May 2010

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May 2010 ~ Vol. II, Issue 3


X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

Annual Healthy Dining Issue

Self-Talk and its Effect on Eating How to Eat with a Sense of Gratitude The Energy of Food



May 2010



May 2010


publisher’s letter Dear Friend, “I made it with love.” It’s a running joke in my family, whenever anyone says something I cooked is good, I always respond, “Because I made it with love.” It started when I opened a coffee shop years ago in Gardner, KS to house Evolving Woman. The Mayor at the time would come in several times a week. After eating whatever lunch I prepared that day, I’d hear her comment to her companions, “The food is so good here because she makes it with love.” Ever since then, my daughters tease me with the phrase. Yet, it’s true. I never realized I created food with love, but feeding and nurturing others is a passion of mine. I enjoy reading about food, buying food, playing with different recipes, combinations and creations. I love food and the entire process of preparation—as well as feeding others. So, I do make everything with love and verve and passion. That is why this is one of my favorite themes in Evolving. Healthy dining and all it entails are my passion. The articles this month exemplify the essence of truly healthy cooking, eating and living. Natalie George writes about a café that changed her life and how we can all incorporate the restaurant’s philosophy of gratitude while eating into our lives. Jane Van Benthusen explores the very real and very debilitating self talk that we sometimes allow to destroy our healthy eating habits. And Debz Shakti Buller discusses the importance of how we prepare our food and the necessity to make it with love. Here’s to the joy of cooking—and infusing it with Love.

12 An Evolving Celebration

16 How a Café Transformed My Life

Jill Dutton

18 Self-Talk and its Effect on Eating

19 Energy and Food Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298

Contributors Debz Shakti Buller, Jayana DeWolf, Natalie George, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Jane Van Bethusen

Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick

Advertising Connie “Crash” Humiston 913–322-3378 ~ or Karen Cowdry 913-636-9502

Photographer Aneal Vohra

Departments: News


In Business


Food Conscious


Spiritual Horoscope


Journey of Wholeness




EVOLVING© 2010 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.



May 2010


Carmelita Davis-Beets

Jude LaClaire

Bethany Klug

Aluna Michaels

Jayana DeWolf

Natalie Goldberg

Jane Van Benthusen Debz Shakti Buller

Ann Butenas Motivational Speaker Presenting: Speak Your Mind— Mind —and Enjoy the Results! An entertaining, emotional, inspirational and down-right humorous pontification on living a blessed, fulfilled, positive and abundantly rich life. Based on the life of Ann's 105-year-young Grandma, Kora, who has influenced hundreds, including former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole. Contact Ann to speak to your group: (913) 526526- 5996 ~



May 2010


Health & Healing: Quantum Physics Meets Metaphysics How do new discoveries in science relate to ancient wisdom and modern metaphysics; and how can these discoveries change the way our culture approaches health, age and beauty? Pam Peck, Christian Science practitioner and At-Large Member of the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, will lead a discussion of health and healing from a cultural perspective. Health care is in the news and we see people "taking sides" on the issue, but the real issues are deeper than politics and medical plans: How does our culture define health? How do we go about getting it and preserving it, what are we willing to pay for it, and where are these practices leading us? How does our culture define life? How do we go about preserving it, what are we willing to pay for it, and where are these practices leading us?

How does our culture define beauty, in terms of our self-image and mental health? How are we willing to obtain and/ or preserve it, what are we willing to pay for it, and where are these practices leading us? Discover how quantum scientists are finding common ground with ancient, mystic, metaphysical and modern faith traditions that could change our entire view of reality, health, life, well being and lead us out of the cultural, economic and spiritual dilemmas we have created. Thursday, May 13 at 7:00 pm. Plaza Library-4801 Main Street , Kansas City, MO. “Health and Healing” is part of the year -long Cultural Conversations series, which is presented on the second Thursday of every month in 2010 at the Plaza Library. Topics for future programs appear at Special_Events.html.

Amethyst Dreams Healing Center, Botanica & Gallery Healing Modalities ~ Massage Therapy, Myofascial Release, Stone Healing... Psychic ~ Psychic Readers ~ Goddess Runes, Stones, Past Life Regression… Astrological Services ~ Complete Astrological services… Plus… Mystical, handhand-crafted products, Life Creation Spell Kits; Witch’s Brew Custom Aromatherapy & Botanicals; Workshops & Classes Bring in this ad for $5 off any product or service. One coupon per visit ~ not valid with other discounts or coupons.

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Experience Oneness for Yourself There have been Oneness Meditation groups operating in the Kansas City area since 2008 because the Blessing is nondenominational and dogma-free. Most of those who attend have become Blessing Givers (OBGs) with their own tales of miraculous transformations, shifts in financial situations, drastically improved personal relationships and many other everyday phenomena. The Oneness Blessing and the teachings that accompany the Diksha actually free the senses from the constant chatter of the mind which results in clarity of perception and spontaneous feelings of love, joy, peace, and inner silence. They dissolve negative life patterns, release traumas stored at the cellular and energetic levels and facilitate

deep emotional and physical healing. How is all that possible, you may be asking? Well, perhaps it is time you found out. Rainbow Mooon is facilitating a oneday Experience Oneness Intensive in which participants will have the opportunity to experience for themselves the wonders and marvels of the Oneness Blessing and meet and hear from some of the OBGs in our area. On May 16, 2010 from 10:00 am – 7:00 pm (one hour lunch break) at Aquarius and Vulcan’s Forge, 3926 Broadway, KCMO 64111. Fee (includes lunch): $85 at thedoor. $ 6 0 Preregistration (by May 8th). Rainbow Mooon, 913.669.9185,

Crystalline Activation for Profound Manifestation and Healing A Ceremony of Sound & Light with the Crystal Singing Bowls A high frequency, karmic clearing and life manifestation ceremony to assist you in the release of limiting, contracted thought forms, patterns and belief systems that no longer serve you and to activate tremendous light in the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. The effect of this activation is a realignment of the entire system with one’s innate divine blueprint and the consciousness of the Higher Self Facilitated by world-renowned Master Crystal Bowl artist, ceremonial guide and musician, Ashana, together we will hold powerful intentions for healing and mani-

festation in sacred, prayerful space, chanting the seed mantras of creation accompanied by the resonant vibrations of over 40 alchemy crystal singing bowls. This profoundly relaxing and deeply peaceful sound meditation and candlelight ceremony will allow you to become fully present with the stillness within, to connect with, rest, and center yourself in the light of your most treasured and beloved Highest Self. Because of the sacred nature, focus and intimacy of this ceremony, it is limited to 22 participants. Download the flyers and get your tickets on Ashana's website:

Energy Healing School Discover your potential to Heal yourself and others Classes Start in September. Individual healing sessions are available by appointment 913913-831831-4422 ~ 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS 66202



May 2010


Speak Your Mind…and Enjoy the Results

Kansas Citians know Ann Butenas as a writer, former publisher of a local monthly women’s magazine and host of

two weekly talk radio shows. Her newest endeavor is a motivational tour in which she relays the candid story of her 105-year-young Grandma Kora to show audience members how to speak their minds and enjoy the results. Ann’s most recent engagement was met with grand applause as she presented an entertaining, emotional, inspirational and down-right humorous pontification on living a blessed, fulfilled, positive and abundantly rich life on all levels at the 17th Annual Big Bob’s Convention in Tennessee. Ann’s tour is based on her upcoming memoir, Koraspondence: Living Life to

the Letter, based on a series of letters written to and from Kora over the last 100 years, many stories which made granddaughter Ann blush. And Kora’s still at it. Ann relates: “Grandma is taking 22 of us on a cruise to Jamaica in July to celebrate her 105th birthday. I can only imagine—on her 90th birthday cruise, I caught her on the ship's topless deck with my husband. ‘What?’ he mused. ‘She dragged me up here!’ And when I recently asked her secret to a successful marriage, Grandma replied, ‘Why? Are you having problems?’ I told her I simply wanted to know her secret and she quickly re-

sponded, ‘Be the boss.’” You can be the boss of your life. Kora’s story gives new meaning to the concept of adding years to your life and life to your years. Not only did this Centurion-Plus influence hundreds of everyday men and women in her life, she also inspired some to achieve great things, including former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole. To arrange for Ann to present “Speak Your Mind…and Enjoy the Results!” to your group, contact her at or (913) 526-5996.

