HP Success Story Booklet

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Best Practices in Technology and Microenterprise Volume 2


"With the increasing use of technology in the microenterprise field, we've seen the expansion of e-commerce, virtual malls and incubators, and opportunities for real time transactions. HP is pleased to play a part in ensuring that the opportunities to innovate are extended to microenterprise development practitioners and their clients." Bess Stephens Vice President, HP Philanthropy and Education Hewlett-Packard Company

1601 N. Kent Street Suite 1101 Arlington, VA 22209 Phone 703.841.7760 Fax 703.841.7748 Email aeo@assoceo.org www.microenterpriseworks.org 2006, Association for Enterprise Opportunity All rights reserved.

Introduction I

n 2003 the Hewlett-Packard Company experimented with a first year program that provided nine microenterprise development organizations with large grants of computer equipment and some cash grants. The fundamental question posed by HP and AEO in 2003 was:

“If some of the nation’s finest microenterprise development organizations receive a large amount of new state-of-the-art computer technology for their operating infrastructure and for providing technology training to their clients, will it make a difference in helping them to achieve more effective microenterprise practice?” The answer was a resounding “yes” as each of the organizations reported solid gains in productivity through technology. Eight of the 2003 HP grantees also began part of a national experiment in adding technology training to the traditional business curriculum training that has been a staple of microenterprise development for more than 15 years. Much of this progress was reported one year ago when AEO published “Best Practices in Microenterprise and Technology – the Hewlett-Packard Microenterprise Development Program.” Buoyed by this success and challenged by the more than 520 organizations that applied for the nine grants in 2003, HP ramped up the project in 2004 by awarding 17 HP Microenterprise Development Program (MDP) grants to microenterprise development organizations across the United States and emphasizing the use of the HP equipment to provide technology training to microenterprise clients. Bringing the HP grantees together at the AEO conferences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in May 2004 and in Portland, Oregon in May 2005, it became clear that these microenterprise development programs were effectively sharing information and best practices on technology training. In this edition of "Best Practices in Microenterprise and Technology" we share some of the innovative work that is being done by several 2004 HP MDP grantees in using technology to advance the practice of microenterprise development. In Tucson and Nogales, Arizona the PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation (PMHDC) made the transition from a credit-led program that had never provided technology training, to one offering technology classes in Spanish to microentrepreneurs who had no computer experience. PMHDC now has waiting lists for the classes. In Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin the Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation began providing business planning training with HP Tablet PCs to clients who are deaf or have hearing or vision impairments. One of the nation’s largest and best known microenterprise development organizations, ACCION USA based in Boston, Massachusetts is now using technology to provide microloans to men and women microentrepreneurs across the United States through their Online Loan Application (OLA). AEO is pleased to bring you details and contact information on these best practices in microenterprise and technology in this booklet. We know that it helps to provide a human face to this work, so we also included some stories about microentrepreneurs who have been touched by the dedicated work of some of these microenterprise development programs. We want to emphasize that a microenterprise development program does not need to be an HP grantee to provide technology training to its clients. We are finding that relatively small expenditures of funds for laptop or desktop computers can provide an agency with the ability to begin offering technology classes on-site or in a mobile setting. AEO is committed to continuing to support and report on the progress being made with HP grantees on technology and microenterprise. We salute the Hewlett-Packard Company for their pioneering leadership in providing an unprecedented $8.1 million dollars in grants to microenterprise development programs in the United States over the past three years.

Bill Edwards and Zulma Bianca February 2006


2004 H EWLETT -P ACKARD C OMPANY MICROENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM GRANTEES ACCION USA Boston, MA BiGAustin Austin, TX Community First Fund Lancaster, PA Community Ventures Corporation Lexington, KY Economic and Community Development Institute Columbus, OH The Edge Connection (formerly Cobb Microenterprise Center) Kennesaw, GA Jefferson Economic Development Institute Mount Shasta, CA Micro Business Development Denver, CO Neighborhood Development Center Saint Paul, MN

PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation, a Member of the Opportunity Finance Network Tucson, AZ Silicon Valley Economic Development Corporation San Jose, CA South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation Bronx, NY Washington CASH Seattle, WA WESST Corp Albuquerque, NM Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation Milwaukee, WI Women’s Initiative for Self-Employment San Francisco, CA Women’s Self-Employment Project Chicago, IL

Best Practices in Technology and Microenterprise

B est Practices INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY TRAINING INTO EXISTING MICROENTERPRISE TRAINING CURRICULUM A very common service of many microenterprise development organizations (MDOs) is the provision of training to microentrepreneurs. Classes and workshops on how to start a business, market effectively, conduct research and stay competitive are among the topics found on the class rosters of countless microenterprise development programs across the country. Less common are those organizations that are utilizing technology in those classes. By creatively integrating the use of technology into microenterprise training, MDOs can help close the digital divide while teaching their clients the importance of and the need for technology in running their businesses. Equipped with new state-of-the-art HP technology, several HP Microenterprise Development Program (MDP) grantees did just that.

Business Investment Growth (BiGAustin) in Austin, Texas integrated technology BiGAustin into its 35-hour, seven-week Start Smart Program. BiGAustin decided to integrate technology into the sessions on market research, as this was the area identified as the most difficult for clients. Before the HP MDP grant and BiGAustin’s technology, clients had difficulty accessing appropriate and accurate information for their business research. BiGAustin would provide clients with direction and clients would do their research at various off-site locations. The research submitted by clients was often disorganized and incomplete. Since the integration of technology into the Start Smart Program, clients are able to do their market research on-site and receive the benefit of BiGAustin’s guidance and assistance. Believing that technology skills are a part of each entrepreneur’s success, BiGAustin now monitors each student’s computer skills and as a result has started to offer classes in basic Microsoft Excel and Word, and Internet navigation. “The addition of technology training into the curriculum did not increase the number of hours of the curriculum. It was the technology itself that made this possible. Students were able to do their homework on computers at our office instead of on pen and paper, etc.” – Jeannette Peten, President, BiGAustin



B est Pract ices INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY TRAINING INTO EXISTING MICROENTERPRISE TRAINING CURRICULUM (CONTINUED) Satisfied with the Core Four® curriculum it has been delivering for the past three years, Community First Fund (CFF) in Lancaster, Pennsylvania decided that an effective strategy would be to incorporate technology into each module of the eight-week Core Four® curriculum. Modules cover basic business operations, financial planning, marketing and business plan development. While it was time consuming to develop the technology component and practice exercises for each module, CFF feels that it was worth the effort. As a result of the integration, clients now receive hands-on technology access in a variety of areas. For example, during the basic business operations module, students not only learn but also practice using the computer to research market conditions and develop marketing plans. During the financial planning module, they learn to create financial spreadsheets. Their class time is enhanced by access to the CFF Client Computer Lab, which all students are encouraged to visit in order to practice what they have learned in between class sessions, and to develop their business plans. This integration of technology into the proven Core Four® curriculum has allowed CFF to leverage its technology resources to benefit client needs. “We find that class discussion is significantly more focused and clients are much more prepared to move forward with business planning since they have had so much ‘hands on’ practice with the technology.” – Miriam Soto, Director of Training, Community First Fund

Silicon Valley Economic Development Corporation (SVED) has developed an integrated business and technology training program thanks to its HP MDP grant. The Institute for Entrepreneurship Training consists of a series of classes that is customized for each client. Clients begin by taking a Microsoft Word Client Self-Assessment, which provides information on the client’s technology skills. Based on the results of the assessment, individuals select which technology classes they need. Clients have the opportunity to choose from a variety of courses, from basic computer classes in Microsoft Excel and Word, to those covering small business topics including business plans, marketing, pricing and more. In addition to English, classes are also offered in Spanish and Vietnamese to meet the needs of SVED’s immigrant population. A major piece of the integrated approach also includes financial literacy training.


