May 2018 Evolving Magazine

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E volving

May 2018 ~ Vol. X, Issue 3

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living

met·a·phys·ics Are You Guilty of “Spiritual Speak”?

Love Can Change Everything Holistic Approaches to Mental Health



May 2018

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May 2018

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

I practice practical spirituality. Gardening, cooking (dare I even say, sex) are my modes of meditation. Nature is my connection to Source. Journaling is my inner exploration and I live not in the mode of powerlessness—I create my reality (or at least my perception and experience of it). And I believe our written and spoken words (including prayers) contain unmatched power. I'm skeptical of how things work and want proof. For years, I've experienced this "proof" of the written word. Each year I create a vision wall filled with mind maps of my dreams for the year. These are not small goals. I go all out and include public speaking, my coaching business, the Conscious Living Festival, a book deal, branching the magazine into new markets, train travel, nature and kayaking, and, of course, plans with my family and friends. Whew.



What always amazes me, though, is how these dreams come into fruition (or those not meant to be morph into different form). The people, circumstances, and opportunities all appear. All it takes is envisioning what I want and putting it into writing—with a dash of passion, intention, and of course, action, thrown in. But what does a vision wall have to do with Metaphysics and Thought Repatterning, the theme this month? It shows that the way we practice spirituality is different for each of us. These are the ways that work for me. We’re all works in progress, searching for opportunities to delve deeper into our true essence—and in the process—find ways to bring forth that essence.

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: *Like us on Facebook: *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Are You Guilty of “Spiritual Speak”?


Holistic Approaches to Mental Health 12

Stop and Listen: How Your Ears Can Change the World 8 Departments

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Polly Swafford Web Layout/Design Christine Lamb

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton Monthly Columnists Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Angela Watson Robertson, Suzette Scholtes

News Journey to Wholeness Wisdom Within Holistic Health Revelations Horoscope Events

ON THE COVER Ocean Guardian: Seahorse by Susan Walter Susan's art is her spiritual practice creating art that creates a healing, energetic and uplifting environment in whatever space it graces. Her creative studio space is at InterUrban ArtHouse in Downtown Overland Park. For more information about Susan's art and Crystal Singing Bowl Meditations, visit

EVOLVING© 2018 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


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May 2018


Positive Psychology for Overcoming Depression

Mind Map Mastery

Self-help Strategies to Build Strength, Resilience and Sustainable Happiness By Miriam Akhtar

Learn and Use the Most Powerful Thinking Tool in the Universe! By Tony Buzan

An updated version of the groundbreaking 2012 book that was the first of its kind to explain how using the evidence-based practices of Positive Psychology – the "science of happiness" – can help people beat the blues and live a happier, more fulfilled life. Miriam begins by explaining the core principles of Positive Psychology – what it takes to feel good, function well and flourish. She then goes on to focus on how the scientifically-grounded techniques of Positive Psychology, such as learning to savour positive events, growing your resilience, practising gratitude, playing to your strengths and learning optimism, can help to prevent visits from the dreaded 'black dog' and, ultimately, allow the sun to shine on your life once more. The practices suggested throughout the book are based on scientific research and are evidence based; a recent bibliotherapy study has confirmed that the techniques really do work. The chapters cover a variety of approaches in recognition of the fact that depression is unique to each sufferer: different techniques work for different people. The text is written in a highly approachable style as Miriam has lived experience and knows from personal experience that, when you're feeling low you need something that's easily accessible. According to the World Health Organization, 350 million people worldwide currently suffer from depression. This book is aimed at anyone suffering mild to moderate episodes who would like to help themselves get better using natural anti-depressants. The text explains key strategies to help you not only overcome depression but also reduce the chances of it occurring or recurring. As such, it acts as both prevention and cure. As you practise the simple yet highly effective exercises, you will find your mood lifting, your confidence, resilience, positivity and strength growing, and your outlook becoming more optimistic. These strategies from a combination of Image licensed bycome Ingram Images

The Mind Map is a revolutionary thinking tool which, when mastered, will transform your life. If you are looking to improve your memory, boost wellbeing, plan your business strategy, become more organized, resolve conflict, study for an exam or plan out your future, this is the book for you. For the past five decades, Tony Buzan has been at the leading edge of learning and educational research with his revolutionary Mind Map technique. With Mind Map Mastery, he has distilled these years of global research into the clearest most powerful instructional work available on the Mind Map technique. Mind Mapping is an intricate diagram that mirrors the structure of a brain cell with branches reaching out from its centre, evolving through patterns of association. However, since its inception by Tony in the mid-1960s, the Mind Map has proved to be much more than an excellent means of note-taking: it is an efficient and profoundly inspiring way to feed our starving minds, intellects and spirits. Developed both for those new to the Mind Map concept as well as more experienced users who would like to revise and expand their expertise, Mind Map Mastery is the one Mind Mapping book needed on the shelf of every student and business person across the world. With exceptional clarity and depth, Mind Map Mastery includes the history of the development of the Mind Map, an explanation of what makes a Mind Map, why it's such a powerful tool, illustrated step-by-step techniques for Mind Map development – from simple to complex applications.

the author's professional knowledge and practice, and her background as someone who has suffered from depression herself. Miriam Akhtar was one of the first practitioners to graduate from the MSc in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP), a course set up by Prof. Martin Seligman, co-founder of positive psychology. She is now an expert in the science of happiness and was one of 100 global experts invited to contribute to the World Book of Happiness and the World Book of Hope. Miriam works as a trainer, coach and consultant through Positive Psychology Training. She is a visiting lecturer and serves on the faculty of the Executive MAPP (MSc in Applied Positive Psychology) at the University of Lisbon. She is also an inspirational speaker and presents keynotes at events throughout Europe. With a background as an award-winning journalist, Miriam is now the author of five books, including her most recent Watkins title What is Post-Traumatic Growth?


planning your week, to changing your career path, and to improving a difficult relationship. Why Mind Map Mastery is the definitive Mind Map Guide – Tony gets beginners to advanced Mind Mappers, and takes the advanced Mind Mappers to new levels. Conventional Note-Taking versus Mind Mapping – notetaking is linear, restrictive and sequential, whilst Mind Mapping is multidimensional, multi-faceted, and imaginative. What is Not a Mind Map – Tony clears up common misconceptions about what a Mind Map is and what it isn’t.

