September 2017 Evolving Magazine

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E volving

September 2017 ~ Vol. IX, Issue 7

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living

Visit Mexico for the ‘Magical Time’

Relocation Astrology Helps Navigate to Love You Don’t Have to Die to Have a Near-Death Experience Dream Patterns

Inside: Conscious Living Festival Program EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


September 2017

Awaken. Come Home to Yourself. Dance in the Art of Womanhood. Experience the Power of Community As we Return to Eden, together.

November 3-4, 2017 Register at:

Evolving Magazine presents…

Conscious Living Festival September 17 from noon to 5 p.m. at Unity Temple on the Plaza Check out the vendor and workshop lineup—the program starts on page 9!



September 2017

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

The rain and thunder started early in the morning creating an atmosphere both indoors and out, the perfect setting for a lazy day. An unexpected chance to relax. Recoup. Savor in the heavy feeling of the air. I spent the day in a relaxed daze—cooking, sewing, reading. I thought about how if it were bright and sunny I would instead be drawn outside to play. But on this day the rain embraced me and kept me indoors. I’ve found through the years that our metaphorical sacred journey begins within. One such pivotal point for me was 1990. I was 27. My father had suddenly passed away. At that time, I was unsure of my beliefs, my path in life, my purpose. I was a mother, and knew that was an important part of my journey, but still had a yearning for an even deeper meaning. After his death, I devoured philosophy and spirituality books trying to find my place on earth. His transition was an impetus for change. This passionate search and the healing modalities I began to explore lead me to create Evolving Woman in 1994. Traveling is like this too. My inner thoughts and feelings, my outlook on life, travel with me wherever I go. The environment, like with a rainy or sunny day, may temper my mood and help to create a path, but my inner journey is consistent regardless of the path or weather. This month, we explore the Sacred Journey. Whether a journey within or without, each of us will see, experience, and embrace our journey in a personal way that holds meaning for us as individuals; yet, no matter how different our pursuits may appear to be, we share a common yearning for events that push us ever closer to selfactualization—leading to a personalized Sacred Journey. With much love and gratitude for you, our dear reader,

How 3 Days of Silence at an Ashram Changed My Life 13

Relocation Astrology Helps Navigate to Love 14

Visit Mexico for the ‘Magical Time’ 15

You Don’t Have to Die to Have a Near-Death Experience 16

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: *Like us on Facebook: *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag


Your Culinary Canvas Delivered to Your Door Fight Fatigue and Balance Your Blood Sugar With a Daily Smoothie


Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistants Sara Zimmerman Judy Kirkpatrick

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton Monthly Columnists Gloria Gale, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes

Eating Well Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Revelations Holistic Health Horoscope Events ON THE COVER

Almost Spring by Gloria Gale. Gale says, “One of my favorite places is the Overland Park Arboretum. Since I love to take walks throughout the seasons, I thought, ‘Why not paint it?’ This image is a snapshot of the West Loop as it rises up from the creek. I fancied it up with a colorful interpretation in early March.”

Print & Web Layout/Design Alea Smith EVOLVING© 2017 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


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September 2017

Fight Fatigue and Balance Your Blood Sugar With a Daily Smoothie BY ANGELA WATSON ROBERTSON


Daily Smoothie Recipe moothies can be a great source of protein, superfoods, fats, and Ingredients: fiber, but not all smoothie recipes  A handful of frozen spinach are the same. Going to your local  A handful of frozen strawberries, smoothie shop may not mango, cherries, and wild be healthy—you have blueberries to look at what’s inside.  1 frozen banana This is why I  Plant-based protein recommend making powder (dairy, gluten, and your smoothies at soy free) of your choice home. You can control the ingredients, and  Unsweetened almond, you know that you’re coconut, or cashew milk, as getting a high-quality, desired low-glycemic (low  Purified water, as desired sugar) drink filled with  In addition, I like to add organic, whole fruits, superfoods, but these are vegetables, and greens. totally optional: An important  A splash (about a component of health is tablespoon) of aloe vera gel to maintain blood to heal your gut lining sugar balance. Yet, in  A tablespoon of barley our modern world, it Image licensed by Ingram Images grass extract powder or can be difficult to eat green powder of your choice (spirulina as much and as often as our body needs is a great option!) so we don’t crash. That’s where Method: smoothies come in. By blending lots of Add all of the above to your blender. protein, fiber, and other nutrients, you Blend and enjoy! support your body to feel full and Health Coach Tips balanced for several hours. If you’d like to add some extra If you feel fatigued, exhausted, or low energy often, then you may have an issue chocolate flavor to the smoothie then add some raw cacao powder to give your with maintaining your blood sugar. If smoothie. Add more nut milk or purified you’ve been diagnosed with adrenal water to create the thickness and texture fatigue, keeping your blood sugar in a you prefer. I recommend using all healthy place is even more important. organic ingredients. Something as simple as eating small meals every few hours that are high in protein, combined with a daily smoothie Angela Watson packed with healthy protein, superfoods, Robertson, MBA, fats, and fiber, can help you bring your CIHC, INHC, is known body back into balance. as The Reinvention And if that’s not enough, smoothies Warrior, host of Masters are easily digested as the blender has of Reinvention, and done the work for your body. If you have creator of the lifeany hiccups with your digestion, this is a changing program, Fatigue huge perk. I thrive on having one meal Warrior. Not only has Angela completely per day in smoothie form. Not only does reinvented her own life, she has created it aid my digestion, but the smoothies are simple, effective tools to help others like a treat and save me time from transform every area of their lives-from making a meal (like you, I’ve got a full health, career, and money to relationships, life!). Give it a try, and over time, you’ll spirituality, and sex. Find her free wellness see a huge difference in your health. tips, course and programs at Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY

Your Culinary Canvas Delivered to Your Door B G G





ff to the grocery store, again? Don’t like certain fruits or veggies? No Ugh. Rely on a service that problem. Just jump on the website and saves you the trip. design a box, from small to large, and fill When it with your favorites. I go to the store, The box arrives to regardless of my your door, insulated list, inevitably, I for whatever season forget something. necessary. Discovering So, for $19.99 +$5 Door to Door shipping, here’s Organics has what’s in a Bitty Box. picked up the  3 Organic Bananas slack.  2 Organic Pink It’s an online Image licensed by Ingram Images Lady Apples grocery delivery  2 Organic Bosc company around Pears since 1997. Cheesy Tomatoes  1 Organic Grapefruit Door to Door 6 Servings  1 Organic Baby Carrots 1 Organics digs in deep 10 Minutes to uncover local farms This is the perfect recipe for small lb and purveyors of  1 Organic Cucumber hands. Kids like the cheese and fresh, good-for-you tomato combination and you’ll like  1 Organic White food. the help. Mushrooms 8 oz When I looked at Ingredients  1 Organic Butternut the online list of 12 cherry tomatoes Squash providers, here’s a ½ cups goat cheese or 1/2 cup  1 Organic Grape few: Great Grans fresh Mozzarella cheese cut into Tomatoes pint Pickle Company, Heil small cubes There’s more. Produce, KC Buffalo Directions Door to Door Organics Company, Mean 1. Pull the green stem off the not only makes eating Vegan, and Quixotic— tomatoes. well easy, they keep up all of them offered 2. Rinse tomatoes under cold with the latest foodie humanely raised water and pat dry. trends, have mealmeats and chicken, 3. Gently core the tomatoes. planning tools, frequently sustainably raised 4. Fill the core with cheese. offer exclusive deals and seafood, grains, fruits, 5. Enjoy! giveaways, and help and veggies grown and connect you with the local packed with the farming and artisan food scene. consumer in mind. There are very few excuses left not to According to Door to Door Organics, eat well. This is one of those companies “We scour food labels to ensure every that will make it easy for you. item at our Shop meets our minimum It’s worth a try. Good Food Standards: No artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colors, and flavors; hormones; antibiotics; highfructose corn syrup; trans fats; nitrates/ nitrites; bleached/bromated flour & a list Kansas City writer, of about 75 other banned ingredients.” producer, and photo stylist The idea of an online non-gmo, Gloria Gale is a sleuth organic-in-a-box delivery is long overdue. when it comes to Come to think of it, crafting your own box discovering interesting to your specs makes eating clean so features for the media. smart. Most recently, Gloria Once you join the online community, profiled area restaurants you can mix and match, try a new flavor as a columnist for 435 Magazine and was profile, or restock favorite items. From on KCUR's Food Critics radio program. organic, whole-wheat bread to Vanilla Hemp Milk, there’s a variety of food to Want to know where to find the best tastes temp the pickiest palette. in town?


