Santa Fe May 2016 Evolving Magazine

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E volving May 2016 ~ Vol. II Issue 1

in Santa Fe

A Guide for Conscious Living

5 Steps to Invite Miracles Into Your Life Live Your Spirituality by Transcending the Workplace Reiki for Animals Create Conscious Thought Patterns for a Better Life Evolving‌in SANTA FE


May 2016

Evolving…in SANTA FE


May 2016


Publisher’s Letter... Dear Friend:

5 Steps to Invite Miracles Into Your Life

I practice practical spirituality. Gardening, cooking (dare I even say, sex) are my modes of meditation. Nature is my connection to Source. Journaling is my inner exploration and I live not in the mode of powerlessness—I create my reality. And I believe our written and spoken words (including prayers) contain unmatched power! I'm skeptical of how things work and want proof. For years, I've experienced this "proof" of the written word. Each year I create a vision wall filled with mind maps of my dreams for the year. These aren’t small goals. I go all out and include public speaking, my coaching business, the Conscious Living Festival, a book deal, branching the magazine into new markets, train travel, nature and kayaking, and, of course, plans with my family. Whew.


Interview with La'ne' Sa'an Moonwalker 10

What always amazes me, though, is how these dreams come into fruition (or those not meant to be morph into different form). The people, circumstances, and opportunities all appear. All it took with envisioning what I wanted and putting it into writing—with a dash of passion, intention, and of course, action, thrown in. But what does a vision wall have to do with Everyday Spirituality, the theme this month? It shows that the way we practice spirituality is different for each of us. These are the ways that work for me. We’re all works in progress, searching for opportunities to delve deeper into our true essence— and in the process—find ways to bring forth that essence.


Live Your Spirituality by Transcending the Workplace

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: *Like us on Facebook: *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Evolving Magazine, LLC Jill Dutton, Publisher Print Layout/Design Alea Smith

How to Create Conscious Thought Patterns for a Better Life



Contributors Valeria Alarcón, Stephanie Forcier, Kim Macy, Lynne McMahan, Heather Robertson, Judy Scher, Scott Seldin, Tania Vassallo

News Multi-Dimensional Mastery Animal Speak Heart & Business Horoscope Events ON THE COVER:


Susan Walter-Prout is and Intuitive Artist and Healer whose passion is to connect us with the Angelic Realms, using art as a visual connection. The angel on the cover is Archangel Melchizedek, the ‘Prince of Peace,’ bringing peace and wisdom into our everyday lives. For more about Susan’s art and events visit

EVOLVING© 2016 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.

Evolving…in SANTA FE

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May 2016


Take the Next Step: Mindfulness in Action


ndfulness, the ability to live in the moment to find peace and harmony in life, is being practiced everywhere--in homes and in businesses throughout the world--yet a next step is needed to make a real impact on how we live our lives, says Dr. Noelle Nelson, author of the new book Happy Healthy… Dead: Why What You Think You Know About Aging Is Wrong and How To Get It Right (MindLab Publishing). “You know how wonderful you feel being mindful, living in the present moment--like actually tasting your food rather than inhaling it? It brings you greater peace and enjoyment, not to mention the terrific perks in terms of cardiovascular health and overall wellbeing,” says Nelson. “But then, life hits you, with all its messy, raw and often irritating and annoying realities. You’re quickly back to square one.”

Connect with Santa Fe’s Holistic Healing and Spiritual Community.

Evolving Magazine seeks commissioned sales person. for more info.

Evolving…in SANTA FE

Dr. Noelle Nelson, author of Happy Healthy...Dead

Her night out showed her, in real terms, how mindfulness in action makes an impact. “It takes no more time to seat a patron with a smile as without one,” says Nelson. “It takes no more time to offer a glass of water with a smile as without. It takes but a nanosecond for a server to stop by a table and ask, with a smile, if all is Nelson suggests that we can reap the well. But it does take a clear and specific benefits of mindfulness as we go about our intention, in this case wanting guests to daily routines even as life consistently have a positive experience of their evening, throws us curve balls. “We just have to and give attention to what might become a ‘go-the-extra-miler’ or GEM,” contribute to that experience. That’s going says Nelson. “When you’re a GEM, you the extra mile.” apply mindfulness to your actions While the benefits to others are throughout the day with intention and obvious, the benefits to the giver are far attention.” greater. “Mindfulness in action raises your “It’s easy to be mindful, present and self-esteem as you express your best self. It generous of intent, in the privacy of your puts you on a more optimistic track,” thoughts,” says Nelson. “It’s a whole other explains Nelson. “All of which support ball game to do it in the testing ground of your physical, emotional and mental reality. Yet isn’t that where true health and happiness. In fact, just taking enlightenment happens? It’s when you the moment to smile can make a big unexpectedly find yourself behaving as difference to your physical well your best self in challenging being.” (Recent research shows that circumstances.” “smiling can reduce the level of stressenhancing hormones like cortisol and As an example, Nelson says she was at a adrenaline while increasing moodbusy restaurant with friends one evening enhancing hormones like endorphins,” when she couldn’t help noticing that the Ron Gutman. Smile: the Astonishing entire wait staff actually seemed to be Powers of a Simple Act). enjoying their work and were invested in their customers having a good experience. To learn more about the mind-physical “They took the time in a very hectic setting body connection, watch a YouTube to ensure we had a great evening,” says presentation by Nelson at https:// Nelson. “I came away from the restaurant knowing two things—I’d go back there again and I wanted to be just like them—a GEM.” 4

