May 2017 Evolving Magazine

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E volving

May 2017 ~ Vol. IX, Issue 3

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living



May 2017


Follow Evolving Magazine True Balance Wellness Awaken to Who 5510 NE Antioch Rd., KCMO 64119 publisher, Jill Dutton, as and she All You Are (816) 326-8303; explores the United YouStates Came to Be and Canada by train. Visit: Salt Therapy Acupuncture Massage Infrared Sauna Brain Tap

Consider Chinese Cupping or Ear Acupuncture

Join Evolving Magazine publisher, Jill Dutton, on a guided trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2-8, 2017. View the itinerary at 6447 N. Cosby Ave KCMO 64151 ` 816-221-4418 Find us on Facebook. EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY 863-529-1866

Introductory Offer 15 minute treatment for just $20 Includes cupping or ear acupuncture only

King Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Spiritual Guidance Available In Person with Internationally Known Author, Healer, Teacher, Coach and Counselor Cat RunningElk, Author of the highly acclaimed "The Healer's Charm" and "Mystic Mommy"

Come learn Holy Fire Reiki! Karen Harrison, Ed.S.

ICRT Licensed Reiki Classes & Sessions Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna Young Living Essential Oils Sex Therapy 816-523-4440 Kansas City, MO 64114


May 2017

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

Nature abhors a vacuum. Have you ever stopped drinking alcohol, given up sugar or processed foods, quit smoking, or decided to stop negative thinking? After you conquered this habit, did you suddenly realize there was a space that the act of drinking, eating, or smoking filled inside of you—and that space, that void, still needed to be filled? When we release one thought pattern or habit, we must fill it with something else. A therapist friend once told me, “Nature abhors a void, and will fill it if you don’t.” So we must consciously choose with what we fill a new void or it will be filled by default (and nature doesn’t care if the new habit is a better choice as long as the void is filled). When someone quits drinking or smoking—both habits that consume a huge chunk of a person’s life—there is suddenly a vacuum of time. Time that must be filled. When it’s a nutritional habit that’s released, the food must be replaced. E.g., you give up sugary drinks and replace them with lavender or fruit-infused water or green teas. It’s a huge part of this thing we call conscious living: not only consciously deciding what we will release, but also consciously (rather than by mindlessly) choosing with what we will replenish ourselves. This month, the articles explore thought repatterning and the process of creating new habits. Reading the articles, my hope is that you’ll take a few moments to consider patterns you wish to release—and then consciously create a new reality, based on design.

Trippin’ the US By Rail: Colorado 10

Passivity vs. Active Receptivity in Manifesting 12

Change Is Not a Four-Letter Word 6

With much love and gratitude for you, our dear reader,

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: *Like us on Facebook: *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistants Sara Zimmerman Judy Kirkpatrick

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton Monthly Columnists Gloria Gale, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes

The Dining Experience at the Kauffman Center is a Performance in Itself

Departments News Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Holistic Health Revelations Food Gloria’s Food Coupon Saver Horoscope Events

4 5 5 6 6 7 8 13 15

ON THE COVER Greetings come in many forms. Gloria Gale salutes the day with her acrylic painting Good Morning Sun. Casting a gentle light through the glade, this painting and others she paints, is meant to ask us to pay attention to the wonder of everything, everyday. Read Gloria’s monthly column on page 7, and visit her website at

Print Layout/Design Alea Smith EVOLVING© 2017 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.




May 2017


Safely Delicious™ Partners with Official Safe Snack Guide Safely Delicious™, a mom-inspired allergy-friendly snack company, announced they are now a member of’s Manufacturer Partnership, including being in their Safe Snack Guide and Allergence. This extensive resource guide is used by tens of thousands of people to help them avoid products with peanut and tree nuts. In addition, many of the products in the guide are also free of the Top 8 allergen foods (wheat, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, soy, fish, and crustacean shellfish). Safely Delicious™ snacks are sweet and crunchy. They have NO gluten, dairy, peanut, tree nuts, soy or egg, are made in a dedicated commercial allergen -friendly environment, have NO Cholesterol, and are an excellent source of Iron. Satisfying any sweet tooth, Safely Delicious™ is perfect for a lunch sack, gift bag, or social event. Safely Deli-

cious™ boasts five flavors, inspired by seasonal taste. Current Flavors tastetested and approved: Yummy Classic Bites™ (semi-sweet chocolate and peanut butter flavor, without the peanut butter), Yummy Dark Bites™ (similar to Yummy Classic Bites™, but made with rich dark chocolate), Yummy Mocha Bites™ (perfect for coffee lovers chocolate and coffee combined), Yummy Winter Bites™ (organic peppermint candy added to rich dark chocolate), and Yummy Spring Bites™ (a burst of tangysweet raspberries mixed into rich dark chocolate). Safely Delicious™ began in 2015 from humble beginnings in a mother’s kitchen and grew as a favorite snack with her children, their friends, and her coworkers. Now, cooking in a dedicated commercial facility, this company continues to grow and expand.

Get out of your Comfort Zone with Becoming Egg-straordinary Several different cultures honor the butterfly as a symbol of transformation, new life, and immortality. A butterfly‘s life cycle evolves in four different stages: from the egg, to the caterpillar, to the chrysalis, and finally the butterfly. This is the first in a series of four journals designed to help you find your inner butterfly. A lot of us are stuck in our tiny “egg” of a life, not realizing our full potential. Some of us never venture out of our comfort zones to discover our innate talents or follow unfamiliar paths. Becoming Egg-straordinary is a journal that gives you some quotes, stories, thought questions to explore your true feelings and a little “Butterfly Kiss” as a whimsical hint to guide you into taking your first steps. This book is a tool for you to use as you make your way from the ordinary life you have been living into the extraordinary adventure you were meant to experience.