September 2017

Wisdom Within

Fight Auto-Immune Challenges with S Yoga B S

Awaken to Who You Are and All You Came to Be



Behavior & Wellness support with a holistic practitioner/behavior consultant


ne of our students who has the autoimmune challenge called Parkinson’s disease has kept her health strong and stable for over 12 years. She seldom misses her four-times-aweek yoga class, counts on friends and family for support, and keeps her nutrition strong. For the over 25 situations of auto-immune challenges, (even Image licensed by Ingram Images high blood pressure may be one) we need four concentrations: 1. Self-care 2. Professional yoga 3. maybe a therapist to really listen to us Nutrition and 4. Faith and support. and affirm our wellness. The lady with Image licensed by Ingram Images Image licensed by IngramPD Images 1. Self Care: It is important to manage was walking to a concert on a cold fears and worries and one of the best day with her hands in her pockets. She ways to do this is surrender them to a said later if she had held onto her higher power of your faith. Remind husband’s arm she would not have yourself of your worthiness and value taken the bad fall which cut her face before getting out of bed. Breathe in and hurt her shoulder. Lean upon love and breathe out love. Enfold others who you may trust to be a yourself in light. Saturate yourself in friend. There is magic in the telling of love. Use affirmations to train your our concerns and fears and worries. mind to positive thoughts. Let go of Again, to be a bit redundant, it’s so numbing your feelings. Find ways to important to keep strong in your faith feel gratitude and appreciation for the and surrender the pain and fears to gifts of life. the great love. Our guides and angels 2. Professional Yoga: There are are always with us to help us in any techniques of yoga to flush out the way when we ask for this support. lymphatic system and strengthen the An auto-immune challenge means the endocrine system, especially the body literally attacks itself. With these glands of health including the thyroid, tips, we may not be able to reverse the thymus, and adrenals. There are ways challenge, but it will stabilize and make to move the blood to all parts of our our health strong and give us more body. One-third of our blood is in the energy and hope. Hope is based on legs. It’s important to keep the legs expectation and anticipation. When we and core strong for support to the take care of ourselves we feel better. In immune system. Those who manage the great mysteries of love, there are their auto-immune challenge will always windows to open to love ourselves benefit greatly from a strong yoga more. This is my quest, and one I love to program. Check out the Yoga Studio share with you. for a free class on how to help yourself. 3. Nutrition: First, one must stay fully Suzette Scholtes’ nonhydrated to soak nutrition into every fiction writing won the cell. Anti-inflammatory foods include prestigious “Writers a daily supplement of turmeric, any Digest” award. Her form of ginger, onions, and garlic are passions are writing and all anti-inflammatory. Avoid the toxic yoga and she feels one properties of too much caffeine, sugar, needs a sense of humor alcohol, and processed foods. A for both. She founded The Yoga School of healthy diet of vegetables and fruits Therapeutics where she manages one of the and organic meats go a long way to region’s prestige teacher training programs. boost immune strength and energy. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland 4. Faith & Support: We all need to lean Park. upon good friends and family or 913-492-9594.

Enhancing the lives of People & Animals

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Ilene Kimsey, PhD

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“Your Presence is Your Essence”

Salt Therapy Acupuncture Massage Infrared Sauna Brain Tap

Come learn Holy Fire Reiki! Karen Harrison, Ed.S.

ICRT Licensed Reiki Classes & Sessions Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna Young Living Essential Oils Sex Therapy 816-523-4440 Kansas City, MO 64114


September 2017

$50 SPECIAL Release limits/Refresh LIFE (exp. 9/30/17) Wholistic Life Coaching Intuitive Counseling Ho’opono Pono Sessions Hawaiian Wisdom 913.353.6867

Counseling & Wellness


Journey to Wholeness

Explore the Journey of Problem Solving

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King Chiropractic & Acupuncture 6447 N. Cosby Ave KCMO 64151 ` 816-221-4418 Find us on Facebook.

Learn more about Kansas City Wellness Professionals in the Holistic Online Directory. Find a practitioner near you at holistic-online-directory.

journey can be defined as a “day’s work; the act of traveling from one place to another; any course or passage from one state of experience to another.” The word “problem” is from the Greek “to throw forward.” The goal of the journey is to travel into the inner or outer world, meet the unknown, and bring back a gift from this experience for one’s self and to the community and place where one lives. A journey can be one step, a trip to the store, or to another part of the world. It is an inner journey into the world of dreams or imagination. It is an outer journey in a relationship or work. It is the experience of moving from problem to solution. It is a transition from adolescence to adulthood, or from midlife to being an elder. It is a moment, a day, or perhaps a lifetime. We are on many journeys simultaneously. Each time we begin a journey, we are in a different place than the time before. We return with a new treasure, newly developed abilities, or new solutions to life’s problems. For millennia, people have talked about the journey as the adventure or the quest in search of truth, meaning, wealth, or fame. Joseph Campbell, author of many books on this subject, tells us in The Hero With a Thousand Faces, about the three parts of the Journey: Departure, Initiation and Return. In the Life Weaving Education Curriculum, I developed eight stages in the journey to assist people in more easily following the steps of problem solving. In Departure we begin by Preparing for the Journey. State the problem, become more present by being aware of your body sensations and emotions. Here you can tell yourself “I can take all the time I need.” This helps you to feel physically calm and mentally alert. The next step is Opening the Door. In this step we change to the healing Alpha/ Theta Brain Wave state. Diaphragmatic breathing, repetitive exercise or movement, music, meditation, chanting, or rapping can help entrain the brain, the heart and breathing rate, and other body rhythms. As we move into this altered state of consciousness we access more parts of ourselves for problem solving. Campbell’s next step is Initiation. I have divided this into three steps. The



first is Walking the or, in some “A journey can be one step, writing Path where we way tangibly confront the obstacles a trip to the store, or to representing the or hardships and may and energy of another part of the world.” spirit feel like turning back. the gift. And finally, Here we need there is bringing the consistency, sticking with the process gift to others, Connecting in my Daily through the challenges and difficulties. Life. This may take time as we practice, Staying with it we come to Embracing solidify, and manifest what we have the Source, the heart of the journey. learned in the journey. Think of Dorothy and her companions in We travel from problem to solution, the Wizard of Oz. As they go to what they from idea to practical application, from believe to be the wizard or source, they challenge to new learning. Be brave, be discover that the solutions were within smart, and travel often! themselves all along. The journey helped them to discover this. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., The step of Receiving the Gift is so LCPC is a counselor, important as this is the act of taking in educator and author. For what we have learned. Receiving is counseling appointments, sometimes harder than giving but so seminars, training, essential. Appreciating the Source (gift) supervision, speaking is an important step that is often engagements or forgotten. information on The last phase is the Return. There Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple are two parts to this process. The Therapy call 913-322-5622. For more application I call Representing the Gift. information on Jude LaClaire go to This is the part where the solution, becomes concrete, practical, and implemented. We can begin by drawing,


