gg 1/13 NacHo FiguEras
December January February
LiFestYLe • PersonaLities • reaL estate
PubLisheD bY EngEl & VölkErs
sig BErgamiN
Only Barefoot – The Hideaway Of Sig Bergamin
wolFgaNg ludEs
sT. BarTH’s
THomas goTTscHalk
palacE For salE
NacHo FiguEras & Family The Polo Player on His Farm in Argentina
Island Living With Photographer Wolfgang Ludes
Thea & Thomas Gottschalk’s Home Above the Rhine
Bmw SPAIn 6,80 € PORTuGAL 6,80 €
THE FiNEsT rEal EsTaTE worldwidE
ESCAPE THE mosT BEauTiFul HomEs – liviNg wiTH NaTurE & iN ToTal FrEEdom
Cover 1-13.indd 1-2
06.11.12 10:37
At the best Addresses in Germany and in London, Paris, Madrid, Vienna and New York.
WEM526616_Solitaire_GG_225x297_GB_Bund.indd 1
abc-Job#: 526616 · Kunde: Wempe · Motiv: Solitaire · Adresse: keine · Format: 225 x 297 mm + 3 mm Beschnitt (linke Seite) · Farbe: CMYK abc-opix#: 1203-048 · Titel: Grund Genug englisch · DU: 06.11.2011 · Das Dokument ist ohne Überfüllung/Trapping angelegt, vor weiterer Verarbeitung diese anlegen!
Give her a diamond before somebody else does. Solitaires from Wempe.
06.11.12 15:48
WEM526616_Solitaire_GG_225x297_GB_Bund.indd 2
abc-Job#: 526616 · Kunde: Wempe · Motiv: Solitaire · Adresse: keine · Format: 225 x 297 mm + 3 mm Beschnitt (rechte Seite) · Farbe: CMYK abc-opix#: 1203-048 · Titel: Grund Genug englisch · DU: 06.11.2011 · Das Dokument ist ohne Überfüllung/Trapping angelegt, vor weiterer Verarbeitung diese anlegen!
If you would like to lay Heaven at her feet, we have the perfect stars for you: Express your emotions in unique style with Solitaire jewellery from Wempe. Trust your heart - and more than 130 years of expertise.
06.11.12 15:48
KEX_GG_Sensowash_450x297_GB.indd 1
30.07.12 14:39
Design by Philippe Starck
SensoWash® – gentle cleansing with water. The SensoWash® shower toilet seat cleanses you with water after using the toilet – it is gentle, clean and safe. In combination with toilets from the Starck 2, Starck 3 and Darling New ranges the result is an elegant and cohesive design with no visible connections. SensoWash ® offers more than just toilet hygiene, it also greatly enhances quality of life. For more information please contact Duravit AG, Werderstrasse 36, 78132 Hornberg, Germany, Phone +49 7833 70 425, Fax +49 7833 707 425, or
KEX_GG_Sensowash_450x297_GB.indd 2
30.07.12 14:39
T Dear Reader,
ravel improves the mind wonderfully, and does away with all one’s prejudices,” stated Irish playwright Oscar Wilde in the 19th century. For him, traveling was not a mundane pursuit, but the chance to open up the world and to be able to report back first-hand on how people lived, worked and thought. The validity of the witty playwright’s statement has not diminished in the more than 100 years which have passed. No doubt, traveling today is accessible to far more people; it has
become a great deal more comfortable and distances seem to have shrunk. Nevertheless, it is still the best and only way of discovering the similarities between our lives and those of people in other countries, and of beginning to understand the differences. In Europe, a large number of cultures with often very opposing characteristics meet in a relatively small geographical area. This diversity is one of the advantages which
accounts for the attractiveness and dynamism of the continent. But large measures of understanding and tolerance are necessary in order to meet our current challenges, while at the same time emphasizing and consolidating the most important communalities we in Europe share. Despite the Internet, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networks, traveling across borders remains indispensible for establishing genuine human connections. Stays in hotels – whether eventful or quiet, luxurious or exciting – are an important part of the traveling experience. This is why in this edition, we will showcase a number of extraordinary hotels in the most select locations from Switzerland to Bhutan. Ultimately, it is the destinations we seek out and the places we stay that make a visit seem memorable and worthwhile. This also explains why more and more people want to own property abroad. The ever-increasing demand for second homes in many parts of the world proves that people are looking to live with, and communicate with, others beyond the borders of their home countries. In this edition of GG we once again introduce you to the most stunning pieces of real estate from around the world, in unique destinations you will be able to report back on at home. Sincerely
Christian Völkers
8 Edi-CV.indd 8
25.10.12 12:17
DR_Hemmerle_GG_225x300_0331_12_Ro 1
19.10.12 13:09
WeLCome InsIde
aT home nacho figueras is a top polo player and model. he spends every free moment with his family on a ranch near Buenos aires.
look a unique piece: Pineapple ring from the red carpet collection by chopard.
PLayGround Travel
18 Just get up and go: The best hide-
aways and most wonderful resorts in which to kick back, unwind and recharge your batteries.
arT & Design
24 Take home a trophy: Sheep horns,
Chesterfield pigs, chubby cherubs or a pair of dangle earrings.
26 Stephen Burks: The New York de-
signer on ecology and craftsmanship and what gives him inspiration.
arT&Design Pure craftsmanship: The “Pixel cabinet” is composed of 1,088 triangles (Boca do lobo).
28 All it takes is a splash of color
to brighten up the winter months: looking good in green.
30 For urban cowboys: Cool gadgets
in black, white and metallic colors.
32 One of a kind: Extravagant pieces
at Home
10 Contents.indd 10
aT home Barefoot and happy: sig Bergamin and murilo lomas at their house in Trancoso.
nacho figueras
36 Multi-talented: Nacho Figueras
sig Bergamin
44 A haven of peace: Sig Bergamin
wolfgang luDes
ranks among the world’s top 100 polo players; he models, breeds horses and paints – at his home, a ranch in Argentina. loves traveling, and living in fastpaced São Paulo. But when he needs a break he retires to his house in Trancoso, in southern Bahia.
52 Caribbean paradise: German photographer Wolfgang Ludes on his passion for architecture, and for life on the island of St. Barth’s.
photo: Miguel Flores-Vianna/bassetiMages, siMon upton/the interior archiVe
of jewelry to add sparkle to your life.
24.10.12 16:28
WeLCome InsIde
for sale straight lines, asian elements, lots of white: a modern beach house in Marbella.
for sale with love, dedication and a typical taste for the exotic, thea and thomas Gottschalk transformed a rhine palace into a beautiful home.
For saLe A d sec t i o n
64 River romance: Entertainer Thomas
Gottschalk’s idyllic Marienfels palace on the banks of the Rhine.
74 Getaway extraordinaire: Spectacular
Man natural: cork animal building set (Monkey Business) & a wooden lamp (suck Uk).
views are guaranteed at the architects’ retreat in Los Monteros.
90 Luxury villas, manor houses, holiday
getaways – the best real estate around.
interview stephen Burks: the face of new american design.
CLose Up offices
212 BMW consults the stars: The
German carmaker collaborates with international designers.
220 Polo on Majorca: All in white –
the annual summer party hosted by Christian Völkers.
222 Interesting and unusual selections
for coffee tables and nightstands – plus a piece of literary furniture.
226 Wang Shu: The first Chinese
architect to win the prestigious Pritzker Prize.
aLWays photo: Steve Sparrow
editorial editor’s letter addresses
Contents.indd 11
8 A foreword to the new issue. 12 The great escape. 224 Names, addresses and manufacturers. 15 Masthead.
travel ready for a vacation and a chance to unwind? take a look at our suggestions, like the caribbean island of Parrot cay.
11 24.10.12 16:30
longing for Nature … We humans are peculiar creatures. Busy as bees, we seem trapped in our daily routines and live in cities that consist almost entirely of bricks and mortar. We stand in line everywhere: driving, shopping, at the movies or for tickets to the theatre. Whenever I am on a plane watching us tiny creatures from above I get it: of course we all dream of breaking free. Hoping to spend as much of our free time sailing, skiing, or on a secluded island. The longing for Nature and how to incorporate it into your life is the main topic of our new issue. Of course “The Great Escape” has a different meaning to everyone. For Nacho Figueras it is the few days off between polo tournaments, which he spends on his beloved farm in Buenos Aires – surrounded by his large family. For architect Sig Bergamin freedom means taking off his shoes the minute he walks into his holiday home in Bahia. Which explains the vast collection of colorful flip-flops at his entrance. In our travel story, author Susanne Kaloff explains why it is sometimes not that easy to just switch off, get away from it all for a while, and to lose yourself in the vastness of Nature. Because you will always discover that well-known
companion that you always take with you – yourself!
We hope you’ll enjoy the new GG!
Michaela Cordes
Once you have landed, it’s fun to take a “Moke” jeep and take off. Even though St. Barth’s is a bit crowded and crazy over Xmas and New Year’s, this little piece of paradise remains one of my favorite destinations.
12 Edi-MC.indd 12
All names and addresses on page 224.
23.10.12 13:39
0220-0xx_AZ_Grund_Genug_RZ_2_Layout 1 13.08.12 09:40 Seite 1
Made in Switzerland
Thank You ConTribuTors
The optimizer
Michaela Möllenbeck Since 2001 Michaela Möllenbeck has been responsible for all of the lithography issues at the lifestyle magazine GG. It’s her job to optimize images, perfect their coloration, and sometimes even “rescue” them. She gets the energy for her assignment somewhere at the seaside, preferably in Spain. Born and bred in Leipzig, she fled former East Germany in 1989 for love. Michaela Möllenbeck often works under extremely tight deadlines – but that’s when she really comes to life. When other people’s moods sour she can be counted on to keep smiling.
Well traveled …
SiMon Upton Simon Upton had his breakthrough with his first publication in the design journal The World of Interiors in 1989. The photographer, who lives in London, specializes in portraits and interiors and travels the world over for his art. In addition to his own projects, he photographs people and their houses for such renowned publications as Vogue, Vanity Fair, Elle Décor and Tatler. For GG, Simon Upton took pictures of Sig Bergamin at his beachside vacation home in Trancoso, Brazil (page 44). Upton is currently working on a number of different book projects and is also preparing an exhibition of his best work.
new York Girl
kriStina Stewart ward She has written for the society pages of the New York Times, and in every other way as well, author Kristina Stewart Ward has seen a lot of the world, including St. Barth’s. On behalf of GG she spoke with Wolfgang Ludes about his house and life in the Caribbean. Ludes, who is originally from Germany, made his name as a beauty and lifestyle photographer and now works in architecture. His home is, as Ward describes it, a place where fantasy takes flight (page 52). Ward herself lives in Tuxedo Park, N.Y., a resort town that became popular at the turn of the last century.
The Man with the Tripod
MigUel floreS-vianna What this man hasn’t done! He was born in Argentina, trained in Africa and Europe and completed a 20-year stint in New York as the editor of various American magazines, including Elle Décor. Today, Miguel Flores-Vianna commutes between London and Berlin, has turned his true passion into a job, and prefers to walk around with a tripod rather than sit behind a desk. Flores-Vianna, who photographed Ignacio Figueras for our cover, also has a quirk: every day he freezes a moment in time on Polaroid and puts the image in a photo diary.
chriStine wollowSki When she went to Recife in April of 2000, the journalist Christine Wollowski had intended to stay for only a year. Over a decade later she is still in Brazil because for her, there’s just too much to discover. After all, the country is literally bursting with a lust for life, talented soccer players and inventiveness. Another reason she was unable to leave: beach life is addictive – as is Brazilian music and the easy-going demeanor of the Brazilians themselves. For GG, Wollowski introduces us to Brazilian designer Sig Bergamin, see page 44.
Mr. sunshine
Steve Sparrow Over 20 years ago Steve Sparrow turned his back on his British homeland and settled in Costa del Sol – where, as the name suggests, there are so many more hours of sunshine. As a photographer, he has shot campaigns for CocaCola and Caterpillar, and his pictures have appeared in Vogue, GQ and Tatler. For the current issue of GG, he took some shots of a beach house extraordinaire in Marbella (For Sale, p. 74). The job, however, was not without its challenges: the wind had blown a cloud of ash across the entire region… sweep, sweep, sweep.
14 Contributors.indd 14
23.10.12 13:20
is published four times a year by Grund GenuG Verlag und Werbe GmbH editorial and publisHinG office stadthausbrücke 5, d-20355 Hamburg, tel. +49 40 36 13 11 40, fax +49 40 36 13 11 44, publisHer christian Völkers editorial editor-in-chief Michaela cordes creative director janine weitenauer deputy editor uta abendroth copy editor uta abendroth Managing editor janine weitenauer picture editor janine weitenauer staff editor
Kristin schruMpf spanish translations
caroline rott italian translations
Katja iseler design
vivian cline-thoMas florianne wohlfahrt contributors to this issue
Madeleine abeltshauser lópez-cobo, Miguel flores-vianna, susanne Kaloff, rachel Kretz, MoniKa Mistol, Kristin schMidt-suMera, MarK seelen, dana shenhar, steve sparrow, Kristina stewart ward, siMon upton, christine wollowsKi offices outside Germany france-benelux engel & völkers, avenue louise 544, 1050 bruxelles, belgium
edition ventures s.a., lasne business park, chaussée de louvain 431d, 1380 lasne, belgium
adVertisinG sales director arMin roth sales MoniKa schiffMann
Marc von brixen countries and regions switzerland Medialuxe, taMara priMerano-bua usa franK KulvicKi
real estate adVertisinG presented by enGel & Völkers Manager classic inKen becKer design classic inKen becKer assistant classic ariane Kienast-von eineM Manager advertorial Melanie KlusMeier design advertorial caroline pantKe assistant advertorial nicole MielKe translations english robert sMales spanish susana silva ollet italian Katja iseler
enGel & Völkers coMMunication director Melanie KlusMeier
distribution director license partner support inKen becKer
deutscher pressevertrieb network gmbh, düsternstraße 1, d-20355 hamburg tel. +49 40 37 84 50, fax +49 40 378 45 50 00, assistant subscriptions ariane Kienast-von eineM interabo gmbh, postfach 10 32 45, d-20022 hamburg tel. +49 40 23 67 04 56, fax +49 40 23 67 02 00,
GG coMMunication arMin roth
production production director janine weitenauer staff
Michaela MöllenbecK Kristin schruMpf advertisments GG arMin roth classic real estate advertisments inKen becKer adVertorials caroline pantKe prepress
bertheau druck gmbh,, tel. +49 4321 952 67 60 printing
neef + stuMMe premium printing gmbh & co. Kg, alter wall 55, d-20457 hamburg tel. +49 40 37 84 50, fax +49 40 70 70 99 70
an annual subscription of 4 issues costs 20 euros (incl. free delivery) plus 7 % Vat (Germany only). international prices on request. subscriptions will be renewed for a further year unless cancelled in writing six weeks prior to expiry. reproduction of any content requires prior permission from the publisher. care has been taken to produce this magazine with as much accuracy as possible, nevertheless, no liability shall be accepted for factual errors, advice given or misprints. furthermore, no liability shall be accepted for accuracy of property descriptions or for non-availability of properties featured in this magazine. a commission will be charged on all properties with the exception of those marked with a “p”. issn 0941-5203, GG · no. 1/13 · 25th year
ManaGeMent christian völKers MirKo hewecKer
The next issue of GG comes out on March 8, 2013
Masthead.indd 15
06.11.12 08:47
Pagina_Unode50_225x297.pdf 1 26/10/2012 10:19:12
Desirable Dream Destinations …
A soft breeze billows the white linen curtains, soft, sandy beaches beckon outside the door. And all you hear is the sound of the waves rolling in from the horizon. Imagine setting off for a wonderful place like this and leaving your regular life behind. We’ve put together a handful of stunning destinations – because this is the season to start planning your next relaxing getaway. Join us for a trip to the COMO Shambhala Retreat on private Parrot Cay island in the Caribbean (photo), to the magnificent Swiss Alps or to romantic Apulia. Turn the page and get inspired!
17 PG-Travel-Opener.indd 17
23.10.12 14:41
Just push the
The Residence, Maldives
Paradise is a tongue twister: Falhumaafushi. Loosely translated it means “sole flower in the ocean,� and looking at the island, located on the Gaafu Alifu atoll with its powdered-sugar beaches, this is no exaggeration. Each of the 94 strawthatched villas is located directly on the beach or on stilts above the water, and boasts a 360-degree panoramic view. Guests can reach The Spa by Clarins via a jetty. Discreet luxury, which leaves room for the dignity of Nature. Welcome to Falhumaafushi!
PG-Travel-n.indd 18
25.10.12 13:02
off button …
photo: the Residence Maldives
… and find refuge on a secluded island, at a yoga retreat or a dream resort at the end of the world. Those who escape everyday life for a while often discover new worlds, and – if they’re lucky – also find themselves. Susanne Kaloff on switching off completely and traveling with only your own shadow for company.
19 PG-Travel-n.indd 19
25.10.12 13:02
Dedon Island, the Philippines Be warned: after having spent more or less your entire vacation outdoors at the Dedon Island resort,
North Island, the Seychelles This small, 2.5-square-kilometer island is located north of the main island of Mahé, in the Indian
Ocean. It boasts more than eleven 11 villas – a maximum of privacy. The dining concept is “any menu, any venue, any time.” A butler service is also included. So, in order for the guests not to stop moving completely, there are activities including scuba diving, snorkeling, sea kayaking, boat and fishing trips, and outings to local environmental projects. Did we mention the infinity pool?
you will never want to wear shoes again! Here on Siargo Island the boundaries between indoors and outdoors are blurred. This unique resort conceived by French designer Jean-Marie Massaud is situated on an island which boasts white, sandy private beaches and is surrounded by coral reefs and mangrove forests: a great place for surfing – and heaven on earth.
20 PG-Travel-n.indd 20
25.10.12 13:03
SHA Wellness Clinic, Albir Beach
There’s nothing quixotic about this Iberian luxury: located in the stunning, hilly landscape near Alicante, Spain, the SHA Wellness Clinic goes out of its way to help guests restore the balance between body, mind and soul. This is accomplished with the perfect combination of Far Eastern techniques dating back millennia, and the latest achievements of western medicine. The view of the Mediterranean from the pool area alone is sublime.
Le Grotte della Civita, Matera Located in a rockface in Apulia, Italy, these 2,500-year-old cave dwellings were inhabited from the
Bronze Age until the 1950s. As part of the hotel project “Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita,” 2,000 square meters of the area were refurbished over a two-year period. Today, the hotel offers an enchanted, meditative atmosphere. Its 18 rooms and suites are up to six meters in height, measure up to 140 square meters in area, and boast antique works of art and even underfloor heating!
PG-Travel-n.indd 21
25.10.12 13:04
The Chedi, Andermatt The best address for a luxurious vacation at high altitude. This five-star superior hotel, whose architecture
Eco Hotel Resort EndĂŠmico, Baja California Twenty luxury cubes, which seamlessly blend into their surroundings, make up this green hotel resort, nestled among the rocks on a secluded hill in Mexico. The rustic starkness of the landscape has also inspired the refreshingly understated interior design of the residential cubes: minimalist with modern amenities.
Uma Paro, Bhutan This resort in the Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan clings to the mountains, and boasts a fantastic view of the surrounding
landscape. Traditional artwork and modern unobtrusive design have been lovingly woven together here. Wellness facilities include a hot stone bathhouse, a spa area, a covered outdoor swimming pool and a yoga mat in every room.
PG-Travel-n.indd 22
25.10.12 13:07
cleverly combines traditional and modern elements, is nestled in an area of unsurpassed natural beauty in the Swiss Alps. The Gotthard region with its snow-covered peaks, waterfalls and secluded mountain lakes is more than impressive.
in which you can that exceeds what a society ordinarily regards as necessary or reasonfeel secure and will not be found. They able. For seven days, I did not wear any shoes: no Jimmy Choos, no are also for people who can handle the Pierre Hardy’s, not even flip-flops. In my pink-colored hut, I heard the silence engulfing them. Sometimes it is ocean singing and listened to the emptiness breathe in and out. My small abode was equipped with a plank bed, three clothes hangers so quiet that a murmur will start in your head. In the beginning, you may think it and a photo of the master. Exuberance was only to be found in Nature. is perhaps just the ocean. Then you reOne morning when we were all in the downward-facing dog pose alize the sound comes from within you. on an open-air platform, a coconut fell from one of the palm trees and This reminds me of one of the most irjust missed the mat of a fellow student by a few centimeters. That was ritating feelings from my childhood: not the only exciting thing that happened in this Garden of Eden the enhaving been found in a game of hide and seek, I realized that the othtire week. At all other times there was tranquility – inside and out. ers had long given up the search, and heard them already noisily playhere are trips you go on in order to shake off your ego and to forget your past. Others are intended as opportunities to really ing another game in the distance. Life just went on – without me. get to know yourself, and to catch yourself out. You could call Many years ago, I had a powerful desire for life to go on like that for a while – just without me, and without me having to do anything. these trips of self-discovery, if the word did not sound so old-fashSo, I planned a luxurious trip to Mauritius with my then husband. ioned. Self-discovery per se is a fine thing. It is always worthwhile We were keen to try something we had never done before: doing to observe, search for and find yourself, and at the end of the day, finothing at all. Perhaps it takes time and practice to get this seemnally welcome yourself with open arms. Those who go on a trip leave behind all that is old. In the ingly easy exercise right. In the event, we failed spectacbest-case scenario they do ularly almost as soon as we something for the very first had landed at our destinatime, and discover the world tion. My one-year-old was and their place in it. covered in mosquito bites in A great way to do this is the space of 24 hours, and to travel across Europe with we took turns sitting next to a backpack on an InterRail ticket. I strongly suspect, the travel cot until the little one had fallen asleep. In the however, that being in a pameantime, whichever parvilion on stilts, in a manent wasn’t currently staygrove forest in the Philiping with our child, waited pines is somewhat more – sad and alone, and with relaxing. As is being on a vacation island, where there half a bottle of wine – in are no bills to pay nor monthe open-air dining room beneath a clear night sky ey to pay them with. This emblazoned with stars. My is the reason why holiday Les Suites de la Potinière, Courchevel Breathe deeply. Fifteen clubs offering all-inclusive husband might tell me that “Contemporary Style Suites” and a 450-square-meter apartment at 1,850 meters above sea level! A pinnacle of elegance in the French Alps. vacation trips came into behe had seen a shooting star, but all I was interested in ing: to give guests that pricewas the temperature of the less feeling of being entirelittle one’s bottle. Oh well, there was a lot of tension and more stress ly carefree. The downside to these clubs is quite often that, although what they offer is all-inclusive, they are rarely exclusive. After all, exthan relaxation, but I will never forget the multi-colored fish I saw clusivity is not something that can be purchased at a bargain price. while snorkeling. We could, of course, have hired a babysitter; it was Breaking free and getting away from it all is not a matter of wantan upmarket resort. But unfortunately I had made all the travel aring to escape from everyday life because life at home is not beautiful. rangements without taking one important factor into account: me. I have since learned one thing: you always take yourself along on vacaOn the contrary. It is about expanding one’s horizons and – with a tion – even if you travel to the Himalayas, or to the end of the world. bit of luck – expanding your soul. Why is letting go so difficult? And is it easier when one is being carried? Right now, my soul is loudThe longing for the “big escape”– for freedom, for distance and for ly demanding a trip to Dedon Island. Maybe while swinging back letting go – is often stronger than one’s fragile, cowardly ego. ver since the fiasco of the Mauritius trip I have – probably unand forth in one of the small woven “nests” I will finally be able to say: “Life is good.” The most fulfi lled moments in life always glow fairly – viewed places which advertise themselves as a “parawith simple beauty. How about sitting on a beach in the Seychelles, dise,” with some suspicion. The island in the Bahamas which stretching out your bare legs beneath the wooden table and enjoying I set off for to try letting go once again years later, even had the label in its name. A name that sounded like a whispered promise: the feel of the fine sand – still warm from the day’s sunshine – while the scent of the sea and freshly grilled fish fi ll the air? How about lyParadise Island. Nevertheless, my fear that after twelve hours on a 747, the destination would not deliver on its promise was deep-seating on a king-size bed in a room with large windows on three sides, ed – and completely unfounded. It was the most beautiful week I and a 270-degree view of the Indian Ocean? have ever spent barefoot. There was no butler. Instead, there were Oh my! Or how about watching the mists rise slowly in the mounchores to be done, including scrubbing the toilet. tain ranges of the Himalayas at six o’clock in the morning, as they Paradoxically, the thing that made my stay in this yoga ashram so reveal terrace-shaped hills and valleys in bloom? Hideaways are never special was the complete absence of luxury. Wastefulness, wantonnoisy places. They are what we all need from time to time: a refuge in ness and exuberance – all these are meanings of the Latin word “luxwhich we can hear the sound of our own heartbeat, while elsewhere, life rages on like there is no tomorrow. us” from which the word “luxury” is derived. Anything, therefore, SK ideaways are refuges
All names and addresses on page 224.
PG-Travel-n.indd 23
25.10.12 13:08
PlayGround art & desiGn
Fehling & peiz A leather pig family in deep-buttoned Chesterfield style invites us to play, relax, or quite simply to suffer a terrible case of the cutes.
Hunting season is here!
With savvy spoil ranging from piglets and cherubs to jewels, pistols and the Madonna herself. KatharIna Gaenssler It’s really huge. The 500th anniversary of the Sistine Madonna (with those puffy-cheeked cherubs, naturally) is being celebrated in Dresden with a move: “The world’s most beautiful woman” needed a little more space. And now? A digital tapestry adorns the empty wall. Munich photographer Katharina Gaenssler came up with this fresh perspective on the famous Rafael painting by taking hundreds of close-ups and assembling them into a large collage. Happy Birthday!
VlIeGer & Vandam With this embossed clutch from the Amsterdam label’s “Guardian Angel” collection you might need a little longer passing through airport security. Sometimes it’s all about the look and less about the contents… approx. € 200.
boca do lobo Whatever this is, it doesn’t come from IKEA… The “Pixel Cabinet” was created by luxury furniture designer Boca do Lobo from Portugal. Supremely fashioned of 1,088 triangles in silver, gold, enamel and 10 different types of wood. Bravo!
Ich bIn blIndtext Von Geburt an. Es hat lange gedauert, bis ich begriffen habe, was es bedeutet, ein blintrophy art der Text zu sein: 5 Man macht keinen Sinn. Man wirkt Can you imagine sheepZusam Von G da aus dem Zusam hier und da aus dem horns or gnu antlers hangVon Geburt an. Es hat lange gedauert, eburt an. Es hat ing above your bed? Trolange gedauert, phy-Art also uses real gold leaf, silver and Swarovski crystals. Hear them roar!
text: susanne kaloff
JuwelIer hansen Fine jewelry should be worn – not hidden away in a case until the right day arrives. Life experience decrees: today is the day! These glowing art deco dangle earrings of warm yellow gold bearing Kashmiri peridots are hand-crafted in the workshops of venerable Hamburg jewelry maker Hansen. They could be yours for approx. € 7,500. casalpIn... where modern design meets rural bliss meets tradition: these two-story chalets can be found smack in the middle of the snowlovers’ paradise of Brandnertal, Austria. Après ski comfort reloaded!
24 PG-Art&Design.indd 24
All names and addresses on page 224.
24.10.12 09:42
18K white gold with diamonds · +49 (0)8022-704400 · Hamptons · Lake tegernsee · syLt · paLm BeacH
The Idealist from New York Stephen Burks doesn’t want to save the world with his designs – just to improve it a bit. He relies on eco-friendly materials, sustainability and traditional craftsmanship. A winning combination: international design companies are fighting over the New York designer. 2
For a while “form follows function” was the guiding principle of design; now it is said to be sustainability. Don’t such overriding ideals stifle a designer’s creativity? The primary function of design is to solve problems. That has always been the case, and remains true today. Every project comes with its particular constraints, which guide the design process to an effective solution. As a designer it is my job to use my creativity in order to meet these needs in an innovative way. Sustainability is one of the prerequisites. Do you feel that your innovative approach to design using recycled materials is adequately appreciated by the companies you work
Hmm, it’s rather like this: if a large company switches their production to more environmentally friendly or sustainable methods, because they were inspired by the research done by my studio, to me, that is sufficient appreciation for me and my work. Dedon, for example, produces almost 300 pieces of furniture a day – hand-made pieces at that! To achieve this, the company has hired over 600 weavers in the Philippines. The factory there not only provides a respectful working environment, but is also extremely efficient. Dedon decided to manufacture all its products in a sustainable way and to preserve, or rather promote, traditional craftsmanship. For my outdoor “Dala” collection, they have – for the first time in the company’s 20-year history – used a new fiber made from recycled Tetra Paks. Dedon is an exemplary company when it comes to making use of sustainable ideas in the production process. for?
26 PG-Interview.indd 26
I find inspiration primarily when I am traveling. To have the possibility to travel around the world, and to collaborate with so many different people from so many different cultural backgrounds, is fascinating and, at the same time, greatly influences my work. What is it that inspires you?
What kind of influence does a city like New York have on your work?
