eksempler på alias

Page 1

1: ghost 2: comedy 3: money 4: marriage 5: scissors 6: cupboard 7: mountain 8: calendar

1: dress 2: necessary 3: widow 4: choice 5: Poker 6: argument 7: name 8: love

1: signature 2: foolish 3: furniture 4: answer 5: Europe 6: image 7: celebrate 8: animal

1: weakness 2: mistake 3: nationalism 4: extreme 5: pony 6: bloody 7: opinion 8: painting

1: minister 2: looks 3: join 4: remove 5: advantage 6: jewellery 7: brilliant 8: illness

1: connection 2: diary 3: remember 4: happy 5: bitter 6: pillow 7: revenge 8: discuss

1: mostly 2: annoy 3: break 4: continue 5: library 6: change 7: frightened 8: laughter

1: learn 2: place 3: stone 4: reason 5: twins 6: bedroom 7: entire 8: violent

1: roll 2: famous 3: evil 4: unfortunate 5: understand 6: whole 7: tired 8: proud

1: waiter 2: subway 3: shave 4: kick 5: business 6: quick 7: throat 8: pretty

1: work 2: congratulations 3: expect 4: company 5: glasses 6: cigarettes 7: hallway 8: squeeze

1: special 2: whisper 3: correct 4: fox 5: orphan 6: science 7: machine 8: voice

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