February 2016 Evolving Santa Fe

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E volving February 2016 ~ Vol. I, Issue 10

in Santa Fe

A Guide for Conscious Living

What if Love Didn’t Have to Be So Hard? Love is Being Real Conscious Relationships: An Interview with Tim Freke Love is Everlasting Evolving…in SANTA FE


February 2016

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February 2016


Publisher’s Letter... Dear Friend: I love myself. I love myself.

What if Love Didn’t Have to be So Hard?

Years ago I was told to practice these words while looking in the mirror. I admit, it was an uncomfortable feeling at first. Very uncomfortable, actually, and I had a hard time saying it with conviction. But I practiced and repeated the mantra often—sometimes rubbing my chest while I said it aloud and other times consciously breathing in love, while exhaling gratitude. It’s easy to look at another and feel love to the core: a warm, joyful feeling that’s hard to express, yet undeniable that it exists. Why was it so hard to look at myself and express that same deep feeling? Luckily, with practice, I began to believe. And I noticed changes in my life. By loving myself, the love I felt for others took on more depth. Because I could recognize love in myself, I saw it expressed through others more often. I also began seeing people who also loved themselves were mysteriously more drawn to me. It was a subtle shift, but powerful, nonetheless. So with this issue on love, I hope you will start with yourself. As Abraham said, “If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest: Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself. Some say, ‘Well, Abraham, you teach selfishness.’ And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do, because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you don't have anything to give anyone, anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connection—you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are.”


Quantum Love An Interview with Dr. Laura Berman 9

Conscious Relationships An Interview with Tim Freke, Bestselling Author and Spiritual Pioneer 10

With much love and gratitude for you, our dear reader,

Jill Dutton

Love is Everlasting

Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: www.EvolvingMagazine.com *Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EvolvingSantaFe *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag



Evolving Magazine, LLC Jill Dutton, Publisher Print Layout/Design Alea Smith

Monthly Columnists Valeria Alarcón, Tomas Enos, Erin Galiger, Heather Robertson, Judy Scher

News & Tips Multi-Dimensional Mastery Heart & Business Herbal Wisdom Vitality Foods Horoscope Events ON THE COVER:

Advertising evolvingmagazine@gmail.com

EVOLVING© 2016 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.

Evolving…in SANTA FE


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“The Dance", by Karen Dew expresses the connection between human souls, the energy, vibration, and power shared through our inter-relationships as humans and with the nature around us. Karen Dew uses multi-media to translate intuitively the complexity of her visions. Originally from Canada, Karen now resides in Santa Fe, NM. More of her work can be viewed at www.abstract-artist.biz. "The Dance" by Karen Dew, gouache, acrylic, metallic pigment on paper, 34.5''x40''. For Sale, Photo by Lynn Brown. Inquiries: outahdream051@gmail.com

February 2016


Quantum Love Book Release Once the initial intense excitement of a new relationship fades, we tend to think there are only two options: chase the impossible dream of recapturing that early magic or settle for a less than fulfilling love life. In Quantum Love, sex and relationship expert Laura Berman, Ph.D., the New York Times best-selling author of eight books including For Women Only, Real Sex for Real Women, and The Passion Prescription, offers a thrilling alternative— a higher level of love beckoning us to move forward, not backward. Using the essential truth we’ve learned from the study of quantum physics—the fact that at our molecular core, each of us is simply a vessel of energy—she explains how we can use what’s happening in our inner world to create a level of passion, connection, and bliss in our relationships that we never imagined possible. Quantum Love taps the latest scientific and metaphysical research to help you apply the principles of quantum physics to

your life in real, sustainable ways. Drawing on her clinical practice and case studies as well as her personal journey, Dr. Berman guides you to: Plot your unique energetic frequency of love with her Quantum Lovemap Work consciously with the energy of your body, heart, and mind Make four key commitments designed to raise your energetic profile Bring your frequency into harmony with your partner’s so that you can grow together psychically, emotionally, and sexually We can’t go back to the honeymoon phase—and the truth is, we wouldn’t want to. Dr. Berman’s program lets us reach new heights of intimacy as we gain a fuller sense of purpose in life and love. Available: February 9, 2016 See page 9 for an interview with Dr. Laura Berman.

Happy Foods Book Release Keep your skin moist and healthy during winter using the finest quality whole plant organic products * Organic Facials * Organic Retail Products * Brow Tinting

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Do you want to feel better about what you eat? Do you want to feel better all day long? Healthy foods do not only taste better but it is far less expensive and can change your mental outlook on life. Author Karen Wang Diggs has lived in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the United States and brings a wealth of food knowledge, village wisdom and secrets to healthy living. From her travels as a chef, a nutritionist and cooking instructor, Diggs has helped hundreds of people overcome eating issues and to arrive at a food lifestyle that has them smiling again. From dealing with diabetes to smart and safe approaches to weight-loss and even working with cancer patients, Diggs' savvy food smarts are all packed into the clean cuisine of Happy Foods. About the author: After graduating from the California Culinary Academy, Karen Wang Diggs got on a jet and flew off to Hong Kong where she worked as a chef for the Mandarin Oriental Hotel and also helped to open two eateries. After obtaining her certification as a Nutrition Consultant in 2006 from Bauman College, Diggs began merging her innate culinary skills with her knowledge of holistic nutrition. Diggs helped people achieve optimal health through detoxification and weight loss workshops, therapeutic cooking classes and private nutrition consultations. She lives in San Francisco, CA.


February 2016

Multi-Dimensional Mastery

Love is Being Real


o much has been written about love, and missing in our culture. For the most part, our about the different kinds of love such as Eros, culture sees healing as simply ‘the end of pain.’ Agape, and Philia. This article is about the If having a spiritual outlook is of a high value to kind of love that awakens us to our true us, we may feel we should take the higher road in nature and the journey to receive the wisdom of our our healing and be okay with whatever comes, when real self. in fact, the most spiritual thing for us to do may be First we need to redefine ‘healing’ and expand its to feel how much things aren’t working so we honor context beyond the cultural norm. As seen by most, ourselves in the moment. Through this honoring we healing is when some illness, symptom, or pain is embrace a deeper wisdom that speaks through our resolved. It doesn’t matter if you are a highly cells, reclaiming and embracing parts of ourselves intelligent, spiritually aware person who has been that have been left behind. And if our mind doesn’t exposed to many mind-body modalities. Most get in the way, we are able to move quickly into a people still view ‘healing’ as fixing, restoring, or new knowing, with new strategies - just by being curing. true to ourselves. Taking this view isn’t wrong or Take the experience of Liz. Liz is a “With healing, the psychotherapist who is exposed to many right decision– but most people are unaware that this viewpoint is a forms of body-mind work. She value is not on our different choice. Every choice brings us to new does yoga, meditates, eats good food, destinations. What destination do you ‘idea’ of spirituality, and yet has been having chronic arrive at when you choose to get rid of digestive issues and low level anxiety but on being true to for years. Since Liz sees herself as a a discomfort? What if the discomfort was the way your life was talking with spiritual person, she has preconceived who we are.” you so that you would change ideas of the kind of thoughts a spiritual something. So that you would grow and evolve, not person should have and how a spiritual person just repeat the same cycles over and over. There are should behave. Liz maintains an attitude of times to fix and there are many more times that life acceptance of everything that’s going on until she is asking that we truly heal. hits a crisis and then she sinks. She goes into a The nature of healing itself contains and depression and can’t seem to pull herself out which expresses this ultimate life paradox: when you are activates her physical symptoms. She then seeks present with your experience so completely that help from a healing practitioner to make her every cell of your body registers your authenticity - discomfort go away because it has become alignment with your thoughts, feelings, and even overwhelming. Once she gets her symptoms under structure of your body - an instantaneous release of control again, she shifts gear back into her former energy is experienced. In that moment of liberating identity she has for herself. The cycle goes on like energy, in that moment of pure acceptance, of pure this for years, back and forth, between connecting love, there is nothing to heal. to an awakened state and back to a suffering state. We all live along a continuum of consciousness But the bridge between the two states is missing. with regards to healing. Wherever you are is where Inevitably, the symptoms don’t go away. Life is you need to be, at least in this moment. The next saying to her: ‘Don’t ignore me any longer, I have moment may reveal something completely different. gifts to give and you’re stuck in a perspective’. This It’s this unique perspective of allowing that’s is the crossroads that life offers. Will she listen?