May 2016


Purest Potential to Host Yogathon Local Non-Profit Raising Funds for Participant fees are $25 for each person, Community Meditation Garden which includes a t-shirt, an evening meal by Eric Herm and admittance to the post-concert with DJ Liquid Bloom. Ticket costs to the Purest Potential, a local non-profit concert alone is $25 per person. Tickets organization, is hosting their first annual can be purchased at the front door of the Yogathon 2016 (11am-5pm) Saturday, May Railyard Performance Center the night of 14, 2016, at the Railyard Park in Santa Fe, the event. New Mexico. The event will be a lively Yoga communities from around the extravaganza including kundalini yoga, country will also participate online music, dancing, food, education, and much throughout the day. Local business more. The event will be followed by a live sponsors are encouraged to attend the music concert by locally renowned DJ event. Sponsors will have the opportunity Liquid Bloom at the Railyard Performance to promote their respective business at the Center from 7-8:30pm that night. event, as well. The Yogathon is just the “This is a huge opportunity for us to beginning for Purest Potential and their introduce people to kundalini, raise money future work in the Santa Fe community. for the Purest Potential Community Shabad Avtar, a Purest Potential life Meditation Garden, and help bring coach and kundalini yoga instructor said, meditation into our growing community,” “The experience of the Yogathon is said Harasangat, a certified kundalini yoga different than what you get out of just instructor. The Yogathon is being used as a donating. It’s really about challenging fundraiser for the Purest Potential yourself to live in your purest potential Community Meditation Garden, which will and experiencing the bliss of your soul be built at Yoga Santa Fe’s studio, located while removing your illusions.” at 1505 Llano Street. For those interested in becoming either The Yogathon will include a Children’s a participant or sponsor, please go to Class, as well as a Spirit of Dev Joti Class, for more honoring former kundalini yoga instructor information. Lolly Bair, who died of breast cancer this past year. Participants are encouraged to find individual sponsors to help fund their day of yoga-inspired meditations.

Upgradeology: Inspiring You to Eat the Foods You Love Author Nicole White’s book, Upgradeology: Upgrade Your Food Upgrade Your Life offers an easy, healthy, step-by-step approach for all levels of cooking skills. Recipes include favorite “comfort” foods with nourishing ingredients. White offers, “the path to a healthier future eating what you love.” Michael Haray, of Santa Fe, NM, says, “Upgadeology is a book that attacks one of the most difficult problems that almost every American faces—how we can eat healthier foods. Nicole White confronts this national health problem by writing a book that everyone can easily understand and begin to change their eating habits. The book acknowledges the overwhelming power of our junk food cravings and doesn’t ask the reader to

give them up ‘cold turkey.’ Instead, the book outlines a ‘baby step’ process whereby you can keep the craving but change the ingredients. What a concept! “The book allows the reader to go at his or her own pace and select among numerous ingredients and recipes. In this sense, the book is flexible and can be customized to individual needs. There is also no need to read this book cover to cover—just find what interests you and your appetites—and start getting healthy. “Truly, if this book was used by every American, our junk food epidemic could be eliminated.” or for more information.

Evolving…in SANTA FE

BEnergy Are You Ready for This?

All of Life comes to me with Ease, Joy & Glory! Get your "Bars" run today!! A light- touch energetic modality that when received can create the Change you have always desired. It IS possible, quick and effective!! Book your appointment today:

Kathy White C.F.M.W. Access Consciousness Certified Bars Facilitator

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May 2016

Animal Speak

Reiki for Animals


n These Arms: A Song for All Beings, by musician Jennifer Berezan, is an album-long musical lovingkindness meditation full of love for all sentient beings on this earth, "May all beings be happy. May all beings be safe. May all beings everywhere be free" (2011, Berezan). It is in the spirit of this song and all of my Animal Reiki clients, that I dedicate this monthly column, Animal Speak. The hope of this column is to expand our awareness of animals as our teachers and see the world of wisdom through the healing stories of our animal friends. Animal Speak will focus on the lessons learned from the healing work with animals. The first Animal Speak columns will focus on the healing work of Reiki, a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" [or off body] and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy (The International Center Reiki Training). Reiki can help animals in the same way it helps humans: to balance and nourish the physical body, and to balance mental and emotional energy. Reiki is particularly effective in helping animals who have been traumatized, or who are experiencing physical or behavioral difficulties. Reiki in combination with telepathic animal communication can assist animals in very powerful ways (Windheart, 2015). Each week I am blessed to share my Reiki gift with animals at the Santa Fe Animal Shelter, specifically working with the physical healing of animals in the Shelter Clinic, as well as the many animals awaiting adoption who may simply need the calming, stress relieving energy of Reiki to better prepare them for their forever home. I trust the Reiki energy to do "its miraculous work," healing the mind-body-spirit of every animal touched and held, along with the animals who prefer Distant Reiki (off body). With every session, the reciprocity of the healing comes back to every person and animal in the shelter. There are so many deeply spiritual lessons to learn from our animal friends. We simply need to be present to them, listen and practice what they teach us. In alignment with this month's theme of "Everyday Spirituality," the following are a few of the lessons shared by the many wonderful animals who have experienced the Reiki healing process and given it back to their human companions in kind: Every single day touch base with someone you love, unconditionally and without judgment. Find joy in all the little happenings throughout the day. Practice forgiveness, letting go, and trust. Show your gratitude. Be the Divine within.

Mercury, a three-old Dwarf Hotot rabbit Mercury, a three-year-old Dwarf Hotot rabbit came to the shelter with a serious eye infection and is the embodiment of all of the lessons listed above. Beyond weekly Reiki treatments, Mercury is a favorite of the clinic staff who connect with him daily as he shares his unconditional love. Weekly Reiki treatment has been simply holding Mercury close for heart-to-heart contact and sending direct healing to his eye. Each visit is a practice for both Mercury and this human, in letting go, trusting, and sharing joy. After a few weeks, the eye has healed completely and Mercury is now ready for adoption in his forever home. Whoever adopts this less than twopound spirit animal will be experiencing the true meaning of Namastè--the Divine in Mercury recognizes and honors the Divine in the humans who share his unconditional love and joy. Update: Mercury has been adopted into his forever home, blessing his new family with his loving presence.

Evolving‌in SANTA FE


May 2016

Lynne McMahan, Ed.D., En-LightEn Reiki, is a Usui/Holy Fire Karuna ReikiÂŽ Master and Mind-BodySpirit Mentor, supporting the healing of each person or animal on their journey of transformation. For more information:,, or 505.400.3168. Santa Fe office: 110 Delgado St.