INTUITION—so that you can use it ON DEMAND. For most people, intuition is random and elusive—we get a gut feeling about something or someone but we’re often not sure whether to trust it. Sometimes we act on those intuitive senses and sometimes we regret not having ‘listened’ when we should have. What if there was a way to recognize, harness, and refine those gut feelings, that we often call our sixth sense, so that we can improve our decision making and our lives? Author Lisa K, PhD believes it is possible to make intuition happen when we want it to and to develop our intuition to be reliable and consistent. Lisa, who has a scientific background in psychobiology and engineering, has spent many years researching intuition. Her new book, Intuition on Demand: A step-by-

step guide to powerful intuition you can trust is a result of that study and her years working with individuals to improve their intuitive skills. She reveals her straightforward and downto-earth approach to nurturing our intuitive abilities so that they can be called upon whenever needed and the information provided can be confidently acted upon. About the Author: Lisa K. PhD, is a teacher, author, and speaker on intuition. She has taught hundreds of people around the world intuition development. Lisa holds degrees in Engineering from Columbia University and Psychobiology from the State University of NY as well as a PhD in Metaphysical Sciences. For more information go to:


Stephanie Pifer-Stone is an ordained Interfaith Minister. She considers herself a spiritual seeker and strives to hear truth in all spiritual teachings. In addition to her degree in Holistic Theology and ministerial education, her studies include Religious Literacy: Traditions and Scriptures at Harvard Divinity School and the Grief Recovery Method for adults and children. She has co-hosted and produced two radio shows on Unity Online Radio and has written articles for Unity Online Magazine. Becoming Egg-straordinary, is her first book in a series about releasing your inner butterfly. In addition to her husband and their "furry kids," her passions include yoga, writing, cooking, gardening, and singing. Her goal is to help others find their way through life’s transitions in a positive, graceful manner. Visit her website: or:

Centered Spirit—adds Culture and a French Tea Room to Waldo Centered Spirit is a new Cultural and Holistic Center located in Waldo. The center is an oasis for healing and a true Cultural and Holistic experience. Alex and Emilie Jackson have combined their passions for healing traditions from Central America, Mexico, and France. They have incorporated this into every part of the center. Centered Spirit has experts trained in Traditional Maya Medicine, Chinese Medicine, nutrition, corrective exercise, and wellness classes. Also part of their offerings is an infrared sauna room and a space dedicated to meditation and health workshops. The storefront will transport you directly to France with a French Tea Room—a first in the area—featuring several imported teas from France and providing a place to relax and connect with the community. Emilie is a French Tea specialist and will be giving tastings and classes on


May 2017

rituals of tea from around the world. She will also coordinate wellness classes and cultural events at the center. Alex is a holistic health practitioner that has been in practice for 14 years. He specializes in Traditional Maya Medicine and Maya Abdominal Massage, providing permanent relief for many chronic and acute health conditions such as digestive, reproductive, musculoskeletal, and anxiety issues. Centered Spirit respects and believes in the body’s innate wisdom and natural ability to find health and achieve balance. When the spirit and the body are truly “Centered” everything else in life becomes easier and the energy level of the body increases. For more information on Centered Spirit find us on Facebook or call Centered Spirit at 816-225-9393 or visit Centered Spirit on 8131 Wornall Rd, Kansas City, MO 64114.

Create a Fulfilled Life by Having Fun


e all know how hard it is to manage the transition of a parent approaching death. When our dad was ill, the family met at the farm house and gathered each evening on the sprawling deck to sit, share, and enjoy the summer evening. With 18 of us, my seven brothers and sisters and the kids, it felt good to be together. Little sis, Amy, as we enjoyed a beer or soft drink, would yell out “Are we having fun yet?” To enjoy life and “have fun” serves as an essential component to a fulfilled life. Especially when the skies are grey and we are closed-in or cannot get out-and-about for some reason. Or, when one is bored, the question “what Image licensed by Ingram Images would be fun” is a good way to motivate oneself to find something one enjoys. For me, I grab a book to divert my attention and fire up my Image licensed by Ingram Images imagination. Image licensed by Ingram Images The other day, with a gathering of yoga students, I posed the question to the group. Here is what they said helps them have fun on any given day: 1. Get out into nature (said at least four of my guests). Get outside and take a walk or watch the clouds or sit


under a tree. Nature heals us. You know to be on the earth and with the wind and the air and maybe sun or moonlight is always a lift to one’s spirit. 2. Work in your garden. Several said how much fun this is for them. I asked if they found pulling weeds enjoyable and the answer was yes! 3. Run an errand and turn up your favorite music and play it loud. Several enjoyed hearing favorite tunes allowing the upbeat music to give them a lift. 4. Grab your yoga mat and go into poses you love. Poses where the blood moves into the neck and shoulders were the favorites. 5. “I ride my horse,” said a lucky gal who has her pal in her back yard. 6. “Walk the dog,” another said. We know our dog pals give us unconditional love. Did you know “dog” spelled backward is “God?” 7. Eat something that you consider comfort food or prepare a recipe you love that you have not made for a while. Enjoy each bite! 8. Call that loyal friend who is willing to talk and share and listen. Share a good joke and laugh! 9. Working folks take a day off and go play whether shopping, or sight-seeing, or spending time with friends.

10. Watch a favorite movie or documentary that lifts your heart even if you have seen in before! 11. Sing your heart out as if no one is home and no one is listening 12. The artist in the room loved to play with her paints and think of new projects. Having fun, according to the health pros, keeps us healthy and even lowers blood pressure and lifts our immune system. Too many of us get bogged down with obligation and duties. There are those of us who will love a hobby or volunteer and give of our time to the needy. Even to choose to smile at a stranger gives you a boost to more wellness. And next time sis Amy calls I will share this old joke: A three-legged dog walks into a saloon and says to the bartender “I am looking for the man who shot my paw.” Ha!

Suzette Scholtes’ non-fiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. 913-492-9594.

Journey to Wholeness

What is Gender? Is it rigid or fluid?


he dual nature of gender as either male or female has been a long-held concept. It has been the basis of social norms regarding behavior, dress, and in many cultures, a basis for inequality. There is a burgeoning movement today, predominately among young adults, embracing a nonbinary gender approach to one’s identity as male or female exclusively. According to the website, “Gender fluidity conveys a wider, more flexible range of gender expression, with interests and behaviors that may even change from day to day. Gender-fluid people do not feel confined by restrictive boundaries of stereotypical expectations of men and women. Interestingly, the younger generations’ ideas about not wanting to be trapped in narrow boxes of gender expression are not an entirely new concept. Today, it is being presented in language that has more categories and more explanation in modern terminology and understanding. This may be confusing and overwhelming for many people whose brains appear to be wired in a binary gender pattern. According to Wikipedia, "Androgyny among humans—physical, psychological, and cultural—is attested to from earliest history and across world cultures.” In Plato’s Symposium “There were three sexes: the male-male people who descended from the sun, the female-female people who descended from the earth and the male-female people who came from the moon. This last pairing represented the androgynous couple.”