Evolving…in SANTA FE


February 2016

Will we listen? How can Liz or we do this journey differently? Where the end result is empowerment, wholeness and a true integration of body -mindspirit. With healing, the value is not on our ‘idea’ of spirituality, but on being true to who we are. Being REAL with oneself allows for a fluid and expeditious change from one state to the next, from one feeling to the next. And being REAL must be practiced to develop those perceptual muscles. Being REAL with one’s experience is the most loving thing one can do and the most spiritually wise act to allow. REAL isn’t about cathartic repetitions that last for long periods of time. REAL is about the ability to instantaneous change your feeling state with a corresponding change in your energy state so YOU transform. You are conscious of a new awareness. It is anchored in every cell of your body. From here there are new choices. From here we are present. LOVE is being REAL.

Judy Scher, D.C. is Director of the Scher Center in Santa Fe since 1992. She is an international teacher, workshop leader, and keynote speaker. The Scher Center utilizes cutting-edge reorganizational healing tools including Network Spinal Analysis Care. For more info go to www.HealingWithoutLimits.com or call 505-989-9373

Heart & Business

Brilliant Planning


isioning for your career is one of the most Visions are manifested in phases. Vision requires selfimportant components to long-term success, discipline, personal leadership, and the ability to be stability, growth and enjoyment of your efforts. authentic. The process of visioning can feel overwhelming,  Write it all down - write a list, a letter, record a have too many moving parts, and seem endless if you are moment of inspiration. Clear your mind to create space. doing this on your own, especially if career transformation  Eliminate distraction is on the table this year. Just remember you've got this!  Identify your primary focus Every time. No doubts. It is your courage and emotional  Define your true core values within relationships, resilience that delivers you to the top of the mountain to well-being and resources be fulfilled within your life and work.  Define your true motivation for what you want Passionately believing in your business values and vision will be one of your greatest assets and support  Define your goals and objectives systems. Sure we know what we value, however do these  Define your resources values reflect in our work, with our colleague interactions,  Define how you plan to commit to your vision and with our clients? Having a streamlined value and vision create a timeline statement will be the greatest asset when you cannot (List three steps) answer a business question or when there is a moment of uncertainty. Guide for Career Change: It's the unique combination of knowing and believing  What does a career with ease and happiness look in what makes you amazing paired with the vision needed like? What are you doing? to grow that moves your demonstration of effort into your  Seek out the resources needed to move into your manifestation. next desired area. There is no other time than this moment to decide and  Research and list all the "influencers" in your life/ commit for the next year or years. The minute you begin to vision is the minute you can begin to take action and work that align with where you want to go personally realize it in your life. and professionally. This month, I'm offering two different outlines to guide  Start reaching out to people in the desired area you you to your vision. If you are a business owner the first would like to move in to. guide is best. If you are headed into a career change the  Surround yourself with them even if it's volunteer, second guide will serve you well. contract, or discussion over tea or lunch - you want to spend time with seasoned pro's in the area you want to Guide for Brilliant Planning: go.

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February 2016

 Stay optimistic and become comfortable living in the unknown.  Find a partner and ask for support. Career change can take longer than you expect or be very quick.  Be aware of the risk involved. Ensure you're clear about the amount of risk and ensure your family is aware of this and on board to be supportive.  Timing is key. Make your plans and then act as if you have already been helped. In other words, let the adventure guide you.  Set yourself up for whatever it is you need. Build your energy reserves, eat a clean diet, and stay strong and steady. Do not react. Stop. Breathe. And then move.

Heather Robertson E-RYT, CTC, CF is an entrepreneur, facilitator, and mentor, with endless commitment to presence and purpose within business and life. She is owner of Wide Awake by Design, located in Santa Fe, NM. Need the more formal version or want to know more: www.wideawakebydesign.com or email info@wideawakebydesign.com

Herbal Wisdom

Celebrating Our Love of Food

Winter Herbs


ll of the plants have taken their the osha plant is the root, which has most precious life down long been used and considered sacred underground, energy stored in by Native Americans for cold, cough, sugars and starches, nurturing and other respiratory ailments. The root their inner core. Following the natural contains oils, including camphor, seasonal program we were hard-wired to at saponins, ferulic acid, terpenes, and birth our traditional keepers of knowledge phytosterols. Osha root helps clear tell us to look for the roots of our strength. mucus from the sinuses and lungs by The foods and herbs that call increasing to us have been used here for expectoration; this hundreds of years. Four relieves congestion roots stand out as our winter and makes breathing allies. easier. Osha root also increases blood  Inmortal (Asclepias circulation to the asperula) is a native to our lungs, which Southwest region that is a increases dilation member of the milkweed during constriction. family. As the deep cold Because of the range sinks even deeper many of mechanisms it has, people experience osha root is, arguably, difficulty shaking lung the best American infections resulting in herb for lung and persistent coughing, chest throat problems. congestion, and breathing Above: Inmortal plant For sinus difficulty. Inmortal has Below: Hierba masa flower congestion try placing been a friend that helps to fresh clippings of relieve those symptoms pinion pine, and build our lung Artemisia (Taos sage), strength. As the name and juniper leaves in implies Inmortal can assist a pot of hot water; in breathing at high place your head over altitude when the air is dry the pot with a towel and cold. covering the opening  Aralia (Aralia and breathe slowly racemosa) is a member of and deeply for as long the ginseng family and as possible. All of the assists in building our plants mentioned (which we carry) above inner strength, in particular our lungs. At the outset of a cold or where there is are excellent antibacterials and antivirals, and the steam bath breaks up congestion. lingering bronchitis Aralia helps to remove hypersecretions of phlegm. It is also very effective in clearing “smokers cough”. As you would expect of a ginseng member the qualities help to bring the person to their center thereby reducing the stress factors that contribute to general weakness and lung deficiency. Aralia is also known by the name of Spikenard is an excellent remedy in honey or tincture bases.  Hierba mansa (Anemopsis californica) is a potent plant unique to our area that is anti-inflammatory, astringent, and tonic. Wherever there may be inflamed mucous membranes from cold or flu, sore throat, or stomach upset hierba mansa is a classic effective remedy. Used as a gargle, tea, or tincture this root helps to shrink and resolve hot, moist conditions.  Osha (Ligusticum porteri), also called bear root, is an important perennial herb that inhabits the dry, upland meadows and ravines of the Rocky Mountain. The beneficial part of