For better or worse, American culture is the most influential culture in the world, and in a certain way New York is a miniature snapshot of this. It is a crazy, mixed-up place, which was only able to develop in this way because of the diversity and the dynamic coming together of people from all over the world. Ever since I have come to New York to live, I have appreciated being able to leave the city from time to time, in order to experience a greater measure of precision and cultural authenticity elsewhere. What are you currently designing? In my studio, we always work on several projects simultaneously. At the moment we are developing our first fabric for an Italian client, we are designing a flagship store on Madison Avenue for a cult fashion label, and we are finishing off the designs for various lamps, which are due to be presented next spring at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile di Milano, the furniture fair in Milan. Do you have any specific design visions, which you have not yet been able to implement? I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to de-
sign a best-selling everyday object, like a chair.
Stephen Burks made a name for himself with his sustainable designs, and founded his studio Readymade Projects in New York in 1997 1 Acrylic lamp “Light Frame” (David Design) 2 Glass lamp “Chantal” (Ligne Roset) 3 The “Pleats” sofa features a pleated cover (Modus) 4 The wickerwork of the “Dala” armchair is produced from recycled fibers (Dedon) 5 Carpet “Panier,” made of wool and silk (Chevalier Édition) 6 Burks designed the screen “Play” for an exhibition (Kvadrat) 7 The “Triple Basket Lamp” is made of woven bison grass and polyethylene (Readymade Projects).
All names and addresses on page 224.
24.10.12 10:29
DEURS GmbH | Telefon 07221 LES AMBASSADEURS 30 21 50 | GmbH | Telefon 07221| 30 21 50 | |
Unbenannt-1 1
06.11.12 09:20
Go color green, go!
Step on the gas pedal – apple green is the hottest investment tip for 2013 2
2 SPARKLING Six-armed candelabra made of Murano glass from CnG Luxury Lighting, approx. € 760.
11 WALLFLOWER Cheerful “Watch Me” steel clock from Normann Copenhagen, approx. € 40.
6 12
5 ORGANIC Sturdy paper weekender by Saskia Diez, 135 grams, approx. € 100.
8 EXQUISITE “Mon Jasmin Noir” by Bulgari was inspired by Italian gardens, approx. € 65.
28 PG-Woman.indd 28
12 NAP TIME! Comfy cushion “Chinese Girls” by Chen Karlsson, silk and cotton, price on request. 13 THIRSTY? Glass carafe “Motion” by designer Ole Jensen. Available from Normann Copenhagen in two sizes, from approx. € 40.
6 CLIMBER Each of the “Swing Vases” from Normann Copenhagen is unique, prices from € 255. 7 TIME OUT It’s happy hour, baby. Classic watch “Alexei” by Fabergé, approx. € 20,000.
10 MINIATURE A cute little place to keep your pennies. PVC change purse from dfp design (7.7 x 1.2 cm), approximately € 8.
3 SNAP Take a swim with Jack the Crocodile: bath plug by Donkey Products, approximately € 20. 4 JUICY “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Ring from the Red Carpet Collection by Chopard, price on request.
9 GREEN THUMB For garden enthusiasts: luxury greenhouse with bonsai tree from Pinel & Pinel, approximately € 38,000.
14 CRYSTAL Beautiful champagne flute by Patricia Urquiola for Baccarat, price on request. 15 COOKIE The mahogany F*Guéridon with green lacquer looks like someone took a bite out of it. Fratelli Boffi, price on request.
1 VERDANT Anything Acne touches is always that little bit fresher than the rest, price on request.
All names and addresses on page 224.
24.10.12 11:28
shop online
BOSS Black
HUGO BOSS AG Phone +49 7123 940
Hot ideas for the cold season Winter’s the time for boys to enjoy more of everything: hip facial hair and toys to keep them occupied. 2
1 IT BOY Cool cat with a cute beard in a perfect Hermès suit – what’s not to like? Price on request.
8 SEAWORTHY “Octopus” is what Máximo Riera calls his chair, price on request.
1 4
2 TWEET Nesting box “Big Brother” in a CCTV camera by Donkey Products, approx. € 70.
3 FUNKY! Cherry pit pillow shaped like a ghettoblaster, Donkey Products, approximately € 20.
10 TIME TO … The “Scope” clock plays with light and shadow, LEFF Amsterdam, approximately € 100.
5 TICK-TOCK What better excuse to keep your hands in your pockets? Vintage pocket watch “PW1” by Bell & Ross, price on request. 6 CHOPPING BLOCK Side tables made of logs are like best friends: there when you need them. By Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams, approx. € 250. 7 AVIAN ALARM This smoke alarm is no bird-brain: it chirps when there’s a fire. Discovery, approximately € 50.
30 PG-Man.indd 30
11 TRÈS CHIC Notebook shaped like a pocket hankie, Monkey Business, approx. € 8. 12 SMART Deluxe phone: LINK by TAG Heuer. From approx. € 5,700.
14 14 7
13 BUDDIES! Add some spice with the cruet set “Gordon & Andreas.” Normann Copenhagen, approximately € 35. 14 PLAYTIME A great excuse to open a bottle: “Buffalo” cork animal kits, Monkey Business, approx. € 6.
15 LIGHTS ON! Giant wooden light bulb by Suck UK, approx. € 100.
4 HEART NOTE Tom Ford’s new fragrance “Noir” smells of pink pepper, nutmeg, vanilla & patchouli, € 70.
9 ACROBATS on a clothes line – a fun way to perform household chores. Pegzini Family pegs, Monkey Business, set of 5, approximately € 14.
All names and addresses on page 224.
24.10.12 11:03
shop online
BOSS Black
HUGO BOSS AG Phone +49 7123 940
2 1
6 5
Gemstone Extravaganza Marilyn would have swooned at the sight of such precious stones. Each piece is unique and guaranteed to steal the show wherever you go.
1 SPARKLER Pear cut rose spinel ring with lots and lots of diamonds, price on request 2 OCEAN BLUE Platinum rings studded with diamonds, and set with elbaite tourmaline or alexandrite, Tiffany, price on request 3 SPLENDID yet simple: diamond-encrusted white gold ring from Wempe, € 10,575 4 MAGNIFICENT Hibiscus armband studded with 2,300 rubies and diamonds, Fabergé, price on request 5 LEAF MOTIF Cuff bracelet set with zillions of green tsavorites from the Red Carpet Collection by Chopard, price on request 6 WORK OF ART “Parade” earrings from the Chanel “1932” series made of 18 carat white gold set with sapphires and diamonds, price and
32 PG-Look.indd 32
manufacture on request 7 PURE BEAUTY Rubellite ring mounted in 22 carat yellow gold, Colleen B. Rosenblat, price on request 8 FLOWERY Rare mandarin garnet surrounded by tear-shaped sapphire “leaves,” Tamara Comolli, approx. € 46,990 9 CAPTIVATING Bracelet with tourmaline navettes mounted in yellow gold, Frankenberg Collection, approx. 11 € 16,850 10 DAZZLING In place of scales, this little lizard is studded with 1,548 blue topazes, and has rubies for eyes. Georg Hornemann, approx. € 54,000 11 CLASSIC Inspired by Catherine the Great: the “Les Fabuleuses” earring collection by Fabergé, price on request.
All names and addresses on page 224.
24.10.12 10:21
Roeckl IntellIgence SolutionS for your touch DiSplay
Anz.RobertoVerino_113.indd 1
31.10.12 07:52
Nacho, take me to Argentina!
Take one look at this picture and you’ll become an instant polo fan. But Nacho Figueras is not only a great looking guy, he is one of the world’s best polo players. Seven years ago Ralph Lauren discovered his charm and hired the handsome young Argentinean to model for his Black Label, later also for his “Polo” fragrance. Turn the page for a very private visit to this family man’s home near Buenos Aires, where he lives with his wife and children. And you’ll discover that Nacho Figueras doesn’t just have a passion for horses, but for art and architecture, too.
35 AH-Opener.indd 35
23.10.12 13:25
Hola Familia Figueras! Does Nacho Figueras look familiar to you? He should – he is the face of countless Ralph Lauren ad campaigns. When the handsome Argentinean is not modeling, he is one of the most successful polo players in the world. Figueras lives near Buenos Aires with his family, in a house whose architect he picked when he was only 17. TEXT: Monika Mistol PHOTOS: Miguel Flores-Vianna/bassetimages
A champion and a family man: Nacho Figueras with his wife Delfina Blaquier and daughter Aurora on his estate near Buenos Aires.
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23.10.12 18:32
37 AH-Nacho.indd 37
07.11.12 10:29
“In order to play polo at the highest level, you have to be a little bit crazy.” Nacho Figueras
Finds and classic pieces: a red sofa from a flea market next to design icons like the Le corbusier chaise longue and the “Wassily chair” by Marcel Breuer.
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23.10.12 18:34
39 AH-Nacho.indd 39
23.10.12 18:34
A dream come true: At 17, Nacho Figueras was already imagining the house he wanted architect Juan Ignacio Ramos to build for him. The building is characterized by straight lines and simple materials. It boasts a distinctive dĂŠcor and great views of Nature and the polo fields.
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23.10.12 18:53
“A game of polo is pure adrenaline, but the contact with the horses grounds me again.� Nacho Figueras
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23.10.12 18:55
“My mission? To make polo more popular around the world, and to stay true to myself.” Nacho Figueras
hard & soft: the gray concrete floor extends throughout the house. it looks great in combination with a cowhide rug and an “Lc 2” Le corbusier chair.
AH-Nacho.indd 42
23.10.12 18:57
and Zaha Hadid. Sitting on the red sofa in jeans and a T-shirt, with a successful polo his wife and his three children Hilario, Aurora and Artemio, Figuerplayer, famous for being the face of Ralph as looks just like an ordinary family man. But if he was, he probably Lauren advertising campaigns, and at the same time a loving father with a picture-perwould not count Prince Harry, Madonna and Marc Jacobs among his fect family. “You must not get used to losfriends. So close is he to the British prince that Figueras even agreed ing, not even when playing a game of marto become an ambassador for Harry’s Sentebale foundation, which bles,” the Argentinean is reputed to have works with orphans in Lesotho, in southern Africa. said. Maybe that is why coming second is a igueras wants to increase the popularity of polo as a sport. In Buenos Aires, there are huge stadiums, and thousands of specrare occurrence for him. Like when the readers of Vanity Fair voted him second most attators attend the matches. Maybe this level of interest stems tractive man in the world in 2009, just behind Robert Pattinson – but from the fact that there are vast swathes of pastureland in Argenahead of Brad Pitt. At the age of only 17, a teenage Nacho – the Argentina, where a correspondingly large number of ponies can be kept. tinean nickname for all those called Ignacio – already told architect This, in turn, allows more people to play polo. “In Argentina, at least Juan Ignacio Ramos, that it would be him who would one day design some people understand that polo is not just a sport for the rich. I Figueras’s house. This is because, am from a middle-class family in Figueras’s opinion, Ramos is a myself,” Figueras likes to emtrue artist who happens to design phasize. Yet in other parts of houses. The young man did not forthe world, he says he often enget his announcement: years latcounters the view that polo is only for multi-millionaires. In er, when it was time to build his home, he contacted Ramos. order to raise the profile of the From the hustle and bustle of sport, he agreed to do a camdowntown Buenos Aires, it only eo appearance on the TV series “Gossip Girl.” He points takes 45 minutes by car to reach the home of the polo-obsessed family, out that he only did it because headed by Nacho Figueras and his he was not required to act and wife Delfina Blaquier. You can see in fact played himself. Playing polo has always been the polo fields from the patio while having breakfast or afternoon cofpart of Figueras’s life: he grew fee. “Of course you can live here up in the country, surrounded without playing polo,” says Figuerby horses. Like many boys, he as, cofounder of the Blackwatch dreamt of becoming a profesteam, which is sponsored by Ralph sional soccer or tennis player at first. But he stuck with polo Lauren. “But why would you?” after playing for the first time The house is characterized by at age eight. At 17, he played in straight lines, and by the use of his first tournaments in Paris. concrete and indigenous hardThis was followed by competiwoods. The architect wanted to create a link to the area’s colonial tions in other European cities. heritage despite the minimalist When he was 23, star photographer Bruce Weber asked him design of the building. This is why it even boasts a tower, which whether he would be interestis used as a studio space, rather ed in being photographed with than for spotting approaching atPenélope Cruz, for a Ralph Taking a break from polo and traveling: Nacho Figueras is away Lauren ad campaign. A pictackers. Figueras paints, his wife from home several months of the year, so he enjoys spending time with his wife Delfina and the children Artemio, Aurora and Hilario. is a keen photographer, and both ture of the coquettish Spanish use the studio to store their works. actress with the attractive ArDelfina Blaquier’s mother was a famous supermodel, but Blaquier gentinean polo player seemed to be just right for a perfume called chose another path – with much success. Following an exhibition “Glamourous.” Today, Figueras is a world-class polo player and model, even if he does not describe himself as such. (“André Agassi and in New York, a series of her photographs entitled “Horses” was pubTiger Woods make commercials, too!”) He is constantly traveling lished as a book by Kelly Klein, Calvin Klein’s ex-wife. n the living room a red Chesterfield sofa, which the family acaround the globe, often with the entire family. The ad campaign for the “Romance” fragrance provides a glimpse quired at a flea market, is positioned next to a classic Le Corbusinto their family life, harmonious in spite of everything. The images ier armchair. On the table there are illustrated books on Klimt and Kandinsky. The wall above the fireplace is adorned by a genuine also feature Nacho’s children and his wife. The shoot itself takes place on the ranch, where Nacho and Delfina got married, and whose preFigueras, featuring hues of red. On the bedroom walls, there is phovious guests include the Duke of Edinburgh and the Maharaja of Jaitographic art by Blaquier, who also conceived the design of the bed. pur. Recently, the polo star confessed to the Argentinean newspaper In one corner of the room, chairs by Mies van der Rohe and Frank Gehry have been positioned on an IKEA carpet. But no matter where La Nación that the Figueras’ would really like to have another child. “But when we go on a trip, it is already hugely chaotic; like moving the furnishings come from, they are all handpicked and combine to form a cozy, comfortable whole. So great is his love of design that house.” These “moves” are, however, short and temporary, because Figueras has even named some of his horses after architects: for exhis home is the house designed by the architect Ramos: close to the ample the two fillies called Mies and Zaha, after Mies van der Rohe polo fields, and in the heart of his home country of Argentina. mm acho Figueras is a winner:
43 AH-Nacho.indd 43
23.10.12 19:00
Open minded: Sig Bergamin is a passionate collector of furniture, art and accessories, which he finds on his travels all over the world.
AH-SigBergamin.indd 44
23.10.12 20:37
Barefoot in Bahia
In his home country of Brazil, Sig Bergamin enjoys rock star status. Sometimes he is even asked for autographs. Always on the move, the architect and designer lives between his offices and homes in São Paulo, New York and Paris. When he is in need of a break, he retreats to his beachside home in Trancoso to live life in swimming trunks and flip-flops. TEXT: Christine Wollowski PHOTOS: Simon Upton/The Interior Archive
45 AH-SigBergamin.indd 45
23.10.12 20:38
“Life in Trancoso is quite relaxed. Even the food is different than in São Paulo.” SIG BERGAMIN
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23.10.12 20:40
White exterior, colorful interior: Bergamin’s home thrives on contrasts. The pool is surrounded by mango trees and jasmine bushes.
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23.10.12 20:40
Exotic and cozy: informality reigns in Sig Bergamin’s beachside home. The interior design was not planned, he says, it just happened.
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23.10.12 20:41
“I combine objects from all over the world. My dogs are called Africa, America, Asia and China…. ” SIG BERGAMIN
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23.10.12 20:44
“I am by no means a minimalist. I am all about maxi, maxi, maxi!” SIG BERGAMIN
Cross-cultural: Sig Bergamin and Murilo Lomas share their home with objects they like – regardless of their era or place of origin.
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23.10.12 20:52
square meters. Sig Bergamin says: “Everyday life is not always comperfectly. When you see the 6’4” architect and designer barefortable. That is why our homes should be cozy and tranquil. They foot and in Bermuda shorts, you cannot imagine must be peaceful.” The spacious rooms of his private home generhim anywhere but in his light and airy beach house ously give onto the tropical garden with its mango trees and jasmine on the Brazilian Atlantic coast, in southern Bahia. bushes. White ceilings, walls and floors made of burnt cement hold He did, however, spend his childhood in the backtogether the distinctive Bergaminian mix of collectors’ items from country of São Paulo, about 1,500 kilometers from many eras and continents: Mies van der Rohe chairs and an ottoman Trancoso. There, in Mirassol, he was often seen designed by Bergamin himself, a wooden bust of the Buddha from going around on a horse-drawn cart, as his faLaos next to porcelain pieces from China, Balinese stools and a Nigether was a farmer. But Sig Bergamin was cut from rian armchair. Bergamin’s favorite piece is in one of the guest rooms: a different cloth. At the age of only eleven, he brightened up his a Chinese opium bed, which he found in Bali. On the walls, there are vintage posters from Cuba and Polynesia next to Kenyan masks room with colorfully patterned fabrics from the local department store. Two years later he beautified the building of the city’s carniand a 19th century painting. Nothing seems cluttered or excessive. val association. It didn’t take long for his parents to realize that their y home is my refuge. This is where I relax, where I feel at ease,” says the 57-year-old, who is well known for his daring blend son’s talents required a different environment. So his father sold a plot of land and sent his son off to the city to of styles. “When I look around, I like every thing I see. These are pieces which I have acquired over the years, and which mean a lot study. In São Paulo, the country boy quickly found his way into the right circles, and secured to me.” He says he has not his first design commisplanned this ambience, sions while still a student. it just happened. “I have He founded his own detried to keep the décor as sign studio with branchrelaxed as the people who es abroad, but had a battle live around here,” adds on his hands nonetheless: the flea market aficiona“For ten years, I was strugdo. Bergamin lives a kind gling with my New York of parallel life in Trancoso, studio; Brazil just was not where “even the food and on the map. Today, Brazil its preparation are different than in São Paulo,” is en vogue!” says the interior designer. “The ecoand where he likes to make nomic upturn this country his way around by bicycle. Trancoso is in southis experiencing is reflected everywhere, but particern Bahia – one of Brazil’s ularly in the real estate secfederal states – and is not tor.” Sig Bergamin himself far from where the Portuhas long enjoyed cult staguese explorer Pedro Áltus in Brazil, especialvares Cabral once landed Trancoso was founded by the Jesuit order in the 16th century. The Igreja ly since he designed the on a long sandy beach. Cade São João Batista is the second oldest church in Brazil. The village on the homes of star TV presentAtlantic coast with its rustic charm is a favorite hideaway for Paulistanos. bral was followed, first by er Jô Soares and of media fishermen, then by hipmogul Roberto Marinho: “When I am traveling in Brazil, people ofpies and finally by the international jet set including top models ten ask me for my autograph. It is quite disconcerting,” he smiles. Naomi Campbell and Gisele Bündchen, who began flocking to the His slightly guttural, rolling “r” betrays his country roots. But Berpicturesque village on the Atlantic coast. The interior decorator built his home here eight years ago. “I love gamin has not tried to change his pronunciation of the letter “r”, nor has he tried to hide his congenital speech impediment. Quite to the southern Bahia. This is where you find the real Brazil,” he enthuses. contrary: José Antonio Sig Bergamin had his nickname “Sig” – once “It is always sunny, and there is always a pleasant breeze.” The place used to mock his lisp – officially included in his passport. has maintained its unspoiled natural surroundings and is not overo this day, Sig Bergamin lives and works in São Paulo, with adrun with people. In fact, the center of the village still looks rustic and ditional studios in Paris and New York, where House Beautiful boasts a green, around which low colonial-style houses are clustered. magazine ranked him among the 101 best interior designers. These have, however, long been home to boutiques and restaurants. Every two years, he travels to the Far East, to be inspired by the reOn the other side of the square, also painted in modest white and facgion’s art and colors. “That is why I only manage to come to my house ing away from the sea, stands Brazil’s second oldest church. On its in Trancoso every two months, which is much too seldom!” he comlawn in the afternoons, local young people sometimes kick a soccer ball around. The owners of the properties and their guests like stayplains. His visits are unlikely to become more frequent in the near future. Brazil’s boom is creating a new upper middle class – a ready ing in their residences, which are hidden away between cashew nut and pine trees. “Today, Trancoso is Brazil’s answer to Ibiza,” says Berclientele for Bergamin: “People are hungry to learn what is good and gamin. “While there are some cliques, consisting of people from São beautiful. I think that is fantastic and I enjoy advising them.” Paulo, from Rio de Janeiro, or from Italy, they all know each other and This is why he often works on dozens of projects at the same time. mingle.” The perfect afternoon consists of drinks and lunch at the pool Relaxation is, thus, all the more important. The house on the beach serves exactly that purpose, he says: a place for flip-flops and wet in the shade of the coconut trees while enjoying the soft breeze from swimwear. A private retreat where he does not receive clients and only the ocean. This is followed by relaxation on the patio in the evening. welcomes the company of close friends. And there is room for quite “We are only really inside the house when the weather turns less pleasa few of those: the house boasts more than two dozen rooms on 750 ant,” says Sig Bergamin. “And that happens extremely rarely.” cw ig Bergamin fits into this environment
51 AH-SigBergamin.indd 51
23.10.12 20:55
A cosmopolitan’s hideaway: Wolfgang Ludes spends as much time as he can in the villa he designed on the Caribbean island of St. Barth’s.
AH-WolfgangLudes.indd 52
25.10.12 08:17
Welcome to my Paradise
Wolfgang Ludes is a well-known photographer. Now, he is putting his eye for location and light to creative use as an architect. His home on St. Barth’s is carved out of a mountain and includes a stunning view of St. Jean’s Bay. TexT: Kristina Stewart Ward PHoToS & ProducTion: Mark Seelen
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25.10.12 08:18
Poolside panorama: Wolfgang Ludes put up his house on a site that was difficult to built on. The result: a picture-perfect view of the bay.
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25.10.12 08:21
“When I go out, it’s typically to L’Isola, to Eden Roc’s Sand Bar or to La Plage.” wolfgang ludes
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25.10.12 08:21
“First we determined how many guests we could invite, then we decided how many shelves for glasses we would need.� wolfgang ludes
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25.10.12 08:23
Asian influence in the Caribbean: Wolfgang Ludes designed a modern, Balinese-style home where indoors and outdoors merge harmoniously.
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25.10.12 08:23
Modern classics: a chair by Patricia Urquiola and a sofa by Antonio Citterio perfectly suit the spaces Wolfgang Ludes has designed.
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25.10.12 08:27
“I love any chance to create beauty – and I love acquiring new tools to do it.” wolfgang ludes
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25.10.12 08:29
A natural place to withdraw: the villa is integrated into the garden so as to create little niches in which to enjoy some privacy.
“I enjoy being an architect. But I’m still waiting for someone to ask me to design them a boat.” WOLFGANG LUDES
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25.10.12 08:31
and three finishes to create interesting retaining walls for the meanbetween architecture and photography,” says Wolfgang Ludes, a well-known dering staircases which thread the property. He is equally skilled at fashion photographer who now has several recent arthe art of living and how it takes place. The central level of the villa chitectural projects to his credit. The most recently is focused on gathering places: the generously proportioned kitchen completed one is a lushly landscaped, three-tiered villa where guests gather for cooking, the long dining table, the ipe wood named “Teman” carved into a steep cliff in St Barth’s. decks and seamless pool which emerge beyond the living room – all “Both disciplines are visual,” continues Ludes, “and three areas layered and positioned so that dwellers can look out toward they require the ability to use many technical elements St. Jean’s Bay while conducting the day’s activities. By night it is the fireplace that serves as the home’s hub, an open hearth that interacts in pursuit of the image that comes to you in your head.” dramatically with the night lighting of the pool, and which serves to In the case of Teman (Indonesian for “friend”) this imevoke the convivial spirit of this main living level. age came into his head one night at 2am. “I got out of bed, sat down at my desk and spent the rest of the night drawing the house and all hen privacy is preferred, the third-level master suite beckons. Sliding louvered walls invite in the natural surroundof its elements. When I look at the final renderings and blueprints today, I am shocked at how true the final house is to that original drawings, while also harboring the villa’s occupants within the ing – the size, the flow and layout of mountain-carved niche. Tucked in the rooms. Even the number of stepbetween the jagged jungle wall and ping stones in the pool.” Ludes’ inthe suite is a hand-carved massive stinctive command of architecture outdoor wooden bathtub, just one has been featured in magazines like of the details Ludes devised to bring Architectural Digest and Vogue, and understated luxury into this island praised by such esteemed colleagues retreat. While the interiors are cast as American master architect Richin a subdued palette of beige stone, ard Meier, who extols him for his perdark brown wood and white fabric, the details remind its dwellers that fectionism, location, organization of space, views and use of natural light. every aspect of living here has been This praise could easily have applied considered and painstakingly rendered. “We designed and built the to Ludes’ photography (which invanity tables and the mirrors ourcludes work for L’Oreal, YSL, Chanel) but it happens to have been said selves because I couldn’t find exactabout his modernist Balinese-style ly what I was looking for. I spent six homes overlooking St. Jean’s Bay. months researching the precise ceil(Ludes created two homes here, the ing fans, which I ultimately commis“Peak” is further up the hill.) sioned. There are dozens of speakers Upon seeing the building sites hidden everywhere on the property. for both homes, most people surely We did it to create an even level of looked up and thought: great views, music throughout, not because we but too difficult to build. Ludes saw needed it to be loud.” them and thought: what a great chalThe villa can accommodate groups lenge, how soon can we get started? of 170 for parties, and already has. “The land really spoke to me,” he exMention this and Ludes steers the plains, “and yes, of course we had to conversation to the forethought this excavate a lot of rock in order to inteentailed. “First we determined how grate it into the site, but it was worth many people could fit here, then we it for the unpretentious chic and the estimated how many glasses that True harmony: German-born photographer wolfgang organic feel I was able to create for Ludes discovered his love of architecture in New York, where would require, and then we ensured he works. The creative result is his house on st. Barth’s. the home and the grounds. I wanted that there were enough kitchen it nestled into the site; it’s a house shelves to house that many glasses.” you have to look for, and a home that reveals itself in layers.” Attention to detail indeed. So, with a home this inviting, and with hat home is a clandestine masterwork of indoor and outdoor enough friends to regularly fill it, does the international photograspaces, with winding paths that lead into jungle gardens, and pher find time to indulge in the culture and night life of St. Barth’s? which meander through three levels of synchronized living “Oh yes, of course. While I love spending time in the home I worked spaces. On the lowest level are two guest bungalows, each with painsso hard on perfecting, it’s also nice to circulate outside with friends takingly rendered built-in spaces and floating walls, hand-crafted in– I find inspiration there.” Ludes is one of the island’s social nomads terior architecture that Ludes devised in order to keep the rooms clear who count St. Barth’s as an important stop on their year-round purof debris, focusing them outward toward the staggering views. Rooms, suit of the sun. In summers you will find him in East Hampton in closets, an office, even an entire kitchen are secreted away behind the home he renovated 10 years ago, and which served as the initial dark wenge wood; the floors are made of travertine, as are most of the launch of his second career. “A friend saw what I had done and asked home’s exterior staircases. Ludes has an impressive capacity for cume to partner with him on a home created from scratch. The two riosity and patience, both of which he lavished on the home’s buildhomes we built on St. Barth’s were so successful (both are available ing blocks: “Materials. I spent so much time researching the precise to rent and to buy) that I’ve now been approached to create other projects – which suits this intrepid creator just fine. I love any chance to materials needed to create the right feeling for Teman,” he says, referring to everything from fastidiously selected pool tiles “the perfect create beauty – and I love acquiring new tools to do it. I’m still waitshade of gray-green,” to the limestone rendered in three thicknesses ing for someone to ask me to design them a boat.” ksw don’t see a significant difference
All names and addresses on page 224.
61 AH-WolfgangLudes.indd 61
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09.08.12 15:23
RESIDENTIAL presented by
Edited by Inken Becker & Melanie Klusmeier
The Finest Real Estate Worldwide
This castle on the River Rhine near the town of Remagen has a dual persona in various respects. Its location is peaceful yet central, to start with. And while its classical façade is very much in the style of 19th century romanticism, its interiors are filled with modern colours and decorative backdrops. The family estate of Thea and Thomas Gottschalk is blessed with both beautiful parkland grounds and unparalleled views overlooking the Rhine. All this and more awaits …
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Preserving the old and braving the new: Thea Gottschalk devoted a whole two years to the renovation of Schloss Marienfels.
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Modern Castle Living The entertainer Thomas Gottschalk and his wife Thea realised a long-held dream at Schloss Marienfels, a castle perched high above the River Rhine near the town of Remagen. They created a home for their family here with a great deal of flair for the extraordinary in life. But their nomadic lifestyle means they are now moving on, destination – as yet – unknown … PHOTOS: Andreas von Einsiedel TEXT: Michaela Cordes
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“We didn’t just want Marienfels to look like a castle from the outside. We wanted it to feel like one inside too.” thea gottschalk
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Colour deployed to catch the eye: Lilac gives a modern touch to the salon with its 19th century wooden panelling on the walls and ceiling.