Tony Buzan is the world-renowned inventor of Mind Maps and the author of the multi-million-copy bestselling books: The Mind Map Book and Mind The Full Power of the Mind Map Maps for Kids series. His work has been – how Mind Mapping vastly published in over 150 countries and 40 improves Memory, Creativity and languages. He appears regularly on Brain Power. television, radio and in print, and lectures The History of the Mind Map – all over the world. He advises from Aristotle, Albert Einstein to international businesses, governments, Tony Buzan and the History of the educational authorities and Olympic Thinking behind Mind Maps. athletes. Using Mind Mapping for every conceivable situation – from


May 2018

Journey to Wholeness

Love Can Change Everything BY JUDE LACLAIRE, PH.D.


am watching the tender spring flowers growing into lush summer greenery. The beautiful blooms fade, giving way to sturdy green plants. Watching this process, I am reminded of the journey of our relationships. What starts with great beauty and promise, giving way to strength, sometimes begins to wither. Young relationships begin this way but as time goes by and life happens, this love is tested and often falters under the strain. It seems that love demands something after the honeymoon. Now the love relationship requests that we develop further as people. The effect of childhood wounds shows up as our partner’s behavior may trigger anger, fear, sadness or resentment. Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., in Getting the Love You Want suggests that part of the attraction to a person is that we unconsciously believe this person will fill our unmet needs and desires. We may, on some level, have similar wounds. One of the themes of the Imago theory of relationships that he and his wife and colleague, Helen LaKelley Hunt, Ph.D, developed is that the purpose of our relationship is to assist each other in the healing of emotional wounds. To change the often negative conversation from the four destructive forms of communication; criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling (J.Gottman) we need a different approach. Offering sentence stems that help the couple acknowledge the problem, the feelings it evokes and the possible source is a powerful reframe. This is how the couple is asked to voice the concern: “When you…(e.g.,) ignore me when I come into the house” “I feel…hurt and invisible and “It reminds me of…my dad never acknowledging my presence or ideas.” “What scares me about that is….I will never be recognized or important to you or anyone.” This exercise helps us to dig into the unconscious roots of our reactivity. Earlier psychoanalytic theories and newer neurobiological information concur that our experiences from conception to about seven years old are the unconscious container for our physical and emotional experiences and memories. About ninety percent of the time we are drawing from this personal unconscious as we react in the present moment.

Here is the reason for that. The limbic, or mammalian brain, along with the reptilian brain (survival brain) are our operating tools until about age seven. At this time our frontal cortex begins to develop. This process continues until we are about twenty-five. So, though we think we are in the present, our brain is retrieving information from earlier limbic brain experiences. As the couple practices the dialogue for understanding this, both begin to become aware of their own needs and desires and that of their partners. Each begins to ask the other for a change of behavior which will help and nurture them. As awareness and empathy grows, the healing process is happening. Watching couples become more aware of the ‘self’ and the ‘other’, I see a softening, opening, changing, and deeper connection. The process of healing one’s own wounds and the wounds of our partners becomes a great dance of understanding and empathy. Another tool that enhances a couple’s communication is the skill of mirroring. A beginning exercise is for each person to think of an appreciation. As one person expresses the appreciation, the other then mirrors or reflects back what he or she heard. This is difficult to do as we usually want to defend, change the subject, or quickly shrug it off. This process helps us to really hear the other person and acknowledge him/her. Try this out. Anytime you are having any conversation, especially a difficult one, mirror the other person’s words. This keeps us from jumping into the four destructive forms of communication (Gottman) we often use. The repetitive, go nowhere argument, is interrupted and understanding often begins to occur. I hope, as you use these tools and others you may have, your important relationships can continue to grow in all seasons, producing beautiful blossoms and deep roots.

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, training, supervision, speaking engagements or information on Life Weaving Education: A Holistic Problem-Solving Curriculum, Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-322-5622.



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May 2018

Wisdom Within

How to Become More Happy BY SUZETTE SCHOLTES

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hat do happy people do? What helps them to remain happy and become happier? Many reasons but the key one according to Psychology Today: They are givers, not takers. They tend to rely upon a strong social network. They live in the moment. Author Katherine Center wrote a book, Happiness for Beginners, where she speaks a lot about the new psychology of no longer fixing problems but practicing the beauty of becoming happier. The other day I felt so happy and alive I began dancing in the bedroom. ‘What is all that racket?!” my partner yells at me. I felt happy. One key of the practice, according to Center, is to look daily for things you remember that are “good.” Say for example we live a day where half of our day went well and half the day was negative. Those unhappy ones tend to dwell on the negative. It will take practice to focus upon the positive. One of my friends last summer heard something fall in the night and her huge oak tree was on its side, the roots exposed as big as a barn. She starts her day over morning coffee feeling gratitude for three things from the day before. She shared she sat and sat after the fall of this tree ruined most of their back yard. Finally, she found it: It did not fall on the house! And for that she was grateful. Its follows the laws of attraction which this magazine has written much about: The more we focus upon the good the more the good will come. Yesterday I practiced focusing on the good. It was small stuff such as the gorgeous sunrise, the birds chirping, and the delicious warm coffee in a mug as I cupped it. Many people think they will be happy when they get what they want. But there is always something we want whether more money, more health, more success, more friends. The other key to happiness is to appreciate everything! So the three keys: 1. Look for the positive each day 2. Feel gratitude or even keep a journal, and 3. Appreciate the good things of your day. I find for me when I feel overwhelmed with too many deadlines, they may leak

