Kansas City November 2016 Evolving Magazine

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E volving

November 2016 ~ Vol.VII1, Issue 9

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living

Abundance and Gratitude Start with Positive Thinking EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


November 2016



November 2016

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

I keep a gratitude calendar taped to my refrigerator door. Each morning I write a word or two about what I am grateful for—in that moment. At first, it seemed like an odd time to write beatitudes. Shouldn’t I be writing them at night when I know for what I’m giving thanks? What I’ve found instead is that in my early-morning fuzziness, instead of a concrete “thing” I am grateful for, awareness comes to me and I am thankful for what I have and what is yet to be. It turns out, in a sense, I am setting an intention for the day. Throughout the day I reflect on what was written. And because I’m half asleep when I write it, sometimes the word is a little funny. When my cousin was in town, she asked me what my word was that day. I was embarrassed to say, “Oatmeal.” It turned out I woke hungry that morning and the thought of hearty, warm oats topped with berries I’d frozen earlier in the season brought me much gratitude. Usually, though, I write about a state of mind: calm, peace, creativity, variety, challenge, ideas. Other times I write family, friends, and so on. Each morning holds a surprise as I ponder that day’s intention. It brings an awareness of what I possess and would like to give back. Then at night, when I see the word again, I am at once grateful for and aware of the experience of that thought throughout my day. With the celebration of Thanksgiving this month, it’s a wonderful time to acknowledge and embrace gratitude…and the abundance it brings. Abundance, the theme this month, is deeply connected to the emotion of gratitude. For me, abundance is a state of mind, directly linked to my level of gratitude. There is a wonderful cycle to this process: abundance creates gratitude, and gratitude thus creates abundance. When I look at my life I see the beauty, love, and joy that surround me. And for this, I am grateful. So for me, abundance is not a monetary guidepost; it is the ability to pursue my dreams, be flexible and resilient, and experience growth in each moment —and to feel the grace of the abundance of all that is "true" in my life. Abundance is a recognition of what brings meaning to my life—and taking the time to acknowledge and accept these tender moments. This special issue contains a Holiday Gift Guide on page 10 that highlights unique, local, non-traditional, and inspirational gift ideas. I hope you’ll take some time to peruse these interesting gift options for your holiday shopping. Or, gift yourself with a treat during the sometimes hectic holiday season.

Jill Dutton

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Sara Zimmerman Print Layout/Design Alea Smith

Ad Design Olesya Vinci Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton

Abundance and Gratitude Start with Positive Thinking 8

Finding Creativity in Surprising Places: Connecting in the Land of Dementia

Evolving Holiday Gift Guide 10



Departments News Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Food Gloria’s Food Horoscope Events

4 5 5 6 13 15

ON THE COVER Painting, "In Flowing" Sherrie Taylor is an Abstract Energy Artist. Her creativity is inspired by her Deep Connection with Nature; her Expressionism is a combination of nature and a deep personal response to modern social energy and it serves as a personal visual language through which she can express her feelings and ideas about the world. "In Flowing" resides at Zen Zero, in Lawrence. sherrietaylorart@gmail.com

Monthly Columnists Gloria Gale, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes

EVOLVING© 2016 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.




November 2016


Healing and Hope for the Holidays Service Suicide Awareness Survivors Support (SASS) (www.Sass-MoKan.com) will hold a Healing and Hope for the Holidays service on Saturday, November 19, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the chapel at Shawnee Mission Medical Center, 9100 W. 74th Street, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204. This will be SASS’s ninth annual memorial service to help families during the holidays. The service will include candle lighting and a slide show of loved ones lost to suicide. Digital photos in JPEG format need to be sent to Joe Spiller at joe.spiller68@gmail.com joe.spiller68@gmail.com by November 17. Dr. Doug Geenens, a psychiatrist who has had a prominent private practice in

Leawood, Kansas since 1994, will be the featured speaker. The topic of his talk will be “Can suicide really be prevented?” Mark Fenton, a chaplain and licensed grief counselor, will use broken glass to illustrate the change of the relationship with the deceased and the impact in our hearts. He will emphasize that healing comes from acknowledging the brokenness, trusting in a God who repairs broken people, and forgiveness. There will be fellowship and refreshments after the service. The event is free with donations welcomed. To confirm attendance, call Bonnie Swade at 913-681-3050 or email her at info@sass.mokan.com by November 16.

New Spiritual Wellness Center Open HEART of the DOVE KC is a new Holistic & Spiritual Health & Wellness Center open in KC! At HDKC, the goal is to provide the community with a place that offers services, classes, events, and workshops to help regenerate the mind, body, spirit, and soul as a means of awakening through conscious peaceful living. HDKC has office, practitioner, and event spaces ready to rent/lease by the day, week or month. There is also space available for a Coffee Shop, Tea Spot, or Juicery, plus a Book Nook/Gift Shoppe. HDKC is open to Chiropractors, Acupuncture, Massage Therapists, Energy Workers, Yoga, Dance, Arts, Music, Drumming, Shamanic Breathwork, Classes, Workshops, Events, etc! Find them on FB at Heart of the Dove KC, also #heartofthedovekc. HDKC is

located at 4327 Troost Ave, KCMO 64110. Looking for a space to rent/ lease? HDKC is having an open house on Friday, December 2 and Saturday, December 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day, or feel free to attend one of the next two HDKC First Fridays from 6-9 p.m. on either November 4 or December 2, or please contact Lyn Fifield at 913-3536203 for an appointment to see the building and what they have to offer.