Vitality Foods

Tomas Enos studied with Michael Moore in 1990 and then created Milagro Herbs. Erin Galiger has worked with herbs for 10 years. Their philosophy of health and healing is holistic and rooted in the ancient tradition of “Solar Living,” synchronizing our bodies according to the biological time clock, circadian rhythms, and seasonal patterns found on Earth. www.milagroherbs.com 505820-6321 419 Orchard Drive (off Paseo de Peralta next to Kakawa Chocolate House) Evolving…in SANTA FE


elebrating food, family and fun was instilled in me throughout my childhood in Ecuador, where I remember living and thriving in the love of my family, and in the cultural and traditional ways of life. Culturally speaking family, food and fun are the elements that matter most in life, right? So when working with groups of people or individually one of the main areas of exploration around health is reconnecting people with the joy of food and the joy of eating. The way we feel and think about food has a bio-chemical effect in the way we digest and metabolize food. For example for some people when undergoing stress there may be a loss or increase in appetite, when people are angry or sad the body may increase its metabolic rate or slow it down. But this article isn't meant to dive into the bio-chemical aspects of nutrition per say but it's meant to recognize the opportunity we have to celebrate our love of food. Sounds radical I know, but the way we think and feel about food has everything to do with the way we think and feel about ourselves, specially our bodies. This is part of the reason why I don’t believe in dieting, the idea of it and its prescribed approach feels very restricting and limiting. Imagine learning about your specific bio-individual nutritional needs, which are specific to your body and health goals. Imagine feeling a sense of freedom when it comes to food, to eating! Imagine finding recipes exciting and the process of preparing a delicious and healthy dinner becoming a ritualistic act of self-love? Finding the joy in planning, cooking, preparing, serving and eating food can be a beautiful and nurturing way to express self -love and celebrate life! Approaching food as a palette of colors, flavors, aromas, textures and enjoying food through all of our senses, sight, sound, touch, scent, taste for the pure purpose of pleasure! And yes! Indulging through your senses as you eat your way through a thoughtfully and intentionally prepared meal supports and enhances your over all sense of wellness. In Europe, places like France, Italy, Spain and much of, if not all of Latin America, these cultures prioritize the time off to lunch, often taking an hour and a half to two hours with the intention of enjoying and sharing a meal in the company of loved ones. The more we can create time for self, for preparing, sharing and enjoying a healthy and delicious meal the more we are creating a quality of life that is rooted in celebrating the love of food and of creating community.


February 2016

“Finding the joy in planning, cooking, preparing, serving and eating food can be a beautiful and nurturing way to express self-love and celebrate life!”

A Celebration of Food and SelfLove Recipe  Make time for self and explore recipes of interest.  Choose three new recipes to make over the course of a couple of weeks.  Take time to shop and intentionally choose locally sourced and humanely raised food products.  Hand-write a lovely dinner invitation to family and friends.  Arrange an inviting table setting and ambiance that expresses celebration.  Share and enjoy your meal with grace, joy and celebration!

Valeria Alarcón is a Holistic Health Coach and Advocate AADP, whose mission is to inspire, educate, and empower individuals who are committed to reclaiming life and vitality through health and wellness. As a cancer survivor Val knows what it takes to reclaim life and vitality, and she is delighted to be of support to her community. For more information visit www.VitalityWithVal.us.


What If Love Didn’t Have to Be So Hard?


met John on a cruise. He had no idea who SARK was or that I had sold millions of books around the world. He told me that he had been deeply in love once before and the honeymoon had never ended. His wife had passed away. And then he told me that he was qualified to adore me. And I thought to myself, “I’m going to marry this man!” A month later, he moved in and we got engaged before our 3-year anniversary.

Love is really hard One of the most wonderful experiences we have in our lives is loving another human being. Not the storybook kind of love where he always puts the toilet seat down and you never fight, but the beautiful love where you share a soul connection that lets you grow and truly expand as human beings. I wanted that for a really long time but like a lot of us, I had my own pesky inner critics that were telling me that I wasn’t good enough. You know the ones that tell you are too old, or too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short, or too whatever to have someone really love you. Mine seemed to keep whispering or shouting in my ear that I would probably never find love anyway so I should probably just give up and stop trying—it just felt too hard.

pretty tame idea of what a relationship was really supposed to be. From those pesky inner critics who had been setting me up to fail from relationship to relationship to the rules that I was carrying around (inherited from my parents and other well meaning people), I really had been set up to be a relationship disaster. So I set out on a covert love operation to find the love that I was hoping was possible for me. From love mentors to support groups, I set out on an adventure that would eventually lead me to something more than I had dreamed possible.

“If you could begin to fathom all the love that this world holds for you it would break your heart open with joy and delight.”

You Can Have More Love More Often

Most people knew me from my National Bestseller Succulent Wild Woman where I shared the story of marrying myself because I knew and promised that I would never leave me. And I still stand by that work. But when I dove in deep with John in a relationship that married our souls, I knew that I could be wild and free while still being deeply connected to my beloved. We call the kind of relationship we have created a What If It Doesn’t Have to Be So Hard? succulent wild love! We not just our souls married but When I met John, he told me he promised to see me as also our work, we had the basis for the six powerful habits perfect, and take responsibility for any ways that he didn’t that we’ve developed to help people have more love more see me that way. I thought this was a really exciting idea often. We’ve detailed how to bring these fully into your until I realized it meant I might have to see him as perfect life in our new book, Succulent Wild Love: Six Powerful too! You mean put away all my lists and stop trying to fix Habits to Feel More Love More Often. him? If you want to get create more love for yourself, here It turns out that I was making love really hard. I had are four things you can start with right this minute: been carrying around a whole lot of baggage about what it  Realize no one can complete you. If you want a meant to be with someone and what a relationship was relationship that feeds your soul, inspires and delights supposed to look like. Even in all my wildness I had a you and invites you to grow - you have to allow both of you to create something bigger than you can alone.  Listen deeply to your own inner wise self. You know more that you think. In fact, you have a very wise internal guidance system that supports you to know what you really want. Sometimes we ignore this system to listen to our head—pick what looks good on paper, do what other people think we should. But you know what you really want. Follow that voice!  Know that inside every conflict is a joyful solution. Every relationship will have fights and disagreements. That’s just part of being human. But when you understand there doesn’t have to be a winner and a loser, one who gets what they want and another who compromises, you can experience conflicts very differently, and that results in deeper connection and joyful solutions.  See the perfection of your beloved. Sure you’ll do things to annoy each other. Sure you’ll drive each other crazy on occasion. But when you understand that just about everything that drives you crazy is coming out of your own fears you can begin to see your partner as Evolving…in SANTA FE


February 2016

perfect just as they are. It’s not that you don’t have preferences—you do. But those preferences don’t need to result in your feeling and experiencing less love.