gift you give yourself and the whole world. For more information about A Global Moment of Peace, including a downloadable pdf flyer and a link to find out what time 8pm CDT is where you are, please go to

A Global Moment of Peace We have all heard that charity begins at home. In a similar understanding, peace begins in each of our hearts. Science is beginning to validate, qualify and quantify an understanding of how “feeling good” and “feeling gratitude” has a positive impact not just on the cells in our bodies but also has a positive ef-

fect on the world around us. On Wed. May 12th at 8 pm CDT will you please share with us in A Global Moment of Peace? What do you LOVE doing? Listening to music, being with loved ones, taking a bubble bath, fishing, needle craft… If at 8pm on the 12th, you can actually do

that, then by all means do. However, our subconscious can’t tell the difference between what we are doing and what we are thinking about doing. So, if it’s not practical to be fishing at 8pm on the 12th, simply stop where you are and feel the joy and peace you feel when you are there. FEEL gratitude, love, care… It’s a

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May 2010

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"Everything is God: The Radical Path of Nondual Judaism" Lecture, book signing, and meditation workshop May 26-27. One of the most influential thinkers in American Judaism today, nationally known author, columnist and teacher Jay Michaelson, visits Kansas City for the first time for two evenings in May. Michaelson's new book, Everything is God: The Radical Path of Nondual Judaism, brings together Jewish, Buddhist and pop cultural sources, discusses the future of religion in an increasingly technological age and includes a section on meditation. Michaelson asserts that the concept of nondualism ("not two") which is at the heart of many Eastern religious traditions, is a radical, yet ancient Jewish teaching as well. He will relate these ideas to the current renaissance in Jewish spirituality, and his own experience as a longtime Buddhist practitioner and teacher of Kabbalah. Michaelson's meditation workshop,

for beginners and experienced meditators alike, will introduce techniques designed to open one to the experience of non-dualism. A columnist for the Huffington Post, the Forward, and Tikkun, Zeek and Reality Sandwich magazines, Michaelson has written extensively on the intersection of religion, sexuality, spirituality and law. An activist for LGBT issues, his work has been featured on NPR, New York Times, Duke Law Review, and the Michigan Journal of Gender and Law. Last December, he was included on the “Forward 50″ list of “the men and women who are leading the American Jewish community into the 21st century.” For more information: call Congregation Kol Ami, 913-642-9000, send email to Event details online at .

Meditation Retreat Swami Ramaraaja of Mystic Tiger Ashram will offer initiation into Samsadhi NirVaaNa Yoga Meditation at The Light Center on May 29-30, 2010. The retreat includes an overnight stay at The Light Center in Baldwin, Kansas in their rustic refurbished barn that includes a full bath and kitchen. The Light Center ( is a non-profit retreat center located on 34 acres that includes hiking trails, meditation garden and labyrinth. The suggested love offering for the

retreat is $187 - $250. There is limited space for 20 people. Please direct any questions regarding the retreat to the Mystic Tiger Ashram at 928-821-1261. The Mystic Tiger Ashram was founded by Swami Ramaraaja, author of Going Clear, Doorway to the Divine. The non-profit organization is not affiliated with any religion and offers spiritual meetings and meditation sessions on Saturday evenings as well as a variety of classes.

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May 2010

Integrated Veterinary Services • • • • • • •

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food conscious

The Inside Scoop on Great Skin Michelle Chappell, DVM, CVA and Associates

Skin isn’t just a covering. It’s an organ of detoxification and a mirror of your overall health. By Bethany Klug

“Caring for Pets, People and the Planet” ` 913.825.3330 13900 Santa Fe Trail Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215

Sheila Dodson, DVM

1st Wholistic Pet Fair, June 5 from 12:30—3:30 p.m.

Shamanic Pathways at White Deer Lodge Daniel Baxley THOTH Endorsed Teacher in The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Offering: Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Spiritual Counseling, Sacred Stone Massage, Reiki, Craniosacral, Vision Quest, Sweat Lodge, and Workshops 816816-769769-7343 email: Website:

People are always asking me what products I use on my skin: soap and a simple moisturizer. In disbelief, some will say I have good genes. Not so. I dealt with acne all through my teens and twenties, then came psoriasis and finally by my late thirties, acne rosacea. Great skin isn’t a birthright. It comes from what goes inside your body, not on it. Skin isn’t just a covering. It’s an organ of detoxification and a mirror of your overall health. If your colon, kidneys and liver can’t remove something you’ve been exposed to, then your lungs and skin get into the act. My skin tells me when I’ve eaten too much processed food— which can happen when I travel or indulge at a party. I get a zit, or even worse, a cold. Inflammation is behind many skin problems, especially the ones that make skin red. So avoid eating foods that limit your ability to fight inflammation. Milk, white flour and sugar are bad actors in this area. Lighten the load on your detoxification organs by avoiding colorings, flavorings and preservatives in food. Alcohol is toxic to every cell of your body and especially taxes the liver. Breathing toxic chemicals also adds to the burden on these organs. Review the use of chemicals in and around your home and find less toxic alternatives. Must I say don’t smoke? Adequate hydration is key. Dehydration slows all body functions, especially the organs of detoxification. Take your weight and divide it by two. That’s the ounces of water you should drink each day. Healthy oils as found in avocado, brazil nuts, almonds and other nuts and seeds keep skin moist. Fish also can provide healthy oil. Fish however is a potential source of toxic chemicals or heavy metals. Load up on vegetables, especially dark leafy greens. Their plant nutri-



May 2010

ents rev up your detox organs and calm inflammation. Plus, the plant nutrients are colored and deposit in your skin, giving you a healthy glow. There are five colors: white, yellow/ orange, red, green and blue. By eating a vegetable or fruit of each color every day, you make sure you are getting a variety of these natural healers. My secret is to drink a glass of fresh vegetable juice each morning for an extra dose of plant nutrients. That’s in addition to the at least four servings of vegetables I eat daily. As the weather warms up, I switch from oatmeal to a raw nut cereal, an awesome source of quality fats and nutrients. It’s best prepared the night before. Add 2 TBSP each brazil nuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds to your cereal bowl. Add 1 TBSP shredded coconut. Add 2 - 3 TBSP of your favorite dried fruit, such as raisins, cherries, goji berries or mulberries. Cover with water and soak overnight. The next morning, grind 2 teaspoons each of flax and hemp seeds in a spice grinder. Add to the bowl and stir to make a porridge. Your skin will radiate thanks! Here’s my favorite vegetable juice combination. It serves two. 2 ribs celery, 1/8 - 1/4 green cabbage, a large handful of parsley, 1/4 lemon peel and 1/2 inch piece of ginger. I’ll add vegetable trimmings such as kale stems or carrot tops if they’re around. Add a small beet or 1/2 apple or pear if it tastes too green. Drink daily and your detox organs will sing you a happy tune.

Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and

journey to wholeness

Winter Turning to Spring By Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. There are as many nights as day, and the one is just as long as the other in the year’s course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” —Carl J. Jung After a long, cold winter the grass is green, the trees are green and leafy and the flowery blooms have moved on in their colorful display. One would think that the longer days and shorter nights, the warm breezes, the burst of spring towards summer would bring great relief and joy; a respite from darkness and depression. For some, the winter doldrums turn into spring disappointment. We often think the next thing will be better. It doesn’t seem to work that way. The darkness we carry within seems to move on with our inner seasons calling out their own rhythms. What is the antidote for this dilemma? Carl Jung gives us a hint when he says, “Enlightenment is not imagining

figures of light but making the darkness conscious.” Our work is to bring those toxic emotions, the traumatic memories, the unexplored negative beliefs to the surface of consciousness so that choices can be made and release can occur. Stanislav Grof, MD, compares the process of moving from problem/ darkness to light/solution to the birth matrix. In Beyond the Brain he describes the experience in four stages. The first phase in the womb is a time of bliss, ecstasy, and symbiotic union. Maternal, emotional or physical disturbances can make this experience unpleasant. This time may be a combination of good and bad experiences. The second phase begins when the chemical signals and contractions begin. This would be comparable to the onset of the “problem” that is the catalyst for movement towards birth/rebirth. We may feel overwhelmed, anxious, threatened or lonely. It feels as if there is no way out. In the third phase as the baby enters the engulfing darkness of the birth canal the “death-rebirth struggle” is in full force. We may feel as if we are the hero/

heroine battling the dark forces, struggling to find a way out, a way through the darkness. This is a time when we may give up rather than have the courage to utilize the inner and outer resources from the depth of our lives. Using creativity, courage and tenacity, we search for the flash of light. The fourth or birth stage is the point at which we feel the light, have the sense of discovery, experience the birthing of new learning and solutions. Think about a time when you went through this cycle moving from problem to solution; moving from a plateau of contentment into a sea of chaos and darkness, battling, searching, finding the light of solution and moving into the place of new learning. It does indeed feel like a birth process. Sometimes it occurs in moments, other times it may take days, weeks or even months. The secret of success is to stay with the process, ask for help, take the time you need and use the resources of your body-mind, the often unrecognized gifts of the unconscious self. The catalyst may be a catastrophic illness, acute or chronic pain, a loss of

some kind, a disappointment, an “internal winter” of hopelessness or despair. The solution may be in dreams or daydreams, help from a mentor, friend or therapist, using healing interventions like homeopathy, acupuncture, different forms of bodywork, changing what we eat and what we do. Most often it is a multi-faceted approach that combines different interventions. So if your winter appears in the spring, the summer or autumn, welcome it and know that your inner season is inviting you to birth some part of your self through creative problem-solving. Listen to the seasons of your soul and bring out the full bloom of your personhood any time of the year. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D, LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre, go to


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May 2010

A Kansas City First! Images Art Gallery has an exclusive to sell Elizabeth Grandma Layton posters and cards. Some of these are posters that have never been seen. Images Art Gallery 7320 W. 80th Street, Overland Park 913-232-7113 ~

PSI: Adventures in Consciousness Presents

Dr. Raymond Moody Leading authority on near-death experiences, best-selling author of 11 books including Life After Life will speak on "Reunions -Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones." Book signing to follow program. May 21 @ 7:30 p.m. Unity Temple on the Plaza. $15 Public. $10 PSI Members. Tickets available at the door only.

Rev. Maitreya Zohar Psychic, Healer, Metaphysical Teacher, and Global Healing Tour Leader for 22 years. Maitreya offers sessions, initiations, and transformative classes in both Personal and Group settings. Would you like to transform? Are you ready to take the next step? Author ionCleanse (Foot Bath Detoxification) Energy Sessions Spiritual Tour Leader Workshops & Classes Trance Channeling Psychic Tarot Readings Home/Office Clearing/Blessing

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in business

Amonda’s Daily Bread By Jayana DeWolf Every year a large percentage of businesses fail. According to the latest statistics from the Small Business Administration, "Two-thirds of new employer establishments survive at lease two years, and 44 percent survive at least four years." Brian Head, Economist with the SBA Office of Advocacy, notes "New employer businesses have a 50/50 chance of surviving for five years or more." Amonda Carr has beaten the odds. Research shows thriving businesses were started by passionate owners who strongly believed their product or service fulfilled a need. These owners have studied the marketplace and are: physically fit and possess the mental stamina to withstand potential challenges. They are driven and determined. They are patient and have a positive attitude and are not defeated by failures and learn from mistakes. They are independent, creative problem-solvers, skilled at taking charge, genuinely concerned for others and demonstrate this through honesty, integrity, and sincere interactions. Amonda Carr, owner of Amonda’s Daily Bread, is just such a healthy business owner. She has known failures, set-backs and mistakes; however, her love of family, desire to help others and pure determination has transformed her hobby into a growing business. The journey began in 1995 when Amonda quit her Orthopedic Radiologic Technologist career to care for her troubled adopted toddler Tiffany, who had extreme medical issues and a “sealed” genetic history. As Tiffany grew, so did the frequency of her doctor’s visits and the number of diagnosed afflictions. Through research, Amonda discovered what Tiffany ate affected her conditions. Some ingredients were conflicting with her medications while others were causing “episodes”. The culprits being foods full of processed flour, sugars and preservatives. Being a hobby baker and not wanting her children to feel left out from enjoying sweat treats, but seeing the need to eliminate trigger foods, Amonda began experimental baking. Her two, most significant discoveries: 1) fruit-based sweeteners like apple cider, which is high in natural sugar and low in acid, and 2) hand milled whole wheat flour, which is metabolized more effectively in the body. In order to control the ingredients and remove harmful preservatives and chemicals, she formed relationships with local farmers who were chemical conscious and bought a grain mill. Soon she was picking her own fruit and milling her own flour. Her new recipes had an immediate effect on Tiffany, whose anxiety levels were drastically reduced while her ability to focus was greatly increased. Tiffany also experienced a sustainable calm when participating in the process of milling the flour and kneading



May 2010

bread dough. Amonda knew her healthy breads and desserts could help others. In 1998, after landing her first account with a coffee shop in a private school, she officially started Amonda’s Daily Bread and began marketing her breads, cakes, pies and cookies to coffee shops and restaurants throughout Kansas City. In fact, Ameristar Casino carried her sugar-free cheesecake exclusively. In 1999, she opened her store-front bakery in Belton, Missouri—becoming the third African American, in over 135 years, to own a business in Belton and the first located on Belton’s Historic Main Street. Over the last 12 years Amonda has proven she is a passionate business owner who faces each challenge head on and with an open mind. Despite adversity, she rejects defeat. When she discovered how food affected her daughter’s health, Amonda completely changed the family diet and her approach to baking. When Tiffany’s health problems took her away from her bakery she openly shared her situation with neighboring business owners and asked them help watch her store in her absence. When a flood in 2008 completely wiped out the family home, Amonda decided to close her Main Street bakery and have a commercial kitchen added to their newly rebuilt home. When moving her business affected her clientele, she adjusted again; and, soon her website will include an online store. Every weekend she runs a retail booth in Rutladers Outpost in Louisburg, KS. Amonda Carr Amonda’s Daily Bread 816/606-2251 Jayana DeWolf is forging new ground as a business and marketing consultant dedicated to helping small businesses, non -profits and independent professionals. She believes both the business entity and its leadership have a unique personality. For more information visit

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May 2010

An EVOLVING Celebration: One-Year Anniversary

On March 28, 2010, Evolving thanked readers and advertisers for their support by hosting a health fair and anniversary party at Unity Temple on the Plaza. All photographs Registered Copyright © 2010 Aneal Vohra, <>, Special to Evolving.



May 2010

Growing our Little Seedlings An Advertiser Shares Her Experience at the Celebration By Darcy Bloss


truly felt as if I was witnessing a pioneering landmark at the first anniversary of Evolving magazine this past March. As the crowd in the room began to swell, I smiled to myself to see what forethought Jill Dutton and her team had to bring us this far. I do mean “us” as every person in attendance at the celebration in Unity's Meyer Hall played a part in reaching this milestone. From the contributing writers and advertisers, to the folks that read it and the places we gather to find the next issue, I was comforted by the number of people dedicated to becoming more conscious of their mind, body and spirit. There was a festive feeling in the air as people mingled and greeted each other. I enjoyed seeing familiar faces and I easily found a sense of connection with the new folks I chatted with. Tables spanned the perimeter and were filled with folks discussing their passion. In my booth with the Institute of Transformational Studies, I gave Neshamah Healing sessions with my fellow certified practitioners. Neshamah Healing is a system of integrating the higher self with the mind, body, and emotions to create a greater sense of well-being.

(Above) Jill Dutton, publisher of Evolving, celebrated the one-year anniversary with the readers, writers, advertisers and staff of the magazine. (Right) A reader enjoys a Neshamah Healing session. All photographs Registered Copyright © 2010 Aneal Vohra, <>, Special to Evolving.