In fashion history we began seeing gender roles blur as women began wearing trousers and sporting the ‘chic bob’ androgynous hairstyle. Elvis Presley is seen as the one who introduced androgyny to rock ‘n’ roll with his pretty face and use of eye makeup. Later, Mick Jagger, Jimi Hendrix, and David Bowie wore more “feminine clothing.” Feminism of the 70’s and 80’s addressed the stifling nature of sex role stereotypes, especially for women. Many women were embracing their feminine selves more deeply while embracing masculine qualities in the world of work. Androgyny was seen as desirable for men and women. Carl Jung’s idea of the anima (feminine) and animus (masculine) as aspects of a fully developed person have morphed over the years to explain the innate nature of the masculine and feminine in all humans. Jungian analyst Marion Woodman says, “The true feminine is the receptacle of love. The true masculine is the spirit that goes into the eternal unknown in search of meaning. The great container, the Self, is paradoxically both male and female and contains both…Without the true masculine spirit and the true feminine love, no inner life exists…To be free is to break the stone images and allow life and love to flow.” It is my experience that embracing the masculine and feminine aspects of life in whatever ways one feels moved to do so is essential to our growth and development. The expression of this in gender identity, behaviors, or dress is individual and certainly can be fluid.



May 2017

I encourage men to find the expression of their true selves in whatever way feels right to them. This is difficult as the expectations of the culture for men’s roles, behavior, and dress is very narrow and rigid. Women, though still working for social, financial, and political equality, have embraced more freedom in the expression of themselves, unrestricted by sex-role stereotypes. However, in the past few decades, those of us who lived through the 60’s-80’s, have been somewhat dismayed by the return of the culture to those rigid stereotypes for gender identity and the expressions of them. So, I applaud the younger generation for embracing the broad aspects of gender fluidity, both in identity and sexuality. Do not forget there is a history supporting you in going forward. The studies in neurobiology, genetics, and psychology are continuing to challenge the rigidity of the binary definition of gender identity and its expressions. History, science, and personal experience encourage us all to embrace the diversity of our human nature. It is rich, deep, and amazing! Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements, or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go to

Holistic Health

Natural Approaches to Heartburn and Reflux


n estimated 30 percent of Americans, about 100 million of us, have regular bouts of heartburn, which is also called acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Americans spend over $14 billion a year on heartburn drugs to prevent and stop the pain. Integrative and functional healthcare practitioners strive to get to the root of the problem, not just treat symptoms. In heartburn, the food—dissolving HCL, hydrochloric acid of the stomach refluxes up through the esophageal sphincter, burning the vulnerable lining of the esophagus and throat. The body produces stomach acid for a reason: to start the process of digesting your food. Turning off the stomach acid with proton pump inhibitors, such as Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex, etc. can decrease the pain of heartburn as can less potent drugs such as Pepcid, Zantac, and Tums. But these drugs don’t treat the cause of heartburn which is poor digestion. The following are recommended for heartburn and other forms of digestive issues, such as stomachache, ulcers, and gastritis. 1. One of the primary causes of indigestion in the United States is lack of enzymes in our food which have been removed during processing. Nutritional supplements are available containing plant-based enzymes, taken with each meal, can counter indigestion and improve health and well-being. If the plant enzymes cause any irritation, start with zinc

carnosine or DGL licorice and mastic gum remedies until symptoms are improved, usually in a month or two, and then start taking the digestive enzymes. 2. While eating, sip warm liquids rather than cold. Cold drinks slow and stop digestion. Drink warm liquids such as tea or warm water with a squirt of lemon. Save the cold drinks for in-between meals. 3. Avoid coffee, colas, alcohol, aspirin, ibuprophen, naproxen as all of them can hurt your stomach. After your indigestion and reflux are resolved, limited amounts may be able to be consumed. Also avoid foods and substances that cause symptoms for you. 4. Check for too little stomach acid as HCL stomach acid decreases with aging. Without enough acid, food doesn’t digest and sits in the stomach, sloshing around, and then refluxing into your esophagus, causing heartburn and indigestion. Too little acid can actually cause the same symptoms as too much acid. Apple cider vinegar taken before meals, diluted with warm water or in a salad dressing can help with digestion if you have too little acid. If the apple cider vinegar causes increased symptoms, too much acid is more likely the culprit. 5. Get tested for and treat H. pylori. Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that can infect the stomach, a common cause of stomach upset and ulcers. There are prescription treatments with PPI’s and antibiotics or natural approaches with DGL licorice and mastic gum until the stomach calms down and then use limonene oil.

Change Is Not a Four-Letter Word


on’t you just love your habits? You must love them, because they are a big part of who you are, right? You have a habit of twisting your hair, sniffing, or eating when you’re tense. You do it without thinking about it, and that’s the great thing about a habit: It’s the robot part of living. It’s autopilot. The problem with a habit–either one you want to get rid of or one you want to start–is that you have to… change. Ick! We live in the midst of urban myth about change. The myth is we are resistant to change, yet we change all the time in every way and have from the moment we were born. We believe change is impossible, but that’s not true either. The one thing that is true is while there is expert knowledge about how to effectively make change, very few of us know about this information and subject ourselves to a lifetime of “do-overs.” It’s not surprising our myths about change persist. In order to avoid being in the 70 percent of people who fail when making any type of change, there are a few things you can do. You must deploy all of these things:  Plan to fail. As negative as that sounds, it’s not. It means in our effort to change a habit, we will stray at some point. You might stray more than once. Make your strategy ahead of time and use it guilt-free. An example is eating. If you are dieting and can’t resist having some birthday cake, then recognize what you



did and cut back your intake on the next meal. It works for anything, but do figure out where you might stray and know what you will do ahead of time.  You need help. As a nation of cowboys, we’re prone to not ask for help. If you’re making a change, you need help. You need a person to hold you accountable, cheer you on, and keep you focused. It often helps if that person is an expert in whatever habit you are working on, because they will have specific insight you need to know. People that attempt to make changes without another person in the mix won’t succeed. You have to have an emotional need to change. You can’t logic your way to a change. If you don’t have an emotional connection or reason, you will lack the internal drive to push you forward. Think of this: If logic worked, no one would smoke or do drugs. We start for an emotional reason, and it takes an emotional reason for us to stop. The problem may be you haven’t connected to a deep-rooted emotion. Until you do, don’t start down the path of change, because you will quickly get derailed.  It’s going to be uncomfortable. Part of the beauty of a habit is we don’t have to be conscious of what we’re doing. It’s a way to save energy. We do something and don’t burn one brain cell in the process. With change, you have to become conscious about your behavior, and that isn’t comfy, because it requires energy and focus. You have to keep doing