More Love Is Available For You With over 25 years of teaching, there is one thing that I know for certain. There is more love available for every single person I have ever met than they realize. If you could begin to fathom all the love that this world holds for you it would break your heart open with joy and delight. So no matter where you have come from, no matter where you are going, no matter what you look like or who your friends are, I want you to remember that there is more love available to you right now. You are beautiful. You are worthy. And you are lovable. Based on the book Succulent Wild Love ©2015 by SARK and Dr. John Waddell. Printed with permission of New World Library. www.newworldlibrary.com

SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) and Dr. John Waddell are the authors of Succulent Wild Love. SARK is a bestselling author and artist, with sixteen titles in print and well over two million books sold. Dr. John has been helping individuals and couples lead happier lives for over 30 years through his clinical psychology practice and metaphysical teachings. Visit them online at PlanetSARK.com.


Quantum Love: Use Your Body’s Atomic Energy to Create the Relationship You Desire An Interview With Dr. Laura Berman

states affect the energy within and around our bodies, impacting our partner and our relationship. Have you ever walked into your house and immediately felt the mood of your mate before seeing anyone? Maybe you were thinking about someone and his or her name suddenly showed up in your email inbox? You probably already have noticed that your mood naturally affects the mood of your mate, kids and even your pet. This is Quantum Physics at work. When we apply the lessons of Quantum Physics to our relationships with conscious intention, we are able to create the love we most desire.

kids sleeping, or when you remember your first kiss with your beloved, or when you think of how you feel when you are perfectly at peace and at one with yourself and those around you. Your heart, mind and spirit are in energetic synchrony and you are having a substantive and positive effect on your partner and relationship without having to actually do anything. We all move in and out of home frequency all the time. In Quantum Love, I teach specific tools for recognizing when you are in ego frequency and shifting to home frequency with ease.

Can you explain what an EHFI is and why it’s important? What if you’re ready for a new EHFI stands for Ego/Home Frequency experience of love, but your partner is Index. Your EHFI, shaped like an infinity symbol, represents how you move in and What is Quantum Love and why do resistant? The best part of Quantum Love is that out of home and ego frequency. You may we want it? it’s already our natural state. All the tools not realize it, but your energetic frequency uantum Love is a love that is we need are already there inside us. Once is constantly expanding toward (and more joyful, exciting and we tap into them, what was once difficult is contracting from) home frequency, passionate than you’ve ever effortless. The roadmap this book provides typically due to emotional triggers. The key experienced before. It’s a is all that is needed to access and realize to Quantum Love is to continue to practice connection that feels deep and infinite, Quantum Love. Truthfully your partner staying in home frequency and the higher infused with peace, power, and doesn’t even have to know you read this frequency emotions. unconditional safety. It surpasses even the book or are practicing Quantum Love and I have found that each of us has a honeymoon phase so many wish they could you don’t need their buy in. But as soon as unique pattern of where we tend to live and return to in long term relationships. In you start implementing the Quantum Love operate on the Quantum Lovemap. The Quantum Love you can be open-hearted techniques, your mate will feel the EHFI helps us map our typical lowest and vulnerable; loved not in spite of, but difference and start naturally responding in frequency emotional states, our highest because of, exactly who you are. It’s the kind. That’s when the fun really begins! ones, and the point of transition between best possible experience of love, and it’s the two. In Quantum Love, I am going to available to absolutely everyone; whether teach you how to identify your personal What is the Quantum Lovemap? you’re seeking a mate, in a relationship EHFI pattern and learn how to use that The Quantum Lovemap is a visual that’s struggling, or one that has just knowledge to move back into ( and remain model that I created from the work of a become lackluster due to the stresses of in) home frequency with ease. variety of coaches and personal life. Quantum Love comes when you Here is an typical example of the EHFI empowerment writers whose work I believe consciously harness the atomic energy in of what I call a “Quantum Love Beginner,” in and respect. Standing on the shoulders your body to work for your relationship who tends to vacillate between the feeling of giants, I synthesized their ideas all rather than against it. pattern of apathy/despair and acceptance/ together to create a model that is a visual forgiveness, with the point of transition at reference point of where you are It wouldn’t normally occur to scorn/entitlement. energetically in your relationship, and combine love and Quantum Physics. where you want to be. Your emotional Where’s the connection? states have an energetic frequency that can What does it mean to see your Though it might be hard to recognize at be measured and calibrated. Some partner as your greatest teacher? first, the principles of Quantum Physics energetic states are lower frequency and This is one of what I call the “Four impact our every waking moment. At our tend to create less desirable results in your Quantum Truths.” There is a higher core, we are pure atomic energy. The relationship, and others are higher purpose behind every relationship. After 20 research happening in the field of Quantum frequency and have more positive impact. years of working with couples, I have found Physics is demonstrating that we are all The higher the energetic frequency of your that that toughest aspect of our partner’s energetically connected, and our emotional body, the more amazing your love life personality is typically the unconscious becomes. The Quantum Lovemap allows reason we fell in love with him or her in the you to track your actual energetic first place! For each of us, those roughest frequency, and learn how to move yourself edges of our love relationships reflect our up the scale toward Quantum Love, where own learning edges and deepest areas for your greatest desires in love can be personal growth. realized. Your partner is ultimately a mirror of how you feel about yourself, and your What is the difference between relationship will call on you to get into integrity with earlier wounds and negative Home and Ego Frequency? life patterns. Perhaps you struggle with Home frequency is a term I use to your partner’s unaffectionate nature. The describe your energetic sweet spot for Quantum Love. Ego frequency is a state in Quantum Truth is that your partner’s lacking in the hugging and kissing which you are prickly, aggressive, defensive, easily wounded, and incapable of department is actually serving you in some way. Maybe you are being called on to accepting or giving perfect love. Home finally address earlier wounds of emotional frequency is when you are energetically abandonment or feelings of unworthiness. open and vulnerable. Home frequency is The situation might be inviting you to step the feeling you get when you look at your


Evolving…in SANTA FE


February 2016

into your power more and inspire and ask for more physical affection. Whatever it is that irritates you about your partner and your relationship, it is there for a reason. It’s a red flag saying “Pay attention to me!” What is it about the situation that is there to serve you? What is it that you can learn? You might be amazed by what you discover.

You talk a lot about Open Heartedness in Quantum Love. Why is that so important? From an energetic perspective, open heartedness is also known as coherence. This is a measurable state where the electromagnetic pulses of your brain and your heart come into synchrony. It is also when you are in home frequency and humming in the Quantum Love zone. That’s where the real relationship magic can happen. Studies at the HeartMath Institute have shown that our hearts have a powerful electromagnetic field around them that is 60 times greater in amplitude and 5,000 times stronger than the electrical activity produced by the brain! In fact, the energy of the heart is so strong it can be detected from several feet away. In Quantum Love you will learn to master a simple technique to put yourself into coherence. This high frequency state that positively impacts your partner and helps you create the relationship reality you desire.

Laura Berman, Ph.D., is a worldrenowned sex and relationship educator and therapist; the founder and director of the Berman Institute in Chicago, which specializes in sexual health and individual and couples therapy; and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and obstetrics/ gynecology at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. Considered a thought leader in her field, Dr. Berman is the New York Times best-selling author of many books on sex, love, and relationships and host of the nationally syndicated radio show Uncovered Radio with Dr. Laura Berman.


