Conscious Living Festival

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Evolving Magazine Presents...

Conscious Living Festival

Festival Program

September 17, 2017 Noon-5 p.m. at Unity Temple on the Plaza 707 W. 47th St., Kansas City, MO for more information. EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


September 2017

Vendor Directory A Lightkeeper’s Place Annamaria McBride

Core Star Energy Healing John Hoefer

Mindfulness Matters Lisa Pinsker

Aloha Day Spa Tamara Usman

David Russell, Medium

Norwex Nicole Smith

ECKANKAR of Kansas City

An Essentially Oily Existence Julia White

Gifts & Décor Romona Martin

Aquarius Barbara Criswell

Heartland Holistic Health Care Jude LaClaire

At the Healing Place Reinvent Your Health Tammy Barton Sheri Woxland Dr. Diane Voss

I.G.O.G. Organic Skin Care Products Kelly Runyan

BodyTalk with LaShonda Janae & Theresa Rice Brain Tap Distributor Cindy Crandall Centered Spirit Emilie Jackson

Infinite Forcier Stephanie Forcier KC Wellness Project Christina O'Shia Life Spiral Ministries Stephanie Pifer-Stone

Aloha Day Spa, Inc. 9770 Quivira Rd. Lenexa, KS 913-481-2667 Aloha Cell

Radiate Wellness Sacred Earth Arts Regina Compernolle Tea Historic Nicole Burriss Temple of the Goddess Priestess Kim Macy Twirl Linda Putthoff Your Peaceful Space Nikki Crawford

Your Peaceful Space Therapeutic Massage Healing Touch (Classes and Service) Acupuncture

Purium Bryan Rew

David Russell, Spiritualist Medium, Visits Kansas City for Two Events Conscious Living Festival Sept. 17— vendor and featured workshop at 1:00 p.m.  Mediumship Workshop, in Lenexa, KS on September 23 and 24. 

Feel overwhelmed by the clutter in your home? Give me a call. Nikki Crawford, PhD 913-908-2298 EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY Call Kelly Murphy-Boulé at 913-634-7553 for more information. 10

September 2017

Educational Workshops Featured Event 1:00-1:45 p.m. AN AFTERNOON WITH SPIRIT— A DEMONSTRATION OF MEDIUMSHIP WITH BRITISH MEDIUM, DAVID RUSSELL David is a spiritualist medium from Sheffield, England with 30 years of experience in mediumship. In this demonstration, David will be bringing through loved ones on the other side to the audience members. You will sit to hear the message coming through and there may be a message for you in this demonstration. —David Russell Charles Filmore Chapel

2:00-2:45p.m. FACE YOUR FEARS AND MOVE FORWARD Fear often leads to anger or even hatred. It may push us into anxiety and panic. Confronting our fears is key to changing them to action, hope, and taking back our own power. Learn some helpful strategies and skills to face your fears, re-imagining them into positive change. Come to share and learn. —Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC Classroom D

3:00-3:45 p.m. MOVEMENT, MINDFULNESS, AND MEDITATION Live better, smile more, love more! Learn to live more fully present in the present by celebrating the body, mind, and heart. Establish relaxed alignment, and breathe more easily. —Linda Putthoff Classroom C

MINDFULNESS FOR STRESS/ PRACTICES FOR WELL-BEING We’ll explore the true path of mindfulness and how you can positively impact your INTRODUCTION TO HEALING health and well-being. Simple essential TOUCH In this no-fee workshop you will learn more take-away practices you can integrate into about this gentle bio-field therapy for your daily life. —Lisa Pinsker own self-care and to help others. This Temple Space energy modality has been well researched for pain, stress, anxiety management, for CREATING SAFE HAVENS IN YOUR 1:00-1:45 p.m. integration with cancer treatment, and in HOME many other daily uses. Improving the quality of life by radically THE WINDS THROUGH THE —Tamara Usman reducing chemicals in our homes. ABDOMEN (ANCIENT WISDOM) Heritage Room —Nicole Smith Research shows that up to 75 percent of our Classroom B immune system is located in our gut (main MESSAGES FROM THE BODY pathway where stress enters the body). Our The body is a very effective messaging GOOD GRIEF! “gut instinct” helps us navigate through system for the higher self. It reacts to Just as it is good to find ways to relieve adverse situations. Exposure to adverse thought, stress, beliefs, values, and more to stress, it is very important to your physical experiences has an effect on or abdominal cause dis-ease and injury and tells us where and mental health to find positive ways to organ leading to many chronic and acute we need to change course. Learn about the grieve. This workshop will help you identify health conditions. symbolic messages of the body and gain and rank the losses in your life. It will give —Alex Jackson insight into what yours is telling you. you positive ways to express your grief and Heritage Room —Christi Clemons Hoffman move on to more joy in your life. Classroom B —Stephanie Pifer-Stone WHAT IS YOUR BODY SAYING? THE Heritage Room BODYTALK APPROACH TO DISCOVER THE ENERGY OF HEALING ENERGY HEALING IDENTIFY AND TRANSCEND MIND What is BodyTalk and how it works. You’ll Experience the energy that healers use CONTROL PROGRAMS go home with a self-care technique. when performing healing sessions. This Join Stephanie to explore the nature and —LaShonda Brown workshop will be primarily experiential to reality of mind control programs impacting Classroom D do grounding, moving and perceiving the human population today. Learn to use energy. heart-soul tools to discern, identify, and —John Hoefer then transcend troublesome programs that Temple Space have impacted your consciousness. Special meditation included. —Stephanie Forcier Classroom A

Dr. Diane Voss

Allopathic Holistic Alternative Nutritional

Home Herbalist Courses Women’s Sacred Studies Women of the Drum

We empower you to take the path to better health. Direct Primary Care, Not fee-for service


Regina Compernolle EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY 11 September 2017

4:00-4:45 p.m. ROSES AND THORNS-POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS AND DRUG INTERACTIONS OF SOME COMMON SUPPLEMENTS Supplements are often effective with fewer side effects than prescription drugs. However, just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s automatically safe. We will explore the thorny side of some common supplements that people should be aware of. —Dr. Diane Voss Heritage Room ESSENTIAL OIL 101 Learn the story of Young Livings seed to seal, basic information of essential oil uses and the 11 oils in a starter kit. —Julie White Classroom B 5 WAYS TO BREAK THROUGH YOUR CLUTTER Feel overwhelmed by the cutter in your home? Unsure of where to start? Afraid you’ll never dig out? Together we will explore how to: *Create the mindset needed to tackle your clutter; *Figure out where to start; *Make lasting progress; *Harness the power of accountability; *Deal with your emotional attachment to stuff. —Nikki Crawford, PhD Classroom A MANIFEST WITH YOUR FEMININE POWER Learn how to magnetize to you while consciously co-creating with your Divine Femine Connection. —Pristess Kim Macy Classroom C

Vendor Locations



September 2017

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