"The Soil Will Save Us" Stan Slaughter, an award-winning educator and crusader for what he calls "Organic Literacy," will help us make sense of new and revolutionary ideas regarding the critical battle of reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Join as we learn about proven ecological practices like mob grazing and composting. Studies have shown that if the working soils of the world gained two percent more in organic matter, all the carbon dioxide emissions since the start of the



November 2016

industrial age would be absorbed and all of the greenhouse gases we worry about could be eliminated within 10 years. These emerging revelations regarding the secrets of soil may be the keys to saving life, as we know it, on this planet. Meets downstairs in Harmony Hall II. Refreshments will be served. Love offering will be greatly appreciated. Thursday, November 17, 7 p.m. Unity Church of Overland Park, 10300 Antioch, Overland Park, KS

Wisdom Within

Creating a Life Rich with Gratitude


aster yoga teacher Aadil Palkivala swings around to look at us after writing “Feel Gratitude” on the flip chart. We were discussing the yoga philosophy of “ignorance” which keeps us from freedom and happiness. “Feel humility and feel gratitude and you may overcome most resistances,” he shares. How many gifts do we receive by feeling gratitude? (I wrote last year & worth repeating)  Gratitude improves your immune system  Gratitude fosters peace  Gratitude creates confidence  Gratitude attracts more success  Gratitude improves happiness  Gratitude heals anxiety  Gratitude inspires new dreams  Gratitude opens doors to new opportunity  Gratitude helps us release the past  Gratitude heals our “wounds”


Most of us who read this magazine strive to create the best life we can for ourselves and our loved ones. We all look within. New York Times best-selling author Pam Grout writes in Thank & Grow Rich, abundance comes when you show gratitude for even the littlest of things in your life. I am teaching myself one of her exercises: As soon as you awake in the morning say “Something amazing, exciting and awesome is headed my way today.” Then believe in the blessings and miracles. I look for them in my day, especially to find beauty in this world and others. The other caveat is to remain free of attaching to the outcome. This is tough. We want what we want. It helps to “surrender.” Surrender your fears, doubts, frustrations, worries and ask your highest self to heal them. Marianne Williamson writes this in her book A Return to Love: Reflections on the principles of A Course in Miracles. This has been quoted much over the years and attributed to the wrong author. Williamson is the one who wrote it. What beauty and wisdom shine in these words: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It

“We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”

A Great Mentor: Hard to Find, Impossible to Forget


n thinking about what I am grateful for, I began remembering the mentors who have encouraged, inspired and supported me at important times of my life. The good words in the headline summarize important thoughts about mentors. They often appeared when I least expected and most needed them. At this stage of my life, most of the important mentors in my life have died; I miss them, most certainly, but have not forgotten them. As I age their gifts become more apparent and their presence more real. I am reminded of Sister Mary Beth Kelly when I read Robert Frost’s words, “I am not a teacher but an awakener.” She was my high school journalism teacher. Under her tutelage I became the editor of the features and editorial pages and wrote articles as well. She creatively inspired us to think outside the box at a time when that was not the norm. Because of her I have had a lifelong love for and interest in writing. I think about Sister Owen Marie, the principal of the first school I was assigned to in Rock Springs, Wyoming. I had no training as an educator and had very little idea of what to do with forty-five little third-graders. She invited me to observe her in her 1st grade classroom as she related so amazingly with her students using a puppet named Mrs. Stroodle. She disarmed them and me. Her other huge gift was her kindness, encouragement and gentle leadership towards me as a member of the religious order that we belonged to. Dr. Kermit Phelps, a psychologist, was the father of one of my closest high school friends and a person appointed to evaluate and counsel young people in the seminary or religious life. I was sent to him because I

is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” As we begin our 2016 season of light, may we thrive on lifting ourselves up with meditation, silence, and feeling this precious gratitude. It will help ease the chaos and heal us all. Join me? Suzette Scholtes’ non-fiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. www.theyogastudio.com news@theyogastudio.com 913-492-9594.

Journey to Wholeness BY JUDE LACLAIRE, PH.D.

never know that they have mentored me and many others with their words and actions. Through our words and behavior, we can encourage, inspire and support others. We may not think we are doing this. Others may be watching us, looking to us in ways we do not see. Someone said to me once that we teach with our backs. Others are looking at what we do and learning from that. I think about this often. When I find myself not being as aware or conscious as I want to be, I try to think about how my actions affect those around me. My gratitude for those who have been with me, and continue to be with me, as life’s lessons challenge me, never ends. It seems to grow over time as I gain a bit of Image licensed by Ingram Images wisdom through my life journey. was depressed and unhappy. His evaluation of me was I would encourage you to think of those who have the reason I was transferred out of elementary education mentored you in some way from that 1st grade teacher to and into a job that became the inspiration for me to someone you met last week. Thank them, if you can. become a mental health counselor. I had the job of Send grateful thoughts and love to them, wherever they taking care of eighteen little boys ages six to ten years may be. Then think about how you can keep that gift old that had been abused and abandoned. Caring for going as you do the same for others. these emotionally injured children made me realize that this was what I wanted to do with my life. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, is a I have gone back, over time, to thank these and other counselor, educator and author. For people for what they gave me at crucial moments of my counseling appointments, seminars, life. Each felt they had just done their job, that what they training, speaking engagements, or had done was not a big thing and that they were glad I information on Neurobehavioral Programs was happy. More mentoring on their part! Their or Imago Couple Therapy call humility and continued support of me was heartening. 913-322-5622. For more information Of course some of my mentors have never met me. I about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City have met them through their writings, their actions for Holistic Centre go to www.kcholistic.com. others, and their example on the public stage. They will



November 2016

Food Gloria’s Food



JCCC's Hospitality and Culinary Academy is preparing iron chefs for worlds of active duty


'm having a moment. Kansas finally has something to shout about that's not controversial. I'm talking about Johnson County Community College's Hospitality and Culinary Academy. Amuse bouche! “That's quite a mouthful but the building had to have a name,” says director, of hospitality management, Ona Ashley, eager to show me around the impressive 36,000 square-foot glass and steel building. Housing five culinary labs, an innovation kitchen, extensive library and state-of-the-art culinary teaching

This delectable recipe is crafted from Teaching Traditions, a cookbook celebrating the opening of the Hospitality and Culinary Academy at Johnson County Community College, October 2013

French Chocolate Cake Serves 8 4 squares semi-sweet chocolate 2 ounces butter, softened 3 eggs 6 ounces ground almonds 1 tablespoon vanilla 1/4 cup breadcrumbs, medium fine Pinch salt Grease the bottom and sides of an 8-inch round cake pan. Line the bottom only with greased waxed paper. Melt chocolate in a double boiler over hot, but not boiling water. With a wooden spoon, cream the butter until soft and light. Gradually work in the sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition until absorbed. Stir in melted chocolate, ground almonds, vanilla, breadcrumbs and salt. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake at 375° for 25 minutes. Remove from the pan at once and let cool before adding the glaze.