Multi-Dimensional Mastery

How to Spot a Fearless New Spiritual Pioneer


or millennia, humanity has existed spiritual pioneer. For those who are not under a set of rules, restrictions, just in survival mode, there is a call toward and dogma connected to every MEANING; a call to engage parts of major religion. The principles and ourselves that have been dormant until underlying values of these major religions now; those unused, atrophied parts that have many gifts to share and have given call out for nourishment. And the only support and a sense of community to nourishment that will satisfy is the nectar many people. It’s clear many of us have of the heart and soul. defaulted to mindlessly following a series The new spiritual pioneer does not of customs, rather than engaging in a reject the past but will either claim the direct experience of life. However, a great value that the past offers or simply put number of us have focus toward the future become dissatisfied and of who he or she really even disillusioned with needs to be. They have “What it comes down to heeded the wake-up call prescribed teachings if they are not connected living merely to is this: we are hungry for that with embodied spiritual protect oneself is not values and the growth of at all; it was a an authentic experience living spiritual wisdom. safety net, a Spiritual wisdom has stage. of who we really are. “ developmental little to do with concepts Now the present and and everything to do future require a new with experience. demand - a new level of What it comes down to is this: we are authentic being. hungry for an authentic experience of who The new spiritual pioneer values a we really are. Ideas and rhetoric are no profound connection to life, to nature, to longer good enough. We are tired of people. They understand that being able to bouncing back and forth from suffering to listen deeply and be present with bliss to suffering to bliss. We are longing themselves brings a transparency of for the experience of alignment, the connection with others. Engaging in a experience of love, the experience of more authentic life takes practice. For connectedness, the experience of grace, most of us, that practice includes the experience of acceptance, the stumbling around—hopefully with humor, experience of compassion, the experience compassion, and the willingness to explore of surrender, the experience of and stay open even when there are empowerment. This experience is what is misunderstandings. It also means learning real, and that includes both the sublime how to show up in a proactive way, and the messy. When we are truly present empowered with right action and and have no fight with the imperfection of appropriate boundaries when necessary. how life unfolds, we are gifted with There is no perfection to achieve. wisdom. Growth is a natural outcome. Authenticity and giving ourselves Experience has nothing to do with permission to feel what we must, to be perfection or attaining anything. Spiritual present with what we must, allows for a wisdom is certainly not what we think it is. true integration of body*mind*spirit If anything it is outside of what our mind wisdom. If you recognize yourself here, can think. Spiritual wisdom is grown from then you could very well be a fearless new engaging with ourselves from a truthful spiritual pioneer. place. Sometimes the hardest thing we experience is the truth of the moment. I see spiritual pioneers all over. It is the person behind the register in the grocery store, the person hiking up the trail, the one working as a mechanic or electrician or plumber. It is the true artist, the musician wanting to bring more beauty into the world. It is the writer seeking. It is Judy Scher, D.C. is Director of the the various new entrepreneurs calling Scher Center in Santa Fe since 1992. forth a new way to do business with heart She is an international teacher, instead of simply looking at the bottom workshop leader, and keynote line. It is the construction worker, the speaker. The Scher Center utilizes architect, and the engineer, all seeking a cutting edge reorganizational new understanding of life’s mysteries. It is healing tools including Network the dance, yoga and exercise instructor Spinal Analysis Care. For more info assisting us to move more fully into our go to bodies. It is healers of all kinds, who are or call 505 989-9373. Live Wild. Live working in new and innovative ways even Wise. Celebrate the Magic of an as they bring forth ancient wisdom. Integrated You. The tide has turned in our culture. The status quo no longer satisfies for the Evolving…in SANTA FE

Imagine Where Your Freelance Writing Career Would Take You If You Had…

A Year with a Writing Mentor Join Evolving Magazine publisher and freelance journalist, Jill Dutton, for 52 weekly segments on The Business of Writing. Just $26 for the entire 52-week email course. for information and to register.

10% Off One Month Coaching Services ($300 regular price, expires 6/30/16)


May 2016

Heart & Business

3 Keys to Keeping Self-Care Front and Center


y passion for Heart and Business is continuous with pathways, methods, and tools that deliver you to a place of clarity and strategy with heart interwoven throughout all of it. Caring for yourself and your career are intimately tied together and nothing short of journey offering lessons along the way.

Self-care is an easy thing to put on the back burner. Distractions and every-day tasks can easily interrupt your much-needed you-time. Good quality self-care requires discipline, focus, commitment, stamina, and followthrough in order to be effective and impactful in your life and, ultimately, in the lives of others. I define self-care as a personal experience of respect and love for yourself. Again, self-care is a deeply personal experience of respect and love for yourself. I'm interested in offering you timeless, self-reliant, quality approaches to self-care and ensuring all efforts remain simple, real, and relevant within our lives. The truth is, we tend to resist the urges that will make us feel good - really good - like the kind of good that is long-lasting, not temporary. We want to have less stress; however, if we let go long enough to experience relaxation, the concern sets in about letting go. It's all a practice. And self-care requires practice to see any progress. Holding back what is best for us can become natural. Our bodies communicate to us all the time - to move - to love - to give - to receive - to believe - to engage - to forgive. But when stress sets in, one can begin to miss the messages that speak to us - go for a walk, smile, let go, don't judge, laugh, or nurture important relationships. We are constantly meeting new people, expanding our knowledge and discovering more of ourselves. The only way to keep self-care on the table and no longer hold back with what really feeds us is if we have tools - the kind of tools you can use on your own and quickly. I'm a big fan of tools that don't need tools. My core knowing is you are your greatest asset no matter what. Meaning, you have all you need. It's a matter of knowing what to do with what you have and deciding the direction that supports where you want to go. Let's get started.

Key # 1:

clarity, and resilience to keep you on track. Imagine that driving force within your self-care! The most engaged, attentive people sustain their drive for Along the journey, have fun, breathe, and be gentle with self-care by developing successful practices and routines yourself, but firm when it comes to making self-care stick. within life and work so they reduce the amount of stress in Self-care will become your source of harmony and their lives. Try different routines. However, stick to them balance when all else may seem a bit stressful. long enough to know if they work for you and your family.

Key #2: Engage in self-care when your willpower is strong. Mornings for most people. Once someone is mentally exhausted they are more likely to engage in trade-offs. The human ability to personally compromise self-care is the first to deteriorate when willpower is depleted.

