Evolving Magazine Conscious Living Festival Guide

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Conscious Living Festival Program July2016 2016

Educational Workshops 1:30-2:15 p.m.

Connecting with Your Guides 4:30-5:30 p.m. In this class you will learn about your U-Nite on the Plaza energy system and how it works with our Experience the Energy of Healing Join us in Temple Space for a special spiritual “team” to receive intuitive Experiential workshop to feel/see the ‘interspiritual’ service led by Unity guidance. energy that healers use to perform Minister Nhien Dougherty and Creative Christi Clemons Hoffman energy healing sessions. Director/Conscious Musician Victor Myrtle Filmore Chapel Vivian Faulkner Kellmann Dougherty. Founded in January 2016, UCharles Filmore Chapel Nite is a diverse & growing inter-spiritual Stress Management Made Easy community of dedicated Truth seekers Stress comes to us every day from many Finding Your Positive Brain who gather every Sunday 4:30-5:30pm sources. In this workshop we will identify The ‘negativity effect’ can hijack our in the spirit of unity and oneness. Child a few of the most common sources of brains unless conscious effort and care and youth-ed program offered. stress and discuss the long term impact practice is used to create new neural Rev. Nhien Dougherty it can have on our lives. Then we will pathways. Learn practical ways to turn Temple Space discuss practical stress-busting negative thoughts and actions into techniques. positive ones. 5:30-6:15 p.m. Heather Moll, LMT Jude LaClaire, PhD., LCPC Temple Space Classroom D Slideshow on Why and How BodyTalk Works 3:30-4:15 p.m. Get Your Life Back: 90 Day Challenge Teaching Cortices, which is something Find the causes for stress. For those who everyone can do to help reset their are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Our Malcontent Bodies bodies for stress, allergies, etc. Dr. Salas Wellness Lifestyle Center Discover what hormone disruptors are Debbie Leafblad Heritage Room hiding in your foods and personal care Charles Filmore Chapel products. The Keys to Remembering and Mary Hunzinger Seeing the God Wink and Affirmation Interpreting Your Dreams Charles Filmore Chapel Signs Around You Based on 40 years of research on the Are you always finding pennies, feathers, subject. Plant Chromatics: The Role of Plants seeing the same number and wondering Aneta Baranek in Our Evolving World what they mean? We will explore Myrtle Filmore Chapel Plant chromatics is the study of plant valuable tools for your spiritual self-care, chakra medicine that is coming to us via and tuning in to your own spiritual the Akashic Record. It sets the tone for 2:30-3:15 p.m. helpers, sprit animals, guides, and how we change the world through our angels. collective consciousness. Sharing the Wisdom of Angels Tammy Barton Kahla Wheeler-Rowan Join CJ Martes, Angel Expert sharing her Classroom D Classroom D extraordinary visits with 13 Seraphim Angels & what they’ve taught her over What We Focus on Grows Presenting the 10-Day Celebrity 20years about how to live a happier life! Consider the possibility of focusing on Transformation CJ Martes our True Essence—Unconditional Love The fastest “get healthy” program on the Charles Filmore Chapel and Infinite Potential—and to expand our market. The only do day anabolic cleanse experience of that in our lives and in our using pure and premium dense, organic, Lead Your Life with Purpose world. The Art of Ascension offers non-gmo superfoods, feeding the body What if all of the things we struggle with simple, reliable tools to do that. every two hours. This covers the body as a society: unhappiness, depression, Jyoti Ishaya from hydration to sleep. addictions, inability to lose weight, poor Heritage Room Bryan Rew relationship or job choices…were simply Heritage Room a result of where the energy flows in our Workshop of the Mind brains? Come learn techniques to shift Participants will discover and practice a Reappearance of the World Teacher the energy and change your life! technique for positive visualization. Part Presentation about Maitreya and the Perri Eckel meditation, part self-hypnosis, where we Masters of Wisdom, Transmission Classroom D learn how to visualize the reality we Mediation—a combination of Karma Yoga want in our lives. (yoga of service) and Laya Yoga (yoga of Mindfulness for Mental Health Tom Tortorich energy or chakras). This workshop is an introduction to using Myrtle Filmore Chapel Ken Gates mindfulness of the body (body scan), Myrtle Filmore Chapel mindfulness of the breath, and mindfulness of movement (yoga) to help children/adults reduce stress, alleviate depression and find focus. Dr. Tracy L. Daniel Heritage Room