Glaze 2 squares unsweetened chocolate 2 squares semi-sweet chocolate 2 ounces butter, softened 2 tablespoons honey Melt chocolate in a double boiler over hot, but not boiling, water. Stir in butter and honey, cooking until mixture thickens. Pour over the cooled cake and spread with a rubber spatula. Garnish with slivered toasted almonds.

theater approximately 700 students are currently enrolled in the program. Throughout the rigorous 3-year degree program students learn everything there is to know about the art and industry of food science including: preparation, sanitation, pastry/baking, nutrition, beverage, hotel and lodging management plus considerably more. Over 75 credit hours and 6,000 on-the-job training, students whisk and chop, fold and baste their way to an associate degree of applied science and sous chef certification. It's enough to make tender newbies crumble. Yet, by covering every crumb, the results are noteworthy. The fledglings, ranging in age from 18 to 67, grow substantially and graduate highly accomplished. Something that doesn't slip by accreditation from the American Culinary Federation, the Greater Kansas City Chefs Association and sponsorship by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Mix Mastering

Inside this living laboratory is the largest chef apprentice program in the United States where students are taught by full and part time faculty. “Something we are indeed proud of,” says Professor, Felix Strumer, a veteran of the culinary program According to Ashley, “It's definitely a unique program with demands that other programs do not have. For one, we require our students to work while enrolled. Our chef apprentices are employed in over 100 locations throughout the metro area as part of their education,” she says tagging Aaron Prater, an Assistant Professor returning to the program after a stint in the military. “I knew my way around the kitchen but I didn't know the fundamentals,” says Prater, now teaching and There are few programs across the country that can part of the Culinary Team. Speaking of the team approach, it's a valuable part of match the number of culinary graduates in a variety of food and beverage/hospitality management positions. the program. This indeed is a highly accomplished program— Within the glass-walled innovation kitchen, visitors something Kansas can finally crow about. can see the culinary team, chosen from students who work collectively towards competitions, in action. Today, Jessica Seely, a student and member of the Kansas City writer, producer, and photo culinary team is assisting whatever is needed for an stylist Gloria Gale is a sleuth when it upcoming regional competition. “My goal is to graduate comes to discovering interesting features for in the fall then travel internationally and see what jobs the media. Most recently, Gloria profiled are available.” area restaurants as a columnist for 435 The results of team efforts are impressive. Magazine and was on KCUR's Food Critics Awards won locally, nationally and in global culinary radio program. Want to know where to find competitions ranging from Scotland to Dubai are on the best tastes in town? display in the Academy atrium. “Something we are very ggale@everestkc.net proud of,” says Ashley.



November 2016


Coping with Holiday Stress The Ultimate Family Survival Guide



he holidays are a wonderful time of year for many of us, but they can also produce a great deal of stress. Running from store to store, managing our finances, dealing with overindulged children and communicating with parents, in-laws and stubborn family members all contribute to rising holiday stress levels. And between the in-laws, ex-laws, and steplaws, just deciding which family to spend the holidays with can send us over the edge. Sometimes, returning home and rekindling the family dynamics we grew up with can be the most stressful of all. No matter what identity we have tried to shape for ourselves in the outside world, many of us are forced to face the roles we were set up to play in childhood. For example, how many of us play the role of the: People Pleaser?– Do you say “yes” to family and friends because saying “no” is too painful? What inner voice tells you that you’re a bad person when you say “no” to others? Who is the: Caretaker?–Do you carry the burden of the family’s problems on your shoulders because it’s your role to take care of everything and everyone? What inner voice makes you feel guilty when asking for help? What about the Perfectionist?– Were you allowed to make mistakes in front of your family? God forbid your loved ones see you stumble at times. When you made a mistake, did you identify yourself as the mis-

3) Maintain these actions

take? Do you play a Defiant Role? – This is where you always have to be right with family members, even if it pushes them away. What inner voice tells you that you need to be right even if you push loved ones away? How many of you play the Invisible Role?—When you return home for the holidays, do you lose your voice and disappear into the background, unable to share your thoughts and feelings with your family? There are three essentials needed to change your role: Awareness, Action, and Maintenance. Without awareness, you won’t understand the ways to change your actions. Without action, there won’t be newer roles to maintain.



1) Grow in awareness Why do I act the way I do? What are the payoffs for my actions, and what are the costs? The more I grow in awareness, the easier it becomes to change my behaviors. I learn how to say “no” to this voice in my head that tells me I’m a bad person if I don’t play a certain role.

If you don’t continue to maintain these new behaviors, that intrusive voice will grow louder and direct you back to old behaviors. Remember, the most important relationship we have in life is the one we have with our self. If we are not taking care of that relationship, we will sabotage all of the relationships around us. If we seek approval from those that are incapable of giving us what we deserve, then we will only find rejection and disappointment. Instead, we need to spend our time with people we feel emotionally safe with, those individuals with whom we can share our feelings without feeling judged. We deserve this. Become the person you want to be, not the one you were set up to be.

2) Take positive actions

First, don’t react to situations, or you’ll just do what you’ve always done. Instead, when confronted with a bad situation, pause and solicit the help of others before you take action. This is where it becomes a “we” process and not a “me” process. These are the people in your life you feel safe with—those that understand and support that you’re trying to change your role. Remember, these individuals are there to support you, not judge you.

November 2016

Parenting and relationship expert Thomas Gagliano is a bestselling author, speaker, and life coach who has emerged as a high profile leader in the world of self-help therapy and addiction. He is the author of THE PROBLEM WAS ME and his newest title, DON’T PUT YOUR CRAP IN YOUR KID’S DIAPER: The Clean Up Cost Can Last a Lifetime. http:// www.thomasgagliano.com/


Abundance and Gratitude Start with Positive Thinking


“Abundance and gratitude begin with the thoughts that we choose to put our energy into.”

