May 2012

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May 2012 ~ Vol. IV, Issue 3

X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

Metaphysics in 2012 Crystal Healing: The Science & Mystique Behind the Power

Free Yourself From Victimhood Mindfulness & Mindset Changes Across the Lifespan EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


May 2012

VALA Gallery invites you to the Nerman Museum Photo by Kat Nemati

of Contemporary Art for a once in a lifetime opportunity to share an afternoon of "Communion and Conversations" with best-selling author Richard Bach.

Communion & Conversations with Richard Bach Saturday, May 19th, 1-4 PM This interactive Question & Answer Skype event will be at Hudson Auditorium, with a meet and greet with VALA Artists Noon-12:45 in the Atrium. Tickets are on sale now at VALA Gallery & Brown Paper Tel: 555 555 5555 5815 Johnson Drive, Mission, KS 66202 ~ Tickets $20 Students and Seniors $10



May 2012

Photo by: Penny Thieme ©2011,

Publisher’s Letter...


Dear Friend,

Fear and Faith: two words so completely different, yet invariably connected. For me the distinction between faith and fear lies in the feelings associated with each. When filled with fear I experience a hardening of the senses, soul and reality: my shoulders tighten, I fight against my circumstance, teeth clenched. When living with faith I feel release, an acceptance of life and its outcomes. While in a fear-based reality, I dread losing control; faith requires a complete loss of control. When I am in the flow, I take my faith for granted. Life, love and my purpose are perfectly intertwined; my faith is a constant silent partner. I practice my faith through knowingness. I live with the knowledge that everything in my life was, is, and always will be, as it should. One fear emerges and more rise to fill the void. The tension builds and my worries compound to meet the demands. The more I succumb to the fear (lack of faith), the more turmoil I experience. It seems to build to an inescapable climax… and then I remember. I remember that no matter how life appears, All Is Well — then I relax. And a miracle happens. A small one, but it’s noticeable. Then another miracle occurs, and another. Even more quickly than the fears mounted, the miracles compound and I know I am loved. Why must I experience these dramas? I’ve learned that this pattern repeats itself. Hopefully, next time a small fear emerges I will embrace my knowingness before seeking out huge calamities to remind me of my faith. May this month's inspiring articles on metaphysics encourage you to affirm your faith on a daily basis.

Metaphysics in 2012 … 15 Crystal Healing...16

Mindfulness Changes for a Lifespan ...18

Jill Dutton

Crudités Platter ...13

Peas on Earth ...14 Publisher Jill Dutton 913-248-1912


Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick Ad Design Maitreya Zohar Contributors Heidi Alfrey, Bethany Klug, Dino, Lesli Hill, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nyla Mischke, Bonnie Rabicoff, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes

Karen E. Cowdry

Connie “Crash” Humiston

To have an account executive help you with your marketing plan, contact Jill Dutton and a rep will contact you shortly.

EVOLVING© 2012 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.

ON THE COVER: Karen Folgarelli believes abstract art holds an essence of noncognitive awareness. When received in a place of no mind, everything and nothing exists, all senses transcend into One. Color, texture and shape are alive, and when combined with intent, heightened perception may be revealed. Abstract art is indefinable and becomes a place of new discovery and adventure. Karen Folgarelli:

Departments: News Let’s Get Naked Journey to Wholeness Wisdom Within Holistic Medicine



May 2012

4 6 7 8 9

Revelations Healthy Bytes Food Conscious In the Kitchen w/Bonnie Horoscope Events

10 12 13 13 20 22

News... KC SpiritCon For the first time in Kansas City, two metaphysical organizations are teaming up to offer classes and workshops that will provide in-depth knowledge on a variety of metaphysical topics in a brand new event called KC SpiritCon, taking place May 19-20, 2012. It's a full educational weekend of metaphysical and spiritual courses designed to fully awaken one’s multidimensional self. KC Metaphysical and the Psychical Research Society of Kansas City (PRS), two of the largest metaphysical and psychic fairs in the Kansas City area, are combining their connections for the first time to bring this unique opportunity to Kansas City. Although both have offered the local area fairs and workshops, neither has

showcased multiple speakers in a purely educational setting, until now. Additionally there is not another event like it in a several state area. “I love the idea of KC Metaphysical coming together with PRS to bring an event like this to Kansas City. I think it’s a beautiful example of the kind of unity we all need to experience in this time of oneness and enlightenment!” Gigi Woodman, co-founder of KC Metaphysical. "One mission of PRS is to provide metaphysical education so this event fits that criteria. Sharing this endeavor with KC Metaphysical has been wonderful." Dale Davied, President of PRS KC Spirit Con will feature some of the best speak-

ers—some local, some nonlocal—on topics such as astrology, Feng shui, crystal skulls, palmistry, tarot, dreams, aromatherapy, chakra balancing, Mayan ritual and prophecy and more. Fifteen, three hour workshops in all. Details about classes and speakers are already available on KC SpiritCon’s Web site. Kansas City’s first KC SpiritCon will take place May 19-20, at the Ramada Inn located at I-435 and Front St., Kansas City, MO. Registration online is $20 per class, and $25 at the door. For more information and to pre-register, go to

quently report falling asleep and achieve a feeling of very deep relaxation. For an example of an Energy Healing Session visit: watch?v=dtB1l8K_a3o (youtube title Sample Healing Session) The sessions will be held in our classroom at 6045 Martway, Mission, KS on May 18th, 19th and 20th from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. Please call Barbara Ahern at 913 -522-4953 to schedule an appointment or for more information.

The First Spring Renewal Event will be held May 18t, 19 and 20 and is sponsored by the Core Star Energy Healing School. The Core Star Energy Healing School, based in Mission, KS since 1994 has a 3 yr energy healing training program and also has been working with cancer patients since 2005 at various locations assisting them to move through their treatments and surgeries.

Spring Renewal Event Spring is a great time to be rejuvenated and enjoy the new season and clear out the stress accumulated during the winter. Come over to our place and enjoy a complementary Energy Healing Session performed by one of our graduates or advanced students. Energy Healing Sessions have been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, relive pain and fatigue. During a session, the client is laying, fully clothed on a massage table. The healer uses light gently touch to balance the client’s energy field. It is so relaxing that clients fre-



May 2012

News... Books THE VOLUNTOURIST: A Six-Country Tale of Love, Loss, Fatherhood, Fate, and Singing Bon Jovi in Bethlehem VOL-UN-TOUR-IST n. 1. A guy who attempts to save the world in an attempt to save himself. 2. Someone who can only do it two weeks at a time. When Ken Budd’s father suddenly collapsed in 2007, he was one year into his retirement, seemingly healthy, and just finishing eighteen holes of golf. Then in a matter of seconds he was gone. Seeing the legions of family, friends and coworkers paying tribute at his father’s funeral, Ken began to reflect on the achievements of his dad, a man who rose from poverty, who never attended college yet climbed to upper management in a variety of high-tech companies, and who supported the financial demands of a household and still made time for his family. Ken began thinking about his own life, his marriage, the unspoken decision he and his wife had made to remain childless, and he began to wonder: what would he leave behind? How could he live a life

that truly matters? Out of Ken’s effort to find purpose and to confront mortality grew his memoir THE VOLUNTOURIST: A Six-Country Tale of Love, Loss, Fatherhood, Fate and Singing Bon Jovi in Bethlehem (William Morrow Paperbacks; On Sale Date: May 8, 2012; Price: $15.99). THE VOLUNTOURIST is a journey that is part insider look at the growing trend of voluntourism, part do-gooder manifesto, part personal journey. Wry and funny, heartbreakingly honest, as exotic in location as it is familiar in its concerns, Ken Budd has penned a memoir that will inspire you, captivate you, and linger in your mind long after you’ve turned the last page Ken Budd is an award-winning writer and editor whose writing credits include Smithsonian, Stuff, the Washington Post, AARP: The Magazine, McSweeney’s, Modern Humorist, and, Worldview, the magazine of the Peace Corps. Ken lives in Burke, Virginia, near Washington, D.C., with his wife.

Gypsy Faire A North Kansas City bookstore has teamed up with a group of artists to turn the business into a one-stop shop for books, art, crafts and events designed to boost well-being. Steel’s Used Books, 214 East 18thAve., is expanding to include items made by

local artists who belong to the group KC Gypsy Faire. A “Coming Out Party” is set for 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. May 11-12. Artists interested in participating in KC Gypsy Faire or anyone needing more information about upcoming events can contact Moll at 816-682-6817.

Answer Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver, “The Summer Day” These days, I plant the deep roots of my curiosity with care, wonder if its long stems will survive another spring of lusty winds or winter’s ice. Still, my wild heart beats. My wild mind flings itself in all directions loving the chaos as much as the stillpoint.

Most of all I tend the sources of my own amazement: water trickling down a backyard waterfall, red lace leaves of a breeze-bent Japanese maple and sweet plums wild or tame I sacrifice to my mouth.