Upon completing the integrated program, clients have the ability to develop spreadsheets, documents and email messages, as well as conduct Internet SVED research and develop marketing materials. The program gives individuals an intellectual and skills-based toolkit to help them launch or grow their microenterprise. “The HP Microenterprise Development Program has allowed SVED to take our organization to the next level of serving both old and new clients. Through access to 'hands-on' technology, we are able to provide underserved refugee and immigrant communities with opportunities to learn and enhance their businesses through the many tools technology offers.” – Jennie Z. Meehan, President and CEO, Silicon Valley Economic Development Corporation






B est Pract ices INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY TRAINING INTO EXISTING MICROENTERPRISE TRAINING CURRICULUM (CONTINUED) WESST Corp, which has five offices in New Mexico, has seen an increase in class attendance due to new and improved courses and curriculum. WESST has integrated technology into its Precision Marketing class which introduces entrepreneurs to the advantages of data mining. Data mining refers to knowledge discovery in databases, which can help entrepreneurs analyze business transactions if they happen to use a database to track their customers. Class sessions include training in Microsoft Excel and other databases. The Finding Your Customers class also incorporates elements of Microsoft Excel as well as advanced Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications from software company ESRI. With GIS software clients learn to assess site location, customer trading areas and other information helpful to their businesses. WESST Corp WESST also enhanced both its traditional six-week marketing class and business plan classes by integrating access to technology.

In an effort to address the large deficiency in technology training offered to low-income women, the Women’s Initiative for Self-Employment integrated technology into every aspect of its basic business concepts and finance courses. By weaving technology into the existing curriculum, clients were better able to understand the practical applications of technology in running successful, small businesses. Women’s Initiative developed Avance con Tecnología (Advance with Technology), a 2.5 hour per month course that runs for five months. The class is offered in Spanish to address the needs of the organization’s large Spanish-speaking client base. One unique aspect of the class is that it was designed by clients and volunteers, therefore ensuring that the program meets clients’ needs. An interesting and unexpected benefit of this has been the intergenerational exchange that occurs when teenagers accompany their mothers to the classes. Having been exposed to technology in school, the teenagers can help their mothers use the computers. At the same time, they learn about financial management and basic business concepts. This has been a mutually beneficial opportunity for parents and children. Interestingly, Women’s Initiative also found that there was a correlation between its integrated technology program and its loan program. Women who took the integrated class were more likely to apply for loans to purchase their own computers. This has had a positive effect on the organization’s loan program. “Women’s Initiative has transformed the way it teaches business in our organization by incorporating technology into every class. Every graduate not only has a business plan on the computer, an email, experience with the web and software products, but many of them also have gotten a loan for a computer that they now have in their businesses. We are [also] able to communicate through emails with our graduates so they are up to date on what we offer, new business tips and the business community opportunities.” – Julie Abrams, Executive Director, Women’s Initiative for Self-Employment



Best Practices INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY TRAINING IN RURAL SETTINGS Among the most challenging work in U.S. microenterprise development is the work that is done in rural America. Not only do rural microenterprise development organizations face challenges due to distance, but also funding and other capacity issues as well. However, those are not always the biggest challenges these organizations face. Located in a rural, remote region of Northern California, one would think that the Jefferson Economic Development Institute’s (JEDI) greatest challenge in offering technology training to clients would be its location. However, JEDI found that helping clients realize the importance of technology in their businesses and providing state-of-the-art facilities and training proved to be more challenging than its location. The solution to the challenge began when JEDI was awarded the HP Microenterprise Development Program grant. With the technology in hand, JEDI began work on the training. JEDI developed a comprehensive three-pronged approach for helping entrepreneurs gain technology skills and apply those skills to their businesses. The approach includes group training (via seminars), open learning (through open lab time) and individual consulting. JEDI’s computer training center offers a variety of technology training topics and a business incubation center. There is also an emphasis on e-commerce and access to markets activities. Not only has JEDI developed a number of technology classes, it has also incorporated technology curriculum elements into its core business planning course. Thanks to the HP technology JEDI has been able to develop an environment where microentrepreneurs can increase their skills and build their confidence in using technology, and understand the impact and power of technology in their businesses. The focus on technology at the center has helped many clients to embrace it and more and more businesses are providing new levels of e-commerce on their websites. In addition, as a result of the computer center, JEDI became an approved Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site, where low-income people can now receive free tax preparation services. “The mere existence of a state-of-the-art HP computer training center available to microentrepreneurs developing their businesses in a very rural isolated county is a tremendous asset to the local business community.” – Nancy Swift, Executive Director, Jefferson Economic Development Institute (JEDI)








B est Pract ices TECHNOLOGY AND WORKING WITH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION Universities and other institutions of higher education can be excellent partners for microenterprise development organizations (MDOs). Providing resources from interns and mentors, to technology and education, MDOs are wise to consider developing such relationships when possible. The HP Microenterprise Development Program grant provided unique opportunities for two of the grantees to expand their university partnerships. The Edge Connection (formerly Cobb Microenterprise Center) was searching for a cost-effective way of storing, securing and maintaining its new HP technology while maximizing its newly acquired HP resources. It found the solution it was looking for in its own backyard. Housed at in-kind space in the Continuing Education Building of Kennesaw State University (KSU) donated by the Coles College of KSU, The Edge Connection worked out a partnership arrangement with the Continuing Education Department of KSU to secure additional space for a 19-seat computer lab. The department provided this space to The Edge The Edge Connection Connection in exchange for use of the lab for training on alternate days. The Edge Connection agreed and entered into a five-year contract with the department. This partnership has allowed The Edge Connection to create a support system that will provide the security and maintenance needed without impacting its budget and without the worries of how to handle mechanical breakdowns, server issues and theft. The partnership has been a win-win for both The Edge Connection and KSU. The increased exposure of The Edge Connection’s lab to clients of KSU Continuing Education has resulted in new clients for the organization and vice versa. The partnership has also been a model for others to follow in terms of successful campus and community partnerships. The Edge Connection and KSU have already been solicited to assist another university in the network to create and sustain a campus and community microenterprise and technology center focused on rural citizens. “This incredible gift (from HP) afforded us the opportunity to develop a strategic partnership with Kennesaw State University Continuing Education Center’s technology division. Our HP equipment has a permanent home in Con Ed [where] it is properly maintained and protected. The cost for this service has zero impact on our budget. Con Ed uses the equipment for training purposes two days a week...What a win-win.” – Patricia Harris, CEO, The Edge Connection (formerly Cobb Microenterprise Center)

Thanks to the HP equipment Micro Business Development Corporation (MBD) received, it has been able to improve its MBA mentorship program. MBD recruits MBA students from local universities to work with their clients on various projects. Prior to the HP technology MBD did not have an easy way to involve MBA students in providing direct assistance to MBD clients. However, with the creation of MBD’s technology resource center, the organization now has the perfect facility to bring together MBA student mentors and clients. The resource center allows them to work together on hands-on projects. There, students help clients to create marketing materials and financial management forms, create web sites, effectively use email, and more. In order for this to be an effective relationship, MBD has found it is important that clients have some technology training prior to becoming involved in the mentoring relationship. This makes for a more positive and productive experience for both the student and the client, allowing them to focus their time together on activities that can have a more direct impact on the client’s business while also providing a learning experience for the students.