Image licensed by Ingram Images


often wonder if the two are actually related. I have felt a deep sense of gratitude at times in my life and interestingly enough, it was followed up with some form of abundance. Thoughts have and hold energy. To be abundant or to be able to feel grateful, all one needs to do is be selective with their thoughts. Thoughts come into our minds and it is up to us which ones we choose to put our energy into. For instance, thoughts are coming through our minds at different speeds all throughout the day, every day—so we decide to choose a thought to think about. From there, that thought becomes a feeling and we then begin to become aware of the feeling or emotion rising within us. From there, the feeling becomes an action, so we decide to act upon this feeling or emotion. It could be as simple as stopping for ice cream or as severe as taking our own life or the life of another. Abundance and gratitude begin with the thoughts that we choose to put our energy into. If you find that in the beginning, only negative thoughts or what some would call “reality thoughts” are your only thoughts to choose from…then create thoughts of abundance and gratitude by using your creativity or your

imagination. There is something Good in everything….I assure you. If you do this then what you are actually doing is bringing into your mind (thoughts), your body (feelings) and your life (actions)— what we call intentional manifestations. That is how we create our actual abundance and gratitude out of love for ourselves. What we think about, we bring about! So be selfish when it comes to the thoughts to which you choose to give attention and energy. When dealing with a difficult situation or faced with a dis-ease within the body, the concept of holding only abundant thoughts or finding something to be grateful for regarding the issue you are dealing with, works even faster and has been known to have miraculous results when you see the beauty, radiant health and love within the issue that you are dealing with. This might seem difficult at first but as you practice, it becomes second nature full of ease and grace. You are meant to be abundant. You are powerful, creative, and full of love, light and blessings. Each one of you! Learn to be you! Learn to be abundant! Learn to be full of gratitude! The Universal Law of Attraction will always be working for you. What you send out energetically…comes


back energetically. So only send intentional thoughts of abundance, gratitude, self love and love for others. I have come to a place in my life where I can acknowledge just how abundant my life has been and I can honestly say to all of you that my heart is full of gratitude. Personally, I have experienced death of friends and family, cancer, sexual abuse as a child, severe poverty, brain surgery with my son, divorce, financial loss, incarceration of a sibling, emotional distress, and the list goes on as far as what one would call having human experiences. I share these experiences because I want you all to know that I truly get how thoughts and feelings can seem like there is no control over them due to the pain and confusion sometimes associated with life. But this comes from a sincere heart and a woman who stands strong and full of love. When dark situations tried to become my reality….I became the light and light vibrates at a higher frequency and holds tremendous power. And the light is within you! You were created with and of God’s White Light. So the next time you find yourself in a place of darkness….flip on the Light that is within you! Just like a switch, imagine there is a switch inside of your heart and every time


November 2016

you flip that switch, the light comes on and shines through you to the rest of us and in all situations and in all circumstances and in all dealings, physical, spiritual, emotional, mental or energetically. The Power is within You! I am grateful for the opportunity to write and share my thoughts on gratitude and abundance with all of you. I send love and light to you all and leave you with words from one of my favorite artists, “Life isn’t always beautiful….but it’s a beautiful life!”

Rebecca Perdieu is an Aura Reader and the owner of 3 John of God Crystal Healing beds. She is partnered with American Shaman Products and is passionate about her teachings in regards to the healing benefits of hemp. She is the owner of a CBD store and can be reached at 913-558-7377 or by email cbdnaturesrx@gmail.com; johnofgodcrystalhealingbed@gmail.com and www.cbdnaturesrx.com


Finding Creativity in Surprising Places: Connecting in the Land of Dementia BY DEBORAH SHOUSE


id she recognize you?” my father asked, when I called to tell him about my visit with mom. “No,” I said. “She didn’t know who I was. But when I sang Oh What a Beautiful Morning, she smiled, clapped her hands, and she hummed along.” My father was happy I’d had such a good visit. I was happy. My mother was living with dementia and each moment of connection was priceless. My experiences with my mother inspired me to interview experts in dementia and creativity, seeking additional ways to stay connected. My book, Connecting in the Land of Dementia: Creative Activities to Explore Together, features their ideas, a myriad of fascinating and easy activities that set the stage for those quality moments. These pioneers believe that creative activities benefit us all, boosting energy and adding meaning and purpose to our lives. The following ideas from local luminaries are excerpted from my book. I hope they will enrich your lives.

compilation of family recipes, photos, and stories. “Recipes are part of a family’s legacy,” Judith says. Together, you can make a favorite recipe, photograph the process and the finished dish, write down the story of the dish, and add the finished page to your book. Taste books are also conversation starters. When looking through them, add to the sensory experience by sharing aromatic herbs and spices, such as cinnamon, vanilla, and rosemary.

loved a flamboyant conductor, Marley waved her arms, tossed her head, jumped up and down, dramatically urging the invisible orchestra to play their hearts out. Ed was thrilled. Afterwards, he told her, “That was really beautiful.” “Listening to music became a meaningful way to spend time together,” says Marley, PhD, who is co-author of Finding Joy in Alzheimer’s: New Hope for Caregivers.

Inviting out Storytelling

“Music, art, reading, poetry, and writing really allow people with dementia Vicki Stoecklin, a former designer of to speak from the heart,” says Johnna children’s projects who lives with early Lowther, director of Life Enrichment for onset dementia, created her own cinema Tutera Senior Living & Health Care. “Our program. goal is to write a story that each person “After I lost track of the plot during contributes to.” several movie watching sessions, my To create your own story: husband asked if he should stop every ten  Come up with an evocative prompt or fifteen minutes and talk about what such as, “A man holds a key to we’d seen,” Vicki says. “I loved the idea. I something important. What is that could relax while I was watching, knowing important something? Who is the he would soon clear up any confusion.” man?” Here are some additional ideas for  Welcome all ideas and write down enjoying movies together: each answer. Cooking Up Conversation  Talk about the film in advance,  Ask additional questions, such as As her husband Charlie moved deeper discussing the plot, the actors, and “Who will try to steal the key?” into dementia, educator Elizabeth Miller memories you have of the show. Periodically read aloud the answers so bought a cookbook popular during his  Take breaks to talk about the film people can get a sense of the story. teenage years in the 1960s. They read and enjoy snacks.  Use this story telling activity through the recipes and with Charlie as  Invite others to join you. A film during meal times, car rides, visits or her sous chef, Elizabeth made dishes such can bridge generations, giving parents, family gatherings. You don’t even need as chicken cacciatore, tuna casserole, and children, and grandchildren something to write everything down; you can just spaghetti and meatballs. They invited to share. enjoy the process. Charlie’s childhood friends over for a meal and talked about old times while Exercising as Medicine Igniting Interesting Ideas they chowed down on Johnny Marzetti Jeff Burns, MD, co-Director of The Deb Campbell, founder and executive Casserole, a fancy term for elbow University of Kansas’s Alzheimer’s director, Arts & AGEing KC, shares tips macaroni and ground beef. Disease Center, is studying the impact of for orchestrating a dynamic Getting a Taste for Family exercise on the brain, with a goal of brainstorming session. Recipes learning how to prevent, delay, or slow  Put several easily recognizable the advance of dementia. Judith Fertig, a novelist and awarditems into a box or bag. Consider a “We view exercise as medicine,” he winning cookbook author, deepens watch, a beach ball, a serving spoon, or says. “Our observational studies show connections by creating a “taste book,” a a washcloth. that people who exercise perform better  Tell your partner, “Let’s think of on cognitive tests, have healthier new things to do with these familiar brains on their brain scans, and objects. show a lower long-term risk of All ideas are welcome, the sillier developing dementia.” the better.” Conducting a Musical Ask your partner to pull out an Experiment object. If your partner doesn’t recognize the object, you might say, Marie Marley’s beloved partner Ed “This is a spatula, normally used in was a devotee of classical music. cooking. What else could we use this One day, when conversation with Ed for?” The open-ended questions invite wasn’t working, Marley put on some creativity. Mozart. Ed instantly began moving with the music. Knowing how Ed Allow plenty of time for