September 2017


Dream Patterns Revealing the Hidden Patterns of Our Waking Lives BY JONSON MILLER


reams are bizarre. There’s no way around it. Because of this, they’re inherently interesting. Dreams can teach us about the nature of consciousness, reveal to us personal and universal truths through symbolic language, and enable us to make lasting changes in our own lives. I have experienced all of these through my own dreams. At various stages of my life, I have used my dreams to understand the unconscious forces shaping my behavior, feelings, and attitudes. But I didn’t do this by studying one of the many dream dictionaries that are available. Dream dictionaries encourage us to interpret individual dreams in isolation and, furthermore, to interpret each individual image within each dream. But there is too much noise in our dreams for this approach to provide valuable interpretations on a consistent basis. Nor have I gained the most from my dreams by trying, in the psychoanalytical manner, to interpret all of my dreams as either expressions of unconscious desires or as universal archetypes. What allowed me to create change in my life was 1) recognizing personal patterns of images and themes in my dreams, 2) recognizing the patterns in my waking life that they represent, and then 3) working to change those waking-life patterns. My dreams changed then as well, confirming the changes I made in my waking life. Images, people, and themes repeat themselves in our dreams over a period of time. For example, a particular cluster of individuals or types of people (uniformed authorities, monsters, laborers, etc.) tend to appear in our dreams and our dreams tend to occur in a particular cluster of places (an old family home, forests, institutions, etc.). It is these recurring elements that we need to note and then interpret. These patterns may sometimes be literal recurring dreams, which occur in an identical or nearly identical way each time, but usually they are not. The repeating elements of our dreams tend to occur in a variety of combinations and contexts to produce unique dreams each night. Consequently, we must patiently record our dreams over a period of time to

defense mechanisms or an ingrained pattern that no longer served me, and then I let the feelings go. After a few months of this, the moments of anxiety became fewer and fewer. As the anxiety disappeared, so did the dreams. Identify and interpret your dream patterns. Reflect on how those patterns are playing out in your waking life. Be aware of the actual moments in the day when those patterns are operating. When you are conscious of those moments, you can control how you respond. Dissolving those unhelpful patterns requires active self-awareness and repetition. As you work to dissolve those patterns, look for confirmation of your efforts in your changing dream patterns. I do not entirely dismiss the value of individual dreams. I occasionally experience individual dreams with profound meaning. These dreams, ones Carl Jung called “big dreams,” are packed reveal the patterns. These elements recur rather happy and content. The pattern in with mythological elements and, because of ongoing behaviors and stimuli my dreams prompted me to look for fear therefore, stand out from the normal within our waking lives and our and anxiety in my waking life. The more I patterns in my dreams. Those big dreams unconscious minds. Our dream patterns looked, the more of it I found. generally occur at times of major change point us to those stimuli, enabling us to Dream patterns drawn from the in my life. Those dreams, however, are recognize them. Having recognized them, commonplace things of your waking life rare and precious. We can, however, best if they are unhelpful behaviors or can be particularly difficult to interpret, recognize them when we learn to sift attitudes, we can then adopt new, more because those elements may not be literal through, on the one hand, the skillful behaviors and attitudes. references. Our dreams must draw on meaningless noise and, on the other, the We may dream of certain elements something to build themselves; they often very meaningful long-term patterns of our simply because we frequently experience use the commonplace. But our dreams dreams. But the greatest benefit from our those elements in our waking lives. On the may use those commonplace elements to dreams comes from the persistent and other hand, I was surprised to find how represent something else, something we long-term study of those dream patterns few of the commonplace elements of my are unaware of. So we must patiently that enable us to dissolve unhelpful waking life appear in my dreams. Many reflect on our dream patterns and waking-life patterns and replace them recurring elements of our dreams may not cultivate self-awareness to recognize the with more skillful ways of living. draw from our immediate waking lives. waking-life patterns revealed in our Some of my dream elements are from my dreams. Jonson Miller has childhood or other long-past events. Simply recognizing an unhelpful practiced dream Other elements are seemingly attitude or behavior may be enough to interpretation for inexplicable. Regardless of their origins, stop that pattern and replace it with over twenty-five take note of the patterns and where they something more skillful. But often that is come from in your experiences. not enough. I have generally had to work years. He found Having recognized dream patterns, we to replace those unhelpful patterns. psychoanalytical can then recognize the waking-life Consider the example with the hostile and dream patterns they point to. The relationship animals I gave above. Recognizing the dictionary between the two isn’t always or even often dream pattern was important, but I had to approaches insufficient, so he developed obvious. For example, as a teenager, I do more. I had to actively look for those his own pattern-based method of frequently dreamt of hostile, fanged moments of fear and anxiety in my analysis. He is a member of the animals. The obvious expression of fear waking life. When I identified those International Association for the Study of and anxiety didn’t make sense to me, moments, I acknowledged them, since, at the time, I believed myself to be recognized that they resulted from Dreams.



September 2017

Holistic Health

How to Naturally Treat Hypothyroidism BY NANCY RUSSELL, M.D.


ypothyroidism, or low functioning thyroid gland, can cause all-over body symptoms. These symptoms include: cold hands and feet, cold intolerance, fatigue, decreased mental clarity, dry skin and hair, constipation, difficulty losing weight, infertility, muscle and joint aches, low sex drive, trouble falling asleep, depression, and increased incidence of eczema and psoriasis. An under active thyroid doesn’t manufacture enough T4, thyroxine (the storage form of the thyroid hormone) and/or T3, triiodothyronine. The thyroid may convert too much of the T4 to reverse T3, the inactive thyroid hormone. In some cases, a person’s body may have an autoimmune disease and produce antibodies against ones own gland and slowly or quickly destroy the thyroid tissue. This auto immune disease is called Graves’ disease if it causes hyperthyroid problems or Hashimotos’ thyroiditis if it the thyroid is under active or hypothyroidism. To completely test the thyroid, the following tests are generally performed on the blood. The test are: TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone-from the brain), Free T3, Free T4, reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies: anti-thyroglobulin and anti-TPO or thyroid peroxidase. Other nutrition levels that can be helpful are zinc, selenium, and iodine levels. An ultrasound of the thyroid can also be helpful and necessary if the thyroid gland is enlarged or feels boggy. Many practitioners and the AACE, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, suggested a revision in the normal range of TSH from (0.5 to 5.0) to (0.3 to 3.0). Most laboratories still have 4.5 to 5.0 as the top of the reference or normal range. If you wait for the TSH to slowly rise from 3.0 to over 5.0, a person may have low thyroid symptoms for years before they are treated. Another approach is to treat people with a TSH at 3.0 or above and with Free T4 and Free T3 at the low side of normal with natural thyroid supplements or prescription thyroid medication. Treatment for hypothyroidism includes eating a healthy diet with organic produce, cage free eggs, free range beef, organic poultry, wild caught fish with minimal sugar and no artificial sweeteners. Nuts, seeds, and other good fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, and palm kernel oil. These oils should be organic and unrefined. Supplements or over-the-counter capsules for thyroid support may include: Iodine, zinc, L-tyrosine, selenium, adrenal herbs such as ashwaganda, etc. If the thyroid blood levels don’t improve with diet and over-the-counter supplements

Treatment Treatment for hypothyroidism includes eating a healthy diet with organic produce, cage free eggs, free range beef, organic poultry, wild caught fish with minimal sugar, and no artificial sweeteners. Nuts, seeds, and other good fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, and palm kernel oil. These oils should be organic and unrefined. Supplements or over the counter capsules for thyroid support may include: Iodine, zinc, L-tyrosine, selenium, adrenal herbs such as ashwaganda, etc. If the thyroid blood levels don’t improve with diet and over -the-counter supplements within 2-3 months, then prescription medication is probably needed.