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“Interiors have always been my passion. Thomas often asks on his return from a trip: ‘Where’s the bed this time?’” thea gottschalk
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Games room in black & white: A billiard table stands at the heart of this space, with mirrored pillars that refract and multiply the light.
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“My wife had always dreamt of a castle. And there are none more beautiful than Marienfels!� thomas gottschalk
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An oasis of well-being: The pool has been elaborately renovated and decorated with water-coloured frescoes in an art nouveau style.
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The greatest luxury for entertainer Thomas Gottschalk is being able to enjoy a stroll undisturbed through his very own forest at Schloss Marienfels. This idyllically positioned little castle, built by a sugar manufacturer in the 19th century, affords a spectacular and, above all, unspoilt outlook over the River Rhine to the mighty “Drachenfels� mountain. The classical air it conveys from the outside makes this 800 sqm residence all the more surprising from inside: Inspired from her travels, Thea Gottschalk has created, for instance, a stunning bedroom suite in the style of a Bedouin tent from six mansard rooms. The terraces have been reconstructed and a conservatory of sensational taste added.
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that springs Thea Gottschalk then set about renovating the new family home to mind when describing the glorious scenery with meticulous attention to details and a host of exotic, bold ideas. along the banks of the Rhine. looking down Over a period of two years, she managed to create an interior for castle life in the 21st century: The grand hallway with a large bilfrom a bird’s eye perspective over the famous German river as it winds its way like a blue vein liard table has been furnished completely in black and white, along through the sumptuous greenery of the agewith mirrored pillars. interesting colours like lilac, green and turold forests, near the small town of Remaquoise adorn the walls. The Gottschalks had the outhouse convertgen with its 16,000 inhabitants, there’s a ed into apartments for their two grown-up sons, along with a large dining room. A garage was built in the style of the main house with spectacular gem just waiting to be discovered and guaranteed to enchant: Schloss two parking spaces and room for another 20 cars in the cobblestone Marienfels. Resplendently enthroned above the river, with sensacourtyard. The basement level is now graced with a spa area comtional views overlooking the Rhine, the castle is enclosed by some plete with a gym, whirlpool and sauna. The fully refitted indoor pool 100,000 sqm of parkland. wherever you happen to be in this home is decorated with elaborate frescoes. The terraces have also been completely restructured and a won– whether on the spacious ground floor terrace or on the first floor – there are derful conservatory fully restored. always unobstructed panoramic views he attic level is particularly origto be enjoyed over bad honnef as far inal: here, where six mansard as the “drachenfels” mountain berooms were once to be found, a single large bedroom in the style of a yond. looking up the Rhine, the outlook takes in the pretty little towns of bedouin tent cannot fail to impress. unkel and Erpel. unlike many estates A newly installed elevator, artistically in the local area, there is absolutely decorated in the same style, leads up nothing here that spoils the view. to this incredible space. “we’ve travElectric double gates hail the start of elled a lot in the last few years,” says the private cobblestone driveway, which Thea Gottschalk. “i came across the winds its way up to this exquisite, 14furnishings for the bedouin tent in room hideaway with an interior of 800 Morocco. The breakfast room all came from Mexico and the furniture in the sqm. Far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life, it remains convesalon is from los Angeles. Furnishing and altering interiors has always been niently accessible nonetheless. There a passion of mine. we started out in are no less than three airports locata tiny old apartment in Munich, and ed nearby. it is just a one-hour drive to Cologne and bonn, and around 90 whenever Thomas returned from a minutes to Frankfurt. Guests familiar few days away with work he would with Marienfels rave about the homely ask, ‘So where’s the bed this time?’” charm of the residence, a world away Schloss Marienfels is now up for from the traditional image of an old sale along with its entire inventory castle with its forbidding, large hallof interior furnishings. For Thomways and chambers. This castle has as Gottschalk, one of the most popThea and Thomas Gottschalk rise up out of the floor far more in common with an extravaular German entertainers, for whom of the castle hall in the painting. The power couple have gant and highly elegant family home. it is virtually impossible to lead a pria few more hippy dreams they plan to live out. As the Rhine Romanticism of the vate life without being recognised in 19th century flourished and many lavish estates such as Castle Marienpublic, Schloss Marienfels has one great advantage above all else: fels (built in 1859) took shape in this region, a first rail link to Cologne “Even at times when public interest was at frenzy point, i was alalso appeared, bringing a great many famous names to the area at that ways able to take a stroll through my very own forest without being time. visitors included the likes of Queen victoria, kaiser wilhelm disturbed. That, to me, has been the greatest luxury of all.” idyllic ii, Otto von bismarck, heinrich heine, the brothers Grimm, Friedwalks await along the designated pathways that begin from both of the large terraces, and from the doorstep, through the portico, and rich Nietzsche, Johannes brahms, Clara Schumann and Franz liszt. tarting out life as the residence of its builder, a sugar manufacup a beautiful flight of steps leading into the forest. A landscaped turer, the castle has since served as a sanatorium for insomnia glade in the woods forms the setting for a romantic bathing pond with water lilies and a pavilion boasting wonderful views over the sufferers, and even for a time as the Embassy to kasachstan – until, in 2004, the entertainer Thomas Gottschalk acquired the propRhine – the perfect place for relaxing or throwing parties. erty and transformed it with the help of his wife Thea into a family The king of this castle had the following to say about the reasons castle with a completely new lease of life. “My wife had always dreamt for the upcoming sale: “i am now at a point in my life where i want about owning ‘a castle’, but neither of us had ever taken it seriously,” to make a very conscious change again and try out new things. both says Thomas Gottschalk. “i was just about to buy George harrison’s professionally and privately. Not everyone can understand this, but my wife and i still have a few hippy dreams flying around that we house in lugano, gripped by beatlemania, when Thea came up with Castle Marienfels as an alternative offer. Stood on the balcony overneed to get out of our system. whether we’ll end up in berlin or looking the Rhine, i had to admit: it doesn’t get any better than this.” New York, Malibu or Munich – we just don’t know yet.” MC omantic is so often the first word
GERMANY, bAd NEuENAhR-AhRwEilER priCe uPON REQuEST interiOr ApprOX. 800 sqm LAnd ApprOX. 100,000 sqm nO. Of rOOms 14 e&v id w-0151i COntACt bAd NEuENAhR-AhRwEilER, diAMONd REAl ESTATE GMbh, liCENCE PARTNER OF ENGEl & völkERS RESidENTiAl GMbh teL. +49 (0)2641 290 77 43 e-mAiL bAdNEuENAhR-AhRwEilER@ENGElvOElkERS.COM All names and addresses can be found on page 224.
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The Epitome of Beachfront Luxury There is little in life more relaxing than the lapping of waves on the beach – a sound that can be enjoyed throughout this modern villa in Marbella. The sea awaits from practically every window, while the garden gives seamlessly on to the sands of the Costa del Sol. The interior designer Debbie Pea has graced this architect-designed residence with a homely warmth – and a touch of something very special indeed.PHOTOS: Steve Sparrow PRODUCTION: Janine Weitenauer and Uta Abendroth TEXT: Uta Abendroth
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House with a view: From every room – yes, even from the bathrooms – the views sweep across the pool to the blue of the sea beyond.
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Metallic look: Golden hues shimmer in the dining room, while the crystal above the stairs is so colossal that the ceiling is reinforced.
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“In Marbella everything’s allowed to be that little bit more splendid…” Debbie pea
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“I love it when someone walks into a house I’ve designed and just says ‘Wow’!” debbie pea
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A play on contrasts: White dominates outside, while browns create a cosiness inside, along with an original mix of old and new furniture.
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Style mix: This chandelier glistens above the bath on the upper level, while large monochrome paintings hang in a ground floor vestibule.
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“I always set out to give every house a character all of its own.� debbie pea
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“The views from here are breathtaking. The interior has to be just as impressive.” DEBBIE PEA
Veils and vistas: The façade of the beachhouse in Los Monteros ensures utter privacy; the rear elevation opens onto the Costa del Sol.
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tanding in the house and looking out, the side façade conceals this home from outside view and is evocative in its sleek clarity of the Bauhaus style, dominated by linear forms. panorama that greets you here absolutely takes your breath away,” says Debbie Pea. “In your role A movement inspired by North African architecture and therefore absolutely fitting from a geographical point of view, where the Moas a designer, you have to come up with ideas roccan coast seems just a stone’s throw from here on the Spanish for the interior that are equally impressive.” Costa del Sol. The rear of the property is no less linear as a whole, This English lady, who moved from her native but the balustrade that sweeps across its entire width introduces a Yorkshire to Spain 33 years ago, certainly knows what she’s talking about. Since founding more relaxed feel, somewhat reminiscent of sensuous curves that her company Originals Interiors in 1992, became the trademark of the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. Having previously formed the roofline terrace on the original building, these she has discovered that, “Everything in Marbeldays it also marks the edge of the first-floor balconies. la is allowed to be that little bit more splendid than elsewhere…” he prevalence of enormous patio doors, unusual for a house The villa in Los Monteros is no exception. Striking for its geoin the Med but no less impressive, slide back fully, opening metric precision from outside, it has a surprise in store with the the space onto the garden and the beach beyond. The scene masterful tableau that awaits inside. With a twinkle in her eye, Debbie Pea refers to this as the “Wow factor”. is set for sweeping panoramas from all rooms across the saltwater Once past the entrance – set directly pool and the Mediterranean – even from opposite the gates to the mansion of the the showers and bathtubs in the four native Malagueños and Hollywood star cleverly glazed bathrooms. Even though Antonio Banderas – an Asian-inspired the architects have aligned this home in patio leads through into the house itself. its entirety around the panorama, a clevLeaving the dazzling brightness of the er trick in their design also distracts the outside behind, one dives into a world eye from the far-reaching view to create an intimate television area in the living of muted tones: Grey prevails in all of its room: Finished in the style of a Morocnuances, alongside beiges and browns. can salon, it is sunken three steps lower The light grey of the polished concrete than the rest of the ground floor. Debbie floor, for example, stretches seamlessly Pea has placed a large couch at the edge of throughout the expansive ground floor space, creating an optical continuity betthis space to create an additional screen, ween the various rooms. The interior thereby guaranteeing there are no distracdoors and panels of the built-in cupboards tions. The small patios, narrow glazed and cabinets are finished in anthracite. By openings in the walls and mirrors on the façade are not mere architectural way of contrast, the soft carpets in the livfrivolities: in interplay together with each ing room and dining area suggest almost other, they create a wonderful lightness a hint of gold, while the cowhide in front indoors, forge fascinating perspectives inof the patio doors has a tone reminiscent side and out, and bring one into contact of tea with a drop of milk. The decorative accents, meticulously with the mild climate time and again. Marbella doesn’t attract people from around orchestrated by Debbie Pea to catch the the world for nothing: The sun shines here eye, are a joy to behold: A glass panel more than 300 days a year. hung on the far wall of the living room This Los Monteros villa is absolutely idehas been hand-painted in golf leaf from behind with a zebra print design. The al as an idyllic hideaway in every sense, Debbie Pea came to Marbella 33 years ago and chimney breast and surround, completealso boasting state-of-the-art technical founded Originals Interiors in 1992. The Los Monly in black, is adorned with a poem by standards such as underfloor heating, soteros beachhouse is one of her favourite projects. Marcel Proust. The golden letters have lar panels, a so-called intelligent house been penned on the wall with a paintbrush by one of Debbie’s team. system and LED installations. Debbie Pea has breathed new life into Alongside the staircase leading to the first floor, an extravagant Italthis beachhouse with her exceptional vision, just one example being ian chandelier makes a striking, radiant centrepiece, with five large, her selection of special wallpapers for each and every room. Some egg-shaped crystal forms that glisten like oversized jewels. Even with patterns, some without, some shiny, some matt. Sometimes hung just two rolls wide, in combination with a paintwork on the the ceiling had to be reinforced in the creation of this opulent spectacle, but all this effort involved for the owner pales into insignifirest of the wall. This English lady has an outstanding eye for patterns, cance in light of the sensational finished result. “Yes, that’s the great textures and colours. Her creations and compositions underline the thing about it,” says Debbie, laughing. “I was given a licence here to idiosyncrasies of this residence, flatter the bright spaciousness of the think far beyond anything run-of-the-mill!” interiors, and imbue them not only with a glamorous grandeur but at the same time with an all-encompassing sense of homeliness. “It he beachhouse built on this plot in the 1970s had just one level, was such a fascinating challenge for me to give this house a characmaking it too small for the owner’s needs. The architect couple Isabel Oliver López de Carrizosa and Iago Milet Llobet from ter of its own,” says Debbie, looking back. “Of course my team and I strive to realise the dream or the visions of a client. But the real test MOA Arquitectos in Marbella were drafted in, and made use of the is turning this into a reality with and in the property itself.” property’s original fabric, creating a second floor on top. The roadUA
SPAIN, MArBELLA price EurO 9.9 MILL. iNTeriOr ApprOX. 496 sqm LAND ApprOX. 1,617 sqm NO. OF rOOMS 9 iD NO. W-013EMq cONTAcT MArBELLA EAST – ELvIrIA, MAzAL rEALTY S.L., LICENCE PArTNEr OF ENGEL & vöLkErS rESIDENTIAL GMBH TeL. +34 952 83 55 80 e-MAiL MArBELLAEAST@ENGELvOELkErS.COM All names and addresses can be found on page 224.
83 FS-Homestory.indd 83
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On the paradise sands of Sunny Isles Beach on Florida’s Gold Coast, the awe-inspiring ‘Regalia’ tower boasts 39 full-storey luxury apartments – where spectacular sunrises and sunsets form a central part of the interior.
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PHoto: Corbis
New Heights of Design
26.10.12 11:45
I Residency here is nothing short of spectacular. The wave-formed terraces distinguish the architectural look, with glass balustrades forming horizontal lines that vary from floor to floor culminating in the beautiful sculpture ‘Regalia’. Just a few steps away from the beachclub, the exclusive pool deck flows seamlessly onto the expanse of fine white sand.
t is the elements water and air that make the quality of life by the ocean so very special. Here at ‘Regalia’ tower, the spectacular masterpiece by the Peruvian architect Bernardo Fort Brescia, they form an ever-present force of well-being. Whilst the architecture outside elegantly reflects the rhythm of the waves and the long sweeping curve of the pristine sandy beach, the 39 apartments in total boast epic proportions in excess of approx. 8,180 sqft. Each residence stretches across an entire level, affording guaranteed 360° panoramas overlooking the Atlantic Ocean through the fully glazed frontages. Breathtaking sunrises and sunsets become an integral part of the interiors here. The lightflooded spaces also preside over first-class materials with a superb selection of colours and textures. Spacious gourmet kitchens in a European design are fitted with state-of-the-art electronic appliances, whilst the bathrooms too resemble spa havens with their designer fittings. A wraparound verandah on each and every level adds yet more enjoyment to these magnificent homes.
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Swiss Stately Home
Set within sprawling parkland grounds in the rural beauty of the Swiss municipality Boncourt, ‘Domaine de Guilé’ represents a rare blend of lavish exclusivity met with a warm, welcoming homeliness.
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Inspired by the French lifestyle, unforgettable receptions can be held here on this sensational estate with its 18-hectare private park. The prestigious main house includes a garden summerhouse with five guestrooms, a separate property and an orangery. The grounds and the garage provide ample parking facilities, whilst the estate also benefits from the convenience of a helicopter landing pad. Thanks to the connection resulting from the new TGV high-speed rail link, Paris can be conveniently reached in just 2.5 hours.
he fairytale stately property ‘Domaine de Guilé’ is situated in the Swiss canton of Jura close to the French border, just an hour away by car from the city of Basel. Absolutely out of this world, the residence boasts 25 rooms with a total interior spanning some 1,246 sqm. It was built in 1931 as a grand ancestral seat, and has been carefully maintained and restored using the finest materials ever since. The estate is currently used as an exclusive seminar and congress hotel boasting state-of-the-art conference technology. The
11 tastefully appointed guestrooms grace three levels, in addition to three seminar rooms that can accommodate up to 70 people. The prestigious mansion is blessed with wonderful period features reflective of the last century, a prime example being the impressive entrance hallway with its resplendent staircase leading to the upper floor. Historic detailing has been skilfully combined with the latest technical fittings throughout. This is a wonderful place in which to cherish the grand and opulent lifestyle of a bygone age to the full!
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24.10.12 17:32
In the quaint spa town of Bad Neuenahr in Germany’s Rhineland-Palatinate region, this luxury complex is now taking shape. Centrally located amid glorious nature, three elegant townhouses offer the utmost in home comforts.
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photo: Corbis
Luxury in the Ahr Valley 24.10.12 18:25
I This brand new development affords the ultimate in home luxuries on the sunny side of life. Enjoying more than 1,450 hours of sunshine a year, the Lenné Park provides for a splendid quality of life – with tennis courts, strolls along the River Ahr, romantic vineyards, half-timbered idylls, age-old wine cellars, and the ‘Rotweinwanderweg’, one of the most popular walking trails in Germany.
n a romantic side valley of the Rhine, not far from Bonn and Koblenz, lies the spa town of Bad Neuenahr. Nestled in idyllic countryside of gently undulating hills, wild gorges and the steep slopes of the Ahr vineyards, this wine-producing region has a superb quality of life to offer. Residents and visitors alike can enjoy the healthy, soothing lifestyle to be had – whether hiking, cycling or Nordic walking through the Ahr Valley, or unwinding in the Ahr Thermal Baths, one of the finest spa complexes in Germany. The new ‘Wohnen am LennéSchlösschen’ complex has three elegant townhouses, each with eight modern, exclusive freehold apartments. The luxurious units, open plan in layout for the most part, occupy a prime position, as well as boasting excellent standards of energy efficiency and first-class appointments. A glass elevator and bright underground parking spaces are also available. All rooms in this domestic haven have underfloor heating. The interior ground plans can also be altered here to suit individual needs and tastes – guaranteeing comfortable, spacious living that is second to none!
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Photos: simon Berlyn
Los Angeles
Exceptional Green Home in the Heart of the City
reen is the way of the future and owning a green home is a bold step towards an energy-efficient world. 1160 McClellan Drive in the heart of los Angeles is an architectural piece of art seeking lEED platinum certification, which is synonymous with the ultimate standard of sustainable living. the open floor plan allows for natural ventilation which, combined with an lED lighting concept and smart use of green
USA, CAliforniA PriCE US-$ 6 Mill. intErior aPProx. 5,500 sqft no. of rooms 14 E&V iD E-001391 ContaCt SAntA MoniCA (US) AvEnUE rEAl EStAtE SAntA MoniCA, inC. liCEnCE pArtnEr of Ev rEAl EStAtE inC. niColE vAn pAryS tEL. +1 818 889 16 02 E-maiL niColE.vAnpAryS@EnGElvoElKErS.CoM
products, makes this magnificent residence truly one of a kind. the property also features solar electric panels and high-efficiency glazing systems. lastly, the proximity to services, resources and public transportation contribute to the epitome of a true green urban oasis. vast expanses of glass open seamlessly to blend with lush outdoors and make the most of the Southern Californian weather all year round.
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31.10.12 14:43
Photos: simon Berlyn
Westlake Village California Splendour
here is something about owning a slice of heaven that speaks directly to the soul. 1051 Candlecrest Drive is one of the most unique homes in one of the most beautiful regions in the world. Majestically resting above fairway 6 inside the prestigious gates of Country Club Estates, this architectural property adds a touch of luxury and grandeur to the overall look of the golf course. the obvious amount of effort and
USA, CAliforniA PriCe US-$ 9.5 Mill. interior aPProx. 10,110 sqft Land aPProx. 3.04 acres e&V id E-001380 ContaCt WEStlAkE VillAgE (US) EVWV WEStlAkE VillAgE inC. liCEnCE pArtnEr of EV rEAl EStAtE inC. niColE VAn pAryS teL. +1 818 889 16 02 e-MaiL niColE.VAnpAryS@EngElVoElkErS.CoM
attention that has gone in to the planning and design of this home is truly exceptional. Endless park-like grounds, magnificent gardens with an abundance of rose varieties, and a beautiful mature and lush natural setting allow for total privacy and seclusion. this is the epitome of Southern California living; an incomparable art of living with amazing views of the golf course and surrounding mountains.
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31.10.12 15:23
Redington Beach
USA, FloridA PriCe US-$ 1.499 Mill. e&V iD E-0012SX interior aPProx. 5,231 sqft no. oF beDrooms 4 ContaCt ClEArwAtEr
Luxurious Gulf Front Condos
downtown (US) E & V ClEArwAtEr rEAlty, llC liCEnCE pArtnEr oF EngEl & VoElkErS FloridA rESidEntiAl, llC StEVE kEplEr teL. +1 727 647 66 96 e-maiL StEVE.kEplEr@EngElVoElkErS.CoM
he nautica “of water and well-being” model is a luxurious direct gulf front complex built in 2009, with unique gulf-to-Bay style floor plans boasting over 5,000 sqft of living area with only two units per floor. this 12-unit condominium features finely finished homes customisable to personal tastes. Each three or four-bedroom home offers expansive balconies with private swim spas to enjoy the splendid sunsets. Appoint-
ments include high-end appliances and travertine flooring, bar areas, office/dens and large, open floor plans. private two-car garages provide additional space and storage. the unit on offer presides over an open coastal living kitchen and beautiful granite finishes. north redington Beach is one of tampa Bay’s most desirable beach communities. this offer is situated on a mile-long stretch of beach in this fabulous location.
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31.10.12 15:30
Photos: Detlev PhotograPhy
Holmes Beach
USA, FloridA PRice US-$ 2.35 Mill. inteRioR aPPRox. 5,025 sqft Land aPPRox. 15,000 sqft e&V id E-0012NJ contact ANNA MAriA iSlANd (US) TAG rEAl ESTATE VENTUrES llC
Key Royale Bay Front
liCENCE pArTNEr oF ENGEl & VoElkErS FloridA rESidENTiAl, llC ViCki GilbErT teL. +1 941 538 66 60 e-MaiL ANNAMAriAiSlANd@ENGElVoElkErS.CoM
his exquisite, Mediterranean-style, bay front property with four bedrooms, a boat dock and lift captures every essence of the paradise lifestyle on Anna Maria island. Juxtaposed between the glorious blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the popular executive key royale Golf Club, this grand home offers a quality of life that is second to none. With a sweeping 180º view of Tampa bay, the majestic Skyway bridge
and the shimmering lights of downtown St. petersburg, this special home is accented with the finest fit, finish and gourmet accoutrements. The open floor plan showers every room with waterfront vistas offering a unique sunrise/sunset orientation that brings the natural ambience to the fore throughout the property. This is indeed a rare opportunity to enjoy casual relaxation and the island’s ultimate vacation way of life.
93 USA_AnnaMariaIslandE0012NJ_113.indd 93
31.10.12 15:43
Photos: AndreAs PAwlik
North Fort Myers
USA, FloridA PRice US-$ 4.8 Mill. inteRioR APPRox. 7,666 sqft LAnd APPRox. 4.2 acres e&V id E-00136J contAct CApE CorAl (US) E&V SoUthwESt rEAlty, llC
Right of Way for Airplanes
liCEnCE pArtnEr oF EngEl & VoElkErS FloridA rESidEntiAl, llC thoMAS hopF teL. +1 239 541 13 33 e-MAiL thoMAS.hopF@EngElVoElkErS.CoM
ocated within the exclusive gated community of pine Shadows Airpark, this custom-built estate home incorporates expansive and scenic grounds with amazing views overlooking the immaculate garden in a private setting. it is a prime example of true luxury and grandeur, boasting a striking exterior with a magnificent pool area and a runway for private planes. luminous interiors and distinguished furnishings,
such as in the artistically designed entrance hall, create a spectacular and noble ambience throughout the approx. 7,666 sqft of living space. this oasis offers a high degree of security and is graced with an impressive swimming pool, a charming separate guesthouse and an additional apartment. Both extravagant and exclusive, this amazing estate is designed for an owner who demands an ultra-superior lifestyle.
94 USA_CapeCoralE00136J_113.indd 94
31.10.12 15:49
Photos: Michael McVay
Marco Island
USA, FloridA PricE US-$ 6.25 Mill. intErior aPProx. 9,203 sqft Land aPProx. 2.9 acres E&V id 1241660 contact MArco iSlAnd (US) EV MArco iSlAnd, llc licEncE pArtnEr oF EngEl & VoElkErS FloridA rESidEntiAl, llc HElEn donAgHy tEL. +1 239 963 42 23 E-MaiL HElEn.donAgHy@EngElVoElkErS.coM
uilt by the acclaimed company Slocum christian, this distinguished beachfront mansion is one of Marco island’s premier properties. the masterpiece estate boasts some 40 metres of beach frontage with exceptional views of the gulf, while quality craftsmanship and detailed luxury appointments are found throughout. the living space on offer includes three full master suites and a guest suite with a full kitchen and
living room. other impressive features are the heated pool, media room, recreation room, fireplace, elevator, industrial generator, and state-ofthe-art devices for enhanced air quality. With water views from all rooms and an exclusive private island feel within a gated and patrolled community, this is the ideal place to enjoy sunsets on the balcony and watch dolphins and manatees playing in one’s own backyard.
Prestigious Beachfront Estate
95 USA_MarcoIsland1241660_113.indd 95
31.10.12 14:16
Photos: NaPles KeNNy
Naples Area
USA, FloridA PricE US-$ 3.75 Mill. intErior aPPox. 7,600 sqft Land aPProx. 43,560 sqft E&V id E-001390 contact oldE NAplES (US) SWF prEMiUM rEAl EStAtE l.l.C.
Luxurious Grand Estate
liCENCE pArtNEr oF ENgEl & VoElkErS FloridA rESidENtiAl, llC thoMAS oStrANdEr tEL. +1 860 304 10 37 E-MaiL thoMAS.oStrANdEr@ENgElVoElkErS.CoM
his exquisite multiple building compound is perfect for a large extended family or those who love to live and entertain in lavish style. located in the Colony golf & Bay Club in Bonita Springs, Florida, this home is minutes from Southwest Florida international Airport. it enjoys close proximity to magnificent beaches, restaurants, boutiques, galleries, theatres and sports venues in Bonita Springs and nearby Naples.
A soaring 8.0-metre high window wall takes in expansive views of the pool, fountains and voluminous entertainment areas. the property affords a first floor master bedroom suite with an opulent spa bathroom overlooking a Zen garden, footbridge and water feature. other buildings include a guesthouse with a kitchen, living room and two baths, plus a private cabana guest suite and a garage for upwards of six cars.
96 USA_OldeNaplesE001390_113.indd 96
31.10.12 16:02
Photos: travis Yednak
Key West
USA, FloridA PRice US-$ 1.445 Mill. e&V iD E-0012VY inteRioR aPPRox. 2,400 sqft LanD aPPRox. 5,156 sqft contact FloridA KEYS (US)
Rare Waterfront Home in Downtown Key West
TrAdEwindS inTErnATionAl rEAl ESTATE oF MonroE CoUnTY, llC liCEnCE pArTnEr oF EngEl & VoElKErS FloridA rESidEnTiAl, llC BoB CArdEnAS teL. +1 305 294 11 17 e-MaiL BoB.CArdEnAS@EngElVoElKErS.CoM
his spectacular single-storey waterfront home is located on garrison Bight in old Town Key west. light and airy, it boasts a split-bedroom plan, and a gourmet kitchen with ample storage and superb appliances. A built-in wet bar with a wine cooler, ice maker, sink and refrigerator overlooks the stunning waterfront, making for a truly unparalleled experience for entertaining, dining or simply relaxing in this private
oasis. it is conveniently located within walking distance of everything downtown Key west has to offer including restaurants, playhouses, duval Street and even Fort Zachary Taylor Beach. A private pool with bay views has both heating and cooling options for maximum comfort. Completing this one-of-a-kind home is an assigned boat slip moments away, plus use of the condominium pool and clubhouse next door.
97 USA_FloridaKeysE0012VY_113.indd 97
31.10.12 16:10
Sunny Isles Beach
USA, FloridA PRice US-$ 2.9 Mill. e&V iD E-00138T inteRioR APPRox. 2,906 sqft no. of beDRooms 4 contAct MiAMi-
Acqualina Residences
SUnny iSlES BEAch (US) EpicUrEAn hoMES rEAlTy, llc licEncE pArTnEr oF EngEl & VoElkErS FloridA rESidEnTiAl, llc kArinA klEE teL. +1 305 803 82 18 e-mAiL kArinA.klEE@EngElVoElkErS.coM
his unique oceanfront residence features breathtaking views of the beautiful Atlantic ocean at the world-famous and award-winning Acqualina resort. The amazing lanai flat has been designed to provide maximum comfort and abundant natural light. An approx. 200 sqm terrace is perfect for enjoying the beautiful year-round weather Miami has to offer. The unit comprises four large bedrooms and four
bathrooms, with second-to-none finishes throughout. other sensational amenities in this one-of-a-kind haven include an incredible beach club, restaurants, the famous ESpA, gym, great pool areas and much more. centrally located and just a short drive from the famous Bal harbor shops, Turnberry golf course and Aventura Mall, this superb property is a paradise offering the most luxurious quality of life.