Making Movies Meaningful



November 2016

contemplation. If needed, jumpstart the creativity by offering your own thoughts. Cheer on every idea. As I worked with local, national, and international experts, I realized how alike we all are, regardless of our cognition. Each of us wants to be treated with compassion and patience. We want to celebrate our gifts and shore up our strengths and not constantly be grieving our losses. We want to live with meaning, purpose, and generosity. Staying connected through creative activities enriches all of us. Deborah Shouse is a writer, speaker, editor, and dementia advocate. Deborah and her partner Ron Zoglin raised more than $80,000 for Alzheimer’s programs by donating all proceeds from her initially self-published book, Love in the Land of Dementia: Finding Hope in the Caregiver’s Journey, to dementia-based nonprofits. Central Recovery Press has since published an updated dversion of that book. Her latest offering, Connecting in the Land of Dementia: Creative Activities to Explore Together, presents imaginative ideas that help you stay linked throughout the dementia journey. To learn more, visit DementiaJourney.org

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Original image licensed by Ingram Images.

ART WITH MYRNA MYRNA MINNIS www.artwithmyrna.com 913.649.1185 Creativity abounds at Myrna’s! Stop by her holiday show the first weekend in December and discover unique, whimsical gift ideas from her clay studio. Myrna and several local artists team up to bring you the oneof-a-kind sculpture, pottery, paintings, jewelry and more. Myrna’s Oogly Kit will also be available – a great way to unleash creativity over and over again. Need a gift for the friend who has everything? Myrna can help you host a fun-filled birthday party or special gathering in her studio in Overland Park. Make art together with friends and explore your creative side.

AT THE HEALING PLACE 1539 Maple Woods Drive Liberty, MO and 103 E. Gregory Blvd, KCMO www.atthehealingplace.com 816-415-2607 Tammy and Sheri invite you to explore our full list of services and inspirational gifts this holiday season. We offer a unique line of gifts: Inspirational artwork, salt lamps, statues, handmade jewelry, crystals, and singing bowls. You can purchase gift certificates for any of our Bodywork services, Astrology or Tarot readings and more. What sets us apart is the full integration process we do with each client. Working with your entire body, mind and spirit. We incorporate the various services we provide to truly cater to what you as a client need. Holiday Open House: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Waldo - Dec. 10th /Liberty Dec. 17th Visit our website for a list of services. EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY

CRAFTING RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH BEADS Also available in Spanish www.amazon.com/The-ThreadedGem-Adventure-connect/ dp/1490920161 Life is about connecting the dots. This is the answer Malana Ashlie received when trying to decide how to join special people in her life for a special occasion. The threaded Gem Adventure is a how-to book for creating a keepsake chain using beads representing or given by each of the special people in your life. The basic explanations, supported by photographs of the process, are presented as stepping-stones in a story that traces the author’s personal journey of awareness. www.MalanaAshlie.com


November 2016

DREAMS TO ACTION TRAILBLAZER’S GUIDE www.DrJulieConnor.com Do you (or someone you love) have a dream, but have no idea where to start? Are you thinking about an achievable New Year's resolution? Are you ready to pursue new goals? Or do you need life direction? Dreams to Action Trailblazer's Guide is an award-winning goalsetting book that transforms passion into reality. As a TED speaker, educator, and author, Dr. Julie Connor has inspired others for 30+ years. Find tools to clarify your dream, define your purpose, and create attainable goals. Give the gift that ignites your spirit and motivates you into action. Available on Amazon or at www.DrJulieConnor.com

Holiday Gift Guide

EARTH & SKY WHOLISTIC MASSAGE The Wellness Collaborative 4044 Central Street, KCMO 64111; 816-226-0589 www.facebook.com/sakeenaabdulhaqq Earthandskywholist.wix.com/massagetherapy A great gift for the holidays is a gift of self care. Massages are a great gift because they promote healthy living, bring attention and connection to our bodies, and allow our bodies and minds to rest. This is all crucial in overall wellbeing especially in our stressful, dealing-oriented life style. Earth & Sky: Wholistic Massage has a new line of spa massages just for that. These massages exfoliate, nourish and soften the skin and leave the clients refreshed and rested. Using top quality products containing rose powder and lavender powder, these massages are sure to please. We have choices of 60minute Rejuvenate and Glow, 90-minute Detox and Renew, and our 2-Hour Deep Restorative. Each massage comes with its own complimentary service from Essential Oil Treatment to Face Massage or Foot Work. Check out our web at www.earthandskywholist.wix.com/massagetherapy for more info and to book your next session. #giftwell #pamperwithselfcare GIFTS & DECOR SWORDS & MORE 123 S Mur-Len Olathe, KS 66062; 913-782-4244 Give the gift of health for the holiday. CBD American Shaman Tinctures and Hemp Oil CBD, has many health benefits. It is legal in all 50 states and contains no THC. May help combat Pain, Depression, Anxiety & Sleeplessness. KRATOM is another natural herb that is great for Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Energy and Opiate addiction. Gifts & Decor is a great shop for meaningful gifts like Journals, Candles, Salt Lamps, Aroma & Essential Oils, Dragons, Fairies, Deities, Swords, Knives, a large selection of Crystals & Stones, Jewelry and many other things to meet your Holistic & Metaphysical needs.