my happiness. The anecdote for this I find is to make a schedule and stay organized. I also love to use the affirmation: I am happy now. Perhaps not as happy as I hope yet to be but happy enough. But it literally goes deeper than this. Our pleasure system is modulated by neurotransmitters called opioids. They help us focus on the good things in life and tune out discomforts. Being upbeat creates more dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Being happy literally re-shapes our brains helping us use the full spectrum of both left and right sides! I had a friend who became so negative that the best and most healthy choice for me was to remove her from my life. She complained so much she became a weight upon my heart. Our pleasure system is modulated by neurotransmitters called opioids. They help us focus on the good things in our life and tune out discomfort. Being upbeat literally creates more dopamine and serotonin in the brain. So what do happy people do? They build a strong social network: They stay connected to families, neighbors and friends. This buffers depression. They engage in activities that fit their values and lifestyle. Most happy people tailor their fitness and emotional goals.



May 2018

They offer acts of kindness, express gratitude and live in the moment. Many of them volunteer their time. Being of service links us to health and longevity. It helps lift our esteem and self -worth. They focus on an optimistic thinking— and know that challenges will soon pass. They know material wealth is a small part of the equation. They understand material possessions will bring some comfort but does not always provide happiness. It was Abraham Lincoln who said, “Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” My mind is focusing on happiness. And you?

Suzette Scholtes’ nonfiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. 913-492-9594.

Holistic Health

Top 10 Strategies to Optimal Well Being BY NANCY RUSSELL, M.D.


appy Spring and a wish to bring strategies your way to optimal health; physically, emotional and spiritually. Spring brings to mind spring cleaning, new beginnings and being outside in nature. 1.




Spring cleaning of your closet, junk drawer or garage can be uplifting for your mind and soul. Donation of items you can live without is an advantage for another family. Clearing the space where you live can also bring clarity to your mind and spirit. Planting flowers or plants with loved ones can start a spring tradition of bringing bright colors and healthy herbs and vegetables to your table. Plant alone and be one with nature; or plant with friends or family members to make memories. Eat plenty of fresh, whole foods that are locally grown and/or organic. Green leafy vegetables bring you plenty of vitamins and other nutrients and organic keeps you free of pesticides, insecticides and other bad chemicals. Eating grass fed beef, organic poultry and wild caught fish reduces the intake of hormone, antibiotic and chemical residues found in regular meats and fish. Farm fresh, cage free chicken eggs also are healthier for you. Choose two colors of produce and a protein at each 5. meal. Then fill in with starch and healthy fat. Half your plate should be produce. Drink plenty of filtered or purified water and herbal teas and avoid sug-

“Get moving and enjoy the outdoors. Sunshine offers you vitamin D, and exercise helps with metabolism, better sleep and mood.” ary and diet drinks. Drinks with artificial sweeteners can increase your waist size and actually encourage weight gain. Alcohol can raise blood sugar, but red wine occasionally does have some health benefits. Get moving and enjoy the outdoors. Sunshine offers you vitamin D, and exercise helps with metabolism, better sleep and mood. Studies have 6. shown that walking 15 minutes twice a day gives the same health benefits

as 30 minutes once a day. Exercise also improves concentration, memory, boosts creativity, muscle building, joint flexibility, energy, heart health, lowers cholesterol, reduces body fat, increases life span, improves good gut flora and can even reverse hardening of the arteries. Challenge your mind by reading on a subject that interests you or take a class in dancing, yoga or pilates.

Lower your stress and get healthier! Are your health, day-to-day activities, career, or relationships causing you anxiety? Learn how to cope well with stress by attending one of Dr. Harrison’s workshops or scheduling a one-on-one coaching session today.



May 2018

Learn a foreign language and explore another culture. 7. Donate your time and talents to your favorite religious organization or charity. 8. Connect with God or higher power or the universe regularly. Have down time to relax and reflect on your day. Have still time to clear your mind and recharge your batteries. This can help with anxiety, motivation and sleep. 9. Have regular sleep habits. Have a good bedtime routine by getting away from electronics and turn the lights down an hour prior to sleep. A dark, quiet room can help you get into a deeper sleep without electronics close to you. Have a regular bedtime and wake up time within an hour each day. Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep to have optimal energy and mental clarity. 10. Enrich your personal and business relationships with honesty, integrity and humor. Take time to connect and talk and laugh with others.

Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.


Start with Listening: How Your Ears Can Change the World BY LAURA PACKER


e live in an increasingly loud world. Politicians and pundits scream for our attention. Advertisers raise the volume for our money. Even people we love are so desperate to be heard that all voices are lost in the noise. Recent neurological research demonstrates that when we listen deeply to another, our bodies respond by releasing hormones associated with empathy and relationship building. Our brains use listening to connect with others, whether we are the listener or the one being heard. This means that we have the relationship tools we need built right into our bodies, yet we are so hungry to be heard that we have forgotten how to use them; there are dangerous consequences for individuals and society when we stop listening. We are in a state of listening deficit, of disconnection, but there are concrete things you can do to fill the void.

bly also felt good. Remember that you can give that gift of attention to others at any time. Model good listening. Once you have the hang of good listening, try it with others in your life. They might notice how good it feels and decide to try it themselves. At a minimum, you are likely to learn things about them you never knew, because they know you will listen. Ask for what you need. If you find you need to be listened to, ask someone you trust to listen to you without interruption. This gives you a chance to listen to yourself, to think aloud with a witness, which can be a very powerful experience.

