November 2012 Evolving Magazine

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November 2012 ~ Vol. IV, Issue 9

X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

Abundance More Fun and Less Stress for the Holidays Unleash Your Healing Potential Thanksgiving: Loving Gratitude Holiday Gift Guide Inside! EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


November 2012



November 2012

Photo by: Penny Thieme ©2011,

Publisher’s Letter...


Dear Friend,

The theme this month is abundance. For me, abundance is a state of mind, directly linked to my level of gratitude. Or, as Wayne Dyer says, "Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." So, to tune into gratitude daily (and thus abundance), I keep a gratitude calendar taped to my refrigerator door. Each morning I write a word or two about what I am grateful for – in that moment. At first it seemed like an odd time to write beatitudes. Shouldn’t I be writing them at night when I know for what I’m giving thanks? What I’ve found instead is that in my early-morning fuzziness, instead of a concrete “thing” I am grateful for, awareness comes to me and I am thankful for what I have and what is yet to be. It turns out, in a sense, I am setting an intention for the day. Throughout the day I reflect on what was written. And because I’m half asleep when I write it, sometimes the word is a little funny. When my cousin was in town, Mom asked what my word was that day. I was embarrassed to say, “Oatmeal.” It turned out I was starving that morning and the thought of hearty, warm oats topped with berries I’d frozen earlier in the season brought me much gratitude. Usually, though, it is a state of mind that I write: calm, peace, creativity, variety, challenge, ideas. Other times I write family, friends, and so on. Each morning holds a surprise as I ponder that day’s intention. It brings an awareness of what I possess and would like to give back. Then at night, when I see the word again, I am at once grateful for and aware of the experience of that thought throughout my day. With the celebration of Thanksgiving this month, it’s a wonderful time to acknowledge and embrace gratitude…and the abundance it brings.

Abundance … 16 Preparing for Increase: Welcoming Wealth...17 “Esprit” (Spirit) Abundance of Mind...18 More Fun and Less Stress for the Holidays...19

Jill Dutton Pachamamas ...15 Awareness of Food ...15 Publisher Jill Dutton 913-248-1912


ON THE COVER: "Harvest Queen" by Pamela Hawkins. May this season be overflowing with an abundance of fruits borne from the depth of your love, your beauty, your sacred intentions. To contact Pam, email

Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick Ad Design Maitreya Zohar Contributors Heidi Alfrey, Bhasweti Gewhas, Sarah Hongerloot, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Bonnie Rabicoff, Stephanie Red Feather, Dr. Michelle Robin, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes

Karen E. Cowdry

Connie “Crash” Humiston

To have an account executive help you with your marketing plan, contact Jill Dutton and a rep will contact you shortly.

EVOLVING© 2012 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.

Departments: News Let’s Get Naked Journey to Wholeness Holistic Medicine Wisdom Within



November 2012

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Revelations Food Talk! In the Kitchen w/Bonnie Horoscope Events

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News... Hummingbird Touch Life Empowerment Center Open in Westport The new Center opened in August at 3937 Washington Street, right behind Aquarius Books. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. to Sun. The proprietors are Debbie Miller, Heath Shroyer, Vanessa Knowles and Stephanie Tegan, who believe our primary mission in life is to discover our purpose and live within the expression of it in all aspects of our lives.

Thus, they structure services and classes with the understanding that within everyone is the innate ability to obtain their highest potential. When there is blockage, such as disease, unhappiness, depression and other ills, we are often off of our road of purpose or we are being led to learn great lessons about ourselves. The Center offers Massage, Vibrational Therapy, Energy Work such as Reiki, Life Empowerment Classes, Yoga, Meditation, Reflexology and more to

assist in self-empowerment, meditation, life transformation, higher consciousness living, self-improvement, wellness and spiritual awakening. The Center is also offered as a business incubator. This unique concept allows inexpensive space for you to start your business or expand the one you have. You can find the Hummingbird Touch Life Empowerment Center on Facebook, or (816) 561-1264.

Communiversity Wholistic Health Fair By: Rick Mareske The UMKC/Communiversity’s Wholistic Health Fair is a bi-annual event since 1999 where a plethora of alternative-health practitioners gather to share their knowledge, experience and philosophies with the public. This November, Communiversity will host 56 exhibitors and 20 workshops. Workshops include: Eight Steps to Ending Emotional Eating; How to Deal with Stress; Nourishing Your Body from the Cells Up; Sensitivities to Allergies; Preventing Disease; How to Stay Young; The Creative Power of Sound; Natural Running Clinic and much more. The workshops offer participants a chance to

enhance their knowledge and ask questions of the presenters. You can take three workshops for only $9. We also offer a Giant Silent Auction which features hundreds of items such as: acupuncture treatments, jewelry, herb baskets and much more. You can often get incredible deals at the silent auction. It opens at 11 a.m. and closes at 3:55 p.m.. Items are donated to Communiversity and all proceeds go to support the Communiversity program. You can experience an array of innovative health concepts on the fourth floor of UMKC’s Student Union on Sunday, November 11 from 11:00 AM until 6 PM. While having a great time at the fair, you’ll have a

chance to view UMKC’s Student Union, a beautiful new LEED gold certified building. Parking has improved markedly this fall at UMKC. There is now free parking just to the north of the Student Union. It offers stairfree access to the event. Twenty workshops will offer the health fair attendee new ways of dealing with physical and spiritual issues, while 56 exhibitors will introduce their products, know -how and services. Call 816-235-1407, pick up a catalog of upcoming classes and the show guide at any public library or visit for more information.

A Message of Hope from the Angels Irish Mystic Lorna Byrne has been seeing angels since she was a baby. Very unusually, she sees angels physically with as much clarity as the rest of us see people. It took her many years before she felt comfortable talking about them, which has resulted in two international bestselling books including her memoir Angels in my Hair. Now an international phenomenon, she speaks to sold-out crowds and provides comfort for thousands of people worldwide with her inspir-

ing Angel messages and highly sought after “blessings.” In her new book, A Message of Hope from the Angels (Atria Books, ISBN: 9781476700335, $18.00 / Hardcover /November 6, 2012) a #1 UK Sunday Times bestseller, Byrne explains how she sees a guardian angel with everyone regardless of their religion and how the angels can lovingly guide us through troubling times and reveals how we can call on them for assis-



tance in our times of depression, loss, financial burden, illness, relationship challenges and more. According to Byrne: “These days I see a lot of angels holding lights in front of people, helping to encourage them. I see angels helping to kindle hope in us all the time – hope at an individual, a community, a national and a global level. These are difficult and challenging times but I see so much to be hopeful about and in this book I pass on these messages of hope.”

November 2012

News... Get Growing KC Supports Five Local Food Projects with Over $7K After identifying the needs in their communities, five food projects are providing easier access to fresh produce in the Kansas City area. With funding awarded in the 3rd round of Get Growing Mini Grants, these farms and gardens are growing food, building relationships and increasing healthy dietary options for their neighbors. Katie Nixon, Small Farm Specialist with Lincoln University Extension, shared her thoughts on the applicants over all. “The Grant applications were inspiring and the quality of work around urban garden and farming is quite fantastic. We always wish we could fund every project, but are happy to fund the ones chosen. These funded projects will elevate the profile of urban agriculture in and around Kansas City.” The funded projects include: Residents of West Paseo (ROWP) Roof Top garden received $750 to add 18 new planting barrels and tomato cages. The residents of West Paseo are low income seniors who took it upon themselves to grow their own food in containers on the rooftop of their building. The rooftop container garden provides the residents with accessible gardens and great joy. Eleven of the 38 residents in ROWP are garden members. Each gardener has responsibility for their allotted number of barrels and it is understood only food is grown. The garden has created community, a healthy food source and a budding mentoring program where experienced gardeners are sharing their knowledge with new food gardeners. With no grocery store within 20 blocks, Morning Star Reclaiming the Community Neighborhood Garden is filling the need for fresh produce in their neighborhood. Modest Miles Ministries led a multi-congregational effort establishing this community garden growing food for the community. The $2200 they receive will purchase a tiller and implements to save time, resources and increase efficiency in the garden. As one member puts it, “With the Horse tiller we will achieve more productivity and pleasure in our helping our community have fresh vegetables.” Recent New Roots for Refugees graduate Dena Tu started Mama Tu’s Family Farm with funds she earned growing and selling fresh produce grown as part of her farm business training at the Juniper Gardens entrepreneurial training farm. She and her family started the new farm last season in a neighborhood where residents have little access to veggies. The $1500 the farm received will provide needed infra-

structure and equipment to build her growing capacity and maintain the highest quality standards for produce. Ki Koko Farms is a new farm started in 2012 on land purchased by New Roots for Refugees graduates Beh Paw Gaw and Pay Lay. The farm is located in a neighborhood with little farm activity. The $1500 awarded by Get Growing will be used to invest in more farm infrastructure and marketing for their new name and location. Building identity in their neighborhood creates greater growth potential for their already steady market and CSA sales. Gillis Growth Grove at the Gillis Center in southern Kansas City, Mo is providing onsite access to fresh produce for the 120 children and nearly 400 senior residents isolated by lack of transportation. The $1800 they received for season extension gives the Growth Grove the capacity to maximize the growing season by helping mitigate climate challenges and lengthens the growing season for maximum annual yields. Growing food has provided a template for developing entrepreneurship opportunities like selling at Farmer’s Market, customer service training and an introduction to philanthropy. Most importantly, residents who would not normally have access to this good food, have it right at their front door. Get Growing KC is a two-year collaborative effort between Cultivate Kansas City, Kansas City Community Gardens and Lincoln University Extension to help get good food growing in every neighborhood. Their focus is on communities with the least access to good food and the most challenges to growing their own food. Get Growing MiniGrants opportunities are generously funded by the Healthcare Foundation of Kansas City and are available for qualified applicants to start or expand their urban farm, community garden or food project. These funds are providing community based organizations, urban farmers, and individuals with the expanded capacity to increase local food production, education and distribution methods in their neighborhoods. Visit for information on all of their free classes, assistance and seminars. The next deadline for Mini Grant applications is December 1, 2012. Application information can be downloaded at or through contacting the program at or 816.226.7979.