Art With Myrna    

Myrna’s Holiday Show – Dec. 2-4 The Oogly kit – a gift for all ages Birthday parties or gathering with friends All in one spot – Myrna’s Art Studio Myrna Minnis www.artwithmyrna.com 913.649.1185

Give a gift of connection— an adventure of the soul.

Crafting Relationships through Beads. A bead and a book can speak volumes about lasting relationships. Also available in Spanish www.amazon.com/The-Threaded-Gem -Adventure-connect/dp/1490920161



November 2016

HOLIDAY KC METAPHYSICAL FAIR www.facebook.com/kcmetaphysical www.kcmetaphysical.com Welcome to Kansas City’s most exciting Metaphysical Fair! This is our Holiday gift giving event! Nov 18, 19 & 20. Amazing variety of psychic readers, Astrology, Tarot, Lenormand, Mediums, Palmistry, Reiki, etc. KC’s best! So many unique hand crafted gifts, Crystals, Gemstones, Jewelry, Herbal teas, and remedies! Handmade body products, artwork, henna tattoos, statuary, books, tshirts, magical tools, aura paintings and more! Get Holiday gift certificates! Free Prize drawings every hour all weekend! Cash or credit! Admission $8.00. Find $1.00 off coupons here and online! Kids under 10 free. Abdallah Shrine Center - 5300 Metcalf OP, KS 66202

KAREN K. HARRISON, WHOLE LIFE CENTER www.karenharrison.net, 816-5234440

KAREN ELISE 913-636-9502 www.KarenElise.com

SPECTRUM…A NEW AGE STORE 7827 N. Oak Traffic Way, KCMO 816321-2658 www.facebook.com/ Spectrumnewageshop

Purchase a Gift Certificate from KaGift your beloved with a session of ren Elise for a perfect Holiday Gift! Get all your holiday gifts at Spectrum Tantra coaching for $90 an hour to Available services include: Intuitive, like candles, leather journals, dragenhance your intimacy and spice up Tarot, or Akashic readings in person ons, deities (Hindu, buddhist, Egypyour sex life. Learn what essential or by phone. You will be remembered tian, christian, celtic, wiccan, native oils can enhance libido and make inti- fondly all year. If you are planning a American), jewelry, gemmacy last longer and be more enjoya- Holiday Event, have Karen Elise en- stones,minerals, crystals, books, Reiki ble for both partners. Bring more love tertain your guests. It’s a fun and gift certificates, yoga gift certificates, into your intimacy and learn new unique party experience. Your guests gift certificates for workshops, statways to pleasure each other. Learn will love it!! ues, oils, incense, smudge supplies, how to breathe you and your partner divination tools ( tarot, pendulums, to bliss. Find out how to create sacred runes, etc..), art work, wall hangings, space and stimulate your senses. Himalayan salt lamps, tapestries, windchimes, cauldrons, boxes, meteorites, rare stones, unique items sure to please the person on your list that has everything else.

Give Yourself the Gift of Knowledge

WRITING FOR PUBLICATION 10% off one month personal coaching. ($30 value) Exp. 12/31/16

Take your writing career to the next level. EVOLVING publisher, and freelance writer for more than 20 years, Jill Dutton, offers personal coaching to help you reach your freelance writing goals. Learn more about coaching options, plus Jill’s Business of Writing eCourse at

www.TheBusinessOfWriting.net “Jill Dutton is a positive, supportive writing coach. With a confident, but laid back manner she creates a trusting teacher/student relationship that inspires you to share both your aspirations and doubts. I have wanted to write for publication for years, but only with Jill’s guidance and practical approach have I finally had the focus and courage to take the necessary steps to begin realizing my dreams.” —Joan Polifka


Come learn Holy Fire Reiki! Karen Harrison, Ed.S. ICRT Licensed Reiki Classes & Sessions Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna Young Living Essential Oils Sex Therapy 816-523-4440 www.KarenHarrison.net Kansas City, MO 64114


November 2016

Spiritual Horoscope

November 2016 Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Happy birthday Scorpio! Give yourself the gift of prosperity by clearing out possessions that are old, worn out or no longer represent who you’re becoming. Do the same with beliefs about yourself. Toss out thoughts like discarding old clothes! Write goals and affirmations about what you’d like to accomplish this birth year. Meditate and visualize that future. Say your statements aloud in the mirror so you begin to believe your worth of living that new reality! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) You can make new friends, or even find ways current friends have a deeper connection with you than previously thought! Practicing gratitude improves your mindset, which is usually cheery, but might be down lately. Neuroscience now sees that focusing on gratitude and also writing positive things improves brain chemistry after trauma and challenges. Focus on the good and it will expand — especially your finances!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Work on releasing “old stories” around love. Forgive yourself, previous partners, and even current connections so that you can open to more profound commitments and happiness! Also honor your body for it’s strength and you’ll notice health improvements, even with longstanding issues. Spend time doing something fun each day and make a social plan once a week to further open your heart and mind to joy!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Mars is your sign brings energy, enthusiasm and clarity! This is a once every two year re-commitment to your fitness, whether that be physical (exercise or food choices), mental (fighting negative thought patterns) or spiritual (daily meditation?!). You can also feel surprisingly sexy and meet a new partner or spice up your current connection! You might also have good news at work that leads to more money and more prestige.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Mars is the planet of energy, and also of anger. As a Pisces, it’s crucial to periodically comb your subconscious for repressed rage that leads to helplessness, anxiety and unhappiness. This month and next are perfect for clearing out the “resentment storage bin”! Meditating, journaling and practicing forgiveness techniques give a burst of health and joy. Relationships improve as will your sense of personal empowerment!