Conscious Relationships An Interview with Tim Freke, Best-Selling Author and Spiritual Pioneer


en Buch: Tim, thank you for joining me today from Glastonbury, England. Besides having authored over 30 books, the latest being The Mystery Experience, you run retreats where you help people experience the mystery, firsthand. And this experience fosters conscious relationships, our topic today. Will you describe these retreats and the “Mystery?” Tim Freke: I have the privilege to run these events all around the world and they are constantly developing and changing. I now call them “The Deep Awakening” because they essentially involve waking up to the deeper aspects of life. The starting point is the simple observation that we’re only superficially awake; we experience life superficially. But, if we look deeper into the nature of life and ourselves, we can become “deep awake.” Then there's a shift in consciousness and the first thing we may notice is that we don’t know what life is. We thought we did but suddenly we’re aware that we don’t—life is a mystery—and that feels like we’re waking up from a dream. During these retreats I take people into that big shift where they experience the fundamental oneness which underlies all the many-ness of things, underlies our own sense of separateness. I call this the “deep I.” Once we’re no longer experiencing ourselves as separate individuals we feel connected to others and to life. So, I can relate just on the surface or I can look deeper and go, oh, hang on, what’s actually connecting is something deeper than that.

When you look deeply enough within another human being and within yourself, your “deep I” connects with their “deep I” and you've got a very different relationship. Buch: That sounds like the definition of conscious relationship. Freke: Yes, I think so. Conscious relationship is, well, how conscious am I? If I’m just in the separateness then not very. But, if I’m aware that, oh my goodness, here’s another soul. Here’s someone full of hopes and fears and on a journey with things they like about themselves and things they don’t and dreams and aspirations and fears. If I see into the depths of this person I see, well, God looking back. I see the universe, itself, connecting with me and then there’s a profound sense of how particular and fragile we are on the one hand and how vast and magnificent we are on the other. The paradox is just beautiful. just once. It’s a cycle we repeat over and over, Buch: In your book you talk about people’s isn’t it? stories and how being identified with your Freke: That’s right. And that’s another side story is a hinderance to conscious of our stories—through our stories we gain relationship. wisdom. You know, I’ve been a bit of a love Freke: Yes, and, what do I mean by “your junkie since my first awakening. It’s all story?” Part of it is your been about love. But now, I “Once we’re no own past experience think, it’s not. It’s actually a through which you view composite that I call “lovelonger experiencing your present experience. wisdom” that we’re looking for ourselves as separate in ourselves and in And that’s unavoidable because that’s what you Love is not just individuals we feel relationship. have to think with. Now, fluffy; it’s deep and strong and I’m not saying your story connected to others you can say “no” in a loving is bad. I think people’s way. Conscious relationship is and to life.” stories are wonderful. I saying what needs to be said, love that we constantly doing what needs to be done, have to rewrite our stories in order to grow. with love and connection. Sometimes we But, sometimes we get stuck in our stories. think the loving thing is, for example, If I’m just Tim in my story it gets very staying in a bad relationship and putting up confining; ultimately I start suffering and with it and the unloving thing is stepping behaving badly. Then, you know, I don’t away. The truth is more complex than that. like myself and off I go. Instead, can I be Both can be loving and both can be both engaged with my story and aware of unloving. the depths of my being that are not in my story? There’s a sense of transcendence, Buch: Paradox seems to be very important to but not transcendence of the story to our lives and our relationships. dismiss it. If I can come out of my story Freke: It’s essential. Seeing the paradox, the then I can actually enter into it better and ambiguity, in oneself and the other person there’s more of a chance that my story and is absolutely key to a conscious my relationships become healthier ones. I relationship. It allows you to be tolerant of can really be in the relationships with all yourself and the other. None of us can live the ups and downs that every relationship up to being in a conscious relationship always has. And I’m in Tim’s story which is because we are all on a journey, moving also full of ups and downs as everyone’s from unconsciousness to consciousness. story is. That’s why it’s a story. It would be We’re constantly making mistakes and very boring if it wasn’t. discovering things we missed. That’s what wisdom is. If we acknowledge that’s the Buch: This coming out of our story and nature of the journey then of necessity entering back into it isn’t something we do having the ability to forgive is the most Evolving…in SANTA FE


February 2016

important thing. That’s the practical aspect of love and relationship. You step out and forgive yourself and the other and start again but now with more wisdom. In the best relationships you can really support each other and be with somebody who's seen the worst of you and forgiven it. You’ve moved on together, you've become wise together, and that’s a fantastic thing. That’s what makes relationship very, very deep. Buch: And worth the effort, I think. Thank you, Tim, for your time and insights. To find out more about Tim's life and work, his books, and "The Deep Awakening" please visit www.timfreke.com.

Ken Buch an artist, playwright, poet, and writer. He is the president of the Kansas City Friends of Jung and sits on the executive board for Whispering Prairie Press. He presents lectures and workshops on Jungian Psychology and holds a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering. www.kabuch.com; ken@kabuch.com


Love is Everlasting


ove. What kind of love are we talking about? Romantic love? Sexual love? Love of a loved-one, be it parent, child, sibling or animal? In my work as a psychic Medium, love equates to the positive, goodness-based side of the soul. In life we hopefully live in a loved-based state, which is what greets us upon death. In this article I’ll be addressing our souls as love. With a Master’s Degree in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, there have been times, aside from my work as a psychic Medium that I have questioned, “Are all souls Love?” I believe we can accept that not all children are created from the culmination of love. And, not all children become loving adults—either by genetics, learned behavior, or the effects of unwelcome experience. There is so much to argue about here, be it scientific or through the ages. But for the sake of this article, let’s presume that all souls are created equal, and at the moment of conception or birth— wherever you are at with this—a pure soul emerges. And let us further presume that all souls equate to love… pure love. Pure love at best is patient, kind and full-of-goodness. This may surprise you; but as a Medium, I see that all souls pass and continue to live in a thriving environment. “But, but…,” you exclaim? I can only tell you what I’ve seen. I’ve not seen anything that would equate to Hell, or to Purgatory or any horrific location. This does not mean that that these places don’t

exist. Yet in over 30 years of practicing, and having seen cruel people who have passed, I’ve not seen it. I respect that other Mediums I have encountered, speak of forgiveness and how to achieve it after death, and of hierarchies that exist for our good behavior, beliefs, etc. rewarding us on the Other Side. For me, forgiveness seems to have occurred either automatically upon death, or somewhere on the rapid journey between Earth and the Other Side. What I see is simple. It is without presumption. It is as if arriving at a state of love instantaneously occurs upon death of the body. If we die alone, if our death is tragic or unanticipated, if we are ravaged by illness, or if we lived a life full of hatred, our place in-life seems to make no difference in regard to our soul’s life thereafter. There are many words used to identify the place souls travel upon death of the body, Heaven, Paradise, Eternity, The Hereafter, and the Other Side to name a few. Regardless of the name chosen, across all cultures it is a place full of love. As a snake sheds skin, moving into a new season of life, so does the human body—it leaves behind the impure, the no longer needed, and the soul survives. When I began this work, I saw The Other Side as up-there (as if pointing to heaven), or, down-there (as in pointing to Hell), as if they were separate, far-away locations. But as time continued, what appeared was only Light. I accepted that judgement of the continuation of the soul

