Differentieret undervisning på fokus på tre læringsrum: Klasserummet, træningsrummet og projektrummet. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, act I. Lektie: Eleverne læser så meget de kan nå på 45 minutter. Når de har læst teksten i 45 minutter, skal de udfylde den lille seddel med spørgeskemaet omkring hvor meget de har nået. Dette vil have betydning for, hvordan vi skal arbejde med teksten næste gang. Teksten skal læses så grundigt at man forstår hovedtrækkene i alt det man læser! Hvis der er noget man ikke synes at kunne forstå, skal man blive ved med at prøve til det går op for én. Det gælder ikke om at nå så meget som muligt, men virkelig at forstå det man når! Spørgeskema: Hvor meget nåede du?
Navn_______________________ Jeg nåede 2-3 sider. Jeg forstår slet ikke sproget! ______ Jeg nåede næsten hele scene 1 _______ Jeg nåede næsten hele scene 2 ______ Jeg nåede næsten hele scene 3 ______ Jeg nåede næsten hele scene 4 ______ Jeg nåede faktisk næsten hele første akt _____
modul 1 Klasserummet med læreren som skulptør – for elever med kryds i de første to felter (fremover Gruppe 1). Læs teksten fra begyndelsen sammen. Spørg ind til følgende når det passer ind i teksten: Who are present in the beginning? What are they talking about? Who comes onto the stage then? And what happens? Hvis der er usikkerhed genlæses linjerne. Who do we meet after that, and who is he? (Benvolio - kig på ‘list of characters’). Who comes next, and who is he? (Tybalt – kig på ‘list of characters’). What happens now? What do you think the names Benvolio and Tybalt represent? Taste the words, what do they sound like? What character traits do you think are connected to these names? What does the citizen, who parts Benvolio and Tybalt say? What does this tell you about Verona’s reaction to these fights? What are the names of the two fighting houses? Now the prince enters. What does he think about this fighting? What does he say? Spring til ’Enter Romeo’: What is wrong with Romeo? What do you think of Romeo’s character? What does it tell you that Romeo speaks in rhymes when speaking about love? What about his name? Taste the word. Does it tell you anything about his character? Begynd eventuelt på at læse lidt af scene 2. Mere tid: Få eleverne til at lave et ’stamtræ’ over karaktererne, hvorpå de skriver deres særlige karaktertræk, og hvordan de er forbundet. Lektie: Læs hele scene 1 og 2
Modul 1 Træningsrummet med læreren som træner – for elever med kryds i de to midterste felter (fremover Gruppe 2). Uddel følgende arbejdsseddel:
Divide yourselves into groups of 3. Decide on a time when the entire group will meet again in Divide yourselves into groups 3. Decide on a time the entire 45 group will meet again the auditorium (you of should give each otherwhen approximately minutes to work on in the the auditorium (you should give each other approximately 45 minutes to work on the questions below). questions below). In the small group of three: In the smallStart group three:each other a summary of the text (scenes 1+2+3). Make sure you shift speaker by of giving Start by giving a summary (scenes 1+2+3). Make sure shift speaker everyeach nowother and then so you of all the get text to say something in English, andyou remember to help the every now speaker and thenifso you all get to say something in English, and remember to help the he/she has misunderstood something or left out an important point. speaker if he/she has misunderstood something or left out an important point. Take good notes – you will need them next time. Take good notes – you will need them next time. Look at scene 1 pg 57. Look at scene 57. Try 1topg characterize Benvolio and Tybalt. Try to characterize Benvolio and Taste the sound of theirTybalt. names: Do their names tell you anything about their characteristics? Taste the sound of their names: Do their names tell you anything about their characteristics? Look at Romeo’s conversation with Bevolio in scene 1 pg 60-64. Look at Romeo’s with Bevolio in scene 1 pg 60-64. What isconversation wrong with Romeo? What is wrong Whatwith doesRomeo? Benvolio want Romeo to do to get out of his state of mind (see scene 2 as well)? What doesMake Benvolio want Romeo toofdo to get out ofhis hisname state of (see sceneabout 2 as well)? a characterization Romeo. Does tellmind you anything his character? Make a characterization of Romeo. Does his name tell you anything about his character? Look at scene 3. Look at scene 3. is Juliet’s situation? What What is Juliet’s What situation? do her parents want her to do? What do her parents her to own do? feelings about this? And what want are Juliet’s And what are Juliet’s own feelings about this? Answer as many of these questions as you can thoroughly before you meet with all of group 2 Answer as in many of these questions as you can thoroughly before you meet with all of group 2 the video room. in the video room. When the entire group is there, you may open the envelope. When the entire group is there, you may open the envelope.