USA_MiamiSunnyIslesBeachE00138T_113.indd 98
31.10.12 16:15
Sunny Isles Beach
USA, FloridA Price US-$ 1.25 Mill. e&V iD E-00010S interiOr aPPrOx. 1,238 sqft nO. OF beDrOOMs 2 cOntact
Modern Oceanfront Flat
MiAMi-SUnny iSlES BEAch (US) EpicUrEAn hoMES rEAlty, llc licEncE pArtnEr oF EngEl & VoElkErS FloridA rESidEntiAl, llc giAncArlo cUFFiA teL. +1 954 593 83 52 e-MaiL giAncArlo.cUFFiA@EngElVoElkErS.coM
his magnificent oceanfront residence is located directly on the sand in Sunny isles Beach, South Florida, renowned for its beaches and incredible amenities, and the site of some of the city’s most impressive residences. Fine restaurants, cafÊs, and the glorious beach are all within easy walking distance. Special features of this property include marble floors and a modern, open plan kitchen with Viking and Miele top-of-
the-line appliances. the beach club, theatre room, or gym and spa make the perfect oasis in which to relax after a long day. Meanwhile, a large terrace overlooks the Atlantic ocean and the beautiful town of Sunny isles Beach. All interiors are flooded with ambient light, thanks to the sizeable windows and door frontages, and the height of the east-facing rooms, giving this home a cosy yet sumptuous atmosphere throughout.
99 USA_MiamiSunnyIslesBeachE00010S_113.indd 99
31.10.12 16:20
Fort Lauderdale Beach
USA, FloridA Price US-$ 818,000 interiOr aPPrOx. 2,260 sqft nO. OF rOOMS 3 e&V iD E-00138F cOntact Fort lAUdErdAlE (US) lAS olAS EV, llC
Sophisticated Mediterranean Oceanfront Flat
liCEnCE pArtnEr oF EngEl & VoElkErS FloridA rESidEntiAl, llC SCott romAn teL. +1 954 224 04 00 e-MaiL SCott.romAn@EngElVoElkErS.Com
his idyllic oceanfront home is located directly on the sands in Fort lauderdale Beach, South Florida, where some of the city’s most impressive residences can be found with their elegant lobbies, incredible amenities and waterfront dockages. From here, restaurants, cafÊs and the beach are all within easy walking distance. Special features of this offer include marble floors, a large and open plan kitchen, top-of-the-
line appliances and unique stone countertops. Either the beach club, theatre room, tennis courts, or gym and spa make for the perfect oasis in which to relax after a long day. A large terrace looks out over the Atlantic ocean and the beautiful city of Fort lauderdale. All interiors are flooded with ambient light, thanks to the sizeable windows, door frontages and height facing east, creating a homely yet sumptuous flair throughout.
100 USA_FortLauderdaleE00138F_113.indd 100
31.10.12 16:25
Lake Placid
North Meadow Ranch – A Private Adirondack Sanctuary
his is an exclusive opportunity to own the second largest private estate in Lake Placid, New York. world-renowned for its charm and olympic heritage, Lake Placid is a bustling four-season resort town set in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains. one of a kind, North Meadow ranch is beautifully situated on approx. 247 ha of pristine wilderness. Built in 1929 and used for generations as the Ball family retreat, the
USA, New York PRice US-$ 7.9 MILL. iNteRioR APPRox. 4,402 sqft LANd APPRox. 610.35 acres e&V id e-0001L4 coNtAct LAke PLAcId (US) HoLMeS & THAYer LLc LIceNce PArTNer of eNgeL & VoeLkerS N.Y. LLc coLLeeN HoLMeS teL. +1 518 524 47 59 e-MAiL coLLeeN.HoLMeS@eNgeLVoeLkerS.coM
estate affords the utmost privacy with a discrete gated entrance and long, tree-lined driveway leading to one of the region’s most spectacular vistas. fully renovated in 2000, this multiple building compound – offered in part or in its entirety – borders state preserve land and includes over 450 m of the North Meadow flow, along with several ponds, extensive walking trails, a guesthouse, cabins and a five-stall horse stable.
101 USA_LakePlacidE0001L4_113.indd 101
31.10.12 16:32
Mill Neck
Spectacular Private Estate
his expansive estate encompasses 28 rolling acres that include the glorious ‘rumpus house’ spanning some 8,400 sqft. designed by world-renowned architects Peabody, wilson and Brown, it was built into its present form in 1924 and is in need of renovation. the grounds and gardens were designed by ellen Biddle Shipman, one of America’s most accomplished female landscape artists of her time. once home to
USA, New York PricE US-$ 7.5 MIll. intErior aPProx. 8,400 sqft Land aPProx. 28 acres E&V id w-00138P contact locUSt VAlleY (US) eVlV reAltY, llc lIceNce PArtNer of eNgel & VoelkerS N.Y. llc clIfford PAckINghAM tEL. +1 516 502 50 55 E-MaiL clIfford.PAckINghAM@eNgelVoelkerS.coM
the U.S. Ambassador to Austria, the seven bedrooms, eight bathrooms and 10 fireplaces point to the scale and grandeur of the main rumpus house residence. Blessed with old sycamore and walnut trees, the estate is the most private in Mill Neck. It features another seven cottages, plus two pools and a stable building. Just 45 minutes from New York city, this offering is a once-in-a-generation opportunity.
102 USA_LocustvalleyE00138P_113.indd 102
31.10.12 16:39
South AfricA, WeStern cApe Price ZAr 28.5 MiLL. interior aPProx. 934 sqm Land aPProx. 2.2 ha e&V id enV55854 contact SteLLenboSch (ZA) bAyLine conStruction (pty) Ltd Licence pArtner of engeL & VöLkerS Southern AfricA (pty) Ltd teL. +27 21 861 77 77 e-MaiL SteLLenboSch@engeLVoeLkerS.coM
his boutique wine estate commands awe-inspiring views of the franschhoek valley and is completely surrounded by mountains. it is only five minutes’ walk to franschhoek’s main road, which is home to several highly acclaimed restaurants. the manor home offers a large master bedroom with two en suite bathrooms, two en suite bedrooms, a drawing room, dining room, media room, study, kitchen/living room,
four garages and a wine cellar. there is also an elegant two-bedroom guest cottage, a staff cottage and a one-bedroom guest flatlet on offer. the outdoor swimming pool, tennis court with its own clubhouse and gymnasiums are all set in beautifully landscaped gardens adjoining the vineyards. Around 900 cases of superb wine are produced here every year from the estate’s own cabernet Sauvignon vines.
Graceful Masterpiece
103 ZAR_StellenboschENV55854_113.indd 103
31.10.12 16:51
Cape Town
Opulent Cape Town Living
his prestigious eco home is a statement of distinguished luxury. With contemporary clean lines, state-of-the-art finishes and the most magnificent panoramic views to offer, this prolific property is truly in a class of its own. Situated in an elevated position on the slopes of Signal hill, this home has been meticulously built with the finest imported finishes, top-of-the-range fittings and technology, as well
South AfricA, WeStern cApe PriCe ZAr 27.5 MiLL. inTeriOr aPPrOx. 671 sqm Land aPPrOx. 791 sqm e&V id enV54111 COnTaCT SeA point (ZA) union SquAre propertieS 121 (ptY) LtD Licence pArtner of engeL & VรถLkerS Southern AfricA (ptY) LtD TeL. +27 21 434 44 60 e-MaiL SeApoint@engeLVoeLkerS.coM
as an eco-friendly heating and cooling system. Designed around the breathtaking seventh natural Wonder of the World: table Mountain, the cape town city Bowl, the world-famous V&A Waterfront and table Bay, this versatile residence is set over four separate levels with a total of seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms. it lends itself ideally to being used as a large family home or self-catering apartments.
104 ZAR_SeaPointENV54111_113.indd 104
31.10.12 21:03
Photos: Mike Weeson
Cape Town
South AfricA, WeStern cApe PricE ZAr 28.5 Mill. E&V iD enV54713 inTErior aPProx. 1,027 sqm LanD aPProx. 4,543 sqm conTacT
The Epitomy of Luxury and Style
Southern SuburbS (ZA) in-houSe corporAte SAleS (pty) ltd licence pArtner of engel & VรถlkerS Southern AfricA (pty) ltd TEL. +27 21 761 22 00 E-MaiL SouthernSuburbS@engelVoelkerS.coM
his exceptional home has been built with great care and attention to detail, reflected in the first-class standard of all fittings. there are magnificent views of the sea and mountains, plus direct access to the groot constantia vineyards through a secure entrance. the property has a superb garden with water features, koi ponds, formal herb gardens and manmade streams, all built to enhance the tranquillity and landscaping,
and serviced by an automated sprinkler system. the entrance hall opens on to the living areas, which include a formal lounge, dining room, library/study and wine room. the open plan kitchen with a separate scullery area, informal dining area and family room lead on to the pool with a covered entertainment area, gym suite and bathroom. four en suite bedrooms provide lavish spaciousness for family home life.
105 ZAR_SouthernSuburbsENV54713_113.indd 105
01.11.12 11:25
Photos: Christelle stooP
Stunning Residence in the Heart of Nature
his magnificent, fully furnished holiday home has everything one would expect from a dream property. It is situated in the exceptionally well-managed ‘Big 5’ Jejane private Nature Reserve, which spans some 2,700 hectares. The open fence policy with the world-renowned kruger National park means that elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos and buffalo roam freely here. The property has fully retractable doors in all living
SOUTH AFRICA, LImpOpO PRice ZAR 7.42 mILL. iNteRioR aPPRox. 330 sqm LaNd aPPRox. 10,000 sqm e&V id ENV56328 coNtact HOEdSpRUIT (ZA) BRENCHmORE pROpERTIES LTd LICENCE pARTNER OF ENgEL & VöLkERS SOUTHERN AFRICA (pTY) LTd teL. +27 15 793 07 93 e-MaiL HOEdSpRUIT@ENgELVOELkERS.COm
areas, leading out onto wooden decks overlooking the unspoilt African bushveld. The covered wooden deck with a built-in fire pit guarantees romantic, al fresco dining. Four spacious bedrooms, each with their own private patio and uniquely designed bathroom, can be reached via wooden boardwalks. The main bathroom with its spectacular views is just one of the surprising features of this unique property.
106 ZAR_HoedspruitENV56328_113.indd 106
31.10.12 21:21
Photos: Grant Pitcher
Fine Home Nestled in Lush Serenity
his outstanding property is effortlessly embraced by the picturesque splendour of the Zimbali coastal forest where an abundance of indigenous fauna and flora can be enjoyed, together with views across the fairway, direct access to stretches of sandy beaches and privileged use of one of the finest golf courses. comfort and grandeur have been successfully married here in a luxury home that exudes quality and
South AfricA, KwAZulu NAtAl Price ZAr 35 Mill. iNterior aPProx. 775 sqm LaNd aPProx. 10,525 sqm e&V id ENV56220 coNtact BAllito (ZA) AMBEr BAy iNVEStMENtS 62 (Pty) ltd licENcE PArtNEr of ENgEl & VölKErS SouthErN AfricA (Pty) ltd teL. +27 32 946 77 77 e-MaiL BAllito@ENgElVoElKErS.coM
exquisite finishes. highlights include five spacious bedroom suites, expansive living areas, and a state-of-the-art gourmet kitchen with quartz counters and seamless acrylic-wrapped cupboards. it also features a large outdoor, undercover dining area with an entertainer’s kitchen, custom-created koi fishpond and sunken, outdoor patios with an infinity pool and a free-standing solid wood pergola for lazy summer days.
107 ZAR_BallitoENV56220_113.indd 107
31.10.12 21:49
Photos: Patrick ronan
African Palatial Grace
esigned by the international architect nico van der Meulen, this quintessential flordia-style masterpiece lies in a secure residential estate in the sought-after northern suburbs of Johannesburg. the double storey residence’s palatial finishes include extravagant use of imported granite, stainless steel, solid teak flooring and spectacularly illuminated living spaces. the property also boasts ambassadorial entertainment
South AfricA, GAutenG Price ZAr 17.5 Mill. interior APProx. 1,200 sqm LAnd APProx. 2,400 sqm e&V id enV54593 contAct BroAdAcreS (ZA) AMArAkA inVeStMentS no 60 (Pty) ltd licence PArtner of enGel & VĂślkerS Southern AfricA (Pty) ltd teL. +27 11 465 04 10 e-MAiL BroAdAcreS@enGelVoelkerS.coM
areas with marble staircases and stunning atriums, a hollywood-style triple volume entrance, a home theatre, lanai, playroom, subterranean wine cellar and inviting rim-flow pool surrounded by indigenous trees. close to two international and domestic airports, as well as the most exclusive shopping districts in South Africa, this is a once-in-a-lifetime African real estate investment opportunity in all respects.
108 ZAR_BroadacresENV54593_113.indd 108
31.10.12 22:10
Photos: Kevin o‘Farrell
Exclusive Oceanfront Retreat
ermaid Isle is very privately located and washed by the warm waters of the gulf Stream in a protected inlet of the Kenmare bay. both houses are south-facing and have been designed to maximise the views and natural light. large floor-to-ceiling windows and French doors in most rooms create a bright and airy ambience, and provide access to the stunning surrounding nature. antique materials have been sourced
Ireland, County Kerry PRicE euro 2.95 MIll. E&V iD W-008J5S intERiOR aPPROx. 425 sqm LanD aPPROx. 100,000 sqm cOntact CorK (Irl) FIneSt InternatIonal real eState Ireland ltd. lICenCe partner oF engel & VĂślKerS reSIdentIal gMbH tEL. +353 21 477 32 00 E-MaiL CorK@engelVoelKerS.CoM
from old churches and manor houses to make this place a truly special home. the location is of extreme natural beauty with more than 1 km of private shoreline and access to the crystal-clear waters for swimming and all other sorts of water sports activities. the mature wooded groves and the island are home to many different kinds of wildlife, including dolphins and seals that can be spotted in front of the house.
109 IRL_CorkW008J5S_113.indd 109
01.11.12 07:13
Enchanting Finca with Sea & Mountain Views
his charming finca property is located in the midst of utter serenity above the town of puerto in the north of Tenerife. The residence is divided up into a total of three separate entities. Situated in the heart of mature gardens spanning around 2,400 sqm, the two-storey main house with a separate guest apartment impresses with its elegant interior layout, as well as its prestigious, bright and open plan salon that opens on
Spain, Canary iSlandS PricE EUrO 1.39 Mill. E&V iD W-0084aK intErior aPProx. 660 sqm LanD aPProx. 8,800 sqm contact TEnEriffa-pUErTO dE la CrUz (E) CaSa COn aMbiEnTE HECHT Sl liCEnCE parTnEr Of EngEl & VรถlKErS rESidEnTial gMbH tEL. +34 922 37 80 83 E-MaiL pUErTOdElaCrUz@EngElVOElKErS.COM
to the garden pool and terrace featuring its own fully appointed outdoor kitchen. The separate guesthouse, which was lovingly refitted using high-quality materials in 2011, flows seamlessly over to the main house. adjoining the two building complexes are the terraced kitchen gardens, orchards and fields, which span approximately 6,400 sqm in total. The finca also benefits from its own private water reserve.
110 E_TeneriffaPuertoDeLaCruzW0084AK_113.indd 110
01.11.12 07:19
Photos: tina Manresa
Spain, Balearic iSlandS Price eUrO 1.88 Mill. e&V iD W-011842 interior aPProx. 350 sqm LanD aPProx. 1,300 sqm contact MallOrca-palMa SOUthWeSt (e) engel MallOrca inveSt, S.l. licence partner Of Balearev gMBh teL. +34 971 22 23 23 e-MaiL palMaSOUthWeSt@engelvOelKerS.cOM
his contemporary and elegant villa can be found at one of the best addresses in genova, high above the city of palma. the entire property is south-facing. it is not just the large swimming pool with a barbecue area that is ideally suited for relaxation purposes. a welcoming, roofed terrace provides plenty of shade and makes outdoor life here an absolute joy. the heavenly views over the bay add still further to both the special
charm and exclusivity of this outstanding property. living standards of the very highest level can be enjoyed here. the wooden floors in which the entire house is laid, with the exception of the kitchen, underline the homely feel of this residence. the property features central heating in all rooms. Other appealing highlights include a fireplace in the living area, an air-conditioning system and a garage with five car parking spaces.
Modern Villa with Fantastic Sea Views in Palma
111 E_MallorcaPalmaSouthwestW011842_113.indd 111
01.11.12 07:31
Luxury Home O
woven fake fur throws blankets bedspreads pillows accessoires made in germany Anz.Carma_DS.indd 2 13.08.12 08:59
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Anz.Carma_DS.indd 3
13.08.12 08:59
Sierra Blanca
Modern Jewel in Exclusive Marbella Complex
esigned by the high-profile architect Marcos Sainz – in an enclosed and exclusive private complex just a few minutes from the centre of Marbella and the beach – this villa affords both spectacular interiors and exteriors, as well as a modern elegance combined with high levels of security and privacy. built using the finest construction materials and appointed with italian designer furniture, this residence presides over
Spain, andaluSia PriCE EuRO 4.95 Mill. intErior aPProx. 1,476 sqm Land aPProx. 3,306 sqm E&V id W-013nTS ContaCt MaRbElla-GOldEn MilE (E) Mazal REalTy, S.l. licEncE paRTnER Of EnGEl & VölkERS RESidEnTial GMbH tEL. +34 952 86 84 06 E-MaiL MaRbEllaGOldEnMilE@EnGElVOElkERS.cOM
beautiful reception rooms, a library, five bedroom suites with dressing closets, and large terraces. The property is surrounded by stunning tropical gardens complete with a beautifully designed pool. in addition, there are two guest suites, each with their own separate entrance, as well as staff quarters, a cinema, wine cellar, fitness room, Turkish bath, playroom and a garage that can accommodate up to four cars.
114 E_MarbellaGoldenMileW013NTS_113.indd 114
31.10.12 15:07
Photos: Frederic roig
Design, Privacy and Exclusivity
et high up on a quiet road with beautiful views, this exclusive family home has been finished to the highest quality standards. the first floor hosts four bedrooms (three en suite), each with direct access to the garden and outdoor pool featuring a waterfall and Jacuzzi. this level also includes a four-car garage, plus several utility rooms and pantries. Meanwhile the main floor features a living room and library spanning
Spain, Catalonia PricE EURo 3.95 Mill. intErior aPProx. 680 sqm LanD aPProx. 1,050 sqm E&V iD W-00YF17 contact Sant JUSt (E) EV Sant JUSt S.l. liCEnCE paRtnER oF EngEl & VรถlkERS RESidEntial gMbH tEL. +34 93 473 54 87 E-MaiL SantJUSt@EngElVoElkERS.CoM
some 75 sqm. it is adjoined by a large dining room conveniently aligned with an impressively sized kitchen. the outstanding master bedroom suite boasts a large bathroom and dressing room, as well as a splendid private terrace spanning some 30 sqm. Just some of the other highlights include a sophisticated security alarm, underfloor heating, full air conditioning, sliding doors, and automated shutters and awnings.
115 E_SantJustW00YF17_113.indd 115
31.10.12 07:15
Photos: Frederic roig
Dream Villa with 25 m Boat Mooring
his magnificent, south-facing villa leaves absolutely nothing to be desired, with a 25-metre boat mooring on one of the wide canals in Europe’s largest marina. its typically Mediterranean architectural design impresses with incredible comforts on offer and a striking flair all of its own. the superior appointment encompasses six double bedrooms, four bathrooms, a lobby, large living/dining area with access
Spain, CoSta Brava Price EUro 1.629 MiLL. interior aPProx. 334 sqm LanD aPProx. 1,117 sqm e&V iD W-00SC8i contact EMpUriaBrava (E) JUpEnadE rEaL EStatE S.L. LiCEnCE partnEr of EngEL & vĂśLkErS rESidEntiaL gMBH teL. +34 972 45 64 40 e-MaiL EMpUriaBrava@EngELvoELkErS.CoM
to the pool terrace, a fully fitted open plan kitchen with an adjoining roofed terrace, a utility room, two sizeable garages for accommodating a total of four cars, and a technical room. other appealing highlights include a beautiful outdoor pool with an electric cover, a very substantial garden, underfloor oil central heating, a security alarm system, electric shutters, a barbecue, outdoor shower, and much more besides.
116 E_EmpuriabravaW00SC8I_113.indd 116
31.10.12 07:23
Barcelona Mountains
Practical and Distinguished in the Real Club Golf Cerdanya
nclosed by gardens in the grounds of the Real Club golf Cerdanya, this magnificent home combines rustic details with a functional layout. the main floor features a large hall giving on to a spacious reception area comprising a large dining room, plus a cosy living room with a fireplace, tall windows, and direct access to the covered patio and garden. the same level accommodates three charming bedroom suites.
Spain, Catalonia PRiCe EURo 2.75 Mill. inteRioR aPPRox. 375 sqm LanD aPPRox. 3,000 sqm e&V iD W-013928 ContaCt CERdanya (E) iniCiativES nova ERa S.l. liCEnCE paRtnER of EngEl & vรถlkERS RESidEntial gMbH teL. +34 972 14 12 06 e-MaiL CERdanya@EngElvoElkERS.CoM
Under the sloping ceilings of the attic level there is a fabulous suite with a dressing room and study. the property has a distinguished bohemian touch reflected in a large basement lounge with a dining area, kitchen, wine cellar and Castile oven, as well as a fitted kitchen, staff bedroom and bathroom, storage room and two-car garage. details like parquet flooring and electric heating have been finished here to a high standard.
117 E_CerdanyaW013928_113.indd 117
31.10.12 11:45
Exquisite Family Home
liCenCe partner oF enGel & vĂślkerS woHnen SCHweiz aG tEL. +41 22 716 22 66 E-MaiL Geneva@enGelvoelkerS.CoM
bedroom and five other en suite bedrooms. there is also a superb spa area with a high-quality custom Finnish sauna and turkish hammam on the lower ground floor, plus a billiard room with a top-class wine cellar and bar-lounge area. another breathtaking highlight is the pool area, which includes a pool house with a dressing area and showers, plus a covered outdoor kitchen with a fireplace and dining for up to 14 guests.
Photos: Luca Fascini
his luxurious family house is located in a peaceful district of Geneva. the property is newly built using the very finest quality materials and with great attention to all details. it has been specifically developed as an exclusive residence for family life with spacious lounges, a living room and plenty of storage facilities on all levels. the house boasts a dining room with up to 14 covers, a magnificent en suite master
Switzerland, Geneva PricE CHF 16.5 Mill. intErior aPProx. 850 sqm Land aPProx. 2,000 sqm E&V id w-012wCz contact Geneva (CH) ev rĂŠSidenCeS SuiSSe Sa
CH_GenevaW012WCZ_113.indd 118
01.11.12 10:05
Magnificent Private Estate
his sublime mansion dating back to the 1920s is set within beautiful landscaped grounds spanning approx. 2,400 sqm. the property is located in a residential neighbourhood close to the centre of Geneva and offering convenient access to the city’s airport. Generously sized and lightflooded salons with wood-panelled walls, ornate sliding doors and parquet floors bring a wonderful sense of space along with their high
Switzerland, Geneva PricE CHF 7.9 Mill. intErior aPProx. 300 sqm Land aPProx. 2,400 sqm E&V id w-00B66t contact Montreux (CH) ev réSidenCeS SuiSSe Sa liCenCe partner oF enGel & völkerS woHnen SCHweiz aG tEL. +41 22 716 22 66 E-MaiL Montreux@enGelvoelkerS.CoM
ceilings adorned with mouldings. the interior spans some 300 sqm and comprises five bedrooms. the master bedroom features its own dressing room and en suite bathroom, as well as access to the beautiful terrace overlooking the lush garden and the heated outdoor swimming pool. other splendid highlights of this residence include a wine cellar, a studio, office space, a two-car garage and additional parking.
119 CH_MontreuxW00B66T_113.indd 119
30.10.12 13:27
Old-World Chalet on the Ski Slopes
his classically designed chalet ‘wuhrhaus’ is situated in a prime position and has been beautifully preserved in its consummate style. lovers of quaint and traditional mountain chalets will feel very much at home here. accessible all year round by car, it lies closeby to one of the ski runs that forms part of the First skiing region. the centre of the village is just a ten-minute drive away. the living/dining area forms
CH_InterlakenW009HEG_113.indd 120
Switzerland, Bern PriCe CHF 2.25 Mill. interiOr aPPrOx. 160 sqm Land aPPrOx. 1,088 sqm e&V id w-009HeG COntaCt interlaken (CH) Gn real eState GMBH liCenCe partner oF enGel & VölkerS woHnen SCHweiz aG teL. +41 33 822 70 70 e-MaiL interlaken@enGelVoelkerS.CoM
the central space within the chalet and features a stone-walled fireplace, natural wooden floors and rustic-style ceiling paintings. the interior is rounded off with two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a kitchen, all consistent with the style of the chalet. Future owners can look forward to unparalleled mountain panoramas from the south-facing terrace. this offer is also available for purchase as a second home by foreign buyers.
31.10.12 07:33
Home and Work Life with Stunning Panorama
et on the finest land plot in the whole of oberried, this modern house affords views over the Brienzersee lake and surrounding mountains. open to the south side and closed to the north with the mountainside along the rear elevation, there are fantastic panoramas from almost every room. this is matched by the scale and grandeur of the house itself, which is immediately tangible. the upper floor comprises a spacious
Switzerland, Bern Price CHF 2.5 Mill. interior aPProx. 350 sqm Land aPProx. 950 sqm e&V id w-00Yer8 contact interlaken (CH) Gn real eState GMBH liCenCe partner oF enGel & VĂślkerS woHnen SCHweiz aG teL. +41 33 822 70 70 e-MaiL interlaken@enGelVoelkerS.CoM
living room complete with a central cheminĂŠe and an exclusive kitchen. the master bedroom suite can be found on the gallery level, adjoined by a large, bright bathroom. the ground floor level is reached via the garage in the basement, passing by the indoor pool and fitness room. it comprises an office, guestroom and bathroom. all finishes are testimony to the careful craftsmanship and the high-quality materials used.
121 CH_InterlakenW00YER8_113.indd 121
31.10.12 07:42
Modern Architecture with a View
onstructed in 2005, this architecturally innovative home impresses with its exceptional building fabric, created using both unusual and specially developed materials. the two-storey residence with nine rooms is designed in a u-shape and comprises sleeping quarters with offices and a living area linked with one another via the main section of the building. pure modernism is also reflected in the high-ceilinged rooms finished
Switzerland, aargau Price CHF 4.95 Mill. interior APProx. 462 sqm LAnd APProx. 2,584 sqm e&V id w-013w4Q contAct aarau (CH) iMMo lokal ag liCenCe partner oF engel & VรถlkerS woHnen SCHweiz ag teL. +41 62 825 27 90 e-MAiL aarau@engelVoelkerS.CoM
in a purist white colour, all of which also feature striking panoramic windows. the concrete faรงade of the property is somewhat imitative of a cliff-face structure, blending in superbly with its surroundings on the edge of a forest, as well as with the garden and the outdoor swimming pool. the elegant interior design also meets a luxurious living standard in every respect and leaves absolutely nothing to be desired.
122 CH_AarauW013W4Q_113.indd 122
30.10.12 15:50
Lugano Paradiso
Exclusive Apartments in Peaceful Location
his elegant development known as residenza al Parco lies in the lugano Paradiso district amid mature mediterranean trees and just a short walk from lake lugano. tastefully appointed apartments are taking shape here with intelligently designed layouts coupled with stylish, top-quality finishes. each apartment features a large terrace with views of the peaceful, well-tended plot or the wonderful lake and
Switzerland, ticino PricE cHF 917,500 – 3,153,900 intErior APProX. 65 – 206 sqm no. of rooms 2.5 – 4.5 E&V iD w-00Hizd contAct lugano (cH) immobiliare ParadiSo Sa licence Partner oF engel & VölkerS woHnen ScHweiz ag tEL. +41 91 980 42 60 E-mAiL
mountain scenery. large living/dining areas with open plan kitchens and glazed frontages convey a real sense of space and freedom. the development also includes two units ready for occupancy – a penthouse and a triplex apartment – set in a part of this residential complex that is already finished. the complex will also offer a concierge service, fitness suite and underground garage with direct access.
123 CH_LuganoW00HIZD_113.indd 123
30.10.12 17:34
Photos: Alex Buschor
Switzerland, Schwyz Price chF 4.6 Mill. e&V iD w-012aPi interior aPProx. 300 sqm no. of rooMs 5.5 contact zürichSee-
Modern Living with Lake Views in Luxury Loft
Freienbach (ch) engel & VölkerS reSidential ag licence Partner oF engel & VölkerS wohnen Schweiz ag teL. +41 43 888 11 11 e-MaiL zuerichSeeFreienbach@engelVoelkerS.coM
his apartment can be reached either via the stairwell or elevator. the entrance hallway connecting all rooms with one another is bright and airy. a cloakroom is linked with this hall area via the guest wc. the kitchen with a central cooking island has an open plan design giving on to the dining room. these interiors feature terrace access, along with the living room. the north-eastern end of
the apartment accommodates two of the four bedrooms, as well as a bathroom with a shower and wc. the master bedroom boasts a dressing closet and an en suite bathroom with a whirlpool and steam room. laundry and drying rooms add further to the luxury on offer. the basement affords two hobby rooms, a wine cellar and storage space. there is also an underground garage with five parking spaces.