May 2017

6. Stop prescription PPIs. Continue to take your PPIs or other antacid medication until symptoms subside then gradually taper off of them over 2-3 months. You can continue to take zinc carnosine or DGL licorice and mastic gum long term as needed. 7. Tums or other products that contain plain calcium should be avoided. For instance, using plain calcium without Vitamin D and magnesium for osteoporosis has been shown to increase heart attack risk by 31 percent as the calcium can deposit in the arteries to the heart and other arteries. The bottom line is to break your addiction from PPIs and antacids and allow your stomach to produce the acid you need for proper digestion. Occasionally, betaine HCL or hydrochloric acid is needed in addition to digestive enzymes for optimal results. Consult an Integrative or Functional Medicine provider for more specific, individualized treatment.

Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.

Revelations something new in its place long enough to ultimately turn it into a lifestyle habit. Developing new behavior requires your time and attention far longer than you’d like. (Experts say repeated behavior for 21 days. I think that is the bare minimum.)  It’s a lifetime commitment. Many people make the mistake of thinking they will “do something until…” In other words, they have a point out in time when they can take their foot off the gas and relax about the new behavior. Don’t plan on that working for you. You’ll notice people who go through 12-step programs to stop drinking refer to themselves as an alcoholic even when they haven’t drank in years. It’s a way to maintain a level of consciousness as well as vigilance for the hard-fought-for change to stay in place. If you’re planning to change a habit, you don’t want it to be temporary.

Tomorrow morning when you brush your teeth, be grateful your parents taught you so many good habits when you were young. Because now that you’re an adult, you realize how habits conserve your energy and how challenging it is to change them. Dorothy Tannahill-Moran is a Career & Leadership Coach, speaker, author of 4 books, certified MBTI instructor and certified change practitioner. She is dedicated to help you love your work and can read more of her work at: You can contact her:

Food Gloria’s Food

The Dining Experience at the Kauffman Center is a Performance in Itself


t’s a marvelous time to be in Kansas City. Percolating with an energetic vibe, our town is on the map. There’s no better place to boast about than the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, a world-class venue built by Moshe Safdie, a world-class architect. If you haven’t been to one of the myriad live events, I’m going to give you another reason to go—The Dining Experience. Just before every performance at the Kauffman, this casually elegant restaurant, just beyond the south doors, assures you’ll never miss Act I. Executive chef Laura Comer prepares a three course prix fixe seasonally

Image by Jillian Shoptaw.

designed meal that will, and should, knock your socks off. Featuring fresh ingredients much, if not all, locally sourced, Comer incorporates edible blossoms, fresh fruits, mushrooms, and herbs into her lineup of starters, salads, entrees, and desserts. Guests are invited to select one item from each of the three courses provided for $33 per person, with the option to include 3-ounce wine pairings with each course for $45 per person. I recently had an opportunity to experience ‘The Experience.’ It’s simply impossible not to be impressed by the view–our city, staged with a 180-sweep before you. Then the room invites, elegant yet understated. Comer, a former pastry chef, is well prepared to serve you. Her flair is aptly demonstrated as I found starting with Vichyssoise designed with squash blossom and tarragon oil. For Act II, she roasted a spring vegetable terrine with an almond crumble and Meyer lemon gel that was nearly too pretty to eat. The entrees started with a pan roasted Cornish game hen beautifully presented with

wild mushrooms, pearl onion, fine herbs, fingerlings, and elderflower reduction. I had to pace myself since this dish would be followed by Ras elHannout Lamb, garnished with minted yogurt, couscous, and apricot chutney. A slight breather allowed everything to settle, but not for long. My guest was about to be entertained with a terrific selection of cocktails, mesmerizingly presented tableside. I decided if I did drink, I would definitely imbibe in one of these handsomely made libations. I asked about the local partners that help create such a lovely menu. Farm to Market breads, Circle B Ranch Pork, Prairie Birthday Farm’s produce and honey, City Bitty’s micro greens, and Green Dirt Farm cheese just to name a few. If you’re not quite hungry for a full meal, The Dining Experience also offers small plates of lighter fare, a seasonal selection of craft cocktails, and a diverse collection of wines and spirits. You’re never going to miss a performance when you make a reservation or just walk-in to this venue. The curtain is going up at The Dining Experience—please find your seat.


Image by Jillian Shoptaw.

Kansas City writer, producer, and photo stylist Gloria Gale is a sleuth when it comes to discovering interesting features for the media. Most recently, Gloria profiled area restaurants as a columnist for 435 Magazine and was on KCUR's Food Critics radio program. Want to know where to find the best tastes in town?

Evolving...A Guide for Conscious Living

Image by Jillian Shoptaw.



May 2017



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Join Jill Dutton, Evolving Magazine publisher and freelance writer for more than 20 years, on a journey of discovery. for more info.

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Santa Fe by Rail


elebrate Independence Day with a guided tour to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where you’ll experience holistic healing practices, nature, art, New Mexican cuisine, and of course, the historic plaza. Couples and solo travelers welcome. Jill Dutton, travel writer and publisher of Evolving Magazine, has traveled to Santa Fe numerous times and is eager to share with you the beauty, art, and history of Santa Fe—plus the joy of rail travel.

Tour Description Find out why Travel & Leisure ranks Santa Fe as the #4 city in the world. This 7-day tour will take you walking through the plaza area to experience the shops, the churches, the Indian Market, and the majesty that is Santa Fe. Art enthusiasts will enjoy visiting Canyon Road and the Georgia O’Keefe Museum. And while you’re there, you can experience healing practices like hot springs, an oxygen bar, and a reiki session.

