denial. I evolved to binging and “Stressed and exhausted,” then


feeling disgusted (and yet somewhat impressed) with how much pad thai we were able to shove down our gullets. We think back to our mountaintop moment and wonder why and how we have fallen so far from grace. Does restricting our food intake release some special endorphins that make us appear more confident than we really are? If we were truly that happy about all the positive eating changes, then why did we go back to our old patterns? Because I have visited the mountaintop a time or two (or ten), I have the answer to why we fall so hard from grace and directly into a bag of chips. It is also the key to understanding why diets don’t work. Consider this formula:


you can take it a step further and ask, “What story am I telling myself right now that is creating this stress?” This is you working your way through the meat of my formula. For the first time, your focus is on what really needs healing and not on your plate. By the time you question your eating behaviors, you are too far down the rabbit hole to make any permanent change. (Just a headsup: Once you start paying attention to your thoughts, you are going to realize that your mind is absolutely insane. You will need to learn how to distinguish between what’s real and what’s pure crazy, but I’ll help you navigate those shark-infested waters.) To create the life and body you want, you must do so from a place of peace, gratitude, and happiness. You can’t fake it. If you’re going to achieve deep and fulfilling success, love, and abundance, you have to separate your mind (thoughts) from your heart and soul (your higher self). Only then will you create peaceful behaviors around food.

Carly Pollack is the author of Feed Your Soul and is the founder of Nutritional Wisdom, a thriving private practice based in Austin, Texas. A Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a master’s degree in holistic nutrition, Carly has been awarded Best Nutritionist in Austin five years running and has helped over 10,000 people achieve their health and happiness goals. Visit her online at www.carlypollack.com Excerpted from the book Feed Your Soul. Copyright ©2019 by Carly Pollack. Printed with permission from New World Library—newworldlibrary.com

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Feature 21

Approach Life Differently and Watch it Change! BY DR. DRAVON JAMES


re you living your dream life? If you could be doing anything with your life, would you choose to be doing what you are currently doing? If you answered NO to either of those questions, then your next question should be, ‘Why not?’ What’s stopping you from living the life of your dreams? Is your answer: money, time, spouse, kids, job, health? You may be surprised to know that most people report that their life doesn’t come close to resembling their dream life. According to a recent Gallup poll, 85 percent of people worldwide hate their jobs, and the divorce rate in America is hovering around 50 percent. Is living your dream life an elusive fairytale? Is it akin to the search for unicorns and flying bunnies? No, not at all. There will always be challenges to provide opportunities for growth and development, but living your dream life is easier than you think. To create positive change in your external world you must first develop an empowering, nourishing, and secure internal world. Changing your reality involves changing your attitude. Accepting your Freedom Your external world is an accurate picture of what’s going on inside of you, so it makes sense to clean up your internal environment when you decide to get serious about creating a life that makes you grin from ear to ear. The first step is to know that you and only you have the power to change your life. This is great news, because you don’t have to get permission from anyone. This is also the step that frightens most people, because when you have all the responsibility you can’t blame anyone else if you fall short of achieving your goal. Internal freedom is available to you now. Right now, at this very moment, you have complete control over how you perceive, act, and react in every situation. As you increase your conscious awareness and begin utilizing your internal freedom, your external world will begin to transform. To begin changing your approach to life, start looking at every difficult situation as a game—a game where the objective is to find a way to replace complaining and blaming with calmness and openness.

“Many of us continually hold on to the past because the past feels familiar and provides a sense of comfort.” refocus your attention in the now. Every time you catch yourself dwelling on the past, make a quick decision to switch gears. Immediately focus on finding something to be grateful for in the present. Letting go of the past creates space for you to welcome new experiences. You are creating the life of your dreams, so you must focus your mind, emotions and body in the present moment because your creative power exists now, not in the past. As you make the decision to switch your safe zone from the past to the productive present, it helps to keep your goal in front of you. I call this knowing your “why”. Why is it important that you change your life? Who will this change benefit? Most likely, as your life experience changes you will be adding value to your family, your community, and perhaps the world. Everyone benefits when you let go of the past and refocus on the present.

Recognizing your superpower Have you ever thought of yourself as a superhero? Your initial answer may be no Clearing a pathway because your image of a superhero is a Many of us continually hold on to the past fictional character with superhuman power. because the past feels familiar and provides a But if you look closely at your life and examine sense of comfort. According to psychologist your skills, you will discover that you possess Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we all some amazing abilities. Perhaps you are a have a basic need to feel safe, so it’s no great cook, or a compassionate listener, or a surprise that so many people cling desperately problem solver. As you begin to change your to the past. However, when you make the approach to life, it is crucial that you begin decision to change your life, you must change with self-discovery. Perform your own skill the way you deal with the past. You must assessment. Identify those things that you do choose to view the present moment as your well. We are all uniquely and wonderfully safe zone. Get passionate about the potential made. Your singular mix of gifts and talents that exists in the present moment. Choose to were purposefully placed inside of you and are EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

waiting to be tapped whenever you decide to create your dream life. Once you identify your gifts and talents, go to work on improving them through study and practice. When you maximize your strengths, you become the leader of your dream life quest. Start Now When you couple passion with skill, the result is success. It takes practice to take our focus off the past and place it on the present, just as it takes practice to hone our skills. Give yourself permission to start practicing today. Answer these questions to jumpstart your journey:   

Why do I want to change my life? Who will benefit when I make this change? What can I get passionate about? What am I good at? How can I enhance my competency in this area?

The present moment is all that you have and all that you need. All your creative power exists in the present moment. You have the freedom to change your approach to life right now.