124 CH_ZurichseeFreienbachW012API_113.indd 124
01.11.12 09:58
Photos: AnnA JAnson
Küssnacht am Rigi
Rigi Residence with Five-Star Comfort
his elegant residence consisting of eight luxury apartment units is located in a tax haven on the idyllic banks of lake lucerne. two grand and charming residences with a luxurious boutique hotel character have been appointed with many kinds of amenities such as an indoor and outdoor pool, a fitness room, sauna, bridge and billiard room, airconditioned wine cellars, wlan and sophisticated security standards.
Switzerland, Schwyz RENTAL PRICE/MoNTH FRoM chF 8,750 INTERIoR APPRox. 150 – 290 sqm No. oF RooMS 3.5 – 6.5 E&V ID w-006cGK CoNTACT zuG (ch) enGel & VölKerS reSidential aG licence partner oF enGel & VölKerS wohnen Schweiz aG TEL. +41 41 728 77 11 E-MAIL zuG@enGelVoelKerS.coM
a heliport and the Küssnacht am rigi Golf club are both located in the immediate vicinity. the spectacular south-facing hillside position allows for breathtaking 270° panoramic views of the rigi peak, the lake and the mountains that are truly magnificent, evoking an unbelievable sensation of freedom. the apartments still available have been prepared and finished for immediate occupancy.
125 CH_ZugW005CGK_113.indd 125
31.10.12 09:52
At Home with Lake Zurich and the Mountains
his highly exclusive property impresses both with its unobstructable position, its clever integration into the topography of the land, and its architectural design. the residence sits on a sunny vineyard hillside high above lake zurich. the outlook from here over the deep-blue water and the snow-capped mountain tops of the Glarus alps is absolutely one-of-a-kind. large window frontages in all living rooms take full
Switzerland, zurich Price chF 2.175/3.75 Mill. interior APProx. 225/350 sqm no. of rooMs 5.5/8.5 e&V iD w-013zwY contAct rapperSwil (ch) wohnen zürichSee aG licence partner oF enGel & VölkerS wohnen Schweiz aG teL. +41 43 210 92 20 e-MAiL rapperSwil@enGelVoelkerS.coM
advantage of the magnificent panorama on offer. the two living units offer plenty of scope for exquisite home visions. large terraces and adjoining rooms complement the exclusive offering. the conversion and development work on the shell of this like-new building have now been completed. Both the interiors and exteriors can now be conceived and designed in accordance with future owner’s precise personal tastes.
126 CH_RapperswilWW013ZWY_113.indd 126
31.10.12 13:08
Photos: stefan Vogt
Switzerland, zurich PricE chF 2.49 Mill. E&V iD w-00YGB8 intErior aPProx. 138 sqm no. of rooms 5.5 contact zürich-
Urban Living on the Hürlimann Estate
ParadePlatz (ch) enGel & VölkerS reSidential aG licence Partner oF enGel & VölkerS wohnen Schweiz aG tEL. +41 43 888 11 22 E-maiL zuerichParadePlatz@enGelVoelkerS.coM
restigious living without all the obligations that a house brings with it. right in the midst of sprawling park grounds, without any of the maintenance and costs. the spacious rooms of this property boast a wellconceived interior design and layout envisaged for maximum comfort. the apartment makes the perfect dwelling for professional couples who aspire to high standards of freedom and exclusivity. For older couples looking to
downsize, the apartment opens up opportunities for new forms of living. the property is even set to live up to the requirements posed by families, in an area that is ideal for children. aspects of particular note include its central location, its modern architectural design with plenty of sunlight, superior and elegant interior finishes, two bathrooms, ethanol cheminée, beech parquet, and all basic installations for a revox sound system.
127 CH_ZurichParadeplatzW00YGB8_113.indd 127
31.10.12 12:37
Lakeside Paradise
licence Partner oF engel & VĂślkerS wohnen Schweiz ag teL. +41 44 533 12 12 e-MaiL zuerichSeethalwil@engelVoelkerS.coM
to moor a boat or go bathing in the lake via the ladder steps. a seating area on a private peninsula of land on the plot also provides ample scope for whiling away perfect summer days and evenings. alternatively, a fully automated Jacuzzi in the garden caters for yet more relaxation. another highlight of the property is the boathouse featuring an integrated boat lift. this is the kind of residence that most can only dream of.
Photos: Alex Buschor
his breathtaking lakefront land plot lies directly on the banks of lake zurich and offers uncompromised privacy. the property itself was built in 1955, and since completely renovated and refitted in 2007. large window frontages flood the entire living/dining area with glorious daylight and create a wonderful sense of homeliness and well-being. a landing stage links the property to the lake, presenting the opportunity
Switzerland, zurich Price chF 13.9 Mill. interior aPProx. 280 sqm Land aPProx. 892 sqm e&V id w-013FlP contact zĂźrichSee-thalwil (ch) engel & VĂślkerS reSidential ag
CH_ZurichseeThalwilW013FLP_113.indd 128
31.10.12 14:11
Contemporary Living with Commercial Wing
tate-of-the-art, radiation-free materials have been exclusively used in the building of this beautiful home, which is especially impressive for its spacious, open plan interior layouts. the residence has been finished to the highest ecological standards from a construction point of view. the ground floor features a fitted kitchen by Boffi, a living and dining area, utility room, shower room/wC and a separate room
CH_FrauenfeldW00G9SG_113.indd 129
Switzerland, thurgau PriCe ChF 3.85 Mill. interior aPProx. 330 sqm Land aPProx. 2,504 sqm e&V id w-00g9Sg ContaCt FrauenFeld (Ch) exCluSive real eState ag liCenCe partner oF engel & vĂślkerS wohnen SChweiz ag teL. +41 52 723 30 40 e-MaiL FrauenFeld@engelvoelkerS.CoM
with flexible usage. Meanwhile, the first floor hosts both the master bedroom suite and a large spa area. the top floor affords ample space for another commodious bedroom. transitional rooms lead the way to the property’s commercial wing, which comprises four offices, a seminar room, reception area, waiting room, two wCs and a separate apartment. there are also a total of 11 client parking spaces available on the plot.
31.10.12 12:30
Photos: Marc van swoll
St. Moritz
Exclusive Apartment with Sensational Views
his jewel of a property, furnished in an engadin style with exquisite arven furniture, is to be found in a high-specification building at a prime address in the village of St. Moritz. the centre of the village with its boutiques and restaurants is very close by. Features that truly set this dwelling apart include the living room with its fireplace and the spectacular outlook overlooking St. Moritz lake and the surrounding
Switzerland, engadin PricE CHF 4.2 Mill. intErior APProx. 135 sqm no. of roomS 4.5 E&V iD w-00g7O5 contAct St. MOritz (CH) eV rĂŠSidenCeS SuiSSe Sa liCenCe partner OF engel & VĂślkerS wOHnen SCHweiz ag tEL. +41 81 837 51 51 E-mAiL StMOritz@engelVOelkerS.COM
mountain scenery. Hours in the engadin sunshine can be cherished to the full on the two large terraces. the apartment has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a guest wC and a small office. the living/dining area gives on to a modern kitchen that in turn opens on to one of the terraces. this offer also includes two underground parking spaces. From here, the apartment can be reached by elevator with the utmost comfort and convenience.
130 CH_StMoritzW00G7O5_113.indd 130
31.10.12 08:01
Photos: Marc van swoll
Rare Engadin Gem with Special Charm
his 7-roomed residence with a self-contained apartment is located on the very edge of S-chanf and affords unobstructable views. the property was built in 1983. great effort has been invested in preserving the traditional ‘Sgraffito’ decorative detailing. entering through the main ground floor entrance, one is greeted by an impressive entrance hall. the abundance of sunshine in the engadin region and the fascinating
Switzerland, engadin PRiCE CHF 4.3 Mill. intERioR aPPRox. 332 sqm Land aPPRox. 1,004 sqm E&V id w-011lOY ContaCt St. MOritz (CH) eV réSidenCeS SuiSSe Sa liCenCe Partner OF engel & VölkerS wOHnen SCHweiz ag tEL. +41 81 837 51 51 E-MaiL StMOritz@engelVOelkerS.COM
outlook over the mountains can be enjoyed to the full from the terrace and balcony. the property comprises a living room with an alcove, a library, dining area with adjoining kitchen, four bedrooms and three bathrooms. On the lower ground floor, there is a spa suite with a whirlpool, shower, sauna and cooled wine cellar. a double garage and several outdoor car parking spaces add the finishing touches to this superb dwelling.
131 CH_StMoritzW011LOY_113.indd 131
31.10.12 11:37
Photos: AndreAs scholz
Century-Old Grisons Home near Ski Slopes
ccupying a sunny location in the heart of Flims, this delightful Grisons-style property dates back as far as 1453 and is within walking distance of the cable car. thanks to extensive modernisation and refitting work, the property finds itself in an immaculate, first-class condition. the 4.5-roomed apartment meets the highest standards and boasts highly sophisticated furnishings and finishes. the three bedrooms and four
Switzerland, GriSonS PriCe CHF 1.75 Mill. interiOr aPPrOx. 114 sqm nO. Of rOOmS 4.5 e&V iD w-00KB83 COntaCt FliMS (CH) toP liVinG iMMoBilien aG liCenCe Partner oF enGel & VรถlKerS woHnen SCHweiz aG teL. +41 81 250 55 85 e-maiL FliMS@enGelVoelKerS.CoM
bathrooms in total exude utter comfort and cosiness. the living room is blessed with a wonderful Swedish stove, while the floors laid in slate and carefully treated wooden floorboards underline the overall design concept. the roof terrace affords unparalleled outlooks over the marvellous alpine panorama. State-of-the-art technological standards have been elegantly combined in this home with historic period features from 1453.
132 CH_FlimsW00KB83_113.indd 132
31.10.12 08:10
Chalet Unit in Spectacular Setting
liCenCe Partner oF enGel & VรถlkerS woHnen SCHweiz aG teL. +41 81 250 55 85 e-maiL FliMS@enGelVoelkerS.CoM
tailor-made fitted cupboards and a walk-in dressing closet have been integrated within the two storeys, with a total of four bedrooms and three bathrooms catering for relaxing holidays. the living area has been appointed to impressive effect, with a custom-crafted dining corner, lofty ceilings, exposed wooden beams and clever lighting. the outlook and the tranquillity add the finishing touches to this idyllic dwelling.
Photos: AndreAs scholz
rected in 1997, this chalet occupies the most peaceful vantage point in obersaxen and boasts the highest quality standards. the property is graced with top-class materials from the region and tasteful design. Besides the roof, which has been decked with wonderful stone flags made from Valser quartzite, this precious natural stone can also be found in various rooms throughout the semi-detached property.
Switzerland, GriSonS PriCe CHF 1.18 Mill. interior aPProx. 198 sqm no. of roomS 5.5 e&V iD w-00zP76 ContaCt FliMS (CH) toP liVinG iMMoBilien aG
CH_FlimsW00ZP76_113.indd 133
31.10.12 12:18
Klosters Platz
Feel-Good Oasis with Hotel Service in Vereina Park
his luxurious 4.5-roomed apartment is situated just next-door to the legendary Hotel vereina at a prime and sought-after residential address. the ‘bijou’ property exudes a wealth of cosy warmth and feelgood homeliness from the very moment one walks through the door. three commodious bedrooms, two exclusively fitted bathrooms, one en suite, a separate guest wC and a spacious living area set the scene for
Switzerland, GriSonS Price CHF 2.95 Mill. interiOr aPPrOx. 150 sqm nO. OF rOOmS 4.5 e&V iD w-00G6Ha cOntact davoS (CH) toP livinG iMMoBilien aG liCenCe Partner oF enGel & völkerS woHnen SCHweiz aG teL. +41 81 410 00 30 e-maiL davoS@enGelvoelkerS.CoM
well-earned holidays graced with the traditional charm of the local area. the individually designed wooden panels and the high-quality materials used throughout the interior design create a distinguished atmosphere that benefits additionally from the spectacular panoramas taking in the mountain scenery. the elegant spa suite in the Hotel vereina is also accessible to residents, together with its acclaimed culinary offerings.
134 CH_DavosW00G6HA_113.indd 134
01.11.12 09:52
Schwarzach Region Alpine Hut in Beautiful Standalone Position
his splendid wooden lodge consists of three beautifully conceived floors. built in 1991, the ground and upper level have a traditional wooden log construction, while the basement level has been built from solid concrete. As well as the heating system, there is also a tiled stove in the living room that creates wonderful homely warmth, especially in the autumn. the stable building, around 350 metres from the main
AustriA, sAlzburg PRIce EurO 1.45 Mill. InteRIoR APPRox. 228 sqm lAnd APPRox. 9 ha e&V Id W-003625 contAct sAlzburg (A) E&V liEgEnschAftsVErMittlung gMbh licEncE pArtnEr Of EngEl & VรถlkErs rEsidEntiAl gMbh tel. +43 6246 751 04 00 e-MAIl sAlzburg@EngElVOElkErs.cOM
house, has been refurbished according to the original construction with a great deal of patient attention to detail. At present, there is a working combustor with a horse stable below currently housing four icelandic horses and four fjord horses. highlights such as a swimming pool, sauna, underfloor heating, a fitted kitchen with bosch appliances, and a floodlit private road all underline the charm of this Alpine rarity.
135 A_SalzburgW003625_113.indd 135
30.10.12 15:25
Exclusive Property with Stunning ‘Kaiser’ Views
his exceptional residence is situated in a peaceful, sunny and highly sought-after area of Kitzbühel and affords absolutely spectacular views overlooking the gamsstadt and the ‘Wilder Kaiser’ mountain. the house has been designed throughout in a traditional tyrol style. Various different levels make up the spacious interior layout, whilst the interior design presides over a superior level of quality and state-of-the-
A_KitzbuhelW00PUYU_113.indd 136
AustriA, tyrol PricE Euro 15 Mill. intErior aPProx. 876 sqm Land aPProx. 2,384 sqm E&V id W-00Puyu contact KitzbühEl (A) EngEl & VölKErs KitzbühEl gMbh licEncE PArtnEr of EngEl & VölKErs rEsidEntiAl gMbh tEL. +43 5356 716 15 E-MaiL KitzbuEhEl@EngElVoElKErs.coM
art technology. Particularly noteworthy highlights include the garden, which has been landscaped in a park-like style with roofed and heated seating areas complete with a fireplace, as well as the private spa oasis featuring a 11 x 4 m indoor swimming pool, a sauna, steam room and fitness studio. the mix of luxury, Alpine charm and absolute privacy culminate here in the perfect ambience for an exclusive home life.
01.11.12 10:13
Rare & Historic Farmhouse with Holiday Home
ocated at the foot of the hahnenkamm, this old farmhouse dates back more than a century and is an absolute rarity on the Kitzbühel property market, with few residences of this calibre still in existence. the property was recently extensively refurbished and modernised throughout, with antique, tailor-crafted wooden finishes forming a stunning contrast to the interior’s more contemporary elements. in
AustriA, tyrol PRice Euro 12.5 Mill. e&V iD W-00NtMN Utility sPace aPPRox. 568 sqm lanD aPPRox. 2,400 sqm contact KitzbühEl (A) ENgEl & VölKErs KitzbühEl gMbh licENcE pArtNEr of ENgEl & VölKErs rEsidENtiAl gMbh tel. +43 5356 716 15 e-Mail KitzbuEhEl@ENgElVoElKErs.coM
addition to its historic fabric and unique location, this offering impresses above all with its individual, exclusive and homely interior design. the spacious living room features a cosy open fireplace, as well as affording magnificent outlooks over one of the world’s most beautiful mountain backdrops. from the terrace and in the garden too, unobstructable views of the spectacular ‘Wilder Kaiser’ mountain can be enjoyed.
137 A_KitzbuhelW00NTMN_113.indd 137
01.11.12 07:58
Liberty Jewel with Parkland in Cassano Magnago
utility rooms. the ground floor boasts a bright living room with ceiling stuccos and a period fireplace, and a kitchen with a terrace overlooking the park. the first floor has two bedrooms and bathrooms, while the fully inhabitable second floor offers three bedrooms and two bathrooms. a large garage for up to 10 cars, separate staff quarters, and some 4,000 sqm of building land round off this superb offering.
Photos: Donato Carone
his marvellous villa lies in the residential area of Cassano magnago, close to the city of Varese and the international airport of milano malpensa. built in the 19th century, it was renovated in the 1990s with unaltered charm. the property is set in approx. 7,000 sqm of parkland filled with precious trees. It unfolds over three floors, plus an underground level featuring a tavern with fireplace, a kitchen, bathroom and
Italy, lombardy PriCe EUro 2 mIll. interior aPProx. 620 sqm Land aPProx. 7,000 sqm e&V id W-00ZH29 energy CLass G/293.55 kWh/m2a ContaCt VarEsE (I) EllEtrE srl teL. +39 0332 28 72 45 e-MaiL VarEsE@ENGElVoElkErs.Com
I_VareseW00ZH29_113.indd 138
30.10.12 16:16
Photos: Max Fulia
Porto Valtravaglia
Villa with Lake Views
ocated in Porto valtravaglia, this amazing property boasts stunning vistas over the lake and the surrounding mountains. It occupies approximately 3,200 sqm of beautiful and well-kept private parkland. Set over two floors, the villa boasts a bright and welcoming living area that gives on to a conservatory and an outdoor patio spanning some 35 sqm. a spacious kitchen, a dining room and a study complete the
Italy, lombardy Price EUro 2 mIll. interior aPProx. 300 sqm Land aPProx. 3,200 sqm e&V id W-00Kr0r energy cLass G/226.47 KWh/m2a contact lavEno (I) EllEtrE Srl teL. +39 0332 181 18 18 e-MaiL lavEno@EnGElvoElKErS.Com
main living interior, whilst three bedrooms and two bathrooms make up the sleeping quarters on this level. the lower floor features its own separate access to the garden, the garage and the main entrance. It comprises a living room with a billiard table, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom with a shower, as well as a boiler room and two storage rooms. a sauna and indoor pool add to the exclusivity of this offer.
139 I_LavenoW00KR0R_113.indd 139
30.10.12 16:43
Photos: stefano negri
Italy, lombardy PriCE EUro 1.61 mIll. intErior aPProx. 230 sqm no. of rooMs 5 E&V iD W-013SEW EnErgy Class F/155.18 KWh/m2a ContaCt mIlano CEntro StorICo (I) m&m rEal EStatE Srl tEl. +39 02 94 43 33 31 E-Mail mIlanoCEntroStorICo@EnGElVoElKErS.Com
et in the very heart of milan and yet utterly peaceful and serene, this elegant property spanning approx. 230 sqm with triple exposure occupies the second floor of a gracious residential complex with an exclusive concierge service. the apartment consists of an entrance hall, a triple living room with a balcony overlooking the condo garden, a kitchen, master bedroom, single bedroom, commodious study, utility
room and two bathrooms. Featuring ceilings of 3.2 metres in height, the interior was completely renovated in 2001 with high-quality finishes such as marble and fine wooden floors, air conditioning and a security alarm system. there is also a large cellar, garret and parking facilities available. this offering is absolutely ideal for managers with a family looking for a spacious and elegant property in a convenient location.
Elegant Property Close to the Piazza Missori
140 I_MilanoCentroStoricoW013SEW_113.indd 140
31.10.12 09:41
Style & Elegance Just Steps from Fiera Area
his splendid apartment can be found on the third floor of a modern building with a concierge service. It spans some 230 sqm and is fully renovated. the circular entrance opens on to the bright, approx. 60 sqm living room with balcony access. other interiors include a large kitchen with a service area, a master bedroom with dressing room and bathroom, two further bedrooms (one en suite), and another bathroom.
Italy, lombardy PricE EUro 1.45 mIll. intErior APProx. 230 sqm no. oF roomS 5 E&V iD W-013oPG EngErgy clASS G/217.80 KWh/m2a contAct mIlano bUonarrotI (I) m&m rEal EstatE srl tEl. +39 02 9443 33 21 E-mAil mIlanobUonarrotI@EnGElVoElKErs.Com
Precious finishes and commodious spaces make this apartment ideal for a family seeking charm and superior comfort. residents also benefit here from a garage and cellar. located on the tree-lined avenue in the Fiera district away from the traffic and noise of the city, the apartment is just a few steps from Istituto leone XIII, one of the most prestigious schools in milan, and close to the shops of Corso Vercelli.
141 I_MilanoBuonarrotiW0130PG_113.indd 141
31.10.12 12:45
Exclusive Villa in Private Compound
his prestigious residence is located inside the natural Park of Castel di Decima (tenuta Vaselli), just a short distance away from the Eur residential centre, and the Fiumicino and Ciampino international airports. Constructed using top-quality materials, the villa finds itself in immaculate condition. It is set within gardens spanning 2,300 sqm and boasts an interior of approx. 600 sqm with a total of 29 rooms spread
Italy, lazIo PriCE EURo 1.86 MIll. intErior aPProx. 600 sqm Land aPProx. 2,300 sqm E&V id W-00SWF6 EnErgy CLass E/84 kWh/m2a ContaCt RoMa CEntRo StoRICo (I) PRIME REal EStatE SRl tEl. +39 06 679 88 10 E-MaiL RoMaCEntRoStoRICo@EnGElVoElkERS.CoM
over three different levels. annexes in the grounds include an approx. 40 sqm garage with space for three vehicles, an outdoor parking bay, a wooden stove, barbecue, a dependence/chalet for staff, a wood shed and a wonderful terrace overlooking the outdoor swimming pool. all of this culminates in a paradise property where everyday home life can be enjoyed to the full in luxurious comfort and idyllic serenity.
142 I_RomaCentroStoricoW00SWF6_113.indd 142
30.10.12 13:44
Castelnuovo Berardenga
Prestigious Historic Hamlet for Renovation
et in the enchanting countryside of chianti near castelnuovo Berardenga, lies the idyllic hamlet of Muricce, spanning some 1,700 sqm in size with approx. 2 ha of surrounding land. sources dating back to the 11th century (‘cartulario of Berardenga’) prove that the village, known as ‘Villamagna’, was among the most important of the curia of Montalto’s castle, the term ‘villa’ meaning the centralisation of various estates
Italy, tuscany PRice EuRO 1.85 MIll. inteRioR aPPRox. 1,700 sqm Land aPPRox. 2 ha e&V id W-012a01 contact sIEna (I) FIRst class HOusE sRl. tEl. +39 0577 11 11 44 e-MaiL sIEna@EnGElVOElKERs.cOM
administered together. later, as a result of conflicts and invasions in the 14th and 15th centuries, the property was left abandoned to decay, hence the name ‘Muricce’ synonymous with ruins. since then the structure has not changed, and all of its historic charm has been preserved. the area is rich in history, art and traditions, making it a fascinating destination for tourists and investors worldwide.
143 I_SienaW012A01_113.indd 143
30.10.12 16:28
Photos: tiziano Canu
Porto Cervo
The Special Charm of Le Pleiadi Community
ust a few minutes from the centre of Porto Cervo and the marina, this magnificent villa lies within an exclusive residential community and offers an immaculate atmosphere with sea views and spacious interiors giving on to a large covered terrace and infinity pool. the gourmet kitchen affords direct access to the barbecue area. the ground floor also has two master bedrooms, each with its own bathroom and dressing
Italy, SardInIa PriCe EUrO 7 MIll. inTerior aPProx. 420 sqm Land aPProx. 3,500 sqm e&V id W-00yC6I energy CLaSS G/152.58 KWh/m2a ConTaCT SardInIEn-POrtO CErvO (I) FIrSt SardEv S.r.l. TeL. +39 0789 941 83 e-MaiL POrtOCErvO@EnGElvOElKErS.COM
room, opening on to the garden. Spanish terracotta tiles used for the flooring enrich the interior flair. the upper floor consists of two more master suites with private terraces overlooking the sea. a wonderful dependance offers two suites for guests and one for staff, each with its own bathroom. a large laundry room, security alarm, central irrigation system and covered parking bay for two cars complement this home.
144 I_SardinienPortoCervoW00YC6I_113.indd 144
30.10.12 14:33
Photos: Ydo sol
List on Sylt
Classic Thatched Home on Traditional Mound Plot
he quaint resort of list is dotted with old frisian houses and large plots where sheep often still graze. it is here that this thatched abode dating from 1914 stands on a sunny, mounded parcel of land. having been fully refurbished at great effort and expense, the charm of this traditional frisian dwelling from the outside has been brought back to life. inside, a new room layout has been envisaged with the aim of creating an authen-
Germany, SchleSwiG-holStein PriCe eUro 3.2 mill. inTerior aPProx. 175 sqm Land aPProx. 1,174 sqm e&V id w-00Z544 ConTaCT Sylt (D) BlUme & haGenah immoBilien GmBh & co. KG licence partner of enGel & VรถlKerS reSiDential GmBh TeL. +49 4651 985 70 e-MaiL
tic embodiment of Sylt life with ample style, comfort and spaciousness. the ground floor consists of a large dining room, adjoined by a separate kitchen and utility room, a living room with a fireplace, a bedroom with an en suite bathroom, and a guest wc. the elegant entrance hallway and staircase lead to the first floor, which comprises two bedrooms, one with a dressing room and en suite bathroom, plus a separate large bathroom.
145 D_SyltW00Z544_113.indd 145
30.10.12 14:58
Photos: Paddel Grafik/kai Quedens
North Sea Island
Unobstructable Views on the Island of Amrum
his offer was built in 1998 in the island village of nebel. the thatched ‘haus hafis’ consists of 13 comfortable living units of between approx. 32 sqm and 180 sqm. Furnished in a Frisian style, it blends in wonderfully with the historic character of the island. the majority of the apartments afford direct sea views in an exclusive location with outlooks taking in the island of Föhr and the holms. oiled solid wooden parquet flooring
Germany, SchleSwiG-holStein PrIce eUro 4.6 mill. InterIor APProx. 727 sqm LAnd APProx. 4,870 sqm e&V Id w-00mPtZ contAct Föhr/amrUm (D) hanS-werner Dickel immobilien e.k. licence Partner oF enGel & VölkerS reSiDential Gmbh teL. +49 4681 74 86 90 e-MAIL
and wooden furniture help to create a romantic ambience. Depending on the precise location and unit, these homes afford sea views, a terrace, an oven fireplace and bathtub. the gatehouse with a spa oasis forms a part of the complex. whether bathing in the north Sea, relaxing in a beach chair on the sands or taking a stroll along the water’s edge – amrum offers a wealth of recreational activities, cultural events, sea, sand and well-being.
146 D_FohrW00MPTZ_113.indd 146
30.10.12 16:39
Photos: „Lee und Luv“/sam Jost
Modern Penthouse with Fjord Views
his offering promises home life with maritime flair, in the marina Sonwik, with sailing boats in constant view. this approx. 333 sqm penthouse apartment with its own roof terrace and two loggias can be found in one of the two l-formed towers ‘lee und luv’, which were built in 2009. it affords residency of a truly exceptional standard. the modern interior impresses with its sheer quality standard and a touch of luxury,
Germany, SchleSwiG-holStein Price eUro 1.85 mill. interior aPProx. 333 sqm no. oF rooMs 4 e&V iD w-00yG54 contact FlenSbUrG (D) FlenSbUrGer immobilien Kontor licence partner oF enGel & VölKerS reSiDential Gmbh teL. +49 461 97 88 67 13 e-MaiL
while never seeming to be too decadent thanks to its clean forms and sleek simplicity. combined with the warm brown tones of the parquet flooring, the bright, lightflooded rooms form an effective contrast – especially along with the blue shimmering waters of the baltic Sea that round off this play of colour to perfection. Simply breathtaking vistas overlooking the Flensburg Fjord can be enjoyed from the outstanding roof terrace.
147 D_FlensburgW00YG54_113.indd 147
31.10.12 11:28
Architect-Designed Home
et on an attractively shaped corner plot right at the source of the famous alster canal, this substantial architect-designed house is concealed from sight behind a thick beech hedge. the five steps of the broad and sweeping granite stairway lead up to the impressive entrance area. the house was built by an architect in 1974 as a private residence for himself and his family. an indoor swimming pool, a
Germany, SchleSwiG-holStein Price eUro 479,000 interior APProx. 253 sqm LAnD APProx. 730 sqm e&V iD w-00wQKK contAct norderStedt (d) eV norderStedt immobilien Gmbh licence partner of enGel & VรถlKerS reSidential Gmbh teL. +49 40 23 84 59 44 e-MAiL
sauna, conservatory and fireplace are only a few of the exclusive features dedicated to heightening the quality of life to be enjoyed here. the appointment is both individual and premium in quality. floors laid in african slate and hand-made doors are a reflection of the high aesthetic standards set by the original owner. cooking enthusiasts will also adore the upmarket white fitted kitchen with granite worktops.