July 2-8, 2017. Visit for a complete itinerary.

Mention you saw this ad in Evolving Magazine and receive a discount of $50. Registration and payment due by May 22. EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


May 2017

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Find that sacred place within. When we merge with the spirit, the body becomes healthy, the mind is joyful and serenity rules our world. Kundalini Yoga reinforces the personal path to fulfillment. Where you are right now is a great place to start from. It gives you the ability to manifest YOUR dreams. Find us at our website EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


May 2017


Trippin’ the USA By Rail:

Top: Stunning views from the California Zephyr in Colorado. Right: Waiting for the train in Fraser (Winter Park).



ometimes the mountains call to you. When they do, one scenery changes again to mountain views and peach way to experience their vineyards. The train ride is a glorious part of the adventure, but there’s plenty to do and see in each city, majesty is a train ride from so plan to stay a couple days in each. Denver to Grand Junction, stopping in Winter Park and Glenwood WINTER PARK Springs on the way. Departing Denver on Amtrak’s California Zephyr, you’ll slowly climb the Rocky Mountains to Winter Park. Then, from Winter Park to Glenwood Springs, the train passes through canyons only accessible by rail. For four stunning hours, you’ll follow the Colorado River, see wildlife, pass through a multitude of tunnels, and experience a winding tour through the Rocky Mountains. And finally, on to Grand Junction where the

You’ll notice the change in altitude immediately after detraining in Fraser, Co., for a short bus ride to Winter Park. The Lift bus service runs on a regular schedule throughout the area, so you won’t need a rental car to get around. They even have a downloadable APP to track where the bus is at any time. Winter Park offers adventurous fun, fine dining, and a quaint, walkable town.



May 2017

Dining:  Mountain Grind is an award-winning café that serves up local and organic goodness. (  Try Volario’s for Italian fine dining. (  Hernando’s Pizza Pub carries on a Winter Park tradition since 1967. ( Lodging:  Stay Winter Park for a home away from home, in a condo nestled at the base of the mountains. ( Activities:  Winter: Skiing, Snow Cat Tour, Snowmobiling (


Winter Park

Glenwood Springs

Grand Junction

Amtrak  

Summer: Hiking, Biking, Boating, Art, Fishing Shopping in the heart of Winter Park at Cooper Creek Square

Spa & Wellness:  Indulge in a massage at Blue Sky Massage. (  Schedule a spa day at Devil’s Thumb Ranch (

GLENWOOD SPRINGS After one of the most visually stunning train rides in the United States, from Winter Park to Glenwood Springs, you’ll detrain in Glenwood Springs in a mountain hamlet. This breathtaking valley is surrounded by mountains and has the Colorado River running through it.

Passengers gather in the observation car for the Colorado scenery.

Dining:  The Pullman. Try the Mac and Cheese and a Simple Greens Salad with apple, feta, and crazy-delish spiced pecans. (  Indulge in an enormous omelet with freshmade salsa at Daily Bread Restaurant. (Find Daily Bread on Facebook.) Lodging:  In a Victorian home set in downtown Glenwood Springs, you’ll sleep well at Best Kept Secret B&B. (  Or for an incredible view in a luxury suite, stay at the Courtyard by Marriott. (

The Colorado River passes through Glenwood Springs.

Outdoor Activities:  Take a tram up the mountain and ride thrilling rides like the Alpine Coaster at Glenwood Caverns and Adventure Park. (  Or try fishing, kayaking, hiking, and aerial sports. Spa & Wellness:  Soak in the healing goodness at Iron Mountain Hot Springs. (  Soothe yourself at the only known natural vapor caves in the U.S. at Yampah Spa and Vapor Caves. (

A creek found on a hike exploring Winter Park.

GRAND JUNCTION Grand Junction is known in part for its wineries and produce. If you visit in the summer, be sure and try their local pride: tomatoes and peaches. Dining:  Step back in time at the Main Street Diner. Leave room for a root beer float. You’ll be glad you did. (  You’ll find locally-sourced, organic ingredients at Café Sol. The Asparagus Bisque with a small Cobb Salad is divine. ( Lodging:  The Grand Vista Hotel offers clean comfort, great food, karaoke most nights, plus all the amenities at an affordable rate. (

The view of Red Mountain from above Glenwood Springs.

Evolving Magazine publisher and travel writer, Jill Dutton, Activities: caught the train travel bug at an  Stroll the downtown area and view the early age when she spent three artwork. months exploring Europe by  Check out Two Rivers Winery. train. Now, she travels—and ( writes about—the United States  Make the short drive to the Colorado National and Canada by rail. Follow Jill’s Monument for fantastic views. ( travels at colm) Join Jill on a guided trip to Santa  Find out about the real Wild West at Museum Fe, NM, July 2-8, 2017. See the ad on page 8 of this issue for more of the West. ( details.



May 2017


Passivity vs. Active Receptivity in Manifesting


ction is a masculine principle, and it is the driver of our modern world. Man or woman, it has been bred into us that this is the way we must approach life if we want to be successful, prosperous, and happy. If you can't measure it, accumulate it, prove it, conquer it, or demonstrate it, then it has no value. In this paradigm, force is the currency. Think about how many times have you’ve heard someone say, “Make it happen.” “You aren't trying hard enough.” “You can rest when you die.” “You don't want it badly enough.” In a world dominated by the masculine principle, the feminine qualities of intuition, receiving, allowing, and nurturing are devalued—judged as weak or unnecessary. Why "wait" in a space of allowing when you can just "make" it happen? Why honor the innate rhythms and cycles of your body and of the natural world when you can just apply yourself with more voracity and force the outcome? Being passive never accomplished anything. Except, there is a great difference between passivity and active receptivity. I realize there is massive implication in this statement and way beyond the scope of this article. So, let me focus on one aspect in particular—manifesting.

Preparing to receive Being passive in this context means not using your consciousness in any particular way, not being present, having no specific intention, and not being deliberate in how you are focusing your energy. This is how the uneducated masculine interprets the feminine. Masculine energy is outward-facing, preferring to operate in the world of the known and literal, so from the outside, it looks like nothing is happening. What exactly is the feminine doing if she is just "sitting there?" Being actively receptive, however, is the feminine form of doing. It means consciously setting your intention and organizing your energetic field to be a receiver. It means dropping into your center and becoming very present with yourself. Active receptivity is about preparing the space. Anything we want to draw to us, create, or manifest does not begin with doing. It begins with being.