November 2012

Let’s Get Naked—by Heidi Alfrey The Magic of Acupuncture with Dr. Tapan Chaudhuri


apan Chaudhuri was raised in India as the youngest of nine children. His father was a homeopathic doctor. The young Tapan saw his father heal many people and also witnessed the community’s greater respect and trust in the medical allopathic doctors. Due to this observation, when he started studying medicine, he followed a traditional path and became a medical doctor, an internist. In 1966, he and his wife moved to New York City. Dr Chaudhuri found himself enjoying the scientific breakthroughs in medicine and helping his patients feel better, but he also saw that many people were becoming “walking pharmacies” instead of really healing. He felt disappointed in the results he was seeing. His childhood had shown him there were additional options for treating patients, and he was open to learning new practices, but was unclear how to proceed. An event with his wife revealed a surprising insight. Mrs. Chaudhuri was bitten by a dog, her hand badly bruised, and she was in a lot of pain. She is also a physician, an OB/GYN, and did not want to take pain pills that would affect her clarity with her patients, their deliveries and so on. Mrs. Chaudhuri received a treatment of acupuncture and in 30 minutes her hand felt lighter. The next morning her hand looked significantly better. As an eyewitness, Dr. Chaudhuri could not ignore this phenomenon and went to California to study acupuncture at the Helms Medical Institute for physicians. His study required him to

travel back and forth to L.A. for classes and soon he became an acupuncturist. By this time, the Chaudhuris were living in Kansas City, and Dr. Tapan knew that he could offer this ancient healing modality to his patients. Referrals started arriving. One of his first patients had abdominal pain for 10 years and could barely walk. She’d tried everything and was about to have a major surgery. As I interviewed Dr. Chaudhuri and heard his approach to introducing this topic to his patients, I was moved by his caring demeanor. He says to people in pain, “Your wellness or healing is a journey, would you like to take that journey?” He informs them that there is no guarantee; but, it will be a treatment with no side effects, and perhaps incredible results. This first patient did have tremendous results: by the next day she felt better and in a few weeks was

moving in ways that had been impossible for her prior to these treatments. Dr. Chaudhuri has seen great relief with acupuncture for many people with migraines, back pain, vertigo, ear ringing and gastrointestinal disorders. The results are delightful to him. The reason he became a doctor was his vision of healing people and that is happening at Integrative Healthcare in Raytown, MO. Today, like in his childhood, Dr. Tapan Chaudhuri witnesses patients feeling alive in body and mind; and most importantly he sees a vital element for healing when he looks into many sparkling eyes — hope. Get in touch with this great, caring physician/ healer at Integrated Healthcare, or 816-3532400 Heidi Alfrey holds a Masters degree in Counseling and is a Unity Minister. She combines those two philosophies into a spiritual counseling practice and a "transparent living" ministry, offering seminars, workshops, and retreats inviting men and women to relax into their Greatness. Tune into her radio show, "Let's Get Naked" Revealing Your Authentic Self" on Mondays at 3p.m. CST. or anytime at

Lawrence Bhakti Fest 12 Hours of Bliss! 7 Kirtan Bands 4 Yoga Workshops Veggie Feast $15 to $30 sliding scale Sat. Nov 10th 10 am to 10 pm Westside Yoga, Lawrence, KS



November 2012

Journey to Wholeness—by Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. Survivors are Improvisers Perhaps catastrophe is the natural human environment, and even though we spend a good deal of energy to get away from it, we are programmed for survival amid catastrophe. —Germaine Greer


hile watching Dual Survival, with two very different ‘survivors,’ I was struck by the similarity in their philosophy. Cody is the barefoot man, demonstrating more aboriginal skills while Dave seems more like the mountain man with military survival skills. They both agreed that the keys to survival in the wild are: • • •

Improvise Adapt Go Forward

This resonated with me as I thought about my urban counterparts and what kinds of survival we face each day. Perhaps the everyday events, some of which are very demanding, sometimes catastrophic, challenge us to think like the survivalist in the wild. Cody Lunden has written a number of books on survival skills stressing that “Simplicity is the essence of staying alive.” This, along with the key actions, seems to say it all. So what does that mean for you and I as we walk, run, struggle or breeze through these daily demands? One mistaken expectation that everyone seems to have is that we will really live when we are finished with all of this ‘stuff’ we are experiencing. But somehow the stuff keeps coming. Perhaps Germaine Greer’s point about accepting that catastrophe is the natural human environment would re-frame the everyday events. Maybe it is what we do as we face the challenges that is the fabric of our lives. As one struggles with different kinds of problems, it is hard to see them as challenges for our growth and an integral part of our lives. Physical pain distracts us from daily tasks, keeping us from things we would like to do. Busy couples with children may be struggling to balance the needs of children, the couple and personal needs. Problems with finances, emotions, work, interpersonal relationships and health all take lots of our time and attention. Joan Borysenko, in her book It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of

Change, cites the three secrets of resilience in dealing with stress: • • •

A resolute acceptance of reality A deep belief that life is meaningful An uncanny ability to improvise

It would seem that people from different disciplines and viewpoints have come to similar conclusions about stress, resilience and growth. This is reassuring, but nevertheless, challenging. My first reaction when faced with trying circumstances is often not one I like. I may withdraw, get defensive, distract myself or just take a nap. None of these tactics is very effective. After taking some time, a few deep breaths and reminding myself, or being reminded of what I know, then I may be able to proceed more effectively. It is time to go back to the basics. Remember what you know, ask for help, take the time you need and be open to ‘improvising.’ “Improvisation,” according to Joan Borysenko, “requires attentiveness and mindfulness, which is the ability to see your environment with unabashed curiosity.” It also requires a suspension of habitual thinking and coming up with new ways of looking at the problem. Ultimately we will be creating new neural pathways, increasing our brain power and our skills. Over the past year I have faced the health problems of a family member along with my own health challenges. I have had to be reminded by others of what I often say to them. Take time, breathe deeply, back to the basics like improvising, adapting and then moving forward. As you face your challenges, whatever they may be, I hope you can stay simple, live in the moment and do what Dave and Cody told us to do to survive! Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW, is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs and Imago Therapy call 913322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire and the KC Holistic Centre go to,



Join our dynamic team, while helping grow consciousness in the Kansas City community! Evolving Magazine seeks a commissioned sales person and a volunteer proof reader. Contact

November 2012

for more information about either opportunity.

Kim Meisinger Energy Healer

Holistic Medicine—by Nancy Russell, M.D. Unleash Your Healing Potential: A Natural Plan


Through Medical Intuition and Nervous System Energy Work, Experience a Transformational and Integrated Approach to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being. *************

• Eight years study with Rev. Rosalyn L. Bruyere, internationally recognized healer, medical intuitive and medicine woman. • Certified with three years study in Nervous System Energy Work • Core Star Graduate

(913) 685-9939

n 2011 I gave an educational lecture on Unleashing Your Healing Potential. While this presentation was geared towards people with chronic health problems, it is appropriate for all that desire to be more optimally well and proactive in their health care journey. As a holistic physician, the principles I strive to convey to my patients are to: 1. Get to know each person as an individual, one on one, 2. Get to the root of a person’s medical problem, rather than just treat the symptoms, 3. Personalize treatment, honoring each person’s individuality and 4. Partnership with each person on their journey to optimal health. The questions that I answered in this presentation were: 1. Can I do this journey on my own? 2. Does sleep play a role in healing? 3. Can optimal nutrition change your life? Does toxicity play a role in health? and 5. Is stress management helpful? On the journey to wellness, genetics do play a role in health and predisposition to diseases. DNA however is dynamic and not static, so you can be your own engineer in how genetic make-up is expressed in the human body. Healthy lifestyles improve the expression of these genetic tendencies and unhealthy lifestyles can damage the DNA and enhance tendencies to have a chronic health problem. The book, “You-Staying Young” by Mehmet Oz M.D. explains this process in detail on how to extend the warranty on the human body! Sleep is imperative for optimal health. Sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue, brain fog, decreased stamina and increased pain sensitivity. Good sleep is enhanced by a regular sleep and wake routine, staying in bed 7 to 8 hours each night, exercising regularly and minimizing caffeine and alcohol. If you have trouble sleeping, try a natural relaxant such as magnesium, melatonin or valarian root. Optimal nutrition can be life changing by eating mostly fresh, whole, unprocessed foods. Staple foods should include vegetables, legumes and whole grains with

Toxicity does play a role in optimal health and toxins surround us everyday. The common chemicals that can cause toxicity in our bodies are sugar, caffeine, alcohol, refined and processed food, so keep them to none or a minimum. Toxic chemicals to completely avoid are nicotine, chlorine, all artificial sweeteners, hormones and pesticides in food, MSG, and many more. small amounts of fruits, nuts, eggs, fish and meats. Drink plenty of filtered water; 1/2 ounce for each pound of your ideal body weight. Respect your individuality for your own nutrition by paying attention to your age, sex, ancestry, metabolic type and blood type. I challenge you to get the book, “Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type” or get the app on your smart phone and follow it for 8 to 10 weeks. Eating right for your type can help to decrease inflammation, aches and pains, and can increase energy, immunity and longevity. If you suffer from sneezing, runny nose, gas and bloating, stomach pain, headaches or fatigue after you eat, you may have food sensitivities. To assess this possible issue, you can obtain a food sensitivity blood test measuring IgG levels to different foods or go on an elimination diet. Many people are deficient in nutritional requirements, even if the diet is very good. In general, most people need at least the following supplements: Multivitamin and mineral, vitamin D3 and fish oil. It is important that your fish oil is molecularly distilled to be free of contaminants. Toxicity does play a role in optimal health and toxins surround us everyday. The common chemicals that can cause toxicity in our bodies are sugar, caffeine, alcohol, refined and processed food, so keep them to none or a minimum. Toxic chemicals to completely avoid are nicotine, chlorine, all artificial sweeteners, hormones and pesticides in food, MSG, and many more. These chemicals are addicting, disrupt our metabolism and accelerate the ag-



November 2012

ing process. Other ways to decrease toxins are to drink, cook and bathe in filtered water, use air cleaners in your environment, eat organic foods, exercise and sweat regularly and do a body cleanse or detox one to two times a year. Last, but not least on your journey to optimal health is to remember to take time for stress management. Suggestions are to take a nature walk, pray, meditate, be still, deep breathing, be with your pets, garden, sew, or be creative in some way. Remember to just take time to be still and be gentle with your soul. I am happy and look forward to guiding you on this journey to optimal health. Nancy Russell, M.D. is a holistic Internal medicine physician and has practiced in the Kansas City northland for 30 years. Dr. Russell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice. As a founding member of the American Board of Holistic medicine, she is board certified in holistic medicine. For more information on getting to know Dr Russell, visit h e r w e b s i t e : or Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453 -5545.