within 2-3 months, then prescription medication is probably needed. Prescription medication for hypothyroid is conventionally Synthroid or the generic, Levothyroxine. This medication is synthetic T4 only and is not guaranteed to be gluten free. Another synthetic T4 medication that is guaranteed to be gluten free is Tirosint. Many people improve with the synthetic T4 prescriptions, but there are some people who don’t convert the inactive T4 hormone to the active hormone T3 and some convert to reverse T3 which is inactive. Free T4 and Free T3 testing needs to be assessed in addition to the TSH to determine the type of thyroid medication for each person. Options for adding T3 hormone is needed include: Cytomel, a synthetic T3 prescription medication, Armour thyroid, Naturethroid, Westhroid, or WP thyroid which are all desiccated thyroid gland from pigs or compounded T4 and T3 from plant based ingredients from beet root, minerals, or duck feathers. All of these preparations are prescription and must be prescribed by a medical provider. After starting thyroid medication, it is suggested to assess a blood test with the thyroid hormones 6 to 8 weeks after starting. Dosage may need to be adjusted several times to get the appropriate dose and then assessed at least one time a year. If you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with resultant hypothyroidism, treating with medication may not offer complete relief. This is an auto immune disorder, and if not treated properly can lead to other auto immune issues. If you are not getting better with the usual thyroid medications, or if you have Hashimoto’s disorder with positive antibodies, there are probably other health concerns to address. A few of these include food sensitivities, dysbiosis which is an imbalance in gut flora, leaky gut, adrenal hormone imbalance, candida or bacterial overgrowth, neuro transmitter imbalance, and sleep disorders. For more information regarding Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, references include The AutoImmune Solution by Dr Amy Meyers or Hashimoto’s 90 Day protocol by Dr Izabella Wentz.

September 2017

Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.

Evolving Magazine Presents...

Conscious Living Festival

Festival Program

September 17, 2017 Noon-5 p.m. at Unity Temple on the Plaza 707 W. 47th St., Kansas City, MO for more information. EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


September 2017

Vendor Directory A Lightkeeper’s Place Annamaria McBride

Core Star Energy Healing John Hoefer

Mindfulness Matters Lisa Pinsker

Aloha Day Spa Tamara Usman

David Russell, Medium

Norwex Nicole Smith

ECKANKAR of Kansas City

An Essentially Oily Existence Julia White

Gifts & Décor Romona Martin

Aquarius Barbara Criswell

Heartland Holistic Health Care Jude LaClaire

At the Healing Place Reinvent Your Health Tammy Barton Sheri Woxland Dr. Diane Voss

I.G.O.G. Organic Skin Care Products Kelly Runyan

BodyTalk with LaShonda Janae & Theresa Rice Brain Tap Distributor Cindy Crandall Centered Spirit Emilie Jackson

Infinite Forcier Stephanie Forcier KC Wellness Project Christina O'Shia Life Spiral Ministries Stephanie Pifer-Stone

Aloha Day Spa, Inc. 9770 Quivira Rd. Lenexa, KS 913-481-2667 Aloha Cell

Radiate Wellness Sacred Earth Arts Regina Compernolle

Tea Historic Nicole Burriss Temple of the Goddess Priestess Kim Macy Twirl Linda Putthoff Your Peaceful Space Nikki Crawford

Your Peaceful Space Therapeutic Massage Healing Touch (Classes and Service) Acupuncture

Purium Bryan Rew

David Russell, Spiritualist Medium, Visits Kansas City for Two Events Conscious Living Festival Sept. 17— vendor and featured workshop at 1:00 p.m.  Mediumship Workshop, in Lenexa, KS on September 23 and 24. 

Feel overwhelmed by the clutter in your home? Give me a call. Nikki Crawford, PhD 913-908-2298 EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY Call Kelly Murphy-Boulé at 913-634-7553 for more information. 10

September 2017

Educational Workshops Featured Event 1:00-1:45 p.m. AN AFTERNOON WITH SPIRIT— A DEMONSTRATION OF MEDIUMSHIP WITH BRITISH MEDIUM, DAVID RUSSELL David is a spiritualist medium from Sheffield, England with 30 years of experience in mediumship. In this demonstration, David will be bringing through loved ones on the other side to the audience members. You will sit to hear the message coming through and there may be a message for you in this demonstration. —David Russell Charles Filmore Chapel

2:00-2:45p.m. FACE YOUR FEARS AND MOVE FORWARD Fear often leads to anger or even hatred. It may push us into anxiety and panic. Confronting our fears is key to changing them to action, hope, and taking back our own power. Learn some helpful strategies and skills to face your fears, re-imagining them into positive change. Come to share and learn. —Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC Classroom D

3:00-3:45 p.m. MOVEMENT, MINDFULNESS, AND MEDITATION Live better, smile more, love more! Learn to live more fully present in the present by celebrating the body, mind, and heart. Establish relaxed alignment, and breathe more easily. —Linda Putthoff Classroom C

MINDFULNESS FOR STRESS/ PRACTICES FOR WELL-BEING We’ll explore the true path of mindfulness and how you can positively impact your INTRODUCTION TO HEALING health and well-being. Simple essential TOUCH In this no-fee workshop you will learn more take-away practices you can integrate into about this gentle bio-field therapy for your daily life. —Lisa Pinsker own self-care and to help others. This Temple Space energy modality has been well researched for pain, stress, anxiety management, for CREATING SAFE HAVENS IN YOUR 1:00-1:45 p.m. integration with cancer treatment, and in HOME many other daily uses. Improving the quality of life by radically THE WINDS THROUGH THE —Tamara Usman reducing chemicals in our homes. ABDOMEN (ANCIENT WISDOM) Heritage Room —Nicole Smith Research shows that up to 75 percent of our Classroom B immune system is located in our gut (main MESSAGES FROM THE BODY pathway where stress enters the body). Our The body is a very effective messaging GOOD GRIEF! “gut instinct” helps us navigate through system for the higher self. It reacts to Just as it is good to find ways to relieve adverse situations. Exposure to adverse thought, stress, beliefs, values, and more to stress, it is very important to your physical experiences has an effect on or abdominal cause dis-ease and injury and tells us where and mental health to find positive ways to organ leading to many chronic and acute we need to change course. Learn about the grieve. This workshop will help you identify health conditions. symbolic messages of the body and gain and rank the losses in your life. It will give —Alex Jackson insight into what yours is telling you. you positive ways to express your grief and Heritage Room —Christi Clemons Hoffman move on to more joy in your life. Classroom B —Stephanie Pifer-Stone WHAT IS YOUR BODY SAYING? THE Heritage Room BODYTALK APPROACH TO DISCOVER THE ENERGY OF HEALING ENERGY HEALING IDENTIFY AND TRANSCEND MIND What is BodyTalk and how it works. You’ll Experience the energy that healers use CONTROL PROGRAMS go home with a self-care technique. when performing healing sessions. This Join Stephanie to explore the nature and —LaShonda Brown workshop will be primarily experiential to reality of mind control programs impacting Classroom D do grounding, moving and perceiving the human population today. Learn to use energy. heart-soul tools to discern, identify, and —John Hoefer then transcend troublesome programs that Temple Space have impacted your consciousness. Special meditation included. —Stephanie Forcier Classroom A