Doingness, action, and masculine principles have their place, but they come afterwards, not before. Picture a satellite dish. When we are in a state of active receiving, we are tuning our receiver dish to the channel (frequency) of abundance that is in alignment with our intention and state of being. To attain what you desire, you must first prepare yourself to receive it— in your energy field and in your consciousness. This includes visualizing it as if it were happening and feeling it in your body. This is active receptivity. Think of how difficult it is for someone to hand you something when your fist is closed. You physically cannot take what they are offering you. Similarly, you cannot plant a seed in hard soil without first preparing the ground through tilling, removing rocks, and leveling the surface.

Manifesting with active receptivity Forcing is not an energy of alignment with soul. In our satellite dish metaphor, you are transmitting the sponsoring frequency that is underneath the forcing, which is fear. We are magnetic beings, so whatever frequency we transmit is what the Universe will reflect back to us. We all have experiences where we've made a rash decision, forced something, or acted prematurely. Where did it get us? Almost certainly we either had to start over, make embarrassing apologies, ask for a second chance, come up with plan B, or endure unwanted consequences. Active receptivity aligns you with gratitude, abundance, limitlessness, and trust. The configuration of your energy field is very different when you are in a state of receiving/being versus a state of action/doing. The ancient symbols for male and female—the blade and chalice— demonstrate these differences perfectly. In a state of receptivity, your energy is soft, centered, present, open, and receptive. Ready to be filled up, like the chalice. Action energy is more direct, intense, and concentrated. It is like "hard" eyes, where you are intently focused on one thing to the exclusion of everything around it. Action energy is penetrating, like a blade, and contains an outward-moving energy similar to positive air pressure.

“Being actively

receptive, however, is the feminine form of doing.”

Image licensed by Ingram Images

Imagine you are writing a book and you just sit down and start typing. You might experience difficulty getting started and the process is strained. You might feel like it's awkward and taking huge effort. Words and ideas are not flowing. But you just keep writing, knowing your work is uninspired and lacking. But if you first sit in a space of active receptivity, removing the need to produce, and instead focus on becoming a vessel of receiving, inspiration will come. Sit still, close your eyes, and take a couple deep breaths. Intend for the right and perfect words to come to you and envision yourself writing with clarity, ease, and insight. Opening these channels signals to the Universe you are willing and ready to receive. Forcing writing—while carrying outward-focused blade energy—means you are rejecting inspiration because it literally cannot penetrate the field you create in gotta-get-it-done mode.

Listening to love From personal experience, I can tell you that my old tapes still go crazy when I drop into active receptivity. They scream that I'm being irresponsible, foolish, and lazy. They insist that I just need to make it happen. For as many years as I have worked with and practiced these concepts, let me give you the spoiler alert...the voices don't go away. But here's the good news. When you begin to practice active receptivity, remember that Voice has one purpose and one purpose alone—to keep you safe. It will say whatever it must in order to keep



May 2017

you from doing something "stupid" that would put acceptance and love in jeopardy. The Voice has myopic vision and doesn't care about any other point of view. It will continue to repeat its messages until the day you die. It loves you that much. Once you understand the motivation and viewpoint of the Voice, then you recognize that the real power lies in choice. As soon as you hear the Voice, acknowledge it. "I hear you. Thank you for caring about me so much. I acknowledge that you want to keep me safe." Then you simply remind it that you are the CEO and you make the final choice about what voice to listen to and what opinions to act on as you express your Creative Self in the world.

Stephanie Red Feather is a shamanic spiritual healer, teacher and life coach who has been serving the Kansas City metro for over 10 years. She offers private sessions as well as multiple workshops, trainings and products to support deep transformation and spiritual growth. Her specialties include shamanism, divine feminine mysteries, thriving as an empath and embodiment. Visit her website: or call her at 913-515-3271.

Spiritual Horoscope

May 2017 Happy birthday Taurus! You have an extremely strong intuition, but you might see it as common sense. Give yourself more credit! Mercury turns direct near super-creative Uranus, helping you gain amazing solutions to longtime problems and allows you to move out of emotional or financial ruts! When you get “out of the blue” ideas, please act on them without too much self-doubt or procrastination. Be open to new relationships or old ones that re-appear in a new way. Don’t be afraid to take chances! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Connect with friends you’ve been too busy for lately. You’ll get re-connected to your goals and passions. (Saturn opposing you can make you overwork or believe your negative self-talk!) Maybe start back on a daily meditation or yoga practice. You need to give your mind time to rest so you can continue to be brilliant, Gemini! It’s also important to practice forgiveness to unburden your head and heart. You’ll feel excited about life again and have abundant energy.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Job problems clear out as Mercury moves direct. Let go of irritations and misunderstandings from both work and home to gain emotional equilibrium again! Remember the saying, “Would you rather be happy or right?” Show appreciation and bite your tongue when tempted to criticize. Meditation gives you cool ideas about work issues and can even lead to a promotion! Also read about spirituality and money to help release any shame that comes up when you begin to prosper.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Spirituality doesn’t have to be boring! Search out news ways to meditate, try obscure yoga poses, or begin a qigong practice. Chanting in another language can relax your mind and give interesting breakthrough ideas. When you feel excited and inspired, stay on that new path. Pay attention to “coincidences” that lead to new situations. You might want to plan a trip to a place you’ve never been, even a daytrip, to stimulate your brain and senses.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Use your meditation time to reflect on issues of trust. It’s vital right now to forgive past betrayals . . . not to allow yourself to be walked on but to release the identity of victimization or low selfesteem. Forgiving means moving old thought patterns out of your mind to make room for a new life filled with love, security, and prosperity. When icky thoughts pop back up, say “Change!” strongly to yourself. Immediately see the new reality you’re striving for. Regular meditation or journal writing reinforces the positive direction you’re headed toward. And dream big, ok?!