(I kuverten ligger filmen Romeo & Juliet (Luhrman, 1997) med denne seddel):
You may watch the first 30 minutes of the movie AND NO MORE! You may watch the first 30until minutes ofleaves the movie AND NOparty, MORE! You may watch Juliet Romeo at the and Mercutio shows up and puts his You may watch until Juliet leaves Romeo at the party, and Mercutio shows up and puts his arms around Romeo. arms around Romeo. While watching, you must think about the following questions and take notes: While watching, you must think about the following and take notes: How close are the characters in the movie questions to your characterizations? How closeHow are the characters in the movie your characterizations? close is the language in thetomovie to that of the play? How closeHow is theclose language in the movie to that play? is the setting in the movieoftothe that of the play? How closeWhat is the issetting in the movie to that of the play? the effect of the similarities/differences between the movie and the play? What is the effect of the similarities/differences between the movie and the play? Homework for next time is to read the rest of Act I Homework for next time is to read the rest of Act I
Modul 1 øvelsesrummet med læreren som konsulent – for elever med krydser i de sidste to felter (fremover Gruppe 3). Uddel følgende arbejdsseddel til eleverne:
Begin by dividing yourself into groups of three. In the small group, give each other a summary of the text (the entire act). Make sure you shift speakers every now and then and remember to supplement the speaker if he/she has misunderstood something or left out an important point. Choose an aspect in act I that you wish to investigate. This could be the characters, the language, an analysis of the plot…. Or something quite different. Your findings should be typed up an uploaded on the E-learning platform of your English class (in the Shakespeare-folder, in the folder called “comments on act I”) by the end of NEXT session. You will also have to prepare a five-ten minute presentation. You have all of this session and the next session to finish your investigations and prepare a presentation on your findings, so be thorough. It might be a good idea to use the internet and the library to find inspiration for your analyses and interpretations.
Modul 2 Klasserummet med læreren som skulptør – Gruppe 2 Saml op med eleverne i fra gruppe 2 i klassen ved at gennemgå de spørgsmål de besvarede sidst. How close are the characters in the movie to your characterizations? Similarities/differences? How close is the setting to the actual setting of the story? Similarities / differences? How close is the language used in the movie to the actual wording of the play? What is the effect of the similarities/differences between the original play on the movie? Characterizations: Tybalt, Benvolio, Romeo Look at scene 5, Act I. Who are present in scene 5. If I told you there is a sonnet somewhere in the dialogue in scene 5, who would you think speaks this sonnet? And why? What is the sonnet traditionally about? What is the structure of a sonnet? What sonnet types exist? What do they represent? Petrarch wrote about Laura: 300 sonnets about an unattainable woman often in religious terms. Why would he use religious imagery, do you think? Have you ever heard about using religious expressions when declaring love? Can you find the sonnet? It is made out of the dialogue between two people. Når eleverne har givet deres bud på, hvor sonetten er, uddeles sonetten – eller vises på skærm. Romeo's and Juliet's lines are indicated in different fonts. (Romeo speaks first.) Recall the scene from the movie. What are they doing the first time they speak to each other? They dance! Their hands touch! Find the rhyme scheme. How many sonnets do we have here? Underline all religious words. Why do they use this type of language? Now read the sonnet – line by line and establish the meaning for each single line. • Why have Romeo and Juliet’s first lines together formed a sonnet? What does this evoke for the audience or reader? • What traditions appear in this sonnet? (two different sonnet types) • What do we learn about the characters from their lines? Which traditions do they use? Do they ever stray from these traditions? Conclusion: Romeo is a typical Petrarchan lover, but Juliet is nothing like Laura. She is attainable and sexual, and she actually invites Romeo to approach her. She participates in the sonnet, thus breaking with the Petrarchan tradition, just as Shakespeare breaks the Petrarchan sonnet conventions.