This work is a modality designed to restore a natural state of harmony in the mind, body and emotions. During a session a client relaxes on a massage table while a certified practitioner creates a nourishing, stress-free atmosphere where one can experience a feeling of spiritual expansion, peace and wellbeing. It is a time for you to relax and discover who you are. In a way this mimics what Evolving magazine’s mission is offering—a chance to relax and discover. It is as if each issue is sustenance to feed the little seedlings of expanded consciousness that continue to grow in our community. Seeing a room full of people living their passion so fully was rousing, and it stirred something in me. It made me wonder what size of a room we will need to be able to celebrate Evolving magazine’s 10-year anniversary. Our numbers keep growing. The span of modalities, activities, events and therapies offered in our community is rising. In thinking this, it made the need for a magazine such as Evolving all that more significant. This field of thought is expanding and growing at such a steadfast rate that we must stay connected and share our special stories now, or how ever can we move on to tell the next one? Darcy Bloss is a certified Neshamah Healing practitioner with the Institute of Transformational Studies (ITS) and serves as the Co-Lead for Outreach events with ITS’s non-profit organization ITS Global Charities. She also leads a monthly group dedicated to creating, no matter the form or format, called Create Your Own Reality. Contact Darcy at 816-809-9138 or



May 2010

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May 2010

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“what is 5%?”

Excerpted from THE DIVINE NAME by Jonathan Goldman

The Aura Imaging Phenomenon I had just sent out the completed manuscript of The Divine Name to my editor. I was done with the book. It was the best I could do. I was content. The next day, I attended INATS, the International New Age Trade show—a yearly event in Denver where authors, musicians, artisans and many others speak, perform or had booths displaying their works or others such as myself, who did signings for those in attendance. The first day had been extremely busy for me, ending that night with my receiving two Visionary Awards, one for “Best Healing/Meditation Album” which my CD “2012: Ascension Harmonics” won and another for “Best Web Site” which the Temple of Sacred Sound won. This was a great surprise to me as well as quite an honor. The following day my wife Andi and I arrived quite late at the show in order to spend a couple of hours looking around at what we had missed previously due to our busy schedule of activities the day before. As the show was just about to close down, I passed by a booth that had “Aura Imaging” photography. The study of photographing the aura has been around since the 1930’s, when two Russian scientists, Valerie and Semyon Kirlian accidentally discovered that by passing a slight electric current through a plate that contained living matter, they were able to observe some sort of color “discharge” that extended beyond the physical material— what has become known as the aura or the electromagnetic field. This work has progressed over many years until there are now sophisticated cameras available that seem to be able to record different colors of the aura relating to moods and other factors of people who are being photographed. There’s much skepticism about the validity of these cameras, though the photographs can be fascinating to observe. At this booth, there was a monitor that displayed the “real time” effects of people using the equipment. I was asked to sit down and try it. However, I was tired and ready to leave the show—not particularly interested in

having my aura photographed. But for some reason, however, I was guided to sit down and as an experiment, see if any changes would occur in my aura while intoning the Divine Name. Apparently, when I did this, the results were quite startling to everyone around the booth including the aura camera operator. I had missed whatever had occurred since my eyes were closed. I was asked to sound the Divine Name again. This time, the results were recorded. What I present now (below) are photographs taken from a brief 20-second video made while I intoned the Divine Name. It is not my purpose to validate aura photography or equate any particular meaning to what you’ll see. I simply make these photos available for your perusal. Most aura photography shows one or two predominant colors that are seen swirling around a person. With these photos below, there was an initial slight bluish purple that was visible before I began to vocalize the Divine Name. This bluish purple hue is not visible in the first of these black and white photos. However, as you’ll see, in the next pictures that follow the first, a pure white light almost immediately begins to emerge and then envelope me as I vocalized the Divine Name. No claims are made about what these pictures represent. I do find it most interesting that rather than the traditional change in the color of the photograph which is usual when people try to affect their aura, these pictures demonstrate something quite different. As I started to sound the Divine Name, white light immediately began to manifest. I’d never seen that before. I don’t believe anyone else had either. I present these photos to you now with no agenda. They may well show one aspect of the power of the Divine Name to initiate Light and Love through Sound. Or they may indicate something else. I trust you’ll find them of interest. Reprinted from The Divine Name by Jonathan Goldman© 2010 with permission of Hay House.


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2. I begin to vocalize the Divine Name and white light begins to appear.


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4. The more I sound, the more the white light envelops me.



May 2010


How a Café Transformed My Life By Natalie George

In June of 2007, I walked into a restaurant that changed my life. Before this experience, I was obsessed with calorie counting. I counted every calorie that went in my mouth. I bought sugar-free/aspartame/chemical foods to minimize calories. Many of my meals were pre-made, processed or packaged diet/health foods. While one of my goals has always been to be healthy, the driving force behind my calorie counting ways was to be thin. I had a fear of becoming fat. It wasn’t until I ate at this restaurant that I realized how all-encompassing my fear was. My “A-HA” moment happened after spending a week in San Francisco and dining daily at a place called Café Gratitude. The restaurant was recommended to me by a friend in Toronto. She said, “You MUST check out this place. It’s healthy and I heard the owner is a master of abundance and incorporates personal transformation into the cafe.” I was intrigued by this and curious what a restaurant of health, gratitude, abundance and personal transformation might look like, so I made it one of my first stops.



May 2010

Wow! The food served at this café was vegan, organic, locally grown and mostly raw and it was surprisingly delicious. My mind couldn’t believe that a combination of vegetables, fruits, nuts and/or seeds could be so scrumptious. My previous notion of raw food was that of carrot sticks and a salad–boring! I was completely surprised by the artful dishes they created and loved how my taste buds were so delighted with the offerings at Café Gratitude. But where were the gratitude, abundance and personal transformation that contributed to me visiting this café in the first place? They were everywhere! To begin with, each menu item is called an affirmation. They chose to do this because they believe that we are always affirming something about life or ourselves. They created an affirmational menu to support others in affirming empowering thoughts. For example, their version of a marinara pizza is called “I am passionate,” a glass of red wine is called “I am spirited”, a hazelnut, chocolate fig smoothie is called “I am luscious,” and a non-dairy sundae is called “I am innocent.” I don’t know about you, but prior to this, I never considered myself innocent if I

Café Gratitude currently has six locations in the Bay area–San Francisco, San Rafael, Healdsburg, Berkeley, Oakland Whole Foods and Cupertino Whole Foods.

even looked at a dessert menu. In addition to the affirmational menu, the servers ask customers the question of the day. Some of my favorites are: What are you grateful for? What do you love about your life? What are you celebrating today? If money were no object, what would you do with your life? I’ve heard stories of people changing their careers and pursuing their dreams after asking themselves the last question. There is also a board game on each table. You can play it while waiting for your meal with friends or with someone sitting at your table, as the café offers community seating. The game creates an opportunity for the practice of being abundant, worthy, loving, accepting, grateful and generous. So how was I transformed by this restaurant? I ordered the “I am fabulous” lasagna and with each bite, I repeated “I am fabulous, I am fabulous.” This mantra lasted the entire meal. I was SO happy eating and I felt my body and my being vibrating with joy. That’s when I realized that not once did I wonder how many calories it had. Not once did I worry if I would become fat. In that moment, I realized that for as long as I could remember, I had feared food while I was eating, each time I ate. Whoa! How freeing and transforming it was (and is) to be able to eat and feel good about myself! This is only the beginning of the transformation process I’ve experienced and continue to experience. Café Gratitude currently has six locations in the Bay area–San Francisco, San Rafael, Healdsburg, Berkeley, Oakland Whole Foods and Cupertino Whole Foods. I’ve fallen in love with Café Gratitude and have made it my personal mission to bring one to Kansas City in 2010 and eventually to other cities in the Midwest. In the meantime, I love the idea of making the Café Gratitude Experience available for everyone, regardless of the existence of a physical café. How is that possible? Here is what I learned from dining at Café Gratitude. My invitation to you is to experiment with all of the suggestions below and implement them into your life. Experience the difference it makes for you, your friends and the environment.