Dr. Dravon James, founder of Everyday Peace, inspirational speaker, and author of Freedom is Your Birthright. Learn more at www.DrDravonJames.com.

22 Feature

The Practice of Ayurveda: How ancient medicine meets our modern-day self-care needs BY SARAH KUCERA

Self-care” has become a buzzword within the modern-day wellness scene and beyond. The Internet has increased awareness of different health issues, the benefits of caring for oneself and the tools for doing so . Whether we’re looking for meditation classes or alternative health care providers, our web searches, social media, apps and devices have made the notion of self-care and how to go about it more mainstream. Although self-care is currently a trending concept, it is in no way a new idea. In fact, it was on the minds of people thousands of years ago, when the ancient medicine of Ayurveda—a medicine emphasizing wellness and disease prevention—was being developed. Ayurveda, a Sanskrit word translating to “the science of life,” is nature’s medicine. Often dubbed yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda is the study of the body while yoga is the study of the mind. Ayurveda uses nature’s daily and seasonal rhythms, along with the five elements of nature (space, air, fire, water, and earth), to help us understand more about the patterns of our external environment and our own internal landscape. This understanding is essential for achieving optimal health and ultimately arriving at the daily practices that help us to live as our truest selves. This is because Ayurveda recognizes each person as an individual with their own unique expression of nature within them. This is referred to as one’s dosha or constitution. Self-care is embedded in Ayurveda, and though the needs of an individual may vary, there are general guidelines for maintaining health that can be applied to most. These are daily, nightly, and seasonal routines that are foundational. Great importance is placed on these practices because just as regular participation in unhealthy acts will accumulate and cause illness over time, so will consistent acts to better your health contribute to

your overall longterm well-being. And while this will not make you diseaseproof, it will certainly reduce the frequency and severity of imbalances you experience. Selfcare is sometimes thought to be selfindulgent, but the components of an Ayurvedic self-care routine are not elaborate, indulgent, or even big-time commitments. Rather, they are important for keeping us in sync with nature and our circadian clock so that we can support our body’s own processes. Although these practices were created long ago, they are exactly what our modern-day society so desperately needs. We tend to spend too little time in nature, we abuse the ability to work from anywhere at any time, and we give in to the pressures to always be doing more. Finding balance in our current culture means connecting with the great outdoors, having better boundaries and more structure in our days, and taking the time to slow down and rest. You can build your own Ayurveda-inspired self-care routine. Start by evaluating where you can easily create space to incorporate something new. Choose one to three of the items on the list that resonate with you and your overall health intentions and give yourself two weeks to fully integrate them before evaluating how they make you feel. Rise with the sun. Our organs are set to an internal clock that coincides with the light-dark cycles of the day. For example, around 6 a.m., our bodies are naturally signaled to wake so that we can carry out physiological processes such as elimination. When we stay in bed too late, particularly past 8 a.m., we are

to eat more, since this is the period when we digest the best and are more likely to process our food and absorb the nutrients from it. And counter to what you might think, a bigger midday meal will prevent an afternoon energy slump and give you more energy in the afternoon. Oil your feet before bed. Massaging a small amount of oil, such as sesame, jojoba, or almond oil into the soles of your feet is a great grounding activity that aids Scrape your tongue. A strong in settling your nervous system, digestive system includes having a making it easier to fall asleep. finely tuned ability to taste. Using a tongue cleaner or scraper Go to bed by 10 p.m. It isn’t assures there isn’t coating only the amount of sleep you get, interfering with this important but when you get it. Getting to bed part of the digestive process. Your early means a better chance of tongue is a representation of your your body effectively detoxifying entire digestive tract, and a and restoring during the night. To coating can mean that you aren’t prepare your body for a sound properly processing and night of sleep, try to avoid eliminating your food. Be sure to activities that are stimulating clean your tongue first thing in the within two hours of your bed time, morning before eating or or after 8 p.m. Make a special drinking. effort to turn off devices that emit blue light, which can trick our Drink warm water. To assist body into thinking it’s daytime. our body in proper elimination, and to give our digestive fire a boost, drink a cup or two of warm water before eating. This not only helps you digest your breakfast but also sets you up for improved digestion throughout the day. more likely to feel sluggish and disrupt our natural digestive cycles.

Use warm oil for a selfmassage. Oil is the antidote to many things in Ayurveda. In this context, oil provides nourishment to our skin and a sense of calm to our nervous system. Ideally, warm oil is applied before you shower and is left on for up to 20 minutes. This is a process called abhyanga, which translates as “self-love.” Make lunch your biggest meal. Our digestive fire is strongest between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. It is the ideal time


Sarah Kucera is an Ayurvedic practitioner, chiropractor, and yoga teacher. She founded Sage Center for Yoga & Healing Arts in Kansas City, Missouri, and she is the author of The Ayurvedic Self-Care Handbook: Holistic Healing Rituals for Every Day and Season, which can be purchased through Amazon, or wherever books are sold.