Wisdom Within—by Suzette Scholtes Thanksgiving: Loving Gratitude


prepared early this year for our annual Thanksgiving. Steam clean the carpets. Done. Paint the dining room where chairs marked above the chair rail. Done. Soon now to clean the bedding on the three guest beds and make up the rooms. If my sister Amy comes in from Austin, will need to borrow an air mattress. Check. Older sister Pat arrives first from Dallas on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. She comes to help shop, bake, cook, clean and prepare. We enjoy our easy camaraderie, old stories and simple sisterhood. How fun to work and play together. Our teamwork in the kitchen is magical as we add to our boiling pots the spices and fresh ingredients, creating masterpieces from old family recipes. This year we prepare for a group of 25, and we make enough to send home leftovers! How odd, the young man who helped with the carpet attended culinary school. He swears brining your turkey seals in the moisture. He shares this brine recipe for succulent turkey. This is new for me: Brine for Whole Turkey 2 cups cider vinegar 2 cups water 2 cups brown sugar 2 cups salt Blend together and heat until full boil. Pour into a clean cooler. Add turkey and enough ice to cover. Add: Lemons, three, sliced Fresh Thyme Fresh Sage Garlic Cloves (do not need to peel he says) Peppercorns Brine 24 hours. Then on day to roast, take olive oil and make paste with finely chopped thyme, basil, sage, parsley and onion. Rub inside turkey and between skin and flesh of bird. Roast your favorite way. He suggests pouring white wine in bottom of roast pan for extra flavor to make gravy. Guests who join us once or twice always ask for the stuffing recipe. Now the secret it out! It’s from Grandma Scholtes who only used Betty Crocker’s recipe with PRECISION. Yes, you

measure the fresh hand-pulled French bread, the spices and only real organic butter please. For you, I found it on the internet, but I use poultry seasoning instead of the recommended sage. We love the blend of flavors in that oldfashion, store-bought jar more than fresh herbs. But do not use too much! You may always add more flavor later. And, if too dry, douse lightly with organic vegetable or chicken broth, but not before because the butter is the magic here. I think of it as oldfashioned bread and butter and spice doused with gravy. Seconds, please! I create “turkey” place cards for the tables. I’ve kept the cards from all the past guests. Of course some now sit at the heavenly table: Grandpa Scholtes and Mom and Dad, and sister Mary, and a number of aunts and uncles. Yet they are always present in our hearts. Indeed, for us and many of you, this is a heart-felt holiday, our Thanksgiving. It helps to remember that the high vibration of gratitude mirrors the high vibration of love. So I close with my favorite quote on gratitude from Concept: Synergy: "Gratitude is a tangible force. The more you feel it, the more reasons you will find to feel it. Gratitude is a miraculous force, like a magical magnet, generating and then attracting so much more than you have already received. It is like a living energy, clearing the way for you to become so much more than you have already experienced." Suzette Scholtes is Director of Teacher’s Training and Founder of The Yoga School of Therapeutics, 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. Her writings have appeared in national magazines and published by New Leaf Publishers, Atlanta. The yoga school calendar of public classes and workshops may be found at or or call 913 492-9594.

This Holiday Season, Give Yourself the Gift of Knowledge Writing for Publication 10% off one month personal coaching. ($30 value) Exp. 12/31/12

Take your writing career to the next level. EVOLVING publisher, Jill Dutton, offers personal coaching and ongoing writer’s groups to help you reach your writing goals. Contact “Jill Dutton is a positive, supportive writing coach. With a confident, but laid back manner she creates a trusting teacher/student relationship that inspires you to share both your aspirations and doubts. I have wanted to write for publication for years, but only with Jill’s guidance and practical approach have I finally had the focus and courage to take the necessary steps to begin realizing my dreams.” —Joan Polifka



November 2012

Books—by James O’Dea Redefining the Peace Movement


e are witnessing a tidal shift in consciousness. Some see it as a great planetary awakening of awareness accompanied by an extended capacity for empathy and collaboration. The burgeoning networks of people who share these new values, along with the accelerating global communications environment, are creating an unprecedented planetary resonance. We are collectively beginning to shed the skin of humanity’s dysfunctional consciousness.

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We are moving from being locked into outrage at war and violence, or being defined as a protest movement, to creating a culture of peace from the ground up and from the inside out. We are moving from the reactive condemnation of others arising out of a presumed superior moral position, to engaging in dialogue, listening, and drawing on nonviolent communication strategies. We are moving from labeling those who disagree with us as the enemy to recognizing the inherent flaw in creating enmity as a peace strategy. In this way our work attempts to dissolve polarizing behaviors. We are moving from a consciousness that is problem centered to one that is solution centered. This has a radical impact on how we organize. We are informed by our vision, and our approach is not always defined by the tactics or stance of the opposition. We are moving from piecemeal, feelgood, quick-fix interventions, to wholesystem maps and systemic transformation. We are moving from a reliance on ideological frameworks to integral approaches that are embodied manifestations of peace at the individual and collective levels. We are moving from activism that leads to burnout and relationship breakdowns to one in which working for the cause of peace requires self-care and time for quality relationships. We are moving from the battleground of proving who is right and who is wrong to understanding worldview transformation and exploring who are wounded and how they can find healing. We are moving from an obsession with punishment to the search for truth, reconciliation, and restorative justice. We are moving from demanding rights to assuming our responsibility to create environments that promote rights and social justice.



November 2012

We are moving from merely critiquing the absence of humanity in others to honing our own capacity for compassionate action, deep empathy, and authentic forgiveness. This, then, is the sounding note from inside the heart of peace itself. It says, “Choose me. Cultivate my ways.” Feel the pleasure of love, laughter, and service to others. Feel peace as the presence of conscious and compassionate awareness. Step boldly to incarnate your belief in the power of peace to transform indifference and hostility. Never allow meanness any foothold over you where instead there can be an ample generosity toward others. Keep your conscience keenly attentive to the subtlest calls to live in attunement with your own evolving moral imagination. The world is full of moral dilemmas, so listen with confidence to the voice of your higher self; but always be willing to reconsider the validity of your position. Know that you have been asked to walk the path of essence, always drawing deeper from your own essential qualities and allowing them the freest expression — even when cold reason would suppress them. Work ceaselessly to connect the disconnected. It is impossible to say whether you will be scorned or rejected or even if you will be cut down, but know that the winds of peace will carry your work into future generations and that you will be part of what turns humanity toward its true destiny. Any action that begins in the core of your being is one that unites with the Source of All Being. Look for that igniting point midway between taking yourself too seriously and being too casual about your gifts; it is here that peace arises and asks you to dance with it. Whether your first gesture is to still the mind, pulse a drum, raise your voice or cross the threshold of an old fear or enmity — celebrate your choice to leave passivity and disbelief behind. Keep faith with your vision even if people scorn you for being an idealist. Make sure your vision is big enough for the time we live in and that your execution of the vision comes from a place of humility. Learn to celebrate your vision even in the midst of great suffering, for your vision is an answer to the suffering you see. Peace is the healer of wounds. For as much as you cultivate peace in all of its dimensions, it will cultivate you beyond all recognition. ©2012 James O’Dea. Excerpted from Cultivating Peace: Becoming a 21st Century Peace Ambassador. (Shift Books)

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Nakala Akasie | When Angels Speak 913.206.1294 Are you ready to go forward? Receive life altering teachings, clarity, confirmations, insight and messages from the angelic realm. Nakala is a spiritual channel and author of her newest upcoming channeled book, When Angels Speak: Book One, The Awakening and A Pleiadian Endeavor. She provides angel readings in individual or group settings. Check Evolving event listings for details on group angel readings and teachings at the Land of OM in Overland Park: 913.232.9437. Aquarius 3936 Broadway, KCMO 816.931.6303 Come to Aquarius for gifts of purpose and lasting value. We have the extraordinary and hard-to-find item that gives you pleasure to give, plus long-lasting pleasure for the recipient. We honor and support all paths and our goal is to help you find exactly the right item. We EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS 2012 LIVING Evolving‌ A Guide for Conscious Living November


November 2012

support local artists and stock fair trade clothing. This is your source for meditation pillows, singing bowls (both Tibetan and crystal), incense, oils and candles, books, calendars, sacred objects of all sorts, and some things just for fun, along with a huge new supply of stones and crystals. Daniel Baxley | Shamanic Pathways 816.769.7343 Shamanic Counseling and Healing deals with the spiritual aspects of health and disease. By working with the underlying spiritual conditions surrounding individuals, transformation can occur. This work calls forth the assistance of the seen and unseen realms to manifest wholeness within the individual. It is very effective for shifting conditions of addiction and mental illness. I also offer Reiki, Attunement, Massage, CranialSacral, Soul Chi, Vision Quests, Sweat Lodges and Spiritual Counseling. Individual sessions, workshops and community events are offered with humility and gratitude. Please visit for more information.

Holiday Gift Guide

LOCAL, HEALTHY & SUSTAINABLE Schenker Family Farms offers • grass grass--fed beef • pastured pork • lamb • free free--range poultry All raised with NO ADDED antibiotics, steroids, hormones, preservatives, nitrates or nitrites. Gift Boxes & Gift Certificates. Order online at or give us a call at 620.632.4470.

BRAS | Breast Research Awareness and Support 417.352.3654 In Overland Park, Bras Founder Linda Bamber offers Thermography, Biomeridian Testing, Nutrition and Supplements, BioMat Detoxification, Breast Health Education, hCG Weight Loss Program and Hormone Balancing. Gift certificates available. Pressure and radiation from mammograms increase breast cancer risk, whereas thermography is a safe breast health screening (including screening implants) that can save needless surgeries and biopsies. Dr. Robert Anderson says “Thermography can detect abnormality 8-10 years before mammography can detect a mass.” Financial assistance for up to $300 for breast thermography may be available through the United Breast Cancer Foundation. Contact Linda for a gift of health for yourself or the special ladies in your life. Crash in Communications Connie Humiston Facebook | 816.591.3378 Has the person on your list been wanting to write a resume, Web site, book or presentation? Wanting clarity in his/her brand and marketing materials? Dreaming of producing a successful event? The “Connie Clause Holiday Special” is buy one hour, get the next hour free. Offer expires 01/31/13.

ing gifts arise from love, compassion, insight and trust in the inner wisdom of each person. She is professionally trained in Psychosynthesis and shamanically apprenticed by don Oscar Miro-Quesada in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Karen K. Harrison | Whole Life Center 816-523-4440 Gift your beloved with a session of Tantra coaching for $80 an hour to enhance your intimacy and bring spirituality into your sexuality. Consider sex coaching for trying new intimate things that are sure to spice up your relationship, learn what women want, and lots more. A Reiki session for $65 an hour can help your loved one to relax and unwind. Gift something that gives back through a Reiki I class so that your loved one can give themselves Reiki and give you Reiki too! For more info, see my website. Healing Points | Angela Holmes 913-579-5949 Healing Points was established to create a space for everyone to tap into their inherent wellbeing and soul purpose while opening your ability to give and receive love. Intentional living and nontraditional techniques are the core of this practice. Experience profound transformation in as little as one or two sessions. Sessions can release chronic or acute pain, depression, addiction, trauma, stress; and reverse or slow signs and symptoms of dis-ease. Release the root of dysfunctional relationships and heal them. Learn to reclaim your energy, balance and ground daily. I also offer Access BARS Sessions™, home/ business space cleansing, Reiki classes and Reiki Infused items.