B est Practices INCREASING SCALE OF MICROENTERPRISE WITH SATELLITE LOCATIONS The infusion of new technology through the HP Microenterprise Development Program allowed two microenterprise development organizations with satellite offices to increase their scale. One organization was able to virtually expand its services while the other greatly increased efficiency and mobility. ACCION USA found a unique way to leverage its HP grant. In continued efforts to increase its reach in a cost-effective manner, ACCION USA looked at partnerships as a vehicle through which to expand its services. ACCION USA identified community development organizations in Florida, Georgia and Massachusetts that could provide ACCION USA with qualified referrals to expand its reach in those geographic areas. As an incentive, ACCION USA donated to each partner organization new HP technology – a workstation complete with a desktop computer, printer / fax / copier, Internet access and business software. These workstations allowed the partners to offer two additional services to their clients: 1) access to state-of-the-art technology, business software and the Internet, and 2) access to small business loans via ACCION USA’s Online Loan Application (OLA). Having the technology on-site enables the partners to provide one-on-one assistance to clients who need help and would have difficulty in completing the OLA on their own. More marketing is needed by ACCION USA and its partners in order to reach the level of scale that it seeks in these geographic regions. However, much progress has been made. From April to December 2005: • Five strategic partnerships have been established encompassing seven office locations, and one more partnership is under discussion. • 62 referrals have been made to ACCION USA. • 20 loans have been approved totaling $68,925.

“Two years ago ACCION USA operated only in select cities and states, specifically Atlanta, Miami, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Thanks to the HP Microenterprise Development Program, however, we have been able to leverage HP technology to create strategic partnerships and build our Online Loan Application. Therefore, we can now provide our lending services to microentrepreneurs not only throughout Georgia and Florida but nationwide as well.” – Lily Leavitt, Director of Operations, ACCION USA








Best Pract ices INCREASING SCALE OF MICROENTERPRISE WITH SATELLITE LOCATIONS (CONTINUED) Community First Fund (CFF) boasts increased scale and efficiencies in its microlending since receiving its HP technology grant. Infrastructure upgrades which included the addition of an Exchange server, shared Microsoft Office software, installation of broadband and wireless access and mobile technology have accelerated CFF’s development significantly by linking its satellite offices in York, Harrisburg and Reading with its home office in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The new centrally-integrated CFF technology proved to be very efficient when CFF planned the opening of its newest satellite office in Chester County. Serving a ten county area of central Pennsylvania, the ability to access files and documents from a variety of sites has allowed staff to be more mobile and increase time spent counseling clients. It has also saved staff considerable travel time as it is no longer necessary to travel to the central office to access software for loan documentation and printing. The central server has also been a time saver by allowing the staff loan committee to share loan presentations CFF electronically via a PDF file rather than sending multiple emails and requiring staff to download and print all documents. CFF’s comprehensive infrastructure is positively impacting all areas of programs and operations. Its next step is to develop an online loan application for clients.

“The integration and centralization of our technology in our Lancaster office linked to our satellite offices has put us so far ahead – CFF staff are able to spend more time with our clients. We have had great increases in efficiency; an organization like ours trying to reach a dispersed population in the large part of central Pennsylvania that we serve could not make the gains it has made without this technology infrastructure in place. The growth in the use of technology at CFF has really transformed our agency and our ability to provide microenterprise services.” – Dan Betancourt, President and CEO, Community First Fund



Best Pract ices INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY TRAINING INTO CREDIT-LED MICROENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Incorporating technology training into any microenterprise development organization (MDO) can be a challenge. Developing the proper curriculum or integrating technology in just the right way can be difficult and time consuming for even the most experienced training-led MDO. Imagine the added obstacles presented when a credit-led organization attempts to do the same. One such HP Microenterprise Development Program (MDP) grantee, committed to provide technology training to its clients, rose to the challenge. As a credit-led organization, PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation (PMHDC) in Tucson, Arizona was not accustomed to providing classroom training to its clients; however, the technology received through the HP MDP along with the support of training funds received from PRIME (the Small Business Administration’s Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs) provided an opportunity for the organization to expand into this arena. PMHDC was concerned that its clients were not taking advantage of a new loan product available for technology purchases. Loans of up to $2500 with 0% interest were being offered to clients for the purchase and/or upgrade of technology; however, the funds were going untouched. A quick survey of clients revealed that clients were not accessing these loans due to their fear of technology. Many clients did not even own a computer. To address the issue, PMHDC proceeded to create a computer course to help its majority Spanish speaking clients get over their fear of technology. Microbusiness Technology Tools for Success: A Primer for Basic Concepts in Computer 101 was created as a 12-hour (one hour per week for three months), hands-on class. However, the challenges did not end simply by creating the class. PMHDC had to address the problem of clients not attending the class. Having not attended school in so many years, many clients were intimidated by the classroom setting. PMHDC modified its training environment by conducting classes in computer labs rather than traditional classrooms. PMHDC also had to offer the classes during the evenings since most clients were operating their businesses during the day. Finally, due to the low reading and comprehension level of many of its clients, PMHDC completely redesigned the training curriculum in order to make it simple enough for clients to understand.








B est Practices INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY TRAINING IN OTHER LANGUAGES As if providing technology training in English does not prove difficult enough, several HP Microenterprise Development Program grantees have chosen to offer technology training in other languages to their clients, particularly in Spanish. Three grantees used somewhat different approaches.

Micro Business Development Corporation (MBD) developed a curriculum for its Spanish speaking clients. While free computer use is available to these clients within the community, it is rare to find that access along with hands-on training in their own language. Clients see this is a huge benefit. The classes were first taught by a local undergraduate student from Mexico City and are now taught by MBD staff. MBD translated its English technology trainings into Spanish and also created and tailored new pieces of the curriculum specifically for this target market. In terms of the translation, MBD found that it is more practical for Spanish speaking clients to learn some of the program and computer terms in English, as there MBD is either no direct Spanish translation, or the Spanish equivalent is old and no longer used. Referencing certain computer terms in English has also made it easier for clients when asking questions. For those clients who need to generate materials for their businesses faster than they can gain the technology skills to do so, MBD has recruited bi-lingual mentors who are available to assist Spanishspeaking clients to create flyers, business cards, etc. This one-on-one help also provides the clients with individual training on the technology.

WESST Corp translated its Microsoft Office and bookkeeping classes into Spanish. The classes are offered monthly as two-hour sessions. WESST has learned that in translating curriculum it is very important to adapt it to the cultural and educational needs of the clients. Relevant examples are used with the clients to help them understand how they can apply what they are learning to their businesses. The classes are taught by staff as well as a contract teacher. Spanish speaking WESST clients have benefited most from learning to use the Internet and email as well as learning to use bookkeeping software to manage the accounting of their businesses.

PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation (PMHDC) also found the need to offer its technology training in Spanish due to its large Spanish speaking client base. The first challenge PMHDC faced was in translating the curriculum. Computer language and terminology does not translate easily into Spanish. PMHDC went through several iterations of the Spanish curriculum before its meaning was the same as the English version. Another challenge was in finding appropriate instructors that could understand the curriculum, translate it and effectively and successfully teach it in Spanish. PMHDC found four good trainers and hired them as part-time staff for each of PMHDC’s four training lab centers. One of the trainers is a 17 year-old high school student who came highly recommended.