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Spiritually, this month helps regain your trust in abundance. This can mean financial prosperity or emotional intimacy. You might even become interested in learning about sacred sexuality. In general, the theme is how the spiritual is contained within everything material — that the Divine is everywhere. Committing to daily meditation rapidly increases your intuition and confidence in your internal guidance. Connect with friends who have the same life perspective.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) You can start a new relationship, or experience healing in your present partnership. Either way, your bond will be about greater commitment, trust and steady passion rather than drama. Clear communication is essential and creates safety. Meditate alone or together to heal past issues about intimacy wounds or fears. Also, Mars can bring a new job offer, or an exciting work project that reinspires your career.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Any health concerns you’re having, including obsessive thinking, eating issues or intense work pressures, try a daily spiritual practice to get insights and healing. Whether meditation, yoga, visualizations, qigong or prayer, consistency brings changes! You can also make a major relationship commitment that brings up abandonment fears. These memories are rising so they can be acknowledged, released and no longer hold you down in subconscious ways.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) You deserve love and intimacy! Open your heart to new relationships, no matter your past “failures”. Forgive yourself and others so you can begin anew. Even current partnerships can heal and blossom now. You can also remove blocks to sexual passion or enjoyment. If you have financial issues, especially credit card debt, you can face things squarely and begin a payment


plan. In all areas of your life, confronting fear dispels shame and allows confidence and joy to flow in!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) You could be feeling lonely or isolated in your relationship. Meditate or take quiet time before talking with your partner so you Image licensed by Ingram Images won’t come across confrontational. Is it possible that they are busy, overwhelmed or distracted with something in their life which isn’t about you and that you’re taking things personally? Use your free time to be active with sports or dance; visit a museum; play with pets; go to extra yoga classes. Things will smooth out and you’ll feel more secure and in love!

current one will feel renewed. Talk about ways you both can improve communication so things run smoother. You can also have a brilliant idea that leads to increased prosperity or maybe a new job offer.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Even though you might be very busy with work, make time to be with your partner and family. Mars is bringing extra energy. Don’t use it to worry or overthink. Instead be active with loved ones, and also try challenging forms or yoga or other mind/body modalities. Meditate and be grateful for your body and the wonderful feats it accomplishes every moment. Relationships flourish as you get out of your head and share your passion with others!

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) You’re not held back by your relationship past! Even if you had a dysfunctional family and/or “failed” partnerships, you can have insights into the root of love life challenges and make choices to move in better directions. A new connection can be starting, or a


November 2016

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727-239-7179 or visit www.alunamichaels.com




AT THE HEALING PLACE Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Shamanic Healing, Intuitive Readings 816-415-2607 www.atthehealingplace.com CENTERED SPIRIT The Holistic solution for chronic and acute health conditions ~ Medical Massage, Maya Abdominal Massage, Cupping, Infrared sauna. 816-225-9393 or visit centeredspirit.com

REGINA COMPERNOLLE Home Herbalist Courses, Apprenticeships, Women’s Sacred Studies, Astrology, Tarot, Consults, Women Drumming 816-547-0266; www.SacredEarthArts.com INTUITIVE ENERGY COACHING Intuitive Life Sessions & Wellness Retreats with Master Practitioner Cathleen Miller. Limited Time New Clients Book 30 Get 30 FREE @ www.IntuitiveLifestyleSuccess.com BARBARA AHERN Energy Healing * Hypnosis * Whole Life Balancing ~ Classes on 3rd Sat. each month. Inquire at 913-5224953 or kansashealer@yahoo.com


PETS N2PAWS OFFERING DOGA (DOGGIE YOGA) An integrated approach to balance & relaxation for you and your canine companion! www.n2paws.com 816-522-7005

CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING SCHOOL Classes and individual sessions in energy healing and meditation. NCBTMB approved courses. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com

DOG’S WORLD OF FUN Boarding/Grooming/ Daycare. 1220 W. 31st KCMO 816-931-5822 www.dogsworldoffun.com Find us on Facebook

MAYA'S OASIS ENERGY HEALING INSTITUTE Classes in Reiki, energy healing, intuition, and 12-month women's circle. NCBTMB approved courses. www.MayaZahira.com HOLOS UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SEMINARY Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, self-development & Research: www.holosuniversity.org

GOURMET FOODS THE TASTEFUL OLIVE 7945 Santa Fe Dr. Over 65 oils & vinegars to sample before you buy! Call for info on classes, specials or to place a shipping order. www.thetastefulolive.com “FRIEND THAT COOKS PERSONAL CHEFS” offer weekly meal prep for families with busy schedules, food allergies or special diets. 913-660-0790; www.kcmealprep.com

RETAIL SPECTRUM-A NEW AGE SHOP 7827 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City Missouri 64118; 816-3212658’ www.spectrumreiki.com Spectrum.newageshop@gmail.com GIFTS & DECOR SWORDS & MORE A great shop for meaningful gifts like Candles, Fairies, Swords, Crystals, and more to meet your Holistic & Metaphysical needs. 123 S Mur-Len Olathe, KS 66062 913-782-4244

RETREATS GODDESS PILGRIMAGE TO CRETE WITH CAROL CHRIST, a life-transforming sacred sites journey for women, spring and fall. www.goddessariadne.org.


CJ MARTES Spiritual Mentoring/Coaching, Medical-Intuitive, Akashic Field Therapy, Seraphim Fire Healing cjmartes.com or 800-604-9967

NEW DAY HYPNOTHERAPY, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. www.newdayhypno.com 913-908-6907

COUNSELING BARB HOFFMAN, MA, LPC, LCSW, in KCMO; 816.561.1116 Indiv./ Couples/Family Therapy, Depression & anxiety, abuse & trauma, grief & loss, addictions, relationships. Most insurance.

MEDITATION KANSAS CITY MEDITATION GROUP OF SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP Sunday Service 10AM 10819 Wornall Rd, KCMO http://kcmeditation.com/ 816-799-5544

ENTERTAINMENT KAREN ELISE - PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER & COACH Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations. 913-636-9502 www.KarenElise.com

NUTRITION & WELLNESS NUTRITION CONSULTANT JACKIE CALDWELL HHC, BS Jackie works with you to restore digestive health by eating a grain free diet. Contact Jackie at 913-980-5605 www.grainfreewellness.com



November 2016

SHAMANISM DANIEL BAXLEY Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343, www.shamanicpathways.net

SPIRITUAL GROWTH STEPHANIE FORCIER, CT/CAP, Workshops, Events, Personalized Infinity & Akashic Record Sessions: connect with your infinite nature, 816-260-2438 www.infiniteforcier.com. RE-IMAGINE YOUR LIFE WITH LANIA DESMOND Life Purpose • Relationships • Divine Guidance ~Private Sessions & Group Events. SoulPoint.com 828-2361230 ~ info@SoulPoint.com

NOVEMBER 2016 MASSAGE THERAPY CLASS ENROLLMENT Class enrollment is starting this month! Are you ready for the challenge? 816-523-9140 ext 111. http:// wellspring.edu/continuingeducation