24 Feature

Overcoming the Mental Barrier to Healing from Assault BY JULIA LAUGHLIN


raining for triathlons and healing from the trauma of sexual violence share a common struggle: overcoming the mental barrier. Perhaps one of the reasons people in their 30s often perform better in triathlons than those in their 20s is mental stamina. The same may to be true with healing from a sexual assault. I have read and heard a number of stories of people who have said, “I didn’t tell anyone for thirty years.” Consider this parallel. Four-time Ironman Triathlon World Champion, Chrissie Wellington, who won her first championship at age 30, talks about the “mental roller coaster” of training and racing with physical injuries, in “Chrissie Wellington’s Mind-Over -Body Battle” (Triathlete.com 09/13/2012). “It’s just road rash. I can race with damaged skin. I tried to convince myself that it wasn’t that bad.” Minimizing and pretending, exactly the techniques Wellington used to overcome her race injuries, are also two hallmark strategies that victims of sexual assault use as we try to get on with our lives. We tell ourselves things like, “What’s the matter with you, it wasn’t that bad, stop crying, and just get over it.” But as Claire Burke Draucker, Ph.D., R.N., says, “Sexual assault creates a profound loss of control over your body.” (Shape 11/10/2017). That loss of control, and the search to regain it, helped fuel my interest in triathlons, which I took up in my 40s. It was something I wanted to do for myself. It didn’t matter that I had no money. It was something I could do with what I already had, and the only cost was the pool fee. It didn’t require a gym, or even a fancy bike—I rode an old mountain bike in my first race. Even more important, I didn’t have to rely on anyone or anything else. It was all under my control. And that was powerful. "Healing from sexual violence often entails restoring one's sense

of self," says Alison Rhodes, Ph.D. yourself from trying to think your (Shape 11/10/2017). Though I way to healing. And is necessary didn’t know it at the time, when I because, “trauma is remembered did return to the deep work of in the body, which means that healing, I you’ll have to do realized that more than talk it intensive out to heal,” says “It gives you a reason to CarmenLeah training was doing just that get out of yourself and Ascencio for me: helping (bgdblog.org to restore my into the world.” 07/02/2015). trust in myself, And the more rebuild my self you do physical -esteem and activity, the confidence…and develop the better you feel. mental stamina I needed not only In her blog, “Healing via for the race, but also for the work Triathlon,” Ashley Zaccaro writes to heal. about her process of healing from “What makes triathlons so hard rape. She says, “But is that to complete them, we must simultaneously I was training for overcome not only pain and the triathlon. This gave me life. It suffering, but also our natural gave me purpose. It gave me a resistance to pain and suffering,” goal I needed to put in the work to says Matt Fitzgerald in, “Building accomplish successfully.” Mental Toughness in (setthestoryfree.wordpress.com/2 Triathlon.” (Triathlete.com 018/05/26/healing-via-triathlon). 08/20/2010). And it is the same Getting started is often difficult with healing from rape. and can be a struggle. One Though nobody wants to face important impetus is to create a that pain and the anguish it weekly schedule. For triathlons, it brings, it is the only way through, is necessary to have an actual because healing requires a training schedule, because the willingness to face our pain and race itself—going from swimming uncomfortable truths. To do these to cycling to running—is grueling. things without becoming But having the schedule emotionally incapacitated, it is performs another important first necessary to develop the function. mental endurance to cope. That’s It gives you a reason to get out of because for most of us, no matter yourself and into the world. On how long and dark the night has those days when I felt miserable, been, we still have to get up in the like the darkness was closing in, morning, take care of kids, go to and I just wanted to stay work, and function as if nothing is shuttered inside, it was my wrong. We have to continue to training schedule that pulled me engage in the activity of life. out. The schedule that said, And it is activity itself that offers “Today, run x 30 minutes,” took a path to healing. Researchers the thinking out of it. I just did it. reviewing studies on combat And when I finished, I was always veterans with post-traumatic glad I had done it. I had to stress disorder found that regularly remind myself that “physical activity enhances wellafterward, I would never regret being in veterans by reducing the exercise. It was giving back to symptoms and improving coping myself. As Alison says, “Survivors strategies”. (Psychology Today benefit most from practices that 08/10/2016). facilitate their abilities to take care Activity helps because it gives us of themselves in a gentle way and something else to focus on, a make choices for their own physical activity that takes us out bodies.” of our heads. It’s a way to free EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

Steps to take   

  

Find a race to participate in Ease into the activity, go slow and build up Make a weekly training schedule (find sample schedules online with a simple search, such as “beginner triathlon schedules”) Don’t beat yourself up if you fall off the schedule Practice self-acceptance and self-empathy Keep your eye on your goal as you work toward race day And most importantly— have fun!

For many, participating in triathlons and doing your personal best is something you do for yourself. The accomplishment resides entirely inside you. It’s not to beat others to the finish line. Rather, it’s to cross the finish line and say to yourself, “I did it.” As Claire puts it, “Though the road to recovery is long and difficult, and there's by no means a cure-all to such trauma, many survivors are finding solace in fitness.” (Shape 11/10/2017 )

Julia Laughlin is a speaker, advocate, lawyer, and author of, The River and the Sea: A Story of Forgiveness, about her path to healing from sexual violence. Available for purchase on her website and local bookstores in Lawrence and Salina. Learn more at: www.laughlindaughterspublishinghouse.co m, and email: info@laughlinpress.com.

24 Feature

What if Hitler Had Meditated? Excerpt from The Buddha Pill “If every eight-year-old in the world is taught meditation, the world will be without violence within one generation.” The Dalai Lama hen best-selling spiritual author Marian Williams tweeted the above quote, it quickly went viral. It probably helped that her friend Oprah Winfrey re-tweeted it to her 24 million followers with the comment, ‘This I believe is true. Have seen it in action. The notion that religious or spiritual practice is something of a cure-all isn’t unique to Eastern practices, though. Fundamentally, all religions moot that spirituality can make you a better person. The evidence for this is ambiguous. It is true that religions emphasize the caring part of our human nature—from the ‘thou shall not kill’ of the Hebrew scriptures, through the Hindu praise in the Bhagavad-Gita of the person who hurts nobody and is compassionate towards all beings, and the Quran’s rule to be kind to orphans, the needy and travelers, to the Buddha’s precept to ‘avoid killing, or harming any living thing’, and the Christian golden rule of treating others as you would want them to treat you. While there is psychological evidence that practicing religious people are more charitable, our ability to differentiate between good and bad deeds is already in place before we acquire religious ideas. Studies have shown that from as young as six months old, we prefer those we see helping another, and we’d rather be with someone neutral (who acts neither positively nor negatively) than with an uncooperative individual. And from eight months old, we can appreciate when a helpful individual act against another that has behaved badly. This ingenious research was conducted with computer images and puppets, so the babies could effectively recognize positive and negative moral behavior in strangers. The idea that we seem to be biologically predisposed towards morality does not answer the