B est Practices TECHNOLOGY TO INCREASE / SCALE UP MICROLENDING VOLUME The issue of increasing microloan volume is one that is regularly faced by credit-led microenterprise development organizations. Two organizations realized the tremendous role that technology can play in increasing microlending volume when they received the HP Microenterprise Development Program (MDP) grant. These organizations maximized the opportunity to expand their lending. ACCION USA set out to answer the question, “How do we reach more microentrepreneurs across the United States and grow our microlending volume without developing an expensive branch infrastructure?” With satellite offices in Boston, Atlanta and Miami, and licensees in Chicago, New York, San Diego, New Mexico and Texas, ACCION USA wanted to find a way to provide access to capital to more microentrepreneurs, but in a more cost-effective way. The answer was the Internet, and the HP MDP grant provided ACCION USA with the technology infrastructure to enable them to undertake this large and ambitious goal. ACCION USA launched its Online Loan Application (OLA) on July 1, 2005 and dealt with several challenges leading to that point including: creating the actual loan application; making sure there were the proper resources, equipment and processes in place to support remote lending operations; and maintaining a low delinquency rate – a statistic which ACCION USA is monitoring closely. First available only in a few select areas, in mid September the OLA became available nationally and is the only Internet-based loan application targeted to men and women microentrepreneurs across the U.S. ACCION USA understands that it will take continued and greater marketing to In its first six months of operation (July 1 – December achieve the significant increase it seeks through its Internet-based lending. 31, 2005) ACCION USA's Online Loan Application has logged the following statistics: • Number of hits to the Online Loan Application: 2010 • Number of contacts (people who have filled in name and contact information): 352 • Number of loan applications submitted: 160 • Number of applications submitted without the required application fee: 76

For PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation (PMHDC), an increase in its microlending volume came when its clients started realizing the importance of computers. Prior to clients being exposed to technology via PMHDC’s technology training classes, there was no appeal to the 0% interest technology loans available through the organization. However, once clients started to become familiar with computers and realized the positive impact technology could have on their businesses, the demand for computers jumped and so did the demand for the technology loans.

• Number of loans in process: 24 • Number of applications disbursed: 14 • Dollar amount lent: $70,250







Best Pract ices OTHER INTEGRATION OF TECHNOLOGY TRAINING The uses of technology in training are only as limited as one's creativity. Three HP Microenterprise Development Program grantees came up with innovative ways to maximize the capabilities of the new technology. Working with Individuals with Disabilities The Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) has experienced what can be possible with technology. Committed to providing microenterprise development services to all clients who choose to attend WWBIC classes, the organization found a way to provide training to clients who are deaf or have hearing or vision impairments. Opportunities are often disguised as challenges, as WWBIC found during a session with three deaf students and no interpreter. The challenge of teaching the class without the assistance of the interpreter motivated WWBIC staff to find a solution so that the awkward situation would not be repeated. The solution was the new HP technology, and in particular, the Tablet PC. Senior Business Assistance Coordinator, Jennifer Ring Mellberg, recalled a recent training on the Tablet PC and the voice recognition feature that was available. Determined, she successfully learned to “train” the device to recognize her voice and take dictation. By connecting the Tablet to a projector WWBIC and using a headset and microphone, she was able to project her words in large font onto the wall, which were clearly seen by all students including the deaf students and those with vision impairments. “[Staff’s] interest in better working with individuals with disabilities began with an AEO-sponsored training by The Abilities Fund…this planted the seed of what could be, and the HP grant presented the opportunities to blossom those ideas into realities for our clients.” – Julann Jatczak, Vice President, Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation Virtual Information Session The Edge Connection (formerly Cobb Microenterprise Center) has provided clients with a way to attend The Edge Connection’s information session at their convenience during the organization’s business hours. Clients who are interested in learning more about the organization’s programs and services can visit The Edge Connection’s resource room. There, clients can log into a virtual training information session about the organization. This has been very effective in providing information to clients who cannot attend the regularly scheduled group information presentations. Technology and Radio Production Micro Business Development Corporation (MBD) was able to integrate its new HP technology with radio production and editing equipment and software through its partnership with KGNU, a local, community-based radio station. MBD created the KGNU “Produce Your Own Radio Show” workshop. MBD became involved in this partnership as a way to address the lack of exposure that entrepreneurs in low-income neighborhoods receive. Through the partnership with KGNU, clients are learning innovative and creative uses of technology while at the same time promoting entrepreneurs and their businesses. The training allows clients to receive hands-on experience in building their own commercial or radio show and exposes them to using computers, a microphone, field recorder, digital editing and mixing techniques. “The training has been very successful and many of the clients reported an increased understanding of creative ways to utilize technology for business marketing.” – Brandy Bertram, Deputy Director, Micro Business Development Corporation



Success Stories






Success Stories TERRI DURDEN Freedoms Crossing Lancaster, Pennsylvania Freedoms Crossing, Inc. is a tourism-based company with a mission to preserve African American history by educating people about the impact that African Americans had on local communities despite living in slavery. In 2003, Freedoms Crossing, Inc. was just a vision of owner, Terri Durden, who was on disability leave from her food service job at a local college. Supplementing her income as a playwright and teaching elementary school creative writing courses, Terri began to research individual slaves that had lived in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area and outlined portions of her business plan. She then turned to Community First Fund (CFF) to make her vision a reality. Terri’s business is unique, but she operates in a heavily tourism-based region and competes with experienced tour operators and recreation oriented businesses. She understood that for her business to succeed she would need to improve her business and technology skills. Terri had basic computer skills before enrolling in CFF’s training courses, but her equipment was outdated and she needed more advanced training. At CFF she enrolled in an eight-week technology integrated Core Four® class and worked with business counselors to refine her business plan. She also obtained advice on how to use marketing oriented software to create promotional brochures and professional reports. Freedoms Crossing, Inc. is very much a reality thanks to the support that Terri found at CFF. The access to CFF’s Client Computer Lab and the business training she received has been essential to her business success. Since founding Freedoms Crossing, Inc. she has also established a non-profit affiliate to leverage the educational aspects of the business and has developed relationships with numerous regional tourism-based groups that focus on the historical aspect of the region.

“It has been a wonderful experience taking part in such an informative technology program through Community First Fund. With the technology training, I have gained the knowledge needed to [improve my] Internet research of historical facts and figures. [This information plays] a major role in implementing the workshops my business offers in our community.” – Terri Durden



Success Stories TARA GORMAN Crystal Vision Essences Mount Shasta, California Access to the Internet has made Tara Gorman’s business, Crystal Vision Essences, possible. Through the business website (www.crystalvisioness.com) Tara markets and sells gemstone-infused body soaps and lotions, which she produces from her home. Before the business went online in 2004, Tara received support to launch and grow her business from Jefferson Economic Development Institute (JEDI). When Tara came to JEDI in 2001 she was unemployed and in the process of launching her business. JEDI staff provided her with extensive individual consulting to develop a business plan, a website, and product labels. In late 2004 JEDI received an HP technology grant and set up a computer lab for client use. Tara uses JEDI’s computer lab almost daily to produce product catalogs and labels, update her website, and take photos of her products. She also took advantage of two technology based JEDI classes on marketing and Microsoft Publisher. Crystal Vision Essences is growing steadily – sales are up and its customer base is increasing. Thanks to the support of JEDI Tara has become very Internet savvy and is adept at managing her website. Recently she acquired a UPC code with the goal of selling her products through larger retail outlets; she also plans to move her product development to a community kitchen facility. In addition, Tara is hoping to get an interview with Oprah to demonstrate the effect of her products.