May 2010

1. Feed yourself good thoughts as well as good food. Affirm thoughts that empower and contribute to you. Have your thoughts be your best friend instead of your worst enemy. 2. Focus on the quality of food. Eat fresh, natural, local, organic, lots of variety and lots of raw. 3. Practice being generous. Give away a compliment, clothes you no longer need, items that no longer serve you or money to the person on the street. 4. Prepare your food with love and say one thing you are grateful for before each meal. 5. Practice being authentic and give unconditional love to your friends and communities. You can start by acknowledging one friend a day by telling them one thing you love about them. 6. Eliminate chemicals from your life as much as possible and choose to buy more natural and sustainable products–food, make up, soap, lotion, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. I never realized before how many chemicals I was putting on my skin, in my body and in the environment with everyday personal items. Be alive. Play full out and have fun! Always remember–YOU ARE FABULOUS! Natalie George is a Fitness and Nutrition Visionary. She is a certified personal trainer, group exercise instructor and holistic nutrition consultant. She founded GratitudeKC and is in the midst of bringing Cafe Gratitude to Kansas City. Visit

Self-Talk and its Effect on Eating by Jane Van Benthusen

It used to be that if people were talking to themselves, they were thought of as being crazy. As it turns out, this is a great way to become more self-aware. We all have an internal dialogue going on behind the scenes. Sadly, for many of us, that dialogue is a negative one. That negative voice is often holding on to old theories from past experiences. It is important to listen to this inner voice and to question it because it may be just flat out wrong. There are times to listen to your inner voice and there are times that you need to reprogram it. So no, even arguing with yourself doesn't make you crazy! My body used to try to tell me things like this all the time... “But French fries taste good and that's what I'm hungry for.” “You've been really good today you deserve (insert name of fast food chain here)” “Oh, a little bit won't hurt” and “You deserve a treat.” This voice was not the voice I needed to be listening to and the one I needed to reprogram. I didn't deserve a treat that was junk food. I deserved to be nourishing my body and giving it what it needed to heal. That negative voice is also the one that tells me I'm in too big of a hurry for breakfast or that I need to skip lunch because of a deadline or because I'm fat and I don't need to eat. There is also a voice that tells me to punish myself after I have had a treat by saying that I need to skip a meal, because I did have a treat the night before—even though the

I started adding more healthy foods, fresh juices and green smoothies to my diet. I practiced by telling myself why this food was good for me and how I deserve to be healthy and happy. voice is the same one that suggested the treat in the first place. When this inner dialogue was about to drive me over the edge, is when I used to eat and drink to quiet the voice. With a couple of drinks in me, pizza or even wings seemed like a great choice. And, I didn't hear the voice again until the next morning when it

would scream in my head in the form of a hangover. I have had this negative voice ruin meals, sexual experiences and many other situations over the years. It wasn't until I started really focusing on my own healing that I realized what a toll it was taking on my health. I needed to reprogram myself from the inside out and fast! But how? While researching alternative cancer therapies and the people that had successfully healed themselves, a friend gave me the book, You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay. I was amazed by her story and the observations she made about emotions and illnesses. I learned about how cancer can be caused by deep shame. I learned about how eating disorders can be related to the lack of control in our lives. I also learned about how powerful this inner voice is and how, with the use of affirmations, it could be changed to a positive influence in my life. I started adding more healthy foods, fresh juices and green smoothies to my diet. I practiced by telling myself why this food was good for me and how I deserve to be healthy and happy. It may sound kind of silly, but when you are enjoying yummy healthy food, tell yourself, “My body loves this food and loves to eat it.” You can practice affirmations out loud or to yourself. I believe this can make the food you take in even more nourishing to your body and your soul. Then you can truly begin to feed



May 2010

yourself. I also believe that when you eat foods that are bad for you, that inner negative dialogue makes those foods even worse for you because of the emotional stress—not to mention…the physical stress. You can use this method in all areas of your life. While exercising, tell yourself your body loves to move; when having sex, tell yourself that this feels good and you deserve to feel good; while cleaning house, tell yourself that you love having a clean house and deserve a clean house. Any time you hear that negative self, take the time to talk back in a positive way! You are worthy and deserve health and happiness! Look in the mirror every day and say it out loud, “I love myself! I am worthy of being happy and healthy!” I still hear my negative voice from time to time; but honestly, I've gotten so much better. Spend some time listening and talking to yourself. Little by little, you too can change your negative self-talk into the positive inner cheerleader that you need! I'm a huge fan of Louise Hay and you can check out all of her books, affirmation cards, calendars, etc. at Jane Van Benthusen is a alternative cancer thriver. She, along with her husband and youngest son, teaches raw food classes, hosts a monthly potluck dinner in Lee's Summit, MO and offers alternative health support. You can learn more about her and her family at and

Energy and Food Why You’re Not Only WHAT You Eat, But HOW Your Food Was Prepared! By Debz Shakti Buller Is there anything more sumptuous, comforting, or pleasurable than a meal made just for you by someone who loves you? What is it about “home-cooking” that sets our minds, hearts and tummies to daydreams of not just delicious food, but of warm, cozy spaces, and loving, friendly feelings? And—be honest, now—when was the last time you experienced a meal like this? Our society has evolved into one of speed, instant-gratification and multi-tasking. Every moment we are awake (which usually counts for more than is healthy), we are encouraged, pushed and sometimes commanded to work, move and perform everything faster. In response to this go-go-go mentality, most people now make it a daily habit to drive through a fast-food joint or have “food” delivered so we can save a few minutes, or because we think we are too tired or stressed to have to deal with preparing our own meals. When most of us do take time to fix a meal it usually consists of highly-processed, pre-packaged stuff that is infused with chemicals, preservatives and artificial ingredients. If it doesn’t cook in three minutes or less in the microwave, we don’t want to deal with it! The sad truth is, America has literally become a fast-food nation! We are beginning to pay the price in national and world records for obesity, heart disease, cancer and so many other ills. The old saying goes, “You are

what you eat,” but, I’d also like to include in that statement, “and you are also HOW that food was raised and prepared!“ Let’s try a little mental experiment to illustrate my point. Consider how you felt after consuming the last thing you ate from a fastfood joint, preferably a drive-thru. Really use all your senses in this memory game. How did it taste (really), how did it smell (and how did your car smell), what did it look like—how colorful or beautifully presented was it? How did you feel about 15 minutes after you wolfed it down while navigating traffic? How did you feel an hour after? Now, bring to memory how you felt after a meal prepared for you with love and great care from your mother, father, lover or friend. Let this meal have been served at a comfortable table, with real dishes, in a quiet and inviting setting. Use the same parameters as above to get the full affect. Did you notice any difference? Even heavy foods you normally would not eat usually make you feel better than the food thrown together by an unfortunate, underpaid, unappreciated, possibly angry person working at your local fastfood place. Why is that? Because, THOUGHTS ARE THINGS! They permeate everything—every part of life. So when you eat food that is prepared with love and laughter and joy, that food takes on those characteristics. The opposite is true in the situation of eating food prepared by an unhappy person. And it works the same way for the person prepar-

ing the food. When I take time to prepare even the simplest of meals, a nice, raw salad, for instance, I find that simply cutting the vegetables, enjoying the smells, the colors, and the textures really helps shift my attitude from one of stress or worry to one of calm, joyful, gratitude. As an energy worker, I have always found the benefit of at least expressing thanks and love for food, or anything else in my life for that matter! When I prepare any food, whether it is for me, my family and friends, even my dog, I do it with lots of LOVE and send loving and grateful energy into it. I find that this "energized" food provides me even more benefit than food that is not prepared this way. And the amazing thing is, you do not need to be schooled in energy healing to do this! As you prepare your food, send loving energy into it just by THINKING loving thoughts. Enjoy all the colors, smells, tastes, and textures of the