was not mine to determine, or that of others, and by the time the soul began to move from the physical body, only Love traveled forth. Some of the characteristics common to all beings I’ve seen on the Other Side are:  absence of mental or physical illness or pain equating to impeccable health  freedom from judgement  acceptance of others in contrast to hatred, anger and misunderstanding  negative thinking is gone, with positive thinking replacing it  anger is not an emotion apparent, yet calm understanding prevails  being wellnourished, v. poverty and hunger  eyes are bright, skin is beautiful and bodies are whole, v. ravaged by wounds or illness or malnutrition  no addictions, even when addiction may have been the cause of death Babies and young children appear. The in-vitro come into view, regardless of method of exit from this World. They are cheerful of spirit, and often indicate gratitude to have been created, and released to move forward. Routinely I’ve seen people who have suffered atrocities that are now whole, comfortable, relaxed

and actively participating in a life everlasting. Love that continues is not giddy, sexual, or silly. It feels most peaceful. What becomes of the unkind, the hateful/hurtful? What about those that victimized, maimed or murdered others? All are received in a state of allencompassing love upon passing. Does that mean that the victim must receive the abuser, or that the abuser lurks inwait of the victim? Not at all. It may mean that neither ever encounter the other on the Other Side, which is an entirely safe place. Concerning animals, I’ve seen them and their keepers reunited. From the dog to the iguana, the goldfish to the pony, animals and other creatures are full-of thriving vibration. Parks exist where people stroll with their pets. Livestock and horses graze in the fields. The lion does lay down with the lamb. Finally, does this all mean that we have full-range to behave in loveless ways, as we wish on Earth, without consequence? Not at all. It is debatable that we would continue to survive as a species without boundaries. Boundaries are created with the concern for goodness. Goodness is love. Love survives. Love is simple, and in weightless simplicity surfaces to the top.

“In life we hopefully live in a loved-based state, which is what greets us upon death.”

Traci Bray is an “Evidencebased” Medium. She is Certified by The Windbridge Institute of Tucson as Level Five Research Medium, and by the Forever Family Foundation of New York. She earned her Master’s Degree at Western Illinois University. She reads by phone, or in-person from her Kansas City office. Find her at https://tracibray.com, or reach her at 913.940.0754. She posts nearly daily at http:// Facebook.com/ TraciBrayMedium Evolving…in SANTA FE


February 2016


True Communication Requires Your Presence Deepen your listening skills by removing distractions and your ego


he most important skill needed in building and keeping a loving relationship is communication. When we begin relationships, we attend to the other person because we want to get to know them. We listen to their likes and dislikes, history, family dynamics, dreams and fears. We spend hours in conversation, discovering each other. No fact too small, no story too long. The building of the relationship has newness and surprises. Then, over time, real life happens. Work pressure, money issues, no time to connect, and parenting tensions become our ever-present companion. More and more conversations have morphed into an argument or confrontation. How did we get here? Whatever happened to the way we used to communicate?

One of my students made this point in his listening reflection paper, “As a manager, I am required to constantly interact with others every day. When I come home at the end of the day I want nothing more than to sit in silence without the requirement to listen. My wife, however, wants nothing more than to tell me about her day, and so the listening challenge begins. While I have previously heard her talk, I realize now that I have not really listened. I have allowed my needs to get in the way of my ability to be present to what

Being “present” is a simple concept, yet difficult to achieve. Being present is the act of being in the present moment in our mind and body, not thinking about the past or future, but being in the moment with the person we are listening to. We are not wishing to be somewhere else. Being present means practicing self-control. It means suppressing the urge to convey our own thoughts. It means focusing, not on ourselves, but concentrating on understanding what the other has to say and how they are saying it. We need to stop talking! As difficult as that may be sometimes, not talking can move a conversation forward because the speaker gets a chance to develop and finish a complete thought. It is amazing what we can learn about people’s lives, what motivates them, what they know, and what they are passionate about if we just listen. Eckhart Tolle, in Stillness Speaks, says it wonderfully, “Far more important than what you are listening to is the act of listening itself, the space of conscious presence that arises as you listen. That space is a unifying field of awareness in which you meet the other person without the separative barriers created by conceptual thinking. And now the other person is no longer “other.” In that space, you are joined together as one awareness, one consciousness.”

The Roman philosopher Seneca said, "Who is fair in all the world who listens to us? Here I am- this is me in my nakedness, with my wounds, my secret grief, my despair, my betrayal, my pain, which I can't express, my terror, my abandonment. Oh, listen to me for a day, an hour, a moment, lest I expire in my terrible wilderness, my lonely silence. Oh God, is there no one to listen?" There is. The person who you love and loves you is there to listen. And like you, they have forgotten the most important component of deep listening, being present. There are two parts of being present, one physical and one emotional. Both of them need attending to if a conversation is to stay rational, adult, and successful. First we’ll look at the physical aspects of the distraction of technology and multi-tasking. When we add the distraction that comes with multi-tasking we are in trouble, because listening is a single-minded, reasoning task, and multitasking and listening effectively at the same time are mutually exclusive. When we look at technology, with phones ringing, computers popping up e-mail, cell phone ring tones, and text messages beeping, we know technology is at work distracting us from effectively listening. Now, let’s add yet another layer of multi-tasking, the kind that is second nature and almost invisible to us as multi-tasking. Many of us are guilty of looking through the mail while talking; typing a quick email on our smartphone while in conversation; or having a conversation while the television is on.

Now we’ll tackle ‘being present.’ We need to do everything in our power to take the “I” out of listening. When we “suspend self” as the listener, we are able to truly take in the speaker’s message without filtering the incoming content and emotion through our own listening barriers.

my wife's thoughts and emotions are.” There are some simple steps to pull the distraction of multi-tasking out of our conversations. When sharing a conversation with your significant other, find a place, away from distractions, where the ritual of debriefing is the top priority in each other’s eyes. Finding out what happened in each other’s day, and how they feel about the day requires that you choose a physical space away from the television, video games, computer, music, the mail, cooking, children or others who might distract you. Make sure what you are sitting on is comfortable. By creating such an environment, deep listening will take place. And DO make the debriefing a ritual! Even if you can only get five minutes of uninterrupted time, make it happen at the same time every day.

Evolving…in SANTA FE


February 2016

Being present is no easy task. It requires taking our ego out of the conversation and keeping our reactive mind under control. However, the brain is an amazing muscle that can be trained and strengthened. In the coming months I encourage you to become aware of when you are present in a conversation and when your mind-and listening- is wandering, When you notice your mind wandering, you can take action by pushing aside for the moment what you are thinking about, and get back to listening fully. Leslie Shore is an expert in the surprising and exhilarating power of listening. As the owner of the consultancy Listen to Succeed, Leslie has worked with corporations, nonprofits, entrepreneurs, health professionals, and educational institutions to up-level their intra-personal and interpersonal communication skills. Her book, Listen to Succeed: How to identify and overcome barriers to effective listening, is currently used in four universities.

Spiritual Horoscope

February 2016 Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Happy birthday Aquarius! Dreams come true this year, but even more manifests if you still your mind and focus on positive outcomes. Forgive the past and release negative thoughts! Aquarius is about the future, and that can be bad in the sense of chronic worry. Align your will to see bummer thoughts as poison and say “NO” to them, while energetically saying “YES” to good things you can visualize! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) The Universe wants to fulfill your desires and bring good into your life. The blocks you encounter are in your subconscious. What sabotages you from receiving? Meditate on whether you feel worthy of deserving unconditional love and blessings. If not, why not? Challenge the old patterns, since they are not truths, just habitual patterns that can destroyed and replaced!