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) If single, get ready for a fabulous relationship! If partnered, let go of old ways of seeing yourself and your spouse so radical healing can happen. We think of Libra being about harmony, but you can thrive on relationship tension. Maybe it gives you something to correct and balance? Practice living from emotional stability rather than wishing for it. Also be aware of how you can create financial success by planning well. Confront your addiction to worry and allow happiness to flow in!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) You’re strong emotionally and physically. But why endure what’s unnecessary? As Mercury turns direct, meditate on how you create stress. (Poor food choices; lack of sleep; stewing angrily instead of directly talking with others; lack of financial planning; etc) Ponder how you can be loving to yourself. It is brave to practice


unconditional kindness to all beings, including yourself. You’ll have effortless work success and relationships will flourish too!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

your heart. Life will change in a big way! Also, accept compliments from others and absorb on how loved you are.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Resurrect an old hobby or talent. Maybe you can play a sport again? Or continue dance or art lessons? Pick up that musical instrument in the back of the closet? Your awakened creativity is contagious, and connections with partners, friends, and children will all spark to life. When you’re playful, work and health are effortless. Your spirituality and intuition will grow, too. Also, if you’ve been contemplating getting a pet, this is great time!

This is an amazing prosperity month! As Mercury moves direct, meditate on abundance and ask for insights about finances. You can have a sudden windfall. You might have a creative idea come up about work. Maybe your tax return will be larger than expected! Check out books that combine spirituality and money to keep the flow going. Also, stop putting yourself down, even in jokes, so your self-worth grows. In that way, better circumstances flow into your life!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

As Mercury turns direct, open your heart by forgiving parents and other childhood experiences (again!) You’ll have an amazing shift with work, even bringing in significantly more prosperity. Also, you can begin a new, very emotionally healthy relationship. If already in one, you’ll see positive changes. You’ll feel relaxed and joyous. You’ll also feel more appreciated and loved. Women can heal hormone issues. And regardless of gender, you’ll be able to look at your eating and make decisive, loving, and livable changes!

Venus is in your sign, bringing you love and abundance! If single, you can start a romance, and if partnered, you can fall in love all over again. You have a sense of joy emanating from you that’s contagious, so you can make friends or start fun projects and everything just goes well! Meditate on positive body image and thank your body for all his/ her strengths and beauty. Aries can look at the future goal and forget to bless the awesomeness of the present! It’s not a time to push and strive but to enjoy the hard work you’ve done.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Last month’s Mercury retrograde gave you insights in how you fail to walk your talk. You have breakthrough ideas and probably read a lot of books but have a hard time living those beliefs. Meditate on how you can be kinder toward yourself about this gap. Even merely pondering compassion can make it easier to live your dreams. Just for this month, stop gathering information. Instead, gently encourage yourself to embody the concepts that are closest to


May 2017

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit


AT THE HEALING PLACE Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Shamanic Healing, Intuitive Readings 816-415-2607 REGINA COMPERNOLLE Home Herbalist Courses, Apprenticeships, Women’s Sacred Studies, Astrology, Tarot, Consults, Women Drumming 816-547-0266;

INTUITIVE ENERGY COACHING Intuitive Life Sessions & Wellness Retreats with Master Practitioner Cathleen Miller. Limited Time New Clients Book 30 Get 30 FREE @ KIRSTEN HARWICK MILLS, CHt, CAT Akashic Readings, Certified Hypnotherapist, Advanced Akashic Teacher, and Past Life Regression. In office or remote., 913-370-7007

KAREN ELISE - PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER & COACH Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations. 913-636-9502

CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING SCHOOL Classes and individual sessions in energy healing and meditation. NCBTMB approved courses.

TASTE before you buy over 65 olive oils & balsamic vinegars. NEW: Dk Chocolate bars from HU, Bitters, Wind&Willow dips and cheeseball mixes! 7945 Santa Fe Dr., OPKS.

SPIRITUAL GROWTH STEPHANIE FORCIER, CT/CAP, Workshops, Events, Personalized Infinity & Akashic Record Sessions: connect with your infinite nature, 816-260-2438

NEW DAY HYPNOTHERAPY, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. 913-908-6907

REV. STEPHANIE RED FEATHER, MS SHAMANIC INTUITIVE HEALER, COACH & FACILITATOR Feminine mysteries, energy therapies, Priestess Process, initiations, shadow work, speaking 913515-3271,

NUTRITION & WELLNESS NUTRITION CONSULTANT JACKIE CALDWELL HHC, BS Jackie works with you to restore digestive health by eating a grain free diet. Contact Jackie at 913-980-5605 LORI BLANKINSHIP, ND Naturopathic Family Practice. Your Source For Natural Health & Wellness. Shawnee, KS 913-602-3538

PETS N2PAWS OFFERING DOGA (DOGGIE YOGA) An integrated approach to balance & relaxation for you and your canine companion! 816-522-7005

CYNTHIA LITWER, ASTROLOGER Member AOA; NCGR Astrological consult., writer, Instructor at JCCC, BS in Psych. Facebook: “Cynthia Litwer, Astrologer” 913-385- 7031

WELLNESS RIORDAN CLINIC The Riordan Clinic has over 40 years of experience integrating lifestyle and nutrition to help you find the underlying causes of your illness. 21620 Midland Drive Suite B Shawnee, KS 913.745.4757 YOUNG LIVING INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS: Jeanne Clark, MA, HTSM CP/1

DOG’S WORLD OF FUN Boarding/Grooming/ Daycare. 1220 W. 31st KCMO 816-931-5822 Find us on Facebook BROOKSIDE BARKERY & BATH Providing pets with better health w/the largest all-natural, organic pet food selection in KC – full and self-service bathing/grooming facilities Brookside and Lee’s Summit. 816.333.2275


COACHING Helping people going through health, career, & relationship transitions gain clarity & move forward in your unique Soul Purpose. Complimentary Soul Abundance Breakthrough session. 913549-0280

GIFTS & DECOR SWORDS & MORE A great shop for meaningful gifts like Candles, Fairies, Swords, Crystals, and more to meet your Holistic & Metaphysical needs. 123 S Mur-Len Olathe, KS 66062 913-782-4244


PSYCHIC PROTECTION SANCTUARY Psychic protection & energy healing education to help you live an empowered, balanced, healthy life. Facilitator Maya Zahira HOLOS UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SEMINARY Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, self-development & Research:

SPECTRUM-A NEW AGE SHOP 7827 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City Missouri 64118; 816-321-2658’


REPATTERNING Shirley Collins, LSCSW. Change your thinking, change your life. An energy based system working with the brain for life change. $125 for 60 min session. 913-608-3424.