May 2010

foods you are preparing, and think of the joy you will have when eating or serving the food. If you are a person who likes to visualize, "see" healing and loving energy moving perhaps like colored light from your heart and your hands into the food. It can be as simple as expressing gratitude for and blessing the food, if that is your belief-system, before serving and consuming it. Energy, Light, Love—these are your birth-rights! Consume several helpings a day! Debz Shakti Buller is the creator of Shakti Universe, offering Multi-Dimensional Energy Healing and Hypnotherapy services, specializing in Life Regression/ Progression. She is an avid Vegan and Living Foods enthusiast; and is a life-long yogini and yoga teacher. Contact Debz at, 816-550-5490.

spiritual horoscopes

Spiritual Horoscope for May By Aluna Michaels, M.A.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Happy birthday Taurus! Give yourself a wonderful gift by making a commitment not to criticize yourself! Meditation will give gentle guidance about how to improve your life. Take these steps in a loving manner. Changes will manifest in the areas of work and relationships. The Universe loves and supports you. Any mean thoughts are from your inner judge and should be disregarded! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) This is a great time to evaluate your ideas of God and spirituality. Do your concepts work for you? Do they encourage you to reach out to your soul, or to avoid God due to fear of condemnation? Your mind is a lonely place without help from the Universe! Practicing meditation challenges your busy brain. Think of it as time to relax your mind. Don’t pick on yourself for racing thoughts . . . even if the pace slows only a little, you’re getting emotional and spiritual benefits! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Make a commitment to not be nasty to yourself. Work intensely with affirmations this month to vault over chronic negativity. Chronic sadness can be a habit for you. Train your brain to think differently. You’ll radiate new energy, and might attract a new relationship. You’ll also notice you feel more trusting of others. Positive thoughts help open the shell around your heart. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Talk with your romantic partner about your ideal relationship. Create ways for each of you to fulfill the other’s dreams. If single, make a list of desired qualities in a partner, as well as qualities about yourself when you’re most loving. Talk with a trusted friend about becoming the “ideal” you now. This

Happy birthday Taurus! Give yourself a wonderful gift by making a commitment not to criticize yourself! Meditation will give gentle guidance about how to improve your life. shift will attract a totally new type relationship. Single or coupled, this exercise will also help you weed out unrealistic expectations so you’ll feel more grounded. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Clarify your needs in relationships. It’s important that you’re not giving too much away and receiving too little. You have a major chance to change your karmic pattern of being taken advantage of! If setting and keeping boundaries makes people angry with you, you don’t need them in your life! You’ll see your health improve as your stress level lowers. New business, romantic and social opportunities will come into your world, because self-esteem will be so high. You deserve respect!

ment. This could also mean devoting time for yourself, especially if you’re pulled in many directions by other people’s needs. Meditation or even time spent in a creative project will enhance your energy and make a difference to the people you encounter. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) You’re feeling emotionally vulnerable. Although you’re likely succeeding in business, your heart is tender. Watch for sassy comments that can make loved ones take a step back from you. Let them know you’re feeling needy or anxious. Remember, being bonded doesn’t equal being trapped! Maintain balance by having your own space, but ask for it in a healthy way, rather than pushing people away when you’re overwhelmed.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Meditation gives insights into subtle subconscious patterns that interfere with your ability to be intimate in relationships. They could be rooted in unhappy childhood situations. They could be strong negative beliefs about yourself. They could be co-dependent tendencies that draw you to addicts or abusive people. If you’re in healthy relationship, you’ll be able to absorb more love. If single, you can attract a higher quality partner than ever before!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Relationships will go very well this month. If single, you could even meet a new partner. If already bonded, you’ll create more harmony together. Make sure you’re keeping up with your meditation or spiritual practice. When you feel rooted in your center, it’s much easier to share yourself with others. If you’re not connected with your soul, you’ll feel like people are draining your energy or taking advantage of you, especially at work.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) It’s time to re-evaluate goals. Make time in your schedule for a meaningful activity. Sharing your time and your heart will point the way to even more personal fulfill-

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) The planet Neptune is dissolving your boundaries. This can make you feel needy, vulnerable or “wimpy”. Actually, this is an exciting time in your spiritual growth.



May 2010

The Universe wants to break down the internal walls that keep you at arm’s length from love. You’re becoming more human and more emotionally available. Daily meditation will help you trust this opening process – and will create a “pipeline” for spiritual guidance and divine bliss. This will make it even easier to trust people and let your intellectual guard down. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) All your relationship dreams can come true! The most important thing is to accept your own flaws. You can be so hard on yourself that you shut out love from others. Make a gratitude list about who you are today, and of the relationship you’re in right now, if partnered. You’ll be surprised at how much you have in your life and how much you have to offer. If single, you can attract a solid person who is grounded and real! Aries (March 21 – April 19) Keep promises to yourself about health and gentleness. Release foods and substances that harm your body. Change lifestyle habits that limit how often you can rest. When you’re healthier and more peaceful, you can actually enjoy life more and play harder when you feel adventurous. Take time to beautify your home. Chaotic clutter can be a cause of stress. You won’t realize how much it was draining your energy until you clean and organize! Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Aluna is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit


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Jackie Mullinax, Mullinax Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone or in person. $45 for one hour, CD included. 913-206-1294

LIFE COACH Sally L. Ford, MBA. Personal Life Coaching One-on-one, group and lazer coaching. MasterMind Groups and Power workshops. 816-769-5770

NUTRITION & WELLNESS Sherree Ross, AADP, EFTEFT-ADV, ADV Reiki Master Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Workshops, Cooking Classes, EFT, Reiki, 816-808-6606, Tamara Creighton, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Cleanse With Friends, and Hawaiian LomiLomi, 913-232-6419

Turn on your higher brain to realize your potential. See a presentation about this revolutionary process. rsvp at

PHOTOGRAPHY Elaina G Photography Portrait, Pet and Birth Photography 816-444-1268

PICK UP MAGAZINES Trying to find a distribution location for EVOLVING? Go to and view the list for a location near you.

NATURAL MIND: DrugDrug-Free Mental Wellness

Synchronistic Healing, Casey Lesmeister Reiki for People and Pets, Quantum Touch, Sound Healing w/ Tuning Forks, Crystal Healing, Space Clearings., 913-593-4002.

REAL ESTATE Jason Nowlin / NowlinRE Full Time, Full Service Real Estate Consultant for KS and MO. 816-994-9904,;

Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343, Diane Davis Reed, Reed Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge,, 816-741-0820

YOGA Everyday Yoga & Wellness Center Yoga -Class or Private, Reiki, Massage Nutrition Counseling, IonSpa Foot Detox. 816-809-9574 Northland Yoga Center Your Yoga ~ Your Sanctuary ~ Find your Center. Catherine Martin, owner, 816-520-2247

Pick up the Spring issue at a location near you. The Summer edition distributes mid June.

ENERGY HEALING Pranic Healing Sessions, Feng Shui, Space Clearing Rocky Patel;; 816-916-1823; Sherry Sutera:; 913-488-6651

RAW FOODS Simply Raw Lifestyle LLC, Tracie Walker Certified raw food chef and teacher. 816-210-8318;



Courses (see events), Live & Distance Coaching. Sue Westwind, MA, Holistic Mental Health Coach, 785-331-9630

Angel's InSight With Steffany Barton, RN Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, Certified Past Life Regressionist. Bring Heaven to Earth!; 913-451-4567

“We were recently in town and picked up a copy of your publication at our favorite restaurant, Blue Bird Bistro. Congratulations! We are so very grateful that someone is putting together a resource like this. Prior to reading your paper, we were aware of only a few restaurants that serve organic or grass fed beef or bison. We are looking forward to future issues. Keep up the great work and hats off to you for this wonderful endeavor. ” —Scott and Sheila Miller, Phoenix, AZ

Contact Chrissy Speer for advertising information: Visit us at EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