Diane Davis Reed Pathfinders Consulting 816-741-0820 Diane provides Shamanic guidance, healing, personal ceremony to: Tap into powerful transitional energies and support; Awareness of your heart’s deepest desires; Activate your Kansas City Food Circle most powerful gifts; Focus intentions; Support your soul’s aspirations. Gift yourself or someone you love with the The perfect gift for the LOCAVORE in your life: The Eat Local and Oractivation of your most powerful gifts ganic! dining card from the KC Food and manifestation of your heart’s deepest desires. As a Shamanic Coun- Circle. $30 gets you a year-long membership in the KC Food Circle + the selor with 20 years of experience, Diane deeply trusts the transforma- NEW Dining Card featuring a one-time tive power of life transitions. Her heal- 10% discount at great area restauEVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS 2012 LIVING Evolving… A Guide for Conscious Living November


November 2012

Holiday Gift Guide

the sassiness! The shop carries a nice rants that feature organic and freerange ingredients from our local farm- selection of religious, inspirational and self-fulfillment new and used books, ers. Your friends and family can Eat along with incense, sage, crystals, gemLocal and Organic in 2013; stone, essential oils, and other prodthe KC Food Circle can help! or ucts to assist in balancing your environment and yourself. Step into the Mystic for a plethora of workshops and Karen Elise seminars, Reiki sessions, massage, 913-636-9502 | viewing of local artists’ works, or to This year give a one-of-a-kind, personpick up the latest copy of Evolving. alized gift to be remembered all year. Purchase a holiday gift certificate from Nancy Russell, MD Karen Elise for an intuitive, tarot or Nurturing Optimal Wellness Akashic reading in person or by phone. Pursuing Healthcare You Deservesm Planning a holiday event? Have a psy5140 N Antioch, KCMO chic entertain your guests. It is a fun | 816.453.5545 and unique experience. Evolving Holiday Special: $75.00 off They will love it!! initial visit (regular price $275; special $200) through December 31, 2012— Mystic Treasures testing and lab work not included with 7711 N. Oak Trfwy, KCMO special pricing. Gift certificates avail816.420.0820 | Facebook: Mystic able! If you’re tired of being “herded” Treasures through your medical office, wanting A well-balanced, inviting and quite your doctor to listen, and wanting to sassy book and holistic goods shop in see the doctor and not the nurse, Dr. the Northland, Mystic Treasures was Nancy offers the new normal: patientconceived by mother, Checita, and daughters Penny and Lea Anne; hence, driven, life-changing healthcare. The

goal of Dr. Nancy and her staff is to 45-minute Mindfulness Stress Reducassist, support and nurture mind, body tion Session. Gift certificates available! and spirit by building a partnership with each patient. What better gift Schenker Family Farms than healthcare you deserve? 620.632.4470 Sastun Center of Integrative Looking for LOCAL, HEALTHY & Health Care SUSTAINABLE gifts? Schenker Family 10875 Grandview, Suite 2200, Farms is proud to raise grass-fed beef, Overland Park, KS pastured pork, lamb & free-range poul913.345.0060 try. You’ll find preserves, salsa, pickles & more available too. All raised with You will find some of the area’s finest NO ADDED antibiotics, steroids, horhealing professionals at the Sastun mones, preservative, nitrates or niCenter. Through an integrative and trites. Gift Certificates & large orders collaborative approach, our practitioavailable. Home Delivery & Shipping ners use functional, western allopathic available too. Order online at and naturopathic medicine, along with or give us a energy healing, massage and craniocall at 620.632.4470. sacral therapy, acupuncture and Chinese herbs, meditation, yoga, counselSchool of Metaphysics ing and psychiatry, biofeedback, nutri- "Aiding individuals to become whole tion and lifestyle coaching to assist you functioning selves since 1973" in creating your individual path to | 913.236.9292 mum health. Holiday specials through Give the gift of awareness by giving the 01/31/13 (new patients only): $112: means for self-discovery. Intuitive reInfrared Sauna—five 30-minute sesports provide people with insight into sions / $60: 60-minute Massage / $75: what is interfering with progress in life.

Karen Harrison, Ed.S. Licensed Professional Counselor Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Reiki Master Teacher Usui Tibetan, Karuna & Kundalini Reiki



816-523-4440 8301 State Line Road, Ste 216 Kansas City, MO 64114

EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS 2012 LIVING Evolving… A Guide for Conscious Living November


November 2012

Holiday Gift Guide

ender: headaches. White Angelica: Coupled with counsel, a past life report protection of the energy or an intuitive health analysis will refield. Purification instead of bug move the curtain to see clearly the spray. Peace and Calming for a restful steps needed for personal growth. nights sleep. The gift of oils is perfect Along with insight comes personal for the holidays power, a belief in self and lasting change. Transforming consciousness Willow Zen Soap & Body brings peace, contentment and secuCasey Lesmeister, Creatrix rity. Sometimes all it takes is another perspective to see clearly. Together we 913.593.4002 bring greater light to the world. Zen is the beautiful art of creation. Willow Zen, by Casey, also an EnBarbara Smith, Independent ergy Healing Practitioner, solely creDistributor ates and offers artisan handmade soap Young Living Essential Oils and body products. All products are 913.839.8745 infused with good juju, love, plantOffering one-on-one and group introbased oils and butters, essential oils ductions for Young Living Essential and/or phthalate free fragrances for Oils—book a holiday party with your scent, containing botanical herbs & peeps, or order individually for emotional health, personal care, nutritional essences and minerals. Please visit my supplements, household solutions and website to shop my online store and view the events page to see where I much more. Thieves: stay free from will be selling my soaps this holiday colds and flu, relieve toothaches. Imseason. mune Power: for cold and flu season. DiGize: digestive problems. RC: upper respiratory. Clarity: alertness. Dragon Time: for that time of the month. Lav-

The perfect gift for the LOCAVORE in your life: The 2013 Eat Local and Organic! dining card from the KC Food Circle. Visit and click on Dining Card.

Rev. Maitreya Zohar Olathe, KS; 913-839-8745 Invest in Session; Be GIFTED Session One of the founders of Land of OM spiritual center in Overland Park, Maitreya offers event space rentals, life coaching, home and office spiritual cleansing, sacred journeys and spiritual travel, initiations/ascensions, nutrition, and an array of healing methods. Gift certificates available! Invest in a healing session, regression, tarot reading, channeling or ionCleanse by December 30, 2012 and I will GIFT you or your “friend” a complimentary session of equal or lesser value. Or, I will GIFT you a FREE copy of my book or audio book, Sisterhood of the Dove: Clarion Call of Mary Magdalene.

bowls, meditation pillows, wind chimes, and handcrafted jewelry, at the Unity Village Bookstore and Coffee Shop. Located off Highway 470, next to Lee’s Summit, this serene spot on the Unity Village campus has one of the area’s widest selections of spiritual books and CDs. Stop by the Holiday Open House from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, and from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 18, for cookies and punch and free gift-wrapping. For regular store hours, visit

Unity Village Bookstore & Coffee Shop 
1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO 816-251-3578 Browse unique gifts, such as singing

Shamanic Counseling and Healing ♦ Free your personal power ♦ Move into full Self expression ♦ Activate your deepest desires

Diane Davis Reed 816-741-0820 “Deep listening for your deepest Self”

EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS 2012 LIVING Evolving… A Guide for Conscious Living November


November 2012

Holiday Gift Guide

Eating Well in Kansas City In the Kitchen with Bonnie—by Bonnie Rabicoff

Food First!—by Bethany Klug, D.O.


Awareness of Food


he term wheat berry refers to the entire wheat kernel, comprising the bran, germ, and endosperm. Since the wheat kernel is left intact, virtually none of the nutrients are stripped away. A cup of cooked wheat berries has about 300 calories and is packed with fiber, protein and iron. The tasty sprouts are also loaded with vitamin E, a cellprotecting antioxidant, and magnesium, which is good for healthy bones and muscles. Executive Chef & Proprietor Ken Baker creates an Autumn Salad with these nutritious grains to celebrate the color, flavors and textures of the fall harvest “In the Kitchen” at Pachamamas in Lawrence, KS. Please select the following link for a demonstration of Chef preparing this signature dish kbaker/signatureDish.html

Bonnie Rabicoff is the producer and host of the multimedia foodie series “In the Kitchen with Bonnie.” She has served as the Vice President of Development for KCPT Public Television and the Marketing Director of The Barstow School where she founded and coordinated “The Barstow School Organic Farmers’ Market and Chef Series. Bonnie has worked in the television medium for over 20 years…Serving as a producer and host for a variety of community programs addressing education, the arts, social service and cooking. For a listing of upcoming features or to view the entire foodie series, visit

Autumn Vegetable Salad with Goat Cheese, Wheat Berries and Truffle-Honey Plum Chutney Prepared by Executive Chef & Owner Ken Baker “In the Kitchen with Bonnie” at Pachamamas