“My website is essential because I have customers all over the world now. Customers can see my latest product selections and order right off the site. JEDI has been a big help. They helped me set a good foundation to launch my vision.” – Tara Gorman







Success Stories TERRY SMITH T. Smith Productions Aurora, Colorado When Terry Smith was 15 years old he decided he wanted to be an entrepreneur. With an idea to start a resume writing business, Terry joined Micro Business Development’s (MBD’s) YouthWorks Program in 2003. After several months working with YouthWorks staff, Terry changed his business idea and decided to launch a music production studio. As his new idea took shape, YouthWorks provided Terry with one-on-one counseling, and he participated in several YouthWorks programs including financial literacy training, Mapping Your Business Success monthly seminars, and the YouthWorks Management Experience. Terry learned basic computer skills in high school and used the computer lab MBD received as part of its HP technology grant for several hours a week before purchasing his own computer. Access to the computer lab allowed him to do research on the music industry and obtain additional training on financial literacy and business plans. At the same time, Terry was working to raise his grade point average and continued to utilize the computer lab to research college programs and scholarships. In addition, he researched the technology he would need for his business, which he was able to purchase by participating in YouthWorks’ one-to-one matching Individual Development Account (IDA) program and through an award he received from the Covad Broadband Entrepreneur Program. The award provided one year of free broadband Internet access and a $500 cash award which he used to purchase technology. T. Smith Productions was launched in 2005, and though it is still in the start up phase, Terry has worked diligently to get his equipment and technology in working order and has begun recording music for local artists at his home studio. Confident in his increased knowledge of the music industry, technology skills, and business savvy he is determined to make the business a success. Recently chosen to receive the prestigious Daniels Fund Scholarship, Terry plans to continue his music production business throughout college to help pay for his living expenses. “Being able to use the computer is helping me not only in my business, but also in school. I can do all my research, plus it makes it easier for me and my family to stay in touch with friends and with [customers].” – Terry Smith



Success Stories DANA MALONE Touch of Faith Boutique Inc., DBA: Faith Bridal & Apparel, Faith Florist Aurora, Illinois In May of 1999, while on medical leave from an injury she sustained at her job, Dana Malone started a home-based bridal and florist boutique to supplement her income. In 2002, she became a client of the Women’s Self-Employment Project (WSEP) where she learned how technology could transform her business. Dana completed WSEP’s 12-week Entrepreneur Training Program and obtained one-on-one technical assistance to develop a business and marketing plan to help her better present her products. Since the opening of WSEP’s Business Technology Center, Dana has received technology training in QuickBooks, digital photography, technology plans, Access, website training, and e-commerce. Dana continues to use the Business Technology Center three to four days per week to take digital pictures of her products, create marketing materials such as brochures, business cards and stationary, and access the Internet. The technology training she has received has improved her business systems, and having access to the Internet has improved her customer service. Dana now has a website for her business where customers can purchase online allowing her to reach more markets. Her business is still home-based, but she is taking steps to move to a storefront location. She is revising her business plan and creating a marketing packet to attract investors. She also plans to pursue a marketing and horticulture degree in 2006.

“Through WSEP I understand how vital technology is for my business. I applaud HP and AEO for providing WSEP the equipment and support, which allowed them to effectively teach small business owners the importance of technology.” – Dana Malone







Success Stories C A N D I W I L VA N G Emerald Spokes, LLC Seattle, Washington Candi Wilvang did not always see herself as an entrepreneur. Recovering from major surgery in 2003, she was out of work and not sure where to turn. After participating in Seattle’s “One Less Car Challenge” with her partner, she began to think more seriously about alternative forms of transportation and came up with the idea for Emerald Spokes, a unique pedi-cab business that transports people around downtown Seattle. In 2004, before launching Emerald Spokes, Candi enrolled in an eight-week business and marketing class at Washington CASH and shortly thereafter Emerald Spokes opened for business. After the opening she continued to take advantage of Washington CASH training courses, including Microsoft Excel and QuickBooks training. She was also approved for a Washington CASH loan in June 2004 to purchase marketing materials. In addition, through a referral from Washington CASH she won the opportunity to work with six Seattle University business students to develop an extensive business and marketing plan that she calls her “business bible.” Before receiving a loan in August 2005 to purchase a laptop, Candi used the Washington CASH computer lab regularly to search for advertisers and communicate with her customers. The access to technology, which was made possible through the HP technology grant that Washington CASH received, has given her more confidence to compete with upper income level businesses as it allows her access to the same resources. Emerald Spokes currently owns two bikes and now offers tours and customized rides for wedding parties, dates, and other customer needs. Since 2004 sales have increased 50%, which includes an advertising contract with Flexcar, a member-based car rental service. Candi and her partner have plans to expand the business further in 2006 by hiring more riders and purchasing a third bike. They also have plans to tap into the Seattle tourism market to promote their unique method of transportation. “It has been fantastic to be thrust into this environment where I am told that not only can my dreams become a reality but that they will. This is the first time in my life that I do not feel enslaved to a job or a boss…my life is all my own and I feel inspired all the time.” – Candi Wilvang



Success Stories S E R G I O A L VA R E Z Wedding Illusions Roswell, New Mexico Sergio Alvarez’s business, Wedding Illusions, has gained a reputation as one of the premiere bridal boutiques in Roswell, NM and surrounding areas since its opening 15 years ago. Despite its popularity, sales were low in 2000 and Sergio went to WESST Corp looking for a loan to grow his business. Since 2000 WESST Corps has granted Sergio three loans totaling $8400. The access to capital has helped him expand his business, but his introduction to the Internet as a business tool has been equally important. In addition to WESST Corp’s bookkeeping and business operations training, Sergio also took advantage of the organization’s Internet business training sessions. He learned how to develop a simple web page design and online ordering form as well as how to use email and market his business online. Creating an online presence for the business has allowed Sergio to market his one-of-a-kind wedding and special occasion dresses beyond Roswell. His first online sale was to a bride in California, who communicated with Sergio via email and was completely satisfied with her bridesmaids’ dresses. Sergio’s newly developed technology skills and the business’ new website have dramatically increased sales. Wedding and special occasion dress sales surpassed $100,000 during the past three years. Wedding Illusions’ reputation for unique dresses and outstanding customer service, once only known in Roswell, is quickly spreading nationwide through the Internet.

“WESST Corp has given me another venue – the Internet – to increase my sales and visibility that I would not have considered without their support and assistance.” – Sergio Alvarez







Success Stories MARIA



Estrellita Snacks San Francisco, California The road to success was not an easy one for Maria del Carmen Flores, and launching her business was an exercise in courage. Maria came to the United States from El Salvador in 1996 under distressing economic and social conditions. Upon arriving in this country, her pre-established business contact kept Maria trapped in her home for five months without pay and then threw her out on the street with only five dollars to her name. After being homeless for a short period of time, she found part-time employment with temporary housing. There she suffered under alcoholic landlords and bosses who were physically abusive to her. Under these conditions, she resolved to provide for herself. Maria began sewing and selling dolls to make a living, and later got the idea to make and package fried plantain snacks, which evolved into Estrellita Snacks. In August 2005, after running her business informally for a year, Maria enrolled in Women’s Initiative for Self-Employment Alternativas para Latinas en AutoSuficiencia (ALAS), a Spanish language microenterprise training program. The ALAS curriculum covers: U.S. government regulations; taxation systems; legal structures; introduction to financial institutions and basic business management concepts. In 2005 the ALAS program piloted a new Integrative Technology curriculum, thanks to the technology grant Women’s Initiative for Self-Employment received from HP in 2004, which gave students access to PowerPoint presentations and online materials from their own laptop computers during the class. In conjunction with ALAS, Maria also received basic computer training to learn how to incorporate QuickBooks and Microsoft Excel into her business operations. Maria recently purchased her first computer and has begun to incorporate her new technology skills into her business plan using the materials she accessed during the ALAS course. Estrellita Snacks is now uniquely positioned for growth, and demand for Maria’s fried plantain snacks is high and growing. She is promoting her products at tradeshows and has started selling to stores. She recently hired two full-time employees to help increase production to meet demand and is exploring the possibility of opening a factory to process large orders.