May 2010

events April 29, May 13 & 27, June 10 Jung Biographies in Four Sessions 7-9 p.m. Lucy Sikes, Jungian analyst Call for details. $95 - 816.520.1172 Saturday May 1st 10am Wednesday May 5 7:30 pm Tuesday May 25th 7:30 pm Awaken Your Higher Brain 7:30-8:30pm. Free presentation on H.E.A.R.T. - a new way to energize your higher brain and apply it to your life! RSVP at May 1 GROUP CHANNELING This is Beltane / May Day. Spirit(s) will come forth to celebrate with us. 7 p.m. Sug. Donation: $33 Overland Park Call Maitreya at 913-839-8745 May 1 Insights with Grace Noon to 5 p.m. Akashic Record Readings with Gretchen Grace. glindsay814@hotmail. com. Mystic Treasures, 7711-E North Oak Trfwy, Kansas City, MO. 816-420-0820. May 3-24 Doga 6:30-7:30pm – N2paws teaching techniques to improve you & your dog’s flexibility and enhance the bond with your canine companion. Overland Park, KS $60 (4-weeks) ~ 816-522-7005 May 4, 11, 18 intenSati Tuesdays, 6-7pm. Unity Plaza (Eden Alley). intenSati combines affirmations and exercise. May series: You are the Master of your Fate. $15/class, $49/pkg of 6. May 4 “Emotional Healing” with Ursula Gilkeson 6-9 pm Sastun Center of Integrative Health Care Call Nora at (913)3450060 for more information May 5, 12, 19, 26 RADIANT LIVING PROXY-SERIES Radiant Health, Love Singles, Love Couples or Prosperity using Resonance Repatterning®. Choose any or all sessions. Teri Higbee, 913-219-6788 or MAY 5 EXPLORING YOUR GUIDE-ANCE Deepening Connection, a Metaphysical Discussion Group (How to work with your spiritual guides. Space limited, so please call Rainbow Woman for details: 816-630-9974. May 5—June 2 HATHA YOGA CLASS-BEGINNERS 5-week session on Wednesday evenings 6-7 pm $50/pp Parkville, Mo. 816-587-5400

Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact May 6 Cleanse With Friends™—Whole, Natural Food Cleanse 7:15 pm, Lee’s Summit. Jump start weight loss! Eat more healthfully! This is an “eating” cleanse. Our first group in Lee’s Summit! Kickoff 5/6. calendar.

Sessions: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Yoga, Hoopdance, Drumming: 6-7 p.m. Kirtan: 7-8 p.m. Live Music and Poetry Jam: 8 p.m.—bring drums, shakers, didgeridoos or other instruments. Love Offering.;

May 6 & 13 An Introduction to Jung's Concept of the Shadow 7-8:30 p.m. Lisa Whitlow, Jungian-oriented therapist Unity Temple on the Plaza. $20 - 816.520.1172

May 10 CELESTIAL TIMINGS REPATTERNING TELE-SESSION 7-9 p.m. A key celestial event is chosen monthly. Using Resonance Repatterning®, flow with the energies of the Universe affecting you. Teri Higbee, 913-219-6788 or

May 6 Journey Into the Tarot Join Aislinn as she shares her unique perspective and usages of the Tarot. Bring your deck. 730930pm Amethyst Dreams, KCMO ~ $75 816/349-9931

May 11 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422

May 7 intenSati 9am. Lucy, 5230 W 119th St, Leawood, KS. intenSati fitness class combines affirmations with cardio, strength and yoga . Free community class.

May 11 Cleanse With Friends™—Whole, Natural Food Cleanse 12 noon –Kickoff first ONLINE GROUP!Jump start weight loss! Eat more healthfully! This is an “eating” cleanse. Our first online group! Kickoff 5/11 online via webinar. cleansewithfriends/calendar.

May 8 Intuitive Readings with Psychic Medium Jackie Valanne 12 noon to 5 p.m Love offering. Mystic Treasures, 7711-E North Oak Trfwy, Kansas City, MO. 816-420-0820. May 8 Restorative Yoga workshop with Diana Graves Clear out the clutter and rest easy this Spring! 10-noon 816-520-2247 May 8 LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE NATIVE AMERICAN FLUTE 10 a.m.-Noon. Learn basic techniques. No previous experience necessary. We loan flutes for class. 2 CEUs. $25.; 913-851-5100. May 8 BATH AND BODY PRODUCTS DEBUT 11 a.m.-5 p.m. New handmade products and other merchandise infused with healing energy. 2110 W. 75th Street, PV, 913-593-4002. May 8 Journey to Divine Love Reiki healing and more at Aquarius bookstore at 39th and Broadway beginning at 11. Yoga, Kirtan, and Live music show with poetry in the evening. Email for a flier to May 8 JOURNEY TO DIVINE LOVE WITH RICKY YUTUC At Aquarius Bookstore. Featuring Evolving advertisers Ricky Yutuc, Karen Harrison, Tom Wolford, Teri Higbee, Jeri Birdsall, Debz Shakti Buller and other energy workers. Healing

May 12 Reiki World Peace Card Meditation 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Open to everyone. Mystic Treasures, 7711-E North Oak Trfwy, Kansas City, MO. 816-420-0820. May 12 GLOBAL MOMENT OF PEACE 8 p.m. CDT. Join with us, wherever you may be at peace. The whole world is invited. May 13 & 20 Beginning Astrology Sessions 4 & 5 All the basics taught by two knowledgeable Astrologers in 12 sessions. 730-930pm Amethyst Dreams, KCMO ~ $15/wk 816/349-9931 May 15 Self-Healing Through Writing 9 - Noon; Maril Crabtree will teach. No prior experience required. 6045 Martway No. 104, Mission, KS, $45 – for info 913-484-1733 May 15th "GET GROUNDED" NUTRITION CLASS Learn about nutritional key concepts such as nutrients, balance, moderation, and variety. 10:30am -12pm $20 Parkville, Mo. 816-587-5400 May 15 TTouch® & Doga 1:00-3:00pm – N2paws offering TTouch® & Doga demos. Overland Park, KS FREE ~ 816-522-7005



May 2010

May 15 AURA READINGS & ANGEL PORTRAITS 1-5 p.m. at Crescent Springs, OP. Get your Aura Check Up or connect w/ the healing energy of your angels. Susan Prout 816.377.3507, MAY 15-16 REIKI WEEKEND INTENSIVE LEVELS I &II Space limited. (Under $200). Please call Rainbow Woman for details and to reserve your place: 816-630-9974. May 15-16 Reiki I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – 6pm, $350. CEUs for nurses, massage therapists, other healing professionals. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440. May 17 “First Line Therapy” – a lifestyle plan for real change for people with diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. 6:30-7:30 PM Free introductory session – Sastun Center Call (913)345-0060 for information. May 18 “Emotional Healing” with Ursula Gilkeson. 6-9 pm Sastun Center of Integrative Health Care Call Nora at (913)3450060 for information. May 18 LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE NATIVE AMERICAN FLUTE 6:30-8:30 p.m. Learn basic techniques. No previous experience necessary. We loan flutes for class. 2 CEUs. $25.; 913-851-5100. May 20, 6:30 p.m. Cleanse With Friends™—FREE Taste Event! For those interested in CWF—come have a FREE taste of some of the amazing food we eat while cleansing and meet cleanse leaders! calendar. May 21-23 “The Mysterious Kundalini” a weekend workshop with Sanskrit Mantra teacher Thomas Ashley-Farrand, at Aquarius Bookstore (816-931-6303). Contact Elizabeth Cutting at 816-532-4727 or (mantra in subject).