Key #3: Focus on one thing at a time. Productivity increases by 75 percent when focused on one task at a time. In order for self-care to matter in life, we must get clear on how we are going to weave it into our lives with energy, focus, and confidence. This will prompt commitment, Evolving‌in SANTA FE


May 2016

Heather Robertson E-RYT, CTC, CF is an entrepreneur, facilitator, and mentor, with endless commitment to presence and purpose within business and life. She is owner of Wide Awake by Design, located in Santa Fe, NM. Need the more formal version or want to know more: or email


5 Steps to Invite Miracles Into Your Life “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." ―Albert Einstein

say, "think of a lemon, it's smell, it's 5. taste, it's weight..." you are visualizing. This next step is the same thing. Imagine what it is that you want and visualize the feeling of it, every little detail. Try to engage all of your senses as much as possible. 3.


o matter where you are in your life, what hardship you're going through there's always the opportunity to invite miracles into your life. I believe that miracles are all about mindset. Miracles are: intention, vision, gratitude, and faith all coming together. No life is perfect, we all go through hard moments at one point or other in our lives but if we can see all the great things that we have in our lives and have faith that all we want is on its way, that's when miracles show up. The definition of a miracle is: a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences. I would like to add to this that it's a way of being where we shift from fear into love.

Believe. Like Wayne Dyer once said, "I will see it when I believe it." See it first (in your imagination) and then you will believe it because it actually materialized. We tend to think the other way around: "I don't believe anything until I have proof." I invite you to expand your mind and believe

Observe. Watch how miracles start to take place all around your life. Coincidences or like I call them "synchronistic events" will start manifesting, money will come from unexpected sources, the job you needed at the time you needed it will show up. The perfect contact that you had been waiting for will appear at the right moment. Observe, pay attention to how things come into your life and remember that you're the one that set it all off by having the thought, then you intended it, you envisioned it and you invited the miracle in.

5 steps to invite miracles into your life: 1.


Set an intention. What is it that you want in your life? Are you struggling with balance? with weight? with time? Do you want more money? More connection with peers? A person to share your life with? Whatever your answer is, set an intention to what it is that you want. Envision or visualize. The next step is to start seeing yourself with that thing or circumstance that you want, close your eyes and imagine it taking place in your life. -Some of you might say: "but I can't visualize" I challenge you, visualizing is like imagining. If I Evolving…in SANTA FE

first like it's your divine right to receive whatever it is that you want and then see what shows up. 4.

Tania Vasallo is the founder of The Courage To Be Happy, a supportive Expect with gratitude. Once you've community that empowers passionate, put in your order into the universe just heart-centered female entrepreneurs all expect it like you would expect the dish over the world to create their desired that you ordered at the restaurant. lifestyle by building an authentic brand Don't over think it, just be very clear as and business. Tania would love to hear to what you want, and expect it like about any of the miracles that are showing there's no other option. In your up in your life please email them to her expecting, it's very important to be grateful and imagine that which you want as if it had already taken place and you're being grateful about it. 9

May 2016


Interview with La’ne’ Sa’an Moonwalker Scott: Do you remember your first experiences of Spirit?

was of Ashkenazi Jewish descent from the east coast of the United States. And because of this multi-cultural, multi-ethnic background, even though I wasn't happy about it at the time, it definitely shaped my La'ne': Yes, I do. In the summer of my fifth year, I began having lucid dreams. In understanding that all people have value and meaning; all people have great the first one, I met this radiant being of infinite depth and Beingness. I experienced goodness in them and are also capable of evil acts. We all have the opportunity to an invitation for my life journey. I was shown it would be an arduous one but this choose to act in beneficial ways and be contributing members of our community, Being would be there to help me. At the be they two-legged, winged, four-legged, or end, I would have great insight and any other type of beingness. This is one of wisdom. I agreed. Later that summer, I the most important lessons for all of us. very much wanted to do a vigil. Even though I was only 5, and all the other kids The other major lesson is to fall in love doing the vigil were 7, 8, and 9, my Dad got with a specific path that you will stick with; we all need sustained discipline and special permission for me to participate. practice. No matter how much we don't like The assignment at the vigil was to sit those words, we need that to build a good quietly in nature and ask if Spirit would be foundation, so they are necessary. willing to communicate with us. I remember sitting on a rock with the beautiful sun rising up over rose-colored Scott: Why are humans trapped in endless rocks in the middle of the Rocky wars and a spiral toward extinction? Mountains of Colorado. The very rocks themselves emanated a presence of a Mother Beingness. I experienced the energy of our beloved Earth right below my La'ne': We are at war with ourselves, feet. I felt embraced. I didn't quite fully get which leads to being at war with our friends and family, at war within our the importance of this vision until later that evening. I was invited to a Council Fire communities, at war all over the world, at war with our Earth. We think that we are at with my father and several of the other peace with each other, but ask any elders where we talked about my minority, poor person, woman, person of experience. color, Jew, Muslim, or indigenous person Without language to express it, I in the wrong neighborhood -- any of them understood that Spirit is infinite. I was so will tell you there are dangerous places fortunate -- I had adults around me who where you can lose your life. This is equally supported direct communication with That true for the natural world. We have to Energy Which Moves All. I understood that practice tolerance and acceptance. not only did I have permission to Globally, we need to understand that our experience Spirit, I had the ability to do it. I differences are far less important than learned to be open and receptive. We must what we have in common. We are not also ask with respect and humility. different races. We are one race, the human race. We are one family, the human family that is part of the greater family of all that is, whether sentient or not. Scott: What are the most important spiritual lessons you can share? La'ne': I grew up in a unique household. My father was from Mexico, of Yaqui, Falasha, and Spanish descent; my mother

Scott: What is it about the spiritual practices and beliefs of indigenous peoples that have made your commitment unwavering? Evolving…in SANTA FE

La'ne': There are certain spiritual systems that allow us to engage directly and be guided by our inner intuition. This is why I am so attracted to indigenous beliefs and practices around the world, not only my own background through my father, but because of the essential piece that is so imperative and built into us as an animal. We are blessed creatures who can connect with That Which Moves and Touches All. It is part of us and we are part of it. We have to drop the belief that it has to go through somebody else. Because we are prone for illusion, delusion, and misinterpretation, we need help. We need guidance from teachers, fellow travelers, Spirit Guides, and of course That From Which All Comes. There was a time when we were all indigenous and connected with Mother Earth, Father Sun, and Grandmother Moon. We do better when we are in alignment with Their rhythms. Some of us are already working in this way. We are of many colors, faiths, and spiritual journeys. The healing has begun. There is a lot more to do.