Ask gentle questions. It can be hard to listen to someone with whom you disagree. Next time, try listening then when they come to a “Recent neurological research demonstrates that when we listen pause ask a gentle question and see deeply to another, our bodies respond by releasing hormones how they answer. You are more likely Learn to listen without interrupting. to persuade someone to another point associated with empathy and relationship building.” This step is the hardest. Be mindful of view by listening and asking quesof interrupting others. Let them finish tions than you are by arguing with their thought before you comment. them. I have found gentle personal This is hard because we have been questions are the best, such as, “I hear taught interrupting indicates engage- you. Why do you think that policy will them because you heard their story. Laura Packer ment; but, when we interrupt we are help you or your family?” knows that the best They may be more interested in your subtly saying that our thoughts are story because they no longer feel such way to the truth is more important than those of the through a good story. urgency to be heard. Listen again. speaker. She has used the They learn to trust you and you feel Keep practicing. Work with your transformative power Practice! Have a listening buddy. empathy for each other. buddy. Ask others to listen to you. We of story to entertain, When we feel empathy for each It’s hard to learn how to be a better can all be better listeners. enlighten, coach, heal, and consult for 25 years. other it becomes harder to label some- She is the winner of multiple awards for her listener so find an ally. Ask someone one as “other” because we know their performance and service. Laura is also the sole you trust for help. Set up listening This is, of course, a simple introconcerns are much like our own. It sessions where you agree to listen to duction to a complex topic, but it’s a proprietor of thinkstory llc where she helps becomes harder to hurt one another each other without interrupting. Tell place to start. organizations identify, hone, capitalize upon them a story. Listen to theirs. How and celebrate their stories. For more As we become better listeners, lis- because we know their stories and those stories are much like ours. But it information visit, does it feel to listen without interrupt- tening spreads out like ripples in a all starts with listening. Every one of, and ing? If it’s hard at first, practice will pond. The people we listen to might make it easier. How did it feel to be become better listeners themselves. At us has the power to change the world. heard without interruption? It might a minimum they will feel heard; you have been uncomfortable but it proba- may build a deeper relationship with



May 2018


Are You Guilty of “Spiritual Speak”? BY DOROTHY TANNAHILL-MORAN


hen you’re meeting someone new do you find yourself listening for clues that this stranger might also be focused on spiritual matters like you? I know I do. I like to know other people who share my beliefs and probably place value on many of the same things. We all do. Every group or culture is defined by several things including what the group focuses on, icons of the culture such as symbols but most of all, how they communicate. A culture of people develops these various constructs to aid in understanding each other and to act as a “short hand” for communication. At a primitive level, these cultural elements easily help us identify one of our own. Knowing we are amongst our own is comfortable and safe. But, what if you are an outsider to a group? Being an outsider can be uncomfortable at best and at worst life altering. I’ve seen people who left jobs on their own or got fired because they never fully integrated or fit in. This condition exists in every setting we experience– including families. The importance of understanding your various cultural eco-systems is to have the sensitivity to operate with others in this world in an effective way. As a lightworker or a high vibration individual, your communication may negatively impact your ability to attract and help others. As a conscious community, we must be mindful of words that have meaning within our community oftentimes don’t have meaning to those outside of it. I call this “spiritual speak”. As we become more involved and more integrated into any group, we adapt the communication style so easily we can fail to notice. When I worked in high-tech, we spoke in acronyms and used high-tech terminology to describe human conditions such as: “Being out of bandwidth” (this describes an inability to absorb more information). Bringing an outsider such as my spouse to work parties turned out to be a form of culture shock. He couldn’t understand what we

“The importance of understanding your various cultural ecosystems is to have the sensitivity to operate with others in this world in an effective way.” were talking about and attending wasn’t fun. Before outlining constructive steps to improve, I want to make what I consider to be the biggest argument for spiritual emotional intelligence. Even if you are new to higher consciousness, you already know your mission is to help usher in higher vibration for the entire planet. You’re here to aid in the transformation and evolution of humanity–however you are choosing to do so. But, if you are confusing people with “spiritual speak” and causing them to not connect, you are failing your mission. You must communicate in a way so the unintegrated person can comprehend. How to become the bridge our planet needs:

Be mindful and conscious. The greatest gift we can give another person besides our time is our attention. Pay attention to both what


and how you and the other person are communicating. Mirror and adapt. One way to signal a sense of “belonging” is to mirror body language and word usage. This means you need to adapt to them, not the other way around. BTW, adapting to another person isn’t dishonest. We adapt to other people all the time. We just might not adapt as much as is needed. Think about how you interact with a child compared to your boss. You select an arsenal of words, tone, facial expressions and gestures in order to increase your effectiveness with both people. Mirroring and adaptation is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence. Get feedback. It’s very hard to be able to objectively view oneself. You may overuse familiar words that you don’t realize doing. It’s also hard to obtain honest, open feedback about any quirks in our communication, so


May 2018

you must be careful about from whom you get feedback. You don’t want someone to tell you things just to be nice or spare your feelings. If you’re serious about your spiritual mission, you need information to help you improve. Don’t judge. This one is easier said than done. When other people are different than we are, it can be all too easy to negatively judge the other person. Your behavior can reflect your thoughts as well as energy with another person. A great trick to drive away judgment is to be curious. Curiosity and judgment can’t coexist; so get curious, ask questions, and seek to understand the other person. Find alternatives for overused words. It doesn’t matter if it’s your resume, your Facebook page or speaking to a person, be aware of words that might be loaded with meaning to you but not others. A quick sweep through only two “spiritually oriented” websites gave me a list of 12 words, and that was before I got to more technical terms like Akashic, Reiki, and Shaman. Rethink words like clearing, inner being, manifest, and energies. I know I still struggle with the word “healing” because I don’t think I need to be healed. I’m gaining a better understanding of the scope of the word—but, it’s a bit offputting.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of speaking like one of your own no matter your age or group you most closely identify with. Be mindful (yes, that’s one of those words) that you want to be versatile and sensitive to those people who aren’t aligned with your spiritual persona. Dorothy TannahillMoran is an author, speaker, and leadership coach at