Maril Crabtree’s poem first appeared in Third Wednesday, a literary arts magazine published by Gravity Presses (Winter, 2012) EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


May 2012

Journey to Wholeness—by Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. How Do I Love You? “It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding; And to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving.” —Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet


ahlil Gibran’s poetic words from “The Prophet” sets the theme for building relationships. They grow through what we get and what we give. What forms can this take? Sometimes, it comes out as harsh words of criticism or defensiveness. Or we can stonewall others by not listening at all. When these things are happening, it paves the way for the most destructive form of relationship interaction--contempt. John Gottman, Ph.D., author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work and many other works on relationships, cites these four behaviors as the negative processes which often lead to the ultimate demise of a relationship. What antidotes are there for these negative forms of communication? One powerful antidote is being positive. In relationships that are stable the ratio of positive to negative interactions is about 7:1. Think about what your ratio of negative to positive behaviors is during the course of the day. Conflict and negativity will occur, it is how we deal with it that makes or breaks a relationship. Softening our approach to the other person is another powerful antidote. Criticism softened to a com-

plaint moves from blaming to an honest sharing. For example, one partner says to the other, “You never listen to me. You’re so busy lecturing me about what to do, you don’t even hear me. I don’t get you!” Perhaps that could be softened to, “When you lecture me I feel ignored and unimportant.” Many times, it isn’t what either partner is trying to say to the other; it is the style of presentation. The verbal and behavioral packages that contain our thoughts and feelings can be the difference between a statement escalating to yet another fight or one leading to more understanding. Another powerful, positive antidote for master couples is how quickly repair attempts are made after an argument or a negative encounter. Couples who have long-lasting relationships have found ways to make bridges to one another through humor, affection, positive statements, self-soothing and calming the other person. Creating a "culture of appreciation" is a foundation in relationships. The trusting environment is one of giving and receiving openly. Some people are good at giving and not so good at receiving. Others are comfortable receiving but don’t think to give. The balance is necessary in a healthy relationship. I find that nearly every couple having difficulties rarely spends any quality time together. How is a relationship to thrive if it is never fed? Both partners must have time for themselves; and, the relationship must have time--or it will begin to die.

Try having an appreciation dialogue with your partner. Set a time and place. Take turns sharing an appreciation with your partner mirroring what he or she hears. This powerful exercise helps a couple give and receive appreciations. So, as you prepare to have some "get away time" with your partner, family or friends, practice some of these positive approaches. Change the relationship that may be adversarial or distant to one of friends who can communicate positively with each other. Check out Dr. Gottman’s website for more information and tools: Enjoy your time together with better ways to grow your love.

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars or training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs and Imago Therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go to

Kim Meisinger Energy Healer

Karen Harrison, Ed.S. Licensed Professional Counselor Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Reiki Master Teacher Usui Tibetan, Karuna & Kundalini Reiki



816-523-4440 8301 State Line Road, Ste 216 Kansas City, MO 64114 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


May 2012

Through Medical Intuition and Nervous System Energy Work, Experience a Transformational and Integrated Approach to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being. *************

• Eight years study with Rev. Rosalyn L. Bruyere, internationally recognized healer, medical intuitive and medicine woman. • Certified with three years study in Nervous System Energy Work • Core Star Graduate

(913) 685-9939

Let’s Get Naked—by Heidi Alfrey 28 Days in Silence, Part I


n a culture that emphasizes the value of being productive, why would anyone want to go away and spend time meditating and doing nothing? Wouldn’t that be a waste of time…how could your life go on without you? Why would anyone choose to spend time in an environment in which all of your “creature comforts” were removed? Wouldn’t I want to use my precious “time off” sitting on a beach? Those were some of my questions…and until about 11 years ago, at 42 years of age, a silent retreat sounded like something that a saint or monk would do, not “zippadee dooda me”. I decided to write this article in two parts because I’d like not only to describe the incredible dynamics of this kind of spiritual exercise, but to also tell you about my resistant journey to it. Unbeknownst to myself, by this time in my life, I’d become an expert at “human doingness” rather than “human beingness”. No one’s life had been more exciting than mine: living abroad, jumping out of “perfectly good” airplanes, scuba diving in the Indian Ocean, having grand adventures all over the world. In 2001, there came a day, well, there came a year, when a romantic heartbreak stopped me in my tracks. It was one of those love stories that felt like I was in a movie. I’d just moved to Maui, my heart wide open and here was this attentive adorable man. The Aloha spirit took hold and there we were, kissing under waterfalls, staring at each other while the ocean crashed a few feet away, hiking in the rainforest…you get the picture. Not that there is anything wrong with feeling connected to another person, but one must not ever lose one’s own sense of self. (I had learned as a Flight Attendant years before that you must put on your own oxygen mask first.) Not surprisingly, the sandy foundation of this quickly entered love affair ended and devastation was a mild word for my state of mind and heart. Through the glorious gift of hindsight, I can now see the Divine Order of this encounter and it’s abrupt end. As I trudged through the bewilderment, I had a lifeenhancing breakthrough. My understanding of “relationship” had been an abandonment of myself and a worshipping of another--just a touch out of balance! By not knowing and loving myself deeply, unconsciously, I chose partners that I needed to fill that misperceived void. I was being given a huge opportunity to have the insight that no one else can heal a wound that is mine to heal. Nature abhors a vacuum and I had what felt like a gaping hole in my soul. With Spiritual Law always at work, I found myself in many conversations with others in my life about the power of meditation, and the incredible healing offered by Silent retreats. I’d travelled the spiritual path for years at this point, having

lots of info in my head; but much of it had not become a way of life. The Silent Retreat fascinated me and terrified me. Who am I without my busyness? When the student is ready the teacher appears. I kept running into this guy who was a “retreat meditator”; so in my deep wisdom--I tried to avoid him! This was my “lone wolf” period, I just could not deal with PEOPLE, so imagine my surprise when I went to the movies (alone again) and this Buddha dude was sitting right in front of me! We had a bit of a chuckle, he’d also noticed our frequent encounters. During coffee after the movie he talked about his upcoming two-week sit (a retreat is often called a sit). I hung on every word he said as to why this appealed to him, I could not wait until he returned to see if a special glow was emanating from his body. Two weeks later, there was no increased radiance; but there was a much greater sense of peace and ease. I know now that this was space he’d created by sustained Silence which allows space between the things that happen in life, and our reaction to them. My Silent retreat adventure began then and there. In the June issue, the second half of this exploration will be revealed. It is truly “getting Naked” with one’s self…the person you really need to know. To Thine own Self be True! Heidi Alfrey holds a Masters degree in Counseling and is a Unity minister, serving as one of the ministers at Unity Temple on the Plaza. She has a spiritual counseling practice and teaches many lively classes that remind men and women "who they are" and the "power within." Tune into her online radio show at on Mondays at 3:00 p.m. CST or anytime in the archives at



May 2012

Midwest Myofascial Release Center A cooperative wellness center

Experience the Calmness of Life Myofascial Release Therapy Therapeutic Massage Akashic Record Reading Sunlighten™ Solocarbon Far Infrared Dry Sauna Zrii® Liquid Nutrition for Abundant Living

Jan Kelly, OTR/LMT—Myofascial Release Therapy—913-706-2294 Kristen Hanson, LMT, NCTMB—Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial Release Therapy—816-392-2810 Mark Ferguson, LMT, CMT—Sports, Deep Tissue, Trigger pt—913-269-6277 Grace Lindsay, CT—Akashic Record Reading— Karen Marie—Energy Balancing, Past Life Regression, Akashic Record Readings— 9200 Glenwood Street, Suite 100, Overland Park, KS 66212

Wisdom Within—by Suzette Scholtes How Complex Our Success!


ave you heard the more complex the model the more it will succeed? Think of Facebook. This “success” model for life works for me: The essence of success begins with dreams and visions. Whether 18 or 108, it’s good to create new dreams and visions. It is powerful to resurrect lost and broken dreams. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Access inner resources (desires, imagination, expectancy, choices, decisions, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs). Find meaningful work (including parenting, hobbies or art). Cultivate intimate relationships and good friendships. Own your self-worth and self-value. Recognize the joy of life; keep it fun. Own your power without arrogance. Treasure your freedom to create. Be responsible in the moment to your thoughts, feeling and choices.

You see why it is complex, but the core of this adds up to your love and your will. Most Evolving readers know and trust that you have value and worth. Most of you know success, at least part of the time. You have resolved issues. You know your love and your will. You treasure freedom. It takes commitment and concentration to STAYING AWAKE to uncover and shine light to lift the shadow--the ultimate yoga. Generally, most folks do not fear their failure. They fear success. Because of ego or the past or not-feeling-good-enough, some may fear their true power. The first quarter of 2012 served a huge growth period for me. I made the powerful and conscious choice to recognize and heal my old fears. Here’s an example: some person posted on a Google review that our Yoga School had closed! My webmaster flagged it and reported it; but as of today, it’s still published. Reader friends, we are well and thriving as you know. How ironic, this post brings more attention to the 100’s of listings of our work-



May 2012

shop dates and classes. So as Grandma said, “It’s good to create a silk purse out of a pig’s ear.” Back to the model: A student of mine shows up in her new car, fresh off the lot, apologizing for her purchase of an expensive car. I said, “Be excited and proud to own a new car! It looks great on you!” She is shy in taking her power. Yet she holds firm and with yoga customized for her, she gains steadfastness and courage. We may fear success, as we know it will produce some chaos in our lives. You will become more committed and busy. Oddly, greater love, intimacy, and caring generally comes with success. Thus fear of loss is greater. Fear of messing up and fear of humiliation and rejection is greater. Be conscious of the love (yin, the mother) and the will (yang, the father) and “new” is born…especially power and more freedom from fear. This is another gift of yoga practice especially proper pranayama (breathing) and meditation: one’s will becomes so strong we conquer obstacles and addictions and fear! Are you ready to re-frame the thinking that success is equivalent with stress and chaos? Take that grand first step toward success! Suzette Scholtes is Director of Teacher’s Training and Founder of The Yoga School of Therapeutics, 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. Her writings have appeared in national magazines and published by New Leaf Publishers, Atlanta. The yoga school calendar of public classes and workshops may be found at or Email or call 913 492-9594.