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September 2017

4:00-4:45 p.m. ROSES AND THORNS-POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS AND DRUG INTERACTIONS OF SOME COMMON SUPPLEMENTS Supplements are often effective with fewer side effects than prescription drugs. However, just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s automatically safe. We will explore the thorny side of some common supplements that people should be aware of. —Dr. Diane Voss Heritage Room ESSENTIAL OIL 101 Learn the story of Young Livings seed to seal, basic information of essential oil uses and the 11 oils in a starter kit. —Julie White Classroom B 5 WAYS TO BREAK THROUGH YOUR CLUTTER Feel overwhelmed by the cutter in your home? Unsure of where to start? Afraid you’ll never dig out? Together we will explore how to: *Create the mindset needed to tackle your clutter; *Figure out where to start; *Make lasting progress; *Harness the power of accountability; *Deal with your emotional attachment to stuff. —Nikki Crawford, PhD Classroom A MANIFEST WITH YOUR FEMININE POWER Learn how to magnetize to you while consciously co-creating with your Divine Femine Connection. —Pristess Kim Macy Classroom C

Vendor Map



September 2017


How 3 Days of Silence at an Ashram Changed My Life


n my studies of yoga and meditation, I’ve often been told that silence is the best teacher and the inward journey the most sacred adventure. In 2015, I found myself in a profound turning point in my life: I’d just married, quit my corporate career of thirteen years with no backup plan, and my health was spiraling downhill. When my life and health is a mess, I’ve learned to take time to myself to process all that is going on and re-center myself. I’ve learned that what I need is often not something external but something internal. It seemed the time had come to go inward, so I made the commitment to spend 3 days in silence at Siddhayatan Spiritual Retreat Center in Windom, TX. Little did I know, I had a lot to learn about silence and about myself. I’d imagined a silent retreat would be just that—silent. I expected to feel a deep sense of peace, harmony, and spaciousness. I had read Eat, Pray, Love several times and heard my yogi friends talk about their “blissful” experiences at silent retreats. Yet, though there was a

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sense of relaxation from not having access to a radio, TV, or cell phone, and I’ve always enjoyed alone time, this was different. Once I silenced the external world, my internal world became noisy. Right away, I realized that the busyness of my external life had kept me from listening to my inner life. The noise in my mind had always been there, I just didn’t take the time to notice. At first, I began to panic. What if I lose my mind and go crazy? I’m all alone here and there is nothing to distract my mind. What was I thinking coming here? When your mind is a racing with anxious thoughts and you’re on a silent retreat—all alone with your mind—at first it can feel like your own personal hell. This is why people are afraid of meditation, of silence, of time with themselves. It feels as if you cannot escape yourself and yet, that is all that you want to do. In our modern culture, we are given lots of opportunities to escape ourselves, so why would anyone choose to deny themselves that and go on a silent retreat? Well, the bottom line is that being alone with ourselves is often not fun, but if we can learn to do so gracefully, and consistently, there will be nothing to escape from anymore, and that is true freedom. Soon enough, I remembered my training in yoga, and I centered myself using deep breathing. It wasn’t easy or a quick fix, but it helped me connect more deeply with my body. And then I prayed. Allow me to fully be present and learn what I am meant to learn. I continued with prayer and deep breathing every 10-15 minutes when I felt the most anxious. I found that setting a routine and schedule helps: Eat. Sleep. Stretch. Meditate. Pray. Write. Walk. Repeat. Similar to other difficult journeys in life, the inward journey to peace and balance requires one foot in front of the other, and sometimes simple tasks


like breathing, walking, and praying get us through the toughest of times. Surprisingly, it rained non-stop for the entire 3 days I was at the retreat center. It’s as if Mother Nature knew I needed as little external distractions as possible to focus on my inner self. Without exercise and outdoor activity, I was confined to stay in my tiny cabin and do my inner work. Though this was frustrating, because my body craved exercise, in hindsight, this made all the difference. My confinement forced me to do what I was there to do— sit with myself and listen to my own inner knowing that I’d been disconnected from for too long. On the second day, I found relief and stillness, and I began to write like I hadn’t written in years. I filled thirty pages in my notebook and began to de-clutter my mind. And then, after several rounds of meditation and prayer, I heard it. It’s time to go home. I knew what this meant. After living far away from my family of origin for thirteen years, I’d been running long enough. It was time to reconnect with my family and friends and return to where I came from. I heard several messages from my own inner wisdom during that retreat. All simple, yet deeply personal and meaningful messages that I needed to hear. As I recall my last day of silence, I remember that just as I drove away from the retreat center, the clouds parted, the rain stopped, and the sky was filled with sunlight. It was just another day, but I was no longer the same. Right then, I made a commitment to myself to make space for silence in my daily life from that day forward. I vowed to no longer wait years to connect with my inner self in silence. This is how I do it:  Each morning and evening (and sometimes throughout the day) I make time to practice the deep breathing exercise, called the 4-7-8 Breath, for five minutes to calm my mind. Find my demo of this technique on my YouTube channel here.  I create gaps in my calendar to allow for silence and non-activity. I consider this a spiritual practice and it requires saying “no” a lot and setting

BY ANGELA WATSON ROBERTSON boundaries with my family and my business.  I’ve started following a “screenfree” day at least once a month where I keep my phone and computer off all day. I use this time to connect with friends and family in person, get out in nature, or simply go about my day without a screen in front of my face. What a concept, right?  As often as possible, I sit in meditation. No, I’m not on the floor in full lotus pose with mala beads around my neck chanting mantras (though I love mantras). I’m just in my favorite chair with headphones covering my ears to drown out external noise. And I sit. Sometimes I breathe or I pray. I don’t do this every day, but it’s my goal. I have found that by creating more space for silence, my inner life is no longer as loud. I no longer have a lot of noise that I’m desperately trying to run away from by filling my day with endless activities and distractions. It’s the type of freedom I wish for everyone. Today, as I write this, now settled in my home state, I recall how those 3 days of silence played a huge role in my moving back to the Midwest to be closer to family, planning a large wedding for all our friends and family 2 years after our elopement in Texas, and being open to motherhood and pregnancy. As my husband and I are now expecting a baby girl next February, I’m so grateful for the inner changes I experienced during those three days and how they transformed my life, career, and relationship to myself.

“It feels as if you cannot escape yourself and yet that is all that you want to do.”


September 2017

Angela Watson Robertson, MBA, CIHC, INHC, is known as The Reinvention Warrior, host of Masters of Reinvention, and creator of the lifechanging program, Fatigue Warrior. Not only has Angela completely reinvented her own life, she has created simple, effective tools to help others transform every area of their lives-from health, career, and money to relationships, spirituality, and sex. Find her free wellness tips, course and programs at Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter.