148 D_HamburgNorderstedtW00WQKK_113.indd 148
31.10.12 08:22
Photos: herbert ohge
Award-Winning Modernism in Nienstedten
his striking residence is situated very close to the elbe river at one of the most exclusive locations in the noble ‘elbvororte’ suburbs of Hamburg. Its direct south-facing elevation towards the Hirschpark makes it possible to lead a discrete and peaceful home lifestyle here surrounded by nature. completed in 2009, this exceptional designer residence offers all conceivable luxuries spread over two contemporary
Germany, HamBUrG Price eUrO 3.85 mIll. e&V iD W-00eOXD iNterior APProx. 442 sqm LAND APProx. 4,316 sqm coNtAct HamBUrGPremIUm elBe (D) e+V HamBUrG ImmOBIlIen GmBH lIcence Partner Of enGel & Völkers resIDentIal GmBH teL. +49 40 46 86 31 26 e-MAiL elBe@enGelVOelkers.cOm
levels. a long driveway leads through the middle of the grounds, with a thoroughly modern touch, straight into the heart of this home – the large eat-in kitchen. soaring ceilings of some 8 metres ensure an ever-present sense of spaciousness. the house is in excellent condition and offers ample space for a family. In addition to a security alarm and a basement level under part of the property, guest parking is also available.
149 D_HamburgPremiumElbeW00EOXD_113.indd 149
01.11.12 10:00
Photos: herbert ohge
Family Home with Outdoor Pool in Nienstedten
his modern family home built in 1999 is located in the nienstedten district of Hamburg, one of the most sought-after addresses in the elbe suburbs. the interior design was completed by the architect Holger schmidt and meets all modern home concept standards. On the ground floor, there is a lightflooded living area with a fireplace. the commodious eat-in kitchen offers dining space for the entire family and direct access
Germany, HamBUrG Price eUrO 1.98 mILL. e&V iD W-00WIF7 iNteriOr aPPrOx. 430 sqm LaND aPPrOx. 1,200 sqm cONtact HamBUrGPremIUm eLBe (D) e+V HamBUrG ImmOBILIen GmBH LIcence Partner OF enGeL & VĂśLkers resIDentIaL GmBH teL. +49 40 46 86 31 26 e-MaiL eLBe@enGeLVOeLkers.cOm
to the beautiful, south-facing terrace. the level also houses the master bedroom wing with an en suite bathroom and dressing closet. On the first floor there are five spacious and bright children’s en suite bedrooms, while two more bedrooms can be found on the roof level. the garden features an attractive outdoor swimming pool. all local schools are just a short bike ride away from here. a security alarm is installed.
150 D_HamburgPremiumElbeW00WIF7_113.indd 150
31.10.12 08:27
Photos: herbert ohge
Germany, HamBUrG PricE eUrO 6.75 mILL. E&V iD W-00IDSV iNtErior aPProx. 363 sqm LaND aPProx. 11,000 sqm coNtact HamBUrGPremIUm eLBe (D) e+V HamBUrG ImmOBILIen GmBH LIcence Partner Of enGeL & VรถLkerS reSIDentIaL GmBH tEL. +49 40 46 86 31 26 E-MaiL HamBUrGPremIUm@enGeLVOeLkerS.cOm
private driveway leads up to the gates of this discretely situated mansion home. a centrally aligned vestibule entrance opens on to a large hallway complete with a skylight. the ground floor is clearly aligned into prestigious reception rooms, with stunning views of the river elbe to be enjoyed from all windows. the upper level comprises a total of four bedrooms and three bathrooms, each of which also boast
wonderful elbe outlooks. In a separate wing of the residence there is a large, self-contained apartment. around 60 sqm on the attic level is available for conversion into additional bedrooms or a guest wing. the garden level hosts an indoor swimming pool with a large glazed frontage giving on to the garden. the property has a garage, a security alarm and a garden irrigation system for the approx. 11,000 sqm plot.
Beautiful Property with Elbe Views in Nienstedten
151 D_HamburgPremiumElbeW00IDSV_113.indd 151
31.10.12 11:10
Germany, HamBUrG PricE eUrO 975,000 E&V iD W-00XS9K intErior APProx. 213 sqm no. of rooms 5 contAct HamBUrG-
Elegant Apartment on the Alster Lake
UHlenHOrSt-St. GeOrG (D) e+V HamBUrG ImmOBIlIen GmBH lIcence partner Of enGel & VรถlKerS reSIDentIal GmBH tEL. +49 40 18 98 46 00 E-mAiL UHlenHOrSt-StGeOrG@enGelVOelKerS.cOm
his charming apartment with its own garden forms a domestic idyll next to the Outer alster lake in the very heart of Hamburg. the Wilhelminian-style property was built in a classical architectural design around 1900. It was modernised at great effort and expense in 2007/2008, and extended by two levels that blend in harmoniously with the rest of the building. the raised ground floor spans some 148 sqm with four rooms,
comprising, amongst other things, a bedroom with an en suite bathroom, a library with elaborate carpentry work, an elegant fitted kitchen and a heated conservatory overlooking the carefully designed approx. 150 sqm garden terrace. the garden level features around 65 sqm of utility space that includes an additional room, a bathroom with shower, sauna and storage rooms. the property finds itself in a very fine condition indeed.
152 D_HamburgUhlenhorstW00XS9K_113.indd 152
31.10.12 13:01
Photos: NazaN sahaN/Peach ProPerty GrouP
Germany, HamBUrG PricE eUrO 635,000 – 4.1 miLL. E&V iD W-00eTT8 iNtErior APProx. 73 – 344 m2 No. of rooms 3 – 7 coNtAct HamBUrG
Elegant New Property on Alster Lake
PrOjekTvermarkTUnG (D) e+v HamBUrG immOBiLien GmBH Licence ParTner Of enGeL & vöLkers resiDenTiaL GmBH tEL. +49 40 36 13 14 58 E-mAiL HamBUrG.PrOjekTe@enGeLvOeLkers.cOm
his exclusive new development is currently taking shape directly on the western banks of Hamburg’s beautiful alster Lake with its sprawling lakeside parks. shopping amenities, schools, nurseries and the renowned “Der club an der alster” sports club are all closeby from here, making this a particularly attractive location for families with children. The already completed apartments on the ground floor have impressive
ceiling heights of more than three metres. The appointment meets the most exclusive standards, with various different design routes available to choose from. There are also a number of technical finesses to be found in this luxurious complex, such as underfloor heating and cooling. an elevator and an underground garage are a matter of course here. a spa oasis on Harvestehuder Weg rounds off this exclusive dwelling.
153 D_HamburgProjektvermarktungW00ETT8_113.indd 153
31.10.12 12:22
Freehold Maisonette Apartment on Alster Canal
his substantially sized and exclusive freehold apartment is for sale directly in one of the most sought-after locations along Hamburg’s alster canal in lemsahl-mellingstedt, within walking distance of the treudelberg Golf & country club. the idyllically positioned land plot, combined with a top-class and modern building specification, offer a very special quality of life. the apartment is divided over two separate
D_HamburgWellingsbuttelW0109WF_113.indd 154
Germany, HamBUrG PriCe eUrO 995,000 e&V iD W-0109WF interior APProx. 248 sqm no. oF rooMs 6 ContACt HamBUrGWellinGsBüttel (D) enGel & Völkers alstertal GmBH licence partner OF enGel & Völkers resiDential GmBH teL. +49 40 532 03 60 e-MAiL WellinGsBUettel@enGelVOelkers.cOm
levels. a beautiful outlook over the alster canal awaits in the living room with its floor-length windows. recently the guest bathroom with shower, spa bathroom with sauna and whirlpool, and the entire garden level were all refurbished using only the highest-quality materials. Other amenities offered by the apartment include two underground parking spaces, a security alarm and various built-in cupboards.
31.10.12 12:13
Gracious Residence near Hamburg
uilt in 1912 and located very close to the outskirts of Hamburg, this property comprises two separate units and is set on a large land plot spanning approx. 1,431 sqm in total. the two units, together with an outbuilding, allow for a wide variety of different possible usages. the beautifully preserved wooden floors in many rooms, the original stairwell and sliding doors that act as room partitions all impact on the
Germany, Lower Saxony PRice eUro 479,000 inteRioR aPPRox. 192 sqm Land aPPRox. 1,431 sqm e&V id w-010QJJ contact HamBUrG-SĂźdereLBe (d) JenS Gerken ImmoBILIen GmBH LIcence partner of enGeL & VĂśLkerS reSIdentIaL GmBH teL. +49 40 767 95 30 e-MaiL
charming character of this residence. In 2010, the house was fitted with a state-of-the-art photovoltaic system, which provides a regular income from power it supplies to the national grid. this attractive property is rounded off by a number of other interesting and appealing features such as a fireplace oven, a balcony spanning some 19 sqm with superb views overlooking the garden, and several car parking spaces.
155 D_HamburgSuderelbeW010QJJ_113.indd 155
30.10.12 15:05
Germany, mecklenburG-Western Pomerania Price euro 390,000 interior APProx. 64 sqm no. of rooMs 2 e&V iD W-012DPZ contAct
Modern Apartment by the Marina
HeiliGenDamm-k端HlunGsborn (D) V8 immobilien GmbH licence Partner of enGel & V旦lkers resiDential GmbH teL. +49 38293 41 77 33 e-MAiL
his wonderful apartment on the penthouse level is situated directly by the marina in k端hlungsborn. residents here can enjoy breakfast in the sunshine on the approx. 16 sqm terrace, rounded off with beautiful views overlooking the harbour. the property on the second floor consists of a bedroom, a bathroom in a contemporary design with a floor-level shower, and a spacious living and dining area. the entire
apartment spans approximately 64 sqm and features very high-quality materials and finishes throughout, as well as the luxury of underfloor heating. another particularly special highlight is the stove fireplace, which is absolutely ideal for spending cosy evenings indoors. both the furniture and the fitted kitchen are included in the sale price. this apartment is ideally suited for short-term lettings to holidaymakers.
156 D_HeiligendammKuhlungsbornW012DPZ_113.indd 156
31.10.12 08:49
Born am Darß
Haven for the Origin of the Senses
omantic and natural – surrounded by small bays on one side and sprawling meadows on the other – the recreational resort of born lies in the heart of the Fischland-darß-Zingst peninsula, very close to the unique ‘bodden’ landscape, a lagoon region in the Vorpommerania natural preservation area. this fascinating thatched property, typical for the darß region, is at the centre of this beautiful place, with a quaint and
Germany, mecklenburG-Western Pomerania Price euro 620,000 interiOr aPPrOx. 170 sqm Land aPPrOx. 1,185 sqm e&V id W-00t30y cOntact Fischland-darss-ZinGst (d) V8 immobilien® Gmbh licence Partner oF enGel & Völkers residential Gmbh teL. +49 38220 66 99 88 e-MaiL
serene character that impresses with its classical ambience, its quiet, low-traffic roads and its proximity to the white sands of the baltic sea. this idyllic dwelling was built in 1868 and has been resided in ever since, having been extensively modernised in recent years. existing half-timbered beams have been exposed and linked to one another, reflecting the harmony and splendour of this special property.
157 D_FischlandDarssZingstW00T30Y_113.indd 157
31.10.12 12:26
Photos: thomas Raddatz
Delightful Ensemble next to Nature Reserve
hese exceptional country homes are situated on a substantially sized plot bordering directly onto a nature conservation area. they form a consummate entity both from an architectural and interior design point of view. the first house was built for the purposes of private residency in 2003, followed by the second building in 2011, which is currently managed as an event café with two guest rooms. Both buildings are
Germany, BrandenBurG PRicE eurO 990,000 iNtERioR aPPRox. 310 sqm LaND aPPRox. 2,256 sqm E&V iD W-00WJPu coNtact Berlin-SPandau (d) enGel & VölkerS Berlin mitte GmBH licence Partner Of enGel & VölkerS reSidential GmBH tEL. +49 30 28 47 10 00 E-MaiL BerlinSPandau@enGelVOelkerS.cOm
harmoniously linked with one another, inspiring with extravagant interior finishes in a mediterranean style. High-quality flooring such as real stone flagging, tiling and parquet, an oven stove, an open fireplace, and superbly appointed kitchens leave nothing left to be desired. there are four artistically designed bathrooms, one with a sauna area, and three guest Wcs. the city of Berlin is just 30 minutes away by train.
158 D_BerlinSpandauW00WJPU_113.indd 158
31.10.12 11:45
Luxury Penthouse with Pool in Friedrichshain
his luxury penthouse was conceived and realised by the architects Drewes + strenge. the edifice of the penthouse is a hybrid design with a classical, listed faรงade along the front elevation and a modern, glazed construction along the rear elevation. the lower level is situated in the old, traditional part of the building and comprises a fitness suite, sauna and home cinema. the newly formed levels have been designed
Germany, Berlin Price eUrO 1.45 mill. interior aPProx. 331 sqm no. oF rooms 6 e&V iD W-013P9P contact Berlin-mitte (D) enGel & Vรถlkers Berlin mitte GmBH licence Partner Of enGel & Vรถlkers resiDential GmBH teL. +49 30 20 37 80 e-maiL Berlinmitte@enGelVOelkers.cOm
in a modern loft style. Balconies or terraces can be accessed from almost every single room here. another highlight is the roof terrace spanning some 162 sqm, boasting a pool, lounge, outdoor kitchen, dining area and superb views over Berlin. there is also a studio on the roof terrace for rainy days. Underfloor heating, a fireplace, air-conditioning system and parking space form the finishing touches to this splendid abode.
159 D_BerlinMitteW013P9P_113.indd 159
30.10.12 16:35
Photos: RalPh EckaRdt/lichtRaumstudios
Modern Residence with Views of the TV Tower
his architectural jewel of a home with views overlooking Berlin’s famous television tower is set within grounds spanning approx. 6,630 sqm, close to Pankow’s golf resort and the district’s idyllic nature conservation area. careful ground floor planning allows for a wide range of different living concepts, right through to a multi-generational home. The interior has a modern design and finds itself in immaculate
Germany, Berlin PRice eUrO 1.95 mill. e&V iD W-00WT4P inTeRioR aPPRox. 307 sqm LanD aPPRox. 6,630 sqm conTacT BerlinFrOhnaU (D) enGel & Völkers FrOhnaU-köPenick GmBh licence ParTner OF enGel & Völkers resiDenTial GmBh TeL. +49 30 40 63 85 00 e-MaiL BerlinFrOhnaU@enGelVOelkers.cOm
condition, as can also be said for the exterior with its many technical and creative finesses. The fireplace, BUs system and homely conservatory with views over the large terrace are just some of the amenities on offer here. a large heated outdoor pool with a countercurrent system, and a sauna and fitness annexe round off the property’s luxurious credentials and leave nothing left to be desired for a dream domestic haven.
160 D_BerlinFrohnauW00WT4P_113.indd 160
31.10.12 09:00
Near Chemnitz
Freehold Apartment with Library & Luxury Kitchen
his exclusive freehold apartment offers ample space and an overall atmosphere ideally suited for whiling away the hours. the interior on offer spans some 265 sqm and consists of seven rooms. the scale and grandeur of the interiors, and the expertly restored ceiling stuccowork are both second to none. entering the entrance hallway, one is greeted by a splendid scene that reflects the level of prestige throughout the rest
Germany, Saxony Price eUro 349,000 iNTeriOr APPrOX. 265 sqm NO. OF rOOms 7 e&V iD W-012G41 cONTAcT Chemnitz (D) eV Chemnitz immobilien eK liCenCe partner of enGel & VรถlKerS reSiDential Gmbh TeL. +49 371 66 62 77 60 e-mAiL Chemnitz@enGelVoelKerS.Com
of the apartment. the flooring in all reception and work areas has been laid in oak panel parquet. the elegant overall feel of this property has been combined with modern technology at great effort and expense. an adjoining yet separate apartment of approx. 29 sqm in size can be used as an office space. the bulthaup fitted kitchen is also offered for sale with the property and is not included in the asking price.
161 D_ChemnitzW012G41_113.indd 161
30.10.12 14:52
Modern Villa at Prime Address in Landgrafen Quarter
his contemporary home is situated at a prominent address in one of the finest neighbourhoods in Jena. its exclusivity is apparent the moment one drives up the private access road passed prestigious mansion properties. it offers an unobstructable outlook as well as benefitting from an ideal orientation. emphasis has been placed here in this individually conceived residence on superiority and quality.
D_JenaW01297B_113.indd 162
Germany, ThurinGia Price eurO 949,000 interior APProx. 370 sqm LAnd APProx. 590 sqm e&V id W-01297B contAct Jena (D) eV immOBilien GmBh Jena licence parTner Of enGel & Vรถlkers resiDenTial GmBh teL. +49 3641 23 26 40 e-MAiL Jena@enGelVOelkers.cOm
The result is a symbiosis of modern architecture and cosy homeliness. The appointment featuring a wealth of luxurious extras lives up to the most discerning of standards. a self-contained apartment with its own separate entrance would also be suitable for combining home and work life under one roof. The property has a total living and utility space of approx. 435 sqm, divided over four levels with a large double garage.
31.10.12 14:01
Two Outstanding Loft Apartments
his extravagant property is located in the erfurt district of Brühl, very close to the new theatre in the city. its location enables residents to enjoy all of the benefits that a central urban lifestyle brings with it. shopping amenities, schools and a host of recreational offerings are all situated in the immediate vicinity. The overall concept consists of two loft apartments, a spa oasis and a commercial unit. The ensemble
Germany, ThurinGia Price eurO 790,000 inTeriOr APPrOx. 393 sqm LeveL GrOund FlOOr e&v iD W-00Be2T cOnTAcT erFurT (d) eV immOBilien GmBh Jena licence parTner OF enGel & Völkers residenTial GmBh TeL. +49 361 663 78 30 e-MAiL erFurT@enGelVOelkers.cOm
is being offered for sale in its entirety. The appointment standard can be described as extremely exclusive: underfloor heating on the ground floor, real wooden floorboards and top-of-the-line bathroom fixtures from around the world. The spa oasis features an infrared sauna, a multi-sensory shower and an extra-large, colour-light bathtub. The events hall is installed with a superb-quality sound system with 360° acoustics.
163 D_ErfurtW00BE2T_113.indd 163
30.10.12 10:47
Halle a. d. Saale
Architectural Jewel on the River Saale
his architectural masterpiece was erected in 1924 by the hessian architect Wilhelm Ulrich to a solid construction. It forms part of the collection of the German architecture museum in frankfurt. the style is characterised by a mix of Wilhelminian architecture and modernism, as well as being reflective in parts of the architect’s expressionist visions for domestic living. the design has a hexagonal alignment, rather than
Germany, Saxony-anhalt PRice eUro 1.12 mIll. inteRioR APPRox. 450 sqm LAnd APPRox. 1,500 sqm e&V id W-00SxIl contAct leIpzIG (D) leIpzIG ImmobIlIen Gmbh lIcence partner of enGel & VölkerS reSIDentIal Gmbh teL. +49 341 910 49 80 e-MAiL
the usual right-angle approach. the finished result is a superb testament to a chapter in Germany’s architectural history that is preserved in excellent condition. the listed building was modernised in accordance with regulations for such historic monuments in 1995. this prestigious home occupies a prominent position, just five minutes’ walk from the market square on a peaceful peninsula right on the banks of the river Saale.
164 D_LeipzigW00SXIL_113.indd 164
30.10.12 14:46
Photos: Katrin neumann
Near Münster
Mansion with its own Private Park
his magnificent mansion set within gorgeous parkland grounds in the southeast münsterland region certainly lives up to the first impression it portrays. originally built in 1899, it was refurbished to an extremely high standard in 1997. the materials used have been perfectly harmonised with each other and the period charm of the house, as part of meticulously detailed plans. the result is a substantial and grand
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 2.9 mill. interior aPProx. 491 sqm Land aPProx. 51,000 sqm e&V id W-00GUF8 contact münster (D) Dr. BUse GrUnDBesitz UnD BeteiliGUnGs GmBh licence partner oF enGel & Völkers nrW GmBh teL. +49 251 60 93 10 e-MaiL
residence that exudes the authentic feel of homes dating from the turn of the century, as well as offering modern comforts. the unoverlooked grounds are truly enchanting with numerous, homely terraces and an approx. 4,400 sqm pond with its own jetty and boat mooring. Whether as a home for a large family or as a base for combining home and work life – this exclusive property is set to fulfil all manner of wishes.
165 D_MunsterW00GUF8_113.indd 165
31.10.12 09:08
Gracious Detached Property in Peaceful Position
his wonderful property is situated in a central yet peaceful location on the edge of a field in Westerkappeln. the substantial detached house was built in 1995 and has been maintained in an excellent condition ever since. Both the conservatory and the garden have a south-facing orientation. the entrance hallway and living area are laid with tiled flooring. the upper floor features a large bathroom and five
D_OsnabruckW00Y1YB_113.indd 166
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 390,000 interior aPProx. 308 sqm LanD aPProx. 763 sqm e&V iD W-00y1yB contact osnaBrĂźck (D) haselanD immoBilienGesellschaft mBh licence partner of enGel & VĂślkers resiDential GmBh teL. +49 541 33 55 20 e-MaiL
bedrooms, while the attic level was converted into living space several years ago together with the extension of the main wooden staircase. the basement floor comprises two rooms with daylight entry, a bathroom with a shower, and various storage rooms. a sauna and a large party cellar round off this level. in front of the house there is a double carport and a double garage with a rainwater cistern located underneath it.
01.11.12 08:05
Idyllic Ensemble on the Outskirts of Paderborn
his charming residential ensemble lies just on the outskirts of paderborn in a rural setting blessed with utter privacy that can be enjoyed without compromise. far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the property is ideal for enjoying modern living comforts in harmony with the lovely natural surroundings. large windows and conservatory spaces make this abundant nature
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PrIcE eUro 580,000 IntErIOr aPPrOx. 309 sqm Land aPPrOx. 5,858 sqm E&V Id W-01342G cOntact Kassel (D) e-V maKler & serVice inh. DirK Goebel e. K. licence partner of enGel & VรถlKers resiDential Gmbh tEL. +49 561 703 40 00 E-MaIL
an omnipresent feature of this home, culminating in a beautiful and serene retreat at all times of the year. the interior layout and scale of this residence are also particularly impressive. a prestigious living area, appealing room dimensions, ample window frontages, a ground floor outdoor terrace, garden pond and park-like plot are just some details that make home life here so appealing.
167 D_KasselW01342G_113.indd 167
31.10.12 09:16
Photos: Eckhard rahaus/dPia
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 1.15 mill. interior aPProx. 256 sqm LanD aPProx. 33,000 sqm e&V iD W-00r8Ba contact
et in a secluded location, this property consists of three buildings. the main house is an impressive half-timbered residence that was fully refitted in 1985. natural stone flooring, wooden beams in the hallways, luxurious bathrooms, a fitness suite and a sauna reflect the first-class appointment of this home. an area of more than 100 sqm on the attic level could be converted as an extension to the approx. 256 sqm
interior already on offer. the southwest-facing views from the kitchen across the bathing pond give some clue as to the scale and scope of the land plot. a private jogging track leads passed a riding ground and three ponds. a separate guesthouse with modern rooms and a large barn building with an office space plus great potential for other uses provide a combined utility space of approx. 460 sqm.
Private Dwelling on Woodland Grounds
GĂźtersloh (D) Dr. BUse GrUnDBesitz UnD BeteiliGUnGs GmBh licence partner of enGel & VĂślkers nrW GmBh teL. +49 5241 22 30 80 e-MaiL
168 D_GuterslohW00R8BA_113.indd 168
01.11.12 09:44
Photos: Dennis neuschäfer-rube
Luxury for Humans & Horses Alike
his prestigious country estate lies in a region ideally suited for horse lovers. the nearby towns of münster, osnabrück and Bielefeld also provide for plenty of cultural activities. the property itself consists of an elegant main house with a large, separate, self-contained apartment. the exceptional interior design combines different materials to superb aesthetic effect. the expansive gardens with their array of mature
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 1.9 mill. interior APProx. 610 sqm LAnd APProx. 38,000 sqm e&V id W-00lKFJ contAct Gütersloh (D) Dr. BUse GrUnDBesitz UnD BeteiliGUnGs GmBh licence partner oF enGel & VölKers nrW GmBh teL. +49 5241 22 30 80 e-MAiL
trees ensure the utmost level of privacy. the listed mill section of the property comprises three rental units in total. an avenue of trees with bordering meadows leads to the equestrian farm. these exclusive riding facilities, appointed to an international standard, feature a likenew stable building with 13 horse boxes. the new indoor riding arena with a photovoltaic system affords a riding area of 20 x 60 metres.
169 D_GuterslohW00LKFJ_113.indd 169
31.10.12 12:30
Outstanding Luxury Home with Special Flair
his luxurious residence, built to a conventional construction design in 2008, is situated on a south-facing land plot spanning approx. 838 sqm in peaceful, suburban surroundings close to rural fields. the tasteful, high-quality appointment of the property leaves absolutely nothing left to be desired. the interior space is divided over two floors and impresses with its expansive ground plan layout. all rooms can
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 1.35 mill. interiOr aPPrOx. 281 sqm Land aPPrOx. 838 sqm e&V id W-0130VQ cOntact Unna (D) stephan neUkötter immobilien licence partner of enGel & Völkers nrW Gmbh teL. +49 2303 258 83 00 e-MaiL
be reached via the generously sized stairwell complete with a landing area and skylight. particularly worthy of note is also the private spa area, which features a whirlpool on the lower ground floor, along with a recreation area complete with a bar and a home cinema. a modern café lounge, a cosy and welcoming tiled oven stove, a double garage and a stonewalled tool shed complement this exceptional offer.
170 D_UnnaW0130VQ_113.indd 170
01.11.12 09:31
Architectural Prowess with Lake Views
his luxurious residence impresses with its top-quality material appointment and its architectural perfection right down to the very smallest details. the three floors of this home afford plenty of space for living, working and relaxing. the spa area with a pool has been finished with all the necessary technical fittings and can be designed to individual tastes. an impressive staircase leads from the entrance hall to the
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 1.85 mill. interior APProx. 570 sqm LAnd APProx. 954 sqm e&V id W-00K5mJ contActo Unna (D) stephan neUKรถtter immobilien licence partner of enGel & VรถlKers nrW Gmbh teL. +49 2303 258 83 00 e-MAiL
first floor. in addition to a living room, this level also boasts a gracious sitting room with a fireplace and a modern dining room, all opening on to a south-facing terrace. an open plan kitchen, study and lightflooded gallery with superb lake views add further to the exceptional atmosphere on offer. the top level accommodates four bedrooms with three deluxe en suite bathrooms, along with a sizeable roof terrace.
171 D_UnnaW00K5MJ_113.indd 171
30.10.12 20:21
Mediterranean Flair Meets Sophistication
his prestigious freehold residence can be found on the first roof level of an apartment building and is accessible via an elevator. the entrance hall leads into a spacious living area featuring a sitting room with a fireplace and a loggia looking out over the lush greenery of the surrounding area, a spacious kitchen and a lightflooded dining room. this space is laid completely in hand-made italian terracotta floor tiles.
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 666,000 interior aPProx. 231 sqm no. oF rooMS 5 e&V iD W-00BWe6 contact DortmUnD-mitte (D) stephan neUkötter immoBilien licence partner of enGel & Völkers nrW GmBh teL. +49 231 13 88 22 00 e-MaiL
together with the wall finishes and elegant stucco ornamentation, they convey a distinctly mediterranean character. the elaborate workmanship of the fine materials and exclusive woods used here are particularly eye-catching. two bedrooms – each with an en suite bathroom – and an integrated sauna complement the amenities on offer. the superior parquet flooring laid here underlines the luxurious flair of this home.
172 D_DortmundMitteW00BWE6_113.indd 172
30.10.12 13:40
Photos: Bernd doBener
Resplendent Living for Connoisseurs
harmonious composition of architecture and upmarket domestic living is afforded by this beautifully designed, like-new penthouse apartment. it occupies the fourth and fifth floors of the apartment building and can be conveniently reached directly by elevator from the underground garage. on the lower level there are four rooms and an exclusive fitted bathroom. the upper floor consists of a kitchen with
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PRiCe eUro 750,000 inteRioR aPPRox. 200 sqm no. of Rooms 5 e&V iD W-010JGy ContaCt DortmUnD-mitte (D) stephan neUkรถtter immobilien licence partner of enGel & Vรถlkers nrW Gmbh teL. +49 231 13 88 22 00 e-maiL
a dining and living area in a spacious open plan design, as well as an approx. 90 sqm roof terrace with far-reaching views. all outer walls on this level are glazed, ensuring splendid vistas out towards the horizon in every single direction. the exclusive poggenpohl kitchen, light floor tiles and timelessly exclusive appointment create an upmarket elegance and luxurious atmosphere that are absolutely second to none.
173 D_DortmundMitteW010JGY_113.indd 173
30.10.12 15:18
Photos: Gudrun Lennardt
Elegant Mansion at Prime Address
his classically chic and prestigious mansion property was designed with great circumspect and built with great attention to detail in 2004. as such, it is an effective and unique blend of grandeur, charm, elegance, quality and privacy. the floor plan is particularly appealing in terms of the clear division it draws between the tasteful reception area of the ground floor and the charming private quarters of the upper
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PricE eUro 3.5 mill. intErior APProx. 357 sqm LAnd APProx. 1,737 sqm E&V id W-010FXm contAct DortmUnD-süD (D) stephan neUkötter immobilien licence partner oF enGel & Völkers nrW Gmbh tEL. +49 231 950 29 00 E-MAiL
floor. all of the interiors in this residence benefit from pleasant dimensions, an agreeable room height and a highly exclusive and tasteful appointment. timelessly elegant and superior bathrooms, a fully fitted customised kitchen and a host of skilfully handcrafted, built-in fixtures blend in just as well with the overall calibre of this gracious property as the substantial, beautifully landscaped garden and terrace area.