Charles Filmore Chapel

Myrtle Filmore Chapel

Classroom D

Heritage Room



July 2016 2016 Conscious Living Festival Program

David Hakan Award-Winning Songwriter www.DavidHakan.com


Amanda Hughey Soulful Vocals and Vulnerable Lyrics www.ahmusic.co

Master of Ceremonies: Victor James Dougherty www.victorjamesdougherty.com

Allysha Woodson Hula Hoop Performer www.facebook.com/allyshawoodson

Heather Thornton www.heatherthorntonmusic.com

Schedule—July 24,2016

Steve Epley http://steveepley.com/


Opening Ceremony/ Victor James Dougherty


Julie Boye


Mark Allen Gossman


Heather Thornton


Allysha Woodson


David Hakan


Steve Epley


Amanda Hughey


Chris Foster


Peggy Chilson


Victor James Dougherty

Julie Boye Socially Conscious Singer & DJ

Throughout the day: Spoken word performances by Dawn Downey and Paul Goldman Paul Goldman Ecstatic Poet & Spoken Word Artist www.ecstaticpoet.com

Mark Allen Gossman Find Mark on Facebook

Dawn Downey One-Minute Memoirs www.DawnDowney.com




Chris Foster www.chrisfostersongs.com

July 2016

Peggy Chilson www.soundcloud.com/pkchilson

2016 Conscious Living Festival Guide

Vendor Directory Almond Eye Creations Allysha Woodson allyshawoodson@gmail.com Arbonne Vegan Certified Skincare www.maryhunzinger.arbonne.com Art of Ascension as taught by the Ishayas www.ishayasworldwide.com At the Healing Place www.atthehealingplace.com

Elated Earth Meditation Cards for Connection and Contemplation Elaina Cochran www.elatedearth.com Evolving Magazine Conscious Living Festival Info www.evolvingmagazine.com Finney Acupunture Clinic www.finneyacu.com Flow Essentials Flow Touch onethingbetter2@aol.com

Connie “Cash” Humiston Reduce oxidative stress conniecrash@kc.rr.com Core Star Energy Healing School www.corestarenergyhealing.com

FLUTURE, Inc. Enjoy Oils & See Your Vibrational Aura! emailmeRD@gmail.com Infinite Forcier (with Stephanie Forcier) Mini infinity sessions www.infiniteforcier.com

CRUNCHI Organic cosmetics www.crunchi.com/bonniesmith Dr. Salas Wellness Lifestyle Center www.drsalaswlc.com

Isagenix Nutritional cleansing www.diannbengtson.com Jude LaClaire, PhD., LCPC jude@kcholistic.com Kangen Water Distributor Julie Boye Julieboye7@gmail.com KC Food Circle www.kcfoodcircle.org Life on Purpose Essential Oils Periswyn30@gmail.com Midwest BodyTalk www.midwestbodytalk.com

Mindful Child Wellness LLC Dr. Tracy L. Daniel, psychologist www.mindulchildwellness.com Natural Way Chiropractic Posture analysis and nervous system scan. www.natralwaywellness.net NORML KC Education on medical cannabis www.normlkc.org Organic Meal Prep www.organicmealprep.com Positive Enabler Life Coach, “Goal Coach” www.positiveenabler.com PrairieWise Herbal School Kahla Wheeler-Rowan www.prairiewise.com Purium Health Products www.mypurium.com/bryanmidwest

Share International Info on Reappearance of World Teacher and Masters of Wisdom. www.share-international.org Temple Buddhist Center www.templebuddhistcenter.org The Wellness Wheel Wellness Center www.wellnesswheelkc.com U-Nite InterSpiritual Service Rev. Nhien Dougherty www.Uthrive-in-unity.com Wild Willow Jewelry Wildwillowjewelry.etsy.com Zija International Nutrition, Essential Oils www.hallwelness.myzija.com Zurvita Nutrition formula www.Zurvita.com

Radiate Wellness, LLC Virtual wellness center www.radiatewellnesscommunity.com Sacred Serenity Rebecca Brown, Energy Sessions www.vagaro.com/sacredserenity Sandy Jorgensen Palmistry School of Metaphysics www.som.org Seraphim Press, Inc. Angel Items www.cjmartes.com


Stop by our booth for a $50 Gift Card toward any of our products!  Live  Organic  Vegan  Non-Gmo

Superfoods www.mypurium.com/transformer


July 2016 2016 Conscious Living Festival Program

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