The Vegetables: 1 Butternut Squash, peeled, seeded and cut into medium dice and blanched in salted boiling water until just done 4 beets, roasted, peeled, and cut into medium dice (mix red and yellow if possible) 1 fennel bulb, split lengthwise, trimmed and thinly sliced 1 Onion, pickled 1/2 lb crumbled goat cheese Pickled Onion 1/4 cup red-wine vinegar 1/4 cup orange juice 1/2 tsp. salt 6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil hefty pinch of sugar 1/2 lb thinly sliced red onion, salt to taste Bring vinegar, orange juice, oil, sugar and salt to a simmer in a small saucepan. Stir in onions and remove from heat. Wheat Berries 1 1/2 c. hard wheat berries 3/4 cup Pumpkin seeds, toasted 2 stalks celery, finely chopped 1/2 cup tart dried cherries, chopped 1 scallion, white and green parts, chopped 1/2 cup finely chopped parsley leaves 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice Salt and freshly ground black pepper In a large pot combine the wheat berries and enough water to come 2 inches over the wheat ber-

ries. Bring to a boil and cook uncovered for 1 hour, or until tender. Drain and let cool. Toast the pumpkin seeds in a medium dry skillet over medium-high heat until fragrant, 2 to 3 minutes. In a large bowl, combine the wheat berries, walnuts, celery, dried cherries, scallions, parsley, olive oil and lemon juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. The Dark Rye Crumble: Cut rye into medium dice. Toss with melted butter, fennel seed, caraway, nigella seeds, and salt. Toast until crisp. In a large bowl, combine the wheat berries, walnuts, celery, dried cherries, scallions, parsley, olive oil and lemon juice. Season, to taste, with salt and pepper. Truffle Honey-Plum Chutney 1 1⁄4 cups honey 1 1⁄4 cups light brown sugar 1 cup cider vinegar 1 1⁄2 cups golden raisins 1 small onion, peeled and thinly sliced 1⁄3 cup grated peeled ginger 3 cloves garlic, peeled and thinly sliced 1 tbsp. salt 4 1⁄2 tsp. mustard seeds 2 1⁄2 tsp. red pepper flakes 4 lbs. Italian prune plums, pitted and quartered 2 Tbs. truffle oil Bring sugar, honey and vinegar to a boil in a heavy medium pot over medium heat. Stir in raisins, onions, ginger, garlic, salt, mustard seeds, and pepper flakes. Bring to a simmer. Stir in plums. Reduce heat to maintain a gentle simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until chutney is dark and thick, about 3 3⁄4 hours. Let cool and whisk in truffle oil.




he first Thanksgiving celebrated by the Plymouth Colony in 1621 was part of a long tradition harvest feasts. It was an expression of gratitude, celebrating an abundant growing season after a particularly difficult winter. I’m sure they offered a blessing before they savored the meal. I enjoy pausing, at the very least, to express gratitude for the meal I am about to enjoy. I may simply bring my palms together and bow or I may offer a prayer. A meal blessing does several things. It expresses gratitude, sets an intention and calls for support. When shared with a group of people it unites them as friends, family or community.

duction of our own food and are less connected to it. It’s easy to take it for granted. We’re dealing with some hefty problems in our communities and our world. The simplest solutions are often them most difficult to see and one of the simplest may be what we choose to eat. With this in mind, I offer these words to contemplate as you shop, cook and feast this Thanksgiving.

This food is the gift of the whole universe, the earth, the sky and much hard work. May we live in mindfulness as to be worthy to receive it. May this food help us transform our unskillful states of mind and learn to eat in moderation. May this food nourish us and prevent illness. May we accept this food to realize the path of understanding and love.

Aware that this food shapes my body substance and the way I relate to myself and the world, I aspire to eat only foods that nourish me in the amounts I need, no more, no less.

The Three Awarenesses of Food

Aware that this food is a gift, the work of many hands past and present and the wisdom and experience of the earth over billions of years, I aspire to eat this food with awareness, so I Here’s a blessing I recite often may deeply touch the miracle of with these qualities: it.

If you remember gratitude, intention, support and unity, you can create your own blessings, or feel less awkward when asked to offer one. Thanksgiving is no longer a harvest celebration. The days of surviving on what you grow, gather or hunt are gone. Foods once available only for a few weeks of the year are now available year round. We are no longer responsible for the proNovember 2012

Aware that food can be raised in ways that minimize harm to the planet and its inhabitants, I aspire to choose my food carefully so that everyone and everything may experience the health and wholeness I seek for myself. Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and p la net a r y health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 9136 4 2 - 1 9 0 0 a n d

Feature—by Dr. Michelle Robin Abundance


oday’s world and our conditioned response to it create a lot of pressure and stress. There never seems to be enough time, money or energy to truly make it all work. It can easily feel overwhelming. You may feel like you’re just barely surviving. I understand. I’ve been there before too. Yet we were not meant to simply survive. We are meant to thrive and to live in abundance, not scarcity. Abundance is a mindset. It is how you see the world, how you approach it and how you respond to it. It is about seeing the good and being grateful. When we think of abundance we most often think of money. However, it penetrates all aspects of your life: relationships, money, health, and emotions. Consider the dozens of friends, family and colleagues you have in your life and the love and affirmation you get from them, the fun you have with them, your relationship; not just the fact that you may not have a romantic relationship in your life right now. Even if money is tight, take a look around and notice that you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, the things you need to feel safe and secure. You may be making chicken surprise for dinner out of whatever you can find in the freezer when you would prefer to be eating out; however, you have nourishment to feed and sustain your body. The scab healing on your arm or the blemish on your chin may annoy you, yet 99 percent of your skin is healthy and the rest is healing in the miraculous way of the body. Certain parts of your life may cause frustration or sadness, but can you name all the things in your world for which you can be happy? I’m not saying it is wrong to acknowledge frustrations, difficulties or wants. Dwelling on them will only create more of what you don’t want. Have you heard the saying, “Energy flows where energy goes?” It is the law of attraction. Whatever you put your energy towards is what will come to you. Be careful what you focus on. Sometimes it is difficult to believe in abundance when all you can feel is lack. This mindset is coming from a place of fear instead of hope. You can shift your view from one of scarcity to one of abundance. Here’s how:

1. Be Grateful – Focus on everything in your life that is going well. You can find something for which to be grateful in every situation. Even if your car broke down today, be grateful that you had a cell phone to call the tow truck company, the money to pay for repairs, and a friend that picked you up from the mechanic. There is always something in your day, in each moment for which to be grateful. I encourage you to keep a gratitude journal by your bed. Each night or in the morning, list all the people, experiences, things, feel-

ings, etc. for which you can be grateful that day. This practice will dramatically shift your mindset and improve your sleep and how you start each day.

2. Visualize – See it. Use your imagination to get as crystal clear as possible about what it is you want in your life. If it is money, then how much, how often, from where? If it is a relationship, then how does it feel, what do you do together? If it is your health, then what kind of energy do you have, what is it like to be without pain, what will you do, how is life different? Use all your senses when you’re visualizing the ideal, when you are seeing what abundance looks like to you in each part of your life.

dance. Being diligent about the three previous steps will positively change your attitude, willingness and even direction of action. You were made to live abundantly and thrive. This is not only so that you can be your best and have your best life, but so you can give to others. When you share your blessings with others, even when they are few, they multiply. The more you engage the mindset of abundance, beginning with gratitude in all aspects of your life — the more you will have for which to be grateful.

3. Believe – It doesn’t do any good to want something if you don’t really believe it will happen or that you deserve it. You can say you want something all day long, but the energy is actually coming from the true beliefs you have in your heart and mind. You were born to live as your highest, greatest self. The Universe will provide what you need. You have to know it in your core that you deserve it as a human and spiritual being. 4. Take Action – A bag of money is not going to magically appear on your doorstep. Nor are you going to wake up tomorrow 30 pounds lighter and without that pain in your left knee. You will need to take action to move towards your goals and receive the gifts of abundance waiting for you. Action supercharges the energy of your thoughts and amplifies the energy flow of abun-



Dr. Michelle Robin, is an author, speaker, and Founder and CWO of Your Wellness Connection, P.A. She is the author of The E Factor: Engage, Energize, Enrich – Three Steps to Vibrant Health and Wellness on a Shoestring: Seven Habits for a Healthy Life. She is also co-author of the #1 bestseller: Succeeding In Spite of Everything. Dr. Robin can be reached at 913-962-7408 or email and

November 2012

Feature—by Stephanie Red Feather Preparing for Increase: How to Welcome the Wealth that is Already Yours


t’s time to start getting comf o r t a b l e ar o u nd l a rg e r amounts of money. Yes, I said it. While most of us understand conceptually there is enough of everything for everyone, it is harder for us to practice and embody it in our daily lives—especially when it comes to money. And we have all kinds of great excuses about why we don’t have more money, don’t we? Well, as spiritual adepts, it’s time to practice what we preach. Everything in this world vibrates at a particular frequency. We are transmitting our personal frequency 24/7, and the Universe is constantly reflecting back to us circumstances and people who mirror our own vibration. When we transmit from a place of fear, contraction, guilt, worry, shame or drama around money, then that’s exactly what we get more of. If you want to receive the monetary abundance that is already yours in the divine blueprint, then it’s time to elevate the frequency you are transmitting to the Universe. Here are seven mindsets and actions you can implement right now, each designed to shift your energetic relationship to money so that you can begin to recognize and welcome the abundance of wealth that is waiting for you. Check in with your energetic state of being throughout the day and especially when you do anything related to money. Whether you are balancing your checkbook, paying bills, or buying groceries, take a pause and assess your energy. Are you in a state of contraction (fear, worry, lack) or expansion? Ask yourself: “What am I transmitting,” or “What am I putting my attention on?” Use your breath to clear any energies that are not serving you. Access a place of gratitude and joy to create a feeling of expansion and raise your vibration. Open (or add to) a savings account. Preparing for increase means you need to start getting comfortable with having money. By

the world will transform. Bless what is not enough. In those times when what you have in the moment is not enough, you have a choice to curse it or bless it. Many times I have stood in front of my altar, held my checkbook or cash in my hands and thanked the Universe for what I DO have. And by now, you’ve figured out when you put your attention on the abundance and not the lack, you magically create access to more and greater abundance.

regularly contributing to a savings account you are signaling to yourself and the Universe that you are ready to handle more money and are comfortable with having more money. The amount isn’t nearly as important as the action. Even if it’s only $10 a week, what’s important is the energy of the habit you are creating. Get rid of anything that represents poverty or lack of consciousness. The items that you look at and interact with in your daily life all have an energy attached to them. Do you still have your old dilapidated bookcase or desk from college or milk crates? Do you look at old furniture with peeling veneer that you got at a garage sale? Are there raggedy clothes that should have gone to the rag pile years ago? With gratitude but firmness, start to release the things in your life that make you feel poor or remind you of less prosperous times. Act “as if.” Envision where you want yourself to be and then act from that place. For example, if you own your own business and desire to break into 6 figures, ask yourself: “What would a 6-figure business owner do in this situation?” Correspondingly, begin to eliminate phrases such as: “I can’t afford that” or “I don’t have enough money” from your daily vocabulary.