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Early February can bring work frustrations, so keep your cool! A few minutes of breathing or meditation activates the part of your brain that gives solutions and can get you “unstuck”! Actually, better things can come out of this time that would happen if circumstances were smooth. Later this month, you might meet new friends or get involved in a fun activity. You deserve to play so enjoy yourself!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Meditate on balancing relationships with work. It’s easy to be frustrated with your spouse/partner early February. If single, don’t get involved with someone at work, since the flame flares up and sputters out quickly, and then it’ll be weird. Later this month, job offers or good paying assignments come up later this month. Solid relationships will be smoother, and if single, you can meet an appropriate person for a love connection!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Relationships go to a deep level, and you can uncover causes of your fear of intimacy. Meditation can remove these

roots and help you heal. You’ll feel safe to love and trust! As you’re in this process, you’ll be vulnerable, so beware of starting fights or jumping to conclusions. Get enough rest and eat well, as this work is tiring. Be gentle with yourself and don’t plan too many activities to distract you from your inner journey.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Why is it so hard for you to have fun? This month can uncover why you worry so much. Open up channels of communication with your partner/ spouse. Also look at financial planning and creating a livable budget. Cancer is about stability and safety. Make sure you aren’t causing unnecessary drama. You might even let go of or set limits with people who drain you or who step over your boundaries. Serenity is healing and creates happiness!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Relationships can be bumpy. Meditate on wonderful things about your partner. Then when you talk, you can be in a place of camaraderie, rather than contention. You can plan ways together to improve the connection. If single, visualize your perfect parter and begin to draw him/her to you. Be gentle with yourself and have enough stress reduction techniques in place. Overthinking tires out the body so be nice to it!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Please focus on gratitude for yourself, and acknowledge how hard you work. Even if things aren't perfect, you’re making so much effort! Talk with trusted friends who can give you a loving reality check. It’s also soothing to be with pets and bask Evolving…in SANTA FE

in their unconditional acceptance. At your job, take little spiritual “get aways”, even if it is retreating to the restroom for a few deep centering breaths. Being busy isn’t an excuse not to nurture your spirit.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Meditation and quiet reflection heals deep wounds that keep you from the relationship fulfillment you seek as a Libra. Get in touch with anger and disappointment, and find healthy ways to release those feelings. Write letters and burn them. Short term trauma therapy works wonders. The Universe brings you a new heart connection or heals a present one, so be willing to heal yourself and it will happen! Also, watch out for impulsive spending during this time.

for help from the Universe to sweep your mind clean so you can live your truth. You’ll quickly notice improvements in prosperity, friendships and your moods!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) There’s powerful energy this month to break through mental blocks. You can make progress with self-esteem, relationships and prosperity. Journal about negative beliefs to unearth them and say “No!” to them. The first step of affirmations is to deny and destroy the negative belief system in your subconscious. Pulling the weeds in the mind lets your garden blossom! For every “weed” you extract, at least ten “flowers” grow!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Mars is in your sign, giving you energy and enthusiasm! But it can also make you edgy, so meditate and breathe in order to implement your future vision with as much kindness as you can. You’ll have breakthroughs in negative thinking, and see where you’ve held yourself back. You’ll inspire others toward their selfimprovement, making all your relationships awesome, since everyone is growing!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) You’re a positive thinker and believe you can create your reality. So if you’re having blocks in manifesting your vision, look into your subconscious for worn out “thoughtforms" that sabotage your future. Meditate, journal and release what you find in there! Confide in friends who’ve mastered their own shadow and can talk about what you find in your depths. Ask 13

February 2016

Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call 727-239-7179 or visit www.alunamichaels.com



New Mexico Hypnotherapy helps you reach your goals, remove blockages to growth, and resolve limiting beliefs. From body image to clearing traumas and phobias to growing younger to natal and past-life regressions, we help people improve their life experience by understanding themselves. NewMexicoHypnotherapy.com.

Natural Kingdoms Oracle Readings by Gale Litvak Thurs., Fri. and most Sat. afternoons, noon-4 p.m. In a sacred space of nature’s energies, receive support for areas of concern in your life. Sugg. donation: $20/15 minutes. Drop-ins welcome. 505-984-8009. Hillside, 86 Old Las Vegas Highway, Santa Fe. www.santafehillside.com.

En-Light-En Reiki, Lynne McMahan, Ed.D. Usui/Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master . As a conduit for Reiki healing energy, Lynne builds a mentoring relationship, supporting and coaching her clients (people and their animals) to increased mind-body-spirit balance and harmony on their journey of transformation. 505.400.3168 * enlightenreiki.com * 110 Delgado St., SF

NUMEROLOGY John Holmes, Numerologist Confirm your Pre-Intended Life Story. Three-part reading, two-hour consultation by phone or in my Santa Fe office. Contact John with inquiries or to schedule a reading: jrholmes@gmx.com or call 505-466-4297.

Wellness by Design, Rick Bastine, CHt. N.L.P., Shamanic Healing, Sound/ Frequency Healing, Energy Work, Coaching For Change. Rick assists and facilitates the processing of thoughts and emotions to create positive shifts and positive change. Allowing clients to return to a state of homeostasis, a state of inner wellness and inner healing. 505-690-3997 www.rickbastine.com

SELF CARE Beth Budesheim, Artist, LMT, RN, ATP® Your Goddess Energy Portrait™, therapeutic massage and energy medicine, chakra work, Art Rituals™, paintings. www.BethBudesheim.com

COACHING LIBIDO COACHING. Somatic coaching for people who wish to change/expand the relationship with their body/intimacy/sexuality. Isa Magdalena has taught conscious sexuality since '92, in the US and Europe. Her book is called A Map of Full Spectrum Sex. http://isamagdalena.com.

Thai Foot Massage with Julie Bastine. Experience a relaxing yet rejuvenating form of massage and point work, promoting balance within the body. Benefits include energy movement, circulation and immune system support. Includes a foot bath and organic essential oils. 505-670-1106 www.innerrhythmswellnesscenter.com

SPIRITUALITY Heart of the Mother Healing by Gwendolyn Hill Individual spiritual sessions and classes on ascension topics both remotely via teleseminars and in person in Albuquerque, NM. For more information: http://gwendolynhill.com, 505-864-4084, gwendolyn@gwendolynhill.com.