Relocation Astrology Helps Navigate to Love



’m in love!” chirped, Ashley*, look at Venus over the phone. “I immediately and Mars in an knew he was the one! You told astrology me we’d find each other no chart. Venus is matter where in the world we are!” the archetype In the summer of 2015, Ashley had an of beauty, love, unusual astrology consultation. She femininity. reached a stage in her life where she Mars is the wanted to venture beyond her comfort archetype for zone. With one quick look at her chart, I passion, drive, could see Ashley was conservative and and how an fixed. I asked her why she wanted to individual goes travel. Her response was quick and about getting succinct, “To find my soulmate.” what they The idea that two people can cross want. paths at the right place and the right time Where in their life journey where a set of events are already in motion so that they can fall you’ll find in love is simply magical. Some of us are your lucky and find love “when one least soulmate expects it” as old wisdoms balm. It is a Relocation wisdom that indicates an element of Example of an astromap (anonymous chart). astrology passivity though. postulates that Finding love is entirely different from you can reap finding a soulmate. When two people interact, they can learn to love each other. the benefits of moving to a location that woman’s chart, it may be better if it’s would lend a person to better energies— Some are lucky enough to be struck by descending on the horizon as it would add Cupid’s arrow. Ashley, on the other hand, be it love, money, career, fame, fertility, a little more gumption to how she reacts friendship, excitement… didn’t want to find just love. She was and receives a proposal. When one can’t make the planets willing to go on a quest to find her second Affairs of the heart are rarely move any faster towards the right half. She took it upon herself to increase straightforward, and neither is astrology. planetary placements in their chart, a her chances by travelling to where she’d It’s important to see what aspects a planet relocation or a visit to an area that most likely find him. With that, the has, look at where the planets are today highlights that energy is the next best beginnings of a great love story were (transits) and most importantly, thing; some astrologers, like myself, already in the making. determine if one is ready for a serious might even argue that it’s better. A specialty field of astrology, relationship. If you were born with a Venus astromapping, the astrology of relocation ascendant (it rising up past the horizon at Travel is not always required is applied to see how the energies would the time and location you were born) or if Ashley was ready as ever. In Italy, she change around you by moving to “The idea that two people can cross Venus in the sky had favorable Venus and Mars today is passing placements. She said she immediately felt an area where ascendant, the effects of the planetary energies as paths at the right place and the your planets are you’d find soon as she got on the plane from Chicago “plugged in” to to Italy where there were a lot of Italians cardinal points in right time in their life journey where yourself attracting people on the flight. She didn’t meet her current an astrological a set of events are already in without any husband while in Italy though. natal chart. On her trip back home there was a Those geographic motion so that they can fall in love effort on your part. storm so her flight was delayed in areas around the is simply magical. ” Only around Chicago. She was stuck at the airport for world, which are one of 360 of us 36 hours. Even though she astrologically personal to your are fortunate enough to be born with that had no major aspects or planetary power own moment and place of birth, are placement. If it’s transiting past your lines, there is where she met her husband. charged specifically for you. With ascendant, it passes relatively quickly. He was on his way to California. His flight astromapping and relocation astrology, Venus stays in a sign approximately 23 was also delayed. you can identify different locations that days to a little over two months. They kept each other company at the energetically provide more support for Sometimes Venus needs a little push. airport and spoke about life, family, love, you, as well as locations you’re better off That’s where Mars comes in. Mars was and the future. He rearranged his sojourn avoiding. Venus’ lover. A positive Mars connection in the US to include a two-day visit to When astrologers look for indicators Kansas City that quickly was extended to for love in a client, the basic tradition is to to Venus is a strong indication of irresistible chemistry and magnetism. In a two weeks. He proposed at the end of his



September 2017

visit and six weeks later, they got married! They now live in Kansas City together with a new addition to their family, a baby girl. What she experienced is referred to as remote activation in relocation astrology. It isn’t about being where the planetary energies were favorable for love, the power of the law of attraction is amplified just from meeting someone from a particular area powerful according your chart. Ashley’s story is just one example, and one aspect of how astromapping can help you identify where you can help manifest your destiny. She is a perfect example of not only manifesting one’s destiny but of someone who used all the tools necessary to help her achieve her goals. * Names changed to protect the privacy of clients. Cindy Mckean has been practicing Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry, and Dowsing for over 24 years. Though a scientist at heart, she felt there was more to life than what empirical evidence suggests. This began her journey into esoteric studies. Cindy offers private readings by phone and internet. She can be reached through her website or by calling (816) 895-2545


Visit Mexico for the ‘Magical Time’


ver the last fifteen years, my work in Traditional Maya Medicine has taken me to México many times to study cultural healing traditions. I have often been asked by people, “What time of the year should I go to México and where?” If you want a true cultural experience like no other, there is only one time of the year to visit. It actually took me six years from the time I first went to México to discover what I call “the magical time.” In November 2010, I went to México City to study more about Traditional Medicine with the late healer Elena Avila and her Aztec teacher, Ehe. The trip coincided with the celebration of Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). Although I had heard of it before and had seen various representations of photos and art, nothing would have prepared me for the immense feelings I would have around this “celebration of life.” I have always thought of México City as one of the most cultural and beautiful cities in the world, an undiscovered gem for many Americans. There is so much to offer—a mix of ancient Aztec and Spanish colonial with a modern global feel. Having said that, imagine the neighborhood

streets in México City lined with glowing cempaolxochitl (Nahautl language pronounced cem-pa-SU-chil) or in Spanish – flor de muerto (marigold) flowers. I have never seen so many of these bright orange/yellow flowers; it made my heart feel warm as I gazed at the seemingly endless pieces of the sun that had landed on earth for all to enjoy. In fact, as I found out, the flower´s significance is said to be used as a guiding light for the deceased to find their way back home. Preparation begins by setting up altars on October 31st both in public places and people’s homes. These altars typically have three levels and represent heaven, earth, and the underworld. The ancient Aztecs believed they were immortal and death was just another stage in life. During this time of the year, Día de los Muertos, all the spirits are said to return to earth and join their families. This is a celebration of life, thus the bright colors; even in cemeteries you will hear festive music with families gathered among well decorated graves. In fact, when visiting a cemetery for Día de los Muertos, I was amazed and taken by all I was seeing and feeling. Instantly, any grief I had for my deceased loved ones turned


BY ALEX JACKSON into happy, fun, and loving memories. As my spirit was overflowing with joy, I remember thinking to myself, “How can I recreate this in Kansas City when I return?” The highlight of my journey in México City during the Día de los Muertos was having the opportunity to make a traditional Aztecstyle altar led by Aztec healer Ehe. The altar was to be circular and laid out into four quadrants to represent the four directions. We were given countless bundles of marigold flowers to take apart and spread on the earth until only a bed of bright orange could be seen. It was colorful and creative with many offerings, or ofrendas, like: calaveras de azúcar (sugar skulls), pan de muerto (day of the dead sweet bread), and fruits. We placed photos of our deceased loved ones on the altar along with ofrendas for them. An ofrenda may include a favorite food, drink, or passion they enjoyed during their life. I remember my Grandfather smoking a pipe with Prince Albert tobacco, so I included this in my ofrenda for him. Just seeing this red pouch of tobacco brought back so many memories; it made me feel closer to him, and I was elated to give him a gift I knew would make him happy, be it healthy or not. Following this ceremony, we ate the delicious food that is traditionally served on Día de los Muertos: atole, tamales, mole, chocolate, and, of course, more pan de muerto. This circle of life experience left my soul transformed, and since then I would never look at death the same way again. I have to tell you, the transformation of the soul goes far beyond the

cemeteries. In México City, the Zócalo (center plaza) is transformed into one of the biggest and most decorative sights you will see. Though it is already architecturally stunning, for these few days, add to it building-sized calaveras and catrinas with parades of music and dancing. If you follow the enticing smell of fresh baked pan de muerto, it will lead you to the district of Coyoacán. A gorgeous place, Coyoacán is best known for the Casa Azul, Frida Khalo´s home. The plaza is always a site to see in Coyoacán, full of indigenous folk artisans and great cultural food. This scene gets exponentially better during November 1st and 2nd for El Día de los Muertos. El papel picado (colorful flags of punched paper) drape the plaza, candles illuminate precious altars, each one seemingly more interesting, spiritual, beautiful, and humorous than the prior one. Again my spirit was in awe of how death (usually never talked about in the U.S.) could be so fun and light! My spirit felt like it was having a grand party with all my loved ones that had passed. Not to mention along with the thousands of people on the plaza with me in Coyoacán. I remember saying to myself, “I have to come back each year at this time.” I invite you to take this journey, just once, and I guarantee you will agree with me, this holiday is the best time to visit México!

“This circle of life experience left my soul transformed, and since then I would never look at death the same way again.”