question a 16-year-old once asked me at a public lecture in India: ‘If we are born good and kind, how come there is so much violence and evil in the world?’ Religions have dealt with such ‘problem of evil’ questions for a long time and have come up with various answers—the existence of free will, disobedience to God, the work of the devil, and the concepts of illusion, karma or greed. Psychologists rarely come up with such enticing explanations about the origins of violence and immorality. We simply know that while we are born with the ability to tell a helpful from an unhelpful gesture, a caring from a callous person, we are also rooted in our needs – our desire to want things, to achieve – and in trying to reach our goals we are able to hurt, and even kill. While some of us have more of a propensity towards doing this than others—for example, those who have psychopathic traits— hurting someone else in order to meet our own needs is something we are all potentially capable of; and to at least some small degree, probably do. While there is evidence that religion can make people act better towards others, there is also plenty of evidence to the contrary: religion can make you more prejudiced towards the nonreligious or gay. But we can detach meditation from groups and religions. You can use meditation to de-stress or explore the self just as easily whether you ascribe to a

remove an individual from the larger context and one’s psychological makeup. It would not have made much of a difference if Hitler had meditated – like Aaron Alexis did – unless he removed himself from the society that raised him to power and he radically changed his ambitions and ideas. On the other hand, practices such as meditation and yoga are rooted in inner peacefulness, and the spiritual traditions upon which they’re built believe that radical personal changes are possible, regardless of the environment we live in. All in all, I felt I had a puzzle with quite a lot of missing or ill-fitting set of religious beliefs or a pieces. I couldn’t quite see the religious group or not. larger picture. Very soon, though, The beauty of meditation is just I was challenged to look in a that – its separateness from the completely different way at the necessity of divine rules of question of the extent to which morality and punishment. But, if contemplative techniques are we take this view, we return to the associated with violence. question that we asked in Chapter 5: meditation without religion Dr. Miguel Farias is an author, might improve its attraction, but lecturer, and industry leader. He is its lack of attachment to writes about the psychology of spiritual moral guidelines also a belief and spiritual practices, weakness? including meditation. He was a I asked an old friend who runs a lecturer at the University of sociological research center Oxford and is now the founding specializing in equality and racism director of the Brain, Belief and issues what he thought of the Behaviour Lab group at Coventry Dalai Lama’s idea that meditation University. Farias is also the lead could eventually eradicate editor of the forthcoming Oxford violence. He gave me a puzzled Handbook of Meditation. look before answering. ‘There are various factors that Dr. Catherine Wikholm is an explain violence, right? Some author, clinical psychologist, and a psychological, others societal. Put chartered psychologist. She was them all together in a statistical previously employed by HM regression model: start with level Prison Service, where she worked of income, education, access to with young offenders. Catherine health, then consider has worked within the specialism psychological factors such as the of children and families, both presence of childhood abuse; see in the National Health Service how much of these explain the (NHS), as part of a London child likelihood of my neighbor being in and adolescent mental health a fight at the pub or hitting his service, and in private practice. partner. Then, add meditation to Her current NHS role is as a your statistical model – would it Highly Specialist Clinical add anything in predicting Psychologist in a London violence compared to the other perinatal mental health service. factors?’ ‘Well …’ I started, but he Miguel and Catherine worked interrupted me. together on a ground-breaking ‘Would it have made a research study investigating the difference if Hitler had psychological effects of yoga and meditated?’ he asked grinning. meditation in prisoners. I saw what he meant. You can’t


26 Feature

Awareness is Healing BY ALEX JACKSON


have dedicated nearly two decades of my holistic health practice to helping people achieve optimal health through their abdomen. I quickly discovered what the Maya, Aztec, Taoist, Japanese and other ancient cultures and philosophies have spoken of for centuries…harmony in our center, core, or hara is our vital life source and its health will have a direct effect on all other parts of the body. Every belly has a different story to tell; a hidden message which once unlocked will allow healing to take place. This message, a mantra of sorts, has been consistent and progressively louder over the years in my practice. It has provided a clarity to many obstacles. The mantra is three words— “Awareness is Healing.” A simple phrase, yet many people spend a lifetime searching for its meaning without ever realizing that this mantra can cure many illnesses.

from our first relationship - our parents. My Here are some examples: favorite book that explains this in a simple way is The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz. Parents are not to blame but we need to create Awareness of how our body felt or reacted to their stress, emotions or expectations in order to heal our own physical manifestations. If all emotions are not truly felt or processed, they are stored in the body and will evolve into a physical illness or a pattern of behavior. We then lose our gut instinct and move only to brain intellect…trust vs. protection.