met·a·phys·ics BY ANETA BARANEK


ikipedia defines Metaphysics as: “the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.” The first mention of Metaphysics dates back to Ancient Greece. For me, Metaphysics is an in-depth study of the relationship between human consciousness and physical reality. It is an attempt to understand the dual nature of life—that which we “The biggest gift that I received from studying Metaphysics is the can interact within the physical plane gift of understanding my true identity—the identity of I AM.” and that which is beyond the material plane of life. the invisible Universal Laws that Based on my personal study and Metaphysics is based on. One such Some examples of living application of Metaphysics for the Law is the Law of Cause and Effect. metaphysically include: past decade, I have concluded that This Metaphysical Law states that  looking at our reality as more the main premise of Metaphysics is there is always a reason, a cause, for than just an unfoldment of that there is much more to our life each circumstance to take place. Each random events and than meets the proverbial eye. There cause has a corresponding effect. By circumstances, are invisible forces that we omit examining this relationship between considering when going through life.  seeking deeper meaning in life cause and effect, we can, if desired, In fact, “meta” means “beyond” and beyond that which is material, “physics” means the physical realm.  perceiving oneself as more than a arrive at conclusions and alter our The literal translation of the word physical body and exploring one’s attitudes in order to improve whatever situation we are facing. Metaphysics then states—“that which spiritual side, Everything that we experience is for is beyond the physical world.”  learning how to utilize our mind How can this be experienced to create the life we want to live. the evolution of our consciousness. The biggest gift that I received from firsthand? What does it mean to look studying Metaphysics is the gift of beyond, more in depth, into our life My personal “search for meaning” understanding my true identity—the circumstances? reveals that Metaphysics, as I identity of I AM. understand it, has far reaching The diagram on the next page presence. I have discovered that all depicts a two-dimensional the Physical Laws that we know of, representation of our essence from a and are subject to, are derived from



May 2018

Metaphysical perspective. I AM can be defined as an individualized spark of Light where Light is the awareness of consciousness of highest order some might refer to it as God, some as Higher Power and some as the Creator. Whatever the definition we might choose, Light points to the fact that within us lies the potential of highest order and that we all come from the same source, all equipped with that same potential. The diagram further depicts that we are so much more than our physical body. It shows three divisions of our Mind (see diagram). The brain is different from the Mind. Our brain can be compared to a piece of hardware, a computer that runs a set of software. The Mind can be compared to that software. A set of programs (attitudes and beliefs) that influence our day to day experiences. What has amazed me in recent years is how the branch of Physics called Quantum Physics has discovered proofs of how powerful the invisible forces of the Universe are—especially the Mind. Let us examine one such theory: “the observer effect”—which states that the observer, simply by observing a situation, influences it. That effect correlates to observer’s thoughts and perceptions. In my opinion most practical physical evidence of the “observer effect” theory, that is the influence that our thoughts have on the world



Superconscious – is the topmost division of the Mind. This division correlates to the highest consciousness, compared to that of the Buddha or the Christ.

I AM Superconscious Mind

Subconscious Mind surrounding us, is work of Dr. Emoto. Dr. Emoto after infusing water with certain thought patterns, as well as several types of music, would freeze the water and then take pictures of the frozen water crystals to depict the impact that thought patterns have on the world around us. Thoughts of love and appreciation would create beautiful and intricate water crystals. Thoughts of hate would be reflected in undefined and murky crystals. How can one have Metaphysical experiences herself? Some of the tools that have been incredibly helpful in deepening my understanding of the invisible are: concentration and meditation. In fact, meditation is a form of concentration. To build both skills takes time. It is a process that requires regular practice. Below is a simple set of instructions on how to concentrate and how to meditate.

Subconscious – this is the part of the Mind that we use to dream at night, this is where intuition resides. All our beliefs and attitudes are stored here as well. Conscious – we use this division of Mind during our waking life. This is where we utilize reasoning. This is the part of Mind directly connected to our brain.

Conscious Mind

degrees above level. Rest your hands life. I invite you to explore it and keep on your lap, right palm resting in the a journal of your experiences. Pick a point of focus. It can be a left one, with thumbs touching each spot on a wall or the second hand of a other. Take three deep breaths and clock. Focus your attention fully on concentrate your full attention on the that chosen point of focus for about point between your eyebrows. If at five minutes. Setting a timer is any point you feel distracted by your advised. As you focus your full thoughts, simply move your attention attention on your object of attention, back to the present moment, back to each time you have a thought that concentrating on the point between diverts your attention from that point your eyebrows. of focus, simply will your attention back to the object and resume your The ultimate goal of Metaphysics While pursuing her concentration practice. Repeat the is to experience the world and oneself Doctorate of Divinity degree exercise at least once a day. Journal as more than what we can perceive in through the School of about your experience. Metaphysics, Aneta our physical world using only our continues her research and physical senses. To venture beyond study of self-actualization and self-realization. To meditate: what we have been conditioned to She also holds Master’s Sit comfortably in a chair or on the believe or perceive. The world of Degree from DePaul University in Computer floor. Make sure you have necessary “meta,” the world beyond the Science. She has been serving as a spiritual teacher through the School of Metaphysics for support to keep your spine straight. physical, is rich with explanation, laden with guidance that is invaluable the past eight years. She currently resides in In meditation you are going to call Kansas City. You can reach Aneta at upon your concentration skill. Close in order to live your most fulfilling or by calling your eyes and lift your gaze 20 913.236.9292.