Holistic Medicine—by Nancy Russell, M.D. Estrogen Dominance: Probably Not What You Think!


n our society, estrogen dominance is very common due to diet, lack of exercise, xenoestrogens and stress. When a woman has an overload of estrogen in her system, other hormones are likely out of balance. Typical symptoms include breast tenderness, painful or irregular menstrual periods, uterine fibroids, weight gain, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, breast cancer, fuzzy thinking, anger and irritability issues and premenstrual syndrome. Throughout her lifetime, a healthy woman’s body maintains appropriate ratios of estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. A complex set of feedback loops determines how much or little of each hormone is being made at any one time. This ongoing communication takes place between the brain, the ovaries and the adrenal glands, acting in concert with all the other body systems. Diet and lifestyle have a tremendous effect on this balance of hormones which cascades into effecting not only the female hormones, but the nervous system and immune system. This system is also known as the neuroendocrine-immune system. Negative thoughts, processed foods, lack of exercise and excess fat on our bodies can upset the delicate hormone balance. Genetics sets the stage for how well you keep your hormones in balance; however, lifestyle pulls the trigger on the intensity of the disruptions. Environmental xenoestrogens disrupt hormone metabolism and balance as they cause excess estrogen to accumulate in the fat cells of the body. These xenoestrogens include pesticides, insecticides, antibiotics and hormone residues in our food supply as well as air pollutants, chemicals in cosmetic products, laundry products, food dyes and unfiltered water. The human ovary releases hormones in a cyclic manner, which is referred to as the menstrual cycle. The three phases of this cycle are follicular, ovulatory and luteal. Estradiol (the main estrogen) and progesterone (the main progestin) have normal values for each phase. These levels can be evaluated with a Female Hormone Panel which measures hormone levels in the saliva. This monthlong saliva test measures the hormone levels eleven times during the menstrual cycle. The levels measured are estradiol, progesterone, DHEA and testosterone. This valuable test assesses whether estrogen dominance is present and if other hormones are out of balance. For example: are your estrogen levels holding steady in perimenopause, while your

progesterone levels are plummeting? Or, have your estrogen and testosterone levels been well above normal range, while progesterone has always been low? Or, are you adding extra estrogen unknowingly through certain diet and lifestyle choices? Follow these steps to achieve more optimal hormone balance: *Limit exposure to xenoestrogens. Choose organic foods when possible and wash your produce. Select animal foods that were raised without hormones and harmful chemicals. Avoid plastics for heating or storing food, and limit body care and cleaning products to all-natural ingredients. *Eat a plant based diet. Eating plenty of vegetables provides fiber, which feeds the beneficial flora in your intestines, which helps to metabolize hormones properly; and phytoestrogens, which can protect your body from the damaging xenoestrogens. Foods to avoid: refined flours, sugars, partially hydrogenated and trans fats, as well as artificial ingredients. *Restore balance with supplements. Nutrients such as B vitamins and omega -3 fatty acids work as molecular messengers to help increase the body’s ability to balance its hormone ratios. Female herbal support with black cohosh, chasteberry and adrenal support can also be beneficial. Occasionally, adding over the counter or prescription natural progesterone may be necessary for optimal balance. *Manage stress levels. Under stress, high levels of adrenaline and cortisol (the stress hormones) can alter the feedback loops that regulate sex hormones. Hormonal balance is your body’s normal state when you feel and look your best. Nancy Russell, M.D. is a holistic Internal medicine physician and has practiced in the Kansas City northland for 30 years. Dr. Russell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice, Nurturing Optimal Wellness. As a founding member of the American Board of Holistic medicine, she is board certified in holistic medicine. For more educational newsletters:

Augustine 913.991.8215

Take what you will and leave the rest EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


May 2012



Isha Judd

Free Yourself From Victimhood


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he circumstances that have shaped each of our lives are as unique and individual as our personalities — no two people’s are the same. Yet our ability to grow as individuals, to evolve into more compassionate, loving, and conscious people, depends not on what has happened to us but on our attitude toward these situations. When faced with hardship, do we lie down or step up? Do we resist, or embrace the situation for growth? Ultimately there are two attitudes we can take in life: the attitude of a victim and that of a creator. The victim cannot see beauty, abundance or the inherent perfection of each moment because he has an idea of how things should be, an idea that has inevitably been violated, an idea that is at odds with what is. This sense of dissonance breeds anger — anger toward life, toward god — but it manifests in the victim as a passive, depressive heaviness, inertia, and seeming disinterest, appearing more like sadness than anger. Ultimately, it represents hatred of self, violence toward self. It is the ultimate rejection of what is: violence toward life. The only way to break this pattern of victimization is by taking the role of the creator. Creators praise their creations; victims criticize. Creators live in appreciation; victims, in complaint, not taking responsibility. These are total opposites. Creators embrace whatever comes their way. They respond to everything with a yes, which enables them to live life in abundance. Victims, on the other hand, are resentful and negative. They cannot see life’s inherent perfection or beauty, because they have a rigid idea of how things should look. Shrouded in a cloak of seething passivity, this is the ultimate rage: it is the rejection of existence, the denial of what is. Whenever I look at my life with a no, with a different idea of how things should be, I am rejecting life. Because I cannot control the game, I will not play. I cannot understand, so I will not accept. Such is the obsessive extremism of a fearful intellect; its complications suck all the joy out of life. Consciousness lives in the union of the heart. When you live from the heart, there are no questions. When you are the absolute, the desperate need to understand disappears; it is engulfed by the pregnant joy of pure being. The heart wants for nothing more when it has found love. How do I transform myself from a victim into a creator? By focusing on loveconsciousness, on the silent depths that lie within us all, until I become the mind without thought. Why? There is no why. It just is. When you notice yourself resisting what is — thinking, something could be better in this moment or something is unjust — let go. Remember that when you flow, when you surrender, you are being god. When you are fighting, you’re being a resentful child who won’t take responsibility. Nothing could ever be better in this moment, nothing is unjust, because god is everything; you are god within everything; god is joy; and it’s all your creation.



May 2012

Freeing Yourself from Victimhood Please understand I am not suggesting you intellectually convince yourself that you are not a victim. On the contrary, if you feel like a victim in any aspect of your life, allow yourself to feel it. Embrace your inner victim. Love your inner victim. You will not become free of it by rejecting or judging it. Feel the emotions your feeling of victimhood provokes: sadness, anger, resentment. Scream into a pillow. Cry. Beat on a mattress. Do whatever comes naturally. Embrace your inner victim, and you will soon learn to see through it. As you release these accumulated emotions, the attitude of the victim will lose its charge and soon disappear. Releasing the Blame Ultimately, being a creator means taking responsibility for your life. The victim sees responsibility as an uncomfortable concept, a chore: it is much easier to blame someone else for my discontent. Yet in reality it is not easier: it simply takes the decision to stop suffering out of your hands. Until you take responsibility for your own happiness, you are a slave of your surroundings. When you finally do, you find true freedom. We usually think freedom means being allowed to do what we want and go where we choose. Yet this definition of freedom overlooks the fact that the person who controls and judges you the most is you. True freedom is not something that can be granted or taken away by another: only we have that power over ourselves. Freedom is self-acceptance. It is allowing ourselves to be, letting go of the desperate need for approval that makes us adopt uncomfortable social norms in order to fit in. External approval will never be enough as long as we continue craving it, and this is true because of one simple truth: we do not approve of ourselves. Because of this, we try to get others to do it for us. But trying to substitute external approval for self-love is like turning up the television to drown out the cries of a baby — a distraction that does nothing to help the situation. True freedom is freedom from victimhood. It is about taking responsibility for who you are, embracing who you are, and trusting in your own inner voice. Isha Judd is the author of Love Has Wings and Why Walk When You Can Fly. She travels the globe teaching a simple, yet powerful system that shows how to find the state of mind she calls “loveconsciousness,” where every moment of life — even the most challenging and frustrating — can be filled with love, joy, peace, and self-acceptance. Visit her online at http:// Excerpted from the book Love Has Wings: Free Yourself from Limiting Beliefs and Fall in Love with Life Ó2012 by Isha Judd. Printed with permission from New World Library.

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May 2012

Eating Well in Kansas City Healthy Bytes It’s Always a Great Day at Great Day Café Chicken-Lime Soup 3 chicken breasts, cubed and cooked in 1/2 c. butter and 5 cloves garlic 6 c. chicken stock 1 c. green onions, chopped 2 Tbs. lime juice 1/2 jalepeno, minced (no seeds) 1/4 c. pimentos (or diced red peppers) 1/2 c. chopped water chestnuts 1/2 bundle cilantro 1 c. cooked rice Add chicken to broth. Add other ingredients and heat. Serve over rice.