Start carrying around more cash. There’s an amount we’re each comfortable having in our wallet. Maybe you’re comfortable with $100 cash in your wallet…what about $300? Or maybe you’re comfortable with $20s; but, having a $50 or $100 bill in your wallet would be uncomfortable. Push your comfort zone. Energy flows where attention goes. It’s so easy to focus only on the money going out. But, if all we do is focus on what’s going out, then we create the experience of — you guessed it — more going out! Here are two actions for shifting your focus. Start tracking the money that comes to you every day. Income, interest, rebates, refunds, even the penny you find on the street. As you shift your focus to what is coming to you, you will create the experience of more coming to you. (Of course, please still be responsible and track your bills and balance your checkbook!) Create a gratitude journal. Every day I complete the sentence, “Today I feel rich because…” five times. As you begin to focus on what you are grateful for, the Universe will reflect back to you more things for which to be grateful. Your vibration will elevate and how you view



November 2012

As you begin to apply these principles and actions in your daily life, you will begin to transform your relationship to money. And be prepared for pleasant surprises...the $10 bill you find, a forgotten check to be cashed, an unexpected gift in the mail! If you look for lack, you will find lack. If you look for abundance, you will find abundance. Make a conscious choice from this moment forward to look at the world through the lens of abundance and you will experience the world as an abundant place. Stephanie Red Feather is a Spiritual Business Coach certified in the Money Breakthrough Method®, a proven system that will quickly and magically transform any money issue, drama or situation into clarity and forgiveness by focusing on the emotional and energetic patterns in your relationship to money. She is the creator of the Loving Money Mastery Course™, a 12-week program that helps people break through to their next level of income, clean up unconscious “money junk,” and free themselves from debt, under earning and other financial self-sabotage. To learn more about Stephanie, visit:

Feature—by Sarah Hongerloot “Esprit” (Spirit) Abundance of Mind oul Friends of the Most Magnificent Kind: “Fall” into abundance in how you view yourself, life experiences and your relationships. My deepest wish is for you to connect with the magnificence in your heart. Let me first begin this concept by saying: You ARE love! God created nothing short of perfection, so that is what you are — love and light.


When you awaken to the wholeness of your divine being, with everything already established through God and the Holy Spirit, you will feel the power of love for the beauty of the extension it provides. That is our function. Marianne Williamson says, “Return to the love that is within us so we can go back into the world taking that love with us.”

It doesn’t matter what you’ve encountered in your past or what appears to be happening on the causal level (earthly existence) because it is an illusion. Leave it behind — you do not live there anymore. You are NOT your ego and you are not your past!

By studying A Course in Miracles, I no longer wish to focus my precious energy on things I cannot change. I only work on bettering myself any way I can while being a light of love. I surrender to the moment by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me. The surprises that await are exciting and, as understanding deepens, life truly becomes richer. I recognize more and more each day that peace is my goal because the perfect world we are aiming for cannot function without it. I leave you with two powerful quotes:

In 2011, I immersed myself in a process of deep, spiritual awakening. As a result, became transformed with a profound sense of inner peace, calm and happiness never before experienced. I no longer allow external circumstances to affect me. Arrows can be fired at me, but I have love’s shield of protection. Remember the old saying we learned in elementary school: “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” You are what you think so if your spirit is perfection, there is nothing that can hurt the body. What IS the body? The body is an illusion the ego mind created. It is nothing in and of itself but an encasement for the spirit. The body cannot make itself sick but the mind can because thought produces form. Life is a classroom and its purpose serves for the return of the divine perfection that is in us. The human experience is an awakening, the realization of who you are that you forgot that is an extension of God’s perfect love and creation. That is your reality. Everything else is an illusion. What the ego thinks it needs and cannot function without, we discover, doesn’t exist. It certainly cannot co-exist with the divine nature in us. How does seeing yourself equate with abundance? First, The Course in Miracles says “Go within to go without.” Abundance is achieved when the focus is removed from the body (illusion of lack) to spirit (the absolute of infinite capabilities instilled within us from our divine source). Second, a Course in Miracles also says: There are NO accidents for the encounters in your life. Whoever comes into your life is a holy encounter. Divine Order allows these relationships/life experiences happen in order to effectuate the deepest healing. “The original purpose of a relationship (experience) becomes transformed through the Holy Spirit. There is a period of bewilder-

ment one goes through whenever it appears a relationship is under great strain.”(ACIM) This is because God transforms them by teaching us what love truly is which the ego’s version of love isn’t. It is forgiveness, openness, holding that space for your brother with the vision to see only his innocence, blessing whatever path is ordained for him. Another quote from the Course in Miracles says “Teach only love for that is what you are.” Abundant love means offering somebody wings. We don’t love somebody to clip their wings – we love to set them free! It is appreciating the intersections we encounter in life, our personal journey as well as our brothers. A moment in time may appear to end on the causal level (the level of form) but never on the spiritual plane because spirit is perfectly and forever connected. Whomever God puts together, at any given time and place, are divinely connected through eternity. We release placing our agenda on someone else’s journey. Instead, remain open for the blessings God has for you rather than focusing on closed doors. Changing my mind is a divine experience simply because I choose the determination to see things another way. The release is a beautiful experience of healing! God provides the door which, upon entering says, “choose once again.” (ACIM)



“Whatever we are waiting for-peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance-it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.” –Sarah Ban Breathnach “Everything you need you already have. You are complete right now; you are a whole, total person, not an apprentice person on the way to someplace else. Your completeness must be understood by you and experienced in your thoughts as your own personal reality.” –Wayne Dyer

Sarah Hongerloot is the Creator and Editor for the monthly newsletter, This Month’s Special… She is a writer whose articles have appeared on and Her writings center on new thought spirituality based on the principles from A Course in Miracles. Contact her at For information on classes for A Course in Miracles in the Kansas City area visit Other helpful resoureces: Paul Hasselbeck: Heart-Centered Metaphysics.

November 2012

Feature—by Bhasweti Gewhas More Fun and Less Stress for the Holidays


he Holidays are around the corner and it's time to be happy, to relax and to enjoy. But with all the hassles of buying presents, cleaning the clutter, sending the greeting cards, getting ready for the parties, cooking the dinners and being a great host to your guests-sometimes it is really hard to find time for relaxation. It seems like time is running out of your control. In those busy days, how do you remain calm and enjoy more? If you look deeper in your heart, you may find your heart really wants to be happy; but, due to the constant nagging of your ego mind, you are rushing through the endless cycles of routine tasks. You are making your best effort to bring pleasure to your near and dear ones; but, in the process, you are making yourself exhausted. As you are becoming more and more tired and stressed out, are you really enjoying the season, are you really offering the best of yourself to others? You are putting your best effort to make all arrangements to be perfect for the holidays; but, are you actually sacrificing your own peace of mind and happiness? Is it the true meaning of this festive season? Do you really believe that peace, happiness and calmness is more important than anything else? Then why are you compromising your own happiness and peace for the false need to be perfect? Observe that it is really hard to be the perfect host, the perfect cook, the perfect person that you aspire to be. But it is easy to let go of the nagging within your ego that tells you to be perfect. In your inner truth, you are so authentic, so much more real --it is your own essence. You may not be the perfect person as others expect you to be, but your own expression is your true authentic self. In this holiday season, be aware to become your true self, letting go of all your tension and anxieties. When you stop your ego mind, and become calm in that silence, you will be able to connect to your spirit. The awareness of your spirit will immediately bring you relief. You will feel lighter, and you will become calm. In that calmness you will feel relaxed and happy as you become connected to the higher spirit. The higher spirit of the universe helps you become free from all anxiety and tension; it brings instant relief to your mind. In that freedom from all anxiety and fear, you will recognize the true meaning of the festive season and enjoy the true essence of your spirit. You may be thinking what are the steps to connect with your spirit? You may be wondering how to enjoy the connection to the higher spirit and how to become free from stress and worries? Here are the

• Focus on the responses that brings you feelings of light, calmness, relief and expansion.You can trust these to be your spirit. • Your spirit may be telling you to follow an unknown path; it may not be conventionally rational; but if you follow the guidance, it will bring you a deep sense of joy and a feeling of relief. • It is sometimes very destabilizing to follow an unknown path; but if you listen to your spirit, you will feel deeply happy in your heart. A new you will emerge and it will be your authentic self. So have courage and follow the path of your spirit. Listen to your heart and be happy. • Tell your spirit to take charge and relieve your ego from all tension and ask it to take a rest. As your spirit is protecting you, feel safe and enjoy your holidays being relaxed and calm.

steps. They are easy, but very effective. Just follow them as often as possible. • Take a couple of deep breaths. As you exhale let go of all your thoughts. In silence, feel your body. If you feel any discomfort in your body, focus on breathing it out. Bring your attention to your breathing and listen to your heartbeats. • As you are connecting to your heart, you are connecting to your spirit…because your heart center is the seat of your soul. Just feel how you are becoming closer to your spirit, and release all your stress and tension. Be aware of the healing energy of the universe. Feel the higher spirit embracing you. In this silent meditation, be one with the higher spirit. • If you notice a thought coming to you, do not resist it. Let it come. Just observe it with detachment. Do not be involved in it. Connect with your heart to find your response to the thoughts. • If your response feels heavy, tense, anxious or contracted, then it is coming from your fearful ego mind. If you do not stop listening to your ego, it will bring you experiences that are unfulfilling and uninspiring. This makes you feel exhausted and tired, but since you are not changing, you repeat the same old patterns of exhaustion and stress.



Isn’t it the right time to give yourself a great present, the essence of your true self? Isn’t it the best gift that you can offer to yourself for the holidays? Be free from stress and enjoy more. This holiday is the best time for your inner transformation! Find the true meaning of the holidays--bring the great gift to your own self and also to all those near and dear! Meditation for Relaxation is a great tool for your transformation and your connection with your spirit.

Bhasweti Gewhas, PhD., CHt. is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, Psychic Reader, Reiki and Feng Shui Master. She is blessed with Clairvoyance and Clairaudience. In her healing work, her approach is nonjudgmental and inspirational. Her specialization is love and relationships, life purposes, releasing negative emotions and past lives regression. By connecting with angels and master guides, she tunes into divine guidance on any aspect of life for the highest good for everyone concerned. She is happy to offer insights for your highest development and happiness and she is very much looking forward to speaking with you to share unlimited love and light. Please visit her website for more info about her work.