To concentrate:



May 2018


The Integrated Self: Holistic Approaches to Mental Health BY JOANNA BROWN


n today’s fast-paced world, diagnoses of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders are rapidly increasing. In a recent study, the Mental Health Association of America, estimated 1 in every 5 adults suffer from some type of mental health concerns which translates to more than 40 million Americans which continues to rise along with population increase. Additionally, almost half of those who feel they could be suffering from depression or anxiety don’t see a doctor due to fear of stigma or discrimination that surrounds a diagnosis. Modern medicine has been playing a big role in attempting to manage symptoms, improve mood, and maintaining mental function of patients but how sustainable is it? Medical research and application have definitely increased in the field of mental health but many people who need the support find access, cost, and stigma to be major factors that inhibit its use. Many people who live with mental health concerns are starting to explore the use of solid, holistic alternatives. Such approaches insist on a balance between the body and mind, and in the long run, can improve overall well-being. Can you combine conventional and alternative approaches to support overall mental health? It is always recommended to consult with your mental health doctor or counsellor when combining modalities, while it is important to empower yourself with tools and strategies that supports your overall health and wellness. Here are 5 alternative strategies that can be useful in managing mental health:

The signs of magnesium deficiency itself include anxiety, insomnia, and muscle aches. Therefore increasing daily consumption of foods high in these vitamins such as leafy greens, nuts, and seeds can be beneficial.


but walking outside in nature can settle the mind, distract us from those persistent worrying thoughts and forces us to pay attention to the sensations our body is feeling (lie the coolness of the breeze on your skin) that can both distract and calm anxious sensations. The practice of Yoga in managing one’s mood is also proving beneficial in the area of mental health with some promising emerging research.

Talk Therapy

Individual talk therapy or group therapy has for a long time been considered a complementary effort of managing effects and symptoms of various conditions. Sitting in a session with others who can relate to similar struggles not only empowers one to appreciate the journey but also find strength in the journey that others have Movement walked. This approach works for both The link between exercise and the short-term and long-term health release of feel-good chemicals such as conditions and has seen a lot of people serotonin in the brain is well get through trauma, addiction, grief and documented. Exercise helps burn off loss, and personality disorders. The first stress and better equips us to manage it. and second step for those going through Walking and Depression research is really such programs is to acknowledge how intriguing, there was a study that came they are feeling and be open to sharing it out of Scotland, with 20,000 adults that with those who are offering assistance showed one single 20-minute walking and support. session a week reduced stress and anxiety while boosting feelings of happiness and energy in all the participants. Walking not only releases our happy endorphins

Nutrition We know that foods can impact how our body functions, such as pregnant women are advised on certain food combinations for a healthy baby but we don’t think about it supporting mental health as much as we should. Being mindful of the food you eat can make a significant difference in both the recovery and management of one’s mental health. Exciting research exploring the Gut-Brain Connection indicates that certain foods can worsen symptoms such as feelings of anxiety, while some foods can lessen the intensity of other symptoms. Did you know that patients with schizophrenia and autism are supposed to reduce certain foods? Some research is showing that wheat and milk proteins have been shown to increase the severity of attacks or manifestation of symptomology. Although a lot of research still has to be done on the use of traditional medicine to address mental health, many nutritionists and herbalists are known to use foods and herbal remedies that are rich in Bcomplex vitamins to manage depression, hyperactivity and anxiety as a result of mental illness. Increasing feel-good foods that support our bodies ability to manage stress, such as Magnesium, known as the “anti-stress mineral.” Research has found those diagnoses with anxiety often test deficient in this mineral.



May 2018

Our mindset is a powerful tool in how we emotionally, mentally, and physically feel. Taking time for Self-Care and engaging in activities we know bring us joy can have beneficial impacts on our mood, sleep, and energy levels. What bring us joy is unique to each person. Some find meditation, affirmations, yoga, and journaling to be hugely beneficial. If these are new concepts to you, there are tons of great free Apps that you can download on your phone which walks you through basic meditation and deep breathing exercises at home in a safe place, or find a local class to join.

Art Therapy This form of therapy, also known as expressive therapy, is founded on the general idea that each and every human being is born creative. Some people do well at drawing but expressive therapy can also involve dancing, singing, and music. You may have realized that some forms of music relax you and even help to relieve stress. This is due to the improved blood flow pattern as a result of regulating body functions and the result can only be positive. In supporting one’s mental health, we often need to take the time to explore what best suits our needs. And, often what served us once, may need to change as our wellness needs evolve. When exploring alternative therapies remember to be kind to yourself as you learn more tools for your toolbox that will support your overall health and long-term wellness. Joanna Brown, C.H.N.C, NNCP, BCR, R.P., N.W.L.C, C.C.W.S, & Raw Food Chef

Spiritual Horoscope

May 2018 Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Happy birthday Taurus! Uranus moves into your sign for the first time in 84 years! The next seven years are about personal freedom, breakthrough ideas and spiritual enthusiasm. You don’t like change, but you’ll be surprised how fun it feels to take a leap of faith and life becomes incredibly awesome! List what you would do or who you’d be like if you could do anything or be anyone. Meditate about how it feels when you envision that reality. Follow your intuition to bring that possibility to life. The impossible is possible right now!! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Uranus changing signs ushers in a seven year period of heightened intuition. Ask for guidance in dreams and meditations, and believe answers will come. Your mind can get over-excited with “new vibes”, so instead of thinking of guidance from your head, focus on opening your heart to receive wisdom. Calming your breath quiets your heart and soothes your busy brain. Active forms of meditation like yoga, Tai Chi or even contemplative walking are great. Also be ready for money breakthroughs!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) It’s a great relationship month. You can have breakthroughs about trust and intimacy. Meditate on forgiveness and healing old wounds of betrayal. You’re coming from a solid, new place and partnerships will reflect your internal connection. Gain fresh enthusiasm from hobbies and cool people you meet who are out in the world doing fun things! Be vigilant about ruminating or dwelling on the past. Instead, get up, be active and reach out to upbeat friends.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Uranus opens the door for a seven year highpoint in career; it only does this every 84 years! Take opportunities for trainings, new projects, and innovative risks. You’ve got a genius mind right now and people respond with excitement. In your personal life, remember you don’t have to be who you’ve always been. Even if you have “bad patterns” from negative family

history, break free by wiring healthy thoughts into your brain. Forge new habits that open the door to a life you never thought possible. Check out ideas about neuroplasticity and epigenetics (fancy words for “you don’t have to be chained to your past”!)