If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with tender kiss. Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hand that pilgrims’ hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss. Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray: grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake. Then move not while my prayer’s effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.
[He kisses her]
Then have my lips the sin that they have took. Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again. You kiss by th’ book.
[He kisses her]
Modul 2 Træningsrummet med læreren som træner (Gruppe 1) Uddel følgende arbejdsseddel:
Divide yourselves in groups of 3. Start by giving each other a summary of the text (scenes 1+2) in the group. Make sure you shift speakers every now and then, and remember to supplement the speaker if he/she has misunderstood something, or left out important points. Make a sketch/drawing of all the people we have met so far in the play: The sketch must illustrate how the characters are connected and include 3-5 key words about their character traits. This sketch must be handed in to the teacher by the end of the session. Answer the following questions in key words and upload your answers on the E-learning platform of your English class: Look at the conversation between Paris and Capulet in the beginning of scene 2: What is it Paris wants? And how does Capulet react to this? Capulet is throwing a party, which Romeo and Benvolio find out about. Why is it, Benvolio wants Romeo to go to this party? Look at pg 67. Look at Romeo’s answer to Benvolio (which starts with “when the devout religion of mine eye”). What characterizes the language of this answer (look for rhymes, analyse the words – are they everyday words or does he use metaphors, is it normal or exaggerated language?). Why is it, Romeo speaks like this? If you have more time: Start reading scene 3 together, correct each other’s pronunciation and make sure you understand what you read. Homework: Read as much as you can of the rest of the Act (all five scenes).
Modul 2 øvelsesrummet med læreren som konsulent (gruppe 3) Continue from last time:
Begin by dividing yourself into groups of three. In the small group, give each other a summary of the text (the entire act). Make sure you shift speakers every now and then and remember to supplement the speaker if he/she has misunderstood something or left out an important point. Choose an aspect in act I that you wish to investigate. This could be the characters, the language, an analysis of the plot…. Or something quite different. Your findings should be typed up an uploaded on the E-learning platform of your English class (in the Shakespeare-folder, in the folder called “comments on act I”) by the end of NEXT session. You will also have to prepare a five-ten minute presentation. You have all of this session and the next session to finish your investigations and prepare a presentation on your findings, so be thorough. It might be a good idea to use the internet and the library to find inspiration for your analyses and interpretations. Homework: Make sure your investigation is uploaded on the E-learning platform of your English class, and prepare to give a five-ten minute presentation on your investigation.
Modul 3 Klasserummet med læreren som skulptør (Gruppe 3) Eleverne fra gruppe tre starter med deres fremlæggelser. Her kan du som lærer rette til, hvor der evt er mangler i fremlæggelserne, eller I kan uddybe eventuelle diskussioner. Herefter ligner timen klasserummet fra sidst (altså det gruppe 2 lavede sidst): Look at scene 5, Act I. Who are present in scene 5. If I told you there is a sonnet somewhere in the dialogue in scene 5, who would you think speaks this sonnet? And why? What is the sonnet traditionally about? What is the structure of a sonnet? What sonnet types exist? What do they represent? Petrarch wrote about Laura: 300 sonnets about an unattainable woman often in religious terms. Why would he use religious imagery, do you think? Have you ever heard about using religious expressions when declaring love? Can you find the sonnet? It is made out of the dialogue between two people. Når eleverne har givet deres bud på, hvor sonetten er, uddeles sonetten – eller vises på skærm. Romeo's and Juliet's lines are indicated in different fonts. (Romeo speaks first.) Recall the scene from the movie. What are they doing the first time they speak to each other? They dance! Their hands touch! Find the rhyme scheme. How many sonnets do we have here? Underline all religious words. Why do they use this type of language? Now read the sonnet – line by line and establish the meaning for each single line. • Why have Romeo and Juliet’s first lines together formed a sonnet? What does this evoke for the audience or reader? • What traditions appear in this sonnet? (two different sonnet types) • What do we learn about the characters from their lines? Which traditions do they use? Do they ever stray from these traditions? Conclusion: Romeo is a typical Petrarchan lover, but Juliet is nothing like Laura. She is attainable and sexual, and she actually invites Romeo to approach her. She participates in the sonnet, thus breaking with the Petrarchan tradition, just as Shakespeare breaks the Petrarchan sonnet conventions. Eleverne skal være foreberedte på at kunne præsentere pointerne omkring sonetten for de andre grupper næste gang.