Great Day Café 7921 Santa Fe Drive Overland Park, KS 66204 (913) 642-9090

Get Growing KC Announces Spring 2012 Mini-Grant Recipients


he Get Growing KC campaign is excited to announce the second round recipients of the Get Growing Mini-Grants, generously funded by the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. The Grant Committee awarded funding to fifteen projects from a pool of 28 applicants. The Mini-Grants Program has been set up with the goal of providing start-up or expansion funding for community based organizations, urban farmers, and individuals with projects focused on local food production, education, and distribution. The funded projects include: Stony Crest Farm, an urban farm operating in the Marlborough neighborhood of Kansas City, MO, received $3,000 in funding to help the farmers, Diane Hershberger and Roger Kube, purchase a used tractor. The tractor will allow them to increase the land in production. Amongst their goals for the coming years is to develop a line of “convenience veggies” that can be sold as snacks at the local corner stores under the brand “Grown in the Hood, Good for the Hood”. St. Mary Mag's Community Garden, a ministry of St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church in Loch Lloyd, MO, grows vegetables and herbs for donation to the hunger relief ministry of the Kansas City Community Kitchen. Kansas City Community Kitchen serves 400-600 meals per week to the homeless and working poor of Kansas City. The $450.00 in funding St. Mary Mag’s received enables them to install drip irrigation in the 2400 sq. ft. garden. They will be able to water more efficiently and lower disease risk in the garden, while increasing this season’s fresh vegetable donation to the Kansas City Community Kitchen by 1500-2000 pounds. The OCP Community Garden, in the Organization for Community Preservation neighborhood in Kansas City, KS, is using the $1,024 in funding they received to purchase infrastructure and tools to increase their community garden’s efficiency. This affords garden volunteers more time to tend the vegetables and increase the successful yields of last year’s garden. The abundant harvest of the u-pick operation yielded enough produce to share with neighborhood residents and a local community kitchen. Delores Elliot, president of OCP stated, “Our mission is to ‘Improve not Move’. Adding this community garden was another part of creating a healthy neighborhood. It brought the neighbors out to share produce and our garden volunteers were also able to take vegetables to several shut-ins in the community.” The St Peter Oasis in a Desert Land will literally provide a fresh vegetable oasis in the middle of a NE Kansas City, Kansas food desert. Located on a vacant lot owned by St. Peter C. M. E. Church, they are breaking ground this year and have a dedicated and experienced farm manager guiding the planning and implementation of a successful garden. The $1402.00 in funding they received will provide tools and equipment to ensure a high yield of quality vegetables for sale/distribution to church and community members at low or no cost. These projects join the first round grantees in expanding the availability of fresh vegetables in every Kansas City neighborhood. Visit to see all of the awardees and follow their progress throughout the season. Get Growing KC is a two year collaborative effort between Cultivate Kansas City, Kansas City Community Gardens and Lincoln University Extension to help get good food growing in every neighborhood. The next deadline for funding applications is August 1, 2012. Application information can be downloaded at or through contacting the program at or 816.226.7979.



May 2012

Eating Well in Kansas City In the Kitchen with Bonnie—by Bonnie Rabicoff

Food Conscious—by Bethany Klug, D.O.

Café Tempo

The Culprit Behind Chronic Disease?


ast year, “In the Kitchen with Bonnie” launched a 3-part “Field to Fork” series to encourage cooking with local and seasonal ingredients. The series is produced in cooperation with the sustainability, horticultural and culinary programs on the campus of Johnson County Community College. We worked with professional staff and students to harvest spring, summer and fall crops from on-site gardens, then prepared “signature dishes” with the fresh produce. “Field to Fork” also offers information on growing, harvesting and cooking seasonal foods as part of a sustainable lifestyle at home. To view a demonstration of Executive Tim Johnson preparing these signature dishes, please select the following link http://

Bonnie Rabicoff is the producer and host of the multimedia foodie series “In the Kitchen with Bonnie.” She has served as the Vice President of Development for KCPT Public Television and the Marketing Director of The Barstow School where she founded and coordinated “The Barstow School Organic Farmers’ Market and Chef Series. Bonnie has worked in the television medium for over 20 years…Serving as a producer and host for a variety of community programs addressing education, the arts, social service and cooking. For a listing of upcoming features or to view the entire foodie series, visit


ith films like Forks Over Knives and Crazy Sexy Cancer and a plethora of new books, awareness of the potential health benefits of a vegan diet has exploded. Most of these books quote T. Colin Campbell PhD, from his book, The China Study. Campbell has made his share of appearances promoting the vegan diet as a way to prevent and reverse chronic disease based on conclusions from the book. The 20-year research project surveyed disease and lifestyle factors in rural China and Taiwan. "People who ate the most animal-based foods got the most chronic disease. People who ate the most plant-based foods were the healthiest and tended to avoid chronic disease," said Campbell about the study’s conclusion. Campbell identifies a surprising culprit behind cancer, diabetes and coronary artery disease: protein. Before the China research, Campbell studied the relationship between liver cancer and diet. The wealthiest children had higher rates of liver cancer and they consumed lots of milk products. He confirmed this observation by studying rats prone to liver cancer. Casein, a protein in milk, increased the rate of liver cancer; however, this occurred only when casein was present in amounts greater than 6 percent of total calories. The Chinese in Campbell’s study eat 1/3 more calories on average than Americans. However, they ate 1/3 less protein, mostly from plant sources and very little milk products. This is probably the most important conclusion to be drawn from the study. It turns the western emphasis on high protein diets and heavy dairy consumption on its head. But, it doesn’t support the vegan diet. According to the data, 6 percent protein is the limit-whether from plant or animal protein. Campbell praises the total

Crudités Platter with Potato, Kale, Bacon & Spring Onion Soup Created by Executive Chef Tim Johnson (Café Tempo - Johnson County Community College) For the Crudités Platter Ingredients: Asparagus, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, All types of peppers, Onions, Carrots, Eggplant, Heirloom Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Easter radishes, Celery, Broccolini, Beets, Potatoes, Green Beans, Haricot Verts

Directions: In a warm pan render the bacon until crisp. Remove bacon and reserve. Add white parts of scallions to the bacon fat. Cook on low heat until translucent. Add garlic. Then stir in the flour until all the fat is absorbed. Add kale and potatoes, stir for about a minute. Then slowly add the stock about a cup at a time. Once the Directions: liquid is hot, continue to add stock When selecting vegetables for a crudités use, cona cup at a time until all the stock is in the sider what is seasonal and fresh. pot. Simmer for twenty minutes until the potaYou can also prepare the whole crudités by grilltoes are tender. Add the vinegar; you can use ing, blanching or roasting. more if you like the flavor. Then season to taste Your platter or basket is your canvas, the vegetawith the salt and pepper. Ladle the hot soup into bles are your paints and you are the artist. a soup cup and garnish with the crisp bacon and Paint a picture. Once your painting is done, drizgreen onion zle some red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar with a little olive oil onto the vegetables. For the Blackberry Limeade Ingredients: Season with a little salt and pepper and garnish 3 cups fresh blackberries with some fresh herbs like basil or tarragon. 7 cups cold water The vegetables should speak for themselves, so 1 cup sugar don’t use an over powering dip. 1 cup fresh lime juice For the Potato Bacon & Kale Soup Ice, for serving Ingredients: Directions: 2 lbs Mixed White, Red & Purple New Potatoes, In a blender, puree the blackberries with 1 cup of Quartered the water. Strain through a fine sieve. In a small 1lb Bacon, Julienned (without nitrates) saucepan, combine the sugar with 1 cup of the 1lb Green Kale, Chopped water and bring to a boil. Simmer until reduced 3 Garlic Cloves, Minced to 1 cup, about 15 minutes; let cool. In a pitcher, 1 Bunch Spring Green combine the blackberry puree with the sugar Onions, Chopped (Separate Whites & Greens) syrup, lime juice and the remaining 5 cups of cold 2 Quarts Chicken Stock water and refrigerate until chilled. Serve in tall 1 Tsp Red Wine Vinegar glasses over ice. 2 Tbsp flour Salt & Pepper to Taste EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


May 2012

cholesterol levels of the rural dwellers. They were extremely low, even less than 100. I have real concerns about Campbell’s recommendations to drive cholesterol as low as possible. The study found that as affluence increased, so did the likelihood of eating a typical western diet of processed foods rich in meat and dairy products rather than a traditional diet rich in plant foods. While high in calories, the highly processed western diet is nutrient deficient. The rural diet is deficient in calories and nutrients, especially during winter. The rural dwellers did not live long healthy lives. They died most commonly from infectious diseases such as parasites, pneumonia, tuberculosis and rheumatic fever as well as hormonal issues other than diabetes and childbirth complications. Low cholesterol plays a key role in this. It’s required to mount an adequate immune response and to make a sufficient amount of hormones. The only thing this data shows is that people on nutrient deficient diets get sick. What they get sick from depends on what’s missing. Instead, I’d like to see a study test the 6% protein limit as part of a nutrient rich diet. This could test Campbell’s conclusions in the context of a healthy diet and learn more about the relationship of markers such as cholesterol to our overall health and longevity.

Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and

Eating Well in Kansas City Feature—by Sandy Jorgenson Peas on Earth "All things share the same breath, the beast, the tree, the man, the air shares its spirit with all of life it supports." ~Chief Seattle


pring came early with yawns that woke the buds. The air filled with fragrant scents and vibrant skies, bringing the first June bug on April Fool's day! It landed in one of my kitchen glasses and was dumped in the backyard. I love backyards especially my dad's because of the memories it holds. From swing sets to wading pools and secret hiding places for make believe…it is now a garden. Home to tomatoes, okra, corn, green beans and beets with rows of flowers that air dry and are made into wreaths. On sunny days after a hard rain, the soil oozes with vintage pieces of pottery and sunantiqued glass. Glass shards have turned a purplish green color from long ago days when previous owners burned trash out back. There are days when I worry if the garden can continue especially with Dad's shoulder pain. On one of those days, my sister and I found long lost Mickey, one of our plastic babies who came in a package of one hundred that we bought with our allowance. Missing for nearly forty-five years, we unearthed him in the garden, caked with mud and missing his left arm. Barely the size of a nickel, we laughed about the odds of finding him and how it was a sign for the next generation to take over the garden space. Mickey now sits behind glass in between china cups and silver forks to remind me of childhood days. I pulled an angel card one afternoon and got the word "Depth" so I decided to dig deeper. It opened my eyes to empty lots with aged yards that need an extra pair of hands. I found such a place last summer in a neighborhood near the Buddhist center in Kansas City, Missouri — a red house on a hill with wild flowers blooming in the sidewalk cracks. It felt ghostly with a soft patina of a

Two young women, Natasha Karsk and Julie Coon, created a growing business. They named the garden, "Peas on Earth Urban Farm," and are committed to using organic, sustainable farming practices. life well-served. The potted plants in cans on the porch meant someone lived inside. Two young women, Natasha Karsk and Julie Coon were gardening in the side yard with a table and a scale to weigh produce. Without space of their own, they found a yard that needed tender loving care. An elderly woman owned the land; but she was reluctant for one year, before finally agreeing to let the women clear her yard in exchange for fresh food. They named the space "Peas on Earth Urban Farm," and are committed to using organic, sustainable farming practices. They walk their produce to local restaurants and have found wild success. Natasha recently told me they're experiencing a learning curve with a need to make changes. They are no longer offering produce for sale on Sundays; but, are taking volunteers while building a strong community.