174 D_DortmundSudW010FXM_113.indd 174
31.10.12 09:26
Photos: RaineR Jagusch
Haltern am See
Dream Home on the Forest’s Edge
uilt on a large plot at a prime address in 2010/11, this residence presents the opportunity to lead an everyday home life where others spend their holidays. the heart of this property is the expansive living/ dining area on the ground floor, which is particularly impressive for its open plan interior layout. architecture and nature merge seamlessly here, thanks to the large, sliding glass door design of the façade. the
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PricE eUro 1.25 mill. intErior aPProx. 220 sqm LanD aPProx. 1,362 sqm E&V iD W-00s7oy contact recklinGhaUsen (D) eV recklinGhaUsen Gmbh & co. kG licence partner of enGel & Völkers nrW Gmbh tEL. +49 2361 582 55 50 E-MaiL
unoverlooked and professionally landscaped garden reaches almost as far as woodland that in turn leads the way to the lake. this dream home has a very high-quality appointment that includes an en suite bathroom with a whirlpool, sauna and rain shower, a fireplace in the living room, a pavilion with a pond in the garden, underfloor heating, a security alarm and a double garage with discrete, direct access to the house.
175 D_RecklinghausenW00S7OY_113.indd 175
30.10.12 15:57
Grand Country House in Splendid Surroundings
licence partner oF enGel & Vรถlkers nrW Gmbh teL. +49 2302 91 46 10 e-MaiL
aligned interior layout covering a living space of approx. 484 sqm is most notably commodious, for example, in the entrance hallway, the landing area, the hunting room with a fireplace and the living room, which also features a fireplace. this exclusive offering is complemented by a luxury spa and wellness area comprising an indoor pool, sauna, fitness suite and bar area, also with a fireplace, as well as a large wine cellar.
Photos: Dirk Vaartjes
his outstanding property has been incorporated into the topography of the landscape with a great deal of care and skill, using nothing but the highest quality materials. the grand scale and lavish flair of this country home are reflected in the architectural design and in the grounds that have been landscaped in a park-like style. the country house flair is continued inside the residence itself. the spaciously
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PriCe eUro 985,000 interior aPProx. 784 sqm Land aPProx. 4,081 sqm e&V id W-00G8ll ContaCt Witten-herdecke (d) F. roxlaU-immobilienkontor Gmbh
D_WittenherdeckeW00G8LL_113.indd 176
30.10.12 13:01
Photos: Dirk Vaartjes
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PriCE eUro 495,000 intErior aPProx. 303 sqm Land aPProx. 261 sqm E&V id W-00Veen ContaCt Witten-herdecke (d) F. roxlaU-immobilienkontor Gmbh licence partner oF enGel & Vรถlkers nrW Gmbh tEL. +49 2302 91 46 10 E-MaiL
his property dating back to the Wilhelminian period has been modernised with a great deal of expertise and sensibility for the character of the period. no effort and expense has been spared here in combining the charm and atmosphere of a 19th century residence with all the comforts and technology one would expect from a superior 21st century home. Just some highlights include oak floorboards, a
fireplace, bUs technology, a security alarm and a roof terrace, while the bathrooms feature murano glass mosaics, a wash basin by the italian brand boffi, and Vola fittings. the commercial wing of the property can be reached via a separate entrance and would be suitable as an office, chancellory, practice or gallery. kat-7 wiring, bUs technology, storage space and a central location add to the attractiveness of this dwelling.
Elegant Coachhouse for Home and Work Life
177 D_WittenHerdeckeW00VEEN_113.indd 177
31.10.12 09:47
Photos: tom Bendix
Half-Timbered Home with a Modern Touch
he original walls of this half-timbered property can be traced back to the 17th century. in 1976 it was completely gutted and restored, then later extended in 1995 with the addition of a modern glass construction on the ground floor. this level is currently used as an artist’s studio. the interior is spread over three levels. a modern spiral staircase in steel leads to the upper floors. the first floor comprises an open plan living area
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 350,000 inTerior aPProx. 170 sqm Land aPProx. 180 sqm e&V id W-00FXn5 conTacT hattinGen (D) eV BochUm hattinGen immoBilien GmBh licence partner oF enGel & Völkers nrW GmBh TeL. +49 2324 391 22 58 e-MaiL
looking on to the approx. 40 sqm south-facing terrace. it adjoins the open plan kitchen, which forms a stark contrast with its clean lines and lighting details to the fully glazed, half-timbered front elevation of the living room. Bedrooms and a communal bathroom can be found on the top floor. life in the historic district of Blankenstein offers a great many recreational pleasures, just 30 minutes’ drive from the cities of the ruhr region.
178 D_HattingenW00FXN5_113.indd 178
31.10.12 14:53
Space & Exclusivity at a Top Address
his delightful property is set apart by its striking open plan design, bright expansive spaces and an architecturally timeless style that is palpable both from outside and within the interior. Designed by an architect, the house was conceived according to the specific wishes of the homeowner and then built to this specification in 1989. particular attention has been paid here to ensuring first-class construction standards
D_WuppertalW0136FQ_113.indd 179
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PricE eUro 620,000 inTErior APProx. 300 sqm LAnd APProx. 982 sqm E&V id W-0136FQ conTAcT WUppertal (D) KlaUs Kipple immobilien e.K. licence partner oF enGel & VĂślKers nrW Gmbh TEL. +49 202 242 91 40 E-MAiL
throughout. the open planning with staggered levels and lofty ceilings has been cleverly combined with many practical and appealing details. the kitchen aligned alongside the garage, the open fireplace and the separate children’s wing each speak for themselves here. Wonderful hours in the sunshine can also be enjoyed to the full here in the wellmaintained garden featuring a charming terrace and a small pond.
30.10.12 12:13
Superb Lakeside Residence
master licence partner of enGel & Völkers resiDential GmBh teL. +49 201 43 61 61 e-MaiL
sizeable outdoor terraces form wonderful vantage points overlooking the lake. meanwhile, the pleasantly designed garden level provides ample space for accommodating guests, grown-up children or an au pair, with two additional rooms and a spacious bathroom on offer. in addition, a large spa suite complete with a whirlpool, shower, sauna and oven fireplace all cater to residents’ relaxation.
Photos: Michael von Weegen
urrounded by a substantial land plot, this contemporary property stands in a raised position with dream views across lake Baldeney. the bright and welcoming atmosphere is coupled with exclusivity and technical sophistication that really set this residence apart. the expansive and lightflooded living/dining area with an open fireplace impresses above all with its large window frontages and extra-high ceilings. two
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PRice eUro 1.98 mill. inteRioR aPPRox. 380 sqm Land aPPRox. 33,000 sqm e&V id W-00QBQi contact essen (D) enGel & Völkers nrW GmBh
D_EssenW00QBQI_113.indd 180
30.10.12 09:53
Photos: Ulrich hetzert
Modern Mansion in Ludenberg
nsconced in sought-after, natural surroundings close to the centre of Düsseldorf, the tranquillity and unique location of this property become apparent even in front of the impressive entrance gates. solidly built in 1954, the rural residence underwent modernisation in 1998 and most recently in 2006-2009. this work reflects a sensibility for the elegant architectural style, having preserved charming period elements
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 3.35 mill. interior aPProx. 355 sqm Land aPProx. 3,812 sqm e&V id W-00iKn9 contact DüsselDorf-oberKassel (D) enGel & VölKers nrW Gmbh master licence partner of enGel & VölKers resiDential Gmbh teL. +49 211 557 18 88 e-MaiL
whilst bringing the residence fully in line with modern-day living. the mansion now finds itself in absolutely immaculate condition as a result. the generous dimensions of the interior layout and high-quality appointment meet the most discerning standards. this is an exceptional family home with ample space and an idyllic garden that is guaranteed to win over the hearts of classic and modern architecture enthusiasts.
181 D_DusseldorfOberkasselW00IKN9_113.indd 181
31.10.12 13:04
Wachtberg near Bonn
Luxurious Residence
his tasteful and luxurious mansion occupies an idyllic position in one of the finest and most sought-after woodland areas of Wachtberg. this setting enjoys a wonderful serenity, as well as promising the utmost level of privacy. the neighbourhood is characterised by substantial detached properties and mansions set on large land plots. the sprawling grounds of this residence cover an area of approx. 5,150 sqm in total,
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PRice eUro 2.25 mill. inteRioR aPPRox. 910 sqm Land aPPRox. 5,150 sqm e&V id W-013ZU6 contact Kรถln-rodenKirchen (d) enGel & VรถlKers nrW Gmbh master licence partner of enGel & VรถlKers residential Gmbh teL. +49 221 29 94 50 e-MaiL
enclosing the house with a beautiful park-like garden that is concealed from outside view. the impressive interiors exude a level of grandeur and prestige that is virtually second to none. a pool and spa complex spanning some 260 sqm, a kitchen with adjoining cool rooms, and a large vaulted wine cellar all add still further to the exclusivity of this incredible home, that is ideal for the discerning connoisseur.
182 D_KolnRodenkirchenW013ZU6_113.indd 182
30.10.12 12:01
Photos: DuPlikat
Jewel on the Banks of the Rhine in Rodenkirchen
ome life directly by the water has always been something special. so the combination of the very best riverside address in cologne, the auen quarter in rodenkirchen, with the flair of a detached, historic property in a superb condition, really does result in an offering that can justifiably be described as a ‘jewel’. the well-known, listed mansion affords an impressive amount of space with an interior spanning approx. 400 sqm. the rooms are
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PRice eUro 4.3 mill. inteRioR aPPRox. 411 sqm Land aPPRox. 856 sqm e&V id W-006D70 contact Köln-roDenKirchen (D) enGel & VölKers nrW Gmbh master licence partner of enGel & VölKers resiDential Gmbh teL. +49 221 29 94 50 e-MaiL
prestigious, although never too large in size or hall-like. the interior layout, appointment and colour scheme culminate in a timeless atmosphere in this home. the grounds too present themselves in a perfect condition. the plot is enclosed by natural stone walls made from greywacke and hedges that have been conceived in such a way that views of the rhine can be enjoyed from the terrace whilst still remaining concealed from outside view.
183 D_KolnRodenkirchenW006D70_113.indd 183
01.11.12 09:15
Rhine Region Neuss
Central Penthouse Close to Woodland
his property occupies a perfectly situated address in the centre of Grevenbroich. it is spread across the entire third floor and roof level of an architect-designed building erected in 1986 with just three units. large windows dominate the design of the faรงade to impressive effect. the white marble floor leads from the stairwell into the apartment itself and forms a distinctive-style feature that enhances the excellent lighting
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PriCe eUro 475,000 interior aPProx. 210 sqm no. of rooms 6 e&V iD W-0133Bl ContaCt neUss (D) eV immoBilien GmBh & Co. KG liCenCe partner of enGel & VรถlKers nrW GmBh teL. +49 2131 20 94 40 e-maiL neUss@enGelVoelKers.Com
conditions and underlines its prestigious flair. Windows stretching across the entire width of the living room offer wonderful views over the superb, south-facing roof terrace. the property has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. the master bedroom with a dressing closet and en suite bathroom opens right up to the roof. the penthouse is ideal for anyone seeking a central yet peaceful location in natural surroundings.
184 D_NeussW0133BL_113.indd 184
30.10.12 11:46
Home Life in Harmony with Nature
lending into its surroundings to wonderful effect, this superior residence coalesces in absolute harmony with the glorious nature all around. the detached property exudes a unique and timeless charm. the sophistication of its architectural design is juxtaposed here with the expansiveness of the bordering meadows and fields. an inviting bathing pond in the heart of the tastefully landscaped garden and a luxurious
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 650,000 iNterior aPProx. 218 sqm LaNd aPProx. 836 sqm e&V id W-00r73e coNtact Krefeld (d) eV Krefeld immobilien Gmbh licence partner of enGel & VรถlKers nrW Gmbh teL. +49 2151 78 29 60 e-MaiL
spa suite with a steam room and sauna give this property an extremely attractive overall feel. a prestigious entrance area, a beautiful kitchen, roofed breakfast terrace, elegant bathrooms in natural stone, spacious reception areas and peaceful bedroom quarters all result from a concept that has been well thought-through from the outset. the individuality of every single detail makes this property very special indeed.
185 D_KrefeldW00R73E_113.indd 185
31.10.12 10:26
Historic Townhouse at Prime Address
his gatehouse property, which forms part of the old ‘raphaelshöfe’ cloisters dating from 1890, is situated in one of the finest districts in aachen, just next to the lousberg park. the building was comprehensively refurbished in 2009-2011, and presents itself today as a bright, modern family home with an upmarket and contemporary standard of appointments. the open plan layout on the ground floor conveys a
D_AachenW013HM6_113.indd 186
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia Price eUro 580,000 inTerior APProx. 170 sqm LAnd APProx. 441 sqm e&V id W-013hm6 conTAcT aachen (D) olaf heGer immobilien licence partner of enGel & Völkers nrW Gmbh TeL. +49 241 70 19 10 e-MAiL
spacious, light atmosphere, which is echoed by the high ceilings and many windows that grace the upper floor. the attractive interiors are complemented to superb effect by the exclusive poggenpohl kitchen and two modern bathrooms on offer. this historic gatehouse, with its unobstructable views over the cloister quad, forms a sensational combination of heritage, contemporary living, nature and urbanity.
30.10.12 10:54
Splendid Home in Idyllic Setting
his dream property, which was built in 1970 in the heart of private parkland, is perhaps most notable for its idyllic and consummate location. concealed from view from the roadside, the exclusive residence is situated in steinebrĂźck, one of the most sought-after parts of aachen. the land plot spans some 8,000 sqm and forms a fairytale backdrop including ponds, a water fountain and paved walkways, transforming
Germany, north rhine-Westphalia PrIce eUro 2.4 mill. InterIor aPProx. 295 sqm Land aPProx. 8,000 sqm e&V Id W-013yrQ contact aachen (D) olaf heGer immobilien licence partner of enGel & VĂślkers nrW Gmbh teL. +49 241 70 19 10 e-MaIL
this rarity into an indescribable haven of peace and well-being. fabulous evenings can be spent here with a glass of wine in front of the open fireplace in the living area, or on the terrace enjoying the far-reaching vistas over the private park grounds. the specially laid private road leads the way to the property, where ample car parking facilities are available both for the owners and any guests they welcome to their home.
187 D_AachenW013YRQ_113.indd 187
31.10.12 12:50
Photos: Karl-heinz hofmann
Kรถnigstein in Taunus
Dwelling in Park Grounds with Castle Views
et in an absolutely prime position, the unoverlooked park grounds on offer here afford a perfect south-facing orientation, the utmost level of privacy and spectacular views taking in the Kรถnigstein and falkenstein castles. the millstream, lined with age-old trees, winds its way idyllically through the gardens that make up the grounds, spanning an area of almost 10,000 sqm in total. four adjoining land parcels have
Germany, Hesse PriCe eUrO 5 mILL. interior aPProx. 421 sqm LanD aPProx. 9,907 sqm e&V iD W-00ZH0J ContaCt KรถnIGsteIn (D) eUV taUnUs GmbH LIcence partner Of enGeL & VรถLKers resIDentIaL GmbH teL. +49 6174 959 00 e-MaiL KOenIGsteIn@enGeLVOeLKers.cOm
been leased by the former owner and are ideal for keeping horses. built in 1959, the property was completely modernised in 1997 and is particularly impressive for its bountiful architecture with broad window frontages, large sun terraces and the alignment of all rooms along the garden elevation. Its fine beauty and dimensions make this property an absolute rarity on the Kรถnigstein property market.
188 D_KonigsteinW00ZH0J_113.indd 188
30.10.12 10:03
Bad Homburg
Prestigious Art Nouveau Mansion
detail. an indoor swimming pool and a sauna were also added during this work. The property has an overall interior of approx. 700 sqm, finds itself in excellent condition, and is ideally suited for a large family with 12 rooms and four bathrooms on offer. The garden level could be separated off as a self-contained apartment, e.g. for staff or an au pair. Two garages and several outdoor parking spaces are also available.
Photos: Karl-heinz hofmann
his sensational residence, set within grounds spanning approx. 1,831 sqm, has a unique character of its own. designed in a striking art nouveau style, the mansion was built in ca. 1920 on the plot of the former ‘Brüningscher Garten’ and is listed as a monument of cultural importance. It was fully refitted both inside and outside in 1991, using only the finest materials and with absolutely meticulous attention to
Germany, Hesse Price eUrO 4.9 mILL. iNterior APProx. 470 sqm LANd APProx. 1,831 sqm e&V id W-010JHF coNtAct Bad HOmBUrG (d) eUV TaUnUs GmBH LIcence parTner OF enGeL & VöLkers resIdenTIaL GmBH teL. +49 6172 49 54 10 e-MAiL BadHOmBUrG@enGeLVOeLkers.cOm
D_KonigsteinW010JHF_113.indd 189
31.10.12 10:48
Photos: Karl-heinz hofmann
Historic Residence Nestled in Private Park
his outstanding mansion occupies one of the largest and most eminent land plots in the whole of kronberg, in the Guaita park. The main house, which is the former residence of the famous banker Herrmann Joseph abs, was acquired by the current owner in 2001 and has since been modernised at great effort and expense. Whilst conveying a superb sense of prestige on the one hand, the property also
Germany, Hesse PRice eUrO 6.9 mILL. iNteRioR aPPRox. 1,000 sqm LaNd aPPRox. 20,000 sqm e&V id W-0031nU coNtact Bad HOmBUrG (d) eUV TaUnUs GmBH LIcence parTner Of enGeL & VรถLkers resIdenTIaL GmBH teL. +49 6172 49 54 10 e-MaiL BadHOmBUrG@enGeLVOeLkers.cOm
has an incredibly homely feel. The property, which is listed as a historic monument, is appointed with everything one would expect from a home of this scale and grandeur. a large indoor swimming pool and a large garage are simply a matter of course here. The sprawling park grounds cover a total area of approx. 20,000 sqm, ensuring a level of privacy that is only very rarely found in such close proximity to frankfurt.
190 D_BadHomburgW0031NU_113.indd 190
30.10.12 10:29
Bungalow with Building Plot
nly rarely do properties come along for sale that combine architectural prowess with a variety of different options for development on an idyllic plot set in a prime location. thanks to the comprehensive planning permission that has been granted – across the entire width of the front of the plot and in the rear section as well with the additional building footprint – this property with its elegant bungalow built in 1970 guarantees
D_DarmstadtW0138H3_113.indd 191
Germany, Hesse Price eUrO 1.4 mILL. interior aPProx. 160 sqm Land aPProx. 2,110 sqm e&V id W-0138H3 contact DarmstaDt (D) anDré ImmObILIen LIcence partner Of enGeL & VöLkers resIDentIaL GmbH teL. +49 6151 101 67 69 e-MaiL DarmstaDt@enGeLVOeLkers.cOm
attractive prospects both for private ownership and for investment. When divided up appropriately, as many as six modern units could potentially take shape on this land plot in the form of semi-detached properties with generous dimensions and their own private gardens. a promising concept for the Darmstadt property market, especially considering the fact that the location in the heart of the composer’s quarter is absolutely top-class.
30.10.12 10:21
Seeheim-Jugenheim Exclusive Penthouse Maisonette Apartment
licence partner Of enGel & Vรถlkers resiDential GmBH tEL. +49 6251 84 82 50 E-MAiL HessiscHeBerGstrasse@enGelVOelkers.cOm
terrace that affords superb views over the rhine valley. there are stairs leading up to the fourth floor. the finest materials have been used here, creating a home ambience that is second to none. lata bianco tiles, dark slate floors, and superior parquet are just some of the appointment details on offer here. the fitness suite with an integrated sauna rounds off this excellent offering. Outdoor parking is of course also available.
Photos: EdEl FotograFiE/ChristoPh EdEl
his exceptional penthouse is one of the most spectacular freehold apartments in the entire Hessische Bergstrasse region. situated at the top of a well-maintained apartment building dating from 2007, an elevator leads directly up to the fifth floor. Broad window frontages ensure that all the rooms in the living and dining area are flooded with daylight. the highlight of this home though is the approx. 51 sqm
Germany, Hesse PricE eUrO 595,000 intErior APProx. 172 sqm no. of rooMs 5 E&V iD W-0131UQ contAct HessiscHe BerGstrasse (D) maisOnaBle immOBilien GmBH
D_HessischeBergstrasseW0131UQ_113.indd 192
31.10.12 11:19
Exceptional Penthouse in Rotenbühl
lIcence partner OF enGel & VölkerS reSIdentIal Gmbh tEL. +49 681 910 32 10 E-maiL SaarbrUecken@enGelVOelkerS.cOm
wraparound balcony. the spa suite is situated on the upper level. a second bathroom features a whirlpool, sauna and shower. the apartment is one of four units that make up this energy-efficient building completed in 2012. a bUS system ensures high levels of comfort, convenience and security, whilst a photovoltaic system in the property covers almost all auxiliary costs. a double garage and a parking space are also available.
Photos: Jürgen Dittmer
his prestigious penthouse apartment is situated at the finest address in Saarbrücken with unobstructable views overlooking the natural surroundings. a private glass elevator leads right up into the lightflooded living area complete with an open plan fitted kitchen. this floor also comprises a bedroom and dressing room with custom-made fitted cupboards, a bathroom tiled with high-quality glass mosaics, and a large terrace and
Germany, Saarland PRicE eUrO 1.25 mIll. intERioR aPPRox. 250 sqm no. of Rooms 5.5 E&V iD W-01420F contact Saarbrücken (d) e U. V ImO SchäFer ImmObIlIen e.k.
D_SaarbruckenW01420F_113.indd 193
30.10.12 10:14
Prestigious Family Dwelling
his grand residence occupies a superb, peaceful location and offers gracious, sophisticated living with high security standards. the property’s well-conceived ground plan results in three self-contained units accessible via a splendid stairwell. this layout means that work and home life can be combined here in perfect harmony under one roof. the property was built in 1962 and has been consistently modernised
Germany, Baden-WürttemBerG Price eUrO 1.175 mILL. interior aPProx. 447 sqm LanD aPProx. 932 sqm e&V iD W-00B4rQ contact KarLsrUhe (d) LandaUf ImmOBILIen GmBh LIcence partner Of enGeL & VöLKers resIdentIaL GmBh teL. +49 721 89 35 70 e-MaiL KarLsrUhe@enGeLVOeLKers.cOm
right up to the present day by the owner. there is no need for any repair work as the house has been very well maintained from both a technical and aesthetic point of view. On the lower ground floor, the property also boasts a wonderful private spa complex that features a heated swimming pool with countercurrent system, a sauna and a steam room, all of which are guaranteed to live up to the most discerning tastes and standards.
194 D_KarlsruheW00B4RQ_113.indd 194
30.10.12 10:02
Germany, Baden-WĂźrttemBerG Price eUrO 1.49 mILL. interior aPProx. 218 sqm LanD aPProx. 475 sqm e&V iD W-00n2m1 contact
Modern Detached Home with Superb Views
StUttGart-deGerLOch (d) StUttGart ImmOBILIen KOntOr GmBh LIcence partner Of enGeL & VĂśLKerS reSIdentIaL GmBh teL. +49 711 25 85 89 90 e-MaiL deGerLOch@enGeLVOeLKerS.cOm
his exclusive residence with unobstructable views on the side of the frauenkopf mountain impresses with its clean, modern architectural design, high-quality appointment and bright interiors. the ground level, finished in white throughout, features a large living room, a fireplace and views out across the green surroundings, as well as a fitted Bulthaup kitchen with an adjoining dining area. this family-friendly home has
a total of four bedrooms and three bathrooms, with a cosy gallery area on the attic level. the wine cellar on the lower ground floor is a further highlight. the large south-facing terrace gives directly on to vineyards, with idyllic days to be spent in the tastefully landscaped garden. the sauna area with a relaxation room and spa shower, plus two individual garages, round off this unique offer, which is ready for occupancy.
195 D_StuttgartDegerlochW00N2M1_113.indd 195
30.10.12 16:58
Two Lofts Remaining in Award-Winning Property
odern and urban living was the motto of the ninth design prize endowed by the ‘Wüstenrot stiftung’ organisation. Out of a total of 438 works submitted, the ‘stadtregal’, as this impressive property is known, emerged as the winner alongside three properties awarded with distinction and five awarded with special recognition. each of these exclusive and contemporary loft apartments have been envisioned as a
Germany, Baden-WürttemBerG PRice eUrO 393,000/652,700 inTeRioR APPRox. 132/214 sqm no. od Rooms 2/4 e&V id W-00m6PB conTAcT Ulm (d) Gert Walz ImmOBIlIen lIcence Partner Of enGel & Völkers resIdentIal GmBH TeL. +49 731 938 07 60 e-mAiL Ulm@enGelVOelkers.cOm
symbiosis of urban domesticity with a vibrant home environment and proximity to the centre of Ulm. High-ceilinged interiors, a spacious room layout and floor-length windows create a sense of openness and transparency. the entire building is sourced from a nearby biomass power plant with no cO2 emissions, as the cooling takes place using groundwater and water from the river Blau.
196 D_UlmW00M6PB_113.indd 196
30.10.12 09:54
Lake Constance Lakeside Living in Touch with Nature
he cubist structures of this offering flow seamlessly into the hillside elevation of the plot, which coalesces with its park-inspired open space concept of meadows, orchards and ponds in mutual respect with the natural surroundings. the sleek and purist architectural lines of these apartments have been left deliberately open, creating the impression of a life at one with nature. the garden, terrace and penthouse apartments
Germany, Baden-WürttemBerG Price eUrO 599,000 – 1.149 mILL. iNTerior aPProx. 117 – 154 sqm No. of rooms 3 – 4.5 e&V iD P-00072y coNTacT KOnstanz (d) GBs ImmOBILIen BOdensee GmBH LIcence Partner Of enGeL & VöLKers resIdentIaL GmBH TeL. +49 7531 81 92 90 e-maiL KOnstanz@enGeLVOeLKers.cOm
of approx. 117 to 154 sqm have each been conceived with loft-like layouts. sunny terraces and outdoor seating areas seem to reach out towards the lake, while large windows maximise the views that take in the immediate greenery, the waters of Lake constance and the alpine panorama. small apartment units, a modern appointment, high ceilings and wooden floors culminate in an ambitious development of outstanding quality here.
197 D_KonstanzP00072Y_113.indd 197
30.10.12 17:03
Photos: Eva hagEn
Distinguished & Refined Mansion
his substantial mansion property dating back to 1921 is built in a reduced Historicism style that combines classical and modern architectural construction and design elements. it presides over every conceivable comfort with a living and utility space in excess of 600 sqm. the unique interior appointment featuring period details by the renowned architect strobel are particularly worthy of note. set in an undeniably
Germany, Bavaria PRice eUrO 3.4 miLL. inteRioR aPPRox. 740 sqm LanD aPPRox. 2,500 sqm e&V iD W-013Hna contact BamBerG (D) JakOB immOBiLien Licence partner Of enGeL & vรถLkers resiDentiaL GmBH teL. +49 951 299 52 90 10 e-MaiL BamBerG@enGeLvOeLkers.cOm
prestigious location, the expansive park grounds form an ideal setting in which to relax, enjoy recreational activities and be at one with nature. the residence is an unparalleled composition of charm, elegance, superior quality and exceptional privacy. an outbuilding comprises two units and affords an exclusive space of approx. 140 sqm. this is a first-class offering with style, individuality, luxury and comfort.
198 D_BambergW013HNA_113.indd 198
30.10.12 10:59
Grand Home at Prime Address
his splendid property, built to an excellent specification in 1996, is located in one of the most desirable districts of W端rzburg affording unparalleled panoramic views over the town. it is the sheer spaciousness, the exquisite appointment and security concept, and excellent light conditions that set this home apart. Beautiful gardens have been landscaped in a park style with large terraces and an artificial stream.
Germany, Bavaria Price eUrO 2.1 miLL. interior APProx. 490 sqm LAnd APProx. 2,415 sqm e&V id W-00nC8Q contAct W端rzBUrG (D) FUDerer reaL estate GmBH LiCenCe partner OF enGeL & v旦Lkers resiDentiaL GmBH teL. +49 931 991 75 00 e-MAiL WUerzBUrG@enGeLvOeLkers.COm
its mature trees and foliage conceal it from outside view. recent renovation and modernisation mean that the property finds itself in immaculate condition. a particularly appealing feature is undoubtedly the marvellous spa with a pool and sauna. Floors are laid with topquality wenge parquet and exclusive travertine stone. the modern kitchen is sure to meet the standards of the most sophisticated chefs.
199 D_WurzburgW00NC8Q_113.indd 199
30.10.12 17:42
Charming Country-Style Residence
Licence partner Of enGeL & vรถLkers resiDentiaL GmBh teL. +49 9131 974 78 40 e-MaiL erLanGen@enGeLvOeLkers.cOm
of the property and a wonderful fireplace stove in the living room all contribute to the cosy country-house atmosphere. the ensemble is complemented by a spacious and lovingly appointed outbuilding that has been managed up until now as a small hotel. all buildings together present a number of different concepts for usage. the beautifully landscaped garden in the idyllic courtyard is concealed from outside view.