Photo by Scott Seldin

La'ne' Sa'an Moonwalker has become an oracle, healer, spiritual teacher and environmental guardian through her studies and work over the last forty-five years. She is the featured presenter of eight interactive Scott Seldin taught literature and composition at Baruch College, New York City, and was a freelance photographer. After moving to Santa Fe, he worked as Academic Coordinator for the College of Santa Fe. His book, Mentoring Human Potential, (iUniverse) was published in 2011. He is currently a personal development coach (ExplorationsofSpiritandCreativity. com/Coaching); proprietor of Explorations of Spirit and Creativity.


May 2016


How to Create Conscious Thought Patterns for a Better Life


houghts create our reality. The perception through which we view the world, the labels we apply to our feelings and emotions, the categories in which we place our life experiences and relationships, all add up to our personal experience of reality. The question is: What do we want to experience? This becomes challenging when we experience situations we definitely do not want. It can leave us feeling powerless, lost, and confused. I’ve run the gauntlet of potentially crushing life challenges. A few years ago, my sweet older brother, my childhood hero, hung himself. He survived, but it broke our family down as he chose a reality few of us could understand. None of it made any sense. Worst of all, I couldn’t help him. Here I was, a spiritual counselor, a supportive guide for so many souls on this planet, and I couldn’t help my own brother. What was the point? If I can’t help the ones I love the most, what good am I? What do I know? Nothing. I spiraled down, feeling too much, thinking too much and just wanting to escape from all of it. My faith in God, my faith in the unconditional love and support, guidance and wisdom God has for me, served as the bedrock beyond which I could fall no further. I went to my knees daily, praying for help, crying out to God to show me, guide me, teach me. I kept hearing, “Healer, heal thyself,” and I sought to heal. I received energy medicine, spiritual counseling, spoke to a medium, walked the labyrinth. Slowly, slowly, I came out of the shadows of my grief and pain, stronger, wiser, and more equipped to help others navigate their suffering. And then… I found out that my baby boy had been molested by the daughter of a close friend. My son’s behavior had changed so drastically that I knew something was wrong. He wouldn’t nap anymore, he was no longer potty trained, he couldn’t sleep at night. Once we found out what happened, a chain of events set into motion that changed my life forever. My intimate tribe of women crumbled as people took sides and got gobbled up by the confusion of loyalty and betrayal. I RAGED. I raged at

God, raged at myself for not seeing it, raged at his innocence being stripped away while I stood by, feeling absolutely helpless. But because I survived my brother’s suicide attempt, I now had the tools to survive this horror. How do we survive these challenges? How can we consciously create our lives in the face of such tragedy and loss? By consciously choosing our thoughts. The very thoughts that take us into the depths of pain also have the power to bring us into the joy and pleasure this earthly existence has to offer. Here is my tried-and-true method of Creating Conscious Thought Patterns: 1. Set Intention. Harness the magical, powerful field of Intention where all possibilities reside. What do you want? What do you need? INTEND IT. Simply write, “I intend….” and outline your desires. 2. Direct Your Thoughts. When you find yourself running a thought pattern that doesn’t support you, give your mind something else to do. Consciously pull all energy to the present moment and narrate what is right in front of you. Keep your mind occupied by running these neutral patterns and it will forget to run shame, guilt, and regret.

“The base of understanding that the Law of Attraction exists is only the beginning of learning to manifest.”

3. Engage the Energy. I imagine a golden coil of light spiraling over the top of my head and I continue running that spiral of energy around my head, my neck, shoulders, all the way around my entire body until I feel peace. I connect to Divine Love through sunshine, trees, the beauty in nature. 4. Get Support. The number one human need is to connect and belong, but for some reason, in this culture, we isolate. We hide. We don’t want anyone to know that we are struggling. We all need help making it through this CrazyTown called Life! There is a confidential, 24-hour prayer hotline called Silent Unity (816) 969-2000. You can call them with any life challenge and their prayer team holds your prayer request in their care for 30 days. It makes a HUGE difference. Look for places offering spiritual support and use your inner Evolving…in SANTA FE

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feelings as a guide for which ones support your soul journey. 5. Check for glitches. If you are manifesting something other than what you intend, that’s letting you know that there is a glitch in the matrix. Something needs to be adjusted and usually, it’s your personal vibration. Do you truly believe you are worthy of receiving what you want? Do you believe it’s really possible? Are you running thoughts that are contrary to what you say you believe and who you say you are? The only person you hurt by buying into your own illusion is you. Ask yourself what these conflicts and challenges are here to teach you. Every conflict, every struggle, all pain is a messenger. What is the message? 6. Walk in Alignment. You can say “I am abundant” all day long but if you flinch when spending $300 for a workshop, there’s a glitch. This is a fine line. On the one hand, I am not advising that you throw money around, believing in abundance, then winding up broke as a joke! But all the affirmations in the world cannot help you if you are constantly in fear or worry or lack. Lack Consciousness is a killer of Magical Manifestation. Because at the foundation, you don’t actually believe in the abundance of the universe if you cringe every time you spend money. The base of understanding that the Law of Attraction exists is only the beginning of learning to manifest. The real work is in mining limiting thought patterns for information about where you are out of alignment with the blessings that are flowing to you. You can do it! I have faith in your ability to manifest your reality with conscious thought.


May 2016

Kim Macy is a spiritual counselor in private practice in Overland Park, Kansas. Her passion is in assisting people as they navigate their soul’s journey with conscious thought and awareness of their soul purpose, expressing their light and wisdom gained by facing the shadow of life challenges. For more information, please visit


Live Your Spirituality by Transcending the Workplace


any of you spend 40+ hours of your week in demanding, fastpaced, and often stressful work environments that take your focus away from what matters most. You may be working the jobs of more than one person and lacking the proper compensation. Some of you are selfemployed and face similar demands as you work with a diverse clientele and the additional stress of fluctuating business. Even others of you work more than one job. Whatever your situation, please join me as I share the journey of three individuals, Charisa, Alura, and Richard, as they utilize unique approaches and tools in challenging work situations. Each discovers a way to highlight his/her natural gifts and talents, walk in truth, and honor their spirituality…every day. After much reflection, Charisa made the decision to leave her career in social services and enter the corporate world. She took care to weigh the pluses and minuses to both environments. Her move to the corporate world came with a deep reflection upon personal boundaries.