May 2012

If you're interested, show up on a Sunday at 1827 Summit in KCMO--but don't ring the door bell! Home grown, organic and community friendly, who wouldn't love that? Happy May.

Sandy Jorgensen works as a freelance artist and intuitive palm reader. Contact her at

Feature—by Dino Metaphysics in 2012: The Battle Between Good and Evil


s we near the infamous date of December 21 this year, if all the prophecies of the Mayans, Hopi, enlightened beings from all realms of heaven, and most ancient cultures on earth are correct, we are entering a new era in human evolution. We are getting an upgrade directly from the God force that created this universe. As our planet aligns with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, a new vibration is upon us. We are being enhanced. Those who run this world do not want this enhancement to take place. That would mean they would lose control over us; therefore, this battle we are already immersed in is really between good and evil. Many of us know how the story ends. The good guys always win, but at what cost? We are all connected. We are physical beings having a spiritual experience. Our actions will determine our own personal outcomes of this conflict. Now is the time to control our inner demons and resolve all of our issues from the past. We have all chosen to be living in this time and space. Many of us have different gifts and talents that are needed for this transformation of humanity to occur. Nothing is more important than creating harmony within ourselves. Everything starts with you! If each of us takes responsibility for our actions and concern ourselves with the truth of our existence, this war will be won. When you begin to manifest the truth from the depths of your soul it becomes evident to all likeminded spirits.

more in tune you are with your particular mission God has given you, the faster you’ll be able to elevate yourself and those around you to a higher level. Now is the time to be honest with yourself. If you meditate and quiet your mind all the answers you need will come through — if you listen! Connecting to the higher energies available to you breaks the chains of ignorance that many of us create for ourselves. Purify mind, body and spirit, eat healthy foods, create a positive environment to flourish in. Survival is tough right now. I try to stay focused on a future moment to get through the tough times. I believe that moment is coming and it will be spectacular. I’m doing everything I can to prepare myself and help those around me do the same. Heaven on Earth is just around the corner.

The truth about many things including our own history on this planet, the age of the human race, and how we really fit in with the other beings that inhabit this universe have been hidden from us. These truths will be revealed to us. Some of us may not be able to handle the truth. It may go against our own personal belief systems. It would be too difficult for some to believe that many religions were possibly brought to us from beings that traveled here on spaceships.

So what do we do? The veil between this reality and the metaphysical realms that are all around us is thinning. Taking responsibility for our own actions and concerning ourselves with the truth of the way things really are—and not with what we believe they are—is essential. We are all connected at a soul level. At every moment we are creating reality. And that reality affects everyone. We can either raise the vibration of the planet or lower it. It’s up to you. The truth will set you free. The



May 2012

Dino has been on a spiritual journey since the late ‘70s. His life was altered after several near death experiences. He was led to practice Buddhism and was greatly influenced by the writings of Carlos Castaneda, on his quest for knowledge and enlightenment. Currently he is making chakra balancing music with the help of his spirit guide Archangel Ariel. Dino can be reached through his Web site at

Feature—by Nyla Mischke Crystal Healing: The Science and Mystique Behind the Power


hen I was young, I enjoyed collecting rocks. Their unique shapes fascinated me, as each seemed to have a distinct personality. The train track running through my hometown offered special treasures. To help prevent erosion, the railroad would periodically dump stones on the track. I especially remember these rectangular black stones with straight, defined cuts in them that sparkled in the sunlight. Although I’ll never be certain what these were; I remember holding them and feeling both energized and at peace, as I admired their simple, unique beauty. I’ve since learned that these feelings were probably a response to the energy emitted by these stones, or crystals. Minerals that can absorb and diffract energy in precise paths, or crystals, have long been harnessed by scientists and used to advance our society and improve our daily lives. Examples include the use of rubies to direct laser beams in surgical instruments and quartz used to measure vibrations in ultrasound or to modulate the frequency of radio and television signals. Liquid crystal display (LCD), used in computers, microwaves and many other devices utilize crystals in their liquid form. It’s hard to imagine our modern world without the benefits we’ve received from crystals. What about the less obvious benefits these crystals share? Since ancient times it’s been believed that crystals have distinct healing powers. Crystals are often referred to in the Bible, including a detailed description of their use in building the Holy City in the book of Revelations. If you’ve been introduced to crystal healing, you may have experienced powers that can be spiritually harnessed through crystals. Specific crystals are associated with possessing certain attributes. In healing, it is believed that if you add your “intention” to the innate healing power of the crystal and ask the crystal to share with you its attributes, it will do so. You have only to ask. For those new to this concept, you can read and research to learn about the power of crystals; however, seeking a local crystal

Resources The following resources will help you learn more about crystals and their healing abilities. •

The Shaman’s Guide to Healing Crystals, Amy Zerner and Monte Farber

The Illustrated Guide to Crystals, Judy Hall

• •

The Crystal Bible, Judy Hall Purifying Crystals by Michael Gienger

• • •

Healing Stones for the Vital Organs, Michael Gienger & Wolfgang Maier



May 2012

healer, or Shaman, may be the best place to start. There are many factors that weigh into the power of the crystals that may determine their effectiveness. An energy field, known as the aura, surrounds each living thing and helps define our “personal space”. Those who practice crystal healing also use the seven chakras, or energy centers, of the body to determine one’s well being. These chakras run along the spine, from its base to the top of the head. They include the base or root chakra, the sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras. Each is believed to influence specific areas in our bodies. The unique color, shape and texture of each crystal also is believed to affect one’s reaction to them. It is said that if a crystal has characteristics it wants to share, it will find you. So, the most important thing to use when choosing crystals is your intuition. Because crystals have magnetic properties, and can hold onto impressions deposited on them (think about the way a computer’s hard drive is used to store memory), they may hold onto negative characteristics they’ve absorbed before you acquired them. For this reason it is important, that before you begin using any crystal for your personal healing, you make certain to remove any impressions the stone may have absorbed from a previous situation. This process is called “cleansing” or “clearing”. Although there are several methods, one of the most popular ways to clear a crystal is to hold it under running water while rubbing it. You will be able to feel the surface of the stone change from smooth to having an almost soapy feel. Once your fingers no longer slide easily up and down the stone while it’s under the running water, usually after two or three minutes, you can be fairly certain its energy has been cleared. If you sense that you need to clean the stone a bit longer, follow your intuition. Another popular method of cleansing is to lay a stone on a bed of amethyst crystal. Amethyst has a unique property of repelling energy, which prevents it from holding onto feel-

ings or emotions. This is the method often used for crystals that are water soluble, as water would dissolve these types of crystals. Simply lay your crystal on the bed of amethyst for 2-4 hours, giving the stone time to release anything it may have absorbed in past use. Now that your stone has been cleaned, it’s time to prepare to use it yourself. Take a few deep breaths and clear your mind. Think of the attributes the stone possesses, and how you might utilize these characteristics to improve a situation in your life. This is called your “intention”. Make certain, in your mind, that you have defined a clear and simple intention. You may have an important presentation with a client or boss coming up at work. Your intention might be for a stone to help you communicate clearly all the benefits your product or service can provide. Relating to a money situation, you may need guidance in making good financial decisions. Jade is a crystal known for its power in financial decisions. Ask the stone to give you guidance in making solid financial decisions in a specific situation. While stating your intention, hold the crystal in your hand, rubbing it between your thumb and fingers. You may, then, want to cup it between your two hands, and picture the desired result. Once you have firmly planted your intention while holding the crystal, simply be certain to thank it. This acknowledges that you have received its gifts. The following list of popular crystals is just a beginning. Contact someone who specializes in alternative healing for guidance, or check your local library or bookstores for resources that will help you on your path to health and enlightenment.

Nyla Mischke is a freelance writer specializing in travel, health and wellness. Nyla has more than 25 years experience in promotional writing and creative management for advertising and direct marketing. Her current blog “At Home in the Heartland” focuses on traveling and living in the Heartland. You can visit her blogspot at

This list of popular crystals and descriptions were compiled from The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall and the web site Charms of Light at http:// Citrine - Powerful cleanser and regenerator. Energizes every level of life, protects the aura. Opens intuition. Teaches how to manifest and attract wealth and prosperity, success and all good things. Agate – Stabilizes the aura, helping to eliminate negative energies. Helps rebalance the body, mind and spirit. It improves concentration, perception and analytical abilities, leading to practical solutions. Rose Quartz - The stone of unconditional love and infinate peace. Purifies and opens the heart at all levels. Brings deep inner healing and self love. Turquoise - Promotes spiritual attunement and enhances communication with physical and spiritual worlds. Dispels negative energy and instills inner calm while maintaining alertness. Carnelian - Grounds and anchors you in the present reality. Clarifies perception and sharpens concentration. Lapis Lazuli - Stimulates enlightenment and enhances psychic abilities. Releases stress, bringing deep peace and is key to spiritual attainment. Encourages taking charge of life, brings objectivity and clarity. Opal - Stimulates originality and dynamic creativity. Aids in accessing and expressing one's true self. Absorbent and reflective. Picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them and returns them to their source. Amethyst - An extremely powerful and protective stone. Blocks negative energies and enhances spiritual awareness. Clear Quartz - Works on all levels of being. Enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose. Aids concentration and unlocks memory. Obsidian - Obsidian is molten lava that cooled so quickly it had no time to crystallize. Best used under guidance of a Shaman, its truth enhancing, reflective qualities are merciless in exposing flaws, weaknesses and blockages. Impels us to grow and lends solid support while we do so.