CYNTHIA LITWER, ASTROLOGER Member AOA; NCGR Astrological consult., writer, Instructor at JCCC, BS in Psych. Facebook: “Cynthia Litwer, Astrologer” 913-385- 7031 perspective2@mac.com TRACI BRAY, BS, MA PSYCHIC/MEDIUM Private, group or family sessions by phone or in person. 913-940-0754 www.tracibray.com www.Facebook.com/TraciBrayMedium


SHIRLEY FESSEL, MA, MEd SpiritExpressions® Writing Coach Holy Spirit Mother Sessions - Religious Abuse Recovery ShirleyFessel.com. Fessup2@msn.com 816-651-5997

UNITY TEMPLE OFFERING FREE SIMPLE WEDDING CEREMONIES Register at www.simpleceremonieskc.com 707 West 47th Street, KC, MO


Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE LindaLysakowskiEssentialOils.com ALOHA DAY SPA Specializing in massage therapy, energy healing, and acupuncture. Aloha Day Spa, Inc., 9770 Quivira Rd., Lenexa, KS 913-481-2667

YOGA THE YOGA SCHOOL OF THERAPEUTICS Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594; www.theyogastudio.com YOGA PATCH 19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore. YogaPatch.com; 816-268-4660


STEPHANIE RED FEATHER, THE HEALER'S HEALER Transformational life/business/$ coaching, shamanic healing, energy therapies, Reiki classes, women's circles. 913-5153271, redfeatherconnections.com

NOVEMBER 2016 ALL NEW CEU CLASSES Please subscribe to our email list for current listings. 816523-9140 ext 111. http://wellspring.edu/ continuing-education NOV 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 GROUP GUIDES MEDITATION Tuesday's in November at Spectrum a new age shop 7827 N. Oak KCMO 64118 https://www.facebook.com/ Spectrumnewageshop

NOVEMBER 8 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. Reservations 913-831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com NOVEMBER 8 ONLINE INTUITIVE READINGS FOR CREATE STUDENTS All day event. Thinking of joining the CREATE program for women? Now is the time! Get your life questions answered online with intuitive coach, Maya Zahira. Visit www.MayaZahira.com to apply. NOVEMBER 11 PAST LIFE READINGS WITH PATRICIA SNEED 7:00 p.m. $25 Spectrum a new age shop 7827 N. Oak KCMO 64118 www.facebook.com/ Spectrumnewageshop/

DEC.EMBER 3-4 USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9 a.m .– 6:30 p.m, $380 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440. karen@karenharrison.net www.karenharrison.net. DECEMBER 10 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AND SALE 10:00 am to 4:00 p.m. Purchase Inspirational Gifts and Gift Certificates. Holiday festivities with music, food and fun! At The Healing Place 103 E. Gregory Blvd. KC, MO 64114 816-415-2607 www.atthehealingplace.com DECEMBER 17 AWAY IN A MANGER: TO BIRTH THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS WITHIN, BECOME LIKE A MANGER Meditation in the frequencies of LOVE at The Light Center robingoff714@gmail.com

NOVEMBER 12 3 SIMPLE WAYS TO STAY GROUNDED NOVEMBER 4, 5, & 6 DURING STRESSFUL TIMES ORACLES OF AQUARIUS, PSYCHIC FAIR 2:00-3:30 p.m. Learn practical techniques Friday, Nov. 4, Noon-9 pm, Saturday, Nov. to navigate even the most stressful times. DECEMBER 17 5, 11 am-7 pm, Sunday, Nov. 6, 11 am-6 This *FREE* event will take place via HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AND SALE pm. Aquarius' own, in-house Psychic Fair. Facebook Live! Join the Maya's Oasis 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Purchase Inspirational Some of the BEST readers, healers and Facebook group to participate! Gifts and Gift Certificates! Holiday energy workers in the region! No charge festivities with music, food and fun! At for entry! Aquarius Books, 3936 NOVEMBER 14 The Healing Place 1539 Maple Woods Dr. Broadway, KCMO. More GUIDED MEDITATION Liberty, MO 64068. 816-415-2607 info: www.aquariusbooks.com 816-931Join us for an evening of spirit guided www.atthehealingplace.com 6303 meditation. New or experienced meditators welcome! 7:00 p.m. Cost: love ONGOING NOVEMBER 5 offering John Hoefer (913) 831-4422 Core INTUITIVE READINGS WITH CHRISTY Star Energy Healing, 6045 Martway, REIKI CIRCLE STUCKEY Mission, KS. Unity Temple on the Plaza; 707 W. 47th Spectrum a new age shop 7827 N. Oak St., Kansas City, MO. 2nd Saturday every KCMO 64118 https:// NOVEMBER 17 month 1-4 p.m. to receive Reiki session. www.facebook.com/ "SOIL WILL SAVE US" Revolutionary Love Offering. For information, email Spectrumnewageshop/ Ideas, by Author Stan Slaughter. kaubry@rocketmail.com or call 913-2157 -8:30 p.m. Refreshments. Love 8863. NOVEMBER 5 & 6 offering, Unity Church of O.P. REIKI CIRCLE AROMATHERAPY www.ucop.org Unity Church of Overland Park –10300 Everyone is welcome! No specific brand, Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 this is about the essential oil and how to NOVEMBER 22 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive use it. $300 Register 16 CEU hours 816CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC 523-9140 ext 111. http://wellspring.edu/ Experience the benefits of energy healing. a Reiki treatment. For flier email karen@karenharrison.net. continuing-education 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS. Reservations 913-831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20 816-523-4440 NOVEMBER 6 USUI ADVANCED REIKI CERTIFICATION COURSE 1:00-6:00 p.m. Learn to use crystals to send Reiki, remove non-beneficial energies, and strengthen your Reiki by practicing the Microcosmic Orbit Meditation. www.MayaZahira.com



www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com NOVEMBER 25 KIRTAN: ELEVATION THROUGH SOUND Learn mantra meditation. Fun, soulful music. Followed by lecture on Vedic wisdom. Refreshments. 6:30-8:30 PM. $10. Unity Temple Plaza, Classroom C. More info 404-376-2140 www.ultimateselfrealization.com

November 2016

ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy healing sessions for cancer patients and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. KansasCityHealingProject.org



November 2016

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