“I feel that I am learning so much about how to make my business grow. I used to not take this very seriously and I doubted that I could really make the business work. But now, through the ALAS program, I feel satisfied because I see that it is possible and I am making it happen. I am taking myself and my business seriously because my vision has changed.” – Maria del Carmen Flores



Success Stories JOSE LUIS CASTRO Castro’s Iron Works and Steel Supply Nogales, Arizona Jose Luis Castro immigrated to Los Angeles, California from El Salvador in 1975 as a farm worker. After obtaining his certification as a welder and designer, Jose Luis and his wife Claudia moved to Nogales, Arizona. They founded C&C Castro’s Iron Works in 1997, but after a few years the business was not making much profit and the Castros were still relying on welfare to make ends meet. The business was in the dark ages of technology with bookkeeping still being done by hand. To upgrade was costly, and Jose Luis had been turned down for bank loans due to his lack of education and business savvy. In 2002 he and his wife turned to PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation for support. The Castros enrolled in PMHDC’s computer courses, which include: Basic Computer 101; Windows Applications; email and Internet operations; and e-commerce. They used PMHDC’s computer lab weekly to take two hours of classes and receive four hours of mentoring. They also took out a PMHDC zero interest technology loan to purchase a computer, business software, and a cash register for their business. Jose Luis now has four full-time and three part-time employees and on September 30, 2005, Jose Luis was recognized by the El Salvador Consulate as the Most Distinguished and Honorable Businessman of the Year. He says, "Not only have they [PPEP] helped me with funds to open and expand my business, but also to get off of government assistance, purchase a home, and get an education!”

“Coming to this computer program has been the most exciting and productive time invested for us and our family. This has been a great turn-around for our business.” – Jose Luis Castro







HP GRANTEES COMMENT ON THE IMPACT OF THE HP MICROENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM “Our HP Technology grant has been extremely helpful not only in terms of increased internal efficiencies but has, as well, improved our ability to help clients assess the impact of technology on their own businesses. Upon completion of the WESST Corp small business incubator in Albuquerque, the impact of the grant will be even more visible as the tenant and non-tenant businesses will have access to the incubator’s computer lab.” – Agnes Noonan, Executive Director, WESST Corp

“Receiving the HP grant gave this organization the confidence to take some risks, which allowed us to attract experienced personnel, initiate new projects and programs and raise more funds than we have ever been able previously. We are a more professional organization positioned to participate in the economic development arena.” – Melany Brown, Executive Director, Washington Community Alliance for Self-Help (Washington CASH)

“I love to see our clients using our HP equipment in our two HP Technology Labs – working on those business plans, those financial statements, and those marketing materials with top notch equipment and support. It doesn’t get better than that – small – but a bit less digital divide!” – Wendy K. Baumann, President, Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation

“The combination of equipment and resources directed at both staff and client service delivery improvement has made such an impact. Our volume of our service has increased. Our technology-related offerings have multiplied. Our focus on technology has sharpened. Our office culture has now embraced technology as necessary to do business and we are serving as role models for our clients and the community. We take ourselves more professionally.” – Nancy Swift, Executive Director, Jefferson Economic Development Institute (JEDI)

“Over the past two years, NDC has grown dramatically in size…in visibility…and in impact within our targeted communities. We also moved into new offices, giving our loan and TA officers much better space to work with their microentrepreneur clients. Our ability to pull all this off has been greatly enhanced by the technology and advice we received from HP – from our state-of the art classroom and resource room at the [Business and Career Center]…to the laptops, handheld technology and [Tablet PCs] that allow our staff to be in the field with their clients, to our main office desktops and server that have made our new office markedly more functional than our previous office.” – Mihailo Temali, Executive Director, Neighborhood Development Center



Resources T

his section contains a sampling of resource materials shared by some of the 2004 HP Microenterprise Development Program (MDP) grantees. Included are:

Online Application Demo – An introduction to the Online Loan Application (OLA) and a sample application page. Developed by ACCION USA

Class Schedules – Samples. Provided by WESST Corp and Jefferson Economic Development Institute (JEDI)

Course Outlines and Flyers – English and Spanish version of a course outline on Microsoft Excel, and an English and Spanish version of a flyer advertising new technology classes. Provided by Micro Business Development Corporation and PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation Lab User Rules – A sample of the rules to which computer lab users must adhere. Provided by ACCION USA









Building Entrepreneurial Excellence Since 1989

Trainings • Consultations • Micro-Loan Fund Roswell Offices: 200 W. 1st St. Suite 527 • (505) 624-9850 • www.wesst.org


Technical & Business Trainings

FREE New Client Orientation Dates: Mon. March 14 Mon. March 28 Mon. April 11 Mon. April 25 Time: Begins 10 am



Registration Information: Call 624-9850 to register Price: $50 per session, includes instruction and materials. For technical classes fee also includes phone support for month of software class . Computer Lab: Open to the Public!

Intuit/QuickBooks Pro Wed. March 9 9-1pm Sat. March 12 9-1pm Wed. April 6 9-1pm Sat. April 9 9-1pm Fri. April 15 1-5pm MS Access Fundamentals Thur. March 3 9-1pm Tues. March 8 1-5pm Tues. April 5 1-5pm Fri. April 22 9-1pm

MS Access Tools & Techniques Held: Thur. March 10 1-5pm Mon. March 28 1-5pm Thur. April 7 1-5pm Mon. April 25 1-5pm Held:

MS Excel Fundamentals Wed. March 2 9-1pm Wed. March 23 4-8 pm Fri. April 29 9-1pm Wed. April 20 4-8pm

MS Excel Tools & Techniques Held: Thur. March 24 4-8pm Thur. April 21 4-8pm

Contracts available $10.00 per month open 9am-5pm

MS Front Page Fundamentals Held: Tues. March 29 9-1pm Tues. April 26 9-1pm

This U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Cooperative Agreement is partially funded by the SBA. SBA’s funding is not an endorsement of any products, opinions, or services. All SBA funded programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made, if requested at least two weeks in advance.


Powerpoint continued... Thur. April 7 Sat. April 16

MS Publisher Fundamentals Held: Fri. March 11 9-1pm Wed. March 16 9-1pm Fri. April 8 9-1pm Wed. April 13 9-1pm Held:


MS Word Fundamentals Tues. March 15 1-5pm Wed. March 16 4-8pm Tues. April 12 1-5pm Wed. April 13 4-8pm MS Word Tools & Techniques Thur. March 17 9-1pm Thur. April 14 9-1pm

Record Keeping & Tax Reporting Held: Mon. March 21 9:30-11:30am Mon. April 18 9:30-11:30am PC Beginners & MS Windows Held: Tues. March 1 9-1pm Fri. March 18 1-5pm Fri. April 1 9-1pm Wed. April 27 9-1pm Held:

MS PowerPoint Sat. March 5 9-1pm Thur. March 10 9-1pm

Using the Internet Fri. March 4 9-1pm Tues. March 22 1-5pm Tues. April 19 1-5pm Thur. April 28 9-1pm




9-1pm 9-1pm



Resources rack T l a i r u e n repre

Classes & Workshops

The Ent

Supporting You & Your Business


2006 Ser

January ~ August

Due to JEDI’s current funding base, we have had to target our services to particular groups of people. This status can change as we get new grants. Currently, our services are available primarily for registered clients who qualify, unless a fee is noted. To be eligible for free services a person must intend to start or already operate a business with five or fewer employees including the owners, be within the grant guidelines for income, and be a Siskiyou County resident. We are looking for means to provide our services to the general business community, so stay tuned!

January “It’s Your Business” - Start or Expand a Business Date: Tuesdays, 1/24 through 4/11 Time: 6-9:00 pm Fee: $35 or waived for low income participants Location: College of the Siskiyous, Weed Campus Instructor: TBA Registration is required with JEDI and COS before class starts. Identify the strategies to create a profitable business and help shape your business idea. Topics include: targeting the right customers, developing a marketing plan and business budget, pricing for profit, and writing a business plan. “Making Your Money Work For You” - Path to Financial Well-Being Date: Thursdays, 1/26 through 3/23 Time: 6-9:00 pm Fee: $48 or waived for low income participants Location: College of the Siskiyous, Yreka Campus Instructor: Renee Getreu, JEDI Registration is required with JEDI and COS before class starts. Learn new tools to help manage your money, understand and clean up credit, and establish an effective savings and spending plan. Let your money support the things that mean the most to you!