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Though suited for management, she knew that it was no longer her path. Charisa has found comfort in this decision as her integrity is never compromised with making leadership decisions for the interest of the company over what’s best for the people. This allows her to conserve her energy for what matters most. From this foundation, Charisa is able to apply her spiritual tools, using them in variation depending upon the situation. She begins each day by taking inventory on how she feels. This requires Charisa to be very honest with herself. She questions her heart by reflecting: am I feeling vulnerable, sad, anxious, rested, joyful, etc.? This is her compass to determine which tool to pull from her toolkit. Charisa lives in deep connection with the Earth and nature, and so a stone, medicine bag, flower essence, or picture may be her companion for the day. Charisa has a sacred medicine hand drum that will often accompany her in the car before and after work. Whether just sitting with the drum, or being gifted a song, she finds this brings her into her heart-soul essence. When the weather is nice, she takes her lunchtime in solitude, sitting on a flat stone nearby a tree, or allowing the presence of birds to draw her to a relaxing outdoor space, blending her energy with that of the Earth. Refreshing! Alura made it her life’s mission to be in awe of life through her unique expression of the Divine. With this as her anchor, she embraces a divine feminine expression in her workplace by being open and receptive, inclusive, creative, and trusting her intuition. Alura knows that her corporate work environment isn’t concerned with her divine expression, so she accepts this responsibility—to “in” corporate her true and sovereign self. Each day, she briefly meditates on being aligned with her Evolving…in SANTA FE

Divine, allowing it to flow through her, setting her intention to operate from her place of truth. There are days that Alura maintains this alignment and days that she feels off within an hour of arriving at work. When out of alignment, Alura tends to go internally to a place of selfblame and self-judgment which then results in a “false” effort of trying to please others and gain their approval, circumventing her own selfrespect. When she finds herself in this space, she knows it is time to turn to her spiritual toolkit for help. Alura’s first step is to never deny her feelings. She has learned how valuable her emotional feelings are and how they serve as a compass, pointing her back into alignment. For Alura, pulling a card from her Angel or Law of Attraction deck can bring a welcome message to get her back on track. She decorates her work area with uplifting images and pictures, full of color, wonder, and vibrancy. Taking a moment with these pictures takes her out of her head and brings her into her heart where she can navigate her emotions clearly. She leaves her work desk for breaks and lunch, taking her Lavender/Sage smudging spray for a quick dowse. Alura carries her journal along which includes enlightening quotes as well as space she has dedicated to writing about why she has gratitude for her job. How divine! Richard is a self-employed artist, specializing in graphic design. He is highly creative, social, well-trained, and very gifted. Richard enjoys his career but faces a competitive environment where many of his peers have gone to work for big companies. This doesn’t work for Richard as he highly values his creative freedom. He enjoys making his own schedule and having control over what he creates and when he creates it. While this approach works well for Richard, he has had to make sacrifices in other areas such as marketing for business, grass-roots referrals, and dealing with fluctuating business income. His spiritual toolkit is just as valuable as someone’s in an office environment. Richard will sometimes work seven days a week. Due to this demand, he makes sure to do two things each day: take at least

a 30 min lunch away from his computer (preferably outside) and build in one hour of workout time. He notices a marked decrease in his energy levels and mood when he doesn’t honor these two commitments. He also makes sure that every other weekend he has at least one full day off–no work, no computer, no calls, etc. Richard greatly appreciates being able to listen to music as he works. Being home, he can play whatever he wants as loud as he wants and has been known to have power dance breaks. Fun and carefree! Each individual has discovered a way to transcend his/her work environment, be true to himself and live his or her spirituality. I hope that some of these tools will inspire each of you to take inventory on your own toolkits and take the necessary steps to live your spirituality…every day!

“Each discovers a way to highlight his/her natural gifts and talents, walk in truth, and honor their spirituality… every day.”


May 2016

Stephanie Forcier is a Certified Teacher and Advanced Practitioner of the Akashic Records with over 12 years of experience. She is an infinite explorer and relishes connecting with the true creation of the Universe and knows this infinite connection is within each of us. Stephanie actively offers classes, events, workshops, and personal sessions. Her new website is: To contact Stephanie:, or Facebook innerwisdomevolution.

Spiritual Horoscope

May 2016 Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Happy birthday, Taurus! Mercury is retrograde in your sign, but don’t despair! Meditate for intuitive insights about manifesting money, relationships, or anything else that brings you joy. Reflect on beliefs you hold that block abundance. Mercury retrograde cleanses stuck ideas, so let go of limitations! Spending time with pets lightens your spirit and opens your heart. Image Licensed by Ingram Images

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Mercury retrograde brings messages in dreams or meditation. You might even be able to still your mind for profound intuitive experiences in your quiet time! Work on forgiving old relationship hurts so you can open to new love and joy. You can even have breakthroughs with family members or challenging work colleagues that give you major mental relief!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) This is a powerful month for affirmations. Jupiter moves direct and helps you visualize your highest dreams—and also helps you believe they are well within your reach! Reach out to positive-minded friends. They’ll be grateful to re-connect, and you can mutually inspire each other. Also, treat yourself to a special event or purchase you’ve been pondering for awhile.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Jupiter moves direct, bringing financial abundance! You’ll feel “positive vibes” in general. Mercury retrograde can bring job offer news you’d given up on as long as three months ago. It’s amazing how it’s suddenly apparent how much everyone appreciates you! Meditating (even a few centering breaths when stressed or overwhelmed) brings insights at work or with family that benefit everyone involved!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Hooray! Lucky, happy Jupiter goes direct in your sign! You’ll reap good karmic rewards in work, relationships, emotions and physical health. Meditate on new beginnings wherever you feel joy leads you. Your spirituality can take wonderful new turns, with your intuition flourishing, and feeling a deep sense of connection with people and with the Universe.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) As Jupiter moves direct, you’ll have a deep opening in your spiritual life. You can forgive intense experiences that have built up and held you back for as long as the past twelve years! You’ll be able to trust in intimate relationships and sexual issues can heal. Prosperity also flows easily! Keep looking for guidance in dreams and meditation, since answers are right there for the asking.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Revitalize your relationship by getting back in touch with old friends and hobbies. You’ll be able to see each other through new eyes remembering how you were in the past. If single, you can meet a new love through the same process of reconnection with people and activities. Also, meditate on the words you repeatedly think and say to see how you’re creating a reality you want or don’t want!