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) You’ll have a revitalization in your spiritual life! Inspirational Uranus changes signs and awakens a curiosity in you that ’s greater than any fears. Use meditation to break free from negative or limiting thought patterns. Find friends who help you reinforce your new thinking. Connect with a spiritual philosophy that makes you feel alive and connected to the Universe in an exciting way. Also, imagine where you’d like to travel and make plans to make that dream journey reality!

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Relationships are a prime focus for you. With Uranus moving into Taurus for the next seven years, you’ll have breakthroughs with intimacy. Meditation reveals obstacles to closeness and also gives inventive solutions to remove those blocks. Lifelong patterns of anxiety, rejection, co-dependence and other issues can be healed quickly. Once you see it clearly, it can’t be unseen, and it disintegrates in the light of your courageous awareness! You can also have a job offer this month, or get a raise/bonus!


Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Uranus enters Taurus for a seven year stay, revolutionizing relationships! Since it has an 84-year orbit, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to completely shift how you view partnerships. Themes emerge about intimacy vs. individuality. Do you fear abandonment? Or engulfment? Even healthy bonds can get rocky as new ways of connecting are negotiated. Don’t make sudden changes from a reactionary place. Current bonds can revitalize, so be patient and open. Enjoy getting to know new parts of yourself!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Watch for jumping to conclusions. Your mind is super active and you might not be seeing things clearly. Even a few minutes of meditation each day gives enough “space” around thoughts so you aren’t as impulsive. On the other hand, you can have flashes of insight that supply answers to work or health issues. The more peaceful you are inside, the more easily the breakthroughs come. Relationships deepen, which is great, but can also make you vulnerable. Don’t subconsciously start fights to create distance if you feel “trapped” by love.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Uranus moves into Taurus, bringing exciting relationship for the next seven years! You can start a passionate romance; or make radical shifts in a current connection that revitalize your heart. If any bonds are truly unhealthy and resist change, you can let go in an empowered way. Most importantly, you’ll be falling in love with life! Make it a priority to have fun, play and laugh. You’ll be healthier and more prosperous. Meditate on releasing expectations so you can enjoy people and situations as they are. Less control or worry means more joy. Also meditate on abundance and watch your prosperity flow!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Empowered, exciting Mars is in your sign for six months! You can get tons accomplished. List goals and dates by which you can accomplish them. You can focus on fitness. You can move toward a promotion at work. You can start a new relationship. You can be


May 2018

more direct in all your interactions, trusting that others can solve their own problems, leaving more energy for your own life! Meditation brings breakthroughs in deep-seated childhood issues — and you can heal them once and for all. Your heart will open in exciting ways!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) In the next six months you’ll find your true feelings and have courage to explore them. It’s been said, “Pisces is either the guppy or the shark”—yet this time period ushers in a seven year growth cycle to find the middle ground. Meditate when your feel your “inner shark” surfacing, not to squash your feelings, but to see when and why you became a guppy. As you take responsibility for your patterns, you’ll also create strong and clear, yet permeable, boundaries. All relationships and circumstances become harmonious as your self-worth grows.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) It’s a great time to look at financial issues, especially impulse spending. Find a trusted advisor to help with budgeting and planning. Be sure to include a little allowance for “fun money”, or you’ll rebel! Have a friend join forces in upholding each other’s accountability. Also, seek out information on spiritual approaches to abundance. When you can’t spend, anxiety issues can surface. Meditation reveals self-worth issues to heal. You’ll find a surprising inner safety developing that brings deep peace.

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit





MANHATTAN MIRACLE COACHING, LARK OXLER FITZHUGH To assist you in AT THE HEALING PLACE discovering your heart's desire and to Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, heal any beliefs or patterns in the way. Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, 310-738-7436 Shamanic Healing, Intuitive Readings 816-415-2607 EDUCATION REGINA COMPERNOLLE Home Herbalist Courses, ApprenCORE STAR ENERGY HEALING ticeships, Women’s Sacred Studies, SCHOOL Astrology, Tarot, Consults, Women Classes and individual sessions in Drumming 816-547-0266; energy healing and meditation. NCBTMB approved courses. INTUITIVE ENERGY COACHING PSYCHIC PROTECTION SANCTUARY Intuitive Life Sessions & Wellness Psychic protection & energy healing Retreats with Master Practitioner education to help you live an Cathleen Miller. Limited Time New empowered, balanced, healthy life. Clients Book 30 Get 30 FREE @ Facilitator Maya Zahira KIRSTEN HARWICK MILLS, CHt, CAT Akashic Readings, Certified Hypnotherapist, Advanced Akashic Teacher, and HOLOS UNIVERSITY GRADUATE Past Life Regression. In office or remote. SEMINARY, Studies in Spirituality &, Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, self-development 913-370-7007 & Research: KELLY MURPHY-BOULÉ —Certified Hypnotherapist, Healing Touch Energy, Intuitive Readings, Holistic Nutrition, Young Living Essential Oils. 913-634-7553

KAREN ELISE - PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER & COACH Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birth-

HYPNOSIS/EFT NEW DAY HYPNOTHERAPY, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. 913-908-6907

ROBIN STINE, MS ED-CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL CUDDLIST, Therapeutic Cuddling reduces stress, anxiety, depression, touch deprivation, & chronic pain. 904–252–9911

JEURINK FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC AND WELLNESS CENTER, Dr Tobi Wants to Help You Become Active in Discovering Your Better Health Naturally. 325 E Main St. Ste C Gardner (913)856-4595