May 2012

Garnet - An energizing and regenerating stone. Revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion, as appropriate. Hematite - Effective at grounding and protecting. It restores peace and harmony to the body. Stimulates concentration and focus. Amber - Technically not a crystal, it is fossilized tree resin. Good for cleansing and healing the body and the environment. Stimulates intellect, clears depression and promotes a positive mental state. Jade - A symbol of purity and serenity. It's believed to attract good luck and friendship. A protective stone, it protects the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jasper - Sustains and supports during times of stress. Unites all aspects of your life. Provides protection and grounds energies and the body. Sapphire - Known as the wisdom stone, each color having its own particular wisdom. Focuses and calms the mind and releases unwanted thoughts and mental tension. Restores balance within the body. ChalcendonyChalcendony Promotes brotherhood and good will. Absorbs negative energy and dissipates it. Brings the mind, body, spirit and emotions into harmony. Emerald - A stone of inspiration and infinite patience. Known as the "stone of successful love". Ensures physical, emotional and mental equilibrium. Sardonyx - A stone of strength and protection. Promotes the search for meaningful existence, integrity and virtuous conduct. Chrysolite - A form of Peridot, it is a cleansing stone releasing negative energy. Enhances confidence and assertion. Motivates growth and change. Beryl - Teaches you how to differentiate between what you are doing and what you should do. Helps filter out distractions and reduces stress. Encourages a positive view. Topaz - Directs energy to where it is most needed. Brings about trust in the universe. Cuts through doubt and uncertainty. Chrysophase - Imparts a sense of being a part of the divine whole; Promotes hope, gives personal insight, draws out talents and stimulates creativity.

Feature—by Lesli Hill and Maria Hunt, Ph.D. Mindfulness and Mindset Changes Across the Lifespan


n 2007, supported by a grant from the Menorah Legacy Foundation, Avila University (Kansas City, Mo.) created the Mindful Wellness Program under the direction of Maria Hunt, Ph.D. What resulted was a research application lab in the university's Psychology Department that seeks to translate knowledge about mindfulness into essential skills that can be taught and measured for impact. Hunt has trained individuals and groups in corporate, academic, and low-income environments, documenting positive effects on mental, physical and spiritual well-being. She continues to expand the vision of the Avila program as new tools and scientific discoveries are made, educating the public about the benefits of mindful practice and teaching individuals mindful tools that can improve their well-being. The mindfulness lab has worked to synthesize discoveries in the neurosciences with positive psychology to develop curricula that fuse Eastern and Western mindfulness practices. When Avila board member Jeanne Olofson became interested in the Mindful Wellness program, she encouraged Dr. Hunt to incorporate a physical fitness component because of her long-time commitment to physical training. With creative and administrative input from Olofson and others, Avila University's Focus and Fitness 55+ program was born. This decision to combine mindfulness and physical exercise dovetailed nicely with Dr. Hunt's awareness that emerging body-mind wellness research studied the benefits of both mindfulness and physical activity separately, finding positive correlations with holistic wellbeing. She was curious about what would

“Where we put our mind, our body will follow,” became the foundation for teaching participants how to make mindset shifts. occur if each was practiced in the same class, when physical activity involved strength and aerobic training. Her concept was awarded grant funding by the George H. Nettleton Foundation in 2010 as she sought to design an integrated course that could support holistic well-being. Focus and Fitness 55+ delivers a 12week “train-the-brain” mindful wellness course to low-income individuals who are 55 and older. The course teaches a combination of brain basics, mindfulness tools, and physical exercises designed to increase awareness and conscious control over personal attention, attitude, and goals. Each weekly session includes two components: 30 minutes of mindfulness instruction and 30 minutes of individualized physical activity training, both taught by certified personal trainers with mindful-



May 2012

ness backgrounds. The Easterninfluenced mindfulness component is built on the formal and informal meditative practices of Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, whose mindfulness writings are studied and practiced around the world. The Western-influence mindfulness component is built on the work of psychologist Ellen Langer, Ph.D., who has published notable work about mindfulness and perspective-taking. That work, challenging what it means to be old, resulted in a book, Counterclockwise. Langer’s belief that, "Where we put our mind, our body will follow," became the foundation for teaching participants how to make mindset shifts. In essence, the program teaches the tools to grow and to contribute who we are through experiencing the moment with deepening compassion, curiosity, and a “can-do” attitude. Incorporating mindfulness techniques with physical activity is not a new concept. It has been pursued with yoga, t’ai chi and qigong for years. Tailoring the sessions with strength and aerobic training to be economically accessible to the low-income population is unique. Classes for participants are taught mainly on site in a lowincome housing development to reduce barriers to participation. The certified personal trainers mindfully consider each individual's physical, mental, emotional and social limitations and celebrate each small step toward greater flexibility or increased awareness. Avila is currently working with Sarah Pressman, Ph.D., and her doctoral student, Stephanie Bowlin, in the Pressman Positive Health Psychology Lab at the University of Kansas. They will analyze the data collected on 105 participants and

will deliver the formal analysis in late summer. Something amazing has taken place throughout this process--not a scientific outcome in the literal sense, but qualitative knowledge stemming from one-on-one conversations with the participants. As Hunt and her research students and trainers engaged the participants in weekly and post-course interviews, the team discovered that even small changes in mindfulness and physical ability had great value to the individual. One post-assessment participant stated that she felt much better because she was stretching several times a day. Current and former participants have spontaneously reported this program enabled them to reduce or eliminate medications, lower blood pressure and feel increased energy. One participant stated, "This helps your mind help your body to do better. Learning that you can change your brain has been fascinating." The participants taught us and enlarged our thinking as well. We have gratefully learned that low-income does not mean low desire to learn and that over 55 does not mean living a low quality life. On the contrary, we discovered individuals who engaged life with a richness of spirit that was inspiring and enviable. We are learning there is wisdom attached to years of life experience that need only be accessed through openness to the act of being, of expressing gratitude, of appreciating the experience of the moment. We are learning that we have much to learn from mindful others of all ages and from all walks of life. That brings us back to what the mindful process is ultimately about--being attuned to our inner selves and in tune with the world around us so that we can live in a way that enhances both. We can all bring balance and joy to as many moments as possible‌ for the ME/WE greatest good.

We are learning there is wisdom attached to years of life experience that need only be accessed through openness to the act of being, of expressing gratitude, of appreciating the experience of the moment.

Maria Hunt, Ph.D., is the Director of Avila's Mindfulness Program. Her specialties include positive psychology, intuition, and mindful wellbeing. Her areas of interest include the "train the brain" research in the neurosciences. Dr. Hunt conducts research in her Laboratory for the Study of Mindfulness, Well-being and Related Phenomena. EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING

Lesli Hill lives in Warsaw, MO and is curently a psycholgoy graduate student at Avila University. She works in Dr. Hunt's Mindfulness Lab and is intersted in working with women who have chronic pain. For more information about the Avila Mindfulness Program you may contact Hunt at or by phone at 816-501-2447. 19

May 2012

Spiritual Horoscope—by Aluna Michaels May 2012 Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Happy birthday Taurus! Please be extra kind to yourself. Give yourself the gift of being aware of how foods affect your health, energy level and mood. Also notice how your thoughts impact your day. When you feel your best inside, your aura blesses everyone. Relationships improve if you speak your mind and don’t just say what you think others want to hear. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Venus (planet of relationships and self-esteem), is retrograde in your sign. It’s time to forgive and release old romantic pain, so you can receive more love in the future. You’ll also improve your current partnership if attached. Make it your spiritual discipline to say positive affirmations about your appearance. Don’t go crazy with diets, hair cuts or shopping sprees – change how you feel on the inside! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Like Gemini pals, it’s great for you to release old relationship hurts. Meditate on how you repeat negative family/childhood patterns in your romantic bonds. Write in a journal, then burn the pages, after you’ve forgiven yourself and everyone involved with creating and reinforcing that pattern. Change is scary for Cancers, but these patterns make you unhappy, even if they feel strangely comfortable! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Do your friends match your belief system? It’s important to let go of people who are your “yes men” and start connecting with those who challenge you to walk your spiritual talk. The key is letting your ego die and your soul gains strength. It’s easy to read books, but still act the same -- or to practice yoga in the studio, but not follow the concepts in your “real life”. Seek out friends who make you accountable. Then your soul will truly shine!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) If you’re having confusion or trouble at work, don’t take impulsive actions this month. It’s better to meditate, get centered and really examine what’s going on. Your soul could likely be working out an old parental issue with one of your superiors. Do journal writing about problems with family that could be re-enacted in career. Once you’ve uncovered the subconscious topic, you’ll be able to forgive and release the pattern. Then you’ll know if you actually need to make a move or not. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Keep up with your daily mediations, because your subconscious is trying to give you helpful information. You’ll have insights about why you feel unaccepted in groups, or even why you feel disconnected with your spiritual guides. These next two months will improve your self-esteem and you’ll be better able to see your value to others. Knowing you’re secure in relationships, and loved by the Universe, will give you great peace. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Trust is an ongoing theme in your life, and being able to depend on other people is a major part of your soul’s journey. Meditate and journal about feelings of betrayal and disappointment you’ve had over these past seven years. They could be about romance or even about finances. Cleansing your heart will help you be open to future situations that are healthier and worthy of your commitment and loyalty.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Be patient if you’re frustrated in a relationship. Venus is retrograde opposite your sign, and this means confusing romantic (or financial) situations. You’re not clear about what is actually happening now, or what is merely triggering old trauma from the past. Challenge yourself by staying put. Meditate and investigate your subconscious. Current issues are likely old fears that need healing, so you can accept the love and prosperity that is here for you now!