Evolving…in SANTA FE

Jupiter moving direct brings breakthroughs with career! You can have a new job offer, get a raise, or start an exciting project. Meditate on each option that comes, since you can bite off more than you can chew with so much enthusiasm. Also, ponder how to implement more self-care—better diet, more rest, time for exercise. If partnered, do those things together — if single, you can meet someone by doing those things!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Jupiter moves forward, offering renewed faith and optimism! Reinvigorate your spiritual life with new approaches to meditation, yoga or other forms of worship. You might also travel or begin studying something that inspires you. Mercury is retrograde, making relationships slightly tricky. But all is well if you don’t jump to conclusions. Ponder how a shift of mindset can bring balance and harmony.

can work to manifest that dream. If single, do the same with a spiritually supportive friend who believes in unlimited options. In general, believe your intuition and be confident in your ideas—speak them aloud, especially at work!

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Jupiter moves direct, bringing a solution to a major issue about health, work, or how you deal with stress. Allow others to help you, even though you can do it all yourself—why have extra burdens?! Examine your finances with Mercury retrograde and you can find a way to work better within your means. Meditating on prosperity can bring intuitive flashes and open channels of abundance!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Mercury retrograde helps heal childhood issues and traumas that interfere with your ability to trust in intimate relationships. These same problems can also block prosperity. Meditate and have faith in greater possibilities. You are not stuck! Explore avenues of forgiveness and affirm a new reality of your choosing! Even tossing old junk in your home makes way for new spiritual energy.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) If single, you can draw an amazing new relationship—maybe even a soulmate! If partnered, you’ll have breakthroughs in longstanding issues in your bond. Meditate together on your ideal partnership and talk about the ways you 13

May 2016

Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 or visit



New Mexico Hypnotherapy helps you reach your goals, remove blockages to growth, and resolve limiting beliefs. From body image to clearing traumas and phobias to growing younger to natal and past-life regressions, we help people improve their life experience by understanding themselves.

Catherine Downing, JD, Mindful New Mexico Attorney will guide you on a healthy path through the legal system at a reasonable cost. Friendly Advice, Mediation, Documents, Estate Planning, Divorce, Health Care Power of Attorney, and more—all with sensitivity to your values and goals. 25 years of experience. 505-920-4529

En-Light-En Reiki, Lynne McMahan, Ed.D. Usui/Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master . As a conduit for Reiki healing energy, Lynne builds a mentoring relationship, supporting and coaching her clients (people and their animals) to increased mind-body-spirit balance and harmony on their journey of transformation. 505.400.3168 * * 110 Delgado St., SF

NUMEROLOGY John Holmes, Numerologist Confirm your Pre-Intended Life Story. Three-part reading, two-hour consultation by phone or in my Santa Fe office. Contact John with inquiries or to schedule a reading: or call 505-466-4297.

Wellness by Design, Rick Bastine, CHt. N.L.P., Shamanic Healing, Sound/ Frequency Healing, Energy Work, Coaching For Change. Rick assists and facilitates the processing of thoughts and emotions to create positive shifts and positive change. Allowing clients to return to a state of homeostasis, a state of inner wellness and inner healing. 505-690-3997

NUTRITION Nicole White, Author, CHHC, AADP, RYT, Healing Lifestyle Coaching and Classes (Live and Online). Inspiring You To Eat What You LOVE While Choosing Nourishing Ingredients. Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Hormones. Healing Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes Naturally. 505-204-1437 ~

True Freedom SRT. Tried everything and still feel stuck? Research the Akashic Records and allow Spirit to permanently clear blocks to harmonious, joyous expression in any area of your life, including relationships, prosperity, life-purpose. Clearings done remotely or in person. Aleah Ames, CCHt. 505-660-3600,


Priscilla Schmidt is a Holy Fire/Karuna ® & Usui Reiki Master & Teacher. With compassion and humor, Priscilla helps you embrace change, connect with your inner knowing, and heal your life. Offering in-person and distance healing, cert., advanced training, mentorships. People and animals. Santa Fe Reiki and Energy Healing Meet Up. 949-648-3468.

Integrative Healing and Massage. Beth Budesheim, LMT, RN, Intuitive, Energy Medicine Practitioner. Feel your peace and radiance with combination sessions blending therapeutic massage, energy medicine, intuitive guidance, pure essential oils and flower essences. or call/text 816-305-4670. Thai Foot Massage with Julie Bastine. Experience a relaxing yet rejuvenating form of massage and point work, promoting balance within the body. Benefits include energy movement, circulation and immune system support. Includes a foot bath and organic essential oils. 505-670-1106

COACHING LIBIDO COACHING. Somatic coaching for people who wish to change/expand the relationship with their body/intimacy/sexuality. Isa Magdalena has taught conscious sexuality since '92, in the US and Europe. Her book is called A Map of Full Spectrum Sex.