“Doing Business Abroad” - International Trade Development Date: Tuesday, February 28th Time: 2-5:00 pm Location: College of the Siskiyous, Weed Campus Instructor: Jim Wilson, Center for International Trade Development General public is welcome. Workshop is free. Interested in international trade development? Work with Jim Wilson, consultant from the Center for International Trade Development out of Butte College and in partnership with College of the Siskiyous. Jim will provide expert advice in market research, readiness assessment, distribution and logistics, financing, laws, and regulations. Individual consultations available.

March “Excel for Cash Flow” - Using Excel for cash flow Date: Wednesday, March 8th Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: JEDI Business Technology Training Center Instructor: Paj Kane, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. Build a cash flow projection to predict your profitability and to test the feasibility of your business. Must have some experience with basic computer skills. Learn how to use Microsoft Excel for basic formulas and calculations. “Meet the Lenders” - Increase Your Financing Options Date: Wednesday, March 22nd Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: College of the Siskiyous, Weed Campus Instructor: Ryan Richardson, Cascade SBDC Pre-registration is required. Hear straight from the lenders themselves about what they are looking for in a loan application. Learn how to position yourself to be “loan worthy,“ find out what the deal breakers are and how to avoid them.


“Excel for Bookkeeping” - Using Excel for Simple Accounting Date: Wednesday, February 8th Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: JEDI Business Technology Training Center Instructor: Paj Kane, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. Simple spreadsheet accounting for small businesses with no employees. Must have some experience with basic computer skills. Learn how to use excel for basic formulas and calculations, how to track your income and expenses by month, and how to create a summary for the year.

“In the Public Eye” - Business Cards and Flyers Date: Mondays and Wednesdays, 4/17 through 4/25 Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: Scott Valley Instructor: David Donica, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. Design a business card and flyer to present yourself to customers. Learn simple yet effective layout tips that will give you the professional edge. Walk away with a completed business card and a one-page flyer. This workshop will use Microsoft Publisher.

Jefferson Economic Development Institute PO Box 1586, 403 Berry St, Mount Shasta, CA 96067 Phone: (530) 926-6670 Fax: (530) 926-6676 www.e-jedi.org info@e-jedi.org



Resources April continued...


“Energy Audit for Your Business” - Innovative Resource Use Date: Wednesday, April 26th Time: 6-9:00 pm Fee: $25/waived for income eligible clients Location: TBA Instructor: Meadow Barr, Meadow Industries Pre-registration is required. Are you leaking materials and energy? Map energy and materials flows in your business to increase the bottom line. Come away with practical and innovative ways to use resources more productively.

May “Cash Register to Computer” - QuickBooks® for Restaurants Date: Wednesday, May 3rd Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: JEDI Business Technology Training Center Instructor: Paj Kane, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. A customized workshop for restaurant owners. Learn the different ways that you can use QuickBooks® for your business bookkeeping. Learn how to take the information from your cash register to your computer. Learn what reports you can use to track your profitability. “Get Your Web Presence Going” - Simple Web Design Date: Mondays and Tuesdays, 5/22 through 5/30 Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: JEDI Tech Center Instructor: David Donica, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. Get your website started and on the Internet. Topics include: determining your purpose, how to pick a domain name and get it registered, choosing the right domain hosting company, creating a website structure, getting spotted in search engines, and more. “Break Through Pricing” - Getting the Money You Deserve Date: Thursday, May 18th Time: 5:30-9:30 pm Location: TBA Instructor: Renee Getreu, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. Understand the arbitrary value of money and how to set a fair price for your service or product. Find out why setting a generous price benefits everyone. Learning how to address the “I can’t afford it” myth with potential customers. The workshop includes a 2-hour clearing exercise using breathing that will help participants improve their comfort level with talking about what you do and receiving money for it. JEDI Business Technology Training Center Monday: 1:30 to 4:30 pm Tuesday through Friday: 10:30 am to 4:30 pm Open for personal and business use for JEDI clients

“QuickBooks® Payroll” - Do Your Own Payroll in QuickBooks® Date: Wednesday, June 14th Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: JEDI Business Technology Training Center Instructor: Paj Kane, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. Learn how to set up payroll, enter employee information and payroll items and how to create paychecks. This workshop is a two-part series followed by “QuickBooks® Payroll Liabilities.” “Go to the Top of the List” - Search Engines and E-commerce Date: Monday, June 19th Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: JEDI Business Technology Training Center Instructor: David Donica, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. Get your web site seen on the Internet. Learn a few simple tricks and tips that will help you get your e-commerce web site near the top of the search engine list - and keep it there. “QuickBooks Payroll Liabilities” - Regulations for payroll Date: Wednesday, June 21st Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: JEDI Business Technology Training Center Instructor: Paj Kane, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. Review of all the regulations for reporting and paying your payroll taxes using QuickBooks software. This is the second workshop of a two-part series.

July “From Camera to the Web and More “- Digital Images for Business Date: Monday, July 10th Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: JEDI Business Technology Training Center Instructor: David Donica, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. An overview of how to use digital images for marketing, e-mail, and websites. Learn about file formats, resolution, saving/storing, and optimizing for the Internet.

August “E-commerce Made Simple” - The Internet and Online Sales Date: Mondays and Tuesdays, 8/7 through 8/15 Time: 6-9:00 pm Location: JEDI Business Technology Training Center Instructor: David Donica, JEDI Pre-registration is required. Workshop limited to 12 participants. Take a look at the growing use of online sales. Learn about creating a simple process for selling products or service over the Internet.

This series is sponsored by a partnership promoting small business development in Siskiyou County between Jefferson Economic Development Institute & College of the Siskiyous

Jefferson Economic Development Institute PO Box 1586, 403 Berry St, Mount Shasta, CA 96067 Phone: (530) 926-6670 Fax: (530) 926-6676 www.e-jedi.org info@e-jedi.org








EEX XC CEELLeerraattee Y Yoouurr BBuussiinneessss SSuucccceessss w Deevveellooppm Cllaassss 11 meenntt!! –– C wiitthh M Miiccrroo BBuussiinneessss D

Why is the Excel important?

Excel is an easy, cheap, and accessible way to track and manage your business and personal finances.

Once you know the basic operations of Excel (i.e. after today’s class) you will be able to create customized financial documents for your business (i.e. Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Break Even Calculation, etc.)

As you become more comfortable with Excel, you will be able to generate professional charts and graphs from your financials that can then be used in business plans and proposals. Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will feel comfortable with the basic operations of Excel and be able to create a workbook from scratch. You should also be comfortable with the following:

Excel terminology formatting cells using pre-prepared Excel formulas and using ones of your own knowing where to go to learn about additional Excel features Today’s Course


Introductions and Course Expectations


Visual Intro to Excel and Excel Vocabulary


Where to go for Help?


An Overview of Excel


Basic Excel and Income & Expense Exercise (part 1)


Formatting Options and Income & Expense Exercise (part 2)


Formulas and Income & Expense Exercise (part 3)


Work with the “Projections & BEP” document found in the “EXCELerate Class” folder inside My Documents.