Photos: sabine Foth
ituated in the town of erlangen and first mentioned in records dating back to the 14th century, this listed property was fully renovated in 1985. it represents an exceptional opportunity on the erlangen property market in light of the quality of this modernisation work, its current condition and its commodious interior layout. the beautifully restored beams of the half-timbered faรงade, superior terracotta floors in all parts
Germany, Bavaria PRiCe eUrO 980,000 inteRioR aPPRox. 600 sqm Land aPPRox. 570 sqm e&V id W-010Lyv ContaCt erLanGen (D) Lechner immOBiLien GBr
D_ErlangenW010LYV_113.indd 200
31.10.12 11:56
Photos: Frieder daubenberger FotograFie
Designer Penthouse on the ‘Romantic Road’
his luxurious designer penthouse affords exceptional panoramic views looking out over the rooftops of Dinkelsbühl, one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Germany. finger scan security technology grants access to the elevator, which leads from the underground garage with three parking spaces directly up into the apartment, which features combined underfloor heating and cooling. With its wooden floorboards,
Germany, Bavaria PRice eUrO 1.49 mill. inteRioR aPPRox. 212 sqm no. of Rooms 2 e&V iD W-00KP8D contact WaiBlinGen (D) ClaUDia UnD WOlfGanG lanGer GBr liCenCe Partner Of enGel & völKers resiDential GmBH teL. +49 7151 209 81 67 e-maiL WaiBlinGen@enGelvOelKers.COm
doors by schotten & Hansen, furniture by villa rocca, lighting by Brand van egmond, plus Bang & Olufsen audio technology and a floating Gyrofocus fireplace, this penthouse is absolutely one of a kind and the ideal home for anyone who loves contemporary, open plan architecture. Design dreams are set to come true here inside the generously sized interior, which has been specifically designed for two people.
201 D_WaiblingenW00KP8D_113.indd 201
30.10.12 09:46
Photos: Felix RoseR
Art Nouveau Mansion with Incredible Potential
ts unique location on an island and its exceptionally beautiful design has seen this art nouveau mansion built in 1909 be used as a film set for various productions. But this really is a very special property – and not just for location scouts. With approx. 260 sqm of living interior and the option of converting a further attic space of approx. 120 sqm, the new owner has the opportunity to create an absolutely dream home. a
Germany, Bavaria PrIce eUrO 480,000 INterIor APProx. 260 sqm LANd APProx. 6,010 sqm e&V Id W-013T02 coNtAct reGensBUrG (D) immO COnCepT e+v GmBH LiCenCe parTner Of enGeL & vĂśLkers resiDenTiaL GmBH teL. +49 941 59 93 99 30 e-MAIL reGensBUrG@enGeLvOeLkers.COm
bridge welcomes visitors to the idyllically located land plot of approx. 6,010 sqm, which features its own unique orchard. Here in the heart of a flood retention area, unadultered nature can be found that forms a peaceful haven in which to unwind from the stresses and strains of the everyday world. it must be said however that there is a great deal of work required to give this sleeping beauty the kiss of life it so deserves.
202 D_RegensburgW013T02_113.indd 202
30.10.12 09:37
Photos: Felix RoseR
Near Regensburg Classical Castle of National Significance
his castle, built in a renaissance style in 1590, was extended after being destroyed in the thirty years War and now serves as a unique example of a castle with neo-Classical alterations that enjoys a heritage of national importance far beyond the local region. the listed property with three wings was formerly owned by the wealthy regensburg merchant friedrich freiherr von Dittmer. the impressive sweeping
Germany, Bavaria PriCe eUrO 3.85 miLL. iNterior aPProx. 1,100 sqm LaNd aPProx. 7,595 sqm e&V id W-010033 CoNtaCt reGensBUrG (D) immO COnCept e+v GmBH LiCenCe partner Of enGeL & vĂśLkers resiDentiaL GmBH teL. +49 941 59 93 99 30 e-MaiL reGensBUrG@enGeLvOeLkers.COm
staircase leading up from the foyer to the upper floor is of particular historical value. tax savings resulting from the property’s status as a listed monument mean that further refurbishment can be optimised. the approx. 7,595 sqm property is idyllically situated on the river naab, in the heart of the small town of etterzhausen, which is located only ten kilometres from the UnesCO World Heritage site of regensburg.
203 D_RegensburgW010033_113.indd 203
31.10.12 12:50
Historic Lakeside Residence
FünF Seen Land (d) eUv STarnBerGer See reSidenTiaL GmBH Licence parTner OF enGeL & vöLkerS reSidenTiaL GmBH teL. +49 8151 36 89 70 e-MaiL STarnBerGerSee@enGeLvOeLkerS.cOm
interior spans some 362 sqm and impresses with its generously aligned ground layout featuring very beautiful historic elements. From the idyllic, mature and park-like land plot, the lake is just a stone’s throw away. in addition to its wonderful surroundings, quaint old centre and charming homes dotted around the lake, the municipality of Wessling also benefits greatly from an outstanding local infrastructure.
Photos: ChristoPh EndErEr
his listed property, designed by the munich-based architect max Ostenrieder in 1902, lies directly on the banks of Lake Wessling. it was acquired by prof. alzheimer in 1907 as a summer residence and remains in the same family to this very day. The residence boasts a grand driveway and a separate guesthouse that can be extended by another approx. 50 sqm according to the building plans. The living
Germany, Bavaria PRice eUrO 2.5 miLL. e&V iD W-00TSTa inteRioR aPPRox. 362 sqm LanD aPPRox. 3,045 sqm contact STarnBerGer
D_StarnbergerFunfSeenLandW00TSTA_113.indd 204
31.10.12 15:14
Photos: ChristoPh EndErEr
Property with Lake & Mountain Views
his substantial mansion is situated in a quiet setting on a raised plot, offering vistas over the lake and mountains. pöcking is just a few kilometres from the town of Starnberg and benefits from its own infrastructure with various shopping amenities. the location and size of the property are undeniably rare in this region. a family-friendly ground plan spans a total of approx. 360 sqm – and can be extended with
Germany, Bavaria Price eUrO 4.48 miLL. e&V iD W-00UKKQ interior aPProx. 360 sqm LanD aPProx. 4,000 sqm contact StarnBerGer FünF Seen Land (d) eUv StarnBerGer See reSidentiaL GmBH Licence partner OF enGeL & vöLKerS reSidentiaL GmBH teL. +49 8151 36 89 70 e-MaiL StarnBerGerSee@enGeLvOeLKerS.cOm
additional planning permission to cover an overall interior of approx. 635 sqm. an open fireplace, floor-length windows, lower ground floor with self-contained apartment, designer kitchen, gracious dining room and ceilings of three metres in height all reflect the exclusive standard of this home. the outdoor grounds resemble parkland with an abundance of beautiful mature trees, plus a very large south-facing terrace.
205 D_StarnbergerFunfSeenLandW00UKKQ_113.indd 205
31.10.12 12:33
Near Munich
Germany, Bavaria Price eUrO 759,000 e&V iD W-01352D interior aPProx. 125 sqm LanD aPProx. 257 sqm contact m端nchen-
Stylish Semi-Detached Home in Unterhaching
WalDtrUDerinG (D) e&v m端nchen S端DOSt immOBilien GmBh licence partner Of enGel & v旦lkerS reSiDential GmBh teL. +49 89 420 79 90 e-MaiL mUenchenWalDtrUDerinG@enGelvOelkerS.cOm
mid the greenery of the outskirts yet still close to the centre of munich, this semi-detached home has a stylish Bauhaus design and was fully modernised in 2006. all of the lightflooded interiors have an open plan concept resembling a loft. the bathroom has been integrated into the master bedroom suite, whilst the roof-level studio also features an en suite bathroom. a sauna with a spa suite can also be found in
the property. virtually the entire house has been laid with pandomo flooring. the low-maintenance garden makes a wonderful setting for relaxing, concealed from outside view and with various seating areas. the exclusive appointments on offer encompass all contemporary and luxury features like underfloor heating on all floors, designer bathrooms, a dressing closet, modern floor surfaces and a spacious room layout.
Photos: Christine DemPf
D_MunchenWaldtruderingW01352D_113.indd 206
30.10.12 14:40
Near Oberstaufen
Germany, Bavaria PriCe eUrO 920,000 e&V iD W-00UZUP interior aPProx. 324 sqm LanD aPProx. 1,605 sqm ContaCt
Sunny Country Home with Mountain Panorama
KemPten (D) allGäU-immOBilien KemPten eUGen JOsef maUcher licence Partner Of enGel & völKers resiDential GmBh teL. +49 831 960 79 00 e-MaiL KemPten@enGelvOelKers.cOm
he style of allgäu farmhouses with their striking wooden shingles and lattice window shutters has been meticulously realised here during modernisation of this rural idyll. from outside, one already gets a sense of the cosiness that awaits inside. the attractively designed gallery stretches out above the spacious living area complete with an integrated bar. this centre of home life overlooking the mountains
and enjoying the warmth of the fireplace offers space and scope for absolute well-being. in the adjoining commercial part of the property there is space for animals, collectors, seminar rooms or a swimming pool. the former hayloft offers additional options for extension. a profitable photovoltaic system makes this charming property even more interesting and is also available for purchase.
207 D_KemptenW00UZUP_113.indd 207
31.10.12 12:36
Photos: ChristoPh EndErEr
Former Hunting Lodge with Lake & Mountain Views
his offer represents an opportunity to acquire an absolute rarity indeed. The gently ascending gravel forest road leads up to the entrance to this property. it is surrounded by sprawling meadows and woodland in an unparalleled, standalone position above the kochelsee lake, affording both lake and mountains views. The house was built to a solid specification in 1935 with concrete basement foundations.
Germany, Bavaria Price eUrO 1.15 miLL. interior aPProx. 160 sqm Land aPProx. 7,109 sqm e&V id W-00iaeW contact Bad TรถLz (d) eUv OBerLand residenTiaL GmBH Licence parTner Of enGeL & vรถLkers residenTiaL GmBH teL. +49 8041 79 57 60 e-MaiL BadTOeLz@enGeLvOeLkers.cOm
The option of converting the garage into a self-contained apartment with its own entrance would extend the interior space on offer. The expansive, flat plot offers versatility, with three outbuildings belonging to the property. The largest of these outbuildings could be converted into a guesthouse, sauna or teahouse with lake views. it is just six kilometres from here to the kochel/murnau motorway, and 40 minutes to munich.
208 D_BadTolzW00IAEW_113.indd 208
30.10.12 16:51
Photos: ChristoPh EndErEr
Bad Tölz
Avant-Garde Home with Panoramic Views
his impressive, architect-designed property is situated on a raised plot above the river isar on the edge of the town. The high plateau ends on the plot’s southern side, dropping to the next level below. Wackersberg is known as a prime address in the district of Bad TölzWolfratshausen. extravagant architecture and design classics, together with an idyllic location amidst nature and unique, unobstructable pano-
Germany, Bavaria Price eUrO 1.98 miLL. interior APProx. 344 sqm LAnd APProx. 6,914 sqm e&V id W-00C98H contAct Bad TöLz (d) eUv OBerLand residenTiaL GmBH LiCenCe parTner Of enGeL & vöLkers residenTiaL GmBH teL. +49 8041 79 57 60 e-MAiL BadTOeLz@enGeLvOeLkers.COm
ramas over the isarwinkel region as far as the karwendel mountains – it is no exaggeration to describe this residence as a jewel. The architecture designates the approx. 70 sqm, loft-like living area with ceilings of up to six metres as the centrepiece of this home. all other rooms are aligned around this space. some 70 sqm on the lower ground floor could be used, e.g. for creative hobbies, a workshop, office, fitness suite, or studio.
209 D_BadTolzW00C98H_113.indd 209
30.10.12 09:11
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Expert Design
BMW Art Cars by Andy Warhol and Olafur Eliasson, the BMW Guggenheim lab and collaborations with top designers – the Munich-based carmaker has been combining art and automobile manufacturing for decades. BMW understands that design is not just about coming up with a new model, but about creating characteristic features. “Some components, such as the twin headlights, have become part of the identity of our cars,” says Adrian van Hooydonk, Head of Design at the BMW group. “Even a five-year-old can tell a car is a BMW by the lights.”
211 CU-Opener.indd 211
23.10.12 14:38
Close Up offiCes
Innovation at Play, BMW Style Can you imagine driving around in a car whose outer shell is perforated for better air circulation? Or whose sun visor can be tucked under your arm like a clutch handbag? Well, these ideas might soon be part of our automobile reality. BMW joins forces with the most renowned designers of TexT: Uta Abendroth PHoTos: BMW our time to seek groundbreaking visions for the car of the future.
CU-Offices.indd 212
25.10.12 09:32
Paul Cocksedge Paul Cocksedge loves to experiment. He is a Briton known as a poet of design who brings objects to light in technically sophisticated yet highly artistic treatments. In his designs, electrical circuits might loop through a flower, for example, or through the line of a pencil. At the Salone del Mobile 2011 in Milan he arranged a spectacular light installation called “Sestosenso” (sixth sense) for BMW in the Flos lighting company showroom. Inspired by automobile headlights, says Cocksedge, “I created a lamp in which light was channeled through a transparent cylinder. The source of that light, however, remained hidden. The installation demonstrates to viewers the magic of light.”
213 CU-Offices.indd 213
25.10.12 09:44
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214 CU-Offices.indd 214
25.10.12 09:49
Patricia Urquiola Oh, the things we have to cram into our cars! Herself a mother of two, native Spaniard Patricia Urquiola, a former student of Achille Castiglioni who carved out a sensational design career in Italy, knows all about it. At the Salone del Mobile 2010 in Milan, she turned a car inside out for the “The Dwelling Lab” project. Giant cone-shaped attachments covered in a specially manufactured fabric by Kvadrat protruded like huge peepboxes from the top, sides and back of a Gran Turismo 5, allowing a glimpse into the interior. Urquiola showed us everything that a family could pack into a car for a trip – and how fabulous child safety seats could be. The presentation ultimately evolved into a big party.
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25.10.12 09:50
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25.10.12 09:51
Scholten & Baijings New esthetics for a classic design: Dutch designers Carole Baijings and Stefan Scholten broke down a Mini into its individual parts for their project, “Colour One” – and then came up with completely new perspectives on each of them. Transparent wheels, for example, a body shell uniformly perforated with holes, a sun visor that doubles as a clutch handbag, and windows printed with the blurred images of passing landscapes. This, of course, is more art than design, and the concept car has nothing at all to do with the development of a new prototype. But that isn’t BMW’s intent either. The point is to reflect what already exists and to engage in uninhibited play with possibilities.
CU-Offices.indd 217
25.10.12 09:53
Close Up offiCes
from a huge selection proper context, constitute both a poetic and an inspiring examinaof upholstery, colors, paint, trim and materials tion of the subject of automobile construction and design. Take the wheels, for example: in cooperation with Vincent de Rijk, a specialist for their cars,” says Martina Starke, “but sometimes they want something even more specifin polyester castings who has completed numerous projects for the ic. Once, a man was determined to have the office of architect Rem Koolhaas, Scholten & Baijings created transparent wheels of casting resin. To emphasize the special esthetics of wood from a cherry tree in his garden built into the interior of his BMW,” she recalls, “and the dashboard and steering wheel, they coated the surfaces with flamwe made it happen.” Starke, a textile designboyant fluorescent paints. The seats and seatbelts were covered with a specially created fabric that was intended to recall the racing histoer, has been working for Bayerische Motoren ry of the Mini brand. The doors were omitted, bags were hung in the Werke (BMW) for 12 years. Since 2008 she has interior, and the sun visor was made to transform into a clutch handbeen responsible for designing the Individual range as the head of bag – all of which points to an unusual handling of functions that reColor and Material Trim Design BMW Individual. Together with her five-person team, she takes care of exclusive special options and sides somewhere between design and art and feels dynamic and vital and may at some point even leave its mark limited edition models – because the demand for customized cars is growing in the on the production process. “It is precisely spirit of Giorgio Armani, who said, “Like this utterly free look at design, uninhibited clothing, there is nothing more beguiling by any convention, that is an immeasurable source of inspiration for our team,” says Anthan a car that matches the personality of its driver.” Transforming the more outlandders Warming, Head of Mini Design. ish customer requests into reality is excityear earlier, Briton Paul Cocksedge staged an exhibit called “Sestosening and demanding work, and as a designso” in the Milanese showroom of er and craftsperson she also finds it to be cult lighting brand Flos. He hung transthe most rewarding part of her job. “We all approach our task with a great passion for parent cylinders from the ceiling, lit up in detail,” says Starke. Adrian van Hooydonk, red and white. The jumping-off point was Head of Design at the BMW group emphathe 6 Series Coupe, the first BMW to be equipped with LED headlights as a stansizes, “Every BMW must have its own character, and its design expresses that, both on dard feature. As with the car lights, howevthe interior and the exterior. Furthermore, er, the source of the light in the installation remained hidden and the viewer wasn’t exwe have one primary focus: well-being.” In her styling work, Martina Starke conactly certain just where the light was comcentrates first and foremost on the customing from. “The exhibit plays with the idea of something concealed, something inviser’s emotional perception of the car, that strictly structured realm of mobility. What ible,” says Paul Cocksedge. “And it demonstrates to viewers the magic of light.” does a customer require? What are his or her needs? How can a feeling of comfort To bring the concept full circle and be created? What gives a person pleasure in back to automobile design: “Today, a taildriving, apart from horsepower? Materials light is made up of more than 60 parts Teamwork: BMW designer play a key role, because contact with a car and essentially the viewer does not know Martina Starke initiates creative projects with is made first through them, their composiwhere the light comes from,” says Adricontemporary star designers. tion and their properties. And here, Martian van Hooydonk. “The lights have become an accessory; they belong to the character of the car and na Starke is happy to draw inspiration from outside: “External designers have a perspective that is completely different from ours in-house. have recognition value of their own. And perhaps the car has Their ideas are more provocative and aren’t just tailored to cars.” come to life even more because of them.” That’s why, for years, BMW has been engaging in partnerships Patricia Urquiola of Spain and Giulio Ridolfo from Italy put with renowned contemporary designers like Patricia Urquiola, Paul some thought into innovative alternatives to conventional cabCocksedge and the design team of Scholten & Baijings. The prein design in their 2010 project “The Dwelling Lab.” They removed the doors, roof and trunk lid from a 5 Series Gran Turismo, and sentations in Milan in April, when the international design comdrew the spectators’ view toward the interior of the car by means munity convenes for the Salone del Mobile, are art installations of gigantic cone-shaped structures. All of the parts were covered worth seeing. Visitors look around in amazement and wonder to with a material specially woven by the Danish textile manufacturthemselves what a carmaker gets out of it. But it’s not about having an arena in which to showcase concrete and directly reproducer Kvadrat, and in this sand-colored sculpture anything and everyible ideas. “This is about new perspectives,” says Martina Starke, thing that can be taken on a trip was displayed: boogie boards, flip“about inspiration. Which elements will show up in a BMW down pers, fishing rods, badminton rackets, the family pet… Thanks to the road, or whether any will at all, is not what’s important. It is the this treatment, the interior, which must by definition be completely dialogue and the exchange that take us forward.” functional, seemed “soft” and surprisingly homelike. for the “Colour One” installation last spring, the Dutch design The designers want to increasingly incorporate this considerteam Scholten & Baijings dismantled a Mini One down to its ation – that through the use of the right materials the interior of individual parts. “We peeled the car like an onion,” says Stefan a car can more closely recreate the ambiance of one’s own home than merely the functional neutrality of a vehicle – into their deScholten, who, together with his partner Carole Baijings, is known for a playful and esthetic approach to shapes and materials. The team signs. Because, “Especially now, when people spend so much time in analyzed each component in order to create a new object, altered by them,” says Martina Starke, “cars take on the personality of a second living room. And everyone wants to feel good there.” means of color and texture. These “art parts,” removed from their ua ur customers can choose
All names and addresses on page 224.
218 CU-Offices.indd 218
25.10.12 09:54
Above all. Miele – Premium home appliances from Germany.
Miele & Cie. KG, GĂźtersloh, Germany 15 years experience in the project business
Close Up soCiety
3 1 A get-together in the Tramuntera mountains to which guests wore all white 2 Host Christian Völkers 3 A late afternoon polo game 4 Simoneta Gómez-Acebo y Borbón (niece of the Spanish King) 5 Countess Renate von Rehbinder and Prince Adalbert of Prussia 6 Princess Bettina Wittgenstein, Sheik Mishaal Al Thani, Count Benedikt von Dürckheim, Sheik Khalifa bin Jassim Al Thani (a member of
6 the royal family of Qatar) 7 Paco Carvajal with Jane McKinney 8 Dagmar and Christian Neukom (Swiss Consul to Majorca) 9 Team Rolls-Royce proudly accepts the trophy at the award ceremony 10 Annelie Völkers with grandson Christian Völkers, Jr. 11 Maria Salom y Coll, Cecilia Sandberg and José de España y Morell 12 Sheik Mishaal Al Thani and Christian Völkers 13 The Son Col polo field on the
220 CU-Society.indd 220
24.10.12 09:18
southwest coast of Majorca 14 Marlene Tackenberg (Tic Tac Toe) and Kristina Bach 15 Argentine top polo player Gastón Máiquez with team members 16 Marta Gayá, Natasha Zupan, James Anderson and Stephen Gambrel (left to right) 17 Countess Nessrin Königsegg, Count Maximilian Königsegg and Princess Eva of Prussia (left to right) 18 Count Andreas and Countess Isa von Hardenberg.
text: Kristin schrumpf, photos: tom solo int.
All in White – let’s go, Polo! This summer real-estate entrepreneur Christian Völkers once again invited E&V licensees and international VIPs to his finca in Majorca.
t is difficult to imagine a more beautiful setting for an informal, open-air celebration than Son Coll: the idyllically located estate owned by Christian Völkers on Majorca’s southwestern coast. For the fourth time, more than 450 business partners and invited guests from all over the world met there this summer – dressed all in white, as has become traditional. Of course, the annual polo tournament was also a highlight of the get-together and included more than 60 polo ponies, which had been brought to the
island by ferry from the Spanish mainland. Six teams featuring international top players (Villa Eden, Bucherer, Rolls-Royce, Son Campaner, Gira and Engel & Völkers) took part in the tournament, which was eventually won by the Rolls-Royce team. This year, the Polo Cup was linked to the Engel & Völkers Charity, which was founded in 2008 and bears the motto “It’s time to share.” Guests donated a total of more than 11,000 euros, all of which will be used to help fund an elementary school project in Togo. All names and addresses on page 224.
CU-Society.indd 221
24.10.12 09:22
Whistle for the Wind Ryan McGinley, Rizzoli, approx. € 45
“… we know time – how to slow it up and walk and dig...” This quote from Jack Kerouac’s novel On The Road describes the sensation of living outside the confines of time and space, and expresses our eternal longing for freedom. American photographer Ryan McGinley captures this feeling in his images of young people celebrating life by running naked through a golden summer. The contributors to this monograph include fi lmmaker Gus Van Sant.
Alila Hotels & Resorts » Bali, Indonesia, 2009 « To Mark Edleson, founder of the Alila Hotels and Resorts com group, the key to his success is obvious: without compromise, offering hotel and residential experiences that are at once luxurious, human, contextual, cultural, and very environmentally friendly. A form of luxury based on respect. “Our goal is to send guests home with spiritual and emotional memories, and not just souvenirs.” Mark Edleson
Once in a Lifetime
R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, Marie LeFort, Gestalten, approx. € 40
“Bibliochaise” is the name of this library chair by the Italian design duo nobody & co. The comfortable cube has shelf space to accommodate five meters of books. Available in three versions, price on request.
Cool Escapes – Top of the World Martin Nicholas Kunz, teNeues, approx. € 80
Martin Nicholas Kunz has put together a book of the world’s most unique holiday destinations. Boasting 396 pages and nearly 700 color photos, it features 70 dream hotels – hidden away in the Costa Rican jungle or ensconced in secluded mountain villages in Italy. Each one is special and all of them are situated off the beaten tourist track. Look at these pictures long enough and you’ll seriously consider jumping on a plane and never coming back …
Escape Hotel Stories Francisca Mattéoli, Assouline, approx. € 37
The hotels in this book are characterized by the special connection they have to their environment. All of them are surrounded by spectacular scenery or located on UNESCO world heritage sites. In this book, Mattéoli highlights the importance of such nature refuges and introduces artists who have stayed at these hotels and worked to preserve their natural surroundings. BOO
Up on the Roof
Alex MacLean, Schirmer/Mosel, approx. € 50
Imagine New York City as seen from a bird’s perspective rather than a frog’s: American photographer, architect and pilot Alex MacLean peeps over the tops of skyscrapers to take fascinating photographs of what’s on the roof, showing us things we can only guess at because they are invisible from the ground. Enjoy leafing through fast-paced 256 pages of surprising close-ups of the tops of Soho House, MoMA, Windsor Tower, and more. Come on up!
The World of Private Islands Farhad Vladi, teNeues, approx. € 50
Desert islands are the stuff of dreams, legend and fiction. If you have ever wanted an island, here’s an entire collection – from lake islands in Canada to Pacific atolls. Johnny Depp’s and Richard Branson’s private sandbanks also feature in this opulent book of photographs. Open it up and you’ll probably find just the island MA you’ve been looking for. Practical, isn’t it?
222 CU-Books.indd 222
Anyone can travel, and so everyone does. Travel has become so simple, you might think there was nothing remarkable left to discover. This 256-page book of photographs proves the opposite is true. It features design hotels in trees or boats, enchanted lodgings in remote parts of Norway and working farms where guests are expected to, and do, pitch in. Looking for that special place? Start right here.
All names and addresses on page 224.
24.10.12 11:54
OBJECT CARPET PURE SILK 100 % reine Seide. Purer Luxus. In 21 Farben.
Showrooms: Stuttgart I M端nchen I Leipzig I D端sseldorf I Hamburg I Berlin I Frankfurt I Moskau I London Hongkong I Shanghai I Wien I Dubai I Stockholm I Sydney I Z端rich I Prag I Warschau I Helsinki I Tokyo OBJECT CARPET I Rechbergstrasse 19 I 73770 Denkendorf I Fon +49 (0) 711/34 02-0 I
OC_AZ_Pure_Silk_GG.indd 1
02.05.12 10:53
Retro: “Billy” brass and aluminum desk lamp. Delightfull, price on request,
MAN page 30
LOOK page 32
Golden: Pen of the Year 2012, Faber Castell, price on request, www.
PERSONAL page 226
Last Minute
Stop! We couldn’t resist showing you these lovely things to give away or keep for yourself – you decide … 5 2
224 CU-Addresses.indd 224
1 Throw & grow: “Flower Grenade.” DFP, approx. € 16, 2 Regal: “Lady Dior.” Unger, approx. € 2,998, 3 Natural: “Grass Vase.” Normann Copenhagen, from approx. € 35, 4 Sweet: Boo – The Life of the World’s Cutest Dog, Chronicle Books, $ 12.95, 5 Softy: “LeseLiege.” Anne Rossner, price on request, 6 Serum: “Abeille Royale.” Guerlain, from approx. € 109, 7 Exotic: “Green Paprika.” Pfefferkontor, from approx. € 8,
24.10.12 12:41
Hurel_GG_211.indd 1
08.02.2011 12:31:36 Uhr
ClosE Up pErsonal
True to tradition: the Ningbo History Museum designed by architect Wang Shu was built using rubble and old building materials.
with his wife Lu Wenyu, is the first Chinese architect to win the prestigious Pritzker Prize. By selecting Wang as this year’s winner, the jury of what is deemed the “Oscar of Architecture” has acknowledged a designer who has never built anything outside China and whose spectacular designs for museums and other public buildings are only familiar to a knowledgeable few. The jury’s decision is also a comment on the cultural conformity that China’s construction boom has created. “Chinese architecture has traditionally placed great value on the harmonious interplay of the environment and poetry. Massive urbanization has nearly destroyed balanced community life and the culture that grew out of it,” says Wang Shu. “I try to discover things about local culture: details of how people live. I like my buildings to incorporate local traditions and to be small with rough edges, not shiny and smooth.” The 49-year-old architect, who teaches at Xiangshan Academy, prefers to work with regional materials, and collaborates with artisans and landscape gardeners. One of his most well-known designs, the fortress-like History Museum in Ningbo (see photos), was constructed using rubble and old materials from demolished buildings nearby. At Xiangshan Campus, a collection of buildings in a green park, Wang also referenced the past by using millions of old roof tiles to make each structure look different, recalling the old village that once stood there by the river. Wang Shu warns: “After decades of tearing down old buildings and putting up new ones, we realize that almost nothing has been preserved. In my opinion, what remains of the past in China should be protected.” UA ang Shu, who runs the Amateur Architecture Studio in Hangzhou
226 CU-Personal.indd 226
text: Uta abendroth; Photos: Lv hengzhong, zhU ChenzhoU
China’s new master architect
All names and addresses on page 224.
30.10.12 08:34
Unbenannt-6 1
05.11.12 17:47