Unity Santa Fe is a welcoming Interspiritual Community that offers practical tools for a healthy, abundant life. Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m., variety of classes and workshops. www.unitysantafe.org 1212 Unity Way, Santa Fe 87506. 505-989-4433

Southwestern College/New Earth Institute: Consciousness-Centered Graduate School for Counseling and Art Therapy 3960 San Felipe Road, Santa Fe, NM 87507 toll free: 877-471-5756 direct: 505-471-5756 email: info@swc.edu

Santa Fe Center for Spiritual Living is a trans-denominational community that explores our lives though music, the arts, prayer and the teachings of Ernest Holmes. Sundays services at 10:15 am. and/or can also be shared via Livestream at www.santafecsl.org. 505 Camino de los Marquez, Santa Fe, NM 87507, 505-983-5022

True Freedom SRT. Tried everything and still feel stuck? Research the Akashic Records and allow Spirit to permanently clear blocks to harmonious, joyous expression in any area of your life, including relationships, prosperity, life-purpose. Clearings done remotely or in person. Aleah Ames, CCHt. 505-660-3600, TrueFreedomSRT.com

Don’t Miss Out on the Annual Wellness Directory! Inside the March Issue of Evolving Magazine! Our most-read issue of the year, the Wellness Directory is also online and passed out year-round for maximum exposure. Evolvingmagazine@gmail.com for rates and information. Early bird deadline for ads closer to the front is February 5. Final deadline for advertising is February 13. Evolving…in SANTA FE


February 2016

Events JANUARY 23-MARCH 5 VITALITY FOR LIFE! 2016 AND BEYOND Join Val Alarcón, integrative nutritionist and holistic health coach, for a five-week workshop series on how to address your bio-individual nutritional needs, healthy weight management, primary foods and life/work balance. Engage with your life and health in an authentic and sustainable way so that you may experience the long -term benefits of creating fundamental changes for reaching optimum health and vitality! Are you ready? Let's go! Please register with Michelle Hale at the UNM Center for Life. Tel: (505) 925-4551 or mmhale@unmmg.org by no later than January 22nd. January 23rd - Vitality for Life, 2016 and Beyond! Overview of four workshop series (11am) January 30th Vitality for Life, 2016 and Beyond! I: Create Your Vitality Blueprint (11am) February 13th - Vitality for Life, 2016 and Beyond! II: Healthy Weight - Healthy You! (1pm) February 27th - Vitality for Life, 2016 and Beyond! III: Identify Your Primary Foods (1pm) March 5th - Vitality for Life, 2016 and Beyond! IV: Attain life/ work balance (11am) FEBRUARY 1 & MARCH 7 FREE COMMUNITY WELLNESS DINNER WORKSHOP 6:30 p.m. given by the Scher Center for Well Being.Take your health and your life to the next level! Increase your energy and improve your immune system.Go beyond managing pain into thriving. To reserve your space and find out the location call 505 989-9373. FEBRUARY 2--MARCH 8 INNER WISDOM: WOMEN’S GROUP Tuesdays, 6-8pm . Through guided meditation and art practices, we will discover and connect more deeply with ourselves. Fee: $5-20 Facilitated by: Bethany Moore-Garrison, Art Therapy/ Counseling Intern & Laurie Ann Larimer, Art Therapy/Counseling Practicum student. Tierra Nueva Counseling Center/Southwestern College, call to register 505-471-8575

ONGOING FEBRUARY 13 UPSCALE SWEETHEART SALE Gently used jewelry, art and many other fine pieces to enrich your heart or the heart of someone special to you. February 13th from 1-4pm. Santa Fe Center for Spiritual Living www.santafecsl.org. 505 Camino de los Marquez, Santa Fe, NM 87507, 505-9835022 FEBRUARY 13 & 14 HEART-BASED FLOWER ESSENCES FOR YOUR LOVER/ YOURSELF 2-3:30pm and February 14, 6-7:30pm We’ll discuss selection methods for choosing flower essences for a Valentine’s Day gift for your loved one (or yourself!). Essences dealing with love, the heart, and union will be highlighted. Cost- $15, includes one combination bottle. Milagro Herbs, 419 Orchard Dr, Santa Fe. (505) 820-6321.

ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS CERTIFIED BARS EXCHANGE Wednesday nights, Santa Fe, get your bars run! Huge savings to a private session! Kathy White CFMW@ 505.366.9120 VITALITY HOUR AT INNER RHYTHM WELLNESS CENTER Mondays from 5pm - 6pm Join Val Alarcón, Holistic Health Coach and Advocate AADP for an inspiring, educational and interactive workshop on how to address your bio-individual nutritional needs, life/work balance and many more health related topics. For more information and other events visit www.VitalityWithVal.us WIDE AWAKE BY DESIGN Specialized trainings, seminars, and retreats. Check out the latest 2016 calendar of events! wideawakebydesign.com

FEBRUARY 14 HEARTS OF THE WEST/THE STORY OF MAIL ORDER BRIDES 2:00 p.m. Staged reading directed by Janet Davidson. Enjoy your Valentine's afternoon. Love Offering www.santafecsl.org. 505 Camino de los Marquez, Santa Fe, NM 87507, 505-9835022 FEBRUARY 16-18 SPREAD THE LOVE WEEK AT SCHER CENTER: DISCOVER HOW HEALING IS AN ACT OF LOVE Support our community food drive* to benefit Street Outreach and Youth Shelters and get a complimentary stress and wellness analysis. Find out how your nervous system can pay attention differently to help you heal in an integrated and graceful way. Call 505 989 -9373 to set up your complimentary assessment *(in exchange for food donation).

FEBRUARY 5 & 6 GEORGE WINSTON, THE LEGEND, PLAYS SANTA FE CSL 7:30 p.m. both nights. Ticket price: $53 in advance; $58 day of the show. Visit http://www.centerstagesantafe.com/ to purchase tickets. Evolving…in SANTA FE


February 2016

MILAGRO SCHOOL OF HERBAL MEDICINE Enrollment is open for the online herb program. Study herbs at home with experts. www.milagroschoolofherbalmedicine.co m INTRODUCTION TO SOMATORESPIRATORY INTEGRATION (SRI) 6:30 p.m. – learn how simple body awareness exercises can help you be more present, connected and at peace no matter what is going on in your life and body. Call Scher Center for Well Being to reserve your space 505 9899373. $20 for an 1 ½ hr class. Call to find out current dates.

PICK UP A COPY NEAR YOU View the complete list of locations, searchable by zip code, at www.EvolvingMagazine.com. DOWNTOWN Hotel Santa Fe The Golden Eye The Lensic Performing Arts Center Santa Fe Oxygen Bar Downtown Visitor Info Center at Plaza Galeria Main Library Santa Fe Convention Visitor Center La Posada de Santa Fe High Desert Healthcare & Massage Absolute Nirvana Spa and Gardens/The Video Library Amethyst Santa Fe: A Healing Space Garrett's Desert Inn Milagro Herbs (419 Orchard Dr)

NORTH OF SANTA FE Unity Church Santa Fe Center of Light NORTH & WEST OF DOWNTOWN Light and Love Naturopathic Center Christus/ DeVargas Health Center/Urgent Care Santa Fe Spa The Lodge Ohori's Coffee The Betterday Coffee Shop Southwest Care/ Women's Health Services La Montanita Coop Thrive Santa Fe-Yoga-Dance-Spinning Barrio Brinery The Ark Bookstore Evolving‌in SANTA FE


February 2016

SOUTHSIDE The Montecito Santa Fe Soul Center For Optimal Health Java Joe's Cloud 9 Divine Healing Center @ SF Fitness Genoveva Chavez Community Center Santa Fe Community College Main Entrance SFCC Fitness Education Center Rancho Viejo Village Market Christus Rodeo Family Medicine Corazon Family Health Center Heart of the Lotus / Santa Fe Place Christus Entrada Contenta Health Center The Inn at Santa Fe Fashion Outlet Visitor Info Center La Bajada NM Visitors Center Aspen Medical Center Urgent & Primary Care

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