Modul 3 Træningsrummet med læreren som træner (Gruppe 1) Uddel følgende arbejdsseddel:
Divide yourselves into groups of 3. Decide on a time when the entire group will meet again in the auditorium (you should give each other approximately 20 minutes to work with the questions below). Start by giving each other a summary of the entire first act in the group. Make sure you shift speakers every now and then and remember to supplement the speaker if he/she has misunderstood something, or left out important point. If you haven’t read it all, try to look at the text together to see if you can find out what is going on. When you assemble again, you may open the envelope.
I kuverten findes følgende arbejdsseddel
You may watch the first 30 minutes of the movie (no more!), you may watch until Julia leaves Romeo at the party, and Mercutio shows up and puts his arm around Romeo. While watching you must think about the following questions and take notes: How close are the characters in the movie to your characterizations? How close is the language in the movie to the actual wording of the play? How close is the setting in the movie to the actual setting of the story? What is the effect of the similarities/differences between the original play and the movie? When you have watched the movie, you have to discuss your notes on the movie in groups. The group’s notes must be typed up and uploaded in the E-learning platform of your English class.
Modul 3 Øvelsesrummet med læreren som konsulent (Gruppe 2) Uddel følgende arbejdsseddel
Compare your notes from last time (on Romeo’s and Juliet’s sonnet in scene V), and make Compare your from last timemore (on Romeo’s in sceneThen V), and makeone person sure notes your notes include or less alland theJuliet’s aspectssonnet we discussed. choose sure your notes more or less thenotes, aspects discussed. one person from include the group to type up all your andwe upload them Then in thechoose E-learning platform of your from the group to type up your notes, and upload them in the E-learning platform your out last English class. This way, all your classmates will be able to use what youoffound English class. This way, all your classmates will be able to use what you found out last time. time. While the typer is typing, the rest of the group must discuss what themes are present in the While the typer is typing, the rest the group must what themes are present the groups first Act of Romeo and of Juliet. Choose onediscuss of the themes (individually or ininsmall first Act ofofRomeo and Juliet. Choose one of the themes (individually or in small groups a maximum of 3 members), and investigate this theme (this could be love, hate, youth, of a maximum of 3 members), and investigate this theme (this could be love, hate, youth, family….) family….) How is it expressed in the act? How is it expressed act? characters’ attitudes to this theme? What are in thethe different What are the different characters’ attitudes to this theme? Can you see Shakespeare’s attitude to your theme expressed in the text? And so on…. Can you see Shakespeare’s attitude to your theme expressed in the text? And so on…. You or your group must come up with a document with key words and notes from your You or your group must come withbe a document with words and notes from your investigations, whichupmust uploaded on thekey E-learning platform of your English class. investigations, which must be uploaded on the E-learning platform of your English class. If you do not finish during this session, uploading your notes will be homework for next If you do not finish during this session, yourone notes willtheme be homework forthe next time. If you are finished veryuploading early, choose more and follow same time. If youprocedure. are finished very early, choose one more theme and follow the same procedure.
Modul 4 Hele klassen samlet Opsamling på første akt: Gruppe 1: Give us a summary of Act 1. What can you tell us about the characters we meet in act I? Romeo? Tybalt? Benvolio? Gruppe 2: What can you tell us about important themes in the first Act? Does any of this fit with the sonnet between Romeo and Juliet in scene 5? Group 3: What can you tell us about Shakespeare’s writing and the metaphors used in scene 5? Gruppe 1 og 2 fortæller om filmens stil (setting, characters and language) Hele klassen ser akt II + III sammen af Baz Lurhmann’s filmversion af Romeo & Juliet (1997).