SPIRITUALITY Heart of the Mother Healing by Gwendolyn Hill Individual spiritual sessions and classes on ascension topics both remotely via teleseminars and in person in Albuquerque, NM. For more information:, 505-864-4084,

Evolve as a spiritual being having a successful human experience. Visit All ages welcomed. Email

Santa Fe Center for Spiritual Living is a trans-denominational community that explores our lives though music, the arts, prayer and the teachings of Ernest Holmes. Sundays services at 10:15 am. and/or can also be shared via Livestream at 505 Camino de los Marquez, Santa Fe, NM 87507, 505-983-5022

COUNSELING Laurie Pryor, MA, LMHC, consciousness-oriented psychotherapist, selfactualization coach and EMDR practitioner. With her down-to-earth optimism, humor and focus on self-care, Laurie helps clients realize authentic and heartfelt transformation in their lives. 505-695-8223

Center For Inner Truth provides a sanctuary for profound personal growth and transformation. Offering workshops, events, classes and an intensive year-long training, CFIT meets spiritual seekers wherever they are on their path with a welcoming community of heart., 505-920-4418 ~ 1807 2nd Street, #84 Santa Fe

EDUCATION Southwestern College/New Earth Institute: Consciousness-Centered Graduate School for Counseling and Art Therapy 3960 San Felipe Road, Santa Fe, NM 87507 toll free: 877-471-5756 direct: 505-471-5756 email: Evolving…in SANTA FE


May 2016


MAY 8 & 22 HAVE A HOLY FIRE EXPERIENCE Sessions at 1:00 and 4:30. Discover the new vibration of Reiki. Have a direct encounter with the flame of Pure Consciousness and your Divine Essence, and empower your own innate healing abilities. For general and specific issue healing. Please RSVP. Donations accepted. Led by Holy Fire 1/11 - Karuna Reiki Master Teacher Priscilla Schmidt. Santa Fe Reiki Share and Energy Healing on Meetup. 949 648 3468 MAY 9 FREE COMMUNITY WELL BEING DINNER WITH THE DOC’S 6:30p.m. Given by the Scher Center for Well Being. Take your health and your life to the next level! Increase your energy and improve your immune system. Go beyond managing pain into thriving. To reserve your space and find out the location call 505 989-9373. Let us know you saw this in Evolving Santa Fe! MAY 10 & MAY 19 INTRODUCTION TO NETWORK CARE A revolutionizing leading edge body.mind.spirit. integrating method. Learn how accessing your nervous system in a way that effortlessly releases defense and the effects of stress. Learn the key to optimize your healing experience in an empowered and sustainable way. May 10 at 12:30pm and May 19th at 6:30pm Call Scher Center at 505 989-9373 to reserve your seat.

Fire 1/11 - Karuna Reiki Master Teacher Priscilla Schmidt. Santa Fe Reiki Share and Energy Healing on Meetup. 949 648 3468

MAY 12 & JUNE 2 INTRODUCTION TO SOMATORESPIRATORY INTEGRATION (SRI) Learn how simple body awareness exercises can help you be more present, connected and at peace no matter what is going on in your life and body. Call Scher Center for Well Being to reserve your space 505 9899373. 6:30pm $20 for an 1 ½ hr class. MAY 21 SPRING FLING COMMUNITY APPRECIATION DAY And Spring Food Drive at Scher Center for Well Being. Raffles, door prizes, food, music, complimentary posture analysis with food donation. Come visit and join in the fun! Call 505 989-9373 to reserve a space.

MAY 30 REIKI AND OUR SACRED SELVES 6:00-8:30 pm. Bring goals, project plans, contemplations or other areas of concern and interest and learn how to use Reiki to empower yourself and your life design. Will also explore how Reiki helps one know and live from their authentic self and to ask for what is in your highest and greatest good. Class materials provided. $35.00, sliding scale available. No experience necessary. Led by Holy Fire 1/11 Karuna Reiki Master Teacher Priscilla Schmidt. Please RSVP. Santa Fe Reiki Share and Energy Healing on Meetup. 949 648 3468 ONGOING REIKI ENERGY SHARE Every first Monday and third Wednesday of the month, partake in a Reiki Energy share, 6:00 to 8:30 pm.. All schools of Reiki are welcome, as are people new to the energy. Enjoy and experience a safe, welcoming environment where each person can pass and receive the Energy and meet others. Light snacks provided. Please RSVP. Led by Holy

Evolving…in SANTA FE


May 2016

ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS CERTIFIED BARS EXCHANGE Wednesday nights, Santa Fe, get your bars run! Huge savings to a private session! Kathy White CFMW@ 505.366.9120 VITALITY HOUR AT INNER RHYTHM WELLNESS CENTER Mondays from 5pm - 6pm Join Val Alarcón, Holistic Health Coach and Advocate AADP for an inspiring, educational and interactive workshop on how to address your bio-individual nutritional needs, life/ work balance and many more health related topics. For more information and other events visit WIDE AWAKE BY DESIGN Specialized trainings, seminars, and retreats. Check out the latest 2016 calendar of events! MILAGRO SCHOOL OF HERBAL MEDICINE Enrollment is open for the online herb program. Study herbs at home with experts. VITALITY WITH VAL For Vitality with Val Events and Radio/TV segments please visit

PICK UP A COPY NEAR YOU View the complete list of locations, searchable by zip code, at DOWNTOWN Hotel Santa Fe The Golden Eye The Lensic Performing Arts Center Santa Fe Oxygen Bar Downtown Visitor Info Center at Plaza Galeria Main Library Santa Fe Convention Visitor Center La Posada de Santa Fe High Desert Healthcare & Massage Absolute Nirvana Spa and Gardens/The Madeleine Video Library Amethyst Santa Fe: A Healing Space Garrett's Desert Inn Milagro Herbs (419 Orchard Dr)

NORTH OF SANTA FE Unity Church Santa Fe Center of Light NORTH & WEST OF DOWNTOWN Light and Love Naturopathic Center Christus/ DeVargas Health Center/Urgent Care Santa Fe Spa The Lodge Ohori's Coffee The Betterday Coffee Shop Southwest Care/ Women's Health Services La Montanita Coop Thrive Santa Fe-Yoga-Dance-Spinning Barrio Brinery The Ark Bookstore Evolving‌in SANTA FE


May 2016

SOUTHSIDE The Montecito Santa Fe Soul Center For Optimal Health Java Joe's Cloud 9 Divine Healing Center @ SF Fitness Genoveva Chavez Community Center Santa Fe Community College Main Entrance SFCC Fitness Education Center Rancho Viejo Village Market Christus Rodeo Family Medicine Corazon Family Health Center Heart of the Lotus / Santa Fe Place Christus Entrada Contenta Health Center The Inn at Santa Fe Fashion Outlet Visitor Info Center La Bajada NM Visitors Center Aspen Medical Center Urgent & Primary Care

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