CENTERED SPIRIT - Traditional Maya Medicine • Acupuncture • Energy Healing • Massage Therapy • Sauna Therapy • Kundalini Yoga & Wellness classes • Tea Room & Apothecary 816.225.9393 CBD OILS THE MOST POWERFUL & POTENT HEMP PRODUCTS ON THE MARKET 100% Legal and Available in 50 States. Tracy Whitt, 816-694-1214 KCHEMPWORX.COM

SHAMANISM SANCTIONED TEACHERS of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, offering shamanic healing, education, and sacred ceremony. 913-602-1529 SPIRIT STEPHANIE FORCIER, BA, CAP, Personalized Infinity Sessions, Soul-Level Coaching, Workshops, Events; align with profound life-enhancing truth and your infinite nature, 816-260-2438, REV. STEPHANIE RED FEATHER, MS SHAMANIC INTUITIVE HEALER, COACH & FACILITATOR Feminine mysteries, energy therapies, Priestess Process, initiations, shadow work, speaking 913515-3271,


YOUR SACRED BLEUPRINT, Beverly Friend Spiritual Response Therapy and Numerology 209-728-8400

VITALITY HOLISTIC MEDICINE Board-certified reproductive acupuncturist specializing in women's health and infertility.

GIFTS & DECOR SWORDS & MORE A great shop for meaningful gifts like Candles, Fairies, Swords, Crystals, and more to meet your Holistic & Metaphysical needs. 123 S Mur-Len Olathe, KS 66062 913-782-4244

NUTRITION & WELLNESS NUTRITION CONSULTANT JACKIE CALDWELL HHC, BS Jackie works with you to restore digestive health by eating a grain free diet. Contact Jackie at 913-980-5605 PETS N2PAWS—Harmony & Balance for your animal companion with TTouch, Reiki, Doga, & Essential Oils (specializing in recovery, senior, & hospice) 816-522-7005 PET CANCER Mark Zwick, BA, MRC, RN/EFT, LLC Helping families PREVENT, CARE for, & COPE with, their sick beloved pets with cancer. 888 – 247 – 6442



May 2018

WELLNESS RIORDAN CLINIC The Riordan Clinic has over 40 years of experience integrating lifestyle and nutrition to help you find the underlying causes of your illness. 21620 Midland Drive Suite B Shawnee, KS 913.745.4757

YOGA THE YOGA STUDIO (a division of the Yoga School of Therapeutics) 10400 W. 103rd, #14, Overland Park. All levels, teacher’s training and new flow classes 913 492 9594 YOGA PATCH 19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore.; 816-268-4660

To find more holistic practitioners, visit Evolving Magazine’s HOLISTIC ONLINE DIRECTORY at /holistic-online-directory

MAY 2 and 9 RADIATE YOUR BEST LIFE 6:30 p.m. Unity Temple. An integrative approach to radiating wellness, love, happiness.

MAY 5 MYOFASCIAL RELEASE FOR THE PELVIS Morning and afternoon OR May 7 & 8 evening classes available. Call us at 816-523-9140 or visit for more information!

MAY 12 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI LEVEL 1 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Lenexa. Instructor: Susan Warner. $160 with early registration. MAY 16 CHAKRAS VS. ENDOCRINES 6:30 p.m. Centered Spirit. $25. Learn how these two systems work together for optimum wellness.

MAY 24 SEARCHING FOR THE MIRACULOUS *Longing for something more? We welcome those who are on a quest! One hour of dialogue and discussion MAY 5-6 730-830PM – No charge. Prosperos USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II Book Store – upstairs at 1800 39th St Learn energy healing skills for yourself Kansas City, Mo 64111 Gurdjieff Study and others. Intro to essential oils Group celebration 25 years in KC included. 9am – 6:30pm, $380 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and MAY 31 family therapists, social workers. LOVE NEVER DIES Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440. Learn how communication with deceased loved ones works. 5:30-7:30 pm, 5:30-7:30 pm. MAY 5, 6, 7 WORKSHOP- BECOME A MEDICAL INTUITIVE: SEEING WITH X-RAY EYES Held at Unity Temple on the Plaza. Tammy Barton or Sheri Woxland at 816-415-2607

JUNE 9 & 10 NEURAL RESET THERAPY FOR THE LOWER BODY Ralph Stephens returns. Call us at 816-523-9140 or visit for more information!

JUNE 7-8 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – 6:30pm, $380 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. MAY 8 Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440. CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, MAY 6 SEICHIM REIKI LEVEL 1 Morning and afternoon. Call us at 816-523-9140 or visit for more information!


MAY 4 BECOME A MEDICAL INTUITIVE & ADVANCED MEDICAL INTUITION BY TINA ZION One hour free talk and Book Signing at Aquarius Books 816-931-6303.

Mission, KS. Reservations. 913-8314422. 7:15 p.m. $20

ONGOING REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park – 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier 816-523-4440 ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy healing sessions for cancer patients and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their

stress, anxiety and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816 -718-6358 for details. 3RD FRIDAY NITE IN DOWNTOWN OVERLAND PARK 5-8:30! Live music everywhere, oil & vinegar food samples in store! The Tasteful Olive 7945 Santa Fe Drive.

CLASSIFIED CONSCIOUS CULINARY LEADER – WANTED FOR ENJOY® PURE FOOD + DRINK RESTAURANT Full-time Kitchen Manager wanted to help co-lead the kitchen with conscious awareness of healthy cuisine and supportive staff relations. Leadership in kitchen management, excellent culinary skills, and a team spirit are required. If you lead a healthy and conscious lifestyle by example and through your work, please send resume to Staci at and/or call 913-963-5801.


THE WELLNESS COLLABORATIVE has one office available to rent beginning May 1, perfect for psychotherapists, body workers or other healing professional. For details, contact: Dr. Christina McDowell, PhD, LSCSW The Wellness Collaborative 4044 Central St KCMO 64111 816-682-8147


May 2018



May 2018

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