Resources Part 1: Create an Income & Expense Template - Ending Result Will Look Like: Date

STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Check Issued To / Received From

Check Number

Amount Received (+)

Amount Paid (-)


ACTION Open Excel Place cursor on File and Click New Click Blank Workbook on right side task pane Place cursor on File and click Save Save in My Documents as Income & Expense Template Place your cursor over the workbook Sheet 1 and right click Click Rename and type Part 1 Click in cell A1 and type Date Use the arrows, mouse, or Tab to move to cell B1 Type Check Issued To / Received From Move to cell C1 and type Check Number Move to cell D1 and type Amount Received (+) Move to cell E1 and type Amount Paid (-) Move to cell F1 and type Balance Highlight Columns A, B, C, D, E, & F using the left mouse button Click on the Format Menu Place your cursor over Column and click Width Enter 18 and press Enter Make rows 1-5 have heights of 30 by following the same process Highlight the section bounded by columns A-F and rows 1-5 Click on Format Menu and then Cells Click on the Alignment Tab Click on the check mark under Horizontal: and click Center Under Text control, check the box next to Wrap text Click OK and note what happens Highlight the section bounded by columns A-F and rows 1-5 Click on Format Menu and then Cells Click on Border Tab Under Presets, click on both Outline and Inside Click OK to close the Format Cells window Check to see if your screen matches the example shown on the Finished Examples sheet Save (click file and then Save)







¡¡E EX XC CE EL Leerraarr SSuu N Neeggoocciioo ccoonn M Deevveellooppm meenntt!! -- C Cllaassee II Miiccrroo B Buussiinneessss D ¿¿Por qué es importante saber utilizar Excel?

El programa de Excel le da una manera abordable, fácil, y accesible para hacer la contabilidad de sus finanzas personales y de su negocio.

Una vez que usted aprenda las funciones básicas (p.e. después de la clase hoy), usted será capaz de crear documentos financieros personalizados para su negocio como La Declaración de ingresos, La Hoja de Balance, Flujo de Caja, etc.

Una vez que domine el programa Excel, usted será capaz de generar gráficos profesionales de sus finanzas que pueden ser usados en su plan de negocio y propuestas.

Metas de la Clase Después de esta clase, usted debe sentirse cómodo usando las funciones básicas de Excel y será capaz de crear un “libro de trabajo.” También, usted se sentirá cómodo con lo siguiente:

la terminología de Excel como formatear las “celdas” como usar los formularios preestablecidos de Excel y como crear nuevos formularios también aprenderá a conseguir más información acerca de las funciones de Excel La Clase de Hoy


Introducción y expectativas de la clase


Introducción al libro de trabajo de Excel y su vocabulario


¿Cómo y dónde conseguir ayuda?


Ejercicio 1: Los básicos de Excel y el libro de contabilidad


Ejercicio 2: Como formatear y el libro de contabilidad


Ejercicio 3: Los formularios y el libro de contabilidad


Resources Ejercicios para el Libro de Contabilidad (Ejercicios I-III) Ejercicio 1: Creando una Forma Estándar El Resultado Aparecerá Así:


PASO 1 2 3 4 5

Cheque Emitido A:

Numero del Cheque

Cantidad del Cheque


ACCION Abra el programa Excel Ponga el cursor sobre File y haga un clic en New Haga un clic en Blank Workbook al derecho del panel de tarea


Ponga el cursor sobre File y haga un clic en Save Guarde el documento en la carpeta (el fólder) My Documents bajo el nombre libro de contabilidad (check ledger) Ponga su cursor sobre el botón al fondo de la pagina a la izquierda, llamado Sheet 1 y empuje el derecho Haga un clic en Rename y escriba “Parte 1”

8 9 10

Haga un clic sobre la célula A1 y escriba “Fecha” Use las flechas, el ratón, o la tecla de tabulación “Tab” para mudarse a la célula B1 Escriba “Cheque Emitido A:”

11 12

Muévase a la célula C1 y escriba “Numero del Cheque” Muévase a la célula D1 y escriba “Cantidad del Cheque”

13 14 15

Muévase a la célula E1 y escriba “Balance” Seleccione las columnas A, B, C, D & E usando el botón izquierdo del ratón Haga un clic sobre el menú Format

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Ponga su cursor sobre Column y haga un clic sobre “Width” (significa ancho) Entre “20” y presione Enter Haga las líneas 1-5 de estatura “45” siguiendo el mismo proceso Resalte con el cursor la sección indicada por las columnas A-E y las líneas 1-5 Haga un clic sobre el menú Format y después Cells Haga un clic sobre el tablero llamado Alignment (significa alineación) Haga un clic sobre el menú que dice Horizontal: y haga un clic sobre Center Haga un clic sobre el tablero llamado Border Bajo Presets, haga un clic sobre Outside y también sobre Inside Haga un clic sobre OK para cerrar la ventana Format Células Guarde el documento (haga un clic sobre file y luego Save)









1RZ LV WKH SHUIHFW WLPH WR PDNH D 1HZ <HDUಬV 5HVROXWLRQ WR FRPSXWHUL]H \RXU EXVLQHVV RSHUDWLRQV Come, let us teach you how to use a computer to make your business more prosperous in the 2005 New Year!


FREE Classes Start In January 2005!

¾ Hurry! Sign-up today! First come, first served! ¾ Contact your local PMHDC Area Office for further details, or call 520.806.9513. A special thanks goes to the Hewlett-Packard Co. & the Small Business Administration for their generous program funding, making this project possible!


Resources Centros de Capacitación NUEVO

Tecnología para el éxito de micro negocios

La resolución del año nuevo 2005 es aprender o expandir los conocimientos de computación para las operaciones de su negocio

Asista a nuestras clases y permítanos enseñarle como tener un negocio más próspero en el año 2005


Las clases, sin costo, empezarán en Enero 2005

¾ ¡Regístrese hoy! ¡Cupo limitado! ¾ Comuníquese con su oficina local de PMHDC para más información o llame al 520-806-9513

Un agradecimiento especial para Hewlett-Packard Co. y a la Administración de Pequeños Negocios por su programa en donaciones, para hacer este proyecto posible !








G r a ntee Cont act List 2004 HP MICROENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM GRANTEES PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation, a Member of the Opportunity Finance Network 820 E. 47th Street Tucson, AZ 85713 Phone 520.889.4203 www.azsmallbusinessloans.com

ACCION USA 56 Roland Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02129 Phone 617.625.7080 www.accionusa.org BiGAustin 1050 E. 11th Street, Suite 350 Austin, TX 78702 Phone 512.928.8010 www.bigaustin.org

Silicon Valley Economic Development Corporation 1155 North First Street, Suite 107 San Jose, CA 95112 Phone 408.298.8455 www.sved.org

Community First Fund 30 West Orange Street Lancaster, PA 17603 Phone 717.393.1757 www.commfirstfund.org

South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation 555 Bergen Avenue Bronx, NY 10455 Phone 718.292.3113 www.sobro.org

Community Ventures Corporation 1450 North Broadway Lexington, KY 40505 Phone 859.231.0054 www.cvcky.org

Washington CASH 1912 E. Madison Street Seattle, WA 98122 Phone 206.352.1945 www.washingtoncash.org

Economic and Community Development Institute 1151 College Avenue Columbus, OH 43209 Phone 614.559.0115 www.econcdi.org

WESST Corp 414 Silver Avenue SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Phone 505.241.4753 www.wesst.org

The Edge Connection (formerly Cobb Microenterprise Center) 1000 Chastain Road #3305 Kennesaw, GA 30144 Phone 770.499.3228 www.cobbmicro.org

Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation 2745 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Milwaukee, WI 53212 Phone 414.263.5450 www.wwbic.com

Jefferson Economic Development Institute PO Box 1586 Mount Shasta, CA 96067 Phone 530.926.6670 www.e-jedi.org

Women’s Initiative for Self-Employment 1398 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Phone 415.641.3460 www.womensinitiative.org

Micro Business Development 700 Kalamath Street Denver, CO 80204 Phone 303.308.8121 www.microbusiness.org

Women's Self-Employment Project 11 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 1850 Chicago, IL 60603 Phone 312.606.8255 www.wsep.net

Neighborhood Development Center 663 University Avenue West, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN 55104 Phone 651.291.2480 www.ndc-mn.org






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