Basic Needs

Traditional Medicine

The Missing Link

Even western psychologists have always said that “our issues are in our tissues.” No one understood this better than psychologist Dr. Wilhelm Reich. A pioneer for research in somatic therapies, Dr. Reich believed talk therapy alone was a waste of time. He chose to Re-gaining Awareness combine touch therapy to release stored The fastest way to gain Awareness is trauma. According to Reich, only “talking” to a through the abdomen; the location of our true patient is like asking a person that is drowning emotional center aka “second brain” or gut to describe the temperature of the water. In instinct. We must be able to intuitively feel, order not to drown, the person needs be able not just think about our body and to touch and feel the depth of the water. You surroundings - engaging in physical touch that see…we can sensor thoughts but not our gives tactile feedback to calm our nervous feelings. During his sessions with patients, system. This is why manual therapy like Reich always knew where the bottom of the massage is so profound to help us re-connect ocean was, carefully guiding patients until to the instinctual Awareness in our body. they could feel it and let go of the fear or Traditional Medicine has used simple but traumas their body had trapped inside. Reich effective techniques for centuries to treat also understood the importance of abdominal many health issues like: IBS, anxiety, bodywork to unlock tension and trauma in the headaches, menstrual pain, infertility, reflux, body. One of my teachers, Dr. Rosita Arvigo, pelvic pain, constipation, and more. The was the first to expose me to the Reichian problem with our of lack of health or spiritual theory. Dr Arvigo, developer of the Arvigo Awareness is that we spend most of our lives Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy, said in a state of protection. “this was the missing link in her treatments.” You see, as a child we have basic needs: to be loved unconditionally, to have shelter, security, and to be allowed to be ourselves— free of expectations and judgments. When these basic needs are not met, feelings occur: hurt, sadness, guilt, shame, anger, abandonment—to name a few. We automatically restrict our breathing by contracting our respiratory and pelvic diaphragms to guard from traumatic experiences and hide unwanted feelings. Especially as children our sensitive bodies adapt within each environment, physically feeling better or worse depending on the comfort, safety, volatility, or fear of our surroundings. The first negative emotions we experience like sadness, anger, guilt come

Following in the path of my teachers of Traditional Medicine, the goal of every healing session I give is always to help create Awareness for the person by connecting the physical ailment with the emotional cause and empower the spirit. In fact, in Traditional Maya Medicine and Curanderismo (traditional Mexican folk healing) there are words for emotional illnesses that correspond with the physical body and internal organs.


The Lifelong Mantra We have all chosen to be on this planet at this time, to live life through our experiences and relationships. We must remove guards that prevent Awareness in our bodies and allow feelings to occur naturally; this opens us up to clarity. When we are clear and aware, we make better decisions, with better outcomes. Instincts are not clouded, and we can truly navigate through life as we should and become who we always wanted to be. Our mind will always try to protect us from life’s experiences, but what good is a life that is censored and without feeling? My life’s passion is to allow people to feel through touch, in hopes that everyone will live (feel) the life they wish. I love knowing that every day, through Traditional Maya Medicine and abdominal massage, another person has begun to feel, to breathe, and to live again… continuing their growth as a human being. True Awareness is what is learned by experiencing feelings or emotions and connecting them to an actual event or person, then releasing it. The mantra is not taken lightly, it holds a lifelong meaning that I honorably pass on to others daily— “Awareness is Healing.” Alex Jackson LMT, NCTMB is a Holistic Health Practitioner, specializing in Traditional Maya Medicine and teaches the Awareness is HealingÒ method. He has almost two decades of experience in treating chronic and acute health conditions such as chronic pelvic pain, digestive, reproductive, musculoskeletal, and anxiety issues. He is coowner of Centered Spirit – Cultural & Holistic Center located in Waldo: 8131 Wornall Rd., Kansas City, MO 64114 CenteredSpirit.com 816.225.9393 alex@centeredspirit.com

“You see, as a child we have basic needs: to be loved unconditionally, to have shelter, security, and to be allowed to be ourselves—free of expectations and judgments.”

“Even western psychologists have always said that “our issues are in our tissues.” No one understood this better than psychologist Dr. Wilhelm Reich. A pioneer for research in somatic therapies, Dr. Reich believed talk therapy alone was a waste of time. He chose to combine touch therapy to release stored trauma.” EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

28 Spiritual Horoscope

March Horoscope PISCES (FEB. 19 – MARCH 20) Happy birthday, Pisces! As Uranus enters Taurus, get ready for a revolution in your thinking! You study so much about spirituality and positive thoughts, but how well do you do in practice? Right now you can have an almost magical shift that makes it easy to refrain from self-pity or depressing thoughts. Your job is to sustain your new identity as a person with a faith-filled mind rather than a fear-filled brain. All areas will transform from health, to relationships, to finances! ARIES (MARCH 21 – APRIL 19) Chiron moves into Aries for the first time in 50 years! Chiron is about healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. These next years initiate you into deep powers of manifestation coming from the integrity and strength of your soul. Focus on studies such as yoga, qigong, reiki, or meditation. Mercury being retrograde helps you see a quick increase in your intuition and in your feelings of connection with the Universe. You can have a financial windfall, a physical healing, or insights that resolve emotional blocks! TAURUS (APRIL 20 – MAY 20) Wow! Revolutionary Uranus moves into your sign for seven years, which only happens every 84 years! Celebrate by pondering areas you want to change. Chiron also shifts signs, showing hidden issues that keep you stuck in undesirable patterns. Write a list of exciting potentials and meditate on those ideas. Really feel what it’ll be like to be this new you! As a Taurus you’re naturally cautious, but take safe risks that lead to powerful results. You’ll feel vital, empowered, and alive! P.S. Even though Uranus is for 7 years, take actions now! GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20) With Mercury retrograde this month, meditate and breathe before you speak or act! You can feel confused about career, but the best way to get clear is with quiet reflection. When your mind is quieter than normal, insights pop into your mind. Deep breathing also works wonders for you in general, but especially now. Make time to spend with friends on a spiritual