November 2012

Spiritual Horoscope—by Aluna Michaels November 2012 Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) – Happy birthday Scorpio! It’s a powerful year for you, starting with a total eclipse in your sign! Improve relationships by increasing self love. It takes a lot of self-forgiveness – you are so hard on yourself! Your projected image of perfection limits your ability to deeply connect, since it makes people intimidated. Forgive flaws, embrace your humanness and you’ll emit warmth and approachability! Even long-term bonds will deepen with this new energy. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) The total eclipse this month clears out your subconscious mind. Meditate to unearth and release childhood, family and past “junk” that impede your happiness. These energies aren’t “you” – so don’t identify with the patterns, habits and memories – forgive them and let the go! If you don’t have one yet, set up a sacred space in your home for meditation, yoga or spiritual reflection. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) You’ll have lots of insights that help you be happy! You could meet new spiritually-minded friends, or join a group of people who really “get” you. What a relief not to hide your truth! Dreams may give guidance about a new goal, whether career, personal or spiritual. Make a plan this month, and take action in December, when Mercury won’t be retrograde and things will run smoothly.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) The total eclipse can bring awesome job opportunities! In order to prepare, meditate on your self-worth – and your spiritual gifts, of which you have many! This isn’t the time to be shy – true humility involves seeing your power and being able to put it to use to help your family, community and all humanity. Also meditate on prosperity and abundance, so you use what’s coming wisely – and tidy up financial loose ends you have right now. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) This month's eclipse reinvigorates your spiritual life. Meditations will be especially profound. Explore avenues like yoga, qigong or a new spiritual philosophy. Don't be overly humble abut your intuitive abilities. You are far more insightful that you give yourself credit for. There could be changes coming up at work. Don't make moves yet, just observe while Mercury is retrograde right now. You can make changes next month when the opportunities arise.

Love Evolving Magazine? Wish there was a local edition in your area? EVOLVING is branching into other cities in the Midwest and seeks Associate Publishers to manage the publication. Email your resume and a cover letter explaining why you want Evolving Magazine in your community.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) You're being challenged to go to new levels of intimacy. This could mean with a lover, or it could be something about financial partnerships. Meditate before taking risks, and maybe wait until December to take actions. Use this month to explore your resistance to blending with others. Pay attention to your dreams — they could provide clues to old wounds that make you overly cautious with others now. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) The eclipse this month sheds light on relationship issues. You’ll see ways you act in a non-trusting manner and inhibit further closeness. These insights will improve your marriage or partnership if you can release that damaged part of your ego. If single, you’ll open the door to new opportunities. This "healing window" will be for the next six months. Also, examine friendships to make sure you surround yourself with people as sensitive and loving as you are. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Look at eating patterns, and other ways you deal with stress. You can make huge improvements if you're willing to face these types of subtle self-sabotage. Relationships will be better. Job stuff will run more smoothly. It will be especially helpful to meditate before bed. Surrender your busy mind with deep breathing or a personal mantra. You'll get insights through dreams, and amazing ideas will flow into your mind during the day. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) If starting a relationship, proceed carefully. With Mercury retrograde and the eclipse, lack of clarity if likely. Meditate and release old relationship fears and disappointments. Do this even if partnered, because you can heal old pains between the two of you. Stay grounded and see how you feel in December. Be the observer of your feelings and impulses and don't act on sudden intense ideas. Clarity will return and you'll know the right path to take. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Eclipses always give insights into the subconscious, but this month's really lets you see childhood patterns that



November 2012

interfere with trust in relationships. Meditate each day and write about ideas that come up, even if later in the day. You'll have messages from your deepest self. You could also see hidden habits that are rooted in lack of self love. Healing these patterns increases your sense of fulfillment, and also releases you from a victim mindset. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Strive to become the observer of your thoughts. Learn how negative thinking is subtle and powerfully shifts your mood. Practicing the observer state of mind empowers you. You'll see a pattern starting and declare, "NO!" This divine energy breaks the pattern and protects you from harm — the harm you're doing yourself! Let your spouse or a trusted friend help you not waver in your commitment to heal your consciousness! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) If you've been having health problems, or issues of lowered energy, meditation illuminates the source. It could be a food allergy. It could be a negative thinking pattern. It could be lack of self-care (staying up late, poor diet, over-exercising). Treat yourself as you would dote on a loved one. Become dear to yourself and many changes will happen! You'll also find prosperity avenues open up in surprising ways!

Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit

Include photo or logo, name, brief description and contact info. Will be edited to fit four lines. Due by the 15th of the month. $75 for three months, $120 for six months or $180 for a full year— or 1/2 price with a current display ad. Must be prepaid. Contact




At the Healing Place, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, ChanRi, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Bodywork (816) 415-2607

PETS Terrier Talk, Christine L. Fuller, Fuller Telepathic Dog Communicator. I am able to listen with my heart and communicate on a level your dog understands and relay this to you. (913) 689-5099.

Holos University Graduate Seminary Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, intuitive inspiration, self-development & Research ~ 888-272-6109 School of Metaphysics ~ Studies to develop personal potential through spiritual practices including concentration, meditation & visualization. (913) 236-9292

Nature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars 913-499-8514 Justin & Sharon Orth - Spring Forest Qigong Practitioners/Healers and Certified Qigong Level 1 Instructors. EFT (BAS/ADV) (913) 244-0167 for info.

Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~ Intuitive, Intuitive offers loving guidance enabling you to heal and grow. Live an authentic life and LOVE yourself in the process! 918-782-4778

PSYCHIC Nakala Akasie, Akasie, Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone. $45 for one hour, CD included. 913-206-1294

ENTERTAINMENT Tarot Card Reading by Yvette. $30 for one-hour reading. In person only. Northtown. 816-645-1818

Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 -


Sandy Jorgensen, Creative Escapes Through Art, Events & Parties, Face Paintings, Classes and Palm Readings. 913-626-4554

Maya's Oasis Transforming, Healing & Inspiring Women ~ Reiki, Drum Circles, Holistic Health & Belly Dance Classes, 816-476-maya (6292) Reverend Marta A. Schwartz, Schwartz, Ordained NonDenominational Minister. Shamanic and Massage Practitioner, Reiki Master-Teacher. Lawrence, KS. 785-550-9576,

Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343,

FENG SHUI LIZ BROWN, Feng Shui expert since 1996

Diane Davis Reed, Reed Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge,, 816-741-0820

"Inspired Guidance for Great Change" Consultations, clearings/blessings, classes, workbooks.



Dr. Jay Peters Marriage & Addictions Counselor. Smoking/ Weight Mgmt. Hypnosis. Regression/Past Life Hypnosis 913-339-9591


New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC Smoking, weight, stress and more 913-908-6907

Raphael Smith, PsyD – Clinical Psychologist specializing in Grief and Pet Loss Counseling, Depression, Anxiety, GLBT & Relationship issues. (816) 960-4525 or

Dorethy Hancock, Certified TamaTama-Do Practitioner Using tuning forks instead of needles on acupressure points, to assist your body in selfhealing! 785-246-0860

LIFE COACH Teri Higbee, Radiant Living Expert: Expert Weight Loss, Energy Therapies, Prosperity, Empowerment Processes, Clarity of Purpose, Shamanic Astrol.; 913-219-6788.

Elizabeth HunterHunter-Blank, LCSW Assisting clients with grief & loss, chronic & serious illness, relationship issues, depression & anxiety. 4104 Central St. KCMO 64111. 816.582.3877

THERMOGRAPHY BRAS-BRAS--Thermography, --Thermography, Linda Bamber: Breast Research Awareness and Support. Safe, pain-free, no radiation. Overland Park. Linda at (417) 770-0451.


Colleen Nilson, MS, LPC—Couples & Families, LPC Adolescence & Teens, Depression & Anxiety, Stress Mgmt, Conflict Resolution, Work/Career. 913.244.6281; (in OP)

M. Corinne Corley, Corley Corley Law Firm—Family Law cases in Missouri. 4010 Washington, Ste100 KCMO. 816-753-5556 The choice of an attorney is an important decision that should not be made on the basis of advertising alone.



Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Therapist Creator of Quantum Shift Energetix 913-906-9986

Ayurveda Practitioner, Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle.

Lynn Johnson Soulier at Gardens of Delight Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Yoga, Herbal Apprenticeship Program , near Parkville. 816.584.0777;

Kansas City Food Circle Connecting you with local, organic, and free-range food for over 20 years.

QUANTUM Biofeedback: RERE-TRAIN Your STRESS! Got depression, fatigue, pain, cravings, ADD? For physical, emotional, mental & spiritual well-being! Ronda 831-521-0861

PAIN RELIEF Learn Bowenwork. Effective manual therapy for pain relief. Easy on the practitioner’s body. Leverage income—work on multiple clients. Ongoing classes. Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012.



November 2012

YOGA Yoga ~ over 20 years experience. Emphasis on alignment & safety. New and ongoing students. Seeking Solace Yoga Studio, 7501 Mission, PV, KS 913-302-2439 N2Paws Offering Doga (doggie yoga): an integrated approach to balance and relaxation for you and your canine companion! The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594;

Mark Blanchard’s Power Yoga. Focused on breathwork. No levels, props, music or egos. Lots of events! In Ranch Mart Center in OP.; 913-901-8970. Your Wellness Connection Wellness Club Movement & Nutrition Classes, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage.7410 Switzer, Shawnee; 913.962.7408;

events November 6 Sharon Knight Concert At Aquarius, 7 p.m. Nationally-touring musicians in the mytic-Celtic vain, Sharon Knight and her long-time collaborator, Winter, combine fierce and gutsy bravado with ethereal beauty, a hearty dose of fantastical lyrics and a love of storytelling ( $10 in advance, $15 at the door. November 7 Unity Village Bridal Open House 6-8 p.m. at Unity Inn Reception Hall FREE! Discover all YOUR wedding can be at our fall open house. Sample cuisine from our chefs, tour ceremony sites, see a fully decorated reception hall and visit with local wedding vendors. RSVP November 7 Class: Emotion Code w/Lea Anne Experience this wonderful technique based on Dr. Bradley Nelson's book, The Emotion Code. Learn how to identify, access and release those "trapped emotions." $5, 7-8:30 p.m. at Mystic Treasures, 7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO, 816-420-0820, Facebook/ Mystic Treasures. November 8 Group Channeled Teaching with Archangel Jeremiel An evening of fun and thoughtprovoking interaction at 7p.m. at the Land of OM in OP. Suggested Love Offering $30. Info: Nakala Akasie: 913.206.1294 or http:// November 9-11 Oracles of Aquarius Psychic Fair Free. Tarot, Intuitive Readers, Runes, Palmistry, Astrology, Akashic Records, Healers, Aura Photography, Massage, Soul Music, Angel Portraits, Spirit Guide Drawings. Fri.: 5 to 9 p.m.; Sat.: 10 a.m. to 7 pm.; Sun.: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. At Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, KCMO., (816) 931-6303.

Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact November 10 Usui & Oden Reiki Advanced Degree Earn attunements/certifications. Learn to perform psychic surgery, infuse and program crystals and objects. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Healing Points in Mission:

November 10 Lawrence Bhakti Fest 12 Hours of Bliss! 7 Kirtan bands – 4 Yoga workshops – Veggie Feast 10 am – 10 pm $15 - $30 Details -

November 10 Sounds into Silence 7 - 8:30 p.m., facilitated by Marlene Wine Chase, guided centering led by Janalea Hoffman. Rhythmic Medicine Studio,, love offering, 913-851-5100.

November 10 – 11 Core Star Energy Healing Mentoring Weekend Reiki practitioners, other healers and massage therapists, this is your opportunity to build on and strengthen your energy healing skills, techniques and knowledge. Cost $250 call 913-8314422

November 10 Yoga for Kids SUPER fun event for kids to experience yoga basics through games, music, props, breathing, and traditional yoga poses. Come and bring a friend! Bell Yoga Studio, 41st & Bell, KC MO 64111 1:00-2:00pm - kids 4-7 years old 2:30-3:30pm - kids 8-12 years old cost: $5.00 for the first child/$7.00 for 2 kids 816-589-7896

November 11 Access Consciousness™ Training Access Bars is the first class in the Access Consciousness™ Class Series. Dynamic tools to clear all the unhealthy fixed beliefs out of your bodymind. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Healing Points in Mission:

November 10 Akashic Records Meet-up Join us as we open our Akashic Records to release outdated thought patterns and shift into a new level of consciousness. 10-11 AM, Crescent Springs, OP, KS (love offering) Host: Stephanie Forcier, 816-260-2438 November 10 Special Event Workshops on Dreams, Divine Alignment and Manifesting Your Hopes and Dreams. Presented by Rev. Greg Catchur from at The Council of Light Center. For more information and pre-registration please visit November 10 Akashic Record Sessions Treat yourself to a personal Akashic Records Session with Stephanie Forcier and connect to the path of your inner wisdom. 1-4 PM Crescent Springs, OP, KS Call Kat for appt: 913-341-2044

November 11 & 25 Violet Flame Meditation w/Penny Intro to what the Violet Flame is, and how and why you can use it, followed by a guided meditation. Love offering. 5 -7 p.m. at Mystic Treasures, 7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO, 816-420-0820, Facebook/ Mystic Treasures. November 13 Oneness Meditation Ready to experience the Divine and unconditional Love flowing through you?! Reverend Patricia Keel will be offering the Oneness Meditation. Bell Yoga Studio, 41st & Bell, KC MO 64111 7:00pm $10 Love Offering For more info contact Angela Reed (913) 514-4986 November 13 Core Star Energy Healing Clinic 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422



November 2012

VALA Gallery Events 5834 Johnson Drive Mission, KS 66202 913.826.6858 November 8th 7pm: Kansas City Kansas Community Orchestra Benefit Concert at VALA Gallery, Cell phone drive for SafeHome and fundraiser. Donations Welcome. November 9th 6-9pm Exhibition Opening: "Line, Light and Shadow" Featuring Photography by Frank P. Hamilton and R. Scott Anderson VALA Benefit Concert Featuring Kathryn Lorenzen & Heather Thornton, Saturday, Nov 10th, 8:00 PM, Suggested Donation $10 November 13th 7-9pm Songwriters' Circle with Jake & Angela Carmack November 15th 7-9pm Ring of Writers Poetry Night December 1st 10am-2pm Exhibition Closing:"Line, Light and Shadow" Featuring Photography by Frank P. Hamilton and R. Scott Anderson

November 14 (Begins) Interpreting Your Dreams 4-week class, includes a special session on working with children who have nightmares. Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. at School of Metaphysics ( $40 ($30 with preregistration at 913-236-9292. November 16 & 30 Channeling w/ Rich Fine Bring any objects that you wished to be vibrationally blessed, including yourself. $25, 7-9 p.m. at Mystic Treasures, 7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO, 816-420-0820, Facebook/ Mystic Treasures. November 17-18 Holiday Open House 8 a.m.–4 p.m. at the Unity Village Bookstore & Coffee Shop FREE! Get a start on your holiday gift shopping at our Holiday Open House! We'll have extended hours, cookies, punch and free gift wrapping. 1901 NW Blue Parkway November 17 Access Consciousness™ Training Access Bars is the first class in the Access Consciousness™ Class Se-

ries. Dynamic tools to clear all the unhealthy fixed beliefs out of your bodymind. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Healing Points in Mission: November 24 Learn How to Play the Native American Flute 10 - noon. Instructor: Janalea Hoffman. Beautiful, easy to play grounding instrument. Rhythmic Medicine Studio, 913-851-5100, $25. November 27 Core Star Energy Healing Clinic 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 November 28 The Gathering of Friends Once a month we gather to meet old friends and new, enjoy tea and treats, and learn about yoga and other healing modalities. Wednesday Nov 28 6:00-8:00 pm. Registration required. For more information visit or contact 913 832 5297 November 30 Sacred Circle Dance 7 - 8:30 p.m. Instructor: Kay Celeste. Movement to music, meditative, meaningful and fun. Rhythmic Medicine Studio, 913-851-5100, Love offering. December 1 Blessings & Boogie Experience the peace & healing during Oneness Blessings followed by a "Sweat Your Prayers" dance party. Truly an alternative spiritual experience. 6:30 - 10pm @ Healing Journeys. Details: Healing-Journeys-with-Kaya/ 816-217-3359 December 1 Akashic Record Sessions at the Mystic Fair Come join us and experience a variety of sessions, snacks, and store specials. Call to schedule or drop-in. 10-4 Crescent Springs, OP, KS Call Kat for more info: 913-341-2044

December 1-2 Reiki I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – 6pm, $320 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, OTs. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440. December 7 Holiday Open House and Art Reception 3p.m. to 8p.m., The professionals of Suite 100, 4010 Washington, are hosting a Holiday Open House and Art Reception, featuring "Layered Time", works by renowned artist Zigmunds Priede. Art and artist courtesy of the VALA Gallery. Event location: 4010 Washington, Suite 100, KC MO. For more information, 816-753-5556 or 913-826-6858. December 7-9 Willow Zen Soap & Body Christmas Sale Visit Casey Lesmeister’s booth at the KC Pipe Circle Sale, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. 7110 Antioch, OP, for handmade bath and body products; December 7-9 KC Pipe Circle Christmas Sale 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. 7110 Antioch, OP, 913362-0904. Local artists’ creations of pottery, jute and leather bags, stockings, tie dyes, handmade soaps, jewelry, ornaments, peanut brittle, poinsettias, crystals and more. December 16 Movies that Matter Join us monthly for inspiring & thought provoking films, food & friendship. 2 5pm @ Healing Journeys. Details: or 816-217-3359 December 27-29 Presented by Trish Elting You Being You How to be fully present in the New Year. A mini retreat to launch into 2013 feeling calm, energized, and ready to create the life you most desire. For more information visit or contact 913 832 5297 Bio Energetic Class 9am to 6pm Nov 17. Class tuition $90 includes supplies and lunch in Olathe, KS. Contact or call Tamara at 913-752-7934.

ONGOING WELLNESS 101 If you are ready to change your health, wellness and/or weight, you’re ready for Wellness 101 – a 10 -hour science-based course that can CHANGE YOUR LIFE! November classes - http:// or call 913-269-7990. OPEN HEART MEDITATION WITH THE SINGING BOWL ONGOING TUESDAYS AND SUNDAYS Come meditate with us and be bathed in the clear, pure, healing sound of a massive crystal bowl. This is a moving event for which you need no previous experience. All are welcome.Bell Yoga Studio, 41st & Bell, KC MO 64111 Tuesday 6:307:30pm; Sunday 5:00-6:00pm $5 donation , 816-589-7896 CHAKRA SATURDAYS 10am - 12 @ Healing Journeys Get your Kundalini rising! Join us for any or all: Chakra Yoga, Chakra Dhyana (chanting), Live webcast from Oneness University. Love offering. Details: or 816-217-3359 INVISION SPIRITUAL GATHERINGS Saturday nights at 6:00 PM and Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM. Powerful messages and great music! 5106 NW Waukomis Drive, KCMO.

YOGA IN THE NORTHLAND TAUGHT BY MARTI LEE Classes for beginners to advanced. Address: 5106 NW Waukomis Drive, KCMO. More information: Facebook/com/InBlissYoga CHAIR YOGA Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Pre-register at 816.584.0777. ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS By Appointment. Since 2005 the Kansas City Healing Project has been providing energy healing sessions



November 2012

for cancer patients. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels from their treatment and disease. Donation basis. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. RESTORATIVE YOGA 2nd Saturdays 10 a.m. – noon at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Gently stretch, open the body, deeply relax and rejuvenate major organs. $25. Pre-register at 816.456.2359. PRE-NATAL YOGA Mondays at 7 p.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Enjoy our innovative approach to pre-natal care and experience a radiant pregnancy and healthy delivery. $78/6week session. Pre-register at 816.584.0777. GROW ORGANIC w/GARDENS OF DELIGHT Join our community garden outside of Parkville. Your family receives a 10’ by 20’ plot. Explore growing and eating your own organic produce. Information: 816.584.0777. 4 DAY BIOENERGY HEALING CLINIC First Tues of the month 7-9 PM, Fee: Donation. Reservations: Kim Meisinger 913-685-9939 HealingBioenergy/Movies_BLP.html REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier: 816-523-4440 SACRED RELATIONSHIP 2nd or 3rd Saturday monthly A beginning tantra class for singles and couples to experience the Divine. 79pm. Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher. Leawood 816-523-4440, For flier with topic and date,



November 2012

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