September 2017

Alex Jackson LMT, NCTMB is a Holistic Health Practitioner, specializing in Traditional Maya Medicine with over a decade of experience in treating chronic and acute health conditions. He uses Maya Abdominal Massage for relief of digestive, reproductive, musculoskeletal and anxiety issues. He is co-owner of Centered Spirit – Cultural & Holistic Center located in Waldo: 8131 Wornall Rd., Kansas City, MO 64114 816.225.9393


You Don’t Have to Die to Have a Near-Death Experience The Next Level in Meditation: Exploring Consciousness with an Out-of-Body Experience


eople are dying to hear of NearDeath Experiences (NDEs), those tales of visits to the afterlife and back that seem to be cropping up everywhere. Books on NDEs like Simon & Schuster’s New York Times best-seller Proof of Heaven by Dr Eben are flying off the shelves. Rev. Todd Burpo's 2010 tale of his then three year old son's round-trip to the Pearly Gates and back during an emergency appendectomy, Heaven is for Real, sold more than 10 million copies by the time it was made into a movie in 2014. That movie has since grossed $101 million worldwide. Little Annabel Beam’s miraculous cure after meeting Jesus when she fell 30 feet into a dead tree earned nearly $74 million as the movie "Miracles From Heaven" starring Jennifer Garner. What drives this thirst for heaven-andback stories? Most people are looking for reassurance, it seems; the reassurance these accounts provide that we are more than our physical bodies and that there is life after death. Carol Fitzgerald, president of the Book Report Network, six websites that connect readers with books, says, "In uncertain times, which is what we're experiencing now, people look for comfort. The concept that people have seen 'what's next' and shared what it's like gives hope and a feeling that life on earth is part of a journey with a greater reward." As astounding and comforting as these accounts are, they all involve a very real and harrowing brush with death – a sobering reality that many people overlook in their awe of tales of angelic beings and otherworldly realms of euphoric light. Few realize that it is quite possible to have a similar experience without being anywhere near death’s door. Similar to an NDE, an Out-of-Body Experience (OBE) allows us to explore the other side to receive guidance from angels and guides, learn our greater purpose in life, and explore non-physical reality. Likewise, those who have had lucid OBEs report the same benefits that individuals who have had an NDE attest to- they lose their fear of death and, consequently, the phobias and insecurities they may have had, and they become more secure, open, and helpful to others. Unlike an unplanned and risky NDE, a lucid OBE can be produced safely and at will. Furthermore, because an OBE can

be repeated often, its benefits are multifold relative to the profound benefits that individuals report from having had only one NDE. The trick to having an OBE is to learn the various techniques that can be used to disconnect from your physical body, become lucid while you are disconnected, maintain that awareness, and remember it when you wake up. Like any other human capacity, such as learning how to read, swim, or ride a bicycle, we can all develop our capacity o project outside the body. It is just a matter of acquiring some information and dedicating time and effort to the training required, and the capacity will develop accordingly. During an OBE, our physical body remains at rest, usually in the sleep state, while we- the soul, spirit, or consciousness- distance ourselves from our body, exploring and experiencing other realities. We travel with a vehicle or body subtler than the physical one and with quite different and unique abilities from those of the physical body. We can venture far away from the body and gain



access to realms and planes that are not necessarily similar to physical reality. In nonphysical reality, perceptions are much more refined and not limited to the basic senses that we are accustomed to inside the body. We can enjoy an expanded level of awareness, accessing information and memories that are beyond the physical brain. Communication can take place without the barriers of language. As a result, we undergo new and meaningful experiences and acquire greater knowledge, which in turn leads to a greater appreciation of the nature of our existence. Reports of OBEs have peppered history since Herodotus, who lived between 425 and 485 BC, referred to the Out-of-Body Experience in his writings. Throughout the centuries, great writers like Plato, Plutarch of Chaeronea, and Honore de Balzac have all mentioned OBEs in their literary works, as well. Today, numerous celebrities like Sharon Stone, Elizabeth Taylor, William Peterson, Bill Clinton, and most recently, Tracy Morgan, have reported lucid projections in an NDE.


September 2017

Reading their stories can inspire and comfort, but why not experience the phenomenon yourself? An OBE is an expansive, safe, and accessible experience that can facilitate the reassurance, personal evolution and enlightenment that many are looking for. But, do not take my word for it. By all means, please go ahead and experiment! Have your own experience.

Luis Minero is the author of Demystifying the Out-of-Body Experience and the president of the International Academy of Consciousness (IAC), a non-profit organization dedicated to consciousness studies. In particular, IAC places emphasis on the out-ofbody experience (OBE) and bioenergy, as these are considered key research tools to explore and examine non-physical aspects of reality.

Spiritual Horoscope

September 2017 Happy birthday, Virgo! Your year starts powerfully as energetic Mars moves into your sign. Examine your values and form goals that align with your authentic self. Then take action steps toward those goals, no matter how small the steps are. Self-esteem will skyrocket! You’ll also be a magnet for prosperity and even a new relationship, if single. Begin a fitness plan knowing that a healthy body supports your new level of confidence and enhances emotional wellness. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Meditate on forgiveness. Certainly forgive others, but most importantly, forgive yourself. Cultivate selfcompassion. This isn’t feeling sorry for yourself, but giving yourself unconditional love. Your intuition will provide answers to problems you’ve been struggling with. You can even get guidance from your dreams. Search your mind and heart for old resentments and frustrations you’ve had for the past two years (a Mars cycle) and let it all go so you can open to new love, peace, and joy!

Revitalize your spiritual practices! Explore new meditation cds. You can also try walking meditations, qigong shaking, chanting, or vigorous yoga. Making a radical change helps you access your intuition in new ways. It’s also a great month to travel. Seeing life from a fresh perspective lifts your spirits and opens your heart to joy. Challenge yourself with affirmations. Repeat them and explore the resistance that arises. Continue on until you feel the statements to be true! Also, open your ears to hear positive things people say about you, because those things are true!!

It’s not your strong suit, but cultivate patience! Small efforts yield major changes. Chew slower when eating. Breathe deeply when you’re tense or even when excited. Plan time for stress reduction like a yoga class or a massage appointment. Interestingly, you’ll notice more prosperity if you’re consistent with these changes. You’ll also get more done in less time — and with less stress and effort! A cool work project can be offered that you feel enthusiastic about and have been waiting awhile for it manifest.

Mercury is direct now, so you can think clearly and make good decisions. Set limits (kindly, but strongly) with people who take advantage of your helpful spirit. You’ll feel less angry, and you can use that energy to manifest goals instead of just grumble to yourself! It’s a powerful time for affirmations, so choose some and use them! Meditate and tune into the feeling of really living from your chosen truth. Sustain that inner vision all day long. You’ll gain more respect from others, and your selfesteem will grow.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Like Virgo friends, meditate on your values and goals. Do your friends share your dreams and passions? Do your daily activities support progress toward your goals? Scorpios find it easy to isolate, so it’s important to seek out a group of people who align with your vision and validate your world view. You might even open up to current acquaintances and begin a deeper friendship when you realize you have so much in common. People are more interesting than you give them credit for!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) This is an exciting work month! Now that Mercury is direct, seeds you planted in July or August can sprout in terms of hearing about new positions or projects. You’ll be more focused and enthusiastic. Meditate on speaking thoughts of love. Remember that other people might need ideas to come at them gently since they might be afraid of change. You’ll experience less resistance to your excitement. Also, incorporate movement into your meditation practice — yoga, tai chi, walking, etc.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) It’s a lifelong process to move toward interdependence and away from “independence at all costs.” Meditating on trust releases past disappointments and betrayals. Drop the story that you have to be a “lone wolf,” even in close partnerships. Challenge yourself to open to the belief that you can blend with others without losing your individuality. Relationships that feel emotionally “triggering” right now are actually inviting you to grow beyond your limiting thoughts. Stick with them, stay conscious and break through!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) It’s an amazing relationship month! Meditate on your needs and write a list of your priorities and goals. If partnered, you can have breakthroughs that set things on a new fulfilling course. If single, you can attract a person who aligns with the standards you’ve been focusing on. Also practice selfforgiveness and send yourself love. Even if it seems goofy, touch your hand to your heart a few times a day and just breathe in the kindness you offer yourself. Having a good relationship with yourself improves connections with others!


Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Have as much fun as possible this month! Mercury direct helps you tune into your passions. Make it your spiritual step to focus on joy, gratitude, and playfulness! Even simple pleasures open a doorway to incredible mystical experiences. That’s part of your divine path as a Taurus, to feel the magic in the here and now. If you need to have important conversations with kids or your partner, you’ll have the exact words that illuminate and inspire them. If single, you can meet an exciting new love!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Mercury has moved direct, clearing up misunderstandings with family or other close people. Meditation reveals subconscious childhood triggers or other old emotional patterns that hold you back. Once you grasp the ins and outs of the pattern, notice when you’re going into it and say, “Change!” to yourself. Alerting yourself in this way helps you move in new, positive directions of thought and belief that lead to better actions and a happier life! You can also have an job offer from out of the blue since someone is impressed with your capabilities.


September 2017

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) This is an awesome prosperity month! Meditate on abundance. Remember that there is unlimited energy in the Universe, and money is merely a form of energy. What you focus on expands, so watch finances increase, and be aware of inspiring ideas that can lead to even more money! Also, if partnered, incorporate physical activity together so communication improves. Releasing tension by being active dispels the tensions that could become arguments.

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit



September 2017

SEPTEMBER 15 SOUND HEALING CONCERT Janalea Hoffman (piano and Native American Flute) and Bruce Williams (violin) will be performing “Music from the Secret Garden” at Unity Church of Overland Park, 103rd & Antioch, OP in the Sanctuary. 7 p.m. $15. 913-6491750

SEPTEMBER 30 HOGS FOR HOUNDS RIDE & RALLY FUNDRAISER 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Join us at Gail’s HarleyDavidson for food, fun, & live music! A benefit to support your local animal rescues: Chain of Hope, Furry Kids Refuge, and Midwest Animal ResQ! 5900 E State Route 150, Grandview, MO 64030.

ONGOING COME TRY SALT YOGA!!! Tuesdays - 5:30, Saturdays - 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. at True Balance Wellness, call to reserve your spot (816) 326-8303.

SERENITY PAUSE™ MEDITATION SEPTEMBER 16-17 7 DAYS A WEEK - 365 DAYS A YEAR, USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II OCTOBER 7 12:10 p.m. to 12:40 p.m. and 5:30pm to SEPTEMBER 7 Learn energy healing skills for yourself CREATE A CHEMICAL-FREE 6 p.m. Both chairs and mat/cushions are SUN-MOON LODGE and others. Intro to essential oils HOME provided.. Includes mediation Each year for one Moon Lodge, the included. 9am – 6:30pm, $380 with 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Peculiar, MO, instruction and time to sit. Unity Women open our circle to honor the early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage Learn what is harmful in your Temple on the Plaza-707 W 47th Men, and share with them the beauty therapists, marriage and family environment and create a chemical-free Street, KC, MO 64112. and sacredness of the Moon Lodge. 7 therapists, social workers. Karen home for you & your pets. Register: p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Lodge of the Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, or 816-522-7005. SPIRITUAL FREEDOM IN THIS People, 1628 W Brittany Dr, Olathe, KS Leawood, KS Website: LIFETIME! 66061., 816-523-4440 Learn how, 2nd and 4th Sundays, 11:30 or 913-602-1529 OCTOBER 7-9 -12:30. Roeland Park Community RSVP SEPTEMBER 17 USUI/HOLY FIRE ADVANCED Center, Room 6, free Eckankar books CONSCIOUS LIVING FESTIVAL REIKI TRAINING/REIKI MASTER available. Questions? Call 913-909SEPTEMBER 9 Join us for our annual celebration at Learn the Master symbol and the new 3731. ESSENTIAL OILS FOR ANIMALS Unity Temple on the Plaza. Admission Holy Fire material. Work with 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Peculiar, MO. and all workshops are free. See the crystals. Strengthen your healing energy REIKI CIRCLE Learn how to enhance the well-being program on page 9 for the complete and be able to teach Reiki. 9amUnity Church of Overland Park –10300 for you & your animals with nature’s schedule of events. 6:30pm. $975 with early deposit. CEs Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7 essential oils. Register: for nurses, massage therapists, marriage -9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. or 816-522-7005. SEPTEMBER 17 and family therapists, social Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier STRUTT WITH YOUR MUTT 5K workers. ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, email FUNDRAISER Leawood, KS. 816-523816-523-4440 SEPTEMBER 9 Join Wayside Waifs & Brookside 4440. www THE POWER OF LOVE Barkery for the 27th annual Strutt With ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS WORKSHOP Your Mutt Walk/Run event. Bring your FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND with Cat RunningElk, Author, Coach dog and strutt your way through OCTOBER 27 VETERANS and Counselor. 1-5 A powerful beautiful Brookside. Strutt is Kanas CARE4U2 WELLNESS RETREAT By Appointment. The Kansas City afternoon filled with unconditional love, City's largest pet-friendly event - you Resolve is hosting 'Care4U2 Wellness Healing Project provides energy healing forgiveness and Divine Connection. won't want to miss out on the fun! Retreat' a community day of sessions for cancer patients and Cat’s Place $45 Call 863-529-1866 or rejuvenation, education, and connection veterans. Our clients have been email to for Volunteers, Clinicians, and experiencing a reduction of their stress, register. SEPTEMBER 23 Caregivers. Dr Michelle Robin is the anxiety and pain levels. These sessions DOGA (DOGGIE YOGA) Keynote and with topics such as Yoga are provided at NO COST to the SEPTEMBER 10 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Peculiar, MO An and Mindfulness, Creative Coping, client. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718INTRO TO THE PACHAKUTI integrated approach to flexibility and Second-Hand Grief, Grace of Gratitude, 6358 for details. MESA TRADITION (PMT) relaxation for you and your canine and Compassion Fatigue, they will have Join us to learn about the Pachakuti companion. Register: nine other presenters to choose from Mesa Tradition and apprenticeship in or 816-522-7005. Website: through out the day. U-NITE INTERSPIRITUAL cross-cultural shamanic arts for SERVICE personal and planetary Join us at Unity Temple on the Plaza for renewal. FREE INTRO CLASS. SEPTEMBER 23 NOVEMBER 3-4 our weekly 'interspiritual' service Led by Sanctioned PMT Teacher, DIVINE FEMININE – EQUINOX WOMEN’S HEALTH SUMMIT AT SUNDAYS 4:30-5:30PM (YOUTH Autumn Paige Moler 1 p.m.—3 p.m. at DAY RETREAT UNITY VILLAGE PROGRAM available for ages 5+). Heart of the Dove KC (in MYKC yoga Reconnect with the feminine power Come home. Return to Eden. Join us studio), 4327 Troost Ave, Kansas City, within. Cat RunningElk, author, for the Women's Health Summit at MO 64110. 913-602-1529 metaphysician and healer, is here to Unity Village. Register at help you wake up and accept yourself, RSVP your gifts, and all you came to be. 10-5 Cat’s Place $65 Call 863-529-1866 or email to register.



September 2017


SEPTEMBER 2 3RD ANNUAL HEARTLAND AYLLU FESTIVAL Join us at "The Gathering of The Mesa's" for a day of earth-honoring ceremony, music, and family-friendly fun! Noon—10 p.m. at Hollis Renewal Center 11414 Kansas Ave. Kansas City, KS 66111., or 913-562-8792 RSVP



September 2017

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