attract a healthy new partnership. Aries (March 21 – April 19) Be aware of your quick wit, sarcastic humor and snarky comments when irritated. You could be driving someone close away, or cause a new person to be emotionally cautious of you. Think before you speak – daily meditation helps you be conscious of thoughts in your head before they blurt out of your mouth! Make sure you’re saying positive affirmations for yourself too, since you’ll feel more at ease in your own skin.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) The way you’re treated at work is a reflection of how you treat yourself. Your spiritual challenge is to be more gentle and forgiving with yourself – to not overwork yourself – to schedule breaks to breathe, eat well, stretch and move. When you treat yourself with respect and dignity, rather than being your own slave driver, you’ll draw work situations that also have healthy limits and expectations. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) In romantic relationships, looks and surface appearances aren’t very important to you. For a happy partnership, you need someone who shares your spiritual values and life ethics. That may not sound sexy, but if you’re both bonded by deeper concepts, you’ll be more able to surrender to the emotional and sexual intimacy that develops. You’ll be able to let go of control, and of the loneliness most Aquarians have. You’ll believe in your core that you’re not alone! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) f you’re feeling irritated with your romantic partner, examine how family issues could be in the way of deeper trust. It would be great if you could meditate with your partner and be open to insights s/he has about your family “stuff” and how it’s affecting your relationship. (Single? Ask a spirituallyminded pal to help.) This trust level will add a renewed “pizzazz” to your bond, or, if single, you can



May 2012

Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit

Include photo or logo, name, brief description and contact info. Will be edited to fit four lines. Due by the 15th of the month. $75 for three months, $120 for six months or $180 for a full year— or 1/2 price with a current display ad. Must be prepaid. Contact

ALTERNATIVE HEALING At the Healing Place, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, ChanRi, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Bodywork (816) 415-2607 Nature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars 913-499-8514 Justin & Sharon Orth - Spring Forest Qigong Practitioners/Healers and Certified Qigong Level 1 Instructors. EFT (BAS/ADV) (913) 244-0167 for info.

Natural High Wellness Center: Center Colon Therapy, Massage Therapy, Ion Cleanse, Far-infrared Sauna, and more. We are here to help; call us at (913) 901.8699 Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~ Intuitive, Intuitive offers loving guidance enabling you to heal and grow. Live an authentic life and LOVE yourself in the process! 918-782-4778

Maya's Oasis Transforming, Healing & Inspiring Women ~ Reiki, Drum Circles, Holistic Health & Belly Dance Classes, 816-476-maya (6292) Reverend Marta A. Schwartz, Schwartz, Ordained NonDenominational Minister. Shamanic and Massage Practitioner, Reiki Master-Teacher. Lawrence, KS. 785-550-9576, BELVASPATA Angel Healing, Healing sacred modality that heals with light & frequency. Karen Folgarelli Grand Master practitioner-sessions & certification, 913-648-6633




LIZ BROWN, Feng Shui expert since 1996

"Inspired Guidance for Great Change" Consultations, clearings/blessings, classes, workbooks. 816-444-2725 SHIFT your House; Change your LIFE! Five-Element Classical Style: Consult/Clearing Ronda Reinke gets Powerful Effective Results! 831-521-0861

HERBAL WISDOM Elaine Johnson teaches using herbs for a healthy home & life. Group & personalized classes, consultations, on-site plant ID. 816-506-4341 Facebook: Healing Garden Herbs


Raphael Smith, PsyD – Clinical Psychologist specializing in Grief and Pet Loss Counseling, Depression, Anxiety, GLBT & Relationship issues. (816) 960-4525 or Elizabeth HunterHunter-Blank, LCSW Assisting clients with grief & loss, chronic & serious illness, relationship issues, depression & anxiety. 4104 Central St. KCMO 64111. 816.582.3877

ENERGY WORK Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Therapist Creator of Quantum Shift Energetix 913-906-9986

ENTERTAINMENT Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 -

SHAMANISM Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343, Diane Davis Reed, Reed Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge,, 816-741-0820


New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC Smoking, weight, stress and more 913-908-6907

Dorethy Hancock, Certified TamaTama-Do Practitioner Using tuning forks instead of needles on acupressure points, to assist your body in selfhealing! 785-246-0860



Teri Higbee, Radiant Living Expert: Expert Weight Loss, Energy Therapies, Prosperity, Empowerment Processes, Clarity of Purpose, Shamanic Astrol.; 913-219-6788.


BRAS-BRAS--Thermography, --Thermography, Linda Bamber: Breast Research Awareness and Support. Safe, painfree, no radiation. Overland Park. Linda at (417) 770-0451.


Branham Law Firm (913) 648-5793 KS & MO. Wholistic legal consultations. Contracts, Employment, Family, Traffic, Probate, Wills, Child Support, Other, LGBT friendly.

Yoga ~ over 20 years experience. Emphasis on alignment & safety. New and ongoing students. Seeking Solace Yoga Studio, 7501 Mission, PV, KS 913-302-2439

M. Corinne Corley, Corley Corley Law Firm—Family Law cases in Missouri. 4010 Washington, Ste100 KCMO. 816-753-5556

Gardens of Delight Center for Natural Healing, near Parkville Yoga, Herbal Products, Wellness Therapies ~ 816-584-0777

COUNSELING Dr. Jay Peters Marriage & Addictions Counselor. Smoking/ Weight Mgmt. Hypnosis. Regression/Past Life Hypnosis 913-339-9591

Nakala Akasie, Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone. $45 for one hour, CD included. 913-206-1294

The choice of an attorney is an important decision that should not be made on the basis of advertising alone.

NUTRITION & WELLNESS Tamara Creighton, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Cleanse With Friends, and Hawaiian LomiLomi, 913-232-6419 Ayurveda Practitioner, Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle. Kansas City Food Circle Connecting you with local, organic, and free-range food for over 20 years.

PAIN RELIEF Learn Bowenwork. Effective manual therapy for pain relief. Easy on the practitioner’s body. Leverage income—work on multiple clients. Ongoing classes. Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


May 2012

N2Paws Offering Doga (doggie yoga): an integrated approach to balance and relaxation for you and your canine companion! The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594;

Mark Blanchard’s Power Yoga. Focused on breathwork. No levels, props, music or egos. Lots of events! In Ranch Mart Center in OP.; 913-901-8970. Your Wellness Connection Wellness Club Movement & Nutrition Classes, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage.7410 Switzer, Shawnee; 913.962.7408; Plaza Wellspring Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic Meditation and more. 1900 W. 47th Pl, Ste 328, Westwood, KS 816.931.6533

events May 3 Resting in Stillness CD Launch Party 4-7pm at Unity Village Bookstore & Coffeeshop. Join us as we celebrate National Day of Prayer with the release of Rev. Paulette Pipe's new meditation CD! Light refreshments will be provided.

May 4 An Evening with Victoria Moran
 “FROM KC CARNIVORE TO MAIN STREET VEGAN” Bestselling author Victoria Moran returns to her cowtown hometown for a lively and informative evening of practical advice and insights from her new book filled with everything you need to know to eat healthfully and live compassionately in the real world. Presented by Cornerstone Foundation. 7:00 pm, Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 West 47th St., KCMO FREE. Details at or call Christine (816) 561-1627. May 4—6 New Warrior Training Adventure: Heartland Mankind Project At Chihowa Retreat Center, Perry KS. Registration and payment required. More info: 832-746-1941, May 4 Kaya's Terrific Tarot Party Healing Journeys, Merriam, KS Music, food & Enlightened Fun: Intuitive Body readings, mini & full Tarot readings, guest psychics, & more! 7 - 11pm. Details & Tix: / 816-217-3359 May 5 "The Seven Gates of Magdalene: Reclaiming the Deep Feminine of the Goddess." A transformational one day workshop for women. 10am-5pm. Energetic Exchange

Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact $33.33. For more information or to register: contact Rev. Shae Moyers 913-6029746 or May 5 Reiki II Workshop w/ intuitive healer Maya Zahira. Learn to heal yourself and others with Reiki. Info & registration at May 5 Akashic Records Meet-up To honor Mother’s Day, we will open our Akashic Records and explore the realms of the Divine Feminine. 10-11 AM Crescent Springs, OP, KS (love offering) Host: Stephanie Forcier, 816-260-2438 May 5 Akashic Record Sessions Treat yourself to a personal Akashic Records Session with Stephanie Forcier and explore the evolution of your inner wisdom. 1-4 PM Crescent Springs, OP, KS Call for appt: 913-341-2044 May 5 Inner Peace Movement Melissa Kito from New Zealand presenting on the Inner Peace Movement, $10, 7-9 p.m. at Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816-931 -6303, May 5 Soul Expressions: Sacred Art, Blessings From the Heart Festival 10 a.m.—10 p.m., including Dave Stringer Kirtan Concert at 7:30! Local intuitive artists and musicians, booths for healing, conscious business, artisans, workshops, a delicious vegetarian concession. At Truman

classified Looking for a NEW Opportunity for your holistic health profession? The Struan Center, LLC is expanding! The Struan Center, LLC will be moving to larger offices in August 2012 and is NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS for renters in our new space. We have the availability for an additional 2-3 Full-time and 3-4 Part-time professionals. We will have a large space for classes and events as well as a small classroom for meetings and smaller events. Rent includes utilities, wireless internet, security system, ample parking, The Struan Center, LLC community promotions, use of classrooms, and other amenities. To learn more about The Struan Center, LLC go to To contact us regarding this great opportunity to be a part of one of the area’s premier holistic health professional communities please contact Dr. Kat Bowie or or Dr. Raphael Smith at