path who cultivate their intuitive wisdom. Your life will take lovely surprising turns in all areas, not just work! CANCER (JUNE 21 – JULY 22) Chiron, the divine healer, is helping you heal from deepest family wounds. It is always possible to change patterns of emotional reactions to people and to life! These painful responses may have held you back financially, intimately, or creatively, but mostly they’ve blocked your capacity for joy. If you’ve been feeling distant from the love and care of the Universe, use this month’s Mercury retrograde to rewrite your definition of whatever you choose to call God. You’ll feel safer and more trusting in life. You’ll blossom in your sense of purpose in work or home. You’ll be able to freely give and receive love! LEO (JULY 23 – AUG. 22) Uranus changes signs, bringing a revolution in your work life! Even if you don’t change jobs, you’ll feel empowered and inspired in your ability to positively influence others. Just by committing to live from your personal truth and passion that radiates from your heart, others will be shifted. Also, your marriage or relationship will increase in trust and intimacy. If single, you can magnetize a loving partnership that represents the new unfolding of your amazing self! VIRGO (AUG. 23 – SEPT. 22) With Mercury retrograde, beware of jumping to conclusions with miscommunication in relationships. If you feel hurt or slighted, meditate on the issue and see if it represents a recurring emotional pattern. You can work to heal that pattern

through awareness. If you do need to confront your partner, you can do it less defensively. You can clearly describe your experience and create healthy boundaries and guidelines for the future. Also, open your mind to the idea that the universe is abundant and that you’re worthy of receiving finances and pleasure from life! LIBRA (SEPT. 23 – OCT. 22) As Uranus and Chiron change signs, you’re ushered into a seven year period of healing about partnerships, sexuality, intimacy, and trust. Meditation reveals what negative thought patterns inhibit you from truly enjoying life and love. Especially watch for picking on yourself! You can also find out about a food allergy that depletes your energy, so now you’ll have more vitality. Relationships really flourish as you’re ready to try new ways of experiencing the world. You’re likely to receive major financial gifts or “unexpected income,” so remain open for blessings! SCORPIO (OCT. 23 – NOV. 21) Uranus changes signs, giving a jumpstart to relationships! Meditate on your deepest values and integrity. Are you acting in ways that align with your heart and soul? Do you need to “raise the bar” on how you and your partner interact? Deep bonds need to radically change in order to flourish. If single, you can meet someone who matches your values in an exciting way. Chiron changes signs too, asking you to respect your body and levels of stress. Scorpios are tough, but you have your limits like any human! Allow yourself enough rest. Eat thoughtfully. Have reflection time to re-center your energy. If you have pets, they can be especially healing at this time. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 – DEC. 21) Chiron, the spiritual healer, wants to open your heart to your parent or even teenager or adult children. Meditate on the fact that we are all souls on a spiritual path and develop compassion from that perspective. If you’ve been neglecting your health, shift your eating in a radical fun way. It’s a cool experiment to try new veggies,


right?! You might also start playing a sport or begin dancing. Also, anything to do with the arts will be super empowering and energizing. Your forgiveness work releases extra joy that’s been covered up for a long time! CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 – JAN. 19) If you feel you’ve gotten “boring,” Uranus changing signs awakens your fun side! Creativity is so healing to your soul. What sort of activities bring you joy? Dancing, arts, sports, pets, kids? Think about what delighted you when you were little and learn to play again. Also meditate on how to heal with family so old burdens don’t weigh you down any longer. “Following your bliss” activates your intuition, leading to financial, health, and mood improvements!

AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 – FEB. 18) It’s common for you to feel like an outsider; however, Uranus moving into Taurus wants to change all of that! Meditate on times you were left out of groups. Observe the scene as if you were a loving angel, sweetly sending love and care to the “left out” you. This can repattern your nervous system from anger and anxiety and heal old wounds. Each tiny step allows your heart to open more deeply to people in your presence who want to love you! You’ll also be able to take in more prosperity and general joy. Keep focusing on what a blessing you are to so many!

Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com


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CBD, herbal products and locally made plant-based foods & beverages to meet your wellness needs. Now open in Lee’s Summit: 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd. 816-524-4367 GLOBAL The Mental Wellness Company. Body. Brain. Biome. The wholistic solution to a healthier you. Stacy and Alison (816) 868-2415 www.amare.com/10065 AMARE

DEENA WHITE, Master Usui/Karuna Reiki practitioner specializing in chakra clearing, aura cleansing, color/crystal therapy and intuitive messages. 816-877-7658, Parkville location http://eklectikreiki.vpweb.com

KIRSTEN HARWICK MILLS, CHt, CAT Akashic Readings, Certified Hypnotherapist, Advanced Akashic Teacher, and Past Life Regression. In office or remote. kirsten@silentsynergy.com, 913-370-7007 silentsynergy.com TRINA RICE, OTR/L, MBE., CF HARMONY THERAPEUTICS, LLC Get your happy on! Consciousness Coach & Energetic Bodywork, Access Bars, Fascial/Cranial, Pediatric OT trinarice.com 913-593-7827 EDUCATION CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING SCHOOL Classes and individual sessions in energy healing and meditation. NCBTMB approved courses. CoreStarEnergyHealing.com INTUITION TRAINING PROGRAMS for Personal Transformation & Professional Certification via Tele-course and in Santa Fe, NM. Chantal Fidanza (505) 438-1074 www.YourDivineLight.biz