GODDESS PILGRIMAGE TO CRETE WITH CAROL CHRIST, a life-transforming sacred sites journey for women, spring and fall.



May 2017

Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE

YOGA THE YOGA SCHOOL OF THERAPEUTICS Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594; YOGA PATCH 19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore.; 816-268-4660

MAY 3–24 THE POWER OF LOVE Wednesdays with Cat RunningElk 6:30 – 8 p.m. Unity Temple on the Plaza $15 ea/$55 series

MAY 19 3RD FRIDAY NITE LOCAL LIFE in downtown OP! Food & drink samples at the store from 6 - 8:30. Over 65 oils & vinegars. 7945 Santa Fe Dr.

JUNE 3 CENTERED SPIRIT - OPEN HOUSE AND RIBBON CUTTING IN WALDO We are excited to debut KC’s newest Cultural and Holistic Center. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come by for free samples of French Teas and a chance to win free infrared sauna sessions. Meet the different practitioners specialized in Traditional Maya Medicine, Chinese Medicine and other holistic approaches. Visit Centered Spirit at 8131 Wornall Rd, Kansas City MO 64114. Or call 816-225-9393 and follow us on

and time to sit. Unity Temple on the Plaza-707 W 47th Street, KC, MO 64112. SPIRITUAL FREEDOM IN THIS LIFETIME! Learn how, 2nd and 4th Sundays, 11:30 -12:30. Roeland Park Community Center, Room 6, free Eckankar books available. Questions? Call 913909-3731.

REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park –10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd JUNE 8-9 –USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love MAY 9 I & II offering. All welcome. Receive CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING Learn energy healing skills for yourself a Reiki treatment. For flier CLINIC MAY 20 and others. Intro to essential oils email Experience the benefits of energy healing. DOG ADOPTIONS AT included. 9am – 6:30pm, $380 with early 816-523-4440 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. BROOKSIDE BARKERY – deposit. CEs for nurses, massage Reservations 913-831-4422 7:15 p.m. ANIMALS BEST FRIENDS therapists, marriage and family therapists, ENERGY HEALING $20. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Volunteers with Animals social workers. Karen Harrison, ICRT SESSIONS FOR CANCER Best Friends will be at Brookside Barkery Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, PATIENTS AND MAY 11-14 with adoptable dogs, waiting to meet KS. VETERANS EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE their match! 118 W 63rd St. Kansas City, 816-523-4440 By Appointment. The Kansas FOUNDATIONS CLASS 1 OF 4 MO 64113. City Healing Project provides WITH CHRISTINE ROLLERT, JUNE 23-25 energy healing sessions for EEM-AP MAY 21 DIVINE FEMININE - SACRED cancer patients and veterans. Study the fundamentals of EEM in the POOCHES IN THE PARK MASCULINE SOLSTICE RETREAT Our clients have been peaceful tranquility of nature! Learn 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Fundraiser for the Blue with Cat RunningElk at The Light Center, experiencing a reduction of about the Nine Energy Systems of the Springs Dog Park, this free Dog Fair will Baldwin City, KS $275 their stress, anxiety and pain body; a complete self-care system, and have tons of rescues, vendors, dog walk, levels. These sessions are gain sufficient experience to confidently and demos! at Rotary Park: 6 NW provided at NO COST to the help your friends and family. Vesper St. Blue Springs, MO 64014. JUNE 24 client. Contact John Hoefer at SHAMANIC BREATHWORK FOR 816-718-6358 for details. SOUL GROWTH AND HEALING MAY 12 MAY 23 Using the power of breath and attuned SOUND HEALING CONCERT CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING music, breathwork can deliver insights, U-NITE INTERSPIRITUAL Janalea Hoffman will present “A Healing CLINIC blessed relief and inner peace. Led by SERVICE Experience Through Music” at Unity Experience the benefits of energy healing. Shawn Wegner at Core Star Energy Join us at Unity Temple on the Church of Overland Park, 103rd & 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. Healing, 6045 Martway, Mission, KS 10:00 Plaza for our weekly Antioch, OP. 7 p.m. $15. 913-649-1750 Reservations 913-831-4422 7:15 p.m. am – 3:00 p.m. $100 'interspiritual' service $20. SUNDAYS 4:30-5:30PM MAY 13 (YOUTH PROGRAM available ALLEVIATING TRAUMA MAY 31-JUNE 21 ONGOING for ages 5+). www.uthrive-inTHROUGH KUNDALINI YOGA PROSPERITY HEALING WITH WORKSHOP FOR TEACHERS THE MEDICINE WHEEL COME TRY SALT YOGA!!! AND STUDENTS And Cat RunningElk Wednesdays 6:30 – Tuesdays - 5:30, Saturdays - 12 p.m. and FRIENDS OF IANDS KC 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 8 CEUs for IKYTA and 7:45 p.m. 1 p.m. at True Balance Wellness, call to Every 3rd Saturday of the YA . $85 registration before 5/10. $108 Central Resource Library (Pickard Room) reserve your spot (816) 326-8303. month 1-3pm Host Annamarie on or after 5/10. Contact Sat Inder at 816 9875 W 87th St, Overland Park $15 ea/ McBride International Studies -561-5337 or $55 series for Near Death Experiences. SERENITY PAUSE™ Gifts & Decor Swords & More MEDITATION 123 S Mur-Len Olathe, KS 7 DAYS A WEEK - 365 DAYS A YEAR, (913) 782-4244 12:10 p.m. to 12:40 p.m. and 5:30pm to 6 p.m. Both chairs and mat/cushions are provided.. Includes mediation instruction



May 2017


MAY 6 INTRODUCTION TO HEALING This is an informational and experiential workshop for people to expand their knowledge and practical capabilities for working healing energy. Cost $125 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 6045 Martway #104, Mission, KS 66202

MAY 13 DOG ADOPTIONS AT BROOKSIDE BARKERY – CHAIN OF HOPE 11 a.m -3 p.m. Dedicated volunteers with Chain of Hope are bringing onceforgotten, adoptable furry friends to Brookside Barkery & Bath. Stop by and find your perfect match! 118 W. 63 rd St. Kansas City, MO 64113.



May 2017

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