Memorial Building, 416 W. Maple, Independence, MO. Tickets $10—$30 (save $5 on a full-day pass). Info and tickets: or Jennifer Holmes at 816-806-9062. May 5 12th Annual Fibromyalgia Conference 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at KU Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow Blvd, Kansas City, KS. Registration: 913-384-4673; May 5 Oden Reiki & Usui Reiki First Degree 8:30 a.m. Receive certification in both Oden and Usui Reiki First Degree. $175. May 5 Book Signing & Sally Ford Author Event Come from 2-4 p.m. to meet Sally Ford, the author of "My Life Beautiful: A Woman's Guide to Having it All, Ten Steps to Success" and hear her story. Free at Aquarius in Westport., 816.931.6303. May 8 Core Star Energy Healing Clinic 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 May 9 Thyroid Relief Workshop 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Your Wellness Connection, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee. Free. Call 913 -962-7408 to register. May 10 & 24 Tuning Fork Sessions w/ Lea Anne 1-4 p.m. Call to schedule an appointment. Cost: $20. 816-420-0820. Facebook/ Mystic Treasures, 7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO May 10 & 24 Sacred Woman Healing Circle 7-9 p.m.~ Healing, inspiration and transformation in a sacred circle of women ~ 2nd & 4th Thursdays monthly at Maya's Oasis, Info & registration at May 12 - June 23 Journey Through the Chakras Ignite your Health, Peace & Joy! Learn how to clear, balance & charge your chakras thru color, sound, crystals, meditation, & chakra yoga. Saturdays 10am - 12pm @ Healing Journeys. Register: / 816-217-3359



May 2012

May 12 & 26 OM Chant Join us to raise your vibration and activate and balance your throat chakra. 6 - 7 p.m. Free. 816-420-0820. Facebook/ Mystic Treasures, 7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO May 14 Celestial Timings Resonance Repatterning® Tele-Session 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. A key celestial event is chosen monthly. Flow with the energies of the Universe. $13. Teri Higbee: 913-2196788 or RR_proxy.htm. May 15 Open Channeling Session 7 p.m. at White Light Bookstore and Crystals, 1808 W. 39th St., Unit B, KCMO. $10. May 17 Cooking with Spring Greens 12:00-1:00 p.m. at Your Wellness Connection, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee. $20. Call 913962-7408 to register. May 18 - 20 Spring Renewal Enjoy and energetic spring cleaning with a complementary energy healing session at Core Star Energy Healing School. Call Barbara at 913-522-4953 to schedule your appt. May 19 Communion & Conversations with Richard Bach This interactive Question & Answer Skype event will be at Hudson Auditorium, 1-4 PM with a meet and greet with VALA Artists Noon-12:45 in the Atrium. Tickets are on sale now at VALA Gallery & Brown Paper 5815 Johnson Drive, Mission, KS 66202 ~ Tickets $20 Students and Seniors $10 May 19, Bellydance Workshop 3-5:30 pm ,How to Create a Bellydance Choreography / Monthly Bellydance workshops with Maya Zahira at Zona Yoga Studio, Different topic each month, Info & registration at May 19—20 SpiritCon Metaphysical Conference 15 full-length educational workshops including Aromatherapy, Crystal Skulls, Astrology, Tarot, Creating a Vision Board, Chakras, Palmistry and MORE! At the Ra-

mada Inn, I-435 and Front Street, KCMO. Register at for special discounts. Updates on Facebook, too! May 20 Sweat Lodge Ceremony at Gardens of Delight Deepen your healing connection with the Spirit realm and powers of the Natural World Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. Parkville area. Call to reserve. Lynn Soulier: 816-5840777. Diane Davis Reed: 816-682—9142. May 20 Drum Making Workshop w/ Matthew Rutledge Make your own natural head, Native American type drum, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Aquarius, 3936 Broadway 816-931-6303, May 21 Weight Resonance Repatterning® Tele-Series Radiant Release Weight Solution ~ Lose Weight from the Inside ... Out! 12 week Tele-Series. Teri Higbee: 913-219-6788 or May 22 Core Star Energy Healing Clinic 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 May 22 Open Channeling Session 7 p.m. at White Light Bookstore and Crystals, 1808 W. 39th St., Unit B, KCMO. $10. May 22-23 Journal to the Self (r) Want more passion and fun in your life? Therapeutic journaling can help. This six week program offers sixteen journal techniques and time to practice. Fees: $20/class plus workbook. Evening and day classes. Questions/Register: Sandra Bowlby, LPC, Certified Instructor, 816-5098189. May 26 Numerology & Your Life Path w/ Cat Running Elk Numerology holds the key to discovering who you are and why you

you're here. $26 for an afternoon of self discovery. 816-420-0820 Facebook/ Mystic Treasures, 7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO May 26 Usui & Oden Reiki I 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Healing Points in Mission. Earn attunements/ certifications: $185. Students with Reiki I or higher may come for Oden material and receive a discount. May 26 Mystic Fair Come join us and experience a variety of readings, snacks, and store specials. Call to schedule or drop-in. 10-4 Crescent Springs, OP, KS Call Kat for more info: 913-341-2044 May 26, 27, 28 Memorial Day Open House and Cookout 10 am – 3 pm, 816-891-8888, Rolling Acres Memorial Gardens for Pets, 12200 N. Crooked Rd., KCMO. May 27–June 1 Silent Meditation Retreat Enter the Silence at Unity Village and connect with the voice of God within. More information at May 31 Dairy—Benefits, Limits & Alternatives 12:00-1:00 p.m. at Your Wellness Connection, 7410 Switzer, Shawnee. $20. Call 913-962-7408 to register. June 1 First Friday at Suite 100, A Quarterly Event 5pm to 8pm. Grounded: Mixed Media by Elaine Mills. The professionals of Suite 100, 4010 Washington, Kansas City, Mo. invite you to enjoy the inspiring work of regionally acclaimed artist Elaine Mills. Arrangements courtesy of the VALA Gallery of Johnson County, KS. Info: 913-826-6858 or 816-753-5556.

experience. 7 - 10pm @ Healing Journeys. Details: / 816-217-3359

ONGOING CHAIR YOGA Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Pre-register at 816.584.0777.

June 2 Prosperity Resonance Repatterning® Tele-Series Radiant Prosperity ~ Unlock the Mystery of Money! 6 session TeleSeries. Create a healthy relationship with prosperity. Teri Higbee: 913-219-6788 or RR_proxy.htm. June 16 Calming the Storm-Yoga for Anxiety Learn how to identify, understand and manage your anxiety so you can life on your own terms. Certified Viniyoga Therapist Trish Elting will guide you on the path to living anxiety free. 10:30noon, $75 ($57 before June 8) Registration required. At Sage Stone Yoga in Olathe. 913-832-5297 June 22 Chants to Retreat Enjoy an evening of interactive song incorporating the calming vibrations of cello, voice, and healing chants. for details June 23 "The Seven Gates of Magdalene – Reclaiming the Deep Feminine of the Goddess." A transformational one day workshop for women. 10am-5pm. Energetic Exchange $33.33. For more information or to register: contact Rev. Shae Moyers 913-602-9746 or email:

SUNDAY MEDITATION Please join us at Mark Blanchard's Yoga at 8:45 on Sunday mornings to sit in this time of quiet. 3665 W. 95th St., Ranch Mart South Shopping Center in OP, 913-901-8970. ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS By Appointment. Since 2005 the Kansas City Healing Project has been providing energy healing sessions for cancer patients. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels from their treatment and disease. Donation basis. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. KC WELLNESS PROFESSIONALS 4th Saturdays. 10-Noon. Overland Park. Holistic Health and Well-being Professionals in the Greater Kansas City area who offer services in the areas of health/health care and wellness/well-being, and who are interested in networking, exchange and personal/professional development. RSVP Barb 816.803.7418 or RESTORATIVE YOGA 2nd Saturdays 10 a.m. – noon at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Gently stretch, open the body, deeply relax and rejuvenate major organs. $25. Preregister at 816.456.2359. PRE-NATAL YOGA Mondays at 7 p.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Enjoy our innovative approach to pre-natal care and experience a radiant

June 2 Deeksha Dance Party Experience peace, love & healing during Oneness Blessings followed by a "Sweat Your Prayers" trance dance. Truly an alternative spiritual EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


May 2012

pregnancy and healthy delivery. $78/6-week session. Pre-register at 816.584.0777. GROW ORGANIC w/ GARDENS OF DELIGHT Join our community garden outside of Parkville. Your family receives a 10’ by 20’ plot. Explore growing and eating your own organic produce. Information: 816.584.0777. 4 DAY BIOENERGY HEALING CLINIC First Tues of the month 7-9 PM, Fee: Donation. Reservations: Kim Meisinger 913685-9939 bioenergy/ HealingBioenergy/ Movies_BLP.html REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier: 816-523-4440 SACRED RELATIONSHIP 2nd or 3rd Saturday monthly A beginning tantra class for singles and couples to experience the Divine. 79pm. Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher. Leawood 816 -523-4440, For flier with topic and date, SACRED WOMAN BELLY DANCE 1st & 4th Thursdays, 7:309:00 p.m. with Maya Zahira. Sacred aspects of belly dance class. Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816-931-6303, SUNDAYS, WEEKLY 6:00 Belly Dance Fitness, 7:10 Beg/Interm Belly Dance with Maya Zahira at Zona Yoga studio. Register at ClassSchedules.



May 2012

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