SPIRITUAL GROWTH REV. STEPHANIE RED FEATHER, MS - SHAMANIC INTUITIVE HEALER, COACH & FACILITATOR Feminine mysteries, energy therapies, Priestess Process, initiations, shadow work, speaking 913-515-3271, redfeatherconnections.com

PETS N2PAWS—Harmony & Balance for your animal companion with TTouch, Reiki, Doga, & Essential Oils (specializing in recovery, senior, & hospice) n2paws.com PET CANCER COACHING.com Mark Zwick, BA, MRC, RN/EFT, LLC Helping families PREVENT, CARE for, & COPE with, their sick beloved pets with cancer. 888 – 247 – 6442

WELLNESS The Riordan Clinic has over 40 years of experience integrating lifestyle and nutrition to help you find the underlying causes of your illness. 21620 Midland Drive Suite B Shawnee, KS 913.745.4757 www.RiordanClinic.org ANU AESTHETICS AND OPTIMAL WELLNESS, located in KC North

under Dr. Cristyn Watkins, offers you the ultimate experience in Wellness Medicine and Aesthetics since 2011. anuaesthetics.com

PSYCHICS JAMIE COLLINS, Psychic medium, Akashic records readings & medical intuitive. Receive messages from loved ones in spirit. jamie@spiritspeakerkc.com 816-824-2352 ~ www.spiritspeakerkc.com

YOGA THE YOGA STUDIO (a division of the Yoga School of Therapeutics) 10400 W. 103rd, #14, Overland Park. All levels, teacher’s training and new flow classes 913 492 9594 www.theyogastudio.com


YOGA PATCH19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore. YogaPatch.com; 816-268-4660

KAREN ELISE - PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER & COACH Tarot / astrology corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations. 913-636-9502 www.KarenElise.com EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM


MARCH 2 ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDING CLASS 3:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Soulcentricitea 4107A Troost Avenue, Kansas City Mo 64110. Come learn the art of blending essential fragrances drop by drop! Make your own unique fragrance blends FB Soulcentricitea or 816-788 -1561 soulcentricitea.com MARCH 3 SACRED CACAO CEREMONY 9:00-10:30a.m. Soulcentricitea 4107A Troost Avenue, Kansas City Mo 64110 A cacao ceremony is an opportunity to connect to your higher self and to open your heart RSVP: FB Soulcentricitea or 816-7881561 soulcentricitea.com MARCH 8 REEL WISDOM FILM SERIES: HAPPY 6:30 pm - $10. HAPPY explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion. Unity Temple, 707 W 47th, KCMO 64112. radiatewellnesscommunity.co m/events.

MARCH 9 EASY AND FUN VEGAN COOKING WITH DELIGHT Saturday 4 - 6:30 $35.We will create delicious, organic, whole food, gluten free dishes and then devour samples. Delightdavis6@gmail.com FB Vibrant Self MARCH 9 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE FOR COLD AND FLU SEASON 2-4p.m. Soulcentricitea 4107A Troost Avenue, Kansas City Mo 64110 This class will give you some tools to help keep you and your

loved ones healthy throughout this cold and flu season. RSVP: FB Soulcentricitea or 816-7881561 soulcentricitea.com

MARCH 23 EAT LOCAL EXPO WANT TO JOIN A CSA? Winter or early spring is a great time to join a CSA. Visit www.kcfoodcircle.org MARCH 12-17 to learn more about local TEMPLE BUDDHIST farms offering CSA programs. CENTER PRESENTS: You can also speak to DREPUNG GOMANG farmers in person at the Eat MONKS, SACRED ARTS Local Expo on March 23, TOUR 10am-3pm, at Johnson http://www.facebook.com/ County Community College. templebuddhistcenter for MARCH 23 details SPRING EQUINOX AWAKENING NEW MARCH 12 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI GROWTH: Experience the expression, SHARE light, love and stepping into At Gemini, 5807A Merriam your truth at The Light Drive, Merriam, Center 1-4 p.m. KS GeminisShop.com 913info@lightcenter.info 300-0883 6:30-8 pm $7 Donation MARCH 23 ESSENTIAL OILS FOR MARCH 16 ANIMALS GRIEF RITUAL: Let Your Heart Break Open 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. So the Light Can Shine at The Peculiar, MO, Learn how to enhance the well-being for Light Center 10AM to 4PM you & your animals with Donation $40-60 includes nature’s essential oils. lunch info@lightcenter.info Register: pat@n2paws.com or MARCH 18 816-522-7005 ORACLE CARDS 101 Bring your own deck or use www.n2paws.com one in the Store. We honor MARCH 24 the try before you buy. At EASY PEASY Gemini, 5807A Merriam MEDITATION Drive, Merriam, Learn to go deeply into a KS GeminisShop.com 913calm state with meditation 300-0883 6-9 pm $33.00 hacks and easy energy exercises. With live music MARCH 22, 23 & 24 therapy from Johnny KC METAPHYSICAL Ricker. Sun, 1-3pm $20 FAIR Delightdavis6@gmail.com Shopping, Readings and PM at Facebook: Vibrant Self Workshops! Friday 3 – 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 8 MARCH 24 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. - 6 ACCESS p.m. Workshops and Door Prizes hourly. Abdallah Shrine CONSCIOUSNESS ® Center 5300 Metcalf, OP, KS BARS CLASS 9 am-6 pm - $350. Learn this 66202 exciting clearing modality. www.facebook.com/ Centered Spirit, 8131 kcmetaphysical Wornall, KCMO 64110. www.kcmetaphysical.com radiatewellnesscommunity.co m/events. EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM

MARCH 26 ENERGY SHARE Open to all Energy Modalities. At Gemini, 5807A Merriam Drive, Merriam, KS GeminisShop.com 913300-0883 6-8:30 pm $7 donation MARCH 29 PSI PRESENTS Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique/Christi Clemons Hoffman, Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 W. 47, KCMO, 7 p.m., $15 cash/check only psychicstudiesinstitute.org

MARCH 30 DOGA (DOGGIE YOGA) 11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Peculiar, MO. An integrated approach to flexibility and relaxation for you and your canine companion. Register: pat@n2paws.com or 816-522-7005 www.n2paws.com MARCH 31 MUSIC AND ENERGY THERAPY SALON Sunday 10:30 -NOON, $25 Need a quick life reset? Relax quietly with a small group while we pamper you with energy work by Delight and live music therapy with Johnny Ricker. delightdavis6@gmail.com PM at Facebook: Vibrant Self

APRIL 6 CREATE A CHEMICALFREE HOME 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Peculiar, MO, Learn what is harmful in your environment and create a chemical-free home for you & your pets. Register: pat@n2paws.com or 816-522-7005 www.n2paws.com

APRIL 6 FIBER FEST at The Light Center Introduction to Triangle Loom Weaving & loom building 10 AM-4PM Donation $20-40 includes lunch info@lightcenter.info APRIL 6 & 7 FIRE IN THE HEART Come see 20 plus performers speaking in the art forms that gave them the strength and inspiration they needed to rise above. April 6 @ 7:30 pm & April 7 @ 2pm Tickets: WhiteTheatre.org/ Evolve Box Office: 913.327.8054 APRIL 12 – 14 USUI/HOLY FIRE ADVANCED REIKI TRAINING/REIKI MASTER Learn the Master symbol and the Holy Fire material. Work with crystals. Strengthen your healing energy and be able to teach Reiki. 9am6:30pm. $975 with early deposit. CEs for health professionals. Karen Harrison, Licensed Reiki Master with International Center for Reiki Training, Leawood, KS. 913-526-6556 karen@karenharrison.net www.karenharrison.net APRIL 13 USUI / HOLY FIRE REIKI LEVEL I CLASS 9 am-6:30 pm. $175. Susan Warner’s Healing Space, 100th & Quivira. radiatewellnesscommunity.co m. APRIL 26-28 FLINT HILLS WISDOM KEEPERS GATHERING Come join the annual Gathering in the Flint Hills near Council Grove, KS. Nine indigenous Elders share their rich diversity of Native

American culture. A safe place to explore Native traditions and issues. Sacred Drum Workshop 4/27. 3, 2 & 1-day Registrations: by 4/19/19 Call: 785-477-9306 www.fhwisdomkeepers.org, Sponsor: Flint Hills Wisdom Keepers Foundation, 501(c)3

http://www.facebook.com/ templebuddhistcenter for details TEMPLE BUDDHIST CENTER HALF-DAY MEDITATION RETREAT Last Saturday of each month 9am-1pm. http:// www.facebook.com/ templebuddhistcenter for details

catrunningelk@gmail.com/ 863-529-1866 www.catrunningelk.com

EVERY SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY – TAPPING INTO PROSPERITY WITH CAT RUNNINGELK ONGOING 7 P.M. SHAWNEE, KS If you are ready to move into KANSAS CITY MUFON greater abundance, come to meetings are held on the REIKI CIRCLE AT our tapping class! Each week second Monday of the CLEVELAND we work through blocks, month. We study UFOs, CHIROPRACTIC fears – all your limiting beliefs extraterrestrials, crop circles, COLLEGE – using tapping, or EFT, along and related subjects. Info Unity Church of Overland with other powerful tools. at http:// Park – 10850 Lowell Ave, Quit living in mediocrity. Get www.missourimufon.org. OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7- out of your comfort zone 9pm. Love offering. All and join us here! $25 ENERGY HEALING welcome. Receive a Reiki Contact Cat for more SESSIONS FOR treatment. For flier email information. CANCER PATIENTS karen@karenharrison.net. 863-529-1866 AND VETERANS 913-526-6556 catrunningelk@gmail.com By Appointment. The Kansas www.catrunningelk.com City Healing Project provides MONDAYS, MEETING energy healing sessions for WEEKLY – INTUITIVE SERENITY PAUSE™ cancer patients and veterans. MASTERY MEDITATION Our clients have been WITH CAT 7 DAYS A WEEK - 365 experiencing a reduction of RUNNINGELK DAYS A YEAR their stress, anxiety and pain 7PM Shawnee, KS Interested 12:10-12:40pm and 5:30levels. These sessions are in gaining more confidence in 6pm, Myrtle Fillmore provided at NO COST to your own gifts? Looking to Chapel, Includes instruction the client. Contact John develop more of your psychic and discussion. Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for abilities? Wanting to connect www.unitytemple.com details. with other intuitives, healers, KansasCityHealingProject.org coaches and seers in a warm, UNITY CHURCH OF comfortable supportive O.P. WEEKLY WEDNESDAY environment? $25 10 a.m. Sundays at Abdallah YOGA FOR TRAUMA runningelkalmostdaily.wordpr Shrine Temple, 5300 Metcalf CLASS ess.com/mastering-thewww.UCOP.org 3:30-5p & 5:30-7p. $20. intuitive-arts/ Women’s only. New students please come in at least 15 mins. early. Must RSVP. 816-812-2364 www.DrKatBowie.com for more info. Forward Movement, LLC. 8301 Stateline Rd St.#202 KCMO 64114 TEMPLE BUDDHIST CENTER SUNDAY MEDITATION SERVICE 9am and10:30am, all are welcome, childcare available. EVOLVINGMAGAZINE.COM



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