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Evy Pineda


Exposicion Evysart 2011-2012 Brunssum Netherlands ,April, 2011 Pardubice Green Gate, May-June, 2011 Czech Republic Brunssum, Netherlands July ,2011 WTO Geneve,Switzerland ,July, 2011 Honduran Embassy Berlin, Germany ,September, 2011 Gästekasino" de Bayer Pharma en Berlín Dec 6, 2011-February 23 ,2012 Exhibition of Holy Family Burg Rode Herzogenrath Dec 16-18 ,2011 Exposition at Brand Poort Landgraaf Dec. 16-18 ,2011 Exhibition Latin American Art in Czech 5th of March 2012 Prague 17 April 2012 Exhibition in Ostrava University Czech Republic Hilton Hotel Den Haag La Tierra del Fuego 7 Junio 2012 UPCOMING 2012 July -September Agenda The Magic Land of the Mayas Evy Pineda with Latin -Art Gallery Prague Czech Republic 26 June 2012 Evy Pineda with PMAB  at ArtStudio 75 Brunssum, The Netherlands 29 July 2012 United Nations Building September 13th -10 October 2012 Collection Women Rights Geneva ,Switzerland September 13th -October 10th , 2012