May 21 REUNIONS: VISIONARY ENCOUNTERS WITH DEPARTED LOVED ONES PSI Presents Dr. Raymond Moody Leading authority on the near-death experience, best-selling author of 11 books, including

Life After Life & Reunions Program & book signing, 7:30 p.m., Unity Temple on the Plaza, $15 public, $10 PSI members, May 22 & 23 CranioSacral Flow I 9AM to 4PM; 12 NCBTMB CE's. $330 Explore the healing power of CranioSacral Flow. Learn basic CranioSacral techniques to treat headaches, neck and back pain, anxiety, depression and more. Discover why CSFlow is so powerful! More information at Contact Nancy Lankston at 913-206-4531 or May 23 TTouch for Cats 1:00-5:00pm – N2paws teaching TTouch: learn to enhance health, influence behavior & strengthen the bond with your feline companion. Overland Park, KS $50 ~ 816-522-7005 NATURAL MIND presents: DRUG-FREE APPROACHES TO DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY With guest experts from the integrative health community! 8 Week Course includes textbook, workbook and coaching. June 7 - July 26 at UNITY TEMPLE ON THE PLAZA FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSION: MONDAY MAY 24, 7-9 pm Info: or 785-331-9630 May 24 & 25 CranioSacral Flow II 9AM to 4PM; 12 NCBTMB CE's. $330 This class dives into the heart of CranioSacral Flow as you study the power of the cranial base. Explore how important the cranial base is to blood, lymph and nerve flow. Learn techniques to alleviate many common issues. Prerequisite: CS Flow I. More information at Contact Nancy Lankston at 913-206-4531 or MAY 26 PAST LIFE REGRESSION, WHY BOTHER? Deepening Connection, a Metaphysical Discussion Group. Will include a group regression. Space limited. Call Rainbow Woman to reserve your place. 816-630-9974. May 26-27 Everything is God Noted Jewish-Buddhist Author/Instructor Jay Michaelson. Wednesday 7pm FREE book lecture "Everything is God: The Radical Path of Nondual Judaism" Thursday 7pm $20 meditation workshop. All levels and faith traditions welcome! Congregation Kol Ami 7501 Belinder, Prairie Village, KS 913-642-9000 May 28 Full Moon Yoga Parkville, MO Flowing lunar sequence in honor of the full moon-bonfire drumming/chanting to follow! 8:00pm 816-520-2247 Catherine Martin

June 3 Everyday Yoga Open House New Name! New Location! Open House from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 816-809-9574 June 4 HEALING POWER OF NATURE WORKSHOP 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Learn a specific technique for gaining insights and problem solving through nature. 6 CEUs. $60—lunch included. 913-851-5100. June 4 Ashana in concert A Transmission of Love To All Beings. Experience the Gift of Ashana’s music as she transmits the Universal Consciousness into your being through the Awakened Consciousness of Crystal Singing Bowls. Align with higher states in a full group healing. Feel the Divine Presence within a Sacred Union of Sound and Light that will take you places you’ve always dreamed of going. Darling Yoga 11711 College Blvd. Overland Park, KS 66211. Tickets: $30.00 in advance/$40.00 at the door 913-498-1144 June 5 MARIPOSA VETERINARY CENTER’S 1ST WHOLISTIC PET FAIR 12:30p- 3:30p 13900 Santa Fe Trail Dr. Lenexa, KS 66215; 913-825-3330 Events: Acupuncture Demonstrations 1:30p, Dog Training Demonstrations, Animal Chiropractic, Holistic Allergy Care T-Touch, Nutrition Talk , Animal Communication, Pet Photography JUNE 18 “WHAT’S YOUR BODY TELLING YOU?” with Steve Sisgold Discover ways to achieve Whole Body Consciousness—a broadened state of mind that helps you fulfill your goals. Hear from Steve Sisgold on how to make better decisions, manage negative thoughts, and lead a fuller life by stopping over-thinking —and trusting your ‘gut’ instinct. 7:30 pm, Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 West 47th St., KCMO. $20. Discounts with Saturday Workshop. Details or call Christine (816) 561-1627. JUNE 19 “WHAT’S YOUR BODY TELLING YOU?” WORKSHOP with Steve Sisgold Learn how to access your body’s wisdom, in this full-day workshop with Steve Sigold on Whole Body Consciousness. Your body always lets you know. But do you ignore those “gut” instincts and do what your head tells you to do? Learn to read the clues your body is sending and move easily toward your goals. Presented by Cornerstone Foundation. 10am – 4pm, Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 West 47th St., KCMO. $119. Discounts with Friday program. Details at or call Christine (816) 561-1627. June 18, 19 or 26 Empowering Yourself Through Resonance Repatterning Align your life intentions with this revolutionary system, and empower yourself in manifesting your dreams through the implementation of dozens of sound, color, movement and breath therapies designed to yield instant shifts in

consciousness. For more information, visit or call (816) 866-0075. June 25-27 Journey of the Chantress with Marie Summerwood, 80 Acres, Leavenworth, Kansas. A time of chanting, drumming and dancing for women and men in skirts. $125 with $50 meal ticket. Contact: Kahla Wheeler, or call 913-682-1198.

July 23(9AM)-25(4pm) Kansas City Workshop July 26-27 Kansas City Private Consultations Preventing and Healing Maternal and Infant Birth Trauma with William Emerson, Birth Psychologist This workshop is for parents who gave birth or are about to, for professionals who attend birth, and for those who suffered trauma while being born. Identify the negative birth patterns impairing your life now, and what to do to align with healthy birth experience. Find out how giving birth affects your child(ren), and if you are a birth professional, find out how to prevent birth trauma during childbirth. Bobbie Martin 816-363-0091 or

ONGOING CALLING IN "THE ONE" WORKSHOP 7-week program to manifest the love you seek. One hour/week—you choose the day/time. $60 + book (you provide). NKC. Ladies only. Yvette Rudy, 816.695.3055

KIDS YOGA CLUB April 3, 10-11a.m. Every First Saturday for ages 5-12. Learn yoga * have fun * balance for busy little minds. 816-520-2247

AWAKEN YOUR HIGHER SELF Through a hands-on, facilitator-led process, the highest part of the human brain can be awakened—opening the door to your unlimited potential. Presentation opportunities:

RAIN NUTRITION MEETINGS At Viable Options ( Wednesdays 2 p.m. Thursdays 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Fridays 2 p.m. Saturdays 11 a.m. RSVP for class confirmation: 816.283.0685.

WOMEN'S WEB An evolving group of down-to-earth, real women of all ages exploring, honoring, and celebrating Goddess energy through ritual. We meet twice a month in Lawrence. For more information, email LINK UP AT WHITE DEER LODGE 1st Wed. of every month, 7 p.m. Prayer, meditation and healing in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Free. No experience necessary. Daniel Baxley:; 816.769.7343. REIKI CIRCLE Reiki Circle at Unity Church of Overland Park – 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 79pm. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email 816-523-4440 WEEKLY CLASSES OFFERED IN PSYCHOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION At Gnostic Confraternity. Create Soul & Spirit! Wed. 7:30 pm, Sat. 5 pm. All are welcome, no fee. 1507 S. Noland Rd. Independence, MO 64055 (816) 836-3384 SPRING INTO YOUR AWESOMENESS CHALLENGE Entire month of May. Three levels of participation – nutrition, fitness and an attitude of gratitude. It’s free! Enter to win! 4 DAY BIOENERGY HEALING CLINIC First Tues of the month 7-9 PM Fee: Donation. Reservations: Kim Meisinger 913-685-9939 HealingBioenergy/Movies_BLP.html GRATITUDE OPEN MIC NIGHT At the Rime Buddhist Center. Every First Friday. Search for Gratitude Open Mic on Facebook for more information.



May 2010

SPIRIT SHOW-UP 7 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in OP to share the energy and joy as Spirit guides us. Love offering. Maitreya: 913.839.8745, MOVIE SCREENINGS, WORKSHOPS, CLASSES Sundays 5:30 p.m. Experience community, clarity, enlightenment and inspiration. Gratuity accepted. Schedule: Like a Day at the Beach, 11032 Quivira (College & Quivira). 913.327.3938. YOGA FOR LUNCH Kundalini Yoga Classes each Wednesday in May, lunchtime (12:30-1:30). Northland Yoga Center. Call Lynn Johnson to enroll: 816-584-0777. RESTORATIVE YOGA AT NORTHLAND YOGA CENTER Every Second Saturday, 10 a.m.-Noon. Release * Relax * Renew 816-520-2247 ANUSARA INSPIRED YOGA CLASSES Meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. at the Northland Yoga Center. $15 for a drop in class. $72 for a 6 week series. Call Lynn Johnson @ 816-584-0777. YOGA IN THE PARK IS BACK! Saturdays 8:00-9:15am. Briarcliff Lake Area. A brilliant way to start your weekend! 816-520-2247 Catherine Martin MCKS Pranic Healing Clinic & Meditation Aura cleansing for emotions, pain, addictions. Every Wednesday in May, 6:30 p.m. Unity Village Fellowship Lounge. Love offering. Rocky Patel, 816.916.1823.



May 2010

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